Backup tool base on notion-export-kernel. It use official API and integration token.
pip isntall notion-dump-kernel
# NOT notion-export-kernel
- convert notion page or database to markdown file(you also can choose CSV type for database)
- relocate link(sub-pages, image, files) in markdown file (relocate to local url)
**You should know the backup file cant restore to notion. Its completely local. **
You should update notion-dump-kernel to the latest version and check for updates regularly
Before you launch the app, you should know the meaning of the config.
Fill the config:config file name is config.json
, which content such as:
"backup_type": "multi",
"auto_close": true,
"single" : {
"backup_token": "secret_DVp3bq1mDGUOF75mAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"page_id" : "3b82xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"page_type" : "page",
"export_child_page": true,
"dump_path": "./dumped_pages",
"page_parser_type": "md",
"db_parser_type": "md",
"db_insert_type": "content"
"multi": {
"backup_token": "secret_WRLJ9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"backup_info_token" : "secret_WRLJ9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"backup_list_id" : "3b82xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"backup_log_id" : "26edxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"backup_list_map": {
"page_id": "页面ID",
"page_type": "页面类型",
"dump_path": "备份位置",
"export_child_page": "递归备份",
"page_parser_type": "页面备份类型",
"db_parser_type": "数据库备份类型",
"db_insert_type": "数据库嵌入类型",
"dump_status": "备份"
"backup_log_map": {
"title": "时间戳",
"date": "备份时间",
"status": "备份状态",
"log": "备注"
single or multi ? (usually multi is better. if you only have a small page, single is more simple to configure)
1、Official API have a limite on call speed
2、We usually only update a portion of the page
- backup_type:only backup one page(single),or backup many important child pages(multi)
- auto_close: auto close when backup finish
backup_token:the page that you want to backup must invite this token
page_id:the id of the page that you want to backup
page_type:support page/database
export_child_page:backup sub-page or nested page(true/false)
dump_path:the path that you want to backup
page_parser_type:page parser type(md/plain:md is markdown,plain only text without format,default is markdown, it will not warn when you use a wrong value)
db_parser_type:database parser type(md/plain:md is markdown table,plain is csv,default is plain, it will not warn when you use a wrong value)
- dump_token:the page that you want to backup must invite this token
- backup_info_token:the page of configuration and backup-log database (the template page that you duplicated) must invite this token
- backup_list_id:configuration database id
- backup_log_id:backup-log database id
- backup_list_map:the key-value map of configuration database (you needn't edit this if you duplicated template directly and not change database properties)
- backup_log_map:the key-value map of backup-log database(you needn't edit this if you duplicated template directly and not change database properties)
Attention: If you want to change the property name in database, you must change the key-value map of backup_list_map
and backup_log_map
in local config file.
use pyinstaller to pack a exe for window system (or other paltform); use py
run in terminal.
If you find any log in dump.log
start with [ISSUE]
, you can issue in github repo or email the dump.log
to (you should check the log file not contain your token !!!)
the file structure in the path of backup:
- child_pages/ # all child page, include database page
- databases/ # all database file(markdown table or csv file, depend on your configuration), which used to link in page
- files/ # all file (pdf...) and image # the main page to backup
- api/ operate backup list page (the page is the config of backup what and where to backup). It will check backup status and add backup log automately
- api/ relocate link in the page of notion-dump-kernel downloaded, regroup the file downloaded.
- api/ choose single or multi
- a terminal version of backup tool
- a GUI version of backup tool