title |
Documentation for the kotlin generator |
Property | Value | Notes |
generator name | kotlin | pass this to the generate command after -g |
generator stability | STABLE | |
generator type | CLIENT | |
generator language | Kotlin | |
generator language version | 1.9.23 | |
generator default templating engine | handlebars | |
helpMsg | Generates a Kotlin client library Features in this generator: - v3.0.0 - v3.1.0 OpenAPI Specification support - Very thorough documentation generated in the style of javadocs - Input types constrained for a Schema in SomeSchema.validate - validate method can accept arbitrary List/Map/null/int/long/double/float/String json data - Immutable List output classes generated and returned by validate for List<?> input - Immutable Map output classes generated and returned by validate for Map<?, ?> input - Strictly typed list input can be instantiated in client code using generated ListBuilders - Strictly typed map input can be instantiated in client code using generated MapBuilders - Sequential map builders are generated ensuring that required properties are set before build is invoked. Looks like: - new MapBuilder().requiredA("a").requiredB("b").build() - new MapBuilder().requiredA("a").requiredB("b").optionalProp("c").additionalProperty("someAddProp", "d").build() - Run time type checking and validation when - validating schema payloads - instantiating List output class (validation run) - instantiating Map output class (validation run) - Note: if needed, validation of json schema keywords can be deactivated via a SchemaConfiguration class - Enums classes are generated and may be input into Schema.validate or the List/MapBuilder add/setter methods - Invalid (in Kotlin) property names supported like class , 1var , hi-there etc in- component schema names - schema property names (a fallback setter is written in the MapBuilder) - Generated interfaces are largely consistent with the python code - Openapi spec inline schemas supported at any depth in any location - Format support for: int32, int64, float, double, date, datetime, uuid - Payload values are not coerced when validated, so a date/date-time value can pass other validations that describe the payload only as type string - enum types are generated for enums of type string/integer/number/boolean/null - String transmission of numbers supported with type: string, format: number |
These options may be applied as additional-properties (cli) or configOptions (plugins). Refer to configuration docs for more details.
Option | Description | Values | Default |
allowUnicodeIdentifiers | boolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is false | false | |
artifactDescription | artifact description in generated pom.xml | OpenAPI Kotlin | |
artifactUrl | artifact URL in generated pom.xml | https://github.com/openapi-json-schema-tools/openapi-json-schema-generator | |
artifactVersion | artifact version in generated pom.xml. This also becomes part of the generated library's filename | 1.0.0 | |
developerEmail | developer email in generated pom.xml | team@openapijsonschematools.org | |
developerName | developer name in generated pom.xml | OpenAPI-Generator Contributors | |
developerOrganization | developer organization in generated pom.xml | OpenAPITools.org | |
developerOrganizationUrl | developer organization URL in generated pom.xml | http://openapijsonschematools.org | |
groupId | groupId in generated pom.xml | org.openapijsonschematools | |
invokerPackage | root package for generated code | org.openapijsonschematools.client | |
licenseName | The name of the license | Unlicense | |
licenseUrl | The URL of the license | http://unlicense.org | |
parentArtifactId | parent artifactId in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them to take effect | null | |
parentGroupId | parent groupId in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them to take effect | null | |
parentVersion | parent version in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them to take effect | null | |
scmConnection | SCM connection in generated pom.xml | scm:git:git@github.com:openapi-json-schema-tools/openapi-json-schema-generator.git | |
scmDeveloperConnection | SCM developer connection in generated pom.xml | scm:git:git@github.com:openapi-json-schema-tools/openapi-json-schema-generator.git | |
scmUrl | SCM URL in generated pom.xml | https://github.com/openapi-json-schema-tools/openapi-json-schema-generator | |
snapshotVersion | Uses a SNAPSHOT version. |
null |
sourceFolder | source folder for generated code | src/main/kotlin | |
testOutput | Set output folder for models and APIs tests | ${project.build.directory}/generated-test-sources/openapi |
Extension name | Description | Applicable for | Default value |
x-enum-varnames | A list of strings that defines the enum variable names, must be adjacent to enum | SCHEMA | [] |
x-enum-descriptions | A list of strings that defines the enum descriptions, must be adjacent to enum | SCHEMA | [] |
Type/Alias | Instantiated By |
array | FrozenList |
boolean | Boolean |
integer | Number (Int, Long, Float with integer values, Double with integer values) |
null | Nothing? (null) |
number | Number (Int, Long, Float, Double) |
object | FrozenMap |
string | String |
- Any
- Boolean
- Double
- Float
- Int
- List
- Long
- Map
- Nothing
- String
- abstract
- actual
- annotation
- apiresponse
- as
- break
- class
- companion
- const
- constructor
- continue
- contract
- crossinline
- data
- delegate
- do
- dynamic
- else
- enum
- expect
- external
- false
- field
- final
- finally
- for
- fun
- if
- import
- in
- infix
- init
- inline
- inner
- interface
- internal
- is
- it
- lateinit
- noinline
- null
- object
- open
- operator
- out
- override
- package
- param
- private
- property
- protected
- public
- receiver
- reified
- return
- sealed
- setparam
- super
- suspend
- tailrec
- this
- throw
- tostring
- true
- try
- typealias
- typeof
- val
- value
- var
- vararg
- when
- where
- while
Name | Supported | Defined By |
BasePath | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
Authorizations | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
UserAgent | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
MockServer | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
schemas | ✓ | OAS3 |
responses | ✗ | OAS3 |
parameters | ✗ | OAS3 |
examples | ✗ | OAS3 |
requestBodies | ✗ | OAS3 |
headers | ✗ | OAS3 |
securitySchemes | ✗ | OAS3 |
links | ✗ | OAS3 |
callbacks | ✗ | OAS3 |
pathItems | ✗ | OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
Custom | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Int32 | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Int64 | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Integer | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Float | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Double | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Number | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
String | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Byte | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Binary | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Boolean | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Date | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
DateTime | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Password | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
File | ✗ | OAS2 |
Uuid | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Array | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Null | ✓ | OAS3 |
AnyType | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Object | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Enum | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
Readme | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
Servers | ✓ | OAS3 |
Security | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
ComponentSchemas | ✓ | OAS3 |
ComponentResponses | ✗ | OAS3 |
ComponentParameters | ✗ | OAS3 |
ComponentRequestBodies | ✗ | OAS3 |
ComponentHeaders | ✗ | OAS3 |
ComponentSecuritySchemes | ✗ | OAS3 |
ComponentLinks | ✗ | OAS3 |
ComponentCallbacks | ✗ | OAS3 |
ComponentPathItems | ✗ | OAS3 |
Api | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
Info | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Servers | ✓ | OAS3 |
Paths | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Webhooks | ✗ | OAS3 |
Components | ✓ | OAS3 |
Security | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Tags | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
ExternalDocs | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
Responses_HttpStatusCode | ✗ | OAS3 |
Responses_RangedResponseCodes | ✗ | OAS3 |
Responses_Default | ✗ | OAS3 |
Responses_RedirectionResponse | ✗ | OAS3 |
Security | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Servers | ✗ | OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
Name | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Required | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
In_Path | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
In_Query | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
In_Header | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
In_Cookie | ✗ | OAS3 |
Style_Matrix | ✗ | OAS3 |
Style_Label | ✗ | OAS3 |
Style_Form | ✗ | OAS3 |
Style_Simple | ✗ | OAS3 |
Style_SpaceDelimited | ✗ | OAS3 |
Style_PipeDelimited | ✗ | OAS3 |
Style_DeepObject | ✗ | OAS3 |
Explode | ✗ | OAS3 |
Schema | ✗ | OAS3 |
Content | ✗ | OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
AdditionalProperties | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
AllOf | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
AnyOf | ✓ | OAS3 |
Const | ✓ | OAS3 |
Contains | ✓ | OAS3 |
Default | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
DependentRequired | ✓ | OAS3 |
DependentSchemas | ✓ | OAS3 |
Discriminator | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Else | ✓ | OAS3 |
Enum | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
ExclusiveMinimum | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
ExclusiveMaximum | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Format | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
If | ✓ | OAS3 |
Items | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
MaxContains | ✓ | OAS3 |
MaxItems | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
MaxLength | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
MaxProperties | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Maximum | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
MinContains | ✓ | OAS3 |
MinItems | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
MinLength | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
MinProperties | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Minimum | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
MultipleOf | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Not | ✓ | OAS3 |
Nullable | ✓ | OAS3 |
OneOf | ✓ | OAS3 |
Pattern | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
PatternProperties | ✓ | OAS3 |
PrefixItems | ✓ | OAS3 |
Properties | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
PropertyNames | ✓ | OAS3 |
Ref | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Required | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Then | ✓ | OAS3 |
Type | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
UnevaluatedItems | ✓ | OAS3 |
UnevaluatedProperties | ✓ | OAS3 |
UniqueItems | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Xml | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
HTTP_Basic | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
ApiKey | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
OpenIDConnect | ✗ | OAS3 |
HTTP_Bearer | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
OAuth2_Implicit | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
OAuth2_Password | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
OAuth2_ClientCredentials | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
OAuth2_AuthorizationCode | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
JSON | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
XML | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
PROTOBUF | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
Custom | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |