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All URL Parameters for Social Stream Ninja

This completes the comprehensive list of URL parameters available for your live streaming chat overlay system. Each parameter can be added to the URL using standard query string format:


For boolean parameters, simply including the parameter name enables it:


For parameters requiring values:


URL Parameters for the Streaming Overlay (dock.html)

These are for the main streaming overlay

Basic Configuration Parameters

Parameter Values Description
session string Sets the session ID for connecting to the chat. Also accepts s or id as alternatives
password string Sets a password for the session
scale float Adjusts the size scaling of the overlay (default: 1.0)
limit number Maximum number of messages to show before older ones are removed
opacity 0.0-1.0 Sets the opacity of the main overlay window
hidemenu boolean or "2" Hides the menu bar. Value of "2" keeps scroll lock functionality
css URL or CSS string Applies custom CSS styling via URL or direct CSS
cssb64 base64 string Applies custom CSS styling via base64 encoded string
label string Assigns a label to this instance

Visual Style Parameters

Parameter Values Description
darkmode boolean Enables dark theme with black background
lightmode boolean Enables light theme with white background
transparent boolean Makes background transparent and hides scrollbar
chroma hex color Sets a specific background color (without #)
blur number Applies blur effect to messages (value in pixels)
compact boolean Enables compact mode with less spacing
padding number Sets padding between messages in pixels
largeavatar boolean Shows larger user avatars on the left side
emoji number Sets emoji size scaling (percentage, default: 140)
nooutline boolean Removes text outline effects
font string Sets custom font family
googlefont string Loads and uses a Google Font

Layout Parameters

Parameter Values Description
horizontal boolean Makes messages scroll horizontally
alignbottom boolean Makes messages start from bottom
alignright boolean Aligns messages to the right side
rtl boolean Enables right-to-left text direction
fixed boolean Makes messages overlap each other
twolines boolean Places messages on a separate line below usernames
split boolean Enables split mode for message alignment
bubble boolean Styles messages as chat bubbles
fadedtop boolean Fades out the top of the overlay

Animation Parameters

Parameter Values Description
fadein boolean Enables fade-in animation for new messages
fadeout boolean Enables fade-out animation when removing messages
swipeleft boolean Messages slide in from the right
swiperight boolean Messages slide in from the left
swipeup boolean Messages slide up from bottom
smooth boolean Enables smooth scrolling
animatein string Sets specific entrance animation (see animate.css)
animateout string Sets specific exit animation (see animate.css)

Message Display Parameters

Parameter Values Description
showtime number Auto-hides messages after specified milliseconds
delaytime number Delays showing messages by specified milliseconds
trim number Trims messages longer than specified characters
trimname number Trims usernames longer than specified characters
hidenames boolean Hides usernames completely
firstnames boolean Shows only first names of users
hidesource boolean Hides the source platform icons (YouTube, Twitch, etc.)
noavatar boolean Hides user avatars
nobadges boolean Hides user badges
limitbadges number Limits number of badges shown per message
notime boolean Hides timestamp
sequence boolean Hides name/icons if sequential messages from same user

Filtering Parameters

Parameter Values Description
hidecommands boolean Hides messages starting with "!"
hideshortmessages number Hides messages shorter than specified length
noemojisonly boolean Filters out messages containing only emojis
stripemoji boolean Removes all emojis from messages
striphtml boolean Removes HTML formatting from messages
striplinks boolean Removes links from messages
activelinks boolean Makes URLs clickable
shortlink boolean Shortens displayed links
onlytwitch boolean Shows only Twitch messages
hidetwitch boolean Hides Twitch messages
hidefrom comma-separated strings List of usernames to hide messages from
onlyfrom comma-separated strings List of usernames to exclusively show
badkarma 0.0-1.0 Filters messages based on sentiment score

Message Selection & Queue Parameters

Parameter Values Description
autoshow boolean Automatically features new messages
autoshowtime number Custom timing for auto-show feature (milliseconds)
chartime number Time per character for auto-show duration
autoshowdonos boolean Auto-features only donation messages
autoshowmembers boolean Auto-features only member messages
autoshowqueued boolean Auto-shows queued messages
queueonly boolean Shows only queued messages
pinnedonly boolean Shows only pinned messages
viewonly boolean Disables chat, pin, and feature capabilities
chatmode boolean Enables chat-only mode (no pin/feature)
helpermode boolean Enables view/pin/queue mode (no chat/feature)
sync boolean Syncs message selection across multiple docks

Text-to-Speech (TTS) Parameters

Parameter Values Description
speech or tts language code Enables TTS with specified language (e.g., "en-US")
volume 0.0-1.0 Sets TTS volume
rate number Sets TTS speaking rate
pitch number Sets TTS pitch
voice string Specifies TTS voice to use
ttscommand string Custom command to trigger TTS (default: "!say")
ttscommandmembersonly boolean Restricts TTS command to members only
simpletts boolean Simplified TTS output without "says" phrases
readevents boolean Enables TTS for stream events
readouturls boolean Reads URLs instead of saying "link"

Donation & Member Parameters

Parameter Values Description
showonlydonos boolean Shows only messages with donations
showonlymembers boolean Shows only messages from members
stripdonations boolean Removes donation data from messages
nodonohighlight boolean Disables background highlighting for donations
t1 number First donation threshold amount (USD)
t1c hex/color Color for first donation threshold messages
t2 number Second donation threshold amount (USD)
t2c hex/color Color for second donation threshold messages
t3 number Third donation threshold amount (USD)
t3c hex/color Color for third donation threshold messages

Bot & Host Control Parameters

Parameter Values Description
myname or botlist comma-separated strings List of bot usernames to identify
hidebots boolean Hides messages from identified bots
hidebotnames boolean Hides names of identified bots
hidehosts boolean Hides messages from hosts
hidehostnames boolean Hides names of hosts
nobeepbot boolean Disables notification sound for bot messages
nobeephost boolean Disables notification sound for host messages
nobeepevent boolean Disables notification sound for events
nobeepmod boolean Disables notification sound for moderator messages
showvipbadge boolean Shows special badge for VIP users
autofeaturevip boolean Auto-features messages from VIP users
autofeaturepriv boolean Auto-features messages from privileged users

Notification & Sound Parameters

Parameter Values Description
beep boolean Enables sound notification for new messages
beepvolume 0-100 Sets volume for notification sound (percentage)
custombeep URL Custom sound file URL for notifications
beepwords boolean Replaces asterisks with "beep" in messages

OBS Integration Parameters

Parameter Values Description
remote boolean/string Enables OBS scene state display
cycle boolean Allows guests to change OBS scenes with !cycle
startstop boolean Allows privileged users to start/stop OBS
server URL Custom WebSocket server URL
server2 URL Secondary WebSocket server URL
server3 URL Tertiary WebSocket server URL
lanonly boolean Restricts P2P connections to LAN only

Export & Saving Parameters

Parameter Values Description
save boolean Auto-saves messages to downloads folder
savesingle boolean Saves last message to a file
savefeatured boolean Saves featured message to file
saveimg boolean Includes user avatar URLs when saving
reload boolean Reloads last ~50 messages on refresh
loadlast number Loads specified number of messages from database

Professional API Integration Parameters

Parameter Values Description
ttskey or googlettskey string Google Cloud TTS API key
elevenlabskey string ElevenLabs TTS API key
speechifykey string Speechify TTS API key

Google Cloud TTS Parameters

Parameter Values Description
googlerate float Google TTS speaking rate
googlepitch float Google TTS pitch adjustment
googleaudioprofile string Audio profile (e.g., "handset-class-device")
voicegoogle string Google TTS voice name (e.g., "en-GB-Standard-A")

ElevenLabs TTS Parameters

Parameter Values Description
elevenlatency 0-4 Latency optimization level
elevenstability 0.0-1.0 Voice stability setting
elevensimilarity 0.0-1.0 Voice similarity boost
elevenstyle 0.0-1.0 Style intensity
elevenrate float Speaking rate
elevenspeakerboost boolean Enables speaker boost
voice11 or elevenlabsvoice string Voice ID
elevenlabsmodel string Model selection

Speechify Parameters

Parameter Values Description
speechifyspeed float Speaking speed
speechifymodel string Model selection (e.g., 'simba-english')
voicespeechify string Voice selection

Event Handling Parameters

Parameter Values Description
filterevents comma-separated strings List of event types to filter
trivialevents boolean Allows background shading for minor events
showonlyevents boolean Shows only stream events
hideallevents boolean Hides all stream events
dissolve boolean Stream events fade away after 3s

Privacy & Security Parameters

Parameter Values Description
privateonly boolean Shows only private messages
includeprivate boolean Includes private messages
password string Sets password for connection
localserver boolean Uses local WebSocket server

Debug & Development Parameters

Parameter Values Description
debug boolean Enables debug mode
notobs boolean Disables OBS studio detection
filtertid comma-separated numbers Filter by thread IDs
branded boolean Shows channel icon

Other options for other overlays.