Releases: openapi-json-schema-tools/openapi-json-schema-generator
What's Changed
- Fixes link, add openapi feature file dummy by @spacether in #156
- Adds discord server invite link by @spacether in #157
- Updates docker link by @spacether in #158
- Adds fix for route with just a slash by @spacether in #161
- Version updated to 2.0.1 by @spacether in #162
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.1
What's Changed
- 2.0.0 release by @spacether in #123
- one documentation file generated for each endpoint
- ranged responses added 2XX 3XX etc
- deserialization of redirection responses added 300-399 http status codes
- code is reused more, python classes are generated and imported for #/components/x
- headers
- parameters
- request_bodies
- responses
- schemas
- security_schemes
- package structure has been modernized to use src/the_package and pyproject.toml installation
- configuration info has been refactored to separate concerns and to allow more robust configuration of server and security info
- Java classes that store openapi document info have been refactored, making them shorter and easier to maintain
- Python methods and class names updated
- is_true_oapg -> is_true_
- is_false_oapg -> is_false_
- is_none_oapg -> is_none_
- as_date_oapg -> as_date_
- as_datetime_oapg -> as_datetime_
- as_decimal_oapg -> as_decimal_
- as_uuid_oapg -> as_uuid_
- as_float_oapg -> as_float_
- as_int_oapg -> as_int_
- get_item_oapg -> get_item_
- from_openapi_data_oapg -> from_openapi_data_
- from_openapi_data_oapg -> from_openapi_data_
- _verify_typed_dict_inputs_oapg -> _verify_typed_dict_inputs
-> configuration__arg
-> arg__args
-> args_- MetaOapg -> Schema_
- JsonSchema -> OpenApiSchema
To read more about the details of those changes, and why they were done, read the
2.0.0 Migration guide:
Full Changelog: 1.0.4...2.0.0
What's Changed
- Fixes readme typos by @spacether in #77
- Readme timeline fix by @spacether in #79
- Fixes issue 81, model instance in new by @spacether in #82
- Fixes issues 90, allow access to deserialized body for non 2XX statuses by @spacether in #91
- Issue 93, fixes addProps break by @spacether in #93
- Fixes fromModel arrayModel items assignment by @spacether in #94
- Fixes Response TypeError bug by @spacether in #106
- v1.0.4 release by @spacether in #116
Full Changelog: 1.0.3...1.0.4
What's Changed
- Updates sponsorship by @spacether in #50
- Fixes issue 54, additionalProperties referenced in composed schema when it doesn't exist by @spacether in #55
- Fixes multipart form content disposition bug by @spacether in #67
- Adds tests of securitySchemes in endpoints by @spacether in #68
- Issue 69 fix allow arg and args properties by @spacether in #71
- Fixes enum naming bug by @spacether in #72
- Fixes low spec version bug by @spacether in #74
- Fixes model import when packageName has periods by @spacether in #75
Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.0.3
What's Changed
- Fixes issue 39 skip deserialization true overload by @spacether in #40
- Fixes issue 43, fixes class type hint for required prop that is not in properties by @spacether in #44
- Fixes application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding, issue 45 by @spacether in #48
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2
What's Changed
- Endpoint type hint for body uses content_type by @spacether in #25
- Readme: added project history by @spacether in #31
- Readme: added reasons to use python generator @spacether in #32
- Fixes query param content type json serialization by @spacether in #33
- Fixes requirements.txt, applies default headers before header params by @spacether in #37
One can use this release in docker with docker pull openapijsonschematools/openapi-json-schema-generator-cli:1.0.1
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1
What's Changed
- Version fixed in cli, maven and gradle modules removed by @spacether in #18
- Feature: overload endpoint by @EltonChou in #7
- Fixes master CI tests by @spacether in #22
- Improves endpoint response type hints, handles all error responses corner case by @spacether in #20
One can use this release in docker with docker pull openapijsonschematools/openapi-json-schema-generator-cli:1.0.0
- @EltonChou made their second contribution in #7
Full Changelog: 0.9.9...1.0.0
What's Changed
- Adds readme update, points to correct circle by @spacether in #9
- Updates dockerfile by @spacether in #10
- Fixes entrypoint file by @spacether in #16
- Removes other generator docs by @spacether in #17
- Generator generating reserved word ("from") 5e71b63
- Attribute error when using auth header 13e0d67 @totothekiller
- generator ignores global-property settings aec7e6b
- python client fails to properly deserialize using discriminator (use nonCompliantUseDiscriminatorIfCompositionFails) 1623589
- Regex patterns without trailing slashes break Python client generation 27cbe43
- Fix sample code in readme 94745a3 @EltonChou
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #8
- @totothekiller made their first contribution in aec7e6b
- @EltonChou made their first contribution in 94745a3
One can use this release in docker with docker pull openapijsonschematools/openapi-json-schema-generator-cli:0.9.9
Full Changelog: