xpk (Accelerated Processing Kit, pronounced x-p-k,) is a software tool to help Cloud developers to orchestrate training jobs on accelerators such as TPUs and GPUs on GKE. xpk handles the "multihost pods" of TPUs, GPUs (HGX H100) and CPUs (n2-standard-32) as first class citizens.
xpk decouples provisioning capacity from running jobs. There are two structures: clusters (provisioned VMs) and workloads (training jobs). Clusters represent the physical resources you have available. Workloads represent training jobs -- at any time some of these will be completed, others will be running and some will be queued, waiting for cluster resources to become available.
The ideal workflow starts by provisioning the clusters for all of the ML hardware you have reserved. Then, without re-provisioning, submit jobs as needed. By eliminating the need for re-provisioning between jobs, using Docker containers with pre-installed dependencies and cross-ahead of time compilation, these queued jobs run with minimal start times. Further, because workloads return the hardware back to the shared pool when they complete, developers can achieve better use of finite hardware resources. And automated tests can run overnight while resources tend to be underutilized.
xpk supports the following TPU types:
- v4
- v5e
- v5p
- Trillium (v6e)
and the following GPU types:
- A100
- A3-Highgpu (h100)
- A3-Mega (h100-mega) - Create cluster, Create workloads
- A3-Ultra (h200) - Create cluster, Create workloads
and the following CPU types:
- n2-standard-32
xpk also supports Google Cloud Storage solutions:
- Artifact Registry Writer
- Compute Admin
- Kubernetes Engine Admin
- Logging Admin
- Monitoring Admin
- Service Account User
- Storage Admin
- Vertex AI Administrator
- Filestore Editor (This role is neccessary if you want to run
storage create
command with--type=gcpfilestore
Following tools must be installed:
- python >= 3.10 (download from here)
- pip (installation instruction)
- python venv (installation instruction) (all three of above can be installed at once from here)
- gcloud (install from here)
- Run
gcloud init
- Authenticate to Google Cloud
- Run
- kubectl (install from here)
- Install
from here
- Install
- docker (installation instruction)
- Run
gcloud auth configure-docker
to ensure images can be uploaded to registry
- Run
- make - please run below command.
# sudo may be required
apt-get -y install make
In addition, below dependencies can be installed either using provided links or using make install
command, if xpk is downloaded via git clone
To install xpk, install required tools mentioned in prerequisites. Makefile provides a way to install all neccessary tools. XPK can be installed via pip:
pip install xpk
If you see an error saying: This environment is externally managed
, please use a virtual environment.
## One time step of creating the venv
python3 -m venv $VENV_DIR
## Enter your venv.
source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate
## Clone the repository and installing dependencies.
pip install xpk
If you are running XPK by cloning GitHub repository, first run the following commands to begin using XPK commands:
git clone https://github.com/google/xpk.git
cd xpk
# Install required dependencies with make
make install && export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/bin
If you want to have installed dependecies persist in your PATH please run:
echo $PWD/bin
and add its value to PATH
in .bashrc or .zshrc
If you see an error saying: This environment is externally managed
, please use a virtual environment.
## One time step of creating the venv
python3 -m venv $VENV_DIR
## Enter your venv.
source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate
## Clone the repository and installing dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/google/xpk.git
cd xpk
# Install required dependencies with make
make install && export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/bin
Follow user instructions in xpk-large-scale-guide.sh to use xpk for a GKE cluster greater than 1000 VMs. Run these steps to set up a GKE cluster with large scale training and high throughput support with XPK, and run jobs with XPK. We recommend you manually copy commands per step and verify the outputs of each step.
To get started, be sure to set your GCP Project and Zone as usual via gcloud config set
Below are reference commands. A typical journey starts with a Cluster Create
followed by many Workload Create
s. To understand the state of the system you
might want to use Cluster List
or Workload List
commands. Finally, you can
cleanup with a Cluster Delete
If you have failures with workloads not running, use xpk inspector
to investigate
If you need your Workloads to have persistent storage, use xpk storage
to find out more.
First set the project and zone through gcloud config or xpk arguments.
# gcloud config:
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
gcloud config set compute/zone $ZONE
# xpk arguments
xpk .. --zone $ZONE --project $PROJECT_ID
The cluster created is a regional cluster to enable the GKE control plane across all zones.
Cluster Create (provision reserved capacity):
# Find your reservations gcloud compute reservations list --project=$PROJECT_ID # Run cluster create with reservation. python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster xpk-test --tpu-type=v5litepod-256 \ --num-slices=2 \ --reservation=$RESERVATION_ID
Cluster Create (provision on-demand capacity):
python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster xpk-test --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 \ --num-slices=4 --on-demand
Cluster Create (provision spot / preemptable capacity):
python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster xpk-test --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 \ --num-slices=4 --spot
Cluster Create for Pathways: Pathways compatible cluster can be created using
cluster create-pathways
.python3 xpk.py cluster create-pathways \ --cluster xpk-pw-test \ --num-slices=4 --on-demand \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-16
Cluster Create for Ray: A cluster with KubeRay enabled and a RayCluster can be created using
cluster create-ray
.python3 xpk.py cluster create-ray \ --cluster xpk-rc-test \ --ray-version=2.39.0 \ --num-slices=4 --on-demand \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-8
Cluster Create can be called again with the same
--cluster name
to modify the number of slices or retry failed steps.For example, if a user creates a cluster with 4 slices:
python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster xpk-test --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 \ --num-slices=4 --reservation=$RESERVATION_ID
and recreates the cluster with 8 slices. The command will rerun to create 4 new slices:
python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster xpk-test --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 \ --num-slices=8 --reservation=$RESERVATION_ID
and recreates the cluster with 6 slices. The command will rerun to delete 2 slices. The command will warn the user when deleting slices. Use
to skip prompts.python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster xpk-test --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 \ --num-slices=6 --reservation=$RESERVATION_ID # Skip delete prompts using --force. python3 xpk.py cluster create --force \ --cluster xpk-test --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 \ --num-slices=6 --reservation=$RESERVATION_ID
and recreates the cluster with 4 slices of v4-8. The command will rerun to delete 6 slices of v5litepod-16 and create 4 slices of v4-8. The command will warn the user when deleting slices. Use
to skip prompts.python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster xpk-test --tpu-type=v4-8 \ --num-slices=4 --reservation=$RESERVATION_ID # Skip delete prompts using --force. python3 xpk.py cluster create --force \ --cluster xpk-test --tpu-type=v4-8 \ --num-slices=4 --reservation=$RESERVATION_ID
XPK allows you to create a private GKE cluster for enhanced security. In a private cluster, nodes and pods are isolated from the public internet, providing an additional layer of protection for your workloads.
To create a private cluster, use the following arguments:
This flag enables the creation of a private GKE cluster. When this flag is set:
- Nodes and pods are isolated from the direct internet access.
is automatically enabled.- Access to the cluster's control plane is restricted to your current machine's IP address by default.
This argument allows you to specify additional IP ranges (in CIDR notation) that are authorized to access the private cluster's control plane and perform kubectl
- Even if this argument is not set when you have
, your current machine's IP address will always be given access to the control plane. - If this argument is used with an existing private cluster, it will replace the existing authorized networks.
Example Usage:
To create a private cluster and allow access to Control Plane only to your current machine:
python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster=xpk-private-cluster \ --tpu-type=v4-8 --num-slices=2 \ --private
To create a private cluster and allow access to Control Plane only to your current machine and the IP ranges
:python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster=xpk-private-cluster \ --tpu-type=v4-8 --num-slices=2 \ --authorized-networks # --private is optional when you set --authorized-networks
Important Notes:
- The argument
is only applicable when creating new clusters. You cannot convert an existing public cluster to a private cluster using these flags.- The argument
is applicable when creating new clusters or using an existing private cluster. You cannot convert an existing public cluster to a private cluster using these flags.- You need to set up a Cluster NAT for your VPC network so that the Nodes and Pods have outbound access to the internet. This is required because XPK installs and configures components such as kueue that need access to external sources like
Note: This feature is available in XPK >= 0.4.0. Enable Vertex AI API in your Google Cloud console to use this feature. Make sure you have Vertex AI Administrator role assigned to your user account.
Vertex AI Tensorboard is a fully managed version of open-source Tensorboard. To learn more about Vertex AI Tensorboard, visit this. Note that Vertex AI Tensorboard is only available in these regions.
You can create a Vertex AI Tensorboard for your cluster with Cluster Create
command. XPK will create a single Vertex AI Tensorboard instance per cluster.
- Create Vertex AI Tensorboard in default region with default Tensorboard name:
python3 xpk.py cluster create \
--cluster xpk-test --num-slices=1 --tpu-type=v4-8 \
will create a Vertex AI Tensorboard with the name xpk-test-tb-instance
(<args.cluster>-tb-instance) in us-central1
(default region).
- Create Vertex AI Tensorboard in user-specified region with default Tensorboard name:
python3 xpk.py cluster create \
--cluster xpk-test --num-slices=1 --tpu-type=v4-8 \
--create-vertex-tensorboard --tensorboard-region=us-west1
will create a Vertex AI Tensorboard with the name xpk-test-tb-instance
(<args.cluster>-tb-instance) in us-west1
- Create Vertex AI Tensorboard in default region with user-specified Tensorboard name:
python3 xpk.py cluster create \
--cluster xpk-test --num-slices=1 --tpu-type=v4-8 \
--create-vertex-tensorboard --tensorboard-name=tb-testing
will create a Vertex AI Tensorboard with the name tb-testing
in us-central1
- Create Vertex AI Tensorboard in user-specified region with user-specified Tensorboard name:
python3 xpk.py cluster create \
--cluster xpk-test --num-slices=1 --tpu-type=v4-8 \
--create-vertex-tensorboard --tensorboard-region=us-west1 --tensorboard-name=tb-testing
will create a Vertex AI Tensorboard instance with the name tb-testing
in us-west1
- Create Vertex AI Tensorboard in an unsupported region:
python3 xpk.py cluster create \
--cluster xpk-test --num-slices=1 --tpu-type=v4-8 \
--create-vertex-tensorboard --tensorboard-region=us-central2
will fail the cluster creation process because Vertex AI Tensorboard is not supported in us-central2
Cluster Delete (deprovision capacity):
python3 xpk.py cluster delete \ --cluster xpk-test
Cluster List (see provisioned capacity):
python3 xpk.py cluster list
Cluster Describe (see capacity):
python3 xpk.py cluster describe \ --cluster xpk-test
Cluster Cacheimage (enables faster start times):
python3 xpk.py cluster cacheimage \ --cluster xpk-test --docker-image gcr.io/your_docker_image \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-16
To create a cluster with A3 machines, run the below command. To create workloads on these clusters see here.
- For A3-Ultra: --device-type=h200-141gb-8
- For A3-Mega: --device-type=h100-mega-80gb-8
python3 xpk.py cluster create \
--cluster CLUSTER_NAME --device-type=h200-141gb-8 \
--zone=$COMPUTE_ZONE --project=$PROJECT_ID \
--num-nodes=4 --reservation=$RESERVATION_ID
Currently, the below flags/arguments are supported for A3-Mega and A3-Ultra machines:
- --num-nodes
- --default-pool-cpu-machine-type
- --default-pool-cpu-num-nodes
- --reservation
- --spot
- --on-demand (only A3-Mega)
Currently XPK supports two types of storages: Cloud Storage FUSE and Google Cloud Filestore.
A FUSE adapter lets you mount and access Cloud Storage buckets as local file systems, so applications can read and write objects in your bucket using standard file system semantics.
To use the GCS FUSE with XPK you need to create a Storage Bucket.
Once it's ready you can use xpk storage attach
with --type=gcsfuse
command to attach a FUSE storage instance to your cluster:
python3 xpk.py storage attach test-fuse-storage --type=gcsfuse \
--project=$PROJECT --cluster=$CLUSTER --zone=$ZONE
--mount-point='/test-mount-point' --readonly=false \
--bucket=test-bucket --size=1 --auto-mount=false
- type of the storage, currently xpk supportsgcsfuse
- if set to true all workloads will have this storage mounted by default.--mount-point
- the path on which this storage should be mounted for a workload.--readonly
- if set to true, workload can only read from storage.--size
- size of the storage in Gb.--bucket
- name of the storage bucket. If not set then the name of the storage is used as a bucket name.
A Filestore adapter lets you mount and access Filestore instances as local file systems, so applications can read and write objects in your volumes using standard file system semantics.
To create and attach a GCP Filestore instance to your cluster use xpk storage create
command with --type=gcpfilestore
python3 xpk.py storage create test-fs-storage --type=gcpfilestore \
--auto-mount=false --mount-point=/data-fs --readonly=false \
--size=1024 --tier=BASIC_HDD --access_mode=ReadWriteMany --vol=default \
--project=$PROJECT --cluster=$CLUSTER --zone=$ZONE
You can also attach an existing Filestore instance to your cluster using xpk storage attach
python3 xpk.py storage attach test-fs-storage --type=gcpfilestore \
--auto-mount=false --mount-point=/data-fs --readonly=false \
--size=1024 --tier=BASIC_HDD --access_mode=ReadWriteMany --vol=default \
--project=$PROJECT --cluster=$CLUSTER --zone=$ZONE
The command above is also useful when attaching multiple volumes from the same Filestore instance.
Commands xpk storage create
and xpk storage attach
with --type=gcpfilestore
accept following arguments:
- type of the storage.--auto-mount
- if set to true all workloads will have this storage mounted by default.--mount-point
- the path on which this storage should be mounted for a workload.--readonly
- if set to true, workload can only read from storage.--size
- size of the Filestore instance that will be created in Gb.--tier
- tier of the Filestore instance that will be created. Possible options are:[BASIC_HDD, BASIC_SSD, ZONAL, REGIONAL, ENTERPRISE]
- access mode of the Filestore instance that will be created. Possible values are:[ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany]
- file share name of the Filestore instance that will be created.--instance
- the name of the Filestore instance. If not set then the name parameter is used as an instance name. Useful when connecting multiple volumes from the same Filestore instance.
python3 xpk.py storage list \
--project=$PROJECT --cluster $CLUSTER --zone=$ZONE
If you specified --auto-mount=true
when creating or attaching a storage, then all workloads deployed on the cluster will have the volume attached by default. Otherwise, in order to have the storage attached, you have to add --storage
parameter to workload create
python3 xpk.py workload create \
--workload xpk-test-workload --command "echo goodbye" \
--project=$PROJECT --cluster=$CLUSTER --zone=$ZONE \
--tpu-type=v5litepod-16 --storage=test-storage
python3 xpk.py storage detach $STORAGE_NAME \
--project=$PROJECT --cluster=$CLUSTER --zone=$ZONE
XPK allows you to remove Filestore instances easily with xpk storage delete
command. Warning: this deletes all data contained in the Filestore!
python3 xpk.py storage delete test-fs-instance \
--project=$PROJECT --cluster=$CLUSTER --zone=$ZONE
Workload Create (submit training job):
python3 xpk.py workload create \ --workload xpk-test-workload --command "echo goodbye" \ --cluster xpk-test \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 --projet=$PROJECT
Workload Create for Pathways: Pathways workload can be submitted using
workload create-pathways
on a Pathways enabled cluster (created withcluster create-pathways
)Pathways workload example:
python3 xpk.py workload create-pathways \ --workload xpk-pw-test \ --num-slices=1 \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 \ --cluster xpk-pw-test \ --docker-name='user-workload' \ --docker-image=<maxtext docker image> \ --command='python3 MaxText/train.py MaxText/configs/base.yml base_output_directory=<output directory> dataset_path=<dataset path> per_device_batch_size=1 enable_checkpointing=false enable_profiler=false remat_policy=full global_parameter_scale=4 steps=300 max_target_length=2048 use_iota_embed=true reuse_example_batch=1 dataset_type=synthetic attention=flash gcs_metrics=True run_name=$(USER)-pw-xpk-test-1'
Regular workload can also be submitted on a Pathways enabled cluster (created with
cluster create-pathways
)Pathways workload example:
python3 xpk.py workload create-pathways \ --workload xpk-regular-test \ --num-slices=1 \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 \ --cluster xpk-pw-test \ --docker-name='user-workload' \ --docker-image=<maxtext docker image> \ --command='python3 MaxText/train.py MaxText/configs/base.yml base_output_directory=<output directory> dataset_path=<dataset path> per_device_batch_size=1 enable_checkpointing=false enable_profiler=false remat_policy=full global_parameter_scale=4 steps=300 max_target_length=2048 use_iota_embed=true reuse_example_batch=1 dataset_type=synthetic attention=flash gcs_metrics=True run_name=$(USER)-pw-xpk-test-1'
Pathways in headless mode - Pathways now offers the capability to run JAX workloads in Vertex AI notebooks or in GCE VMs! Specify
withworkload create-pathways
when the user workload is not provided in a docker container.python3 xpk.py workload create-pathways --headless \ --workload xpk-pw-headless \ --num-slices=1 \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 \ --cluster xpk-pw-test
Executing the command above would provide the address of the proxy that the user job should connect to.
kubectl get pods kubectl port-forward pod/<proxy-pod-name> 29000:29000
JAX_PLATFORMS=proxy JAX_BACKEND_TARGET=grpc:// python -c 'import pathwaysutils; import jax; print(jax.devices())'
andJAX_BACKEND_TARGET=<proxy address from above>
andimport pathwaysutils
to establish this connection between the user's JAX code and the Pathways proxy. Execute Pathways workloads interactively on Vertex AI notebooks!
--max-restarts <value>
: By default, this is 0. This will restart the job "" times when the job terminates. For production jobs, it is recommended to increase this to a large number, say 50. Real jobs can be interrupted due to hardware failures and software updates. We assume your job has implemented checkpointing so the job restarts near where it was interrupted.
To submit jobs on a cluster with A3 machines, run the below command. To create a cluster with A3 machines see here.
- For A3-Ultra: --device-type=h200-141gb-8
- For A3-Mega: --device-type=h100-mega-80gb-8
python3 xpk.py workload create \
--workload=$WORKLOAD_NAME --command="echo goodbye" \
--cluster=$CLUSTER_NAME --device-type=h200-141gb-8 \
--zone=$COMPUTE_ZONE --project=$PROJECT_ID \
The docker image flags/arguments introduced in workloads section can be used with A3 machines as well.
In order to run NCCL test on A3 Ultra machines check out this guide.
Set the priority level of your workload with
We have five priorities defined: [
]. The default priority ismedium
.Priority determines:
Order of queued jobs.
Queued jobs are ordered by
Preemption of lower priority workloads.
A higher priority job will
lower priority jobs. Evicted jobs are brought back to the queue and will re-hydrate appropriately.
python3 xpk.py workload create \ --workload xpk-test-medium-workload --command "echo goodbye" --cluster \ xpk-test --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 --priority=medium
Note: This feature is available in XPK >= 0.4.0. Enable Vertex AI API in your Google Cloud console to use this feature. Make sure you have Vertex AI Administrator role assigned to your user account and to the Compute Engine Service account attached to the node pools in the cluster.
Vertex AI Experiment is a tool that helps to track and analyze an experiment run on Vertex AI Tensorboard. To learn more about Vertex AI Experiments, visit this.
XPK will create a Vertex AI Experiment in workload create
command and attach the Vertex AI Tensorboard created for the cluster during cluster create
. If there is a cluster created before this feature is released, there will be no Vertex AI Tensorboard created for the cluster and workload create
will fail. Re-run cluster create
to create a Vertex AI Tensorboard and then run workload create
again to schedule your workload.
- Create Vertex AI Experiment with default Experiment name:
python3 xpk.py workload create \
--cluster xpk-test --workload xpk-workload \
will create a Vertex AI Experiment with the name xpk-test-xpk-workload
- Create Vertex AI Experiment with user-specified Experiment name:
python3 xpk.py workload create \
--cluster xpk-test --workload xpk-workload \
--use-vertex-tensorboard --experiment-name=test-experiment
will create a Vertex AI Experiment with the name test-experiment
Check out MaxText example on how to update your workload to automatically upload logs collected in your Tensorboard directory to the Vertex AI Experiment created by workload create
Workload Delete (delete training job):
python3 xpk.py workload delete \ --workload xpk-test-workload --cluster xpk-test
This will only delete
workload inxpk-test
cluster. -
Workload Delete (delete all training jobs in the cluster):
python3 xpk.py workload delete \ --cluster xpk-test
This will delete all the workloads in
cluster. Deletion will only begin if you typey
at the prompt. Multiple workload deletions are processed in batches for optimized processing. -
Workload Delete supports filtering. Delete a portion of jobs that match user criteria. Multiple workload deletions are processed in batches for optimized processing.
- Filter by Job:
python3 xpk.py workload delete \ --cluster xpk-test --filter-by-job=$USER
This will delete all the workloads in
cluster whose names start with$USER
. Deletion will only begin if you typey
at the prompt.- Filter by Status:
python3 xpk.py workload delete \ --cluster xpk-test --filter-by-status=QUEUED
This will delete all the workloads in
cluster that have the status as Admitted or Evicted, and the number of running VMs is 0. Deletion will only begin if you typey
at the prompt. Status can be:EVERYTHING
. - Filter by Job:
Workload List (see training jobs):
python3 xpk.py workload list \ --cluster xpk-test
Example Workload List Output:
The below example shows four jobs of different statuses:
: filter-status isFINISHED
: filter-status isFINISHED
: filter-status isRUNNING
: filter-status isQUEUED
: filter-status isQUEUED
Jobset Name Created Time Priority TPU VMs Needed TPU VMs Running/Ran TPU VMs Done Status Status Message Status Time user-first-job-failed 2023-1-1T1:00:00Z medium 4 4 <none> Finished JobSet failed 2023-1-1T1:05:00Z user-second-job-success 2023-1-1T1:10:00Z medium 4 4 4 Finished JobSet finished successfully 2023-1-1T1:14:00Z user-third-job-running 2023-1-1T1:15:00Z medium 4 4 <none> Admitted Admitted by ClusterQueue cluster-queue 2023-1-1T1:16:00Z user-forth-job-in-queue 2023-1-1T1:16:05Z medium 4 <none> <none> Admitted couldn't assign flavors to pod set slice-job: insufficient unused quota for google.com/tpu in flavor 2xv4-8, 4 more need 2023-1-1T1:16:10Z user-fifth-job-preempted 2023-1-1T1:10:05Z low 4 <none> <none> Evicted Preempted to accommodate a higher priority Workload 2023-1-1T1:10:00Z
Workload List supports filtering. Observe a portion of jobs that match user criteria.
- Filter by Status:
Filter the workload list by the status of respective jobs. Status can be:
- Filter by Job:
Filter the workload list by the name of a job.
python3 xpk.py workload list \ --cluster xpk-test --filter-by-job=$USER
- Filter by Status:
Workload List supports waiting for the completion of a specific job. XPK will follow an existing job until it has finished or the
, if provided, has been reached and then list the job. If notimeout
is specified, the default value is set to the max value, 1 week. You may also settimeout=0
to poll the job once.Wait for a job to complete.
python3 xpk.py workload list \ --cluster xpk-test --wait-for-job-completion=xpk-test-workload
Wait for a job to complete with a timeout of 300 seconds.
python3 xpk.py workload list \ --cluster xpk-test --wait-for-job-completion=xpk-test-workload \ --timeout=300
Return codes
: Workload finished and completed successfully.124
: Timeout was reached before workload finished.125
: Workload finished but did not complete successfully.1
: Other failure.
Job List (see jobs submitted via batch command):
python3 xpk.py job ls --cluster xpk-test
Example Job List Output:
NAME PROFILE LOCAL QUEUE COMPLETIONS DURATION AGE xpk-def-app-profile-slurm-74kbv xpk-def-app-profile 1/1 15s 17h xpk-def-app-profile-slurm-brcsg xpk-def-app-profile 1/1 9s 3h56m xpk-def-app-profile-slurm-kw99l xpk-def-app-profile 1/1 5s 3h54m xpk-def-app-profile-slurm-x99nx xpk-def-app-profile 3/3 29s 17h
Job Cancel (delete job submitted via batch command):
python3 xpk.py job cancel xpk-def-app-profile-slurm-74kbv --cluster xpk-test
Inspector provides debug info to understand cluster health, and why workloads are not running. Inspector output is saved to a file.
python3 xpk.py inspector \ --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \ --project $PROJECT_ID \ --zone $ZONE
Optional Arguments
: Print command output to terminal as well as a file.--workload $WORKLOAD_NAME
Inspector will write debug info related to the workload:$WORKLOAD_NAME
Example Output:
The output of xpk inspector is in
in this example.[XPK] Starting xpk [XPK] Task: `Set Cluster` succeeded. [XPK] Task: `Local Setup: gcloud version` is implemented by `gcloud version`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `Local Setup: Project / Zone / Region` is implemented by `gcloud config get project; gcloud config get compute/zone; gcloud config get compute/region`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `GKE: Cluster Details` is implemented by `gcloud beta container clusters list --project $PROJECT --region $REGION | grep -e NAME -e $CLUSTER_NAME`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `GKE: Node pool Details` is implemented by `gcloud beta container node-pools list --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --project=$PROJECT --region=$REGION`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `Kubectl: All Nodes` is implemented by `kubectl get node -o custom-columns='NODE_NAME:metadata.name, READY_STATUS:.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status, NODEPOOL:metadata.labels.cloud\.google\.com/gke-nodepool'`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `Kubectl: Number of Nodes per Node Pool` is implemented by `kubectl get node -o custom-columns=':metadata.labels.cloud\.google\.com/gke-nodepool' | sort | uniq -c`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `Kubectl: Healthy Node Count Per Node Pool` is implemented by `kubectl get node -o custom-columns='NODE_NAME:metadata.name, READY_STATUS:.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status, NODEPOOL:metadata.labels.cloud\.google\.com/gke-nodepool' | grep -w True | awk {'print $3'} | sort | uniq -c`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `Kueue: ClusterQueue Details` is implemented by `kubectl describe ClusterQueue cluster-queue`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `Kueue: LocalQueue Details` is implemented by `kubectl describe LocalQueue multislice-queue`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `Kueue: Kueue Deployment Details` is implemented by `kubectl describe Deployment kueue-controller-manager -n kueue-system`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `Jobset: Deployment Details` is implemented by `kubectl describe Deployment jobset-controller-manager -n jobset-system`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `Kueue Manager Logs` is implemented by `kubectl logs deployment/kueue-controller-manager -n kueue-system --tail=100 --prefix=True`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `Jobset Manager Logs` is implemented by `kubectl logs deployment/jobset-controller-manager -n jobset-system --tail=100 --prefix=True`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `List Jobs with filter-by-status=EVERYTHING with filter-by-jobs=None` is implemented by `kubectl get workloads -o=custom-columns="Jobset Name:.metadata.ownerReferences[0].name,Created Time:.metadata.creationTimestamp,Priority:.spec.priorityClassName,TPU VMs Needed:.spec.podSets[0].count,TPU VMs Running/Ran:.status.admission.podSetAssignments[-1].count,TPU VMs Done:.status.reclaimablePods[0].count,Status:.status.conditions[-1].type,Status Message:.status.conditions[-1].message,Status Time:.status.conditions[-1].lastTransitionTime" `, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `List Jobs with filter-by-status=QUEUED with filter-by-jobs=None` is implemented by `kubectl get workloads -o=custom-columns="Jobset Name:.metadata.ownerReferences[0].name,Created Time:.metadata.creationTimestamp,Priority:.spec.priorityClassName,TPU VMs Needed:.spec.podSets[0].count,TPU VMs Running/Ran:.status.admission.podSetAssignments[-1].count,TPU VMs Done:.status.reclaimablePods[0].count,Status:.status.conditions[-1].type,Status Message:.status.conditions[-1].message,Status Time:.status.conditions[-1].lastTransitionTime" | awk -e 'NR == 1 || ($7 ~ "Admitted|Evicted|QuotaReserved" && ($5 ~ "<none>" || $5 == 0)) {print $0}' `, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Task: `List Jobs with filter-by-status=RUNNING with filter-by-jobs=None` is implemented by `kubectl get workloads -o=custom-columns="Jobset Name:.metadata.ownerReferences[0].name,Created Time:.metadata.creationTimestamp,Priority:.spec.priorityClassName,TPU VMs Needed:.spec.podSets[0].count,TPU VMs Running/Ran:.status.admission.podSetAssignments[-1].count,TPU VMs Done:.status.reclaimablePods[0].count,Status:.status.conditions[-1].type,Status Message:.status.conditions[-1].message,Status Time:.status.conditions[-1].lastTransitionTime" | awk -e 'NR == 1 || ($7 ~ "Admitted|Evicted" && $5 ~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $5 > 0) {print $0}' `, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] Find xpk inspector output file: /tmp/tmp0pd6_k1o [XPK] Exiting XPK cleanly
xpk run
lets you execute scripts on a cluster with ease. It automates task execution, handles interruptions, and streams job output to your console.python xpk.py run --kind-cluster -n 2 -t 0-2 examples/job.sh
Example Output:
[XPK] Starting xpk [XPK] Task: `get current-context` is implemented by `kubectl config current-context`, hiding output unless there is an error. [XPK] No local cluster name specified. Using current-context `kind-kind` [XPK] Task: `run task` is implemented by `kubectl kjob create slurm --profile xpk-def-app-profile --localqueue multislice-queue --wait --rm -- examples/job.sh --partition multislice-queue --ntasks 2 --time 0-2`. Streaming output and input live. job.batch/xpk-def-app-profile-slurm-g4vr6 created configmap/xpk-def-app-profile-slurm-g4vr6 created service/xpk-def-app-profile-slurm-g4vr6 created Starting log streaming for pod xpk-def-app-profile-slurm-g4vr6-1-4rmgk... Now processing task ID: 3 Starting log streaming for pod xpk-def-app-profile-slurm-g4vr6-0-bg6dm... Now processing task ID: 1 exit exit Now processing task ID: 2 exit Job logs streaming finished.[XPK] Task: `run task` terminated with code `0` [XPK] XPK Done.
In order to use XPK for GPU, you can do so by using device-type
Cluster Create (provision reserved capacity):
# Find your reservations gcloud compute reservations list --project=$PROJECT_ID # Run cluster create with reservation. python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster xpk-test --device-type=h100-80gb-8 \ --num-nodes=2 \ --reservation=$RESERVATION_ID
Cluster Delete (deprovision capacity):
python3 xpk.py cluster delete \ --cluster xpk-test
Cluster List (see provisioned capacity):
python3 xpk.py cluster list
Cluster Describe (see capacity):
python3 xpk.py cluster describe \ --cluster xpk-test
Cluster Cacheimage (enables faster start times):
python3 xpk.py cluster cacheimage \ --cluster xpk-test --docker-image gcr.io/your_docker_image \ --device-type=h100-80gb-8
Install NVIDIA GPU device drivers
# List available driver versions gcloud compute ssh $NODE_NAME --command "sudo cos-extensions list" # Install the default driver gcloud compute ssh $NODE_NAME --command "sudo cos-extensions install gpu" # OR install a specific version of the driver gcloud compute ssh $NODE_NAME --command "sudo cos-extensions install gpu -- -version=DRIVER_VERSION"
Run a workload:
# Submit a workload python3 xpk.py workload create \ --cluster xpk-test --device-type h100-80gb-8 \ --workload xpk-test-workload \ --command="echo hello world"
Workload Delete (delete training job):
python3 xpk.py workload delete \ --workload xpk-test-workload --cluster xpk-test
This will only delete
workload inxpk-test
cluster. -
Workload Delete (delete all training jobs in the cluster):
python3 xpk.py workload delete \ --cluster xpk-test
This will delete all the workloads in
cluster. Deletion will only begin if you typey
at the prompt. -
Workload Delete supports filtering. Delete a portion of jobs that match user criteria.
- Filter by Job:
python3 xpk.py workload delete \ --cluster xpk-test --filter-by-job=$USER
This will delete all the workloads in
cluster whose names start with$USER
. Deletion will only begin if you typey
at the prompt.- Filter by Status:
python3 xpk.py workload delete \ --cluster xpk-test --filter-by-status=QUEUED
This will delete all the workloads in
cluster that have the status as Admitted or Evicted, and the number of running VMs is 0. Deletion will only begin if you typey
at the prompt. Status can be:EVERYTHING
. - Filter by Job:
In order to use XPK for CPU, you can do so by using device-type
Cluster Create (provision on-demand capacity):
# Run cluster create with on demand capacity. python3 xpk.py cluster create \ --cluster xpk-test \ --device-type=n2-standard-32-256 \ --num-slices=1 \ --default-pool-cpu-machine-type=n2-standard-32 \ --on-demand
Note that
for CPUs is of the format -, thus in the above example, user requests for 256 VMs of type n2-standard-32. Currently workloads using < 1000 VMs are supported. -
Run a workload:
# Submit a workload python3 xpk.py workload create \ --cluster xpk-test \ --num-slices=1 \ --device-type=n2-standard-32-256 \ --workload xpk-test-workload \ --command="echo hello world"
XPK can dynamically allocate cluster capacity using Node Auto Provisioning, (NAP) support.
Allow several topology sizes to be supported from one XPK cluster, and be dynamically provisioned based on incoming workload requests. XPK users will not need to re-provision the cluster manually.
Enabling autoprovisioning will take the cluster around initially up to 30 minutes to upgrade.
Autoprovisioning will be enabled on the below cluster with [0, 8] chips of v4 TPU (up to 1xv4-16) to scale between.
XPK doesn't currently support different generations of accelerators in the same cluster (like v4 and v5p TPUs).
python3 xpk.py cluster create \
--cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
--num-slices=$NUM_SLICES \
--device-type=$DEVICE_TYPE \
--zone=$ZONE \
--project=$PROJECT \
--reservation=$RESERVATION \
Define the starting accelerator configuration and capacity type.
--device-type=$DEVICE_TYPE \ --num-slice=$NUM_SLICES
Optionally set custom
chips. NAP will rescale the cluster withmaximum
chips. By default,maximum
is set to the current cluster configuration size, andminimum
is set to 0. This allows NAP to rescale with all the resources.--autoprovisioning-min-chips=$MIN_CHIPS \ --autoprovisioning-max-chips=$MAX_CHIPS
Set the timeout period for when node pools will automatically be deleted if no incoming workloads are run. This is 10 minutes currently. -
Set the timeout period to infinity. This will keep the idle node pool configuration always running until updated by new workloads.
python3 xpk.py cluster create \
--cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
--num-slices=$NUM_SLICES \
--device-type=$DEVICE_TYPE \
--zone=$ZONE \
--project=$PROJECT \
--reservation=$RESERVATION \
- Option 1: By creating a new cluster nodepool configuration.
# This will create 2x v4-16 node pools and set the max autoprovisioned chips to 16.
python3 xpk.py cluster create \
--cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
--num-slices=$NUM_SLICES \
--device-type=$DEVICE_TYPE \
--zone=$ZONE \
--project=$PROJECT \
--reservation=$RESERVATION \
- Option 2: By increasing the
# This will clear the node pools if they exist in the cluster and set the max autoprovisioned chips to 16
python3 xpk.py cluster create \
--cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
--num-slices=$NUM_SLICES \
--device-type=$DEVICE_TYPE \
--zone=$ZONE \
--project=$PROJECT \
--reservation=$RESERVATION \
--enable-autoprovisioning \
--autoprovisioning-max-chips 16
Reconfigure the --device-type
and --num-slices
# Create a 2x v4-8 TPU workload.
python3 xpk.py workload create \
--cluster $CLUSTER \
--workload ${USER}-nap-${NUM_SLICES}x${DEVICE_TYPE}_$(date +%H-%M-%S) \
--command "echo hello world from $NUM_SLICES $DEVICE_TYPE" \
--device-type=$DEVICE_TYPE \
--num-slices=$NUM_SLICES \
--zone=$ZONE \
# Create a 1x v4-16 TPU workload.
python3 xpk.py workload create \
--cluster $CLUSTER \
--workload ${USER}-nap-${NUM_SLICES}x${DEVICE_TYPE}_$(date +%H-%M-%S) \
--command "echo hello world from $NUM_SLICES $DEVICE_TYPE" \
--device-type=$DEVICE_TYPE \
--num-slices=$NUM_SLICES \
--zone=$ZONE \
# Use a different reservation from what the cluster was created with.
python3 xpk.py workload create \
--cluster $CLUSTER \
--workload ${USER}-nap-${NUM_SLICES}x${DEVICE_TYPE}_$(date +%H-%M-%S) \
--command "echo hello world from $NUM_SLICES $DEVICE_TYPE" \
--device-type=$DEVICE_TYPE \
--num-slices=$NUM_SLICES \
--zone=$ZONE \
--project=$PROJECT \
(Optional) Define the capacity type. By default, the capacity type will match with what the cluster was created with.
--reservation=my-reservation-id | --on-demand | --spot
Set the topology of your workload using --device-type.
NUM_SLICES=1 DEVICE_TYPE=v4-8 --device-type=$DEVICE_TYPE \ --num-slices=$NUM_SLICES \
The default behavior is xpk workload create
will layer the local directory (--script-dir
) into
the base docker image (--base-docker-image
) and run the workload command.
If you don't want this layering behavior, you can directly use --docker-image
. Do not mix arguments from the two flows in the same command.
This flow pulls the --script-dir
into the --base-docker-image
and runs the new docker image.
The below arguments are optional by default. xpk will pull the local directory with a generic base docker image.
sets the base image that xpk will start with. -
sets which directory to pull into the image. This defaults to the current working directory.
python3 xpk.py workload create --help
for more info. -
Example with defaults which pulls the local directory into the base image:
echo -e '#!/bin/bash \n echo "Hello world from a test script!"' > test.sh python3 xpk.py workload create --cluster xpk-test \ --workload xpk-test-workload-base-image --command "bash test.sh" \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 --num-slices=1
Recommended Flow For Normal Sized Jobs (fewer than 10k accelerators):
python3 xpk.py workload create --cluster xpk-test \ --workload xpk-test-workload-base-image --command "bash custom_script.sh" \ --base-docker-image=gcr.io/your_dependencies_docker_image \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 --num-slices=1
If a user wants to directly set the docker image used and not layer in the
current working directory, set --docker-image
to the image to be use in the
Running with
:python3 xpk.py workload create --cluster xpk-test \ --workload xpk-test-workload-base-image --command "bash test.sh" \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 --num-slices=1 --docker-image=gcr.io/your_docker_image
Recommended Flow For Large Sized Jobs (more than 10k accelerators):
python3 xpk.py cluster cacheimage \ --cluster xpk-test --docker-image gcr.io/your_docker_image # Run workload create with the same image. python3 xpk.py workload create --cluster xpk-test \ --workload xpk-test-workload-base-image --command "bash test.sh" \ --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 --num-slices=1 --docker-image=gcr.io/your_docker_image
Workload create has two mutually exclusive ways to override the environment of a workload:
flag to specify each environment variable separately. The format is:--env VARIABLE1=value --env VARIABLE2=value
flag to allow specifying the container's environment from a file. Usage is the same as Docker's --env-file flag
Example Env File:
LIBTPU_INIT_ARGS=--my-flag=true --performance=high MY_ENV_VAR=hello
Workload create accepts a --debug-dump-gcs flag which is a path to GCS bucket. Passing this flag sets the XLA_FLAGS='--xla_dump_to=/tmp/xla_dump/' and uploads hlo dumps to the specified GCS bucket for each worker.
The repository code is tested through Github Workflows and Actions. Currently three kinds of tests are performed:
- A nightly build that runs every 24 hours
- A build that runs on push to
branch - A build that runs for every PR approval
More information is documented here
XPK will create a regional GKE cluster. If you see issues like
Invalid machine type e2-standard-32 in zone $ZONE_NAME
Please select a CPU type that exists in all zones in the region.
# Find CPU Types supported in zones.
gcloud compute machine-types list --zones=$ZONE_LIST
# Adjust default cpu machine type.
python3 xpk.py cluster create --default-pool-cpu-machine-type=CPU_TYPE ...
Some XPK cluster configuration might be missing, if workload creation fails with the below error.
[XPK] b'error: the server doesn\'t have a resource type "workloads"\n'
Mitigate this error by re-running your xpk.py cluster create ...
command, to refresh the cluster configurations.
Determine the role needed based on the permission error:
# For example: `requires one of ["container.*"] permission(s)` # Add [Kubernetes Engine Admin](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-roles#kubernetes-engine-roles) to your user.
Add the role to the user in your project.
Go to iam-admin or use gcloud cli:
PROJECT_ID=my-project-id CURRENT_GKE_USER=$(gcloud config get account) ROLE=roles/container.admin # container.admin is the role needed for Kubernetes Engine Admin gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member user:$CURRENT_GKE_USER --role=$ROLE
Check the permissions are correct for the users.
Go to iam-admin or use gcloud cli:
PROJECT_ID=my-project-id CURRENT_GKE_USER=$(gcloud config get account) gcloud projects get-iam-policy $PROJECT_ID --filter="bindings.members:$CURRENT_GKE_USER" --flatten="bindings[].members"
Confirm you have logged in locally with the correct user.
gcloud auth login
requires one of ["container.*"] permission(s)
Add Kubernetes Engine Admin to your user.
ERROR: (gcloud.monitoring.dashboards.list) User does not have permission to access projects instance (or it may not exist)
Add Monitoring Viewer to your user.
# Find the reservations in your project
gcloud beta compute reservations list --project=$PROJECT_ID
# Find the tpu machine type and current utilization of a reservation.
gcloud beta compute reservations describe $RESERVATION --project=$PROJECT_ID --zone=$ZONE
You need authority to push to the registry from your local machine. Try running gcloud auth configure-docker
If error of this kind appeared after updating xpk version it's possible that you need to rerun cluster create
command in order to update resource definitions.
If you are having trouble with your workload, try setting the --enable-debug-logs
when you schedule it. This will give you more detailed logs to help pinpoint the issue. For example:
python3 xpk.py workload create \
--cluster --workload xpk-test-workload \
--command="echo hello world" --enable-debug-logs
Please check libtpu logging and Tensorflow logging for more information about the flags that are enabled to get the logs.
cloud-tpu-diagnostics PyPI package can be used to generate stack traces for workloads running in GKE. This package dumps the Python traces when a fault such as segmentation fault, floating-point exception, or illegal operation exception occurs in the program. Additionally, it will also periodically collect stack traces to help you debug situations when the program is unresponsive. You must make the following changes in the docker image running in a Kubernetes main container to enable periodic stack trace collection.
# main.py
from cloud_tpu_diagnostics import diagnostic
from cloud_tpu_diagnostics.configuration import debug_configuration
from cloud_tpu_diagnostics.configuration import diagnostic_configuration
from cloud_tpu_diagnostics.configuration import stack_trace_configuration
stack_trace_config = stack_trace_configuration.StackTraceConfig(
collect_stack_trace = True,
stack_trace_to_cloud = True)
debug_config = debug_configuration.DebugConfig(
stack_trace_config = stack_trace_config)
diagnostic_config = diagnostic_configuration.DiagnosticConfig(
debug_config = debug_config)
with diagnostic.diagnose(diagnostic_config):
main_method() # this is the main method to run
This configuration will start collecting stack traces inside the /tmp/debugging
directory on each Kubernetes Pod.
To explore the stack traces collected in a temporary directory in Kubernetes Pod, you can run the following command to configure a sidecar container that will read the traces from /tmp/debugging
python3 xpk.py workload create \
--workload xpk-test-workload --command "python3 main.py" --cluster \
xpk-test --tpu-type=v5litepod-16 --deploy-stacktrace-sidecar
To list available resources and queues use xpk info
command. It allows to see localqueues and clusterqueues and check for available resources.
To see queues with usage and workload info use:
python3 xpk.py info --cluster my-cluster
You can specify what kind of resources(clusterqueue or localqueue) you want to see using flags --clusterqueue or --localqueue.
python3 xpk.py info --cluster my-cluster --localqueue
To facilitate development and testing locally, we have integrated support for testing with kind
. This enables you to simulate a Kubernetes environment on your local machine.
- Install kind on your local machine. Follow the official documentation here: Kind Installation Guide.
xpk interfaces seamlessly with kind to manage Kubernetes clusters locally, facilitating the orchestration and management of workloads. Below are the commands for managing clusters:
Cluster create:
python3 xpk.py kind create \ --cluster xpk-test
Cluster Delete:
python3 xpk.py kind delete \ --cluster xpk-test
Cluster List:
python3 xpk.py kind list
Local testing is available exclusively through the batch
and job
commands of xpk with the --kind-cluster
flag. This allows you to simulate training jobs locally:
python xpk.py batch [other-options] --kind-cluster script
Please note that all other xpk subcommands are intended for use with cloud systems on Google Cloud Engine (GCE) and don't support local testing. This includes commands like cluster, info, inspector, etc.