A Library Inspired by SQLModel that merges Msgspec and SQLAlchemy together.
- SQLModel is a little sluggish at times and it's spaghetti-code shows.
- SQLTable retains many API Features from SQLAlchemy and has Mapped Api baked into the project
- Msgspec is easier to work with than Pydantic to some degrees and with it's backend written in
it's got all the speed required. - SQLTable's relationship colums & decoder & encoders work as they are supposed to.
- What SQLTable has over SQLModel is that it's Sessions and Engines can be used directly from SQLAlchemy
Itself rather than needing a third party Session subclass to use which make tools like
desirable again. - SQLTable comes with an
Class that usesAsyncAttrs
- Json enocder is built-in to SQLTable itself for when you need a quick and dirty method for writing an HTTP Server API Response
- Why write a class twice with msgspec.Struct and Sqlalchemy's DeclarativeBase when you only need to do it once with SQLTable?
As a fan of SQLModel I was fond of the way it worked over just sqlalchemy but as I started using it more, but I soon noticed many flaws as well as a large amount of unrequired spaghetti-code. As I started to dig out the problems I was experiencing such as lag in load-times, relationships not loading into the json responses as well as the slow response times to pull requests I finally decided enough was enough and if I would be honest I am kinda glad I found msgspec soon after to satisfy this slowness as well as cut time-consumptions down. Originally I was going to develop my own library called CyClass & HeapStruct due to the difficulty of wrapping msgspec to sqlalchemy but as time rolled on, I began to find/discover many intresting ways to make the libraries work correctly together. I relate a lot to my first experince making a library which was winloop.
There will still be cases where you might need SQLModel still so I will see about thinking of ways you could use both of them at the same time.
I hope SQLTable will be the future of databases and I can't wait to see what you & other people will end up doing with it.
What if we wanted to write a proxy service? SQLTable Adapts many aspects from SQLAlchemy, SQLModel and msgspec and binds them all together
from sqltable import SQLTable
from sqltable.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Integer, String, Enum as EnumType
from python_socks import ProxyType
class ProxyTable(SQLTableDecoderMixin, SQLTable, table=True):
type:Mapped[ProxyType] = mapped_column(EnumType(ProxyType), default=ProxyType.HTTP)
id:Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True, default=None)
The personality of the code from SQLModel Remains relatively the same but Mapped API is used instead as directed by the SQLAlchemy Dev's
recommendations. Json Enocders are built in but you could also add in the SQLTableDecoderMixin
If you plan to webscrape
an ajax api of some sort in your project. However just know that some setups may not work because it requires the json to be directly decoded
because otherwise the _sa_instance_state variable that is made will not load properly when you go to dump items into your database...
from sqltable import SQLTable, SQLTableDecoderMixin
from sqltable.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
from python_socks import ProxyType
class ProxyTable(SQLTableDecoderMixin, SQLTable, table=True):
type:Mapped[ProxyType] = ProxyType.HTTP
id:Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True, default=None)
proxy = ProxyTable("", 9150, ProxyType.SOCKS5)
# Json Response is b'{"host":"","port":9150,"type":2,"id":null}'
- Pypi Release, We're extremely close to
maybe within the next few days. Depends on how fast I can code. - Test Suite
- Splitting out the SQLTableDecoderMixin with more subclasses and special hook for different classes and different decoders to combine that msgspec provides
- Maybe a custom URL Variable using
as an experimental feature? - A Class called
to bind anid
with an Integer or NULL to the final column of every class Variable this may or may not be typehinted on the dataclass transformation - AsyncTable
- SQLTable Base