id | title |
usage |
Usage |
Options for OpenAPI Generator are the same whether you're using the CLI, Maven/Gradle Plugins, or Online generation options. This page demonstrates navigating the options via CLI. Commands are presented here in a logical progression as a tutorial, but you're welcome to skip directly to the generate command.
The help
option lists all commands available to the CLI.
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli help
usage: openapi-json-schema-generator-cli <command> [<args>]
The most commonly used openapi-json-schema-generator-cli commands are:
author Utilities for authoring generators or customizing templates.
batch Generate code in batch via external configs.
config-help Config help for chosen lang
generate Generate code with the specified generator.
help Display help information about openapi-generator
list Lists the available generators
meta MetaGenerator. Generator for creating a new template set and configuration for Codegen. The output will be based on the language you specify, and includes default templates to include.
validate Validate specification
version Show version information used in tooling
See 'openapi-json-schema-generator-cli help <command>' for more information on a specific
The version command provides version information, returning either the version by default, the git commit sha when passed --sha
, or verbose output when passed --full
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli version - Show version information used in tooling
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli version [--full] [--sha]
Full version details
Git commit SHA version
The list
command outputs a formatted list of every available generator. Pass the -s/--short
option if you would like a CSV output for easy parsing.
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli help list
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli list - Lists the available generators
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli list [(-i <include> | --include <include>)]
[(-s | --short)]
-i <include>, --include <include>
comma-separated list of stability indexes to include (value:
all,beta,stable,experimental,deprecated). Excludes deprecated by
-s, --short
shortened output (suitable for scripting)
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli list -s | tr ',' '\n'
For the full list of generators, refer to the Generators List.
The config-help
option provides details about
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli help config-help
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli config-help - Config help for chosen lang
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli config-help
[(-f <output format> | --format <output format>)] [--feature-set]
[(-g <generator name> | --generator-name <generator name>)]
[--language-specific-primitive] [--markdown-header] [--named-header]
[(-o <output location> | --output <output location>)] [--reserved-words]
-f <output format>, --format <output format>
Write output files in the desired format. Options are 'text',
'markdown' or 'yamlsample'. Default is 'text'.
displays feature set as supported by the generator
displays CLI options as well as other configs/mappings (implies
-g <generator name>, --generator-name <generator name>
generator to get config help for
displays the language specific primitives (types which require no
additional imports, or which may conflict with user defined model
When format=markdown, include this option to write out markdown
headers (e.g. for docusaurus).
Header includes the generator name, for clarity in output
-o <output location>, --output <output location>
Optionally write help to this location, otherwise default is
standard output
displays the reserved words which may result in renamed model or
property names
The option of note is -g/--generator-name
(other options are exposed for tooling).
You may pass any generator name (see list command) to -g
, and options specific to that generator will be displayed. Some generators have many options, while others may have only a few.
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli config-help -g go
Go package name (convention: lowercase). (Default: openapi)
Hides the generation timestamp when files are generated. (Default: true)
Go package version. (Default: 1.0.0)
whether to include Go codegen comment to disable Go Lint and collapse by default in GitHub PRs and diffs (Default: false)
To pass these go client generator-specific options to the generate
command for a go client, use the --additional-properties
option. See the generate command section for an example.
The meta
command creates a new Java class and template files, used for creating your own custom templates.
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli help meta
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli meta - MetaGenerator. Generator for creating a new
template set and configuration for Codegen. The output will be based on
the language you specify, and includes default templates to include.
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli meta [(-l <language> | --language <language>)]
[(-n <name> | --name <name>)]
[(-o <output directory> | --output <output directory>)]
[(-p <package> | --package <package>)] [(-t <type> | --type <type>)]
-l <language>, --language <language>
the implementation language for the generator class
-n <name>, --name <name>
the human-readable name of the generator
-o <output directory>, --output <output directory>
where to write the generated files (current dir by default)
-p <package>, --package <package>
the package to put the main class into (defaults to
-t <type>, --type <type>
the type of generator that is created
For an in-depth example of using the meta
command, see Customization.
The validate
command allows you to validate an input specification, optionally providing recommendations for error fixes or other improvements (if available).
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli help validate
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli validate - Validate specification
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli validate
(-i <spec file> | --input-spec <spec file>) [--recommend]
-i <spec file>, --input-spec <spec file>
location of the OpenAPI spec, as URL or file (required)
Validating spec (petstore-v3.0-invalid.yaml)
-attribute info is missing
[error] Spec has 1 errors.
The generate
command is the workhorse of the generator toolset. As such, it has many more options available than the previous commands. The abbreviated options are below, but you may expand the full descriptions.
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli help generate
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli generate - Generate code with the specified
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli generate
[(-a <authorization> | --auth <authorization>)]
[--api-name-suffix <api name suffix>] [--api-package <api package>]
[--artifact-id <artifact id>] [--artifact-version <artifact version>]
[(-c <configuration file> | --config <configuration file>)] [--dry-run]
[(-e <templating engine> | --engine <templating engine>)]
[(-g <generator name> | --generator-name <generator name>)]
[--git-host <git host>] [--git-repo-id <git repo id>]
[--git-user-id <git user id>] [--global-property <global properties>...]
[--group-id <group id>] [--hide-generation-timestamp]
[--http-user-agent <http user agent>]
[(-i <spec file> | --input-spec <spec file>)]
[--ignore-file-override <ignore file override location>]
[--invoker-package <invoker package>] [--minimal-update]
[--model-name-prefix <model name prefix>]
[--model-name-suffix <model name suffix>]
[(-o <output directory> | --output <output directory>)] [(-p <additional properties> | --additional-properties <additional properties>)...]
[--package-name <package name>] [--release-note <release note>]
[--remove-enum-value-prefix] [--remove-operation-id-prefix]
[(-s | --skip-overwrite)] [--skip-operation-example]
[--skip-validate-spec] [--strict-spec <true/false strict behavior>]
[(-t <template directory> | --template-dir <template directory>)]
[(-v | --verbose)]
generate OPTIONS
-a <authorization>, --auth <authorization>
adds authorization headers when fetching the OpenAPI definitions
remotely. Pass in a URL-encoded string of name:header with a comma
separating multiple values
--api-name-suffix <api name suffix>
Suffix that will be appended to all API names ('tags'). Default:
Api. e.g. Pet => PetApi. Note: Only ruby, python, jaxrs generators
support this feature at the moment.
--api-package <api package>
package for generated api classes
--artifact-id <artifact id>
artifactId in generated pom.xml. This also becomes part of the
generated library's filename
--artifact-version <artifact version>
artifact version in generated pom.xml. This also becomes part of the
generated library's filename
-c <configuration file>, --config <configuration file>
Path to configuration file. It can be JSON or YAML. If file is JSON,
the content should have the format {"optionKey":"optionValue",
"optionKey1":"optionValue1"...}. If file is YAML, the content should
have the format optionKey: optionValue. Supported options can be
different for each language. Run config-help -g {generator name}
command for language-specific config options.
Try things out and report on potential changes (without actually
making changes).
-e <templating engine>, --engine <templating engine>
templating engine: "handlebars"(default) or "mustache"
Enable post-processing file using environment variables.
-g <generator name>, --generator-name <generator name>
generator to use (see list command for list)
--git-host <git host>
Git host, e.g.
--git-repo-id <git repo id>
Git repo ID, e.g. openapi-generator.
--git-user-id <git user id>
Git user ID, e.g. openapijsonschematools.
--global-property <global properties>
sets specified global properties (previously called 'system
properties') in the format of name=value,name=value (or multiple
options, each with name=value)
--group-id <group id>
groupId in generated pom.xml
Hides the generation timestamp when files are generated.
--http-user-agent <http user agent>
HTTP user agent, e.g. codegen_csharp_api_client, default to
-i <spec file>, --input-spec <spec file>
location of the OpenAPI spec, as URL or file (required if not loaded
via config using -c)
--ignore-file-override <ignore file override location>
Specifies an override location for the .openapi-generator-ignore
file. Most useful on initial generation.
Integers are allowed in for type: number format:float/double
--invoker-package <invoker package>
root package for generated code
Only write output files that have changed.
--model-name-prefix <model name prefix>
Prefix that will be prepended to all model names.
--model-name-suffix <model name suffix>
Suffix that will be appended to all model names.
-o <output directory>, --output <output directory>
where to write the generated files (current dir by default)
-p <additional properties>, --additional-properties <additional
sets additional properties that can be referenced by the mustache
templates in the format of name=value,name=value. You can also have
multiple occurrences of this option.
--package-name <package name>
package for generated classes (where supported)
--release-note <release note>
Release note, default to 'Minor update'.
Remove the common prefix of enum values
Remove prefix of operationId, e.g. config_getId => getId
-s, --skip-overwrite
specifies if the existing files should be overwritten during the
Skip examples defined in operations to avoid out of memory errors.
Skips the default behavior of validating an input specification.
--strict-spec <true/false strict behavior>
'MUST' and 'SHALL' wording in OpenAPI spec is strictly adhered to.
e.g. when false, no fixes will be applied to documents which pass
validation but don't follow the spec.
-t <template directory>, --template-dir <template directory>
folder containing the template files
-v, --verbose
verbose mode
At a minimum, generate
to specify the generator-o
to specify a meaningful output directory (defaults to the current directory!)-i
to specify the input OpenAPI document
NOTE You may also pass
as a system property to colorize terminal outputs.
The following examples use petstore.yaml.
Generator-specific options should be passed as --additional-properties
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli generate -g go --additional-properties=prependFormOrBodyParameters=true \
-o out -i petstore.yaml
Pass more options via comma delimited key/value pairs:
For the full list of generator-specific parameters, refer to generators docs.
The --enable-post-process-file
option enables specific generators to invoke some external language-specific formatting script. Each filename is passed individually to this external script, allowing for linting, formatting, or other custom clean-up.
For more details, see File Post-Processing.
Rather than passing generator options in a CSV of --additional-properties
, you may also provide the settings via JSON file or YAML file.
For example, one of our typescript samples has the following configuration file:
"npmName": "@swagger/typescript-fetch-petstore",
"npmVersion": "1.0.0",
"npmRepository" : "",
"snapshot" : false,
"supportsES6": true
These settings can be passed via -c filename
. Here, we've saved the above as config.json
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli generate -i petstore.yaml -g typescript-fetch -o out \
-c config.json
Same configuration file can be passed into YAML format having following equivalent content:
npmName: "@swagger/typescript-fetch-petstore"
npmVersion: "1.0.0"
npmRepository: ""
snapshot: false
supportsES6: true
The settings are passed exactly the same as for config.json
. The most important part is the file extension. Supported values are yml
or yaml
The name of the file should be config.yml
or config.yaml
(in our example it will be config.yaml
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli generate -i petstore.yaml -g typescript-fetch -o out \
-c config.yaml
The batch
command allows you to move all CLI arguments supported by the generate
command into a YAML or JSON file.
NOTE: This command supports an additional !include
property which may point to another "shared" file, the base path to which can be
modified by --includes-base-dir
. Starting with 5.0.0, the !batch
command supports multiple !include
properties, either sequential or nested. In order to support multiple !include
properties in a JSON file, the property name can have a suffix, e.g. !include1
, !include2
, etc. The suffix have no meaning other than providing unique property names.
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli help batch
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli batch - Generate code in batch via external
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli batch [--clean] [--fail-fast]
[--includes-base-dir <includes>] [(-r <threads> | --threads <threads>)]
[--root-dir <root>] [--timeout <timeout>] [(-v | --verbose)] [--]
clean output of previously written files before generation
fail fast on any errors
--includes-base-dir <includes>
base directory used for includes
-r <threads>, --threads <threads>
thread count
--root-dir <root>
root directory used output/includes (includes can be overridden)
--timeout <timeout>
execution timeout (minutes)
-v, --verbose
verbose mode
This option can be used to separate command-line options from the
list of argument, (useful when arguments might be mistaken for
command-line options
Generator configuration files.
# create "shared" config
mkdir shared && cat > shared/common.yaml <<EOF
x-ext-name: "Your Name"
# create "standard" configs
cat > kotlin.yaml <<EOF
'!include': 'shared/common.yaml'
outputDir: out/kotlin
generatorName: kotlin
artifactId: kotlin-petstore-string
serializableModel: "true"
cat > csharp.yaml <<EOF
'!include': 'shared/common.yaml'
outputDir: out/csharp-netcore
generatorName: csharp-netcore
packageGuid: "{321C8C3F-0156-40C1-AE42-D59761FB9B6C}"
useCompareNetObjects: "true"
# Generate them
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli batch *.yaml
This command group contains utilities for authoring generators or customizing templates.
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli help author
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli author - Utilities for authoring generators or
customizing templates.
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli author
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli author template
[(-v | --verbose)]
[(-o <output directory> | --output <output directory>)]
(-g <generator name> | --generator-name <generator name>)
Display help about the tool
Display full version output
With no arguments, Display help information about openapi-generator
Retrieve templates for local modification
With --verbose option, verbose mode
With --output option, where to write the template files (defaults to
With --generator-name option, generator to use (see list command for
This command allows user to extract templates from the CLI jar which simplifies customization efforts.
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli help author template
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli author template - Retrieve templates for local
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli author template
(-g <generator name> | --generator-name <generator name>)
[(-o <output directory> | --output <output directory>)]
[(-v | --verbose)]
-g <generator name>, --generator-name <generator name>
generator to use (see list command for list)
-o <output directory>, --output <output directory>
where to write the template files (defaults to 'out')
-v, --verbose
verbose mode
Extract Java templates, limiting to the webclient
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli author template -g java
Extract all Java templates:
openapi-json-schema-generator-cli author template -g java