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Java 20

To run each example use: java --enable-preview --source 20 <>


  • 429 - Scoped Values (Incubator)
  • 432 - Record Patterns (Second Preview)
  • 433 - Pattern Matching for switch (Fourth Preview)
  • 434 - Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Preview)
  • 436 - Virtual Threads (Second Preview)
  • 437 - Structured Concurrency (Second Incubator)
  • 438 - Vector API (Fifth Incubator)


  • Record Patterns (second preview)
    • added support for inference of type arguments of generic record patterns;
      • now it generic type can be inferred
      • given record Decorator<T>(T t) {} and variable Decorator<Decorator<String>> wr, the record pattern generic type can be inferred in w insteaceof Decorator(Decorator(var s))
    • added support for record patterns to appear in the headere of an enhanced for statement;
      • for (Point(var x, var y) : shapePoints)
    • remove support for named record pattner.
  • Patteren Matching for switch (fourth preview)
    • added support for inference of type arguments for generic record patterns
  • Virtual Threads (second preview)
    • small numbeer of API changes described by JEP 425 were made permanent in JDK 19 and are not proporsed to preview:
      • Thread.join(Durantion)
      • Thread.sleep(Duration)
      • Thread.threadId()
      • Future.resultNow()
      • Future.exceptionNow()
      • Future.state()
      • ExecutorService extends AutoClosable
  • Scoped Values (incubator)
    • enable the sharing of immutable data within and across threads
    • it were inspired by the way that Lipst dialects provide support for dyanamically scoped free variables
    • they are preferred to thread-local variables (specially using virtual threads)
    • goals:
      • provide a programming model to share data both within a thread and with child threads
      • make the lifetime of shared data visible from structure of code
      • ensura that data sahred by a caller can be retrieved only by legitimate callees
      • thread shared data as immuatable so as to allow sharing by a large number of threads and to enable runtime otimiziations
    • problems with thread-local variables:
      • mutability: any object can update the variable if it has access to it
      • unbounded lifetime: it is stored until the thread is destroyed, if is used in a pool it can take a long time
      • expensive inheritance: a child thread must allocate memory for every variable stored in the parent thread
    • a scoped value allows data to be safely and efficiently shared between components
    • we use an attribute of type ScopedValue declared as final static
      • scoped value has multiple incarnations, one per thread
      • once the value is written to scoped value it becomes immutable and is available only for a bounded period during execution of a thread
    • we can create nested scope when inside a scope we use another variable to create a scope
    • we can create nested scope with rebinded value when using the same ScopedValue to create a new scope
      • the created scope will have the new value binded
      • the current scope will still have its original value
    • usage:
      • we use ScopedValue.where to set the value
      • then use the method run or call to bind the scoped value with the current thread and defining the lambda expression
      • the scope of the methods run/call, the lambda expression (and every method called by it) can access the scoped value using the method get from static final attribute
    • ex.: *
      public final static ScopedValue<String> PRINCIPAL = ScopedValue.newInstance();
      // [...]
      ScopedValue.where(PRINCIPAL, "guest")
      	.run(() -> {
      		var userRole = PRINCIPAL.get();
    • ScopedValue.where provides a one-way sharing to the execution scope of method run
    • to receive a result from another execution scope we need to use call instead of run
    • ex.: *
      var universeAnswer = ScopedValue.where(SUBJECT, "Deep Thought")
      	.call(() -> {
      		// some magic
      		return 42;
    • virtual thread and cross-thread sharing
      • to share data between a thread and its child thread we need to make the scoped values inherited by child thread
        • we can use the Structured Concurrency API
        • the class StructuredTaskScope automatically make the scoped value inherited by child thread
        • the fork must occurrs inside the ScopedValue method run/call
        • the binding will remains until the child thread are finished and we can use StructuredTaskScoped.join to ensure that the child threads will terminate before run/call
      • when we try to access a scoped value not shared with current thread an exception NoSuchElementException will be thrown
  • Structured Concurrency (second incubator)
    • no changes in API since JDK 19
    • added support to inheritance of scoped values


  • default timeout in HttpClient changed to 30 seconds.
  • fixed IdentityHashMap methods remove and replace to be conformed with its specification (using object identity, ==).


  • Thread methods suspend, resume and stop changed to throw UnsupportedOperationException.
