This module is responsible for storing raw vectors. Raw Vector is the base class, it may has different implementations according to the storage media. Currently, Only in-memory implementation is supported, it is called Memory Raw Vector.
vector_mem: stores all vectors in sequential memory space, Each vector has fixed dimension. If the dimension is 512, so v_1's begining address is 0, v_2's begining address is 512, as shown in the figure below. The begining address of each vector can be derived by it's id and dimension.
source_mem: stores all sources in sequential memory space too, but source's length is not fixed.
source_pos: stores the begining address of each source in source_mem. Combine source_pos and source_mem, it can find any source of vector, just need the id of vector.
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name| usage ----|----|---- .fet|storage of all vectors .src|storage of all sources of vector