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mason-nvim-lint is a Neovim plugin that closes a gap between mason.nvim and nvim-lint, it allows install linters configured in nvim-lint.



use {


It's crucial to setup plugins in the following order:

  1. mason.nvim
  2. nvim-lint
  3. mason-nvim-lint

Otherwise, mason-nvim-lint will not have enough information about configured linters and access to the mason's registry.

To learn about the available settings and configurations, please refer the Configuration section.


You can configure the behavior of mason-nvim-lint by passing the configuration during the calling of the setup() function. All available settings are provided in default configuration section.



Default configuration

    -- A list of linters to automatically install if they're not already installed. Example: { "eslint_d", "revive" }
    -- This setting has no relation with the `automatic_installation` setting.
    -- Names of linters should be taken from the mason's registry.
    ---@type string[]
    ensure_installed = {},

    -- Whether linters that are set up (via nvim-lint) should be automatically installed if they're not already installed.
    -- It tries to find the specified linters in the mason's registry to proceed with installation.
    -- This setting has no relation with the `ensure_installed` setting.
    ---@type boolean
    automatic_installation = true,

    -- Disables warning notifications about misconfigurations such as invalid linter entries and incorrect plugin load order.
    quiet_mode = false,

Basic Customization

Using this configuration, linters specified in ensure_installed will be installed directly from the mason's registry, and ones specified in nvim-lint will be translated to Mason format and installed. NOTE: The linters in ensure_installed should be written in the format of the mason's registry (

require ('mason-nvim-lint').setup({
    ensure_installed = { 'bacon' }, -- bacon linter for rust is not available in nvim-lint, so it's specified to be directly installed from the mason's registry
    ignore_install = { 'custom-linter' }, -- avoid trying to install an unknown linter


This project relies heavily on mason-lspconfig.nvim.