Rollup plugin for inline scripts into code
This Rollup plugin is like raw-loader plugin for Webpack
- Easy to use (simple configuration)
- Fully customizable: you can adjust it for yourself π¦
- Suitable for inline JavaScript, TypeScript, SVG files (and any assets)
- Typescript code highlighting works π₯
- Tests with Node.js 12, 14, 16 π
npm i rollup-plugin-inline-code
Start by updating your rollup.config.js file
import inlineCode from 'rollup-plugin-inline-code'
export default {
input: ...,
output: ...,
plugins: [inlineCode()],
Then modify the import with the prefix inline!
Any JavaScript or TypeScript file of your project
import html from 'common-tags/lib/html' // Optional template literal tag function to remove spaces inside HTML-like string
import INLINE_SCRIPT from 'inline!./src/assets/inline.js' // Note the extension is important here (not to be missed)
import INLINE_SVG from 'inline!./src/assets/sample.svg'
return html`
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- Inline Script -->
<!-- Inline SVG -->
This rollup-plugin-inline-code replaces INLINE_SCRIPT
with file contents, success π
You can simply fix the code highlighting when importing into Typescript files. To do this, you need to declare a global module
declare module 'inline!*' {
const inlineCode: string
export default inlineCode
Then you need to modify tsconfig.json to set global typings path with the typeRoots
"compilerOptions": {
"typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types", "src/typings/global.d.ts"]
That's it, restart your TypeScript server and see no import errors π
P.S. To restart the TypeScript server in VSCode, you need to open search (Cmd+P
on MacOS) and then type TypeScript: Restart TS server
with any open TypeScript file
Name | Type | Default | Description |
prefix | string | inline! |
Custom prefix to detect inline code |
To use parameters, pass them in rollup.config.js as shown below
plugins: [inlineCode({ prefix: 'myCustomPrefix!' })]
MIT Β© Denis Stasyev