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Flask Sample project that provides an integration of SQLAlchemy ORM on top of a simple Flask Codebase. Flask Database project might help beginners to code a real project on top of Flask. For newcomers, Flask is a lightweight web application framework written in Python. By using a database in our project, we can have a persistent data layer that can be reused and updated according to application requirements.


  • Simple Flask codebase built with simplicity in mind
  • DBMS: SQLite Storage
  • DB Tools: SQLAlchemy ORM, Flask-Migrate (schema migrations)
  • Permissive MIT License - allows unlimited copies for hobby and commercial products
  • Support via Github (issues tracker) and Discord.


  • Add SQLAlchemy ORM to the requirements.txt
  • Update codebase to use SQLAlchemy
  • Define a new model
  • Populate the new table with new data
  • Visualize the information using SQLiteBrowser tool
  • Use a migration to update the model (add new field)
  • Visualize the information using SQLiteBrowser tool


Flask Database Sample - App main screen.

Build from sources

$ # Clone the sources
$ git clone
$ cd flask-database-sample
$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Unix based systems)
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Windows based systems)
$ # virtualenv env
$ # .\env\Scripts\activate
$ # Install requirements
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ # Set the FLASK_APP environment variable
$ (Unix/Mac) export
$ (Windows) set
$ (Powershell) $env:FLASK_APP = ".\"
$ # Set up the DEBUG environment
$ # (Unix/Mac) export FLASK_ENV=development
$ # (Windows) set FLASK_ENV=development
$ # (Powershell) $env:FLASK_ENV = "development"
$ # Run the Jinja Template
$ # --host= - expose the app on all network interfaces (default
$ # --port=5000    - specify the app port (default 5000)  
$ flask run --host= --port=5000
$ # Access the UI in browser:

Codebase structure

The project has a simple structure, represented as bellow:

   |-- app/
   |-- app/
   |    |-- static/
   |    |    |-- <css, JS, images>         # CSS files, Javascripts files
   |    |
   |    |-- templates/
   |    |    |
   |    |    |-- includes/                 # Page chunks, components
   |    |    |    |
   |    |    |    |-- navigation.html      # Top bar
   |    |    |    |-- sidebar.html         # Left sidebar
   |    |    |    |-- scripts.html         # JS scripts common to all pages
   |    |    |    |-- footer.html          # The common footer
   |    |    |
   |    |    |-- layouts/                  # App Layouts (the master pages)
   |    |    |    |
   |    |    |    |-- base.html            # Used by the common pages like index, UI
   |    |    |    |-- base-fullscreen.html # Used by auth pages (login, register)
   |    |    |
   |    |  index.html                      # The default page
   |    |  login.html                      # Auth Login Page
   |    |  register.html                   # Auth Registration Page
   |    |  page-404.html                   # Error 404 page (page not found)
   |    |  page-500.html                   # Error 500 page (server error)
   |    |    *.html                        # All other pages provided by the UI Kit
   |-- requirements.txt
   |-- ************************************************************************

Phase#1 - Initial Codebase

The project is forked from a simple Flask template, without database or other hard dependencies. The design was translated to Jinja template and ... that's all.

Phase#2 - Update requirements

Added libraries required by the project:

  • sqlalchemy, version 1.4.5
  • flask_sqlalchemy, version 2.5.1
  • flask_migrate, version 2.7.0

Phase#3 - Integrate SqlAlchemy

The changes required by this phase:

  • Update requirements.txt: added sqlalchemy and flask_sqlalchemy
  • Update app/ to use SqlAlchemy
    • import SQLAlchemy library
    • Bind SqlAlchemy to app object
    • SqlAlchemy interface is exposed via db object

Note: we don't have any tables yet

Test the set up via Flask CLI

$ flask shell
Python 3.8.4 ...
App: app [development]
>>> from app import db
>>> db.create_all()   

The above code will invoke SQLAlchemy db object and create all defined tables. At this moment we don't have any tables but the db.sqlite3 (SQLite) file is created inside the app folder. The Location of the file is determined by this code snippet used in app/

# Grabs the folder where the script runs.
basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI']        = 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(basedir, 'db.sqlite3')

Phase#4 - Configuration Update

Optional phase - Configuration variables defined in app/ file will be moved to a separate file for a cleaner design.

The changes required by this phase:

  • Create file in app folder
  • Move all configuration variables used in app/ to app/
    • SECRET_KEY - used by Flask for security purposes
    • SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI - defines SQLite database path
    • SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS - used by SqlAlchemy core
  • Remove variable basedir from (no longer needed)
  • Update to load the configuration from

Test the set up via Flask CLI

$ flask shell
Python 3.8.4 ...
App: app [development]
>>> app.config['SECRET_KEY'] # access a configiguration variable

Using Flask CLI to print the variables defined in app/ we should see the values used in the file.

Phase#5 - New Table

In this phase we will define and integrate a simple table called Stats with three columns: Id, Month (unique string), Sold_units (Integer)

The changes required by this phase:

  • Define the new table in app/
  • Update to use it
  • Delete app/db.sqlite3 to recreate the database with the new table

Test the set up via Flask CLI

$ flask shell
Python 3.8.4 ...
App: app [development]
>>> from app import db
>>> db.create_all()   
>>> from app.models import Stats
>>> Stats.query.all()

Above code snippet does the following:

  • Invoke db object (SqlAlchemy interface)
  • Call create_all() SqlAlchemy helper to create all tables
  • Import into the CLI context Stats ORM object
  • List all rows via helper query.all()

Obviously, we have an empty list - no rows defined so far. Let's create new records using the CLI:

>>> from app.models import Stats
>>> Stats.query.all()
[] # No rows yet
>>> # Define a new object
>>> ian = Stats(id=1, month='Jan', sold_units=540) 
>>> db.session.add(ian) # Add the new object to the DB Session
>>> db.session.commit() # Save changes in the database
>>> Stats.query.all()
[Jan - 540] # we have an object now

Code a DB helper for lazy devs

Add the following snippet to Stats model to speed up the saving.

# Contents of `app/`
class Stats(db.Model):
    def save(self):
        # inject self into db session    
        db.session.add ( self )
        # commit change and save the object
        db.session.commit( )

        return self 

Now we can save the new objects by calling the save() helper:

>>> from app.models import Stats
>>> # Define a new objects
>>> febr = Stats(id=2, month='Feb', sold_units=480) 
>>> Stats.query.all()
[Jan - 540, Feb - 480]

In the same way we can save the information for all months:

>>> feb = Stats(id=2,  month='Feb', sold_units=480)
>>> mar = Stats(id=3,  month='Mar', sold_units=430)
>>> apr = Stats(id=4,  month='Apr', sold_units=550)
>>> may = Stats(id=5,  month='May', sold_units=530)
>>> jun = Stats(id=6,  month='Jun', sold_units=453)
>>> jul = Stats(id=7,  month='Jul', sold_units=380)
>>> aug = Stats(id=8,  month='Aug', sold_units=434)
>>> sep = Stats(id=9,  month='Sep', sold_units=568)
>>> oct = Stats(id=10, month='Oct', sold_units=610)
>>> nov = Stats(id=11, month='Nov', sold_units=700)
>>> dec = Stats(id=12, month='Dec', sold_units=900)
>>> Stats.query.all() 
[Jan - 540, Feb - 480, Mar - 430, Apr - 550, May - 530, Jun - 453, Jul - 380, Aug - 434, Sep - 568, Oct - 610, Nov - 700, Dec - 900]

Hint: to visualize the information we can use SQLiteBrowser an open-source and free editor for SQLite. If we download the tool and open app/db.sqlite3 we should see something like this:

Flask Database Sample - SQL view of decalred information.

Phase#6 - Migrations

In this phase, we will update the Stats with a new column: total sales (Integer)

The changes required by this phase:

  • Add flask_migrate to the requirements.txt file
  • Update app/ to integrate the migrations
    • Import flask_migrate
    • Inject Migrate constructor in our app

How it works

After Flask-Migrate is properly integrated we should run db init and db migrate to generate the initial state for our database.

$ # This command will create a migrations folder
$ flask db init
$ flask db migrate -m "Initial migration."

After this step is complete, we will add the new field (total_sales) to the Stats table and apply the new changes on the database.

$ flask db migrate -m "Stats - Added Total_Sales Column"
Generating ... migrations\versions\ ...  done
$ flask db upgrade
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade  -> d26f9f5f6e4f, Stats - Added Total_Sales Column

At this point, we can use the new structure. Let's update an object via Flask CLI:

>>> from app.models import Stats
>>> ian = Stats.query.all()[0]
>>> ian.total_sales = 1000

By inspecting the app/db.sqlite3 (SQLite database) we should see the new changes:

Flask Database Sample - SQL view of declared information.

Bonus: Deployment

The project comes with a basic configuration for Docker, Gunicorn, and Waitress.

Docker execution

The steps to start the template using Docker:

Get the code

$ git clone
$ cd flask-database-sample

Start the app in Docker

$ sudo docker-compose pull && sudo docker-compose build && sudo docker-compose up -d

Visit http://localhost:5005 in your browser. The app should be up & running.

Credits & Links

Flask Database Sample - Open-source sample provided by AppSeed App Generator.