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34966 lines (24131 loc) · 429 KB

File metadata and controls

34966 lines (24131 loc) · 429 KB


client.getChargesChargeRefundsRefund(charge, refund, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Refund

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing refund.

🔌 Usage

await client.getChargesChargeRefundsRefund("charge", "refund");

⚙️ Parameters

charge: string

refund: string

request: Stripe.GetChargesChargeRefundsRefundRequest

requestOptions: StripeClient.RequestOptions


client.account.retrieve({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Account

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an account.

🔌 Usage

await client.account.retrieve();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.AccountRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.account.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.AccountListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of accounts connected to your platform via Connect. If you’re not a platform, the list is empty.

🔌 Usage

await client.account.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.AccountListRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.account.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Account

📝 Description

With Connect, you can create Stripe accounts for your users. To do this, you’ll first need to register your platform.

If you’ve already collected information for your connected accounts, you can prefill that information when creating the account. Connect Onboarding won’t ask for the prefilled information during account onboarding. You can prefill any information on the account.

🔌 Usage

await client.account.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.AccountCreateRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.account.update(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Account

📝 Description

Updates a connected account by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided are left unchanged.

For accounts where controller.requirement_collection is application, which includes Custom accounts, you can update any information on the account.

For accounts where controller.requirement_collection is stripe, which includes Standard and Express accounts, you can update all information until you create an Account Link or Account Session to start Connect onboarding, after which some properties can no longer be updated.

To update your own account, use the Dashboard. Refer to our Connect documentation to learn more about updating accounts.

🔌 Usage

await client.account.update("account");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.AccountUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.account.delete(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedAccount

📝 Description

With Connect, you can delete accounts you manage.

Test-mode accounts can be deleted at any time.

Live-mode accounts where Stripe is responsible for negative account balances cannot be deleted, which includes Standard accounts. Live-mode accounts where your platform is liable for negative account balances, which includes Custom and Express accounts, can be deleted when all balances are zero.

If you want to delete your own account, use the account information tab in your account settings instead.

🔌 Usage

await client.account.delete("account");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.AccountDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.account.reject(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Account

📝 Description

With Connect, you can reject accounts that you have flagged as suspicious.

Only accounts where your platform is liable for negative account balances, which includes Custom and Express accounts, can be rejected. Test-mode accounts can be rejected at any time. Live-mode accounts can only be rejected after all balances are zero.

🔌 Usage

await client.account.reject("account", {
    reason: "reason",

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.AccountRejectRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions


client.accountLink.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.AccountLink

📝 Description

Creates an AccountLink object that includes a single-use Stripe URL that the platform can redirect their user to in order to take them through the Connect Onboarding flow.

🔌 Usage

await client.accountLink.create({
    account: "account",
    type: "account_onboarding",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.AccountLinkCreateRequest

requestOptions: AccountLink.RequestOptions


client.accountSession.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.AccountSession

📝 Description

Creates a AccountSession object that includes a single-use token that the platform can use on their front-end to grant client-side API access.

🔌 Usage

await client.accountSession.create({
    account: "account",
    components: {},

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.AccountSessionCreateRequest

requestOptions: AccountSession.RequestOptions


client.capability.list(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CapabilityListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of capabilities associated with the account. The capabilities are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent capability appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.capability.list("account");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.CapabilityListRequest

requestOptions: Capability.RequestOptions

client.capability.retrieve(account, capability, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Capability

📝 Description

Retrieves information about the specified Account Capability.

🔌 Usage

await client.capability.retrieve("account", "capability");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

capability: string

request: Stripe.CapabilityRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Capability.RequestOptions

client.capability.update(account, capability, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Capability

📝 Description

Updates an existing Account Capability. Request or remove a capability by updating its requested parameter.

🔌 Usage

await client.capability.update("account", "capability");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

capability: string

request: Stripe.CapabilityUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Capability.RequestOptions


client.externalAccount.list(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ExternalAccountListResponse

📝 Description

List external accounts for an account.

🔌 Usage

await client.externalAccount.list("account");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.ExternalAccountListRequest

requestOptions: ExternalAccount.RequestOptions

client.externalAccount.create(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ExternalAccount

📝 Description

Create an external account for a given account.

🔌 Usage

await client.externalAccount.create("account", {
    external_account: "external_account",

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.ExternalAccountCreateRequest

requestOptions: ExternalAccount.RequestOptions

client.externalAccount.retrieve(account, id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ExternalAccount

📝 Description

Retrieve a specified external account for a given account.

🔌 Usage

await client.externalAccount.retrieve("account", "id");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

id: string

request: Stripe.ExternalAccountRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ExternalAccount.RequestOptions

client.externalAccount.update(account, id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ExternalAccount

📝 Description

Updates the metadata, account holder name, account holder type of a bank account belonging to a connected account and optionally sets it as the default for its currency. Other bank account details are not editable by design.

You can only update bank accounts when account.controller.requirement_collection is application, which includes Custom accounts.

You can re-enable a disabled bank account by performing an update call without providing any arguments or changes.

🔌 Usage

await client.externalAccount.update("account", "id");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

id: string

request: Stripe.ExternalAccountUpdateRequest

requestOptions: ExternalAccount.RequestOptions

client.externalAccount.delete(account, id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedExternalAccount

📝 Description

Delete a specified external account for a given account.

🔌 Usage

await client.externalAccount.delete("account", "id");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

id: string

request: Stripe.ExternalAccountDeleteRequest

requestOptions: ExternalAccount.RequestOptions


client.loginLink.create(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.LoginLink

📝 Description

Creates a login link for a connected account to access the Express Dashboard.

You can only create login links for accounts that use the Express Dashboard and are connected to your platform.

🔌 Usage

await client.loginLink.create("account");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.LoginLinkCreateRequest

requestOptions: LoginLink.RequestOptions


client.person.list(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PersonListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of people associated with the account’s legal entity. The people are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent people appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.person.list("account");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.PersonListRequest

requestOptions: Person.RequestOptions

client.person.create(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Person

📝 Description

Creates a new person.

🔌 Usage

await client.person.create("account");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.PersonCreateRequest

requestOptions: Person.RequestOptions

client.person.retrieve(account, person, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Person

📝 Description

Retrieves an existing person.

🔌 Usage

await client.person.retrieve("account", "person");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

person: string

request: Stripe.PersonRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Person.RequestOptions

client.person.update(account, person, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Person

📝 Description

Updates an existing person.

🔌 Usage

await client.person.update("account", "person");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

person: string

request: Stripe.PersonUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Person.RequestOptions

client.person.delete(account, person, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedPerson

📝 Description

Deletes an existing person’s relationship to the account’s legal entity. Any person with a relationship for an account can be deleted through the API, except if the person is the account_opener. If your integration is using the executive parameter, you cannot delete the only verified executive on file.

🔌 Usage

await client.person.delete("account", "person");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

person: string

request: Stripe.PersonDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Person.RequestOptions


client.applePayDomain.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ApplePayDomainListResponse

📝 Description

List apple pay domains.

🔌 Usage

await client.applePayDomain.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ApplePayDomainListRequest

requestOptions: ApplePayDomain.RequestOptions

client.applePayDomain.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ApplePayDomain

📝 Description

Create an apple pay domain.

🔌 Usage

await client.applePayDomain.create({
    domain_name: "domain_name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ApplePayDomainCreateRequest

requestOptions: ApplePayDomain.RequestOptions

client.applePayDomain.retrieve(domain, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ApplePayDomain

📝 Description

Retrieve an apple pay domain.

🔌 Usage

await client.applePayDomain.retrieve("domain");

⚙️ Parameters

domain: string

request: Stripe.ApplePayDomainRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ApplePayDomain.RequestOptions

client.applePayDomain.delete(domain, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedApplePayDomain

📝 Description

Delete an apple pay domain.

🔌 Usage

await client.applePayDomain.delete("domain");

⚙️ Parameters

domain: string

request: Stripe.ApplePayDomainDeleteRequest

requestOptions: ApplePayDomain.RequestOptions


client.applicationFee.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ApplicationFeeListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of application fees you’ve previously collected. The application fees are returned in sorted order, with the most recent fees appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.applicationFee.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ApplicationFeeListRequest

requestOptions: ApplicationFee.RequestOptions

client.applicationFee.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ApplicationFee

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an application fee that your account has collected. The same information is returned when refunding the application fee.

🔌 Usage

await client.applicationFee.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.ApplicationFeeRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ApplicationFee.RequestOptions


client.feeRefund.retrieve(fee, id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FeeRefund

📝 Description

By default, you can see the 10 most recent refunds stored directly on the application fee object, but you can also retrieve details about a specific refund stored on the application fee.

🔌 Usage

await client.feeRefund.retrieve("fee", "id");

⚙️ Parameters

fee: string

id: string

request: Stripe.FeeRefundRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: FeeRefund.RequestOptions

client.feeRefund.update(fee, id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FeeRefund

📝 Description

Updates the specified application fee refund by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

This request only accepts metadata as an argument.

🔌 Usage

await client.feeRefund.update("fee", "id");

⚙️ Parameters

fee: string

id: string

request: Stripe.FeeRefundUpdateRequest

requestOptions: FeeRefund.RequestOptions

client.feeRefund.list(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FeeRefundListResponse

📝 Description

You can see a list of the refunds belonging to a specific application fee. Note that the 10 most recent refunds are always available by default on the application fee object. If you need more than those 10, you can use this API method and the limit and starting_after parameters to page through additional refunds.

🔌 Usage

await client.feeRefund.list("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.FeeRefundListRequest

requestOptions: FeeRefund.RequestOptions

client.feeRefund.create(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FeeRefund

📝 Description

Refunds an application fee that has previously been collected but not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to the Stripe account from which the fee was originally collected.

You can optionally refund only part of an application fee. You can do so multiple times, until the entire fee has been refunded.

Once entirely refunded, an application fee can’t be refunded again. This method will raise an error when called on an already-refunded application fee, or when trying to refund more money than is left on an application fee.

🔌 Usage

await client.feeRefund.create("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.FeeRefundCreateRequest

requestOptions: FeeRefund.RequestOptions


client.balance.retrieve({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Balance

📝 Description

Retrieves the current account balance, based on the authentication that was used to make the request. For a sample request, see Accounting for negative balances.

🔌 Usage

await client.balance.retrieve();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.BalanceRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Balance.RequestOptions


client.balanceTransaction.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.BalanceTransactionListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of transactions that have contributed to the Stripe account balance (e.g., charges, transfers, and so forth). The transactions are returned in sorted order, with the most recent transactions appearing first.

Note that this endpoint was previously called “Balance history” and used the path /v1/balance/history.

🔌 Usage

await client.balanceTransaction.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.BalanceTransactionListRequest

requestOptions: BalanceTransaction.RequestOptions

client.balanceTransaction.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BalanceTransaction

📝 Description

Retrieves the balance transaction with the given ID.

Note that this endpoint previously used the path /v1/balance/history/:id.

🔌 Usage

await client.balanceTransaction.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.BalanceTransactionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: BalanceTransaction.RequestOptions


client.charge.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ChargeListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of charges you’ve previously created. The charges are returned in sorted order, with the most recent charges appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.charge.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ChargeListRequest

requestOptions: Charge.RequestOptions

client.charge.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Charge

📝 Description

This method is no longer recommended—use the Payment Intents API to initiate a new payment instead. Confirmation of the PaymentIntent creates the Charge object used to request payment.

🔌 Usage

await client.charge.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ChargeCreateRequest

requestOptions: Charge.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.ChargeSearchResponse

📝 Description

Search for charges you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.

🔌 Usage

    query: "query",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ChargeSearchRequest

requestOptions: Charge.RequestOptions

client.charge.retrieve(charge, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Charge

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a charge that has previously been created. Supply the unique charge ID that was returned from your previous request, and Stripe will return the corresponding charge information. The same information is returned when creating or refunding the charge.

🔌 Usage

await client.charge.retrieve("charge");

⚙️ Parameters

charge: string

request: Stripe.ChargeRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Charge.RequestOptions

client.charge.update(charge, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Charge

📝 Description

Updates the specified charge by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

🔌 Usage

await client.charge.update("charge");

⚙️ Parameters

charge: string

request: Stripe.ChargeUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Charge.RequestOptions

client.charge.capture(charge, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Charge

📝 Description

Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured charge that was created with the capture option set to false.

Uncaptured payments expire a set number of days after they are created (7 by default), after which they are marked as refunded and capture attempts will fail.

Don’t use this method to capture a PaymentIntent-initiated charge. Use Capture a PaymentIntent.

🔌 Usage

await client.charge.capture("charge");

⚙️ Parameters

charge: string

request: Stripe.ChargeCaptureRequest

requestOptions: Charge.RequestOptions


client.confirmationToken.retrieve(confirmationToken, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ConfirmationToken

📝 Description

Retrieves an existing ConfirmationToken object

🔌 Usage

await client.confirmationToken.retrieve("confirmation_token");

⚙️ Parameters

confirmationToken: string

request: Stripe.ConfirmationTokenRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ConfirmationToken.RequestOptions

client.confirmationToken.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ConfirmationToken

📝 Description

Creates a test mode Confirmation Token server side for your integration tests.

🔌 Usage

await client.confirmationToken.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ConfirmationTokenCreateRequest

requestOptions: ConfirmationToken.RequestOptions


client.countrySpec.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CountrySpecListResponse

📝 Description

Lists all Country Spec objects available in the API.

🔌 Usage

await client.countrySpec.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CountrySpecListRequest

requestOptions: CountrySpec.RequestOptions

client.countrySpec.retrieve(country, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CountrySpec

📝 Description

Returns a Country Spec for a given Country code.

🔌 Usage

await client.countrySpec.retrieve("country");

⚙️ Parameters

country: string

request: Stripe.CountrySpecRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: CountrySpec.RequestOptions

Coupon{ ...params }) -> Stripe.CouponListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your coupons.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CouponListRequest

requestOptions: Coupon.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.Coupon

📝 Description

You can create coupons easily via the coupon management page of the Stripe dashboard. Coupon creation is also accessible via the API if you need to create coupons on the fly.

A coupon has either a percent_off or an amount_off and currency. If you set an amount_off, that amount will be subtracted from any invoice’s subtotal. For example, an invoice with a subtotal of 100 will have a final total of 0 if a coupon with an amount_off of 200 is applied to it and an invoice with a subtotal of 300 will have a final total of 100 if a coupon with an amount_off of 200 is applied to it.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CouponCreateRequest

requestOptions: Coupon.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Coupon

📝 Description

Retrieves the coupon with the given ID.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

coupon: string

request: Stripe.CouponRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Coupon.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Coupon

📝 Description

Updates the metadata of a coupon. Other coupon details (currency, duration, amount_off) are, by design, not editable.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

coupon: string

request: Stripe.CouponUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Coupon.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedCoupon

📝 Description

You can delete coupons via the coupon management page of the Stripe dashboard. However, deleting a coupon does not affect any customers who have already applied the coupon; it means that new customers can’t redeem the coupon. You can also delete coupons via the API.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

coupon: string

request: Stripe.CouponDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Coupon.RequestOptions


client.creditNote.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditNoteListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of credit notes.

🔌 Usage

await client.creditNote.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CreditNoteListRequest

requestOptions: CreditNote.RequestOptions

client.creditNote.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditNote

📝 Description

Issue a credit note to adjust the amount of a finalized invoice. For a status=open invoice, a credit note reduces its amount_due. For a status=paid invoice, a credit note does not affect its amount_due. Instead, it can result in any combination of the following:

  • Refund: create a new refund (using refund_amount) or link an existing refund (using refund).
  • Customer balance credit: credit the customer’s balance (using credit_amount) which will be automatically applied to their next invoice when it’s finalized.
  • Outside of Stripe credit: record the amount that is or will be credited outside of Stripe (using out_of_band_amount).

For post-payment credit notes the sum of the refund, credit and outside of Stripe amounts must equal the credit note total.

You may issue multiple credit notes for an invoice. Each credit note will increment the invoice’s pre_payment_credit_notes_amount or post_payment_credit_notes_amount depending on its status at the time of credit note creation.

🔌 Usage

await client.creditNote.create({
    invoice: "invoice",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CreditNoteCreateRequest

requestOptions: CreditNote.RequestOptions

client.creditNote.preview({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditNote

📝 Description

Get a preview of a credit note without creating it.

🔌 Usage

await client.creditNote.preview({
    invoice: "invoice",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CreditNotePreviewRequest

requestOptions: CreditNote.RequestOptions

client.creditNote.previewLines({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditNotePreviewLinesResponse

📝 Description

When retrieving a credit note preview, you’ll get a lines property containing the first handful of those items. This URL you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

🔌 Usage

await client.creditNote.previewLines({
    invoice: "invoice",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CreditNotePreviewLinesRequest

requestOptions: CreditNote.RequestOptions

client.creditNote.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditNote

📝 Description

Retrieves the credit note object with the given identifier.

🔌 Usage

await client.creditNote.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.CreditNoteRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: CreditNote.RequestOptions

client.creditNote.update(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditNote

📝 Description

Updates an existing credit note.

🔌 Usage

await client.creditNote.update("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.CreditNoteUpdateRequest

requestOptions: CreditNote.RequestOptions

client.creditNote.voidCreditNote(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditNote

📝 Description

Marks a credit note as void. Learn more about voiding credit notes.

🔌 Usage

await client.creditNote.voidCreditNote("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.CreditNoteVoidCreditNoteRequest

requestOptions: CreditNote.RequestOptions


client.creditNoteLineItem.list(creditNote, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditNoteLineItemListResponse

📝 Description

When retrieving a credit note, you’ll get a lines property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

🔌 Usage

await client.creditNoteLineItem.list("credit_note");

⚙️ Parameters

creditNote: string

request: Stripe.CreditNoteLineItemListRequest

requestOptions: CreditNoteLineItem.RequestOptions


client.customerSession.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerSession

📝 Description

Creates a Customer Session object that includes a single-use client secret that you can use on your front-end to grant client-side API access for certain customer resources.

🔌 Usage

await client.customerSession.create({
    components: {},
    customer: "customer",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CustomerSessionCreateRequest

requestOptions: CustomerSession.RequestOptions


client.customer.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent customers appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.customer.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CustomerListRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions

client.customer.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Customer

📝 Description

Creates a new customer object.

🔌 Usage

await client.customer.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CustomerCreateRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerSearchResponse

📝 Description

Search for customers you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.

🔌 Usage

    query: "query",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.CustomerSearchRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions

client.customer.retrieve(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerRetrieveResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves a Customer object.

🔌 Usage

await client.customer.retrieve("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CustomerRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions

client.customer.update(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Customer

📝 Description

Updates the specified customer by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. For example, if you pass the source parameter, that becomes the customer’s active source (e.g., a card) to be used for all charges in the future. When you update a customer to a new valid card source by passing the source parameter: for each of the customer’s current subscriptions, if the subscription bills automatically and is in the past_due state, then the latest open invoice for the subscription with automatic collection enabled will be retried. This retry will not count as an automatic retry, and will not affect the next regularly scheduled payment for the invoice. Changing the default_source for a customer will not trigger this behavior.

This request accepts mostly the same arguments as the customer creation call.

🔌 Usage

await client.customer.update("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CustomerUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions

client.customer.delete(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedCustomer

📝 Description

Permanently deletes a customer. It cannot be undone. Also immediately cancels any active subscriptions on the customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.customer.delete("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CustomerDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions

client.customer.deleteDiscount(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedDiscount

📝 Description

Removes the currently applied discount on a customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.customer.deleteDiscount("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CustomerDeleteDiscountRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions

client.customer.createFundingInstructions(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FundingInstructions

📝 Description

Retrieve funding instructions for a customer cash balance. If funding instructions do not yet exist for the customer, new funding instructions will be created. If funding instructions have already been created for a given customer, the same funding instructions will be retrieved. In other words, we will return the same funding instructions each time.

🔌 Usage

await client.customer.createFundingInstructions("customer", {
    bank_transfer: {
        type: "eu_bank_transfer",
    currency: "currency",

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CustomerCreateFundingInstructionsRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions

client.customer.listPaymentMethods(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerListPaymentMethodsResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of PaymentMethods for a given Customer

🔌 Usage

await client.customer.listPaymentMethods("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CustomerListPaymentMethodsRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions

client.customer.retrievePaymentMethod(customer, paymentMethod, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethod

📝 Description

Retrieves a PaymentMethod object for a given Customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.customer.retrievePaymentMethod("customer", "payment_method");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

paymentMethod: string

request: Stripe.CustomerRetrievePaymentMethodRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions

client.customer.fundCashBalance(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerCashBalanceTransaction

📝 Description

Create an incoming testmode bank transfer

🔌 Usage

await client.customer.fundCashBalance("customer", {
    amount: 1,
    currency: "currency",

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CustomerFundCashBalanceRequest

requestOptions: Customer.RequestOptions


client.customerBalanceTransaction.list(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of transactions that updated the customer’s balances.

🔌 Usage

await client.customerBalanceTransaction.list("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionListRequest

requestOptions: CustomerBalanceTransaction.RequestOptions

client.customerBalanceTransaction.create(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerBalanceTransaction

📝 Description

Creates an immutable transaction that updates the customer’s credit balance.

🔌 Usage

await client.customerBalanceTransaction.create("customer", {
    amount: 1,
    currency: "currency",

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionCreateRequest

requestOptions: CustomerBalanceTransaction.RequestOptions

client.customerBalanceTransaction.retrieve(customer, transaction, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerBalanceTransaction

📝 Description

Retrieves a specific customer balance transaction that updated the customer’s balances.

🔌 Usage

await client.customerBalanceTransaction.retrieve("customer", "transaction");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

transaction: string

request: Stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: CustomerBalanceTransaction.RequestOptions

client.customerBalanceTransaction.update(customer, transaction, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerBalanceTransaction

📝 Description

Most credit balance transaction fields are immutable, but you may update its description and metadata.

🔌 Usage

await client.customerBalanceTransaction.update("customer", "transaction");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

transaction: string

request: Stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionUpdateRequest

requestOptions: CustomerBalanceTransaction.RequestOptions


client.cashBalance.retrieve(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CashBalance

📝 Description

Retrieves a customer’s cash balance.

🔌 Usage

await client.cashBalance.retrieve("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CashBalanceRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: CashBalance.RequestOptions

client.cashBalance.update(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CashBalance

📝 Description

Changes the settings on a customer’s cash balance.

🔌 Usage

await client.cashBalance.update("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CashBalanceUpdateRequest

requestOptions: CashBalance.RequestOptions


client.customerCashBalanceTransaction.list(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerCashBalanceTransactionListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of transactions that modified the customer’s cash balance.

🔌 Usage

await client.customerCashBalanceTransaction.list("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.CustomerCashBalanceTransactionListRequest

requestOptions: CustomerCashBalanceTransaction.RequestOptions

client.customerCashBalanceTransaction.retrieve(customer, transaction, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CustomerCashBalanceTransaction

📝 Description

Retrieves a specific cash balance transaction, which updated the customer’s cash balance.

🔌 Usage

await client.customerCashBalanceTransaction.retrieve("customer", "transaction");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

transaction: string

request: Stripe.CustomerCashBalanceTransactionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: CustomerCashBalanceTransaction.RequestOptions


client.paymentSource.list(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentSourceListResponse

📝 Description

List sources for a specified customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentSource.list("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.PaymentSourceListRequest

requestOptions: PaymentSource.RequestOptions

client.paymentSource.create(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentSource

📝 Description

When you create a new credit card, you must specify a customer or recipient on which to create it.

If the card’s owner has no default card, then the new card will become the default. However, if the owner already has a default, then it will not change. To change the default, you should update the customer to have a new default_source.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentSource.create("customer", {
    source: "source",

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.PaymentSourceCreateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentSource.RequestOptions

client.paymentSource.retrieve(customer, id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentSource

📝 Description

Retrieve a specified source for a given customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentSource.retrieve("customer", "id");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

id: string

request: Stripe.PaymentSourceRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: PaymentSource.RequestOptions


client.source.detach(customer, id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SourceDetachResponse

📝 Description

Delete a specified source for a given customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.source.detach("customer", "id");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

id: string

request: Stripe.SourceDetachRequest

requestOptions: Source.RequestOptions

client.source.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Source

📝 Description

Creates a new source object.

🔌 Usage

await client.source.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SourceCreateRequest

requestOptions: Source.RequestOptions

client.source.retrieve(source, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Source

📝 Description

Retrieves an existing source object. Supply the unique source ID from a source creation request and Stripe will return the corresponding up-to-date source object information.

🔌 Usage

await client.source.retrieve("source");

⚙️ Parameters

source: string

request: Stripe.SourceRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Source.RequestOptions

client.source.update(source, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Source

📝 Description

Updates the specified source by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

This request accepts the metadata and owner as arguments. It is also possible to update type specific information for selected payment methods. Please refer to our payment method guides for more detail.

🔌 Usage

await client.source.update("source");

⚙️ Parameters

source: string

request: Stripe.SourceUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Source.RequestOptions

client.source.sourceTransactions(source, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SourceSourceTransactionsResponse

📝 Description

List source transactions for a given source.

🔌 Usage

await client.source.sourceTransactions("source");

⚙️ Parameters

source: string

request: Stripe.SourceSourceTransactionsRequest

requestOptions: Source.RequestOptions

client.source.verify(source, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Source

📝 Description

Verify a given source.

🔌 Usage

await client.source.verify("source", {
    values: ["values"],

⚙️ Parameters

source: string

request: Stripe.SourceVerifyRequest

requestOptions: Source.RequestOptions


client.bankAccount.verify(customer, id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BankAccount

📝 Description

Verify a specified bank account for a given customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.bankAccount.verify("customer", "id");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

id: string

request: Stripe.BankAccountVerifyRequest

requestOptions: BankAccount.RequestOptions


client.taxId.list(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxIdListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of tax IDs for a customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.taxId.list("customer");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.TaxIdListRequest

requestOptions: TaxId.RequestOptions

client.taxId.create(customer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxId

📝 Description

Creates a new tax_id object for a customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.taxId.create("customer", {
    type: "ad_nrt",
    value: "value",

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

request: Stripe.TaxIdCreateRequest

requestOptions: TaxId.RequestOptions

client.taxId.retrieve(customer, id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxId

📝 Description

Retrieves the tax_id object with the given identifier.

🔌 Usage

await client.taxId.retrieve("customer", "id");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

id: string

request: Stripe.TaxIdRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: TaxId.RequestOptions

client.taxId.delete(customer, id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedTaxId

📝 Description

Deletes an existing tax_id object.

🔌 Usage

await client.taxId.delete("customer", "id");

⚙️ Parameters

customer: string

id: string

request: Stripe.TaxIdDeleteRequest

requestOptions: TaxId.RequestOptions


client.dispute.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.DisputeListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your disputes.

🔌 Usage

await client.dispute.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.DisputeListRequest

requestOptions: Dispute.RequestOptions

client.dispute.retrieve(dispute, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Dispute

📝 Description

Retrieves the dispute with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.dispute.retrieve("dispute");

⚙️ Parameters

dispute: string

request: Stripe.DisputeRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Dispute.RequestOptions

client.dispute.update(dispute, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Dispute

📝 Description

When you get a dispute, contacting your customer is always the best first step. If that doesn’t work, you can submit evidence to help us resolve the dispute in your favor. You can do this in your dashboard, but if you prefer, you can use the API to submit evidence programmatically.

Depending on your dispute type, different evidence fields will give you a better chance of winning your dispute. To figure out which evidence fields to provide, see our guide to dispute types.

🔌 Usage

await client.dispute.update("dispute");

⚙️ Parameters

dispute: string

request: Stripe.DisputeUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Dispute.RequestOptions

client.dispute.close(dispute, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Dispute

📝 Description

Closing the dispute for a charge indicates that you do not have any evidence to submit and are essentially dismissing the dispute, acknowledging it as lost.

The status of the dispute will change from needs_response to lost. Closing a dispute is irreversible.

🔌 Usage

await client.dispute.close("dispute");

⚙️ Parameters

dispute: string

request: Stripe.DisputeCloseRequest

requestOptions: Dispute.RequestOptions


client.ephemeralKey.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.EphemeralKey

📝 Description

Creates a short-lived API key for a given resource.

🔌 Usage

await client.ephemeralKey.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.EphemeralKeyCreateRequest

requestOptions: EphemeralKey.RequestOptions

client.ephemeralKey.delete(key, { ...params }) -> Stripe.EphemeralKey

📝 Description

Invalidates a short-lived API key for a given resource.

🔌 Usage

await client.ephemeralKey.delete("key");

⚙️ Parameters

key: string

request: Stripe.EphemeralKeyDeleteRequest

requestOptions: EphemeralKey.RequestOptions


client.event.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.EventListResponse

📝 Description

List events, going back up to 30 days. Each event data is rendered according to Stripe API version at its creation time, specified in event object api_version attribute (not according to your current Stripe API version or Stripe-Version header).

🔌 Usage

await client.event.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.EventListRequest

requestOptions: Event.RequestOptions

client.event.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Event

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an event if it was created in the last 30 days. Supply the unique identifier of the event, which you might have received in a webhook.

🔌 Usage

await client.event.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.EventRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Event.RequestOptions


client.exchangeRate.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ExchangeRateListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of objects that contain the rates at which foreign currencies are converted to one another. Only shows the currencies for which Stripe supports.

🔌 Usage

await client.exchangeRate.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ExchangeRateListRequest

requestOptions: ExchangeRate.RequestOptions

client.exchangeRate.retrieve(rateId, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ExchangeRate

📝 Description

Retrieves the exchange rates from the given currency to every supported currency.

🔌 Usage

await client.exchangeRate.retrieve("rate_id");

⚙️ Parameters

rateId: string

request: Stripe.ExchangeRateRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ExchangeRate.RequestOptions


client.fileLink.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.FileLinkListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of file links.

🔌 Usage

await client.fileLink.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.FileLinkListRequest

requestOptions: FileLink.RequestOptions

client.fileLink.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.FileLink

📝 Description

Creates a new file link object.

🔌 Usage

await client.fileLink.create({
    file: "file",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.FileLinkCreateRequest

requestOptions: FileLink.RequestOptions

client.fileLink.retrieve(link, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FileLink

📝 Description

Retrieves the file link with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.fileLink.retrieve("link");

⚙️ Parameters

link: string

request: Stripe.FileLinkRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: FileLink.RequestOptions

client.fileLink.update(link, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FileLink

📝 Description

Updates an existing file link object. Expired links can no longer be updated.

🔌 Usage

await client.fileLink.update("link");

⚙️ Parameters

link: string

request: Stripe.FileLinkUpdateRequest

requestOptions: FileLink.RequestOptions


client.file.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.FileListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of the files that your account has access to. Stripe sorts and returns the files by their creation dates, placing the most recently created files at the top.

🔌 Usage

await client.file.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.FileListRequest

requestOptions: File_.RequestOptions

client.file.retrieve(file, { ...params }) -> Stripe.File_

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing file object. After you supply a unique file ID, Stripe returns the corresponding file object. Learn how to access file contents.

🔌 Usage

await client.file.retrieve("file");

⚙️ Parameters

file: string

request: Stripe.FileRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: File_.RequestOptions


client.invoiceRenderingTemplate.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.InvoiceRenderingTemplateListResponse

📝 Description

List all templates, ordered by creation date, with the most recently created template appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoiceRenderingTemplate.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.InvoiceRenderingTemplateListRequest

requestOptions: InvoiceRenderingTemplate.RequestOptions

client.invoiceRenderingTemplate.retrieve(template, { ...params }) -> Stripe.InvoiceRenderingTemplate

📝 Description

Retrieves an invoice rendering template with the given ID. It by default returns the latest version of the template. Optionally, specify a version to see previous versions.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoiceRenderingTemplate.retrieve("template");

⚙️ Parameters

template: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceRenderingTemplateRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: InvoiceRenderingTemplate.RequestOptions

client.invoiceRenderingTemplate.archive(template, { ...params }) -> Stripe.InvoiceRenderingTemplate

📝 Description

Updates the status of an invoice rendering template to ‘archived’ so no new Stripe objects (customers, invoices, etc.) can reference it. The template can also no longer be updated. However, if the template is already set on a Stripe object, it will continue to be applied on invoices generated by it.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoiceRenderingTemplate.archive("template");

⚙️ Parameters

template: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceRenderingTemplateArchiveRequest

requestOptions: InvoiceRenderingTemplate.RequestOptions

client.invoiceRenderingTemplate.unarchive(template, { ...params }) -> Stripe.InvoiceRenderingTemplate

📝 Description

Unarchive an invoice rendering template so it can be used on new Stripe objects again.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoiceRenderingTemplate.unarchive("template");

⚙️ Parameters

template: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceRenderingTemplateUnarchiveRequest

requestOptions: InvoiceRenderingTemplate.RequestOptions


client.invoiceitem.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.InvoiceitemListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your invoice items. Invoice items are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created invoice items appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoiceitem.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.InvoiceitemListRequest

requestOptions: Invoiceitem.RequestOptions

client.invoiceitem.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoiceitem

📝 Description

Creates an item to be added to a draft invoice (up to 250 items per invoice). If no invoice is specified, the item will be on the next invoice created for the customer specified.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoiceitem.create({
    customer: "customer",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.InvoiceitemCreateRequest

requestOptions: Invoiceitem.RequestOptions

client.invoiceitem.retrieve(invoiceitem, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoiceitem

📝 Description

Retrieves the invoice item with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoiceitem.retrieve("invoiceitem");

⚙️ Parameters

invoiceitem: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceitemRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Invoiceitem.RequestOptions

client.invoiceitem.update(invoiceitem, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoiceitem

📝 Description

Updates the amount or description of an invoice item on an upcoming invoice. Updating an invoice item is only possible before the invoice it’s attached to is closed.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoiceitem.update("invoiceitem");

⚙️ Parameters

invoiceitem: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceitemUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Invoiceitem.RequestOptions

client.invoiceitem.delete(invoiceitem, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedInvoiceitem

📝 Description

Deletes an invoice item, removing it from an invoice. Deleting invoice items is only possible when they’re not attached to invoices, or if it’s attached to a draft invoice.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoiceitem.delete("invoiceitem");

⚙️ Parameters

invoiceitem: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceitemDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Invoiceitem.RequestOptions


client.invoice.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.InvoiceListResponse

📝 Description

You can list all invoices, or list the invoices for a specific customer. The invoices are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created invoices appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.InvoiceListRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

This endpoint creates a draft invoice for a given customer. The invoice remains a draft until you finalize the invoice, which allows you to pay or send the invoice to your customers.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.InvoiceCreateRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.createPreview({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

At any time, you can preview the upcoming invoice for a customer. This will show you all the charges that are pending, including subscription renewal charges, invoice item charges, etc. It will also show you any discounts that are applicable to the invoice.

Note that when you are viewing an upcoming invoice, you are simply viewing a preview – the invoice has not yet been created. As such, the upcoming invoice will not show up in invoice listing calls, and you cannot use the API to pay or edit the invoice. If you want to change the amount that your customer will be billed, you can add, remove, or update pending invoice items, or update the customer’s discount.

You can preview the effects of updating a subscription, including a preview of what proration will take place. To ensure that the actual proration is calculated exactly the same as the previewed proration, you should pass the subscription_details.proration_date parameter when doing the actual subscription update. The recommended way to get only the prorations being previewed is to consider only proration line items where period[start] is equal to the subscription_details.proration_date value passed in the request.

Note: Currency conversion calculations use the latest exchange rates. Exchange rates may vary between the time of the preview and the time of the actual invoice creation. Learn more

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.createPreview();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.InvoiceCreatePreviewRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.InvoiceSearchResponse

📝 Description

Search for invoices you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.

🔌 Usage

    query: "query",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.InvoiceSearchRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.upcoming({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

At any time, you can preview the upcoming invoice for a customer. This will show you all the charges that are pending, including subscription renewal charges, invoice item charges, etc. It will also show you any discounts that are applicable to the invoice.

Note that when you are viewing an upcoming invoice, you are simply viewing a preview – the invoice has not yet been created. As such, the upcoming invoice will not show up in invoice listing calls, and you cannot use the API to pay or edit the invoice. If you want to change the amount that your customer will be billed, you can add, remove, or update pending invoice items, or update the customer’s discount.

You can preview the effects of updating a subscription, including a preview of what proration will take place. To ensure that the actual proration is calculated exactly the same as the previewed proration, you should pass the subscription_details.proration_date parameter when doing the actual subscription update. The recommended way to get only the prorations being previewed is to consider only proration line items where period[start] is equal to the subscription_details.proration_date value passed in the request.

Note: Currency conversion calculations use the latest exchange rates. Exchange rates may vary between the time of the preview and the time of the actual invoice creation. Learn more

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.upcoming();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.InvoiceUpcomingRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.upcomingLines({ ...params }) -> Stripe.InvoiceUpcomingLinesResponse

📝 Description

When retrieving an upcoming invoice, you’ll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.upcomingLines();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.InvoiceUpcomingLinesRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.retrieve(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

Retrieves the invoice with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.retrieve("invoice");

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.update(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

Draft invoices are fully editable. Once an invoice is finalized, monetary values, as well as collection_method, become uneditable.

If you would like to stop the Stripe Billing engine from automatically finalizing, reattempting payments on, sending reminders for, or automatically reconciling invoices, pass auto_advance=false.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.update("invoice");

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.delete(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedInvoice

📝 Description

Permanently deletes a one-off invoice draft. This cannot be undone. Attempts to delete invoices that are no longer in a draft state will fail; once an invoice has been finalized or if an invoice is for a subscription, it must be voided.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.delete("invoice");

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.addLines(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

Adds multiple line items to an invoice. This is only possible when an invoice is still a draft.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.addLines("invoice", {
    lines: [{}],

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceAddLinesRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.finalizeInvoice(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

Stripe automatically finalizes drafts before sending and attempting payment on invoices. However, if you’d like to finalize a draft invoice manually, you can do so using this method.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.finalizeInvoice("invoice");

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceFinalizeInvoiceRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.markUncollectible(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

Marking an invoice as uncollectible is useful for keeping track of bad debts that can be written off for accounting purposes.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.markUncollectible("invoice");

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceMarkUncollectibleRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

Stripe automatically creates and then attempts to collect payment on invoices for customers on subscriptions according to your subscriptions settings. However, if you’d like to attempt payment on an invoice out of the normal collection schedule or for some other reason, you can do so.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoicePayRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.removeLines(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

Removes multiple line items from an invoice. This is only possible when an invoice is still a draft.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.removeLines("invoice", {
    lines: [
            behavior: "delete",
            id: "id",

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceRemoveLinesRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.sendInvoice(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

Stripe will automatically send invoices to customers according to your subscriptions settings. However, if you’d like to manually send an invoice to your customer out of the normal schedule, you can do so. When sending invoices that have already been paid, there will be no reference to the payment in the email.

Requests made in test-mode result in no emails being sent, despite sending an invoice.sent event.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.sendInvoice("invoice");

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceSendInvoiceRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.updateLines(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

Updates multiple line items on an invoice. This is only possible when an invoice is still a draft.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.updateLines("invoice", {
    lines: [
            id: "id",

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceUpdateLinesRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions

client.invoice.voidInvoice(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Invoice

📝 Description

Mark a finalized invoice as void. This cannot be undone. Voiding an invoice is similar to deletion, however it only applies to finalized invoices and maintains a papertrail where the invoice can still be found.

Consult with local regulations to determine whether and how an invoice might be amended, canceled, or voided in the jurisdiction you’re doing business in. You might need to issue another invoice or credit note instead. Stripe recommends that you consult with your legal counsel for advice specific to your business.

🔌 Usage

await client.invoice.voidInvoice("invoice");

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.InvoiceVoidInvoiceRequest

requestOptions: Invoice.RequestOptions


client.lineItem.list(invoice, { ...params }) -> Stripe.LineItemListResponse

📝 Description

When retrieving an invoice, you’ll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

🔌 Usage

await client.lineItem.list("invoice");

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string

request: Stripe.LineItemListRequest

requestOptions: LineItem.RequestOptions

client.lineItem.update(invoice, lineItemId, { ...params }) -> Stripe.LineItem

📝 Description

Updates an invoice’s line item. Some fields, such as tax_amounts, only live on the invoice line item, so they can only be updated through this endpoint. Other fields, such as amount, live on both the invoice item and the invoice line item, so updates on this endpoint will propagate to the invoice item as well. Updating an invoice’s line item is only possible before the invoice is finalized.

🔌 Usage

await client.lineItem.update("invoice", "line_item_id");

⚙️ Parameters

invoice: string — Invoice ID of line item

lineItemId: string — Invoice line item ID

request: Stripe.LineItemUpdateRequest

requestOptions: LineItem.RequestOptions


client.mandate.retrieve(mandate, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Mandate

📝 Description

Retrieves a Mandate object.

🔌 Usage

await client.mandate.retrieve("mandate");

⚙️ Parameters

mandate: string

request: Stripe.MandateRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Mandate.RequestOptions


client.paymentIntent.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntentListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of PaymentIntents.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentIntent.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentListRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions

client.paymentIntent.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntent

📝 Description

Creates a PaymentIntent object.

After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and confirm to continue the payment. Learn more about the available payment flows with the Payment Intents API.

When you use confirm=true during creation, it’s equivalent to creating and confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You can use any parameters available in the confirm API when you supply confirm=true.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentIntent.create({
    amount: 1,
    currency: "currency",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentCreateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntentSearchResponse

📝 Description

Search for PaymentIntents you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.

🔌 Usage

    query: "query",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentSearchRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions

client.paymentIntent.retrieve(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntent

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created.

You can retrieve a PaymentIntent client-side using a publishable key when the client_secret is in the query string.

If you retrieve a PaymentIntent with a publishable key, it only returns a subset of properties. Refer to the payment intent object reference for more details.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentIntent.retrieve("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions

client.paymentIntent.update(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntent

📝 Description

Updates properties on a PaymentIntent object without confirming.

Depending on which properties you update, you might need to confirm the PaymentIntent again. For example, updating the payment_method always requires you to confirm the PaymentIntent again. If you prefer to update and confirm at the same time, we recommend updating properties through the confirm API instead.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentIntent.update("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentUpdateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions

client.paymentIntent.applyCustomerBalance(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntent

📝 Description

Manually reconcile the remaining amount for a customer_balance PaymentIntent.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentIntent.applyCustomerBalance("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentApplyCustomerBalanceRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions

client.paymentIntent.cancel(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntent

📝 Description

You can cancel a PaymentIntent object when it’s in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_capture, requires_confirmation, requires_action or, in rare cases, processing.

After it’s canceled, no additional charges are made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on the PaymentIntent fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with a status of requires_capture, the remaining amount_capturable is automatically refunded.

You can’t cancel the PaymentIntent for a Checkout Session. Expire the Checkout Session instead.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentIntent.cancel("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentCancelRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions

client.paymentIntent.capture(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntent

📝 Description

Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is requires_capture.

Uncaptured PaymentIntents are cancelled a set number of days (7 by default) after their creation.

Learn more about separate authorization and capture.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentIntent.capture("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentCaptureRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions

client.paymentIntent.confirm(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntent

📝 Description

Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment. If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails, the PaymentIntent transitions to the requires_payment_method status or the canceled status if the confirmation limit is reached. If payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual). If the confirmation_method is automatic, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After next_actions are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to complete the payment. If the confirmation_method is manual, all payment attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the PaymentIntent will return to the requires_confirmation state after those actions are completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the next payment attempt. There is a variable upper limit on how many times a PaymentIntent can be confirmed. After this limit is reached, any further calls to this endpoint will transition the PaymentIntent to the canceled state.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentIntent.confirm("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentConfirmRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions

client.paymentIntent.incrementAuthorization(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntent

📝 Description

Perform an incremental authorization on an eligible PaymentIntent. To be eligible, the PaymentIntent’s status must be requires_capture and incremental_authorization_supported must be true.

Incremental authorizations attempt to increase the authorized amount on your customer’s card to the new, higher amount provided. Similar to the initial authorization, incremental authorizations can be declined. A single PaymentIntent can call this endpoint multiple times to further increase the authorized amount.

If the incremental authorization succeeds, the PaymentIntent object returns with the updated amount. If the incremental authorization fails, a card_declined error returns, and no other fields on the PaymentIntent or Charge update. The PaymentIntent object remains capturable for the previously authorized amount.

Each PaymentIntent can have a maximum of 10 incremental authorization attempts, including declines. After it’s captured, a PaymentIntent can no longer be incremented.

Learn more about incremental authorizations.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentIntent.incrementAuthorization("intent", {
    amount: 1,

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentIncrementAuthorizationRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions

client.paymentIntent.verifyMicrodeposits(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentIntent

📝 Description

Verifies microdeposits on a PaymentIntent object.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentIntent.verifyMicrodeposits("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.PaymentIntentVerifyMicrodepositsRequest

requestOptions: PaymentIntent.RequestOptions


client.paymentLink.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentLinkListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your payment links.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentLink.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentLinkListRequest

requestOptions: PaymentLink.RequestOptions

client.paymentLink.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentLink

📝 Description

Creates a payment link.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentLink.create({
    line_items: [
            price: "price",
            quantity: 1,

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentLinkCreateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentLink.RequestOptions

client.paymentLink.retrieve(paymentLink, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentLink

📝 Description

Retrieve a payment link.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentLink.retrieve("payment_link");

⚙️ Parameters

paymentLink: string

request: Stripe.PaymentLinkRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: PaymentLink.RequestOptions

client.paymentLink.update(paymentLink, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentLink

📝 Description

Updates a payment link.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentLink.update("payment_link");

⚙️ Parameters

paymentLink: string

request: Stripe.PaymentLinkUpdateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentLink.RequestOptions

client.paymentLink.listLineItems(paymentLink, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentLinkListLineItemsResponse

📝 Description

When retrieving a payment link, there is an includable line_items property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentLink.listLineItems("payment_link");

⚙️ Parameters

paymentLink: string

request: Stripe.PaymentLinkListLineItemsRequest

requestOptions: PaymentLink.RequestOptions


client.paymentMethodConfiguration.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethodConfigurationListResponse

📝 Description

List payment method configurations

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethodConfiguration.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodConfigurationListRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethodConfiguration.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethodConfiguration.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethodConfiguration

📝 Description

Creates a payment method configuration

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethodConfiguration.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodConfigurationCreateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethodConfiguration.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethodConfiguration.retrieve(configuration, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethodConfiguration

📝 Description

Retrieve payment method configuration

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethodConfiguration.retrieve("configuration");

⚙️ Parameters

configuration: string

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodConfigurationRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethodConfiguration.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethodConfiguration.update(configuration, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethodConfiguration

📝 Description

Update payment method configuration

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethodConfiguration.update("configuration");

⚙️ Parameters

configuration: string

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodConfigurationUpdateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethodConfiguration.RequestOptions


client.paymentMethodDomain.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethodDomainListResponse

📝 Description

Lists the details of existing payment method domains.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethodDomain.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodDomainListRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethodDomain.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethodDomain.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethodDomain

📝 Description

Creates a payment method domain.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethodDomain.create({
    domain_name: "domain_name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodDomainCreateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethodDomain.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethodDomain.retrieve(paymentMethodDomain, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethodDomain

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing payment method domain.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethodDomain.retrieve("payment_method_domain");

⚙️ Parameters

paymentMethodDomain: string

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodDomainRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethodDomain.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethodDomain.update(paymentMethodDomain, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethodDomain

📝 Description

Updates an existing payment method domain.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethodDomain.update("payment_method_domain");

⚙️ Parameters

paymentMethodDomain: string

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodDomainUpdateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethodDomain.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethodDomain.validate(paymentMethodDomain, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethodDomain

📝 Description

Some payment methods such as Apple Pay require additional steps to verify a domain. If the requirements weren’t satisfied when the domain was created, the payment method will be inactive on the domain. The payment method doesn’t appear in Elements for this domain until it is active.

To activate a payment method on an existing payment method domain, complete the required validation steps specific to the payment method, and then validate the payment method domain with this endpoint.

Related guides: Payment method domains.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethodDomain.validate("payment_method_domain");

⚙️ Parameters

paymentMethodDomain: string

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodDomainValidateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethodDomain.RequestOptions


client.paymentMethod.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethodListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of PaymentMethods for Treasury flows. If you want to list the PaymentMethods attached to a Customer for payments, you should use the List a Customer’s PaymentMethods API instead.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethod.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodListRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethod.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethod.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethod

📝 Description

Creates a PaymentMethod object. Read the Stripe.js reference to learn how to create PaymentMethods via Stripe.js.

Instead of creating a PaymentMethod directly, we recommend using the PaymentIntents API to accept a payment immediately or the SetupIntent API to collect payment method details ahead of a future payment.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethod.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodCreateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethod.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethod.retrieve(paymentMethod, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethod

📝 Description

Retrieves a PaymentMethod object attached to the StripeAccount. To retrieve a payment method attached to a Customer, you should use Retrieve a Customer’s PaymentMethods

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethod.retrieve("payment_method");

⚙️ Parameters

paymentMethod: string

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethod.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethod.update(paymentMethod, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethod

📝 Description

Updates a PaymentMethod object. A PaymentMethod must be attached a customer to be updated.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethod.update("payment_method");

⚙️ Parameters

paymentMethod: string

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodUpdateRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethod.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethod.attach(paymentMethod, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethod

📝 Description

Attaches a PaymentMethod object to a Customer.

To attach a new PaymentMethod to a customer for future payments, we recommend you use a SetupIntent or a PaymentIntent with setup_future_usage. These approaches will perform any necessary steps to set up the PaymentMethod for future payments. Using the /v1/payment_methods/:id/attach endpoint without first using a SetupIntent or PaymentIntent with setup_future_usage does not optimize the PaymentMethod for future use, which makes later declines and payment friction more likely. See Optimizing cards for future payments for more information about setting up future payments.

To use this PaymentMethod as the default for invoice or subscription payments, set invoice_settings.default_payment_method, on the Customer to the PaymentMethod’s ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethod.attach("payment_method", {
    customer: "customer",

⚙️ Parameters

paymentMethod: string

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodAttachRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethod.RequestOptions

client.paymentMethod.detach(paymentMethod, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PaymentMethod

📝 Description

Detaches a PaymentMethod object from a Customer. After a PaymentMethod is detached, it can no longer be used for a payment or re-attached to a Customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.paymentMethod.detach("payment_method");

⚙️ Parameters

paymentMethod: string

request: Stripe.PaymentMethodDetachRequest

requestOptions: PaymentMethod.RequestOptions


client.payout.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PayoutListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of existing payouts sent to third-party bank accounts or payouts that Stripe sent to you. The payouts return in sorted order, with the most recently created payouts appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.payout.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PayoutListRequest

requestOptions: Payout.RequestOptions

client.payout.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Payout

📝 Description

To send funds to your own bank account, create a new payout object. Your Stripe balance must cover the payout amount. If it doesn’t, you receive an “Insufficient Funds” error.

If your API key is in test mode, money won’t actually be sent, though every other action occurs as if you’re in live mode.

If you create a manual payout on a Stripe account that uses multiple payment source types, you need to specify the source type balance that the payout draws from. The balance object details available and pending amounts by source type.

🔌 Usage

await client.payout.create({
    amount: 1,
    currency: "currency",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PayoutCreateRequest

requestOptions: Payout.RequestOptions

client.payout.retrieve(payout, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Payout

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing payout. Supply the unique payout ID from either a payout creation request or the payout list. Stripe returns the corresponding payout information.

🔌 Usage

await client.payout.retrieve("payout");

⚙️ Parameters

payout: string

request: Stripe.PayoutRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Payout.RequestOptions

client.payout.update(payout, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Payout

📝 Description

Updates the specified payout by setting the values of the parameters you pass. We don’t change parameters that you don’t provide. This request only accepts the metadata as arguments.

🔌 Usage

await client.payout.update("payout");

⚙️ Parameters

payout: string

request: Stripe.PayoutUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Payout.RequestOptions

client.payout.cancel(payout, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Payout

📝 Description

You can cancel a previously created payout if its status is pending. Stripe refunds the funds to your available balance. You can’t cancel automatic Stripe payouts.

🔌 Usage

await client.payout.cancel("payout");

⚙️ Parameters

payout: string

request: Stripe.PayoutCancelRequest

requestOptions: Payout.RequestOptions

client.payout.reverse(payout, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Payout

📝 Description

Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. At this time, you can only reverse payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts. If the payout is manual and in the pending status, use /v1/payouts/:id/cancel instead.

By requesting a reversal through /v1/payouts/:id/reverse, you confirm that the authorized signatory of the selected bank account authorizes the debit on the bank account and that no other authorization is required.

🔌 Usage

await client.payout.reverse("payout");

⚙️ Parameters

payout: string

request: Stripe.PayoutReverseRequest

requestOptions: Payout.RequestOptions


client.plan.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PlanListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your plans.

🔌 Usage

await client.plan.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PlanListRequest

requestOptions: Plan.RequestOptions

client.plan.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Plan

📝 Description

You can now model subscriptions more flexibly using the Prices API. It replaces the Plans API and is backwards compatible to simplify your migration.

🔌 Usage

await client.plan.create({
    currency: "currency",
    interval: "day",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PlanCreateRequest

requestOptions: Plan.RequestOptions

client.plan.retrieve(plan, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Plan

📝 Description

Retrieves the plan with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.plan.retrieve("plan");

⚙️ Parameters

plan: string

request: Stripe.PlanRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Plan.RequestOptions

client.plan.update(plan, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Plan

📝 Description

Updates the specified plan by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided are left unchanged. By design, you cannot change a plan’s ID, amount, currency, or billing cycle.

🔌 Usage

await client.plan.update("plan");

⚙️ Parameters

plan: string

request: Stripe.PlanUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Plan.RequestOptions

client.plan.delete(plan, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedPlan

📝 Description

Deleting plans means new subscribers can’t be added. Existing subscribers aren’t affected.

🔌 Usage

await client.plan.delete("plan");

⚙️ Parameters

plan: string

request: Stripe.PlanDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Plan.RequestOptions


client.price.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PriceListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your active prices, excluding inline prices. For the list of inactive prices, set active to false.

🔌 Usage

await client.price.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PriceListRequest

requestOptions: Price.RequestOptions

client.price.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Price

📝 Description

Creates a new price for an existing product. The price can be recurring or one-time.

🔌 Usage

await client.price.create({
    currency: "currency",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PriceCreateRequest

requestOptions: Price.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.PriceSearchResponse

📝 Description

Search for prices you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.

🔌 Usage

    query: "query",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PriceSearchRequest

requestOptions: Price.RequestOptions

client.price.retrieve(price, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Price

📝 Description

Retrieves the price with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.price.retrieve("price");

⚙️ Parameters

price: string

request: Stripe.PriceRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Price.RequestOptions

client.price.update(price, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Price

📝 Description

Updates the specified price by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided are left unchanged.

🔌 Usage

await client.price.update("price");

⚙️ Parameters

price: string

request: Stripe.PriceUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Price.RequestOptions


client.product.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ProductListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your products. The products are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created products appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.product.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ProductListRequest

requestOptions: Product.RequestOptions

client.product.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Product

📝 Description

Creates a new product object.

🔌 Usage

await client.product.create({
    name: "name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ProductCreateRequest

requestOptions: Product.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.ProductSearchResponse

📝 Description

Search for products you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.

🔌 Usage

    query: "query",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ProductSearchRequest

requestOptions: Product.RequestOptions

client.product.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Product

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing product. Supply the unique product ID from either a product creation request or the product list, and Stripe will return the corresponding product information.

🔌 Usage

await client.product.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.ProductRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Product.RequestOptions

client.product.update(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Product

📝 Description

Updates the specific product by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

🔌 Usage

await client.product.update("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.ProductUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Product.RequestOptions

client.product.delete(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedProduct

📝 Description

Delete a product. Deleting a product is only possible if it has no prices associated with it. Additionally, deleting a product with type=good is only possible if it has no SKUs associated with it.

🔌 Usage

await client.product.delete("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.ProductDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Product.RequestOptions


client.productFeature.list(product, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ProductFeatureListResponse

📝 Description

Retrieve a list of features for a product

🔌 Usage

await client.productFeature.list("product");

⚙️ Parameters

product: string

request: Stripe.ProductFeatureListRequest

requestOptions: ProductFeature.RequestOptions

client.productFeature.create(product, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ProductFeature

📝 Description

Creates a product_feature, which represents a feature attachment to a product

🔌 Usage

await client.productFeature.create("product", {
    entitlement_feature: "entitlement_feature",

⚙️ Parameters

product: string

request: Stripe.ProductFeatureCreateRequest

requestOptions: ProductFeature.RequestOptions

client.productFeature.retrieve(id, product, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ProductFeature

📝 Description

Retrieves a product_feature, which represents a feature attachment to a product

🔌 Usage

await client.productFeature.retrieve("id", "product");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — The ID of the product_feature.

product: string — The ID of the product.

request: Stripe.ProductFeatureRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ProductFeature.RequestOptions

client.productFeature.delete(id, product, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedProductFeature

📝 Description

Deletes the feature attachment to a product

🔌 Usage

await client.productFeature.delete("id", "product");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

product: string

request: Stripe.ProductFeatureDeleteRequest

requestOptions: ProductFeature.RequestOptions


client.promotionCode.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PromotionCodeListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your promotion codes.

🔌 Usage

await client.promotionCode.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PromotionCodeListRequest

requestOptions: PromotionCode.RequestOptions

client.promotionCode.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PromotionCode

📝 Description

A promotion code points to a coupon. You can optionally restrict the code to a specific customer, redemption limit, and expiration date.

🔌 Usage

await client.promotionCode.create({
    coupon: "coupon",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.PromotionCodeCreateRequest

requestOptions: PromotionCode.RequestOptions

client.promotionCode.retrieve(promotionCode, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PromotionCode

📝 Description

Retrieves the promotion code with the given ID. In order to retrieve a promotion code by the customer-facing code use list with the desired code.

🔌 Usage

await client.promotionCode.retrieve("promotion_code");

⚙️ Parameters

promotionCode: string

request: Stripe.PromotionCodeRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: PromotionCode.RequestOptions

client.promotionCode.update(promotionCode, { ...params }) -> Stripe.PromotionCode

📝 Description

Updates the specified promotion code by setting the values of the parameters passed. Most fields are, by design, not editable.

🔌 Usage

await client.promotionCode.update("promotion_code");

⚙️ Parameters

promotionCode: string

request: Stripe.PromotionCodeUpdateRequest

requestOptions: PromotionCode.RequestOptions


client.quote.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.QuoteListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your quotes.

🔌 Usage

await client.quote.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.QuoteListRequest

requestOptions: Quote.RequestOptions

client.quote.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Quote

📝 Description

A quote models prices and services for a customer. Default options for header, description, footer, and expires_at can be set in the dashboard via the quote template.

🔌 Usage

await client.quote.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.QuoteCreateRequest

requestOptions: Quote.RequestOptions

client.quote.retrieve(quote, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Quote

📝 Description

Retrieves the quote with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.quote.retrieve("quote");

⚙️ Parameters

quote: string

request: Stripe.QuoteRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Quote.RequestOptions

client.quote.update(quote, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Quote

📝 Description

A quote models prices and services for a customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.quote.update("quote");

⚙️ Parameters

quote: string

request: Stripe.QuoteUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Quote.RequestOptions

client.quote.accept(quote, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Quote

📝 Description

Accepts the specified quote.

🔌 Usage

await client.quote.accept("quote");

⚙️ Parameters

quote: string

request: Stripe.QuoteAcceptRequest

requestOptions: Quote.RequestOptions

client.quote.cancel(quote, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Quote

📝 Description

Cancels the quote.

🔌 Usage

await client.quote.cancel("quote");

⚙️ Parameters

quote: string

request: Stripe.QuoteCancelRequest

requestOptions: Quote.RequestOptions

client.quote.listComputedUpfrontLineItems(quote, { ...params }) -> Stripe.QuoteListComputedUpfrontLineItemsResponse

📝 Description

When retrieving a quote, there is an includable computed.upfront.line_items property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of upfront line items.

🔌 Usage

await client.quote.listComputedUpfrontLineItems("quote");

⚙️ Parameters

quote: string

request: Stripe.QuoteListComputedUpfrontLineItemsRequest

requestOptions: Quote.RequestOptions

client.quote.finalizeQuote(quote, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Quote

📝 Description

Finalizes the quote.

🔌 Usage

await client.quote.finalizeQuote("quote");

⚙️ Parameters

quote: string

request: Stripe.QuoteFinalizeQuoteRequest

requestOptions: Quote.RequestOptions

client.quote.listLineItems(quote, { ...params }) -> Stripe.QuoteListLineItemsResponse

📝 Description

When retrieving a quote, there is an includable line_items property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

🔌 Usage

await client.quote.listLineItems("quote");

⚙️ Parameters

quote: string

request: Stripe.QuoteListLineItemsRequest

requestOptions: Quote.RequestOptions


client.refund.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.RefundListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of all refunds you created. We return the refunds in sorted order, with the most recent refunds appearing first. The 10 most recent refunds are always available by default on the Charge object.

🔌 Usage

await client.refund.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.RefundListRequest

requestOptions: Refund.RequestOptions

client.refund.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Refund

📝 Description

When you create a new refund, you must specify a Charge or a PaymentIntent object on which to create it.

Creating a new refund will refund a charge that has previously been created but not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to the credit or debit card that was originally charged.

You can optionally refund only part of a charge. You can do so multiple times, until the entire charge has been refunded.

Once entirely refunded, a charge can’t be refunded again. This method will raise an error when called on an already-refunded charge, or when trying to refund more money than is left on a charge.

🔌 Usage

await client.refund.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.RefundCreateRequest

requestOptions: Refund.RequestOptions

client.refund.retrieve(refund, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Refund

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing refund.

🔌 Usage

await client.refund.retrieve("refund");

⚙️ Parameters

refund: string

request: Stripe.RefundRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Refund.RequestOptions

client.refund.update(refund, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Refund

📝 Description

Updates the refund that you specify by setting the values of the passed parameters. Any parameters that you don’t provide remain unchanged.

This request only accepts metadata as an argument.

🔌 Usage

await client.refund.update("refund");

⚙️ Parameters

refund: string

request: Stripe.RefundUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Refund.RequestOptions

client.refund.cancel(refund, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Refund

📝 Description

Cancels a refund with a status of requires_action.

You can’t cancel refunds in other states. Only refunds for payment methods that require customer action can enter the requires_action state.

🔌 Usage

await client.refund.cancel("refund");

⚙️ Parameters

refund: string

request: Stripe.RefundCancelRequest

requestOptions: Refund.RequestOptions

client.refund.expire(refund, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Refund

📝 Description

Expire a refund with a status of requires_action.

🔌 Usage

await client.refund.expire("refund");

⚙️ Parameters

refund: string

request: Stripe.RefundExpireRequest

requestOptions: Refund.RequestOptions

Review{ ...params }) -> Stripe.ReviewListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Review objects that have open set to true. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ReviewListRequest

requestOptions: Review.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Review

📝 Description

Retrieves a Review object.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

review: string

request: Stripe.ReviewRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Review.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Review

📝 Description

Approves a Review object, closing it and removing it from the list of reviews.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

review: string

request: Stripe.ReviewApproveRequest

requestOptions: Review.RequestOptions


client.setupAttempt.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SetupAttemptListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of SetupAttempts that associate with a provided SetupIntent.

🔌 Usage

await client.setupAttempt.list({
    setup_intent: "setup_intent",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SetupAttemptListRequest

requestOptions: SetupAttempt.RequestOptions


client.setupIntent.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SetupIntentListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of SetupIntents.

🔌 Usage

await client.setupIntent.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SetupIntentListRequest

requestOptions: SetupIntent.RequestOptions

client.setupIntent.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SetupIntent

📝 Description

Creates a SetupIntent object.

After you create the SetupIntent, attach a payment method and confirm it to collect any required permissions to charge the payment method later.

🔌 Usage

await client.setupIntent.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SetupIntentCreateRequest

requestOptions: SetupIntent.RequestOptions

client.setupIntent.retrieve(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SetupIntent

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a SetupIntent that has previously been created.

Client-side retrieval using a publishable key is allowed when the client_secret is provided in the query string.

When retrieved with a publishable key, only a subset of properties will be returned. Please refer to the SetupIntent object reference for more details.

🔌 Usage

await client.setupIntent.retrieve("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.SetupIntentRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: SetupIntent.RequestOptions

client.setupIntent.update(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SetupIntent

📝 Description

Updates a SetupIntent object.

🔌 Usage

await client.setupIntent.update("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.SetupIntentUpdateRequest

requestOptions: SetupIntent.RequestOptions

client.setupIntent.cancel(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SetupIntent

📝 Description

You can cancel a SetupIntent object when it’s in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_confirmation, or requires_action.

After you cancel it, setup is abandoned and any operations on the SetupIntent fail with an error. You can’t cancel the SetupIntent for a Checkout Session. Expire the Checkout Session instead.

🔌 Usage

await client.setupIntent.cancel("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.SetupIntentCancelRequest

requestOptions: SetupIntent.RequestOptions

client.setupIntent.confirm(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SetupIntent

📝 Description

Confirm that your customer intends to set up the current or provided payment method. For example, you would confirm a SetupIntent when a customer hits the “Save” button on a payment method management page on your website.

If the selected payment method does not require any additional steps from the customer, the SetupIntent will transition to the succeeded status.

Otherwise, it will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If setup fails, the SetupIntent will transition to the requires_payment_method status or the canceled status if the confirmation limit is reached.

🔌 Usage

await client.setupIntent.confirm("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.SetupIntentConfirmRequest

requestOptions: SetupIntent.RequestOptions

client.setupIntent.verifyMicrodeposits(intent, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SetupIntent

📝 Description

Verifies microdeposits on a SetupIntent object.

🔌 Usage

await client.setupIntent.verifyMicrodeposits("intent");

⚙️ Parameters

intent: string

request: Stripe.SetupIntentVerifyMicrodepositsRequest

requestOptions: SetupIntent.RequestOptions


client.shippingRate.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ShippingRateListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your shipping rates.

🔌 Usage

await client.shippingRate.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ShippingRateListRequest

requestOptions: ShippingRate.RequestOptions

client.shippingRate.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ShippingRate

📝 Description

Creates a new shipping rate object.

🔌 Usage

await client.shippingRate.create({
    display_name: "display_name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ShippingRateCreateRequest

requestOptions: ShippingRate.RequestOptions

client.shippingRate.retrieve(shippingRateToken, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ShippingRate

📝 Description

Returns the shipping rate object with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.shippingRate.retrieve("shipping_rate_token");

⚙️ Parameters

shippingRateToken: string

request: Stripe.ShippingRateRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ShippingRate.RequestOptions

client.shippingRate.update(shippingRateToken, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ShippingRate

📝 Description

Updates an existing shipping rate object.

🔌 Usage

await client.shippingRate.update("shipping_rate_token");

⚙️ Parameters

shippingRateToken: string

request: Stripe.ShippingRateUpdateRequest

requestOptions: ShippingRate.RequestOptions


client.scheduledQueryRun.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ScheduledQueryRunListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of scheduled query runs.

🔌 Usage

await client.scheduledQueryRun.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.ScheduledQueryRunListRequest

requestOptions: ScheduledQueryRun.RequestOptions

client.scheduledQueryRun.retrieve(scheduledQueryRun, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ScheduledQueryRun

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an scheduled query run.

🔌 Usage

await client.scheduledQueryRun.retrieve("scheduled_query_run");

⚙️ Parameters

scheduledQueryRun: string

request: Stripe.ScheduledQueryRunRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ScheduledQueryRun.RequestOptions


client.subscriptionItem.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionItemListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your subscription items for a given subscription.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionItem.list({
    subscription: "subscription",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SubscriptionItemListRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionItem.RequestOptions

client.subscriptionItem.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionItem

📝 Description

Adds a new item to an existing subscription. No existing items will be changed or replaced.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionItem.create({
    subscription: "subscription",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SubscriptionItemCreateRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionItem.RequestOptions

client.subscriptionItem.retrieve(item, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionItem

📝 Description

Retrieves the subscription item with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionItem.retrieve("item");

⚙️ Parameters

item: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionItemRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionItem.RequestOptions

client.subscriptionItem.update(item, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionItem

📝 Description

Updates the plan or quantity of an item on a current subscription.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionItem.update("item");

⚙️ Parameters

item: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionItemUpdateRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionItem.RequestOptions

client.subscriptionItem.delete(item, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedSubscriptionItem

📝 Description

Deletes an item from the subscription. Removing a subscription item from a subscription will not cancel the subscription.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionItem.delete("item");

⚙️ Parameters

item: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionItemDeleteRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionItem.RequestOptions


client.usageRecordSummary.list(subscriptionItem, { ...params }) -> Stripe.UsageRecordSummaryListResponse

📝 Description

For the specified subscription item, returns a list of summary objects. Each object in the list provides usage information that’s been summarized from multiple usage records and over a subscription billing period (e.g., 15 usage records in the month of September).

The list is sorted in reverse-chronological order (newest first). The first list item represents the most current usage period that hasn’t ended yet. Since new usage records can still be added, the returned summary information for the subscription item’s ID should be seen as unstable until the subscription billing period ends.

🔌 Usage

await client.usageRecordSummary.list("subscription_item");

⚙️ Parameters

subscriptionItem: string

request: Stripe.UsageRecordSummaryListRequest

requestOptions: UsageRecordSummary.RequestOptions


client.usageRecord.create(subscriptionItem, { ...params }) -> Stripe.UsageRecord

📝 Description

Creates a usage record for a specified subscription item and date, and fills it with a quantity.

Usage records provide quantity information that Stripe uses to track how much a customer is using your service. With usage information and the pricing model set up by the metered billing plan, Stripe helps you send accurate invoices to your customers.

The default calculation for usage is to add up all the quantity values of the usage records within a billing period. You can change this default behavior with the billing plan’s aggregate_usage parameter. When there is more than one usage record with the same timestamp, Stripe adds the quantity values together. In most cases, this is the desired resolution, however, you can change this behavior with the action parameter.

The default pricing model for metered billing is per-unit pricing. For finer granularity, you can configure metered billing to have a tiered pricing model.

🔌 Usage

await client.usageRecord.create("subscription_item", {
    quantity: 1,

⚙️ Parameters

subscriptionItem: string

request: Stripe.UsageRecordCreateRequest

requestOptions: UsageRecord.RequestOptions


client.subscriptionSchedule.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionScheduleListResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves the list of your subscription schedules.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionSchedule.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SubscriptionScheduleListRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionSchedule.RequestOptions

client.subscriptionSchedule.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionSchedule

📝 Description

Creates a new subscription schedule object. Each customer can have up to 500 active or scheduled subscriptions.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionSchedule.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SubscriptionScheduleCreateRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionSchedule.RequestOptions

client.subscriptionSchedule.retrieve(schedule, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionSchedule

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing subscription schedule. You only need to supply the unique subscription schedule identifier that was returned upon subscription schedule creation.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionSchedule.retrieve("schedule");

⚙️ Parameters

schedule: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionScheduleRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionSchedule.RequestOptions

client.subscriptionSchedule.update(schedule, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionSchedule

📝 Description

Updates an existing subscription schedule.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionSchedule.update("schedule");

⚙️ Parameters

schedule: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionScheduleUpdateRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionSchedule.RequestOptions

client.subscriptionSchedule.cancel(schedule, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionSchedule

📝 Description

Cancels a subscription schedule and its associated subscription immediately (if the subscription schedule has an active subscription). A subscription schedule can only be canceled if its status is not_started or active.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionSchedule.cancel("schedule");

⚙️ Parameters

schedule: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionScheduleCancelRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionSchedule.RequestOptions

client.subscriptionSchedule.release(schedule, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionSchedule

📝 Description

Releases the subscription schedule immediately, which will stop scheduling of its phases, but leave any existing subscription in place. A schedule can only be released if its status is not_started or active. If the subscription schedule is currently associated with a subscription, releasing it will remove its subscription property and set the subscription’s ID to the released_subscription property.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscriptionSchedule.release("schedule");

⚙️ Parameters

schedule: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionScheduleReleaseRequest

requestOptions: SubscriptionSchedule.RequestOptions


client.subscription.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionListResponse

📝 Description

By default, returns a list of subscriptions that have not been canceled. In order to list canceled subscriptions, specify status=canceled.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscription.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SubscriptionListRequest

requestOptions: Subscription.RequestOptions

client.subscription.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Subscription

📝 Description

Creates a new subscription on an existing customer. Each customer can have up to 500 active or scheduled subscriptions.

When you create a subscription with collection_method=charge_automatically, the first invoice is finalized as part of the request. The payment_behavior parameter determines the exact behavior of the initial payment.

To start subscriptions where the first invoice always begins in a draft status, use subscription schedules instead. Schedules provide the flexibility to model more complex billing configurations that change over time.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscription.create({
    customer: "customer",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SubscriptionCreateRequest

requestOptions: Subscription.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.SubscriptionSearchResponse

📝 Description

Search for subscriptions you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.

🔌 Usage

    query: "query",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.SubscriptionSearchRequest

requestOptions: Subscription.RequestOptions

client.subscription.retrieve(subscriptionExposedId, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Subscription

📝 Description

Retrieves the subscription with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscription.retrieve("subscription_exposed_id");

⚙️ Parameters

subscriptionExposedId: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Subscription.RequestOptions

client.subscription.update(subscriptionExposedId, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Subscription

📝 Description

Updates an existing subscription to match the specified parameters. When changing prices or quantities, we optionally prorate the price we charge next month to make up for any price changes. To preview how the proration is calculated, use the create preview endpoint.

By default, we prorate subscription changes. For example, if a customer signs up on May 1 for a 100 price, they’ll be billed 100 immediately. If on May 15 they switch to a 200 price, then on June 1 they’ll be billed 250 (200 for a renewal of her subscription, plus a 50 prorating adjustment for half of the previous month’s 100 difference). Similarly, a downgrade generates a credit that is applied to the next invoice. We also prorate when you make quantity changes.

Switching prices does not normally change the billing date or generate an immediate charge unless:

  • The billing interval is changed (for example, from monthly to yearly).
  • The subscription moves from free to paid.
  • A trial starts or ends.

In these cases, we apply a credit for the unused time on the previous price, immediately charge the customer using the new price, and reset the billing date. Learn about how Stripe immediately attempts payment for subscription changes.

If you want to charge for an upgrade immediately, pass proration_behavior as always_invoice to create prorations, automatically invoice the customer for those proration adjustments, and attempt to collect payment. If you pass create_prorations, the prorations are created but not automatically invoiced. If you want to bill the customer for the prorations before the subscription’s renewal date, you need to manually invoice the customer.

If you don’t want to prorate, set the proration_behavior option to none. With this option, the customer is billed 100 on May 1 and 200 on June 1. Similarly, if you set proration_behavior to none when switching between different billing intervals (for example, from monthly to yearly), we don’t generate any credits for the old subscription’s unused time. We still reset the billing date and bill immediately for the new subscription.

Updating the quantity on a subscription many times in an hour may result in rate limiting. If you need to bill for a frequently changing quantity, consider integrating usage-based billing instead.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscription.update("subscription_exposed_id");

⚙️ Parameters

subscriptionExposedId: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Subscription.RequestOptions

client.subscription.cancel(subscriptionExposedId, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Subscription

📝 Description

Cancels a customer’s subscription immediately. The customer won’t be charged again for the subscription. After it’s canceled, you can no longer update the subscription or its metadata.

Any pending invoice items that you’ve created are still charged at the end of the period, unless manually deleted. If you’ve set the subscription to cancel at the end of the period, any pending prorations are also left in place and collected at the end of the period. But if the subscription is set to cancel immediately, pending prorations are removed.

By default, upon subscription cancellation, Stripe stops automatic collection of all finalized invoices for the customer. This is intended to prevent unexpected payment attempts after the customer has canceled a subscription. However, you can resume automatic collection of the invoices manually after subscription cancellation to have us proceed. Or, you could check for unpaid invoices before allowing the customer to cancel the subscription at all.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscription.cancel("subscription_exposed_id");

⚙️ Parameters

subscriptionExposedId: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionCancelRequest

requestOptions: Subscription.RequestOptions

client.subscription.deleteDiscount(subscriptionExposedId, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedDiscount

📝 Description

Removes the currently applied discount on a subscription.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscription.deleteDiscount("subscription_exposed_id");

⚙️ Parameters

subscriptionExposedId: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionDeleteDiscountRequest

requestOptions: Subscription.RequestOptions

client.subscription.resume(subscription, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Subscription

📝 Description

Initiates resumption of a paused subscription, optionally resetting the billing cycle anchor and creating prorations. If a resumption invoice is generated, it must be paid or marked uncollectible before the subscription will be unpaused. If payment succeeds the subscription will become active, and if payment fails the subscription will be past_due. The resumption invoice will void automatically if not paid by the expiration date.

🔌 Usage

await client.subscription.resume("subscription");

⚙️ Parameters

subscription: string

request: Stripe.SubscriptionResumeRequest

requestOptions: Subscription.RequestOptions


client.taxCode.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxCodeListResponse

📝 Description

A list of all tax codes available to add to Products in order to allow specific tax calculations.

🔌 Usage

await client.taxCode.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.TaxCodeListRequest

requestOptions: TaxCode.RequestOptions

client.taxCode.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxCode

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing tax code. Supply the unique tax code ID and Stripe will return the corresponding tax code information.

🔌 Usage

await client.taxCode.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.TaxCodeRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: TaxCode.RequestOptions


client.taxRate.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxRateListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your tax rates. Tax rates are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created tax rates appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.taxRate.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.TaxRateListRequest

requestOptions: TaxRate.RequestOptions

client.taxRate.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxRate

📝 Description

Creates a new tax rate.

🔌 Usage

await client.taxRate.create({
    display_name: "display_name",
    inclusive: true,
    percentage: 1.1,

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.TaxRateCreateRequest

requestOptions: TaxRate.RequestOptions

client.taxRate.retrieve(taxRate, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxRate

📝 Description

Retrieves a tax rate with the given ID

🔌 Usage

await client.taxRate.retrieve("tax_rate");

⚙️ Parameters

taxRate: string

request: Stripe.TaxRateRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: TaxRate.RequestOptions

client.taxRate.update(taxRate, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxRate

📝 Description

Updates an existing tax rate.

🔌 Usage

await client.taxRate.update("tax_rate");

⚙️ Parameters

taxRate: string

request: Stripe.TaxRateUpdateRequest

requestOptions: TaxRate.RequestOptions


client.token.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Token

📝 Description

Creates a single-use token that represents a bank account’s details. You can use this token with any v1 API method in place of a bank account dictionary. You can only use this token once. To do so, attach it to a connected account where controller.requirement_collection is application, which includes Custom accounts.

🔌 Usage

await client.token.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.TokenCreateRequest

requestOptions: Token.RequestOptions

client.token.retrieve(token, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Token

📝 Description

Retrieves the token with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.token.retrieve("token");

⚙️ Parameters

token: string

request: Stripe.TokenRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Token.RequestOptions


client.topup.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TopupListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of top-ups.

🔌 Usage

await client.topup.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.TopupListRequest

requestOptions: Topup.RequestOptions

client.topup.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Topup

📝 Description

Top up the balance of an account

🔌 Usage

await client.topup.create({
    amount: 1,
    currency: "currency",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.TopupCreateRequest

requestOptions: Topup.RequestOptions

client.topup.retrieve(topup, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Topup

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a top-up that has previously been created. Supply the unique top-up ID that was returned from your previous request, and Stripe will return the corresponding top-up information.

🔌 Usage

await client.topup.retrieve("topup");

⚙️ Parameters

topup: string

request: Stripe.TopupRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Topup.RequestOptions

client.topup.update(topup, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Topup

📝 Description

Updates the metadata of a top-up. Other top-up details are not editable by design.

🔌 Usage

await client.topup.update("topup");

⚙️ Parameters

topup: string

request: Stripe.TopupUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Topup.RequestOptions

client.topup.cancel(topup, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Topup

📝 Description

Cancels a top-up. Only pending top-ups can be canceled.

🔌 Usage

await client.topup.cancel("topup");

⚙️ Parameters

topup: string

request: Stripe.TopupCancelRequest

requestOptions: Topup.RequestOptions


client.transfer.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TransferListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of existing transfers sent to connected accounts. The transfers are returned in sorted order, with the most recently created transfers appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.transfer.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.TransferListRequest

requestOptions: Transfer.RequestOptions

client.transfer.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.Transfer

📝 Description

To send funds from your Stripe account to a connected account, you create a new transfer object. Your Stripe balance must be able to cover the transfer amount, or you’ll receive an “Insufficient Funds” error.

🔌 Usage

await client.transfer.create({
    currency: "currency",
    destination: "destination",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.TransferCreateRequest

requestOptions: Transfer.RequestOptions

client.transfer.retrieve(transfer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Transfer

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing transfer. Supply the unique transfer ID from either a transfer creation request or the transfer list, and Stripe will return the corresponding transfer information.

🔌 Usage

await client.transfer.retrieve("transfer");

⚙️ Parameters

transfer: string

request: Stripe.TransferRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Transfer.RequestOptions

client.transfer.update(transfer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.Transfer

📝 Description

Updates the specified transfer by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

This request accepts only metadata as an argument.

🔌 Usage

await client.transfer.update("transfer");

⚙️ Parameters

transfer: string

request: Stripe.TransferUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Transfer.RequestOptions


client.transferReversal.list(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TransferReversalListResponse

📝 Description

You can see a list of the reversals belonging to a specific transfer. Note that the 10 most recent reversals are always available by default on the transfer object. If you need more than those 10, you can use this API method and the limit and starting_after parameters to page through additional reversals.

🔌 Usage

await client.transferReversal.list("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.TransferReversalListRequest

requestOptions: TransferReversal.RequestOptions

client.transferReversal.create(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TransferReversal

📝 Description

When you create a new reversal, you must specify a transfer to create it on.

When reversing transfers, you can optionally reverse part of the transfer. You can do so as many times as you wish until the entire transfer has been reversed.

Once entirely reversed, a transfer can’t be reversed again. This method will return an error when called on an already-reversed transfer, or when trying to reverse more money than is left on a transfer.

🔌 Usage

await client.transferReversal.create("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.TransferReversalCreateRequest

requestOptions: TransferReversal.RequestOptions

client.transferReversal.retrieve(id, transfer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TransferReversal

📝 Description

By default, you can see the 10 most recent reversals stored directly on the transfer object, but you can also retrieve details about a specific reversal stored on the transfer.

🔌 Usage

await client.transferReversal.retrieve("id", "transfer");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

transfer: string

request: Stripe.TransferReversalRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: TransferReversal.RequestOptions

client.transferReversal.update(id, transfer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TransferReversal

📝 Description

Updates the specified reversal by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

This request only accepts metadata and description as arguments.

🔌 Usage

await client.transferReversal.update("id", "transfer");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

transfer: string

request: Stripe.TransferReversalUpdateRequest

requestOptions: TransferReversal.RequestOptions


client.webhookEndpoint.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.WebhookEndpointListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your webhook endpoints.

🔌 Usage

await client.webhookEndpoint.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.WebhookEndpointListRequest

requestOptions: WebhookEndpoint.RequestOptions

client.webhookEndpoint.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.WebhookEndpoint

📝 Description

A webhook endpoint must have a url and a list of enabled_events. You may optionally specify the Boolean connect parameter. If set to true, then a Connect webhook endpoint that notifies the specified url about events from all connected accounts is created; otherwise an account webhook endpoint that notifies the specified url only about events from your account is created. You can also create webhook endpoints in the webhooks settings section of the Dashboard.

🔌 Usage

await client.webhookEndpoint.create({
    enabled_events: ["*"],
    url: "url",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.WebhookEndpointCreateRequest

requestOptions: WebhookEndpoint.RequestOptions

client.webhookEndpoint.retrieve(webhookEndpoint, { ...params }) -> Stripe.WebhookEndpoint

📝 Description

Retrieves the webhook endpoint with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.webhookEndpoint.retrieve("webhook_endpoint");

⚙️ Parameters

webhookEndpoint: string

request: Stripe.WebhookEndpointRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: WebhookEndpoint.RequestOptions

client.webhookEndpoint.update(webhookEndpoint, { ...params }) -> Stripe.WebhookEndpoint

📝 Description

Updates the webhook endpoint. You may edit the url, the list of enabled_events, and the status of your endpoint.

🔌 Usage

await client.webhookEndpoint.update("webhook_endpoint");

⚙️ Parameters

webhookEndpoint: string

request: Stripe.WebhookEndpointUpdateRequest

requestOptions: WebhookEndpoint.RequestOptions

client.webhookEndpoint.delete(webhookEndpoint, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedWebhookEndpoint

📝 Description

You can also delete webhook endpoints via the webhook endpoint management page of the Stripe dashboard.

🔌 Usage

await client.webhookEndpoint.delete("webhook_endpoint");

⚙️ Parameters

webhookEndpoint: string

request: Stripe.WebhookEndpointDeleteRequest

requestOptions: WebhookEndpoint.RequestOptions

Apps Secret

client.apps.secret.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SecretListResponse

📝 Description

List all secrets stored on the given scope.

🔌 Usage

await client.apps.secret.list({
    scope: {
        type: "account",
        user: undefined,

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.apps.SecretListRequest

requestOptions: Secret.RequestOptions

client.apps.secret.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.AppsSecret

📝 Description

Create or replace a secret in the secret store.

🔌 Usage

await client.apps.secret.create({
    name: "name",
    payload: "payload",
    scope: {
        type: "account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.apps.SecretCreateRequest

requestOptions: Secret.RequestOptions

client.apps.secret.deleteWhere({ ...params }) -> Stripe.AppsSecret

📝 Description

Deletes a secret from the secret store by name and scope.

🔌 Usage

await client.apps.secret.deleteWhere({
    name: "name",
    scope: {
        type: "account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.apps.SecretDeleteWhereRequest

requestOptions: Secret.RequestOptions

client.apps.secret.find({ ...params }) -> Stripe.AppsSecret

📝 Description

Finds a secret in the secret store by name and scope.

🔌 Usage

await client.apps.secret.find({
    name: "blackcurrant............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................",
    scope: {
        type: "account",
        user: undefined,

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.apps.SecretFindRequest

requestOptions: Secret.RequestOptions

Billing Alert

client.billing.alert.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.AlertListResponse

📝 Description

Lists billing active and inactive alerts

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.alert.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billing.AlertListRequest

requestOptions: Alert.RequestOptions

client.billing.alert.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingAlert

📝 Description

Creates a billing alert

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.alert.create({
    title: "title",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billing.AlertCreateRequest

requestOptions: Alert.RequestOptions

client.billing.alert.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingAlert

📝 Description

Retrieves a billing alert given an ID

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.alert.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.billing.AlertRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Alert.RequestOptions

client.billing.alert.activate(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingAlert

📝 Description

Reactivates this alert, allowing it to trigger again.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.alert.activate("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.billing.AlertActivateRequest

requestOptions: Alert.RequestOptions

client.billing.alert.archive(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingAlert

📝 Description

Archives this alert, removing it from the list view and APIs. This is non-reversible.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.alert.archive("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.billing.AlertArchiveRequest

requestOptions: Alert.RequestOptions

client.billing.alert.deactivate(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingAlert

📝 Description

Deactivates this alert, preventing it from triggering.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.alert.deactivate("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.billing.AlertDeactivateRequest

requestOptions: Alert.RequestOptions

Billing CreditBalanceSummary

client.billing.creditBalanceSummary.retrieve({ ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingCreditBalanceSummary

📝 Description

Retrieves the credit balance summary for a customer.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.creditBalanceSummary.retrieve({
    filter: {
        applicability_scope: undefined,
        credit_grant: undefined,
        type: "applicability_scope",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billing.CreditBalanceSummaryRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: CreditBalanceSummary.RequestOptions

Billing CreditBalanceTransaction

client.billing.creditBalanceTransaction.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditBalanceTransactionListResponse

📝 Description

Retrieve a list of credit balance transactions.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.creditBalanceTransaction.list({
    customer: "customer",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billing.CreditBalanceTransactionListRequest

requestOptions: CreditBalanceTransaction.RequestOptions

client.billing.creditBalanceTransaction.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingCreditBalanceTransaction

📝 Description

Retrieves a credit balance transaction.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.creditBalanceTransaction.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — Unique identifier for the object.

request: Stripe.billing.CreditBalanceTransactionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: CreditBalanceTransaction.RequestOptions

Billing CreditGrant

client.billing.creditGrant.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditGrantListResponse

📝 Description

Retrieve a list of credit grants.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.creditGrant.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billing.CreditGrantListRequest

requestOptions: CreditGrant.RequestOptions

client.billing.creditGrant.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingCreditGrant

📝 Description

Creates a credit grant.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.creditGrant.create({
    amount: {
        type: "monetary",
    applicability_config: {
        scope: {
            price_type: "metered",
    category: "paid",
    customer: "customer",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billing.CreditGrantCreateRequest

requestOptions: CreditGrant.RequestOptions

client.billing.creditGrant.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingCreditGrant

📝 Description

Retrieves a credit grant.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.creditGrant.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — Unique identifier for the object.

request: Stripe.billing.CreditGrantRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: CreditGrant.RequestOptions

client.billing.creditGrant.update(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingCreditGrant

📝 Description

Updates a credit grant.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.creditGrant.update("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — Unique identifier for the object.

request: Stripe.billing.CreditGrantUpdateRequest

requestOptions: CreditGrant.RequestOptions

client.billing.creditGrant.expire(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingCreditGrant

📝 Description

Expires a credit grant.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.creditGrant.expire("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — Unique identifier for the object.

request: Stripe.billing.CreditGrantExpireRequest

requestOptions: CreditGrant.RequestOptions

client.billing.creditGrant.voidGrant(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingCreditGrant

📝 Description

Voids a credit grant.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.creditGrant.voidGrant("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — Unique identifier for the object.

request: Stripe.billing.CreditGrantVoidGrantRequest

requestOptions: CreditGrant.RequestOptions

Billing MeterEventAdjustment

client.billing.meterEventAdjustment.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingMeterEventAdjustment

📝 Description

Creates a billing meter event adjustment.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.meterEventAdjustment.create({
    event_name: "event_name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billing.MeterEventAdjustmentCreateRequest

requestOptions: MeterEventAdjustment.RequestOptions

Billing MeterEvent

client.billing.meterEvent.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingMeterEvent

📝 Description

Creates a billing meter event.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.meterEvent.create({
    event_name: "event_name",
    payload: {
        key: "value",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billing.MeterEventCreateRequest

requestOptions: MeterEvent.RequestOptions

Billing Meter

client.billing.meter.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.MeterListResponse

📝 Description

Retrieve a list of billing meters.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.meter.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billing.MeterListRequest

requestOptions: Meter.RequestOptions

client.billing.meter.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingMeter

📝 Description

Creates a billing meter.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.meter.create({
    default_aggregation: {
        formula: "count",
    display_name: "display_name",
    event_name: "event_name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billing.MeterCreateRequest

requestOptions: Meter.RequestOptions

client.billing.meter.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingMeter

📝 Description

Retrieves a billing meter given an ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.meter.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — Unique identifier for the object.

request: Stripe.billing.MeterRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Meter.RequestOptions

client.billing.meter.update(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingMeter

📝 Description

Updates a billing meter.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.meter.update("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — Unique identifier for the object.

request: Stripe.billing.MeterUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Meter.RequestOptions

client.billing.meter.deactivate(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingMeter

📝 Description

When a meter is deactivated, no more meter events will be accepted for this meter. You can’t attach a deactivated meter to a price.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.meter.deactivate("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — Unique identifier for the object.

request: Stripe.billing.MeterDeactivateRequest

requestOptions: Meter.RequestOptions

client.billing.meter.reactivate(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingMeter

📝 Description

When a meter is reactivated, events for this meter can be accepted and you can attach the meter to a price.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.meter.reactivate("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — Unique identifier for the object.

request: Stripe.billing.MeterReactivateRequest

requestOptions: Meter.RequestOptions

Billing MeterEventSummary

client.billing.meterEventSummary.list(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.MeterEventSummaryListResponse

📝 Description

Retrieve a list of billing meter event summaries.

🔌 Usage

await client.billing.meterEventSummary.list("id", {
    customer: "customer",
    end_time: 1,
    start_time: 1,

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — Unique identifier for the object.

request: Stripe.billing.MeterEventSummaryListRequest

requestOptions: MeterEventSummary.RequestOptions

BillingPortal Configuration

client.billingPortal.configuration.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ConfigurationListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of configurations that describe the functionality of the customer portal.

🔌 Usage

await client.billingPortal.configuration.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billingPortal.ConfigurationListRequest

requestOptions: Configuration.RequestOptions

client.billingPortal.configuration.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingPortalConfiguration

📝 Description

Creates a configuration that describes the functionality and behavior of a PortalSession

🔌 Usage

await client.billingPortal.configuration.create({
    features: {},

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billingPortal.ConfigurationCreateRequest

requestOptions: Configuration.RequestOptions

client.billingPortal.configuration.retrieve(configuration, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingPortalConfiguration

📝 Description

Retrieves a configuration that describes the functionality of the customer portal.

🔌 Usage

await client.billingPortal.configuration.retrieve("configuration");

⚙️ Parameters

configuration: string

request: Stripe.billingPortal.ConfigurationRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Configuration.RequestOptions

client.billingPortal.configuration.update(configuration, { ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingPortalConfiguration

📝 Description

Updates a configuration that describes the functionality of the customer portal.

🔌 Usage

await client.billingPortal.configuration.update("configuration");

⚙️ Parameters

configuration: string

request: Stripe.billingPortal.ConfigurationUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Configuration.RequestOptions

BillingPortal Session

client.billingPortal.session.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.BillingPortalSession

📝 Description

Creates a session of the customer portal.

🔌 Usage

await client.billingPortal.session.create({
    customer: "customer",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.billingPortal.SessionCreateRequest

requestOptions: Session.RequestOptions

Checkout Session

client.checkout.session.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SessionListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Checkout Sessions.

🔌 Usage

await client.checkout.session.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.checkout.SessionListRequest

requestOptions: Session.RequestOptions

client.checkout.session.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CheckoutSession

📝 Description

Creates a Session object.

🔌 Usage

await client.checkout.session.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.checkout.SessionCreateRequest

requestOptions: Session.RequestOptions

client.checkout.session.retrieve(session, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CheckoutSession

📝 Description

Retrieves a Session object.

🔌 Usage

await client.checkout.session.retrieve("session");

⚙️ Parameters

session: string

request: Stripe.checkout.SessionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Session.RequestOptions

client.checkout.session.update(session, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CheckoutSession

📝 Description

Updates a Session object.

🔌 Usage

await client.checkout.session.update("session");

⚙️ Parameters

session: string

request: Stripe.checkout.SessionUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Session.RequestOptions

client.checkout.session.expire(session, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CheckoutSession

📝 Description

A Session can be expired when it is in one of these statuses: open

After it expires, a customer can’t complete a Session and customers loading the Session see a message saying the Session is expired.

🔌 Usage

await client.checkout.session.expire("session");

⚙️ Parameters

session: string

request: Stripe.checkout.SessionExpireRequest

requestOptions: Session.RequestOptions

client.checkout.session.listLineItems(session, { ...params }) -> Stripe.SessionListLineItemsResponse

📝 Description

When retrieving a Checkout Session, there is an includable line_items property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

🔌 Usage

await client.checkout.session.listLineItems("session");

⚙️ Parameters

session: string

request: Stripe.checkout.SessionListLineItemsRequest

requestOptions: Session.RequestOptions

Climate Order

client.climate.order.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.OrderListResponse

📝 Description

Lists all Climate order objects. The orders are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created orders appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.climate.order.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.climate.OrderListRequest

requestOptions: Order.RequestOptions

client.climate.order.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ClimateOrder

📝 Description

Creates a Climate order object for a given Climate product. The order will be processed immediately after creation and payment will be deducted your Stripe balance.

🔌 Usage

await client.climate.order.create({
    product: "product",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.climate.OrderCreateRequest

requestOptions: Order.RequestOptions

client.climate.order.retrieve(order, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ClimateOrder

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a Climate order object with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.climate.order.retrieve("order");

⚙️ Parameters

order: string — Unique identifier of the order.

request: Stripe.climate.OrderRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Order.RequestOptions

client.climate.order.update(order, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ClimateOrder

📝 Description

Updates the specified order by setting the values of the parameters passed.

🔌 Usage

await client.climate.order.update("order");

⚙️ Parameters

order: string — Unique identifier of the order.

request: Stripe.climate.OrderUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Order.RequestOptions

client.climate.order.cancel(order, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ClimateOrder

📝 Description

Cancels a Climate order. You can cancel an order within 24 hours of creation. Stripe refunds the reservation amount_subtotal, but not the amount_fees for user-triggered cancellations. Frontier might cancel reservations if suppliers fail to deliver. If Frontier cancels the reservation, Stripe provides 90 days advance notice and refunds the amount_total.

🔌 Usage

await client.climate.order.cancel("order");

⚙️ Parameters

order: string — Unique identifier of the order.

request: Stripe.climate.OrderCancelRequest

requestOptions: Order.RequestOptions

Climate Product

client.climate.product.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ProductListResponse

📝 Description

Lists all available Climate product objects.

🔌 Usage

await client.climate.product.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.climate.ProductListRequest

requestOptions: Product.RequestOptions

client.climate.product.retrieve(product, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ClimateProduct

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a Climate product with the given ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.climate.product.retrieve("product");

⚙️ Parameters

product: string

request: Stripe.climate.ProductRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Product.RequestOptions

Climate Supplier

client.climate.supplier.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.SupplierListResponse

📝 Description

Lists all available Climate supplier objects.

🔌 Usage

await client.climate.supplier.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.climate.SupplierListRequest

requestOptions: Supplier.RequestOptions

client.climate.supplier.retrieve(supplier, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ClimateSupplier

📝 Description

Retrieves a Climate supplier object.

🔌 Usage

await client.climate.supplier.retrieve("supplier");

⚙️ Parameters

supplier: string

request: Stripe.climate.SupplierRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Supplier.RequestOptions

Entitlements ActiveEntitlement

client.entitlements.activeEntitlement.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ActiveEntitlementListResponse

📝 Description

Retrieve a list of active entitlements for a customer

🔌 Usage

await client.entitlements.activeEntitlement.list({
    customer: "customer",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.entitlements.ActiveEntitlementListRequest

requestOptions: ActiveEntitlement.RequestOptions

client.entitlements.activeEntitlement.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.EntitlementsActiveEntitlement

📝 Description

Retrieve an active entitlement

🔌 Usage

await client.entitlements.activeEntitlement.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — The ID of the entitlement.

request: Stripe.entitlements.ActiveEntitlementRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ActiveEntitlement.RequestOptions

Entitlements Feature

client.entitlements.feature.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.FeatureListResponse

📝 Description

Retrieve a list of features

🔌 Usage

await client.entitlements.feature.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.entitlements.FeatureListRequest

requestOptions: Feature.RequestOptions

client.entitlements.feature.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.EntitlementsFeature

📝 Description

Creates a feature

🔌 Usage

await client.entitlements.feature.create({
    lookup_key: "lookup_key",
    name: "name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.entitlements.FeatureCreateRequest

requestOptions: Feature.RequestOptions

client.entitlements.feature.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.EntitlementsFeature

📝 Description

Retrieves a feature

🔌 Usage

await client.entitlements.feature.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string — The ID of the feature.

request: Stripe.entitlements.FeatureRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Feature.RequestOptions

client.entitlements.feature.update(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.EntitlementsFeature

📝 Description

Update a feature’s metadata or permanently deactivate it.

🔌 Usage

await client.entitlements.feature.update("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.entitlements.FeatureUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Feature.RequestOptions

FinancialConnections Account

client.financialConnections.account.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.AccountListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Financial Connections Account objects.

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.account.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.financialConnections.AccountListRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.financialConnections.account.retrieve(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FinancialConnectionsAccount

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an Financial Connections Account.

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.account.retrieve("account");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.financialConnections.AccountRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.financialConnections.account.disconnect(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FinancialConnectionsAccount

📝 Description

Disables your access to a Financial Connections Account. You will no longer be able to access data associated with the account (e.g. balances, transactions).

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.account.disconnect("account");

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.financialConnections.AccountDisconnectRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.financialConnections.account.listOwners(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.AccountListOwnersResponse

📝 Description

Lists all owners for a given Account

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.account.listOwners("account", {
    ownership: "ownership",

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.financialConnections.AccountListOwnersRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.financialConnections.account.refresh(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FinancialConnectionsAccount

📝 Description

Refreshes the data associated with a Financial Connections Account.

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.account.refresh("account", {
    features: ["balance"],

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.financialConnections.AccountRefreshRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.financialConnections.account.subscribe(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FinancialConnectionsAccount

📝 Description

Subscribes to periodic refreshes of data associated with a Financial Connections Account.

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.account.subscribe("account", {
    features: ["transactions"],

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.financialConnections.AccountSubscribeRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

client.financialConnections.account.unsubscribe(account, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FinancialConnectionsAccount

📝 Description

Unsubscribes from periodic refreshes of data associated with a Financial Connections Account.

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.account.unsubscribe("account", {
    features: ["transactions"],

⚙️ Parameters

account: string

request: Stripe.financialConnections.AccountUnsubscribeRequest

requestOptions: Account.RequestOptions

FinancialConnections Session

client.financialConnections.session.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.FinancialConnectionsSession

📝 Description

To launch the Financial Connections authorization flow, create a Session. The session’s client_secret can be used to launch the flow using Stripe.js.

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.session.create({
    account_holder: {
        type: "account",
    permissions: ["balances"],

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.financialConnections.SessionCreateRequest

requestOptions: Session.RequestOptions

client.financialConnections.session.retrieve(session, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FinancialConnectionsSession

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a Financial Connections Session

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.session.retrieve("session");

⚙️ Parameters

session: string

request: Stripe.financialConnections.SessionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Session.RequestOptions

FinancialConnections Transaction

client.financialConnections.transaction.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TransactionListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Financial Connections Transaction objects.

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.transaction.list({
    account: "account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.financialConnections.TransactionListRequest

requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions

client.financialConnections.transaction.retrieve(transaction, { ...params }) -> Stripe.FinancialConnectionsTransaction

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a Financial Connections Transaction

🔌 Usage

await client.financialConnections.transaction.retrieve("transaction");

⚙️ Parameters

transaction: string

request: Stripe.financialConnections.TransactionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions

Forwarding Request

client.forwarding.request.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.RequestListResponse

📝 Description

Lists all ForwardingRequest objects.

🔌 Usage

await client.forwarding.request.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.forwarding.RequestListRequest

requestOptions: Request.RequestOptions

client.forwarding.request.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ForwardingRequest

📝 Description

Creates a ForwardingRequest object.

🔌 Usage

await client.forwarding.request.create({
    payment_method: "payment_method",
    replacements: ["card_cvc"],
    url: "url",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.forwarding.RequestCreateRequest

requestOptions: Request.RequestOptions

client.forwarding.request.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ForwardingRequest

📝 Description

Retrieves a ForwardingRequest object.

🔌 Usage

await client.forwarding.request.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.forwarding.RequestRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Request.RequestOptions

Identity VerificationReport

client.identity.verificationReport.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.VerificationReportListResponse

📝 Description

List all verification reports.

🔌 Usage

await client.identity.verificationReport.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.identity.VerificationReportListRequest

requestOptions: VerificationReport.RequestOptions

client.identity.verificationReport.retrieve(report, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IdentityVerificationReport

📝 Description

Retrieves an existing VerificationReport

🔌 Usage

await client.identity.verificationReport.retrieve("report");

⚙️ Parameters

report: string

request: Stripe.identity.VerificationReportRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: VerificationReport.RequestOptions

Identity VerificationSession

client.identity.verificationSession.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.VerificationSessionListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of VerificationSessions

🔌 Usage

await client.identity.verificationSession.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.identity.VerificationSessionListRequest

requestOptions: VerificationSession.RequestOptions

client.identity.verificationSession.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.IdentityVerificationSession

📝 Description

Creates a VerificationSession object.

After the VerificationSession is created, display a verification modal using the session client_secret or send your users to the session’s url.

If your API key is in test mode, verification checks won’t actually process, though everything else will occur as if in live mode.

Related guide: Verify your users’ identity documents

🔌 Usage

await client.identity.verificationSession.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.identity.VerificationSessionCreateRequest

requestOptions: VerificationSession.RequestOptions

client.identity.verificationSession.retrieve(session, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IdentityVerificationSession

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a VerificationSession that was previously created.

When the session status is requires_input, you can use this method to retrieve a valid client_secret or url to allow re-submission.

🔌 Usage

await client.identity.verificationSession.retrieve("session");

⚙️ Parameters

session: string

request: Stripe.identity.VerificationSessionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: VerificationSession.RequestOptions

client.identity.verificationSession.update(session, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IdentityVerificationSession

📝 Description

Updates a VerificationSession object.

When the session status is requires_input, you can use this method to update the verification check and options.

🔌 Usage

await client.identity.verificationSession.update("session");

⚙️ Parameters

session: string

request: Stripe.identity.VerificationSessionUpdateRequest

requestOptions: VerificationSession.RequestOptions

client.identity.verificationSession.cancel(session, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IdentityVerificationSession

📝 Description

A VerificationSession object can be canceled when it is in requires_input status.

Once canceled, future submission attempts are disabled. This cannot be undone. Learn more.

🔌 Usage

await client.identity.verificationSession.cancel("session");

⚙️ Parameters

session: string

request: Stripe.identity.VerificationSessionCancelRequest

requestOptions: VerificationSession.RequestOptions

client.identity.verificationSession.redact(session, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IdentityVerificationSession

📝 Description

Redact a VerificationSession to remove all collected information from Stripe. This will redact the VerificationSession and all objects related to it, including VerificationReports, Events, request logs, etc.

A VerificationSession object can be redacted when it is in requires_input or verified status. Redacting a VerificationSession in requires_action state will automatically cancel it.

The redaction process may take up to four days. When the redaction process is in progress, the VerificationSession’s redaction.status field will be set to processing; when the process is finished, it will change to redacted and an identity.verification_session.redacted event will be emitted.

Redaction is irreversible. Redacted objects are still accessible in the Stripe API, but all the fields that contain personal data will be replaced by the string [redacted] or a similar placeholder. The metadata field will also be erased. Redacted objects cannot be updated or used for any purpose.

Learn more.

🔌 Usage

await client.identity.verificationSession.redact("session");

⚙️ Parameters

session: string

request: Stripe.identity.VerificationSessionRedactRequest

requestOptions: VerificationSession.RequestOptions

Issuing Authorization

client.issuing.authorization.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.AuthorizationListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Issuing Authorization objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationListRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.retrieve(authorization, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

Retrieves an Issuing Authorization object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.retrieve("authorization");

⚙️ Parameters

authorization: string

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.update(authorization, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

Updates the specified Issuing Authorization object by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.update("authorization");

⚙️ Parameters

authorization: string

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.approve(authorization, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

[Deprecated] Approves a pending Issuing Authorization object. This request should be made within the timeout window of the real-time authorization flow. This method is deprecated. Instead, respond directly to the webhook request to approve an authorization.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.approve("authorization");

⚙️ Parameters

authorization: string

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationApproveRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.decline(authorization, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

[Deprecated] Declines a pending Issuing Authorization object. This request should be made within the timeout window of the real time authorization flow. This method is deprecated. Instead, respond directly to the webhook request to decline an authorization.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.decline("authorization");

⚙️ Parameters

authorization: string

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationDeclineRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

Create a test-mode authorization.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.create({
    card: "card",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationCreateRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.capture(authorization, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

Capture a test-mode authorization.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.capture("authorization");

⚙️ Parameters

authorization: string

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationCaptureRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.expire(authorization, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

Expire a test-mode Authorization.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.expire("authorization");

⚙️ Parameters

authorization: string

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationExpireRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.finalizeAmount(authorization, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

Finalize the amount on an Authorization prior to capture, when the initial authorization was for an estimated amount.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.finalizeAmount("authorization", {
    final_amount: 1,

⚙️ Parameters

authorization: string

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationFinalizeAmountRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.respond(authorization, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

Respond to a fraud challenge on a testmode Issuing authorization, simulating either a confirmation of fraud or a correction of legitimacy.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.respond("authorization", {
    confirmed: true,

⚙️ Parameters

authorization: string

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationRespondRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.increment(authorization, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

Increment a test-mode Authorization.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.increment("authorization", {
    increment_amount: 1,

⚙️ Parameters

authorization: string

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationIncrementRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

client.issuing.authorization.reverse(authorization, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingAuthorization

📝 Description

Reverse a test-mode Authorization.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.authorization.reverse("authorization");

⚙️ Parameters

authorization: string

request: Stripe.issuing.AuthorizationReverseRequest

requestOptions: Authorization.RequestOptions

Issuing Cardholder

client.issuing.cardholder.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CardholderListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Issuing Cardholder objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.cardholder.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.CardholderListRequest

requestOptions: Cardholder.RequestOptions

client.issuing.cardholder.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCardholder

📝 Description

Creates a new Issuing Cardholder object that can be issued cards.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.cardholder.create({
    billing: {
        address: {
            city: "city",
            country: "country",
            line1: "line1",
            postal_code: "postal_code",
    name: "name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.CardholderCreateRequest

requestOptions: Cardholder.RequestOptions

client.issuing.cardholder.retrieve(cardholder, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCardholder

📝 Description

Retrieves an Issuing Cardholder object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.cardholder.retrieve("cardholder");

⚙️ Parameters

cardholder: string

request: Stripe.issuing.CardholderRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Cardholder.RequestOptions

client.issuing.cardholder.update(cardholder, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCardholder

📝 Description

Updates the specified Issuing Cardholder object by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.cardholder.update("cardholder");

⚙️ Parameters

cardholder: string

request: Stripe.issuing.CardholderUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Cardholder.RequestOptions

Issuing Card

client.issuing.card.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CardListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Issuing Card objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.card.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.CardListRequest

requestOptions: Card.RequestOptions

client.issuing.card.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCard

📝 Description

Creates an Issuing Card object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.card.create({
    currency: "currency",
    type: "physical",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.CardCreateRequest

requestOptions: Card.RequestOptions

client.issuing.card.retrieve(card, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCard

📝 Description

Retrieves an Issuing Card object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.card.retrieve("card");

⚙️ Parameters

card: string

request: Stripe.issuing.CardRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Card.RequestOptions

client.issuing.card.update(card, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCard

📝 Description

Updates the specified Issuing Card object by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.card.update("card");

⚙️ Parameters

card: string

request: Stripe.issuing.CardUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Card.RequestOptions

client.issuing.card.deliverCard(card, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCard

📝 Description

Updates the shipping status of the specified Issuing Card object to delivered.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.card.deliverCard("card");

⚙️ Parameters

card: string

request: Stripe.issuing.CardDeliverCardRequest

requestOptions: Card.RequestOptions

client.issuing.card.failCard(card, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCard

📝 Description

Updates the shipping status of the specified Issuing Card object to failure.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.card.failCard("card");

⚙️ Parameters

card: string

request: Stripe.issuing.CardFailCardRequest

requestOptions: Card.RequestOptions

client.issuing.card.returnCard(card, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCard

📝 Description

Updates the shipping status of the specified Issuing Card object to returned.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.card.returnCard("card");

⚙️ Parameters

card: string

request: Stripe.issuing.CardReturnCardRequest

requestOptions: Card.RequestOptions

client.issuing.card.shipCard(card, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCard

📝 Description

Updates the shipping status of the specified Issuing Card object to shipped.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.card.shipCard("card");

⚙️ Parameters

card: string

request: Stripe.issuing.CardShipCardRequest

requestOptions: Card.RequestOptions

client.issuing.card.submitCard(card, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingCard

📝 Description

Updates the shipping status of the specified Issuing Card object to submitted. This method requires Stripe Version ‘2024-09-30.acacia’ or later.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.card.submitCard("card");

⚙️ Parameters

card: string

request: Stripe.issuing.CardSubmitCardRequest

requestOptions: Card.RequestOptions

Issuing Dispute

client.issuing.dispute.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.DisputeListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Issuing Dispute objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.dispute.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.DisputeListRequest

requestOptions: Dispute.RequestOptions

client.issuing.dispute.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingDispute

📝 Description

Creates an Issuing Dispute object. Individual pieces of evidence within the evidence object are optional at this point. Stripe only validates that required evidence is present during submission. Refer to Dispute reasons and evidence for more details about evidence requirements.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.dispute.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.DisputeCreateRequest

requestOptions: Dispute.RequestOptions

client.issuing.dispute.retrieve(dispute, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingDispute

📝 Description

Retrieves an Issuing Dispute object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.dispute.retrieve("dispute");

⚙️ Parameters

dispute: string

request: Stripe.issuing.DisputeRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Dispute.RequestOptions

client.issuing.dispute.update(dispute, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingDispute

📝 Description

Updates the specified Issuing Dispute object by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. Properties on the evidence object can be unset by passing in an empty string.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.dispute.update("dispute");

⚙️ Parameters

dispute: string

request: Stripe.issuing.DisputeUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Dispute.RequestOptions

client.issuing.dispute.submit(dispute, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingDispute

📝 Description

Submits an Issuing Dispute to the card network. Stripe validates that all evidence fields required for the dispute’s reason are present. For more details, see Dispute reasons and evidence.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.dispute.submit("dispute");

⚙️ Parameters

dispute: string

request: Stripe.issuing.DisputeSubmitRequest

requestOptions: Dispute.RequestOptions

Issuing PersonalizationDesign

client.issuing.personalizationDesign.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PersonalizationDesignListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of personalization design objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.personalizationDesign.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.PersonalizationDesignListRequest

requestOptions: PersonalizationDesign.RequestOptions

client.issuing.personalizationDesign.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingPersonalizationDesign

📝 Description

Creates a personalization design object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.personalizationDesign.create({
    physical_bundle: "physical_bundle",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.PersonalizationDesignCreateRequest

requestOptions: PersonalizationDesign.RequestOptions

client.issuing.personalizationDesign.retrieve(personalizationDesign, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingPersonalizationDesign

📝 Description

Retrieves a personalization design object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.personalizationDesign.retrieve("personalization_design");

⚙️ Parameters

personalizationDesign: string

request: Stripe.issuing.PersonalizationDesignRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: PersonalizationDesign.RequestOptions

client.issuing.personalizationDesign.update(personalizationDesign, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingPersonalizationDesign

📝 Description

Updates a card personalization object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.personalizationDesign.update("personalization_design");

⚙️ Parameters

personalizationDesign: string

request: Stripe.issuing.PersonalizationDesignUpdateRequest

requestOptions: PersonalizationDesign.RequestOptions

client.issuing.personalizationDesign.activate(personalizationDesign, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingPersonalizationDesign

📝 Description

Updates the status of the specified testmode personalization design object to active.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.personalizationDesign.activate("personalization_design");

⚙️ Parameters

personalizationDesign: string

request: Stripe.issuing.PersonalizationDesignActivateRequest

requestOptions: PersonalizationDesign.RequestOptions

client.issuing.personalizationDesign.deactivate(personalizationDesign, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingPersonalizationDesign

📝 Description

Updates the status of the specified testmode personalization design object to inactive.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.personalizationDesign.deactivate("personalization_design");

⚙️ Parameters

personalizationDesign: string

request: Stripe.issuing.PersonalizationDesignDeactivateRequest

requestOptions: PersonalizationDesign.RequestOptions

client.issuing.personalizationDesign.reject(personalizationDesign, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingPersonalizationDesign

📝 Description

Updates the status of the specified testmode personalization design object to rejected.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.personalizationDesign.reject("personalization_design", {
    rejection_reasons: {},

⚙️ Parameters

personalizationDesign: string

request: Stripe.issuing.PersonalizationDesignRejectRequest

requestOptions: PersonalizationDesign.RequestOptions

Issuing PhysicalBundle

client.issuing.physicalBundle.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.PhysicalBundleListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of physical bundle objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.physicalBundle.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.PhysicalBundleListRequest

requestOptions: PhysicalBundle.RequestOptions

client.issuing.physicalBundle.retrieve(physicalBundle, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingPhysicalBundle

📝 Description

Retrieves a physical bundle object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.physicalBundle.retrieve("physical_bundle");

⚙️ Parameters

physicalBundle: string

request: Stripe.issuing.PhysicalBundleRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: PhysicalBundle.RequestOptions

Issuing Token

client.issuing.token.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TokenListResponse

📝 Description

Lists all Issuing Token objects for a given card.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.token.list({
    card: "card",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.TokenListRequest

requestOptions: Token.RequestOptions

client.issuing.token.retrieve(token, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingToken

📝 Description

Retrieves an Issuing Token object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.token.retrieve("token");

⚙️ Parameters

token: string

request: Stripe.issuing.TokenRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Token.RequestOptions

client.issuing.token.update(token, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingToken

📝 Description

Attempts to update the specified Issuing Token object to the status specified.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.token.update("token", {
    status: "active",

⚙️ Parameters

token: string

request: Stripe.issuing.TokenUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Token.RequestOptions

Issuing Transaction

client.issuing.transaction.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TransactionListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Issuing Transaction objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.transaction.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.TransactionListRequest

requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions

client.issuing.transaction.retrieve(transaction, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingTransaction

📝 Description

Retrieves an Issuing Transaction object.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.transaction.retrieve("transaction");

⚙️ Parameters

transaction: string

request: Stripe.issuing.TransactionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions

client.issuing.transaction.update(transaction, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingTransaction

📝 Description

Updates the specified Issuing Transaction object by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.transaction.update("transaction");

⚙️ Parameters

transaction: string

request: Stripe.issuing.TransactionUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions

client.issuing.transaction.createForceCapture({ ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingTransaction

📝 Description

Allows the user to capture an arbitrary amount, also known as a forced capture.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.transaction.createForceCapture({
    amount: 1,
    card: "card",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.TransactionCreateForceCaptureRequest

requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions

client.issuing.transaction.createUnlinkedRefund({ ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingTransaction

📝 Description

Allows the user to refund an arbitrary amount, also known as a unlinked refund.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.transaction.createUnlinkedRefund({
    amount: 1,
    card: "card",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.issuing.TransactionCreateUnlinkedRefundRequest

requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions

client.issuing.transaction.refund(transaction, { ...params }) -> Stripe.IssuingTransaction

📝 Description

Refund a test-mode Transaction.

🔌 Usage

await client.issuing.transaction.refund("transaction");

⚙️ Parameters

transaction: string

request: Stripe.issuing.TransactionRefundRequest

requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions

Radar EarlyFraudWarning

client.radar.earlyFraudWarning.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.EarlyFraudWarningListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of early fraud warnings.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.earlyFraudWarning.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.radar.EarlyFraudWarningListRequest

requestOptions: EarlyFraudWarning.RequestOptions

client.radar.earlyFraudWarning.retrieve(earlyFraudWarning, { ...params }) -> Stripe.RadarEarlyFraudWarning

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an early fraud warning that has previously been created.

Please refer to the early fraud warning object reference for more details.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.earlyFraudWarning.retrieve("early_fraud_warning");

⚙️ Parameters

earlyFraudWarning: string

request: Stripe.radar.EarlyFraudWarningRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: EarlyFraudWarning.RequestOptions

Radar ValueListItem

client.radar.valueListItem.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ValueListItemListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of ValueListItem objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.valueListItem.list({
    value_list: "value_list",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.radar.ValueListItemListRequest

requestOptions: ValueListItem.RequestOptions

client.radar.valueListItem.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.RadarValueListItem

📝 Description

Creates a new ValueListItem object, which is added to the specified parent value list.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.valueListItem.create({
    value: "value",
    value_list: "value_list",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.radar.ValueListItemCreateRequest

requestOptions: ValueListItem.RequestOptions

client.radar.valueListItem.retrieve(item, { ...params }) -> Stripe.RadarValueListItem

📝 Description

Retrieves a ValueListItem object.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.valueListItem.retrieve("item");

⚙️ Parameters

item: string

request: Stripe.radar.ValueListItemRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ValueListItem.RequestOptions

client.radar.valueListItem.delete(item, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedRadarValueListItem

📝 Description

Deletes a ValueListItem object, removing it from its parent value list.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.valueListItem.delete("item");

⚙️ Parameters

item: string

request: Stripe.radar.ValueListItemDeleteRequest

requestOptions: ValueListItem.RequestOptions

Radar ValueList

client.radar.valueList.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ValueListListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of ValueList objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.valueList.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.radar.ValueListListRequest

requestOptions: ValueList.RequestOptions

client.radar.valueList.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.RadarValueList

📝 Description

Creates a new ValueList object, which can then be referenced in rules.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.valueList.create({
    alias: "alias",
    name: "name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.radar.ValueListCreateRequest

requestOptions: ValueList.RequestOptions

client.radar.valueList.retrieve(valueList, { ...params }) -> Stripe.RadarValueList

📝 Description

Retrieves a ValueList object.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.valueList.retrieve("value_list");

⚙️ Parameters

valueList: string

request: Stripe.radar.ValueListRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ValueList.RequestOptions

client.radar.valueList.update(valueList, { ...params }) -> Stripe.RadarValueList

📝 Description

Updates a ValueList object by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. Note that item_type is immutable.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.valueList.update("value_list");

⚙️ Parameters

valueList: string

request: Stripe.radar.ValueListUpdateRequest

requestOptions: ValueList.RequestOptions

client.radar.valueList.delete(valueList, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedRadarValueList

📝 Description

Deletes a ValueList object, also deleting any items contained within the value list. To be deleted, a value list must not be referenced in any rules.

🔌 Usage

await client.radar.valueList.delete("value_list");

⚙️ Parameters

valueList: string

request: Stripe.radar.ValueListDeleteRequest

requestOptions: ValueList.RequestOptions

Reporting ReportRun

client.reporting.reportRun.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ReportRunListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Report Runs, with the most recent appearing first.

🔌 Usage

await client.reporting.reportRun.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.reporting.ReportRunListRequest

requestOptions: ReportRun.RequestOptions

client.reporting.reportRun.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ReportingReportRun

📝 Description

Creates a new object and begin running the report. (Certain report types require a live-mode API key.)

🔌 Usage

await client.reporting.reportRun.create({
    report_type: "report_type",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.reporting.ReportRunCreateRequest

requestOptions: ReportRun.RequestOptions

client.reporting.reportRun.retrieve(reportRun, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ReportingReportRun

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing Report Run.

🔌 Usage

await client.reporting.reportRun.retrieve("report_run");

⚙️ Parameters

reportRun: string

request: Stripe.reporting.ReportRunRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ReportRun.RequestOptions

Reporting ReportType

client.reporting.reportType.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ReportTypeListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a full list of Report Types.

🔌 Usage

await client.reporting.reportType.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.reporting.ReportTypeListRequest

requestOptions: ReportType.RequestOptions

client.reporting.reportType.retrieve(reportType, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ReportingReportType

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a Report Type. (Certain report types require a live-mode API key.)

🔌 Usage

await client.reporting.reportType.retrieve("report_type");

⚙️ Parameters

reportType: string

request: Stripe.reporting.ReportTypeRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ReportType.RequestOptions

Tax Calculation{ ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxCalculation

📝 Description

Calculates tax based on the input and returns a Tax Calculation object.

🔌 Usage

    currency: "currency",
    line_items: [
            amount: 1,

⚙️ Parameters


requestOptions: Calculation.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxCalculation

📝 Description

Retrieves a Tax Calculation object, if the calculation hasn’t expired.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

calculation: string


requestOptions: Calculation.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.CalculationListLineItemsResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves the line items of a tax calculation as a collection, if the calculation hasn’t expired.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

calculation: string


requestOptions: Calculation.RequestOptions

Tax Registration{ ...params }) -> Stripe.RegistrationListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Tax Registration objects.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters


requestOptions: Registration.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxRegistration

📝 Description

Creates a new Tax Registration object.

🔌 Usage

    active_from: "now",
    country: "country",
    country_options: {},

⚙️ Parameters


requestOptions: Registration.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxRegistration

📝 Description

Returns a Tax Registration object.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

id: string


requestOptions: Registration.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxRegistration

📝 Description

Updates an existing Tax Registration object.

A registration cannot be deleted after it has been created. If you wish to end a registration you may do so by setting expires_at.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

id: string


requestOptions: Registration.RequestOptions

Tax Settings{ ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxSettings

📝 Description

Retrieves Tax Settings for a merchant.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters


requestOptions: Settings.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxSettings

📝 Description

Updates Tax Settings parameters used in tax calculations. All parameters are editable but none can be removed once set.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters


requestOptions: Settings.RequestOptions

Tax Transaction{ ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxTransaction

📝 Description

Creates a Tax Transaction from a calculation, if that calculation hasn’t expired. Calculations expire after 90 days.

🔌 Usage

    calculation: "calculation",
    reference: "reference",

⚙️ Parameters


requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxTransaction

📝 Description

Partially or fully reverses a previously created Transaction.

🔌 Usage

    mode: "full",
    original_transaction: "original_transaction",
    reference: "reference",

⚙️ Parameters


requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TaxTransaction

📝 Description

Retrieves a Tax Transaction object.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

transaction: string


requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TransactionListLineItemsResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves the line items of a committed standalone transaction as a collection.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

transaction: string


requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions

Terminal Configuration

client.terminal.configuration.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ConfigurationListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Configuration objects.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.configuration.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.terminal.ConfigurationListRequest

requestOptions: Configuration.RequestOptions

client.terminal.configuration.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TerminalConfiguration

📝 Description

Creates a new Configuration object.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.configuration.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.terminal.ConfigurationCreateRequest

requestOptions: Configuration.RequestOptions

client.terminal.configuration.retrieve(configuration, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ConfigurationRetrieveResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves a Configuration object.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.configuration.retrieve("configuration");

⚙️ Parameters

configuration: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ConfigurationRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Configuration.RequestOptions

client.terminal.configuration.update(configuration, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ConfigurationUpdateResponse

📝 Description

Updates a new Configuration object.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.configuration.update("configuration");

⚙️ Parameters

configuration: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ConfigurationUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Configuration.RequestOptions

client.terminal.configuration.delete(configuration, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedTerminalConfiguration

📝 Description

Deletes a Configuration object.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.configuration.delete("configuration");

⚙️ Parameters

configuration: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ConfigurationDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Configuration.RequestOptions

Terminal ConnectionToken

client.terminal.connectionToken.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TerminalConnectionToken

📝 Description

To connect to a reader the Stripe Terminal SDK needs to retrieve a short-lived connection token from Stripe, proxied through your server. On your backend, add an endpoint that creates and returns a connection token.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.connectionToken.create();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.terminal.ConnectionTokenCreateRequest

requestOptions: ConnectionToken.RequestOptions

Terminal Location

client.terminal.location.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.LocationListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Location objects.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.location.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.terminal.LocationListRequest

requestOptions: Location.RequestOptions

client.terminal.location.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TerminalLocation

📝 Description

Creates a new Location object. For further details, including which address fields are required in each country, see the Manage locations guide.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.location.create({
    address: {
        country: "country",
    display_name: "display_name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.terminal.LocationCreateRequest

requestOptions: Location.RequestOptions

client.terminal.location.retrieve(location, { ...params }) -> Stripe.LocationRetrieveResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves a Location object.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.location.retrieve("location");

⚙️ Parameters

location: string

request: Stripe.terminal.LocationRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Location.RequestOptions

client.terminal.location.update(location, { ...params }) -> Stripe.LocationUpdateResponse

📝 Description

Updates a Location object by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.location.update("location");

⚙️ Parameters

location: string

request: Stripe.terminal.LocationUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Location.RequestOptions

client.terminal.location.delete(location, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedTerminalLocation

📝 Description

Deletes a Location object.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.location.delete("location");

⚙️ Parameters

location: string

request: Stripe.terminal.LocationDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Location.RequestOptions

Terminal Reader

client.terminal.reader.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ReaderListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of Reader objects.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderListRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

client.terminal.reader.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TerminalReader

📝 Description

Creates a new Reader object.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.create({
    registration_code: "registration_code",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderCreateRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

client.terminal.reader.retrieve(reader, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ReaderRetrieveResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves a Reader object.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.retrieve("reader");

⚙️ Parameters

reader: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

client.terminal.reader.update(reader, { ...params }) -> Stripe.ReaderUpdateResponse

📝 Description

Updates a Reader object by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.update("reader");

⚙️ Parameters

reader: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderUpdateRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

client.terminal.reader.delete(reader, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedTerminalReader

📝 Description

Deletes a Reader object.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.delete("reader");

⚙️ Parameters

reader: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderDeleteRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

client.terminal.reader.cancelAction(reader, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TerminalReader

📝 Description

Cancels the current reader action.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.cancelAction("reader");

⚙️ Parameters

reader: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderCancelActionRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

client.terminal.reader.processPaymentIntent(reader, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TerminalReader

📝 Description

Initiates a payment flow on a Reader.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.processPaymentIntent("reader", {
    payment_intent: "payment_intent",

⚙️ Parameters

reader: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderProcessPaymentIntentRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

client.terminal.reader.processSetupIntent(reader, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TerminalReader

📝 Description

Initiates a setup intent flow on a Reader.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.processSetupIntent("reader", {
    allow_redisplay: "always",
    setup_intent: "setup_intent",

⚙️ Parameters

reader: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderProcessSetupIntentRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

client.terminal.reader.refundPayment(reader, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TerminalReader

📝 Description

Initiates a refund on a Reader

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.refundPayment("reader");

⚙️ Parameters

reader: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderRefundPaymentRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

client.terminal.reader.setReaderDisplay(reader, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TerminalReader

📝 Description

Sets reader display to show cart details.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.setReaderDisplay("reader", {});

⚙️ Parameters

reader: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderSetReaderDisplayRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

client.terminal.reader.presentPaymentMethod(reader, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TerminalReader

📝 Description

Presents a payment method on a simulated reader. Can be used to simulate accepting a payment, saving a card or refunding a transaction.

🔌 Usage

await client.terminal.reader.presentPaymentMethod("reader");

⚙️ Parameters

reader: string

request: Stripe.terminal.ReaderPresentPaymentMethodRequest

requestOptions: Reader.RequestOptions

TestHelpers TestClock

client.testHelpers.testClock.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TestClockListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your test clocks.

🔌 Usage

await client.testHelpers.testClock.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.testHelpers.TestClockListRequest

requestOptions: TestClock.RequestOptions

client.testHelpers.testClock.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TestHelpersTestClock

📝 Description

Creates a new test clock that can be attached to new customers and quotes.

🔌 Usage

await client.testHelpers.testClock.create({
    frozen_time: 1,

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.testHelpers.TestClockCreateRequest

requestOptions: TestClock.RequestOptions

client.testHelpers.testClock.retrieve(testClock, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TestHelpersTestClock

📝 Description

Retrieves a test clock.

🔌 Usage

await client.testHelpers.testClock.retrieve("test_clock");

⚙️ Parameters

testClock: string

request: Stripe.testHelpers.TestClockRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: TestClock.RequestOptions

client.testHelpers.testClock.delete(testClock, { ...params }) -> Stripe.DeletedTestHelpersTestClock

📝 Description

Deletes a test clock.

🔌 Usage

await client.testHelpers.testClock.delete("test_clock");

⚙️ Parameters

testClock: string

request: Stripe.testHelpers.TestClockDeleteRequest

requestOptions: TestClock.RequestOptions

client.testHelpers.testClock.advance(testClock, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TestHelpersTestClock

📝 Description

Starts advancing a test clock to a specified time in the future. Advancement is done when status changes to Ready.

🔌 Usage

await client.testHelpers.testClock.advance("test_clock", {
    frozen_time: 1,

⚙️ Parameters

testClock: string

request: Stripe.testHelpers.TestClockAdvanceRequest

requestOptions: TestClock.RequestOptions

Treasury InboundTransfer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryInboundTransfer

📝 Description

Transitions a test mode created InboundTransfer to the failed status. The InboundTransfer must already be in the processing state.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.InboundTransferFailRequest

requestOptions: InboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.inboundTransfer.returnInboundTransfer(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryInboundTransfer

📝 Description

Marks the test mode InboundTransfer object as returned and links the InboundTransfer to a ReceivedDebit. The InboundTransfer must already be in the succeeded state.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.inboundTransfer.returnInboundTransfer("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.InboundTransferReturnInboundTransferRequest

requestOptions: InboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.inboundTransfer.succeed(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryInboundTransfer

📝 Description

Transitions a test mode created InboundTransfer to the succeeded status. The InboundTransfer must already be in the processing state.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.inboundTransfer.succeed("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.InboundTransferSucceedRequest

requestOptions: InboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.inboundTransfer.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.InboundTransferListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of InboundTransfers sent from the specified FinancialAccount.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.inboundTransfer.list({
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.InboundTransferListRequest

requestOptions: InboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.inboundTransfer.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryInboundTransfer

📝 Description

Creates an InboundTransfer.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.inboundTransfer.create({
    amount: 1,
    currency: "currency",
    financial_account: "financial_account",
    origin_payment_method: "origin_payment_method",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.InboundTransferCreateRequest

requestOptions: InboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.inboundTransfer.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryInboundTransfer

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing InboundTransfer.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.inboundTransfer.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.InboundTransferRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: InboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.inboundTransfer.cancel(inboundTransfer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryInboundTransfer

📝 Description

Cancels an InboundTransfer.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.inboundTransfer.cancel("inbound_transfer");

⚙️ Parameters

inboundTransfer: string

request: Stripe.treasury.InboundTransferCancelRequest

requestOptions: InboundTransfer.RequestOptions

Treasury OutboundPayment

client.treasury.outboundPayment.update(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundPayment

📝 Description

Updates a test mode created OutboundPayment with tracking details. The OutboundPayment must not be cancelable, and cannot be in the canceled or failed states.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundPayment.update("id", {
    tracking_details: {
        type: "ach",

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundPaymentUpdateRequest

requestOptions: OutboundPayment.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundPayment

📝 Description

Transitions a test mode created OutboundPayment to the failed status. The OutboundPayment must already be in the processing state.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundPaymentFailRequest

requestOptions: OutboundPayment.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundPayment

📝 Description

Transitions a test mode created OutboundPayment to the posted status. The OutboundPayment must already be in the processing state.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundPaymentPostRequest

requestOptions: OutboundPayment.RequestOptions

client.treasury.outboundPayment.returnOutboundPayment(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundPayment

📝 Description

Transitions a test mode created OutboundPayment to the returned status. The OutboundPayment must already be in the processing state.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundPayment.returnOutboundPayment("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundPaymentReturnOutboundPaymentRequest

requestOptions: OutboundPayment.RequestOptions

client.treasury.outboundPayment.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.OutboundPaymentListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of OutboundPayments sent from the specified FinancialAccount.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundPayment.list({
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundPaymentListRequest

requestOptions: OutboundPayment.RequestOptions

client.treasury.outboundPayment.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundPayment

📝 Description

Creates an OutboundPayment.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundPayment.create({
    amount: 1,
    currency: "currency",
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundPaymentCreateRequest

requestOptions: OutboundPayment.RequestOptions

client.treasury.outboundPayment.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundPayment

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing OutboundPayment by passing the unique OutboundPayment ID from either the OutboundPayment creation request or OutboundPayment list.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundPayment.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundPaymentRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: OutboundPayment.RequestOptions

client.treasury.outboundPayment.cancel(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundPayment

📝 Description

Cancel an OutboundPayment.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundPayment.cancel("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundPaymentCancelRequest

requestOptions: OutboundPayment.RequestOptions

Treasury OutboundTransfer

client.treasury.outboundTransfer.update(outboundTransfer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundTransfer

📝 Description

Updates a test mode created OutboundTransfer with tracking details. The OutboundTransfer must not be cancelable, and cannot be in the canceled or failed states.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundTransfer.update("outbound_transfer", {
    tracking_details: {
        type: "ach",

⚙️ Parameters

outboundTransfer: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundTransferUpdateRequest

requestOptions: OutboundTransfer.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundTransfer

📝 Description

Transitions a test mode created OutboundTransfer to the failed status. The OutboundTransfer must already be in the processing state.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

outboundTransfer: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundTransferFailRequest

requestOptions: OutboundTransfer.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundTransfer

📝 Description

Transitions a test mode created OutboundTransfer to the posted status. The OutboundTransfer must already be in the processing state.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

outboundTransfer: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundTransferPostRequest

requestOptions: OutboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.outboundTransfer.returnOutboundTransfer(outboundTransfer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundTransfer

📝 Description

Transitions a test mode created OutboundTransfer to the returned status. The OutboundTransfer must already be in the processing state.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundTransfer.returnOutboundTransfer("outbound_transfer");

⚙️ Parameters

outboundTransfer: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundTransferReturnOutboundTransferRequest

requestOptions: OutboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.outboundTransfer.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.OutboundTransferListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of OutboundTransfers sent from the specified FinancialAccount.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundTransfer.list({
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundTransferListRequest

requestOptions: OutboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.outboundTransfer.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundTransfer

📝 Description

Creates an OutboundTransfer.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundTransfer.create({
    amount: 1,
    currency: "currency",
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundTransferCreateRequest

requestOptions: OutboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.outboundTransfer.retrieve(outboundTransfer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundTransfer

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing OutboundTransfer by passing the unique OutboundTransfer ID from either the OutboundTransfer creation request or OutboundTransfer list.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundTransfer.retrieve("outbound_transfer");

⚙️ Parameters

outboundTransfer: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundTransferRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: OutboundTransfer.RequestOptions

client.treasury.outboundTransfer.cancel(outboundTransfer, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryOutboundTransfer

📝 Description

An OutboundTransfer can be canceled if the funds have not yet been paid out.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.outboundTransfer.cancel("outbound_transfer");

⚙️ Parameters

outboundTransfer: string

request: Stripe.treasury.OutboundTransferCancelRequest

requestOptions: OutboundTransfer.RequestOptions

Treasury ReceivedCredit

client.treasury.receivedCredit.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryReceivedCredit

📝 Description

Use this endpoint to simulate a test mode ReceivedCredit initiated by a third party. In live mode, you can’t directly create ReceivedCredits initiated by third parties.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.receivedCredit.create({
    amount: 1,
    currency: "currency",
    financial_account: "financial_account",
    network: "ach",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.ReceivedCreditCreateRequest

requestOptions: ReceivedCredit.RequestOptions

client.treasury.receivedCredit.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ReceivedCreditListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of ReceivedCredits.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.receivedCredit.list({
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.ReceivedCreditListRequest

requestOptions: ReceivedCredit.RequestOptions

client.treasury.receivedCredit.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryReceivedCredit

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing ReceivedCredit by passing the unique ReceivedCredit ID from the ReceivedCredit list.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.receivedCredit.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.ReceivedCreditRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ReceivedCredit.RequestOptions

Treasury ReceivedDebit

client.treasury.receivedDebit.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryReceivedDebit

📝 Description

Use this endpoint to simulate a test mode ReceivedDebit initiated by a third party. In live mode, you can’t directly create ReceivedDebits initiated by third parties.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.receivedDebit.create({
    amount: 1,
    currency: "currency",
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.ReceivedDebitCreateRequest

requestOptions: ReceivedDebit.RequestOptions

client.treasury.receivedDebit.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.ReceivedDebitListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of ReceivedDebits.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.receivedDebit.list({
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.ReceivedDebitListRequest

requestOptions: ReceivedDebit.RequestOptions

client.treasury.receivedDebit.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryReceivedDebit

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing ReceivedDebit by passing the unique ReceivedDebit ID from the ReceivedDebit list

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.receivedDebit.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.ReceivedDebitRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: ReceivedDebit.RequestOptions

Treasury CreditReversal

client.treasury.creditReversal.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.CreditReversalListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of CreditReversals.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.creditReversal.list({
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.CreditReversalListRequest

requestOptions: CreditReversal.RequestOptions

client.treasury.creditReversal.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryCreditReversal

📝 Description

Reverses a ReceivedCredit and creates a CreditReversal object.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.creditReversal.create({
    received_credit: "received_credit",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.CreditReversalCreateRequest

requestOptions: CreditReversal.RequestOptions

client.treasury.creditReversal.retrieve(creditReversal, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryCreditReversal

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing CreditReversal by passing the unique CreditReversal ID from either the CreditReversal creation request or CreditReversal list

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.creditReversal.retrieve("credit_reversal");

⚙️ Parameters

creditReversal: string

request: Stripe.treasury.CreditReversalRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: CreditReversal.RequestOptions

Treasury DebitReversal

client.treasury.debitReversal.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.DebitReversalListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of DebitReversals.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.debitReversal.list({
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.DebitReversalListRequest

requestOptions: DebitReversal.RequestOptions

client.treasury.debitReversal.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryDebitReversal

📝 Description

Reverses a ReceivedDebit and creates a DebitReversal object.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.debitReversal.create({
    received_debit: "received_debit",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.DebitReversalCreateRequest

requestOptions: DebitReversal.RequestOptions

client.treasury.debitReversal.retrieve(debitReversal, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryDebitReversal

📝 Description

Retrieves a DebitReversal object.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.debitReversal.retrieve("debit_reversal");

⚙️ Parameters

debitReversal: string

request: Stripe.treasury.DebitReversalRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: DebitReversal.RequestOptions

Treasury FinancialAccount

client.treasury.financialAccount.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.FinancialAccountListResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of FinancialAccounts.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.financialAccount.list();

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.FinancialAccountListRequest

requestOptions: FinancialAccount.RequestOptions

client.treasury.financialAccount.create({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryFinancialAccount

📝 Description

Creates a new FinancialAccount. For now, each connected account can only have one FinancialAccount.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.financialAccount.create({
    supported_currencies: ["supported_currencies"],

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.FinancialAccountCreateRequest

requestOptions: FinancialAccount.RequestOptions

client.treasury.financialAccount.retrieve(financialAccount, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryFinancialAccount

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of a FinancialAccount.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.financialAccount.retrieve("financial_account");

⚙️ Parameters

financialAccount: string

request: Stripe.treasury.FinancialAccountRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: FinancialAccount.RequestOptions

client.treasury.financialAccount.update(financialAccount, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryFinancialAccount

📝 Description

Updates the details of a FinancialAccount.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.financialAccount.update("financial_account");

⚙️ Parameters

financialAccount: string

request: Stripe.treasury.FinancialAccountUpdateRequest

requestOptions: FinancialAccount.RequestOptions

client.treasury.financialAccount.close(financialAccount, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryFinancialAccount

📝 Description

Closes a FinancialAccount. A FinancialAccount can only be closed if it has a zero balance, has no pending InboundTransfers, and has canceled all attached Issuing cards.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.financialAccount.close("financial_account");

⚙️ Parameters

financialAccount: string

request: Stripe.treasury.FinancialAccountCloseRequest

requestOptions: FinancialAccount.RequestOptions

client.treasury.financialAccount.retrieveFeatures(financialAccount, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryFinancialAccountFeatures

📝 Description

Retrieves Features information associated with the FinancialAccount.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.financialAccount.retrieveFeatures("financial_account");

⚙️ Parameters

financialAccount: string

request: Stripe.treasury.FinancialAccountRetrieveFeaturesRequest

requestOptions: FinancialAccount.RequestOptions

client.treasury.financialAccount.updateFeatures(financialAccount, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryFinancialAccountFeatures

📝 Description

Updates the Features associated with a FinancialAccount.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.financialAccount.updateFeatures("financial_account");

⚙️ Parameters

financialAccount: string

request: Stripe.treasury.FinancialAccountUpdateFeaturesRequest

requestOptions: FinancialAccount.RequestOptions

Treasury TransactionEntry

client.treasury.transactionEntry.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TransactionEntryListResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves a list of TransactionEntry objects.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.transactionEntry.list({
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.TransactionEntryListRequest

requestOptions: TransactionEntry.RequestOptions

client.treasury.transactionEntry.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryTransactionEntry

📝 Description

Retrieves a TransactionEntry object.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.transactionEntry.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.TransactionEntryRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: TransactionEntry.RequestOptions

Treasury Transaction

client.treasury.transaction.list({ ...params }) -> Stripe.TransactionListResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves a list of Transaction objects.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.transaction.list({
    financial_account: "financial_account",

⚙️ Parameters

request: Stripe.treasury.TransactionListRequest

requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions

client.treasury.transaction.retrieve(id, { ...params }) -> Stripe.TreasuryTransaction

📝 Description

Retrieves the details of an existing Transaction.

🔌 Usage

await client.treasury.transaction.retrieve("id");

⚙️ Parameters

id: string

request: Stripe.treasury.TransactionRetrieveRequest

requestOptions: Transaction.RequestOptions