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config.json settings

These settings apply only to the kiosk user experience and do not impact sim gameplay. It's assumed all gamepads use the same configuration.

Key Purpose
GameDataUrl Path to the game data JSON file with details about the games to include.
PlayUrlRoot Left part of the embedded player URL up to and including --run.
HighScoresToKeep The maximum number of high scores to keep for a given game.
HighScoreInitialsLength The number of initials to allow users to enter.
HighScoreInitialAllowedCharacters The list and order of characters to allow in high scores.
GamepadPollLoopMilli How often the gamepads are polled for user interaction with the kiosk menus and other inputs. If this is too large, actions may be missed, such as a quick button press. If it's too small, then a single action may be interpretted as multiple (like a single button press counting twice).
GamepadCacheMilli How often the gamepad state is cached. Since multiple components access the browser's Navigator.getGamepads() API, we use a caching mechanism to optimize how often they're accessed. This value should be smaller than the gamepad polling loop.
GamepadAButtonPin The pin index for the A button.
GamepadBButtonPin The pin index for the B button.
GamepadEscapeButtonPin The pin index for the Escape button. This button leaves a game without waiting and returns the user to the menu.
GamepadResetButtonPin The pin index for the Reset button.
GamepadMenuButtonPin The pin index for the Menu button. Note that since this menu is used by games, it does not return the user to the kiosk menu.
GamepadLeftRightAxis The gamepad axis index for left/right detection.
GamepadLeftRightThreshold The threshold to detect for a "right" action. It's negated to detect "left" actions.
GamepadUpDownAxis The gamepad axis index for up/down detection.
GamepadUpDownThreshold The threshold to detect for a "down" action. It's negated to detect "up" actions.
KeyboardInputKeys Each is an array of string arrays matching the browser keys that map to the target behavior. The index of a list maps to the same gamepad index (player 1 is the first array at index 0, etc.)

Localhost testing

To test Kiosk locally:

  1. Ensure your pxt repo is up to date and has been built recently.
  2. In a command shell, in the pxt repo, cd into the kiosk folder and start the Kiosk dev server: npm run start. This will not open a browser window.
  3. In another command shell, in the pxt-arcade repo, start the Arcade dev server: pxt serve --rebundle. This will open the Arcade webapp in a browser.

Requests to the /kiosk endpoint will be routed to the Kiosk dev server.

Debug and step through Kiosk code using the browser dev tools (F12 to open).

Test in staging environment

  1. In the pxt repo, run gulp to ensure production kiosk is built.
  2. In a browser, go to This should return a url with an auth token embedded. Copy the entire url value to your clipboard.
    • It should look something like
    • If you get access denied, contact your manager to help you.
  3. In a command shell, set environment variable PXT_ACCESS_TOKEN with the copied value.
  4. In the same shell, in the pxt-arcade repo, run pxt uploadtrg --rebundle. This should return a url to your private build.
    • It should look something like
  • Paste in a browser and append "/kiosk". This should take you to your kiosk build in staging.

Test in production environment

Follow the "Test in staging environment" instructions, but get your auth token from

Authoring UI sound effects

  1. Open the "Kiosk Audio Effects" project in Arcade:

    • Click on the provided link to open the MakeCode Arcade project in your web browser.
  2. Tweak or add the desired sound:

    • Within the MakeCode Arcade project, modify or add the sound effect you want.
  3. Play the sound in the editor a few times while capturing the audio:

    • Install a Chrome extension called "Chrome Audio Capturer" from this link: Link to Chrome Audio Capturer
    • Use the extension to capture the audio of the sound effect by playing it within the MakeCode editor.
  4. In a sound file editor, clip out the sound effect and export it as .ogg:

    • Download the captured audio file.
    • Open a sound file editor (such as Audacity or Adobe Audition).
    • Import the downloaded audio file.
    • Edit and clip out the specific sound effect you want.
    • Run a high-pass filter to reduce volume of low-end frequencies.
    • Export the edited audio as an .ogg file.
  5. Save the .ogg file to /pxt/docs/kiosk-data/sfx:

    • Navigate to the specified directory (/pxt/docs/kiosk-data/sfx) in your file system.
    • Save the edited .ogg sound effect file in this directory.
  6. If it's a new effect, add it to Services/SoundEffectService.ts:

    • If the sound effect you added or modified is new and hasn't been used before, you may need to update the code in the Services/SoundEffectService.ts file to include the new sound effect.
  7. Re-share the above project and update the URL in Step 1:

    • Share the MakeCode Arcade project with the updated sound effect, ensuring is it not saved as a Persistent Share.
    • Update the URL in Step 1 of these instructions to reflect the new project URL.