Once you head down the GraphQL's path forever will it dominate your destiny.
Compatible with GraphQL Editor our CLI works seamlessly with your projects on both the free and paid plans. Its main goal is to enhance your interactive experience and provide tools for working with GraphQL as a service.
- GraphQL Editor
- NodeJS >= 16
Let's go over the installation process step by step.
First to install globally use the following command:
npm i -g graphql-editor-cli
then install it in your repository using this one:
npm i -D graphql-editor-cli
That's it! Now you can use it freely, for example with npx or as a package.json
π€ Artur Czemiel
- Website: https://graphqleditor.com
- Github: @Aexol
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check our issues page.
If you want to know more our docs are available here: GraphQL editor docs
Copyright Β© 2023 GraphQL Editor.
This project is MIT licensed.