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ReferenceFrameRotations.jl Changelog

Version 3.0.2

  • Enhancement Improve some docstrings.

Version 3.0.1

  • Enhancement Documentation update.

Version 3.0.0

  • BREAKING Julia 1.0 is not supported anymore.
  • BREAKING DCM is now a custom type derived from StaticMatrix. Since it was previously a SMatrix{3, 3, T, 9}, then this modification must be considered breaking. However, all the API was implemented so that everything is supposed to continue working besides some initialization functions. (Issue #21).
  • Bugfix The function eltype was not returning the correct value for EulerAngles and EulerAngleAxis.
  • Feature The Julia conversion API convert is now supported to convert between any of the supported representations. (Issue #18) (PR #19)
  • Feature A random rotation can now be sampled using rand. This feature is supported for all representations.
  • Feature The operator can now be used to compose rotations. In this case, if two different representations are used, the one in the right is converted to the same type to the one in the left.
  • Feature A new constant called ReferenceFrameRotation is now exported as a union of all the supported rotations. Enhancement The test coverage was improved, reaching almost 100% of coverage.

Version 2.0.0

  • BREAKING Previously, Quaternion was <:AbstractVector. However, this choice was leading to many problems when interfacing with other packages. For example, it was very difficult to make it works together with Zygote.jl because of the multiplication. In the previous version, Quaternion was an array in which the multiplication q1 * q2 (both 4x1 arrays) leads to another 4x1 arrays, breaking a lot of assumptions about arrays. Many functions were defined to reduce the number of breakage. Quaternion supports iterations and broadcast. Hence, I do not expect many problems.
  • Deprecation The function zeros for Quaternion is now deprecated. Use zero instead.
  • Deprecation The function create_rotation_matrix is now deprecated. Use angle_to_dcm instead.
  • Feature The function angle_to_dcm can now create a DCM from a single rotation.
  • Feature The function angle_to_quat can now create a quaternion from a single rotation.
  • Feature The function angle_to_rot can now create a rotation from a single rotation.
  • Feature The functions zero and one are now defined for Quaternion.
  • Enhancement Many improvements related to the type promotion in the functions.

Version 1.0.1

  • Bugfix The display function of quaternions was showing q2 instead of q3.

Version 1.0.0

The following rotation representations and the conversion between them are now considered stable:

  • Direction cosine matrix (DCM);
  • Euler angle and axis;
  • Euler angles; and
  • Quaternion.
  • Enhancement The printing of Euler angle and axis, Euler angles, and quaternion were improved. Everything is now printed with context :compact => true, and can be changed using IOContext.
  • Enhancement The tests were entirely redesigned, leading to 100% of coverage.
  • Enhancement The code now follows the BlueStyle.
  • Deprecation All deprecated functions in v0.4 were removed.

Version 0.5.7

  • Enhancement The compat bounds were updated.

Version 0.5.6

  • Bugfix The operation -(::Quaternion) is now defined.
  • Info The package is now tested only against Julia 1.0 and 1.5.

Version 0.5.5

  • Enhancement Quaternion now supports scalar indexing. This forced Quaternion to be a subtype of AbstractVector. Thus, it can now be broadcasted to a vector without any allocations.
  • Info The package is now tested only against Julia 1.0 and 1.4.

Version 0.5.4

  • Enhancement Improvements in the documentation of functions and macros.
  • Info The package is now tested only against Julia 1.0 and 1.3.

Version 0.5.3

  • Enhancement It is not necessary to use sprint to create the color sequences when using Crayons.jl.

Version 0.5.2

Version 0.5.1

  • Bugfix The conversion from DCM to Euler Angle and Axis had a bug when an identity DCM was being used. In this case, the returned axis was [NaN, NaN, NaN], when the correct is [0, 0, 0].
  • Enhancement The test coverage was highly improve, reaching more than 97% of the code.
  • Enhancement All the colors in printing functions are now handled by the package Crayons.jl.

Version 0.5.0

  • BREAKING The function smallangle_to_dcm now returns a orthornormalized DCM by default. This behavior can be modified by the keyword normalize.
  • Deprecation The nomenclature of all conversion functions was changed from <representation 1>2<representation 2> to <representation 1>_to_<representation 2>. Hence, for example, angle2dcm is now called angle_to_dcm. All the older names are now deprecated.
  • Bugfix Many bugs were fixed in the conversion from DCM to Euler angles related to singularities, gimbal-locks, multiple representations, and signed zeros.
  • Bugfix When converting from Euler angle and axis to quaternion, the real part will always be positive now.
  • Feature The operations * and inv with EulerAngles are now defined.
  • Feature The operations * and inv with EulerAngleAxis are now defined.
  • Feature The conversion functions between DCM and Euler angle and axis were added (angleaxis_to_dcm and dcm_to_angleaxis).
  • Feature EulerAngles and EulerAngleAxis structures now have a dedicated printing function.
  • Feature The conversion functions between Euler angle and axis and Euler angles were added (angleaxis_to_angle and angle_to_angleaxis).
  • Feature The function orthonormalize, which orthonormalizes DCMs using the Gram-Schmidt algorithm, was added.
  • Feature The function angle_to_angle was added to modify the rotation sequence of Euler angles.
  • Enhancement Many performance improvements.
  • Enhancement Improvements in the printing function of quaternions.
  • Enhancement The API functions inv_rotation and compose_rotation now support all the representations (DCM, Euler angle and axis, Euler angles, and quaternions).
  • Enhancement A new, more general constructor for EulerAngles was added.

Version 0.4.1

  • Enhancement The operation \ between Quaternions and Vector now supports every AbstractVector.
  • Enhancement The EulerAngleAxis now stores the vector v using SVector instead of Vector. Notice that the constructors were adapted to accept all AbstractVector. Hence, it is not expected any breakage in old code.
  • Bugfix The conversion between Quaternion and EulerAngleAxis now checks if the Euler angle is 0. In this case, the Euler vector [1;0;0] is used. Previously, a vector with NaN was returned.

Version 0.4.0

  • BREAKING The function dcm2quat forced the returned Quaternion to be of the same type of DCM. However, since some floating-point operations are required to convert between these two rotation representation, then it could lead to InexactError exception. Old code that depends on the quaternion type returned from dcm2quat may break.
  • BREAKING DCM{T} was defined as SMatrix{3,3,T}. However, this can lead to type-unstable functions in some cases. Hence, the definition was changed to SMatrix{3,3,T,9}. Code using DCM{T} will continue to work without problems.
  • Deprecation The function eye has been marked as deprecated in favor of the initialization using the UniformScalling (I) object.
  • Bugfix The norm function was not being exported.
  • Feature The left and right division operations between two quaternions was defined. Hence, the operation inv(q)*v*q can be now written in the more compact form q\v*q.
  • Enhancement DCMs and Quaternions now fully support the UniformScalling object for initialization and operations. Hence, an identity DCM can be created using DCM(I) and an identity quaternion can be created using Quaternion(I).
  • Enhancement The structures and operations no longer restrict the type of the rotation representation to be real numbers. Hence, it is now possible to perform, for example, the multiplication between two integer quaternions. The type of the result will be automatically inferred.
  • Info The package is not tested against Julia 0.7 anymore. Although it is still supposed to work with Julia 0.7, it is highly advisable to use Julia 1.0 or higher.
  • Info The documentation of the functions was modified to be less verbose.

Version 0.3.0

  • Full support for Julia 0.7 and Julia 1.0.
    • The support for Julia <= 0.6 is dropped in this version. Hence, ReferenceFrameRotations.jl will not work with those versions anymore. If it is necessary to use Julia <= 0.6, then you should need to stick with ReferenceFrameRotations.jl <= 0.2.1.

Version 0.2.1

  • Performance improvements:

    • eye and zeros functions are @inline now.
  • Tests:

    • Add new tests to increase coverage.
  • Documentation:

    • Initial version of the package documentation.

Version 0.2.0

  • Performance improvements:

    • The Direction Cosine Matrices were converted from Matrix to SMatrix{3,3}. This provided a huge performance boost, but now the DCM is immutable.
    • The Quaternions, Euler Angles, and Euler Angle and Axis representations were also converted to immutable types.
  • New:

    • It is now possible to create Direction Cosine Matrices and Quaternions that represent small rotations using the functions smallangle2dcm and smallangle2quat.
    • The function angle2quat can now be called using EulerAngles as argument.
    • A set of rotations described by Direction Cosine Matrices or Quaternions can now be composed using the function compose_rotation. The input is the rotations in the desired order (from the first to the last).
    • angle2rot and smallangle2rot are two functions that can be used to create rotations descriptions from Euler angles based on the type of the arguments.
    • inv_rotation is a new function that can be used to compute inverse rotations. It can receive as input a Direction Cosine Matrix or a Quaternion.
  • Changes:

    • The rotations sequences are now described by symbols instead of strings. Hence, "ZYX" was replaced by :ZYX, "XYZ" by :XYZ, 'x' or 'X' by :X, and so on.
    • Due to the new type of DCMs, they now must be initialized using the type DCM. Hence, dcm = [1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 -1] must be replaced by dcm = DCM([1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 -1]).
    • The RotationSequenceError exception were removed and replaced by ArgumentError with a useful error message.
    • The function angle2quat was modified so that the real part of the quaternion is always positive.
  • Dropped functions:

    • <Function>!: All functions that modify a parameter (the ones that end with !) were dropped because now all the types are immutables.

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial version.
    • This version was based on the old package Rotations.jl v0.4.0 that was renamed to ReferenceFrameRotations to be submitted to julia METADATA repo.