issues Search Results · repo:NeuroDiffGym/neurodiffeq language:Python
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inNeuroDiffGym/neurodiffeq (press backspace or delete to remove)I was thinking that adding the option to use a PyTorch learning rate scheduler could improve results and wont be hard to
I guess one could do it like that:
parameters = [p for net in nets ...
- Opened on Aug 2, 2024
- #223
Hello everyone, I am curious about how could I access the differential equations inside the system after calling a
function like Solver1D? and how could I know the total of equations that have been implemented ...
- Opened on May 27, 2024
- #220
Hello everyone, I am trying to solve the differential equations by using neurodiffeq. I need to implement a large system
for example a system with 78 equations in total. I think expressing the equations ...
- 3
- Opened on May 23, 2024
- #219
When calling BundleSolution1D.load() the new instance is initialized without an eq_param_index argument. Since the
_diff_eqs_wrapper function uses the local variable eq_param_index there is no way of recovering ...
- 4
- Opened on Dec 30, 2023
- #211
Hello, I was wondering if the code currently supports solving a BVP of the form $L(u) = v,$ where $L$ is some
differential operator, $u(x,y), v(x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2$ and $x$ and $y$ are scalar coordinates. ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 16, 2023
- #208
We should have the legacy examples at last and not in the beginning. Also we can try to have better examples as well
- Opened on Sep 13, 2023
- #207
Currently, there is a bundle solution available for ODEs. Is it possible to make a bundle
solution for PDEs such as ...
- Opened on Jun 10, 2023
- #203
I have a system with one input (t), two outputs (x and y) and two parameters (a and w):
def ode_system(x, y, t):
return [diff(x,t)-(a*x - w*y - x*(x**2 + y**2)), diff(y,t)-(a*y + w*x - y*(x**2 + ...
- 1
- Opened on May 14, 2023
- #201
Thanks for developing this awesome package! Here is the problems occured after i used the package to train the examples
in ...
- 2
- Opened on May 5, 2023
- #200
Thanks for developing this awesome package! I want to solve an inverse problem modelled as a system of ODE evolving
through time. I want to calculate several parameters that also depend on time. My ...
- 4
- Opened on Mar 8, 2023
- #196

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