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Customizable React Native πŸ“… Date Picker component for Android, iOS, and Web. It includes single, range, and multiple modes, supports different locales, including the Jalali (Persian) calendar, handles different timezones, and is fully compatible with NativeWind.


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DateTimePicker component for React Native that allows you to create a customizable datetime picker. The component uses extensive set of props that allows you to customizing the calendar based on your own UI design. Please visit demo.


  • πŸ“… Supports different selection modes: single, range, and multiple days.
  • 🌿 Unstyled by default, every component is minimally styled and fully customizable.
  • πŸ› οΈ Extensive set of props for fine-tuned calendar customization.
  • 🎨 Fully compatible with NativeWind.
  • 🌎 Easily localizable into any language.
  • πŸ•— Handles different time zones seamlessly.
  • βš™οΈ Customizable components allow extending rendered elements.
  • ⚑ Fast & lightweight, only re-renders the elements that actually change.


npm install react-native-ui-datepicker


yarn add react-native-ui-datepicker

Basic Usage

  1. Import the component and default styles or classNames from react-native-ui-datepicker.
  2. Choose a selection mode using the mode prop. The available modes are: single, range, and multiple.
import { useState } from  'react';
import DateTimePicker, { DateType, useDefaultStyles } from 'react-native-ui-datepicker';

export function Calendar() {
  const defaultStyles = useDefaultStyles();
  const [selected, setSelected] = useState<DateType>();

  return (
      onChange={({ date }) =>  setSelected(date)}

Calendar Base Props

Name Type Description
mode "single" | "range" | "multiple" Defines the DatePicker mode.
calendar "gregory" | "jalali" Defines the calendar type of DatePicker.
minDate DateType Defines the minimum selectable date in the DatePicker.
maxDate DateType Defines the maximum selectable date in the DatePicker.
enabledDates DateType[] | (date: DateType) => boolean Defines an array of enabled dates or a function that returns true for enabled dates. It takes precedence over disabledDates.
disabledDates DateType[] | (date: DateType) => boolean Defines an array of disabled dates or a function that returns true for disabled dates.
firstDayOfWeek number Defines the first day of the week: 0-6 (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday).
initialView "day" | "month" | "year" | "time" Defines the initial view of the DatePicker
month number Defines the currently selected month.
year number Defines the currently selected year.
onMonthChange (month: number) => void Callback function triggered when the current month changes.
onYearChange (year: number) => void Callback function triggered when the current year changes.


export function Calendar() {
  let today = new Date();
  const [selected, setSelected] = useState<DateType>();

  return (
      onChange={({ date }) =>  setSelected(date)}
      minDate={today} // Set the minimum selectable date to today
      enabledDates={(date) => dayjs(date).day() === 1} // Enable only Mondays (takes precedence over disabledDates)
      disabledDates={(date) => [0, 6].includes(dayjs(date).day())} // Disable weekends

Single Mode props

Name Type Description
date DateType Specifies the currently selected date.
onChange ({date}) => void Callback function triggered when the date change.
timePicker boolean Whether to enable the time picker.
use12Hours boolean Whether to use a 12-hour format (AM/PM) in the time picker.

Range Mode props

Name Type Description
startDate DateType Defines the start date for a range selection.
endDate DateType Defines the end date for a range selection.
onChange ({startDate, endDate}) => void Callback function triggered when the start and end change.
min number Defines the minimum allowed nights.
max number Defines the maximum allowed nights.

Multiple Mode props

Name Type Description
dates DateType[] Defines the selected dates for multiple date selection.
onChange ({dates}) => void Callback function triggered when the dates change.
max number Defines the maximum allowed days to select.
multiRangeMode boolean Whether to display selecting multiple dates in a range row.



Name Type Description
showOutsideDays boolean Whether to show the days of the previous and next months.
navigationPosition "around" | "right" | "left" Defines the position of the navigation.
containerHeight number Defines the height of the calendar days container.
weekdaysHeight number Defines the height of the weekdays row.
weekdaysFormat "short" | "full" | "min" Defines the format for displaying weekdays.
monthsFormat "short" | "full" Defines the format for displaying months.
monthCaptionFormat "short" | "full" Defines the format for displaying the month caption.
hideHeader boolean Whether to hide the calendar header.
hideWeekdays boolean Whether to hide the weekdays row.
disableMonthPicker boolean Whether to disable the month picker.
disableYearPicker boolean Whether to disable the year picker.


DateTimePicker comes with a minimal style, making it easy to extend and customize according to your needs.

Name Type Description
style ViewStyle style for the calendar container.
className string className for the calendar container.
styles Styles Custom styles for specific components inside the calendar.
classNames ClassNames Custom classNames for specific components inside the calendar.

Custom Styles

Use the styles prop to apply custom styles instead of the default ones.

These styles are mapped to the values of the UI Theme enums.

import DateTimePicker, { useDefaultStyles } from 'react-native-ui-datepicker';

export function Calendar() {
  const defaultStyles = useDefaultStyles();

  return (
        today: { borderColor: 'blue', borderWidth: 1 }, // Add a border to today's date
        selected: { backgroundColor: 'blue' }, // Highlight the selected day
        selected_label: { color: 'white' }, // Highlight the selected day label

NativeWind (Tailwind CSS)

If you're using NativeWind in your project, apply Tailwind CSS class names to style the calendar. Use the classNames prop to apply custom class names instead of the default ones.

These class names are mapped to the values of the UI Theme enums.

import DateTimePicker, { useDefaultClassNames } from 'react-native-ui-datepicker';

export function Calendar() {
  const defaultClassNames = useDefaultClassNames();

  return (
        today: 'border-amber-500', // Add a border to today's date
        selected: 'bg-amber-500 border-amber-500', // Highlight the selected day
        selected_label: "text-white", // Highlight the selected day label
        day: `${} hover:bg-amber-100`, // Change background color on hover
        disabled: 'opacity-50', // Make disabled dates appear more faded

Time Zones

Use the timeZone prop to set the time zone for the calendar.

Name Type Description
timeZone string Defines the timezone for the DatePicker.

The time zone can be set using either an IANA time zone identifier or a UTC offset.

<DateTimePicker timeZone="UTC" /> // Use Coordinated Universal Time
<DateTimePicker timeZone="Asia/Tokyo" /> //  Use Japan Standard Time (JST)


DateTimePicker offers multiple options to customize the calendar for different languages.

Name Type Description
locale string Defines the locale of the DateTimePicker. Default is en
numerals Numerals Specifies the numeral system to use (e.g., Arabic, Persian).

Custom Components

Use the components prop to replace the default rendered elements with your own custom components.

Name Type Description
components CalendarComponents Custom components to replace default calendar elements.

Implementing a Custom Component

Pass the custom components to the components prop. Refer to the list below for available custom components.

import DateTimePicker, {
} from 'react-native-ui-datepicker';

const components: CalendarComponents = {
  Day: (day: CalendarDay) => <YourCustomDay day={day} />,
  Month: (month: CalendarMonth) => <YourCustomMonth month={month} />
  // etc

export function Calendar() {
  return (

List of Custom Components

Name Type Description
Day (day: CalendarDay) => ReactNode The component containing the day in the days grid.
Month (month: CalendarMonth) => ReactNode The component containing the month in the months grid.
Year (year: CalendarYear) => ReactNode The component containing the year in the years grid.
Weekday (weekday: CalendarWeek) => ReactNode The component containing the weekday in the header.
IconPrev ReactNode The previous month/year button icon in the header.
IconNext ReactNode The next month button/year icon in the header.

Type Definitions

type DateType = string | number | Dayjs | Date | null | undefined;

type CalendarMode = 'single' | 'range' | 'multiple';

type NavigationPosition = 'around' | 'right' | 'left';

type WeekdayFormat = 'min' | 'short' | 'full';

type MonthFormat = 'short' | 'full';

type CalendarDay = {
  number: number;
  text: string;
  date: string;
  isDisabled: boolean;
  isCurrentMonth: boolean;
  dayOfMonth?: number;
  isToday: boolean;
  isSelected: boolean;
  inRange: boolean;
  leftCrop: boolean;
  rightCrop: boolean;
  isStartOfWeek: boolean;
  isEndOfWeek: boolean;
  isCrop: boolean;
  inMiddle: boolean;
  rangeStart: boolean;
  rangeEnd: boolean;

type CalendarWeek = {
  index: number;
  name: {
    full: string;
    short: string;
    min: string;

type CalendarMonth = {
  index: number;
  name: {
    full: string;
    short: string;
  isSelected: boolean;

type CalendarYear = {
  number: number;
  text: string;
  isSelected: boolean;
  isActivated: boolean;

List of Numeral Systems

Name Description
latn Western Latin.
arab Standard Arabic.
arabext Eastern Arabic-Indic (Persian).
deva Devanagari, used in Indian languages.
beng Bengali, used in Bengali and Assamese.
guru Gurmukhi, used in Punjab, India.
gujr Gujarati, used in Gujarat, India.
orya Odia, used in Odisha, India.
tamldec Tamil, used in Tamil-speaking regions.
telu Telugu, used in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
knda Kannada, used in Karnataka, India.
mlym Malayalam, used in Kerala, India.



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