Implementations in Unity of the YouTube channel Ten Minute Physics. My contribution is that I have translated the code from mainly JavaScript to C#, and I have commented the code to make it easier to understand what's going on. I have also fixed a few minor bugs and improved the performance.
Simulate a bouncy cannon ball.
Simulate billiard balls with different size and mass. Watch this YouTube video for examples:
Simulate a pinball game.
Simulate beads attached to a circular wire.
Simulate the chaotic behavior of pendulums with as many arms as you want and where each arm can have different mass. With many arms you get a rope or hair! Watch these YouTube videos for examples:
Nothing to simulate
Catch and throw a ball with your mouse.
Nothing to simulate
Simple unbreakable soft body bunny physics. You can flatten it and throw it around with your mouse.
Find overlaps among thousands of objects blazing fast. Implements a version of the Spatial Partitioning design pattern called "Spatial Hashing" which is really useful if you have an unbounded grid.
Is not optimizing the code from #11, but is showing how you can use a more detailed mesh and make that faster. You use two meshes: one with fewer triangles that is tetrahedralized, and one with more triangles, and then they interract during the simulation.
Implemetation of an algorithm that splits a mesh into tetrahedrons. Will be available here when finished: Open source Computational Geometry library
Basic cloth simulation.
Spoiler: It's just the simulation part that's 200 lines of code. You need a few more lines of code to set it up, display it on screen, etc. Watch this YouTube video for examples:
Nothing to simulate
Simulate a swimming pool with balls.
Simulating rigid bodies using XPBD.
A fast way to check collisions between many objects by checking each object's Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB). Is related to "11. Find overlaps among objects" but can handle objects with different sizes.
Bonus implementations related to the code above.
Simulation of planetary orbits based on this famous unsolved problem ( Watch this YouTube video for examples:
Calculate decimals in pi by bouncing boxes with different mass and calculate collisions. If the small box is 1 kg and the big box is 10000 kg, then the small box will collide with the big box and the wall to the left 314 times. Inspired by 3Blue1Bown's YouTube video: The most unexpected answer to a counting puzzle.