issues Search Results · repo:apache/incubator-annotator language:TypeScript
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inapache/incubator-annotator (press backspace or delete to remove)Describe the refactoring action
Pull request #157 closed issue #154 to simplify the build process by using npm instead of yarn for fetching
The current state of the project is described ...
- 8
- Opened on Dec 11, 2023
- #161
Describe the refactoring action Drop yarn (and possibly lerna) in favor of just using npm.
Expected benefit Simplify the build and maintenance. One tool less that a developer needs to install before they ...
⚙️ Refactoring
- Opened on Oct 3, 2023
- #154
Provide template files for GitHub issues and PRs to improve documentation and communication.
⭐️ Enhancement
- Opened on Oct 3, 2023
- #152
As a potential contributor, I have no idea what I can do with the repo after checking it out. It would be helpful if the
README had a few pointers for getting me started, e.g. what development requirements ...
⭐️ Enhancement
- Opened on Oct 3, 2023
- #150
Set up automated build using GitHub actions since it appears that the Travis build is defunct.
⚙️ Refactoring
- Opened on Oct 1, 2023
- #149
The current version of @apache-annotator/dom v0.2.0 still uses optimal-select which was fixed in PR #117 Is this project
still active or one using it should seek forking it or alternatives?
Support request
- 3
- Opened on Dec 16, 2022
- #142
Currently yarn validate --url url can be used to validate JSON documents against the Web Annotation Data Model schema.
This is achieved through executing test/data-model.test.ts. I m wondering if this ...
⭐️ Enhancement
- 1
- Opened on Nov 16, 2022
- #133
Highlighting (using mark elements, as we do) text inside a textarea will make that text disappear. The higlighter should
either fail or modify the given range if parts of it are within a textarea.
This ...
🦟 Bug
- 2
- Opened on Sep 15, 2022
- #131

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