{%- if cookiecutter.modern_header == 'y' -%} {%- if cookiecutter.include_logo == 'y' -%}
{% endif %}{%- if cookiecutter.include_screenshots == 'y' -%} Explore the screenshots » {%- else -%} Explore the docs » {%- endif -%}
Report a Bug · Request a Feature . {%- if cookiecutter.use_github_discussions == 'y' -%} Ask a Question {%- elif cookiecutter.use_github_discussions != 'y' %} Ask a Question {%- endif %}
[?] Provide short description for your project here.
{%- endif %} {% if cookiecutter.include_badges == 'y' -%} {%- if cookiecutter.modern_header == 'y' %}
{%- endif %} {% endif %} {% if cookiecutter.include_toc == 'y' -%}Table of Contents
- About
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Roadmap
- Support {%- if cookiecutter.include_project_assistance == 'y' %}
- Project assistance {%- endif %}
- Contributing {%- if cookiecutter.include_authors == 'y' %}
- Authors & contributors {%- endif %} {%- if cookiecutter.include_security == 'y' %}
- Security {%- endif %} {%- if cookiecutter.open_source_license != 'Not open source' %}
- License {%- endif %} {%- if cookiecutter.include_acknowledgements == 'y' %}
- Acknowledgements {%- endif %}
{% if cookiecutter.table_in_about == 'y' %}
{% endif %}
> **[?]**
> Provide general information about your project here.
> What problem does it (intend to) solve?
> What is the purpose of your project?
> Why did you undertake it?
> You don't have to answer all the questions -- just the ones relevant to your project.
{% if cookiecutter.include_screenshots == 'y' -%} {%- endif %} {% if cookiecutter.table_in_about == 'y' %} |
[?] Please provide the technologies that are used in the project.
[?] What are the project requirements/dependencies?
[?] Describe how to install and get started with the project.
[?] How does one go about using it? Provide various use cases and code examples here.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
- Top Feature Requests (Add your votes using the 👍 reaction)
- Top Bugs (Add your votes using the 👍 reaction)
- Newest Bugs
[?] Provide additional ways to contact the project maintainer/maintainers.
Reach out to the maintainer at one of the following places:
{% if cookiecutter.use_github_discussions == 'y' -%}
- GitHub Discussions {%- elif cookiecutter.use_github_discussions != 'y' -%}
- GitHub issues {%- endif %}
- Contact options listed on this GitHub profile
{% if cookiecutter.include_project_assistance == 'y' -%}
If you want to say thank you or/and support active development of {{cookiecutter.project_name}}:
- Add a GitHub Star to the project.
- Tweet about the {{cookiecutter.project_name}}.
- Write interesting articles about the project on Dev.to, Medium or your personal blog.
Together, we can make {{cookiecutter.project_name}} better! {% endif %}
{% if cookiecutter.open_source_license != 'Not open source' -%} First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are greatly appreciated. {% endif %}
Please read our contribution guidelines, and thank you for being involved!
{% if cookiecutter.include_authors == 'y' -%}
The original setup of this repository is by {{cookiecutter.full_name}}.
For a full list of all authors and contributors, see the contributors page. {% endif %} {% if cookiecutter.include_security == 'y' -%}
{{cookiecutter.project_name}} follows good practices of security, but 100% security cannot be assured. {{cookiecutter.project_name}} is provided "as is" without any warranty. Use at your own risk.
For more information and to report security issues, please refer to our security documentation. {% endif %} {% if cookiecutter.open_source_license != 'Not open source' -%}
This project is licensed under the {{cookiecutter.open_source_license}}.
See LICENSE for more information. {% endif %} {% if cookiecutter.include_acknowledgements == 'y' -%}
[?] If your work was funded by any organization or institution, acknowledge their support here. In addition, if your work relies on other software libraries, or was inspired by looking at other work, it is appropriate to acknowledge this intellectual debt too. {% endif %}