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File metadata and controls

265 lines (186 loc) · 6.39 KB


This file describes how to

  • contribute changes to the project, and
  • upload released to the pypi repository.

Most of the management commands have been directly placed inside the Makefile:

make [<alias>]  # on UNIX-like environments
python -m pymake [<alias>]  # if make is unavailable

Use the alias help (or leave blank) to list all available aliases.


Contributions to the project are made using the "Fork & Pull" model. The typical steps would be:

  1. create an account on github
  2. fork pymake
  3. make a local clone: git clone
  4. make changes on the local copy
  5. test (see below) and commit changes git commit -a -m "my message"
  6. push to your github account: git push origin
  7. create a Pull Request (PR) from your github fork (go to your fork's webpage and click on "Pull Request." You can then add a message to describe your proposal.)


To test functionality (such as before submitting a Pull Request), there are a number of unit tests.

Standard unit tests

The standard way to run the tests:

- install `tox`
- `cd` to the root of the `pymake` directory (in the same folder as this file)
- run the following command:

[python -m py]make test
# or:
tox --skip-missing-interpreters

This will build the module and run the tests in a virtual environment.
Errors and coverage rates will be output to the console/log. (Ignore missing
interpreters errors - these are due to the local machine missing certain
versions of Python.)

Note: to install all versions of the Python interpreter that are specified
in [tox.ini](,
you can use `MiniConda` to install a minimal setup. You must also make sure
that each distribution has an alias to call the Python interpreter:
`python27` for Python 2.7's interpreter, `python32` for Python 3.2's, etc.

Alternative unit tests with PyTest

Alternatively, use pytest to run the tests just for the current Python version:

  • install pytest, flake8 and flake8-pyproject
  • run the following command:
[python -m py]make alltests


This section is intended for the project's maintainers and describes how to build and upload a new release. Once again, [python -m py]make [<alias>] will help.


The pymake repository managers should:

  • regularly bump the version number in the file
  • follow the Semantic Versioning convention
  • take care of this (instead of users) to avoid PR conflicts solely due to the version file bumping

Note: tools can be used to automate this process, such as bumpversion or python-semanticversion.


To check that the setup is compliant with PyPi requirements (e.g. version number; reStructuredText in README.rst) use:

[python -m py]make testsetup

To upload just metadata (including overwriting mistakenly uploaded metadata) to PyPi, use:

[python -m py]make pypimeta


This section describes how to cleanly merge PRs.

1 Rebase

From your project repository, merge and test
(replace `pr-branch-name` as appropriate):

git fetch origin
git checkout -b pr-branch-name origin/pr-branch-name
git rebase master

If there are conflicts:

git mergetool
git rebase --continue

2 Push

Update branch with the rebased history:

git push origin pr-branch-name --force

Non maintainers can stop here.

Note: NEVER just `git push --force` (this will push all local branches,
overwriting remotes).

3 Merge

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff pr-branch-name

4 Test

[python -m py]make alltests

5 Version

Modify pymake/ and ammend the last (merge) commit:

git add pymake/
git commit --amend  # Add "+ bump version" in the commit message

6 Push to master

git push origin master


Formally publishing requires additional steps: testing and tagging.


- ensure that all online CI tests have passed
- check setup - which define the packaging process and info that will be uploaded to [pypi]( -
using `[python -m py]make install_dev`


- ensure the version has been bumped, committed **and** tagged.
The tag format is `v{major}.{minor}.{patch}`, for example: `v4.4.1`.
The current commit's tag is used in the version checking process.
If the current commit is not tagged appropriately, the version will
display as `v{major}.{minor}.{patch}-{commit_hash}`.


Build pymake into a distributable python package:

[python -m py]make build

This will generate several builds in the `dist/` folder. On non-windows
machines the windows `exe` installer may fail to build. This is normal.

Finally, upload everything to pypi. This can be done easily using the
[twine]( module:

[python -m py]make pypi

Also, the new release can (should) be added to `github` by creating a new
release from the web interface; uploading packages from the `dist/` folder
created by `[python -m py]make build`.


- you can also test on the pypi test servers ``
before the real deployment
- in case of a mistake, you can delete an uploaded release on pypi, but you
cannot re-upload another with the same version number
- in case of a mistake in the metadata on pypi (e.g. bad README),
updating just the metadata is possible: `[python -m py]make pypimeta`


For expereinced devs, once happy with local master:

1. bump version in `pymake/`
2. test (`[python -m py]make alltests`)
3. `git commit [--amend]  # -m "bump version"`
4. `git push`
5. wait for tests to pass
    a) in case of failure, fix and go back to (2)
6. `git tag vM.m.p && git push --tags`
7. `[python -m py]make distclean`
8. `[python -m py]make build`
9. `[python -m py]make pypi`