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Scripts building php-firebird extension on Windows

How it works

These scripts will clone or pull corresponding PHP version(s) from the PHP source repo and build 4 .dll files per PHP version: x86, x64 and ts and non-ts for each architecture.

Do not run scripts with -sdk- in their files names directly. These are called from php-sdk environment.

Make sure you got ~20GB free disk space to build for all PHP versions.

Set up

Make sure git is in you PATH

  1. Set up Microsoft Visual Studio vc15, vs16 and vs17 (for PHP8.4+).

  2. Set up Firebird 32-bit and 64-bit installations or libraries.

  3. Set up PHP-SDK according to

  4. Clone php-firebird extension source somewhere.

  5. Copy these build scripts to C:\php-sdk\

  6. Adjust php-fb-config.bat.

    Note: PFB_SOURCE_DIR should point one level up. For example PFB_SOURCE_DIR=D:\php-firebird\ then your source should reside in D:\php-firebird\php-firebird\

  7. Run php-fb-build-all.bat to build for all PHP versions or run php-fb-build.bat 7.4 vc15 to build for particular version.