title | description |
GCP Google Kubernetes Engine GKE CI |
Implement GCP Google Kubernetes Engine GKE Continuous Integration |
- Verify if GKE Cluster is created
- Verify if kubeconfig for kubectl is configured in your local terminal
# Configure kubeconfig for kubectl
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <CLUSTER-NAME> --region <REGION> --project <PROJECT>
gcloud container clusters get-credentials standard-cluster-private-1 --region us-central1 --project kdaida123
# List Kubernetes Nodes
kubectl get nodes
- Implement Continuous Integration for GKE Workloads using
- Google Cloud Source
- Google Cloud Build
- Google Artifact Repository
# Enable APIs in Google Cloud
gcloud services enable container.googleapis.com \
cloudbuild.googleapis.com \
sourcerepo.googleapis.com \
# Google Cloud Services
GKE: container.googleapis.com
Cloud Build: cloudbuild.googleapis.com
Cloud Source: sourcerepo.googleapis.com
Artifact Registry: artifactregistry.googleapis.com
# List Artifact Repositories
gcloud artifacts repositories list
# Create Artifact Repository
gcloud artifacts repositories create myapps-repository \
--repository-format=docker \
# List Artifact Repositories
gcloud artifacts repositories list
# Describe Artifact Repository
gcloud artifacts repositories describe myapps-repository --location=us-central1
# Download and Install Git Client and Installed
# Change Directory
cd 01-SSH-Keys
# Create SSH Keys
ssh-keygen -t [KEY_TYPE] -C "[USER_EMAIL]"
KEY_TYPE: rsa, ecdsa, ed25519
USER_EMAIL: dkalyanreddy@gmail.com
# Replace Values KEY_TYPE, USER_EMAIL
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "dkalyanreddy@gmail.com"
Provide the File Name as "id_gcp_cloud_source"
## Sample Output
Kalyans-Mac-mini:01-SSH-Keys kalyanreddy$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "dkalyanreddy@gmail.com"
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/kalyanreddy/.ssh/id_ed25519): id_gcp_cloud_source
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in id_gcp_cloud_source
Your public key has been saved in id_gcp_cloud_source.pub
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:YialyCj3XaSa4b8ewk4bcK1hXxO7DDM5uiCP1J2TOZ0 dkalyanreddy@gmail.com
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
| |
| |
| . o |
| o . + + o |
|o = B % S |
|...B.&=X.o |
|....%B+Eo |
|.+ + *o. |
|. . +.+. |
Kalyans-Mac-mini:01-SSH-Keys kalyanreddy$ ls -lrta
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 6 kalyanreddy staff 192 Jun 29 09:45 ..
-rw------- 1 kalyanreddy staff 419 Jun 29 09:46 id_gcp_cloud_source
drwxr-xr-x 4 kalyanreddy staff 128 Jun 29 09:46 .
-rw-r--r-- 1 kalyanreddy staff 104 Jun 29 09:46 id_gcp_cloud_source.pub
Kalyans-Mac-mini:01-SSH-Keys kalyanreddy$
# Change Directroy
cd 01-SSH-Keys
# Review Private Key: id_gcp_cloud_source
cat id_gcp_cloud_source
# Review Public Key: id_gcp_cloud_source.pub
cat id_gcp_cloud_source.pub
- Go to -> Source Repositories -> 3 Dots -> Manage SSH Keys -> Register SSH Key
- Google Cloud Source URL
# Key Name
Name: gke-course
Key: Output from command "cat id_gcp_cloud_source.pub" in previous step. Put content from Public Key
- Click on Register
- Update SSH Private Key in your local desktop Git Config
# Copy SSH Private Key to your ".ssh" folder in your Home Directory from your course
cd 01-SSH-Keys
cp id_gcp_cloud_source $HOME/.ssh
# Change Directory (Your local desktop home directory)
cd $HOME/.ssh
# Verify File in "$HOME/.ssh"
ls -lrta id_gcp_cloud_source
# Verify existing git "config" file
cat config
# Backup any existing "config" file
cp config config_bkup_before_cloud_source
# Update "config" file to point to "id_gcp_cloud_source" private key
vi config
## Sample Output after changes
Kalyans-Mac-mini:.ssh kalyanreddy$ cat config
Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_gcp_cloud_source
Kalyans-Mac-mini:.ssh kalyanreddy$
# Backup config with cloudsource
cp config config_with_cloud_source_key
# List Global Git Config
git config --list
# Update Global Git Config
git config --global user.email "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS"
git config --global user.name "YOUR_NAME"
git config --global user.name "Kalyan Reddy Daida"
git config --global user.email "dkalyanreddy@gmail.com"
# List Global Git Config
git config --list
# List Cloud Source Repository
gcloud source repos list
# Create Git repositories in Cloud Source
gcloud source repos create myapp1-app-repo
# List Cloud Source Repository
gcloud source repos list
# Verify using Cloud Console
Search for -> Source Repositories
# Change Directory
cd course-repos
# Verify using Cloud Console
Search for -> Source Repositories
Go to Repo -> myapp1-app-repo -> SSH Authentication
# Copy the git clone command and run
git clone ssh://dkalyanreddy@gmail.com@source.developers.google.com:2022/p/kdaida123/r/myapp1-app-repo
# Change Directory
cd myapp1-app-repo
# Create a simple readme file
touch README.md
echo "# GKE CI Demo" > README.md
ls -lrta
# Add Files and do local commit
git add .
git commit -am "First Commit"
# Push file to Cloud Source Git Repo (Remote Repo)
git push
# Verify in Git Remote Repo
Search for -> Source Repositories
Go to Repo -> myapp1-app-repo
- Dockerfile
- index.html
# Change Directroy
cd 57-GKE-Continuous-Integration/02-Docker-Image
# Copy Files to Git repo "myapp1-app-repo"
1. Dockerfile
2. index.html
# Local Git Commit and Push to Remote Repo
git add .
git commit -am "Second Commit"
git push
# Verify in Git Remote Repo
Search for -> Source Repositories
Go to Repo -> myapp1-app-repo
Step-14: Create a container image with Cloud Build and store it in Artifact Registry using glcoud builds command
# Change Directory (Git App Repo: myapp1-app-repo)
cd myapp1-app-repo
# Get latest git commit id (current branch)
git rev-parse HEAD
# Get latest git commit id first 7 chars (current branch)
git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD
# Ensure you are in local git repo folder where "Dockerfile, index.html" present
cd myapp1-app-repo
# Create a Cloud Build build based on the latest commit
gcloud builds submit --tag="us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/${PROJECT_ID}/${$APP_ARTIFACT_REPO}/myapp1:${COMMIT_ID}" .
gcloud builds submit --tag="us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/kdaida123/myapps-repository/myapp1:6f7d338" .
# This step builds the container image.
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
id: Build
- 'build'
- '-t'
- 'us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/myapps-repository/myapp1:$SHORT_SHA'
- '.'
# This step pushes the image to Artifact Registry
# The PROJECT_ID and SHORT_SHA variables are automatically
# replaced by Cloud Build.
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
id: Push
- 'push'
- 'us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/myapps-repository/myapp1:$SHORT_SHA'
# Change Directroy
cd 57-GKE-Continuous-Integration/03-cloudbuild-yaml
# Copy Files to Git repo
1. cloudbuild.yaml
# Local Git Commit and Push to Remote Repo
git add .
git commit -am "Third Commit"
git push
# Verify in Git Remote Repo
Search for -> Source Repositories
Go to Repo -> myapp1-app-repo
- Go to Cloud Build -> Dashboard -> Region: us-central-1 -> Click on SET UP BUILD TRIGGERS [OR]
- Go to Cloud Build -> TRIGGERS -> Click on CREATE TRIGGER
- Name: myapp1-ci
- Region: us-central1
- Description: myapp1 Continuous Integration Pipeline
- Tags: environment=dev
- Event: Push to a branch
- Source: myapp1-app-repo
- Branch: main (Auto-populated)
- Configuration: Cloud Build configuration file (yaml or json)
- Location: Repository
- Cloud Build Configuration file location: /cloudbuild.yaml
- Approval: leave unchecked
- Service account: leave to default
- Click on CREATE
# Change Directroy
cd myapp1-app-repo
# Update file index.html (change V1 to V2)
<p>Application Version: V2</p>
# Local Git Commit and Push to Remote Repo
git status
git add .
git commit -am "V2 Commit"
git push
# Verify in Git Remote Repo
Search for -> Source Repositories
Go to Repo -> myapp1-app-repo
# Verify Code Build
1. Go to Code Build -> Dashboard or go directly to Code Build -> History
2. Click on Build History -> View All
3. Verify "BUILD LOG"
5. Verify "VIEW RAW"
# Verify Artifact Repository
1. Go to Artifact Registry -> myapps-repository -> myapp1
2. You should find the docker image pushed to Artifact Registry
- Project Folder: 04-kube-manifests
- 01-kubernetes-deployment.yaml
- 02-kubernetes-loadBalancer-service.yaml
# 01-kubernetes-deployment.yaml: Update "image"
containers: # List
- name: myapp1-container
image: us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/kdaida123/myapps-repository/myapp1:d1c3b88
- containerPort: 80
# Change Directory
You should in Course Content folder
# Deploy Kubernetes Manifests
kubectl apply -f 04-kube-manifests
# List Deployments
kubectl get deploy
# List Pods
kubectl get pods
# Describe Pod (Review Events to understand from where Docker Image downloaded)
kubectl describe pod <POD-NAME>
# List Services
kubectl get svc
# Access Application
1. You should see "Application Version: V1"
# 01-kubernetes-deployment.yaml: Update "image"
containers: # List
- name: myapp1-container
image: us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/kdaida123/myapps-repository/myapp1:3af592c
- containerPort: 80
# Deply Kubernetes Manifests (Updated Image Tag)
kubectl apply -f 04-kube-manifests
# Restart Kubernetes Deployment (Optional - if it is not updated)
kubectl rollout restart deployment myapp1-deployment
# List Deployments
kubectl get deploy
# List Pods
kubectl get pods
# Describe Pod (Review Events to understand from where Docker Image downloaded)
kubectl describe pod <POD-NAME>
# List Services
kubectl get svc
# Access Application
1. You should see "Application Version: V2"
# Delete Kubernetes Resources
kubectl delete -f 04-kube-manifests
- Go to Cloud Build -> Triggers -> myapp1-ci
- Check the box in Approval: Require approval before build executes
- Go to IAM & Admin -> GRANT ACCESS
- Add Principal: dkalyanreddy@gmail.com
- Assign Roles: Cloud Build Approver
- Click on SAVE
# Change Directroy
cd myapp1-app-repo
# Update file index.html (change V2 to V3)
<p>Application Version: V3</p>
# Local Git Commit and Push to Remote Repo
git status
git add .
git commit -am "V3 Commit"
git push
# Verify in Git Remote Repo
Search for -> Source Repositories
Go to Repo -> myapp1-app-repo
- Go to Cloud Build -> Triggers -> myapp1-ci -> Select and Approve
- Verify if build is successful.