These scripts will clone or pull corresponding PHP version(s) from the PHP source repo and build 4 .dll files per PHP version: x86, x64 and ts and non-ts for each architecture.
Do not run scripts with -sdk-
in their files names directly. These are called from php-sdk environment.
Make sure you got ~20GB free disk space to build for all PHP versions.
Make sure git
is in you PATH
Set up Microsoft Visual Studio vc15, vs16 and vs17 (for PHP8.4+).
Set up Firebird 32-bit and 64-bit installations or libraries.
Set up PHP-SDK according to
Clone php-firebird extension source somewhere.
Copy these build scripts to C:\php-sdk\
Adjust php-fb-config.bat.
Note: PFB_SOURCE_DIR should point one level up. For example PFB_SOURCE_DIR=D:\php-firebird\ then your source should reside in D:\php-firebird\php-firebird\
to build for all PHP versions or runphp-fb-build.bat 7.4 vc15
to build for particular version.