- Supports QR Codes ONLY
- Supports both Android and iOS
- Based on
- Simple to use scanning boundary
- Supports enabling and disabling torchlight via a prop
$ yarn add xiurobert-ac-qrcode-rn
$ yarn add react-native-camera
$ react-native link react-native-camera
import React,{Component} from 'react'
import { Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'
import { QRScannerView } from 'ac-qrcode-rn'
import { Toast } from 'antd-mobile-rn'
class DefaultScreen extends Component {
constructor(props) {
componentDidMount() {}
onScanResultReceived = ({ data, type }) => {
console.log(`Type: ${type}\nData: ${data}`)
// do anything
renderTopBarView() {
return (
<Text style={styles.text}>Insert your top menu here</Text>
renderBottomMenuView() {
return (
<Text style={styles.text}>Insert your bottom menu here</Text>
render() {
return (
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
text: {
color: 'white',
textAlignVertical: 'center',
textAlign: 'center',
fontSize: 20,
padding: 12,
export default DefaultScreen
Prop | Type | Default Value | Optional | Explanation |
maskColor | string | #0000004D | true | Mask colour |
borderColor | string | #000000 | true | Border colour |
cornerColor | string | #000000 | true | Corner colour |
borderWidth | number | 0 | true | Border width |
cornerBorderWidth | number | 4 | true | Corner width |
cornerBorderLength | number | 20 | true | Corner height |
rectHeight | number | 200 | true | Scanning rectangle height |
rectWidth | number | 200 | true | Scanning rectangle height |
isCornerOffset | bool | false | true | Whether the corners are offset |
cornerOffsetSize | number | 0 | true | Corner offset size |
bottomMenuHeight | number | 0 | true | Height of the bottom menu |
scanBarAnimateTime | number | 2500 | true | Time for the scan bar to move down fully |
scanBarColor | string | #22ff00 | true | Colour of the animated scan bar |
scanBarImage | any | null | true | Image to be used for the scan bar |
scanBarHeight | number | 1.5 | true | Height of the scan bar |
scanBarMargin | number | 6 | true | Margins of the scan bar |
hintText | string | Align the QR code within the viewfinder | true | Hint |
hintTextStyle | object | { color: '#fff', fontSize: 14, backgroundColor:'transparent'} |
true | Hint text style |
hintTextPosition | number | 130 | true | Absolute position of the hint text |
isShowScanBar | bool | true | true | Should show scan bar? |
bottomMenuStyle | object | - | true | Bottom menu style |
renderTopBarView | func | - | false | Function to render the top menu view |
renderBottomMenuView | func | - | false | Function to render the bottom menu view |
onScanResultReceived | func | - | false | Function to call when QR code is scanned |
torchEnabled | bool | false | true | Whether the torchlight is enabled |