Terraform Manifest Upgrades
Step-01: c10-02-ALB-application-loadbalancer.tf
# Terraform AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB)
module " alb" {
source = " terraform-aws-modules/alb/aws"
# version = "5.16.0"
version = " 9.3.0"
name = " ${local.name}-alb"
load_balancer_type = " application"
vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id
subnets = module.vpc.public_subnets
security_groups = [module.loadbalancer_sg.security_group_id]
# For example only
enable_deletion_protection = false
# Listeners
listeners = {
# Listener-1: my-http-https-redirect
my -http-https-redirect = {
port = 80
protocol = " HTTP"
redirect = {
port = " 443"
protocol = " HTTPS"
status_code = " HTTP_301"
}# End my-http-https-redirect Listener
# Listener-2: my-https-listener
my -https-listener = {
port = 443
protocol = " HTTPS"
ssl_policy = " ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS13-1-2-Res-2021-06"
certificate_arn = module.acm.acm_certificate_arn
# Fixed Response for Root Context
fixed_response = {
content_type = " text/plain"
message_body = " Fixed Static message - for Root Context"
status_code = " 200"
}# End of Fixed Response
# Load Balancer Rules
rules = {
# Rule-1: myapp1-rule
myapp1-rule = {
actions = [{
type = " weighted-forward"
target_groups = [
target_group_key = " mytg1"
weight = 1
stickiness = {
enabled = true
duration = 3600
conditions = [{
host_header = {
values = [var.app1_dns_name]
}# End of myapp1-rule
# Rule-2: myapp2-rule
myapp2-rule = {
actions = [{
type = " weighted-forward"
target_groups = [
target_group_key = " mytg2"
weight = 1
stickiness = {
enabled = true
duration = 3600
conditions = [{
host_header = {
values = [var.app2_dns_name]
}# End of myapp2-rule Block
}# End Rules Block
}# End my-https-listener Block
}# End Listeners Block
# Target Groups
target_groups = {
# Target Group-1: mytg1
mytg1 = {
# VERY IMPORTANT: We will create aws_lb_target_group_attachment resource separately when we use create_attachment = false, refer above GitHub issue URL.
# # Github ISSUE: https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-alb/issues/316
# # Search for "create_attachment" to jump to that Github issue solution
create_attachment = false
name_prefix = " mytg1-"
protocol = " HTTP"
port = 80
target_type = " instance"
deregistration_delay = 10
load_balancing_cross_zone_enabled = false
protocol_version = " HTTP1"
health_check = {
enabled = true
interval = 30
path = " /app1/index.html"
port = " traffic-port"
healthy_threshold = 3
unhealthy_threshold = 3
timeout = 6
protocol = " HTTP"
matcher = " 200-399"
}# End of Health Check Block
tags = local .common_tags # Target Group Tags
}# END of Target Group-1: mytg1
# Target Group-1: mytg2
mytg2 = {
# VERY IMPORTANT: We will create aws_lb_target_group_attachment resource separately when we use create_attachment = false, refer above GitHub issue URL.
# # Github ISSUE: https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-alb/issues/316
# # Search for "create_attachment" to jump to that Github issue solution
create_attachment = false
name_prefix = " mytg2-"
protocol = " HTTP"
port = 80
target_type = " instance"
deregistration_delay = 10
load_balancing_cross_zone_enabled = false
protocol_version = " HTTP1"
health_check = {
enabled = true
interval = 30
path = " /app2/index.html"
port = " traffic-port"
healthy_threshold = 3
unhealthy_threshold = 3
timeout = 6
protocol = " HTTP"
matcher = " 200-399"
tags = local .common_tags # Target Group Tags
} # END of Target Group-2: mytg2
} # END OF target_groups
tags = local .common_tags # ALB Tags
# mytg1: LB Target Group Attachment
resource " aws_lb_target_group_attachment" " mytg1" {
for_each = {for k,v in module.ec2_private_app1: k => v}
target_group_arn = module.alb.target_groups[" mytg1" ].arn
target_id = each .value.id
port = 80
# mytg2: LB Target Group Attachment
resource " aws_lb_target_group_attachment" " mytg2" {
for_each = {for k,v in module.ec2_private_app2: k => v}
target_group_arn = module.alb.target_groups[" mytg2" ].arn
target_id = each .value.id
port = 80