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Contributing code in LoopBack 4
LoopBack 4.0, LoopBack 4, Node.js, TypeScript, OpenAPI, contributing, community

Developing LoopBack

This document describes how to develop modules living in loopback-next monorepo. See Monorepo overview for a list of all packages.

Setting up development environment

Before you can start developing LoopBack, you need to install and configure few dependencies.

You may want to configure your IDE or editor to get better support for TypeScript too.

  • Visual Studio Code
  • WebStorm
  • Missing your favorite IDE/editor here? We would love to have documentation for more IDEs/editors! Please send a pull request to add recommended setup for your tool.

Before getting started, it is recommended to configure git so that it knows who you are:

git config --global "J. Random User"
git config --global ""

Please make sure this local email is also added to your GitHub email list so that your commits will be properly associated with your account and you will be promoted to Contributor once your first commit is landed.

Building the project

Whenever you pull updates from GitHub or switch between feature branches, make sure to update installed dependencies in all monorepo packages. The following command will install npm dependencies for all packages and create symbolic links for intra-dependencies:

npm ci

As part of npm ci or npm i, TypeScript project references are automatically updated for each package within the monorepo.

The next step is to compile all packages from TypeScript to JavaScript:

npm run build

To force a clean build:

npm run clean && npm run build

Please note that npm run clean removes dist, *.tsbuildinfo, and other generated files from each package to clean the state for builds.

To build an individual package:

cd <package-dir> // For example, cd `packages/context`.
npm run build

Please note that we are automatically running the build from pretest script, therefore you should not need to run this command as part of your red-green-refactor cycle.

Utilizing the monorepo

Source code from the monorepo can be utilized as LoopBack 4 packages that are not published to npm registry yet. This is useful to test or debug your applications or extensions with project dependencies on LoopBack 4 against a local git repo and branch of loopback-next.

Using monorepo packages as dependencies

The /sandbox directory in the monorepo can be used to utilize the source code as symbolically-linked dependencies. See the README for usage instructions.

Using the CLI via the monorepo

The CLI can be invoked from the local loopback-next git repository:


The arguments are the same as lb4. For example, ./loopback-next/packages/cli/bin/cli-main.js model is the same as lb4 model.

{% include important.html content="The LoopBack 4 packages must be built. See Building the project" %}

Running tests

This is the only command you should need while developing LoopBack:

npm test

It does all you need:

  • Compile TypeScript (full rebuild)
  • Run all tests
  • Check code formatting using Prettier
  • Lint the code using ESLint

Please note some heavy tests are only run when the CI environment variable is set. Such tests are always executed with our CI builds. To run such tests locally:

npx cross-env CI=1 npm test

Or use a simpler form on Mac and Linux.

CI=1 npm test

Running the full test suite after each small change is not very effective. You can use the following commands to run a subset of checks:

  • npm run build for a fast incremental build
  • npm run mocha to (re)run the test suite

We are running tests in parallel, use the Mocha option -j (--jobs) to control the number of worker processes or disable parallel execution entirely by using a single job only:

$ npm run mocha -- -j 1

When working in a single package, it's possible to limit the compilation to this package & its dependencies and then run only package tests.

For example, run the following Unix command in loopback-next root directory to build and test changes made in @loopback/rest only:

$ (cd packages/rest && npm t)

On Windows, you have to change the working directory once and then you can repeatedly run npm t inside the package.

rem Run this only once
cd packages/rest
rem Run this to build & test your changes
npm t

Coding rules

  • All features and bug fixes must be covered by one or more automated tests.

  • All public methods must be documented with typedoc comments (see API Documentation below).

  • Follow our style guide as documented on Code style guide.

Linting and formatting

We use two tools to keep our codebase healthy:

  • ESLint to statically analyse our source code and detect common problems.
  • Prettier to keep our code always formatted the same way, avoid style discussions in code reviews, and save everybody's time and energy.

You can run both linters via the following npm script, just keep in mind that npm test is already running them for you.

npm run lint

Many problems (especially formatting) can be automatically fixed by running the npm script lint:fix.

npm run lint:fix

Files staged for commit are linted automatically. If necessary, pre-commit linting can be bypassed by setting the environment variable LINT_STAGED=0.

Working with dependencies

We use npm's package-lock feature to speed up our development workflow and CI builds.

For individual packages within the monorepo, lerna bootstrap calls npm ci in a CI environment or with --ci to install (deep) dependencies as specified in package-lock.json file. Otherwise, npm install is run with the corresponding package.json.

Top-level (loopback-next) dependencies are installed either from package-lock.json (when you run npm ci), or resolved freshly from the npm registry (when you run npm install).

IMPORTANT: Dependencies resolved locally within the monorepo must be excluded from package-lock files.

Updating package locks

If you ever end up with corrupted or out-of-date package locks, run the following commands to fix the problem:

To rebuild package-lock.json for all packages.

npm update-package-locks

To update package-lock.json for a list of packages:

npm update-package-locks -- --scope <package-name-1> --scope <package-name-2>

Adding dependencies

Use the following command to add or update dependency dep in a package name:

$ npx lerna add --scope ${name} ${dep}

For example:

$ npx lerna add --scope @loopback/rest debug

See lerna add for more details.

NOTE: At the moment, lerna does not update package-lock.json files when adding a dependency to a scope, see lerna#1989. You have to re-create package locks manually, see Updating package locks above.

Updating dependencies

To update dependencies to their latest compatible versions:

npm run update-all-deps

Limitation of Lerna Monorepo

If an application inside the loopback-next monorepo connects to a datasource like loopback-connector-mongodb, you need to require the module directly in the configuration as follow:

const config = {
  name: 'mongo',
  // Note the connector should be required directly here.
  connector: require('loopback-connector-mongodb'),
  url: '',
  host: '',
  port: 27017,
  user: 'test',
  password: 'test',

This is caused by the way how lerna installs local package dependencies as symbolic links. The code loading connectors is executed from loopback-next/packages/repository/node_modules/loopback-datasource-juggler/lib/datasource.js. While the connector is installed in examples like loopback-next/examples/todo/node_modules/loopback-connector-mongodb. Specifying a string name like "mongodb" will result in the code looking for connectors installed under the package repository instead of the example. Therefore you must explicitly specify the datasource's path in the configuration.

File naming convention

For consistency, we follow Angular's file naming convention. It helps to derive the usage of files by inspecting the names. Besides the LoopBack 4 codebase, we also follow this naming convention in our generated artifacts from the CLI tooling: {name}.{artifact-type}.ts

Examples are:


In addition, files under test folder are categorized according to the type of tests (unit, acceptance and integration), with the convention {name}.{test-type}.ts.

Examples are:



The documentation available at website is powered by Jekyll and Markdown. The main site content and Jekyll configuration is hosted in repository on GitHub.

LoopBack 4 documentation is hosted inside this monorepo in the /docs directory. This allows us to change both implementation and the documentation in a single pull request.

Organization of content

LoopBack 4 has a highly modular design, the codebase is organized into dozens of packages. This arrangement provides great flexibility for package consumers, supporting many different ways how to compose individual packages into larger blocks. However, the growing number of packages also increases the complexity for LoopBack users, as they need to know which packages to choose and how to use them. As a result, the learning curve becomes very steep for new developers coming to LoopBack. Newcomers get quickly overwhelmed by the amount of concepts they need to understand and the different packages they need to know about.

To prevent cognitive overload, we have categorized all monorepo packages into two groups:

  1. Foundation-level packages are lower-level packages that are typically not consumed by LoopBack applications directly. Instead, there are higher-level packages exposing the functionality and/or the public API of these building blocks.


    • @loopback/core is re-exporting all public API provided by @loopback/context.

    • @loopback/rest is internally using @loopback/http-server to manage the life cycle of an HTTP server.

  2. Framework-level packages are used directly by LoopBack applications and provide API that LoopBack consumers use.

The rule of thumb: a lower-level package is considered as foundation-level if

  • a higher-level package is re-exporting all public APIs of the lower-level package (e.g. @loopback/core re-exports @loopback/context); or

  • another package is using the lower-level package as a implementation building block (e.g. @loopback/rest uses @loopback/express).

In our documentation, CLI templates and example applications, you should always refer to framework-level packages.

Foundation-level packages should have their own documentation describing how to use the package independently of LoopBack, for example in their file or in a dedicated section of

Foundation-level packages

List of packages that are considered as building blocks:

Framework-level packages

All packages not listed above are considered as framework-level.

We consider utilities like @loopback/testlab and example projects like @loopback/todo as framework-level too.

Publishing changes

To prevent documentation changes going live before the changes in the implementation have been published, we have set up the following build pipeline:

  1. As part of the LoopBack 4 release process, the content of docs directory is bundled and published to as @loopback/docs package.

  2. We have a CI/CD pipeline to pick a new @loopback/docs version and commit the updated content to repository. The job is run every night.

Previewing loopback-next docs only

This workflow is not available on Windows (unless you use Windows Subsystem for Linux).

When making change to our documentation, it's useful to quickly check how is the updated markdown content going to be rendered on the website. To make this flow as fast as possible, we have a script to prepare a subset of our website with LoopBack 4 content only. This provides the fastest feedback loop possible, at the cost of occasional breakage when the script is not updated to accommodate changes made in the repository.

Building the preview site will need Jekyll installed on your system which requires a proper Ruby development environment, follow the installation steps here for your OS:

As the initial setup, run the following command once, before you start making documentation changes:

$ npm run docs:prepare

This command will create docs/_preview directory with a Jekyll project and configure symlinks to let Jekyll automatically pick any changes made in docs/site files.

Whenever you want to (re)render documentation, just (re)start the following command:

$ npm run docs:start

The first run will be slightly longer because Jekyll has to render all doc pages. Subsequent runs should be very fast because only changed files are re-rendered thanks to Jekyll incremental mode.

Viewing the full website

This workflow is not available on Windows (unless you use Windows Subsystem for Linux).

It is also possible to verify the full build setup, including validation of Markdown & Jekyll (liquid) syntax.

Run the following command to clone repository to sandbox/ and get the current documentation from loopback-next copied in the right places in the Jekyll project:

npm run build:site

You can also run the documentation tests exactly as our CI pipeline does:

npm run verify:docs

API Documentation

We use @loopback/tsdocs to generate API documentation for all our packages. This documentation is generated when publishing new releases to and it's picked up by

Preview the API Documentation Changes

To modify the API documentation and preview the changes, you should rebuild the package and run npm run tsdocs. For example, if some API documentation changes have occurred in /loopback-next/packages/core, and you wish to preview them, perform the following steps:

Step 1 - Rebuild package

Run the following commands within /loopback-next/packages/core:

# Remove the old compiled files.
npm run clean
# Rebuild the package, so that the compiled dist files contain
# the new API documentation.
npm run build

Step 2 - npm run tsdocs

Run the following commands within the root directory /loopback-next:

# Generate new tsdocs from the updated package dist files.
npm run tsdocs

Step 3 - Preview the API documentation in a browser

Stay in the root directory and run the following commands:

# Fetch the new API documentation into `/docs/_preview`
npm run docs:prepare
# Start the documentation preview server
npm run docs:start

Go to in a browser and you will see the new API documentation.

Commit message guidelines

Note: we have recently changed our commit message conventions. Most of other LoopBack repositories (e.g. loopbackio/ use the older convention as described on

A good commit message should describe what changed and why.

Our commit messages are formatted according to Conventional Commits, we use commitlint to verify and enforce this convention. These rules lead to more readable messages that are easy to follow when looking through the project history. But also, we use the git commit messages to generate change logs when publishing new versions.

Commit Message Format

Each commit message consists of a header, a body and a footer. The header has a special format that includes a type, an optional scope and a subject:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>


The type must be one of the following:

  • feat: A new feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • perf: A code change that improves performance
  • test: Adding missing or correcting existing tests
  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
  • chore: Changes to the auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation
  • revert: Reverts a previous commit


The scope must be a list of one or more packages contained in this monorepo. Each scope name must match a directory name in packages/, e.g. core or context.

Note: If multiple packages are affected by a pull request, don't list the scopes as the commit linter currently only supports only one scope being listed at most. The CHANGELOG for each affected package will still show the commit. Commit linter will be updated to allow listing of multiple affected scopes, see issue #581


The subject contains succinct description of the change:

  • use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
  • don't capitalize first letter
  • no dot (.) at the end


The body provides more details, it should include the motivation for the change and contrast this with previous behavior.

Just as in the subject, use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"a

Paragraphs or bullet points are ok (must not exceed 100 characters per line). Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet, followed by a single space, with blank lines in between.

footer (optional)

The footer should contain any information about Breaking Changes introduced by this commit.

This section must start with the upper case text BREAKING CHANGE followed by a colon (:) and a space (``). A description must be provided, describing what has changed and how to migrate from older versions.

Tools to help generate a commit message

This repository has commitizen support enabled. Commitizen can help you generate your commit messages automatically. You must install it globally as follows:

npm i -g commitizen

And to use it, simply call git cz instead of git commit. The tool will help you generate a commit message that follows the above guidelines.

Making breaking changes

LoopBack is following Semantic Versioning. Any change that's not fully backward compatible with previous versions has to increase the major version number, e.g. 1.4.2 -> 2.0.0.

In general, we try to avoid breaking backward compatibility too often and strive to limit the frequency of major releases to about once or twice a year.

  • Breaking changes make it difficult for our users to always stay at the latest version of the framework.
  • Every additional major version we have to support adds extra maintenance overhead.
  • In our Long Term Support policy, we are committing to support every major module version for at least 12 months after it entered LTS mode and also support it for the entire LTS lifetime of the connected Node.js major version. If we release major versions too often, we can end up with a long list of versions we have to keep supporting for long time.

Whenever possible, consider implementing a feature flag that allows users to decide when to migrate to the new behavior. Make this flag disabled by default to preserve backward compatibility.

However, we do recognize that often a breaking change is the most sensible thing to do. When that time comes:

  • Describe incompatibilities for release notes
  • Look for more breaking changes to include in the release: search for comments containing TODO(semver-major) and @deprecated.
  • Update list of supported versions

Describe incompatibilities for release notes

In the pull request introducing the breaking change, provide a descriptive footer explaining the breaking change to our users. This content will be used by release tooling to compile comprehensive release notes.

Put yourself in the shoes of module users and try to answer the following questions:

  • How can I find if my project is affected by this change?

  • What does this change mean for my project? What is going to change?

  • How can I migrate my project to the new major version? What steps do I need to make?

Look for more breaking changes

Look for other features or fixes that require a breaking change. Consider grouping multiple backward incompatible changes into a single semver major release.

Few examples of changes that are usually easy to make:

  • Change the default value of a feature flag from "false" (backward-compatible behavior) to "true" (the new behavior).

  • Deprecate a compatibility feature flag that's already enabled by default.

  • Remove a deprecated feature flag.

  • Drop support for a major version of Node.js that has already reached it's end of life or that will reach it soon (in the next 4-8 weeks).

Update list of supported versions

Make sure the package's README has an up-to-date section about the supported versions. Read our Long Term Support policy to understand the rules governing transition between different support levels.

  • There should be at most one version in Active LTS mode. This version moves to Maintenance LTS.

  • The version listed as Current is entering Active LTS mode.

  • The new major version is becoming Current.

It is important to make these updates before publishing the new major version, so that new content is included on the package page provided by

Releasing new versions

When we are ready to tag and publish a release, run the following commands:

cd loopback-next
git checkout master
git pull
npm run release

The release script will automatically perform the tasks for all packages:

  • Clean up node_modules
  • Install/link dependencies
  • Transpile TypeScript files into JavaScript
  • Run mocha tests
  • Check lint (eslint and prettier) issues

If all steps are successful, it prompts you to publish packages into npm repository.

Adding a new package

Create a new package

Please run the following command:

cd loopback-next
node bin/create-package.js

The script does the following steps:

  1. Determine the parentDir and package name.

    The first argument can be one of the following:

    • package-name
    • @loopback/package-name
    • extensions/package-name
    • packages/package-name

If the parentDir is not specified, it tries to guess by the current directory and falls back to extensions.

  1. Run lb4 extension to scaffold the project without npm install. If --interactive or -i is NOT provided by the command, interactive prompts are skipped.

  2. Fix up the project

    • Remove unused files
    • Improve package.json
  3. Run lb4 copyright to update LICENSE and copyright headers for *.ts and *.js.

  4. Run lerna bootstrap --scope <full-package-name> to link its local dependencies.

  5. Run update-ts-project-refs to update TypeScript project references

  6. Run update-monorepo-file to update docs/site/

  7. Remind to update CODEOWNERS. If you would like to do it manually, follow steps below:

To add a new package by hand, create a folder in packages as the root directory of your module. For example,

cd loopback-next/packages
mkdir <a-new-package>

The package follows the node/npm module layout. You can use npm init or lb4 extension command to scaffold the module, copy/paste from an existing package, or manually add files including package.json.

Make sure you add LICENSE file properly and all source code files have the correct copyright header.

Keep shared configuration in root

We have some configuration files at the top level (loopback-next/):

  • .gitignore
  • .prettierignore
  • .nycrc.yml

For consistency across all packages, do not add them at package level unless specific customization is needed.

Make a scoped package public

By default, npm publishes scoped packages with private access. There are two options to make a new scoped package with public access.

Either add the following section to package.json:

  "publishConfig": {
    "access": "public"

Or explicitly publish the package with --access=public:

cd packages/<a-new-package>
npm publish --access=public

Register the new package

Please register the new package in the following files:

  • Update - insert a new table row to describe the new package, please keep the rows sorted by package name.
  • Update - add a link to the apidocs on Binding Keys if the new package has any.
  • Update CODEOWNERS - add a new entry listing the primary maintainers (owners) of the new package.

Upgrading TypeScript/eslint

In order to support eslint extensions with a peer dependency on eslint, we have to specify typescript and eslint dependency in multiple places in our monorepo.

Steps to upgrade typescript or eslint to a newer version:

  1. Update the dependencies in @loopback/build, this is the source of truth for the rest of the monorepo.

    $ (cd packages/build && npm update typescript eslint)
  2. Propagate the change to other places to keep everything consistent.

    $ node bin/sync-dev-deps

How to test infrastructure changes

When making changes to project infrastructure, e.g. modifying tsc or eslint configuration, it's important to verify that all usage scenarios keep working.

Verify TypeScript setup

  1. Open any existing TypeScript file, e.g. packages/core/src/index.ts

  2. Add a small bit of code to break TypeScript's type checks, for example:

    const foo: number = 'bar';
  3. Run npm test

  4. Verify that the build failed and the compiler error message shows a path relative to monorepo root, e.g. packages/src/index.ts.

  5. Test integration with supported IDEs:

Verify ESLint setup

  1. Open any existing TypeScript file, e.g. packages/src/index.ts

  2. Introduce two kinds of linting problems - one that does and another that does not require type information to be detected. For example, you can add the following line at the end of the opened index.ts:

    const foo: any = 'bar';
  3. Run npm test

  4. Verify that the build failed and both linting problems are reported:

    ERROR: /Users/(...)/packages/core/src/index.ts[16, 7]: 'foo' is declared but its value is never read.
    ERROR: /Users/(...)/packages/core/src/index.ts[16, 12]: Type declaration of 'any' loses type-safety. Consider replacing it with a more precise type.
  5. Test integration with supported IDEs:

tsconfig files

In the loopback-next monorepo, TypeScript is set up in two places:

  1. When using VS Code, the TypeScript engine views loopback-next as a single big project.

    This enables the "refactor - rename" command to change all places using the renamed symbol, and also makes "go to definition" command jump to .ts files containing the original source code. Otherwise "refactor - rename" works within the same package only and "go to definition" jumps to .d.ts files.

  2. When building the monorepo, we need to build the packages individually, so that one dist directory is created for each package.

This is why we have two sets of tsconfig files:

  • At monorepo root, there is tsconfig.json used by VS Code and used by eslint.
  • Inside each package, there is tsconfig.json used by npm run build command.

Renovate bot

In loopback-next, we use package-lock files to speed up npm install times and Renovate bot to keep our lock files up to date.

The bot is configured to maintain a special issue called Update Dependencies (Renovate Bot) where it lists all pull requests in progress and in queue:

Pull requests opened by RenovateBot can be merged by pressing GitHub's big green button once all checks are green (all CI builds finished).

RenovateBot periodically checks for changes on master and rebases pull request in progress when new commits were added. If GitHub complains that RenovateBot's pull request is out of date, then just wait until it's rebased and checks are green. The bot usually updates pull requests every hour. Alternatively, tick the check-box in the pull request description or in "Update Dependencies" issue.