issues Search Results · repo:waldur/python-freeipa language:Python
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inwaldur/python-freeipa (press backspace or delete to remove)If I make a call to freeipa(4.9.11) like the following:
ipa_conn.dnszone_add(a_idnsname= , o_idnssoaserial=1234, o_idnssoarname= hostmaster , o_idnssoamname= )
I get back ...
- Opened on Jul 7, 2023
- #53
I ve implemented my own little freeIPA management script to simplify frequent tasks (e.g. adding new users). I m
currently trying to extend it to also set o_krbprincipalexpiration, however, I receive ...
- 4
- Opened on Nov 7, 2021
- #51
When adding a user/group using sudorule_add_runasuser and RunAsGroup set to category=all ( Any Group in the UI), library
throws exception: python_freeipa.exceptions.BadRequest: users cannot be added when ...
- Opened on Nov 5, 2021
- #50
Using python_freeipa v1.0.6 trying to login/authenticate against FreeIPA/IdM v4.9.2, I just get an Error 400 Bad Request
every time. Rebuilt the MetaClient, same thing.
- 1
- Opened on Nov 3, 2021
- #49
I was wondering where I can find documentation on how python-freeipa work in the backend? Does it communicate securely?
Does it send request to the FreeIPA API? If so how and is it secure?
- 3
- Opened on Apr 27, 2021
- #47
while I was assisting @abompard with a problem in Fedora Account System, I noticed that python-freeipa s Kerberos login
is inefficient. It requires two HTTP roundtrips to authenticate and uses cookie ...
- Opened on Nov 19, 2020
- #46
Recreation of MetaClient
It is possible to manually recreate the “ClientMeta” class. This might be needed if the IPA/IdM Server you are using is
not matching the on (? TYPO ? one) that has been used to ...
- Opened on Jul 10, 2020
- #45
- 2
- Opened on Jun 30, 2020
- #43
Hi On new version of FreeIPA when I try to use client.service_add(a_krbcanonicalname= HTTP/ +fqdn) I recieve error:
File ./ , line 48, in AddCert
client.service_add(a_krbcanonicalname= ...
- 2
- Opened on May 15, 2020
- #41
From releases prior to 1.0.0, there was the ability to provide functions with kwargs, but since that upgrade, there are
no longer any kwargs in the generated client. It seems to me that the object at ...
- 9
- Opened on Apr 27, 2020
- #38

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