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Rollup plugin for inline scripts into code

πŸš€ Features

This Rollup plugin is like raw-loader plugin for Webpack

  • Easy to use (simple configuration)
  • Fully customizable: you can adjust it for yourself πŸ¦–
  • Suitable for inline JavaScript, TypeScript, SVG files (and any assets)
  • Typescript code highlighting works πŸ”₯
  • Tests with Node.js 12, 14, 16 πŸ‘


npm i rollup-plugin-inline-code


Start by updating your rollup.config.js file


import inlineCode from 'rollup-plugin-inline-code'

export default {
  input: ...,
  output: ...,
  plugins: [inlineCode()],

Then modify the import with the prefix inline!

Any JavaScript or TypeScript file of your project

import html from 'common-tags/lib/html' // Optional template literal tag function to remove spaces inside HTML-like string

import INLINE_SCRIPT from 'inline!./src/assets/inline.js' // Note the extension is important here (not to be missed)
import INLINE_SVG from 'inline!./src/assets/sample.svg'


return html`
  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
      <!-- Inline Script -->

      <!-- Inline SVG -->


This rollup-plugin-inline-code replaces INLINE_SCRIPT and INLINE_SVG with file contents, success 🎊

TypeScript syntax highlighting

You can simply fix the code highlighting when importing into Typescript files. To do this, you need to declare a global module


declare module 'inline!*' {
  const inlineCode: string
  export default inlineCode

Then you need to modify tsconfig.json to set global typings path with the typeRoots option


  "compilerOptions": {
    "typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types", "src/typings/global.d.ts"]

That's it, restart your TypeScript server and see no import errors πŸŽ‰

P.S. To restart the TypeScript server in VSCode, you need to open search (Cmd+P on MacOS) and then type TypeScript: Restart TS server with any open TypeScript file



Name Type Default Description
prefix string inline! Custom prefix to detect inline code

To use parameters, pass them in rollup.config.js as shown below


plugins: [inlineCode({ prefix: 'myCustomPrefix!' })]


MIT Β© Denis Stasyev