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Localization Glossary German.markdown

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Translation Glossary

Regarding the use of the personal pronoun (either "Du / du informal, or "Sie" formal) in German: as Apple use the lowercase "du" in it's translations, I decided to use it as well.

As for general tone, try to match the original English string as close as possible (keep e.g. active/passive voice consistent) and for direct questions (e.g. confirmation for an action) use "möchten" instead of "wollen".

Glossary (based on the Apple Glossar (German))

The following tables contains the translations used for BetterDisplay from English to German. If a word / sentence could not be found in the Apple Glossary, or differs because of context, those translations have an explanation.


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Accessibility Bedienungshilfen
Accessibility Permissions Berechtigungen für die Bedienungshilfen Dictionary translation.
Activation Aktivierung
Administrator credentials Administratorrechte
Agressive Rücksichtslos Closest translation for the context
Ambient light sensor Umgebungslichtsensor Translation used on Apple's support page.
App App, Programm
App icon App-Symbol
Appearance Erscheinungsbild
Apple Silicon Macs Macs mit Apple-Chip Translation used on Apple's support page.
Application Programm
Apply Anwenden
Aspect ratio Seitenverhältnis
Associated gekoppelt, koppeln The German word "Assoziiert" is very uncommon, and "Verknüpft" or "Verbunden" are translated back to English as "link(ed)" or "connect(ed)". Therefore we decided to use "Koppeln".
Audio Device Audiogerät(e)


English German Reasoning / Explanation
backlight Hintergrundbeleuchtung
Base64 Encoded Base64-Codiert
Basic Standard, Allgmein Translation depends on context.
build (Software) Build
Built-in Integriert
Button Taste
By default Standardmäßig


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Calibrate kalibrieren
Capabilities Fähigkeiten
Chevron Spitzzeichen Dictionary translation.
Chiclet Gummitaste Comes from "chiclet keyboard" = Kaugummitastatur (lit. "chewing gum keyboard"), which is shortened to describe just one key and drop the "chewing". This short form is also supported by another name for it: (Radier)gummitastatur (lit. "eraser keyboard")
Color depth Farbtiefe General tanslation. Not used by Apple, anywhere.
Color table Farbpalette
Color profile Farbprofil
Combined brightness kombinierte Helligkeit Dictionary translation.
Connect(ed) Angeschlossen, Verbinden, Verbunden
Connectecd (Display) Angeschlossener (Monitor) Uncertain about using "Monitor" or "Display" for real displays.
Continue Fortfahren, Weiter …
Control Center Kontrollzentrum Translation used on Apple's support page.
Controls Steuerung, Regelung In the context of audio volume, "(Lautstärke-)Regelung" sounds more natural.
Create erstellen
Crop Beschneidungsvorgang
Crop areas Beschneidungsbereich The orignal Apple translation may be confusing in this context.
custom benutzerdefiniert, eigene Dictionary translation, depends on context.


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Dark mode Dunkelmodus
Delay Verzögerung
Detachable (menu) Ablösbares (Menü) Normally "detachable" is translated to "Absteckbar" by Apple (in the context of drives), therefore I decide to use "ablösbar".
Detected Entdeckt, erkannt In the contexts of redetection and capability detection, "erkannt" sounds more natural.
Dimming Dimmen, abdunkeln
Disabled Deaktiviert
Discard Verwerfen
Disconnect(ed) Trennen, Getrennt
Dismiss Schließen
Dispatch Versenden, Versand Dictionary translation. Sounds natural especially in a phrase with "notifications".
Display Display Uncertain about using "Monitor" or "Display" for real displays. For now, follow upstream English wording: display=Display, screen=Bildschirm, monitor=Monitor
Display group Displaygruppe Dictionary translation.
Display group member Element einer Gruppe "Element" is used for technical memberships.
Display mode Anzeigemodus, Anzeigemodi
Display role Funktion des Displays "Rolle" in German may be confusing. "Funktion" fits better.
Drag Ziehen


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Enforce erzwingen
Environmental factors Umgebungsfaktoren Direct translation in the context.
Exclude Ausschließen
Expanded erweitert


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Factory reset Auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen
Factory (other contexts) werksseitig Dictionary translation.
Favorite Favoriten
Features Funktionen
Fine-tuning Feineinstellung Dictionary translation.
Flexible scaling flexible Skalierung
Framebuffer Framebuffer
Freeze einfrieren
Full screen streaming Vollbildstream Closest translation.
Fullscreen Vollbildmodus, Bildschirmfüllend


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Gain Pegel
Gain (color) Verstärkung Dictionary translation.
Gamma Gamma-Korrektur
Generic Allgemein(es)
Grayscale Graustufen


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Hide Ausblenden
Home button Home-Taste


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Icon Symbol
Identifiers Identifizierung, Identifikatoren Depends on context - is the sentence talking about the process or the values?
Image adjustment Bildanpassung
Input source Eingabequellen
Interference Störquellen
Invert colors Farben umkehren
Item Eintrag, Objekt Depends on context - "menu item" = Menüeintrag, "recent items" = zuletzt verwendete Objekte


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Landscape Querformat
Liquid Retina Liquid Retina Translation used on Apple's support page.
Lock Screen Sperrbildschirm, Bildschirm sperren
Long press Langes Drücken


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Main display Hauptdisplay
Management Verwaltung, Management
Member Mitglied
Menu bar Menüleiste
Menu items Menüeinträge
Metal Metal
Minimize Im Dock ablegen
Mirror Displays Bildschirme synchronisieren
Mirroring gespiegelt
Mode Modus, Modi
Mouse pointer Mauszeiger
Multi-select Mehrfachauswahl
Mute Stummschalten, Stummschaltung


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Natively connected verbunden Uncertain about how to translate native, at the moment.
Near-native nahe der nativen Uncertain about how to translate native, at the moment.
Night Shift Night Shift
Notch Notch No translation, used as-is in German-speaking media.
Notifications Mitteilungen
Notification center Mitteilungszentrale


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Offset Versatz
Operation Aktion, Vorgang, -betrieb Depends on context.
Orientation Ausrichtung
Overlay Überlagerung
Override Überschreiben


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Pane (settings context) Bereich (der Einstellungen)
pause pausieren
PIP window Bild-in-Bild Fenster Dictionary translation.
Portrait Hochformat
Power Kraft, Strom, Leistung Dictionary translation.
Power button Ein-/Ausschalter
Pre-Release Vorabveröffentlichung
Preserve beibehalten, erhalten bleiben
Preset Voreinstellungen
Privacy & Security Datenschutz & Sicherheit
ProMotion ProMotion Used on Apple's German product page
Proper Korrekt, Richtig Dictionary translation.
Protection Schutz


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Quantization Quantisierung Dictionary translation.


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Range Bereich
Reconnect Erneut verbinden
Redo Wiederholen
Refresh rate Wiederholrate
Required erforderlich, benötigt
Resolution Auflösung
Resolution limit Begrenzung der Auflösungen Dictionary translation.
Restart Neu start(en)
Restore Wiederherstellen
Retry Erneut versuchen
Rotate Drehen
Rotation Rotation


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Safe mode sicherer Modus, gesicherter Modus
Screen Recording Bildschirmaufnahme
Screen saver Bildschirmschoner
Scroll gesture Scroll-Gesten
Selected Ausgewählt
Set up Konfigurieren
Shift (key) Umschalttaste
shortcuts (Keyboard) Tastaturkurzbefehle Shortcuts in Apple glossary also refers to Siri shortcuts, or shortcut menus. In BetterDisplay shortcuts are always referring to keyboard shortcuts.
Skip Überspringen
Sleep Ruhezustand
Slider Regler
Smooth(-ing) gleichmäßig, Glättung
software ... Software-basiertes E.g. "Software Abdunkeln" makes no sense in German. And "Software dimming" actually means "software-based dimming".
Source Screen Ursprungsbildschirm "Source" normally is "Quelle" in German, and "Ursprung" is more fitting in this context.
Standby Wartezustand
Startup Startvorgang
Stream Stream
String Zeichenfolge Dictionary translation.
Swipe gestures Streichgesten
Sync Synchronisierung, synchronisieren
System Settings Systemeinstellungen


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Third Party Anderer Anbieter, Drittanbieter
Toggle Wechsel, Ein / Aus, Umschalten, Schalter
Toggle Mute Stumm ein/aus
Tools Werkzeuge
Transition Übergang
Trial Probe, -zeit
True Tone True Tone


English German Reasoning / Explanation
UI Benutzeroberfläche
Underscan Underscan
Undo Widerrufen
Unhide Einblenden
Unlock Entsperren, freischalten Depends on context.
Unmute Stummschalten deaktivieren, Ton an, Ton ein
Unpause fortsetzen
Upgrade aktualisieren
Upscaling Hochskalierung Dictionary translation.


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Virtual screen virtueller Bildschirm "Bildschirm" is used by Apple for "screen", "monitor" and "display" interchangeably, and in order to make it more easy for the German speaking user to understand the meaning. "Bildschirm" is exclusively used for "screen".
Volume control Lautstärkeregler, Lautstärkeregelung


English German Reasoning / Explanation
Wake Beenden des Ruhezustandes
Wireless drahtlos
Workaround Behelfslösung Dictionary translation.

Todo list - check & revise

English German Notes
display Display, Bildschirm, Monitor Uncertain about using "Monitor" or "Display" for real displays. For now, follow upstream English wording: display=Display, screen=Bildschirm, monitor=Monitor
bounce animation hüpfend animieren Mashup of two Apple-wordings, fits in context.
C style array Array im C-Stil Direct translation, "array" is a technical term and hence not translated.
scripted skriptgesteuert Lit. "script-controlled"; so far best option in context.
skew (DDC value mapping skew) Verzerrung (DDC-Wertzuordnungsverzerrung) Closest dictionary match, but maybe negatively connotated.
Tag ID Tag-ID "Tag" = Etikett, Markierung, Kennzeichnung (do not sound natural)
zero software brightness levels nullwertige Software-Helligkeitsstufen Uncertain about meaning/context of the phrase, might be correct in German anyway.
OSD OSD Used on the German Wikipedia entry for "On-Screen-Display".
XDR XDR- Technical term and hence not translated.
HDR HDR- Technical term and hence not translated.
SDR SDR- Technical term and hence not translated.
DDC DDC- Technical term and hence not translated.
EDID EDID- Technical term and hence not translated.