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AWS Elasticache Redis Terraform module

Terraform module which creates Elasticache resources on AWS

Root module calls these modules which can also be used separately to create independent resources:


module "elasticache" {
  source = "osgurisdosre/elasticache/aws"

  create_cache         = true
  replication_group_id = "redis-app"
  description_redis    = "Redis App"
  node_type            = "cache.t2.micro"
  security_group_ids   = ["sg-0000000000000", "sg-111111111111111"]
  num_cache_clusters   = 3

  # Cache subnet group
  create_elasticache_subnet_group = true
  subnet_group_name               = "elasticache-subnets"
  subnet_ids                      = ["subnet-123456789", "subnet-987654321", "subnet-123321123"]

  # Cache parameter group
  create_elasticache_parameter_group = true
  parameters = [{
    name  = "activerehashing"
    value = "yes"

  # Cache user
  create_elasticache_user = true
  create_cache_password   = true

  user_name     = "userapp"
  user_id       = "userapp"
  access_string = "on ~* +@all"
  authentication_mode = [{
    type = "password"

  # Cache user group
  create_elasticache_user_group = true
  user_group_id                 = "app"


module "elastic_serverlesss" {
  source = "osgurisdosre/elasticache/aws" 
  create_elasticache_serverless = true
  serverless_name    = "redis-serverless"
  description_serverless = "serverless"
  enabled_limits = true
  cache_usage_limits = {
    data_storage = {
      maximum = 1000
      unit    = "GB"
    ecpu_per_second = {
     maximum = 1000
  daily_snapshot_time      = "09:00"
  kms_key_id               = aws_kms_key.test.arn
  major_engine_version     = "7"
  snapshot_retention_limit = 1
  security_group_ids       = ["sg-0000000000000", "sg-111111111111111"]
  subnet_ids               = ["subnet-123456789", "subnet-987654321", "subnet-123321123"]
  user_group_id            = module.user_group.elasticache_user_group_id
  tags = {
    "Environment" = "prd"

Conditional creation

module "elasticache" {
  source                    = "osgurisdosre/documentdb/aws"
  # Disable creation of Elasticache
  create_cache                = false

  # Enable creation of a random password
  create_cache_password       = true

  # Enable creation of subnet group
  create_elasticache_subnet_group    = true
  # Enable creation of parameter group
  create_elasticache_parameter_group = true

  # Enable creation of user
  create_elasticache_user  = true

  # Enable creation of user group
  create_elasticache_user_group = true
  # Enable creation of serverless
  create_elasticache_serverless = true
  #Enable modification in cache_usage_limits
  enabled_limits = true




  1. This module does not create Elasticache security group. Use terraform-aws-security-group module for this.
  2. By default, the variable create_db_password is set to true. Therefore, even if the user provides a password, it will not be read. The create_db_password variable should be set to false and the passwords variable should have a non-null value to be read and used.
  3. By default, the create_elasticache_serverless variable is set false


Name Version
terraform >= 1.4
aws >= 5.40
random >= 3.1


Name Version
aws >= 5.40
random >= 3.1


Name Source Version
elasticache_parameter_group ./modules/cache_parameter_group n/a
elasticache_subnet_group ./modules/cache_subnet_group n/a
elasticache_user ./modules/cache_user n/a
elasticache_user_group ./modules/cache_user_group n/a


Name Type
aws_elasticache_replication_group.this resource
aws_elasticache_serverless_cache.this resource
random_password.master_password resource


Name Description Type Default Required
access_string Access permissions string used for this user. string null no
apply_immediately Specifies whether any modifications are applied immediately, or during the next maintenance window. bool false no
at_rest_encryption_enabled Whether to enable encryption at rest. bool true no
auth_token Password used to access a password protected server string null no
authentication_mode Denotes the user's authentication properties. Possible of type options are: password, no-password-required or iam.
type = optional(string)
passwords = optional(string)
"passwords": null,
"type": null
auto_minor_version_upgrade Specifies whether minor version engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the underlying bool false no
automatic_failover_enabled Specifies whether a read-only replica will be automatically promoted to read/write primary if the existing primary fails. bool true no
cache_usage_limits Sets the cache usage limits for storage and ElastiCache Processing Units for the cache.(data_storage,ecpu_per_second) any {} no
create Create the resource? bool true no
create_cache Create the elasticache Redis? bool false no
create_cache_password Create the password? bool false no
create_elasticache_parameter_group Create the parameter group? bool false no
create_elasticache_replication_group Create the replication group? bool false no
create_elasticache_serverless Create the elasticache Redis serverless? bool false no
create_elasticache_subnet_group Create the subnet group? bool false no
create_elasticache_user Create the user? bool false no
create_elasticache_user_group Create the user group? bool false no
daily_snapshot_time The daily time that snapshots will be created from the new serverless cache.(Only for the serverless module) string "03:00" no
data_tiering_enabled Enables data tiering bool false no
description_parameter The description of the ElastiCache parameter group. string null no
description_redis User-created description for the replication group. Must not be empty string "" no
description_serverless User-created description for the serverless. Must not be empty string "" no
description_subnet The Description of the ElastiCache Subnet Group. string null no
enabled_limits Enable customization of cache_usage_limits(Only for the serverless module) bool false no
engine Name of the cache engine to be used for the clusters in this replication group. string "redis" no
engine_version Version number of the cache engine to be used for the cache clusters in this replication group. string "6.x" no
family The family of the ElastiCache parameter group. string "redis6.x" no
final_snapshot_identifier The name of your final node group (shard) snapshot. string null no
global_replication_group_id The ID of the global replication group to which this replication group should belong. string null no
kms_key_id The ARN of the key that you wish to use if encrypting at rest. string null no
log_delivery_configuration block allows the streaming of Redis SLOWLOG or Redis Engine Log to CloudWatch Log list(map(string)) [] no
maintenance_window Specifies the weekly time range for when maintenance on the cache cluster is performed. string "sat:03:00-sat:06:00" no
major_engine_version The version of the cache engine that will be used to create the serverless cache.(Only for the serverless module) string "7" no
multi_az_enabled Specifies whether to enable Multi-AZ Support for the replication group. bool false no
node_type Instance class to be used. string null no
notification_topic_arn ARN of an SNS topic to send ElastiCache notifications to string null no
num_cache_clusters Number of cache clusters (primary and replicas) this replication group will have. number 3 no
num_node_groups Number of node groups (shards) for this Redis replication group. number null no
parameter_group_name The name of the ElastiCache parameter group. string null no
parameters List of DB parameters to apply list(map(string)) [] no
password Password for the user. list(string) [] no
password_create Password Create string null no
port Port number on which each of the cache nodes will accept connections. number 6379 no
preferred_cache_cluster_azs List of EC2 availability zones in which the replication group's cache clusters will be created. list(string) null no
random_password_length The length of the string desired. number 16 no
replicas_per_node_group Number of replica nodes in each node group. number null no
replication_group_id Replication group identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string. string null no
security_group_ids One or more Amazon VPC security groups associated with this replication group. list(string) [] no
security_group_names List of cache security group names to associate with this replication group. list(string) null no
serverless_name Name Redis Serverless. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string. string null no
snapshot_arns_to_restore The list of ARN(s) of the snapshot that the new serverless cache will be created from(Only for the serverless module) list(string) null no
snapshot_name Name of a snapshot from which to restore data into the new node group. string null no
snapshot_retention_limit Number of days for which ElastiCache will retain automatic cache cluster snapshots before deleting them. number 7 no
snapshot_window Daily time range (in UTC) during which ElastiCache will begin taking a daily snapshot of your cache cluster. string "00:00-02:00" no
subnet_group_name The Name of the ElastiCache Subnet Group. string null no
subnet_ids The Subnet IDs of the ElastiCache Subnet Group. list(string)
tags A map of tags to add to all resources map(string) {} no
transit_encryption_enabled Whether to enable encryption in transit. bool true no
user_group_id The user group identifier. string null no
user_group_ids User Group ID to associate with the replication group. list(string) null no
user_id The ID of the user. string null no
user_name The username of the user. string null no


Name Description
cache_instance_endpoint The DNS address of the Primary Cache
cache_instance_password The cache password (this password may be old, because Terraform doesn't track it after initial creation)
db_instance_endpoint_reader The DNS address of the Reader Cache


Module is maintained by Emidio Neto, Leonardo Jardim and Yuri Azeredo


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.