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Installation of MySQL Server:

MySQL Community Server

On Mac, download the .dmg file

Starting MySQL Server (on Mac)
- In Spotlight search for MySQL
- MySQL window should open up with “Start MySQL Server” button on it
- MySQL Server Instance should be in “stopped” status
- Hit the “Start MySQL Server” button; you may be prompted for a password
- Enter the password; MySQL server should be up

MySQL Clients
- Command line
  - /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql – if you install the .dmg from above link
- MySQL Workbench
  - SQuirrel SQL

Local MySQL Server
Port number 3306
Usename: root

Setting up database:

1) Run mysql client
   - /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root

2) Create Database
   - create database student_courses;

3) Create User
   - Example: create user 'devdatta'@'localhost’;

4) Grant Privileges
   GRANT ALL ON student_courses.* TO ‘devdatta’@’localhost’;

5) Logout 
   - On mysql prompt: “quit”

Hibernate Example:

The example in this directory model the situation of a course having one or more assignments.

There are two entities corresponding to a course and a assignment.
These are defined in assign.domain package. There is a foreign key relationship
between assignment entity and course entity. This relationship is expressed in
the assignment entity using @ManyToOne and @JoinColumn
annotations, and in the course entity via the @OneToMany annotation.
Both the entities have an autogenerated Id column identified by @Id annotation.

Hibernate configuration is provided in the file: src/main/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml
There is a section in it to specify the database settings. You will need to modify
it based on the DB creds that you created above.

The value of the property is set to "create". This means that
everytime you run the tests, the tables will be created fresh (the data from the previous
run will be removed). You can comment out this property to prevent tables from recreating everytime.

The property show_sql is set to true. This causes the SQL statements generated by
Hibernate to be output. You can use these statements to create the tables and set up foreign key reference.

In assign.service package there is the class which contains methods to interact
with the database.

There is a corresponding TestDBLoader class with test methods which show example of using Hibernate for performing database calls.
You can run these test cases by importing the project in Eclipse.