Fast Binary Encoding (FBE) format describes domain model with as a set of enums, flags and structs. Structs fields are described with base or complex types, optional fields and collections.
Example of the domain model:
// Package declaration
package proto
// Order side declaration
enum OrderSide
// Order type declaration
enum OrderType
// Order declaration
struct Order
[key] int32 uid;
string symbol;
OrderSide side;
OrderType type;
double price = 0.0;
double volume = 0.0;
// Account balance declaration
struct Balance
[key] string currency;
double amount = 0.0;
// Account state declaration
flags State
unknown = 0x00;
invalid = 0x01;
initialized = 0x02;
calculated = 0x04;
broken = 0x08;
good = initialized | calculated;
bad = unknown | invalid | broken;
// Account declaration
struct Account
[key] int32 uid;
string name;
State state = State.initialized | State.bad;
Balance wallet;
Balance? asset;
Order[] orders;
- Size = 1 byte
- Default value = 0
- Min value = 0
- Max value = 1
- Constants:
- false = 0
- true = 1
bool field1;
bool field2 = false;
bool field3 = true;
- Size = 1 byte
- Default value = 0
- Min value = 0
- Max value = 255
- Unsigned
byte field1;
byte field2 = 0;
byte field3 = 128;
byte field4 = 0xFF;
- Size = 1 byte
- Default value = 0
- Min value = 0
- Max value = 255
- Unsigned
char field1;
char field2 = 48;
char field3 = 0x41;
char field4 = '!';
- Size = 4 bytes
- Default value = 0
- Min value = 0
- Max value = 0xFFFFFFFF
- Little-endian
- Unsigned
wchar field1;
wchar field2 = 1025;
wchar field3 = 0x0410;
wchar field4 = '!';
int8 properties:
- Size = 1 byte
- Default value = 0
- Min value = -128
- Max value = 127
- Signed
int8 field1;
int8 field2 = 0;
int8 field3 = -128;
int8 field4 = 127;
uint8 properties:
- Size = 1 byte
- Default value = 0
- Min value = 0
- Max value = 255
- Unsigned
uint8 field1;
uint8 field2 = 0;
uint8 field3 = 128;
uint8 field4 = 0xFF;
int16 properties:
- Size = 2 bytes
- Default value = 0
- Min value = -32768
- Max value = 32767
- Little-endian
- Signed
int16 field1;
int16 field2 = 0;
int16 field3 = -32768;
int16 field4 = 32767;
uint16 properties:
- Size = 2 bytes
- Default value = 0
- Min value = 0
- Max value = 65535
- Little-endian
- Unsigned
uint16 field1;
uint16 field2 = 0;
uint16 field3 = 32768;
uint16 field4 = 0xFFFF;
int32 properties:
- Size = 4 bytes
- Default value = 0
- Min value = -2147483648
- Max value = 2147483647
- Little-endian
- Signed
int32 field1;
int32 field2 = 0;
int32 field3 = -2147483648;
int32 field4 = 2147483647;
uint32 properties:
- Size = 4 bytes
- Default value = 0
- Min value = 0
- Max value = 4294967295
- Little-endian
- Unsigned
uint32 field1;
uint32 field2 = 0;
uint32 field3 = 2147483648;
uint32 field4 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
int64 properties:
- Size = 8 bytes
- Default value = 0
- Min value = -9223372036854775808
- Max value = 9223372036854775807
- Little-endian
- Signed
int64 field1;
int64 field2 = 0;
int64 field3 = -9223372036854775808;
int64 field4 = 9223372036854775807;
uint64 properties:
- Size = 8 bytes
- Default value = 0
- Min value = 0
- Max value = 18446744073709551615
- Little-endian
- Unsigned
uint64 field1;
uint64 field2 = 0;
uint64 field3 = 9223372036854775808;
uint64 field4 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
float properties:
- Size = 4 bytes
- Default value = 0.0
- Min value = 1.175494351e-38
- Max value = 3.402823466e+38
- Little-endian
- Signed
float field1;
float field2 = 0.0;
float field3 = -123.456;
float field4 = 123.456e+12;
double properties:
- Size = 8 bytes
- Default value = 0.0
- Min value = 2.2250738585072014e-308
- Max value = 1.7976931348623158e+308
- Little-endian
- Signed
double field1;
double field2 = 0.0;
double field3 = -123.456;
double field4 = 123.456e+123;
Represents a byte array that can be changed in user code. Works like a BLOB that can be changed in random index.
Implementation of the bytes type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. std::vector<uint8_t> in C++, byte[] in C# and Java).
bytes properties:
- Size = 8 + N bytes
bytes field1;
Final model is more compact:
Final model bytes properties:
- Size = 4 + N bytes
A decimal number is a floating-point value that consists of a sign, a numeric value where each digit in the value ranges from 0 to 9, and a scaling factor that indicates the position of a floating decimal point that separates the integral and fractional parts of the numeric value.
The binary representation of a Decimal value consists of a 1-bit sign, a 96-bit integer number, and a scaling factor used to divide the 96-bit integer and specify what portion of it is a decimal fraction.
The scaling factor is implicitly the number 10, raised to an exponent ranging from 0 to 28. Therefore, the binary representation of a decimal value the form, ((-29^6 to 29^6) / 10^(0 to 28)), where -(2^96-1) is equal to min value, and 2^96-1 is equal to max value.
decimal properties:
- Equivalent of the .NET Decimal type
- Size = 16 bytes
- Default value = 0
- Min value = -79228162514264337593543950335
- Max value = 79228162514264337593543950335
- Little-endian
- Signed
decimal field1;
decimal field2 = 0.0;
decimal field3 = 123456.123456;
Represents a string as an array of bytes in UTF8 encoding.
Implementation of the string type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. std::string in C++, String class in C# and Java).
string properties:
- Encoding = UTF8
- Size = 8 + N bytes
string field1;
string field2 = "";
string field3 = "Initial string";
Final model is more compact:
Final model string properties:
- Size = 4 + N bytes
Represents a timestamp as 64-bit count of nanoseconds from the Unix epoch. Timestamp range is enough to store any timestamp value from 1970 to 2554 year in nanoseconds (2^64 nanoseconds is ~584.554531 years).
Implementation of the timestamp type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. uint64_t in C++, DateTime struct in C#, Instant class in Java).
timestamp properties:
- Resolution: nanoseconds
- Size = 8 bytes
- Default value = 0
- Min value = 0 (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)
- Max value = 18446744073709551615 (2554-07-21T23:34:33Z and 709551615ns)
- Constants:
- epoch = Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)
- utc = Current timestamp in UTC
- Little-endian
- Unsigned
timestamp field1;
timestamp field2 = epoch;
timestamp field3 = now;
A universally unique identifier (uuid) is a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems.
Supported uuid types:
- Nil UUID0 (all bits set to zero)
- Sequential UUID1 (time based version)
- Random UUID4 (randomly or pseudo-randomly generated version)
Implementation of the uuid type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. custom uuid_t in C++, Guid in C#, UUID in Java).
In its canonical textual representation, the sixteen octets of a uuid are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base 16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 alphanumeric characters and four hyphens). For example:
The four bits of digit M indicate the uuid version, and the one to three most significant bits of digit N indicate the uuid variant. In the example, M is 1 and N is a (10xx), meaning that the uuid is a variant 1, version 1 uuid; that is, a time-based DCE/RFC 4122 uuid.
The canonical 8-4-4-4-12 format string is based on the "record layout" for the 16 bytes of the uuid:
Field | Size | Comments |
Time low | 4 bytes | Integer giving the low 32 bits of the time |
Time mid | 2 bytes | Integer giving the middle 16 bits of the time |
Time hi and version | 2 bytes | 4-bit "version" in the most significant bits, followed by the high 12 bits of the time |
Clock sequence | 2 bytes | 1-3 bit "variant" in the most significant bits, followed by the 13-15 bit clock sequence |
Node | 6 bytes | 48-bit Node Id |
All fields are stored in big-endian format!
uuid properties:
- Size = 16 bytes
- Default value = UUID0 (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
- Constants:
- uuid0 = Nil UUID0
- uuid1 = Sequential UUID1
- uuid4 = Random UUID4
uuid field1;
uuid field2 = uuid0;
uuid field3 = uuid1;
uuid field4 = uuid4;
uuid field5 = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000";
Represents a fixed size array of the given type.
Implementation of the array type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. std::array<T, N> in C++, T[] in C# and Java).
array properties:
- Size = N * sizeof(T)
byte[2] field1;
string?[4] field2;
MyEnum[8] field3;
MyStruct?[16] field4;
Represents a dynamic size vector of the given type.
Implementation of the vector type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. std::vector in C++, List in C#, ArrayList in Java).
vector properties:
- Size = 8 + N * sizeof(T)
byte[] field1;
string?[] field2;
MyEnum[] field3;
MyStruct?[] field4;
Final model is more compact:
Final model vector properties:
- Size = 4 + N * sizeof(T)
Represents a linked list of the given type.
Implementation of the list type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. std::list in C++, LinkedList in C# and Java).
list properties:
- Size = 8 + N * sizeof(T)
byte() field1;
string?() field2;
MyEnum() field3;
MyStruct?() field4;
Final model is more compact:
Final model list properties:
- Size = 4 + N * sizeof(T)
Represents an associative map of the given type.
Implementation of the map type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. std::map<K, V> in C++, SortedDictionary<K, V> in C#, TreeMap<K, V> in Java).
map properties:
- Size = 8 + N * (sizeof(K) + sizeof(V))
byte<int32> field1;
string?<string> field2;
MyEnum<uuid> field3;
MyStruct?<MyKey> field4;
Final model is more compact:
Final model map properties:
- Size = 4 + N * sizeof(T)
Represents an associative hash table of the given type.
Implementation of the hash type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. std::unordered_map<K, V> in C++, Dictionary<K, V> in C#, HashMap<K, V> in Java).
hash properties:
- Size = 8 + N * (sizeof(K) + sizeof(V))
byte{int32} field1;
string?{string} field2;
MyEnum{uuid} field3;
MyStruct?{MyKey} field4;
Final model is more compact:
Final model hash properties:
- Size = 4 + N * sizeof(T)
Represents an optional wrapper of the given type.
Implementation of the optional type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. std::optional in C++, Nullable struct or any reference type in C#, reference type in Java).
optional properties:
- Size = 5 | 5 + sizeof(T)
byte? field1;
int32? field2 = 0;
string? field3 = "Initial string";
uuid? field4 = null;
MyEnum? field5 = null;
MyStruct? field6 = null;
Final model is more compact:
Final model optional properties:
- Size = 1 | 1 + sizeof(T)
Represents an enumerable data type. It contains several identificators with incremental values or given integer constants.
By default the enum identificator starts from 0 and increments by 1. It is possible to provide a custom valid enum value for any identificator or even some existing enum identificator.
// Default enum declaration (enum type is int32)
enum MyEnum
value0; // value0 == 0
value1; // value1 == 1
value2; // value2 == 2
value3 = -2; // value3 == -2
value4; // value4 == -1
value5; // value5 == 0
value6 = 10; // value6 == 10
value7; // value7 == 11
value8; // value8 == 12
value9 = value1; // value9 == 1
value10; // value10 == 2
value11; // value11 == 3
// byte enum declaration
enum MyByteEnum : byte
value0; // value0 == 0
value1 = 0; // value1 == 0
value2; // value2 == 1
value3 = 254; // value3 == 254
value4; // value4 == 255
value5 = value3; // value5 == 254
// char enum declaration
enum MyCharEnum : char
value0; // value0 == 0
value1 = '1'; // value1 == '1'
value2; // value2 == '2'
value3 = '3'; // value3 == '3'
value4; // value4 == '4'
value5 = value3; // value5 == '3'
Represents a bit flags data type. It contains several identificators with their bits values.
All flags identificators must have values!
// Default flags declaration (flags type is int32)
enum MyFlags
flag0 = 0x00; // flag0 == 0x00
flag1 = 0x01; // flag1 == 0x01
flag2 = 0x02; // flag2 == 0x02
flag4 = 0x04; // flag4 == 0x04
flagc = flag2; // flagc == 0x02
flags = flag1 | flag4; // flags == 0x05
// uint64 flags declaration
enum MyUInt64Flags : uint64
flag0 = 0x00; // flag0 == 0x00
flag1 = 0x01; // flag1 == 0x01
flag2 = 0x02; // flag2 == 0x02
flag4 = 0x04; // flag4 == 0x04
flag8 = 0x08; // flag8 == 0x08
flag16 = 0x10; // flag16 == 0x10
flag32 = 0x20; // flag32 == 0x20
flag64 = 0x40; // flag64 == 0x40
flagc = flag4; // flagc == 0x04
flags = flag2 | flag8 | flag32; // flags == 0x2A
Represents a struct data type. It aggregates several fields of different types into one logic structure. Moreover structs can be extended using inheritance.
Struct keys
Struct numeration
Struct inheritance
Implementation of the struct type depends on equivalent type in each programming language (e.g. struct in C++ and C#, class in Java).
Schema legend:
- Root struct is a top level struct serialized in buffer;
- Inner struct is a struct serialized as a field value. FBE supports any depth of struct nesting;
struct properties:
- Root struct size = 16 + sizeof(fileds)
- Inner struct size = 12 + sizeof(fileds)
// Order declaration
struct Order
[key] int32 uid;
string symbol;
OrderSide side;
OrderType type;
double price = 0.0;
double volume = 0.0;
// Account balance declaration
struct Balance
[key] string currency;
double amount = 0.0;
// Account declaration
struct Account
[key] int32 uid;
string name;
State state = State.initialized | State.bad;
Balance wallet;
Balance? asset;
Order[] orders;
Final model is more compact, but you will loose versioning and the possibility to extend the struct with new fields:
Final model struct properties:
- Root struct size = 8 + sizeof(fileds)
- Inner struct size = sizeof(fileds)
- More compact and fast