midimech Public
🎼 Isomorphic musical layout engine for LinnStrument and Launchpad X, with DAW/Synthesia visualizer
textbeat Public
🎹 plaintext music sequencer and midi shell, with vim playback and the powers of music theory 🥁
Butterfly-Destroyers Public
Forked from PythonixCoders/PyWeek29Winning Entry for Python PyWeek29 Game Jam
moonscript Public
Forked from leafo/moonscript🌙 A language that compiles to Lua
linnstrument-firmware Public
Forked from rogerlinndesign/linnstrument-firmwareThe firmware of LinnStrument, an Open Revolutionary Expressive Musical Performance Controller
singlefile Public
build full client-server web apps using a single source file
obsidian-execute-code Public
Forked from twibiral/obsidian-execute-codeObsidian Plugin to execute code in a note.
launchpad.py Public
Forked from FMMT666/launchpad.pyNovation Launchpad (and Midi Fighter) control suite for Python
MidiAnimationTrack Public
Forked from keijiro/MidiAnimationTrackSMF (.mid) file importer for Unity Timeline
thujas.net Public
Web page for my instrumental mathrock/prog duo, thujas.
Boost-for-Android Public
Forked from moritz-wundke/Boost-for-AndroidAndroid port of Boost C++ Libraries
qork Public
[wip] New Zero-Boilerplate OpenGL Framework for Fast Prototyping and Gamejams
universal-theme-changer Public
[old] Theme changer for both GTK and Qt
siege-tools Public
intelligent build automation w/ plug-ins
LuaBridge3 Public
Forked from kunitoki/LuaBridge3A lightweight, dependency-free library for binding Lua to C++
couchmode Public
Modern Homescreen for Raspberry Pi and Linux-based TVs
flask Public
Forked from pallets/flaskThe Python micro framework for building web applications.
UnityEngineMock Public
Forked from melonmouse/UnityEngineMockNeed to build your unity project, but don't want to bundle unity? Use this to mock out/fake/stub unity!
vim-textbeat Public
Write music in Vim: Plaintext music tracker, shell, and shorthand notation [plug-in repo]
spotify-cli Public
Forked from ledesmablt/spotify-cliControl Spotify playback on any device through the command line.
PlantUmlClassDiagramGenerator Public
Forked from pierre3/PlantUmlClassDiagramGeneratorThis is a generator to create a class-diagram of PlantUML from the C# source code.
qor Public
3D OpenGL Game Engine (C++ w/ Python scripting)
DelaunayVoronoi Public
Forked from RafaelKuebler/DelaunayVoronoiC# implementation of the Bowyer–Watson algorithm for Delaunay triangulation
PyGLM Public
Forked from Zuzu-Typ/PyGLMFast OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) for Python
pythonic-reactive Public
reactive variables, signals, and lazy evaluation for python