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141 lines (115 loc) · 7.96 KB


Ver 1.1.1 (Change Log)


"EveryRay" is a rendering engine that is written in C++ with a focus on quick prototyping of graphical techniques and features. It is lightweight, easy to use and already contains many existing rendering solutions inside.

"EveryRay" is not a game engine. It was never made with that in mind which resulted in building the engine with a minimal amount of components/systems outside the graphics part. It is not impossible to make a proper game engine out of "EveryRay", however, there are many other projects that were architectured specifically for that instead.

"EveryRay" is not a library that can be disconnected and connected to your project either. It is not modular and was never meant to be. However, there is at least a distinction between low-level graphics code and high-level systems in the engine which you can borrow for your own needs.

Lastly, "EveryRay" was made by a graphics programmer for those who are interested in real-time rendering and who do not want to spend time setting up a bunch of engine-related things that are needed when you begin writing your personal engine of any kind. You can think of "EveryRay" as a "toy engine/tech demo on steroids" or, in other words, a simple sandbox with minimal UI for testing complex ideas with the help of various prepared functionalities.

You can read more about the architecture of "EveryRay" in the documentation:

You can see a video demonstration of "EveryRay" here (scroll down for screenshots):

Rendering features

  • Deferred + Forward Rendering
  • Local illumination w/ Physically Based Rendering
  • Global illumination w/:
    • Static: Image Based Lighting from light probes:
      • diffuse (2nd order spherical harmonics)
      • specular (cubemaps)
    • Dynamic: Cascaded Voxel Cone Tracing (AO, diffuse, specular)
  • Cascaded Shadow Mapping
  • Parallax-Occlusion Mapping w/ soft self-shadowing
  • Terrain w/ GPU tessellation
  • Foliage zones
  • Volumetric clouds
  • Volumetric fog
  • Post Processing Volumes with Linear Fog, Screen Space Reflections, Separable Subsurface Scattering, Tonemapping, LUT color grading, Vignette, Anti-aliasing (FXAA)
  • Special materials: Snow, Fresnel-Outline, Fake-Transparency (reflect+refract), Fur Shell

You can read more in Graphics Overview

Engine features

  • Concept of an "ER_RHI" (aka "Rendering Hardware Interface"): graphics API is abstracted from the general code (systems, etc.)
    • supports DX11, DX12
  • Concept of a simplified generic game object - "ER_RenderingObject":
    • supports model loading (.obj, .fbx and etc.) with Assimp Library
    • supports multiple meshes
    • supports texture loading (.png, .jpg, .dds)
    • supports materials
    • supports GPU instancing
    • supports LOD groups
    • supports indirect GPU rendering (GBuffer, Shadow, Forward passes) w/ GPU culling
    • supports AABB (with visualization)
    • supports on-terrain procedural placement & instances distribution
    • customizable via "Object editor" (with instancing support)
  • Concept of a generic scene, which contains "ER_RenderingObject" elements + scene data (lights, terrain, GI and other info):
    • supports loading from & saving to JSON scene files
  • Concept of graphics presets for achieving performance on various hardware configurations
    • impacts the quality of several systems (resolutions, shadows, textures, etc.)
  • CPU frustum culling
  • ImGUI, ImGuizmo
  • Input from mouse, keyboard and gamepad (XInput, but you can add your own)

You can read more in Engine Overview


  • "Mouse + Right Click" or "Right Thumbstick" - camera rotation
  • "W/A/S/D" or "Left Thumbstick" - camera side movement (on gamepad holding "Left Trigger"/"Right Trigger" will slow/fasten the movement)
  • "E/Q" - camera up/down movement
  • "Backspace" or "Back Gamepad Button" - enable/disable editor
  • "R/T/Y" - scale/translate/rotate object in the editor mode

Gamepad is currently not supported/tested with ImGui.


picture picture picture picture picture picture


Over the years many scenes have been created for "EveryRay". However, to make things simpler, only a few are included in the public version of this repository:

Name Description Screenshot
testScene_simple Default startup scene with a few basic objects
testScene Advanced scene with various materials, post-effects volumes, foliage, lights, and light probes
terrainScene Foliage and several types of GPU indirect objects scattered on top of terrain

Learn more about levels in Engine Overview


Big features that require a branch/merge request and a considerable amount of time.


  • remove DX11 "Effects" library, all .fx shaders and refactor the material system (DONE) (#51)
  • remove all low-level DX11 code and put it into the abstracted RHI (DONE) (#56)
  • add support for DX12 (DONE) (#57)
  • remove DirectXMath and its usages (maybe come up with a custom math lib)
  • add cross-API shader compiler
  • add simple job-system (i.e. for Update(), CPU culling, etc.)
  • add support for multi-threaded command lists on modern APIs (after job-system)
  • add simple memory management system (for now CPU memory; at least linear, pool allocators)


  • Order Independent Transparency (in Forward pass)
  • Atmospheric Scattering (Mie, etc.)
  • Contact hardening shadows
  • Stochastic reflections
  • Better Anti-Aliasing (SMAA, TAA, explore FSR/DLSS)
  • Hardware accelerated ray-tracing (i.e., DXR shadows, reflections, AO)
  • High-poly geometry with mesh shaders

External Dependencies


  • "Real-Time 3D Rendering with DirectX and HLSL: A Practical Guide to Graphics Programming" by Paul Varcholik
  • "Real-Time Rendering" 3rd/4th ed. by Tomas Möller, Naty Hoffman, Eric Haines
  • "GPU Gems" series
  • "GPU Pro" series
  • numerous SIGGRAPH, GDC papers, and blog posts by fellow graphics geeks and vendors :)
