🎓 Railsチュートリアルの各章が終わった状態を集めたリポジトリです。
Dec 18, 2024 - Ruby
Ruby on Rails (Rails) is a web application framework written in Ruby. It is meant to help simplify the building of complex websites.
🎓 Railsチュートリアルの各章が終わった状態を集めたリポジトリです。
Volunteer management system for nonprofit CASA, which serves foster youth in counties across America.
An example of Rails 7 and Vue 3 app which is using Vite, and includes Docker configs for building production images and some of the useful tools to start your projects
Rapid scaffold builder for Turbo-Rails and Hotwire. Get the tutorial now at:
Modern Ruby on Rails template with DaisyUI
User interface for manage settings in rails application (using rails-settings gem) / Интерфейс для управления настройками в Rails приложении
HMVC Rails provides a top-tier model for Rails' MVC design
🚀 Next.js + Ruby on Rails API 💎
A Ruby on Rails Event Scheduling App Tutorial from web-crunch.com
A template with Rails 7.1, Shakapacker 7.2, TailwindCSS 3 and Stimulus 3.0
An app that showcases how to use Devise with Doorkeeper (OAuth 2 provider)
A Rails plugin to set created_by, updated_by, deleted_by to ActiveRecord objects.
I Model Cars is a car booking service app where you can book a car for a test drive, you can pick a car from the catalogue, pick a date and city and your appointment will be set up. The app was built with Ruby on Rails and React.JS, the is split into a backend and frontend part.
Rails Shopify App Starter Kit
"BudTab" is a mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what.
Created by David Heinemeier Hansson
Released December 13 2005