tweak --clear-cache: use exec, so the exit code falls through
tweak --clear-cache: use exec, so the exit code falls through
fix: if $bin DNE, do not execute
fix: if $bin DNE, do not execute
github ci: also, only execute if binary compiled; some exit code tuning
github ci: also, only execute if binary compiled; some exit code tuning
Force push
github ci: also, only execute if binary compiled; some exit code tuning
github ci: also, only execute if binary compiled; some exit code tuning
Force push
only execute if bin compiled
only execute if bin compiled
print compiler versions if available
print compiler versions if available ensure files are loaded relative to script ensure files are loaded relative to script
Merge branch 'alejandrogallo/master/fortran-support'
Merge branch 'alejandrogallo/master/fortran-support'
update copyright date
update copyright date
Force push
Merge branch 'alejandrogallo/master/fortran-support'
Merge branch 'alejandrogallo/master/fortran-support' ensure tests are run from the test/ directory ensure tests are run from the test/ directory