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This is a GitHub Action intended to simplify the process for building automated Docker images with GitHub Actions.
- ✅ Stupid simple to use
- 🚀 Customize your docker image names/tags by easily passing what you want it to be
- 🤓 Multi-arch support
- 🔀 Context aware (great if you have a Docker file in a different part of your repo)
Here is an example workflow:
name: Docker Publish (Production Images)
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: docker-build-action
uses: serversideup/github-action-docker-build@v3
tags: serversideup/financial-freedom:latest
registry-username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}
registry-token: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
platforms: "linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64/v8"
🔀 Input Name | 📚 Description | 🛑 Required | 👉 Default |
tags | Enter the tag you would like to name your image with. (example: myorg/myapp:production ) |
registry-username | Enter the username to authenticate with your registry. | ||
registry-token | Enter the token or password to authenticate with your registry. (an access token is highly recommended) | ||
registry | Choose which container image repository to upload to. See all options. | Docker Hub | |
context | The relative path to the Dockerfile. | . |
dockerfile | Filename of the Dockerfile within the context that you set. | {context}/Dockerfile |
platforms | Comma separated list of platforms. | linux/amd64 |
target | The target build stage to build. | '' |
Always use encrypted secrets when passing sensitive information. Learn more here →
If you find a security vulnerability, please let us know as soon as possible.