Fix device pixel ratio being tied to the document by moving it from o…
Fix device pixel ratio being tied to the document by moving it from o…
Fix device pixel ratio being tied to the document by moving it from o…
Fix device pixel ratio being tied to the document by moving it from o…
Add node for executing rhai scripts
Add node for executing rhai scripts
Force push
New nodes: Mirror, Round Corners, Box Warp, Remove/Generate Handles, …
New nodes: Mirror, Round Corners, Box Warp, Remove/Generate Handles, …
Pull request merge
Merge branch 'master' into mirror-and-round-corners
Merge branch 'master' into mirror-and-round-corners
Improve animation handler state management
Improve animation handler state management
Add animation control buttons to document bar
Add animation control buttons to document bar
Add Freehand tool drawing new subpaths on an existing layer with Shif…
Add Freehand tool drawing new subpaths on an existing layer with Shif…
Force push
WIP moving TS compilation to
WIP moving TS compilation to
Force push
WIP moving TS compilation to
WIP moving TS compilation to
Add Freehand tool drawing new subpaths on an existing layer with Shif…
Add Freehand tool drawing new subpaths on an existing layer with Shif…
Merge branch 'master' into experimentation-time
Merge branch 'master' into experimentation-time
Add Soften, Sharpen and Subdivide
Add Soften, Sharpen and Subdivide
Remove Instances table ID column; style the spreadsheet
Remove Instances table ID column; style the spreadsheet
Fix crash and add text nodes
Fix crash and add text nodes