- What is this?
- When will I be able to use this?
- Setup
- DB Setup
- Notes about this app
- Built by (A-Z)
- Code of Conduct
- License
This is a demo app built with Server Components, an experimental React feature. We strongly recommend watching our talk introducing Server Components before exploring this demo. The talk includes a walkthrough of the demo code and highlights key points of how Server Components work and what features they provide.
Server Components are an experimental feature and are not ready for adoption. For now, we recommend experimenting w Server Components via this demo app. Use this in your own projects at your own risk.
You will need to have nodejs >=14.9.0 in order to run this demo. Node 14 LTS is a good choice!
npm install
npm start
(Or npm run start:prod
for a production build.)
Then open http://localhost:4000.
The app won't work until you set up the database, as described below.
Setup with Docker
You can also start dev build of the app by using docker-compose.
Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed then run:
docker-compose up
1. Run containers in the detached mode
docker-compose up -d
2. Run seed script
docker-compose exec notes-app npm run seed
This demo uses Postgres. First, follow its installation link for your platform.
Alternatively you can check out this fork which will let you run the demo app without needing a database. However you won't be able to execute SQL queries, but fetch should still work.
The below example will setup the database for this app, assuming that you have a UNIX-like platform:
psql postgres
CREATE ROLE notesadmin WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';
ALTER DATABASE notesapi OWNER TO notesadmin;
psql -d postgres -U notesadmin;
\c notesapi
title TEXT,
body TEXT
Finally, run npm run seed
to populate some data.
And you're done!
The demo is a note taking app called React Notes. It consists of a few major parts:
- It uses a Webpack plugin (not defined in this repo) that allows us to only include client components in build artifacts
- An Express server that:
- Serves API endpoints used in the app
- Renders Server Components into a special format that we can read on the client
- A React app containing Server and Client components used to build React Notes
This demo is built on top of our Webpack plugin, but this is not how we envision using Server Components when they are stable. They are intended to be used in a framework that supports server rendering — for example, in Next.js. This is an early demo -- the real integration will be developed in the coming months. Learn more in the announcement post.
- Expand note(s) by hovering over the note in the sidebar, and clicking the expand/collapse toggle. Next create or delete a note. What happens to the expanded notes?
- Change a note's title while editing, and notice how editing an existing item animates in the sidebar. What happens if you edit a note in the middle of the list?
- Search for any title. With the search text still in the search input, create a new note with a title matching the search text. What happens?
- Search while on Slow 3G, observe the inline loading indicator.
- Switch between two notes back and forth. Observe we don't send new responses next time we switch them again.
- Uncomment the
calls inNoteServer.js
to introduce an artificial delay and trigger Suspense.
Facebook has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.
This demo is MIT licensed.