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Integrate Logger Plugin in your application


Add Gradle Dependencies

Pluto Logger is distributed through mavenCentral. To use it, you need to add the following Gradle dependency to your build.gradle file of you android app module.

Note: add the no-op variant to isolate the plugin from release builds.

dependencies {
  debugImplementation "com.androidpluto.plugins:logger:$plutoVersion"
  releaseImplementation "com.androidpluto.plugins:logger-no-op:$plutoVersion"

Install plugin to Pluto

Now to start using the plugin, add it to Pluto


Add Pluto Logs

Pluto allows you to log and persist the user journey through the app, and help debug them without any need to connect to Logcat.

  • with PlutoLog
PlutoLog.event("analytics", eventName, HashMap(attributes))
PlutoLog.d("debug_log", "button clicked")
PlutoLog.e("error_log", "api call failed with http_status 400")
PlutoLog.w("warning_log", "warning log")
PlutoLog.i("info_log", "api call completed")
  • with Timber
Timber.tag("analytics").event(eventName, HashMap(attributes))
Timber.tag("debug_log").d("button clicked")
Timber.tag("error_log").e(NullPointerException("demo"), "api call failed with http_status 400")
Timber.tag("warning_log").w(NullPointerException("demo"), "warning log")
Timber.i("api call completed")

Install Pluto as a Tree for Timber:


But if you are connected to Logcat, PlutoLogs behave similar to Log class, with an improvement to tag the method and file name also. In Logcat, PlutoLogs will look like the following.

D/onClick(MainActivity.kt:40) | debug_log: button clicked
E/onFailure(NetworkManager.kt:17) | error_log: api call falied with http_status 400

🎉  You are all done!

Now re-build and run your app and open Pluto, you will see the Logger plugin installed.

Open Plugin view programmatically

To open Logger plugin screen via code, use this