issues Search Results · repo:linorobot/linorobot2 language:Python
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inlinorobot/linorobot2 (press backspace or delete to remove)There are lots of hardcoded paths so that I can t just make a complete copy of the linorobot2_description/urdf it in my
own package. So I am forced to modify the originals which makes it more difficult ...
- 2
- Opened 22 days ago
- #148
hi, I m still new on this project so I still have so much to learn. So, may I ask how to solve this problem?
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies: ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 11
- #147
Hi there, I am using the following configuration on my robot: -Raspberry Pi4 (4GB RAM) -Teensy4.1 -Ubuntu 22.04 -ROS2
I am using the humble branch of the linorobot2_repository and linorobot2_hardware ...
- 14
- Opened on Feb 7
- #145
Hi there, love the linorobot2 repository where i used it on a pi4 using ros2 humble. But i face installation issue on
pi5 that is the package isn t supported for Ros2 Jazzy. I prefer Humble but as i have ...
- 3
- Opened on Jan 31
- #142
You have a sophisticated urdf with multiple subfiles and so on.
I want to change many dimensions.
I could use the urdf argument and give it a totally new urdf directory but then I would decouple from ...
- 4
- Opened on Jan 29
- #141
Hello, I am using a RPI 4 / 4GB RAM. I have Ubuntu 20.04 with Ubuntu Mate Desktop, ROS2 Foxy. I implemented all the
steps with using tested components (rplidar a1m8, teensy 4.1, bts7960 motor driver, 9250 ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 26
- #139
I am working to locate where I can flip the IMU TF over so that it aligns with my robot build. I have found (without
modifying anything---I think) that the imu_link tf is a child of odom which is incorrect. ...
- 7
- Opened on Jan 25
- #138
=== ./uros/micro-ROS-Agent (git) === Cloning into . ... === ./uros/micro_ros_msgs (git) === Cloning into . ... #All
required rosdeps installed successfully Building micro-ROS Agent Starting micro_ros_msgs ...
- 9
- Opened on Jan 20
- #137
Ubuntu-22 ros2-Humble I have launched the robot with 4wd ros2 launch linorobot2_gazebo I have opened
rviz2 and selected the LaserScan I am unable to see any laser data and echo of /scan ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 6
- #135
Hi, when I use the command bash install_linorobot2.bash robot_type laser_sensor depth_sensor as bash
install_linorobot2.bash 4wd a1, (I do not have depth_sensor yet so I am not choosing any) the terminal ...
- 3
- Opened on Dec 26, 2024
- #134

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