Bash and Zsh completion only works if Git completions are also enabled.
If using homebrew
to install yadm, Bash, Zsh, and Fish completions should
automatically be installed. For Bash and Zsh, you also must install
or zsh-completions
. This might require you to include the
main completion script in your own shell configuration like this:
[ -f /usr/local/etc/bash_completion ] && source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion
Copy the completion script locally, and add this to you bashrc:
[ -f /path/to/yadm/completion/bash/yadm ] && source /path/to/yadm/completion/bash/yadm
Add the completion/zsh
folder to $fpath
in .zshrc
fpath=(/path/to/yadm/completion/zsh $fpath)
autoload -U compinit
Zsh (using zplug)
Load _yadm
as a plugin in your .zshrc
fpath=("$ZPLUG_HOME/bin" $fpath)
zplug "yadm-dev/yadm", use:"completion/zsh/_yadm", as:command, defer:2
Copy the completion script
to any folder within $fish_complete_path
. For example, for local installation, you can copy it to $HOME/.config/fish/completions/
and it will be loaded when yadm
is invoked.