This is an sbt plugin for use in defining scala modules. It tries to simplify the act of creating a scala module build, ensure their are hooks for breaking cycles when doing a "universal rebuild" of the scala ecosystem, and provide hooks for using the partest testing framework.
You must be using sbt 0.13 for your projects. First create a project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-lang.modules" % "scala-module-plugin" % "0.2")
Then, in your build.sbt
name := "<your module name>"
version := "<your module version>"
// standard stuff follows:
scalaVersion := "2.11.0-M5"
// NOTE: not necessarily equal to scalaVersion
// (e.g., during PR validation, we override scalaVersion to validate,
// but don't rebuild scalacheck, so we don't want to rewire that dependency)
scalaBinaryVersion := "2.11.0-M5"