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Hanko backend

Hanko backend provides an HTTP API to build a modern login and registration experience for your users. Its core features are an API for passkeys (WebAuthn), passwords, and passcodes, as well as JWT management.

Hanko backend can be used on its own or in combination with hanko-elements, a powerful frontend library that contains polished and customizable UI flows for password-based and passwordless user authentication that can be easily integrated into any web app with as little as two lines of code.


API features

  • Passkeys (WebAuthn)
  • Passcodes
  • Passwords
  • Email verification
  • JWT management
  • User management
  • 3rd-party identity providers
  • Webhooks
  • SAML

Upcoming features

  • 2FA configurations (optional, mandatory)

Running the backend

Note If you just want to jump right into the experience of passkeys and passcodes, head over to the quickstart guide.

To get the Hanko backend up and running you need to:

  1. Run a database
  2. Configure database access
  3. Apply database migrations
  4. Run and configure an SMTP server
  5. Configure JSON Web Key Set generation
  6. Configure WebAuthn
  7. Configure CORS
  8. Start the backend

Run a database

The following databases are currently supported:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL


Use Docker to run a container based on the official Postgres image:

docker run --name=postgres \
-p <DB_PORT>:5432 \
-d postgres

or use the official binary packages to install and run a Postgres instance.


Use Docker to run a container based on the official MySQL image:

docker run --name=mysql \
-p <DB_PORT>:3306 \
-d mysql:latest

or follow the official installation instructions to install and run a MySQL instance.

Configure database access

Open the config.yaml file in the backend/config or create your own *.yaml file and add the following:

  user: <DB_USER>
  password: <DB_PASSWORD>
  host: localhost # change this if the DB is not running on localhost, esp. in a production setting
  port: <DB_PORT>
  database: <DB_DATABASE>
  dialect: <DB_DIALECT> # depending on your choice of DB: postgres, mysql

Replace <DB_USER>, <DB_PASSWORD>, <DB_PORT>, <DB_DATABASE> with the values used in your running DB instance (cf. the Docker commands above used for running the DB containers) and replace <DB_DIALECT> with the DB of your choice.

Apply Database migrations

Before you can start and use the service you need to run the database migrations:


docker run --mount type=bind,source=<PATH-TO-CONFIG-FILE>,target=/config/config.yaml -p 8000:8000 -it migrate up

Note The <PATH-TO-CONFIG-FILE> must be an absolute path to your config file created above.

From source

First build the Hanko backend. The only prerequisite is to have Go (v1.18+) installed on your computer.

go generate ./...
go build -a -o hanko main.go

This command will create an executable with the name hanko, which then can be used to apply the database migrations and start the Hanko backend.

To apply the migrations, run:

./hanko migrate up --config <PATH-TO-CONFIG-FILE>

Note The path to the config file can be relative or absolute.

Run and configure an SMTP server

The Hanko backend requires an SMTP server to send out mails containing passcodes (e.g. for the purpose of email verification, password recovery).

For local development purposes you can use, e.g., Mailslurper. Follow the official installation instructions or use an (inofficial) Docker image to get it up and running:

docker run --name=mailslurper -it -p 2500:2500 -p 8080:8080 -p 8085:8085 @marcopas/docker-mailslurper

where in this case

  • 2500 is the SMTP port of the service
  • 8080 is the port for the GUI application for managing mails
  • 8085 is the port for the API service for managing mails

When using the above Docker command to run a Mailslurper container, it does not configure a user/password, so a minimal configuration in your configuration file (backend/config/config.yaml or your own *.yaml file) could contain the following:

  enabled: true
    from_name: Example Application
    host: localhost
    port: 2500

To ensure that passcode emails also contain a proper subject header, configure a service name:

  name: Example Authentication Service

In a production setting you would rather use a self-hosted SMTP server or a managed service like AWS SES. In that case you need to supply the, email_delivery.smtp.port as well as the email_delivery.smtp.user, email_delivery.smtp.password settings according to your server/service settings.

Configure JSON Web Key Set generation

The API uses JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for authentication. JWTs are verified using JSON Web Keys (JWK). JWKs are created internally by setting secrets.keys options in the configuration file (backend/config/config.yaml or your own *.yaml file):

    - <CHANGE-ME>

Note at least one secrets.keys entry must be provided and each entry must be a random generated string at least 16 characters long.

Keys secrets are used to en- and decrypt the JWKs which get used to sign the JWTs. For every key a JWK is generated, encrypted with the key and persisted in the database.

The Hanko backend API publishes public cryptographic keys as a JWK set through the .well-known/jwks.json endpoint to enable clients to verify token signatures.

Configure WebAuthn

Passkeys are based on the Web Authentication API. In order to create and login with passkeys, the Hanko backend must be provided information about the WebAuthn Relying Party.

For most use cases, you just need the domain of your web application that uses the Hanko backend. Set to the domain and set webauthn.relying_party.origin to the domain including the protocol.

Important: If you are hosting your web application on a non-standard HTTP port (i.e. 80) you also have to include this in the origin setting.

Local development example

When developing locally, the Hanko backend defaults to:

    id: "localhost"
    display_name: "Hanko Authentication Service"
      - "http://localhost"

so no further configuration changes need to be made to your configuration file.

Production Examples

When you have a website hosted at and you want to add a login to it that will be available at, the WebAuthn config would look like this:

    id: ""
    display_name: "Example Project"
      - ""

If the login should be available at instead, then the WebAuthn config would look like this:

    id: ""
    display_name: "Example Project"
      - ""

Given the above scenario, you still may want to bind your users WebAuthn credentials to if you plan to add other services on other subdomains later that should be able to use existing credentials. Another reason can be if you want to have the option to move your login from to at some point. Then the WebAuthn config would look like this:

    id: ""
    display_name: "Example Project"
      - ""

Configure CORS

Because the backend and your application(s) consuming backend API most likely have different origins, i.e. scheme (protocol), hostname (domain), and port part of the URL are different, you need to configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and specify your application(s) as allowed origins:


When you include a wildcard * origin you need to set unsafe_wildcard_origin_allowed: true:

        - "*"
      unsafe_wildcard_origin_allowed: true

Wildcard * origins can lead to cross-site attacks and when you include a * wildcard origin, we want to make sure, that you understand what you are doing, hence this flag.

Note In most cases, the allow_origins list here should contain the same entries as the list. Only when you have an Android app you will have an extra entry (android:apk-key-hash:...) in the list.

Start the backend

The Hanko backend consists of a public and an administrative API (currently providing user management endpoints). These can be started separately or in a single command.

Start the public API

docker run --mount type=bind,source=<PATH-TO-CONFIG-FILE>,target=/config/config.yaml -p 8000:8000 -it serve public
Using pre-built binaries

Each GitHub release (> 0.9.0) has hanko's binary assets uploaded to it. Alternatively you can use a tool like eget to install binaries from releases on GitHub:

eget teamhanko/hanko
From source
go generate ./...
go build -a -o hanko main.go

Then run:

./hanko serve public --config <PATH-TO-CONFIG-FILE>

Note The <PATH-TO-CONFIG-FILE> must be an absolute path to your config file created above.

8000 is the default port for the public API. It can be customized in the configuration through the server.public.address option.

The service is now available at localhost:8000.

Start the admin API

In the usage section above we only started the public API. Use the command below to start the admin API. The default port is 8001, but can be customized in the configuration through the server.admin.address option.

serve admin

Warning The admin API must be protected by an access management system.

Start both public and admin API

Use this command to start the public and admin API together:

serve all

Running tests

You can run the unit tests by running the following command within the backend directory:

go test -v ./...

Additional topics

Enabling password authentication

Password-based authentication is disabled per default. You can activate it and set the minimum password length in your configuration file:

  enabled: true
  min_password_length: 8

Cross-domain communication

JWTs used for authentication are propagated via cookie. If your application and the Hanko backend run on different domains, cookies cannot be set by the Hanko backend. In that case the backend must be configured to transmit the JWT via Header (X-Auth-Token). To do so, enable propagation of the X-Auth-Token header:

  enable_auth_token_header: true

Audit logs

API operations are recorded in an audit log. By default, the audit log is enabled and logs to STDOUT:

    enabled: true
    output: "stdout"
    enabled: false

To persist audit logs in the database, set to true.

Rate Limiting

Hanko implements basic fixed-window rate limiting for the passcode/init and password/login endpoints to mitigate brute-force attacks. It uses a combination of user-id/IP to mitigate DoS attacks on user accounts. You can choose between an in-memory and a redis store.

In production systems, you may want to hide the Hanko service behind a proxy or gateway (e.g. Kong, Traefik) to provide additional network-based rate limiting.

Social connections

Hanko supports OAuth-based (authorization code flow) third party provider logins. The third_party configuration option contains all relevant configuration. This includes options for setting up redirect URLs (in case of success or error on authentication with a provider) that apply to both built-in and custom providers.

Built-in providers

Built-in providers can be configured through the third_party.providers configuration option. They must be explicitly enabled (i.e. providers are disabled default). All provider configurations require provider credentials in the form of a client ID (client_id) and a client secret (secret). See the guides in the official documentation for instructions on how to obtain these:

Custom OAuth/OIDC providers

Custom providers can be configured through the third_party.custom_providers configuration option. Like built-in providers they must be explicitly enabled and require a client_id and secret, which must be obtained from the respective provider. Custom providers can use either OAuth or OIDC. OIDC providers can be configured to use OIDC Discovery by setting the use_discovery option to true. An issuer must be configured too in that case. Otherwise both OAuth and OIDC providers can manually define required endpoints (authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint, userinfo_endpoint). scopes must be explicitly defined (with openid being the minimum requirement in case of OIDC providers).

Account linking

The allow_linking configuration option for built-in and custom providers determines whether automatic account linking for this provider is activated. Note that account linking is based on e-mail addresses and OAuth providers may allow account holders to use unverified e-mail addresses or may not provide any information at all about the verification status of e-mail addresses. This poses a security risk and potentially allows bad actors to hijack existing Hanko accounts associated with the same address. It is therefore recommended to make sure you trust the provider and to also enable emails.require_verification in your configuration to ensure that only verified third party provider addresses may be used.

User import

You can import an existing user pool into Hanko using json in the following format:

    "user_id": "799e95f0-4cc7-4bd7-9f01-5fdc4fa26ea3",
    "emails": [
        "address": "",
        "is_primary": true,
        "is_verified": true
    "created_at": "2023-06-07T13:42:49.369489Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-06-07T13:42:49.369489Z"
    "user_id": "",
    "emails": [
        "address": "",
        "is_primary": true,
        "is_verified": true
    "created_at": "2023-06-07T13:42:49.369494Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-06-07T13:42:49.369494Z"

There is a json schema file located here that you can use for validation and input suggestions. To import users run:

hanko user import -i ./path/to/import_file.json


Webhooks are an easy way to get informed about changes in your Hanko instance (e.g. user or email updates). To use webhooks you have to provide an endpoint on your application which can process the events. Please be aware that your endpoint need to respond with an HTTP status code 200. Else-wise the delivery of the event will not be counted as successful.


When a webhook is triggered it will send you a JSON body which contains the event and a jwt. The JWT contains 2 custom claims:

  • data: contains the whole object for which the change was made. (e.g.: the whole user object when an email or user is changed/created/deleted)
  • evt: the event for which the webhook was triggered

A typical webhook event looks like:

  "token": "the-jwt-token-which-contains-the-data",
  "event": "name of the event"

To decode the webhook you can use the JWKs created in Configure JSON Web Key Set generation

Event Types

Hanko sends webhooks for the following event types:

Event Triggers on
user user creation, user deletion, user update, email creation, email deletion, change of primary email
user.create user creation
user.delete user deletion
user.update user update, email creation, email deletion, change of primary email email creation, email deletion, change of primary email email creation email deletion change of primary email
user.update.username.create username creation
user.update.username.delete username deletion
user.update.username.update change of username
email.send an email was sent or should be sent

As you can see, events can have subevents. You are able to filter which events you want to receive by either selecting a parent event when you want to receive all subevents or selecting specific subevents.

Enabling Webhooks

You can activate webhooks by adding the following snippet to your configuration file:

  enabled: true
    - callback: <YOUR WEBHOOK ENDPOINT>
        - user

API specification

Configuration reference


The Hanko backend ist licensed under the AGPL-3.0.