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Heal Other Players Using OnComponentBeginOverlap

  • Unreal Version: 5.0.0
  • Template: Third Person
  • Project Name: MyProject

Final Screenshot

In this example the player will create a sphere by holding the left mouse button and every character that overlaps the sphere will trigger their heal method. The characters healing will have their material pulsate green.This example is a little weird, character's don't actually have health that increases, but it has a lot of useful snippets that I think can help in the future or be extended.

Some of the things the code uses.

  • UMaterialInstanceDynamic
  • OnComponentBeginOverlap
  • Cast to Character type
  • SetScalarParameterValue
  • SetWorldScale3D
  • Update inputs
  1. Add an input method. I added an Input action called Heal and bound it to the left mouse button. Edit->Project Settings->Input Player Input

  2. Update the M_Male_Body Material to have an if statement. See image below Content/Mannequin/Character/Materials/M_Male_Body Male Body Material Update

  3. Create A new material to use for the healing sphere or use whatever you want. I made a simple translucent material, see image below Translucent Material

  4. Add other ThirdPersonCharacter Blueprints to your Scene. *Content->ThirdPersonCPP->Blueprints->ThirdPersonCharacter

  5. After the code compiles add the sphere mesh and material to the player character. Add Sphere Mesh

  6. Update the sphere's collision presets to only overlap Pawns. Custom Overlap

Notable Line Changes


  • lines 9-10
  • lines 38-65


  • lines 11-12
  • lines 51-72
  • lines 84-85
  • lines 169-240

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Helpful Signatures

OnComponentBeginOverlap /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Components/PrimitiveComponent.h Line 165

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_SPARSE_DELEGATE_SixParams( FComponentBeginOverlapSignature, UPrimitiveComponent, OnComponentBeginOverlap, UPrimitiveComponent*, OverlappedComponent, AActor*, OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent*, OtherComp, int32, OtherBodyIndex, bool, bFromSweep, const FHitResult &, SweepResult);

OnComponentEndOverlap /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Components/PrimitiveComponent.h Line 167

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_SPARSE_DELEGATE_FourParams( FComponentEndOverlapSignature, UPrimitiveComponent, OnComponentEndOverlap, UPrimitiveComponent*, OverlappedComponent, AActor*, OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent*, OtherComp, int32, OtherBodyIndex);