Spring Boot which project provides a REST API to handle the camera on-boarding process for a surveillance system inside a fridge
Java Dependency: 21 Maven
- Spring Boot
- Maven
- JUnit 5
- Mockito
- Log4j2
- PostgreSQL
- Liquibase
- Azure Blob Storage
clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/SelahattinSert/demo.git
cd demo
build the project with maven:
mvn clean install
run the project with maven:
mvn spring-boot:run
Install PostgreSQL from https://www.postgresql.org/download/
create a new database named CameraDB:
createdb CameraDB
Ensure your 'application.properties' file is configured
Ensure you have the necessary dependencies in 'pom.xml' file
Ensure you have the 'changelog-master.xml' file in the 'src/main/resources/db/changelog/' directory with Liquibase changesets
This project integrates with Azure Blob Storage for handling image uploads related to the camera onboarding process
- You need an Azure account. If you don't have one, create it at Azure
- Set up an Azure Storage Account and create a Blob Container. For more information, Azure Blob Storage documentation
- Create a Storage Account in the Azure Portal or via Azure CLI:
az storage account create --name <your-storage-account-name> --resource-group <your-resource-group> --location <your-location> --sku Standard_LRS
- Create a Blob Container inside the Storage Account:
az storage container create --name <your-container-name> --account-name <your-storage-account-name>
- Configure the following properties in your application.properties file:
azure.storage.account-name=<your-storage-account-name> azure.storage.container-name=<your-container-name> azure.storage.connection-string=<your-storage-connection-string>
Ensure that related dependencies are added to your pom.xml file
The Swagger API documentation for the Camera Onboarding project can be accessed at:
Local Environment: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html