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See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details. ([#298], [#291]) + * Resource files now use a `locationSet` property to make it easier to specify where the resources are included and excluded. + * Removed: `countryCodes` properties + * Removed: `featureId` properties and most `.geojson` files (everything that was just a country or a circular point is now gone, as it can be calculated) + * This approach leverages code from [country-coder](https://github.com/ideditor/country-coder) and [location-conflation](https://github.com/ideditor/location-conflation) projects. + * `dist/features.json` is now a FeatureCollection that only contains the _custom_ boundaries. + * You can now view the community index data on a map at http://openstreetmap.community + +[#291]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/291 +[#298]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/298 + +* Added resources: + * Many Telegram channels from the OSM wiki ([#220]) + * OSM Italy Piemonte resources ([#313]) + * AASTU Youth Mappers and OSM Ethiopia Telegram ([#321], [#317]) + * Mapeado Colaborativo, Geoinquietos Zaragoza ([#325]) + * Moldova OSM Telegram group and Google Groups group ([#326]) + * OSM Latin America Resources ([#324]) + * OSM Viersen meetup ([#320]) + * OSM South Africa Twitter and Mailing List ([#318]) + * OSM Slovak resources ([#310]) + * OSM Germany Matrix ([#308], [#307]) + * OSM Kerala resources ([#288], [#290], [#304]) + * OSM Bulgaria resources ([#303]) + * MappingWR Waterloo ([#302]) + * OSM Spain and OSM Albania Twitter accounts ([#301]) + * OSM China Telegram ([#294]) + * OSM Hungary Matrix ([#299]) + +[#220]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/220 +[#288]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/288 +[#290]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/290 +[#294]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/294 +[#299]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/299 +[#301]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/301 +[#302]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/302 +[#303]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/303 +[#304]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/304 +[#307]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/307 +[#308]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/308 +[#310]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/310 +[#313]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/313 +[#317]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/317 +[#318]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/318 +[#320]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/320 +[#321]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/321 +[#324]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/324 +[#325]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/325 +[#326]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/326 + +* Updated resources: + * OSM Kosovo ([#312], [#323]) + * Fixed location of Rio Grande do Sol ([#315]) + * Fixed typo and boundary polygon for UK East Midlands ([#314]) + * Update contact and add Telegram for OSM Ghana ([#306]) + * Fixed boundary polygon for Northern Scotland ([#297]) + * Fixed several Canadian resources ([#296]) + * Fixed language codes `ua`->`uk` for Ukranian ([#292]) + * Bump OSM Poland forum priority ([#287]) + +[#287]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/287 +[#292]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/292 +[#296]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/296 +[#297]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/297 +[#306]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/306 +[#312]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/312 +[#314]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/314 +[#315]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/315 +[#323]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/323 + +* Added events: + * State of the Map 2020 ([#322], [#319]) + +[#322]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/322 +[#319]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/319 + + +# 1.0.0 +##### 2019-Oct-23 + +* New: + * Features now include an automatically calculated `area` property, making it easier for downstream projects to sort resources by area ([#286]) + * :warning: This new property breaks backward compatibility of the `combined.geojson` files. + * Add an `osm-lc` type and `osm-lc.svg` icon for official OSM Local Chapters (see [#1]) + * Resources now support an `order` property, to allow communities to control how their resources are sorted ([#114]) + * Resource `contacts` property is now optional + +[#286]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/286 +[#114]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/114 +[#1]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/1 + +* Added resources: + * Several Telegram groups: OSM Africa, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Japan, Taiwan, DE-Hamburg, France, Netherlands, Israel, Saudi Arabia ([#220]) + * Map Kibera, OSM Kenya ([#278], [#279]) + * OSM Ukraine ([#277]) + * OSM Ireland ([#275], [#282]) + * OSM Scotland ([#271], [#283]) + * OSM Galicia ([#265], [#266], [#267], [#268]) + * OSM Netherlands ([#264], [#270], [#274]) + * OSM Switzerland ([#262], [#263], [#284]) + * OSM Belgium ([#255], [#256], [#257], [#258], [#259], [#260], [#269]) + +[#220]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/220 +[#255]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/255 +[#256]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/256 +[#257]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/257 +[#258]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/258 +[#259]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/259 +[#260]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/260 +[#261]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/261 +[#262]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/262 +[#263]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/263 +[#264]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/264 +[#265]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/265 +[#266]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/266 +[#267]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/267 +[#268]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/268 +[#269]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/269 +[#270]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/270 +[#271]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/271 +[#274]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/274 +[#275]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/275 +[#277]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/277 +[#278]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/278 +[#279]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/279 +[#282]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/282 +[#283]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/283 +[#284]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/284 + +* Added events: + * SOTM Asia 2019 ([#280], [#281]) + +[#280]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/280 +[#281]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/281 + +* Removed resources: + * OSM NYC ([#252]) + +[#252]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/252 + +* Updated: + * Simplify several features and cleanup seams: India, Venezuela, France, Netherlands, Galicia, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Iceland, Portugal, Asia/Africa border + * Simplify all of the YouthMappers chapter circular boundaries + * Make a `middle-east` folder and move Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel into it + * Fix name of Khulna University YouthMappers (was just named "OpenStreetMap" before) + * Fix typo `nugeria` -> `nigeria` + * Cleanup and simplify YouthMappers logo ([#285]) + * Include Sardinia in Italy feature ([#261]) + * Korean resources now use a single polygon including both North and South ([#254]) + +[#254]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/254 +[#261]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/261 +[#285]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/285 + + +# 0.12.0 +##### 2019-Aug-26 + +* Updates: + * Refine the outlines of UPRI and FeuTech YouthMappers regions [#248], [#249]) + +[#248]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/248 +[#249]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/249 + + +# 0.11.0 +##### 2019-Aug-01 + +* Distribute `combined.geojson` containing all resources and features +(useful for displaying everything on a map, re: [#79]) + +[#79]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/79 + + +# 0.10.0 +##### 2019-Jul-26 + +* Add resources: + * Add resources for OSM Nicaragua ([#246]) + * Add GeoGeeks Western Australia and GeoGeeks Perth ([#243], [#244]) + * Add resources for OSM Venezuela ([#242]) + * Add resources for OSM Luxembourg ([#239]) + +* Updates: + * Fix Chile boundary multipolygon + +[#239]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/239 +[#242]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/242 +[#243]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/243 +[#244]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/244 +[#246]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/246 + + +# 0.9.0 +##### 2019-Jun-30 + +* Add resources: + * Add resources for OSM Portugal ([#235]) + +* Updates: + * Fix URL for NYU Mobile Health YouthMappers ([#238]) + +[#238]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/238 +[#235]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/235 + +## 0.8.0 +##### 2019-Jun-17 + +* Update Resources: + * Maptime Australia -> Maptime Oceania, add talk-nz ([#232]) + +* Add Resources: + * Add OpenStreetMap Uruguay ([#227]) + +[#232]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/232 +[#227]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/227 + + +## 0.7.0 +##### 2019-May-21 + +* New Features: + * Add all YouthMappers chapters, and support for `youthmappers` community type ([#224], [#152]) + +* Add Resources: + * Add OpenStreetMap Slovenia Twitter ([#226]) + +* Add events: + * State of the Map US 2019 + +[#226]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/226 +[#224]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/224 +[#152]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/152 + + +## 0.6.0 +##### 2019-Jan-23 + +* New Features: + * Add support for `aparat` community type ([#212]) + +* Add Resources: + * Add Norwegian Telegram ([#213]) + * Add Iran resources: Telegram, Aparat, Forum ([#210]) + * A few renames: "Korea" -> "South Korea", "Srilanka" -> "Sri Lanka" ([#205], [#206]) + * OSM Asia community ([#203]) + +[#213]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/213 +[#212]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/212 +[#210]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/210 +[#206]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/206 +[#205]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/205 +[#203]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/203 + + +## 0.5.0 +##### 2018-Dec-03 + +* New features: + * Add support for new community types `github`, `osm`, `wiki`, `youtube` ([#200]) +* Add resources: + * Add resources for OSM India ([#198], [#199]) +* Remove resources: + * Remove Maptime Belgium ([#197]) + +[#200]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/200 +[#199]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/199 +[#198]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/198 +[#197]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/197 + + +## 0.4.8 +##### 2018-Nov-26 + +* Add community resources: + * Add Kosovo Telegram group ([#194]) + * Add Maptime HRVA Twitter ([#191]) + * Add polygons for several Indian states ([#186], [#187], [#188], [#189], [#190]) + * Add link to IRC channel ([#181]) + * Add link to Discord ([#183]) +* Updates: + * Fix croatia.geojson from LineString to Polygon ([#195]) + * Update Puducherry, India OSM community's mailing list ([#185]) + * Switch IRC links to use webchat.oftc.net ([#136], [#184]) + * Fix OSM-LATAM bounding polygon ([iD#5282]) + +[#194]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/194 +[#191]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/191 +[#190]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/190 +[#189]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/189 +[#188]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/188 +[#187]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/187 +[#186]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/186 +[#183]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/183 +[#181]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/181 +[#195]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/195 +[#185]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/185 +[#184]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/184 +[#136]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/136 +[iD#5282]: https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues/5282 + + +## 0.4.7 +##### 2018-Aug-26 + +* Add community resources: + * OSM Rio Grande Telegram Group ([#176]) + * OSM LATAM ([#171], [#172]) + * Iceland ([#170]) + * Botswana ([#170]) +* Add events: + * State of the Map LATAM 2018 +* Updates: + * Update OSM-US Slack join URL ([#169]) + +[#176]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/176 +[#172]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/172 +[#171]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/171 +[#170]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/170 +[#169]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/169 + + +## 0.4.6 +##### 2018-Jul-26 + +* Add community resources: + * Talk-us-massachusetts mailing list ([#168]) + * Portland, Oregon Google group ([#167]) + +[#168]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/168 +[#167]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/167 + + +## 0.4.5 +##### 2018-Jun-25 + +* Add community resources: + * Slovenia ([#161]) + * Croatia ([#158]) +* Add events: + * State of the Map US 2018 ([#164]) + +[#164]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/164 +[#161]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/161 +[#158]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/158 + + +## 0.4.4 +##### 2018-Jun-13 + +* Add community resources: + * Czech web, Facebook, Twitter ([#156]) + * German Telegram supergroup ([#155]) + * OSM global Telegram supergroup ([#154]) + * Thailand Facebook page ([#153]) +* Fixes: + * Fix contact email address for OSM Korea Telegram contact ([#151]) + * Simplified Maptime Albania-Tirana polygon ([#149]) + +[#156]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/156 +[#155]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/155 +[#154]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/154 +[#153]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/153 +[#151]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/151 +[#149]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/149 + + +## 0.4.3 +##### 2018-May-14 +* Fixes: + * Fix Maptime Tirana polygon ([#147]) + +[#147]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/147 + + +## 0.4.2 +##### 2018-May-14 +* Add community resources: + * Finland ([#146]) + * OSM Italy Telegram ([#144]) + * OSM Hungary Meetup ([#143]) + * OSM Belgium Maptime ([#142]) + * Albania ([#141]) + * Chiang Mai, Thailand Meetup ([#139]) + * Thailand ([#138]) + * OSM UK feature polygons ([#137]) + * OSM Paraguay Telegram ([#134]) + * OSM Ecuador Telegram ([#133]) + * OSM Cuba Telegram ([#132]) + * OSM Nicuragua Telegram ([#131]) + * OSM Colombia Telegram ([#130]) + * Several Belgium resources and improvements ([#126], [#125], [#120]) + * OSM.jp Website ([#124]) + * OSM Malaysia Facebook ([#119]) + * Germany Ostwestfalen mailing lists ([#118]) + * Hungary ([#116]) + * Denmark ([#115]) +* Fixes: + * Replace irc2go links with irc.openstreetmap.org links ([#136]) + * Fix OSM Bangladesh url ([#128]) + * Fix OSM Berlin Meetup url ([#122]) + * Fix OSM Brazil Meetup time ([#121]) + +[#146]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/146 +[#144]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/144 +[#143]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/143 +[#142]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/142 +[#141]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/141 +[#139]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/139 +[#138]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/138 +[#137]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/137 +[#136]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/136 +[#134]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/134 +[#133]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/133 +[#132]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/132 +[#131]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/131 +[#130]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/130 +[#128]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/128 +[#126]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/126 +[#125]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/125 +[#124]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/124 +[#122]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/122 +[#121]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/121 +[#120]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/120 +[#119]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/119 +[#118]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/118 +[#116]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/116 +[#115]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/115 + + +## 0.4.1 +##### 2018-Apr-24 +* Add community resources: + * Brasilia Telegram ([#112]) + * Facebook, Twitter, OSMF, and help.openstreetmap.com ([#103]) + * Korean Telegram ([#110]) + * UK East and West Midlands meetups, talk-gb and irc channel ([#102], [#107]) + * OSM Graz ([#106]) + * talk-it-trentino and talk-it-southtyrol mailing lists ([#104], [#105]) + * Berlin, Germany ([#100]) + * Italy ([#99]) + * Bolivia ([#98]) + * Peru ([#97]) + * Austria web forum ([#96]) + * Sweden ([#87], [#95]) + * Norway ([#94]) + * Updates to Argentina resources ([#91], [#92]) + * Puducherry, India ([#89]) + * Malaysia ([#86]) + * Colombia ([#85]) + * Ghana ([#84]) + * France ([#83]) + * Spain talk-es ([#81]) + * Belgium meetup groups ([#76]) + * Myanmar ([#75]) +* Add events: + * Brazilian meetups ([#112]) + * State of the Map World 2018 + * State of the Map Asia 2018 ([#88]) + +[#112]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/112 +[#110]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/110 +[#107]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/107 +[#106]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/106 +[#105]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/105 +[#104]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/104 +[#103]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/103 +[#102]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/102 +[#100]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/100 +[#99]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/99 +[#98]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/98 +[#97]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/97 +[#96]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/96 +[#95]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/95 +[#94]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/94 +[#92]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/92 +[#91]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/91 +[#89]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/89 +[#88]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/88 +[#87]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/87 +[#86]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/86 +[#85]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/85 +[#84]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/84 +[#83]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/83 +[#81]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/81 +[#76]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/76 +[#75]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/75 + + +## 0.4.0 +##### 2018-Apr-16 +* Add community resources: + * Germany ([#69], [#72]) + * Rome and Lazio meetups ([#68], [#67]) + * Austria ([#64]) + * Chile ([#56], [#57], [#58], [#59]) + * OSM-CA Slack and OSM Ottawa meetup ([#63], [#51]) + * Madagascar ([#53]) + * MapMinnesota ([#55]) + * Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Sri Lanka ([#48]) + * Brazil and Bahia ([#47]) + * Update Australia geojson and add mailing list ([#45]) +* Add geojson-precision, drop precison of geojsons to 5 digits ([#70]) +* Validate that event dates are pareseable ([#62]) +* Fix winding order of all geojsons +* Support types "discord" and "matrix" (e.g. riot chat) ([#49]) + +[#72]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/72 +[#70]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/70 +[#69]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/69 +[#68]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/68 +[#67]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/67 +[#64]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/64 +[#63]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/63 +[#62]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/62 +[#59]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/59 +[#58]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/58 +[#57]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/57 +[#56]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/56 +[#55]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/55 +[#53]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/53 +[#51]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/51 +[#49]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/49 +[#48]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/48 +[#47]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/47 +[#45]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/45 + + +## 0.3.0 +##### 2018-Apr-03 +* Add several communities: + * Czech Republic ([#43]) + * Spain ([#44]) + * Taiwan ([#42], [#41]) + * Japan ([#40]) + * Vancouver, BC ([#39]) + * Argentina ([#38]) + * Belarus ([#33]) + * India ([#28]) + * Many metro regions around US ([#27]) + * Australia ([#17]) + * Russia ([#11]) + * Philippines ([#9]) +* Add FontAwesome icons for each resource type (see [#1], [#31]) +* Add support for tracking events ([#25]) +* Resources don't require `featureId` anymore (world resources won't have one) +* Separate "url" (required) and "signupUrl" (optional) ([#20]) +* Include both "description" (one line) and "extendedDescription" ([#20]) +* Add upcoming events ([#25]) + +[#44]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/44 +[#43]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/43 +[#42]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/42 +[#41]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/41 +[#40]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/40 +[#39]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/39 +[#38]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/38 +[#33]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/33 +[#31]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/31 +[#28]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/28 +[#27]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/27 +[#25]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/25 +[#20]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/20 +[#17]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/17 +[#11]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/11 +[#9]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/9 +[#1]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/1 + + ## 0.2.0 ##### 2018-Mar-19 -* Don't check in built files on master (#26) -* Automatically prettify source JSON files (#22) -* Raise an error if we detect duplicate ids (#21) +* Don't check in built files on master ([#26]) +* Automatically prettify source JSON files ([#22]) +* Raise an error if we detect duplicate ids ([#21]) + +[#26]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/26 +[#22]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/22 +[#21]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/21 ## 0.1.0 ##### 2018-Mar-14 -* Add languageCodes to track languages spoken. (#6) -* Require points of contact for resources (#12) -* Separate data (resources) and polygons (features) (#7) +* Add languageCodes to track languages spoken. ([#6]) +* Require points of contact for resources ([#12]) +* Separate data (resources) and polygons (features) ([#7]) + +[#12]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/12 +[#7]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/7 +[#6]: https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/6 diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 9c43bad27..4efcaed05 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -1,72 +1,53 @@ ## Contributing +*If you don't understand the explanation below, feel free to [post an Issue](https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/issues/new) to describe your community resources. That page contains some pointers to help you fill in all the info we need. You do need [a Github account](https://github.com/join) to be able to post an Issue.* + There are 2 kinds of files in this project: -* Under `features/` there are `.geojson` files to describe the areas where the communities are active * Under `resources/` there are `.json` files to describe the community resources +* Under `features/` there are custom `.geojson` files -##### tl;dr - -To add your community resource: +### tl;dr -* Add a **feature** `.geojson` file under `features/` folder - * This is a boundary around where the resource is active - * You can use [geojson.io](http://geojson.io) to create these -* Add a **resource** `.json` file under `resources/` folder - * This contains info about what the resource is (slack, forum, mailinglist, facebook, etc.) - * You can just copy and change an existing one - * Several resources can share the same `.geojson` feature -* `npm run test` - * This will build and check for errors and make the files pretty +To add your community resource to the index: +* Add resource `.json` files under the `resources/` folder + * Each file contains info about what the resource is (slack, forum, mailinglist, facebook, etc.) + * Each file also contains info about which locations the resource is active. The locations can be country or region codes, points, or custom `.geojson` files in the `features/*` folder. + * You can copy and change an existing file to get started. +* run `npm run test` + * This will check the files for errors and make them pretty. + * If you don't have Node installed, you can skip this step and we will do it for you. +* If there are no errors, submit a pull request. -### Features - -These are `*.geojson` files found under the `features/` folder. -Each feature file contains a single GeoJSON `Feature` for an area where a -community resource is active. - -Feature files look like this: - -```js -{ - "type": "Feature", - "id": "usa_full" - "properties": {}, - "geometry": { - "type": "MultiPolygon", - "coordinates": [ - ... - ] - } -} -``` -You can use a site like [geojson.io](http://geojson.io) to create or modify these `.geojson` files. +### Installing -Each feature must have a unique `id` property, for example `usa_full`. +* Clone this project, for example: + `git clone git@github.com:osmlab/osm-community-index.git` +* `cd` into the project folder, +* Run `npm install` to install libraries ### Resources These are `*.json` files found under the `resources/` folder. -Each resource file contains a single JSON object with information about -the community resource. +Each resource file contains a single JSON object with information about the community resource. Resource files look like this: ```js { - "id": "OSM-US-Slack", - "featureId": "usa_full", + "id": "OSM-US-slack", "type": "slack", - "countryCodes": ["us"], + "locationSet": { "include": ["us"] } "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap US Slack", "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}", "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that..." - "signupUrl": "https://osmus-slack.herokuapp.com/", + "signupUrl": "https://slack.openstreetmap.us/", "url": "https://osmus.slack.com", + "order": 4, "contacts": [ { "name" : "Barney Rubble", @@ -75,13 +56,13 @@ Resource files look like this: ], "events": [ { - "id": "sotmus2017", + "id": "sotmus2019", "i18n": true, - "name": "State of the Map US 2017", - "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap community at State of the Map US in Boulder, Colorado.", - "where": "Boulder, Colorado, USA", - "when": "2017-10-20", - "url": "https://2017.stateofthemap.us/" + "name": "State of the Map US 2019", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap community at State of the Map US in Minneapolis, Minnesota.", + "where": "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "when": "2019-sep-05", + "url": "https://2019.stateofthemap.us/" } ] } @@ -89,27 +70,82 @@ Resource files look like this: Here are the properties that a resource file can contain: -* __`id`__ - (required) A unique identifier for the resource -* __`featureId`__ - (optional) A unique identifier for the feature. This `featureId` matches -the resource to a .geojson feature. If null, this is a global resource. -* __`type`__ - (required) Type of community resource. One of:
-`["facebook", "forum", "mailinglist", "meetup", "reddit", "slack", "telegram", "twitter", "website"]` +* __`id`__ - (required) A unique identifier for the resource. +* __`locationSet`__ - (required) Where the community resource is active (see below for details). +* __`type`__ - (required) Type of community resource (see below for list). * __`name`__ - (required) Display name for this community resource +(in English, will be sent to Transifex for translation to other languages) * __`description`__ - (required) One line description of the community resource +(in English, will be sent to Transifex for translation to other languages) * __`extendedDescription`__ - (optional) Longer description of the community resource +(in English, will be sent to Transifex for translation to other languages) * __`url`__ - (required) A url link to visit the community resource * __`signupUrl`__ - (optional) A url link to sign up for the community resource -* __`countryCodes`__ - (optional) Array of [two letter country codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#Current_codes) -where the community is active -* __`languageCodes`__ - (optional) Array of [two letter language codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) -spoken by this community +* __`languageCodes`__ - (optional) Array of [two letter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) or [three letter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-3_codes) spoken by this community +* __`order`__ - (optional) When several resources with same geography are present, this adjusts the display order (default = 0, higher numbers display more prominently) +* __`contacts`__ - (optional) Contact information for people who are responsible for the resource. +* __`events`__ - (optional) Upcoming events that the resource wants to promote (see below for details). + + +#### locationSet + +Each resource must have a `locationSet` to define where the resource is active. + +```js +"locationSet": { + "include": [ Array of locations ], // required + "exclude": [ Array of locations ] // optional +} +``` + +The "locations" can be any of the following: +* Codes recognized by the [country-coder library](https://github.com/ideditor/country-coder#readme). These should be [ISO 3166-1 2 or 3 letter country codes or UN M.49 numeric codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_United_Nations_geoscheme).
_Example: `"de"`_ +* Points as `[longitude, latitude]` coordinate pairs. A 25km radius circle will be computed around the point.
_Example: `[8.67039, 49.41882]`_ +* Filenames for `.geojson` features. If you want to use your own features, you'll need to add these under the `features/` folder. Each `Feature` must have an `id` that ends in `.geojson`.
_Example: `"de-hamburg.geojson"`_
Tip: You can use [geojson.io](http://geojson.io) or other tools to create these. + +See [location-conflation](https://github.com/ideditor/location-conflation#readme) project for details and examples. -Each community resource must have at least one contact person: + +#### type + +Each resource must have a `type`. The following values are supported: + +Type | Icon | Description +:--- | :--- | :---------- + `aparat` | | An [Aparat](https://www.aparat.com/) video channel. + `discord` | | A [Discord](https://discordapp.com/) chat channel. + `discourse` | | A [Discourse](https://www.discourse.org/) forum. + `facebook` | | A [Facebook](https://facebook.com) group. + `forum` | | A generic web forum (e.g. a group on https://forum.openstreetmap.org/). + `github` | | A [GitHub](https://github.com) organization or repository. + `group` | | A generic non-OpenStreetMap local group with a `url` (e.g. [Maptime](http://maptime.io/) chapter). + `irc` | | An IRC channel. `url` should be a clickable web join link, server details can go in `description`. + `mailinglist` | | A mailing list. `url` should be a link to the listinfo page, e.g. `https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-us`. + `matrix` | | A [Matrix](https://matrix.org/) chat, e.g. [Riot Chat](https://matrix.org/docs/projects/client/riot.html). + `meetup` | | A [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/) group. + `osm` | | A url for an OpenStreetMap group. + `osm-lc` | | A url for an official OpenStreetMap [Local Chapter](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/Local_Chapters). + `reddit` | | A subreddit on [Reddit](http://reddit.com). + `slack` | | A [Slack](https://slack.com) workspace. `url` should link to the workspace itself, and `signupUrl` can link to an inviter service (see example above). + `telegram` | | A [Telegram](https://telegram.org/) channel. + `twitter` | | A [Twitter](https://twitter.com) account. + `url` | | A generic catchall for anything with a `url`. + `wiki` | | An OpenStreetMap [wiki project page](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/List_of_territory_based_projects) + `youthmappers` | | A [YouthMappers](https://www.youthmappers.org/) chapter. + `youtube` | | A [YouTube](https://youtube.com) channel. + + +#### contacts + +Each community resource should have at least one contact person. This is optional. * __`name`__ - (required) The contact person's name * __`email`__ - (required) The contact person's email address -Resources may have events. These are optional. + +#### events + +Resources may have upcoming events. These are optional. * __`i18n`__ - (optional) if true, `name`, `description` and `where` will be translated * __`id`__ - (required if `i18n=true`) A unique identifier for the event @@ -120,6 +156,30 @@ Resources may have events. These are optional. * __`url`__ - (optional) A url link for the event +### Features + +These are optional `*.geojson` files found under the `features/` folder. Each feature file contains a single GeoJSON `Feature` for a region where a community resource is active. + +Feature files look like this: + +```js +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "boston_metro.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [...] + } +} +``` + +Note: A `FeatureCollection` containing a single `Feature` is ok too - the build script can handle this. + +There are many online tools to create or modify these `.geojson` files. +Drawing a simple shape with [geojson.io](http://geojson.io) works great. + + ### Building * Just `npm run test` @@ -152,13 +212,13 @@ values (useful for events with a wider audience). ... "events": [ { - "id": "sotmus2017", + "id": "sotmus2019", "i18n": true, - "name": "State of the Map US 2017", - "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap community at State of the Map US in Boulder, Colorado.", - "where": "Boulder, Colorado, USA", - "when": "2017-10-20", - "url": "https://2017.stateofthemap.us/" + "name": "State of the Map US 2019", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap community at State of the Map US in Minneapolis, Minnesota.", + "where": "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "when": "2019-sep-05", + "url": "https://2019.stateofthemap.us/" } } ``` diff --git a/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md b/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md index 6cb2c0617..5efb43b00 100644 --- a/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md +++ b/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ example: "slack", "forum", "mailing list", "facebook", something else? ### URL link to the resource ### Points of contact diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8ad2c03d2..3ec1bdf11 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ ## osm-community-index - :speech_balloon: An index of community resources for OpenStreetMap. +* View the map of OpenStreetMap communities: https://openstreetmap.community +* Or search and filter the community resources: https://community.osm.be/ + + ### What is it? This project is a list of resources for users of OpenStreetMap. @@ -18,31 +21,47 @@ might find interesting or helpful. ### About the index +#### tl;dr + +To add your community resource to the index: + +* Add resource `.json` files under the `resources/` folder + * Each file contains info about what the resource is (slack, forum, mailinglist, facebook, etc.) + * Each file also contains info about which locations the resource is active. The locations can be country or region codes, points, or custom `.geojson` files in the `features/*` folder. + * You can copy and change an existing file to get started. +* run `npm run test` + * This will check the files for errors and make them pretty. + * If you don't have Node installed, you can skip this step and we will do it for you. +* If there are no errors, submit a pull request. + +:point_right: See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for full details about how to add a community resource to this index. + + +#### Source files + The source files for this index are stored in two kinds of files: -* Under `features/` there are `.geojson` files to describe the areas where the communities are active * Under `resources/` there are `.json` files to describe the community resources +* Under `features/` there are custom `.geojson` files + + +#### Distributed Files -:point_right: See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for info about how to add your -community resource to this index. +Several files are published under `dist/`. These are generated - do not edit them. -##### tl;dr +* `features.json` - A GeoJSON FeatureCollection containing _only_ the custom Features +* `resources.json` - A JSON object containing all the resources +* `combined.geojson` - A GeoJSON file containing a FeatureCollection of all Features, each with available resources included in a `resources` property. +* `index.js` - a CommonJS module which exports the `features` and `resources` objects +* `img/*` - SVG logos for all the resource types -* Add a **feature** `.geojson` file under `features/` folder - * This is a boundary around where the resource is active - * You can use [geojson.io](http://geojson.io) to create these -* Add a **resource** `.json` file under `resources/` folder - * This contains info about what the resource is (slack, forum, mailinglist, facebook, etc.) - * You can just copy and change an existing one - * Several resources can share the same `.geojson` feature -* `npm run test` - * This will build and check for errors and make the files pretty #### Prerequisites -* [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) version 4 or newer +* [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) version 10 or newer * [`git`](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/install-git/) for your platform + #### Installing * Clone this project, for example: @@ -50,9 +69,17 @@ community resource to this index. * `cd` into the project folder, * Run `npm install` to install libraries + #### Building * Just `npm run test` * This will check the files for errors and make them pretty. +### License + +osm-community-index is available under the [ISC License](https://opensource.org/licenses/ISC). +See the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for more details. + +This project also bundles some icons from [FontAwesome](https://fontawesome.com/). +The icons are licensed CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). diff --git a/RELEASE.md b/RELEASE.md index 34cb5cb06..bf45f6559 100644 --- a/RELEASE.md +++ b/RELEASE.md @@ -1,22 +1,29 @@ ## Release Checklist -### Update master branch +### Icons +This project bundles some icons from FontAwesome, corresponding to the types of +community resources. Whenever the list of resource types changes: +- [ ] Edit `build_icons.js` +- [ ] npm run icons + +### Update master branch, tag and publish - [ ] git checkout master - [ ] npm install - [ ] npm run test +- [ ] npm run dist - [ ] npm run txpull - [ ] git add . && git commit -m 'npm run txpull' - [ ] Update `CHANGELOG.md` - [ ] Update version number in `package.json` - [ ] git add . && git commit -m 'vA.B.C' -- [ ] git push origin master - -### Update release branch, tag and publish -- [ ] git checkout release -- [ ] git reset --hard master -- [ ] npm run build -- [ ] git add -f dist/* -- [ ] git commit -m 'Check in build' - [ ] git tag vA.B.C -- [ ] git push origin -f release vA.B.C +- [ ] git push origin master vA.B.C - [ ] npm publish + +### Update release branch (legacy - maybe stop doing this?) +- [ ] git checkout release +- [ ] git merge master +- [ ] git push origin release + +Open https://github.com/osmlab/osm-community-index/tags +Click "Add Release Notes" and link to the CHANGELOG diff --git a/build.js b/build.js index 4ab362469..ef339351c 100644 --- a/build.js +++ b/build.js @@ -1,146 +1,278 @@ /* eslint-disable no-console */ +const calcArea = require('@mapbox/geojson-area'); const colors = require('colors/safe'); const fs = require('fs'); const glob = require('glob'); -const Validator = require('jsonschema').Validator; -const shell = require('shelljs'); +const LocationConflation = require('@ideditor/location-conflation'); +const path = require('path'); +const precision = require('geojson-precision'); const prettyStringify = require('json-stringify-pretty-compact'); +const rewind = require('geojson-rewind'); +const shell = require('shelljs'); +const Validator = require('jsonschema').Validator; const YAML = require('js-yaml'); const geojsonSchema = require('./schema/geojson.json'); const featureSchema = require('./schema/feature.json'); const resourceSchema = require('./schema/resource.json'); -var v = new Validator(); +let v = new Validator(); v.addSchema(geojsonSchema, 'http://json.schemastore.org/geojson.json'); buildAll(); function buildAll() { - console.log('building data'); - console.time(colors.green('data built')); + const START = '🏗 ' + colors.yellow('Building data...'); + const END = '👍 ' + colors.green('data built'); - // Start clean - shell.rm('-f', ['dist/*.json', 'dist/*.js', 'i18n/en.yaml']); + console.log(''); + console.log(START); + console.time(END); - var tstrings = {}; // translation strings - var features = generateFeatures(); - var resources = generateResources(tstrings); + // Start clean + shell.rm('-f', [ + 'dist/features.json', + 'dist/resources.json', + 'i18n/en.yaml' + ]); - // Save individual data files - fs.writeFileSync('dist/features.json', prettyStringify({ features: features }) ); - fs.writeFileSync('dist/features.min.json', JSON.stringify({ features: features }) ); - fs.writeFileSync('dist/resources.json', prettyStringify({ resources: resources }) ); - fs.writeFileSync('dist/resources.min.json', JSON.stringify({ resources: resources }) ); - fs.writeFileSync('i18n/en.yaml', YAML.safeDump({ en: tstrings }, { lineWidth: -1 }) ); + // Features + let tstrings = {}; // translation strings + const features = collectFeatures(); + const featureCollection = { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: features }; + fs.writeFileSync('dist/features.json', prettyStringify(featureCollection, { maxLength: 9999 })); - console.timeEnd(colors.green('data built')); + // Resources + const resources = collectResources(tstrings, featureCollection); + fs.writeFileSync('dist/resources.json', prettyStringify({ resources: sort(resources) }, { maxLength: 9999 })); + fs.writeFileSync('i18n/en.yaml', YAML.safeDump({ en: sort(tstrings) }, { lineWidth: -1 }) ); + + console.timeEnd(END); } -function generateFeatures() { - var features = {}; - var files = {}; - glob.sync(__dirname + '/features/**/*.geojson').forEach(function(file) { - var contents = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); - var feature = JSON.parse(contents); - validateFile(file, feature, featureSchema); - prettifyFile(file, feature, contents); - - var id = feature.id; - if (files[id]) { - console.error(colors.red('Error - Duplicate feature id: ') + colors.yellow(id)); - console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(files[id])); - console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); - process.exit(1); - } - features[id] = feature; - files[id] = file; - }); +function collectFeatures() { + let features = []; + let files = {}; + process.stdout.write('📦 Features: '); + + glob.sync(__dirname + '/features/**/*.geojson').forEach(file => { + const contents = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); + let parsed; + try { + parsed = JSON.parse(contents); + } catch (jsonParseError) { + console.error(colors.red('Error - ' + jsonParseError.message + ' in:')); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); + process.exit(1); + } + + let feature = precision(rewind(parsed, true), 5); + let fc = feature.features; + + // A FeatureCollection with a single feature inside (geojson.io likes to make these). + if (feature.type === 'FeatureCollection' && Array.isArray(fc) && fc.length === 1) { + feature = fc[0]; + } + + // warn if this feature is so small it would better be represented as a point. + let area = calcArea.geometry(feature.geometry) / 1e6; // m² to km² + area = Number(area.toFixed(2)); + if (area < 2000) { + console.warn(colors.yellow('Warning - small area (' + area + ' km²). Use a point `includeLocation` instead.')); + console.warn(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); + } + + // use the filename as the feature.id + const id = path.basename(file).toLowerCase(); + feature.id = id; + + // sort properties + let obj = {}; + if (feature.type) { obj.type = feature.type; } + if (feature.id) { obj.id = feature.id; } + if (feature.properties) { obj.properties = feature.properties; } + if (feature.geometry) { obj.geometry = feature.geometry; } + feature = obj; - return features; + validateFile(file, feature, featureSchema); + prettifyFile(file, feature, contents); + + if (files[id]) { + console.error(colors.red('Error - Duplicate filenames: ') + colors.yellow(id)); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(files[id])); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); + process.exit(1); + } + features.push(feature); + files[id] = file; + + process.stdout.write(colors.green('✓')); + }); + + process.stdout.write(' ' + Object.keys(files).length + '\n'); + + return features; } -function generateResources(tstrings) { - var resources = {}; - var files = {}; - glob.sync(__dirname + '/resources/**/*.json').forEach(function(file) { - var contents = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); - var resource = JSON.parse(contents); - validateFile(file, resource, resourceSchema); - prettifyFile(file, resource, contents); - - var id = resource.id; - if (files[id]) { - console.error(colors.red('Error - Duplicate resource id: ') + colors.yellow(id)); - console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(files[id])); - console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); - process.exit(1); - } - resources[id] = resource; - files[id] = file; - // collect translation strings for this resource - tstrings[id] = { - name: resource.name, - description: resource.description - }; +function collectResources(tstrings, featureCollection) { + let resources = {}; + let files = {}; + const loco = new LocationConflation(featureCollection); + process.stdout.write('📦 Resources: '); + + glob.sync(__dirname + '/resources/**/*.json').forEach(file => { + let contents = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); + + let resource; + try { + resource = JSON.parse(contents); + } catch (jsonParseError) { + console.error(colors.red('Error - ' + jsonParseError.message + ' in:')); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); + process.exit(1); + } + + // sort properties and array values + let obj = {}; + if (resource.id) { obj.id = resource.id; } + if (resource.type) { obj.type = resource.type; } + + if (resource.locationSet) { + obj.locationSet = {}; + if (resource.locationSet.include) { obj.locationSet.include = resource.locationSet.include; } + if (resource.locationSet.exclude) { obj.locationSet.exclude = resource.locationSet.exclude; } + } + + if (resource.languageCodes) { obj.languageCodes = resource.languageCodes.sort(); } + if (resource.name) { obj.name = resource.name; } + if (resource.description) { obj.description = resource.description; } + if (resource.extendedDescription) { obj.extendedDescription = resource.extendedDescription; } + if (resource.url) { obj.url = resource.url; } + if (resource.signupUrl) { obj.signupUrl = resource.signupUrl; } + if (resource.contacts) { obj.contacts = resource.contacts; } + if (resource.order) { obj.order = resource.order; } + if (resource.events) { obj.events = resource.events; } + resource = obj; + + validateFile(file, resource, resourceSchema); - if (resource.extendedDescription) { - tstrings[id].extendedDescription = resource.extendedDescription; + (resource.locationSet.include || []).forEach(location => { + if (!loco.isValidLocation(location)) { + console.error(colors.red('Error - Invalid include location: ') + colors.yellow(location)); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); + process.exit(1); + } + }); + + (resource.locationSet.exclude || []).forEach(location => { + if (!loco.isValidLocation(location)) { + console.error(colors.red('Error - Invalid exclude location: ') + colors.yellow(location)); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); + process.exit(1); + } + }); + + prettifyFile(file, resource, contents); + + let resourceId = resource.id; + if (files[resourceId]) { + console.error(colors.red('Error - Duplicate resource id: ') + colors.yellow(resourceId)); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(files[resourceId])); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); + process.exit(1); + } + + resources[resourceId] = resource; + files[resourceId] = file; + + // collect translation strings for this resource + tstrings[resourceId] = { + name: resource.name, + description: resource.description + }; + + if (resource.extendedDescription) { + tstrings[resourceId].extendedDescription = resource.extendedDescription; + } + + // Validate event dates and collect strings from upcoming events (where `i18n=true`) + if (resource.events) { + let estrings = {}; + + for (let i = 0; i < resource.events.length; i++) { + let event = resource.events[i]; + + // check date + const d = new Date(event.when); + if (isNaN(d.getTime())) { + console.error(colors.red('Error - Bad date: ') + colors.yellow(event.when)); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); + process.exit(1); } - // collect strings from upcoming events (where `i18n=true`) - if (resource.events) { - var estrings = {}; - - for (var i = 0; i < resource.events.length; i++) { - var event = resource.events[i]; - if (!event.i18n) continue; - - if (estrings[event.id]) { - console.error(colors.red('Error - Duplicate event id: ') + colors.yellow(event.id)); - console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); - process.exit(1); - } - - estrings[event.id] = { - name: event.name, - description: event.description, - where: event.where - }; - } - - if (Object.keys(estrings).length) { - tstrings[id].events = estrings; - } + if (!event.i18n) continue; + + if (estrings[event.id]) { + console.error(colors.red('Error - Duplicate event id: ') + colors.yellow(event.id)); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file)); + process.exit(1); } - }); - return resources; + estrings[event.id] = { + name: event.name, + description: event.description, + where: event.where + }; + } + + if (Object.keys(estrings).length) { + tstrings[resourceId].events = estrings; + } + } + + process.stdout.write(colors.green('✓')); + }); + + process.stdout.write(' ' + Object.keys(files).length + '\n'); + + return resources; } + function validateFile(file, resource, schema) { - var validationErrors = v.validate(resource, schema).errors; - if (validationErrors.length) { - console.error(colors.red('Error - Schema validation:')); - console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file + ': ')); - validationErrors.forEach(function(error) { - if (error.property) { - console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(error.property + ' ' + error.message)); - } else { - console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(error)); - } - }); - process.exit(1); - } + const validationErrors = v.validate(resource, schema).errors; + if (validationErrors.length) { + console.error(colors.red('Error - Schema validation:')); + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(file + ': ')); + validationErrors.forEach(error => { + if (error.property) { + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(error.property + ' ' + error.message)); + } else { + console.error(' ' + colors.yellow(error)); + } + }); + process.exit(1); + } } + function prettifyFile(file, object, contents) { - var pretty = prettyStringify(object); - if (pretty !== contents) { - fs.writeFileSync(file, pretty); - } + const pretty = prettyStringify(object, { maxLength: 100 }); + if (pretty !== contents) { + fs.writeFileSync(file, pretty); + } } + +// Returns an object with sorted keys and sorted values. +// (This is useful for file diffing) +function sort(obj) { + let sorted = {}; + Object.keys(obj).sort().forEach(k => { + sorted[k] = Array.isArray(obj[k]) ? obj[k].sort() : obj[k]; + }); + return sorted; +} diff --git a/build_dist.js b/build_dist.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..742ec8d5f --- /dev/null +++ b/build_dist.js @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +/* eslint-disable no-console */ +const colors = require('colors/safe'); +const fs = require('fs'); +const LocationConflation = require('@ideditor/location-conflation'); +const prettyStringify = require('json-stringify-pretty-compact'); +const shell = require('shelljs'); + +const featureCollection = require('./dist/features.json'); +const resources = require('./dist/resources.json').resources; + +buildAll(); + + +function buildAll() { + const START = '🏗 ' + colors.yellow('Building dist...'); + const END = '👍 ' + colors.green('dist built'); + + console.log(''); + console.log(START); + console.time(END); + + // Start clean + shell.rm('-f', [ + 'dist/combined.geojson', + 'dist/combined.min.geojson', + 'dist/features.min.json', + 'dist/resources.min.json' + ]); + + const combined = generateCombined(resources, featureCollection); + + // Save individual data files + fs.writeFileSync('dist/combined.geojson', prettyStringify(combined) ); + fs.writeFileSync('dist/combined.min.geojson', JSON.stringify(combined) ); + fs.writeFileSync('dist/features.min.json', JSON.stringify(featureCollection) ); + fs.writeFileSync('dist/resources.min.json', JSON.stringify({ resources: resources }) ); + + console.timeEnd(END); +} + + +function deepClone(obj) { + return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); +} + + +// Generate a combined GeoJSON FeatureCollection +// containing all the features w/ resources stored in properties +// +// { +// type: 'FeatureCollection', +// features: [ +// { +// type: 'Feature', +// id: 'GH', +// geometry: { ... }, +// properties: { +// 'area': 297118.3, +// 'resources': { +// 'osm-gh-facebook': { ... }, +// 'osm-gh-twitter': { ... }, +// 'talk-gh': { ... } +// } +// } +// }, { +// type: 'Feature', +// id: 'MG', +// geometry: { ... }, +// properties: { +// 'area': 964945.85, +// 'resources': { +// 'osm-mg-facebook': { ... }, +// 'osm-mg-twitter': { ... }, +// 'talk-mg': { ... } +// } +// } +// }, +// ... +// ] +// } +// +function generateCombined(resources, featureCollection) { + let keepFeatures = {}; + const loco = new LocationConflation(featureCollection); + + Object.keys(resources).forEach(resourceId => { + const resource = resources[resourceId]; + const feature = loco.resolveLocationSet(resource.locationSet); + + let keepFeature = keepFeatures[feature.id]; + if (!keepFeature) { + keepFeature = deepClone(feature); + keepFeature.properties.resources = {}; + keepFeatures[feature.id] = keepFeature; + } + + keepFeature.properties.resources[resourceId] = deepClone(resource); + }); + + return { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: Object.values(keepFeatures) }; +} diff --git a/build_icons.js b/build_icons.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..349c69c29 --- /dev/null +++ b/build_icons.js @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +/* eslint-disable no-console */ +const colors = require('colors/safe'); +const fs = require('fs'); + +const fontawesome = require('@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'); +const faAt = require('@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faAt').faAt; +const faComments = require('@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faComments').faComments; +const faDiscord = require('@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faDiscord').faDiscord; +const faDiscourse = require('@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faDiscourse').faDiscourse; +const faFacebook = require('@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faFacebook').faFacebook; +const faGithub = require('@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faGithub').faGithub; +const faKeyboard = require('@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faKeyboard').faKeyboard; +const faLink = require('@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faLink').faLink; +const faMeetup = require('@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faMeetup').faMeetup; +const faReddit = require('@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faReddit').faReddit; +const faSlack = require('@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faSlack').faSlack; +const faTelegram = require('@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faTelegram').faTelegram; +const faTwitter = require('@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faTwitter').faTwitter; +const faUsers = require('@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faUsers').faUsers; +const faYoutube = require('@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faYoutube').faYoutube; + +buildAll(); + +function buildAll() { + const faIconMap = { + discord: faDiscord, + discourse: faDiscourse, + facebook: faFacebook, + forum: faComments, + github: faGithub, + group: faUsers, + irc: faKeyboard, + mailinglist: faAt, + matrix: faComments, + meetup: faMeetup, + reddit: faReddit, + slack: faSlack, + telegram: faTelegram, + twitter: faTwitter, + url: faLink, + youtube: faYoutube + }; + + const START = '🏗 ' + colors.yellow('Building icons...'); + const END = '👍 ' + colors.green('icons built'); + + console.log(''); + console.log(START); + console.time(END); + + for (let key in faIconMap) { + const val = faIconMap[key]; + const file = 'dist/img/' + key + '.svg'; + console.log(colors.yellow(file)); + fs.writeFileSync(file, fontawesome.icon(val).html); + } + + console.timeEnd(END); +} diff --git a/dist/combined.geojson b/dist/combined.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31525fc7f --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/combined.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,32275 @@ +{ + "type": "FeatureCollection", + "features": [ + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "m49": "142", + "wikidata": "Q48", + "nameEn": "Asia", + "level": "region", + "id": "142", + "groups": ["001"], + "members": [ + "143", + "035", + "034", + "030", + "145", + "KW", + "KZ", + "AF", + "LA", + "LB", + "AM", + "LK", + "BD", + "BH", + "BT", + "MM", + "MN", + "MO", + "MV", + "MY", + "NP", + "OM", + "PH", + "ID", + "PK", + "IL", + "IN", + "IQ", + "PS", + "JO", + "KH", + "QA", + "KP", + "AE", + "SA", + "SG", + "SY", + "IR", + "KG", + "TH", + "TJ", + "TL", + "TM", + "BN", + "TR", + "TW", + "GE", + "HK", + "UZ", + "CY", + "VN", + "JP", + "AZ", + "CN", + "YE", + "KR" + ], + "area": 51854122.62, + "resources": { + "OSM-Asia-mailinglist": { + "id": "OSM-Asia-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["142"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Asia Mailinglist", + "description": "Talk-asia is the official Mailinglist for Asian Community", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-asia", + "contacts": [{"name": "Erwin Olario", "email": "govvin@gmail.com"}], + "order": -3 + }, + "osm-asia-telegram": { + "id": "osm-asia-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["142"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Asia Telegram", + "description": "Join our family: {url}", + "url": "https://t.me/OpenStreetMapAsia", + "contacts": [{"name": "Erwin Olario", "email": "govvin@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [68.90865, 55.38148], + [69.34224, 55.36344], + [69.74917, 55.35545], + [70.19179, 55.1476], + [70.76493, 55.3027], + [70.96009, 55.10558], + [71.08288, 54.71253], + [71.24185, 54.64965], + [71.08706, 54.33376], + [71.10379, 54.13326], + [71.96141, 54.17736], + [72.17477, 54.36303], + [72.43415, 53.92685], + [72.71026, 54.1161], + [73.37963, 53.96132], + [73.74778, 54.07194], + [73.68921, 53.86522], + [73.25412, 53.61532], + [73.39218, 53.44623], + [75.07405, 53.80831], + [75.43398, 53.98652], + [75.3668, 54.07439], + [76.91052, 54.4677], + [76.82266, 54.1798], + [76.44076, 54.16017], + [76.54243, 53.99329], + [77.90383, 53.29807], + [79.11255, 52.01171], + [80.08138, 50.77658], + [80.4127, 50.95581], + [80.44819, 51.20855], + [80.80318, 51.28262], + [81.16999, 51.15662], + [81.06091, 50.94833], + [81.41248, 50.97524], + [81.46581, 50.77658], + [81.94999, 50.79307], + [82.55443, 50.75412], + [83.14607, 51.00796], + [83.8442, 50.87375], + [84.29385, 50.27257], + [84.99198, 50.06793], + [85.24047, 49.60239], + [86.18709, 49.50259], + [86.63674, 49.80136], + [86.79056, 49.74787], + [86.61307, 49.60239], + [86.82606, 49.51796], + [87.03071, 49.25142], + [87.31465, 49.23603], + [87.28386, 49.11626], + [87.478, 49.07403], + [87.48983, 49.13794], + [87.81333, 49.17354], + [87.98977, 49.18147], + [88.15543, 49.30314], + [88.17223, 49.46934], + [88.42449, 49.48821], + [88.82499, 49.44808], + [89.70687, 49.72535], + [89.59711, 49.90851], + [91.86048, 50.73734], + [92.07173, 50.69585], + [92.44714, 50.78762], + [93.01109, 50.79001], + [92.99595, 50.63183], + [94.30823, 50.57498], + [94.39258, 50.22193], + [94.49477, 50.17832], + [94.6121, 50.04239], + [94.97166, 50.04725], + [95.02465, 49.96941], + [95.74757, 49.97915], + [95.80056, 50.04239], + [96.97388, 49.88413], + [97.24639, 49.74737], + [97.56811, 49.84265], + [97.56432, 49.92801], + [97.76871, 49.99861], + [97.85197, 49.91339], + [98.29481, 50.33561], + [98.31373, 50.4996], + [98.06393, 50.61262], + [97.9693, 50.78044], + [98.01472, 50.86652], + [97.83305, 51.00248], + [98.05257, 51.46696], + [98.22053, 51.46579], + [98.33222, 51.71832], + [98.74142, 51.8637], + [98.87768, 52.14563], + [99.27888, 51.96876], + [99.75578, 51.90108], + [99.89203, 51.74903], + [100.61116, 51.73028], + [101.39085, 51.45753], + [101.5044, 51.50467], + [102.14032, 51.35566], + [102.32194, 50.67982], + [102.71178, 50.38873], + [103.70343, 50.13952], + [105.32528, 50.4648], + [106.05562, 50.40582], + [106.07865, 50.33474], + [106.47156, 50.31909], + [106.49628, 50.32436], + [106.51122, 50.34408], + [106.58373, 50.34044], + [106.80326, 50.30177], + [107.00007, 50.1977], + [107.1174, 50.04239], + [107.36407, 49.97612], + [107.96116, 49.93191], + [107.95387, 49.66659], + [108.27937, 49.53167], + [108.53969, 49.32325], + [109.18017, 49.34709], + [109.51325, 49.22859], + [110.24373, 49.16676], + [110.39891, 49.25083], + [110.64493, 49.1816], + [113.02647, 49.60772], + [113.20216, 49.83356], + [114.325, 50.28098], + [114.9703, 50.19254], + [115.26068, 49.97367], + [115.73602, 49.87688], + [116.22402, 50.04477], + [116.62502, 49.92919], + [116.71193, 49.83813], + [117.07142, 49.68482], + [117.27597, 49.62544], + [117.48208, 49.62324], + [117.82343, 49.52696], + [118.61623, 49.93809], + [119.11003, 50.00276], + [119.27996, 50.13348], + [119.38598, 50.35162], + [119.13553, 50.37412], + [120.10963, 51.671], + [120.65907, 51.93544], + [120.77337, 52.20805], + [120.61346, 52.32447], + [120.71673, 52.54099], + [120.46454, 52.63811], + [120.04049, 52.58773], + [120.0451, 52.7359], + [120.85633, 53.28499], + [121.39213, 53.31888], + [122.35063, 53.49565], + [122.85966, 53.47395], + [123.26989, 53.54843], + [123.86158, 53.49391], + [124.46078, 53.21881], + [125.17522, 53.20225], + [125.6131, 53.07229], + [126.558, 52.13738], + [126.44606, 51.98254], + [126.68349, 51.70607], + [126.90369, 51.3238], + [126.93135, 51.0841], + [127.14586, 50.91152], + [127.28165, 50.72075], + [127.36335, 50.58306], + [127.28765, 50.46585], + [127.36009, 50.43787], + [127.37384, 50.28393], + [127.60515, 50.23503], + [127.49299, 50.01251], + [127.53516, 49.84306], + [127.83476, 49.5748], + [128.72896, 49.58676], + [129.11153, 49.36813], + [129.23232, 49.40353], + [129.35317, 49.3481], + [129.40398, 49.44194], + [129.50685, 49.42398], + [129.67598, 49.29596], + [129.85416, 49.11067], + [130.2355, 48.86741], + [130.43232, 48.90844], + [130.66946, 48.88251], + [130.52147, 48.61745], + [130.84462, 48.30942], + [130.65103, 48.10052], + [130.90915, 47.90623], + [130.95985, 47.6957], + [131.09871, 47.6852], + [131.2635, 47.73325], + [131.90448, 47.68011], + [132.57309, 47.71741], + [132.66989, 47.96491], + [134.49516, 48.42884], + [134.75328, 48.36763], + [134.67098, 48.1564], + [134.55508, 47.98651], + [134.7671, 47.72051], + [134.50898, 47.4812], + [134.20016, 47.33458], + [134.03538, 46.75668], + [133.84104, 46.46681], + [133.91496, 46.4274], + [133.88097, 46.25066], + [133.68047, 46.14697], + [133.72695, 46.05576], + [133.67569, 45.9759], + [133.60442, 45.90053], + [133.48457, 45.86203], + [133.41083, 45.57723], + [133.19419, 45.51913], + [133.09279, 45.25693], + [133.12293, 45.1332], + [132.96373, 45.0212], + [132.83978, 45.05916], + [131.99417, 45.2567], + [131.86903, 45.33636], + [131.76532, 45.22609], + [131.66852, 45.2196], + [131.68466, 45.12374], + [131.48415, 44.99513], + [130.95639, 44.85154], + [131.1108, 44.70266], + [131.30365, 44.04262], + [131.25484, 44.03131], + [131.23583, 43.96085], + [131.26176, 43.94011], + [131.21105, 43.82383], + [131.19492, 43.53047], + [131.29402, 43.46695], + [131.30324, 43.39498], + [131.19031, 43.21385], + [131.20414, 43.13654], + [131.10274, 43.04734], + [131.135, 42.94114], + [131.02668, 42.91246], + [131.02438, 42.86518], + [130.66524, 42.84753], + [130.44361, 42.76205], + [130.40213, 42.70788], + [130.56576, 42.68925], + [130.62107, 42.58413], + [130.55143, 42.52158], + [130.56835, 42.43281], + [130.60805, 42.4317], + [130.64181, 42.41422], + [130.66367, 42.38024], + [130.65022, 42.32281], + [131.95041, 41.5445], + [128.65655, 38.61914], + [133.61399, 37.41], + [140.9182, 45.92937], + [145.82343, 44.571], + [145.23667, 43.76813], + [145.82361, 43.38904], + [155.16731, 23.60141], + [123.92912, 17.8782], + [123.06776952074642, 22.075545864859123], + [120.69238, 21.52331], + [121.8109, 21.77688], + [129.19694, 7.84182], + [124.97752, 4.82064], + [126.69413, 6.02692], + [128.97621, 3.08804], + [141.02352, 0.08993], + [140.99813, -6.3233], + [140.85295, -6.72996], + [141.01763, -6.90181], + [141.00782, -9.1242], + [140.88922, -9.34945], + [127.55165, -9.05052], + [125.68138, -9.85176], + [122.14954, -11.52517], + [74.28481, -3.17525], + [96.11174, 6.69841], + [103.03657, 1.30383], + [99.75778, 3.86466], + [99.31854, 5.99868], + [97.19814, 8.18901], + [97.63455, 9.60854], + [94.6371, 13.81803], + [94.53911, 5.99016], + [80.48418, 10.20786], + [85.15017, 5.21497], + [76.25812, 4.62435], + [79.50447, 8.91876], + [78.52781, 7.63099], + [72.15131, 7.6285], + [68.11329, 23.53945], + [61.5251, 24.57287], + [56.86325, 25.03856], + [61.45114, 22.55394], + [56.66759, 17.24021], + [53.32998, 16.16312], + [55.69862, 12.12478], + [52.253, 11.68582], + [51.12877, 12.56479], + [50.51849, 13.0483], + [43.90659, 12.3823], + [43.32909, 12.59711], + [43.29075, 12.79154], + [42.63806, 13.58268], + [41.29956, 15.565], + [41.37609, 16.19728], + [39.63762, 18.37348], + [37.8565, 22.00903], + [34.51305, 27.70027], + [34.46254, 27.99552], + [34.88293, 29.37455], + [34.92298, 29.45305], + [34.26742, 31.21998], + [34.24012, 31.29591], + [34.23572, 31.2966], + [34.21853, 31.32363], + [34.052, 31.46619], + [33.62659, 31.82938], + [34.78515, 33.20368], + [35.48515, 34.70851], + [33.98684, 34.76642], + [33.90075, 34.96623], + [33.86432, 34.97592], + [33.84811, 34.97075], + [33.83505, 34.98108], + [33.85621, 34.98956], + [33.85891, 35.001], + [33.85216, 35.00579], + [33.84045, 35.00616], + [33.82875, 35.01685], + [33.83055, 35.02865], + [33.81524, 35.04192], + [33.8012, 35.04786], + [33.82051, 35.0667], + [33.8355, 35.05777], + [33.85261, 35.0574], + [33.88367, 35.07877], + [33.89485, 35.06873], + [33.90247, 35.07686], + [33.91299, 35.07579], + [33.91789, 35.08688], + [33.89853, 35.11377], + [33.88737, 35.11408], + [33.88943, 35.12007], + [33.88561, 35.12449], + [33.87224, 35.12293], + [33.87622, 35.10457], + [33.87097, 35.09389], + [33.87479, 35.08881], + [33.8541, 35.07201], + [33.84168, 35.06823], + [33.82067, 35.07826], + [33.78581, 35.05104], + [33.76106, 35.04253], + [33.73824, 35.05321], + [33.71482, 35.03722], + [33.70209, 35.04882], + [33.7161, 35.07279], + [33.70861, 35.07644], + [33.69095, 35.06237], + [33.68474, 35.06602], + [33.67742, 35.05963], + [33.67678, 35.03866], + [33.69938, 35.03123], + [33.69731, 35.01754], + [33.71514, 35.00294], + [33.70639, 34.99303], + [33.70575, 34.97947], + [33.83531, 34.73974], + [33.26744, 34.49942], + [33.0138, 34.64424], + [32.96968, 34.64046], + [32.96718, 34.63446], + [32.95891, 34.62919], + [32.95323, 34.64075], + [32.95471, 34.64528], + [32.94976, 34.65204], + [32.94796, 34.6587], + [32.95325, 34.66462], + [32.97079, 34.66112], + [32.97736, 34.65277], + [32.99014, 34.65518], + [32.98668, 34.67268], + [32.99135, 34.68061], + [32.95539, 34.68471], + [32.94683, 34.67907], + [32.94379, 34.67111], + [32.93693, 34.67027], + [32.93449, 34.66241], + [32.92807, 34.66736], + [32.93043, 34.67091], + [32.91398, 34.67343], + [32.9068, 34.66102], + [32.86167, 34.68734], + [32.86014, 34.70585], + [32.82717, 34.70622], + [32.79433, 34.67883], + [32.76136, 34.68318], + [32.75515, 34.64985], + [32.74412, 34.43926], + [30.15137, 34.08517], + [32.82353, 35.70297], + [29.73302, 35.92555], + [29.69611, 36.10365], + [29.61805, 36.14179], + [29.61002, 36.1731], + [29.48192, 36.18377], + [29.30783, 36.01033], + [28.23708, 36.56812], + [27.95037, 36.46155], + [27.89482, 36.69898], + [27.46117, 36.53789], + [27.24613, 36.71622], + [27.45627, 36.9008], + [27.20312, 36.94571], + [27.14757, 37.32], + [26.95583, 37.64989], + [26.99377, 37.69034], + [27.16428, 37.72343], + [27.05537, 37.9131], + [26.21136, 38.17558], + [26.24183, 38.44695], + [26.32173, 38.48731], + [26.21136, 38.65436], + [26.61814, 38.81372], + [26.70773, 39.0312], + [26.43357, 39.43096], + [25.94257, 39.39358], + [25.61285, 40.17161], + [26.04292, 40.3958], + [25.94795, 40.72797], + [26.03489, 40.73051], + [26.0754, 40.72772], + [26.08638, 40.73214], + [26.12495, 40.74283], + [26.12854, 40.77339], + [26.15685, 40.80709], + [26.21351, 40.83298], + [26.20856, 40.86048], + [26.26169, 40.9168], + [26.29441, 40.89119], + [26.28623, 40.93005], + [26.32259, 40.94042], + [26.35894, 40.94292], + [26.33297, 40.98388], + [26.3606, 41.02027], + [26.31928, 41.07386], + [26.32259, 41.24929], + [26.39861, 41.25053], + [26.5209, 41.33993], + [26.5837, 41.32131], + [26.62997, 41.34613], + [26.61767, 41.42281], + [26.59742, 41.48058], + [26.59196, 41.60491], + [26.5209, 41.62592], + [26.47958, 41.67037], + [26.35957, 41.71149], + [26.32952, 41.73637], + [26.33589, 41.76802], + [26.36952, 41.82265], + [26.53968, 41.82653], + [26.57961, 41.90024], + [26.56051, 41.92995], + [26.62996, 41.97644], + [26.79143, 41.97386], + [26.95638, 42.00741], + [27.03277, 42.0809], + [27.08486, 42.08735], + [27.19251, 42.06028], + [27.22376, 42.10152], + [27.27411, 42.10409], + [27.45478, 41.96591], + [27.52379, 41.93756], + [27.55191, 41.90928], + [27.69949, 41.97515], + [27.81235, 41.94803], + [27.83492, 41.99709], + [27.91479, 41.97902], + [28.02971, 41.98066], + [28.32297, 41.98371], + [34.8305, 42.4581], + [40.89217, 41.72528], + [39.81147, 43.06294], + [40.0078, 43.38551], + [40.00853, 43.40578], + [40.01552, 43.42025], + [40.01007, 43.42411], + [40.03312, 43.44262], + [40.04445, 43.47776], + [40.10657, 43.57344], + [40.65957, 43.56212], + [41.64935, 43.22331], + [42.40563, 43.23226], + [42.66667, 43.13917], + [42.75889, 43.19651], + [43.03322, 43.08883], + [43.0419, 43.02413], + [43.81453, 42.74297], + [43.73119, 42.62043], + [43.95517, 42.55396], + [44.54202, 42.75699], + [44.70002, 42.74679], + [44.80941, 42.61277], + [44.88754, 42.74934], + [45.15318, 42.70598], + [45.36501, 42.55268], + [45.78692, 42.48358], + [45.61676, 42.20768], + [46.42738, 41.91323], + [46.5332, 41.87389], + [46.58924, 41.80547], + [46.75269, 41.8623], + [46.8134, 41.76252], + [47.00955, 41.63583], + [46.99554, 41.59743], + [47.03757, 41.55434], + [47.10762, 41.59044], + [47.34579, 41.27884], + [47.49004, 41.26366], + [47.54504, 41.20275], + [47.62288, 41.22969], + [47.75831, 41.19455], + [47.87973, 41.21798], + [48.07587, 41.49957], + [48.22064, 41.51472], + [48.2878, 41.56221], + [48.40277, 41.60441], + [48.42301, 41.65444], + [48.55078, 41.77917], + [48.5867, 41.84306], + [48.80971, 41.95365], + [52.37988095123212, 39.44860319536886], + [51.7708, 40.29239], + [52.26048, 41.69249], + [49.2134, 44.84989], + [49.88945, 46.04554], + [49.32259, 46.26944], + [49.16518, 46.38542], + [48.54988, 46.56267], + [48.51142, 46.69268], + [49.01136, 46.72716], + [48.52326, 47.4102], + [48.45173, 47.40818], + [48.15348, 47.74545], + [47.64973, 47.76559], + [47.41689, 47.83687], + [47.38731, 47.68176], + [47.12107, 47.83687], + [47.11516, 48.27188], + [46.49011, 48.43019], + [46.78392, 48.95352], + [46.91104, 48.99715], + [47.01458, 49.07085], + [47.04416, 49.17152], + [46.98795, 49.23531], + [46.78398, 49.34026], + [46.9078, 49.86707], + [47.18319, 49.93721], + [47.34589, 50.09308], + [47.30448, 50.30894], + [47.58551, 50.47867], + [48.10044, 50.09242], + [48.24519, 49.86099], + [48.42564, 49.82283], + [48.68352, 49.89546], + [48.90782, 50.02281], + [48.57946, 50.63278], + [48.86936, 50.61589], + [49.12673, 50.78639], + [49.41959, 50.85927], + [49.39001, 51.09396], + [49.76866, 51.11067], + [49.97277, 51.2405], + [50.26859, 51.28677], + [50.59695, 51.61859], + [51.26254, 51.68466], + [51.301, 51.48799], + [51.77431, 51.49536], + [51.8246, 51.67916], + [52.36119, 51.74161], + [52.54329, 51.48444], + [53.46165, 51.49445], + [53.69299, 51.23466], + [54.12248, 51.11542], + [54.46331, 50.85554], + [54.41894, 50.61214], + [54.55797, 50.52006], + [54.71476, 50.61214], + [54.56685, 51.01958], + [54.72067, 51.03261], + [55.67774, 50.54508], + [56.11398, 50.7471], + [56.17906, 50.93204], + [57.17302, 51.11253], + [57.44221, 50.88354], + [57.74986, 50.93017], + [57.75578, 51.13852], + [58.3208, 51.15151], + [58.87974, 50.70852], + [59.48928, 50.64216], + [59.51886, 50.49937], + [59.81172, 50.54451], + [60.01288, 50.8163], + [60.17262, 50.83312], + [60.31914, 50.67705], + [60.81833, 50.6629], + [61.4431, 50.80679], + [61.56889, 51.23679], + [61.6813, 51.25716], + [61.55114, 51.32746], + [61.50677, 51.40687], + [60.95655, 51.48615], + [60.92401, 51.61124], + [60.5424, 51.61675], + [60.36787, 51.66815], + [60.50986, 51.7964], + [60.09867, 51.87135], + [59.99809, 51.98263], + [60.19925, 51.99173], + [60.48915, 52.15175], + [60.72581, 52.15538], + [60.78201, 52.22067], + [61.05417, 52.35096], + [60.98021, 52.50068], + [60.84709, 52.52228], + [60.84118, 52.63912], + [60.71693, 52.66245], + [60.71989, 52.75923], + [61.05842, 52.92217], + [61.23462, 53.03227], + [62.0422, 52.96105], + [62.12799, 52.99133], + [62.14574, 53.09626], + [61.19024, 53.30536], + [61.14291, 53.41481], + [61.29082, 53.50992], + [61.37957, 53.45887], + [61.57185, 53.50112], + [61.55706, 53.57144], + [60.90626, 53.62937], + [61.22574, 53.80268], + [61.14283, 53.90063], + [60.99796, 53.93699], + [61.26863, 53.92797], + [61.3706, 54.08464], + [61.47603, 54.08048], + [61.56941, 53.95703], + [61.65318, 54.02445], + [62.03913, 53.94768], + [62.00966, 54.04134], + [62.38535, 54.03961], + [62.45931, 53.90737], + [62.56876, 53.94047], + [62.58651, 54.05871], + [63.80604, 54.27079], + [63.91224, 54.20013], + [64.02715, 54.22679], + [63.97686, 54.29763], + [64.97216, 54.4212], + [65.11033, 54.33028], + [65.24663, 54.35721], + [65.20174, 54.55216], + [68.21308, 54.98645], + [68.26661, 55.09226], + [68.19206, 55.18823], + [68.90865, 55.38148] + ], + [ + [120.69238, 21.52331], + [118.41314637449923, 24.066881093908776], + [111.60491, 13.57105], + [109.55486, 8.10026], + [114.08532, 4.64632], + [115.02521, 5.35005], + [116.79524, 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members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Telegram chat", + "url": "https://matrix.to/#/#osm-latam:matrix.org", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "latam-telegram": { + "id": "latam-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["419"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America Telegram", + "description": "Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Matrix chat", + "url": "https://t.me/osmlatam", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "latam-twitter": { + "id": "latam-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["419"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America Twitter", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Latin America on Twitter: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osmlatam", + 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Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMBA", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Wille Marcel", "email": "wille@wille.blog.br"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-46.26343, -11.52309], + [-46.40625, -11.53923], + [-46.51062, -11.50425], + [-46.604, -11.3481], + [-46.61224, -11.25653], + [-46.46668, -11.1811], + [-46.42822, -11.02208], + [-46.32935, -10.9331], + [-46.19751, -10.65521], + [-45.84045, -10.47701], + [-45.82672, -10.35275], + [-45.74707, -10.34194], + [-45.70038, -10.26087], + [-45.72784, -10.15815], + [-45.59326, -10.09326], + [-45.41199, -10.43379], + [-45.45593, -10.55262], + [-45.37903, -10.72538], + [-45.15381, -10.8387], + [-44.90112, -10.90883], + [-44.60999, -10.66601], + [-44.34631, -10.54182], + [-44.13757, -10.63362], + [-44.05518, -10.39057], + [-43.96179, -10.42839], + [-43.78601, -10.15275], + [-43.69263, -10.03918], + [-43.69812, -9.95262], + [-43.64868, -9.82274], + [-43.76404, -9.76861], + [-43.8794, -9.54117], + [-43.68713, -9.41655], + [-43.4729, -9.24851], + [-43.3081, -9.37861], + [-43.04443, -9.36235], + [-42.8302, -9.60617], + [-42.33581, -9.31899], + [-41.90735, -9.23767], + [-41.7865, -9.09125], + [-41.40198, -8.71136], + [-41.14929, -8.70593], + [-41.03943, -8.83351], + [-41.01471, -8.82808], + [-40.92407, -8.83894], + [-40.8197, -9.07226], + [-40.68237, -9.14277], + [-40.66864, -9.26478], + [-40.7428, -9.30002], + [-40.75653, -9.42197], + [-40.62744, -9.47615], + [-40.53131, -9.41384], + [-40.47363, -9.39758], + [-40.42694, -9.34338], + [-40.36102, -9.37319], + [-40.29785, -9.09396], + [-40.23468, -9.04243], + [-40.14679, -9.10481], + [-40.07813, -9.05057], + [-39.98749, -9.05599], + [-39.8996, -8.95833], + [-39.90509, -8.82808], + [-39.68262, -8.77923], + [-39.70459, -8.67063], + [-39.65241, -8.65977], + [-39.41345, -8.50769], + [-39.2926, -8.54843], + [-39.23492, -8.6299], + [-38.96576, -8.76837], + [-38.86963, -8.76837], + [-38.71307, -8.83622], + [-38.68835, -8.90678], + [-38.66913, -8.98275], + [-38.61694, -8.96376], + [-38.60596, -8.86065], + [-38.5675, -8.81723], + [-38.47687, -8.84708], + [-38.50983, -8.94205], + [-38.42194, -9.037], + [-38.33679, -8.97461], + [-38.28461, -9.00716], + [-38.31757, -9.06684], + [-38.21045, -9.36235], + [-38.04565, -9.4599], + [-38.02368, -9.8498], + [-37.89185, -9.96885], + [-37.74902, -10.31492], + [-37.8479, -10.37977], + [-37.78198, -10.64981], + [-37.93579, -10.73617], + [-38.13354, -10.6822], + [-38.26538, -10.79014], + [-38.02368, -11.31848], + [-37.73804, -11.57691], + [-37.3645, -11.48002], + [-38.50159, -18.11975], + [-39.65515, -18.35453], + [-40.25391, -17.96828], + [-40.23193, -17.79053], + [-40.61646, -17.38209], + [-40.51758, -16.89917], + [-40.13306, -16.45716], + [-39.90234, -16.04581], + [-40.68237, -15.68651], + [-41.08887, -15.73939], + [-41.35254, -15.73939], + [-41.37451, -15.49603], + [-41.80298, -15.09334], + [-42.04468, -15.18878], + [-43.24219, -14.67925], + [-43.50586, -14.78551], + [-43.92334, -14.63674], + [-43.7915, -14.31761], + [-44.35181, -14.24309], + [-44.65942, -14.38148], + [-45.78003, -15.13576], + [-46.10962, -15.29478], + [-46.06567, -14.87047], + [-45.92285, -14.38148], + [-46.24146, -14.14723], + [-46.32935, -13.11158], + [-46.38428, -12.02858], + [-46.26343, -11.52309] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "sf_bay_area.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "sf_bay_area.geojson", + "area": 26601.97, + "resources": { + "Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers": { + "id": "Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["sf_bay_area.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Bay Area OpenStreetMappers", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Bay Area", + "extendedDescription": "This group is about growing the OpenStreetMap community here in the Bay Area. Our events are open to everyone, from open source enthusiasts, cyclists, GIS professionals, geocachers, and beyond. Anyone and everyone who is interested in maps, map making and free map data is welcome to join our group as well as attend our events.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ben Discoe", "email": "bdiscoe@gmail.com"}], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-123.5, 38.5], + [-122.8, 38.8], + [-121.7, 38.2], + [-121.5, 36.9], + [-123, 36.9], + [-123.5, 38.5] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "central_pa.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "central_pa.geojson", + "area": 43193.43, + "resources": { + "Central-Pennsylvania-OSM": { + "id": "Central-Pennsylvania-OSM", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["central_pa.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Central Pennsylvania OSM", + "description": "Online mapping community based out of State College, PA", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/CentralPennsylvaniaOSM", + "contacts": [{"name": "Sterling Quinn", "email": "sdq107@psu.edu"}], + "order": 3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-78.7, 41.5], + [-77, 41.5], + [-76, 40], + [-76, 39.72], + [-79.3, 39.72], + [-78.7, 41.5] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "south_sf_bay_area.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "south_sf_bay_area.geojson", + "area": 4030.01, + "resources": { + "Code-for-San-Jose-Slack": { + "id": "Code-for-San-Jose-Slack", + "type": "slack", + "locationSet": {"include": ["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Code for San Jose Slack", + "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}, then join the #osm channel.", + "url": "https://codeforsanjose.slack.com/", + "signupUrl": "https://slackin-c4sj.herokuapp.com/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "OSM Bay Area mailing list", + "email": "talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org" + } + ], + "order": 4 + }, + "OSM-South-Bay": { + "id": "OSM-South-Bay", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OSM South Bay", + "description": "Map Nights hosted by Code for San Jose", + "extendedDescription": "Code for San Jose, the local Code for America brigade, hosts monthly Map Nights on Thursday nights in downtown San José. Meet fellow South Bay mappers, help out with local mapping projects, and hear about other civic tech projects. Programming and GIS skills are not required.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Code-for-San-Jose/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "OSM Bay Area mailing list", + "email": "talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org" + } + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-121.4566, 37.48249], + [-121.21628, 37.17673], + [-121.20529, 36.95757], + [-121.49368, 36.95757], + [-121.5596, 36.8928], + [-121.98257, 37.12419], + [-122.27234, 37.39635], + [-122.13501, 37.48903], + [-121.4566, 37.48249] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "brasilia_df.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "brasilia_df.geojson", + "area": 5794.12, + "resources": { + "DF-telegram": { + "id": "DF-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["brasilia_df.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasília Telegram Group", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasília community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://t.me/osmbsb", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Wille Marcel", "email": "wille@wille.blog.br"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-48.20114, -15.49868], + [-47.42111, -15.5], + [-47.38953, -15.56484], + [-47.32361, -15.58865], + [-47.33047, -15.63891], + [-47.31125, -15.73278], + [-47.36755, -15.83189], + [-47.3703, -15.927], + [-47.36893, -15.99698], + [-47.30988, -16.04317], + [-48.27805, -16.04713], + [-48.24921, -15.94152], + [-48.2753, -15.93096], + [-48.29041, -15.83189], + [-48.22998, -15.77772], + [-48.21899, -15.71163], + [-48.24097, -15.70898], + [-48.23547, -15.66535], + [-48.22449, -15.63097], + [-48.20251, -15.62568], + [-48.20114, -15.49868] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "dfw_metro.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "dfw_metro.geojson", + "area": 20956.61, + "resources": { + "Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM": { + "id": "Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM", + "type": "osm", + "locationSet": {"include": ["dfw_metro.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Dallas-Fort Worth OSM", + "description": "The OpenStreetMap user group for Dallas-Fort Worth", + "extendedDescription": "Dallas, Fort Worth, and all the cities in between are abounding with creative and tech-savvy people. The vision for this usergroup is to find new ways to use the amazing resource of OSM.", + "url": "http://dfwosm.org/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Andrew Matheny", "email": "andrewdmatheny@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-97.75, 32.25], + [-97.75, 33.4], + [-96, 33.4], + [-96, 32.25], + [-97.75, 32.25] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "galicia.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "galicia.geojson", + "area": 37013.86, + "resources": { + "Galicia-Telegram": { + "id": "Galicia-Telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["galicia.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es", "gl"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Galicia Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Telegram for Galicia", + "url": "https://t.me/joinchat/AAHZsRBs-mY3hrquk2kpig" + }, + "Galicia-Twitter": { + "id": "Galicia-Twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["galicia.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es", "gl"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Galicia Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osmgalicia" + }, + "galicia-wiki": { + "id": "galicia-wiki", + "type": "wiki", + "locationSet": {"include": ["galicia.geojson"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Galicia", + "description": "Everything you need to know about mapping in Galicia: {url}", + "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gl:P%C3%A1xina_principal" + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-7.17133, 43.43198], + [-7.17545, 43.38808], + [-7.13837, 43.3811], + [-7.12807, 43.33567], + [-7.09511, 43.3017], + [-7.06627, 43.30519], + [-7.06764, 43.2457], + [-6.96808, 43.18966], + [-6.98181, 43.16512], + [-6.95297, 43.13507], + [-6.86096, 43.17564], + [-6.81908, 43.13657], + [-6.91315, 43.07441], + [-6.94405, 43.07842], + [-6.97083, 43.03678], + [-6.83556, 42.95894], + [-6.83281, 42.91772], + [-6.86783, 42.87345], + [-6.84174, 42.82462], + [-7.04224, 42.69758], + [-7.00584, 42.64457], + [-7.04361, 42.63547], + [-7.03949, 42.58797], + [-7.07726, 42.50956], + [-6.82182, 42.49438], + [-6.80603, 42.46602], + [-6.84105, 42.40318], + [-6.73325, 42.35854], + [-6.77307, 42.25648], + [-6.93649, 42.16646], + [-7.04361, 42.06], + [-6.96877, 42.05082], + [-6.96465, 42.02583], + [-6.99623, 41.96664], + [-7.07382, 41.94979], + [-7.14729, 41.99063], + [-7.18781, 41.9697], + [-7.19055, 41.88439], + [-7.42264, 41.81124], + [-7.70142, 41.90125], + [-8.16833, 41.81943], + [-8.22739, 41.91045], + [-8.09143, 42.01869], + [-8.19855, 42.14508], + [-8.23168, 42.13248], + [-8.24232, 42.13884], + [-8.25657, 42.13349], + [-8.25932, 42.12191], + [-8.27391, 42.12356], + [-8.30154, 42.10535], + [-8.32266, 42.10064], + [-8.32558, 42.09045], + [-8.33347, 42.08434], + [-8.3606, 42.09032], + [-8.37055, 42.08752], + [-8.38188, 42.07631], + [-8.39081, 42.07593], + [-8.39167, 42.07924], + [-8.41158, 42.0772], + [-8.43063, 42.07211], + [-8.44265, 42.08294], + [-8.47801, 42.0809], + [-8.48419, 42.08204], + [-8.5017, 42.07797], + [-8.52608, 42.07771], + [-8.52591, 42.06331], + [-8.55251, 42.05337], + [-8.58667, 42.05222], + [-8.59594, 42.05592], + [-8.64023, 42.04713], + [-8.64607, 42.03667], + [-8.65791, 42.03081], + [-8.65826, 42.0155], + [-8.66392, 42.00109], + [-8.67268, 41.99637], + [-8.70632, 41.98208], + [-8.74718, 41.96409], + [-8.74838, 41.94302], + [-8.76, 41.9311], + [-8.9, 41.85], + [-9.6, 43.2], + [-7.5, 44], + [-7.02885, 43.55178], + [-7.04807, 43.50698], + [-7.04807, 43.47684], + [-7.06181, 43.47335], + [-7.09099, 43.45242], + [-7.08858, 43.4437], + [-7.11983, 43.42525], + [-7.17133, 43.43198] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "philly_metro.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "philly_metro.geojson", + "area": 9339.06, + "resources": { + "GeoPhilly": { + "id": "GeoPhilly", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["philly_metro.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "GeoPhilly", + "description": "Meetup for map enthusiasts in the Philadelphia area", + "extendedDescription": "GeoPhilly unites developers, geographers, data geeks, open source enthusiasts, civic hackers and map addicts in our shared love of maps and the stories they tell. If you use maps as part of your work or just want to learn more, this is the meetup for you! Our events aim to be open, friendly, educational and social and range from happy hours to lightning talks or even workshops. Come create a diverse, inspiring geospatial community in the Philadelphia with us!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/GeoPhilly/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Dan Ford", "email": "dford@azavea.com"}], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-75.7, 40.3], + [-75.3, 40.4], + [-74.7, 40.3], + [-74.45, 40.1], + [-74.9, 39.55], + [-75.5, 39.55], + [-75.8, 39.7218], + [-76.23, 39.7211], + [-75.7, 40.3] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-0.8860231,41.6568048", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-0.8860231,41.6568048", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "MapColabora-mailinglist": { + "id": "MapColabora-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.8860231, 41.6568048]]}, + "name": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza", + "description": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Mailing list", + "url": "https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21forum/mapeado-colaborativo", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 1 + }, + "MapColabora-meetup": { + "id": "MapColabora-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.8860231, 41.6568048]]}, + "name": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza", + "description": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Meetup page", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/mapcolabora/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + }, + "MapColabora-twitter": { + "id": "MapColabora-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.8860231, 41.6568048]]}, + "name": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza", + "description": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Twitter Account", + "url": "https://www.twitter.com/MapColabora", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 4 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-0.886, 41.881], + [-1.063, 41.838], + [-1.172, 41.726], + [-1.172, 41.587], + [-1.062, 41.475], + [-0.886, 41.432], + [-0.71, 41.475], + [-0.6, 41.587], + [-0.6, 41.726], + [-0.709, 41.838], + [-0.886, 41.881] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson", + "area": 7662.86, + "resources": { + "MapMinnesota": { + "id": "MapMinnesota", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "MapMinnesota", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Twin Cities area", + "extendedDescription": "Connecting OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in Minnesota and the Twin Cities!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Map-Minnesota/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ian Dees", "email": "ian.dees@gmail.com"}], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-93.801, 44.578], + [-93.801, 45.348], + [-92.666, 45.348], + [-92.666, 44.578], + [-93.801, 44.578] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "dc_metro.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "dc_metro.geojson", + "area": 3371.08, + "resources": { + "Mapping-DC-meetup": { + "id": "Mapping-DC-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["dc_metro.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Mapping DC", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area", + "extendedDescription": "We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. We gather every other month at meetups to focus on one area of our city.", + "url": "https://mappingdc.org/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Brian DeRocher", "email": "brian@derocher.org"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-77.04437, 38.70266], + [-77.27783, 38.69409], + [-77.57172, 38.91668], + [-77.61017, 39.1258], + [-77.27509, 39.21523], + [-77.08694, 39.21204], + [-76.87546, 39.05119], + [-76.69968, 38.97863], + [-76.71066, 38.77657], + [-76.84662, 38.7048], + [-77.04437, 38.70266] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-80.4925,43.4518", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-80.4925,43.4518", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "MappingWR": { + "id": "MappingWR", + "type": "slack", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-80.4925, 43.4518]]}, + "name": "MappingWR", + "description": "Making low carbon routes around Waterloo Region easy to find.", + "url": "https://mappingwr.slack.com/", + "signupUrl": "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUswpQfyzwQugdLugtYh4WTMTce0EEjrnOS6xhQ416V4BFHg/viewform", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "David Trueman", "email": "dwtrueman@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-80.493, 43.676], + [-80.675, 43.633], + [-80.787, 43.521], + [-80.786, 43.382], + [-80.674, 43.27], + [-80.493, 43.227], + [-80.311, 43.27], + [-80.199, 43.382], + [-80.198, 43.521], + [-80.31, 43.633], + [-80.493, 43.676] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "bogota.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "bogota.geojson", + "area": 3842.38, + "resources": { + "Maptime-Bogota": { + "id": "Maptime-Bogota", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["bogota.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Maptime Bogotá", + "description": "We're a group of mappers interested in mapping in OpenStreetMap around Bogotá.", + "extendedDescription": "Learn to collect data in the field and digitize onto OpenStreetMap. It is not necessary to have previous knowledge! You just need the desire to participate, learn, and have fun.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Maptime-Colombia-OSM/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Andrés Gómez Casanova", "email": "angoca@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-74.38, 4.7], + [-74.17, 5], + [-73.75, 5], + [-73.9, 4.37], + [-74.25, 4.31], + [-74.38, 4.7] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "portland_me.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "portland_me.geojson", + "area": 17148.97, + "resources": { + "Maptime-ME-meetup": { + "id": "Maptime-ME-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["portland_me.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "MaptimeME", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, around Portland, ME", + "extendedDescription": "Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation using mapping tools and technologies.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/MaptimeME/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Malcolm Toon", "email": "malcolm@foreflight.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-70.5, 42.9], + [-71, 43.3], + [-71, 44.2], + [-69.6, 44.5], + [-69, 44], + [-70.5, 42.9] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "m49": "009", + "wikidata": "Q538", + "nameEn": "Oceania", + "level": "region", + "id": "009", + "groups": ["001"], + "members": [ + "061", + "053", + "057", + "054", + "AS", + "AU", + "MH", + "CC", + "CK", + "MP", + "CX", + "NC", + "FJ", + "FM", + "NF", + "NR", + "NU", + "NZ", + "GU", + "HM", + "PF", + "PG", + "PN", + "PW", + "SB", + "TK", + "TO", + "TV", + "UM", + "KI", + "VU", + "WF", + "WS" + ], + "area": 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These are social gatherings, but are an excellent place to come and ask specific questions about OSM either in the area or in general. In the summer months we usually do some light mapping for an hour in the vicinity of our meeting place. The group as a whole has a special interest in mapping public rights of way and from time to time has mapping meetings for this purpose.", + "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nottingham/Pub_Meetup", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jerry Clough", "email": "SK53.osm@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-0.37, 53.85], + [0.2, 53.5], + [0.55, 53.1], + [-1.1222, 52.36367], + [-1.95817, 53.27605], + [-1.88, 53.86], + [-0.96, 54.06] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "AR", + "iso1A3": "ARG", + "iso1N3": "032", + "wikidata": "Q414", + "nameEn": "Argentina", + "aliases": ["RA"], + "groups": ["005", "419", "019", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["54"], + "id": "AR", + "m49": "032", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇦🇷", + "area": 3693962.84, + "resources": { + "OSM-AR-facebook": { + "id": "OSM-AR-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Facebook", + "extendedDescription": "News from the local community", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMapArgentina/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", + "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com" + } + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "OSM-AR-forum": { + "id": "OSM-AR-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum", + "extendedDescription": "Ideal for long or important discussions. Slow response time.", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=49", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", + "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com" + } + ], + "order": -2 + }, + "OSM-AR-irc": { + "id": "OSM-AR-irc", + "type": "irc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC", + "description": "Join #osm-ar on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", + "extendedDescription": "You may find the most geeky user in the community.", + "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ar", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", + "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com" + } + ], + "order": -4 + }, + "OSM-AR-mailinglist": { + "id": "OSM-AR-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Talk-ar Mailing List", + "description": "Historic mailing list. Almost unused today.", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ar/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", + "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com" + } + ], + "order": -3 + }, + "OSM-AR-telegram": { + "id": "OSM-AR-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Telegram", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "The most active channel in the community, ideal for chatting and getting answers to your questions instantly. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://telegram.me/osm_ar", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", + "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com" + } + ] + }, + "OSM-AR-twitter": { + "id": "OSM-AR-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "extendedDescription": "News from the local community and OpenStreetMap in general.", + "url": "https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapAr", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", + "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com" + } + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [-72.31343, -50.58411], + [-73.15765, -50.78337], + [-73.55259, -49.92488], + [-73.45156, -49.79461], + [-73.09655, -49.14342], + [-72.56894, -48.81116], + [-72.54042, -48.52392], + [-72.27662, -48.28727], + [-72.50478, -47.80586], + [-71.94152, -47.13595], + 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmbd/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ahasanul Hoque", "email": "hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 3, + "events": [ + { + "id": "sotmasia2019", + "i18n": true, + "name": "State of the Map Asia 2019", + "description": "Join the 2019 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in Dhaka", + "where": "Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh", + "when": "2019-11-01", + "url": "http://stateofthemap.asia/" + } + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [89.15869, 26.13708], + [89.35953, 26.0077], + [89.53515, 26.00382], + [89.57101, 25.9682], + [89.63968, 26.22595], + [89.70201, 26.15138], + [89.73581, 26.15818], + [89.77865, 26.08387], + [89.77728, 26.04254], + [89.86592, 25.93115], + [89.80585, 25.82489], + [89.84388, 25.70042], + [89.86129, 25.61714], + [89.81208, 25.37244], + [89.84086, 25.31854], + [89.83371, 25.29548], + [89.87629, 25.28337], + [89.90478, 25.31038], + [90.1155, 25.22686], + [90.40034, 25.1534], + [90.65042, 25.17788], + [90.87427, 25.15799], + [91.25517, 25.20677], + [91.63648, 25.12846], + [92.0316, 25.1834], + [92.33957, 25.07593], + [92.39147, 25.01471], + [92.49887, 24.88796], + [92.38626, 24.86055], + [92.25854, 24.9191], + [92.15796, 24.54435], + [92.11662, 24.38997], + [91.96603, 24.3799], + [91.89258, 24.14674], + [91.82596, 24.22345], + [91.76004, 24.23848], + [91.73257, 24.14703], + [91.65292, 24.22095], + [91.63782, 24.1132], + [91.55542, 24.08687], + [91.37414, 24.10693], + [91.35741, 23.99072], + [91.29587, 24.0041], + [91.22308, 23.89616], + [91.25192, 23.83463], + [91.15579, 23.6599], + [91.28293, 23.37538], + [91.36453, 23.06612], + [91.40848, 23.07117], + [91.4035, 23.27522], + [91.46615, 23.2328], + [91.54993, 23.01051], + [91.61571, 22.93929], + [91.7324, 23.00043], + [91.81634, 23.08001], + [91.76417, 23.26619], + [91.84789, 23.42235], + [91.95642, 23.47361], + [91.95093, 23.73284], + [92.04706, 23.64229], + [92.15417, 23.73409], + [92.26541, 23.70392], + [92.38214, 23.28705], + [92.37665, 22.9435], + [92.5181, 22.71441], + [92.60029, 22.1522], + [92.56616, 22.13554], + [92.60949, 21.97638], + [92.62187, 21.87037], + [92.59775, 21.6092], + [92.68152, 21.28454], + [92.60187, 21.24615], + [92.55105, 21.3856], + [92.43158, 21.37025], + [92.37939, 21.47764], + [92.20087, 21.337], + [92.17752, 21.17445], + [92.26071, 21.05697], + [92.37665, 20.72172], + [92.28464, 20.63179], + [92.31348, 20.57137], + [92.4302, 20.5688], + [92.39837, 20.38919], + [89.13606, 21.42955], + [89.13927, 21.60785], + [89.03553, 21.77397], + [89.07114, 22.15335], + [88.9367, 22.58527], + [88.94614, 22.66941], + [88.9151, 22.75228], + [88.96713, 22.83346], + [88.87063, 22.95235], + [88.88327, 23.03885], + [88.86377, 23.08759], + [88.99148, 23.21134], + [88.71133, 23.2492], + [88.79254, 23.46028], + [88.79351, 23.50535], + [88.74841, 23.47361], + [88.56507, 23.64044], + [88.58087, 23.87105], + [88.66189, 23.87607], + [88.73743, 23.91751], + [88.6976, 24.14703], + [88.74841, 24.1959], + [88.68801, 24.31464], + [88.50934, 24.32474], + [88.12296, 24.51301], + [88.08786, 24.63232], + [88.00683, 24.66477], + [88.15515, 24.85806], + [88.14004, 24.93529], + [88.21832, 24.96642], + [88.27325, 24.88796], + [88.33917, 24.86803], + [88.46277, 25.07468], + [88.44766, 25.20149], + [88.94067, 25.18534], + [89.00463, 25.26583], + [89.01105, 25.30303], + [88.85278, 25.34679], + [88.81296, 25.51546], + [88.677, 25.46959], + [88.4559, 25.59227], + [88.45103, 25.66245], + [88.242, 25.80811], + [88.13138, 25.78773], + [88.08804, 25.91334], + [88.16581, 26.0238], + [88.1844, 26.14417], + [88.34757, 26.22216], + [88.35153, 26.29123], + [88.51649, 26.35923], + [88.48749, 26.45855], + [88.36938, 26.48683], + [88.35153, 26.45241], + [88.33093, 26.48929], + [88.41196, 26.63837], + [88.4298, 26.54489], + [88.62144, 26.46783], + [88.69485, 26.38353], + [88.67837, 26.26291], + [88.78961, 26.31093], + [88.85004, 26.23211], + [89.05328, 26.2469], + [88.91321, 26.37984], + [88.92357, 26.40711], + [88.95612, 26.4564], + [89.08899, 26.38845], + [89.15869, 26.13708] + ] + ] + ] + }, + "id": "BD" + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "BO", + "iso1A3": "BOL", + "iso1N3": "068", + "wikidata": "Q750", + "nameEn": "Bolivia", + "groups": ["005", "419", "019", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["591"], + "id": "BO", + "m49": "068", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇧🇴", + "area": 1086715.32, + "resources": { + "OSM-BO-mailinglist": { + "id": "OSM-BO-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["bo"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Talk-bo Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-bo is the official mailing list for the Bolivian OpenStreetMap community", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Bolivia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-bo/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Marco Antonio", "email": "marcoantoniofrias@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [-63.90248, -12.52544], + [-63.76259, -12.42952], + [-61.81151, -13.49564], + [-61.05527, -13.50054], + [-60.48053, -13.77981], + [-60.46037, -14.22496], + [-60.27887, -14.63021], + [-60.23968, -15.09515], + [-60.58224, -15.09887], + [-60.23797, -15.50267], + [-60.16069, -16.26479], + [-58.41506, -16.32636], + [-58.32431, -16.25861], + [-58.30918, -16.3699], + [-58.5058, -16.80958], + [-58.32935, -17.28195], + [-57.99661, -17.5273], + [-57.90082, -17.44555], + [-57.73949, -17.56095], + [-57.69877, -17.8431], + [-57.48237, -18.24219], + [-57.56807, -18.25655], + [-57.76764, -18.90087], + [-57.71995, -18.89573], + [-57.71995, -18.97546], + [-57.69134, -19.00544], + [-57.71113, -19.03161], + [-57.78463, -19.03259], + 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Editing the map is simple, and fun! Join us both indoors and outdoors in our effort to create the best map of the Boston area and the rest of the world!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Boston/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Lars Ahlzen", "email": "lars@ahlzen.com"}], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-70.5, 41.91], + [-71, 41.91], + [-71.42, 42.05], + [-71.57, 42.18], + [-71.64, 42.4], + [-71.57, 42.52], + [-71.35, 42.64], + [-71.1, 42.7], + [-70.5, 42.7], + [-70.5, 41.91] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "CA", + "iso1A3": "CAN", + "iso1N3": "124", + "wikidata": "Q16", + "nameEn": "Canada", + "groups": ["021", "003", "019", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["1"], + "id": "CA", + "m49": "124", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇨🇦", + "area": 15444104.37, + "resources": { + "OSM-CA-Slack": { + "id": "OSM-CA-Slack", + "type": "slack", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ca"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "fr"], + "name": "OSM-CA Slack", + "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}.", + "url": "https://osm-ca.slack.com/", + "signupUrl": "https://slackinviteosmcanada.herokuapp.com/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Denis Carriere", "email": "carriere.denis@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 4 + }, + "OSM-CA-mailinglist": { + "id": "OSM-CA-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ca"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "fr"], + "name": "OSM-CA mailing list", + "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Canada.", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ca" + }, + "OSM-CA-telegram": { + "id": "OSM-CA-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ca"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "fr"], + "name": "@osmca on Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Canada Telegram chat", + "url": "https://t.me/osmca" + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [-67.20349, 45.1722], + [-67.22751, 45.16344], + [-67.27039, 45.1934], + [-67.29748, 45.18173], + 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Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap-Chile-145127198882915/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "OSM-CL-mailinglist": { + "id": "OSM-CL-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Talk-cl Mailing List", + "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Chile", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cl/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"} + ], + "order": -3 + }, + "OSM-CL-telegram": { + "id": "OSM-CL-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Telegram", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMcl", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"} + ] + }, + "OSM-CL-twitter": { + "id": "OSM-CL-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osmCL", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [-68.60702, -52.65781], + [-68.60733, -54.9125], + [-68.01394, -54.8753], + [-67.46182, -54.92205], + [-67.11046, -54.94199], + [-66.07313, -55.19618], + [-68.11646, -58.14883], + [-113.52687, -26.52828], + [-70.59118, -18.35072], + [-70.378, -18.3495], + [-70.31267, -18.31258], + [-70.16394, -18.31737], + [-69.96732, -18.25992], + [-69.81607, -18.12582], + [-69.75305, -17.94605], + [-69.82868, -17.72048], + 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[130.44361, 42.76205], + [130.40213, 42.70788], + [130.56576, 42.68925], + [130.62107, 42.58413], + [130.55143, 42.52158], + [130.50123, 42.61636], + [130.44361, 42.54849], + [130.41826, 42.6011], + [130.2385, 42.71127], + [130.23068, 42.80125], + [130.26095, 42.9027], + [130.09764, 42.91425], + [130.12957, 42.98361], + [129.96409, 42.97306], + [129.95082, 43.01051], + [129.8865, 43.00395], + [129.85261, 42.96494], + [129.83277, 42.86746], + [129.80719, 42.79218], + [129.7835, 42.76521], + [129.77183, 42.69435], + [129.75294, 42.59409], + [129.72541, 42.43739], + [129.60482, 42.44461], + [129.54701, 42.37254], + [129.42882, 42.44702], + [129.28541, 42.41574], + [129.22423, 42.3553], + [129.22285, 42.26491], + [129.15178, 42.17224], + [128.96068, 42.06657], + [128.94007, 42.03537], + [128.04487, 42.01769], + [128.15119, 41.74568], + [128.30716, 41.60322], + [128.20061, 41.40895], + [128.18546, 41.41279], + [128.12967, 41.37931], + [128.03311, 41.39232], + [128.02633, 41.42103], + [127.92943, 41.44291], + [127.29712, 41.49473], + [127.17841, 41.59714], + [126.90729, 41.79955], + [126.60631, 41.65565], + [126.53189, 41.35206], + [126.242, 41.15454], + [126.00335, 40.92835], + [125.76869, 40.87908], + [125.71172, 40.85223], + [124.86913, 40.45387], + [124.40719, 40.13655], + [124.38556, 40.11047], + [124.3322, 40.05573], + [124.37089, 40.03004], + [124.35029, 39.95639], + [124.23201, 39.9248], + [124.17532, 39.8232], + [123.90497, 38.79949], + [123.85601, 37.49093], + [122.80525, 33.30571], + [122.29378, 31.76513], + [123.5458, 31.01942], + [121.03532, 26.8787], + [120.49232, 25.22863], + [118.56434, 24.49266], + [118.42453, 24.54644], + [118.35291, 24.51645], + [118.28244, 24.51231], + [118.11703, 24.39734], + [118.41371, 24.06775], + [111.60491, 13.57105], + [108.00365, 17.98159], + [108.10003, 21.47338], + [108.0569, 21.53604], + [108.02926, 21.54997], + [107.97932, 21.54503], + [107.97383, 21.53961], + [107.97074, 21.54072], + [107.96774, 21.53601], + [107.95232, 21.5388], + [107.92652, 21.58906], + [107.90006, 21.5905], + [107.86114, 21.65128], + [107.80355, 21.66141], + [107.66967, 21.60787], + [107.56537, 21.61945], + [107.54047, 21.5934], + [107.49065, 21.59774], + [107.49532, 21.62958], + [107.47197, 21.6672], + [107.41593, 21.64839], + [107.38636, 21.59774], + [107.35989, 21.60063], + [107.35834, 21.6672], + [107.29296, 21.74674], + [107.24625, 21.7077], + [107.20734, 21.71493], + [107.10771, 21.79879], + [107.02615, 21.81981], + [107.00964, 21.85948], + [107.06101, 21.88982], + [107.05634, 21.92303], + [106.99252, 21.95191], + [106.97228, 21.92592], + [106.92714, 21.93459], + [106.9178, 21.97357], + [106.81038, 21.97934], + [106.74345, 22.00965], + [106.72551, 21.97923], + [106.69276, 21.96013], + [106.68274, 21.99811], + [106.70142, 22.02409], + [106.6983, 22.15102], + [106.67495, 22.1885], + [106.69986, 22.22309], + [106.6516, 22.33977], + [106.55976, 22.34841], + [106.57221, 22.37], + [106.55665, 22.46498], + [106.58395, 22.474], + [106.61269, 22.60301], + [106.65316, 22.5757], + [106.71698, 22.58432], + [106.72321, 22.63606], + [106.76293, 22.73491], + [106.82404, 22.7881], + [106.83685, 22.8098], + [106.81271, 22.8226], + [106.78422, 22.81532], + [106.71128, 22.85982], + [106.71387, 22.88296], + [106.6734, 22.89587], + [106.6516, 22.86862], + [106.60179, 22.92884], + [106.55976, 22.92311], + [106.51306, 22.94891], + [106.49749, 22.91164], + [106.34961, 22.86718], + [106.27022, 22.87722], + [106.19705, 22.98475], + [106.00179, 22.99049], + [105.99568, 22.94178], + [105.90119, 22.94168], + [105.8726, 22.92756], + [105.72382, 23.06641], + [105.57594, 23.075], + [105.56037, 23.16806], + [105.49966, 23.20669], + [105.42805, 23.30824], + [105.40782, 23.28107], + [105.32376, 23.39684], + [105.22569, 23.27249], + [105.17276, 23.28679], + [105.11672, 23.25247], + [105.07002, 23.26248], + [104.98712, 23.19176], + [104.96532, 23.20463], + [104.9486, 23.17235], + [104.91435, 23.18666], + [104.87992, 23.17141], + [104.87382, 23.12854], + [104.79478, 23.12934], + [104.8334, 23.01484], + [104.86765, 22.95178], + [104.84942, 22.93631], + [104.77114, 22.90017], + [104.72755, 22.81984], + [104.65283, 22.83419], + [104.60457, 22.81841], + [104.58122, 22.85571], + [104.47225, 22.75813], + [104.35593, 22.69353], + [104.25683, 22.76534], + [104.27084, 22.8457], + [104.11384, 22.80363], + [104.03734, 22.72945], + [104.01088, 22.51823], + [103.99247, 22.51958], + [103.97384, 22.50634], + [103.96783, 22.51173], + [103.96352, 22.50584], + [103.95191, 22.5134], + [103.94513, 22.52553], + [103.93286, 22.52703], + [103.87904, 22.56683], + [103.64506, 22.79979], + [103.56255, 22.69499], + [103.57812, 22.65764], + [103.52675, 22.59155], + [103.43646, 22.70648], + [103.43179, 22.75816], + [103.32282, 22.8127], + [103.28079, 22.68063], + [103.18895, 22.64471], + [103.15782, 22.59873], + [103.17961, 22.55705], + [103.07843, 22.50097], + [103.0722, 22.44775], + [102.9321, 22.48659], + [102.8636, 22.60735], + [102.60675, 22.73376], + [102.57095, 22.7036], + [102.51802, 22.77969], + [102.46665, 22.77108], + [102.42618, 22.69212], + [102.38415, 22.67919], + [102.41061, 22.64184], + [102.25339, 22.4607], + [102.26428, 22.41321], + [102.16621, 22.43336], + [102.14099, 22.40092], + [102.1245, 22.43372], + [102.03633, 22.46164], + [101.98487, 22.42766], + [101.91344, 22.44417], + [101.90714, 22.38688], + [101.86828, 22.38397], + [101.7685, 22.50337], + [101.68973, 22.46843], + [101.61306, 22.27515], + [101.56789, 22.28876], + [101.53638, 22.24794], + [101.60675, 22.13513], + [101.57525, 22.13026], + [101.62566, 21.96574], + [101.7791, 21.83019], + [101.74555, 21.72852], + [101.83257, 21.61562], + [101.80001, 21.57461], + [101.7475, 21.5873], + [101.7727, 21.51794], + [101.74224, 21.48276], + [101.74014, 21.30967], + [101.84412, 21.25291], + [101.83887, 21.20983], + [101.76745, 21.21571], + [101.79266, 21.19025], + [101.7622, 21.14813], + [101.70548, 21.14911], + [101.66977, 21.20004], + [101.60886, 21.17947], + [101.59491, 21.18621], + [101.6068, 21.23329], + [101.54563, 21.25668], + [101.29326, 21.17254], + [101.2229, 21.23271], + [101.26912, 21.36482], + [101.19349, 21.41959], + [101.2124, 21.56422], + [101.15156, 21.56129], + [101.11744, 21.77659], + [100.87265, 21.67396], + [100.72143, 21.51898], + [100.57861, 21.45637], + [100.4811, 21.46148], + [100.42892, 21.54325], + [100.35201, 21.53176], + [100.25863, 21.47043], + [100.18447, 21.51898], + [100.1625, 21.48704], + [100.12542, 21.50365], + [100.10757, 21.59945], + [100.17486, 21.65306], + [100.12679, 21.70539], + [100.04956, 21.66843], + [99.98654, 21.71064], + [99.94003, 21.82782], + [99.99084, 21.97053], + [99.96612, 22.05965], + [99.85351, 22.04183], + [99.47585, 22.13345], + [99.33166, 22.09656], + [99.1552, 22.15874], + [99.19176, 22.16983], + [99.17318, 22.18025], + [99.28771, 22.4105], + [99.37972, 22.50188], + [99.38247, 22.57544], + [99.31243, 22.73893], + [99.45654, 22.85726], + [99.43537, 22.94086], + [99.54218, 22.90014], + [99.52214, 23.08218], + [99.34127, 23.13099], + [99.25741, 23.09025], + [99.04601, 23.12215], + [99.05975, 23.16382], + [98.88597, 23.18656], + [98.92515, 23.29535], + [98.93958, 23.31414], + [98.87573, 23.33038], + [98.92104, 23.36946], + [98.87683, 23.48995], + [98.82877, 23.47908], + [98.80294, 23.5345], + [98.88396, 23.59555], + [98.81775, 23.694], + [98.82933, 23.72921], + [98.79607, 23.77947], + [98.68209, 23.80492], + [98.67797, 23.9644], + [98.89632, 24.10612], + [98.87998, 24.15624], + [98.85319, 24.13042], + [98.59256, 24.08371], + [98.54476, 24.13119], + [98.20666, 24.11406], + [98.07806, 24.07988], + [98.06703, 24.08028], + [98.0607, 24.07812], + [98.05671, 24.07961], + [98.05302, 24.07408], + [98.04709, 24.07616], + [97.99583, 24.04932], + [97.98691, 24.03897], + [97.93951, 24.01953], + [97.90998, 24.02094], + [97.88616, 24.00463], + [97.88414, 23.99405], + [97.88814, 23.98605], + [97.89683, 23.98389], + [97.89676, 23.97931], + [97.8955, 23.97758], + [97.88811, 23.97446], + [97.86545, 23.97723], + [97.84328, 23.97603], + [97.79416, 23.95663], + [97.79456, 23.94836], + [97.72302, 23.89288], + [97.64667, 23.84574], + [97.5247, 23.94032], + [97.62363, 24.00506], + [97.72903, 24.12606], + [97.75305, 24.16902], + [97.72799, 24.18883], + [97.72998, 24.2302], + [97.76799, 24.26365], + [97.71941, 24.29652], + [97.66723, 24.30027], + [97.65624, 24.33781], + [97.7098, 24.35658], + [97.66998, 24.45288], + [97.60029, 24.4401], + [97.52757, 24.43748], + [97.56286, 24.54535], + [97.56525, 24.72838], + [97.54675, 24.74202], + [97.5542, 24.74943], + [97.56383, 24.75535], + [97.56648, 24.76475], + [97.64354, 24.79171], + [97.70181, 24.84557], + [97.73127, 24.83015], + [97.76481, 24.8289], + [97.79949, 24.85655], + [97.72903, 24.91332], + [97.72216, 25.08508], + [97.77023, 25.11492], + [97.83614, 25.2715], + [97.92541, 25.20815], + [98.14925, 25.41547], + [98.12591, 25.50722], + [98.18084, 25.56298], + [98.16848, 25.62739], + [98.25774, 25.6051], + [98.31268, 25.55307], + [98.40606, 25.61129], + [98.54064, 25.85129], + [98.63128, 25.79937], + [98.70818, 25.86241], + [98.60763, 26.01512], + [98.57085, 26.11547], + [98.63128, 26.15492], + [98.66884, 26.09165], + [98.7329, 26.17218], + [98.67797, 26.24487], + [98.72741, 26.36183], + [98.77547, 26.61994], + [98.7333, 26.85615], + [98.69582, 27.56499], + [98.43353, 27.67086], + [98.42529, 27.55404], + [98.32641, 27.51385], + [98.13964, 27.9478], + [98.15337, 28.12114], + [97.90069, 28.3776], + [97.79632, 28.33168], + [97.70705, 28.5056], + [97.56835, 28.55628], + [97.50518, 28.49716], + [97.47085, 28.2688], + [97.41729, 28.29783], + [97.34547, 28.21385], + [97.1289, 28.3619], + [96.98882, 28.32564], + [96.88445, 28.39452], + [96.85561, 28.4875], + [96.6455, 28.61657], + [96.48895, 28.42955], + [96.40929, 28.51526], + [96.61391, 28.72742], + [96.3626, 29.10607], + [96.20467, 29.02325], + [96.18682, 29.11087], + [96.31316, 29.18643], + [96.05361, 29.38167], + [95.84899, 29.31464], + [95.75149, 29.32063], + [95.72086, 29.20797], + [95.50842, 29.13487], + [95.41091, 29.13007], + [95.3038, 29.13847], + [95.26122, 29.07727], + [95.2214, 29.10727], + [95.11291, 29.09527], + [95.0978, 29.14446], + [94.81353, 29.17804], + [94.69318, 29.31739], + [94.2752, 29.11687], + [94.35897, 29.01965], + [93.72797, 28.68821], + [93.44621, 28.67189], + [93.18069, 28.50319], + [93.14635, 28.37035], + [92.93075, 28.25671], + [92.67486, 28.15018], + [92.65472, 28.07632], + [92.73025, 28.05814], + [92.7275, 27.98662], + [92.42538, 27.80092], + [92.32101, 27.79363], + [92.27432, 27.89077], + [91.87057, 27.7195], + [91.84722, 27.76325], + [91.6469, 27.76358], + [91.5629, 27.84823], + [91.48973, 27.93903], + [91.46327, 28.0064], + [91.25779, 28.07509], + [91.20019, 27.98715], + [90.69894, 28.07784], + [90.58842, 28.02838], + [90.13387, 28.19178], + [89.79762, 28.23979], + [89.59525, 28.16433], + [89.12825, 27.62502], + [89.0582, 27.60985], + [88.97213, 27.51671], + [88.95355, 27.4106], + [89.00216, 27.32532], + [88.96947, 27.30319], + [88.93678, 27.33777], + [88.91901, 27.32483], + [88.82981, 27.38814], + [88.77517, 27.45415], + [88.88091, 27.85192], + [88.83559, 28.01936], + [88.63235, 28.12356], + [88.54858, 28.06057], + [88.25332, 27.9478], + [88.1278, 27.95417], + [88.13378, 27.88015], + [87.82681, 27.95248], + [87.72718, 27.80938], + [87.56996, 27.84517], + [87.11696, 27.84104], + [87.03757, 27.94835], + [86.75582, 28.04182], + [86.74181, 28.10638], + [86.56265, 28.09569], + [86.51609, 27.96623], + [86.42736, 27.91122], + [86.22966, 27.9786], + [86.18607, 28.17364], + [86.088, 28.09264], + [86.08333, 28.02121], + [86.12069, 27.93047], + [86.06309, 27.90021], + [85.94946, 27.9401], + [85.97813, 27.99023], + [85.90743, 28.05144], + [85.84672, 28.18187], + [85.74864, 28.23126], + [85.71907, 28.38064], + [85.69105, 28.38475], + [85.60854, 28.25045], + [85.59765, 28.30529], + [85.4233, 28.32996], + [85.38127, 28.28336], + [85.10729, 28.34092], + [85.18668, 28.54076], + [85.19135, 28.62825], + [85.06059, 28.68562], + [84.85511, 28.58041], + [84.62317, 28.73887], + [84.47528, 28.74023], + [84.2231, 28.89571], + [84.24801, 29.02783], + [84.18107, 29.23451], + [83.97559, 29.33091], + [83.82303, 29.30513], + [83.63156, 29.16249], + [83.44787, 29.30513], + [83.28131, 29.56813], + [83.07116, 29.61957], + [82.73024, 29.81695], + [82.5341, 29.9735], + [82.38622, 30.02608], + [82.16984, 30.0692], + [82.19475, 30.16884], + [82.10757, 30.23745], + [82.10135, 30.35439], + [81.99082, 30.33423], + [81.62033, 30.44703], + [81.41018, 30.42153], + [81.39928, 30.21862], + [81.33355, 30.15303], + [81.2623, 30.14596], + [81.29032, 30.08806], + [81.24362, 30.0126], + [81.12842, 30.01395], + [81.03953, 30.20059], + [80.83343, 30.32023], + [80.54504, 30.44936], + [80.20721, 30.58541], + [79.93255, 30.88288], + [79.59884, 30.93943], + [79.22805, 31.34963], + [79.14016, 31.43403], + [79.01931, 31.42817], + [78.77898, 31.31209], + [78.71032, 31.50197], + [78.84516, 31.60631], + [78.69933, 31.78723], + [78.78036, 31.99478], + [78.74404, 32.00384], + [78.68754, 32.10256], + [78.49609, 32.2762], + [78.4645, 32.45367], + [78.38897, 32.53938], + [78.73916, 32.69438], + [78.7831, 32.46873], + [78.96713, 32.33655], + [78.99322, 32.37948], + [79.0979, 32.38051], + [79.13174, 32.47766], + [79.26768, 32.53277], + [79.46562, 32.69668], + [79.14016, 33.02545], + [79.15252, 33.17156], + [78.73636, 33.56521], + [78.67599, 33.66445], + [78.77349, 33.73871], + [78.73367, 34.01121], + [78.65657, 34.03195], + [78.66225, 34.08858], + [78.91769, 34.15452], + [78.99802, 34.3027], + [79.05364, 34.32482], + [78.74465, 34.45174], + [78.56475, 34.50835], + [78.54964, 34.57283], + [78.27781, 34.61484], + [78.18435, 34.7998], + [78.22692, 34.88771], + [78.00033, 35.23954], + [78.03466, 35.3785], + [78.11664, 35.48022], + [77.80532, 35.52058], + [77.70232, 35.46244], + [77.44277, 35.46132], + [76.96624, 35.5932], + [76.84539, 35.67356], + [76.77323, 35.66062], + [76.50961, 35.8908], + [76.33453, 35.84296], + [76.14913, 35.82848], + [76.15325, 35.9264], + [75.93028, 36.13136], + [76.00906, 36.17511], + [76.0324, 36.41198], + [75.92391, 36.56986], + [75.72737, 36.7529], + [75.45562, 36.71971], + [75.40481, 36.95382], + [75.13839, 37.02622], + [74.56453, 37.03023], + [74.49981, 37.24518], + [74.80605, 37.21565], + [74.88887, 37.23275], + [75.12328, 37.31839], + [75.09719, 37.37297], + [75.15899, 37.41443], + [75.06011, 37.52779], + [74.94338, 37.55501], + [74.8912, 37.67576], + [75.00935, 37.77486], + [74.92416, 37.83428], + [74.9063, 38.03033], + [74.82665, 38.07359], + [74.80331, 38.19889], + [74.69894, 38.22155], + [74.69619, 38.42947], + [74.51217, 38.47034], + [74.17022, 38.65504], + [73.97933, 38.52945], + [73.79806, 38.61106], + [73.80656, 38.66449], + [73.7033, 38.84782], + [73.7445, 38.93867], + [73.82964, 38.91517], + [73.81728, 39.04007], + [73.75823, 39.023], + [73.60638, 39.24534], + [73.54572, 39.27567], + [73.55396, 39.3543], + [73.5004, 39.38402], + [73.59241, 39.40843], + [73.59831, 39.46425], + [73.87018, 39.47879], + [73.94683, 39.60733], + [73.92354, 39.69565], + [73.9051, 39.75073], + [73.83006, 39.76136], + [73.97049, 40.04378], + [74.25533, 40.13191], + [74.35063, 40.09742], + [74.69875, 40.34668], + [74.85996, 40.32857], + [74.78168, 40.44886], + [74.82013, 40.52197], + [75.08243, 40.43945], + [75.22834, 40.45382], + [75.5854, 40.66874], + [75.69663, 40.28642], + [75.91361, 40.2948], + [75.96168, 40.38064], + [76.33659, 40.3482], + [76.5261, 40.46114], + [76.75681, 40.95354], + [76.99302, 41.0696], + [77.28004, 41.0033], + [77.3693, 41.0375], + [77.52723, 41.00227], + [77.76206, 41.01574], + [77.81287, 41.14307], + [78.12873, 41.23091], + [78.15757, 41.38565], + [78.3732, 41.39603], + [79.92977, 42.04113], + [80.17842, 42.03211], + [80.17807, 42.21166], + [80.26841, 42.23797], + [80.16892, 42.61137], + [80.26886, 42.8366], + [80.38169, 42.83142], + [80.58999, 42.9011], + [80.3735, 43.01557], + [80.62913, 43.141], + [80.78817, 43.14235], + [80.77771, 43.30065], + [80.69718, 43.32589], + [80.75156, 43.44948], + [80.40031, 44.10986], + [80.40229, 44.23319], + [80.38384, 44.63073], + [79.8987, 44.89957], + [80.11169, 45.03352], + [81.73278, 45.3504], + [82.51374, 45.1755], + [82.58474, 45.40027], + [82.21792, 45.56619], + [83.04622, 47.19053], + [83.92184, 46.98912], + [84.73077, 47.01394], + [84.93995, 46.87399], + [85.22443, 47.04816], + [85.54294, 47.06171], + [85.69696, 47.2898], + [85.61067, 47.49753], + [85.5169, 48.05493], + [85.73581, 48.3939], + [86.38069, 48.46064], + [86.75343, 48.70331], + [86.73568, 48.99918], + [86.87238, 49.12432], + [87.28386, 49.11626], + [87.478, 49.07403], + [87.48983, 49.13794], + [87.81333, 49.17354], + [87.88171, 48.95853], + [87.73822, 48.89582], + [88.0788, 48.71436], + [87.96361, 48.58478], + [88.58939, 48.34531], + [88.58316, 48.21893], + [88.8011, 48.11302], + [88.93186, 48.10263], + [89.0711, 47.98528], + [89.55453, 48.0423], + [89.76624, 47.82745], + [90.06512, 47.88177], + [90.10871, 47.7375], + [90.33598, 47.68303], + [90.48854, 47.41826], + [90.48542, 47.30438], + [90.76108, 46.99399], + [90.84035, 46.99525], + [91.03649, 46.72916], + [91.0147, 46.58171], + [91.07696, 46.57315], + [90.89639, 46.30711], + [90.99672, 46.14207], + [91.03026, 46.04194], + [90.70907, 45.73437], + [90.65114, 45.49314], + [90.89169, 45.19667], + [91.64048, 45.07408], + [93.51161, 44.95964], + [94.10003, 44.71016], + [94.71959, 44.35284], + [95.01191, 44.25274], + [95.39772, 44.2805], + [95.32891, 44.02407], + [95.52594, 43.99353], + [95.89543, 43.2528], + [96.35658, 42.90363], + [96.37926, 42.72055], + [97.1777, 42.7964], + [99.50671, 42.56535], + [100.33297, 42.68231], + [100.84979, 42.67087], + [101.28833, 42.58524], + [101.80515, 42.50074], + [102.07645, 42.22519], + [102.42826, 42.15137], + [102.72403, 42.14675], + [103.3685, 41.89696], + [103.92804, 41.78246], + [104.52258, 41.8706], + [104.51667, 41.66113], + [104.91272, 41.64619], + [105.01119, 41.58382], + [105.24708, 41.7442], + [106.76517, 42.28741], + [107.24774, 42.36107], + [107.29755, 42.41395], + [107.49681, 42.46221], + [107.57258, 42.40898], + [108.23156, 42.45532], + [108.84489, 42.40246], + [109.00679, 42.45302], + [109.452, 42.44842], + [109.89402, 42.63111], + [110.08401, 42.6411], + [110.4327, 42.78293], + [111.0149, 43.3289], + [111.59087, 43.51207], + [111.79758, 43.6637], + [111.93776, 43.68709], + [111.96289, 43.81596], + [111.40498, 44.3461], + [111.76275, 44.98032], + [111.98695, 45.09074], + [112.4164, 45.06858], + [112.74662, 44.86297], + [113.63821, 44.74326], + [113.909, 44.91444], + [114.08071, 44.92847], + [114.5166, 45.27189], + [114.54801, 45.38337], + [114.74612, 45.43585], + [114.94546, 45.37377], + [115.35757, 45.39106], + [115.69688, 45.45761], + [115.91898, 45.6227], + [116.16989, 45.68603], + [116.27366, 45.78637], + [116.24012, 45.8778], + [116.26678, 45.96479], + [116.58612, 46.30211], + [116.75551, 46.33083], + [116.83166, 46.38637], + [117.07252, 46.35818], + [117.36609, 46.36335], + [117.41782, 46.57862], + [117.60748, 46.59771], + [117.69554, 46.50991], + [118.30534, 46.73519], + [118.78747, 46.68689], + [118.8337, 46.77742], + [118.89974, 46.77139], + [118.92616, 46.72765], + [119.00541, 46.74273], + [119.10448, 46.65516], + [119.24978, 46.64761], + [119.30261, 46.6083], + [119.37306, 46.61132], + [119.42827, 46.63783], + [119.65265, 46.62342], + [119.68127, 46.59015], + [119.77373, 46.62947], + [119.80455, 46.67631], + [119.89261, 46.66423], + [119.91242, 46.90091], + [119.85518, 46.92196], + [119.71209, 47.19192], + [119.62403, 47.24575], + [119.56019, 47.24874], + [119.54918, 47.29505], + [119.31964, 47.42617], + [119.35892, 47.48104], + [119.13995, 47.53997], + [119.12343, 47.66458], + [118.7564, 47.76947], + [118.55766, 47.99277], + [118.29654, 48.00246], + [118.22677, 48.03853], + [118.11009, 48.04], + [118.03676, 48.00982], + [117.80196, 48.01661], + [117.50181, 47.77216], + [117.37875, 47.63627], + [117.08918, 47.82242], + [116.87527, 47.88836], + [116.67405, 47.89039], + [116.4465, 47.83662], + [116.2527, 47.87766], + [116.08431, 47.80693], + [115.94296, 47.67741], + [115.57128, 47.91988], + [115.52082, 48.15367], + [115.811, 48.25699], + [115.78876, 48.51781], + [116.06565, 48.81716], + [116.03781, 48.87014], + [116.71193, 49.83813], + [117.07142, 49.68482], + [117.27597, 49.62544], + [117.48208, 49.62324], + [117.82343, 49.52696], + [118.61623, 49.93809], + [119.11003, 50.00276], + [119.27996, 50.13348], + [119.38598, 50.35162], + [119.13553, 50.37412], + [120.10963, 51.671], + [120.65907, 51.93544], + [120.77337, 52.20805], + [120.61346, 52.32447], + [120.71673, 52.54099], + [120.46454, 52.63811], + [120.04049, 52.58773], + [120.0451, 52.7359], + [120.85633, 53.28499], + [121.39213, 53.31888], + [122.35063, 53.49565], + [122.85966, 53.47395], + [123.26989, 53.54843], + [123.86158, 53.49391], + [124.46078, 53.21881], + [125.17522, 53.20225], + [125.6131, 53.07229] + ], + [ + [113.56865, 22.20973], + [113.57123, 22.20416], + [113.60504, 22.20464], + [113.63011, 22.10782], + [113.57191, 22.07696], + [113.54839, 22.10909], + [113.54942, 22.14519], + [113.54093, 22.15497], + [113.52659, 22.18271], + [113.53552, 22.20607], + [113.53301, 22.21235], + [113.53591, 22.21369], + [113.54093, 22.21314], + [113.54333, 22.21688], + [113.5508, 22.21672], + [113.56865, 22.20973] + ], + [ + [114.50148, 22.15017], + [113.92195, 22.13873], + [113.83338, 22.1826], + [113.81621, 22.2163], + [113.86771, 22.42972], + [114.03113, 22.5065], + [114.05438, 22.5026], + [114.05729, 22.51104], + [114.06272, 22.51617], + [114.07267, 22.51855], + [114.07817, 22.52997], + [114.08606, 22.53276], + [114.09048, 22.53716], + [114.09692, 22.53435], + [114.1034, 22.5352], + [114.11181, 22.52878], + [114.11656, 22.53415], + [114.12665, 22.54003], + [114.13823, 22.54319], + [114.1482, 22.54091], + [114.15123, 22.55163], + [114.1597, 22.56041], + [114.17247, 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Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/OsmCol/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Fredy Rivera", "email": "fredyrivera@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "OSM-CO-mailinglist": { + "id": "OSM-CO-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["co"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Talk-co Mailing List", + "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Colombia", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-co/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Fredy Rivera", "email": "fredyrivera@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -3 + }, + "OSM-CO-telegram": { + "id": "OSM-CO-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["co"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OSM Colombia on Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Colombia Telegram chat", + "url": "https://telegram.me/osmco", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Fredy Rivera", "email": "fredyrivera@gmail.com"} + ] + }, + "OSM-CO-twitter": { + "id": "OSM-CO-twitter", + 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It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more. We meet all the time to talk maps, make maps and have fun!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Central-Salish-Sea/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Clifford Snow", "email": "clifford@snowandsnow.us"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [[-123.3, 49], [-122, 49], [-122, 48], [-123.2, 48.4], [-123.3, 49]] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "chattanooga.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "chattanooga.geojson", + "area": 3834.83, + "resources": { + "OSM-Chattanooga": { + "id": "OSM-Chattanooga", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["chattanooga.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OSM Chattanooga", + "description": "The OpenStreetMap user group for Chattanooga", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/123483951073256", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jenny Park", "email": "tennessee@tpl.org"}, + { + "name": "Randal Hale", + "email": "rjhale@northrivergeographic.com" + } + ], + "order": 3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-85.634, 34.743], + [-85.634, 35.282], + [-84.933, 35.282], + [-84.933, 34.743], + [-85.634, 34.743] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "colorado.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "colorado.geojson", + "area": 269596.87, + "resources": { + "OSM-Colorado": { + "id": "OSM-Colorado", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["colorado.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Colorado", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Colorado, USA", + "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Colorado/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Russell Deffner", "email": "russdeffner@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-109.05, 37], + [-109.05, 41], + [-102.05, 41], + [-102.05, 37], + [-109.05, 37] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "m49": "001", + "wikidata": "Q2", + "nameEn": "World", + "aliases": ["Earth", "Planet"], + "level": "world", + "id": "001", + "groups": [], + "members": [ + "017", + "039", + "680", + "005", + "143", + "009", + "150", + "061", + "154", + "014", + "202", + "053", + "830", + "011", + "029", + "013", + "002", + "021", + "142", + "035", + "151", + "018", + "419", + "034", + "057", + "054", + "015", + "030", + "003", + "019", + "155", + "145", + "IO", + "KW", + "ZW", + "KY", + "AD", + "KZ", + "AF", + "LA", + "AI", + "LB", + "AM", + "LC", + "AQ", + "LI", + "AS", + "LK", + "AU", + "LR", + "AX", + "LS", + "BA", + "LT", + "BD", + "LU", + "BF", + "LV", + "BH", + "LY", + "BJ", + "MA", + "BM", + "MC", + "BO", + "MD", + "BR", + "ME", + "BT", + "MF", + "BW", + "MG", + "BZ", + "MH", + "CC", + "MK", + "CF", + "ML", + "CH", + "MM", + "CK", + "MN", + "CM", + "MO", + "CO", + "MP", + "CR", + "MQ", + "CV", + "MR", + "CX", + "MS", + "CZ", + "MT", + "DG", + "MU", + "DK", + "MV", + "DO", + "MW", + "EA", + "MX", + "EE", + "MY", + "EH", + "MZ", + "ES", + "NA", + "EU", + "NC", + "FJ", + "NE", + "FM", + "NF", + "FR", + "NG", + "GA", + "NI", + "GD", + "NL", + "GF", + "NO", + "GH", + "NP", + "GL", + "NR", + "GN", + "NU", + "GQ", + "NZ", + "GS", + "OM", + "GU", + "PA", + "GY", + "PE", + "HM", + "PF", + "HR", + "PG", + "HU", + "PH", + "ID", + "PK", + "IL", + "PL", + "IN", + "PM", + "IQ", + "PN", + "IS", + "PR", + "JE", + "PS", + "JO", + "PT", + "KE", + "PW", + "KH", + "PY", + "KM", + "QA", + "KP", + "RE", + "AE", + "RO", + "AL", + "RS", + "AR", + "RU", + "AW", + "RW", + "BB", + "SA", + "BG", + "SB", + "BL", + "SC", + "BQ", + "SD", + "BV", + "SE", + "CA", + "SG", + "CG", + "SH", + "CL", + "SI", + "CP", + "SJ", + "CW", + "SK", + "DE", + "SL", + "DM", + "SM", + "EC", + "SN", + "ER", + "SO", + "FI", + "SR", + "FO", + "SS", + "GB", + "ST", + "GG", + "SV", + "GM", + "SX", + "GR", + "SY", + "GW", + "SZ", + "HN", + "TA", + "IC", + "TC", + "IM", + "TD", + "IR", + "TF", + "JM", + "TG", + "KG", + "TH", + "KN", + "TJ", + "AG", + "TK", + "AT", + "TL", + "BE", + "TM", + "BN", + "TN", + "BY", + "TO", + "CI", + "TR", + "CU", + "TT", + "DJ", + "TV", + "EG", + "TW", + "FK", + "TZ", + "GE", + "UA", + "GP", + "UG", + "HK", + "UM", + "IE", + "US", + "IT", + "UY", + "KI", + "UZ", + "AO", + "VA", + "BI", + "VC", + "CD", + "VE", + "CY", + "VG", + "ET", + "VI", + "GI", + "VN", + "HT", + "VU", + "JP", + "WF", + "AZ", + "WS", + "CN", + "XK", + "FX", + "AC", + "ZM", + "ZA", + "YT", + "YE", + "KR", + "GT", + "DZ", + "BS" + ], + "area": 511207893.4, + "resources": { + "OSM-Discord": { + "id": "OSM-Discord", + "type": "discord", + "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Discord", + "description": "Get in touch with other mappers via Discord", + "url": "https://discord.gg/SRZUYUz", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Austin Harrison", "email": "jaustinharrison@gmail.com"} + ] + }, + "OSM-Facebook": { + "id": "OSM-Facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap on Facebook", + "description": "Like us on Facebook for news and updates about OpenStreetMap.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Harry Wood", "email": "mail@harrywood.co.uk"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "OSM-IRC": { + "id": "OSM-IRC", + "type": "irc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap IRC", + "description": "Join #osm on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", + "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Harry Wood", "email": "mail@harrywood.co.uk"} + ], + "order": -4 + }, + "OSM-Reddit": { + "id": "OSM-Reddit", + "type": "reddit", + "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap on Reddit", + "description": "/r/openstreetmap/ is a great place to learn more about OpenStreetMap. 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Whether you are a beginner mapper or have a technical question, we're here to help!", + "url": "https://help.openstreetmap.org/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "OSMF Operations", + "email": "operations@osmfoundation.org" + } + ], + "order": -2 + }, + "OSMF": { + "id": "OSMF", + "type": "osm", + "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "fr", "it", "ja", "nl", "ru"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Foundation", + "description": "OSMF is a UK-based not-for-profit that supports the OpenStreetMap Project", + "extendedDescription": "OSMF supports the OpenStreetMap by fundraising, maintaining the servers which power OSM, organizing the annual State of the Map conference, and coordinating the volunteers who keep OSM running. 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osm.id/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Yantisa Akhadi", "email": "yantisa.akhadi@hotosm.org"} + ], + "order": 3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [141.02352, 0.08993], + [140.99813, -6.3233], + [140.85295, -6.72996], + [141.01763, -6.90181], + [141.00782, -9.1242], + [140.88922, -9.34945], + [127.55165, -9.05052], + [127.42116, -8.22471], + [125.87691, -8.31789], + [125.65946, -8.06136], + [125.31127, -8.22976], + [124.92337, -8.75859], + [124.33472, -9.11416], + [124.04628, -9.22671], + [124.04286, -9.34243], + [124.10539, -9.41206], + [124.14517, -9.42324], + [124.21247, -9.36904], + [124.28115, -9.42189], + [124.28115, -9.50453], + [124.3535, -9.48493], + [124.35258, -9.43002], + [124.38554, -9.3582], + [124.45971, -9.30263], + [124.46701, -9.13002], + [124.94011, -8.85617], + [124.97742, -9.08128], + [125.11764, -8.96359], + [125.18632, -9.03142], + [125.18907, -9.16434], + [125.09434, -9.19669], + [125.04044, -9.17093], + [124.97892, -9.19281], + [125.09025, -9.46406], + [125.68138, -9.85176], + [122.14954, -11.52517], + [74.28481, -3.17525], + [96.11174, 6.69841], + [103.03657, 1.30383], + [103.56591, 1.19719], + [103.66049, 1.18825], + [103.74084, 1.12902], + [104.03085, 1.26954], + [104.12282, 1.27714], + [104.34728, 1.33529], + [104.56723, 1.44271], + [105.01437, 3.24936], + [108.10426, 5.42408], + [109.71058, 2.32059], + [109.64506, 2.08014], + [109.62558, 1.99182], + [109.53794, 1.91771], + [109.57923, 1.80624], + [109.66397, 1.79972], + [109.66397, 1.60425], + [110.35354, 0.98869], + [110.49182, 0.88088], + [110.62374, 0.873], + [111.22979, 1.08326], + [111.55434, 0.97864], + [111.82846, 0.99349], + [111.94553, 1.12016], + [112.15679, 1.17004], + [112.2127, 1.44135], + [112.48648, 1.56516], + [113.021, 1.57819], + [113.01448, 1.42832], + [113.64677, 1.23933], + [114.03788, 1.44787], + [114.57892, 1.5], + [114.80706, 1.92351], + [114.80706, 2.21665], + [115.1721, 2.49671], + [115.11343, 2.82879], + [115.53713, 3.14776], + [115.58276, 3.93499], + [115.90217, 4.37708], + [117.25801, 4.35108], + [117.47313, 4.18857], + [117.67641, 4.16535], + [117.89538, 4.16637], + [118.07935, 4.15511], + [118.41402, 3.99509], + [124.97752, 4.82064], + [126.69413, 6.02692], + [128.97621, 3.08804], + [141.02352, 0.08993] + ] + ] + ] + }, + "id": "ID" + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:79.7324,11.9142", + "properties": { + "id": "point:79.7324,11.9142", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook": { + "id": "OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": [[79.7324, 11.9142]]}, + "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook", + "description": "FSHM Facebook page to know about community events, activities", + "extendedDescription": "FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap. Its FB page is the best way to keep in contact with its events.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/FSHMP", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Kamalavelan", + "email": "sskamalavelan@gmail.com", + "osm": "demonshreder" + }, + { + "name": "Prasanna", + "email": "prasmailme@gmail.com", + "osm": "Prashere" + } + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix": { + "id": "OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix", + "type": "matrix", + "locationSet": {"include": [[79.7324, 11.9142]]}, + "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix", + "description": "FSHM Riot group to discuss, share and update mapping activities, events in and around Puducherry", + "extendedDescription": "FSHM community members share their OSM mapping updates / experiences through the Riot.im group, this group is also used to discuss things related to free software / hardware, technology and activism.", + "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/#fshm:matrix.org", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Kamalavelan", + "email": "sskamalavelan@gmail.com", + "osm": "demonshreder" + }, + { + "name": "Prasanna", + "email": "prasmailme@gmail.com", + "osm": "Prashere" + } + ] + }, + "OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List": { + "id": "OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": [[79.7324, 11.9142]]}, + "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Mailing List", + "description": "FSHM Puducherry mailing list to discuss mapping in Puducherry and other things.", + "extendedDescription": "FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap.", + "url": "https://www.freelists.org/archive/puduvailug/", + "signupUrl": "https://www.freelists.org/list/puduvailug", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Kamalavelan", + "email": "sskamalavelan@gmail.com", + "osm": "demonshreder" + }, + { + "name": "Prasanna", + "email": "prasmailme@gmail.com", + "osm": "Prashere" + } + ], + "order": -3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [79.732, 12.139], + [79.597, 12.096], + [79.514, 11.984], + [79.514, 11.845], + [79.598, 11.732], + [79.732, 11.69], + [79.867, 11.732], + [79.951, 11.845], + [79.951, 11.984], + [79.867, 12.096], + [79.732, 12.139] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "IN", + "iso1A3": "IND", + "iso1N3": "356", + "wikidata": "Q668", + "nameEn": "India", + "groups": ["034", "142", "001"], + "driveSide": "left", + "callingCodes": ["91"], + "id": "IN", + "m49": "356", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "emojiFlag": "🇮🇳", + "area": 5581510.97, + "resources": { + "OSM-India-facebook": { + "id": "OSM-India-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in India", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/mappingindia/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jinal Foflia", "email": "fofliajinal@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Arun Ganesh", "email": "arun.planemad@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "OSM-india-mailinglist": { + "id": "OSM-india-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap India Mailinglist", + "description": "Talk-in is the official Mailinglist for Indian Community", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-in", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Arun Ganesh", "email": "arun.planemad@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -3 + }, + "OSM-india-twitter": { + "id": "OSM-india-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap India Twitter", + "description": "We are just a tweet away: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osm_in", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jinal Foflia", "email": "fofliajinal@gmail.com"} + ] + }, + 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"naveenpf@gmail.com"} + ] + }, + "osm-india-website": { + "id": "osm-india-website", + "type": "osm", + "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap India", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in India", + "url": "https://openstreetmap.in/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": " OpenStreetMap India", + "email": "openstreetmapindia@gmail.com" + } + ] + }, + "osm-india-wiki": { + "id": "osm-india-wiki", + "type": "wiki", + "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Wikiproject India", + "description": "Everything you need to know about mapping in India: {url}", + "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_India", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Naveen Francis", "email": "naveenpf@gmail.com"} + ] + }, + "osm-india-youtube": { + "id": "osm-india-youtube", + "type": "youtube", + "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap India Youtube", + "description": "Subscribe to our channel: {url}", + "url": 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26.40592], + [87.26568, 26.37294], + [87.34568, 26.34787], + [87.37314, 26.40815], + [87.46566, 26.44058], + [87.51571, 26.43106], + [87.55274, 26.40596], + [87.59175, 26.38342], + [87.66803, 26.40294], + [87.67893, 26.43501], + [87.76004, 26.40711], + [87.7918, 26.46737], + [87.84193, 26.43663], + [87.89085, 26.48565], + [87.90115, 26.44923], + [88.00895, 26.36029], + [88.09414, 26.43732], + [88.09963, 26.54195], + [88.16452, 26.64111], + [88.1659, 26.68177], + [88.19107, 26.75516], + [88.12302, 26.95324], + [88.13422, 26.98705], + [88.11719, 26.98758], + [87.9887, 27.11045], + [88.01587, 27.21388], + [88.01646, 27.21612], + [88.07277, 27.43007], + [88.04008, 27.49223], + [88.19107, 27.79285], + [88.1973, 27.85067], + [88.13378, 27.88015], + [88.1278, 27.95417], + [88.25332, 27.9478], + [88.54858, 28.06057], + [88.63235, 28.12356], + [88.83559, 28.01936], + [88.88091, 27.85192], + [88.77517, 27.45415], + [88.82981, 27.38814], + [88.91901, 27.32483], + [88.74219, 27.144], + [88.86984, 27.10937], + [88.8714, 26.97488], + [88.92301, 26.99286], + [88.95807, 26.92668], + [89.09554, 26.89089], + [89.12825, 26.81661], + [89.1926, 26.81329], + [89.37913, 26.86224], + [89.38319, 26.85963], + [89.3901, 26.84225], + [89.42349, 26.83727], + [89.63369, 26.74402], + [89.86124, 26.73307], + [90.04535, 26.72422], + [90.30402, 26.85098], + [90.39271, 26.90704], + [90.48504, 26.8594], + [90.67715, 26.77215], + [91.50067, 26.79223], + [91.83181, 26.87318], + [92.05523, 26.8692], + [92.11863, 26.893], + [92.03457, 27.07334], + [92.04702, 27.26861], + [92.12019, 27.27829], + [92.01132, 27.47352], + [91.65007, 27.48287], + [91.55819, 27.6144], + [91.6469, 27.76358], + [91.84722, 27.76325], + [91.87057, 27.7195], + [92.27432, 27.89077], + [92.32101, 27.79363], + [92.42538, 27.80092], + [92.7275, 27.98662], + [92.73025, 28.05814], + [92.65472, 28.07632], + [92.67486, 28.15018], + [92.93075, 28.25671], + [93.14635, 28.37035], + [93.18069, 28.50319], + [93.44621, 28.67189], + [93.72797, 28.68821], + [94.35897, 29.01965], + [94.2752, 29.11687], + [94.69318, 29.31739], + [94.81353, 29.17804], + [95.0978, 29.14446], + [95.11291, 29.09527], + [95.2214, 29.10727], + [95.26122, 29.07727], + [95.3038, 29.13847], + [95.41091, 29.13007], + [95.50842, 29.13487], + [95.72086, 29.20797], + [95.75149, 29.32063], + [95.84899, 29.31464], + [96.05361, 29.38167], + [96.31316, 29.18643], + [96.18682, 29.11087], + [96.20467, 29.02325], + [96.3626, 29.10607], + [96.61391, 28.72742], + [96.40929, 28.51526], + [96.48895, 28.42955], + [96.6455, 28.61657], + [96.85561, 28.4875], + [96.88445, 28.39452], + [96.98882, 28.32564], + [97.1289, 28.3619], + [97.34547, 28.21385], + [97.31292, 28.06784], + [97.35412, 28.06663], + [97.38845, 28.01329], + [97.35824, 27.87256], + [97.29919, 27.92233], + [96.90112, 27.62149], + [96.91431, 27.45752], + [97.17422, 27.14052], + [97.14675, 27.09041], + [96.89132, 27.17474], + [96.85287, 27.2065], + [96.88445, 27.25046], + [96.73888, 27.36638], + [96.55761, 27.29928], + [96.40779, 27.29818], + [96.15591, 27.24572], + [96.04949, 27.19428], + [95.93002, 27.04149], + [95.81603, 27.01335], + [95.437, 26.7083], + [95.30339, 26.65372], + [95.23513, 26.68499], + [95.05798, 26.45408], + [95.12801, 26.38397], + [95.11428, 26.1019], + [95.18556, 26.07338], + [94.80117, 25.49359], + [94.68032, 25.47003], + [94.57458, 25.20318], + [94.74212, 25.13606], + [94.73937, 25.00545], + [94.60204, 24.70889], + [94.5526, 24.70764], + [94.50729, 24.59281], + [94.45279, 24.56656], + [94.32362, 24.27692], + [94.30215, 24.23752], + [94.14081, 23.83333], + [93.92089, 23.95812], + [93.80279, 23.92549], + [93.75952, 24.0003], + [93.62871, 24.00922], + [93.50616, 23.94432], + [93.46633, 23.97067], + [93.41415, 24.07854], + [93.34735, 24.10151], + [93.32351, 24.04468], + [93.36059, 23.93176], + [93.3908, 23.92925], + [93.3908, 23.7622], + [93.43475, 23.68299], + [93.38805, 23.4728], + [93.39981, 23.38828], + [93.38781, 23.36139], + [93.36862, 23.35426], + [93.38478, 23.13698], + [93.2878, 23.00464], + [93.12988, 23.05772], + [93.134, 22.92498], + [93.09417, 22.69459], + [93.134, 22.59573], + [93.11477, 22.54374], + [93.13537, 22.45873], + [93.18206, 22.43716], + [93.19991, 22.25425], + [93.14224, 22.24535], + [93.15734, 22.18687], + [93.04885, 22.20595], + [92.99255, 22.05965], + [92.99804, 21.98964], + [92.93899, 22.02656], + [92.89504, 21.95143], + [92.86208, 22.05456], + [92.70416, 22.16017], + [92.67532, 22.03547], + [92.60949, 21.97638], + [92.56616, 22.13554], + [92.60029, 22.1522], + [92.5181, 22.71441], + [92.37665, 22.9435], + [92.38214, 23.28705], + [92.26541, 23.70392], + [92.15417, 23.73409], + [92.04706, 23.64229], + [91.95093, 23.73284], + [91.95642, 23.47361], + [91.84789, 23.42235], + [91.76417, 23.26619], + [91.81634, 23.08001], + [91.7324, 23.00043], + [91.61571, 22.93929], + [91.54993, 23.01051], + [91.46615, 23.2328], + [91.4035, 23.27522], + [91.40848, 23.07117], + [91.36453, 23.06612], + [91.28293, 23.37538], + [91.15579, 23.6599], + [91.25192, 23.83463], + [91.22308, 23.89616], + [91.29587, 24.0041], + [91.35741, 23.99072], + [91.37414, 24.10693], + [91.55542, 24.08687], + [91.63782, 24.1132], + [91.65292, 24.22095], + [91.73257, 24.14703], + [91.76004, 24.23848], + [91.82596, 24.22345], + [91.89258, 24.14674], + [91.96603, 24.3799], + [92.11662, 24.38997], + [92.15796, 24.54435], + [92.25854, 24.9191], + [92.38626, 24.86055], + [92.49887, 24.88796], + [92.39147, 25.01471], + [92.33957, 25.07593], + [92.0316, 25.1834], + [91.63648, 25.12846], + [91.25517, 25.20677], + [90.87427, 25.15799], + [90.65042, 25.17788], + [90.40034, 25.1534], + [90.1155, 25.22686], + [89.90478, 25.31038], + [89.87629, 25.28337], + [89.83371, 25.29548], + [89.84086, 25.31854], + [89.81208, 25.37244], + [89.86129, 25.61714], + [89.84388, 25.70042], + [89.80585, 25.82489], + [89.86592, 25.93115], + [89.77728, 26.04254], + [89.77865, 26.08387], + [89.73581, 26.15818], + [89.70201, 26.15138], + [89.63968, 26.22595], + [89.57101, 25.9682], + [89.53515, 26.00382], + [89.35953, 26.0077], + [89.15869, 26.13708], + [89.08899, 26.38845], + [88.95612, 26.4564], + [88.92357, 26.40711], + [88.91321, 26.37984], + [89.05328, 26.2469], + [88.85004, 26.23211], + [88.78961, 26.31093], + [88.67837, 26.26291], + [88.69485, 26.38353], + [88.62144, 26.46783], + [88.4298, 26.54489], + [88.41196, 26.63837], + [88.33093, 26.48929], + [88.35153, 26.45241], + [88.36938, 26.48683], + [88.48749, 26.45855], + [88.51649, 26.35923], + [88.35153, 26.29123], + [88.34757, 26.22216], + [88.1844, 26.14417], + [88.16581, 26.0238], + [88.08804, 25.91334], + [88.13138, 25.78773], + [88.242, 25.80811], + [88.45103, 25.66245], + [88.4559, 25.59227], + [88.677, 25.46959], + [88.81296, 25.51546], + [88.85278, 25.34679], + [89.01105, 25.30303], + [89.00463, 25.26583], + [88.94067, 25.18534], + [88.44766, 25.20149], + [88.46277, 25.07468], + [88.33917, 24.86803], + [88.27325, 24.88796], + [88.21832, 24.96642], + [88.14004, 24.93529], + [88.15515, 24.85806], + [88.00683, 24.66477], + [88.08786, 24.63232], + [88.12296, 24.51301], + [88.50934, 24.32474], + [88.68801, 24.31464], + [88.74841, 24.1959], + [88.6976, 24.14703], + [88.73743, 23.91751], + [88.66189, 23.87607], + [88.58087, 23.87105], + [88.56507, 23.64044], + [88.74841, 23.47361], + [88.79351, 23.50535], + [88.79254, 23.46028], + [88.71133, 23.2492], + [88.99148, 23.21134], + [88.86377, 23.08759], + [88.88327, 23.03885], + [88.87063, 22.95235], + [88.96713, 22.83346], + [88.9151, 22.75228], + [88.94614, 22.66941], + [88.9367, 22.58527], + [89.07114, 22.15335], + [89.03553, 21.77397], + [89.13927, 21.60785], + [89.13606, 21.42955], + [92.61042, 13.76986], + [94.6371, 13.81803], + [94.53911, 5.99016], + [80.48418, 10.20786], + [79.42124, 9.80115], + [79.50447, 8.91876], + [78.52781, 7.63099], + [72.15131, 7.6285], + [68.11329, 23.53945], + [68.20763, 23.85849], + [68.39339, 23.96838], + [68.74643, 23.97027], + [68.7416, 24.31904], + [68.90914, 24.33156], + [68.97781, 24.26021], + [69.07806, 24.29777], + [69.19341, 24.25646], + [69.29778, 24.28712], + [69.59579, 24.29777], + [69.73335, 24.17007], + [70.03428, 24.172], + [70.11712, 24.30915], + [70.5667, 24.43787], + [70.57906, 24.27774], + [70.71502, 24.23517], + [70.88393, 24.27398], + [70.85784, 24.30903], + [70.94985, 24.3791], + [71.04461, 24.34657], + [71.12838, 24.42662], + [71.00341, 24.46038], + [70.97594, 24.60904], + [71.09405, 24.69017], + [70.94002, 24.92843], + [70.89148, 25.15064], + [70.66695, 25.39314], + [70.67382, 25.68186], + [70.60378, 25.71898], + [70.53649, 25.68928], + [70.37444, 25.67443], + [70.2687, 25.71156], + [70.0985, 25.93238], + [70.08193, 26.08094], + [70.17532, 26.24118], + [70.17532, 26.55362], + [70.05584, 26.60398], + [69.88555, 26.56836], + [69.50904, 26.74892], + [69.58519, 27.18109], + [70.03136, 27.56627], + [70.12502, 27.8057], + [70.37307, 28.01208], + [70.60927, 28.02178], + [70.79054, 27.68423], + [71.89921, 27.96035], + [71.9244, 28.11555], + [72.20329, 28.3869], + [72.29495, 28.66367], + [72.40402, 28.78283], + [72.94272, 29.02487], + [73.01337, 29.16422], + [73.05886, 29.1878], + [73.28094, 29.56646], + [73.3962, 29.94707], + [73.58665, 30.01848], + [73.80299, 30.06969], + [73.97225, 30.19829], + [73.95736, 30.28466], + [73.88993, 30.36305], + [74.5616, 31.04153], + [74.67971, 31.05479], + [74.6852, 31.12771], + [74.60006, 31.13711], + [74.60281, 31.10419], + [74.56023, 31.08303], + [74.51629, 31.13829], + [74.53223, 31.30321], + [74.59773, 31.4136], + [74.64713, 31.45605], + [74.59319, 31.50197], + [74.61517, 31.55698], + [74.57498, 31.60382], + [74.47771, 31.72227], + [74.58907, 31.87824], + [74.79919, 31.95983], + [74.86236, 32.04485], + [74.9269, 32.0658], + [75.00793, 32.03786], + [75.25649, 32.10187], + [75.38046, 32.26836], + [75.28259, 32.36556], + [75.03265, 32.49538], + [74.97634, 32.45367], + [74.84725, 32.49075], + [74.68362, 32.49298], + [74.67431, 32.56676], + [74.65251, 32.56416], + [74.64424, 32.60985], + [74.69542, 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://facebook.com/osmkerala/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Manoj Karingamadathil", + "email": "dartermanoj@gmail.com" + }, + {"name": "Jaisen Nedumpala", "email": "jaisuvyas@gmail.com"} + ] + }, + "osm-kerala-telegram": { + "id": "osm-kerala-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["india_kerala.geojson"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Kerala Telegram", + "description": "We map Kerala together. 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmmm/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Yan Naung Oak", "email": "yan@phandeeyar.org"}, + { + "name": "Patrick Oswald", + "email": "patrickoswald.omm@gmail.com" + }, + {"name": "Set Khaing Oo", "email": "setkhaing@phandeeyar.org"} + ], + "order": 3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [92.62187, 21.87037], + [92.60949, 21.97638], + [92.67532, 22.03547], + [92.70416, 22.16017], + [92.86208, 22.05456], + [92.89504, 21.95143], + [92.93899, 22.02656], + [92.99804, 21.98964], + [92.99255, 22.05965], + [93.04885, 22.20595], + [93.15734, 22.18687], + [93.14224, 22.24535], + [93.19991, 22.25425], + [93.18206, 22.43716], + [93.13537, 22.45873], + [93.11477, 22.54374], + [93.134, 22.59573], + [93.09417, 22.69459], + [93.134, 22.92498], + [93.12988, 23.05772], + [93.2878, 23.00464], + [93.38478, 23.13698], + [93.36862, 23.35426], + [93.38781, 23.36139], + [93.39981, 23.38828], + [93.38805, 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25.41547], + [97.92541, 25.20815], + [97.83614, 25.2715], + [97.77023, 25.11492], + [97.72216, 25.08508], + [97.72903, 24.91332], + [97.79949, 24.85655], + [97.76481, 24.8289], + [97.73127, 24.83015], + [97.70181, 24.84557], + [97.64354, 24.79171], + [97.56648, 24.76475], + [97.56383, 24.75535], + [97.5542, 24.74943], + [97.54675, 24.74202], + [97.56525, 24.72838], + [97.56286, 24.54535], + [97.52757, 24.43748], + [97.60029, 24.4401], + [97.66998, 24.45288], + [97.7098, 24.35658], + [97.65624, 24.33781], + [97.66723, 24.30027], + [97.71941, 24.29652], + [97.76799, 24.26365], + [97.72998, 24.2302], + [97.72799, 24.18883], + [97.75305, 24.16902], + [97.72903, 24.12606], + [97.62363, 24.00506], + [97.5247, 23.94032], + [97.64667, 23.84574], + [97.72302, 23.89288], + [97.79456, 23.94836], + [97.79416, 23.95663], + [97.84328, 23.97603], + [97.86545, 23.97723], + [97.88811, 23.97446], + [97.8955, 23.97758], + [97.89676, 23.97931], + [97.89683, 23.98389], + [97.88814, 23.98605], + [97.88414, 23.99405], + [97.88616, 24.00463], + [97.90998, 24.02094], + [97.93951, 24.01953], + [97.98691, 24.03897], + [97.99583, 24.04932], + [98.04709, 24.07616], + [98.05302, 24.07408], + [98.05671, 24.07961], + [98.0607, 24.07812], + [98.06703, 24.08028], + [98.07806, 24.07988], + [98.20666, 24.11406], + [98.54476, 24.13119], + [98.59256, 24.08371], + [98.85319, 24.13042], + [98.87998, 24.15624], + [98.89632, 24.10612], + [98.67797, 23.9644], + [98.68209, 23.80492], + [98.79607, 23.77947], + [98.82933, 23.72921], + [98.81775, 23.694], + [98.88396, 23.59555], + [98.80294, 23.5345], + [98.82877, 23.47908], + [98.87683, 23.48995], + [98.92104, 23.36946], + [98.87573, 23.33038], + [98.93958, 23.31414], + [98.92515, 23.29535], + [98.88597, 23.18656], + [99.05975, 23.16382], + [99.04601, 23.12215], + [99.25741, 23.09025], + [99.34127, 23.13099], + [99.52214, 23.08218], + [99.54218, 22.90014], + [99.43537, 22.94086], + [99.45654, 22.85726], + [99.31243, 22.73893], + [99.38247, 22.57544], + 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20.36626], + [99.95721, 20.46301], + [99.91616, 20.44986], + [99.90499, 20.4487], + [99.89692, 20.44789], + [99.89301, 20.44311], + [99.89168, 20.44548], + [99.88451, 20.44596], + [99.88211, 20.44488], + [99.86383, 20.44371], + [99.81096, 20.33687], + [99.68255, 20.32077], + [99.46008, 20.39673], + [99.46077, 20.36198], + [99.5569, 20.20676], + [99.52943, 20.14811], + [99.416, 20.08614], + [99.20328, 20.12877], + [99.0735, 20.10298], + [98.98679, 19.7419], + [98.83661, 19.80931], + [98.56065, 19.67807], + [98.51182, 19.71303], + [98.24884, 19.67876], + [98.13829, 19.78541], + [98.03314, 19.80941], + [98.04364, 19.65755], + [97.84715, 19.55782], + [97.88423, 19.5041], + [97.78769, 19.39429], + [97.84186, 19.29526], + [97.78606, 19.26769], + [97.84024, 19.22217], + [97.83479, 19.09972], + [97.73797, 19.04261], + [97.73654, 18.9812], + [97.66487, 18.9371], + [97.73836, 18.88478], + [97.76752, 18.58097], + [97.5258, 18.4939], + [97.36444, 18.57138], + [97.34522, 18.54596], + [97.50383, 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15.13125], + [98.24874, 14.83013], + [98.56762, 14.37701], + [98.97356, 14.04868], + [99.16695, 13.72621], + [99.20617, 13.20575], + [99.12225, 13.19847], + [99.10646, 13.05804], + [99.18748, 12.9898], + [99.18905, 12.84799], + [99.29254, 12.68921], + [99.409, 12.60603], + [99.47519, 12.1353], + [99.56445, 12.14805], + [99.53424, 12.02317], + [99.64891, 11.82699], + [99.64108, 11.78948], + [99.5672, 11.62732], + [99.47598, 11.62434], + [99.39485, 11.3925], + [99.31573, 11.32081], + [99.32756, 11.28545], + [99.06938, 10.94857], + [99.02337, 10.97217], + [98.99701, 10.92962], + [99.0069, 10.85485], + [98.86819, 10.78336], + [98.78511, 10.68351], + [98.77275, 10.62548], + [98.81944, 10.52761], + [98.7391, 10.31488], + [98.55174, 9.92804], + [98.52291, 9.92389], + [98.47298, 9.95782], + [98.33094, 9.91973], + [98.12555, 9.44056], + [97.63455, 9.60854], + [94.6371, 13.81803], + [92.61042, 13.76986], + [92.39837, 20.38919], + [92.4302, 20.5688], + [92.31348, 20.57137], + [92.28464, 20.63179], + [92.37665, 20.72172], + [92.26071, 21.05697], + [92.17752, 21.17445], + [92.20087, 21.337], + [92.37939, 21.47764], + [92.43158, 21.37025], + [92.55105, 21.3856], + [92.60187, 21.24615], + [92.68152, 21.28454], + [92.59775, 21.6092], + [92.62187, 21.87037] + ] + ] + ] + }, + "id": "MM" + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "MN", + "iso1A3": "MNG", + "iso1N3": "496", + "wikidata": "Q711", + "nameEn": "Mongolia", + "groups": ["030", "142", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["976"], + "id": "MN", + "m49": "496", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇲🇳", + "area": 1565783.78, + "resources": { + "OSM-MNG-facebook": { + "id": "OSM-MNG-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["mn"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Mongolia", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Mongolia", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Mongolia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/OSM.Mongolia/", + "contacts": [{"name": " ", "email": "talk-mn@openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": 3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [102.14032, 51.35566], + [102.32194, 50.67982], + [102.71178, 50.38873], + [103.70343, 50.13952], + [105.32528, 50.4648], + [106.05562, 50.40582], + [106.07865, 50.33474], + [106.47156, 50.31909], + [106.49628, 50.32436], + [106.51122, 50.34408], + [106.58373, 50.34044], + [106.80326, 50.30177], + [107.00007, 50.1977], + [107.1174, 50.04239], + [107.36407, 49.97612], + [107.96116, 49.93191], + [107.95387, 49.66659], + [108.27937, 49.53167], + [108.53969, 49.32325], + [109.18017, 49.34709], + [109.51325, 49.22859], + [110.24373, 49.16676], + [110.39891, 49.25083], + [110.64493, 49.1816], + [113.02647, 49.60772], + [113.20216, 49.83356], + [114.325, 50.28098], + [114.9703, 50.19254], + [115.26068, 49.97367], + [115.73602, 49.87688], + [116.22402, 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46.63783], + [119.37306, 46.61132], + [119.30261, 46.6083], + [119.24978, 46.64761], + [119.10448, 46.65516], + [119.00541, 46.74273], + [118.92616, 46.72765], + [118.89974, 46.77139], + [118.8337, 46.77742], + [118.78747, 46.68689], + [118.30534, 46.73519], + [117.69554, 46.50991], + [117.60748, 46.59771], + [117.41782, 46.57862], + [117.36609, 46.36335], + [117.07252, 46.35818], + [116.83166, 46.38637], + [116.75551, 46.33083], + [116.58612, 46.30211], + [116.26678, 45.96479], + [116.24012, 45.8778], + [116.27366, 45.78637], + [116.16989, 45.68603], + [115.91898, 45.6227], + [115.69688, 45.45761], + [115.35757, 45.39106], + [114.94546, 45.37377], + [114.74612, 45.43585], + [114.54801, 45.38337], + [114.5166, 45.27189], + [114.08071, 44.92847], + [113.909, 44.91444], + [113.63821, 44.74326], + [112.74662, 44.86297], + [112.4164, 45.06858], + [111.98695, 45.09074], + [111.76275, 44.98032], + [111.40498, 44.3461], + [111.96289, 43.81596], + [111.93776, 43.68709], + [111.79758, 43.6637], + [111.59087, 43.51207], + [111.0149, 43.3289], + [110.4327, 42.78293], + [110.08401, 42.6411], + [109.89402, 42.63111], + [109.452, 42.44842], + [109.00679, 42.45302], + [108.84489, 42.40246], + [108.23156, 42.45532], + [107.57258, 42.40898], + [107.49681, 42.46221], + [107.29755, 42.41395], + [107.24774, 42.36107], + [106.76517, 42.28741], + [105.24708, 41.7442], + [105.01119, 41.58382], + [104.91272, 41.64619], + [104.51667, 41.66113], + [104.52258, 41.8706], + [103.92804, 41.78246], + [103.3685, 41.89696], + [102.72403, 42.14675], + [102.42826, 42.15137], + [102.07645, 42.22519], + [101.80515, 42.50074], + [101.28833, 42.58524], + [100.84979, 42.67087], + [100.33297, 42.68231], + [99.50671, 42.56535], + [97.1777, 42.7964], + [96.37926, 42.72055], + [96.35658, 42.90363], + [95.89543, 43.2528], + [95.52594, 43.99353], + [95.32891, 44.02407], + [95.39772, 44.2805], + [95.01191, 44.25274], + [94.71959, 44.35284], + [94.10003, 44.71016], + [93.51161, 44.95964], + [91.64048, 45.07408], + 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All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/mapkathmandu/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Kshitiz Khanal", "email": "khanal1990@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [88.13378, 27.88015], + [88.1973, 27.85067], + [88.19107, 27.79285], + [88.04008, 27.49223], + [88.07277, 27.43007], + [88.01646, 27.21612], + [88.01587, 27.21388], + [87.9887, 27.11045], + [88.11719, 26.98758], + [88.13422, 26.98705], + [88.12302, 26.95324], + [88.19107, 26.75516], + [88.1659, 26.68177], + [88.16452, 26.64111], + [88.09963, 26.54195], + [88.09414, 26.43732], + [88.00895, 26.36029], + [87.90115, 26.44923], + [87.89085, 26.48565], + [87.84193, 26.43663], + [87.7918, 26.46737], + [87.76004, 26.40711], + [87.67893, 26.43501], + [87.66803, 26.40294], + [87.59175, 26.38342], + [87.55274, 26.40596], + [87.51571, 26.43106], + [87.46566, 26.44058], + [87.37314, 26.40815], + [87.34568, 26.34787], + [87.26568, 26.37294], + 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It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more, and come join us at a meetup to talk maps, contribute to OSM, and have fun!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Portland/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Madeline Steele", "email": "madeline.steele@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + }, + "OSM-Portland-forum": { + "id": "OSM-Portland-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["portland_or.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group", + "description": "Forum and mailing list for OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area", + "extendedDescription": "This group is to facilitate improvements to OpenStreetMap in the Portland, Oregon area to support applications such as the Open Trip Planner.", + "url": "https://groups.google.com/group/osm-pdx", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Madeline Steele", "email": "madeline.steele@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -2 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-124.4, 44.8], + [-124.4, 46.3], + 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telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Russia telegram chat", + "url": "https://t.me/ruosm", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ilya Zverev", "email": "ilya@zverev.info"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [-179.99933, 64.74703], + [-179.9843, 71.90735], + [-168.25765, 71.99091], + [-168.95635, 65.98512], + [-169.03888, 65.48473], + [-172.76104, 63.77445], + [-179.99933, 64.74703] + ] + ], + [ + [ + [39.81147, 43.06294], + [33.66142, 43.9825], + [32.99857, 44.48323], + [31.62627, 45.50633], + [33.54017, 46.0123], + [33.59087, 46.06013], + [33.57318, 46.10317], + [33.61467, 46.13561], + [33.63854, 46.14147], + [33.61517, 46.22615], + [33.646, 46.23028], + [33.74047, 46.18555], + [33.79715, 46.20482], + [33.85234, 46.19863], + [33.91549, 46.15938], + [34.05272, 46.10838], + [34.07311, 46.11769], + [34.12929, 46.10494], + [34.181, 46.06804], + [34.25111, 46.0532], + [34.33912, 46.06114], + [34.41221, 46.00245], + [34.44155, 45.95995], + 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+ [38.02999, 49.94482], + [37.90776, 50.04194], + [37.79515, 50.08425], + [37.75807, 50.07896], + [37.61113, 50.21976], + [37.62879, 50.24481], + [37.62486, 50.29966], + [37.47243, 50.36277], + [37.48204, 50.46079], + [37.08468, 50.34935], + [36.91762, 50.34963], + [36.69377, 50.26982], + [36.64571, 50.218], + [36.56655, 50.2413], + [36.58371, 50.28563], + [36.47817, 50.31457], + [36.30101, 50.29088], + [36.20763, 50.3943], + [36.06893, 50.45205], + [35.8926, 50.43829], + [35.80388, 50.41356], + [35.73659, 50.35489], + [35.61711, 50.35707], + [35.58003, 50.45117], + [35.47463, 50.49247], + [35.39464, 50.64751], + [35.48116, 50.66405], + [35.47704, 50.77274], + [35.41367, 50.80227], + [35.39307, 50.92145], + [35.32598, 50.94524], + [35.40837, 51.04119], + [35.31774, 51.08434], + [35.20375, 51.04723], + [35.12685, 51.16191], + [35.14058, 51.23162], + [34.97304, 51.2342], + [34.82472, 51.17483], + [34.6874, 51.18], + [34.6613, 51.25053], + [34.38802, 51.2746], + [34.31661, 51.23936], + [34.23009, 51.26429], + [34.33446, 51.363], + [34.22048, 51.4187], + [34.30562, 51.5205], + [34.17599, 51.63253], + [34.07765, 51.67065], + [34.42922, 51.72852], + [34.41136, 51.82793], + [34.09413, 52.00835], + [34.11199, 52.14087], + [34.05239, 52.20132], + [33.78789, 52.37204], + [33.55718, 52.30324], + [33.48027, 52.31499], + [33.51323, 52.35779], + [33.18913, 52.3754], + [32.89937, 52.2461], + [32.85405, 52.27888], + [32.69475, 52.25535], + [32.54781, 52.32423], + [32.3528, 52.32842], + [32.38988, 52.24946], + [32.33083, 52.23685], + [32.34044, 52.1434], + [32.2777, 52.10266], + [32.23331, 52.08085], + [32.08813, 52.03319], + [31.92159, 52.05144], + [31.96141, 52.08015], + [31.85018, 52.11305], + [31.81722, 52.09955], + [31.7822, 52.11406], + [31.77877, 52.18636], + [31.6895, 52.1973], + [31.70735, 52.26711], + [31.57971, 52.32146], + [31.62084, 52.33849], + [31.61397, 52.48843], + [31.56316, 52.51518], + [31.63869, 52.55361], + [31.50406, 52.69707], + [31.57277, 52.71613], + [31.592, 52.79011], + [31.35667, 52.97854], + [31.24147, 53.031], + [31.32283, 53.04101], + [31.33519, 53.08805], + [31.3915, 53.09712], + [31.36403, 53.13504], + [31.40523, 53.21406], + [31.56316, 53.19432], + [31.62496, 53.22886], + [31.787, 53.18033], + [31.82373, 53.10042], + [32.15368, 53.07594], + [32.40773, 53.18856], + [32.51725, 53.28431], + [32.73257, 53.33494], + [32.74968, 53.45597], + [32.47777, 53.5548], + [32.40499, 53.6656], + [32.50112, 53.68594], + [32.45717, 53.74039], + [32.36663, 53.7166], + [32.12621, 53.81586], + [31.89137, 53.78099], + [31.77028, 53.80015], + [31.85019, 53.91801], + [31.88744, 54.03653], + [31.89599, 54.0837], + [31.57002, 54.14535], + [31.30791, 54.25315], + [31.3177, 54.34067], + [31.22945, 54.46585], + [31.08543, 54.50361], + [31.21399, 54.63113], + [31.19339, 54.66947], + [30.99187, 54.67046], + [30.98226, 54.68872], + [31.0262, 54.70698], + [30.97127, 54.71967], + [30.95479, 54.74346], + [30.75165, 54.80699], + [30.8264, 54.90062], + [30.81759, 54.94064], + [30.93144, 54.9585], + [30.95754, 54.98609], + [30.9081, 55.02232], + [30.94243, 55.03964], + [31.00972, 55.02783], + [31.02071, 55.06167], + [30.97369, 55.17134], + [30.87944, 55.28223], + [30.81946, 55.27931], + [30.8257, 55.3313], + [30.93144, 55.3914], + [30.90123, 55.46621], + [30.95204, 55.50667], + [30.93419, 55.6185], + [30.86003, 55.63169], + [30.7845, 55.58514], + [30.72957, 55.66268], + [30.67464, 55.64176], + [30.63344, 55.73079], + [30.51037, 55.76568], + [30.51346, 55.78982], + [30.48257, 55.81066], + [30.30987, 55.83592], + [30.27776, 55.86819], + [30.12136, 55.8358], + [29.97975, 55.87281], + [29.80672, 55.79569], + [29.61446, 55.77716], + [29.51283, 55.70294], + [29.3604, 55.75862], + [29.44692, 55.95978], + [29.21717, 55.98971], + [29.08299, 56.03427], + [28.73418, 55.97131], + [28.63668, 56.07262], + [28.68337, 56.10173], + [28.5529, 56.11705], + [28.43068, 56.09407], + [28.37987, 56.11399], + [28.36888, 56.05805], + [28.30571, 56.06035], + [28.15217, 56.16964], + [28.23716, 56.27588], + [28.16599, 56.37806], + [28.19057, 56.44637], + [28.10069, 56.524], + [28.13526, 56.57989], + [28.04768, 56.59004], + [27.86101, 56.88204], + [27.66511, 56.83921], + [27.86101, 57.29402], + [27.52453, 57.42826], + [27.56832, 57.53728], + [27.34698, 57.52242], + [27.31919, 57.57672], + [27.40393, 57.62125], + [27.3746, 57.66834], + [27.52615, 57.72843], + [27.50171, 57.78842], + [27.56689, 57.83356], + [27.78526, 57.83963], + [27.81841, 57.89244], + [27.67282, 57.92627], + [27.62393, 58.09462], + [27.48541, 58.22615], + [27.55489, 58.39525], + [27.36366, 58.78381], + [27.74429, 58.98351], + [27.80482, 59.1116], + [27.87978, 59.18097], + [27.90911, 59.24353], + [28.00689, 59.28351], + [28.14215, 59.28934], + [28.19284, 59.35791], + [28.20537, 59.36491], + [28.21137, 59.38058], + [28.19061, 59.39962], + [28.04187, 59.47017], + [27.85643, 59.58538], + [26.90044, 59.63819], + [26.32936, 60.00121], + [27.44953, 60.22766], + [27.71177, 60.3893], + [27.77352, 60.52722], + [28.47974, 60.93365], + [28.82816, 61.1233], + [29.01829, 61.17448], + [31.10136, 62.43042], + [31.38369, 62.66284], + [31.58535, 62.91642], + [31.29294, 63.09035], + [31.23244, 63.22239], + [30.49637, 63.46666], + [29.98213, 63.75795], + [30.25437, 63.83364], + [30.55687, 64.09036], + [30.4762, 64.25728], + [30.06279, 64.35782], + [30.01238, 64.57513], + [30.12329, 64.64862], + [30.05271, 64.79072], + [29.68972, 64.80789], + [29.61914, 65.05993], + [29.84096, 65.1109], + [29.8813, 65.22101], + [29.61914, 65.23791], + [29.68972, 65.31803], + [29.84096, 65.56945], + [29.74013, 65.64025], + [29.97205, 65.70256], + [30.16363, 65.66935], + [29.91155, 66.13863], + [28.9839, 66.94139], + [29.91155, 67.51507], + [30.02041, 67.67523], + [29.66955, 67.79872], + [29.34179, 68.06655], + [28.62982, 68.19816], + [28.43941, 68.53366], + [28.78224, 68.86696], + [28.45957, 68.91417], + [28.91738, 69.04774], + [29.0444, 69.0119], + [29.26623, 69.13794], + [29.27631, 69.2811], + [29.97205, 69.41623], + [30.16363, 69.65244], + [30.52662, 69.54699], + [30.95011, 69.54699], + [30.84095, 69.80584], + [31.59909, 70.16571], + [32.07813, 72.01005], + [36.48095, 82.16765], + [155.31937, 81.93282], + [180, 71.53642], + [180, 62.52334], + [153.94307, 38.42848], + [145.23667, 43.76813], + [145.82343, 44.571], + [140.9182, 45.92937], + [131.95041, 41.5445], + [130.65022, 42.32281], + [130.66367, 42.38024], + [130.64181, 42.41422], + [130.60805, 42.4317], + [130.56835, 42.43281], + [130.55143, 42.52158], + [130.62107, 42.58413], + [130.56576, 42.68925], + [130.40213, 42.70788], + [130.44361, 42.76205], + [130.66524, 42.84753], + [131.02438, 42.86518], + [131.02668, 42.91246], + [131.135, 42.94114], + [131.10274, 43.04734], + [131.20414, 43.13654], + [131.19031, 43.21385], + [131.30324, 43.39498], + [131.29402, 43.46695], + [131.19492, 43.53047], + [131.21105, 43.82383], + [131.26176, 43.94011], + [131.23583, 43.96085], + [131.25484, 44.03131], + [131.30365, 44.04262], + [131.1108, 44.70266], + [130.95639, 44.85154], + [131.48415, 44.99513], + [131.68466, 45.12374], + [131.66852, 45.2196], + [131.76532, 45.22609], + [131.86903, 45.33636], + [131.99417, 45.2567], + [132.83978, 45.05916], + [132.96373, 45.0212], + [133.12293, 45.1332], + [133.09279, 45.25693], + [133.19419, 45.51913], + [133.41083, 45.57723], + [133.48457, 45.86203], + [133.60442, 45.90053], + [133.67569, 45.9759], + [133.72695, 46.05576], + [133.68047, 46.14697], + [133.88097, 46.25066], + [133.91496, 46.4274], + [133.84104, 46.46681], + [134.03538, 46.75668], + [134.20016, 47.33458], + [134.50898, 47.4812], + [134.7671, 47.72051], + [134.55508, 47.98651], + [134.67098, 48.1564], + [134.75328, 48.36763], + [134.49516, 48.42884], + [132.66989, 47.96491], + [132.57309, 47.71741], + [131.90448, 47.68011], + [131.2635, 47.73325], + [131.09871, 47.6852], + [130.95985, 47.6957], + [130.90915, 47.90623], + [130.65103, 48.10052], + [130.84462, 48.30942], + [130.52147, 48.61745], + [130.66946, 48.88251], + [130.43232, 48.90844], + [130.2355, 48.86741], + [129.85416, 49.11067], + [129.67598, 49.29596], + [129.50685, 49.42398], + [129.40398, 49.44194], + [129.35317, 49.3481], + [129.23232, 49.40353], + [129.11153, 49.36813], + [128.72896, 49.58676], + [127.83476, 49.5748], + [127.53516, 49.84306], + [127.49299, 50.01251], + [127.60515, 50.23503], + [127.37384, 50.28393], + [127.36009, 50.43787], + [127.28765, 50.46585], + [127.36335, 50.58306], + [127.28165, 50.72075], + [127.14586, 50.91152], + [126.93135, 51.0841], + [126.90369, 51.3238], + [126.68349, 51.70607], + [126.44606, 51.98254], + [126.558, 52.13738], + [125.6131, 53.07229], + [125.17522, 53.20225], + [124.46078, 53.21881], + [123.86158, 53.49391], + [123.26989, 53.54843], + [122.85966, 53.47395], + [122.35063, 53.49565], + [121.39213, 53.31888], + [120.85633, 53.28499], + [120.0451, 52.7359], + [120.04049, 52.58773], + [120.46454, 52.63811], + [120.71673, 52.54099], + [120.61346, 52.32447], + [120.77337, 52.20805], + [120.65907, 51.93544], + [120.10963, 51.671], + [119.13553, 50.37412], + [119.38598, 50.35162], + [119.27996, 50.13348], + [119.11003, 50.00276], + [118.61623, 49.93809], + [117.82343, 49.52696], + [117.48208, 49.62324], + [117.27597, 49.62544], + [117.07142, 49.68482], + [116.71193, 49.83813], + [116.62502, 49.92919], + [116.22402, 50.04477], + [115.73602, 49.87688], + [115.26068, 49.97367], + [114.9703, 50.19254], + [114.325, 50.28098], + [113.20216, 49.83356], + [113.02647, 49.60772], + [110.64493, 49.1816], + [110.39891, 49.25083], + [110.24373, 49.16676], + [109.51325, 49.22859], + [109.18017, 49.34709], + [108.53969, 49.32325], + [108.27937, 49.53167], + [107.95387, 49.66659], + [107.96116, 49.93191], + [107.36407, 49.97612], + [107.1174, 50.04239], + [107.00007, 50.1977], + [106.80326, 50.30177], + [106.58373, 50.34044], + [106.51122, 50.34408], + [106.49628, 50.32436], + [106.47156, 50.31909], + [106.07865, 50.33474], + [106.05562, 50.40582], + [105.32528, 50.4648], + [103.70343, 50.13952], + [102.71178, 50.38873], + [102.32194, 50.67982], + [102.14032, 51.35566], + [101.5044, 51.50467], + [101.39085, 51.45753], + [100.61116, 51.73028], + [99.89203, 51.74903], + [99.75578, 51.90108], + [99.27888, 51.96876], + [98.87768, 52.14563], + [98.74142, 51.8637], + [98.33222, 51.71832], + [98.22053, 51.46579], + [98.05257, 51.46696], + [97.83305, 51.00248], + [98.01472, 50.86652], + [97.9693, 50.78044], + [98.06393, 50.61262], + [98.31373, 50.4996], + [98.29481, 50.33561], + [97.85197, 49.91339], + [97.76871, 49.99861], + [97.56432, 49.92801], + [97.56811, 49.84265], + [97.24639, 49.74737], + [96.97388, 49.88413], + [95.80056, 50.04239], + [95.74757, 49.97915], + [95.02465, 49.96941], + [94.97166, 50.04725], + [94.6121, 50.04239], + [94.49477, 50.17832], + [94.39258, 50.22193], + [94.30823, 50.57498], + [92.99595, 50.63183], + [93.01109, 50.79001], + [92.44714, 50.78762], + [92.07173, 50.69585], + [91.86048, 50.73734], + [89.59711, 49.90851], + [89.70687, 49.72535], + [88.82499, 49.44808], + [88.42449, 49.48821], + [88.17223, 49.46934], + [88.15543, 49.30314], + [87.98977, 49.18147], + [87.81333, 49.17354], + [87.48983, 49.13794], + [87.478, 49.07403], + [87.28386, 49.11626], + [87.31465, 49.23603], + [87.03071, 49.25142], + [86.82606, 49.51796], + [86.61307, 49.60239], + [86.79056, 49.74787], + [86.63674, 49.80136], + [86.18709, 49.50259], + [85.24047, 49.60239], + [84.99198, 50.06793], + [84.29385, 50.27257], + [83.8442, 50.87375], + [83.14607, 51.00796], + [82.55443, 50.75412], + [81.94999, 50.79307], + [81.46581, 50.77658], + [81.41248, 50.97524], + [81.06091, 50.94833], + [81.16999, 51.15662], + [80.80318, 51.28262], + [80.44819, 51.20855], + [80.4127, 50.95581], + [80.08138, 50.77658], + [79.11255, 52.01171], + [77.90383, 53.29807], + [76.54243, 53.99329], + [76.44076, 54.16017], + [76.82266, 54.1798], + [76.91052, 54.4677], + [75.3668, 54.07439], + [75.43398, 53.98652], + [75.07405, 53.80831], + [73.39218, 53.44623], + [73.25412, 53.61532], + [73.68921, 53.86522], + [73.74778, 54.07194], + [73.37963, 53.96132], + [72.71026, 54.1161], + [72.43415, 53.92685], + [72.17477, 54.36303], + [71.96141, 54.17736], + [71.10379, 54.13326], + [71.08706, 54.33376], + [71.24185, 54.64965], + [71.08288, 54.71253], + [70.96009, 55.10558], + [70.76493, 55.3027], + [70.19179, 55.1476], + [69.74917, 55.35545], + [69.34224, 55.36344], + [68.90865, 55.38148], + [68.19206, 55.18823], + [68.26661, 55.09226], + [68.21308, 54.98645], + [65.20174, 54.55216], + [65.24663, 54.35721], + [65.11033, 54.33028], + [64.97216, 54.4212], + [63.97686, 54.29763], + [64.02715, 54.22679], + [63.91224, 54.20013], + [63.80604, 54.27079], + [62.58651, 54.05871], + [62.56876, 53.94047], + [62.45931, 53.90737], + [62.38535, 54.03961], + [62.00966, 54.04134], + [62.03913, 53.94768], + [61.65318, 54.02445], + [61.56941, 53.95703], + [61.47603, 54.08048], + [61.3706, 54.08464], + [61.26863, 53.92797], + [60.99796, 53.93699], + [61.14283, 53.90063], + [61.22574, 53.80268], + [60.90626, 53.62937], + [61.55706, 53.57144], + [61.57185, 53.50112], + [61.37957, 53.45887], + [61.29082, 53.50992], + [61.14291, 53.41481], + [61.19024, 53.30536], + [62.14574, 53.09626], + [62.12799, 52.99133], + [62.0422, 52.96105], + [61.23462, 53.03227], + [61.05842, 52.92217], + [60.71989, 52.75923], + [60.71693, 52.66245], + [60.84118, 52.63912], + [60.84709, 52.52228], + [60.98021, 52.50068], + [61.05417, 52.35096], + [60.78201, 52.22067], + [60.72581, 52.15538], + [60.48915, 52.15175], + [60.19925, 51.99173], + [59.99809, 51.98263], + [60.09867, 51.87135], + [60.50986, 51.7964], + [60.36787, 51.66815], + [60.5424, 51.61675], + [60.92401, 51.61124], + [60.95655, 51.48615], + [61.50677, 51.40687], + [61.55114, 51.32746], + [61.6813, 51.25716], + [61.56889, 51.23679], + [61.4431, 50.80679], + [60.81833, 50.6629], + [60.31914, 50.67705], + [60.17262, 50.83312], + [60.01288, 50.8163], + [59.81172, 50.54451], + [59.51886, 50.49937], + [59.48928, 50.64216], + [58.87974, 50.70852], + [58.3208, 51.15151], + [57.75578, 51.13852], + [57.74986, 50.93017], + [57.44221, 50.88354], + [57.17302, 51.11253], + [56.17906, 50.93204], + [56.11398, 50.7471], + [55.67774, 50.54508], + [54.72067, 51.03261], + [54.56685, 51.01958], + [54.71476, 50.61214], + [54.55797, 50.52006], + [54.41894, 50.61214], + [54.46331, 50.85554], + [54.12248, 51.11542], + [53.69299, 51.23466], + [53.46165, 51.49445], + [52.54329, 51.48444], + [52.36119, 51.74161], + [51.8246, 51.67916], + [51.77431, 51.49536], + [51.301, 51.48799], + [51.26254, 51.68466], + [50.59695, 51.61859], + [50.26859, 51.28677], + [49.97277, 51.2405], + [49.76866, 51.11067], + [49.39001, 51.09396], + [49.41959, 50.85927], + [49.12673, 50.78639], + [48.86936, 50.61589], + [48.57946, 50.63278], + [48.90782, 50.02281], + [48.68352, 49.89546], + [48.42564, 49.82283], + [48.24519, 49.86099], + [48.10044, 50.09242], + [47.58551, 50.47867], + [47.30448, 50.30894], + [47.34589, 50.09308], + [47.18319, 49.93721], + [46.9078, 49.86707], + [46.78398, 49.34026], + [46.98795, 49.23531], + [47.04416, 49.17152], + [47.01458, 49.07085], + [46.91104, 48.99715], + [46.78392, 48.95352], + [46.49011, 48.43019], + [47.11516, 48.27188], + [47.12107, 47.83687], + [47.38731, 47.68176], + [47.41689, 47.83687], + [47.64973, 47.76559], + [48.15348, 47.74545], + [48.45173, 47.40818], + [48.52326, 47.4102], + [49.01136, 46.72716], + [48.51142, 46.69268], + [48.54988, 46.56267], + [49.16518, 46.38542], + [49.32259, 46.26944], + [49.88945, 46.04554], + [49.2134, 44.84989], + [48.80971, 41.95365], + [48.5867, 41.84306], + [48.55078, 41.77917], + [48.42301, 41.65444], + [48.40277, 41.60441], + [48.2878, 41.56221], + [48.22064, 41.51472], + [48.07587, 41.49957], + [47.87973, 41.21798], + [47.75831, 41.19455], + [47.62288, 41.22969], + [47.54504, 41.20275], + [47.49004, 41.26366], + [47.34579, 41.27884], + [47.10762, 41.59044], + [47.03757, 41.55434], + [46.99554, 41.59743], + [47.00955, 41.63583], + [46.8134, 41.76252], + [46.75269, 41.8623], + [46.58924, 41.80547], + [46.5332, 41.87389], + [46.42738, 41.91323], + [45.61676, 42.20768], + [45.78692, 42.48358], + [45.36501, 42.55268], + [45.15318, 42.70598], + [44.88754, 42.74934], + [44.80941, 42.61277], + [44.70002, 42.74679], + [44.54202, 42.75699], + [43.95517, 42.55396], + [43.73119, 42.62043], + [43.81453, 42.74297], + [43.0419, 43.02413], + [43.03322, 43.08883], + [42.75889, 43.19651], + [42.66667, 43.13917], + [42.40563, 43.23226], + [41.64935, 43.22331], + [40.65957, 43.56212], + [40.10657, 43.57344], + [40.04445, 43.47776], + [40.03312, 43.44262], + [40.01007, 43.42411], + [40.01552, 43.42025], + [40.00853, 43.40578], + [40.0078, 43.38551], + [39.81147, 43.06294] + ] + ], + [ + [ + [21.46766, 55.21115], + [21.51095, 55.18507], + [21.55605, 55.20311], + [21.64954, 55.1791], + [21.85521, 55.09493], + [21.96505, 55.07353], + [21.99543, 55.08691], + [22.03984, 55.07888], + [22.02582, 55.05078], + [22.06087, 55.02935], + [22.11697, 55.02131], + [22.14267, 55.05345], + [22.31562, 55.0655], + [22.47688, 55.04408], + [22.58907, 55.07085], + [22.60075, 55.01863], + [22.65451, 54.97037], + [22.68723, 54.9811], + [22.76422, 54.92521], + [22.85083, 54.88711], + [22.87317, 54.79492], + [22.73631, 54.72952], + [22.73397, 54.66604], + [22.75467, 54.6483], + [22.74225, 54.64339], + [22.7522, 54.63525], + [22.68021, 54.58486], + [22.71293, 54.56454], + [22.67788, 54.532], + [22.70208, 54.45312], + [22.7253, 54.41732], + [22.79705, 54.36264], + [21.41123, 54.32395], + [20.63871, 54.3706], + [19.8038, 54.44203], + [19.64312, 54.45423], + [18.57853, 55.25302], + [20.60454, 55.40986], + [20.95181, 55.27994], + [21.26425, 55.24456], + [21.35465, 55.28427], + [21.38446, 55.29348], + [21.46766, 55.21115] + ] + ] + ] + }, + "id": "RU" + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "roma-capitale.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "roma-capitale.geojson", + "area": 9122.36, + "resources": { + "OSM-Rome-meetup": { + "id": "OSM-Rome-meetup", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": ["roma-capitale.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["it"], + "name": "Incontro Mappatori Romani", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Rome area", + "extendedDescription": "We aim to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Lazio.", + "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Rome/Incontro", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Martin Koppenhoefer", "email": "dieterdreist@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [11.6, 42.16], + [12.28, 42.2], + [12.52, 42.31], + [13.27, 41.92], + [13.15, 41.58], + [12.6, 41.16], + [11.6, 42.16] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "seattle.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "seattle.geojson", + "area": 5767.44, + "resources": { + "OSM-Seattle": { + "id": "OSM-Seattle", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["seattle.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Seattle", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Seattle area", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Seattle/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Clifford Snow", "email": "clifford@snowandsnow.us"}, + {"name": "Chase Stephens", "email": "seattlefyi@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Paul McCombs", "email": "pablo@imperium.org"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-122.15, 47.26], + [-122.33, 47.26], + [-122.54, 47.33], + [-122.52, 47.46], + [-122.45, 47.55], + [-122.45, 47.8], + [-121.2, 47.8], + [-121.43, 47.38], + [-121.43, 47.14], + [-121.94, 47.14], + [-122, 47.17], + [-122, 47.17], + [-122.1, 47.19], + [-122.15, 47.26] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "la_metro.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "la_metro.geojson", + "area": 7875.76, + "resources": { + "OSM-SoCal": { + "id": "OSM-SoCal", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["la_metro.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Southern California", + "description": "Let's have some fun, contribute something to Los Angeles, and learn about mapping!", + "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California is for anyone interested in mapping to get together to work with OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia of maps, is a free open-source map of the world being created by more than 1,000,000 volunteers around the globe. Everyone is welcome. If you don't know OpenStreetMap, we'll teach you. If you have an idea for a mapping project or even a field trip that the group can do, great!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Southern-California/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Charlotte Wolter", "email": "techlady@techlady.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-118.5, 33.7], + [-118.68, 34.23], + [-118.5, 34.35], + [-118, 34.2], + [-117.3, 34.2], + [-117.2, 34.1], + [-117.37, 33.9], + [-117.74, 33.5], + [-118.5, 33.7] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "thailand_cnx.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "thailand_cnx.geojson", + "area": 12746.21, + "resources": { + "OSM-TH-CNX-meetup": { + "id": "OSM-TH-CNX-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["thailand_cnx.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OSM Meetup Chiang Mai", + "description": "Irregular meeting of the OpenStreetMap community in Chiang Mai", + "extendedDescription": "Members of the OpenStreetMap community meet every few months in Chiang Mai. Get in contact and check out {url} to see when the next meetup is scheduled", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Team Chiang Mai", + "email": "meetup-cnx@openstreetmap.in.th" + } + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [98.4375, 18.2319], + [98.4375, 19.2255], + [99.5306, 19.2255], + [99.5306, 18.2319], + [98.4375, 18.2319] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "TH", + "iso1A3": "THA", + "iso1N3": "764", + "wikidata": "Q869", + "nameEn": "Thailand", + "groups": ["035", "142", "001"], + "driveSide": "left", + "callingCodes": ["66"], + "id": "TH", + "m49": "764", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "emojiFlag": "🇹🇭", + "area": 764502.66, + "resources": { + "OSM-TH-facebook": { + "id": "OSM-TH-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["th"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "th"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap TH Facebook group", + "description": "Facebook group for OpenStreetMappers in Thailand", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/thaiosm/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Theppitak Karoonboonyanan", + "email": "theppitak@gmail.com" + } + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "OSM-TH-forum": { + "id": "OSM-TH-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["th"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "th"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap TH forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Thailand web forum", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Stephan Knauss", "email": "osm@stephans-server.de"} + ], + "order": -2 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [100.08404, 20.36626], + [100.09999, 20.31614], + [100.09337, 20.26293], + [100.11785, 20.24787], + [100.1712, 20.24324], + [100.16668, 20.2986], + [100.22076, 20.31598], + [100.25769, 20.3992], + [100.33383, 20.4028], + [100.37439, 20.35156], + 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"hiboard@openstreetmap.tw" + } + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "OSM-TW-mailinglist": { + "id": "OSM-TW-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["tw"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "zh-tw"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailinglist", + "description": "Talk-tw is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Taiwan", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-tw", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Nobody 沒有人 (Public email)", + "email": "hiboard@openstreetmap.tw" + } + ], + "order": -3 + }, + "OSM-TW-telegram": { + "id": "OSM-TW-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["tw"]}, + "languageCodes": ["zh-tw"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Telegram", + "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Taiwan community: {url}", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMTaiwan", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Nobody 沒有人 (Public mail)", + "email": "hiboard@openstreetmap.tw" + } + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [123.0791, 22.07818], + [120.69238, 21.52331], + [118.11703, 24.39734], + [118.28244, 24.51231], + [118.35291, 24.51645], + [118.42453, 24.54644], + [118.56434, 24.49266], + [120.49232, 25.22863], + [122.26612, 25.98197], + [123.0791, 22.07818] + ] + ] + ] + }, + "id": "TW" + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "tampa_bay.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "tampa_bay.geojson", + "area": 5696.14, + "resources": { + "OSM-Tampa-Bay": { + "id": "OSM-Tampa-Bay", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["tampa_bay.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Tampa Bay area", + "extendedDescription": "OSM Tampa Bay group for local residents to get together and build out the definitive map of Tampa Bay with OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world. If you're into maps, data, open source, GPS, hiking, cycling, et cetera, you'll love working with OpenStreetMap -- so join in! We'll get together and map and talk about new topics once-a-month or so.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/osmtampabay/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Coleman McCormick", "email": "cmccormick@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-83, 28.2], + [-82.2, 28.2], + [-82.2, 27.55], + [-83, 27.55], + [-83, 28.2] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "US", + "iso1A3": "USA", + "iso1N3": "840", + "wikidata": "Q30", + "nameEn": "United States of America", + "groups": ["021", "003", "019", "001"], + "roadSpeedUnit": "mph", + "callingCodes": ["1"], + "id": "US", + "m49": "840", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇺🇸", + "members": ["AS", "MP", "GU", "PR", "UM", "VI"], + "area": 20706612.09, + "resources": { + "OSM-US": { + "id": "OSM-US", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": ["us"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap US", + "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in the United States.", + "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap US here: {signupUrl}", + "url": "https://www.openstreetmap.us/", + "signupUrl": "https://www.openstreetmap.us/join", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ian Dees", "email": "ian@openstreetmap.us"}, + {"name": "Bryan Housel", "email": "bryan@openstreetmap.us"} + ] + }, + "OSM-US-Slack": { + "id": "OSM-US-Slack", + "type": "slack", + "locationSet": {"include": ["us"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap US Slack", + "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}", + "url": "https://osmus.slack.com", + "signupUrl": "https://slack.openstreetmap.us/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ian Dees", "email": "ian@openstreetmap.us"}, + {"name": "Clifford Snow", "email": "clifford@snowandsnow.us"} + ], + "order": 4 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [-177.8563, 29.18961], + [-177.5224, 27.7635], + [-154.05867, 45.51124], + [-151.6784, 9.55515], + [-179.49839, 27.86265], + [-177.8563, 29.18961] + ] + ], + [ + [ + [169.34848, 52.47228], + [179.84401, 55.10087], + [180, 51.0171], + [169.34848, 52.47228] + ] + ], + [ + [ + [-168.95635, 65.98512], + [-168.25765, 71.99091], + [-140.97446, 84.39275], + [-141.00116, 60.30648], + [-140.5227, 60.22077], + [-140.45648, 60.30919], + [-139.98024, 60.18027], + [-139.68991, 60.33693], + [-139.05831, 60.35205], + [-139.20603, 60.08896], + [-139.05365, 59.99655], + [-138.71149, 59.90728], + [-138.62145, 59.76431], + [-137.60623, 59.24465], + [-137.4925, 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[-104.37752, 29.54255], + [-104.39363, 29.55396], + [-104.3969, 29.57105], + [-104.5171, 29.64671], + [-104.77674, 30.4236], + [-106.00363, 31.39181], + [-106.09025, 31.40569], + [-106.20346, 31.46305], + [-106.23711, 31.51262], + [-106.24612, 31.54193], + [-106.28084, 31.56173], + [-106.30305, 31.62154], + [-106.33419, 31.66303], + [-106.34864, 31.69663], + [-106.3718, 31.71165], + [-106.38003, 31.73151], + [-106.41773, 31.75196], + [-106.43419, 31.75478], + [-106.45244, 31.76523], + [-106.46726, 31.75998], + [-106.47298, 31.75054], + [-106.48815, 31.74769], + [-106.50111, 31.75714], + [-106.50962, 31.76155], + [-106.51251, 31.76922], + [-106.52266, 31.77509], + [-106.529, 31.784], + [-108.20899, 31.78534], + [-108.20979, 31.33316], + [-109.05235, 31.3333], + [-111.07523, 31.33232], + [-112.34553, 31.7357], + [-114.82011, 32.49609], + [-114.79524, 32.55731], + [-114.81141, 32.55543], + [-114.80584, 32.62028], + [-114.76736, 32.64094], + [-114.71871, 32.71894], + [-115.88053, 32.63624], + [-117.1243, 32.53427], + [-118.48109, 32.5991], + [-133.98258, 38.06389], + [-125.03842, 48.53282], + [-123.50039, 48.21223], + [-123.15614, 48.35395], + [-123.26565, 48.6959], + [-123.0093, 48.76586], + [-123.0093, 48.83186], + [-123.32163, 49.00419], + [-117.03266, 49.00056], + [-116.04938, 48.99999], + [-114.0683, 48.99885], + [-110.0051, 48.99901], + [-104.05004, 48.99925], + [-101.36198, 48.99935], + [-97.24024, 48.99952], + [-95.15355, 48.9996], + [-95.15357, 49.384], + [-95.12903, 49.37056], + [-95.05825, 49.35311], + [-95.01419, 49.35647], + [-94.99532, 49.36579], + [-94.95681, 49.37035], + [-94.85381, 49.32492], + [-94.8159, 49.32299], + [-94.82487, 49.29483], + [-94.77355, 49.11998], + [-94.75017, 49.09931], + [-94.687, 48.84077], + [-94.70087, 48.8339], + [-94.70486, 48.82365], + [-94.69669, 48.80918], + [-94.69335, 48.77883], + [-94.58903, 48.71803], + [-94.54885, 48.71543], + [-94.53826, 48.70216], + [-94.44258, 48.69223], + [-94.4174, 48.71049], + [-94.27153, 48.70232], + [-94.25172, 48.68404], + [-94.25104, 48.65729], + [-94.23215, 48.65202], + [-93.85769, 48.63284], + [-93.83288, 48.62745], + [-93.80676, 48.58232], + [-93.80939, 48.52439], + [-93.79267, 48.51631], + [-93.66382, 48.51845], + [-93.47022, 48.54357], + [-93.44472, 48.59147], + [-93.40693, 48.60948], + [-93.39758, 48.60364], + [-93.3712, 48.60599], + [-93.33946, 48.62787], + [-93.25391, 48.64266], + [-92.94973, 48.60866], + [-92.7287, 48.54005], + [-92.6342, 48.54133], + [-92.62747, 48.50278], + [-92.69927, 48.49573], + [-92.71323, 48.46081], + [-92.65606, 48.43471], + [-92.50712, 48.44921], + [-92.45588, 48.40624], + [-92.48147, 48.36609], + [-92.37185, 48.22259], + [-92.27167, 48.25046], + [-92.30939, 48.31251], + [-92.26662, 48.35651], + [-92.202, 48.35252], + [-92.14732, 48.36578], + [-92.05339, 48.35958], + [-91.98929, 48.25409], + [-91.86125, 48.21278], + [-91.71231, 48.19875], + [-91.70451, 48.11805], + [-91.55649, 48.10611], + [-91.58025, 48.04339], + [-91.45829, 48.07454], + [-91.43248, 48.04912], + [-91.25025, 48.08522], + [-91.08016, 48.18096], + [-90.87588, 48.2484], + [-90.75045, 48.09143], + [-90.56444, 48.12184], + [-90.56312, 48.09488], + [-90.07418, 48.11043], + [-89.89974, 47.98109], + [-89.77248, 48.02607], + [-89.57972, 48.00023], + [-89.48837, 48.01412], + [-88.37033, 48.30586], + [-84.85871, 46.88881], + [-84.55635, 46.45974], + [-84.47607, 46.45225], + [-84.4481, 46.48972], + [-84.42101, 46.49853], + [-84.34174, 46.50683], + [-84.29893, 46.49127], + [-84.26351, 46.49508], + [-84.2264, 46.53337], + [-84.1945, 46.54061], + [-84.17723, 46.52753], + [-84.12885, 46.53068], + [-84.11196, 46.50248], + [-84.13451, 46.39218], + [-84.11254, 46.32329], + [-84.11615, 46.2681], + [-84.09756, 46.25512], + [-84.1096, 46.23987], + [-83.95399, 46.05634], + [-83.90453, 46.05922], + [-83.83329, 46.12169], + [-83.57017, 46.105], + [-83.43746, 45.99749], + [-83.59589, 45.82131], + [-82.48419, 45.30225], + [-82.42469, 42.992], + [-82.4146, 42.97626], + [-82.4253, 42.95423], + [-82.45331, 42.93139], + [-82.4826, 42.8068], + [-82.46613, 42.76615], + [-82.51063, 42.66025], + [-82.51858, 42.611], + [-82.57583, 42.5718], + [-82.58873, 42.54984], + [-82.64242, 42.55594], + [-82.82964, 42.37355], + [-83.02253, 42.33045], + [-83.07837, 42.30978], + [-83.09837, 42.28877], + [-83.12724, 42.2376], + [-83.14962, 42.04089], + [-83.11184, 41.95671], + [-82.67862, 41.67615], + [-78.93684, 42.82887], + [-78.90712, 42.89733], + [-78.90905, 42.93022], + [-78.93224, 42.95229], + [-78.96312, 42.95509], + [-78.98126, 42.97], + [-79.02074, 42.98444], + [-79.02424, 43.01983], + [-78.99941, 43.05612], + [-79.01055, 43.06659], + [-79.07486, 43.07845], + [-79.05671, 43.10937], + [-79.06881, 43.12029], + [-79.0427, 43.13934], + [-79.04652, 43.16396], + [-79.05384, 43.17418], + [-79.05002, 43.20133], + [-79.05544, 43.21224], + [-79.05512, 43.25375], + [-79.06921, 43.26183], + [-79.25796, 43.54052], + [-76.79706, 43.63099], + [-76.43859, 44.09393], + [-76.35324, 44.13493], + [-76.31222, 44.19894], + [-76.244, 44.19643], + [-76.1664, 44.23051], + [-76.16285, 44.28262], + [-76.00018, 44.34896], + [-75.95947, 44.34463], + [-75.8217, 44.43176], + [-75.76813, 44.51537], + [-75.41441, 44.76614], + [-75.2193, 44.87821], + [-75.01363, 44.95608], + [-74.99101, 44.98051], + [-74.8447, 45.00606], + [-74.66689, 45.00646], + [-74.32699, 44.99029], + [-73.35025, 45.00942], + [-71.50067, 45.01357], + [-71.48735, 45.07784], + [-71.42778, 45.12624], + [-71.40364, 45.21382], + [-71.44252, 45.2361], + [-71.37133, 45.24624], + [-71.29371, 45.29996], + [-71.22338, 45.25184], + [-71.19723, 45.25438], + [-71.14568, 45.24128], + [-71.08364, 45.30623], + [-71.01866, 45.31573], + [-71.0107, 45.34819], + [-70.95193, 45.33895], + [-70.91169, 45.29849], + [-70.89864, 45.2398], + [-70.84816, 45.22698], + [-70.80236, 45.37444], + [-70.82638, 45.39828], + [-70.78372, 45.43269], + [-70.65383, 45.37592], + [-70.62518, 45.42286], + [-70.72651, 45.49771], + [-70.68516, 45.56964], + [-70.54019, 45.67291], + [-70.38934, 45.73215], + [-70.41523, 45.79497], + [-70.25976, 45.89675], + [-70.24694, 45.95138], + [-70.31025, 45.96424], + [-70.23855, 46.1453], + [-70.29078, 46.18832], + [-70.18547, 46.35357], + [-70.05812, 46.41768], + [-69.99966, 46.69543], + [-69.22119, 47.46461], + [-69.05148, 47.42012], + [-69.05073, 47.30076], + [-69.05039, 47.2456], + [-68.89222, 47.1807], + [-68.70125, 47.24399], + [-68.60575, 47.24659], + [-68.57914, 47.28431], + [-68.38332, 47.28723], + [-68.37458, 47.35851], + [-68.23244, 47.35712], + [-67.94843, 47.1925], + [-67.87993, 47.10377], + [-67.78578, 47.06473], + [-67.78111, 45.9392], + [-67.75196, 45.91814], + [-67.80961, 45.87531], + [-67.75654, 45.82324], + [-67.80653, 45.80022], + [-67.80705, 45.69528], + [-67.6049, 45.60725], + [-67.43815, 45.59162], + [-67.42144, 45.50584], + [-67.50578, 45.48971], + [-67.42394, 45.37969], + [-67.48201, 45.27351], + [-67.34927, 45.122], + [-67.29754, 45.14865], + 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and outdoor data collection. The events will take place in the SLC area, at least initially. We are looking for seasoned mappers as well as people new to OSM. Join and let's do some mapping!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Utah/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Martijn van Exel", "email": "m@rtijn.org"}], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-112.6, 40.75], + [-112.3, 41.4], + [-111.5, 41.4], + [-111.1, 40.3], + [-112, 39.75], + [-112.6, 40.75] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "wyoming.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "wyoming.geojson", + "area": 253711.25, + "resources": { + "OSM-Wyoming": { + "id": "OSM-Wyoming", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["wyoming.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Wyoming", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Wyoming", + "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Wyoming/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Russell Deffner", "email": "russdeffner@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-111.05, 41], + [-111.05, 45], + [-104.05, 45], + [-104.05, 41], + [-111.05, 41] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "BR", + "iso1A3": "BRA", + "iso1N3": "076", + "wikidata": "Q155", + "nameEn": "Brazil", + "groups": ["005", "419", "019", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["55"], + "id": "BR", + "m49": "076", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇧🇷", + "area": 13111120.05, + "resources": { + "OSM-br-discord": { + "id": "OSM-br-discord", + "type": "discord", + "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Discord", + "url": "https://discord.gg/bQn4aCm", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Eduardo Addad de Oliveira", + "email": "duduaddad@gmail.com" + } + ] + }, + "OSM-br-mailinglist": { + "id": "OSM-br-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "Talk-br Mailing List", + "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Brazil", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-br/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Arlindo Pereira", "email": "nighto@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -3 + }, + "OSM-br-telegram": { + "id": "OSM-br-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Telegram", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMBrasil_Comunidade", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Vitor George", "email": "vitor.george@gmail.com"} + ] + }, + "OSM-br-twitter": { + "id": "OSM-br-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapBR", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Wille Marcel", "email": "wille@wille.blog.br"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [-59.69361, 4.34069], + [-59.73353, 4.20399], + [-59.51963, 3.91951], + [-59.86899, 3.57089], + [-59.79769, 3.37162], + [-59.99733, 2.92312], + [-59.91177, 2.36759], + [-59.7264, 2.27497], + [-59.74066, 1.87596], + [-59.25583, 1.40559], + [-58.92072, 1.31293], + [-58.84229, 1.17749], + [-58.53571, 1.29154], + [-58.4858, 1.48399], + [-58.33887, 1.58014], + [-58.01873, 1.51966], + [-57.97336, 1.64566], + 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/142058222659672/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Karan Suthakaran", "email": "karansuthakaran@yahoo.com"} + ], + "order": 3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [76.25812, 4.62435], + [79.50447, 8.91876], + [79.42124, 9.80115], + [80.48418, 10.20786], + [85.15017, 5.21497], + [76.25812, 4.62435] + ] + ] + ] + }, + "id": "LK" + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "cleveland.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "cleveland.geojson", + "area": 10803, + "resources": { + "OpenCleveland-meetup": { + "id": "OpenCleveland-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cleveland.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Open Cleveland", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Cleveland area", + "extendedDescription": "Open Geo Cleveland aims to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Northeast Ohio. We're also a maptime chapter =)", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/open-cleveland/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Will Skora", "email": "skorasaurus@gmail.com"}, + { + "name": "Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz", + "email": "anastasia.diamond@gmail.com" + } + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-82.5, 41.5], + [-80.95, 42], + [-80.95, 41], + [-82.5, 41], + [-82.5, 41.5] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "phoenix.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "phoenix.geojson", + "area": 25567.43, + "resources": { + "PHXGeo-meetup": { + "id": "PHXGeo-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["phoenix.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "PHXGeo Meetup", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Phoenix, AZ area", + "extendedDescription": "This is a meetup group for those in the Phoenix area who like maps, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartography and anything in between.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/PHXGeo/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ryan Arp", "email": "ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + }, + "PHXGeo-twitter": { + "id": "PHXGeo-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["phoenix.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "PHXGeo Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/phxgeo", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ryan Arp", "email": "ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [[-113, 32.7], [-113, 34], [-111.1, 34], [-111.1, 32.7], [-113, 32.7]] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "riograndedosul.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "riograndedosul.geojson", + "area": 380041.85, + "resources": { + "RS-telegram": { + "id": "RS-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["riograndedosul.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://t.me/osmrs" + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [[-53.8, -26.3], [-48.6, -28.9], [-53.1, -34], [-57.7, -30.2]] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "south-tyrol.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "south-tyrol.geojson", + "area": 8631.87, + "resources": { + "South-Tyrol-Mailing-List": { + "id": "South-Tyrol-Mailing-List", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["south-tyrol.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "it", "lld"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap mailing list for South Tyrol", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for South Tyrol", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-southtyrol", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Martin Raifer", "email": "tyr.asd@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [10.45624, 46.86582], + [10.73639, 46.89211], + [10.82977, 46.80946], + [10.96161, 46.81322], + [11.1319, 46.99149], + [11.49067, 47.01233], + [11.68121, 47.04018], + [11.7691, 47.01023], + [12.16736, 47.115], + [12.28546, 47.08322], + [12.18384, 46.98213], + [12.30469, 46.85831], + [12.37335, 46.73421], + [12.49969, 46.67017], + [12.34039, 46.61737], + [12.08771, 46.64944], + [12.0163, 46.52297], + [11.8515, 46.49272], + [11.66336, 46.48657], + [11.56929, 46.34077], + [11.399, 46.25585], + [11.18958, 46.21072], + [11.13739, 46.2867], + [11.20193, 46.44732], + [10.91904, 46.42603], + [10.61966, 46.43833], + [10.44113, 46.49036], + [10.36766, 46.68854], + [10.45624, 46.86582] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "trentino.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "trentino.geojson", + "area": 7414.09, + "resources": { + "Trentino-Mailing-List": { + "id": "Trentino-Mailing-List", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["trentino.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["it"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap mailing list for Trentino", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for Trentino", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-trentino", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Luca Delucchi", "email": "lucadeluge@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [10.49332, 46.35641], + [10.59219, 46.46624], + [10.76317, 46.49697], + [10.84076, 46.45536], + [11.07971, 46.54469], + [11.23627, 46.50123], + [11.21086, 46.32559], + [11.1779, 46.27341], + [11.23352, 46.2473], + [11.32416, 46.30235], + [11.5583, 46.40378], + [11.62628, 46.5069], + [11.83502, 46.54233], + [11.91399, 46.44306], + [11.85356, 46.34124], + [11.99158, 46.18363], + [11.84464, 46.08466], + [11.72791, 46.07704], + [11.69907, 45.95592], + [11.51093, 45.97979], + [11.28845, 45.8814], + [11.21567, 45.76273], + [11.16074, 45.68316], + [10.90256, 45.66013], + [10.82016, 45.71097], + [10.84076, 45.81827], + [10.51529, 45.76752], + [10.41504, 46.00269], + [10.51941, 46.2112], + [10.49332, 46.35641] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "grand_junction_co.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "grand_junction_co.geojson", + "area": 7597.76, + "resources": { + "Western-Slope-facebook": { + "id": "Western-Slope-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["grand_junction_co.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Western Slope OSM Facebook", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/wsosm/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Aaron Young", "email": "aaron@kaartgroup.com"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "Western-Slope-meetup": { + "id": "Western-Slope-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["grand_junction_co.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Western Slope OSM Meetup", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO", + "extendedDescription": "The goal of this group is to introduce OpenStreetMap to the community, develop a community of mappers, create the most amazing geodata possible using whatever method we can and finally strategize in order to get this data out into our community. Imagine accurate trail signage! Imagine further development of bike paths! Imagine anything you want, that's the joy of OpenStreetMap!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Western-Slope-OpenStreetMap/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Aaron Young", "email": "aaron@kaartgroup.com"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-109, 39.4], + [-108.1, 39.4], + [-107.8, 39.16], + [-107.8, 38.7], + [-108.1, 38.5], + [-109, 39], + [-109, 39.4] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "AL", + "iso1A3": "ALB", + "iso1N3": "008", + "wikidata": "Q222", + "nameEn": "Albania", + "groups": ["039", "150", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["355"], + "id": "AL", + "m49": "008", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇦🇱", + "area": 34016.6, + "resources": { + "al-forum": { + "id": "al-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["al"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], + "name": "OSM Albania Forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Albania Forum", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=91", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jonathan Beliën", "email": "dev@jbelien.be"}, + {"name": "Amanti Lulo", "email": "amanti.lulo@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -2 + }, + "al-telegram": { + "id": "al-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["al"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], + "name": "OSM Albania Telegram channel", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Albania Telegram channel", + "url": "https://telegram.me/OpenStreetMapAL", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jonathan Beliën", "email": "dev@jbelien.be"}, + {"name": "Amanti Lulo", "email": "amanti.lulo@gmail.com"} + ] + }, + "al-twitter": { + "id": "al-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["al"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Albania Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/Osm_Albania" + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [20.07761, 42.55582], + [20.17127, 42.50469], + [20.21797, 42.41237], + [20.24399, 42.32168], + [20.34479, 42.32656], + [20.3819, 42.3029], + [20.48857, 42.25444], + [20.56955, 42.12097], + [20.55633, 42.08173], + [20.59434, 42.03879], + [20.63069, 41.94913], + [20.57946, 41.91593], + [20.59524, 41.8818], + [20.55976, 41.87068], + [20.57144, 41.7897], + [20.53405, 41.78099], + [20.51301, 41.72433], + [20.52937, 41.69292], + [20.51769, 41.65975], + [20.55508, 41.58113], + [20.52103, 41.56473], + [20.45809, 41.5549], + [20.45331, 41.51436], + [20.49039, 41.49277], + [20.51301, 41.442], + [20.55976, 41.4087], + [20.52119, 41.34381], + [20.49432, 41.33679], + [20.51068, 41.2323], + [20.59715, 41.13644], + [20.58546, 41.11179], + [20.59832, 41.09066], + [20.63454, 41.0889], + [20.65558, 41.08009], + [20.71634, 40.91781], + [20.73504, 40.9081], + [20.81567, 40.89662], + [20.83671, 40.92752], + [20.94305, 40.92399], + [20.97693, 40.90103], + [20.97887, 40.85475], + [20.98396, 40.79109], + [20.95752, 40.76982], + [20.98134, 40.76046], + [21.05833, 40.66586], + [21.03932, 40.56299], + [20.96908, 40.51526], + [20.94925, 40.46625], + [20.83688, 40.47882], + [20.7906, 40.42726], + [20.78234, 40.35803], + [20.71789, 40.27739], + [20.67162, 40.09433], + [20.62566, 40.0897], + [20.61081, 40.07866], + [20.55593, 40.06524], + [20.51297, 40.08168], + [20.48487, 40.06271], + [20.42373, 40.06777], + [20.37911, 39.99058], + [20.31135, 39.99438], + [20.41546, 39.82832], + [20.41475, 39.81437], + [20.38572, 39.78516], + [20.30804, 39.81563], + [20.29152, 39.80421], + [20.31961, 39.72799], + [20.27412, 39.69884], + [20.22707, 39.67459], + [20.22376, 39.64532], + [20.15988, 39.652], + [20.12956, 39.65805], + [20.05189, 39.69112], + [20.00957, 39.69227], + [19.98042, 39.6504], + [19.92466, 39.69533], + [19.97622, 39.78684], + [19.95905, 39.82857], + [19.0384, 40.35325], + [19.26406, 41.74971], + [19.37597, 41.84849], + [19.37451, 41.8842], + [19.33812, 41.90669], + [19.34601, 41.95675], + [19.37691, 41.96977], + [19.36867, 42.02564], + [19.37548, 42.06835], + [19.40687, 42.10024], + [19.28623, 42.17745], + [19.42, 42.33019], + [19.42352, 42.36546], + [19.4836, 42.40831], + [19.65972, 42.62774], + [19.73244, 42.66299], + [19.77375, 42.58517], + [19.74731, 42.57422], + [19.76549, 42.50237], + [19.82333, 42.46581], + [19.9324, 42.51699], + [20.00842, 42.5109], + [20.01834, 42.54622], + [20.07761, 42.55582] + ] + ] + ] + }, + "id": "AL" + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:19.8156,41.3305", + "properties": { + "id": "point:19.8156,41.3305", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "al-maptime-tirana": { + "id": "al-maptime-tirana", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": [[19.8156, 41.3305]]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], + "name": "Maptime Tirana", + "description": "Social events organized around mapping - beginners most welcome!", + "extendedDescription": "Maptime is an open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge, offering intentional educational support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously flexible and structured, creating space for mapping tutorials, workshops, ongoing projects with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time.", + "url": "http://maptime.io/tirana/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jonathan Beliën", "email": "dev@jbelien.be"}, + {"name": "Amanti Lulo", "email": "amanti.lulo@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [19.816, 41.555], + [19.639, 41.512], + [19.531, 41.4], + [19.531, 41.261], + [19.64, 41.149], + [19.816, 41.106], + [19.991, 41.149], + [20.1, 41.261], + [20.1, 41.4], + [19.992, 41.512], + [19.816, 41.555] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "AT", + "iso1A3": "AUT", + "iso1N3": "040", + "wikidata": "Q40", + "nameEn": "Austria", + "groups": ["155", "150", "EU", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["43"], + "id": "AT", + "m49": "040", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + 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47.39591], + [9.65136, 47.40504], + [9.65043, 47.41937], + [9.6446, 47.43233], + [9.64483, 47.43842], + [9.65863, 47.44847], + [9.65728, 47.45383], + [9.6423, 47.45599], + [9.62475, 47.45685], + [9.62158, 47.45858], + [9.60841, 47.47178], + [9.60484, 47.46358], + [9.60205, 47.46165], + [9.59482, 47.46305], + [9.58208, 47.48344], + [9.56312, 47.49495], + [9.55125, 47.53629], + [9.72736, 47.53457], + [9.76748, 47.5934], + [9.80254, 47.59419], + [9.82591, 47.58158], + [9.8189, 47.54688], + [9.87499, 47.52953], + [9.87733, 47.54688], + [9.92407, 47.53111], + [9.96029, 47.53899], + [10.00003, 47.48216], + [10.03859, 47.48927], + [10.07131, 47.45531], + [10.09001, 47.46005], + [10.1052, 47.4316], + [10.06897, 47.40709], + [10.09819, 47.35724], + [10.11805, 47.37228], + [10.16362, 47.36674], + [10.17648, 47.38889], + [10.2127, 47.38019], + [10.22774, 47.38904], + [10.23757, 47.37609], + [10.19998, 47.32832], + [10.2147, 47.31014], + [10.17648, 47.29149], + [10.17531, 47.27167], + [10.23257, 47.27088], + [10.33424, 47.30813], + [10.39851, 47.37623], + [10.4324, 47.38494], + [10.4359, 47.41183], + [10.47446, 47.43318], + [10.46278, 47.47901], + [10.44291, 47.48453], + [10.4324, 47.50111], + [10.44992, 47.5524], + [10.43473, 47.58394], + [10.47329, 47.58552], + [10.48849, 47.54057], + [10.56912, 47.53584], + [10.60337, 47.56755], + [10.63456, 47.5591], + [10.68832, 47.55752], + [10.6965, 47.54253], + [10.7596, 47.53228], + [10.77596, 47.51729], + [10.88814, 47.53701], + [10.91268, 47.51334], + [10.86945, 47.5015], + [10.87061, 47.4786], + [10.90918, 47.48571], + [10.93839, 47.48018], + [10.92437, 47.46991], + [10.98513, 47.42882], + [10.97111, 47.41617], + [10.97111, 47.39561], + [11.11835, 47.39719], + [11.12536, 47.41222], + [11.20482, 47.43198], + [11.25157, 47.43277], + [11.22002, 47.3964], + [11.27844, 47.39956], + [11.29597, 47.42566], + [11.33804, 47.44937], + [11.4175, 47.44621], + [11.38128, 47.47465], + [11.4362, 47.51413], + [11.52618, 47.50939], + [11.58578, 47.52281], + [11.58811, 47.55515], + [11.60681, 47.57881], + [11.63934, 47.59202], + [11.84052, 47.58354], + [11.85572, 47.60166], + [12.0088, 47.62451], + [12.02282, 47.61033], + [12.05788, 47.61742], + [12.13734, 47.60639], + [12.17824, 47.61506], + [12.18145, 47.61019], + [12.17737, 47.60121], + [12.18568, 47.6049], + [12.20398, 47.60667], + [12.20801, 47.61082], + [12.19895, 47.64085], + [12.18507, 47.65984], + [12.18347, 47.66663], + [12.16769, 47.68167], + [12.16217, 47.70105], + [12.18303, 47.70065], + [12.22571, 47.71776], + [12.2542, 47.7433], + [12.26238, 47.73544], + [12.24017, 47.69534], + [12.26004, 47.67725], + [12.27991, 47.68827], + [12.336, 47.69534], + [12.37222, 47.68433], + [12.43883, 47.6977], + [12.44117, 47.6741], + [12.50076, 47.62293], + [12.53816, 47.63553], + [12.57438, 47.63238], + [12.6071, 47.6741], + [12.7357, 47.6787], + [12.77777, 47.66689], + [12.76492, 47.64485], + [12.82101, 47.61493], + [12.77427, 47.58025], + [12.80699, 47.54477], + [12.84672, 47.54556], + [12.85256, 47.52741], + [12.9624, 47.47452], + [12.98344, 47.48716], + [12.9998, 47.46267], + [13.04537, 47.49426], + [13.03252, 47.53373], + [13.05355, 47.56291], + [13.04537, 47.58183], + [13.06641, 47.58577], + [13.06407, 47.60075], + [13.09562, 47.63304], + [13.07692, 47.68814], + [13.01382, 47.72116], + [12.98578, 47.7078], + [12.92969, 47.71094], + [12.91333, 47.7178], + [12.90274, 47.72513], + [12.91711, 47.74026], + [12.9353, 47.74788], + [12.94371, 47.76281], + [12.93202, 47.77302], + [12.96311, 47.79957], + [12.98543, 47.82896], + [13.00588, 47.84374], + [12.94163, 47.92927], + [12.93886, 47.94046], + [12.93642, 47.94436], + [12.93419, 47.94063], + [12.92668, 47.93879], + [12.91985, 47.94069], + [12.9211, 47.95135], + [12.91683, 47.95647], + [12.87476, 47.96195], + [12.8549, 48.01122], + [12.76141, 48.07373], + [12.74973, 48.10885], + [12.7617, 48.12796], + [12.78595, 48.12445], + [12.80676, 48.14979], + [12.82673, 48.15245], + [12.8362, 48.15876], + [12.836, 48.1647], + [12.84475, 48.16556], + [12.87126, 48.20318], + [12.95306, 48.20629], + [13.02083, 48.25689], + [13.0851, 48.27711], + [13.126, 48.27867], + [13.18093, 48.29577], + [13.26039, 48.29422], + [13.30897, 48.31575], + [13.40709, 48.37292], + [13.43929, 48.43386], + [13.42527, 48.45711], + [13.45727, 48.51092], + [13.43695, 48.55776], + [13.45214, 48.56472], + [13.46967, 48.55157], + [13.50663, 48.57506], + [13.50131, 48.58091], + [13.51291, 48.59023], + [13.57535, 48.55912], + [13.59705, 48.57013], + [13.62508, 48.55501], + [13.65186, 48.55092], + [13.66113, 48.53558], + [13.72802, 48.51208], + [13.74816, 48.53058], + [13.7513, 48.5624], + [13.76921, 48.55324], + [13.80519, 48.58026], + [13.80038, 48.59487], + [13.82609, 48.62345], + [13.81901, 48.6761], + [13.81283, 48.68426], + [13.81791, 48.69832], + [13.79337, 48.71375], + [13.81863, 48.73257], + [13.82266, 48.75544], + [13.84023, 48.76988], + [14.06151, 48.66873], + [14.01482, 48.63788], + [14.09104, 48.5943], + [14.20691, 48.5898], + [14.33909, 48.55852], + [14.43076, 48.58855], + [14.4587, 48.64695], + [14.56139, 48.60429], + [14.60808, 48.62881], + [14.66762, 48.58215], + [14.71794, 48.59794], + [14.72756, 48.69502], + [14.80584, 48.73489], + [14.80821, 48.77711], + [14.81545, 48.7874], + [14.94773, 48.76268], + [14.95641, 48.75915], + [14.9758, 48.76857], + [14.98112, 48.77524], + [14.9782, 48.7766], + [14.98032, 48.77959], + [14.95072, 48.79101], + [14.98917, 48.90082], + [14.97612, 48.96983], + [14.99878, 49.01444], + [15.15534, 48.99056], + [15.16358, 48.94278], + [15.26177, 48.95766], + [15.28305, 48.98831], + [15.34823, 48.98444] + ] + ] + ] + }, + "id": "AT" + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "BE", + "iso1A3": "BEL", + "iso1N3": "056", + "wikidata": "Q31", + "nameEn": "Belgium", + "groups": ["155", "150", "EU", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["32"], + "id": "BE", + "m49": "056", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇧🇪", + "area": 34018.78, + "resources": { + "be-chapter": { + "id": "be-chapter", + "type": "osm-lc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium Local Chapter", + "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Belgium.", + "extendedDescription": "If you want to help to improve and grow the mapping community in Belgium, to make even more people crazy about mapping, OpenStreetMap Belgium is the right place for you!", + "url": "https://openstreetmap.be/", + "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], + "order": 1 + }, + "be-facebook": { + "id": "be-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap BE Facebook Community", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Belgium", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/1419016881706058/", + "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}] + }, + "be-forum": { + "id": "be-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap BE forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Belgium web forum", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=29", + "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], + "order": 3 + }, + "be-irc": { + "id": "be-irc", + "type": "irc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium IRC", + "description": "Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", + "extendedDescription": "Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), it is bridged with the Matrix chat channel", + "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osmbe", + "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], + "order": 2 + }, + "be-mailinglist": { + "id": "be-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], + "name": "Talk-be Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-be is the official mailing list for the Belgian OSM community", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be", + "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], + "order": 4 + }, + "be-matrix": { + "id": "be-matrix", + "type": "matrix", + "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap BE Matrix channel", + "description": "All mappers are welcome!", + "extendedDescription": "Most talk is happening at the \"OpenStreetMap Belgium\" channel. You can ask anything there! The other rooms are for specific subjects.", + "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/group/+osmbe:matrix.org", + "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], + "order": 6 + }, + "be-meetup": { + "id": "be-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium Meetup", + "description": "Real life meetups of everyone who is interested in OpenStreetMap", + "extendedDescription": "Physical meetups are great to meet other mappers, ask them questions and to learn a lot. Especially new contributors are very welcome!", + "url": "https://meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/", + "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], + "order": 5 + }, + "be-twitter": { + "id": "be-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium Twitter", + "description": "OSM Belgium on Twitter: @osm_be", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osm_be", + "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], + "order": 4 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [4.93295, 51.44945], + [4.95244, 51.45207], + [4.9524, 51.45014], + [4.93909, 51.44632], + [4.93295, 51.44945] + ] + ], + [ + [ + [4.91493, 51.4353], + [4.91935, 51.43634], + [4.92227, 51.44252], + [4.91811, 51.44621], + [4.92287, 51.44741], + [4.92811, 51.4437], + [4.92566, 51.44273], + [4.92815, 51.43856], + [4.92879, 51.44161], + [4.93544, 51.44634], + [4.94025, 51.44193], + [4.93416, 51.44185], + [4.93471, 51.43861], + [4.94265, 51.44003], + [4.93986, 51.43064], + [4.92952, 51.42984], + [4.92652, 51.43329], + [4.91493, 51.4353] + ] + ], + [ + [ + [4.82946, 51.4213], + [4.78314, 51.43319], + [4.76577, 51.43046], + [4.77229, 51.41337], + [4.78941, 51.41102], + [4.84988, 51.41502], + [4.90016, 51.41404], + [4.92152, 51.39487], + [5.00393, 51.44406], + [5.0106, 51.47167], + [5.03281, 51.48679], + [5.04774, 51.47022], + [5.07891, 51.4715], + [5.10456, 51.43163], + [5.07102, 51.39469], + [5.13105, 51.34791], + [5.13377, 51.31592], + [5.16222, 51.31035], + [5.2002, 51.32243], + [5.24244, 51.30495], + [5.22542, 51.26888], + [5.23814, 51.26064], + [5.26461, 51.26693], + [5.29716, 51.26104], + [5.33886, 51.26314], + [5.347, 51.27502], + [5.41672, 51.26248], + [5.4407, 51.28169], + [5.46519, 51.2849], + [5.48476, 51.30053], + [5.515, 51.29462], + [5.5569, 51.26544], + [5.5603, 51.22249], + [5.65145, 51.19788], + [5.65528, 51.18736], + [5.70344, 51.1829], + [5.74617, 51.18928], + [5.77735, 51.17845], + [5.77697, 51.1522], + [5.82564, 51.16753], + [5.85508, 51.14445], + [5.80798, 51.11661], + [5.8109, 51.10861], + [5.83226, 51.10585], + [5.82921, 51.09328], + [5.79903, 51.09371], + [5.79835, 51.05834], + [5.77258, 51.06196], + [5.75961, 51.03113], + [5.77688, 51.02483], + [5.76242, 50.99703], + [5.71864, 50.96092], + [5.72875, 50.95428], + [5.74752, 50.96202], + [5.75927, 50.95601], + [5.74644, 50.94723], + [5.72545, 50.92312], + [5.72644, 50.91167], + [5.71626, 50.90796], + [5.69858, 50.91046], + [5.67886, 50.88142], + [5.64504, 50.87107], + [5.64009, 50.84742], + [5.65259, 50.82309], + [5.70118, 50.80764], + [5.68995, 50.79641], + [5.70107, 50.7827], + [5.68091, 50.75804], + [5.69469, 50.75529], + [5.72216, 50.76398], + [5.73904, 50.75674], + [5.74356, 50.7691], + [5.76533, 50.78159], + [5.77513, 50.78308], + [5.80673, 50.7558], + [5.84548, 50.76542], + [5.84888, 50.75448], + [5.88734, 50.77092], + [5.89129, 50.75125], + [5.89132, 50.75124], + [5.95942, 50.7622], + [5.97545, 50.75441], + [6.01976, 50.75398], + [6.03889, 50.74618], + [6.0326, 50.72647], + [6.0406, 50.71848], + [6.04428, 50.72861], + [6.11707, 50.72231], + [6.17852, 50.6245], + [6.26957, 50.62444], + [6.2476, 50.60392], + [6.24888, 50.59869], + [6.24005, 50.58732], + [6.22581, 50.5907], + [6.20281, 50.56952], + [6.17739, 50.55875], + [6.17802, 50.54179], + [6.19735, 50.53576], + [6.19579, 50.5313], + [6.18716, 50.52653], + [6.19193, 50.5212], + [6.20599, 50.52089], + [6.22335, 50.49578], + [6.26637, 50.50272], + [6.30809, 50.50058], + [6.3465, 50.48833], + [6.34005, 50.46083], + [6.37219, 50.45397], + [6.36852, 50.40776], + [6.34406, 50.37994], + [6.3688, 50.35898], + [6.40785, 50.33557], + [6.40641, 50.32425], + [6.35701, 50.31139], + [6.32488, 50.32333], + [6.29949, 50.30887], + [6.28797, 50.27458], + [6.208, 50.25179], + [6.16853, 50.2234], + [6.18364, 50.20815], + [6.18739, 50.1822], + [6.14588, 50.17106], + [6.14132, 50.14971], + [6.15298, 50.14126], + [6.1379, 50.12964], + [6.1137, 50.13668], + [6.12028, 50.16374], + [6.08577, 50.17246], + [6.06406, 50.15344], + [6.03093, 50.16362], + [6.02488, 50.18283], + [5.96453, 50.17259], + [5.95929, 50.13295], + [5.89488, 50.11476], + [5.8857, 50.07824], + [5.85474, 50.06342], + [5.86904, 50.04614], + [5.8551, 50.02683], + [5.81866, 50.01286], + [5.82331, 49.99662], + [5.83968, 49.9892], + [5.83467, 49.97823], + [5.81163, 49.97142], + [5.80833, 49.96451], + [5.77291, 49.96056], + [5.77314, 49.93646], + [5.73621, 49.89796], + [5.78415, 49.87922], + [5.75269, 49.8711], + [5.75861, 49.85631], + [5.74567, 49.85368], + [5.75884, 49.84811], + [5.74953, 49.84709], + [5.74975, 49.83933], + [5.74076, 49.83823], + [5.7404, 49.83452], + [5.74844, 49.82435], + [5.74364, 49.82058], + [5.74953, 49.81428], + [5.75409, 49.79239], + [5.78871, 49.7962], + [5.82245, 49.75048], + [5.83149, 49.74729], + [5.82562, 49.72395], + [5.84193, 49.72161], + [5.86503, 49.72739], + 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Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Mailing List", + "description": "Mailing list for Switzerland", + "url": "http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch", + "order": 1 + }, + "ch-twitter": { + "id": "ch-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ch"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "it"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Switzerland Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/SwissOSM", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Swiss OpenStreetMap Association", + "email": "board@sosm.ch" + } + ] + }, + "osm-ch": { + "id": "osm-ch", + "type": "osm-lc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ch"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "it"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Switzerland", + "description": "The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Switzerland", + "url": "https://osm.ch/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Swiss OpenStreetMap Association", + "email": "board@sosm.ch" + } + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": 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"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de", + "contacts": [{"name": "FOSSGIS e.V.", "email": "info@fossgis.de"}], + "order": -3 + }, + "de-matrix": { + "id": "de-matrix", + "type": "matrix", + "locationSet": {"include": ["de"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Germany Matrix", + "description": "Join #osm-de:matrix.org at https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org", + "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Christopher Rossbach", + "email": "public.cr@protonmail.ch" + } + ], + "order": 4 + }, + "de-telegram": { + "id": "de-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["de"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram supergroup at {url}", + "url": "https://t.me/OSM_de", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Max N", "email": "abonnements@revolwear.com"} + ] + }, + "osm-de": { + "id": "osm-de", + "type": "osm-lc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["de"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Germany", + "description": "The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Germany", + "url": "https://www.openstreetmap.de/", + "contacts": [{"name": "FOSSGIS e.V.", "email": "info@fossgis.de"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [8.70847, 47.68904], + [8.68985, 47.69552], + [8.66837, 47.68437], + [8.65769, 47.68928], + [8.67508, 47.6979], + [8.66416, 47.71367], + [8.70237, 47.71453], + [8.71773, 47.69088], + [8.70847, 47.68904] + ] + ], + [ + [ + [8.72617, 47.69651], + [8.73671, 47.7169], + [8.70543, 47.73121], + [8.74251, 47.75168], + [8.71778, 47.76571], + [8.68985, 47.75686], + [8.68022, 47.78599], + [8.65292, 47.80066], + [8.64425, 47.76398], + [8.62408, 47.7626], + [8.61657, 47.79998], + [8.56415, 47.80633], + [8.56814, 47.78001], + [8.48868, 47.77215], + [8.45771, 47.7493], + [8.44807, 47.72426], + [8.40569, 47.69855], + [8.4211, 47.68407], 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49.08136], + [7.53012, 49.09818], + [7.49172, 49.13915], + [7.49473, 49.17], + [7.44455, 49.16765], + [7.44052, 49.18354], + [7.3662, 49.17308], + [7.35995, 49.14399], + [7.3195, 49.14231], + [7.29514, 49.11426], + [7.23473, 49.12971], + [7.1593, 49.1204], + [7.1358, 49.1282], + [7.12504, 49.14253], + [7.10384, 49.13787], + [7.10715, 49.15631], + [7.07859, 49.15031], + [7.09007, 49.13094], + [7.07162, 49.1255], + [7.06642, 49.11415], + [7.05548, 49.11185], + [7.04843, 49.11422], + [7.04409, 49.12123], + [7.04662, 49.13724], + [7.03178, 49.15734], + [7.0274, 49.17042], + [7.03459, 49.19096], + [7.01318, 49.19018], + [6.97273, 49.2099], + [6.95963, 49.203], + [6.94028, 49.21641], + [6.93831, 49.2223], + [6.91875, 49.22261], + [6.89298, 49.20863], + [6.85939, 49.22376], + [6.83555, 49.21249], + [6.85119, 49.20038], + [6.85016, 49.19354], + [6.86225, 49.18185], + [6.84703, 49.15734], + [6.83385, 49.15162], + [6.78265, 49.16793], + [6.73765, 49.16375], + [6.71137, 49.18808], + [6.73256, 49.20486], + [6.71843, 49.2208], + [6.69274, 49.21661], + [6.66583, 49.28065], + [6.60186, 49.31055], + [6.572, 49.35027], + [6.58807, 49.35358], + [6.60091, 49.36864], + [6.533, 49.40748], + [6.55404, 49.42464], + [6.42432, 49.47683], + [6.40274, 49.46546], + [6.39168, 49.4667], + [6.38352, 49.46463], + [6.36778, 49.46937], + [6.36907, 49.48931], + [6.36788, 49.50377], + [6.35666, 49.52931], + [6.38072, 49.55171], + [6.38228, 49.55855], + [6.35825, 49.57053], + [6.36676, 49.57813], + [6.38024, 49.57593], + [6.38342, 49.5799], + [6.37464, 49.58886], + [6.385, 49.59946], + [6.39822, 49.60081], + [6.41861, 49.61723], + [6.4413, 49.65722], + [6.43768, 49.66021], + [6.42726, 49.66078], + [6.42937, 49.66857], + [6.44654, 49.67799], + [6.46048, 49.69092], + [6.48014, 49.69767], + [6.49785, 49.71118], + [6.50647, 49.71353], + [6.5042, 49.71808], + [6.49694, 49.72205], + [6.49535, 49.72645], + [6.50261, 49.72718], + [6.51397, 49.72058], + [6.51805, 49.72425], + [6.50193, 49.73291], + [6.50174, 49.75292], + [6.51646, 49.75961], + [6.51828, 49.76855], + [6.51056, 49.77515], + [6.51669, 49.78336], + [6.50534, 49.78952], + [6.52169, 49.79787], + [6.53122, 49.80666], + [6.52121, 49.81338], + [6.51215, 49.80124], + [6.50647, 49.80916], + [6.48718, 49.81267], + [6.47111, 49.82263], + [6.45425, 49.81164], + [6.44131, 49.81443], + [6.42905, 49.81091], + [6.42521, 49.81591], + [6.40022, 49.82029], + [6.36576, 49.85032], + [6.34267, 49.84974], + [6.33585, 49.83785], + [6.32098, 49.83728], + [6.32303, 49.85133], + [6.30963, 49.87021], + [6.29692, 49.86685], + [6.28874, 49.87592], + [6.26146, 49.88203], + [6.23496, 49.89972], + [6.22926, 49.92096], + [6.21882, 49.92403], + [6.22608, 49.929], + [6.22094, 49.94955], + [6.19856, 49.95053], + [6.19089, 49.96991], + [6.18045, 49.96611], + [6.18554, 49.95622], + [6.17872, 49.9537], + [6.16466, 49.97086], + [6.1701, 49.98518], + [6.14147, 49.99563], + [6.14948, 50.00908], + [6.13806, 50.01056], + [6.1295, 50.01849], + [6.13273, 50.02019], + [6.13794, 50.01466], + [6.14666, 50.02207], + [6.13044, 50.02929], + [6.13458, 50.04141], + [6.11274, 50.05916], + [6.12055, 50.09171], + [6.1379, 50.12964], + [6.15298, 50.14126], + [6.14132, 50.14971], + [6.14588, 50.17106], + [6.18739, 50.1822], + [6.18364, 50.20815], + [6.16853, 50.2234], + [6.208, 50.25179], + [6.28797, 50.27458], + [6.29949, 50.30887], + [6.32488, 50.32333], + [6.35701, 50.31139], + [6.40641, 50.32425], + [6.40785, 50.33557], + [6.3688, 50.35898], + [6.34406, 50.37994], + [6.36852, 50.40776], + [6.37219, 50.45397], + [6.34005, 50.46083], + [6.3465, 50.48833], + [6.30809, 50.50058], + [6.26637, 50.50272], + [6.22335, 50.49578], + [6.20599, 50.52089], + [6.19193, 50.5212], + [6.18716, 50.52653], + [6.19579, 50.5313], + [6.19735, 50.53576], + [6.17802, 50.54179], + [6.17739, 50.55875], + [6.20281, 50.56952], + [6.22581, 50.5907], + [6.24005, 50.58732], + [6.24888, 50.59869], + [6.2476, 50.60392], + [6.26957, 50.62444], + [6.17852, 50.6245], + [6.11707, 50.72231], + [6.04428, 50.72861], + [6.0406, 50.71848], + [6.0326, 50.72647], + [6.03889, 50.74618], + [6.01976, 50.75398], + [6.02624, 50.77453], + [5.97497, 50.79992], + [5.98404, 50.80988], + [6.00462, 50.80065], + [6.02328, 50.81694], + [6.01921, 50.84435], + [6.05623, 50.8572], + [6.05702, 50.85179], + [6.07431, 50.84674], + [6.07693, 50.86025], + [6.08805, 50.87223], + [6.07486, 50.89307], + [6.09297, 50.92066], + [6.01615, 50.93367], + [6.02697, 50.98303], + [5.95282, 50.98728], + [5.90296, 50.97356], + [5.90493, 51.00198], + [5.87849, 51.01969], + [5.86735, 51.05182], + [5.9134, 51.06736], + [5.9541, 51.03496], + [5.98292, 51.07469], + [6.16706, 51.15677], + [6.17384, 51.19589], + [6.07889, 51.17038], + [6.07889, 51.24432], + [6.16977, 51.33169], + [6.22674, 51.36135], + [6.22641, 51.39948], + [6.20654, 51.40049], + [6.21724, 51.48568], + [6.18017, 51.54096], + [6.09055, 51.60564], + [6.11759, 51.65609], + [6.02767, 51.6742], + [6.04091, 51.71821], + [5.95003, 51.7493], + [5.98665, 51.76944], + [5.94568, 51.82786], + [5.99848, 51.83195], + [6.06705, 51.86136], + [6.10337, 51.84829], + [6.16902, 51.84094], + [6.11551, 51.89769], + [6.15349, 51.90439], + [6.21443, 51.86801], + [6.29872, 51.86801], + [6.30593, 51.84998], + [6.40704, 51.82771], + [6.38815, 51.87257], + [6.47179, 51.85395], + [6.50231, 51.86313], + [6.58556, 51.89386], + [6.68386, 51.91861], + [6.72319, 51.89518], + [6.82357, 51.96711], + [6.83035, 51.9905], + [6.68128, 52.05052], + [6.76117, 52.11895], + [6.83984, 52.11728], + [6.97189, 52.20329], + [6.9897, 52.2271], + [7.03729, 52.22695], + [7.06365, 52.23789], + [7.02703, 52.27941], + [7.07044, 52.37805], + [7.03417, 52.40237], + [6.99041, 52.47235], + [6.94293, 52.43597], + [6.69507, 52.488], + [6.71641, 52.62905], + [6.77307, 52.65375], + [7.04557, 52.63318], + [7.07253, 52.81083], + [7.21694, 53.00742], + [7.17898, 53.13817], + [7.22681, 53.18165], + [7.21679, 53.20058], + [7.19052, 53.31866], + [7.00198, 53.32672], + [6.91025, 53.44221], + [5.45168, 54.20039], + [8.02459, 55.09613], + [8.45719, 55.06747], + [8.55769, 54.91837], + [8.63979, 54.91069], + [8.76387, 54.8948], + [8.81178, 54.90518], + [8.92795, 54.90452], + [9.04629, 54.87249], + [9.14275, 54.87421], + [9.20571, 54.85841], + [9.24631, 54.84726], + [9.23445, 54.83432], + [9.2474, 54.8112], + [9.32771, 54.80602], + [9.33849, 54.80233], + [9.36496, 54.81749], + [9.38532, 54.83968], + [9.41213, 54.84254], + [9.43155, 54.82586], + [9.4659, 54.83131], + [9.58937, 54.88785], + [9.62734, 54.88057], + [9.61187, 54.85548], + [9.73563, 54.8247], + [9.89314, 54.84171], + [10.16755, 54.73883], + [10.31111, 54.65968], + [11.00303, 54.63689], + [11.90309, 54.38543], + [12.85844, 54.82438], + [13.93395, 54.84044], + [14.20811, 54.12784], + [14.22634, 53.9291], + [14.20647, 53.91671], + [14.18544, 53.91258], + [14.20823, 53.90776], + [14.21323, 53.8664], + [14.27249, 53.74464], + [14.26782, 53.69866], + [14.2836, 53.67721], + [14.27133, 53.66613], + [14.28477, 53.65955], + [14.2853, 53.63392], + [14.31904, 53.61581], + [14.30416, 53.55499], + [14.3273, 53.50587], + [14.35209, 53.49506], + [14.4215, 53.27724], + [14.44133, 53.27427], + [14.45125, 53.26241], + [14.40662, 53.21098], + [14.37853, 53.20405], + [14.36696, 53.16444], + [14.38679, 53.13669], + [14.35044, 53.05829], + [14.25954, 53.00264], + [14.14056, 52.95786], + [14.15873, 52.87715], + [14.12256, 52.84311], + [14.13806, 52.82392], + [14.22071, 52.81175], + [14.61073, 52.59847], + [14.6289, 52.57136], + [14.60081, 52.53116], + [14.63056, 52.48993], + [14.54423, 52.42568], + [14.55228, 52.35264], + [14.56378, 52.33838], + [14.58149, 52.28007], + [14.70139, 52.25038], + [14.71319, 52.22144], + [14.68344, 52.19612], + [14.70616, 52.16927], + [14.67683, 52.13936], + [14.6917, 52.10283], + [14.72971, 52.09167], + [14.76026, 52.06624], + [14.71339, 52.00337], + [14.70488, 51.97679], + [14.7139, 51.95643], + [14.71836, 51.95606], + [14.72163, 51.95188], + [14.7177, 51.94048], + [14.70601, 51.92944], + [14.6933, 51.9044], + [14.6588, 51.88359], + [14.59089, 51.83302], + [14.60493, 51.80473], + [14.64625, 51.79472], + [14.66386, 51.73282], + [14.69065, 51.70842], + [14.75392, 51.67445], + [14.75759, 51.62318], + [14.7727, 51.61263], + [14.71125, 51.56209], + [14.73047, 51.54606], + [14.72652, 51.53902], + [14.73219, 51.52922], + [14.94749, 51.47155], + [14.9652, 51.44793], + [14.96899, 51.38367], + [14.98008, 51.33449], + [15.04288, 51.28387], + [15.01242, 51.21285], + [15.0047, 51.16874], + [14.99311, 51.16249], + [14.99414, 51.15813], + [15.00083, 51.14974], + [14.99646, 51.14365], + [14.99079, 51.14284], + [14.99689, 51.12205], + [14.98229, 51.11354], + [14.97938, 51.07742], + [14.95529, 51.04552], + [14.92942, 50.99744], + [14.89252, 50.94999], + [14.89681, 50.9422], + [14.81664, 50.88148], + [14.82803, 50.86966], + [14.79139, 50.81438], + [14.70661, 50.84096], + [14.61993, 50.86049], + [14.63434, 50.8883], + [14.65259, 50.90513], + [14.64802, 50.93241], + [14.58024, 50.91443], + [14.56374, 50.922], + [14.59702, 50.96148], + [14.59908, 50.98685], + [14.58215, 50.99306], + [14.56432, 51.01008], + [14.53438, 51.00374], + [14.53321, 51.01679], + [14.49873, 51.02242], + [14.50809, 51.0427], + [14.49991, 51.04692], + [14.49154, 51.04382], + [14.49202, 51.02286], + [14.45827, 51.03712], + [14.41335, 51.02086], + [14.30098, 51.05515], + [14.25665, 50.98935], + [14.28776, 50.97718], + [14.32353, 50.98556], + [14.32793, 50.97379], + [14.30251, 50.96606], + [14.31422, 50.95243], + [14.39848, 50.93866], + [14.38691, 50.89907], + [14.30098, 50.88448], + [14.27123, 50.89386], + [14.24314, 50.88761], + [14.22331, 50.86049], + [14.02982, 50.80662], + [13.98864, 50.8177], + [13.89113, 50.78533], + [13.89444, 50.74142], + [13.82942, 50.7251], + [13.76316, 50.73487], + [13.70204, 50.71771], + [13.65977, 50.73096], + [13.52474, 50.70394], + [13.53748, 50.67654], + [13.5226, 50.64721], + [13.49742, 50.63133], + [13.46413, 50.60102], + [13.42189, 50.61243], + [13.37485, 50.64931], + [13.37805, 50.627], + [13.32264, 50.60317], + [13.32594, 50.58009], + [13.29454, 50.57904], + [13.25158, 50.59268], + [13.19043, 50.50237], + [13.13424, 50.51709], + [13.08301, 50.50132], + [13.0312, 50.50944], + [13.02038, 50.4734], + [13.02147, 50.44763], + [12.98433, 50.42016], + [12.94058, 50.40944], + [12.82465, 50.45738], + [12.73476, 50.43237], + [12.73044, 50.42268], + [12.70731, 50.39948], + [12.67261, 50.41949], + [12.51356, 50.39694], + [12.48747, 50.37278], + [12.49214, 50.35228], + [12.48256, 50.34784], + [12.46643, 50.35527], + [12.43722, 50.33774], + [12.43371, 50.32506], + [12.39924, 50.32302], + [12.40158, 50.29521], + [12.36594, 50.28289], + [12.35425, 50.23993], + [12.33263, 50.24367], + [12.32445, 50.20442], + [12.33847, 50.19432], + [12.32596, 50.17146], + [12.29232, 50.17524], + [12.28063, 50.19544], + [12.28755, 50.22429], + [12.23943, 50.24594], + [12.24791, 50.25525], + [12.26953, 50.25189], + [12.25119, 50.27079], + [12.20823, 50.2729], + [12.18013, 50.32146], + [12.10907, 50.32041], + [12.13716, 50.27396], + [12.09287, 50.25032], + [12.19335, 50.19997], + [12.21484, 50.16399], + [12.1917, 50.13434], + [12.2073, 50.10315], + [12.23709, 50.10213], + [12.27433, 50.0771], + [12.26111, 50.06331], + [12.30798, 50.05719], + [12.49908, 49.97305], + [12.47264, 49.94222], + [12.55197, 49.92094], + [12.48256, 49.83575], + [12.46603, 49.78882], + [12.40489, 49.76321], + [12.4462, 49.70233], + [12.52553, 49.68415], + [12.53544, 49.61888], + [12.56188, 49.6146], + [12.60155, 49.52887], + [12.64782, 49.52565], + [12.64121, 49.47628], + [12.669, 49.42935], + [12.71227, 49.42363], + [12.75854, 49.3989], + [12.78168, 49.34618], + [12.88414, 49.33541], + [12.88249, 49.35479], + [12.94859, 49.34079], + [13.03618, 49.30417], + [13.02957, 49.27399], + [13.05883, 49.26259], + [13.17665, 49.16713], + [13.17019, 49.14339], + [13.20405, 49.12303], + [13.23689, 49.11412], + [13.28242, 49.1228], + [13.39479, 49.04812], + [13.40802, 48.98851], + [13.50221, 48.93752], + [13.50552, 48.97441], + [13.58319, 48.96899], + [13.61624, 48.9462], + [13.67739, 48.87886], + [13.73854, 48.88538], + [13.76994, 48.83537], + [13.78977, 48.83319], + [13.8096, 48.77877], + [13.84023, 48.76988], + [13.82266, 48.75544], + [13.81863, 48.73257], + [13.79337, 48.71375], + [13.81791, 48.69832], + [13.81283, 48.68426], + [13.81901, 48.6761], + [13.82609, 48.62345], + [13.80038, 48.59487], + [13.80519, 48.58026], + [13.76921, 48.55324], + [13.7513, 48.5624], + [13.74816, 48.53058], + [13.72802, 48.51208], + [13.66113, 48.53558], + [13.65186, 48.55092], + [13.62508, 48.55501], + [13.59705, 48.57013], + [13.57535, 48.55912], + [13.51291, 48.59023], + [13.50131, 48.58091], + [13.50663, 48.57506], + [13.46967, 48.55157], + [13.45214, 48.56472], + [13.43695, 48.55776], + [13.45727, 48.51092], + [13.42527, 48.45711], + [13.43929, 48.43386], + [13.40709, 48.37292], + [13.30897, 48.31575], + [13.26039, 48.29422], + [13.18093, 48.29577], + [13.126, 48.27867], + [13.0851, 48.27711], + [13.02083, 48.25689], + [12.95306, 48.20629], + [12.87126, 48.20318], + [12.84475, 48.16556], + [12.836, 48.1647], + [12.8362, 48.15876], + [12.82673, 48.15245], + [12.80676, 48.14979], + [12.78595, 48.12445], + [12.7617, 48.12796], + [12.74973, 48.10885], + [12.76141, 48.07373], + [12.8549, 48.01122], + [12.87476, 47.96195], + [12.91683, 47.95647], + [12.9211, 47.95135], + [12.91985, 47.94069], + [12.92668, 47.93879], + [12.93419, 47.94063], + [12.93642, 47.94436], + [12.93886, 47.94046], + [12.94163, 47.92927], + [13.00588, 47.84374], + [12.98543, 47.82896], + [12.96311, 47.79957], + [12.93202, 47.77302], + [12.94371, 47.76281], + [12.9353, 47.74788], + [12.91711, 47.74026], + [12.90274, 47.72513], + [12.91333, 47.7178], + [12.92969, 47.71094], + [12.98578, 47.7078], + [13.01382, 47.72116], + [13.07692, 47.68814], + [13.09562, 47.63304], + [13.06407, 47.60075], + [13.06641, 47.58577], + [13.04537, 47.58183], + [13.05355, 47.56291], + [13.03252, 47.53373], + [13.04537, 47.49426], + [12.9998, 47.46267], + [12.98344, 47.48716], + [12.9624, 47.47452], + [12.85256, 47.52741], + [12.84672, 47.54556], + [12.80699, 47.54477], + [12.77427, 47.58025], + [12.82101, 47.61493], + [12.76492, 47.64485], + [12.77777, 47.66689], + [12.7357, 47.6787], + [12.6071, 47.6741], + [12.57438, 47.63238], + [12.53816, 47.63553], + [12.50076, 47.62293], + [12.44117, 47.6741], + [12.43883, 47.6977], + [12.37222, 47.68433], + [12.336, 47.69534], + [12.27991, 47.68827], + [12.26004, 47.67725], + [12.24017, 47.69534], + [12.26238, 47.73544], + [12.2542, 47.7433], + [12.22571, 47.71776], + [12.18303, 47.70065], + [12.16217, 47.70105], + [12.16769, 47.68167], + [12.18347, 47.66663], + [12.18507, 47.65984], + [12.19895, 47.64085], + [12.20801, 47.61082], + [12.20398, 47.60667], + [12.18568, 47.6049], + [12.17737, 47.60121], + [12.18145, 47.61019], + [12.17824, 47.61506], + [12.13734, 47.60639], + [12.05788, 47.61742], + [12.02282, 47.61033], + [12.0088, 47.62451], + [11.85572, 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49.16765], + [7.49473, 49.17], + [7.49172, 49.13915], + [7.53012, 49.09818], + [7.56416, 49.08136], + [7.62575, 49.07654], + [7.63618, 49.05428], + [7.75948, 49.04562], + [7.79557, 49.06583], + [7.86386, 49.03499], + [7.93641, 49.05544], + [7.97783, 49.03161], + [8.14189, 48.97833], + [8.22604, 48.97352], + [8.20031, 48.95856], + [8.19989, 48.95825], + [8.12813, 48.87985], + [8.10253, 48.81829], + [8.06802, 48.78957], + [8.0326, 48.79017], + [8.01534, 48.76085], + [7.96994, 48.75606], + [7.96812, 48.72491], + [7.89002, 48.66317], + [7.84098, 48.64217], + [7.80057, 48.5857], + [7.80167, 48.54758], + [7.80647, 48.51239], + [7.76833, 48.48945], + [7.73109, 48.39192], + [7.74562, 48.32736], + [7.69022, 48.30018], + [7.6648, 48.22219], + [7.57137, 48.12292], + [7.56966, 48.03265], + [7.62302, 47.97898], + [7.55673, 47.87371], + [7.52921, 47.77747], + [7.54761, 47.72912], + [7.53722, 47.71635], + [7.51266, 47.70197], + [7.51915, 47.68335], + [7.52067, 47.66437], + [7.53384, 47.65115], + 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47.36996], + [7.0564, 47.35134], + [7.05305, 47.33304], + [6.94316, 47.28747], + [6.95108, 47.26428], + [6.9508, 47.24338], + [6.8489, 47.15933], + [6.76788, 47.1208], + [6.68823, 47.06616], + [6.71531, 47.0494], + [6.43341, 46.92703], + [6.46456, 46.88865], + [6.43216, 46.80336], + [6.45209, 46.77502], + [6.38351, 46.73171], + [6.27135, 46.68251], + [6.11084, 46.57649], + [6.1567, 46.54402], + [6.07269, 46.46244], + [6.08427, 46.44305], + [6.06407, 46.41676], + [6.09926, 46.40768], + [6.15016, 46.3778], + [6.15985, 46.37721], + [6.16987, 46.36759], + [6.15738, 46.3491], + [6.13876, 46.33844], + [6.1198, 46.31157], + [6.11697, 46.29547], + [6.1013, 46.28512], + [6.11926, 46.2634], + [6.12446, 46.25059], + [6.10071, 46.23772], + [6.08563, 46.24651], + [6.07072, 46.24085], + [6.0633, 46.24583], + [6.05029, 46.23518], + [6.04602, 46.23127], + [6.03342, 46.2383], + [6.02461, 46.23313], + [5.97542, 46.21525], + [5.96515, 46.19638], + [5.99573, 46.18587], + [5.98846, 46.17046], + [5.98188, 46.17392], + [5.97508, 46.15863], + [5.9641, 46.14412], + [5.95781, 46.12925], + [5.97893, 46.13303], + [5.9871, 46.14499], + [6.01791, 46.14228], + [6.03614, 46.13712], + [6.04564, 46.14031], + [6.05203, 46.15191], + [6.07491, 46.14879], + [6.09199, 46.15191], + [6.09926, 46.14373], + [6.13397, 46.1406], + [6.15305, 46.15194], + [6.18116, 46.16187], + [6.18871, 46.16644], + [6.18707, 46.17999], + [6.19552, 46.18401], + [6.19807, 46.18369], + [6.20539, 46.19163], + [6.21114, 46.1927], + [6.21273, 46.19409], + [6.21603, 46.19507], + [6.21844, 46.19837], + [6.22222, 46.19888], + [6.22175, 46.20045], + [6.23544, 46.20714], + [6.23913, 46.20511], + [6.24821, 46.20531], + [6.26007, 46.21165], + [6.27694, 46.21566], + [6.29663, 46.22688], + [6.31041, 46.24417], + [6.29474, 46.26221], + [6.26749, 46.24745], + [6.24952, 46.26255], + [6.23775, 46.27822], + [6.25137, 46.29014], + [6.24826, 46.30175], + [6.21981, 46.31304], + [6.25432, 46.3632], + [6.53358, 46.45431], + [6.82312, 46.42661], + [6.8024, 46.39171], + [6.77152, 46.34784], + [6.86052, 46.28512], + [6.78968, 46.14058], + [6.89321, 46.12548], + [6.87868, 46.03855], + [6.93862, 46.06502], + [7.00946, 45.9944], + [7.04151, 45.92435], + [6.95315, 45.85163], + [6.80785, 45.83265], + [6.80785, 45.71864], + [6.98948, 45.63869], + [7.00037, 45.509], + [7.18019, 45.40071], + [7.10572, 45.32924], + [7.13115, 45.25386], + [7.07074, 45.21228], + [6.96706, 45.20841], + [6.85144, 45.13226], + [6.7697, 45.16044], + [6.62803, 45.11175], + [6.66981, 45.02324], + [6.74791, 45.01939], + [6.74519, 44.93661], + [6.75518, 44.89915], + [6.90774, 44.84322], + [6.93499, 44.8664], + [7.02217, 44.82519], + [7.00401, 44.78782], + [7.07484, 44.68073], + [7.00582, 44.69364], + [6.95133, 44.66264], + [6.96042, 44.62129], + [6.85507, 44.53072], + [6.86233, 44.49834], + [6.94504, 44.43112], + [6.88784, 44.42043], + [6.89171, 44.36637], + [6.98221, 44.28289], + [7.00764, 44.23736], + [7.16929, 44.20352], + [7.27827, 44.1462], + [7.34547, 44.14359], + [7.36364, 44.11882], + [7.62155, 44.14881], + [7.63245, 44.17877], + [7.68694, 44.17487], + [7.66878, 44.12795], + [7.72508, 44.07578], + [7.6597, 44.03009], + [7.66848, 43.99943], + [7.65266, 43.9763], + [7.60771, 43.95772], + [7.56858, 43.94506], + [7.56075, 43.89932], + [7.51162, 43.88301], + [7.49355, 43.86551], + [7.50423, 43.84345], + [7.53006, 43.78405], + [7.47823, 43.73341], + [7.4379, 43.74963], + [7.4389, 43.75151], + [7.43708, 43.75197], + [7.43624, 43.75014], + [7.43013, 43.74895], + [7.42809, 43.74396], + [7.42443, 43.74087], + [7.42299, 43.74176], + [7.42062, 43.73977], + [7.41233, 43.73439], + [7.41298, 43.73311], + [7.41291, 43.73168], + [7.41113, 43.73156], + [7.40903, 43.7296], + [7.42422, 43.72209], + [7.50102, 43.51859], + [9.56115, 43.20816], + [10.09675, 41.44089], + [7.60802, 41.05927], + [3.4481, 42.4358], + [3.17156, 42.43545], + [3.11379, 42.43646], + [3.10027, 42.42621], + [3.08167, 42.42748], + [3.03734, 42.47363], + [2.96518, 42.46692], + [2.94283, 42.48174], + [2.92107, 42.4573], + [2.88413, 42.45938], + [2.86983, 42.46843], + [2.85675, 42.45444], + [2.84335, 42.45724], + [2.77464, 42.41046], + [2.75497, 42.42578], + [2.72056, 42.42298], + [2.65311, 42.38771], + [2.6747, 42.33974], + [2.57934, 42.35808], + [2.55516, 42.35351], + [2.54382, 42.33406], + [2.48457, 42.33933], + [2.43508, 42.37568], + [2.43299, 42.39423], + [2.38504, 42.39977], + [2.25551, 42.43757], + [2.20578, 42.41633], + [2.16599, 42.42314], + [2.12789, 42.41291], + [2.11621, 42.38393], + [2.06241, 42.35906], + [2.00488, 42.35399], + [1.96482, 42.37787], + [1.9574, 42.42401], + [1.94084, 42.43039], + [1.94061, 42.43333], + [1.94292, 42.44316], + [1.93663, 42.45439], + [1.88853, 42.4501], + [1.83037, 42.48395], + [1.76335, 42.48863], + [1.72515, 42.50338], + [1.73683, 42.55492], + [1.7858, 42.57698], + [1.72588, 42.59098], + [1.73452, 42.61515], + [1.68267, 42.62533], + [1.6625, 42.61982], + [1.63485, 42.62957], + [1.60085, 42.62703], + [1.55418, 42.65669], + [1.50867, 42.64483], + [1.48043, 42.65203], + [1.46718, 42.63296], + [1.47986, 42.61346], + [1.44197, 42.60217], + [1.35562, 42.71944], + [1.15928, 42.71407], + [1.0804, 42.78569], + [0.98292, 42.78754], + [0.96166, 42.80629], + [0.93089, 42.79154], + [0.711, 42.86372], + [0.66121, 42.84021], + [0.65421, 42.75872], + [0.67873, 42.69458], + [0.40214, 42.69779], + [0.36251, 42.72282], + [0.29407, 42.67431], + [0.25336, 42.7174], + [0.17569, 42.73424], + [-0.02468, 42.68513], + [-0.10519, 42.72761], + [-0.16141, 42.79535], + [-0.17939, 42.78974], + [-0.3122, 42.84788], + [-0.38833, 42.80132], + [-0.41319, 42.80776], + [-0.44334, 42.79939], + [-0.50863, 42.82713], + [-0.55497, 42.77846], + [-0.67637, 42.88303], + [-0.69837, 42.87945], + [-0.72608, 42.89318], + [-0.73422, 42.91228], + [-0.72037, 42.92541], + [-0.75478, 42.96916], + [-0.81652, 42.95166], + [-0.97133, 42.96239], + [-1.00963, 42.99279], + [-1.10333, 43.0059], + [-1.22881, 43.05534], + [-1.25244, 43.04164], + 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wait for a few minutes if you ask a question", + "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-gb", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "UK mailing list", + "email": "talk-gb-owner@lists.openstreetmap.org" + } + ], + "order": 2 + }, + "gb-mailinglist": { + "id": "gb-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gb"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Talk-gb Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-gb is the main communication forum list for the UK (including Northern Ireland) OSM community", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "UK mailing list", + "email": "talk-gb-owner@lists.openstreetmap.org" + } + ], + "order": 4 + }, + "uk-localchapter": { + "id": "uk-localchapter", + "type": "osm-lc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gb"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap UK", + "description": "The official Local Chapter for the UK (including Northern Ireland).", + "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding events, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap UK here: {signupUrl}", + "url": "https://osmuk.org/", + "signupUrl": "https://osmuk.org/become-member/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "OpenStreetMap UK", "email": "board@osmuk.org"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "uk-twitter": { + "id": "uk-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gb"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter", + "description": "OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osmuk", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "OpenStreetMap UK", "email": "board@osmuk.org"} + ], + "order": 2 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [-5.83481, 53.87749], + [-6.26218, 54.09785], + [-6.29003, 54.11278], + [-6.32694, 54.09337], + [-6.36279, 54.11248], + [-6.36605, 54.07234], + [-6.47849, 54.06947], + [-6.62842, 54.03503], + [-6.66264, 54.0666], + [-6.6382, 54.17071], + [-6.70175, 54.20218], + [-6.74575, 54.18788], + [-6.81583, 54.22791], + [-6.85179, 54.29176], + 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We'll be working on anything that involves a sense of place.", + "url": "https://geogeeks.org", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "GeoGeeks Perth", "email": "geogeeks.perth@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [129.1402, -11.59709], + [129.09732, -32.56637], + [108.80859, -39.16414], + [103.18359, -27.60567], + [95.27344, -24.04646], + [96.30615, -11.15685], + [106.25977, -9.92557], + [116.47705, -13.98738], + [122.77222, -11.65224], + [126.43066, -11.48002], + [129.1402, -11.59709] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "GT", + "iso1A3": "GTM", + "iso1N3": "320", + "wikidata": "Q774", + "nameEn": "Guatemala", + "groups": ["013", "003", "419", "019", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["502"], + "id": "GT", + "m49": "320", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇬🇹", + "area": 124178.59, + "resources": { + "guatemala-telegram": { + "id": "guatemala-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gt"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OSM Guatemala on Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Guatemala Telegram chat", + "url": "https://telegram.me/openstreetmapGT" + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [-89.14985, 17.81563], + [-89.15025, 17.04813], + [-89.22683, 15.88619], + [-89.17418, 15.90898], + [-89.02415, 15.9063], + [-88.95358, 15.88698], + [-88.40779, 16.09624], + [-88.20359, 16.03858], + [-88.22552, 15.72294], + [-88.24022, 15.69247], + [-88.31459, 15.66942], + [-88.32467, 15.63665], + [-88.97343, 15.14039], + [-89.15149, 15.07392], + [-89.18048, 14.99967], + [-89.15149, 14.97775], + [-89.23467, 14.85596], + [-89.13132, 14.71582], + [-89.15653, 14.57802], + [-89.23719, 14.58046], + [-89.35189, 14.47553], + [-89.34776, 14.43013], + [-89.39028, 14.44561], + [-89.57441, 14.41637], + [-89.58814, 14.33165], + [-89.50614, 14.26084], + [-89.52397, 14.22628], + [-89.61844, 14.21937], + [-89.70756, 14.1537], + [-89.75569, 14.07073], + [-89.73251, 14.04133], + [-89.76103, 14.02923], + [-89.81807, 14.07073], + [-89.88937, 14.0396], + [-90.10505, 13.85104], + [-90.11344, 13.73679], + [-90.55276, 12.8866], + [-92.37213, 14.39277], + [-92.2261, 14.53423], + [-92.1454, 14.6804], + [-92.18161, 14.84147], + [-92.1423, 14.88647], + [-92.1454, 14.98143], + [-92.0621, 15.07406], + [-92.20983, 15.26077], + [-91.73182, 16.07371], + [-90.44567, 16.07573], + [-90.40499, 16.40524], + [-90.61212, 16.49832], + [-90.69064, 16.70697], + [-91.04436, 16.92175], + [-91.43809, 17.25373], + [-90.99199, 17.25192], + [-90.98678, 17.81655], + [-89.14985, 17.81563] + ] + ] + ] + }, + "id": "GT" + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "HR", + "iso1A3": "HRV", + "iso1N3": "191", + "wikidata": "Q224", + "nameEn": "Croatia", + "groups": ["039", "150", "EU", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["385"], + "id": "HR", + "m49": "191", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇭🇷", + "area": 108479.71, + "resources": { + "hr-facebook": { + "id": "hr-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hr"]}, + "languageCodes": ["hr"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Croatia Facebook group", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Croatia Facebook group", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/541098862671461", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "OpenStreetMap Croatia", "email": "info@osm-hr.org"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "hr-irc": { + "id": "hr-irc", + "type": "irc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hr"]}, + "languageCodes": ["hr"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Croatia on IRC", + "description": "Join #osm-hr on irc.freenode.org (port 6667)", + "url": "https://webchat.freenode.net/?url=irc://irc.freenode.net/osm-hr", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "OpenStreetMap Croatia", "email": "info@osm-hr.org"} + ], + "order": -4 + }, + "hr-mailinglist": { + "id": "hr-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hr"]}, + "languageCodes": ["hr"], + "name": "Talk-hr Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-hr mailing list", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-hr", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "OpenStreetMap Croatia", "email": "info@osm-hr.org"} + ], + "order": -3 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [17.6444, 42.88641], + [17.68151, 42.92725], + [17.7948, 42.89556], + [17.80854, 42.9182], + [17.88201, 42.83668], + [18.24318, 42.6112], + [18.36197, 42.61423], + [18.43735, 42.55921], + [18.44307, 42.51077], + [18.43588, 42.48556], + [18.52152, 42.42302], + [18.54128, 42.39171], + [18.45131, 42.21682], + [16.15283, 42.18525], + [13.12821, 44.48877], + [13.05142, 45.33128], + [13.45644, 45.59464], + [13.56979, 45.4895], + [13.62902, 45.45898], + [13.67398, 45.4436], + [13.7785, 45.46787], + [13.81742, 45.43729], + [13.88124, 45.42637], + [13.90771, 45.45149], + [13.97309, 45.45258], + 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+ [15.47531, 45.79802], + [15.47325, 45.8253], + [15.52234, 45.82195], + [15.57952, 45.84953], + [15.64185, 45.82915], + [15.66662, 45.84085], + [15.70411, 45.8465], + [15.68232, 45.86819], + [15.68383, 45.88867], + [15.67967, 45.90455], + [15.70636, 45.92116], + [15.70327, 46.00015], + [15.71246, 46.01196], + [15.72977, 46.04682], + [15.62317, 46.09103], + [15.6083, 46.11992], + [15.59909, 46.14761], + [15.64904, 46.19229], + [15.6434, 46.21396], + [15.67395, 46.22478], + [15.75436, 46.21969], + [15.75479, 46.20336], + [15.78817, 46.21719], + [15.79284, 46.25811], + [15.97965, 46.30652], + [16.07616, 46.3463], + [16.07314, 46.36458], + [16.05065, 46.3833], + [16.05281, 46.39141], + [16.14859, 46.40547], + [16.18824, 46.38282], + [16.30233, 46.37837], + [16.30162, 46.40437], + [16.27329, 46.41467], + [16.27398, 46.42875], + [16.25124, 46.48067], + [16.23961, 46.49653], + [16.26759, 46.50566], + [16.26733, 46.51505], + [16.29793, 46.5121], + [16.37193, 46.55008], + [16.38771, 46.53608], 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[17.00585, 43.58037], + [17.15828, 43.49376], + [17.24411, 43.49376], + [17.29699, 43.44542], + [17.25579, 43.40353], + [17.286, 43.33065], + [17.46986, 43.16559], + [17.64268, 43.08595], + [17.70879, 42.97223], + [17.5392, 42.92787], + [17.6444, 42.88641] + ] + ] + ] + }, + "id": "HR" + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "HU", + "iso1A3": "HUN", + "iso1N3": "348", + "wikidata": "Q28", + "nameEn": "Hungary", + "groups": ["151", "150", "EU", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["36"], + "id": "HU", + "m49": "348", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇭🇺", + "area": 93019.3, + "resources": { + "hu-facebook": { + "id": "hu-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hu"]}, + "languageCodes": ["hu"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap HU on Facebook", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap Facebook in Hungary", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osm.hu/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ferenc Veres", "email": "info@openstreetmap.hu"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "hu-forum": { + "id": "hu-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hu"]}, + "languageCodes": ["hu"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap HU forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Hungary web forum", + "url": "https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/openstreetmap-hungary", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ferenc Veres", "email": "info@openstreetmap.hu"} + ], + "order": -2 + }, + "hu-matrix": { + "id": "hu-matrix", + "type": "matrix", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hu"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "hu"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap HU matrix room", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Hungary matrix chat", + "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap chat on map topics. One of the OSM community support forums.", + "url": "https://riot.grin.hu/#/room/#osm:grin.hu", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Peter 'grin' Gervai", "email": "grin@grin.hu"} + ] + }, + "hu-meetup": { + "id": "hu-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hu"]}, + "languageCodes": ["hu"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Hungary Meetup", + "description": "The platform for organizing meetups in Hungary", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Hungary", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ferenc Veres", "email": "info@openstreetmap.hu"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [21.72525, 48.34628], + [21.8279, 48.33321], + [21.83339, 48.36242], + [22.14689, 48.4005], + [22.2083, 48.42534], + [22.38133, 48.23726], + [22.49806, 48.25189], + [22.59007, 48.15121], + [22.58733, 48.10813], + [22.66835, 48.09162], + [22.73427, 48.12005], + [22.81804, 48.11363], + [22.87847, 48.04665], + [22.84276, 47.98602], + [22.89849, 47.95851], + [22.77991, 47.87211], + [22.76617, 47.8417], + [22.67247, 47.7871], + [22.46559, 47.76583], + [22.41979, 47.7391], + [22.31816, 47.76126], + [22.00917, 47.50492], + [22.03389, 47.42508], + [22.01055, 47.37767], + [21.94463, 47.38046], + [21.78395, 47.11104], + [21.648, 47.03902], + [21.68645, 46.99595], + [21.59581, 46.91628], + [21.59307, 46.86935], + [21.52028, 46.84118], + [21.48935, 46.7577], + [21.5151, 46.72147], + [21.43926, 46.65109], + [21.33214, 46.63035], + [21.26929, 46.4993], + [21.28061, 46.44941], + [21.16872, 46.30118], + [21.06572, 46.24897], + [20.86797, 46.28884], + [20.74574, 46.25467], + [20.76085, 46.21002], + [20.63863, 46.12728], + [20.49718, 46.18721], + [20.45377, 46.14405], + [20.35573, 46.16629], + [20.28324, 46.1438], + [20.26068, 46.12332], + [20.09713, 46.17315], + [20.03533, 46.14509], + [20.01816, 46.17696], + [19.93508, 46.17553], + [19.81491, 46.1313], + [19.66007, 46.19005], + [19.56113, 46.16824], + [19.52473, 46.1171], + [19.28826, 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50.61589], + [49.12673, 50.78639], + [49.41959, 50.85927], + [49.39001, 51.09396], + [49.76866, 51.11067], + [49.97277, 51.2405], + [50.26859, 51.28677], + [50.59695, 51.61859], + [51.26254, 51.68466], + [51.301, 51.48799], + [51.77431, 51.49536], + [51.8246, 51.67916], + [52.36119, 51.74161], + [52.54329, 51.48444], + [53.46165, 51.49445], + [53.69299, 51.23466], + [54.12248, 51.11542], + [54.46331, 50.85554], + [54.41894, 50.61214], + [54.55797, 50.52006], + [54.71476, 50.61214], + [54.56685, 51.01958], + [54.72067, 51.03261], + [55.67774, 50.54508], + [56.11398, 50.7471], + [56.17906, 50.93204], + [57.17302, 51.11253], + [57.44221, 50.88354], + [57.74986, 50.93017], + [57.75578, 51.13852], + [58.3208, 51.15151], + [58.87974, 50.70852], + [59.48928, 50.64216], + [59.51886, 50.49937], + [59.81172, 50.54451], + [60.01288, 50.8163], + [60.17262, 50.83312], + [60.31914, 50.67705], + [60.81833, 50.6629], + [61.4431, 50.80679], + [61.56889, 51.23679], + [61.6813, 51.25716], + [61.55114, 51.32746], + [61.50677, 51.40687], + [60.95655, 51.48615], + [60.92401, 51.61124], + [60.5424, 51.61675], + [60.36787, 51.66815], + [60.50986, 51.7964], + [60.09867, 51.87135], + [59.99809, 51.98263], + [60.19925, 51.99173], + [60.48915, 52.15175], + [60.72581, 52.15538], + [60.78201, 52.22067], + [61.05417, 52.35096], + [60.98021, 52.50068], + [60.84709, 52.52228], + [60.84118, 52.63912], + [60.71693, 52.66245], + [60.71989, 52.75923], + [61.05842, 52.92217], + [61.23462, 53.03227], + [62.0422, 52.96105], + [62.12799, 52.99133], + [62.14574, 53.09626], + [61.19024, 53.30536], + [61.14291, 53.41481], + [61.29082, 53.50992], + [61.37957, 53.45887], + [61.57185, 53.50112], + [61.55706, 53.57144], + [60.90626, 53.62937], + [61.22574, 53.80268], + [61.14283, 53.90063], + [60.99796, 53.93699], + [61.26863, 53.92797], + [61.3706, 54.08464], + [61.47603, 54.08048], + [61.56941, 53.95703], + [61.65318, 54.02445], + [62.03913, 53.94768], + [62.00966, 54.04134], + [62.38535, 54.03961], + 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public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language.", + "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/#osmkosovo:matrix.org" + }, + "kosovo-telegram": { + "id": "kosovo-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["xk"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "sq", "sr"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Telegram", + "description": "Semi-official all-Kosovo Telegram public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language.", + "url": "https://t.me/osmkosovo", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Guillaume Rischard", + "email": "guillaumenospam@openstreetmapnospam.lu" + } + ], + "order": 1 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [21.39045, 42.74888], + [21.47498, 42.74695], + [21.59154, 42.72643], + [21.58755, 42.70418], + [21.6626, 42.67813], + [21.75025, 42.70125], + [21.79413, 42.65923], + [21.75672, 42.62695], + [21.7327, 42.55041], + [21.70522, 42.54176], + [21.7035, 42.51899], + [21.62556, 42.45106], + [21.64209, 42.41081], + [21.62887, 42.37664], + [21.59029, 42.38042], + [21.57021, 42.3647], + [21.53467, 42.36809], + [21.5264, 42.33634], + [21.56772, 42.30946], + [21.58992, 42.25915], + [21.52145, 42.24465], + [21.50823, 42.27156], + [21.43882, 42.2789], + [21.43882, 42.23609], + [21.38428, 42.24465], + [21.30496, 42.1418], + [21.29913, 42.13954], + [21.31983, 42.10993], + [21.22728, 42.08909], + [21.16614, 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+ "name": "Map Kibera Trust", + "description": "Map Kibera is a registered organization working in Kenya", + "extendedDescription": "Map Kibera Trust’s mission is to increase influence and representation of marginalized communities through the creative use of digital tools for action.", + "url": "https://mapkibera.org/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Map Kibera", "email": "contact@mapkibera.org"} + ], + "order": 4 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [36.82, -1.066], + [36.688, -1.109], + [36.606, -1.221], + [36.606, -1.36], + [36.688, -1.472], + [36.82, -1.515], + [36.952, -1.472], + [37.033, -1.36], + [37.033, -1.221], + [36.952, -1.109], + [36.82, -1.066] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "england-west-midlands.geojson", + "properties": { + "id": "england-west-midlands.geojson", + "area": 16886.07, + "resources": { + "mappa-mercia-group": { + "id": "mappa-mercia-group", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": 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We run community events, provide training and support local organisations wishing to open up their data.", + "url": "http://www.mappa-mercia.org/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Brian Prangle", "email": "community@mappa-mercia.org"} + ], + "order": 5 + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-3.28493, 52.44175], + [-3.12706, 52.96995], + [-1.95817, 53.27605], + [-1.1222, 52.36367], + [-1.59859, 51.90733], + [-2.65611, 51.7761], + [-3.10848, 51.95414], + [-3.28493, 52.44175] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "properties": { + "iso1A2": "MD", + "iso1A3": "MDA", + "iso1N3": "498", + "wikidata": "Q217", + "nameEn": "Moldova", + "groups": ["151", "150", "001"], + "callingCodes": ["373"], + "id": "MD", + "m49": "498", + "isoStatus": "official", + "level": "country", + "roadSpeedUnit": "km/h", + "driveSide": "right", + "emojiFlag": "🇲🇩", + "area": 33815.27, + "resources": { + "md-googlegroup": { + "id": "md-googlegroup", + "type": "forum", + 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37.31729], + [73.29633, 37.46495], + [73.77197, 37.4417], + [73.76647, 37.33913], + [73.61129, 37.27469], + [73.64974, 37.23643], + [73.82552, 37.22659], + [73.8564, 37.26158], + [74.20308, 37.34208], + [74.23339, 37.41116], + [74.41055, 37.3948], + [74.56161, 37.37734], + [74.68383, 37.3948], + [74.8294, 37.3435], + [74.88887, 37.23275], + [74.80605, 37.21565], + [74.49981, 37.24518], + [74.56453, 37.03023], + [74.53739, 36.96224], + [74.43389, 37.00977], + [74.04856, 36.82648], + [73.82685, 36.91421], + [72.6323, 36.84601], + [72.18135, 36.71838], + [71.80267, 36.49924], + [71.60491, 36.39429], + [71.19505, 36.04134], + [71.37969, 35.95865], + [71.55273, 35.71483], + [71.49917, 35.6267], + [71.65435, 35.4479], + [71.54294, 35.31037], + [71.5541, 35.28776], + [71.67495, 35.21262], + [71.52938, 35.09023], + [71.55273, 35.02615], + [71.49917, 35.00478], + [71.50329, 34.97328], + [71.29472, 34.87728], + [71.28356, 34.80882], + [71.08718, 34.69034], + [71.11602, 34.63047], + [71.0089, 34.54568], + [71.02401, 34.44835], + [71.17662, 34.36769], + [71.12815, 34.26619], + [71.13078, 34.16503], + [71.09453, 34.13524], + [71.09307, 34.11961], + [71.06933, 34.10564], + [71.07345, 34.06242], + [70.88119, 33.97933], + [70.54336, 33.9463], + [69.90203, 34.04194], + [69.87307, 33.9689], + [69.85671, 33.93719], + [70.00503, 33.73528], + [70.14236, 33.71701], + [70.14785, 33.6553], + [70.20141, 33.64387], + [70.17062, 33.53535], + [70.32775, 33.34496], + [70.13686, 33.21064], + [70.07369, 33.22557], + [70.02563, 33.14282], + [69.85259, 33.09451], + [69.79766, 33.13247], + [69.71526, 33.09911], + [69.57656, 33.09911], + [69.49004, 33.01509], + [69.49854, 32.88843], + [69.5436, 32.8768], + [69.47082, 32.85834], + [69.38018, 32.76601], + [69.43649, 32.7302], + [69.44747, 32.6678], + [69.38155, 32.56601], + [69.2868, 32.53938], + [69.23599, 32.45946], + [69.27932, 32.29119], + [69.27032, 32.14141], + [69.3225, 31.93186], + [69.20577, 31.85957], + [69.11514, 31.70782], + [69.00939, 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Join us.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OSMGhana/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "enock@osmghana.org"} + ], + "order": 3 + }, + "osm-gh-telegram": { + "id": "osm-gh-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gh"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Ghana Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Ghana community on Telegram", + "url": "https://t.me/osmghana", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "enock@osmghana.org"} + ] + }, + "osm-gh-twitter": { + "id": "osm-gh-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gh"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Ghana on Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osmghana", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "enock@osmghana.org"} + ] + }, + "talk-gh": { + "id": "talk-gh", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gh"]}, + "languageCodes": 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Mainly in Persian.", + "url": "https://www.aparat.com/osm_iran", + "contacts": [{"name": "Iman", "email": "iriman@chmail.ir"}] + }, + "osm-iran-forum": { + "id": "osm-iran-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ir"]}, + "languageCodes": ["fa"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran web forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Iran web forum", + "extendedDescription": "A web forum for OpenStreetMap users in Iran. Feel free to ask questions and discuss with others!", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=103", + "contacts": [{"name": "Iman", "email": "iriman@chmail.ir"}], + "order": -2 + }, + "osm-iran-telegram": { + "id": "osm-iran-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ir"]}, + "languageCodes": ["fa"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran Telegram", + "description": "You're welcome to join our Telegram channel at {url}. We also have a supergroup of many OSMers interested in Iran. Find its link in bio of channel.", + "url": "https://t.me/openstreetmapir", + "contacts": [{"name": "Iman", "email": "iriman@chmail.ir"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [44.96746, 39.42998], + [45.05932, 39.36435], + [45.08751, 39.35052], + [45.16168, 39.21952], + [45.30489, 39.18333], + [45.40148, 39.09007], + [45.40452, 39.07224], + [45.44811, 39.04927], + [45.44966, 38.99243], + [45.6131, 38.964], + [45.6155, 38.94304], + [45.65172, 38.95199], + [45.83883, 38.90768], + [45.90266, 38.87739], + [45.94624, 38.89072], + [46.00228, 38.87376], + [46.06766, 38.87861], + [46.14785, 38.84206], + [46.20601, 38.85262], + [46.34059, 38.92076], + [46.53497, 38.86548], + [46.75752, 39.03231], + [46.83822, 39.13143], + [46.92539, 39.16644], + [46.95341, 39.13505], + [47.05771, 39.20143], + [47.05927, 39.24846], + [47.31301, 39.37492], + [47.38978, 39.45999], + [47.50099, 39.49615], + [47.84774, 39.66285], + [47.98977, 39.70999], + [48.34264, 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Venezuela community on Telegram", + "url": "https://telegram.me/OSMve", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "VE Community", + "email": "talk-ve-owner@openstreetmap.org" + } + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [-71.22331, 13.01387], + [-68.99639, 11.79035], + [-68.33524, 11.78151], + [-68.01417, 11.77722], + [-67.89186, 12.4116], + [-63.19938, 16.44103], + [-63.73917, 11.92623], + [-61.62505, 11.18974], + [-62.08693, 10.04435], + [-60.89962, 9.81445], + [-59.54058, 8.6862], + [-59.98508, 8.53046], + [-59.85562, 8.35213], + [-59.80661, 8.28906], + [-59.83156, 8.23261], + [-59.97059, 8.20791], + [-60.02407, 8.04557], + [-60.38056, 7.8302], + [-60.51959, 7.83373], + [-60.64793, 7.56877], + [-60.71923, 7.55817], + [-60.59802, 7.33194], + [-60.63367, 7.25061], + [-60.54098, 7.14804], + [-60.44116, 7.20817], + [-60.28074, 7.1162], + [-60.39419, 6.94847], + [-60.54873, 6.8631], + [-61.13632, 6.70922], + [-61.20762, 6.58174], + [-61.15058, 6.19558], 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It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.", + "url": "https://t.me/aastumappers", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ben Jamin", "email": "benjazben10@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [38.809, 9.114], + [38.676, 9.071], + [38.593, 8.958], + [38.593, 8.82], + [38.676, 8.707], + [38.809, 8.664], + [38.943, 8.707], + [39.025, 8.82], + [39.025, 8.958], + [38.943, 9.071], + [38.809, 9.114] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:7.41909,5.8308", + "properties": { + "id": "point:7.41909,5.8308", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Abia-State-University": { + "id": "ym-Abia-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[7.41909, 5.8308]]}, + "name": "AbsuMappersTeam", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Abia State University", + "extendedDescription": "AbsuMappersTeam is voluntary team of map enthusiast ,using openstreetmap,GIS and other open source geospatial techno;ogy to solve problems.It is a dedicated for disaster response using OpenStreetMap.It is a professional mentoring and empowerment platform for those with passion for GIS and Mapping.It is a community of volunteers for geospatial data creation,field data collection and mapping.The team was co-founded by Victor N.Sunday(the Team mentor) and Professor J.U.Ogbonna ,the team coordinator and faculty Advisor. AbsuMapperTeam is an affiliate of UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt.The team stands to support sustainable development using geospatial technology", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Absumappersteam-1709186109157466", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "absumappersteam@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [7.419, 6.055], + [7.286, 6.012], + [7.204, 5.9], + [7.204, 5.761], + [7.286, 5.649], + [7.419, 5.606], + [7.552, 5.649], + [7.634, 5.761], + [7.634, 5.9], + [7.552, 6.012], + [7.419, 6.055] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-10.80063,6.31073", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-10.80063,6.31073", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University": { + "id": "ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-10.80063, 6.31073]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers-AMEU", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at African Methodist Episcopal University", + "url": "mailto:youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-10.801, 6.535], + [-10.933, 6.492], + [-11.016, 6.38], + [-11.015, 6.241], + [-10.933, 6.129], + [-10.801, 6.086], + [-10.668, 6.129], + [-10.586, 6.241], + [-10.586, 6.38], + [-10.668, 6.492], + [-10.801, 6.535] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:7.64648,11.17836", + "properties": { + "id": "point:7.64648,11.17836", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University": { + "id": "ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[7.64648, 11.17836]]}, + "name": "ABU Geomappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ahmadu Bello University", + "extendedDescription": "We are a group of Data driven Humanitarian mappers, who are dedicated to rendering humanitarian service in response to disaster and mitigation. We are glad to contribute our expertise and knowledge through mapping, and helping to spread #OpenEvangelism through Training, and collaboration.", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/abugeomappers/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "abugeomappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [7.646, 11.403], + [7.512, 11.36], + [7.429, 11.248], + [7.429, 11.109], + [7.512, 10.997], + [7.646, 10.954], + [7.781, 10.997], + [7.864, 11.109], + [7.864, 11.248], + [7.781, 11.36], + [7.646, 11.403] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:39.21541,-6.76613", + "properties": { + "id": "point:39.21541,-6.76613", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Ardhi-University": { + "id": "ym-Ardhi-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[39.21541, -6.76613]]}, + "name": "ARU Mapper", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University", + "extendedDescription": "As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations.", + "url": "mailto:bayonakennedy@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "bayonakennedy@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [39.215, -6.542], + [39.083, -6.584], + [39, -6.697], + [39, -6.835], + [39.082, -6.948], + [39.215, -6.991], + [39.348, -6.948], + [39.431, -6.835], + [39.43, -6.697], + [39.348, -6.584], + [39.215, -6.542] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:91.8457,22.34998", + "properties": { + "id": "point:91.8457,22.34998", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Asian-University-for-Women": { + "id": "ym-Asian-University-for-Women", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[91.8457, 22.34998]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at AUW", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women", + "extendedDescription": "The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world.", + "url": "http://www.auw.edu.bd/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "harunur.rashid@auw.edu.bd"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [91.846, 22.575], + [91.703, 22.532], + [91.615, 22.419], + [91.615, 22.28], + [91.703, 22.168], + [91.846, 22.125], + [91.988, 22.168], + [92.077, 22.28], + [92.077, 22.419], + [91.989, 22.532], + [91.846, 22.575] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-85.40688,40.20588", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-85.40688,40.20588", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Ball-State-University": { + "id": "ym-Ball-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-85.40688, 40.20588]]}, + "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University", + "extendedDescription": "Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/BallState.GammaThetaUpsilon/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gtu@bsu.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-85.407, 40.43], + [-85.58, 40.387], + [-85.687, 40.275], + [-85.686, 40.136], + [-85.579, 40.024], + [-85.407, 39.981], + [-85.235, 40.024], + [-85.128, 40.136], + [-85.127, 40.275], + [-85.234, 40.387], + [-85.407, 40.43] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:34.01367,0.52733", + "properties": { + "id": "point:34.01367,0.52733", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Busitema-University": { + "id": "ym-Busitema-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[34.01367, 0.52733]]}, + "name": "Good Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University", + "extendedDescription": "Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map.", + "url": "https://m.facebook.com/HOTBusitemaUniv/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "mulindwasteven82@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [34.014, 0.752], + [33.882, 0.709], + [33.8, 0.597], + [33.8, 0.458], + [33.882, 0.346], + [34.014, 0.303], + [34.146, 0.346], + [34.227, 0.458], + [34.227, 0.597], + [34.146, 0.709], + [34.014, 0.752] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-79.89258,40.04425", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-79.89258,40.04425", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania": { + "id": "ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.89258, 40.04425]]}, + "name": "CalU PA GIS Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania", + "extendedDescription": "GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/CalUGisClub/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mueller@calu.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-79.893, 40.269], + [-80.065, 40.226], + [-80.172, 40.113], + [-80.171, 39.975], + [-80.065, 39.862], + [-79.893, 39.82], + [-79.721, 39.862], + [-79.614, 39.975], + [-79.613, 40.113], + [-79.72, 40.226], + [-79.893, 40.269] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-120.49805,46.98002", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-120.49805,46.98002", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Central-Washington-University": { + "id": "ym-Central-Washington-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-120.49805, 46.98002]]}, + "name": "Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University", + "extendedDescription": "Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills.", + "url": "https://www.cwu.edu/geography/geography-club", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "valkoc@cwu.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-120.498, 47.205], + [-120.692, 47.162], + [-120.812, 47.049], + [-120.811, 46.91], + [-120.691, 46.798], + [-120.498, 46.755], + [-120.305, 46.798], + [-120.185, 46.91], + [-120.185, 47.049], + [-120.304, 47.162], + [-120.498, 47.205] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-3.98799,5.344", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-3.98799,5.344", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny": { + "id": "ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-3.98799, 5.344]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers CURAT", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny", + "extendedDescription": "Our chapter aim is to promote the use of collaborative free mapping and the use of openstreetmap data in the field of research and their application in the implementation of tools for decision-making. Help students produce their own data of their research.", + "url": "mailto:gpcome@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gpcome@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-3.988, 5.569], + [-4.121, 5.526], + [-4.203, 5.413], + [-4.202, 5.275], + [-4.121, 5.162], + [-3.988, 5.119], + [-3.855, 5.162], + [-3.773, 5.275], + [-3.773, 5.413], + [-3.855, 5.526], + [-3.988, 5.569] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-82.79297,34.66921", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-82.79297,34.66921", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Clemson-University": { + "id": "ym-Clemson-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-82.79297, 34.66921]]}, + "name": "Clemson Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University", + "extendedDescription": "Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections throughout the world.", + "url": "http://www.clemsongis.org/#!clemson-mappers/i9w6t", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "clemsonmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-82.793, 34.894], + [-82.954, 34.851], + [-83.053, 34.738], + [-83.052, 34.6], + [-82.953, 34.487], + [-82.793, 34.445], + [-82.633, 34.487], + [-82.533, 34.6], + [-82.533, 34.738], + [-82.632, 34.851], + [-82.793, 34.894] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-76.72852,37.30011", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-76.72852,37.30011", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-College-of-William-and-Mary": { + "id": "ym-College-of-William-and-Mary", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.72852, 37.30011]]}, + "name": "All over the map!", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary", + "extendedDescription": "The students who are all over the map are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise.  Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences.", + "url": "mailto:lnseitz@email.wm.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "lnseitz@email.wm.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-76.729, 37.525], + [-76.895, 37.482], + [-76.997, 37.369], + [-76.997, 37.23], + [-76.894, 37.118], + [-76.729, 37.076], + [-76.563, 37.118], + [-76.46, 37.23], + [-76.46, 37.369], + [-76.562, 37.482], + [-76.729, 37.525] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-76.4735,42.4532", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-76.4735,42.4532", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Cornell-University": { + "id": "ym-Cornell-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.4735, 42.4532]]}, + "name": "Mapping Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University", + "extendedDescription": "Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy.", + "url": "mailto:mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20and%20Mapping%20Society%20at%20Cornell%20University", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-76.474, 42.678], + [-76.653, 42.635], + [-76.763, 42.522], + [-76.763, 42.383], + [-76.652, 42.271], + [-76.474, 42.229], + [-76.295, 42.271], + [-76.184, 42.383], + [-76.184, 42.522], + [-76.294, 42.635], + [-76.474, 42.678] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-9.5539,7.04037", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-9.5539,7.04037", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Cuttington-University": { + "id": "ym-Cuttington-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-9.5539, 7.04037]]}, + "name": "Cuttington University YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Cuttington University", + "extendedDescription": "The YouthMappers at Cuttington University, Suakoko, and Bong County comprised of Students from three different departments; namely, the Department of Natural Resources Management “DONRM”, Department of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Natural Sciences. Since the establishment of the Chapter in February 2017, the overall membership is 20 students, with each department containing 5 students.", + "url": "mailto:youthmappers.cu@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.cu@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-9.554, 7.265], + [-9.687, 7.222], + [-9.769, 7.11], + [-9.769, 6.971], + [-9.687, 6.859], + [-9.554, 6.816], + [-9.421, 6.859], + [-9.339, 6.971], + [-9.339, 7.11], + [-9.421, 7.222], + [-9.554, 7.265] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:37.00195,-0.43945", + "properties": { + "id": "point:37.00195,-0.43945", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology": { + "id": "ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[37.00195, -0.43945]]}, + "name": "GDEV", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology", + "extendedDescription": "GDEV is a group of enthusiastic GIS group at DeKUT that aims at helping students share, engage and learn from each other in matters geospatial", + "url": "https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102367719061492681269/stream/e376a295-1246-4e19-9f66-fa6077719f32", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gdevkenya@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [37.002, -0.215], + [36.87, -0.258], + [36.788, -0.37], + [36.788, -0.509], + [36.87, -0.621], + [37.002, -0.664], + [37.134, -0.621], + [37.216, -0.509], + [37.216, -0.37], + [37.134, -0.258], + [37.002, -0.215] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:90.35156,23.72492", + "properties": { + "id": "point:90.35156,23.72492", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Dhaka-College": { + "id": "ym-Dhaka-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[90.35156, 23.72492]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers Daka College", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers  gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes. Happy mapping.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/321220498214124/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersdc@gmail.com"} + ] + }, + "ym-Dhaka-University": { + "id": "ym-Dhaka-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[90.35156, 23.72492]]}, + "name": "Openstreetmap YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University", + "extendedDescription": "It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmDU/1773150346233538/?notif_t=group_activity¬if_id=1472953820177890", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [90.352, 23.949], + [90.207, 23.907], + [90.118, 23.794], + [90.118, 23.655], + [90.208, 23.543], + [90.352, 23.5], + [90.496, 23.543], + [90.585, 23.655], + [90.585, 23.794], + [90.496, 23.907], + [90.352, 23.949] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:90.38063,23.74236", + "properties": { + "id": "point:90.38063,23.74236", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Eastern-University": { + "id": "ym-Eastern-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[90.38063, 23.74236]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at Eastern University", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes.", + "url": "mailto:infolimon@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "infolimon@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [90.381, 23.967], + [90.236, 23.924], + [90.147, 23.812], + [90.147, 23.673], + [90.237, 23.561], + [90.381, 23.518], + [90.525, 23.561], + [90.614, 23.673], + [90.614, 23.812], + [90.525, 23.924], + [90.381, 23.967] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:120.98854,14.60403", + "properties": { + "id": "point:120.98854,14.60403", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology": { + "id": "ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[120.98854, 14.60403]]}, + "name": "Junior Philippines Computer Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology", + "extendedDescription": "FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region", + "url": "mailto:jpcsfeutech@outlook.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20Junior%20Philippines%20Computer%20Society", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "jpcsfeutech@outlook.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [120.989, 14.829], + [120.852, 14.786], + [120.768, 14.673], + [120.768, 14.535], + [120.852, 14.422], + [120.989, 14.379], + [121.125, 14.422], + [121.209, 14.535], + [121.209, 14.673], + [121.125, 14.786], + [120.989, 14.829] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:3.95129,7.84218", + "properties": { + "id": "point:3.95129,7.84218", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys": { + "id": "ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[3.95129, 7.84218]]}, + "name": "OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Federal School of Surveys", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/Oyomappersteam-omt-oyo-1432864713415765/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "oyomappersteam@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [3.951, 8.067], + [3.818, 8.024], + [3.736, 7.912], + [3.736, 7.773], + [3.818, 7.66], + [3.951, 7.618], + [4.084, 7.66], + [4.167, 7.773], + [4.167, 7.912], + [4.085, 8.024], + [3.951, 8.067] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:5.18555,7.27527", + "properties": { + "id": "point:5.18555,7.27527", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure": { + "id": "ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[5.18555, 7.27527]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers Futa Space Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Federal University of Technology, Akure", + "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to raise the next generation of Space Leaders. Activities include research and capacity building in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change, Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Engineering, Global Navigation, Robotics and Space Education.", + "url": "http://spaceclubfuta.com.ng/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "denironyx@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [5.186, 7.5], + [5.052, 7.457], + [4.97, 7.345], + [4.97, 7.206], + [5.053, 7.094], + [5.186, 7.051], + [5.319, 7.094], + [5.401, 7.206], + [5.401, 7.345], + [5.319, 7.457], + [5.186, 7.5] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-13.18359,8.49407", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-13.18359,8.49407", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Fourah-Bay-College": { + "id": "ym-Fourah-Bay-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-13.18359, 8.49407]]}, + "name": "Student's Geographical Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College", + "extendedDescription": "The Student's Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team.", + "url": "mailto:sgayouthmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Fourah%20Bay%20College", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "sgayouthmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-13.184, 8.719], + [-13.317, 8.676], + [-13.4, 8.563], + [-13.4, 8.425], + [-13.317, 8.312], + [-13.184, 8.269], + [-13.05, 8.312], + [-12.968, 8.425], + [-12.968, 8.563], + [-13.05, 8.676], + [-13.184, 8.719] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-13.62305,9.70902", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-13.62305,9.70902", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University": { + "id": "ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-13.62305, 9.70902]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at General Lansana Conte University", + "extendedDescription": "The YouthMappers of the University General Lansana Conté is a non profit community willing to contribute to Map Guinea and others part of the world. We are promoting the use of GIS and Open data to build decision support tools. We also work to build capacities among the students and local communities.", + "url": "www.uglc.org", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "condefa3@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-13.623, 9.934], + [-13.757, 9.891], + [-13.84, 9.778], + [-13.84, 9.64], + [-13.757, 9.527], + [-13.623, 9.484], + [-13.489, 9.527], + [-13.406, 9.64], + [-13.406, 9.778], + [-13.489, 9.891], + [-13.623, 9.934] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-77.34375,38.82241", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-77.34375,38.82241", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-George-Mason-University": { + "id": "ym-George-Mason-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.34375, 38.82241]]}, + "name": "Mason Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University", + "extendedDescription": "Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow.", + "url": "Facebook.com/MasonMappers", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "masonmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-77.344, 39.047], + [-77.514, 39.004], + [-77.618, 38.891], + [-77.618, 38.753], + [-77.513, 38.641], + [-77.344, 38.598], + [-77.175, 38.641], + [-77.07, 38.753], + [-77.069, 38.891], + [-77.174, 39.004], + [-77.344, 39.047] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-8.11817,6.06392", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-8.11817,6.06392", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College": { + "id": "ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-8.11817, 6.06392]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Grand Gedeh County Community College", + "extendedDescription": "The Youth Mappers of GGCCC sole intent is to put places in and around Liberia that are not on the map. We gather youths from the college within the Grand Gedeh Community College to make it their duties to unite and bring these places to the spot light geographically.", + "url": "mailto:yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-8.118, 6.288], + [-8.251, 6.246], + [-8.333, 6.133], + [-8.333, 5.994], + [-8.251, 5.882], + [-8.118, 5.839], + [-7.985, 5.882], + [-7.903, 5.994], + [-7.903, 6.133], + [-7.985, 6.246], + [-8.118, 6.288] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:72.50977,22.99876", + "properties": { + "id": "point:72.50977,22.99876", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Gujarat-University": { + "id": "ym-Gujarat-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[72.50977, 22.99876]]}, + "name": "CCIM at Ahmedabad", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University", + "url": "mailto:Coolmulls@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "coolmulls@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [72.51, 23.223], + [72.366, 23.18], + [72.278, 23.068], + [72.278, 22.929], + [72.367, 22.817], + [72.51, 22.774], + [72.653, 22.817], + [72.742, 22.929], + [72.742, 23.068], + [72.653, 23.18], + [72.51, 23.223] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:32.34375,2.81136", + "properties": { + "id": "point:32.34375,2.81136", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Gulu-University": { + "id": "ym-Gulu-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[32.34375, 2.81136]]}, + "name": "CSGU Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University", + "extendedDescription": "The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University. This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination.", + "url": "mailto:git445@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Gulu%20University", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "git445@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [32.344, 3.036], + [32.212, 2.993], + [32.13, 2.881], + [32.13, 2.742], + [32.212, 2.63], + [32.344, 2.587], + [32.476, 2.63], + [32.558, 2.742], + [32.558, 2.881], + [32.476, 2.993], + [32.344, 3.036] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:8.67039,49.41882", + "properties": { + "id": "point:8.67039,49.41882", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Heidelberg-University": { + "id": "ym-Heidelberg-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[8.67039, 49.41882]]}, + "name": "disastermappers heidelberg", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Heidelberg University", + "extendedDescription": "Disastermappers Heidelberg was founded in 2014 as a student initiative to build a platform for exchange between students, researchers and humanitarian actors. Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications.", + "url": "https://disastermappers.wordpress.com/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "disastermappers@posteo.de"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [8.67, 49.643], + [8.467, 49.6], + [8.342, 49.488], + [8.343, 49.349], + [8.468, 49.237], + [8.67, 49.194], + [8.873, 49.237], + [8.998, 49.349], + [8.999, 49.488], + [8.874, 49.6], + [8.67, 49.643] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:6.93364,4.80651", + "properties": { + "id": "point:6.93364,4.80651", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education": { + "id": "ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[6.93364, 4.80651]]}, + "name": "IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT)", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education", + "extendedDescription": "We are a YouthMappers Chapter of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education involved in crowdsourced mapping of our environment and remote mapping of resilient communities.We are a team of volunteers using openstreetmap and other open Geospatial source for mapping.", + "url": "https://fb.me/ignatiusmappersteam", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "ignatiusmappersteam@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [6.934, 5.031], + [6.801, 4.988], + [6.719, 4.876], + [6.719, 4.737], + [6.801, 4.625], + [6.934, 4.582], + [7.066, 4.625], + [7.148, 4.737], + [7.148, 4.876], + [7.066, 4.988], + [6.934, 5.031] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-79.16139,40.61395", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-79.16139,40.61395", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania": { + "id": "ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.16139, 40.61395]]}, + "name": "Geospatial Science Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania", + "url": "mailto:rhoch@iup.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "rhoch@iup.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-79.161, 40.839], + [-79.336, 40.796], + [-79.443, 40.683], + [-79.442, 40.544], + [-79.335, 40.432], + [-79.161, 40.389], + [-78.988, 40.432], + [-78.88, 40.544], + [-78.88, 40.683], + [-78.987, 40.796], + [-79.161, 40.839] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:29.6112,-1.50091", + "properties": { + "id": "point:29.6112,-1.50091", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri": { + "id": "ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[29.6112, -1.50091]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at INES Ruhengeri", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri", + "extendedDescription": "We are students from Land Administration and Management and Land survey Departments from INES-Ruhengeri. We are engaged in mapping activities that create the changes toward sustainable development in our community.", + "url": "www.ines.ac.rw", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "dufitesaie91@yahoo.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [29.611, -1.276], + [29.479, -1.319], + [29.398, -1.432], + [29.398, -1.57], + [29.479, -1.683], + [29.611, -1.725], + [29.743, -1.683], + [29.825, -1.57], + [29.825, -1.432], + [29.743, -1.319], + [29.611, -1.276] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-14.94108,12.88982", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-14.94108,12.88982", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda": { + "id": "ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-14.94108, 12.88982]]}, + "name": "Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda", + "extendedDescription": "Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda is an all-female mapping group in southern Senegal looking to put Kolda and surrounding villages on the map and better understand how to use OSM.", + "url": "mailto:koldaym@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "koldaym@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-14.941, 13.114], + [-15.077, 13.071], + [-15.16, 12.959], + [-15.16, 12.82], + [-15.076, 12.708], + [-14.941, 12.665], + [-14.806, 12.708], + [-14.722, 12.82], + [-14.722, 12.959], + [-14.806, 13.071], + [-14.941, 13.114] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:85.34173,27.72759", + "properties": { + "id": "point:85.34173,27.72759", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies": { + "id": "ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[85.34173, 27.72759]]}, + "name": "Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies", + "extendedDescription": "To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations.", + "url": "mailto:deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [85.342, 27.952], + [85.192, 27.909], + [85.1, 27.797], + [85.101, 27.658], + [85.193, 27.546], + [85.342, 27.503], + [85.491, 27.546], + [85.583, 27.658], + [85.583, 27.797], + [85.491, 27.909], + [85.342, 27.952] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:39.2935,-6.13779", + "properties": { + "id": "point:39.2935,-6.13779", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management": { + "id": "ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[39.2935, -6.13779]]}, + "name": "IFM mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management", + "extendedDescription": "This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts", + "url": "mailto:supermalik95@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "supermalik95@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [39.294, -5.913], + [39.161, -5.956], + [39.079, -6.068], + [39.079, -6.207], + [39.161, -6.319], + [39.294, -6.362], + [39.426, -6.319], + [39.508, -6.207], + [39.508, -6.068], + [39.426, -5.956], + [39.294, -5.913] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:35.74578,-6.12215", + "properties": { + "id": "point:35.74578,-6.12215", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning": { + "id": "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[35.74578, -6.12215]]}, + "name": "Mipango YouthMappers Chapter", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning", + "extendedDescription": "Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President.", + "url": "mailto:msmapperschapter@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "msmapperschapter@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [35.746, -5.898], + [35.613, -5.94], + [35.531, -6.053], + [35.531, -6.192], + [35.613, -6.304], + [35.746, -6.347], + [35.879, -6.304], + [35.961, -6.192], + [35.961, -6.053], + [35.878, -5.94], + [35.746, -5.898] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:32.89851,-2.51658", + "properties": { + "id": "point:32.89851,-2.51658", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza": { + "id": "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[32.89851, -2.51658]]}, + "name": "Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza", + "url": "www.facebook.com/IYMLZC/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "shabanimagawila@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [32.899, -2.292], + [32.766, -2.335], + [32.685, -2.447], + [32.685, -2.586], + [32.766, -2.698], + [32.899, -2.741], + [33.031, -2.698], + [33.112, -2.586], + [33.112, -2.447], + [33.031, -2.335], + [32.899, -2.292] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-12.1175,10.68652", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-12.1175,10.68652", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine": { + "id": "ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-12.1175, 10.68652]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala is a non profit organisation working to promote humanitarian mapping and the use of open sources and open data to build decision making tools in Guinea.", + "url": "mailto:bvloua45@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "bvloua45@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-12.117, 10.911], + [-12.252, 10.868], + [-12.335, 10.756], + [-12.335, 10.617], + [-12.252, 10.505], + [-12.117, 10.462], + [-11.983, 10.505], + [-11.9, 10.617], + [-11.9, 10.756], + [-11.983, 10.868], + [-12.117, 10.911] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:29.02465,41.10542", + "properties": { + "id": "point:29.02465,41.10542", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Istanbul-Technical-University": { + "id": "ym-Istanbul-Technical-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[29.02465, 41.10542]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers ITU", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Istanbul Technical University", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers ITU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative student community to promote humanitarian mapping for vulnerable settlements and aims to develop and share strategic and innovative spatial information for the future cities by using geographical information systems and open data.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/YouthMappers-ITU-226489641442744/?modal=admin_todo_tour", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersitu@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [29.025, 41.33], + [28.849, 41.287], + [28.741, 41.174], + [28.741, 41.036], + [28.85, 40.924], + [29.025, 40.881], + [29.199, 40.924], + [29.308, 41.036], + [29.308, 41.174], + [29.2, 41.287], + [29.025, 41.33] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-85.76795,33.82283", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-85.76795,33.82283", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Jacksonville-State-University": { + "id": "ym-Jacksonville-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-85.76795, 33.82283]]}, + "name": "JSU Disaster Mapping Team", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University", + "extendedDescription": "The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets", + "url": "mailto:ltatum@stu.jsu.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ltatum@stu.jsu.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-85.768, 34.047], + [-85.927, 34.004], + [-86.025, 33.892], + [-86.025, 33.753], + [-85.927, 33.641], + [-85.768, 33.598], + [-85.609, 33.641], + [-85.511, 33.753], + [-85.511, 33.892], + [-85.609, 34.004], + [-85.768, 34.047] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:90.26753,23.88222", + "properties": { + "id": "point:90.26753,23.88222", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Jahangirnagar-University": { + "id": "ym-Jahangirnagar-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[90.26753, 23.88222]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University", + "url": "mailto:s.t.islam@juniv.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "s.t.islam@juniv.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [90.268, 24.107], + [90.123, 24.064], + [90.034, 23.951], + [90.034, 23.813], + [90.123, 23.7], + [90.268, 23.658], + [90.412, 23.7], + [90.501, 23.813], + [90.501, 23.951], + [90.412, 24.064], + [90.268, 24.107] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:37.0105,-1.08909", + "properties": { + "id": "point:37.0105,-1.08909", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology": { + "id": "ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[37.0105, -1.08909]]}, + "name": "Association of Geomatics Engineering Students", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology", + "extendedDescription": "The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.", + "url": "mailto:laurahmugeha36@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "laurahmugeha36@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [37.011, -0.865], + [36.878, -0.907], + [36.797, -1.02], + [36.797, -1.158], + [36.878, -1.271], + [37.011, -1.314], + [37.143, -1.271], + [37.224, -1.158], + [37.224, -1.02], + [37.143, -0.907], + [37.011, -0.865] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-96.5918,39.16396", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-96.5918,39.16396", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Kansas-State-University": { + "id": "ym-Kansas-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-96.5918, 39.16396]]}, + "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University", + "extendedDescription": "We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to YouthMappers. We have been active with mapping for OSM and conducted a mapathon called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/kstate.gtu?fref=ts", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "tblarsen@ksu.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-96.592, 39.389], + [-96.762, 39.346], + [-96.868, 39.233], + [-96.867, 39.094], + [-96.762, 38.982], + [-96.592, 38.939], + [-96.422, 38.982], + [-96.317, 39.094], + [-96.316, 39.233], + [-96.421, 39.346], + [-96.592, 39.389] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:37.12789,-0.48134", + "properties": { + "id": "point:37.12789,-0.48134", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Karatina-University": { + "id": "ym-Karatina-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[37.12789, -0.48134]]}, + "name": "Nature Club Karatina University", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Karatina University", + "extendedDescription": "This chapter aims to bring together all GIS enthusiasts.They include environment experts, wildlife experts, aquatic and tourism officers, just to mention a few. Its main aim is to provide a platform where students can learn from each other and, in the process, understand how to integrate the GIS skills in their various career paths as well as provide solutions to various environmental related challenges.", + "url": "https://twitter.com/karunature", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "karunatureclub@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [37.128, -0.257], + [36.996, -0.3], + [36.914, -0.412], + [36.914, -0.551], + [36.996, -0.663], + [37.128, -0.706], + [37.26, -0.663], + [37.341, -0.551], + [37.341, -0.412], + [37.26, -0.3], + [37.128, -0.257] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:85.53873,27.62025", + "properties": { + "id": "point:85.53873,27.62025", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Kathmandu-University": { + "id": "ym-Kathmandu-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[85.53873, 27.62025]]}, + "name": "Geomatics Engineering Society,GES", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University", + "extendedDescription": "Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc.", + "url": "ku.edu.np/ges", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ges@ku.edu.np"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [85.539, 27.845], + [85.389, 27.802], + [85.298, 27.689], + [85.298, 27.551], + [85.39, 27.438], + [85.539, 27.396], + [85.687, 27.438], + [85.78, 27.551], + [85.78, 27.689], + [85.688, 27.802], + [85.539, 27.845] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:36.93493,-1.17996", + "properties": { + "id": "point:36.93493,-1.17996", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Kenyatta-University": { + "id": "ym-Kenyatta-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[36.93493, -1.17996]]}, + "name": "Kenyatta University GIS Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kenyatta University", + "extendedDescription": "Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) was founded on 28th October 2016, with more than 200 students and staff from all faculty within campus as members. We are committed to empower members with spatial knowledge, skills and expertise required in understanding the Earth. We help in mapping resources within the university by incorporating geospatial data in their projects as well as fieldwork data collection.", + "url": "mailto:jamesmagige24@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "jamesmagige24@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [36.935, -0.955], + [36.803, -0.998], + [36.721, -1.111], + [36.721, -1.249], + [36.803, -1.362], + [36.935, -1.405], + [37.067, -1.362], + [37.149, -1.249], + [37.149, -1.111], + [37.067, -0.998], + [36.935, -0.955] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:89.56055,22.83685", + "properties": { + "id": "point:89.56055,22.83685", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Khulna-University": { + "id": "ym-Khulna-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[89.56055, 22.83685]]}, + "name": "Khulna University YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University", + "extendedDescription": "KU students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmku/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [89.561, 23.061], + [89.417, 23.018], + [89.329, 22.906], + [89.329, 22.767], + [89.418, 22.655], + [89.561, 22.612], + [89.704, 22.655], + [89.792, 22.767], + [89.792, 22.906], + [89.704, 23.018], + [89.561, 23.061] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:33.83789,1.49396", + "properties": { + "id": "point:33.83789,1.49396", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Kumi-University": { + "id": "ym-Kumi-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[33.83789, 1.49396]]}, + "name": "Ever Last YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University", + "extendedDescription": "This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science and Information Technology.", + "url": "mailto:kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Kumi%20University", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Organizer", + "email": "kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com" + } + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [33.838, 1.719], + [33.706, 1.676], + [33.624, 1.563], + [33.624, 1.425], + [33.706, 1.312], + [33.838, 1.269], + [33.97, 1.312], + [34.052, 1.425], + [34.052, 1.563], + [33.97, 1.676], + [33.838, 1.719] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-1.56831,6.67234", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-1.56831,6.67234", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology": { + "id": "ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-1.56831, 6.67234]]}, + "name": "Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/KNUSTMappers/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "knustyouthmappers@outlook.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-1.568, 6.897], + [-1.701, 6.854], + [-1.783, 6.742], + [-1.783, 6.603], + [-1.701, 6.491], + [-1.568, 6.448], + [-1.435, 6.491], + [-1.353, 6.603], + [-1.353, 6.742], + [-1.435, 6.854], + [-1.568, 6.897] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:32.60742,0.35156", + "properties": { + "id": "point:32.60742,0.35156", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Makerere-University": { + "id": "ym-Makerere-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[32.60742, 0.35156]]}, + "name": "Geo YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University", + "extendedDescription": "Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness.\"We map the world and change lives.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Organizer", + "email": "geo-youthmappers@googlegroups.com" + } + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [32.607, 0.576], + [32.475, 0.533], + [32.394, 0.421], + [32.394, 0.282], + [32.475, 0.17], + [32.607, 0.127], + [32.739, 0.17], + [32.821, 0.282], + [32.821, 0.421], + [32.739, 0.533], + [32.607, 0.576] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:30.65679,-0.61644", + "properties": { + "id": "point:30.65679,-0.61644", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology": { + "id": "ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[30.65679, -0.61644]]}, + "name": "MUST Street Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology", + "extendedDescription": "MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society.", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/muststreetmappers/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "muststreetmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [30.657, -0.392], + [30.525, -0.435], + [30.443, -0.547], + [30.443, -0.686], + [30.525, -0.798], + [30.657, -0.841], + [30.789, -0.798], + [30.87, -0.686], + [30.87, -0.547], + [30.789, -0.435], + [30.657, -0.392] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-73.5787,45.50608", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-73.5787,45.50608", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-McGill-University": { + "id": "ym-McGill-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-73.5787, 45.50608]]}, + "name": "Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at McGill University", + "extendedDescription": "The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad.", + "url": "mailto:omg.mcgill@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "omg.mcgill@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-73.579, 45.731], + [-73.768, 45.688], + [-73.884, 45.575], + [-73.883, 45.436], + [-73.766, 45.324], + [-73.579, 45.282], + [-73.391, 45.324], + [-73.274, 45.436], + [-73.274, 45.575], + [-73.39, 45.688], + [-73.579, 45.731] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-84.73174,39.5109", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-84.73174,39.5109", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Miami-University": { + "id": "ym-Miami-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-84.73174, 39.5109]]}, + "name": "Geography and Planning Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Miami University", + "extendedDescription": "GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience.", + "url": "mailto:GPSMiamiOH@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gpsmiamioh@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-84.732, 39.735], + [-84.903, 39.692], + [-85.009, 39.58], + [-85.008, 39.441], + [-84.902, 39.329], + [-84.732, 39.286], + [-84.561, 39.329], + [-84.455, 39.441], + [-84.455, 39.58], + [-84.56, 39.692], + [-84.732, 39.735] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:35.50781,-0.35156", + "properties": { + "id": "point:35.50781,-0.35156", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Moi-University": { + "id": "ym-Moi-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[35.50781, -0.35156]]}, + "name": "Geography Students Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Moi University", + "extendedDescription": "The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) explores, discovers and aims at developing the entire world through the young Geo-Spatial analysts.  GEOSAMU is part of the Department of Geography.", + "url": "mailto:geosamu44@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Moi%20University", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geosamu44@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [35.508, -0.127], + [35.376, -0.17], + [35.294, -0.282], + [35.294, -0.421], + [35.376, -0.533], + [35.508, -0.576], + [35.64, -0.533], + [35.721, -0.421], + [35.721, -0.282], + [35.64, -0.17], + [35.508, -0.127] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-77.61025,43.10138", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-77.61025,43.10138", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Monroe-Community-College": { + "id": "ym-Monroe-Community-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.61025, 43.10138]]}, + "name": "MCC Mapping Corps", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College", + "url": "mailto:GIST@monroecc.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gist@monroecc.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-77.61, 43.326], + [-77.792, 43.283], + [-77.903, 43.17], + [-77.902, 43.032], + [-77.791, 42.92], + [-77.61, 42.877], + [-77.43, 42.92], + [-77.318, 43.032], + [-77.317, 43.17], + [-77.429, 43.283], + [-77.61, 43.326] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-77.15782,39.09718", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-77.15782,39.09718", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Montgomery-College": { + "id": "ym-Montgomery-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.15782, 39.09718]]}, + "name": "GeoMC", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College", + "extendedDescription": "GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in.", + "url": "mailto:stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Organizer", + "email": "stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu" + } + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-77.158, 39.322], + [-77.328, 39.279], + [-77.433, 39.166], + [-77.433, 39.027], + [-77.327, 38.915], + [-77.158, 38.873], + [-76.988, 38.915], + [-76.883, 39.027], + [-76.882, 39.166], + [-76.987, 39.279], + [-77.158, 39.322] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:17.07709,-22.56572", + "properties": { + "id": "point:17.07709,-22.56572", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology": { + "id": "ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[17.07709, -22.56572]]}, + "name": "Geoinformation Technology Student Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Namibia University of Science and Technology", + "url": "mailto:patriciasem87@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "patriciasem87@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [17.077, -22.341], + [16.934, -22.384], + [16.846, -22.496], + [16.846, -22.635], + [16.934, -22.747], + [17.077, -22.79], + [17.22, -22.747], + [17.309, -22.635], + [17.308, -22.496], + [17.22, -22.384], + [17.077, -22.341] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-74.00391,40.71377", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-74.00391,40.71377", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-New-York-University": { + "id": "ym-New-York-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-74.00391, 40.71377]]}, + "name": "NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at New York University", + "extendedDescription": "The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes.", + "url": "http://www.nyumhealth.org/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mhealth@nyu.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-74.004, 40.938], + [-74.179, 40.895], + [-74.286, 40.783], + [-74.285, 40.644], + [-74.178, 40.532], + [-74.004, 40.489], + [-73.83, 40.532], + [-73.722, 40.644], + [-73.722, 40.783], + [-73.829, 40.895], + [-74.004, 40.938] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-8.71645,7.35208", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-8.71645,7.35208", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Nimba-County-Community-College": { + "id": "ym-Nimba-County-Community-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-8.71645, 7.35208]]}, + "name": "Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Nimba County Community College", + "url": "mailto:ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-8.716, 7.577], + [-8.85, 7.534], + [-8.932, 7.421], + [-8.932, 7.283], + [-8.849, 7.17], + [-8.716, 7.128], + [-8.583, 7.17], + [-8.501, 7.283], + [-8.501, 7.421], + [-8.583, 7.534], + [-8.716, 7.577] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-13.23673,8.47959", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-13.23673,8.47959", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus": { + "id": "ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-13.23673, 8.47959]]}, + "name": "Njala Freetown YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus", + "extendedDescription": "We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone.", + "url": "mailto:Njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-13.237, 8.704], + [-13.37, 8.661], + [-13.453, 8.549], + [-13.453, 8.41], + [-13.37, 8.298], + [-13.237, 8.255], + [-13.103, 8.298], + [-13.021, 8.41], + [-13.021, 8.549], + [-13.103, 8.661], + [-13.237, 8.704] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-11.76548,7.93596", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-11.76548,7.93596", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus": { + "id": "ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-11.76548, 7.93596]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus", + "url": "mailto:youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-11.765, 8.161], + [-11.899, 8.118], + [-11.981, 8.005], + [-11.981, 7.867], + [-11.899, 7.754], + [-11.765, 7.711], + [-11.632, 7.754], + [-11.55, 7.867], + [-11.55, 8.005], + [-11.632, 8.118], + [-11.765, 8.161] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-83.06823,40.29605", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-83.06823,40.29605", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University": { + "id": "ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-83.06823, 40.29605]]}, + "name": "Environment and Wildlife Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University", + "extendedDescription": "Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives.", + "url": "mailto:envirowild@owu.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "envirowild@owu.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-83.068, 40.521], + [-83.242, 40.478], + [-83.349, 40.365], + [-83.348, 40.226], + [-83.241, 40.114], + [-83.068, 40.071], + [-82.896, 40.114], + [-82.788, 40.226], + [-82.788, 40.365], + [-82.895, 40.478], + [-83.068, 40.521] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-97.07253,36.12077", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-97.07253,36.12077", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Oklahoma-State-University": { + "id": "ym-Oklahoma-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-97.07253, 36.12077]]}, + "name": "Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University", + "url": "mailto:hhayden@okstate.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hhayden@okstate.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-97.073, 36.345], + [-97.236, 36.302], + [-97.337, 36.19], + [-97.337, 36.051], + [-97.236, 35.939], + [-97.073, 35.896], + [-96.909, 35.939], + [-96.808, 36.051], + [-96.808, 36.19], + [-96.909, 36.302], + [-97.073, 36.345] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:39.26466,-6.7835", + "properties": { + "id": "point:39.26466,-6.7835", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania": { + "id": "ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[39.26466, -6.7835]]}, + "name": "Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania", + "extendedDescription": "Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania\n\nHad been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html )\n\nOur chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels.", + "url": "mailto:youthmapout@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmapout@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [39.265, -6.559], + [39.132, -6.602], + [39.05, -6.714], + [39.05, -6.853], + [39.132, -6.965], + [39.265, -7.008], + [39.398, -6.965], + [39.48, -6.853], + [39.48, -6.714], + [39.398, -6.602], + [39.265, -6.559] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:9.22852,45.45991", + "properties": { + "id": "point:9.22852,45.45991", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Politecnico-di-Milano": { + "id": "ym-Politecnico-di-Milano", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[9.22852, 45.45991]]}, + "name": "PoliMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano", + "extendedDescription": "PoliMappers is a volunteer students’ association based at Politecnico di Milano. The mission of the group is to train and motivate the next generation of volunteer mappers and to do mapping using free and open source software within the university as well as primary and secondary schools.", + "url": "https://polimappers.github.io/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "polimappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [9.229, 45.684], + [9.04, 45.641], + [8.924, 45.529], + [8.924, 45.39], + [9.041, 45.278], + [9.229, 45.235], + [9.416, 45.278], + [9.533, 45.39], + [9.533, 45.529], + [9.417, 45.641], + [9.229, 45.684] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-0.04049,51.52382", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-0.04049,51.52382", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London": { + "id": "ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.04049, 51.52382]]}, + "name": "Queen Mary YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London", + "extendedDescription": "This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/qmulgeographysociety/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers@qmul.ac.uk"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-0.04, 51.748], + [-0.254, 51.705], + [-0.384, 51.593], + [-0.383, 51.454], + [-0.252, 51.342], + [-0.04, 51.299], + [0.171, 51.342], + [0.302, 51.454], + [0.303, 51.593], + [0.173, 51.705], + [-0.04, 51.748] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:88.62839,24.36373", + "properties": { + "id": "point:88.62839,24.36373", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology": { + "id": "ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[88.62839, 24.36373]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at RUET", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology", + "extendedDescription": "The \"YouthMappers at RUET\" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world.", + "url": "mailto:ruetmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "ruetmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [88.628, 24.588], + [88.483, 24.545], + [88.394, 24.433], + [88.394, 24.294], + [88.484, 24.182], + [88.628, 24.139], + [88.773, 24.182], + [88.863, 24.294], + [88.863, 24.433], + [88.774, 24.545], + [88.628, 24.588] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-79.36523,42.42325", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-79.36523,42.42325", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia": { + "id": "ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.36523, 42.42325]]}, + "name": "Geoventurers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia", + "extendedDescription": "GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction. We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better.", + "url": "mailto:amw30@geneseo.edu?subject=GeoVenturers%20and%20the%20YouthMappers%20network", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "amw30@geneseo.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-79.365, 42.648], + [-79.545, 42.605], + [-79.655, 42.492], + [-79.654, 42.353], + [-79.544, 42.241], + [-79.365, 42.199], + [-79.187, 42.241], + [-79.076, 42.353], + [-79.076, 42.492], + [-79.186, 42.605], + [-79.365, 42.648] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-89.07411,17.161", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-89.07411,17.161", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College": { + "id": "ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-89.07411, 17.161]]}, + "name": "Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College", + "url": "mailto:jtzib18@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "jtzib18@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-89.074, 17.386], + [-89.212, 17.343], + [-89.298, 17.23], + [-89.298, 17.091], + [-89.212, 16.979], + [-89.074, 16.936], + [-88.936, 16.979], + [-88.851, 17.091], + [-88.85, 17.23], + [-88.936, 17.343], + [-89.074, 17.386] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:91.52369,27.2866", + "properties": { + "id": "point:91.52369,27.2866", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Sherubtse-College": { + "id": "ym-Sherubtse-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[91.52369, 27.2866]]}, + "name": "Geographical Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College", + "extendedDescription": "The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!", + "url": "mailto:gsscbhutan@gmail.com?subject=About%20the%20Royal%20University%20of%20Bhutan%20Geographical%20Society%20and%20Youth%20Mappers", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gsscbhutan@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [91.524, 27.511], + [91.375, 27.468], + [91.283, 27.356], + [91.284, 27.217], + [91.375, 27.105], + [91.524, 27.062], + [91.672, 27.105], + [91.764, 27.217], + [91.764, 27.356], + [91.672, 27.468], + [91.524, 27.511] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:37.65636,-6.85251", + "properties": { + "id": "point:37.65636,-6.85251", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture": { + "id": "ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[37.65636, -6.85251]]}, + "name": "SMCoSE YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture", + "extendedDescription": "A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action.", + "url": "mailto:SMCoSEyouthmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "smcoseyouthmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [37.656, -6.628], + [37.523, -6.671], + [37.441, -6.783], + [37.441, -6.922], + [37.523, -7.034], + [37.656, -7.077], + [37.789, -7.034], + [37.872, -6.922], + [37.871, -6.783], + [37.789, -6.671], + [37.656, -6.628] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:32.62161,0.27237", + "properties": { + "id": "point:32.62161,0.27237", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-St.-Augustine-International-University": { + "id": "ym-St.-Augustine-International-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[32.62161, 0.27237]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at St Augustine International University", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University", + "url": "mailto:youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [32.622, 0.497], + [32.49, 0.454], + [32.408, 0.342], + [32.408, 0.203], + [32.49, 0.091], + [32.622, 0.048], + [32.754, 0.091], + [32.835, 0.203], + [32.835, 0.342], + [32.754, 0.454], + [32.622, 0.497] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:26.9671,-16.81484", + "properties": { + "id": "point:26.9671,-16.81484", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute": { + "id": "ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[26.9671, -16.81484]]}, + "name": "MawaggaliMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute", + "extendedDescription": "We are the youthappers chapter at St. Mawaggali trades in choma who are want to contribute the different humantarian tasks to serve lives through mapping.", + "url": "mailto:mawaggalimappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "mawaggalimappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [26.967, -16.59], + [26.829, -16.633], + [26.744, -16.745], + [26.744, -16.884], + [26.829, -16.996], + [26.967, -17.039], + [27.105, -16.996], + [27.19, -16.884], + [27.19, -16.745], + [27.105, -16.633], + [26.967, -16.59] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-77.7832,42.81132", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-77.7832,42.81132", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo": { + "id": "ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.7832, 42.81132]]}, + "name": "SUNY Geneseo GIS Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo", + "extendedDescription": "We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community.", + "url": "http://www.facebook.com/GeneseoGIS", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "bb18@geneseo.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-77.783, 43.036], + [-77.964, 42.993], + [-78.075, 42.88], + [-78.074, 42.742], + [-77.963, 42.629], + [-77.783, 42.587], + [-77.604, 42.629], + [-77.492, 42.742], + [-77.492, 42.88], + [-77.603, 42.993], + [-77.783, 43.036] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-10.7944,6.28997", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-10.7944,6.28997", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic": { + "id": "ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-10.7944, 6.28997]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers-SMP", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Stella Maris Polytechnic", + "url": "mailto:youthmappers.smp@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.smp@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-10.794, 6.515], + [-10.927, 6.472], + [-11.009, 6.359], + [-11.009, 6.221], + [-10.927, 6.108], + [-10.794, 6.065], + [-10.662, 6.108], + [-10.58, 6.221], + [-10.579, 6.359], + [-10.662, 6.472], + [-10.794, 6.515] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:36.82449,-1.2916", + "properties": { + "id": "point:36.82449,-1.2916", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya": { + "id": "ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[36.82449, -1.2916]]}, + "name": "Geospatial Science Student Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Technical University of Kenya", + "extendedDescription": "It's a geographical information based group with very passionate students in the relevant fields of study. We do training to members on emerging trends in the market and keep up with technological advancements", + "url": "mailto:youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [36.824, -1.067], + [36.692, -1.11], + [36.611, -1.222], + [36.611, -1.361], + [36.692, -1.473], + [36.824, -1.516], + [36.957, -1.473], + [37.038, -1.361], + [37.038, -1.222], + [36.957, -1.11], + [36.824, -1.067] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-101.86523,33.57787", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-101.86523,33.57787", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Texas-Tech-University": { + "id": "ym-Texas-Tech-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-101.86523, 33.57787]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at TTU", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University", + "extendedDescription": "As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus activities through mapping.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/youthmapperstexastech/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "emily.glaeser@ttu.edu"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-101.865, 33.802], + [-102.024, 33.759], + [-102.122, 33.647], + [-102.121, 33.508], + [-102.023, 33.396], + [-101.865, 33.353], + [-101.707, 33.396], + [-101.609, 33.508], + [-101.609, 33.647], + [-101.706, 33.759], + [-101.865, 33.802] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-79.96064,32.79693", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-79.96064,32.79693", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-The-Citadel": { + "id": "ym-The-Citadel", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.96064, 32.79693]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at The Citadel", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel", + "extendedDescription": "This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers.", + "url": "Mailto:cstokes5@citadel.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "cstokes5@citadel.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-79.961, 33.022], + [-80.118, 32.979], + [-80.215, 32.866], + [-80.215, 32.727], + [-80.117, 32.615], + [-79.961, 32.572], + [-79.804, 32.615], + [-79.707, 32.727], + [-79.706, 32.866], + [-79.803, 32.979], + [-79.961, 33.022] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-16.6763,13.4579", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-16.6763,13.4579", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia": { + "id": "ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-16.6763, 13.4579]]}, + "name": "Connected YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia", + "extendedDescription": "Connected YouthMappers is comprised of dedicated young Gambians who aspire to change and aid national development.", + "url": "mailto:connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-16.676, 13.682], + [-16.812, 13.64], + [-16.896, 13.527], + [-16.896, 13.388], + [-16.812, 13.276], + [-16.676, 13.233], + [-16.541, 13.276], + [-16.457, 13.388], + [-16.457, 13.527], + [-16.54, 13.64], + [-16.676, 13.682] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-77.04812,38.89966", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-77.04812,38.89966", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-The-George-Washington-University": { + "id": "ym-The-George-Washington-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.04812, 38.89966]]}, + "name": "Humanitarian Mapping Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University", + "extendedDescription": "Models of leadership and engagement, HMS seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/GWHMS/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hms.gwu@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-77.048, 39.124], + [-77.218, 39.081], + [-77.323, 38.969], + [-77.322, 38.83], + [-77.217, 38.718], + [-77.048, 38.675], + [-76.879, 38.718], + [-76.774, 38.83], + [-76.773, 38.969], + [-76.878, 39.081], + [-77.048, 39.124] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-77.04027,38.90797", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-77.04027,38.90797", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS": { + "id": "ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.04027, 38.90797]]}, + "name": "SAIS YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS", + "extendedDescription": "The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region.", + "url": "mailto:saisyouthmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "saisyouthmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-77.04, 39.133], + [-77.21, 39.09], + [-77.315, 38.977], + [-77.314, 38.838], + [-77.209, 38.726], + [-77.04, 38.683], + [-76.871, 38.726], + [-76.766, 38.838], + [-76.766, 38.977], + [-76.87, 39.09], + [-77.04, 39.133] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-77.85976,40.798", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-77.85976,40.798", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University": { + "id": "ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.85976, 40.798]]}, + "name": "Penn State GIS Coalition", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University", + "extendedDescription": "The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry.", + "url": "mailto:advising@geog.psu.edu", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "advising@geog.psu.edu"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-77.86, 41.023], + [-78.035, 40.98], + [-78.142, 40.867], + [-78.142, 40.728], + [-78.034, 40.616], + [-77.86, 40.573], + [-77.686, 40.616], + [-77.578, 40.728], + [-77.577, 40.867], + [-77.685, 40.98], + [-77.86, 41.023] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:28.33027,-15.39189", + "properties": { + "id": "point:28.33027,-15.39189", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-The-University-of-Zambia": { + "id": "ym-The-University-of-Zambia", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[28.33027, -15.39189]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers Unza", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/search/posts/?q=youth%20mappers%20unza", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "chombachishala13@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [28.33, -15.167], + [28.193, -15.21], + [28.109, -15.322], + [28.109, -15.461], + [28.193, -15.574], + [28.33, -15.616], + [28.467, -15.574], + [28.552, -15.461], + [28.552, -15.322], + [28.467, -15.21], + [28.33, -15.167] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:83.97645,28.2538", + "properties": { + "id": "point:83.97645,28.2538", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Tribhuvan-University": { + "id": "ym-Tribhuvan-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[83.97645, 28.2538]]}, + "name": "Geomatics Engineering Students Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University", + "extendedDescription": "This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network.", + "url": "http://gesanwrc.wordpress.com/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "gesan.nepal@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [83.976, 28.478], + [83.826, 28.435], + [83.734, 28.323], + [83.734, 28.184], + [83.827, 28.072], + [83.976, 28.029], + [84.126, 28.072], + [84.219, 28.184], + [84.219, 28.323], + [84.127, 28.435], + [83.976, 28.478] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-89.41268,43.07645", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-89.41268,43.07645", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-UW-Madison": { + "id": "ym-UW-Madison", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-89.41268, 43.07645]]}, + "name": "BadgerMaps", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison", + "extendedDescription": "BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UW-BadgerMaps-197746270811951/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "uwbadgermaps@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-89.413, 43.301], + [-89.594, 43.258], + [-89.705, 43.145], + [-89.705, 43.007], + [-89.593, 42.895], + [-89.413, 42.852], + [-89.232, 42.895], + [-89.121, 43.007], + [-89.12, 43.145], + [-89.231, 43.258], + [-89.413, 43.301] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:34.17487,1.07587", + "properties": { + "id": "point:34.17487,1.07587", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus": { + "id": "ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[34.17487, 1.07587]]}, + "name": "Mappers for Life", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus", + "extendedDescription": "We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!\" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU.", + "url": "mailto:munhilll@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20the%20Uganda%20Christian%20University%20Mappers%20for%20Life", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "munhilll@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [34.175, 1.3], + [34.043, 1.258], + [33.961, 1.145], + [33.961, 1.006], + [34.043, 0.894], + [34.175, 0.851], + [34.307, 0.894], + [34.388, 1.006], + [34.388, 1.145], + [34.307, 1.258], + [34.175, 1.3] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:30.26621,0.66206", + "properties": { + "id": "point:30.26621,0.66206", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University": { + "id": "ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[30.26621, 0.66206]]}, + "name": "HiTech Youth Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University", + "extendedDescription": "A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes.", + "url": "mailto:hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [30.266, 0.887], + [30.134, 0.844], + [30.053, 0.731], + [30.053, 0.593], + [30.134, 0.48], + [30.266, 0.437], + [30.398, 0.48], + [30.48, 0.593], + [30.48, 0.731], + [30.398, 0.844], + [30.266, 0.887] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-3.69437,40.54647", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-3.69437,40.54647", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-3.69437, 40.54647]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at UAM", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid", + "url": "mailto:youthmappersatuam@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersatuam@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-3.694, 40.771], + [-3.869, 40.728], + [-3.976, 40.616], + [-3.975, 40.477], + [-3.868, 40.365], + [-3.694, 40.322], + [-3.521, 40.365], + [-3.414, 40.477], + [-3.413, 40.616], + [-3.52, 40.728], + [-3.694, 40.771] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-74.0918,4.65306", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-74.0918,4.65306", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-74.0918, 4.65306]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at Bogota", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas", + "extendedDescription": "The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is a public, coeducational, research university based in Bogotá, Colombia with a population of 26,140 students.", + "url": "mailto:lrocha@selper.org.co", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "lrocha@selper.org.co"}] + }, + "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-74.0918, 4.65306]]}, + "name": "Grupo UN", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Colombia", + "extendedDescription": "Students are uniting to map and network with university students across the country of Colombia and across the globe.  Geographic specialties include affiliation with microbiology and health disciplines.", + "url": "mailto:raknudsono@unal.edu.co?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20y%20Grupo%20UN%20Colombia", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "raknudsono@unal.edu.co"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-74.092, 4.878], + [-74.224, 4.835], + [-74.306, 4.722], + [-74.306, 4.584], + [-74.224, 4.471], + [-74.092, 4.428], + [-73.959, 4.471], + [-73.878, 4.584], + [-73.877, 4.722], + [-73.959, 4.835], + [-74.092, 4.878] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-87.16598,14.08505", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-87.16598,14.08505", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-87.16598, 14.08505]]}, + "name": "PumaGis Hn", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras", + "url": "mailto:pumagishn@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "pumagishn@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-87.166, 14.31], + [-87.302, 14.267], + [-87.386, 14.154], + [-87.386, 14.016], + [-87.302, 13.903], + [-87.166, 13.86], + [-87.03, 13.903], + [-86.946, 14.016], + [-86.946, 14.154], + [-87.03, 14.267], + [-87.166, 14.31] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-86.27051,12.1316", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-86.27051,12.1316", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-86.27051, 12.1316]]}, + "name": "Yeka Street MGA", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria", + "extendedDescription": "YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/yekastreetmga/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "yeka.street.mga@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-86.271, 12.356], + [-86.406, 12.313], + [-86.489, 12.201], + [-86.489, 12.062], + [-86.405, 11.95], + [-86.271, 11.907], + [-86.136, 11.95], + [-86.052, 12.062], + [-86.052, 12.201], + [-86.135, 12.313], + [-86.271, 12.356] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-3.7173,40.44782", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-3.7173,40.44782", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-3.7173, 40.44782]]}, + "name": "Mapeo Humanitario", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid", + "extendedDescription": "Geo-volunteering group formed at Moncloa Campus on November 2017. Around 20 members from three Universities (Complutense, CEU and UPM). Undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students collaborate together with organizations (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre,...) supported by trainers from Geoinquietos. Official recognition by UPM as Educative Innovation Project (Code IE1718.0411)", + "url": "https://blogs.upm.es/mapeo-humanitario/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "lab.topografia@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-3.717, 40.672], + [-3.891, 40.629], + [-3.998, 40.517], + [-3.998, 40.378], + [-3.89, 40.266], + [-3.717, 40.223], + [-3.544, 40.266], + [-3.437, 40.378], + [-3.436, 40.517], + [-3.543, 40.629], + [-3.717, 40.672] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-75.58594,6.22791", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-75.58594,6.22791", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-75.58594, 6.22791]]}, + "name": "Geomatica UDEA", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Antioquia", + "extendedDescription": "We are a group interested in geospatial data, voluntary cartography, and participating in mapping with others in our country and within the YouthMappers network.", + "url": "mailto:geomatica.ing.udea@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20y%20Universidad%20de%20Antioquia", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "geomatica.ing.udea@gmail.com"} + ] + }, + "ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-75.58594, 6.22791]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers San Buenaventura", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de San Buenaventura", + "extendedDescription": "We are pleased to join YouthMappers mapping for a better world and community.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Organizer", + "email": "ingenieria.sistemas@usbmed.edu.co" + } + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-75.586, 6.452], + [-75.719, 6.41], + [-75.801, 6.297], + [-75.801, 6.158], + [-75.719, 6.046], + [-75.586, 6.003], + [-75.453, 6.046], + [-75.371, 6.158], + [-75.371, 6.297], + [-75.453, 6.41], + [-75.586, 6.452] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-84.05105,9.93721", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-84.05105,9.93721", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-84.05105, 9.93721]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/ucr.asege/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersucr@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-84.051, 10.162], + [-84.185, 10.119], + [-84.268, 10.007], + [-84.268, 9.868], + [-84.185, 9.755], + [-84.051, 9.713], + [-83.917, 9.755], + [-83.834, 9.868], + [-83.834, 10.007], + [-83.917, 10.119], + [-84.051, 10.162] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-72.86133,11.52304", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-72.86133,11.52304", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-72.86133, 11.52304]]}, + "name": "Grupo Mesh", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de La Guajira", + "extendedDescription": "Grupo Mesh is a student organization at the Universidad de la Guajira in Colombia, including students from the program of Environmental Engineering who learn cartography and open mapping.", + "url": "mailto:zoviedo@uniguajira.edu.co?subject=Grupo%20Mesh%20y%20YouthMappers", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "zoviedo@uniguajira.edu.co"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-72.861, 11.748], + [-72.996, 11.705], + [-73.079, 11.592], + [-73.079, 11.454], + [-72.996, 11.341], + [-72.861, 11.298], + [-72.727, 11.341], + [-72.643, 11.454], + [-72.643, 11.592], + [-72.727, 11.705], + [-72.861, 11.748] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-74.0918,4.56545", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-74.0918,4.56545", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-74.0918, 4.56545]]}, + "name": "Cartografos Uniandes", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Los Andes", + "extendedDescription": "We are a circle of student participation that seeks to use mapping and spatial reasoning as a means to create bonds of cooperation and integration between the university and society by addressing different spatial, social, political , economic and cultural dynamics.", + "url": "mailto:geografia@uniandes.edu.co?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20Chapter%20y%20la%20Universidad%20de%20los%20Andes", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "geografia@uniandes.edu.co"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-74.092, 4.79], + [-74.224, 4.747], + [-74.306, 4.635], + [-74.306, 4.496], + [-74.224, 4.384], + [-74.092, 4.341], + [-73.959, 4.384], + [-73.878, 4.496], + [-73.878, 4.635], + [-73.959, 4.747], + [-74.092, 4.79] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-66.04978,18.40277", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-66.04978,18.40277", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras": { + "id": "ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-66.04978, 18.40277]]}, + "name": "UPR YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras", + "url": "mailto:carlosguilbe@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "carlosguilbe@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-66.05, 18.627], + [-66.189, 18.584], + [-66.275, 18.472], + [-66.275, 18.333], + [-66.189, 18.221], + [-66.05, 18.178], + [-65.911, 18.221], + [-65.825, 18.333], + [-65.825, 18.472], + [-65.911, 18.584], + [-66.05, 18.627] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:32.60357,-25.95208", + "properties": { + "id": "point:32.60357,-25.95208", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane": { + "id": "ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[32.60357, -25.95208]]}, + "name": "Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane", + "extendedDescription": "We are a student group that intends to join Mozambican society to create a resilient community of humanitarian mapping. The community intend to map the physical occupation of our Country and create open geographic data, accessible to the public and able to be used in several areas without associated costs.", + "url": "www.facebook.com/Moz-YouthMappers", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "moz.youthmappers1@hotmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [32.604, -25.728], + [32.457, -25.77], + [32.366, -25.882], + [32.366, -26.021], + [32.457, -26.134], + [32.604, -26.177], + [32.751, -26.134], + [32.841, -26.021], + [32.841, -25.882], + [32.75, -25.77], + [32.604, -25.728] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-16.42556,16.06284", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-16.42556,16.06284", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger": { + "id": "ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-16.42556, 16.06284]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at UGB", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université Gaston Berger", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers UGB is made up of young students and researchers who are passionate about mapping. Our aim is to improve students' skills in the field of cartography and to participate in the creation of open geographic data that responds to development challenges around the world and particularly in Africa.", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/youthmappersugb/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.ugb@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-16.426, 16.287], + [-16.563, 16.244], + [-16.648, 16.132], + [-16.648, 15.993], + [-16.563, 15.881], + [-16.426, 15.838], + [-16.288, 15.881], + [-16.203, 15.993], + [-16.203, 16.132], + [-16.288, 16.244], + [-16.426, 16.287] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-6.84395,33.99862", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-6.84395,33.99862", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat": { + "id": "ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-6.84395, 33.99862]]}, + "name": "Brahmapoutre at Rabat", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat", + "extendedDescription": "This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries", + "url": "mailto:khmichasma@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "khmichasma@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-6.844, 34.223], + [-7.004, 34.18], + [-7.102, 34.068], + [-7.101, 33.929], + [-7.003, 33.817], + [-6.844, 33.774], + [-6.685, 33.817], + [-6.587, 33.929], + [-6.586, 34.068], + [-6.684, 34.18], + [-6.844, 34.223] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-8.83716,7.7324", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-8.83716,7.7324", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universit-de-NZrkor": { + "id": "ym-Universit-de-NZrkor", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-8.83716, 7.7324]]}, + "name": "Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université de N'Zérékoré", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit.", + "url": "mailto:donpaul1974@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "donpaul1974@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-8.837, 7.957], + [-8.97, 7.914], + [-9.053, 7.802], + [-9.053, 7.663], + [-8.97, 7.551], + [-8.837, 7.508], + [-8.704, 7.551], + [-8.622, 7.663], + [-8.622, 7.802], + [-8.704, 7.914], + [-8.837, 7.957] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-7.98832,12.61531", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-7.98832,12.61531", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako": { + "id": "ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-7.98832, 12.61531]]}, + "name": "Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako", + "url": "mailto:youthmappersfhg@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersfhg@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-7.988, 12.84], + [-8.124, 12.797], + [-8.207, 12.685], + [-8.207, 12.546], + [-8.123, 12.434], + [-7.988, 12.391], + [-7.853, 12.434], + [-7.77, 12.546], + [-7.769, 12.685], + [-7.853, 12.797], + [-7.988, 12.84] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:119.4292,-5.18613", + "properties": { + "id": "point:119.4292,-5.18613", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar": { + "id": "ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[119.4292, -5.18613]]}, + "name": "Kontur Geografi", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar", + "url": "https://tentangkontur.blogspot.co.id", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "konturgeografi@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [119.429, -4.962], + [119.297, -5.004], + [119.215, -5.117], + [119.215, -5.255], + [119.297, -5.368], + [119.429, -5.411], + [119.562, -5.368], + [119.644, -5.255], + [119.644, -5.117], + [119.562, -5.004], + [119.429, -4.962] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:110.76899,-7.55758", + "properties": { + "id": "point:110.76899,-7.55758", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta": { + "id": "ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[110.76899, -7.55758]]}, + "name": "SpaceTime", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta", + "extendedDescription": "SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta.", + "url": "mailto:spacetime1717@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "spacetime1717@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [110.769, -7.333], + [110.636, -7.376], + [110.554, -7.488], + [110.553, -7.627], + [110.636, -7.739], + [110.769, -7.782], + [110.902, -7.739], + [110.984, -7.627], + [110.984, -7.488], + [110.902, -7.376], + [110.769, -7.333] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-121.72852,38.54799", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-121.72852,38.54799", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-California-Davis": { + "id": "ym-University-of-California-Davis", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-121.72852, 38.54799]]}, + "name": "Mapping Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis", + "url": "mailto:ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20UC%20Davis%20Mapping%20Club", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-121.729, 38.773], + [-121.898, 38.73], + [-122.002, 38.617], + [-122.001, 38.478], + [-121.897, 38.366], + [-121.729, 38.323], + [-121.56, 38.366], + [-121.456, 38.478], + [-121.455, 38.617], + [-121.559, 38.73], + [-121.729, 38.773] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-1.23047,5.09092", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-1.23047,5.09092", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Cape-Coast": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Cape-Coast", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-1.23047, 5.09092]]}, + "name": "UCC Geographical Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Cape Coast", + "extendedDescription": "We are a society that encompasses all students who are reading and read geography in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Cape Coast. Our main aim is to promote interest in the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. Our motto is “We comprehend the Earth and its inhabitants.”", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Geographical-Society-Ucc-105157196204838/info/?tab=page_info", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geosoc_ucc@yahoo.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-1.23, 5.315], + [-1.363, 5.273], + [-1.445, 5.16], + [-1.445, 5.021], + [-1.363, 4.909], + [-1.23, 4.866], + [-1.098, 4.909], + [-1.016, 5.021], + [-1.016, 5.16], + [-1.098, 5.273], + [-1.23, 5.315] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-81.38672,28.45891", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-81.38672,28.45891", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Central-Florida": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Central-Florida", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-81.38672, 28.45891]]}, + "name": "Geospatial Information Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida", + "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS.", + "url": "mailto:rsouth@knights.ucf.edu", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "rsouth@knights.ucf.edu"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-81.387, 28.683], + [-81.537, 28.641], + [-81.63, 28.528], + [-81.63, 28.389], + [-81.537, 28.277], + [-81.387, 28.234], + [-81.237, 28.277], + [-81.144, 28.389], + [-81.144, 28.528], + [-81.236, 28.641], + [-81.387, 28.683] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-87.59878,41.78872", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-87.59878,41.78872", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Chicago": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Chicago", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-87.59878, 41.78872]]}, + "name": "Tobler Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago", + "url": "mailto:toblersociety@uchicago.edu", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "toblersociety@uchicago.edu"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-87.599, 42.013], + [-87.776, 41.97], + [-87.886, 41.858], + [-87.885, 41.719], + [-87.775, 41.607], + [-87.599, 41.564], + [-87.422, 41.607], + [-87.313, 41.719], + [-87.312, 41.858], + [-87.421, 41.97], + [-87.599, 42.013] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:39.20531,-6.78035", + "properties": { + "id": "point:39.20531,-6.78035", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[39.20531, -6.78035]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam", + "extendedDescription": "The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners .", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UDSMYouthMappers/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "godluckur@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [39.205, -6.556], + [39.072, -6.599], + [38.99, -6.711], + [38.99, -6.85], + [39.072, -6.962], + [39.205, -7.005], + [39.338, -6.962], + [39.42, -6.85], + [39.42, -6.711], + [39.338, -6.599], + [39.205, -6.556] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-2.343,7.35021", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-2.343,7.35021", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-2.343, 7.35021]]}, + "name": "Eco-Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Energy and Natural Resources", + "extendedDescription": "To provide a sound education to all citizens about the deteriorating environment and provide utmost use of recreation of the environment for human survival.", + "url": "mailto:james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-2.343, 7.575], + [-2.476, 7.532], + [-2.558, 7.42], + [-2.558, 7.281], + [-2.476, 7.169], + [-2.343, 7.126], + [-2.21, 7.169], + [-2.128, 7.281], + [-2.128, 7.42], + [-2.21, 7.532], + [-2.343, 7.575] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-3.53515,50.73664", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-3.53515,50.73664", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Exeter": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Exeter", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-3.53515, 50.73664]]}, + "name": "University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter", + "extendedDescription": "We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/EUMissingMaps/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "uniofexemissingmaps@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-3.535, 50.961], + [-3.745, 50.918], + [-3.873, 50.806], + [-3.872, 50.667], + [-3.743, 50.555], + [-3.535, 50.512], + [-3.327, 50.555], + [-3.198, 50.667], + [-3.197, 50.806], + [-3.326, 50.918], + [-3.535, 50.961] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-0.19624,5.65113", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-0.19624,5.65113", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Ghana": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Ghana", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.19624, 5.65113]]}, + "name": "University of Ghana YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Ghana", + "extendedDescription": "UG YouthMappers consists of both graduate and undergraduate students possessing knowledge and skills in GIS and Remote Sensing. The club is composed of an energetic team that is poised to address social issues and mitigate environmental problems through mapping. Our fundamental principles are capacity building, empowerment and teamwork.", + "url": "https://twitter.com/UGYouthMappers", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mawulikaf@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-0.196, 5.876], + [-0.329, 5.833], + [-0.411, 5.72], + [-0.411, 5.582], + [-0.329, 5.469], + [-0.196, 5.427], + [-0.064, 5.469], + [0.018, 5.582], + [0.018, 5.72], + [-0.064, 5.833], + [-0.196, 5.876] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-10.61986,6.37704", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-10.61986,6.37704", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-10.61986, 6.37704]]}, + "name": "University of Liberia YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Liberia YouthMappers", + "extendedDescription": "The University of Liberia YouthMappers is a chapter organization of the Global YouthMappers. We are a nonprofit student mapping organization focus on mapping for Liberia’s development and the World at large. The purpose of this organization shall be to utilize technology and geospatial knowledge as means of creating and developing maps; collecting and analyzing data that will address local and worldwide challenges. Our aim is to support and create opportunity for students to develop interest and skills in the fields of mapping. We envision a united student community that are collaborative, active and are willing to work with the University of Liberia YouthMappers in order to better the lives of others.", + "url": "mailto:ulym2017@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ulym2017@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-10.62, 6.602], + [-10.753, 6.559], + [-10.835, 6.446], + [-10.835, 6.308], + [-10.753, 6.195], + [-10.62, 6.152], + [-10.487, 6.195], + [-10.405, 6.308], + [-10.405, 6.446], + [-10.487, 6.559], + [-10.62, 6.602] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:35.33203,-15.36889", + "properties": { + "id": "point:35.33203,-15.36889", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Malawi": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Malawi", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[35.33203, -15.36889]]}, + "name": "Chanco Malawi YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Malawi", + "extendedDescription": "Chanco Malawi YouthMappers is the student mapping organization for the University of Malawi's Chancellor College. The students in this chapter focus on mapping for Malawi's development and science needs.", + "url": "mailto:zolamanyungwa@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "zolamanyungwa@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [35.332, -15.144], + [35.195, -15.187], + [35.111, -15.299], + [35.11, -15.438], + [35.195, -15.551], + [35.332, -15.593], + [35.469, -15.551], + [35.554, -15.438], + [35.553, -15.299], + [35.469, -15.187], + [35.332, -15.144] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-76.94332,38.98672", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-76.94332,38.98672", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.94332, 38.98672]]}, + "name": "Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park", + "extendedDescription": "The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UMDGeographyClub/?fref=ts", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "geogclubumd@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-76.943, 39.211], + [-77.114, 39.168], + [-77.218, 39.056], + [-77.218, 38.917], + [-77.113, 38.805], + [-76.943, 38.762], + [-76.774, 38.805], + [-76.669, 38.917], + [-76.668, 39.056], + [-76.773, 39.168], + [-76.943, 39.211] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-2.00125,5.29878", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-2.00125,5.29878", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-2.00125, 5.29878]]}, + "name": "UMaT YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Mines and Technology", + "extendedDescription": "UMaT YouthMappers is a group of volunteer students who seek to grant students the opportunity to improve skills in the field of mapping & creating open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide.", + "url": "http://umatyouthmappers.wordpress.com/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "kwadzo459@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-2.001, 5.523], + [-2.134, 5.48], + [-2.216, 5.368], + [-2.216, 5.229], + [-2.134, 5.117], + [-2.001, 5.074], + [-1.869, 5.117], + [-1.787, 5.229], + [-1.787, 5.368], + [-1.869, 5.48], + [-2.001, 5.523] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:36.82617,-1.31824", + "properties": { + "id": "point:36.82617,-1.31824", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Nairobi": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Nairobi", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[36.82617, -1.31824]]}, + "name": "Geospatial Engineering Students Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nairobi", + "extendedDescription": "UN students are working with the local OSM community, Map Kibera, and GrouthTruth to learn about open mapping and contribute data for needs in their urban communities.", + "url": "www.geospatial.uonbi.ac.ke", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "contact@mapkibera.org"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [36.826, -1.094], + [36.694, -1.137], + [36.613, -1.249], + [36.613, -1.388], + [36.694, -1.5], + [36.826, -1.543], + [36.958, -1.5], + [37.04, -1.388], + [37.04, -1.249], + [36.958, -1.137], + [36.826, -1.094] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:7.50373,6.42639", + "properties": { + "id": "point:7.50373,6.42639", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[7.50373, 6.42639]]}, + "name": "LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus", + "extendedDescription": "The LionMappersTeam(LMT)Enugu Campus is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of Geoinformatics and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for Crowdsourced Mapping and Geographic Information provision using Openstreetmap, Citizen Science and other Geospatial Technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in Web-Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and ResearchWe are passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science.Our major activities include online crowdsourced-Cartography, Field Mapping ,Training workshops and outreaches to High School as well as Humanitarian/Disaster Response Mapping.", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/Lionmappersteam-enugu-Campus-361221567667528/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "lmtenugucampus@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [7.504, 6.651], + [7.371, 6.608], + [7.289, 6.496], + [7.289, 6.357], + [7.371, 6.245], + [7.504, 6.202], + [7.637, 6.245], + [7.719, 6.357], + [7.719, 6.496], + [7.637, 6.608], + [7.504, 6.651] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:7.40821,6.86461", + "properties": { + "id": "point:7.40821,6.86461", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[7.40821, 6.86461]]}, + "name": "LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Nsukka", + "extendedDescription": "The LionMappersTeam is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of mapping science and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for crowdsourced mapping and geographic information provision using Openstreetmap, citizen science and other geospatial technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and Research.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science,field mapping ,training workshops and outreaches to High Schools.", + "url": "http://fb.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka;and send messages to our Page at m.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "lionmappersteam@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [7.408, 7.089], + [7.275, 7.046], + [7.193, 6.934], + [7.193, 6.795], + [7.275, 6.683], + [7.408, 6.64], + [7.541, 6.683], + [7.623, 6.795], + [7.623, 6.934], + [7.541, 7.046], + [7.408, 7.089] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-97.15255,33.20735", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-97.15255,33.20735", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-North-Texas": { + "id": "ym-University-of-North-Texas", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-97.15255, 33.20735]]}, + "name": "UNT Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas", + "extendedDescription": "The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community.", + "url": "Mailto:reeseramsey@my.unt.edu", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "reeseramsey@my.unt.edu"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-97.153, 33.432], + [-97.311, 33.389], + [-97.408, 33.276], + [-97.408, 33.138], + [-97.31, 33.026], + [-97.153, 32.983], + [-96.995, 33.026], + [-96.897, 33.138], + [-96.897, 33.276], + [-96.994, 33.389], + [-97.153, 33.432] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-104.69563,40.40395", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-104.69563,40.40395", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-104.69563, 40.40395]]}, + "name": "UNCO Geography and GIS Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado", + "extendedDescription": "Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld", + "url": "www.facebook.com/groups/476365076071166/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "uncogeoggisclub@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-104.696, 40.629], + [-104.869, 40.586], + [-104.976, 40.473], + [-104.976, 40.334], + [-104.869, 40.222], + [-104.696, 40.179], + [-104.523, 40.222], + [-104.415, 40.334], + [-104.415, 40.473], + [-104.522, 40.586], + [-104.696, 40.629] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-123.04688,44.02421", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-123.04688,44.02421", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Oregon": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Oregon", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-123.04688, 44.02421]]}, + "name": "Map by Northwest", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon", + "extendedDescription": "Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures.", + "url": "http://blogs.uoregon.edu/mxnw/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "cbone@uoregon.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-123.047, 44.249], + [-123.231, 44.206], + [-123.344, 44.093], + [-123.344, 43.954], + [-123.23, 43.842], + [-123.047, 43.8], + [-122.864, 43.842], + [-122.75, 43.954], + [-122.749, 44.093], + [-122.863, 44.206], + [-123.047, 44.249] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-79.54102,9.01527", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-79.54102,9.01527", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Panama": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Panama", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.54102, 9.01527]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers UP", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama", + "extendedDescription": "Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to help identify, define, address, and create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives.", + "url": "mailto:Youthmappers.up@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.up@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-79.541, 9.24], + [-79.675, 9.197], + [-79.757, 9.085], + [-79.757, 8.946], + [-79.675, 8.834], + [-79.541, 8.791], + [-79.407, 8.834], + [-79.325, 8.946], + [-79.325, 9.085], + [-79.407, 9.197], + [-79.541, 9.24] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:6.92037,4.90173", + "properties": { + "id": "point:6.92037,4.90173", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[6.92037, 4.90173]]}, + "name": "UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Port Harcourt", + "extendedDescription": "UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port Harcourt is an action group and a team of volunteers for a collaborative online mapping targeted at training and empowering members with trending mapping skills to create open geospatial data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges for geoinformation and to provide humanitarian mapping services to resilient communities in Niger Delta,Nigeria and elsewhere.We promote Crowdsoucred Mapping and Geographic information volunteering using OpenStreetMap(OSM) platform and other accessible platforms for Rapid Response Mapping,Disaster Mapping,Geo-intelligence Mapping,Map updates and training.Its an affiliate Campus chapter of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team(HOT).It is a project-task team of YouthMappers that provide opportunity for members to learn and improve their skills in Geoinformatics so as to explore global opportunities in the field of Mapping and Geoinformation.", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/uniquemappersteamportharcourt/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "victor.sunday@uniport.edu.ng"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [6.92, 5.126], + [6.788, 5.083], + [6.706, 4.971], + [6.706, 4.832], + [6.788, 4.72], + [6.92, 4.677], + [7.053, 4.72], + [7.135, 4.832], + [7.135, 4.971], + [7.053, 5.083], + [6.92, 5.126] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:28.21289,-25.72063", + "properties": { + "id": "point:28.21289,-25.72063", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Pretoria": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Pretoria", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[28.21289, -25.72063]]}, + "name": "Centre for Geoinformation Science", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria", + "extendedDescription": "The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's Centre for Geoinformation Science, a platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad.", + "url": "http://www.up.ac.za/cgis", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "cgis-info@kendy.up.ac.za"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [28.213, -25.496], + [28.067, -25.539], + [27.976, -25.651], + [27.976, -25.79], + [28.066, -25.902], + [28.213, -25.945], + [28.36, -25.902], + [28.45, -25.79], + [28.45, -25.651], + [28.359, -25.539], + [28.213, -25.496] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-117.16339,34.06295", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-117.16339,34.06295", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Redlands": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Redlands", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-117.16339, 34.06295]]}, + "name": "URSpatial Geo-Thinkers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands", + "extendedDescription": "To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events.", + "url": "mailto:nathan_strout@redlands.edu", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "nathan_strout@redlands.edu"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-117.163, 34.288], + [-117.323, 34.245], + [-117.421, 34.132], + [-117.421, 33.993], + [-117.322, 33.881], + [-117.163, 33.838], + [-117.004, 33.881], + [-116.906, 33.993], + [-116.905, 34.132], + [-117.004, 34.245], + [-117.163, 34.288] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:29.7397,-2.61509", + "properties": { + "id": "point:29.7397,-2.61509", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[29.7397, -2.61509]]}, + "name": "Rwanda YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Rwanda - Huye Campus", + "extendedDescription": "Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organized as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Rwanda-YouthMappers", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "erneruz@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [29.74, -2.391], + [29.608, -2.433], + [29.526, -2.546], + [29.526, -2.684], + [29.608, -2.797], + [29.74, -2.84], + [29.872, -2.797], + [29.954, -2.684], + [29.953, -2.546], + [29.872, -2.433], + [29.74, -2.391] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-81.03516,34.01609", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-81.03516,34.01609", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-South-Carolina": { + "id": "ym-University-of-South-Carolina", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-81.03516, 34.01609]]}, + "name": "Geography Graduate Student Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina", + "extendedDescription": "The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines.", + "url": "https://carolinaggsa.wordpress.com/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "carolina_ggsa@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-81.035, 34.241], + [-81.195, 34.198], + [-81.293, 34.085], + [-81.293, 33.946], + [-81.194, 33.834], + [-81.035, 33.792], + [-80.876, 33.834], + [-80.778, 33.946], + [-80.777, 34.085], + [-80.876, 34.198], + [-81.035, 34.241] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-118.30078,34.01609", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-118.30078,34.01609", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Southern-California": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Southern-California", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-118.30078, 34.01609]]}, + "name": "SC Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California", + "extendedDescription": "We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!", + "url": "mailto:scmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20USC", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "scmappers@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-118.301, 34.241], + [-118.46, 34.198], + [-118.559, 34.085], + [-118.558, 33.946], + [-118.46, 33.834], + [-118.301, 33.792], + [-118.142, 33.834], + [-118.043, 33.946], + [-118.043, 34.085], + [-118.141, 34.198], + [-118.301, 34.241] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-73.21289,44.46493", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-73.21289,44.46493", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Vermont": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Vermont", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-73.21289, 44.46493]]}, + "name": "University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UVMHMC", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uvm.hmc@gmail.com"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-73.213, 44.69], + [-73.398, 44.646], + [-73.513, 44.534], + [-73.512, 44.395], + [-73.397, 44.283], + [-73.213, 44.24], + [-73.029, 44.283], + [-72.914, 44.395], + [-72.913, 44.534], + [-73.027, 44.646], + [-73.213, 44.69] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-123.31186,48.46321", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-123.31186,48.46321", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Victoria": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Victoria", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-123.31186, 48.46321]]}, + "name": "Society of Geography Students", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria", + "extendedDescription": "SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/SOGSUVic/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "sogsmappers@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-123.312, 48.688], + [-123.512, 48.645], + [-123.634, 48.532], + [-123.634, 48.393], + [-123.51, 48.281], + [-123.312, 48.239], + [-123.113, 48.281], + [-122.99, 48.393], + [-122.989, 48.532], + [-123.112, 48.645], + [-123.312, 48.688] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-1.56119,52.37905", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-1.56119,52.37905", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Warwick": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Warwick", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-1.56119, 52.37905]]}, + "name": "University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick", + "extendedDescription": "We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled.", + "url": "mailto:p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-1.561, 52.604], + [-1.778, 52.561], + [-1.912, 52.448], + [-1.911, 52.309], + [-1.777, 52.197], + [-1.561, 52.154], + [-1.346, 52.197], + [-1.212, 52.309], + [-1.211, 52.448], + [-1.344, 52.561], + [-1.561, 52.604] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-105.56651,41.31476", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-105.56651,41.31476", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Wyoming": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Wyoming", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-105.56651, 41.31476]]}, + "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming", + "url": "http://www.uwyo.edu/geography/geographyclub/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "gtu-geography@uwyo.edu"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-105.567, 41.539], + [-105.743, 41.496], + [-105.851, 41.384], + [-105.851, 41.245], + [-105.742, 41.133], + [-105.567, 41.09], + [-105.391, 41.133], + [-105.282, 41.245], + [-105.282, 41.384], + [-105.39, 41.496], + [-105.567, 41.539] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:31.05466,-17.78467", + "properties": { + "id": "point:31.05466,-17.78467", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-Zimbabwe": { + "id": "ym-University-of-Zimbabwe", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[31.05466, -17.78467]]}, + "name": "UZMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe", + "extendedDescription": "UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Uzmappersteam-Zimbabwe-246038666256392/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "uzmappersteam@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [31.055, -17.56], + [30.916, -17.603], + [30.83, -17.715], + [30.83, -17.854], + [30.916, -17.966], + [31.055, -18.009], + [31.193, -17.966], + [31.279, -17.854], + [31.279, -17.715], + [31.193, -17.603], + [31.055, -17.56] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:121.06,14.65", + "properties": { + "id": "point:121.06,14.65", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute": { + "id": "ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[121.06, 14.65]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute", + "extendedDescription": "The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to Open Street Maps.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UP-Resillience-Institute-Youth-Mappers-123477508533225", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "llnguyen@up.edu.ph"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [121.06, 14.875], + [120.923, 14.832], + [120.839, 14.719], + [120.839, 14.58], + [120.924, 14.468], + [121.06, 14.425], + [121.196, 14.468], + [121.281, 14.58], + [121.281, 14.719], + [121.197, 14.832], + [121.06, 14.875] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-76.74601,18.00629", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-76.74601,18.00629", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus": { + "id": "ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.74601, 18.00629]]}, + "name": "Libraries Outreach - ODL", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus", + "extendedDescription": "The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students.", + "url": "mailto:benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-76.746, 18.231], + [-76.885, 18.188], + [-76.971, 18.076], + [-76.971, 17.937], + [-76.885, 17.825], + [-76.746, 17.782], + [-76.607, 17.825], + [-76.522, 17.937], + [-76.521, 18.076], + [-76.607, 18.188], + [-76.746, 18.231] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-73.89515,41.68658", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-73.89515,41.68658", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Vassar-College": { + "id": "ym-Vassar-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-73.89515, 41.68658]]}, + "name": "Hudson Valley Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College", + "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts.", + "url": "http://pages.vassar.edu/gis/vassar-youthmappers/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geo@vassar.edu"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-73.895, 41.911], + [-74.072, 41.868], + [-74.181, 41.756], + [-74.181, 41.617], + [-74.071, 41.505], + [-73.895, 41.462], + [-73.719, 41.505], + [-73.609, 41.617], + [-73.609, 41.756], + [-73.718, 41.868], + [-73.895, 41.911] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-75.34361,40.03714", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-75.34361,40.03714", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Villanova-University": { + "id": "ym-Villanova-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-75.34361, 40.03714]]}, + "name": "The Villanova Globeplotters", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University", + "extendedDescription": "The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level.", + "url": "mailto:villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com", + "contacts": [ + { + "name": "Organizer", + "email": "villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com" + } + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-75.344, 40.262], + [-75.516, 40.219], + [-75.623, 40.106], + [-75.622, 39.967], + [-75.516, 39.855], + [-75.344, 39.813], + [-75.172, 39.855], + [-75.065, 39.967], + [-75.064, 40.106], + [-75.171, 40.219], + [-75.344, 40.262] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-79.98047,39.63936", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-79.98047,39.63936", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-West-Virginia-University": { + "id": "ym-West-Virginia-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.98047, 39.63936]]}, + "name": "Maptime Morgantown", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University", + "extendedDescription": "Working as a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world.", + "url": "mailto:MaptimeMorgantown@gmail.com?subject=Maptime%20Morgantown%20from%20YouthMappers%20website", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "maptimemorgantown@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-79.98, 39.864], + [-80.152, 39.821], + [-80.258, 39.708], + [-80.258, 39.57], + [-80.151, 39.458], + [-79.98, 39.415], + [-79.81, 39.458], + [-79.703, 39.57], + [-79.703, 39.708], + [-79.809, 39.821], + [-79.98, 39.864] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:-85.61042,42.28342", + "properties": { + "id": "point:-85.61042,42.28342", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Western-Michigan-University": { + "id": "ym-Western-Michigan-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-85.61042, 42.28342]]}, + "name": "Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University", + "url": "http://www.facebook.com/groups/WMUGeographyClub/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Organizer", "email": "wmu.geog.club@gmail.com"} + ] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-85.61, 42.508], + [-85.789, 42.465], + [-85.899, 42.352], + [-85.899, 42.214], + [-85.788, 42.102], + [-85.61, 42.059], + [-85.433, 42.102], + [-85.322, 42.214], + [-85.321, 42.352], + [-85.431, 42.465], + [-85.61, 42.508] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "id": "point:35.85811,32.53652", + "properties": { + "id": "point:35.85811,32.53652", + "area": 1963.5, + "resources": { + "ym-Yarmouk-University": { + "id": "ym-Yarmouk-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[35.85811, 32.53652]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at YU", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region.", + "url": "mailto:rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo"}] + } + } + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [35.858, 32.761], + [35.701, 32.718], + [35.605, 32.606], + [35.605, 32.467], + [35.702, 32.355], + [35.858, 32.312], + [36.014, 32.355], + [36.111, 32.467], + [36.112, 32.606], + [36.015, 32.718], + [35.858, 32.761] + ] + ] + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/combined.min.geojson b/dist/combined.min.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb7806494 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/combined.min.geojson @@ -0,0 +1 @@ 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Anyone and everyone who is interested in maps, map making and free map data is welcome to join our group as well as attend our events.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Ben Discoe","email":"bdiscoe@gmail.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-123.5,38.5],[-122.8,38.8],[-121.7,38.2],[-121.5,36.9],[-123,36.9],[-123.5,38.5]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"central_pa.geojson","properties":{"id":"central_pa.geojson","area":43193.43,"resources":{"Central-Pennsylvania-OSM":{"id":"Central-Pennsylvania-OSM","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["central_pa.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Central Pennsylvania OSM","description":"Online mapping community based out of State College, PA","url":"https://www.facebook.com/CentralPennsylvaniaOSM","contacts":[{"name":"Sterling Quinn","email":"sdq107@psu.edu"}],"order":3}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-78.7,41.5],[-77,41.5],[-76,40],[-76,39.72],[-79.3,39.72],[-78.7,41.5]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"south_sf_bay_area.geojson","properties":{"id":"south_sf_bay_area.geojson","area":4030.01,"resources":{"Code-for-San-Jose-Slack":{"id":"Code-for-San-Jose-Slack","type":"slack","locationSet":{"include":["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Code for San Jose Slack","description":"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}, then join the #osm channel.","url":"https://codeforsanjose.slack.com/","signupUrl":"https://slackin-c4sj.herokuapp.com/","contacts":[{"name":"OSM Bay Area mailing list","email":"talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":4},"OSM-South-Bay":{"id":"OSM-South-Bay","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OSM South Bay","description":"Map Nights hosted by Code for San Jose","extendedDescription":"Code for San Jose, the local Code for America brigade, hosts monthly Map Nights on Thursday nights in downtown San José. Meet fellow South Bay mappers, help out with local mapping projects, and hear about other civic tech projects. Programming and GIS skills are not required.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/Code-for-San-Jose/","contacts":[{"name":"OSM Bay Area mailing list","email":"talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-121.4566,37.48249],[-121.21628,37.17673],[-121.20529,36.95757],[-121.49368,36.95757],[-121.5596,36.8928],[-121.98257,37.12419],[-122.27234,37.39635],[-122.13501,37.48903],[-121.4566,37.48249]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"brasilia_df.geojson","properties":{"id":"brasilia_df.geojson","area":5794.12,"resources":{"DF-telegram":{"id":"DF-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["brasilia_df.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Brasília Telegram Group","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Brasília community on Telegram","extendedDescription":"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://t.me/osmbsb","contacts":[{"name":"Wille Marcel","email":"wille@wille.blog.br"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-48.20114,-15.49868],[-47.42111,-15.5],[-47.38953,-15.56484],[-47.32361,-15.58865],[-47.33047,-15.63891],[-47.31125,-15.73278],[-47.36755,-15.83189],[-47.3703,-15.927],[-47.36893,-15.99698],[-47.30988,-16.04317],[-48.27805,-16.04713],[-48.24921,-15.94152],[-48.2753,-15.93096],[-48.29041,-15.83189],[-48.22998,-15.77772],[-48.21899,-15.71163],[-48.24097,-15.70898],[-48.23547,-15.66535],[-48.22449,-15.63097],[-48.20251,-15.62568],[-48.20114,-15.49868]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"dfw_metro.geojson","properties":{"id":"dfw_metro.geojson","area":20956.61,"resources":{"Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM":{"id":"Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM","type":"osm","locationSet":{"include":["dfw_metro.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Dallas-Fort Worth OSM","description":"The OpenStreetMap user group for Dallas-Fort Worth","extendedDescription":"Dallas, Fort Worth, and all the cities in between are abounding with creative and tech-savvy people. 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Come create a diverse, inspiring geospatial community in the Philadelphia with us!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/GeoPhilly/","contacts":[{"name":"Dan Ford","email":"dford@azavea.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-75.7,40.3],[-75.3,40.4],[-74.7,40.3],[-74.45,40.1],[-74.9,39.55],[-75.5,39.55],[-75.8,39.7218],[-76.23,39.7211],[-75.7,40.3]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-0.8860231,41.6568048","properties":{"id":"point:-0.8860231,41.6568048","area":1963.5,"resources":{"MapColabora-mailinglist":{"id":"MapColabora-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":[[-0.8860231,41.6568048]]},"name":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza","description":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Mailing list","url":"https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21forum/mapeado-colaborativo","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}],"order":1},"MapColabora-meetup":{"id":"MapColabora-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":[[-0.8860231,41.6568048]]},"name":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza","description":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Meetup page","url":"https://www.meetup.com/mapcolabora/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"MapColabora-twitter":{"id":"MapColabora-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":[[-0.8860231,41.6568048]]},"name":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza","description":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Twitter Account","url":"https://www.twitter.com/MapColabora","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}],"order":4}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-0.886,41.881],[-1.063,41.838],[-1.172,41.726],[-1.172,41.587],[-1.062,41.475],[-0.886,41.432],[-0.71,41.475],[-0.6,41.587],[-0.6,41.726],[-0.709,41.838],[-0.886,41.881]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson","properties":{"id":"minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson","area":7662.86,"resources":{"MapMinnesota":{"id":"MapMinnesota","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"MapMinnesota","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Twin Cities area","extendedDescription":"Connecting OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in Minnesota and the Twin Cities!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/Map-Minnesota/","contacts":[{"name":"Ian Dees","email":"ian.dees@gmail.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-93.801,44.578],[-93.801,45.348],[-92.666,45.348],[-92.666,44.578],[-93.801,44.578]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"dc_metro.geojson","properties":{"id":"dc_metro.geojson","area":3371.08,"resources":{"Mapping-DC-meetup":{"id":"Mapping-DC-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["dc_metro.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Mapping DC","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area","extendedDescription":"We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. 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These are social gatherings, but are an excellent place to come and ask specific questions about OSM either in the area or in general. In the summer months we usually do some light mapping for an hour in the vicinity of our meeting place. The group as a whole has a special interest in mapping public rights of way and from time to time has mapping meetings for this purpose.","url":"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nottingham/Pub_Meetup","contacts":[{"name":"Jerry Clough","email":"SK53.osm@gmail.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-0.37,53.85],[0.2,53.5],[0.55,53.1],[-1.1222,52.36367],[-1.95817,53.27605],[-1.88,53.86],[-0.96,54.06]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"iso1A2":"AR","iso1A3":"ARG","iso1N3":"032","wikidata":"Q414","nameEn":"Argentina","aliases":["RA"],"groups":["005","419","019","001"],"callingCodes":["54"],"id":"AR","m49":"032","isoStatus":"official","level":"country","roadSpeedUnit":"km/h","driveSide":"right","emojiFlag":"🇦🇷","area":3693962.84,"resources":{"OSM-AR-facebook":{"id":"OSM-AR-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Facebook","extendedDescription":"News from the local community","url":"https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMapArgentina/","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-AR-forum":{"id":"OSM-AR-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum","extendedDescription":"Ideal for long or important discussions. Slow response time.","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=49","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],"order":-2},"OSM-AR-irc":{"id":"OSM-AR-irc","type":"irc","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC","description":"Join #osm-ar on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)","extendedDescription":"You may find the most geeky user in the community.","url":"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ar","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],"order":-4},"OSM-AR-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-AR-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Talk-ar Mailing List","description":"Historic mailing list. Almost unused today.","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ar/","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-AR-telegram":{"id":"OSM-AR-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina Telegram","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Telegram","extendedDescription":"The most active channel in the community, ideal for chatting and getting answers to your questions instantly. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://telegram.me/osm_ar","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-AR-twitter":{"id":"OSM-AR-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","extendedDescription":"News from the local community and OpenStreetMap in general.","url":"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapAr","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmbd/","contacts":[{"name":"Ahasanul Hoque","email":"hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}],"order":3,"events":[{"id":"sotmasia2019","i18n":true,"name":"State of the Map Asia 2019","description":"Join the 2019 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in Dhaka","where":"Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh","when":"2019-11-01","url":"http://stateofthemap.asia/"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[89.15869,26.13708],[89.35953,26.0077],[89.53515,26.00382],[89.57101,25.9682],[89.63968,26.22595],[89.70201,26.15138],[89.73581,26.15818],[89.77865,26.08387],[89.77728,26.04254],[89.86592,25.93115],[89.80585,25.82489],[89.84388,25.70042],[89.86129,25.61714],[89.81208,25.37244],[89.84086,25.31854],[89.83371,25.29548],[89.87629,25.28337],[89.90478,25.31038],[90.1155,25.22686],[90.40034,25.1534],[90.65042,25.17788],[90.87427,25.15799],[91.25517,25.20677],[91.63648,25.12846],[92.0316,25.1834],[92.33957,25.07593],[92.39147,25.01471],[92.49887,24.88796],[92.38626,24.86055],[92.25854,24.9191],[92.15796,24.54435],[92.11662,24.38997],[91.96603,24.3799],[91.89258,24.14674],[91.82596,24.22345],[91.76004,24.23848],[91.73257,24.14703],[91.65292,24.22095],[91.63782,24.1132],[91.55542,24.08687],[91.37414,24.10693],[91.35741,23.99072],[91.29587,24.0041],[91.22308,23.89616],[91.25192,23.83463],[91.15579,23.6599],[91.28293,23.37538],[91.36453,23.06612],[91.40848,23.07117],[91.4035,23.27522],[91.46615,23.2328],[91.54993,23.01051],[91.61571,22.93929],[91.7324,23.00043],[91.81634,23.08001],[91.76417,23.26619],[91.84789,23.42235],[91.95642,23.47361],[91.95093,23.73284],[92.04706,23.64229],[92.15417,23.73409],[92.26541,23.70392],[92.38214,23.28705],[92.37665,22.9435],[92.5181,22.71441],[92.60029,22.1522],[92.56616,22.13554],[92.60949,21.97638],[92.62187,21.87037],[92.59775,21.6092],[92.68152,21.28454],[92.60187,21.24615],[92.55105,21.3856],[92.43158,21.37025],[92.37939,21.47764],[92.20087,21.337],[92.17752,21.17445],[92.26071,21.05697],[92.37665,20.72172],[92.28464,20.63179],[92.31348,20.57137],[92.4302,20.5688],[92.39837,20.38919],[89.13606,21.42955],[89.13927,21.60785],[89.03553,21.77397],[89.07114,22.15335],[88.9367,22.58527],[88.94614,22.66941],[88.9151,22.75228],[88.96713,22.83346],[88.87063,22.95235],[88.88327,23.03885],[88.86377,23.08759],[88.99148,23.21134],[88.71133,23.2492],[88.79254,23.46028],[88.79351,23.50535],[88.74841,23.47361],[88.56507,23.64044],[88.58087,23.87105],[88.66189,23.87607],[88.73743,23.91751],[88.6976,24.14703],[88.74841,24.1959],[88.68801,24.31464],[88.50934,24.32474],[88.12296,24.51301],[88.08786,24.63232],[88.00683,24.66477],[88.15515,24.85806],[88.14004,24.93529],[88.21832,24.96642],[88.27325,24.88796],[88.33917,24.86803],[88.46277,25.07468],[88.44766,25.20149],[88.94067,25.18534],[89.00463,25.26583],[89.01105,25.30303],[88.85278,25.34679],[88.81296,25.51546],[88.677,25.46959],[88.4559,25.59227],[88.45103,25.66245],[88.242,25.80811],[88.13138,25.78773],[88.08804,25.91334],[88.16581,26.0238],[88.1844,26.14417],[88.34757,26.22216],[88.35153,26.29123],[88.51649,26.35923],[88.48749,26.45855],[88.36938,26.48683],[88.35153,26.45241],[88.33093,26.48929],[88.41196,26.63837],[88.4298,26.54489],[88.62144,26.46783],[88.69485,26.38353],[88.67837,26.26291],[88.78961,26.31093],[88.85004,26.23211],[89.05328,26.2469],[88.91321,26.37984],[88.92357,26.40711],[88.95612,26.4564],[89.08899,26.38845],[89.15869,26.13708]]]]},"id":"BD"},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"iso1A2":"BO","iso1A3":"BOL","iso1N3":"068","wikidata":"Q750","nameEn":"Bolivia","groups":["005","419","019","001"],"callingCodes":["591"],"id":"BO","m49":"068","isoStatus":"official","level":"country","roadSpeedUnit":"km/h","driveSide":"right","emojiFlag":"🇧🇴","area":1086715.32,"resources":{"OSM-BO-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-BO-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["bo"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Talk-bo Mailing List","description":"Talk-bo is the official mailing list for the Bolivian OpenStreetMap community","extendedDescription":"Mapping in Bolivia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-bo/","contacts":[{"name":"Marco 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Editing the map is simple, and fun! Join us both indoors and outdoors in our effort to create the best map of the Boston area and the rest of the world!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Boston/","contacts":[{"name":"Lars Ahlzen","email":"lars@ahlzen.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-70.5,41.91],[-71,41.91],[-71.42,42.05],[-71.57,42.18],[-71.64,42.4],[-71.57,42.52],[-71.35,42.64],[-71.1,42.7],[-70.5,42.7],[-70.5,41.91]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"iso1A2":"CA","iso1A3":"CAN","iso1N3":"124","wikidata":"Q16","nameEn":"Canada","groups":["021","003","019","001"],"callingCodes":["1"],"id":"CA","m49":"124","isoStatus":"official","level":"country","roadSpeedUnit":"km/h","driveSide":"right","emojiFlag":"🇨🇦","area":15444104.37,"resources":{"OSM-CA-Slack":{"id":"OSM-CA-Slack","type":"slack","locationSet":{"include":["ca"]},"languageCodes":["en","fr"],"name":"OSM-CA Slack","description":"All are welcome! 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[96.61391,28.72742],[96.3626,29.10607],[96.20467,29.02325],[96.18682,29.11087],[96.31316,29.18643],[96.05361,29.38167],[95.84899,29.31464],[95.75149,29.32063],[95.72086,29.20797],[95.50842,29.13487],[95.41091,29.13007],[95.3038,29.13847],[95.26122,29.07727],[95.2214,29.10727],[95.11291,29.09527],[95.0978,29.14446],[94.81353,29.17804],[94.69318,29.31739],[94.2752,29.11687],[94.35897,29.01965],[93.72797,28.68821],[93.44621,28.67189],[93.18069,28.50319],[93.14635,28.37035],[92.93075,28.25671],[92.67486,28.15018],[92.65472,28.07632],[92.73025,28.05814],[92.7275,27.98662],[92.42538,27.80092],[92.32101,27.79363],[92.27432,27.89077],[91.87057,27.7195],[91.84722,27.76325],[91.6469,27.76358],[91.5629,27.84823],[91.48973,27.93903],[91.46327,28.0064],[91.25779,28.07509],[91.20019,27.98715],[90.69894,28.07784],[90.58842,28.02838],[90.13387,28.19178],[89.79762,28.23979],[89.59525,28.16433],[89.12825,27.62502],[89.0582,27.60985],[88.97213,27.51671],[88.95355,27.4106],[89.00216,27.32532],[88.96947,27.30319],[88.93678,27.33777],[88.91901,27.32483],[88.82981,27.38814],[88.77517,27.45415],[88.88091,27.85192],[88.83559,28.01936],[88.63235,28.12356],[88.54858,28.06057],[88.25332,27.9478],[88.1278,27.95417],[88.13378,27.88015],[87.82681,27.95248],[87.72718,27.80938],[87.56996,27.84517],[87.11696,27.84104],[87.03757,27.94835],[86.75582,28.04182],[86.74181,28.10638],[86.56265,28.09569],[86.51609,27.96623],[86.42736,27.91122],[86.22966,27.9786],[86.18607,28.17364],[86.088,28.09264],[86.08333,28.02121],[86.12069,27.93047],[86.06309,27.90021],[85.94946,27.9401],[85.97813,27.99023],[85.90743,28.05144],[85.84672,28.18187],[85.74864,28.23126],[85.71907,28.38064],[85.69105,28.38475],[85.60854,28.25045],[85.59765,28.30529],[85.4233,28.32996],[85.38127,28.28336],[85.10729,28.34092],[85.18668,28.54076],[85.19135,28.62825],[85.06059,28.68562],[84.85511,28.58041],[84.62317,28.73887],[84.47528,28.74023],[84.2231,28.89571],[84.24801,29.02783],[84.18107,29.23451],[83.97559,29.33091],[83.82303,29.30513],[83.63156,29.16249],[83.44787,29.30513],[83.28131,29.56813],[83.07116,29.61957],[82.73024,29.81695],[82.5341,29.9735],[82.38622,30.02608],[82.16984,30.0692],[82.19475,30.16884],[82.10757,30.23745],[82.10135,30.35439],[81.99082,30.33423],[81.62033,30.44703],[81.41018,30.42153],[81.39928,30.21862],[81.33355,30.15303],[81.2623,30.14596],[81.29032,30.08806],[81.24362,30.0126],[81.12842,30.01395],[81.03953,30.20059],[80.83343,30.32023],[80.54504,30.44936],[80.20721,30.58541],[79.93255,30.88288],[79.59884,30.93943],[79.22805,31.34963],[79.14016,31.43403],[79.01931,31.42817],[78.77898,31.31209],[78.71032,31.50197],[78.84516,31.60631],[78.69933,31.78723],[78.78036,31.99478],[78.74404,32.00384],[78.68754,32.10256],[78.49609,32.2762],[78.4645,32.45367],[78.38897,32.53938],[78.73916,32.69438],[78.7831,32.46873],[78.96713,32.33655],[78.99322,32.37948],[79.0979,32.38051],[79.13174,32.47766],[79.26768,32.53277],[79.46562,32.69668],[79.14016,33.02545],[79.15252,33.17156],[78.73636,33.56521],[78.67599,33.66445],[78.77349,33.73871],[78.73367,34.01121],[78.65657,34.03195],[78.66225,34.08858],[78.91769,34.15452],[78.99802,34.3027],[79.05364,34.32482],[78.74465,34.45174],[78.56475,34.50835],[78.54964,34.57283],[78.27781,34.61484],[78.18435,34.7998],[78.22692,34.88771],[78.00033,35.23954],[78.03466,35.3785],[78.11664,35.48022],[77.80532,35.52058],[77.70232,35.46244],[77.44277,35.46132],[76.96624,35.5932],[76.84539,35.67356],[76.77323,35.66062],[76.50961,35.8908],[76.33453,35.84296],[76.14913,35.82848],[76.15325,35.9264],[75.93028,36.13136],[76.00906,36.17511],[76.0324,36.41198],[75.92391,36.56986],[75.72737,36.7529],[75.45562,36.71971],[75.40481,36.95382],[75.13839,37.02622],[74.56453,37.03023],[74.49981,37.24518],[74.80605,37.21565],[74.88887,37.23275],[75.12328,37.31839],[75.09719,37.37297],[75.15899,37.41443],[75.06011,37.52779],[74.94338,37.55501],[74.8912,37.67576],[75.00935,37.77486],[74.92416,37.83428],[74.9063,38.03033],[74.82665,38.07359],[74.80331,38.19889],[74.69894,38.22155],[74.69619,38.42947],[74.51217,38.47034],[74.17022,38.65504],[73.97933,38.52945],[73.79806,38.61106],[73.80656,38.66449],[73.7033,38.84782],[73.7445,38.93867],[73.82964,38.91517],[73.81728,39.04007],[73.75823,39.023],[73.60638,39.24534],[73.54572,39.27567],[73.55396,39.3543],[73.5004,39.38402],[73.59241,39.40843],[73.59831,39.46425],[73.87018,39.47879],[73.94683,39.60733],[73.92354,39.69565],[73.9051,39.75073],[73.83006,39.76136],[73.97049,40.04378],[74.25533,40.13191],[74.35063,40.09742],[74.69875,40.34668],[74.85996,40.32857],[74.78168,40.44886],[74.82013,40.52197],[75.08243,40.43945],[75.22834,40.45382],[75.5854,40.66874],[75.69663,40.28642],[75.91361,40.2948],[75.96168,40.38064],[76.33659,40.3482],[76.5261,40.46114],[76.75681,40.95354],[76.99302,41.0696],[77.28004,41.0033],[77.3693,41.0375],[77.52723,41.00227],[77.76206,41.01574],[77.81287,41.14307],[78.12873,41.23091],[78.15757,41.38565],[78.3732,41.39603],[79.92977,42.04113],[80.17842,42.03211],[80.17807,42.21166],[80.26841,42.23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We meet all the time to talk maps, make maps and have fun!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Central-Salish-Sea/","contacts":[{"name":"Clifford Snow","email":"clifford@snowandsnow.us"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-123.3,49],[-122,49],[-122,48],[-123.2,48.4],[-123.3,49]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"chattanooga.geojson","properties":{"id":"chattanooga.geojson","area":3834.83,"resources":{"OSM-Chattanooga":{"id":"OSM-Chattanooga","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["chattanooga.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OSM Chattanooga","description":"The OpenStreetMap user group for Chattanooga","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/123483951073256","contacts":[{"name":"Jenny Park","email":"tennessee@tpl.org"},{"name":"Randal Hale","email":"rjhale@northrivergeographic.com"}],"order":3}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-85.634,34.743],[-85.634,35.282],[-84.933,35.282],[-84.933,34.743],[-85.634,34.743]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"colorado.geojson","properties":{"id":"colorado.geojson","area":269596.87,"resources":{"OSM-Colorado":{"id":"OSM-Colorado","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["colorado.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Colorado","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Colorado, USA","extendedDescription":"OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. 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Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Colorado/","contacts":[{"name":"Russell Deffner","email":"russdeffner@gmail.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-109.05,37],[-109.05,41],[-102.05,41],[-102.05,37],[-109.05,37]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"m49":"001","wikidata":"Q2","nameEn":"World","aliases":["Earth","Planet"],"level":"world","id":"001","groups":[],"members":["017","039","680","005","143","009","150","061","154","014","202","053","830","011","029","013","002","021","142","035","151","018","419","034","057","054","015","030","003","019","155","145","IO","KW","ZW","KY","AD","KZ","AF","LA","AI","LB","AM","LC","AQ","LI","AS","LK","AU","LR","AX","LS","BA","LT","BD","LU","BF","LV","BH","LY","BJ","MA","BM","MC","BO","MD","BR","ME","BT","MF","BW","MG","BZ","MH","CC","MK","CF","ML","CH","MM","CK","MN","CM","MO","CO","MP","CR","MQ","CV","MR","CX","MS","CZ","MT","DG","MU","DK","MV","DO","MW","EA","MX","EE","MY","EH","MZ","ES","NA","EU","NC","FJ","NE","FM","NF","FR","NG","GA","NI","GD","NL","GF","NO","GH","NP","GL","NR","GN","NU","GQ","NZ","GS","OM","GU","PA","GY","PE","HM","PF","HR","PG","HU","PH","ID","PK","IL","PL","IN","PM","IQ","PN","IS","PR","JE","PS","JO","PT","KE","PW","KH","PY","KM","QA","KP","RE","AE","RO","AL","RS","AR","RU","AW","RW","BB","SA","BG","SB","BL","SC","BQ","SD","BV","SE","CA","SG","CG","SH","CL","SI","CP","SJ","CW","SK","DE","SL","DM","SM","EC","SN","ER","SO","FI","SR","FO","SS","GB","ST","GG","SV","GM","SX","GR","SY","GW","SZ","HN","TA","IC","TC","IM","TD","IR","TF","JM","TG","KG","TH","KN","TJ","AG","TK","AT","TL","BE","TM","BN","TN","BY","TO","CI","TR","CU","TT","DJ","TV","EG","TW","FK","TZ","GE","UA","GP","UG","HK","UM","IE","US","IT","UY","KI","UZ","AO","VA","BI","VC","CD","VE","CY","VG","ET","VI","GI","VN","HT","VU","JP","WF","AZ","WS","CN","XK","FX","AC","ZM","ZA","YT","YE","KR","GT","DZ","BS"],"area":511207893.4,"resources":{"OSM-Discord":{"id":"OSM-Discord","type":"discord","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Discord","description":"Get in touch with other mappers via Discord","url":"https://discord.gg/SRZUYUz","contacts":[{"name":"Austin Harrison","email":"jaustinharrison@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-Facebook":{"id":"OSM-Facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap on Facebook","description":"Like us on Facebook for news and updates about OpenStreetMap.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap","contacts":[{"name":"Harry Wood","email":"mail@harrywood.co.uk"}],"order":3},"OSM-IRC":{"id":"OSM-IRC","type":"irc","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap IRC","description":"Join #osm on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)","url":"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm","contacts":[{"name":"Harry Wood","email":"mail@harrywood.co.uk"}],"order":-4},"OSM-Reddit":{"id":"OSM-Reddit","type":"reddit","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap on Reddit","description":"/r/openstreetmap/ is a great place to learn more about OpenStreetMap. 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osm.id/","contacts":[{"name":"Yantisa Akhadi","email":"yantisa.akhadi@hotosm.org"}],"order":3}}},"geometry":{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[141.02352,0.08993],[140.99813,-6.3233],[140.85295,-6.72996],[141.01763,-6.90181],[141.00782,-9.1242],[140.88922,-9.34945],[127.55165,-9.05052],[127.42116,-8.22471],[125.87691,-8.31789],[125.65946,-8.06136],[125.31127,-8.22976],[124.92337,-8.75859],[124.33472,-9.11416],[124.04628,-9.22671],[124.04286,-9.34243],[124.10539,-9.41206],[124.14517,-9.42324],[124.21247,-9.36904],[124.28115,-9.42189],[124.28115,-9.50453],[124.3535,-9.48493],[124.35258,-9.43002],[124.38554,-9.3582],[124.45971,-9.30263],[124.46701,-9.13002],[124.94011,-8.85617],[124.97742,-9.08128],[125.11764,-8.96359],[125.18632,-9.03142],[125.18907,-9.16434],[125.09434,-9.19669],[125.04044,-9.17093],[124.97892,-9.19281],[125.09025,-9.46406],[125.68138,-9.85176],[122.14954,-11.52517],[74.28481,-3.17525],[96.11174,6.69841],[103.03657,1.30383],[103.56591,1.19719],[103.66049,1.18825],[103.74084,1.12902],[104.03085,1.26954],[104.12282,1.27714],[104.34728,1.33529],[104.56723,1.44271],[105.01437,3.24936],[108.10426,5.42408],[109.71058,2.32059],[109.64506,2.08014],[109.62558,1.99182],[109.53794,1.91771],[109.57923,1.80624],[109.66397,1.79972],[109.66397,1.60425],[110.35354,0.98869],[110.49182,0.88088],[110.62374,0.873],[111.22979,1.08326],[111.55434,0.97864],[111.82846,0.99349],[111.94553,1.12016],[112.15679,1.17004],[112.2127,1.44135],[112.48648,1.56516],[113.021,1.57819],[113.01448,1.42832],[113.64677,1.23933],[114.03788,1.44787],[114.57892,1.5],[114.80706,1.92351],[114.80706,2.21665],[115.1721,2.49671],[115.11343,2.82879],[115.53713,3.14776],[115.58276,3.93499],[115.90217,4.37708],[117.25801,4.35108],[117.47313,4.18857],[117.67641,4.16535],[117.89538,4.16637],[118.07935,4.15511],[118.41402,3.99509],[124.97752,4.82064],[126.69413,6.02692],[128.97621,3.08804],[141.02352,0.08993]]]]},"id":"ID"},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:79.7324,11.9142","properties":{"id":"point:79.7324,11.9142","area":1963.5,"resources":{"OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook":{"id":"OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":[[79.7324,11.9142]]},"name":"Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook","description":"FSHM Facebook page to know about community events, activities","extendedDescription":"FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap. Its FB page is the best way to keep in contact with its events.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/FSHMP","contacts":[{"name":"Kamalavelan","email":"sskamalavelan@gmail.com","osm":"demonshreder"},{"name":"Prasanna","email":"prasmailme@gmail.com","osm":"Prashere"}],"order":3},"OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix":{"id":"OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix","type":"matrix","locationSet":{"include":[[79.7324,11.9142]]},"name":"Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix","description":"FSHM Riot group to discuss, share and update mapping activities, events in and around Puducherry","extendedDescription":"FSHM community members share their OSM mapping updates / experiences through the Riot.im group, this group is also used to discuss things related to free software / hardware, technology and activism.","url":"https://riot.im/app/#/room/#fshm:matrix.org","contacts":[{"name":"Kamalavelan","email":"sskamalavelan@gmail.com","osm":"demonshreder"},{"name":"Prasanna","email":"prasmailme@gmail.com","osm":"Prashere"}]},"OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List":{"id":"OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":[[79.7324,11.9142]]},"name":"Free Software Hardware Movement - Mailing List","description":"FSHM Puducherry mailing list to discuss mapping in Puducherry and other things.","extendedDescription":"FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap.","url":"https://www.freelists.org/archive/puduvailug/","signupUrl":"https://www.freelists.org/list/puduvailug","contacts":[{"name":"Kamalavelan","email":"sskamalavelan@gmail.com","osm":"demonshreder"},{"name":"Prasanna","email":"prasmailme@gmail.com","osm":"Prashere"}],"order":-3}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[79.732,12.139],[79.597,12.096],[79.514,11.984],[79.514,11.845],[79.598,11.732],[79.732,11.69],[79.867,11.732],[79.951,11.845],[79.951,11.984],[79.867,12.096],[79.732,12.139]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"iso1A2":"IN","iso1A3":"IND","iso1N3":"356","wikidata":"Q668","nameEn":"India","groups":["034","142","001"],"driveSide":"left","callingCodes":["91"],"id":"IN","m49":"356","isoStatus":"official","level":"country","roadSpeedUnit":"km/h","emojiFlag":"🇮🇳","area":5581510.97,"resources":{"OSM-India-facebook":{"id":"OSM-India-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["in"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in India","extendedDescription":"Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/mappingindia/","contacts":[{"name":"Jinal Foflia","email":"fofliajinal@gmail.com"},{"name":"Arun Ganesh","email":"arun.planemad@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-india-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-india-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["in"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap India Mailinglist","description":"Talk-in is the official Mailinglist for Indian Community","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-in","contacts":[{"name":"Arun Ganesh","email":"arun.planemad@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-india-twitter":{"id":"OSM-india-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["in"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap India Twitter","description":"We are just a tweet away: {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/osm_in","contacts":[{"name":"Jinal Foflia","email":"fofliajinal@gmail.com"}]},"osm-india-forum":{"id":"osm-india-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["in"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap India 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://facebook.com/osmkerala/","contacts":[{"name":"Manoj Karingamadathil","email":"dartermanoj@gmail.com"},{"name":"Jaisen Nedumpala","email":"jaisuvyas@gmail.com"}]},"osm-kerala-telegram":{"id":"osm-kerala-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["india_kerala.geojson"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap Kerala Telegram","description":"We map Kerala together. 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmmm/","contacts":[{"name":"Yan Naung Oak","email":"yan@phandeeyar.org"},{"name":"Patrick Oswald","email":"patrickoswald.omm@gmail.com"},{"name":"Set Khaing 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/OSM.Mongolia/","contacts":[{"name":" 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All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/mapkathmandu/","contacts":[{"name":"Kshitiz 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It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more, and come join us at a meetup to talk maps, contribute to OSM, and have fun!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Portland/","contacts":[{"name":"Madeline Steele","email":"madeline.steele@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"OSM-Portland-forum":{"id":"OSM-Portland-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["portland_or.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group","description":"Forum and mailing list for OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area","extendedDescription":"This group is to facilitate improvements to OpenStreetMap in the Portland, Oregon area to support applications such as the Open Trip Planner.","url":"https://groups.google.com/group/osm-pdx","contacts":[{"name":"Madeline 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Mappatori Romani","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in the Rome area","extendedDescription":"We aim to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Lazio.","url":"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Rome/Incontro","contacts":[{"name":"Martin Koppenhoefer","email":"dieterdreist@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[11.6,42.16],[12.28,42.2],[12.52,42.31],[13.27,41.92],[13.15,41.58],[12.6,41.16],[11.6,42.16]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"seattle.geojson","properties":{"id":"seattle.geojson","area":5767.44,"resources":{"OSM-Seattle":{"id":"OSM-Seattle","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["seattle.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Seattle","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Seattle 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to work with OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia of maps, is a free open-source map of the world being created by more than 1,000,000 volunteers around the globe. Everyone is welcome. If you don't know OpenStreetMap, we'll teach you. If you have an idea for a mapping project or even a field trip that the group can do, great!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Southern-California/","contacts":[{"name":"Charlotte Wolter","email":"techlady@techlady.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-118.5,33.7],[-118.68,34.23],[-118.5,34.35],[-118,34.2],[-117.3,34.2],[-117.2,34.1],[-117.37,33.9],[-117.74,33.5],[-118.5,33.7]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"thailand_cnx.geojson","properties":{"id":"thailand_cnx.geojson","area":12746.21,"resources":{"OSM-TH-CNX-meetup":{"id":"OSM-TH-CNX-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["thailand_cnx.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OSM Meetup Chiang Mai","description":"Irregular meeting of the OpenStreetMap community in Chiang Mai","extendedDescription":"Members of the OpenStreetMap community meet every few months in Chiang Mai. Get in contact and check out {url} to see when the next meetup is scheduled","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46","contacts":[{"name":"Team Chiang Mai","email":"meetup-cnx@openstreetmap.in.th"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[98.4375,18.2319],[98.4375,19.2255],[99.5306,19.2255],[99.5306,18.2319],[98.4375,18.2319]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"iso1A2":"TH","iso1A3":"THA","iso1N3":"764","wikidata":"Q869","nameEn":"Thailand","groups":["035","142","001"],"driveSide":"left","callingCodes":["66"],"id":"TH","m49":"764","isoStatus":"official","level":"country","roadSpeedUnit":"km/h","emojiFlag":"🇹🇭","area":764502.66,"resources":{"OSM-TH-facebook":{"id":"OSM-TH-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["th"]},"languageCodes":["en","th"],"name":"OpenStreetMap TH Facebook group","description":"Facebook group for OpenStreetMappers in Thailand","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/thaiosm/","contacts":[{"name":"Theppitak 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If you're into maps, data, open source, GPS, hiking, cycling, et cetera, you'll love working with OpenStreetMap -- so join in! We'll get together and map and talk about new topics once-a-month or so.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/osmtampabay/","contacts":[{"name":"Coleman McCormick","email":"cmccormick@gmail.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-83,28.2],[-82.2,28.2],[-82.2,27.55],[-83,27.55],[-83,28.2]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"iso1A2":"US","iso1A3":"USA","iso1N3":"840","wikidata":"Q30","nameEn":"United States of America","groups":["021","003","019","001"],"roadSpeedUnit":"mph","callingCodes":["1"],"id":"US","m49":"840","isoStatus":"official","level":"country","driveSide":"right","emojiFlag":"🇺🇸","members":["AS","MP","GU","PR","UM","VI"],"area":20706612.09,"resources":{"OSM-US":{"id":"OSM-US","type":"group","locationSet":{"include":["us"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap US","description":"We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in the United States.","extendedDescription":"We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. 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The events will take place in the SLC area, at least initially. We are looking for seasoned mappers as well as people new to OSM. Join and let's do some mapping!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Utah/","contacts":[{"name":"Martijn van Exel","email":"m@rtijn.org"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-112.6,40.75],[-112.3,41.4],[-111.5,41.4],[-111.1,40.3],[-112,39.75],[-112.6,40.75]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"wyoming.geojson","properties":{"id":"wyoming.geojson","area":253711.25,"resources":{"OSM-Wyoming":{"id":"OSM-Wyoming","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["wyoming.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Wyoming","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Wyoming","extendedDescription":"OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Wyoming/","contacts":[{"name":"Russell Deffner","email":"russdeffner@gmail.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-111.05,41],[-111.05,45],[-104.05,45],[-104.05,41],[-111.05,41]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"iso1A2":"BR","iso1A3":"BRA","iso1N3":"076","wikidata":"Q155","nameEn":"Brazil","groups":["005","419","019","001"],"callingCodes":["55"],"id":"BR","m49":"076","isoStatus":"official","level":"country","roadSpeedUnit":"km/h","driveSide":"right","emojiFlag":"🇧🇷","area":13111120.05,"resources":{"OSM-br-discord":{"id":"OSM-br-discord","type":"discord","locationSet":{"include":["br"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Discord","url":"https://discord.gg/bQn4aCm","contacts":[{"name":"Eduardo Addad de Oliveira","email":"duduaddad@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-br-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-br-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["br"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"Talk-br Mailing List","description":"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Brazil","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-br/","contacts":[{"name":"Arlindo Pereira","email":"nighto@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-br-telegram":{"id":"OSM-br-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["br"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Brasil Telegram","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Telegram","extendedDescription":"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://t.me/OSMBrasil_Comunidade","contacts":[{"name":"Vitor George","email":"vitor.george@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-br-twitter":{"id":"OSM-br-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["br"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Brasil Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapBR","contacts":[{"name":"Wille 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Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/142058222659672/","contacts":[{"name":"Karan Suthakaran","email":"karansuthakaran@yahoo.com"}],"order":3}}},"geometry":{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[76.25812,4.62435],[79.50447,8.91876],[79.42124,9.80115],[80.48418,10.20786],[85.15017,5.21497],[76.25812,4.62435]]]]},"id":"LK"},{"type":"Feature","id":"cleveland.geojson","properties":{"id":"cleveland.geojson","area":10803,"resources":{"OpenCleveland-meetup":{"id":"OpenCleveland-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["cleveland.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Open Cleveland","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in the Cleveland area","extendedDescription":"Open Geo Cleveland aims to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Northeast Ohio. We're also a maptime chapter =)","url":"https://www.meetup.com/open-cleveland/","contacts":[{"name":"Will Skora","email":"skorasaurus@gmail.com"},{"name":"Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz","email":"anastasia.diamond@gmail.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-82.5,41.5],[-80.95,42],[-80.95,41],[-82.5,41],[-82.5,41.5]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"phoenix.geojson","properties":{"id":"phoenix.geojson","area":25567.43,"resources":{"PHXGeo-meetup":{"id":"PHXGeo-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["phoenix.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"PHXGeo Meetup","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Phoenix, AZ area","extendedDescription":"This is a meetup group for those in the Phoenix area who like maps, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartography and anything in between.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/PHXGeo/","contacts":[{"name":"Ryan Arp","email":"ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"}],"order":5},"PHXGeo-twitter":{"id":"PHXGeo-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["phoenix.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"PHXGeo Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/phxgeo","contacts":[{"name":"Ryan Arp","email":"ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-113,32.7],[-113,34],[-111.1,34],[-111.1,32.7],[-113,32.7]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"riograndedosul.geojson","properties":{"id":"riograndedosul.geojson","area":380041.85,"resources":{"RS-telegram":{"id":"RS-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["riograndedosul.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul community on Telegram","extendedDescription":"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://t.me/osmrs"}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-53.8,-26.3],[-48.6,-28.9],[-53.1,-34],[-57.7,-30.2]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"south-tyrol.geojson","properties":{"id":"south-tyrol.geojson","area":8631.87,"resources":{"South-Tyrol-Mailing-List":{"id":"South-Tyrol-Mailing-List","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["south-tyrol.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["de","en","it","lld"],"name":"OpenStreetMap mailing list for South Tyrol","description":"OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for South Tyrol","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-southtyrol","contacts":[{"name":"Martin Raifer","email":"tyr.asd@gmail.com"}],"order":-3}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[10.45624,46.86582],[10.73639,46.89211],[10.82977,46.80946],[10.96161,46.81322],[11.1319,46.99149],[11.49067,47.01233],[11.68121,47.04018],[11.7691,47.01023],[12.16736,47.115],[12.28546,47.08322],[12.18384,46.98213],[12.30469,46.85831],[12.37335,46.73421],[12.49969,46.67017],[12.34039,46.61737],[12.08771,46.64944],[12.0163,46.52297],[11.8515,46.49272],[11.66336,46.48657],[11.56929,46.34077],[11.399,46.25585],[11.18958,46.21072],[11.13739,46.2867],[11.20193,46.44732],[10.91904,46.42603],[10.61966,46.43833],[10.44113,46.49036],[10.36766,46.68854],[10.45624,46.86582]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"trentino.geojson","properties":{"id":"trentino.geojson","area":7414.09,"resources":{"Trentino-Mailing-List":{"id":"Trentino-Mailing-List","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["trentino.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["it"],"name":"OpenStreetMap mailing list for Trentino","description":"OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for Trentino","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-trentino","contacts":[{"name":"Luca Delucchi","email":"lucadeluge@gmail.com"}],"order":-3}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[10.49332,46.35641],[10.59219,46.46624],[10.76317,46.49697],[10.84076,46.45536],[11.07971,46.54469],[11.23627,46.50123],[11.21086,46.32559],[11.1779,46.27341],[11.23352,46.2473],[11.32416,46.30235],[11.5583,46.40378],[11.62628,46.5069],[11.83502,46.54233],[11.91399,46.44306],[11.85356,46.34124],[11.99158,46.18363],[11.84464,46.08466],[11.72791,46.07704],[11.69907,45.95592],[11.51093,45.97979],[11.28845,45.8814],[11.21567,45.76273],[11.16074,45.68316],[10.90256,45.66013],[10.82016,45.71097],[10.84076,45.81827],[10.51529,45.76752],[10.41504,46.00269],[10.51941,46.2112],[10.49332,46.35641]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"grand_junction_co.geojson","properties":{"id":"grand_junction_co.geojson","area":7597.76,"resources":{"Western-Slope-facebook":{"id":"Western-Slope-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["grand_junction_co.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Western Slope OSM Facebook","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO","url":"https://www.facebook.com/wsosm/","contacts":[{"name":"Aaron Young","email":"aaron@kaartgroup.com"}],"order":3},"Western-Slope-meetup":{"id":"Western-Slope-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["grand_junction_co.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Western Slope OSM Meetup","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO","extendedDescription":"The goal of this group is to introduce OpenStreetMap to the community, develop a community of mappers, create the most amazing geodata possible using whatever method we can and finally strategize in order to get this data out into our community. Imagine accurate trail signage! Imagine further development of bike paths! Imagine anything you want, that's the joy of OpenStreetMap!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/Western-Slope-OpenStreetMap/","contacts":[{"name":"Aaron Young","email":"aaron@kaartgroup.com"}],"order":5}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-109,39.4],[-108.1,39.4],[-107.8,39.16],[-107.8,38.7],[-108.1,38.5],[-109,39],[-109,39.4]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"iso1A2":"AL","iso1A3":"ALB","iso1N3":"008","wikidata":"Q222","nameEn":"Albania","groups":["039","150","001"],"callingCodes":["355"],"id":"AL","m49":"008","isoStatus":"official","level":"country","roadSpeedUnit":"km/h","driveSide":"right","emojiFlag":"🇦🇱","area":34016.6,"resources":{"al-forum":{"id":"al-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["al"]},"languageCodes":["en","sq"],"name":"OSM Albania Forum","description":"OpenStreetMap Albania Forum","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=91","contacts":[{"name":"Jonathan Beliën","email":"dev@jbelien.be"},{"name":"Amanti Lulo","email":"amanti.lulo@gmail.com"}],"order":-2},"al-telegram":{"id":"al-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["al"]},"languageCodes":["en","sq"],"name":"OSM Albania Telegram channel","description":"OpenStreetMap Albania Telegram channel","url":"https://telegram.me/OpenStreetMapAL","contacts":[{"name":"Jonathan Beliën","email":"dev@jbelien.be"},{"name":"Amanti Lulo","email":"amanti.lulo@gmail.com"}]},"al-twitter":{"id":"al-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["al"]},"languageCodes":["en","sq"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Albania Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/Osm_Albania"}}},"geometry":{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[20.07761,42.55582],[20.17127,42.50469],[20.21797,42.41237],[20.24399,42.32168],[20.34479,42.32656],[20.3819,42.3029],[20.48857,42.25444],[20.56955,42.12097],[20.55633,42.08173],[20.59434,42.03879],[20.63069,41.94913],[20.57946,41.91593],[20.59524,41.8818],[20.55976,41.87068],[20.57144,41.7897],[20.53405,41.78099],[20.51301,41.72433],[20.52937,41.69292],[20.51769,41.65975],[20.55508,41.58113],[20.52103,41.56473],[20.45809,41.5549],[20.45331,41.51436],[20.49039,41.49277],[20.51301,41.442],[20.55976,41.4087],[20.52119,41.34381],[20.49432,41.33679],[20.51068,41.2323],[20.59715,41.13644],[20.58546,41.11179],[20.59832,41.09066],[20.63454,41.0889],[20.65558,41.08009],[20.71634,40.91781],[20.73504,40.9081],[20.81567,40.89662],[20.83671,40.92752],[20.94305,40.92399],[20.97693,40.90103],[20.97887,40.85475],[20.98396,40.79109],[20.95752,40.76982],[20.98134,40.76046],[21.05833,40.66586],[21.03932,40.56299],[20.96908,40.51526],[20.94925,40.46625],[20.83688,40.47882],[20.7906,40.42726],[20.78234,40.35803],[20.71789,40.27739],[20.67162,40.09433],[20.62566,40.0897],[20.61081,40.07866],[20.55593,40.06524],[20.51297,40.08168],[20.48487,40.06271],[20.42373,40.06777],[20.37911,39.99058],[20.31135,39.99438],[20.41546,39.82832],[20.41475,39.81437],[20.38572,39.78516],[20.30804,39.81563],[20.29152,39.80421],[20.31961,39.72799],[20.27412,39.69884],[20.22707,39.67459],[20.22376,39.64532],[20.15988,39.652],[20.12956,39.65805],[20.05189,39.69112],[20.00957,39.69227],[19.98042,39.6504],[19.92466,39.69533],[19.97622,39.78684],[19.95905,39.82857],[19.0384,40.35325],[19.26406,41.74971],[19.37597,41.84849],[19.37451,41.8842],[19.33812,41.90669],[19.34601,41.95675],[19.37691,41.96977],[19.36867,42.02564],[19.37548,42.06835],[19.40687,42.10024],[19.28623,42.17745],[19.42,42.33019],[19.42352,42.36546],[19.4836,42.40831],[19.65972,42.62774],[19.73244,42.66299],[19.77375,42.58517],[19.74731,42.57422],[19.76549,42.50237],[19.82333,42.46581],[19.9324,42.51699],[20.00842,42.5109],[20.01834,42.54622],[20.07761,42.55582]]]]},"id":"AL"},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:19.8156,41.3305","properties":{"id":"point:19.8156,41.3305","area":1963.5,"resources":{"al-maptime-tirana":{"id":"al-maptime-tirana","type":"group","locationSet":{"include":[[19.8156,41.3305]]},"languageCodes":["en","sq"],"name":"Maptime Tirana","description":"Social events organized around mapping - beginners most welcome!","extendedDescription":"Maptime is an open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge, offering intentional educational support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously flexible and structured, creating space for mapping tutorials, workshops, ongoing projects with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time.","url":"http://maptime.io/tirana/","contacts":[{"name":"Jonathan Beliën","email":"dev@jbelien.be"},{"name":"Amanti Lulo","email":"amanti.lulo@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[19.816,41.555],[19.639,41.512],[19.531,41.4],[19.531,41.261],[19.64,41.149],[19.816,41.106],[19.991,41.149],[20.1,41.261],[20.1,41.4],[19.992,41.512],[19.816,41.555]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"iso1A2":"AT","iso1A3":"AUT","iso1N3":"040","wikidata":"Q40","nameEn":"Austria","groups":["155","150","EU","001"],"callingCodes":["43"],"id":"AT","m49":"040","isoStatus":"official","level":"country","roadSpeedUnit":"km/h","driveSide":"right","emojiFlag":"🇦🇹","area":83818.14,"resources":{"at-forum":{"id":"at-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["at"]},"languageCodes":["de","en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap 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You can ask anything there! The other rooms are for specific subjects.","url":"https://riot.im/app/#/group/+osmbe:matrix.org","contacts":[{"name":"BE community","email":"community@osm.be"}],"order":6},"be-meetup":{"id":"be-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["be"]},"languageCodes":["de","en","fr","nl"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Belgium Meetup","description":"Real life meetups of everyone who is interested in OpenStreetMap","extendedDescription":"Physical meetups are great to meet other mappers, ask them questions and to learn a lot. 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question","url":"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ie","order":-1},"ireland-mailinglist":{"id":"ireland-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["ie"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Talk-ie Mailing List","description":"Talk-ie is the mailing list for the Irish OSM community","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ie","order":2},"ireland-telegram":{"id":"ireland-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["ie"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OSM Ireland on Telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Ireland Telegram chat","url":"https://t.me/joinchat/BDLI7w9jCWm7Bwm2T06jwQ?fbclid=IwAR1ltY85Y7_4_CZhhwLOsLLppzis1MOVRRy897epT99JuZ9ZHZF8wpDRIfk","order":4},"ireland-twitter":{"id":"ireland-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["ie"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap IE on Twitter","description":"OpenStreetMap IE on Twitter: 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Find its link in bio of 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It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.","url":"https://t.me/aastumappers","contacts":[{"name":"Ben Jamin","email":"benjazben10@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[38.809,9.114],[38.676,9.071],[38.593,8.958],[38.593,8.82],[38.676,8.707],[38.809,8.664],[38.943,8.707],[39.025,8.82],[39.025,8.958],[38.943,9.071],[38.809,9.114]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:7.41909,5.8308","properties":{"id":"point:7.41909,5.8308","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Abia-State-University":{"id":"ym-Abia-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[7.41909,5.8308]]},"name":"AbsuMappersTeam","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Abia State University","extendedDescription":"AbsuMappersTeam is voluntary team of map enthusiast ,using openstreetmap,GIS and other open source geospatial techno;ogy to solve problems.It is a dedicated for disaster response using OpenStreetMap.It is a professional mentoring and empowerment platform for those with passion for GIS and Mapping.It is a community of volunteers for geospatial data creation,field data collection and mapping.The team was co-founded by Victor N.Sunday(the Team mentor) and Professor J.U.Ogbonna ,the team coordinator and faculty Advisor. AbsuMapperTeam is an affiliate of UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt.The team stands to support sustainable development using geospatial technology","url":"https://www.facebook.com/Absumappersteam-1709186109157466","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"absumappersteam@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.419,6.055],[7.286,6.012],[7.204,5.9],[7.204,5.761],[7.286,5.649],[7.419,5.606],[7.552,5.649],[7.634,5.761],[7.634,5.9],[7.552,6.012],[7.419,6.055]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-10.80063,6.31073","properties":{"id":"point:-10.80063,6.31073","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University":{"id":"ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-10.80063,6.31073]]},"name":"YouthMappers-AMEU","description":"YouthMappers chapter at African Methodist Episcopal University","url":"mailto:youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.801,6.535],[-10.933,6.492],[-11.016,6.38],[-11.015,6.241],[-10.933,6.129],[-10.801,6.086],[-10.668,6.129],[-10.586,6.241],[-10.586,6.38],[-10.668,6.492],[-10.801,6.535]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:7.64648,11.17836","properties":{"id":"point:7.64648,11.17836","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University":{"id":"ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[7.64648,11.17836]]},"name":"ABU Geomappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Ahmadu Bello University","extendedDescription":"We are a group of Data driven Humanitarian mappers, who are dedicated to rendering humanitarian service in response to disaster and mitigation. We are glad to contribute our expertise and knowledge through mapping, and helping to spread #OpenEvangelism through Training, and collaboration.","url":"https://web.facebook.com/abugeomappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"abugeomappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.646,11.403],[7.512,11.36],[7.429,11.248],[7.429,11.109],[7.512,10.997],[7.646,10.954],[7.781,10.997],[7.864,11.109],[7.864,11.248],[7.781,11.36],[7.646,11.403]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:39.21541,-6.76613","properties":{"id":"point:39.21541,-6.76613","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Ardhi-University":{"id":"ym-Ardhi-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[39.21541,-6.76613]]},"name":"ARU Mapper","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University","extendedDescription":"As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations.","url":"mailto:bayonakennedy@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"bayonakennedy@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[39.215,-6.542],[39.083,-6.584],[39,-6.697],[39,-6.835],[39.082,-6.948],[39.215,-6.991],[39.348,-6.948],[39.431,-6.835],[39.43,-6.697],[39.348,-6.584],[39.215,-6.542]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:91.8457,22.34998","properties":{"id":"point:91.8457,22.34998","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Asian-University-for-Women":{"id":"ym-Asian-University-for-Women","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[91.8457,22.34998]]},"name":"YouthMappers at AUW","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women","extendedDescription":"The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world.","url":"http://www.auw.edu.bd/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"harunur.rashid@auw.edu.bd"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[91.846,22.575],[91.703,22.532],[91.615,22.419],[91.615,22.28],[91.703,22.168],[91.846,22.125],[91.988,22.168],[92.077,22.28],[92.077,22.419],[91.989,22.532],[91.846,22.575]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-85.40688,40.20588","properties":{"id":"point:-85.40688,40.20588","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Ball-State-University":{"id":"ym-Ball-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-85.40688,40.20588]]},"name":"Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University","extendedDescription":"Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/BallState.GammaThetaUpsilon/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gtu@bsu.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-85.407,40.43],[-85.58,40.387],[-85.687,40.275],[-85.686,40.136],[-85.579,40.024],[-85.407,39.981],[-85.235,40.024],[-85.128,40.136],[-85.127,40.275],[-85.234,40.387],[-85.407,40.43]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:34.01367,0.52733","properties":{"id":"point:34.01367,0.52733","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Busitema-University":{"id":"ym-Busitema-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[34.01367,0.52733]]},"name":"Good Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University","extendedDescription":"Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map.","url":"https://m.facebook.com/HOTBusitemaUniv/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mulindwasteven82@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[34.014,0.752],[33.882,0.709],[33.8,0.597],[33.8,0.458],[33.882,0.346],[34.014,0.303],[34.146,0.346],[34.227,0.458],[34.227,0.597],[34.146,0.709],[34.014,0.752]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-79.89258,40.04425","properties":{"id":"point:-79.89258,40.04425","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania":{"id":"ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.89258,40.04425]]},"name":"CalU PA GIS Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania","extendedDescription":"GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/CalUGisClub/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mueller@calu.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-79.893,40.269],[-80.065,40.226],[-80.172,40.113],[-80.171,39.975],[-80.065,39.862],[-79.893,39.82],[-79.721,39.862],[-79.614,39.975],[-79.613,40.113],[-79.72,40.226],[-79.893,40.269]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-120.49805,46.98002","properties":{"id":"point:-120.49805,46.98002","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Central-Washington-University":{"id":"ym-Central-Washington-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-120.49805,46.98002]]},"name":"Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University","extendedDescription":"Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills.","url":"https://www.cwu.edu/geography/geography-club","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"valkoc@cwu.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-120.498,47.205],[-120.692,47.162],[-120.812,47.049],[-120.811,46.91],[-120.691,46.798],[-120.498,46.755],[-120.305,46.798],[-120.185,46.91],[-120.185,47.049],[-120.304,47.162],[-120.498,47.205]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-3.98799,5.344","properties":{"id":"point:-3.98799,5.344","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny":{"id":"ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-3.98799,5.344]]},"name":"YouthMappers CURAT","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny","extendedDescription":"Our chapter aim is to promote the use of collaborative free mapping and the use of openstreetmap data in the field of research and their application in the implementation of tools for decision-making. Help students produce their own data of their research.","url":"mailto:gpcome@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gpcome@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.988,5.569],[-4.121,5.526],[-4.203,5.413],[-4.202,5.275],[-4.121,5.162],[-3.988,5.119],[-3.855,5.162],[-3.773,5.275],[-3.773,5.413],[-3.855,5.526],[-3.988,5.569]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-82.79297,34.66921","properties":{"id":"point:-82.79297,34.66921","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Clemson-University":{"id":"ym-Clemson-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-82.79297,34.66921]]},"name":"Clemson Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University","extendedDescription":"Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections throughout the world.","url":"http://www.clemsongis.org/#!clemson-mappers/i9w6t","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"clemsonmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-82.793,34.894],[-82.954,34.851],[-83.053,34.738],[-83.052,34.6],[-82.953,34.487],[-82.793,34.445],[-82.633,34.487],[-82.533,34.6],[-82.533,34.738],[-82.632,34.851],[-82.793,34.894]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-76.72852,37.30011","properties":{"id":"point:-76.72852,37.30011","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-College-of-William-and-Mary":{"id":"ym-College-of-William-and-Mary","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-76.72852,37.30011]]},"name":"All over the map!","description":"YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary","extendedDescription":"The students who are all over the map are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise.  Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences.","url":"mailto:lnseitz@email.wm.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"lnseitz@email.wm.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-76.729,37.525],[-76.895,37.482],[-76.997,37.369],[-76.997,37.23],[-76.894,37.118],[-76.729,37.076],[-76.563,37.118],[-76.46,37.23],[-76.46,37.369],[-76.562,37.482],[-76.729,37.525]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-76.4735,42.4532","properties":{"id":"point:-76.4735,42.4532","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Cornell-University":{"id":"ym-Cornell-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-76.4735,42.4532]]},"name":"Mapping Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University","extendedDescription":"Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy.","url":"mailto:mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20and%20Mapping%20Society%20at%20Cornell%20University","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-76.474,42.678],[-76.653,42.635],[-76.763,42.522],[-76.763,42.383],[-76.652,42.271],[-76.474,42.229],[-76.295,42.271],[-76.184,42.383],[-76.184,42.522],[-76.294,42.635],[-76.474,42.678]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-9.5539,7.04037","properties":{"id":"point:-9.5539,7.04037","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Cuttington-University":{"id":"ym-Cuttington-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-9.5539,7.04037]]},"name":"Cuttington University YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Cuttington University","extendedDescription":"The YouthMappers at Cuttington University, Suakoko, and Bong County comprised of Students from three different departments; namely, the Department of Natural Resources Management “DONRM”, Department of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Natural Sciences. Since the establishment of the Chapter in February 2017, the overall membership is 20 students, with each department containing 5 students.","url":"mailto:youthmappers.cu@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers.cu@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-9.554,7.265],[-9.687,7.222],[-9.769,7.11],[-9.769,6.971],[-9.687,6.859],[-9.554,6.816],[-9.421,6.859],[-9.339,6.971],[-9.339,7.11],[-9.421,7.222],[-9.554,7.265]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:37.00195,-0.43945","properties":{"id":"point:37.00195,-0.43945","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology":{"id":"ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[37.00195,-0.43945]]},"name":"GDEV","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology","extendedDescription":"GDEV is a group of enthusiastic GIS group at DeKUT that aims at helping students share, engage and learn from each other in matters geospatial","url":"https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102367719061492681269/stream/e376a295-1246-4e19-9f66-fa6077719f32","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gdevkenya@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[37.002,-0.215],[36.87,-0.258],[36.788,-0.37],[36.788,-0.509],[36.87,-0.621],[37.002,-0.664],[37.134,-0.621],[37.216,-0.509],[37.216,-0.37],[37.134,-0.258],[37.002,-0.215]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:90.35156,23.72492","properties":{"id":"point:90.35156,23.72492","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Dhaka-College":{"id":"ym-Dhaka-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[90.35156,23.72492]]},"name":"YouthMappers Daka College","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers  gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes. Happy mapping.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/321220498214124/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersdc@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Dhaka-University":{"id":"ym-Dhaka-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[90.35156,23.72492]]},"name":"Openstreetmap YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University","extendedDescription":"It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmDU/1773150346233538/?notif_t=group_activity¬if_id=1472953820177890","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[90.352,23.949],[90.207,23.907],[90.118,23.794],[90.118,23.655],[90.208,23.543],[90.352,23.5],[90.496,23.543],[90.585,23.655],[90.585,23.794],[90.496,23.907],[90.352,23.949]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:90.38063,23.74236","properties":{"id":"point:90.38063,23.74236","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Eastern-University":{"id":"ym-Eastern-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[90.38063,23.74236]]},"name":"YouthMappers at Eastern University","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes.","url":"mailto:infolimon@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"infolimon@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[90.381,23.967],[90.236,23.924],[90.147,23.812],[90.147,23.673],[90.237,23.561],[90.381,23.518],[90.525,23.561],[90.614,23.673],[90.614,23.812],[90.525,23.924],[90.381,23.967]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:120.98854,14.60403","properties":{"id":"point:120.98854,14.60403","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology":{"id":"ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[120.98854,14.60403]]},"name":"Junior Philippines Computer Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology","extendedDescription":"FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region","url":"mailto:jpcsfeutech@outlook.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20Junior%20Philippines%20Computer%20Society","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"jpcsfeutech@outlook.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[120.989,14.829],[120.852,14.786],[120.768,14.673],[120.768,14.535],[120.852,14.422],[120.989,14.379],[121.125,14.422],[121.209,14.535],[121.209,14.673],[121.125,14.786],[120.989,14.829]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:3.95129,7.84218","properties":{"id":"point:3.95129,7.84218","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys":{"id":"ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[3.95129,7.84218]]},"name":"OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Federal School of Surveys","url":"https://web.facebook.com/Oyomappersteam-omt-oyo-1432864713415765/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"oyomappersteam@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[3.951,8.067],[3.818,8.024],[3.736,7.912],[3.736,7.773],[3.818,7.66],[3.951,7.618],[4.084,7.66],[4.167,7.773],[4.167,7.912],[4.085,8.024],[3.951,8.067]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:5.18555,7.27527","properties":{"id":"point:5.18555,7.27527","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure":{"id":"ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[5.18555,7.27527]]},"name":"YouthMappers Futa Space Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Federal University of Technology, Akure","extendedDescription":"Our mission is to raise the next generation of Space Leaders. Activities include research and capacity building in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change, Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Engineering, Global Navigation, Robotics and Space Education.","url":"http://spaceclubfuta.com.ng/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"denironyx@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.186,7.5],[5.052,7.457],[4.97,7.345],[4.97,7.206],[5.053,7.094],[5.186,7.051],[5.319,7.094],[5.401,7.206],[5.401,7.345],[5.319,7.457],[5.186,7.5]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-13.18359,8.49407","properties":{"id":"point:-13.18359,8.49407","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Fourah-Bay-College":{"id":"ym-Fourah-Bay-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-13.18359,8.49407]]},"name":"Student's Geographical Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College","extendedDescription":"The Student's Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team.","url":"mailto:sgayouthmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Fourah%20Bay%20College","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"sgayouthmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-13.184,8.719],[-13.317,8.676],[-13.4,8.563],[-13.4,8.425],[-13.317,8.312],[-13.184,8.269],[-13.05,8.312],[-12.968,8.425],[-12.968,8.563],[-13.05,8.676],[-13.184,8.719]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-13.62305,9.70902","properties":{"id":"point:-13.62305,9.70902","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University":{"id":"ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-13.62305,9.70902]]},"name":"YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University","description":"YouthMappers chapter at General Lansana Conte University","extendedDescription":"The YouthMappers of the University General Lansana Conté is a non profit community willing to contribute to Map Guinea and others part of the world. We are promoting the use of GIS and Open data to build decision support tools. We also work to build capacities among the students and local communities.","url":"www.uglc.org","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"condefa3@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-13.623,9.934],[-13.757,9.891],[-13.84,9.778],[-13.84,9.64],[-13.757,9.527],[-13.623,9.484],[-13.489,9.527],[-13.406,9.64],[-13.406,9.778],[-13.489,9.891],[-13.623,9.934]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-77.34375,38.82241","properties":{"id":"point:-77.34375,38.82241","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-George-Mason-University":{"id":"ym-George-Mason-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.34375,38.82241]]},"name":"Mason Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University","extendedDescription":"Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow.","url":"Facebook.com/MasonMappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"masonmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.344,39.047],[-77.514,39.004],[-77.618,38.891],[-77.618,38.753],[-77.513,38.641],[-77.344,38.598],[-77.175,38.641],[-77.07,38.753],[-77.069,38.891],[-77.174,39.004],[-77.344,39.047]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-8.11817,6.06392","properties":{"id":"point:-8.11817,6.06392","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College":{"id":"ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-8.11817,6.06392]]},"name":"YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Grand Gedeh County Community College","extendedDescription":"The Youth Mappers of GGCCC sole intent is to put places in and around Liberia that are not on the map. We gather youths from the college within the Grand Gedeh Community College to make it their duties to unite and bring these places to the spot light geographically.","url":"mailto:yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-8.118,6.288],[-8.251,6.246],[-8.333,6.133],[-8.333,5.994],[-8.251,5.882],[-8.118,5.839],[-7.985,5.882],[-7.903,5.994],[-7.903,6.133],[-7.985,6.246],[-8.118,6.288]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:72.50977,22.99876","properties":{"id":"point:72.50977,22.99876","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Gujarat-University":{"id":"ym-Gujarat-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[72.50977,22.99876]]},"name":"CCIM at Ahmedabad","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University","url":"mailto:Coolmulls@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"coolmulls@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[72.51,23.223],[72.366,23.18],[72.278,23.068],[72.278,22.929],[72.367,22.817],[72.51,22.774],[72.653,22.817],[72.742,22.929],[72.742,23.068],[72.653,23.18],[72.51,23.223]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:32.34375,2.81136","properties":{"id":"point:32.34375,2.81136","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Gulu-University":{"id":"ym-Gulu-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[32.34375,2.81136]]},"name":"CSGU Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University","extendedDescription":"The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University. This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination.","url":"mailto:git445@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Gulu%20University","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"git445@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[32.344,3.036],[32.212,2.993],[32.13,2.881],[32.13,2.742],[32.212,2.63],[32.344,2.587],[32.476,2.63],[32.558,2.742],[32.558,2.881],[32.476,2.993],[32.344,3.036]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:8.67039,49.41882","properties":{"id":"point:8.67039,49.41882","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Heidelberg-University":{"id":"ym-Heidelberg-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[8.67039,49.41882]]},"name":"disastermappers heidelberg","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Heidelberg University","extendedDescription":"Disastermappers Heidelberg was founded in 2014 as a student initiative to build a platform for exchange between students, researchers and humanitarian actors. Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications.","url":"https://disastermappers.wordpress.com/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"disastermappers@posteo.de"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[8.67,49.643],[8.467,49.6],[8.342,49.488],[8.343,49.349],[8.468,49.237],[8.67,49.194],[8.873,49.237],[8.998,49.349],[8.999,49.488],[8.874,49.6],[8.67,49.643]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:6.93364,4.80651","properties":{"id":"point:6.93364,4.80651","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education":{"id":"ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[6.93364,4.80651]]},"name":"IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT)","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education","extendedDescription":"We are a YouthMappers Chapter of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education involved in crowdsourced mapping of our environment and remote mapping of resilient communities.We are a team of volunteers using openstreetmap and other open Geospatial source for mapping.","url":"https://fb.me/ignatiusmappersteam","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ignatiusmappersteam@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.934,5.031],[6.801,4.988],[6.719,4.876],[6.719,4.737],[6.801,4.625],[6.934,4.582],[7.066,4.625],[7.148,4.737],[7.148,4.876],[7.066,4.988],[6.934,5.031]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-79.16139,40.61395","properties":{"id":"point:-79.16139,40.61395","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania":{"id":"ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.16139,40.61395]]},"name":"Geospatial Science Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania","url":"mailto:rhoch@iup.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"rhoch@iup.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-79.161,40.839],[-79.336,40.796],[-79.443,40.683],[-79.442,40.544],[-79.335,40.432],[-79.161,40.389],[-78.988,40.432],[-78.88,40.544],[-78.88,40.683],[-78.987,40.796],[-79.161,40.839]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:29.6112,-1.50091","properties":{"id":"point:29.6112,-1.50091","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri":{"id":"ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[29.6112,-1.50091]]},"name":"YouthMappers at INES Ruhengeri","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri","extendedDescription":"We are students from Land Administration and Management and Land survey Departments from INES-Ruhengeri. We are engaged in mapping activities that create the changes toward sustainable development in our community.","url":"www.ines.ac.rw","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"dufitesaie91@yahoo.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[29.611,-1.276],[29.479,-1.319],[29.398,-1.432],[29.398,-1.57],[29.479,-1.683],[29.611,-1.725],[29.743,-1.683],[29.825,-1.57],[29.825,-1.432],[29.743,-1.319],[29.611,-1.276]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-14.94108,12.88982","properties":{"id":"point:-14.94108,12.88982","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda":{"id":"ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-14.94108,12.88982]]},"name":"Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda","extendedDescription":"Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda is an all-female mapping group in southern Senegal looking to put Kolda and surrounding villages on the map and better understand how to use OSM.","url":"mailto:koldaym@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"koldaym@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-14.941,13.114],[-15.077,13.071],[-15.16,12.959],[-15.16,12.82],[-15.076,12.708],[-14.941,12.665],[-14.806,12.708],[-14.722,12.82],[-14.722,12.959],[-14.806,13.071],[-14.941,13.114]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:85.34173,27.72759","properties":{"id":"point:85.34173,27.72759","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies":{"id":"ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[85.34173,27.72759]]},"name":"Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies","extendedDescription":"To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations.","url":"mailto:deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[85.342,27.952],[85.192,27.909],[85.1,27.797],[85.101,27.658],[85.193,27.546],[85.342,27.503],[85.491,27.546],[85.583,27.658],[85.583,27.797],[85.491,27.909],[85.342,27.952]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:39.2935,-6.13779","properties":{"id":"point:39.2935,-6.13779","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management":{"id":"ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[39.2935,-6.13779]]},"name":"IFM mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management","extendedDescription":"This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts","url":"mailto:supermalik95@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"supermalik95@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[39.294,-5.913],[39.161,-5.956],[39.079,-6.068],[39.079,-6.207],[39.161,-6.319],[39.294,-6.362],[39.426,-6.319],[39.508,-6.207],[39.508,-6.068],[39.426,-5.956],[39.294,-5.913]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:35.74578,-6.12215","properties":{"id":"point:35.74578,-6.12215","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning":{"id":"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[35.74578,-6.12215]]},"name":"Mipango YouthMappers Chapter","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning","extendedDescription":"Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President.","url":"mailto:msmapperschapter@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"msmapperschapter@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[35.746,-5.898],[35.613,-5.94],[35.531,-6.053],[35.531,-6.192],[35.613,-6.304],[35.746,-6.347],[35.879,-6.304],[35.961,-6.192],[35.961,-6.053],[35.878,-5.94],[35.746,-5.898]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:32.89851,-2.51658","properties":{"id":"point:32.89851,-2.51658","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza":{"id":"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[32.89851,-2.51658]]},"name":"Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza","url":"www.facebook.com/IYMLZC/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"shabanimagawila@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[32.899,-2.292],[32.766,-2.335],[32.685,-2.447],[32.685,-2.586],[32.766,-2.698],[32.899,-2.741],[33.031,-2.698],[33.112,-2.586],[33.112,-2.447],[33.031,-2.335],[32.899,-2.292]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-12.1175,10.68652","properties":{"id":"point:-12.1175,10.68652","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine":{"id":"ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-12.1175,10.68652]]},"name":"YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala is a non profit organisation working to promote humanitarian mapping and the use of open sources and open data to build decision making tools in Guinea.","url":"mailto:bvloua45@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"bvloua45@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-12.117,10.911],[-12.252,10.868],[-12.335,10.756],[-12.335,10.617],[-12.252,10.505],[-12.117,10.462],[-11.983,10.505],[-11.9,10.617],[-11.9,10.756],[-11.983,10.868],[-12.117,10.911]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:29.02465,41.10542","properties":{"id":"point:29.02465,41.10542","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Istanbul-Technical-University":{"id":"ym-Istanbul-Technical-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[29.02465,41.10542]]},"name":"YouthMappers ITU","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Istanbul Technical University","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers ITU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative student community to promote humanitarian mapping for vulnerable settlements and aims to develop and share strategic and innovative spatial information for the future cities by using geographical information systems and open data.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/YouthMappers-ITU-226489641442744/?modal=admin_todo_tour","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersitu@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[29.025,41.33],[28.849,41.287],[28.741,41.174],[28.741,41.036],[28.85,40.924],[29.025,40.881],[29.199,40.924],[29.308,41.036],[29.308,41.174],[29.2,41.287],[29.025,41.33]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-85.76795,33.82283","properties":{"id":"point:-85.76795,33.82283","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Jacksonville-State-University":{"id":"ym-Jacksonville-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-85.76795,33.82283]]},"name":"JSU Disaster Mapping Team","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University","extendedDescription":"The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets","url":"mailto:ltatum@stu.jsu.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ltatum@stu.jsu.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-85.768,34.047],[-85.927,34.004],[-86.025,33.892],[-86.025,33.753],[-85.927,33.641],[-85.768,33.598],[-85.609,33.641],[-85.511,33.753],[-85.511,33.892],[-85.609,34.004],[-85.768,34.047]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:90.26753,23.88222","properties":{"id":"point:90.26753,23.88222","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Jahangirnagar-University":{"id":"ym-Jahangirnagar-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[90.26753,23.88222]]},"name":"YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University","url":"mailto:s.t.islam@juniv.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"s.t.islam@juniv.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[90.268,24.107],[90.123,24.064],[90.034,23.951],[90.034,23.813],[90.123,23.7],[90.268,23.658],[90.412,23.7],[90.501,23.813],[90.501,23.951],[90.412,24.064],[90.268,24.107]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:37.0105,-1.08909","properties":{"id":"point:37.0105,-1.08909","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology":{"id":"ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[37.0105,-1.08909]]},"name":"Association of Geomatics Engineering Students","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology","extendedDescription":"The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.","url":"mailto:laurahmugeha36@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"laurahmugeha36@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[37.011,-0.865],[36.878,-0.907],[36.797,-1.02],[36.797,-1.158],[36.878,-1.271],[37.011,-1.314],[37.143,-1.271],[37.224,-1.158],[37.224,-1.02],[37.143,-0.907],[37.011,-0.865]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-96.5918,39.16396","properties":{"id":"point:-96.5918,39.16396","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Kansas-State-University":{"id":"ym-Kansas-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-96.5918,39.16396]]},"name":"Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University","extendedDescription":"We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to YouthMappers. We have been active with mapping for OSM and conducted a mapathon called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/kstate.gtu?fref=ts","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"tblarsen@ksu.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-96.592,39.389],[-96.762,39.346],[-96.868,39.233],[-96.867,39.094],[-96.762,38.982],[-96.592,38.939],[-96.422,38.982],[-96.317,39.094],[-96.316,39.233],[-96.421,39.346],[-96.592,39.389]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:37.12789,-0.48134","properties":{"id":"point:37.12789,-0.48134","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Karatina-University":{"id":"ym-Karatina-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[37.12789,-0.48134]]},"name":"Nature Club Karatina University","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Karatina University","extendedDescription":"This chapter aims to bring together all GIS enthusiasts.They include environment experts, wildlife experts, aquatic and tourism officers, just to mention a few. Its main aim is to provide a platform where students can learn from each other and, in the process, understand how to integrate the GIS skills in their various career paths as well as provide solutions to various environmental related challenges.","url":"https://twitter.com/karunature","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"karunatureclub@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[37.128,-0.257],[36.996,-0.3],[36.914,-0.412],[36.914,-0.551],[36.996,-0.663],[37.128,-0.706],[37.26,-0.663],[37.341,-0.551],[37.341,-0.412],[37.26,-0.3],[37.128,-0.257]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:85.53873,27.62025","properties":{"id":"point:85.53873,27.62025","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Kathmandu-University":{"id":"ym-Kathmandu-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[85.53873,27.62025]]},"name":"Geomatics Engineering Society,GES","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University","extendedDescription":"Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc.","url":"ku.edu.np/ges","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ges@ku.edu.np"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[85.539,27.845],[85.389,27.802],[85.298,27.689],[85.298,27.551],[85.39,27.438],[85.539,27.396],[85.687,27.438],[85.78,27.551],[85.78,27.689],[85.688,27.802],[85.539,27.845]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:36.93493,-1.17996","properties":{"id":"point:36.93493,-1.17996","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Kenyatta-University":{"id":"ym-Kenyatta-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[36.93493,-1.17996]]},"name":"Kenyatta University GIS Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Kenyatta University","extendedDescription":"Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) was founded on 28th October 2016, with more than 200 students and staff from all faculty within campus as members. We are committed to empower members with spatial knowledge, skills and expertise required in understanding the Earth. We help in mapping resources within the university by incorporating geospatial data in their projects as well as fieldwork data collection.","url":"mailto:jamesmagige24@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"jamesmagige24@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[36.935,-0.955],[36.803,-0.998],[36.721,-1.111],[36.721,-1.249],[36.803,-1.362],[36.935,-1.405],[37.067,-1.362],[37.149,-1.249],[37.149,-1.111],[37.067,-0.998],[36.935,-0.955]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:89.56055,22.83685","properties":{"id":"point:89.56055,22.83685","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Khulna-University":{"id":"ym-Khulna-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[89.56055,22.83685]]},"name":"Khulna University YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University","extendedDescription":"KU students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmku/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[89.561,23.061],[89.417,23.018],[89.329,22.906],[89.329,22.767],[89.418,22.655],[89.561,22.612],[89.704,22.655],[89.792,22.767],[89.792,22.906],[89.704,23.018],[89.561,23.061]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:33.83789,1.49396","properties":{"id":"point:33.83789,1.49396","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Kumi-University":{"id":"ym-Kumi-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[33.83789,1.49396]]},"name":"Ever Last YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University","extendedDescription":"This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science and Information Technology.","url":"mailto:kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Kumi%20University","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[33.838,1.719],[33.706,1.676],[33.624,1.563],[33.624,1.425],[33.706,1.312],[33.838,1.269],[33.97,1.312],[34.052,1.425],[34.052,1.563],[33.97,1.676],[33.838,1.719]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-1.56831,6.67234","properties":{"id":"point:-1.56831,6.67234","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology":{"id":"ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-1.56831,6.67234]]},"name":"Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology","url":"https://www.facebook.com/KNUSTMappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"knustyouthmappers@outlook.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-1.568,6.897],[-1.701,6.854],[-1.783,6.742],[-1.783,6.603],[-1.701,6.491],[-1.568,6.448],[-1.435,6.491],[-1.353,6.603],[-1.353,6.742],[-1.435,6.854],[-1.568,6.897]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:32.60742,0.35156","properties":{"id":"point:32.60742,0.35156","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Makerere-University":{"id":"ym-Makerere-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[32.60742,0.35156]]},"name":"Geo YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University","extendedDescription":"Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness.\"We map the world and change lives.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geo-youthmappers@googlegroups.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[32.607,0.576],[32.475,0.533],[32.394,0.421],[32.394,0.282],[32.475,0.17],[32.607,0.127],[32.739,0.17],[32.821,0.282],[32.821,0.421],[32.739,0.533],[32.607,0.576]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:30.65679,-0.61644","properties":{"id":"point:30.65679,-0.61644","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology":{"id":"ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[30.65679,-0.61644]]},"name":"MUST Street Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology","extendedDescription":"MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society.","url":"https://web.facebook.com/muststreetmappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"muststreetmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[30.657,-0.392],[30.525,-0.435],[30.443,-0.547],[30.443,-0.686],[30.525,-0.798],[30.657,-0.841],[30.789,-0.798],[30.87,-0.686],[30.87,-0.547],[30.789,-0.435],[30.657,-0.392]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-73.5787,45.50608","properties":{"id":"point:-73.5787,45.50608","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-McGill-University":{"id":"ym-McGill-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-73.5787,45.50608]]},"name":"Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at McGill University","extendedDescription":"The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad.","url":"mailto:omg.mcgill@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"omg.mcgill@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-73.579,45.731],[-73.768,45.688],[-73.884,45.575],[-73.883,45.436],[-73.766,45.324],[-73.579,45.282],[-73.391,45.324],[-73.274,45.436],[-73.274,45.575],[-73.39,45.688],[-73.579,45.731]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-84.73174,39.5109","properties":{"id":"point:-84.73174,39.5109","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Miami-University":{"id":"ym-Miami-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-84.73174,39.5109]]},"name":"Geography and Planning Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Miami University","extendedDescription":"GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience.","url":"mailto:GPSMiamiOH@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gpsmiamioh@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-84.732,39.735],[-84.903,39.692],[-85.009,39.58],[-85.008,39.441],[-84.902,39.329],[-84.732,39.286],[-84.561,39.329],[-84.455,39.441],[-84.455,39.58],[-84.56,39.692],[-84.732,39.735]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:35.50781,-0.35156","properties":{"id":"point:35.50781,-0.35156","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Moi-University":{"id":"ym-Moi-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[35.50781,-0.35156]]},"name":"Geography Students Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Moi University","extendedDescription":"The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) explores, discovers and aims at developing the entire world through the young Geo-Spatial analysts.  GEOSAMU is part of the Department of Geography.","url":"mailto:geosamu44@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Moi%20University","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geosamu44@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[35.508,-0.127],[35.376,-0.17],[35.294,-0.282],[35.294,-0.421],[35.376,-0.533],[35.508,-0.576],[35.64,-0.533],[35.721,-0.421],[35.721,-0.282],[35.64,-0.17],[35.508,-0.127]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-77.61025,43.10138","properties":{"id":"point:-77.61025,43.10138","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Monroe-Community-College":{"id":"ym-Monroe-Community-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.61025,43.10138]]},"name":"MCC Mapping Corps","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College","url":"mailto:GIST@monroecc.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gist@monroecc.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.61,43.326],[-77.792,43.283],[-77.903,43.17],[-77.902,43.032],[-77.791,42.92],[-77.61,42.877],[-77.43,42.92],[-77.318,43.032],[-77.317,43.17],[-77.429,43.283],[-77.61,43.326]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-77.15782,39.09718","properties":{"id":"point:-77.15782,39.09718","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Montgomery-College":{"id":"ym-Montgomery-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.15782,39.09718]]},"name":"GeoMC","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College","extendedDescription":"GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in.","url":"mailto:stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.158,39.322],[-77.328,39.279],[-77.433,39.166],[-77.433,39.027],[-77.327,38.915],[-77.158,38.873],[-76.988,38.915],[-76.883,39.027],[-76.882,39.166],[-76.987,39.279],[-77.158,39.322]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:17.07709,-22.56572","properties":{"id":"point:17.07709,-22.56572","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology":{"id":"ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[17.07709,-22.56572]]},"name":"Geoinformation Technology Student Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Namibia University of Science and Technology","url":"mailto:patriciasem87@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"patriciasem87@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[17.077,-22.341],[16.934,-22.384],[16.846,-22.496],[16.846,-22.635],[16.934,-22.747],[17.077,-22.79],[17.22,-22.747],[17.309,-22.635],[17.308,-22.496],[17.22,-22.384],[17.077,-22.341]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-74.00391,40.71377","properties":{"id":"point:-74.00391,40.71377","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-New-York-University":{"id":"ym-New-York-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-74.00391,40.71377]]},"name":"NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps","description":"YouthMappers chapter at New York University","extendedDescription":"The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes.","url":"http://www.nyumhealth.org/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mhealth@nyu.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-74.004,40.938],[-74.179,40.895],[-74.286,40.783],[-74.285,40.644],[-74.178,40.532],[-74.004,40.489],[-73.83,40.532],[-73.722,40.644],[-73.722,40.783],[-73.829,40.895],[-74.004,40.938]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-8.71645,7.35208","properties":{"id":"point:-8.71645,7.35208","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Nimba-County-Community-College":{"id":"ym-Nimba-County-Community-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-8.71645,7.35208]]},"name":"Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Nimba County Community College","url":"mailto:ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-8.716,7.577],[-8.85,7.534],[-8.932,7.421],[-8.932,7.283],[-8.849,7.17],[-8.716,7.128],[-8.583,7.17],[-8.501,7.283],[-8.501,7.421],[-8.583,7.534],[-8.716,7.577]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-13.23673,8.47959","properties":{"id":"point:-13.23673,8.47959","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus":{"id":"ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-13.23673,8.47959]]},"name":"Njala Freetown YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus","extendedDescription":"We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone.","url":"mailto:Njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-13.237,8.704],[-13.37,8.661],[-13.453,8.549],[-13.453,8.41],[-13.37,8.298],[-13.237,8.255],[-13.103,8.298],[-13.021,8.41],[-13.021,8.549],[-13.103,8.661],[-13.237,8.704]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-11.76548,7.93596","properties":{"id":"point:-11.76548,7.93596","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus":{"id":"ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-11.76548,7.93596]]},"name":"YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus","url":"mailto:youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-11.765,8.161],[-11.899,8.118],[-11.981,8.005],[-11.981,7.867],[-11.899,7.754],[-11.765,7.711],[-11.632,7.754],[-11.55,7.867],[-11.55,8.005],[-11.632,8.118],[-11.765,8.161]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-83.06823,40.29605","properties":{"id":"point:-83.06823,40.29605","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University":{"id":"ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-83.06823,40.29605]]},"name":"Environment and Wildlife Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University","extendedDescription":"Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives.","url":"mailto:envirowild@owu.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"envirowild@owu.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-83.068,40.521],[-83.242,40.478],[-83.349,40.365],[-83.348,40.226],[-83.241,40.114],[-83.068,40.071],[-82.896,40.114],[-82.788,40.226],[-82.788,40.365],[-82.895,40.478],[-83.068,40.521]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-97.07253,36.12077","properties":{"id":"point:-97.07253,36.12077","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Oklahoma-State-University":{"id":"ym-Oklahoma-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-97.07253,36.12077]]},"name":"Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University","url":"mailto:hhayden@okstate.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"hhayden@okstate.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-97.073,36.345],[-97.236,36.302],[-97.337,36.19],[-97.337,36.051],[-97.236,35.939],[-97.073,35.896],[-96.909,35.939],[-96.808,36.051],[-96.808,36.19],[-96.909,36.302],[-97.073,36.345]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:39.26466,-6.7835","properties":{"id":"point:39.26466,-6.7835","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania":{"id":"ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[39.26466,-6.7835]]},"name":"Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania","extendedDescription":"Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania\n\nHad been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html )\n\nOur chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels.","url":"mailto:youthmapout@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmapout@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[39.265,-6.559],[39.132,-6.602],[39.05,-6.714],[39.05,-6.853],[39.132,-6.965],[39.265,-7.008],[39.398,-6.965],[39.48,-6.853],[39.48,-6.714],[39.398,-6.602],[39.265,-6.559]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:9.22852,45.45991","properties":{"id":"point:9.22852,45.45991","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Politecnico-di-Milano":{"id":"ym-Politecnico-di-Milano","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[9.22852,45.45991]]},"name":"PoliMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano","extendedDescription":"PoliMappers is a volunteer students’ association based at Politecnico di Milano. The mission of the group is to train and motivate the next generation of volunteer mappers and to do mapping using free and open source software within the university as well as primary and secondary schools.","url":"https://polimappers.github.io/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"polimappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[9.229,45.684],[9.04,45.641],[8.924,45.529],[8.924,45.39],[9.041,45.278],[9.229,45.235],[9.416,45.278],[9.533,45.39],[9.533,45.529],[9.417,45.641],[9.229,45.684]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-0.04049,51.52382","properties":{"id":"point:-0.04049,51.52382","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London":{"id":"ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-0.04049,51.52382]]},"name":"Queen Mary YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London","extendedDescription":"This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/qmulgeographysociety/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers@qmul.ac.uk"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-0.04,51.748],[-0.254,51.705],[-0.384,51.593],[-0.383,51.454],[-0.252,51.342],[-0.04,51.299],[0.171,51.342],[0.302,51.454],[0.303,51.593],[0.173,51.705],[-0.04,51.748]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:88.62839,24.36373","properties":{"id":"point:88.62839,24.36373","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology":{"id":"ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[88.62839,24.36373]]},"name":"YouthMappers at RUET","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology","extendedDescription":"The \"YouthMappers at RUET\" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world.","url":"mailto:ruetmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ruetmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[88.628,24.588],[88.483,24.545],[88.394,24.433],[88.394,24.294],[88.484,24.182],[88.628,24.139],[88.773,24.182],[88.863,24.294],[88.863,24.433],[88.774,24.545],[88.628,24.588]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-79.36523,42.42325","properties":{"id":"point:-79.36523,42.42325","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia":{"id":"ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.36523,42.42325]]},"name":"Geoventurers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia","extendedDescription":"GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction. We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better.","url":"mailto:amw30@geneseo.edu?subject=GeoVenturers%20and%20the%20YouthMappers%20network","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"amw30@geneseo.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-79.365,42.648],[-79.545,42.605],[-79.655,42.492],[-79.654,42.353],[-79.544,42.241],[-79.365,42.199],[-79.187,42.241],[-79.076,42.353],[-79.076,42.492],[-79.186,42.605],[-79.365,42.648]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-89.07411,17.161","properties":{"id":"point:-89.07411,17.161","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College":{"id":"ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-89.07411,17.161]]},"name":"Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College","url":"mailto:jtzib18@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"jtzib18@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-89.074,17.386],[-89.212,17.343],[-89.298,17.23],[-89.298,17.091],[-89.212,16.979],[-89.074,16.936],[-88.936,16.979],[-88.851,17.091],[-88.85,17.23],[-88.936,17.343],[-89.074,17.386]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:91.52369,27.2866","properties":{"id":"point:91.52369,27.2866","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Sherubtse-College":{"id":"ym-Sherubtse-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[91.52369,27.2866]]},"name":"Geographical Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College","extendedDescription":"The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!","url":"mailto:gsscbhutan@gmail.com?subject=About%20the%20Royal%20University%20of%20Bhutan%20Geographical%20Society%20and%20Youth%20Mappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gsscbhutan@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[91.524,27.511],[91.375,27.468],[91.283,27.356],[91.284,27.217],[91.375,27.105],[91.524,27.062],[91.672,27.105],[91.764,27.217],[91.764,27.356],[91.672,27.468],[91.524,27.511]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:37.65636,-6.85251","properties":{"id":"point:37.65636,-6.85251","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture":{"id":"ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[37.65636,-6.85251]]},"name":"SMCoSE YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture","extendedDescription":"A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action.","url":"mailto:SMCoSEyouthmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"smcoseyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[37.656,-6.628],[37.523,-6.671],[37.441,-6.783],[37.441,-6.922],[37.523,-7.034],[37.656,-7.077],[37.789,-7.034],[37.872,-6.922],[37.871,-6.783],[37.789,-6.671],[37.656,-6.628]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:32.62161,0.27237","properties":{"id":"point:32.62161,0.27237","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-St.-Augustine-International-University":{"id":"ym-St.-Augustine-International-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[32.62161,0.27237]]},"name":"YouthMappers at St Augustine International University","description":"YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University","url":"mailto:youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[32.622,0.497],[32.49,0.454],[32.408,0.342],[32.408,0.203],[32.49,0.091],[32.622,0.048],[32.754,0.091],[32.835,0.203],[32.835,0.342],[32.754,0.454],[32.622,0.497]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:26.9671,-16.81484","properties":{"id":"point:26.9671,-16.81484","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute":{"id":"ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[26.9671,-16.81484]]},"name":"MawaggaliMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute","extendedDescription":"We are the youthappers chapter at St. Mawaggali trades in choma who are want to contribute the different humantarian tasks to serve lives through mapping.","url":"mailto:mawaggalimappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mawaggalimappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[26.967,-16.59],[26.829,-16.633],[26.744,-16.745],[26.744,-16.884],[26.829,-16.996],[26.967,-17.039],[27.105,-16.996],[27.19,-16.884],[27.19,-16.745],[27.105,-16.633],[26.967,-16.59]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-77.7832,42.81132","properties":{"id":"point:-77.7832,42.81132","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo":{"id":"ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.7832,42.81132]]},"name":"SUNY Geneseo GIS Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo","extendedDescription":"We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community.","url":"http://www.facebook.com/GeneseoGIS","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"bb18@geneseo.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.783,43.036],[-77.964,42.993],[-78.075,42.88],[-78.074,42.742],[-77.963,42.629],[-77.783,42.587],[-77.604,42.629],[-77.492,42.742],[-77.492,42.88],[-77.603,42.993],[-77.783,43.036]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-10.7944,6.28997","properties":{"id":"point:-10.7944,6.28997","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic":{"id":"ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-10.7944,6.28997]]},"name":"YouthMappers-SMP","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Stella Maris Polytechnic","url":"mailto:youthmappers.smp@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers.smp@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.794,6.515],[-10.927,6.472],[-11.009,6.359],[-11.009,6.221],[-10.927,6.108],[-10.794,6.065],[-10.662,6.108],[-10.58,6.221],[-10.579,6.359],[-10.662,6.472],[-10.794,6.515]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:36.82449,-1.2916","properties":{"id":"point:36.82449,-1.2916","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya":{"id":"ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[36.82449,-1.2916]]},"name":"Geospatial Science Student Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Technical University of Kenya","extendedDescription":"It's a geographical information based group with very passionate students in the relevant fields of study. We do training to members on emerging trends in the market and keep up with technological advancements","url":"mailto:youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[36.824,-1.067],[36.692,-1.11],[36.611,-1.222],[36.611,-1.361],[36.692,-1.473],[36.824,-1.516],[36.957,-1.473],[37.038,-1.361],[37.038,-1.222],[36.957,-1.11],[36.824,-1.067]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-101.86523,33.57787","properties":{"id":"point:-101.86523,33.57787","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Texas-Tech-University":{"id":"ym-Texas-Tech-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-101.86523,33.57787]]},"name":"YouthMappers at TTU","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University","extendedDescription":"As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus activities through mapping.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/youthmapperstexastech/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"emily.glaeser@ttu.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-101.865,33.802],[-102.024,33.759],[-102.122,33.647],[-102.121,33.508],[-102.023,33.396],[-101.865,33.353],[-101.707,33.396],[-101.609,33.508],[-101.609,33.647],[-101.706,33.759],[-101.865,33.802]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-79.96064,32.79693","properties":{"id":"point:-79.96064,32.79693","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-The-Citadel":{"id":"ym-The-Citadel","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.96064,32.79693]]},"name":"YouthMappers at The Citadel","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel","extendedDescription":"This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers.","url":"Mailto:cstokes5@citadel.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"cstokes5@citadel.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-79.961,33.022],[-80.118,32.979],[-80.215,32.866],[-80.215,32.727],[-80.117,32.615],[-79.961,32.572],[-79.804,32.615],[-79.707,32.727],[-79.706,32.866],[-79.803,32.979],[-79.961,33.022]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-16.6763,13.4579","properties":{"id":"point:-16.6763,13.4579","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia":{"id":"ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-16.6763,13.4579]]},"name":"Connected YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia","extendedDescription":"Connected YouthMappers is comprised of dedicated young Gambians who aspire to change and aid national development.","url":"mailto:connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-16.676,13.682],[-16.812,13.64],[-16.896,13.527],[-16.896,13.388],[-16.812,13.276],[-16.676,13.233],[-16.541,13.276],[-16.457,13.388],[-16.457,13.527],[-16.54,13.64],[-16.676,13.682]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-77.04812,38.89966","properties":{"id":"point:-77.04812,38.89966","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-The-George-Washington-University":{"id":"ym-The-George-Washington-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.04812,38.89966]]},"name":"Humanitarian Mapping Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University","extendedDescription":"Models of leadership and engagement, HMS seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/GWHMS/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"hms.gwu@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.048,39.124],[-77.218,39.081],[-77.323,38.969],[-77.322,38.83],[-77.217,38.718],[-77.048,38.675],[-76.879,38.718],[-76.774,38.83],[-76.773,38.969],[-76.878,39.081],[-77.048,39.124]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-77.04027,38.90797","properties":{"id":"point:-77.04027,38.90797","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS":{"id":"ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.04027,38.90797]]},"name":"SAIS YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS","extendedDescription":"The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region.","url":"mailto:saisyouthmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"saisyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.04,39.133],[-77.21,39.09],[-77.315,38.977],[-77.314,38.838],[-77.209,38.726],[-77.04,38.683],[-76.871,38.726],[-76.766,38.838],[-76.766,38.977],[-76.87,39.09],[-77.04,39.133]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-77.85976,40.798","properties":{"id":"point:-77.85976,40.798","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University":{"id":"ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.85976,40.798]]},"name":"Penn State GIS Coalition","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University","extendedDescription":"The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry.","url":"mailto:advising@geog.psu.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"advising@geog.psu.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.86,41.023],[-78.035,40.98],[-78.142,40.867],[-78.142,40.728],[-78.034,40.616],[-77.86,40.573],[-77.686,40.616],[-77.578,40.728],[-77.577,40.867],[-77.685,40.98],[-77.86,41.023]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:28.33027,-15.39189","properties":{"id":"point:28.33027,-15.39189","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-The-University-of-Zambia":{"id":"ym-The-University-of-Zambia","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[28.33027,-15.39189]]},"name":"YouthMappers Unza","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia","url":"https://www.facebook.com/search/posts/?q=youth%20mappers%20unza","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"chombachishala13@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[28.33,-15.167],[28.193,-15.21],[28.109,-15.322],[28.109,-15.461],[28.193,-15.574],[28.33,-15.616],[28.467,-15.574],[28.552,-15.461],[28.552,-15.322],[28.467,-15.21],[28.33,-15.167]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:83.97645,28.2538","properties":{"id":"point:83.97645,28.2538","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Tribhuvan-University":{"id":"ym-Tribhuvan-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[83.97645,28.2538]]},"name":"Geomatics Engineering Students Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University","extendedDescription":"This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network.","url":"http://gesanwrc.wordpress.com/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gesan.nepal@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[83.976,28.478],[83.826,28.435],[83.734,28.323],[83.734,28.184],[83.827,28.072],[83.976,28.029],[84.126,28.072],[84.219,28.184],[84.219,28.323],[84.127,28.435],[83.976,28.478]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-89.41268,43.07645","properties":{"id":"point:-89.41268,43.07645","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-UW-Madison":{"id":"ym-UW-Madison","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-89.41268,43.07645]]},"name":"BadgerMaps","description":"YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison","extendedDescription":"BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/UW-BadgerMaps-197746270811951/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"uwbadgermaps@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-89.413,43.301],[-89.594,43.258],[-89.705,43.145],[-89.705,43.007],[-89.593,42.895],[-89.413,42.852],[-89.232,42.895],[-89.121,43.007],[-89.12,43.145],[-89.231,43.258],[-89.413,43.301]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:34.17487,1.07587","properties":{"id":"point:34.17487,1.07587","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus":{"id":"ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[34.17487,1.07587]]},"name":"Mappers for Life","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus","extendedDescription":"We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!\" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU.","url":"mailto:munhilll@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20the%20Uganda%20Christian%20University%20Mappers%20for%20Life","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"munhilll@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[34.175,1.3],[34.043,1.258],[33.961,1.145],[33.961,1.006],[34.043,0.894],[34.175,0.851],[34.307,0.894],[34.388,1.006],[34.388,1.145],[34.307,1.258],[34.175,1.3]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:30.26621,0.66206","properties":{"id":"point:30.26621,0.66206","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University":{"id":"ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[30.26621,0.66206]]},"name":"HiTech Youth Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University","extendedDescription":"A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes.","url":"mailto:hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[30.266,0.887],[30.134,0.844],[30.053,0.731],[30.053,0.593],[30.134,0.48],[30.266,0.437],[30.398,0.48],[30.48,0.593],[30.48,0.731],[30.398,0.844],[30.266,0.887]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-3.69437,40.54647","properties":{"id":"point:-3.69437,40.54647","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-3.69437,40.54647]]},"name":"YouthMappers at UAM","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid","url":"mailto:youthmappersatuam@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersatuam@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.694,40.771],[-3.869,40.728],[-3.976,40.616],[-3.975,40.477],[-3.868,40.365],[-3.694,40.322],[-3.521,40.365],[-3.414,40.477],[-3.413,40.616],[-3.52,40.728],[-3.694,40.771]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-74.0918,4.65306","properties":{"id":"point:-74.0918,4.65306","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-74.0918,4.65306]]},"name":"YouthMappers at Bogota","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas","extendedDescription":"The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is a public, coeducational, research university based in Bogotá, Colombia with a population of 26,140 students.","url":"mailto:lrocha@selper.org.co","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"lrocha@selper.org.co"}]},"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-74.0918,4.65306]]},"name":"Grupo UN","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Colombia","extendedDescription":"Students are uniting to map and network with university students across the country of Colombia and across the globe.  Geographic specialties include affiliation with microbiology and health disciplines.","url":"mailto:raknudsono@unal.edu.co?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20y%20Grupo%20UN%20Colombia","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"raknudsono@unal.edu.co"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-74.092,4.878],[-74.224,4.835],[-74.306,4.722],[-74.306,4.584],[-74.224,4.471],[-74.092,4.428],[-73.959,4.471],[-73.878,4.584],[-73.877,4.722],[-73.959,4.835],[-74.092,4.878]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-87.16598,14.08505","properties":{"id":"point:-87.16598,14.08505","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-87.16598,14.08505]]},"name":"PumaGis Hn","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras","url":"mailto:pumagishn@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"pumagishn@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-87.166,14.31],[-87.302,14.267],[-87.386,14.154],[-87.386,14.016],[-87.302,13.903],[-87.166,13.86],[-87.03,13.903],[-86.946,14.016],[-86.946,14.154],[-87.03,14.267],[-87.166,14.31]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-86.27051,12.1316","properties":{"id":"point:-86.27051,12.1316","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-86.27051,12.1316]]},"name":"Yeka Street MGA","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria","extendedDescription":"YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/yekastreetmga/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"yeka.street.mga@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-86.271,12.356],[-86.406,12.313],[-86.489,12.201],[-86.489,12.062],[-86.405,11.95],[-86.271,11.907],[-86.136,11.95],[-86.052,12.062],[-86.052,12.201],[-86.135,12.313],[-86.271,12.356]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-3.7173,40.44782","properties":{"id":"point:-3.7173,40.44782","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-3.7173,40.44782]]},"name":"Mapeo Humanitario","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid","extendedDescription":"Geo-volunteering group formed at Moncloa Campus on November 2017. Around 20 members from three Universities (Complutense, CEU and UPM). Undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students collaborate together with organizations (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre,...) supported by trainers from Geoinquietos. Official recognition by UPM as Educative Innovation Project (Code IE1718.0411)","url":"https://blogs.upm.es/mapeo-humanitario/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"lab.topografia@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.717,40.672],[-3.891,40.629],[-3.998,40.517],[-3.998,40.378],[-3.89,40.266],[-3.717,40.223],[-3.544,40.266],[-3.437,40.378],[-3.436,40.517],[-3.543,40.629],[-3.717,40.672]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-75.58594,6.22791","properties":{"id":"point:-75.58594,6.22791","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-75.58594,6.22791]]},"name":"Geomatica UDEA","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Antioquia","extendedDescription":"We are a group interested in geospatial data, voluntary cartography, and participating in mapping with others in our country and within the YouthMappers network.","url":"mailto:geomatica.ing.udea@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20y%20Universidad%20de%20Antioquia","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geomatica.ing.udea@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-75.58594,6.22791]]},"name":"YouthMappers San Buenaventura","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de San Buenaventura","extendedDescription":"We are pleased to join YouthMappers mapping for a better world and community.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ingenieria.sistemas@usbmed.edu.co"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-75.586,6.452],[-75.719,6.41],[-75.801,6.297],[-75.801,6.158],[-75.719,6.046],[-75.586,6.003],[-75.453,6.046],[-75.371,6.158],[-75.371,6.297],[-75.453,6.41],[-75.586,6.452]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-84.05105,9.93721","properties":{"id":"point:-84.05105,9.93721","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-84.05105,9.93721]]},"name":"YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/ucr.asege/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersucr@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-84.051,10.162],[-84.185,10.119],[-84.268,10.007],[-84.268,9.868],[-84.185,9.755],[-84.051,9.713],[-83.917,9.755],[-83.834,9.868],[-83.834,10.007],[-83.917,10.119],[-84.051,10.162]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-72.86133,11.52304","properties":{"id":"point:-72.86133,11.52304","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-72.86133,11.52304]]},"name":"Grupo Mesh","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de La Guajira","extendedDescription":"Grupo Mesh is a student organization at the Universidad de la Guajira in Colombia, including students from the program of Environmental Engineering who learn cartography and open mapping.","url":"mailto:zoviedo@uniguajira.edu.co?subject=Grupo%20Mesh%20y%20YouthMappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"zoviedo@uniguajira.edu.co"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-72.861,11.748],[-72.996,11.705],[-73.079,11.592],[-73.079,11.454],[-72.996,11.341],[-72.861,11.298],[-72.727,11.341],[-72.643,11.454],[-72.643,11.592],[-72.727,11.705],[-72.861,11.748]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-74.0918,4.56545","properties":{"id":"point:-74.0918,4.56545","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-74.0918,4.56545]]},"name":"Cartografos Uniandes","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Los Andes","extendedDescription":"We are a circle of student participation that seeks to use mapping and spatial reasoning as a means to create bonds of cooperation and integration between the university and society by addressing different spatial, social, political , economic and cultural dynamics.","url":"mailto:geografia@uniandes.edu.co?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20Chapter%20y%20la%20Universidad%20de%20los%20Andes","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geografia@uniandes.edu.co"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-74.092,4.79],[-74.224,4.747],[-74.306,4.635],[-74.306,4.496],[-74.224,4.384],[-74.092,4.341],[-73.959,4.384],[-73.878,4.496],[-73.878,4.635],[-73.959,4.747],[-74.092,4.79]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-66.04978,18.40277","properties":{"id":"point:-66.04978,18.40277","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-66.04978,18.40277]]},"name":"UPR YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras","url":"mailto:carlosguilbe@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"carlosguilbe@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-66.05,18.627],[-66.189,18.584],[-66.275,18.472],[-66.275,18.333],[-66.189,18.221],[-66.05,18.178],[-65.911,18.221],[-65.825,18.333],[-65.825,18.472],[-65.911,18.584],[-66.05,18.627]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:32.60357,-25.95208","properties":{"id":"point:32.60357,-25.95208","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane":{"id":"ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[32.60357,-25.95208]]},"name":"Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane","extendedDescription":"We are a student group that intends to join Mozambican society to create a resilient community of humanitarian mapping. The community intend to map the physical occupation of our Country and create open geographic data, accessible to the public and able to be used in several areas without associated costs.","url":"www.facebook.com/Moz-YouthMappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"moz.youthmappers1@hotmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[32.604,-25.728],[32.457,-25.77],[32.366,-25.882],[32.366,-26.021],[32.457,-26.134],[32.604,-26.177],[32.751,-26.134],[32.841,-26.021],[32.841,-25.882],[32.75,-25.77],[32.604,-25.728]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-16.42556,16.06284","properties":{"id":"point:-16.42556,16.06284","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger":{"id":"ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-16.42556,16.06284]]},"name":"YouthMappers at UGB","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Université Gaston Berger","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers UGB is made up of young students and researchers who are passionate about mapping. Our aim is to improve students' skills in the field of cartography and to participate in the creation of open geographic data that responds to development challenges around the world and particularly in Africa.","url":"https://web.facebook.com/youthmappersugb/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers.ugb@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-16.426,16.287],[-16.563,16.244],[-16.648,16.132],[-16.648,15.993],[-16.563,15.881],[-16.426,15.838],[-16.288,15.881],[-16.203,15.993],[-16.203,16.132],[-16.288,16.244],[-16.426,16.287]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-6.84395,33.99862","properties":{"id":"point:-6.84395,33.99862","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat":{"id":"ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-6.84395,33.99862]]},"name":"Brahmapoutre at Rabat","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat","extendedDescription":"This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries","url":"mailto:khmichasma@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"khmichasma@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-6.844,34.223],[-7.004,34.18],[-7.102,34.068],[-7.101,33.929],[-7.003,33.817],[-6.844,33.774],[-6.685,33.817],[-6.587,33.929],[-6.586,34.068],[-6.684,34.18],[-6.844,34.223]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-8.83716,7.7324","properties":{"id":"point:-8.83716,7.7324","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universit-de-NZrkor":{"id":"ym-Universit-de-NZrkor","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-8.83716,7.7324]]},"name":"Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Université de N'Zérékoré","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit.","url":"mailto:donpaul1974@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"donpaul1974@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-8.837,7.957],[-8.97,7.914],[-9.053,7.802],[-9.053,7.663],[-8.97,7.551],[-8.837,7.508],[-8.704,7.551],[-8.622,7.663],[-8.622,7.802],[-8.704,7.914],[-8.837,7.957]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-7.98832,12.61531","properties":{"id":"point:-7.98832,12.61531","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako":{"id":"ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-7.98832,12.61531]]},"name":"Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako","url":"mailto:youthmappersfhg@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersfhg@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-7.988,12.84],[-8.124,12.797],[-8.207,12.685],[-8.207,12.546],[-8.123,12.434],[-7.988,12.391],[-7.853,12.434],[-7.77,12.546],[-7.769,12.685],[-7.853,12.797],[-7.988,12.84]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:119.4292,-5.18613","properties":{"id":"point:119.4292,-5.18613","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar":{"id":"ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[119.4292,-5.18613]]},"name":"Kontur Geografi","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar","url":"https://tentangkontur.blogspot.co.id","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"konturgeografi@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[119.429,-4.962],[119.297,-5.004],[119.215,-5.117],[119.215,-5.255],[119.297,-5.368],[119.429,-5.411],[119.562,-5.368],[119.644,-5.255],[119.644,-5.117],[119.562,-5.004],[119.429,-4.962]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:110.76899,-7.55758","properties":{"id":"point:110.76899,-7.55758","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta":{"id":"ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[110.76899,-7.55758]]},"name":"SpaceTime","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta","extendedDescription":"SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta.","url":"mailto:spacetime1717@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"spacetime1717@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[110.769,-7.333],[110.636,-7.376],[110.554,-7.488],[110.553,-7.627],[110.636,-7.739],[110.769,-7.782],[110.902,-7.739],[110.984,-7.627],[110.984,-7.488],[110.902,-7.376],[110.769,-7.333]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-121.72852,38.54799","properties":{"id":"point:-121.72852,38.54799","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-California-Davis":{"id":"ym-University-of-California-Davis","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-121.72852,38.54799]]},"name":"Mapping Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis","url":"mailto:ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20UC%20Davis%20Mapping%20Club","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-121.729,38.773],[-121.898,38.73],[-122.002,38.617],[-122.001,38.478],[-121.897,38.366],[-121.729,38.323],[-121.56,38.366],[-121.456,38.478],[-121.455,38.617],[-121.559,38.73],[-121.729,38.773]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-1.23047,5.09092","properties":{"id":"point:-1.23047,5.09092","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Cape-Coast":{"id":"ym-University-of-Cape-Coast","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-1.23047,5.09092]]},"name":"UCC Geographical Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Cape Coast","extendedDescription":"We are a society that encompasses all students who are reading and read geography in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Cape Coast. Our main aim is to promote interest in the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. Our motto is “We comprehend the Earth and its inhabitants.”","url":"https://www.facebook.com/Geographical-Society-Ucc-105157196204838/info/?tab=page_info","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geosoc_ucc@yahoo.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-1.23,5.315],[-1.363,5.273],[-1.445,5.16],[-1.445,5.021],[-1.363,4.909],[-1.23,4.866],[-1.098,4.909],[-1.016,5.021],[-1.016,5.16],[-1.098,5.273],[-1.23,5.315]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-81.38672,28.45891","properties":{"id":"point:-81.38672,28.45891","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Central-Florida":{"id":"ym-University-of-Central-Florida","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-81.38672,28.45891]]},"name":"Geospatial Information Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida","extendedDescription":"Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS.","url":"mailto:rsouth@knights.ucf.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"rsouth@knights.ucf.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-81.387,28.683],[-81.537,28.641],[-81.63,28.528],[-81.63,28.389],[-81.537,28.277],[-81.387,28.234],[-81.237,28.277],[-81.144,28.389],[-81.144,28.528],[-81.236,28.641],[-81.387,28.683]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-87.59878,41.78872","properties":{"id":"point:-87.59878,41.78872","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Chicago":{"id":"ym-University-of-Chicago","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-87.59878,41.78872]]},"name":"Tobler Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago","url":"mailto:toblersociety@uchicago.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"toblersociety@uchicago.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-87.599,42.013],[-87.776,41.97],[-87.886,41.858],[-87.885,41.719],[-87.775,41.607],[-87.599,41.564],[-87.422,41.607],[-87.313,41.719],[-87.312,41.858],[-87.421,41.97],[-87.599,42.013]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:39.20531,-6.78035","properties":{"id":"point:39.20531,-6.78035","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam":{"id":"ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[39.20531,-6.78035]]},"name":"YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam","extendedDescription":"The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners .","url":"https://www.facebook.com/UDSMYouthMappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"godluckur@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[39.205,-6.556],[39.072,-6.599],[38.99,-6.711],[38.99,-6.85],[39.072,-6.962],[39.205,-7.005],[39.338,-6.962],[39.42,-6.85],[39.42,-6.711],[39.338,-6.599],[39.205,-6.556]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-2.343,7.35021","properties":{"id":"point:-2.343,7.35021","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources":{"id":"ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-2.343,7.35021]]},"name":"Eco-Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Energy and Natural Resources","extendedDescription":"To provide a sound education to all citizens about the deteriorating environment and provide utmost use of recreation of the environment for human survival.","url":"mailto:james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-2.343,7.575],[-2.476,7.532],[-2.558,7.42],[-2.558,7.281],[-2.476,7.169],[-2.343,7.126],[-2.21,7.169],[-2.128,7.281],[-2.128,7.42],[-2.21,7.532],[-2.343,7.575]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-3.53515,50.73664","properties":{"id":"point:-3.53515,50.73664","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Exeter":{"id":"ym-University-of-Exeter","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-3.53515,50.73664]]},"name":"University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter","extendedDescription":"We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/EUMissingMaps/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"uniofexemissingmaps@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-3.535,50.961],[-3.745,50.918],[-3.873,50.806],[-3.872,50.667],[-3.743,50.555],[-3.535,50.512],[-3.327,50.555],[-3.198,50.667],[-3.197,50.806],[-3.326,50.918],[-3.535,50.961]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-0.19624,5.65113","properties":{"id":"point:-0.19624,5.65113","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Ghana":{"id":"ym-University-of-Ghana","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-0.19624,5.65113]]},"name":"University of Ghana YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Ghana","extendedDescription":"UG YouthMappers consists of both graduate and undergraduate students possessing knowledge and skills in GIS and Remote Sensing. The club is composed of an energetic team that is poised to address social issues and mitigate environmental problems through mapping. Our fundamental principles are capacity building, empowerment and teamwork.","url":"https://twitter.com/UGYouthMappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mawulikaf@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-0.196,5.876],[-0.329,5.833],[-0.411,5.72],[-0.411,5.582],[-0.329,5.469],[-0.196,5.427],[-0.064,5.469],[0.018,5.582],[0.018,5.72],[-0.064,5.833],[-0.196,5.876]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-10.61986,6.37704","properties":{"id":"point:-10.61986,6.37704","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers":{"id":"ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-10.61986,6.37704]]},"name":"University of Liberia YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Liberia YouthMappers","extendedDescription":"The University of Liberia YouthMappers is a chapter organization of the Global YouthMappers. We are a nonprofit student mapping organization focus on mapping for Liberia’s development and the World at large. The purpose of this organization shall be to utilize technology and geospatial knowledge as means of creating and developing maps; collecting and analyzing data that will address local and worldwide challenges. Our aim is to support and create opportunity for students to develop interest and skills in the fields of mapping. We envision a united student community that are collaborative, active and are willing to work with the University of Liberia YouthMappers in order to better the lives of others.","url":"mailto:ulym2017@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ulym2017@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.62,6.602],[-10.753,6.559],[-10.835,6.446],[-10.835,6.308],[-10.753,6.195],[-10.62,6.152],[-10.487,6.195],[-10.405,6.308],[-10.405,6.446],[-10.487,6.559],[-10.62,6.602]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:35.33203,-15.36889","properties":{"id":"point:35.33203,-15.36889","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Malawi":{"id":"ym-University-of-Malawi","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[35.33203,-15.36889]]},"name":"Chanco Malawi YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Malawi","extendedDescription":"Chanco Malawi YouthMappers is the student mapping organization for the University of Malawi's Chancellor College. The students in this chapter focus on mapping for Malawi's development and science needs.","url":"mailto:zolamanyungwa@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"zolamanyungwa@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[35.332,-15.144],[35.195,-15.187],[35.111,-15.299],[35.11,-15.438],[35.195,-15.551],[35.332,-15.593],[35.469,-15.551],[35.554,-15.438],[35.553,-15.299],[35.469,-15.187],[35.332,-15.144]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-76.94332,38.98672","properties":{"id":"point:-76.94332,38.98672","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park":{"id":"ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-76.94332,38.98672]]},"name":"Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park","extendedDescription":"The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/UMDGeographyClub/?fref=ts","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geogclubumd@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-76.943,39.211],[-77.114,39.168],[-77.218,39.056],[-77.218,38.917],[-77.113,38.805],[-76.943,38.762],[-76.774,38.805],[-76.669,38.917],[-76.668,39.056],[-76.773,39.168],[-76.943,39.211]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-2.00125,5.29878","properties":{"id":"point:-2.00125,5.29878","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology":{"id":"ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-2.00125,5.29878]]},"name":"UMaT YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Mines and Technology","extendedDescription":"UMaT YouthMappers is a group of volunteer students who seek to grant students the opportunity to improve skills in the field of mapping & creating open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide.","url":"http://umatyouthmappers.wordpress.com/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"kwadzo459@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-2.001,5.523],[-2.134,5.48],[-2.216,5.368],[-2.216,5.229],[-2.134,5.117],[-2.001,5.074],[-1.869,5.117],[-1.787,5.229],[-1.787,5.368],[-1.869,5.48],[-2.001,5.523]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:36.82617,-1.31824","properties":{"id":"point:36.82617,-1.31824","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Nairobi":{"id":"ym-University-of-Nairobi","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[36.82617,-1.31824]]},"name":"Geospatial Engineering Students Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Nairobi","extendedDescription":"UN students are working with the local OSM community, Map Kibera, and GrouthTruth to learn about open mapping and contribute data for needs in their urban communities.","url":"www.geospatial.uonbi.ac.ke","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"contact@mapkibera.org"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[36.826,-1.094],[36.694,-1.137],[36.613,-1.249],[36.613,-1.388],[36.694,-1.5],[36.826,-1.543],[36.958,-1.5],[37.04,-1.388],[37.04,-1.249],[36.958,-1.137],[36.826,-1.094]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:7.50373,6.42639","properties":{"id":"point:7.50373,6.42639","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus":{"id":"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[7.50373,6.42639]]},"name":"LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus","extendedDescription":"The LionMappersTeam(LMT)Enugu Campus is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of Geoinformatics and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for Crowdsourced Mapping and Geographic Information provision using Openstreetmap, Citizen Science and other Geospatial Technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in Web-Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and ResearchWe are passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science.Our major activities include online crowdsourced-Cartography, Field Mapping ,Training workshops and outreaches to High School as well as Humanitarian/Disaster Response Mapping.","url":"https://web.facebook.com/Lionmappersteam-enugu-Campus-361221567667528/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"lmtenugucampus@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.504,6.651],[7.371,6.608],[7.289,6.496],[7.289,6.357],[7.371,6.245],[7.504,6.202],[7.637,6.245],[7.719,6.357],[7.719,6.496],[7.637,6.608],[7.504,6.651]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:7.40821,6.86461","properties":{"id":"point:7.40821,6.86461","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka":{"id":"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[7.40821,6.86461]]},"name":"LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Nsukka","extendedDescription":"The LionMappersTeam is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of mapping science and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for crowdsourced mapping and geographic information provision using Openstreetmap, citizen science and other geospatial technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and Research.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science,field mapping ,training workshops and outreaches to High Schools.","url":"http://fb.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka;and send messages to our Page at m.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"lionmappersteam@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[7.408,7.089],[7.275,7.046],[7.193,6.934],[7.193,6.795],[7.275,6.683],[7.408,6.64],[7.541,6.683],[7.623,6.795],[7.623,6.934],[7.541,7.046],[7.408,7.089]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-97.15255,33.20735","properties":{"id":"point:-97.15255,33.20735","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-North-Texas":{"id":"ym-University-of-North-Texas","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-97.15255,33.20735]]},"name":"UNT Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas","extendedDescription":"The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community.","url":"Mailto:reeseramsey@my.unt.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"reeseramsey@my.unt.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-97.153,33.432],[-97.311,33.389],[-97.408,33.276],[-97.408,33.138],[-97.31,33.026],[-97.153,32.983],[-96.995,33.026],[-96.897,33.138],[-96.897,33.276],[-96.994,33.389],[-97.153,33.432]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-104.69563,40.40395","properties":{"id":"point:-104.69563,40.40395","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado":{"id":"ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-104.69563,40.40395]]},"name":"UNCO Geography and GIS Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado","extendedDescription":"Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld","url":"www.facebook.com/groups/476365076071166/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"uncogeoggisclub@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-104.696,40.629],[-104.869,40.586],[-104.976,40.473],[-104.976,40.334],[-104.869,40.222],[-104.696,40.179],[-104.523,40.222],[-104.415,40.334],[-104.415,40.473],[-104.522,40.586],[-104.696,40.629]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-123.04688,44.02421","properties":{"id":"point:-123.04688,44.02421","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Oregon":{"id":"ym-University-of-Oregon","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-123.04688,44.02421]]},"name":"Map by Northwest","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon","extendedDescription":"Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures.","url":"http://blogs.uoregon.edu/mxnw/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"cbone@uoregon.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-123.047,44.249],[-123.231,44.206],[-123.344,44.093],[-123.344,43.954],[-123.23,43.842],[-123.047,43.8],[-122.864,43.842],[-122.75,43.954],[-122.749,44.093],[-122.863,44.206],[-123.047,44.249]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-79.54102,9.01527","properties":{"id":"point:-79.54102,9.01527","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Panama":{"id":"ym-University-of-Panama","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.54102,9.01527]]},"name":"YouthMappers UP","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama","extendedDescription":"Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to help identify, define, address, and create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives.","url":"mailto:Youthmappers.up@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers.up@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-79.541,9.24],[-79.675,9.197],[-79.757,9.085],[-79.757,8.946],[-79.675,8.834],[-79.541,8.791],[-79.407,8.834],[-79.325,8.946],[-79.325,9.085],[-79.407,9.197],[-79.541,9.24]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:6.92037,4.90173","properties":{"id":"point:6.92037,4.90173","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt":{"id":"ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[6.92037,4.90173]]},"name":"UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Port Harcourt","extendedDescription":"UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port Harcourt is an action group and a team of volunteers for a collaborative online mapping targeted at training and empowering members with trending mapping skills to create open geospatial data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges for geoinformation and to provide humanitarian mapping services to resilient communities in Niger Delta,Nigeria and elsewhere.We promote Crowdsoucred Mapping and Geographic information volunteering using OpenStreetMap(OSM) platform and other accessible platforms for Rapid Response Mapping,Disaster Mapping,Geo-intelligence Mapping,Map updates and training.Its an affiliate Campus chapter of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team(HOT).It is a project-task team of YouthMappers that provide opportunity for members to learn and improve their skills in Geoinformatics so as to explore global opportunities in the field of Mapping and Geoinformation.","url":"https://web.facebook.com/uniquemappersteamportharcourt/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"victor.sunday@uniport.edu.ng"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[6.92,5.126],[6.788,5.083],[6.706,4.971],[6.706,4.832],[6.788,4.72],[6.92,4.677],[7.053,4.72],[7.135,4.832],[7.135,4.971],[7.053,5.083],[6.92,5.126]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:28.21289,-25.72063","properties":{"id":"point:28.21289,-25.72063","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Pretoria":{"id":"ym-University-of-Pretoria","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[28.21289,-25.72063]]},"name":"Centre for Geoinformation Science","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria","extendedDescription":"The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's Centre for Geoinformation Science, a platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad.","url":"http://www.up.ac.za/cgis","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"cgis-info@kendy.up.ac.za"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[28.213,-25.496],[28.067,-25.539],[27.976,-25.651],[27.976,-25.79],[28.066,-25.902],[28.213,-25.945],[28.36,-25.902],[28.45,-25.79],[28.45,-25.651],[28.359,-25.539],[28.213,-25.496]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-117.16339,34.06295","properties":{"id":"point:-117.16339,34.06295","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Redlands":{"id":"ym-University-of-Redlands","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-117.16339,34.06295]]},"name":"URSpatial Geo-Thinkers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands","extendedDescription":"To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events.","url":"mailto:nathan_strout@redlands.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"nathan_strout@redlands.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-117.163,34.288],[-117.323,34.245],[-117.421,34.132],[-117.421,33.993],[-117.322,33.881],[-117.163,33.838],[-117.004,33.881],[-116.906,33.993],[-116.905,34.132],[-117.004,34.245],[-117.163,34.288]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:29.7397,-2.61509","properties":{"id":"point:29.7397,-2.61509","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus":{"id":"ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[29.7397,-2.61509]]},"name":"Rwanda YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Rwanda - Huye Campus","extendedDescription":"Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organized as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/Rwanda-YouthMappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"erneruz@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[29.74,-2.391],[29.608,-2.433],[29.526,-2.546],[29.526,-2.684],[29.608,-2.797],[29.74,-2.84],[29.872,-2.797],[29.954,-2.684],[29.953,-2.546],[29.872,-2.433],[29.74,-2.391]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-81.03516,34.01609","properties":{"id":"point:-81.03516,34.01609","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-South-Carolina":{"id":"ym-University-of-South-Carolina","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-81.03516,34.01609]]},"name":"Geography Graduate Student Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina","extendedDescription":"The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines.","url":"https://carolinaggsa.wordpress.com/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"carolina_ggsa@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-81.035,34.241],[-81.195,34.198],[-81.293,34.085],[-81.293,33.946],[-81.194,33.834],[-81.035,33.792],[-80.876,33.834],[-80.778,33.946],[-80.777,34.085],[-80.876,34.198],[-81.035,34.241]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-118.30078,34.01609","properties":{"id":"point:-118.30078,34.01609","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Southern-California":{"id":"ym-University-of-Southern-California","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-118.30078,34.01609]]},"name":"SC Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California","extendedDescription":"We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!","url":"mailto:scmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20USC","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"scmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-118.301,34.241],[-118.46,34.198],[-118.559,34.085],[-118.558,33.946],[-118.46,33.834],[-118.301,33.792],[-118.142,33.834],[-118.043,33.946],[-118.043,34.085],[-118.141,34.198],[-118.301,34.241]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-73.21289,44.46493","properties":{"id":"point:-73.21289,44.46493","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Vermont":{"id":"ym-University-of-Vermont","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-73.21289,44.46493]]},"name":"University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont","url":"https://www.facebook.com/UVMHMC","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"uvm.hmc@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-73.213,44.69],[-73.398,44.646],[-73.513,44.534],[-73.512,44.395],[-73.397,44.283],[-73.213,44.24],[-73.029,44.283],[-72.914,44.395],[-72.913,44.534],[-73.027,44.646],[-73.213,44.69]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-123.31186,48.46321","properties":{"id":"point:-123.31186,48.46321","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Victoria":{"id":"ym-University-of-Victoria","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-123.31186,48.46321]]},"name":"Society of Geography Students","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria","extendedDescription":"SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus","url":"https://www.facebook.com/SOGSUVic/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"sogsmappers@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-123.312,48.688],[-123.512,48.645],[-123.634,48.532],[-123.634,48.393],[-123.51,48.281],[-123.312,48.239],[-123.113,48.281],[-122.99,48.393],[-122.989,48.532],[-123.112,48.645],[-123.312,48.688]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-1.56119,52.37905","properties":{"id":"point:-1.56119,52.37905","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Warwick":{"id":"ym-University-of-Warwick","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-1.56119,52.37905]]},"name":"University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick","extendedDescription":"We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled.","url":"mailto:p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-1.561,52.604],[-1.778,52.561],[-1.912,52.448],[-1.911,52.309],[-1.777,52.197],[-1.561,52.154],[-1.346,52.197],[-1.212,52.309],[-1.211,52.448],[-1.344,52.561],[-1.561,52.604]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-105.56651,41.31476","properties":{"id":"point:-105.56651,41.31476","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Wyoming":{"id":"ym-University-of-Wyoming","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-105.56651,41.31476]]},"name":"Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming","url":"http://www.uwyo.edu/geography/geographyclub/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gtu-geography@uwyo.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-105.567,41.539],[-105.743,41.496],[-105.851,41.384],[-105.851,41.245],[-105.742,41.133],[-105.567,41.09],[-105.391,41.133],[-105.282,41.245],[-105.282,41.384],[-105.39,41.496],[-105.567,41.539]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:31.05466,-17.78467","properties":{"id":"point:31.05466,-17.78467","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-Zimbabwe":{"id":"ym-University-of-Zimbabwe","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[31.05466,-17.78467]]},"name":"UZMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe","extendedDescription":"UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/Uzmappersteam-Zimbabwe-246038666256392/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"uzmappersteam@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[31.055,-17.56],[30.916,-17.603],[30.83,-17.715],[30.83,-17.854],[30.916,-17.966],[31.055,-18.009],[31.193,-17.966],[31.279,-17.854],[31.279,-17.715],[31.193,-17.603],[31.055,-17.56]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:121.06,14.65","properties":{"id":"point:121.06,14.65","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute":{"id":"ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[121.06,14.65]]},"name":"YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute","extendedDescription":"The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to Open Street Maps.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/UP-Resillience-Institute-Youth-Mappers-123477508533225","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"llnguyen@up.edu.ph"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[121.06,14.875],[120.923,14.832],[120.839,14.719],[120.839,14.58],[120.924,14.468],[121.06,14.425],[121.196,14.468],[121.281,14.58],[121.281,14.719],[121.197,14.832],[121.06,14.875]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-76.74601,18.00629","properties":{"id":"point:-76.74601,18.00629","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus":{"id":"ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-76.74601,18.00629]]},"name":"Libraries Outreach - ODL","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus","extendedDescription":"The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students.","url":"mailto:benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-76.746,18.231],[-76.885,18.188],[-76.971,18.076],[-76.971,17.937],[-76.885,17.825],[-76.746,17.782],[-76.607,17.825],[-76.522,17.937],[-76.521,18.076],[-76.607,18.188],[-76.746,18.231]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-73.89515,41.68658","properties":{"id":"point:-73.89515,41.68658","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Vassar-College":{"id":"ym-Vassar-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-73.89515,41.68658]]},"name":"Hudson Valley Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College","extendedDescription":"Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts.","url":"http://pages.vassar.edu/gis/vassar-youthmappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geo@vassar.edu"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-73.895,41.911],[-74.072,41.868],[-74.181,41.756],[-74.181,41.617],[-74.071,41.505],[-73.895,41.462],[-73.719,41.505],[-73.609,41.617],[-73.609,41.756],[-73.718,41.868],[-73.895,41.911]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-75.34361,40.03714","properties":{"id":"point:-75.34361,40.03714","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Villanova-University":{"id":"ym-Villanova-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-75.34361,40.03714]]},"name":"The Villanova Globeplotters","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University","extendedDescription":"The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level.","url":"mailto:villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-75.344,40.262],[-75.516,40.219],[-75.623,40.106],[-75.622,39.967],[-75.516,39.855],[-75.344,39.813],[-75.172,39.855],[-75.065,39.967],[-75.064,40.106],[-75.171,40.219],[-75.344,40.262]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-79.98047,39.63936","properties":{"id":"point:-79.98047,39.63936","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-West-Virginia-University":{"id":"ym-West-Virginia-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.98047,39.63936]]},"name":"Maptime Morgantown","description":"YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University","extendedDescription":"Working as a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world.","url":"mailto:MaptimeMorgantown@gmail.com?subject=Maptime%20Morgantown%20from%20YouthMappers%20website","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"maptimemorgantown@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-79.98,39.864],[-80.152,39.821],[-80.258,39.708],[-80.258,39.57],[-80.151,39.458],[-79.98,39.415],[-79.81,39.458],[-79.703,39.57],[-79.703,39.708],[-79.809,39.821],[-79.98,39.864]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:-85.61042,42.28342","properties":{"id":"point:-85.61042,42.28342","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Western-Michigan-University":{"id":"ym-Western-Michigan-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-85.61042,42.28342]]},"name":"Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University","url":"http://www.facebook.com/groups/WMUGeographyClub/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"wmu.geog.club@gmail.com"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-85.61,42.508],[-85.789,42.465],[-85.899,42.352],[-85.899,42.214],[-85.788,42.102],[-85.61,42.059],[-85.433,42.102],[-85.322,42.214],[-85.321,42.352],[-85.431,42.465],[-85.61,42.508]]]}},{"type":"Feature","id":"point:35.85811,32.53652","properties":{"id":"point:35.85811,32.53652","area":1963.5,"resources":{"ym-Yarmouk-University":{"id":"ym-Yarmouk-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[35.85811,32.53652]]},"name":"YouthMappers at YU","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region.","url":"mailto:rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo"}]}}},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[35.858,32.761],[35.701,32.718],[35.605,32.606],[35.605,32.467],[35.702,32.355],[35.858,32.312],[36.014,32.355],[36.111,32.467],[36.112,32.606],[36.015,32.718],[35.858,32.761]]]}}]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/features.json b/dist/features.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..281ce131e --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/features.json @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +{ + "type": "FeatureCollection", + "features": [ + {"type": "Feature", "id": "cape_coast_gh.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-1.6, 5], [-1.6, 5.4], [-1, 5.4], [-1, 5], [-1.6, 5]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "india_andhrapradesh.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": 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[81.05653, 17.22041], [81.16295, 17.23278], [81.18035, 17.25463], [81.17053, 17.29656], [81.19016, 17.32733], [81.26732, 17.3202], [81.31385, 17.37576], [81.24132, 17.40667], [81.22725, 17.43762], [81.17746, 17.45203], [81.15755, 17.47938], [81.11343, 17.49477], [81.08374, 17.45957], [81.01198, 17.49248], [80.99962, 17.53013], [80.95671, 17.58749], [80.85431, 17.59347], [80.86444, 17.62914], [80.90266, 17.63912], [80.90684, 17.67993], [80.89153, 17.74125], [80.94636, 17.76025], [81.03556, 17.74495], [81.07481, 17.76038], [81.08891, 17.81081], [81.15938, 17.85273], [81.19194, 17.84694], [81.25394, 17.81215], [81.40915, 17.80501], [81.47025, 17.8233], [81.48096, 17.80278], [81.5541, 17.81616], [81.61119, 17.81527], [81.66293, 17.87682], [81.70307, 17.86121], [81.78246, 17.90982], [81.80119, 17.93614], [81.89932, 17.9687], [82.0019, 18.02356], [82.03316, 18.06597], [82.08072, 18.07378], [82.14091, 18.0439], [82.17228, 18.04993], [82.25028, 17.9883], [82.27583, 17.995], [82.2667, 18.04332], [82.29628, 18.06899], [82.34354, 18.07485], [82.33329, 18.1422], [82.30608, 18.19572], [82.33284, 18.21579], [82.33685, 18.26619], [82.37209, 18.27421], [82.39305, 18.30633], [82.33462, 18.31703], [82.38458, 18.36922], [82.36138, 18.4098], [82.43513, 18.48477], [82.48969, 18.52285], [82.53139, 18.51177], [82.54422, 18.41638], [82.60918, 18.37427], [82.59758, 18.26516], [82.64005, 18.23708], [82.67329, 18.29908], [82.70644, 18.30476], [82.77538, 18.33958], [82.79251, 18.36262], [82.78448, 18.42803], [82.80742, 18.44772], [82.89919, 18.40074], [82.91103, 18.36453], [82.98471, 18.36362], [83.0002, 18.38368], [83.04775, 18.37883], [83.07472, 18.401], [83.04552, 18.44345], [83.05997, 18.48603], [83.09665, 18.54123], [83.05931, 18.54334], [83.0336, 18.57266], [83.05776, 18.62215], [83.09414, 18.63021], [83.15495, 18.70089], [83.23099, 18.75616], [83.27407, 18.76523], [83.28745, 18.79777], [83.36791, 18.81557], [83.40661, 18.84174], [83.39569, 18.87914], [83.35554, 18.92896], [83.36892, 18.96132], [83.32119, 18.97447], [83.3428, 19.01449], [83.41665, 19.00408], [83.45049, 18.95576], [83.48237, 19.00825], [83.46716, 19.07746], [83.51314, 19.07262], [83.52143, 19.03271], [83.61209, 19.10076], [83.62679, 19.14969], [83.69206, 19.05202], [83.71342, 18.99346], [83.73398, 18.98382], [83.79596, 19.01607], [83.84255, 18.9178], [83.85136, 18.86003], [83.87788, 18.82716], [84.05557, 18.79246], [84.0894, 18.75373], [84.16689, 18.78415], [84.22422, 18.79642], [84.2535, 18.78262], [84.2914, 18.8], [84.33966, 18.80123], [84.39349, 18.89211], [84.43671, 18.92277], [84.42292, 18.94711], [84.47894, 18.99017], [84.51711, 19.04634], [84.62687, 19.08543], [84.61653, 19.12624], [84.66828, 19.13065], [84.6721, 19.16552], [84.71352, 19.1524], [84.70468, 19.11772], [84.76857, 19.08003], [85.15481, 18.87834], [80.22545, 13.48346], [80.14774, 13.49443], [80.08045, 13.49111], [80.08, 13.52565], [80.00213, 13.53964], [80.01841, 13.50074], [79.97441, 13.46419], [79.96622, 13.38714], [79.93821, 13.34898], [79.86379, 13.31632], [79.8129, 13.31712], [79.79245, 13.29487], [79.73437, 13.27843], [79.79598, 13.24103], [79.75102, 13.21106], [79.68369, 13.24845], [79.68102, 13.29448], [79.57781, 13.26176], [79.54809, 13.32329], [79.42941, 13.33391], [79.41957, 13.24971], [79.43293, 13.1966], [79.39666, 13.19679], [79.36005, 13.17504], [79.36244, 13.13752], [79.31106, 13.1268], [79.28351, 13.14994], [79.23853, 13.1464], [79.20549, 13.10147], [79.16498, 13.01908], [79.06532, 13.04951], [78.99361, 13.08754], [78.95768, 13.07478], [78.81243, 13.08649], [78.75104, 13.05634], [78.71387, 13.06691], [78.70525, 13.01518], [78.6625, 13.02861], [78.63167, 12.98455], [78.63629, 12.92494], [78.60313, 12.84933], [78.59178, 12.77804], [78.55737, 12.73938], [78.55312, 12.69582], [78.50595, 12.74103], [78.50517, 12.68031], [78.46933, 12.67292], [78.47136, 12.62811], [78.3799, 12.62235], [78.30177, 12.66322], [78.27563, 12.70205], [78.23857, 12.6994], [78.23025, 12.75702], [78.2528, 12.82236], [78.25198, 12.85741], [78.31411, 12.85733], [78.32741, 12.90272], [78.35638, 12.93819], [78.38944, 12.90542], [78.41213, 12.94302], [78.46924, 12.97546], [78.46092, 13.03126], [78.5219, 13.06638], [78.54509, 13.11098], [78.57956, 13.21461], [78.57797, 13.28201], [78.51185, 13.28722], [78.44649, 13.30825], [78.43949, 13.327], [78.36546, 13.36503], [78.38151, 13.40071], [78.37259, 13.46181], [78.38241, 13.52477], [78.40574, 13.57659], [78.39268, 13.5915], [78.32632, 13.59445], [78.25894, 13.58461], [78.20436, 13.60369], [78.16645, 13.65721], [78.11784, 13.65587], [78.12295, 13.71405], [78.09423, 13.74251], [78.12795, 13.78565], [78.11441, 13.8625], [78.04999, 13.89494], [78.04642, 13.86104], [78.00476, 13.87355], [77.95566, 13.82664], [77.95098, 13.88825], [77.98752, 13.89784], [77.97015, 13.95827], [77.92868, 13.90698], [77.89567, 13.93954], [77.83858, 13.93508], [77.81494, 13.91679], [77.83635, 13.86863], [77.79261, 13.8211], [77.6267, 13.76984], [77.53033, 13.69514], [77.45805, 13.68671], [77.47014, 13.7502], [77.45855, 13.79212], [77.41662, 13.80595], [77.43223, 13.84163], [77.32787, 13.83226], [77.31449, 13.86393], [77.25829, 13.84609], [77.21904, 13.86794], [77.18236, 13.8682], [77.15308, 13.84278], [77.18088, 13.78098], [77.17444, 13.76135], [77.10308, 13.76759], [77.06516, 13.74405], [77.0277, 13.77651], [77.00003, 13.74482], [76.97723, 13.81547], [77.01323, 13.85558], [77.04239, 13.9332], [76.99574, 13.96114], [77.00108, 13.98729], [76.93324, 14.03009], [76.97878, 14.07002], [76.89779, 14.16518], [76.96469, 14.18169], [77.02696, 14.17477], [77.02154, 14.13052], [77.03389, 14.05587], [77.13014, 14.04533], [77.1441, 14.00245], [77.28518, 14.01342], [77.31997, 14.03126], [77.3503, 13.95767], [77.35476, 13.90325], [77.39713, 13.90415], [77.42702, 13.98353], [77.39, 14.01386], [77.33291, 14.02947], [77.40204, 14.1102], [77.38331, 14.13607], [77.39624, 14.17175], [77.51711, 14.17844], [77.49659, 14.23419], [77.50284, 14.27834], [77.45021, 14.28414], [77.44887, 14.31625], [77.37617, 14.33081], [77.38984, 14.26937], [77.28608, 14.2828], [77.28786, 14.33766], [77.23835, 14.31759], [77.1661, 14.34301], [77.13845, 14.33721], [77.11838, 14.29395], [77.11539, 14.22104], [77.0818, 14.2159], [77.05638, 14.24623], [76.9426, 14.2444], [76.92967, 14.27651], [76.94748, 14.31179], [76.9038, 14.32379], [76.88373, 14.35055], [76.88774, 14.3947], [76.97828, 14.48256], [76.91138, 14.48836], [76.87481, 14.47275], [76.83244, 14.52761], [76.80434, 14.53207], [76.76554, 14.60075], [76.77639, 14.68002], [76.80359, 14.7398], [76.78371, 14.78455], [76.83756, 14.78968], [76.86771, 14.96792], [76.76736, 14.97267], [76.76365, 14.98503]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "india_karnataka.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[73.87267, 14.75312], [74.17989, 14.95708], [74.2532, 14.95804], [74.29821, 15.04123], [74.31574, 15.18805], [74.27607, 15.27727], [74.32187, 15.34414], [74.28027, 15.38891], [74.27464, 15.54999], [74.24074, 15.66684], [74.11652, 15.65308], [74.16212, 15.75075], [74.28923, 15.73953], [74.36893, 15.78648], [74.34579, 15.84959], [74.43203, 15.95338], [74.46484, 16.0421], [74.37226, 16.07692], [74.48045, 16.14527], [74.50509, 16.22265], [74.31843, 16.32588], [74.33806, 16.40125], [74.26427, 16.53936], [74.33986, 16.54825], [74.54427, 16.63407], [74.6313, 16.57831], [74.68877, 16.71489], [74.91203, 16.7883], [74.99259, 16.95146], [75.09075, 16.95064], [75.18186, 16.84374], [75.26705, 16.86247], [75.28311, 16.95524], [75.46783, 16.98524], [75.51065, 16.94733], [75.66898, 16.97766], [75.67389, 17.11369], [75.62834, 17.18928], [75.65739, 17.27069], [75.58469, 17.34963], [75.63468, 17.47651], [75.77995, 17.37683], [75.89432, 17.40292], [75.93159, 17.32197], [76.11996, 17.37007], [76.22917, 17.36301], [76.38171, 17.31172], [76.37153, 17.4341], [76.33086, 17.46872], [76.41561, 17.60431], [76.48659, 17.66155], [76.48652, 17.71358], [76.56488, 17.76523], [76.66314, 17.68771], [76.8094, 17.8693], [76.92164, 17.94103], [76.9513, 18.05843], [76.92422, 18.14531], [77.14325, 18.20848], [77.20119, 18.27828], [77.24726, 18.41311], [77.31257, 18.43674], [77.41407, 18.39352], [77.3672, 18.30846], [77.46332, 18.26219], [77.57345, 18.24294], [77.59821, 18.0861], [77.64737, 17.99934], [77.6208, 17.9031], [77.5709, 17.86625], [77.53999, 17.72825], [77.45138, 17.69052], [77.44541, 17.58272], [77.6912, 17.50865], [77.53911, 17.44295], [77.52471, 17.36431], [77.45747, 17.34038], [77.3772, 17.14285], [77.46328, 17.11129], [77.50069, 17.01255], [77.45223, 16.91995], [77.47617, 16.7804], [77.46008, 16.61106], [77.37653, 16.48644], [77.25617, 16.47308], [77.28927, 16.408], [77.41673, 16.36775], [77.52418, 16.3753], [77.59655, 16.31743], [77.49303, 16.25534], [77.51178, 15.92828], [77.2479, 15.96378], [77.07659, 15.90991], [77.03509, 15.63815], [77.027, 15.44075], [77.0421, 15.36103], [77.15223, 15.29148], [77.16873, 15.17462], [77.1096, 15.02859], [76.98159, 15.0103], [76.87678, 15.02859], [76.80034, 15.09466], [76.76736, 14.97267], [76.86771, 14.96792], [76.83756, 14.78968], [76.77639, 14.68002], [76.76554, 14.60075], [76.87481, 14.47275], [76.88373, 14.35055], [76.94748, 14.31179], [76.9426, 14.2444], [77.05638, 14.24623], [77.1661, 14.34301], [77.28608, 14.2828], [77.38984, 14.26937], [77.44887, 14.31625], [77.50284, 14.27834], [77.51711, 14.17844], [77.39624, 14.17175], [77.40204, 14.1102], [77.33291, 14.02947], [77.42702, 13.98353], [77.35476, 13.90325], [77.31997, 14.03126], [77.1441, 14.00245], [77.03389, 14.05587], [77.02696, 14.17477], [76.89779, 14.16518], [76.97878, 14.07002], [76.93324, 14.03009], [77.04239, 13.9332], [76.97723, 13.81547], [77.06516, 13.74405], [77.17444, 13.76135], [77.18236, 13.8682], [77.32787, 13.83226], [77.43223, 13.84163], [77.47014, 13.7502], [77.53033, 13.69514], [77.6267, 13.76984], [77.79261, 13.8211], [77.89567, 13.93954], [77.95098, 13.88825], [78.04999, 13.89494], [78.11441, 13.8625], [78.11784, 13.65587], [78.20436, 13.60369], [78.40574, 13.57659], [78.37068, 13.46984], [78.40217, 13.31113], [78.58854, 13.26912], [78.5219, 13.06638], [78.46924, 12.97546], [78.35684, 12.94022], [78.31447, 12.8595], [78.25248, 12.85994], [78.23196, 12.76495], [78.08636, 12.80344], [77.99036, 12.80553], [77.93327, 12.8876], [77.81099, 12.8303], [77.74108, 12.67162], [77.60006, 12.6661], [77.58743, 12.51473], [77.63575, 12.48605], [77.61553, 12.36799], [77.52722, 12.27746], [77.51993, 12.19264], [77.60853, 12.20409], [77.73432, 12.17555], [77.77447, 12.12033], [77.67932, 11.97287], [77.60217, 11.93627], [77.49513, 11.94251], [77.42332, 11.77259], [77.29576, 11.80871], [77.11315, 11.77337], [77.01458, 11.81306], [76.90977, 11.79343], [76.8262, 11.60485], [76.56305, 11.62046], [76.51399, 11.70565], [76.41621, 11.67255], [76.20482, 11.86247], [76.1155, 11.8579], [76.11204, 11.97862], [76.00455, 11.93123], [75.86924, 11.95161], [75.79654, 12.0533], [75.63883, 12.14712], [75.5804, 12.1556], [75.4863, 12.29074], [75.43456, 12.29653], [75.37427, 12.46113], [75.22345, 12.56714], [75.1619, 12.66883], [75.06067, 12.66842], [75.00958, 12.79255], [74.8591, 12.76032], [74.64061, 12.65899], [74.51827, 12.99543], [74.32397, 13.82179], [73.87267, 14.75312]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "india_kerala.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[74.64061, 12.65899], [74.8591, 12.76032], [74.88399, 12.75347], [74.95843, 12.78474], [75.00958, 12.79255], [74.99766, 12.73819], [75.05297, 12.71899], [75.06067, 12.66842], [75.11342, 12.67842], [75.1619, 12.66883], [75.14362, 12.63805], [75.18287, 12.63181], [75.22345, 12.56714], [75.23683, 12.56625], [75.28071, 12.61847], [75.29121, 12.59649], [75.27114, 12.55367], [75.28095, 12.51799], [75.33492, 12.49034], [75.3573, 12.46234], [75.39003, 12.49736], [75.41661, 12.49293], [75.4241, 12.46603], [75.39599, 12.45143], [75.37427, 12.46113], [75.36747, 12.41202], [75.38331, 12.39011], [75.42333, 12.37233], [75.41374, 12.34763], [75.43456, 12.29653], [75.4863, 12.29074], [75.51484, 12.25818], [75.53759, 12.20064], [75.5804, 12.1556], [75.63883, 12.14712], [75.66604, 12.09583], [75.68727, 12.10816], [75.73047, 12.07283], [75.75506, 12.08318], [75.79833, 12.08006], [75.79654, 12.0533], [75.82391, 12.01308], [75.82999, 11.98372], [75.86924, 11.95161], [76.00455, 11.93123], [76.03621, 11.9406], [76.07903, 11.96914], [76.11204, 11.97862], [76.1155, 11.8579], [76.15528, 11.87128], [76.20482, 11.86247], [76.22662, 11.80542], [76.27964, 11.81018], [76.30774, 11.78297], [76.31799, 11.75041], [76.34252, 11.73748], [76.41129, 11.75913], [76.42399, 11.72006], [76.40338, 11.70748], [76.41621, 11.67255], [76.44345, 11.63744], [76.42497, 11.62329], [76.37992, 11.6224], [76.37056, 11.59341], [76.29786, 11.56442], [76.2711, 11.59296], [76.2256, 11.56442], [76.24255, 11.52874], [76.24478, 11.49439], [76.32105, 11.44489], [76.33354, 11.45871], [76.39063, 11.42794], [76.44861, 11.38155], [76.53826, 11.35167], [76.54532, 11.30094], [76.52349, 11.27236], [76.45271, 11.23905], [76.44934, 11.20462], [76.51048, 11.21163], [76.53385, 11.19671], [76.60091, 11.20654], [76.62971, 11.19413], [76.69784, 11.23906], [76.72537, 11.22534], [76.72765, 11.19388], [76.69301, 11.17193], [76.69124, 11.14472], [76.73852, 11.12108], [76.74788, 11.07514], [76.73718, 11.04749], [76.69507, 11.02252], [76.68644, 10.98934], [76.66047, 10.96052], [76.64932, 10.92395], [76.73272, 10.88113], [76.77286, 10.88158], [76.81746, 10.86195], [76.85983, 10.79996], [76.88838, 10.79996], [76.8973, 10.77096], [76.875, 10.70674], [76.85537, 10.67507], [76.87277, 10.62958], [76.80497, 10.62646], [76.80854, 10.59434], [76.82995, 10.58498], [76.81746, 10.43869], [76.8072, 10.41505], [76.83932, 10.35974], [76.82944, 10.30749], [76.9018, 10.26001], [76.90974, 10.23668], [76.93976, 10.23927], [76.98194, 10.22077], [77.04075, 10.25298], [77.06496, 10.29751], [77.11964, 10.31782], [77.17683, 10.35777], [77.23655, 10.35242], [77.21441, 10.30577], [77.25054, 10.25359], [77.25544, 10.22549], [77.28042, 10.20721], [77.26769, 10.12222], [77.23784, 10.12768], [77.20426, 10.11207], [77.21976, 10.07801], [77.26184, 10.03015], [77.25908, 9.9945], [77.27231, 9.96404], [77.24834, 9.95177], [77.21305, 9.87549], [77.23646, 9.85946], [77.22277, 9.82317], [77.24656, 9.80841], [77.20553, 9.69439], [77.17963, 9.65641], [77.16816, 9.61495], [77.21264, 9.60207], [77.23711, 9.58089], [77.27684, 9.57498], [77.3042, 9.59951], [77.36511, 9.54996], [77.3997, 9.49683], [77.39331, 9.45986], [77.36661, 9.46037], [77.33693, 9.40901], [77.33713, 9.36507], [77.32506, 9.33664], [77.28329, 9.30039], [77.28844, 9.27469], [77.26509, 9.18184], [77.26714, 9.15394], [77.24693, 9.12483], [77.21199, 9.101], [77.18667, 9.04329], [77.16025, 9.03584], [77.14986, 9.01008], [77.17354, 8.99121], [77.19759, 8.95104], [77.19567, 8.9236], [77.2559, 8.8781], [77.25798, 8.83758], [77.2292, 8.78679], [77.19607, 8.74588], [77.17517, 8.73703], [77.20586, 8.68645], [77.21552, 8.64836], [77.27872, 8.56521], [77.26344, 8.50713], [77.20618, 8.47859], [77.22506, 8.44602], [77.18854, 8.43476], [77.15375, 8.37722], [77.14974, 8.32192], [77.12209, 8.32281], [77.09077, 8.2973], [76.92132, 8.09605], [76.6728, 8.34299], [76.46487, 8.59279], [76.22556, 8.95652], [75.91159, 10.04616], [75.68288, 10.55908], [75.58764, 10.89204], [75.55244, 11.04304], [75.25797, 11.51227], [75.53645, 11.69255], [75.53089, 11.70357], [75.25113, 11.52458], [74.97117, 11.94518], [74.71236, 12.49398], [74.64061, 12.65899]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "india_maharashtra.geojson", "properties": {"name": "Maharashtra"}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[72.53789, 20.1498], [72.80202, 20.12516], [72.87472, 20.22596], [72.97061, 20.21213], [72.97329, 20.13096], [73.18604, 20.05291], [73.29353, 20.15371], [73.31137, 20.20723], [73.43, 20.20634], [73.41484, 20.38162], [73.47594, 20.49491], [73.51787, 20.67019], [73.62224, 20.62514], [73.63428, 20.58232], [73.74801, 20.56716], [73.84658, 20.62336], [73.88538, 20.72951], [73.93846, 20.76073], [73.94515, 20.84012], [73.79279, 21.06787], [73.68111, 21.15233], [73.82249, 21.17195], [73.83231, 21.2674], [73.94827, 21.29773], [73.96879, 21.39228], [74.10883, 21.44803], [74.30776, 21.48014], [74.2917, 21.55864], [73.97926, 21.54124], [73.86085, 21.49576], [73.82294, 21.60057], [73.88583, 21.64517], [73.89029, 21.71073], [73.83231, 21.81064], [74.04684, 21.92259], [74.14585, 21.95425], [74.28991, 21.93597], [74.38848, 22.02026], [74.52764, 21.90876], [74.50578, 21.78254], [74.59053, 21.66435], [74.83048, 21.61038], [74.86438, 21.63402], [75.05795, 21.56489], [75.11504, 21.45963], [75.21985, 21.41101], [75.38443, 21.38559], [75.46828, 21.39406], [75.83267, 21.38336], [75.95934, 21.39629], [76.05255, 21.35259], [76.09849, 21.37399], [76.15915, 21.25892], [76.16851, 21.08587], [76.3826, 21.07963], [76.45262, 21.11486], [76.48741, 21.19604], [76.61676, 21.19871], [76.66091, 21.28256], [76.62434, 21.33519], [76.73227, 21.40878], [76.79159, 21.48996], [76.79516, 21.59745], [76.90131, 21.60101], [76.9972, 21.68174], [77.1212, 21.72545], [77.20728, 21.69423], [77.27998, 21.76113], [77.47756, 21.77005], [77.57122, 21.62688], [77.56721, 21.52965], [77.45749, 21.55641], [77.41869, 21.52073], [77.48692, 21.37756], [77.93873, 21.38693], [78.16932, 21.49843], [78.21526, 21.55374], [78.3, 21.58496], [78.41329, 21.57782], [78.43024, 21.50155], [78.50874, 21.52831], [78.58501, 21.48683], [78.932, 21.48728], [78.91327, 21.59254], [79.1278, 21.62822], [79.22102, 21.69646], [79.48862, 21.67416], [79.50602, 21.59031], [79.57604, 21.54348], [79.73259, 21.60235], [79.85703, 21.53099], [80.06665, 21.55686], [80.18842, 21.63402], [80.26022, 21.62019], [80.36905, 21.52296], [80.41142, 21.43822], [80.51936, 21.3896], [80.63532, 21.25], [80.45736, 21.17284], [80.42391, 21.0096], [80.46539, 20.92709], [80.54166, 20.93378], [80.54344, 20.79195], [80.57823, 20.67866], [80.50776, 20.65458], [80.51177, 20.585], [80.62239, 20.60373], [80.58581, 20.39544], [80.61659, 20.32587], [80.38288, 20.24157], [80.4141, 20.19028], [80.54032, 20.11], [80.54567, 19.98734], [80.46048, 19.82812], [80.66476, 19.69075], [80.65673, 19.61225], [80.82755, 19.56274], [80.88553, 19.50922], [80.84271, 19.36605], [80.74905, 19.28666], [80.67864, 19.33089], [80.60751, 19.31353], [80.58732, 19.39674], [80.48071, 19.3355], [80.39329, 19.24591], [80.39154, 19.1836], [80.3302, 19.13746], [80.26929, 18.94468], [80.35176, 18.84592], [80.24684, 18.70149], [80.10826, 18.68928], [79.94712, 18.78372], [79.95979, 18.85795], [79.93945, 19.0406], [79.85699, 19.09508], [79.94349, 19.16387], [79.92836, 19.24777], [79.97469, 19.38922], [79.92536, 19.49855], [79.87599, 19.5041], [79.75713, 19.60733], [79.63608, 19.57639], [79.60249, 19.51309], [79.5317, 19.55241], [79.42494, 19.53529], [79.22736, 19.61468], [79.22023, 19.5286], [79.1725, 19.46081], [79.08018, 19.53261], [79.00213, 19.54198], [78.89954, 19.66954], [78.84245, 19.65839], [78.82963, 19.75513], [78.60098, 19.81809], [78.48728, 19.79375], [78.28109, 19.90236], [78.3514, 19.78327], [78.32909, 19.71548], [78.26933, 19.69184], [78.29475, 19.60621], [78.29564, 19.46794], [78.20778, 19.43583], [78.16318, 19.3551], [78.16675, 19.2436], [78.03473, 19.2436], [77.92412, 19.3444], [77.84428, 19.30426], [77.81484, 19.13745], [77.74304, 19.06118], [77.75106, 18.98357], [77.83714, 18.95414], [77.90751, 18.8295], [77.83749, 18.80764], [77.74829, 18.60515], [77.65541, 18.5316], [77.59709, 18.54762], [77.54937, 18.3875], [77.55171, 18.29114], [77.46332, 18.26219], [77.3672, 18.30846], [77.41407, 18.39352], [77.31257, 18.43674], [77.2452, 18.41278], [77.19913, 18.27795], [77.14119, 18.20815], [77.03495, 18.18076], [76.95329, 18.18881], [76.92422, 18.14531], [76.9513, 18.05843], [76.9075, 18.00923], [76.92164, 17.94103], [76.8094, 17.8693], [76.66314, 17.68771], [76.56488, 17.76523], [76.48652, 17.71358], [76.48659, 17.66155], [76.41561, 17.60431], [76.33086, 17.46872], [76.37153, 17.4341], [76.38171, 17.31172], [76.22917, 17.36301], [76.11996, 17.37007], [75.93159, 17.32197], [75.89432, 17.40292], [75.77995, 17.37683], [75.63468, 17.47651], [75.58469, 17.34963], [75.65739, 17.27069], [75.62834, 17.18928], [75.67389, 17.11369], [75.66898, 16.97766], [75.51065, 16.94733], [75.46783, 16.98524], [75.28311, 16.95524], [75.26705, 16.86247], [75.18186, 16.84374], [75.09075, 16.95064], [74.99259, 16.95146], [74.96287, 16.87942], [74.90306, 16.86241], [74.91203, 16.7883], [74.68877, 16.71489], [74.6313, 16.57831], [74.56843, 16.55445], [74.54427, 16.63407], [74.33986, 16.54825], [74.26427, 16.53936], [74.33806, 16.40125], [74.31843, 16.32588], [74.50509, 16.22265], [74.48045, 16.14527], [74.37226, 16.07692], [74.46484, 16.0421], [74.43203, 15.95338], [74.34579, 15.84959], [74.36893, 15.78648], [74.28923, 15.73953], [74.16212, 15.75075], [74.11652, 15.65308], [74.02811, 15.60433], [73.97592, 15.62887], [73.94515, 15.74126], [73.88226, 15.74929], [73.68072, 15.72057], [73.32871, 15.60794], [72.98859, 16.57559], [72.71294, 17.97077], [72.60935, 19.26366], [72.53789, 20.1498]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "india_tamilnadu.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[76.23882, 11.52666], [76.42497, 11.62329], [76.48321, 11.69182], [76.56305, 11.62046], [76.8262, 11.60485], [76.90977, 11.79343], [77.01458, 11.81306], [77.11315, 11.77337], [77.29576, 11.80871], [77.33679, 11.76902], [77.42332, 11.77259], [77.49513, 11.94251], [77.60217, 11.93627], [77.67932, 11.97287], [77.77447, 12.12033], [77.73432, 12.17555], [77.60853, 12.20409], [77.51993, 12.19264], [77.52722, 12.27746], [77.61553, 12.36799], [77.63575, 12.48605], [77.58743, 12.51473], [77.60006, 12.6661], [77.74108, 12.67162], [77.79267, 12.74643], [77.81099, 12.8303], [77.93327, 12.8876], [77.99036, 12.80553], [78.08636, 12.80344], [78.23196, 12.76495], [78.2273, 12.71513], [78.36824, 12.61165], [78.54754, 12.68569], [78.62559, 12.9194], [78.61355, 12.97872], [78.70231, 13.05633], [78.80801, 13.07774], [78.97973, 13.0764], [79.15278, 13.00727], [79.1889, 13.08443], [79.25625, 13.13661], [79.34679, 13.13482], [79.45292, 13.33852], [79.53513, 13.33423], [79.58006, 13.24544], [79.68442, 13.25659], [79.92572, 13.33598], [79.96184, 13.45149], [80.06933, 13.53757], [80.15229, 13.4787], [80.25978, 13.44748], [80.68273, 13.45353], [80.58546, 12.88895], [80.57389, 12.78634], [80.43092, 12.33305], [80.32877, 12.14], [80.20563, 11.84284], [79.85031, 11.95606], [79.74742, 12.0054], [79.69629, 11.95142], [79.76493, 11.85315], [80.17499, 11.74816], [80.13891, 11.5158], [80.22104, 11.03359], [80.22222, 10.98402], [79.85413, 10.97539], [79.73705, 10.98906], [79.70405, 10.91904], [79.85166, 10.82788], [80.22599, 10.82479], [80.03964, 10.09642], [79.66744, 9.97318], [79.55982, 9.92323], [79.37812, 9.6665], [79.42037, 9.35343], [79.56652, 9.25796], [79.57134, 9.08722], [79.49634, 8.89762], [79.37403, 8.97879], [79.06914, 9.02225], [78.73928, 8.93257], [78.54484, 8.84743], [78.46298, 8.3509], [78.36123, 8.16045], [78.10363, 8.04096], [77.66766, 7.85864], [76.92132, 8.09605], [77.09077, 8.2973], [77.14974, 8.32192], [77.20618, 8.47859], [77.27872, 8.56521], [77.21552, 8.64836], [77.19607, 8.74588], [77.25798, 8.83758], [77.14986, 9.01008], [77.26714, 9.15394], [77.28844, 9.27469], [77.33693, 9.40901], [77.3997, 9.49683], [77.3042, 9.59951], [77.27684, 9.57498], [77.16816, 9.61495], [77.24656, 9.80841], [77.21305, 9.87549], [77.26184, 10.03015], [77.28042, 10.20721], [77.17683, 10.35777], [77.06496, 10.29751], [76.98194, 10.22077], [76.82944, 10.30749], [76.81746, 10.43869], [76.82995, 10.58498], [76.8973, 10.77096], [76.81746, 10.86195], [76.64932, 10.92395], [76.73718, 11.04749], [76.72765, 11.19388], [76.44934, 11.20462], [76.52349, 11.27236], [76.53826, 11.35167], [76.39063, 11.42794], [76.25772, 11.47343], [76.23882, 11.52666]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "india_telengana.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[77.23521, 16.47123], [77.29413, 16.47453], [77.37516, 16.48768], [77.37501, 16.50885], [77.41861, 16.51735], [77.42586, 16.57007], [77.46147, 16.58589], [77.45871, 16.61229], [77.47627, 16.64839], [77.43775, 16.64241], [77.42132, 16.66752], [77.46657, 16.6772], [77.47337, 16.71709], [77.42692, 16.72829], [77.44309, 16.76259], [77.4748, 16.78164], [77.45754, 16.82843], [77.46322, 16.84476], [77.45223, 16.91995], [77.48061, 16.97751], [77.478, 17.00152], [77.50069, 17.01255], [77.49527, 17.04601], [77.46328, 17.11129], [77.40575, 17.12751], [77.3772, 17.14285], [77.36157, 17.16669], [77.37179, 17.19944], [77.39294, 17.1981], [77.40662, 17.2372], [77.45894, 17.28058], [77.43826, 17.29144], [77.45747, 17.34038], [77.45274, 17.37335], [77.50349, 17.35735], [77.52471, 17.36431], [77.53972, 17.40645], [77.53911, 17.44295], [77.57779, 17.43051], [77.60849, 17.44332], [77.61732, 17.47261], [77.65946, 17.48011], [77.69188, 17.47463], [77.6912, 17.50865], [77.66304, 17.5217], [77.59762, 17.53374], [77.59603, 17.56309], [77.55361, 17.55007], [77.52751, 17.57308], [77.49462, 17.56675], [77.44541, 17.58272], [77.45732, 17.63263], [77.45138, 17.69052], [77.49398, 17.7153], [77.53999, 17.72825], [77.56532, 17.74838], [77.55654, 17.76872], [77.50997, 17.78724], [77.51604, 17.80424], [77.55572, 17.81934], [77.5709, 17.86625], [77.6208, 17.9031], [77.61974, 17.93865], [77.65529, 17.97047], [77.64737, 17.99934], [77.5862, 18.01459], [77.55377, 18.03572], [77.54914, 18.06475], [77.59821, 18.0861], [77.59705, 18.15205], [77.57179, 18.19195], [77.58611, 18.21875], [77.57345, 18.24294], [77.60614, 18.28059], [77.57018, 18.29238], [77.56676, 18.31792], [77.51948, 18.34914], [77.54937, 18.3875], [77.56007, 18.43522], [77.59709, 18.54762], [77.64035, 18.55386], [77.65775, 18.5271], [77.71216, 18.55431], [77.73669, 18.55476], [77.74829, 18.60515], [77.72956, 18.64262], [77.73268, 18.67607], [77.74963, 18.6899], [77.78664, 18.6841], [77.83749, 18.80764], [77.90751, 18.8295], [77.90895, 18.86137], [77.88264, 18.86984], [77.86524, 18.91043], [77.82421, 18.9131], [77.83714, 18.95414], [77.79611, 18.95146], [77.80057, 18.98447], [77.75106, 18.98357], [77.74081, 19.03041], [77.74304, 19.06118], [77.77693, 19.07322], [77.78942, 19.10534], [77.83179, 19.09195], [77.81484, 19.13745], [77.84205, 19.18294], [77.82822, 19.19008], [77.85097, 19.25743], [77.88398, 19.25832], [77.88442, 19.27928], [77.84562, 19.28597], [77.84428, 19.30426], [77.89602, 19.31987], [77.92412, 19.3444], [77.96916, 19.31095], [78.00172, 19.29846], [78.02938, 19.27304], [78.03473, 19.2436], [78.1101, 19.24851], [78.1333, 19.232], [78.16675, 19.2436], [78.16675, 19.28106], [78.18057, 19.33369], [78.16318, 19.3551], [78.17121, 19.39747], [78.20778, 19.43583], [78.23543, 19.43182], [78.25684, 19.4559], [78.29564, 19.46794], [78.2787, 19.5393], [78.29475, 19.57365], [78.29475, 19.60621], [78.27111, 19.65661], [78.26933, 19.69184], [78.29966, 19.69273], [78.32909, 19.71548], [78.3514, 19.78327], [78.3224, 19.84125], [78.2778, 19.85151], [78.27921, 19.88196], [78.3679, 19.8814], [78.38128, 19.83858], [78.41205, 19.8252], [78.45978, 19.81851], [78.47762, 19.79531], [78.50973, 19.82386], [78.5686, 19.8136], [78.58734, 19.8194], [78.67966, 19.79175], [78.70018, 19.769], [78.72203, 19.78149], [78.76842, 19.7806], [78.79116, 19.76008], [78.82774, 19.76097], [78.84691, 19.69898], [78.84245, 19.65839], [78.87457, 19.65705], [78.89954, 19.66954], [78.9379, 19.66553], [78.95262, 19.65125], [78.94637, 19.61914], [78.97626, 19.56384], [79.00213, 19.54198], [79.03513, 19.54733], [79.08018, 19.53261], [79.08821, 19.51477], [79.12389, 19.50318], [79.1725, 19.46081], [79.2064, 19.46973], [79.19034, 19.49381], [79.22023, 19.5286], [79.23361, 19.57945], [79.22736, 19.61468], [79.35492, 19.56339], [79.39729, 19.53529], [79.42494, 19.53529], [79.45394, 19.49961], [79.4972, 19.52013], [79.5317, 19.55241], [79.55367, 19.52413], [79.60249, 19.51309], [79.61596, 19.55941], [79.63608, 19.57639], [79.71198, 19.58528], [79.75713, 19.60733], [79.81825, 19.57293], [79.82378, 19.55743], [79.87599, 19.5041], [79.92536, 19.49855], [79.97171, 19.42013], [79.97469, 19.38922], [79.94937, 19.29163], [79.9293, 19.24996], [79.92636, 19.20252], [79.94349, 19.16387], [79.88262, 19.13295], [79.85699, 19.09508], [79.8741, 19.04152], [79.92544, 19.05312], [79.93945, 19.0406], [79.9397, 18.98616], [79.95302, 18.96934], [79.95979, 18.85795], [79.91056, 18.82565], [79.94712, 18.78372], [79.99276, 18.76905], [80.03276, 18.74654], [80.10826, 18.68928], [80.24684, 18.70149], [80.27513, 18.72272], [80.30656, 18.68345], [80.33809, 18.59903], [80.379, 18.60937], [80.38851, 18.5972], [80.45022, 18.62656], [80.48858, 18.62656], [80.514, 18.61318], [80.53184, 18.58598], [80.59562, 18.54896], [80.63264, 18.51863], [80.65093, 18.47224], [80.6991, 18.43612], [80.74281, 18.32194], [80.74459, 18.30231], [80.7883, 18.24968], [80.73344, 18.21891], [80.73478, 18.17163], [80.79811, 18.16628], [80.81774, 18.18724], [80.81729, 18.22515], [80.85922, 18.22605], [80.84807, 18.1975], [80.86189, 18.13283], [80.9007, 18.13461], [80.95422, 18.16717], [80.9725, 18.14353], [80.94931, 18.12302], [80.94396, 18.08109], [80.96225, 18.03158], [80.98455, 17.92276], [80.99436, 17.91428], [81.00417, 17.83846], [81.03227, 17.78985], [81.07375, 17.78628], [81.08891, 17.81081], [81.15938, 17.85273], [81.19194, 17.84694], [81.25394, 17.81215], [81.40915, 17.80501], [81.47025, 17.8233], [81.48096, 17.80278], [81.5541, 17.81616], [81.56882, 17.82776], [81.61119, 17.81527], [81.64286, 17.83935], [81.66293, 17.87682], [81.68835, 17.88485], [81.70307, 17.86121], [81.75838, 17.89332], [81.79272, 17.85273], [81.78246, 17.83177], [81.72939, 17.81928], [81.68478, 17.77067], [81.62323, 17.76264], [81.5764, 17.72607], [81.57105, 17.68771], [81.50281, 17.59003], [81.52377, 17.57264], [81.50147, 17.53919], [81.49345, 17.44865], [81.44171, 17.38175], [81.41584, 17.36168], [81.37168, 17.35722], [81.32262, 17.38933], [81.28917, 17.33759], [81.26732, 17.3202], [81.19016, 17.32733], [81.17053, 17.29656], [81.18035, 17.25463], [81.16295, 17.23278], [81.11835, 17.22475], [81.02603, 17.18684], [80.99124, 17.1797], [80.93058, 17.20513], [80.90516, 17.20111], [80.91318, 17.14581], [80.87037, 17.14625], [80.8552, 17.11146], [80.86412, 17.09585], [80.85877, 17.05081], [80.82309, 17.03787], [80.72586, 17.06463], [80.68393, 17.06865], [80.65673, 17.08782], [80.56039, 17.13822], [80.51936, 17.10834], [80.49616, 17.10789], [80.48234, 17.05036], [80.42034, 17.02494], [80.39001, 17.07623], [80.36682, 17.0566], [80.38778, 17.0071], [80.35835, 16.97052], [80.44264, 16.9451], [80.48769, 16.91745], [80.49126, 16.94822], [80.53184, 16.95001], [80.59027, 16.91165], [80.5867, 16.87374], [80.56485, 16.86883], [80.55593, 16.81843], [80.6041, 16.78766], [80.56262, 16.76268], [80.51088, 16.76982], [80.45647, 16.78989], [80.45245, 16.81531], [80.41856, 16.84252], [80.37306, 16.8113], [80.35879, 16.85501], [80.3191, 16.87106], [80.31553, 16.91254], [80.28877, 16.97677], [80.26201, 17.01066], [80.23569, 17.00219], [80.19555, 17.01825], [80.18217, 17.04501], [80.134, 16.98524], [80.08405, 16.96339], [80.04569, 16.96517], [80.03722, 16.93663], [80.00957, 16.90719], [79.99173, 16.86303], [80.0332, 16.85233], [80.04168, 16.82602], [80.07093, 16.81323], [80.054, 16.74194], [80.02722, 16.71251], [80.00576, 16.70857], [79.95306, 16.63621], [79.90723, 16.63408], [79.88555, 16.68642], [79.84286, 16.70561], [79.81796, 16.69098], [79.79256, 16.72485], [79.74673, 16.72106], [79.72286, 16.68966], [79.68544, 16.69755], [79.6621, 16.68835], [79.63566, 16.6594], [79.60613, 16.67239], [79.53884, 16.63046], [79.49421, 16.63408], [79.44409, 16.61796], [79.41773, 16.57986], [79.37802, 16.58412], [79.31162, 16.57554], [79.27926, 16.5816], [79.24543, 16.57009], [79.24388, 16.53515], [79.22091, 16.51631], [79.21526, 16.4846], [79.23202, 16.46035], [79.21112, 16.44396], [79.21143, 16.35493], [79.23438, 16.32518], [79.22111, 16.23251], [79.1593, 16.20893], [79.12305, 16.23187], [79.09802, 16.2236], [79.05373, 16.23827], [79.01236, 16.24173], [78.98352, 16.21074], [78.92807, 16.19871], [78.9049, 16.17711], [78.92481, 16.13259], [78.92138, 16.10307], [78.88876, 16.0879], [78.87606, 16.13902], [78.83228, 16.13919], [78.8419, 16.08707], [78.82164, 16.05227], [78.78267, 16.02125], [78.73718, 16.0097], [78.68277, 16.03346], [78.64311, 16.08312], [78.59917, 16.08361], [78.55814, 16.04517], [78.45394, 16.07503], [78.40727, 16.0756], [78.36075, 16.04605], [78.32341, 16.033], [78.29785, 16.01169], [78.2682, 16.02857], [78.25445, 16.01627], [78.2507, 15.96993], [78.20995, 15.9197], [78.17371, 15.89569], [78.17153, 15.85511], [78.13252, 15.8549], [78.10755, 15.83401], [78.06997, 15.85048], [78.03641, 15.90188], [78.00803, 15.86506], [77.97903, 15.87982], [77.93428, 15.88216], [77.89376, 15.90154], [77.8616, 15.88138], [77.80554, 15.87083], [77.72205, 15.89199], [77.689, 15.87914], [77.6536, 15.88393], [77.61152, 15.91691], [77.58504, 15.91532], [77.51178, 15.92828], [77.52058, 15.95112], [77.51562, 16.00803], [77.49612, 16.03679], [77.50848, 16.07885], [77.49242, 16.12134], [77.48889, 16.16443], [77.50036, 16.1925], [77.49303, 16.25534], [77.59655, 16.31743], [77.58991, 16.33381], [77.54011, 16.35849], [77.52418, 16.3753], [77.4865, 16.38299], [77.41673, 16.36775], [77.37791, 16.38517], [77.35761, 16.3815], [77.28927, 16.408], [77.26056, 16.45344], [77.23521, 16.47123]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "thailand_cnx.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[98.4375, 18.2319], [98.4375, 19.2255], [99.5306, 19.2255], [99.5306, 18.2319], [98.4375, 18.2319]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "flanders.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[2.52239, 51.10172], [3.12606, 51.34118], [3.17493, 51.38246], [3.37615, 51.38784], [3.41065, 51.3304], [3.40202, 51.28548], [3.49114, 51.2567], [3.48251, 51.30345], [3.57737, 51.32322], [3.81309, 51.27289], [3.82172, 51.23691], [3.93095, 51.23691], [4.05456, 51.27469], [4.20116, 51.35195], [4.16954, 51.38067], [4.34202, 51.39502], [4.36502, 51.46491], [4.53749, 51.50072], [4.57199, 51.47924], [4.56049, 51.44879], [4.63811, 51.45058], [4.75022, 51.52397], [4.83645, 51.50787], [5.0808, 51.49893], [5.13541, 51.447], [5.10667, 51.39143], [5.26477, 51.31783], [5.26477, 51.28727], [5.4085, 51.29267], [5.48612, 51.32501], [5.58098, 51.28368], [5.58385, 51.23511], [5.76783, 51.2045], [5.87706, 51.16125], [5.70459, 50.80293], [5.90581, 50.78657], [5.93743, 50.73202], [5.90293, 50.70108], [5.81382, 50.69379], [5.61547, 50.76112], [5.50049, 50.712], [5.2044, 50.7029], [5.16416, 50.67558], [5.03768, 50.70108], [4.98881, 50.75021], [4.91694, 50.72656], [4.79046, 50.76658], [4.68122, 50.77021], [4.66973, 50.73566], [4.2874, 50.67922], [3.91083, 50.6774], [3.71823, 50.75203], [3.65499, 50.712], [3.53426, 50.71018], [3.51413, 50.74112], [3.45664, 50.74384], [3.37328, 50.69562], [3.31004, 50.70745], [3.28991, 50.73657], [3.16487, 50.74294], [3.13181, 50.77203], [3.08007, 50.76021], [2.87453, 50.7393], [2.89609, 50.71109], [2.87453, 50.69562], [2.79692, 50.7029], [2.69918, 50.8002], [2.62013, 50.79747], [2.56982, 50.8583], [2.56695, 50.92358], [2.60288, 50.94985], [2.5497, 50.99601], [2.52239, 51.10172]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "wallonia.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[5.78257, 49.87573], [5.73919, 49.83362], [5.75516, 49.79146], [5.78839, 49.79665], [5.91064, 49.66249], [5.84857, 49.59723], [5.87102, 49.57599], [5.81857, 49.54638], [5.66079, 49.55362], [5.61108, 49.50603], [5.55603, 49.52928], [5.47051, 49.49737], [5.45708, 49.56703], [5.37522, 49.62333], [5.31486, 49.61137], [5.33243, 49.65263], [5.26851, 49.69657], [5.16628, 49.69303], [4.99753, 49.80006], [4.85164, 49.79345], [4.84754, 49.86806], [4.89013, 49.90893], [4.79117, 49.958], [4.87762, 50.15374], [4.82418, 50.16932], [4.70207, 50.09556], [4.69441, 49.99625], [4.44551, 49.93722], [4.30589, 49.96829], [4.19746, 49.9546], [4.1352, 50.01508], [4.22825, 50.07842], [4.19682, 50.13519], [4.12714, 50.1355], [4.2052, 50.27347], [4.16262, 50.28896], [4.13538, 50.25784], [4.02795, 50.3584], [3.88574, 50.32701], [3.84578, 50.35323], [3.74546, 50.35005], [3.70994, 50.30316], [3.65756, 50.37076], [3.65552, 50.4617], [3.60586, 50.49632], [3.4993, 50.48921], [3.51992, 50.52362], [3.47439, 50.53368], [3.37698, 50.49109], [3.28634, 50.52793], [3.26104, 50.70131], [3.20602, 50.71139], [3.17839, 50.75609], [3.30562, 50.75466], [3.36077, 50.70962], [3.45439, 50.77072], [3.64047, 50.72242], [3.67752, 50.77062], [3.75857, 50.78045], [3.77568, 50.74789], [3.8798, 50.75146], [3.9097, 50.69245], [4.05868, 50.69439], [4.14853, 50.72834], [4.2467, 50.6894], [4.46355, 50.75511], [4.52399, 50.72724], [4.59727, 50.76359], [4.63445, 50.74272], [4.64309, 50.79755], [4.76014, 50.80544], [4.92545, 50.74275], [5.00339, 50.76594], [5.07039, 50.70649], [5.16508, 50.6957], [5.16984, 50.72257], [5.30912, 50.71802], [5.35029, 50.74629], [5.47863, 50.72352], [5.68786, 50.81193], [5.68225, 50.75651], [5.7707, 50.75132], [5.81963, 50.71396], [5.88333, 50.70992], [5.89217, 50.75518], [5.96561, 50.76107], [6.04045, 50.74546], [6.03959, 50.71833], [6.11066, 50.72299], [6.18169, 50.62383], [6.26953, 50.62519], [6.17812, 50.54153], [6.22658, 50.49432], [6.35036, 50.48854], [6.34298, 50.38033], [6.40542, 50.32331], [6.30647, 50.32019], [6.27889, 50.26734], [6.17377, 50.23165], [6.19232, 50.18203], [6.147, 50.17775], [6.13779, 50.12985], [6.10245, 50.17055], [5.96368, 50.17263], [5.96133, 50.13136], [5.89532, 50.11216], [5.81968, 50.01329], [5.83578, 49.97892], [5.77502, 49.9608], [5.73577, 49.89684], [5.78257, 49.87573]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[11.32141, 53.11711], [12.09595, 53.36694], [12.88147, 53.20274], [13.78235, 53.50765], [14.16687, 53.41608], [14.10645, 53.28164], [14.29871, 53.27507], [14.41956, 53.32431], [14.19434, 52.93871], [14.19434, 52.82932], [14.57336, 52.60972], [14.57336, 52.36218], [14.71619, 52.05249], [14.61182, 51.84257], [14.76563, 51.54975], [14.36462, 51.519], [14.1449, 51.54975], [13.99109, 51.36835], [13.2605, 51.39578], [13.07373, 51.65211], [13.13965, 51.86971], [12.67273, 52.01532], [12.40356, 52.03222], [12.22229, 52.14697], [12.32117, 52.50619], [12.16736, 52.51956], [12.23877, 52.87245], [11.60156, 52.96849], [11.32141, 53.11711]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "de-hamburg.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[9.6, 53.8], [10.4, 53.8], [10.4, 53.3], [9.6, 53.3], [9.6, 53.8]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "de-ostwestfalen-lippe.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[8.04337, 52.05756], [8.42583, 52.19919], [8.43846, 52.35394], [8.30866, 52.39929], [8.28438, 52.4581], [8.67096, 52.56967], [9.22028, 52.49616], [9.06097, 52.28328], [9.47365, 51.86716], [9.46266, 51.64103], [9.26285, 51.46641], [9.15648, 51.43569], [8.80348, 51.43218], [8.54444, 51.46003], [8.42239, 51.55658], [8.31076, 51.72252], [8.12645, 51.86844], [8.04337, 52.05756]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "bi-vc-cvl.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[7.36633, 45.32125], [7.89917, 45.57752], [8.91541, 45.58521], [9.01154, 45.24202], [7.65472, 45.07352], [7.36633, 45.32125]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "cuneo.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[7.66022, 45.06382], [7.90741, 44.93953], [8.04474, 44.35921], [7.14661, 44.2865], [7.1521, 44.91036], [7.66022, 45.06382]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", "id": "lazio.geojson", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[13.23814, 42.1301], [13.19363, 42.15923], [13.17062, 42.15169], [13.12434, 42.17797], [13.08798, 42.17886], [13.08575, 42.14318], [13.0317, 42.12309], [13.01946, 42.07634], [13.05545, 42.01736], [13.10194, 42.00898], [13.10589, 42.02698], [13.36437, 41.92475], [13.384, 41.90419], [13.35751, 41.8694], [13.38052, 41.81709], [13.4169, 41.83467], [13.50508, 41.8016], [13.52044, 41.77297], [13.57182, 41.7543], [13.66214, 41.81144], [13.70555, 41.78747], [13.72956, 41.7989], [13.7629, 41.7488], [13.81162, 41.75426], [13.85645, 41.73124], [13.89541, 41.73405], [13.98311, 41.66238], [14.01182, 41.60835], [13.99895, 41.57448], [14.02596, 41.55567], [14.00526, 41.53875], [14.0275, 41.52321], [13.97291, 41.49404], [13.99278, 41.48208], [13.9779, 41.46249], [13.90257, 41.42273], [13.86123, 41.41763], [13.8886, 41.40081], [13.8688, 41.36272], [13.88974, 41.29748], [13.82898, 41.28154], [13.83083, 41.2502], [13.77126, 41.24136], [13.45667, 40.77769], [11.52381, 41.03693], [11.44922, 42.37798], [11.48889, 42.43937], [11.61771, 42.43604], [11.61626, 42.48862], [11.56011, 42.51595], [11.58852, 42.54226], [11.57917, 42.56803], [11.61401, 42.55723], [11.64337, 42.56635], [11.71111, 42.61091], [11.73597, 42.60666], [11.74975, 42.63965], [11.80478, 42.644], [11.77554, 42.70951], [11.80156, 42.70719], [11.81949, 42.74543], [11.74602, 42.78576], [11.77424, 42.82107], [11.80685, 42.79485], [11.8137, 42.82267], [11.84851, 42.84008], [11.90558, 42.8325], [11.92743, 42.78092], [11.97948, 42.76459], [11.96293, 42.72669], [11.9301, 42.71295], [11.94133, 42.6833], [12.03, 42.64324], [12.10666, 42.66464], [12.12406, 42.64929], [12.16101, 42.67691], [12.20434, 42.66046], [12.24292, 42.62906], [12.22819, 42.61077], [12.24626, 42.60256], [12.23866, 42.57218], [12.27504, 42.55991], [12.26676, 42.53347], [12.29027, 42.51904], [12.27477, 42.50921], [12.30735, 42.4973], [12.29041, 42.49164], [12.32537, 42.49476], [12.35123, 42.47365], [12.39017, 42.49819], [12.41905, 42.49765], [12.41244, 42.46756], [12.43038, 42.45802], [12.41368, 42.45517], [12.41365, 42.4256], [12.4636, 42.42909], [12.44469, 42.39882], [12.51169, 42.40311], [12.52874, 42.36445], [12.60642, 42.40245], [12.61481, 42.46511], [12.64109, 42.4678], [12.6495, 42.44331], [12.67465, 42.44242], [12.74156, 42.47053], [12.71114, 42.50079], [12.89273, 42.5635], [12.88052, 42.60935], [13.00524, 42.61622], [13.02522, 42.64], [13.06423, 42.62427], [13.13, 42.66053], [13.14645, 42.64714], [13.17506, 42.66707], [13.19025, 42.73363], [13.25415, 42.72145], [13.2645, 42.74019], [13.28589, 42.74049], [13.35851, 42.69533], [13.35059, 42.66968], [13.37022, 42.6507], [13.4092, 42.64383], [13.39493, 42.59223], [13.29421, 42.5705], [13.28454, 42.58349], [13.24686, 42.57367], [13.19228, 42.58849], [13.15673, 42.54102], [13.17934, 42.48031], [13.11708, 42.44489], [13.19508, 42.39017], [13.15427, 42.35797], [13.22737, 42.32031], [13.23563, 42.27871], [13.28229, 42.23874], [13.33653, 42.22338], [13.34238, 42.19939], [13.3808, 42.18142], [13.34871, 42.17689], [13.35488, 42.16769], [13.32819, 42.16483], [13.30621, 42.13923], [13.23814, 42.1301]]]}}, + {"type": "Feature", 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+ + var resources = {"Bahia-telegram":{id:"Bahia-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["bahia.geojson"]},languageCodes:["pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Bahia Telegram Group",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Bahia community on Telegram",extendedDescription:"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!",url:"https://t.me/OSMBA",contacts:[{name:"Wille Marcel",email:"wille@wille.blog.br"}]},"Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers":{id:"Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["sf_bay_area.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Bay Area OpenStreetMappers",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in the Bay Area",extendedDescription:"This group is about growing the OpenStreetMap community here in the Bay Area. Our events are open to everyone, from open source enthusiasts, cyclists, GIS professionals, geocachers, and beyond. Anyone and everyone who is interested in maps, map making and free map data is welcome to join our group as well as attend our events.",url:"https://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers/",contacts:[{name:"Ben Discoe",email:"bdiscoe@gmail.com"}],order:5},"Central-Pennsylvania-OSM":{id:"Central-Pennsylvania-OSM",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["central_pa.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Central Pennsylvania OSM",description:"Online mapping community based out of State College, PA",url:"https://www.facebook.com/CentralPennsylvaniaOSM",contacts:[{name:"Sterling Quinn",email:"sdq107@psu.edu"}],order:3},"Code-for-San-Jose-Slack":{id:"Code-for-San-Jose-Slack",type:"slack",locationSet:{include:["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Code for San Jose Slack",description:"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}, then join the #osm channel.",url:"https://codeforsanjose.slack.com/",signupUrl:"https://slackin-c4sj.herokuapp.com/",contacts:[{name:"OSM Bay Area mailing list",email:"talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org"}],order:4},"DF-telegram":{id:"DF-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["brasilia_df.geojson"]},languageCodes:["pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Brasília Telegram Group",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Brasília community on Telegram",extendedDescription:"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!",url:"https://t.me/osmbsb",contacts:[{name:"Wille Marcel",email:"wille@wille.blog.br"}]},"Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM":{id:"Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM",type:"osm",locationSet:{include:["dfw_metro.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Dallas-Fort Worth OSM",description:"The OpenStreetMap user group for Dallas-Fort Worth",extendedDescription:"Dallas, Fort Worth, and all the cities in between are abounding with creative and tech-savvy people. The vision for this usergroup is to find new ways to use the amazing resource of OSM.",url:"http://dfwosm.org/",contacts:[{name:"Andrew Matheny",email:"andrewdmatheny@gmail.com"}]},"Galicia-Telegram":{id:"Galicia-Telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["galicia.geojson"]},languageCodes:["es","gl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Galicia Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Telegram for Galicia",url:"https://t.me/joinchat/AAHZsRBs-mY3hrquk2kpig"},"Galicia-Twitter":{id:"Galicia-Twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["galicia.geojson"]},languageCodes:["es","gl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Galicia Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/osmgalicia"},GeoPhilly:{id:"GeoPhilly",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["philly_metro.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"GeoPhilly",description:"Meetup for map enthusiasts in the Philadelphia area",extendedDescription:"GeoPhilly unites developers, geographers, data geeks, open source enthusiasts, civic hackers and map addicts in our shared love of maps and the stories they tell. If you use maps as part of your work or just want to learn more, this is the meetup for you! Our events aim to be open, friendly, educational and social and range from happy hours to lightning talks or even workshops. Come create a diverse, inspiring geospatial community in the Philadelphia with us!",url:"https://www.meetup.com/GeoPhilly/",contacts:[{name:"Dan Ford",email:"dford@azavea.com"}],order:5},"MapColabora-mailinglist":{id:"MapColabora-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:[[-0.8860231,41.6568048]]},name:"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza",description:"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Mailing list",url:"https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21forum/mapeado-colaborativo",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}],order:1},"MapColabora-meetup":{id:"MapColabora-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:[[-0.8860231,41.6568048]]},name:"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza",description:"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Meetup page",url:"https://www.meetup.com/mapcolabora/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}],order:5},"MapColabora-twitter":{id:"MapColabora-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:[[-0.8860231,41.6568048]]},name:"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza",description:"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Twitter Account",url:"https://www.twitter.com/MapColabora",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}],order:4},MapMinnesota:{id:"MapMinnesota",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"MapMinnesota",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Twin Cities area",extendedDescription:"Connecting OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in Minnesota and the Twin Cities!",url:"https://www.meetup.com/Map-Minnesota/",contacts:[{name:"Ian Dees",email:"ian.dees@gmail.com"}],order:5},"Mapping-DC-meetup":{id:"Mapping-DC-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["dc_metro.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Mapping DC",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area",extendedDescription:"We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. We gather every other month at meetups to focus on one area of our city.",url:"https://mappingdc.org/",contacts:[{name:"Brian DeRocher",email:"brian@derocher.org"}],order:5},MappingWR:{id:"MappingWR",type:"slack",locationSet:{include:[[-80.4925,43.4518]]},name:"MappingWR",description:"Making low carbon routes around Waterloo Region easy to find.",url:"https://mappingwr.slack.com/",signupUrl:"https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUswpQfyzwQugdLugtYh4WTMTce0EEjrnOS6xhQ416V4BFHg/viewform",contacts:[{name:"David Trueman",email:"dwtrueman@gmail.com"}]},"Maptime-Bogota":{id:"Maptime-Bogota",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["bogota.geojson"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"Maptime Bogotá",description:"We're a group of mappers interested in mapping in OpenStreetMap around Bogotá.",extendedDescription:"Learn to collect data in the field and digitize onto OpenStreetMap. It is not necessary to have previous knowledge! You just need the desire to participate, learn, and have fun.",url:"https://www.meetup.com/Maptime-Colombia-OSM/",contacts:[{name:"Andrés Gómez Casanova",email:"angoca@gmail.com"}],order:5},"Maptime-ME-meetup":{id:"Maptime-ME-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["portland_me.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"MaptimeME",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, around Portland, ME",extendedDescription:"Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation using mapping tools and technologies.",url:"https://www.meetup.com/MaptimeME/",contacts:[{name:"Malcolm Toon",email:"malcolm@foreflight.com"}],order:5},"Maptime-Oceania-Slack":{id:"Maptime-Oceania-Slack",type:"slack",locationSet:{include:["009"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Maptime Oceania Slack",description:"Sign up at {signupUrl}",url:"https://maptimeoceania.slack.com",signupUrl:"https://bit.ly/maptimeau",contacts:[{name:"David Dean",email:"ddean@ieee.org"},{name:"Philip Mallis",email:"philip.mallis@unimelb.edu.au"},{name:"Edoardo Neerhut",email:"ed@mapillary.com"}],order:3},"MaptimeHRVA-twitter":{id:"MaptimeHRVA-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["hrva.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"MaptimeHRVA Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/maptimehrva",contacts:[{name:"Jonah Adkins",email:"jonahadkins@gmail.com"}]},"Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup":{id:"Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup",type:"group",locationSet:{include:["east_midlands.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"East Midlands (Nottingham) Monthly pub meet-up",description:"Social gathering for East Midlands mappers and users",extendedDescription:"A group have been meeting since March 2011, initially in Nottingham, and, more recently in Derby, and from time to time elsewhere in the East Midlands. These are social gatherings, but are an excellent place to come and ask specific questions about OSM either in the area or in general. In the summer months we usually do some light mapping for an hour in the vicinity of our meeting place. The group as a whole has a special interest in mapping public rights of way and from time to time has mapping meetings for this purpose.",url:"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nottingham/Pub_Meetup",contacts:[{name:"Jerry Clough",email:"SK53.osm@gmail.com"}],order:5},"OSM-AR-facebook":{id:"OSM-AR-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["ar"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Facebook",extendedDescription:"News from the local community",url:"https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMapArgentina/",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina",email:"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],order:3},"OSM-AR-forum":{id:"OSM-AR-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["ar"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum",extendedDescription:"Ideal for long or important discussions. Slow response time.",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=49",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina",email:"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],order:-2},"OSM-AR-irc":{id:"OSM-AR-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["ar"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC",description:"Join #osm-ar on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",extendedDescription:"You may find the most geeky user in the community.",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ar",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina",email:"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],order:-4},"OSM-AR-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-AR-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["ar"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"Talk-ar Mailing List",description:"Historic mailing list. Almost unused today.",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ar/",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina",email:"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"OSM-AR-telegram":{id:"OSM-AR-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["ar"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina Telegram",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Telegram",extendedDescription:"The most active channel in the community, ideal for chatting and getting answers to your questions instantly. Everyone is welcome!",url:"https://telegram.me/osm_ar",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina",email:"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-AR-twitter":{id:"OSM-AR-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["ar"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",extendedDescription:"News from the local community and OpenStreetMap in general.",url:"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapAr",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Argentina",email:"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-Asia-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-Asia-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["142"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Asia Mailinglist",description:"Talk-asia is the official Mailinglist for Asian Community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-asia",contacts:[{name:"Erwin Olario",email:"govvin@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"OSM-BGD-facebook":{id:"OSM-BGD-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["bd"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Bangladesh",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in Bangladesh",extendedDescription:"Mapping in Bangladesh? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmbd/",contacts:[{name:"Ahasanul Hoque",email:"hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}],order:3,events:[{id:"sotmasia2019",i18n:true,name:"State of the Map Asia 2019",description:"Join the 2019 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in Dhaka",where:"Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh",when:"2019-11-01",url:"http://stateofthemap.asia/"}]},"OSM-BO-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-BO-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["bo"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"Talk-bo Mailing List",description:"Talk-bo is the official mailing list for the Bolivian OpenStreetMap community",extendedDescription:"Mapping in Bolivia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-bo/",contacts:[{name:"Marco Antonio",email:"marcoantoniofrias@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"OSM-BiH-telegram":{id:"OSM-BiH-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["ba"]},name:"OpenStreetMap BiH Telegram",description:"A Telegram group for the OSM Bosnia and Herzegovina community: {url}",url:"https://t.me/osmbih",order:5},"OSM-Boston":{id:"OSM-Boston",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["boston_metro.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Boston",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Boston area",extendedDescription:"OpenStreetMap is the free and open, wiki-style map of the world, with hundreds of thousands of contributions every day from people like you. Editing the map is simple, and fun! Join us both indoors and outdoors in our effort to create the best map of the Boston area and the rest of the world!",url:"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Boston/",contacts:[{name:"Lars Ahlzen",email:"lars@ahlzen.com"}],order:5},"OSM-CA-Slack":{id:"OSM-CA-Slack",type:"slack",locationSet:{include:["ca"]},languageCodes:["en","fr"],name:"OSM-CA Slack",description:"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}.",url:"https://osm-ca.slack.com/",signupUrl:"https://slackinviteosmcanada.herokuapp.com/",contacts:[{name:"Denis Carriere",email:"carriere.denis@gmail.com"}],order:4},"OSM-CA-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-CA-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["ca"]},languageCodes:["en","fr"],name:"OSM-CA mailing list",description:"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Canada.",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ca"},"OSM-CA-telegram":{id:"OSM-CA-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["ca"]},languageCodes:["en","fr"],name:"@osmca on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Canada Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/osmca"},"OSM-CL-facebook":{id:"OSM-CL-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["cl"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Facebook",extendedDescription:"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap-Chile-145127198882915/",contacts:[{name:"Julio Costa",email:"julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}],order:3},"OSM-CL-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-CL-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["cl"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"Talk-cl Mailing List",description:"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Chile",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cl/",contacts:[{name:"Julio Costa",email:"julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}],order:-3},"OSM-CL-telegram":{id:"OSM-CL-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["cl"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Chile Telegram",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Telegram",extendedDescription:"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!",url:"https://t.me/OSMcl",contacts:[{name:"Julio Costa",email:"julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}]},"OSM-CL-twitter":{id:"OSM-CL-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["cl"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/osmCL",contacts:[{name:"Julio Costa",email:"julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}]},"OSM-CN-telegram":{id:"OSM-CN-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["cn"]},languageCodes:["zh"],name:"OpenStreetMap China Telegram",description:"A Telegram group for the OSM Chinese community: {url}",url:"https://t.me/osmchina",order:5},"OSM-CO":{id:"OSM-CO",type:"group",locationSet:{include:["co"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Colombia",description:"News of the OpenStreetMap Colombia community and the OSMCo Foundation",url:"https://blog.openstreetmap.co/s657",contacts:[{name:"Fredy Rivera",email:"fredyrivera@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-CO-facebook":{id:"OSM-CO-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["co"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Colombia Facebook",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Colombia community on Facebook",extendedDescription:"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Everyone is welcome!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/OsmCol/",contacts:[{name:"Fredy Rivera",email:"fredyrivera@gmail.com"}],order:3},"OSM-CO-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-CO-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["co"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"Talk-co Mailing List",description:"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Colombia",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-co/",contacts:[{name:"Fredy Rivera",email:"fredyrivera@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"OSM-CO-telegram":{id:"OSM-CO-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["co"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OSM Colombia on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Colombia Telegram chat",url:"https://telegram.me/osmco",contacts:[{name:"Fredy Rivera",email:"fredyrivera@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-CO-twitter":{id:"OSM-CO-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["co"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Colombia Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapCo",contacts:[{name:"Fredy Rivera",email:"fredyrivera@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-CU-telegram":{id:"OSM-CU-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["cu"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OSM Cuba on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Cuba Telegram chat",url:"https://telegram.me/OSM_Cuba",contacts:[{name:"Talk-cu Owner",email:"talk-cu-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"OSM-CZ-telegram":{id:"OSM-CZ-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["cz"]},languageCodes:["cs","en","sk"],name:"OpenStreetMap CZ Telegram",description:"A Telegram group for the OSM Czech community: {url}",url:"https://t.me/OSM_cz",order:5},"OSM-Central-Salish-Sea":{id:"OSM-Central-Salish-Sea",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["mt_vernon_wa.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Mount Vernon, WA",extendedDescription:"OpenStreetMap is an map of the world made by people like you. It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more. We meet all the time to talk maps, make maps and have fun!",url:"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Central-Salish-Sea/",contacts:[{name:"Clifford Snow",email:"clifford@snowandsnow.us"}],order:5},"OSM-Chattanooga":{id:"OSM-Chattanooga",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["chattanooga.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OSM Chattanooga",description:"The OpenStreetMap user group for Chattanooga",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/123483951073256",contacts:[{name:"Jenny Park",email:"tennessee@tpl.org"},{name:"Randal Hale",email:"rjhale@northrivergeographic.com"}],order:3},"OSM-Colorado":{id:"OSM-Colorado",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["colorado.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Colorado",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Colorado, USA",extendedDescription:"OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.",url:"https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Colorado/",contacts:[{name:"Russell Deffner",email:"russdeffner@gmail.com"}],order:5},"OSM-Discord":{id:"OSM-Discord",type:"discord",locationSet:{include:["001"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Discord",description:"Get in touch with other mappers via Discord",url:"https://discord.gg/SRZUYUz",contacts:[{name:"Austin Harrison",email:"jaustinharrison@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-EC-telegram":{id:"OSM-EC-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["ec"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OSM Ecuador on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Ecuador Telegram chat",url:"https://telegram.me/MappingEcuador",contacts:[{name:"Talk-ec Owner",email:"talk-ec-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"OSM-ES-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-ES-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["es"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"Talk-es mailing list",description:"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Spain",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es",contacts:[{name:"Iván Sánchez",email:"ivansanchez@escomposlinux.org"}],order:-3},"OSM-ES-telegram":{id:"OSM-ES-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["es"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"@OSMes on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Spain Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/OSMes",contacts:[{name:"Jorge Sanz",email:"sanchi2@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-Facebook":{id:"OSM-Facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["001"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap on Facebook",description:"Like us on Facebook for news and updates about OpenStreetMap.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap",contacts:[{name:"Harry Wood",email:"mail@harrywood.co.uk"}],order:3},"OSM-IDN-facebook":{id:"OSM-IDN-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["id"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Indonesia",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in Indonesia",extendedDescription:"Mapping in Indonesia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osm.id/",contacts:[{name:"Yantisa Akhadi",email:"yantisa.akhadi@hotosm.org"}],order:3},"OSM-IRC":{id:"OSM-IRC",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["001"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap IRC",description:"Join #osm on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm",contacts:[{name:"Harry Wood",email:"mail@harrywood.co.uk"}],order:-4},"OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook":{id:"OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:[[79.7324,11.9142]]},name:"Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook",description:"FSHM Facebook page to know about community events, activities",extendedDescription:"FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap. Its FB page is the best way to keep in contact with its events.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/FSHMP",contacts:[{name:"Kamalavelan",email:"sskamalavelan@gmail.com",osm:"demonshreder"},{name:"Prasanna",email:"prasmailme@gmail.com",osm:"Prashere"}],order:3},"OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix":{id:"OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix",type:"matrix",locationSet:{include:[[79.7324,11.9142]]},name:"Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix",description:"FSHM Riot group to discuss, share and update mapping activities, events in and around Puducherry",extendedDescription:"FSHM community members share their OSM mapping updates / experiences through the Riot.im group, this group is also used to discuss things related to free software / hardware, technology and activism.",url:"https://riot.im/app/#/room/#fshm:matrix.org",contacts:[{name:"Kamalavelan",email:"sskamalavelan@gmail.com",osm:"demonshreder"},{name:"Prasanna",email:"prasmailme@gmail.com",osm:"Prashere"}]},"OSM-India-facebook":{id:"OSM-India-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["in"]},name:"OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in India",extendedDescription:"Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/mappingindia/",contacts:[{name:"Jinal Foflia",email:"fofliajinal@gmail.com"},{name:"Arun Ganesh",email:"arun.planemad@gmail.com"}],order:3},"OSM-Japan-telegram":{id:"OSM-Japan-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["jp"]},languageCodes:["ja"],name:"OpenStreetMap Japan Telegram",description:"A Telegram group for the OSM Japan community: {url}",url:"https://t.me/osmjapan",contacts:[{name:"OSMF Japan",email:"info@osmf.jp"}],order:5},"OSM-Kerala-facebook":{id:"OSM-Kerala-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["india_kerala.geojson"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Kerala - Participatory neighborhood mapping",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in Kerala",extendedDescription:"Mapping in Kerala ? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!",url:"https://facebook.com/osmkerala/",contacts:[{name:"Manoj Karingamadathil",email:"dartermanoj@gmail.com"},{name:"Jaisen Nedumpala",email:"jaisuvyas@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-Korea-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-Korea-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["kp","kr"]},languageCodes:["en","ko"],name:"OpenStreetMap Korea Mailinglist",description:"Talk-ko is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Korea",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ko",contacts:[{name:"Talk-ko-owner",email:"talk-ko-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-3},"OSM-Korea-telegram":{id:"OSM-Korea-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["kp","kr"]},languageCodes:["en","ko"],name:"OSM Korea Telegram",description:"Unofficial Group for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities, and users in Korea to share and discuss.",url:"https://t.me/osmKorea",contacts:[{name:"Yongmin Hong",email:"revi@pobox.com"},{name:"Max N",email:"abonnements@revolwear.com"}]},"OSM-MMR-facebook":{id:"OSM-MMR-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["mm"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Myanmar",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in Myanmar",extendedDescription:"Mapping in Myanmar? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmmm/",contacts:[{name:"Yan Naung Oak",email:"yan@phandeeyar.org"},{name:"Patrick Oswald",email:"patrickoswald.omm@gmail.com"},{name:"Set Khaing Oo",email:"setkhaing@phandeeyar.org"}],order:3},"OSM-MNG-facebook":{id:"OSM-MNG-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["mn"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Mongolia",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in Mongolia",extendedDescription:"Mapping in Mongolia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/OSM.Mongolia/",contacts:[{name:" ",email:"talk-mn@openstreetmap.org"}],order:3},"OSM-MY-facebook":{id:"OSM-MY-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["my"]},languageCodes:["en","ms"],name:"OpenStreetMap Malaysia on Facebook",description:"For chat about anything related to OpenStreetMap!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/openstreetmapMY/",contacts:[{name:"Mohd Saidin",email:"projekopenstreetmap@hotmail.com"}],order:3},"OSM-MY-forum":{id:"OSM-MY-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["my"]},languageCodes:["en","ms"],name:"OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum",description:"Official OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=60",contacts:[{name:"Mohd Saidin",email:"projekopenstreetmap@hotmail.com"}],order:-2},"OSM-MY-matrix":{id:"OSM-MY-matrix",type:"matrix",locationSet:{include:["my"]},languageCodes:["en","ms"],name:"OpenStreetMap Malaysia Riot channel",description:"All mappers are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}",url:"https://riot.im/app/#/room/#OpenstreetmapMalaysia:matrix.org",signupUrl:"https://riot.im/app/#/register",contacts:[{name:"Ahmad Amsyar",email:"OfficiallyAhmad@protonmail.ch"}]},"OSM-Nepal-facebook":{id:"OSM-Nepal-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["np"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Nepal",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in Nepal",extendedDescription:"Mapping in Nepal? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/mapkathmandu/",contacts:[{name:"Kshitiz Khanal",email:"khanal1990@gmail.com"}],order:3},"OSM-Ottawa-meetup":{id:"OSM-Ottawa-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["ottawa_gatineau.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en","fr"],name:"OpenStreetMap Ottawa",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Ottawa area",url:"https://www.meetup.com/openstreetmap-ottawa/",contacts:[{name:"Denis Carriere",email:"carriere.denis@gmail.com"},{name:"John Marshall",email:"rps333@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PE":{id:"OSM-PE",type:"osm",locationSet:{include:["pe"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Peru",description:"News and resources for the OpenStreetMap Peru community",url:"http://osmpe.ourproject.org/",contacts:[{name:"Diego Sangunietti",email:"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{name:"Ruben Lopez M.",email:"rub2106@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PE-facebook":{id:"OSM-PE-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["pe"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Peru Facebook",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Peru community on Facebook",url:"https://www.facebook.com/Osmpe",contacts:[{name:"Diego Sangunietti",email:"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{name:"Ruben Lopez M.",email:"rub2106@gmail.com"}],order:3},"OSM-PE-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-PE-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["pe"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"Talk-pe Mailing List",description:"The official mailing list for the OpenStreetMap Peru community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-pe/",contacts:[{name:"Diego Sangunietti",email:"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{name:"Ruben Lopez M.",email:"rub2106@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"OSM-PE-matrix":{id:"OSM-PE-matrix",type:"matrix",locationSet:{include:["pe"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Peru Matrix Chat",description:"Chat with other members of the OpenStreetMap Peru community in Matrix.",url:"https://matrix.to/#/#osmpe:matrix.org",contacts:[{name:"Diego Sangunietti",email:"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{name:"Ruben Lopez M.",email:"rub2106@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PE-telegram":{id:"OSM-PE-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["pe"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Peru Telegram",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Peru community on Telegram",url:"https://telegram.me/osmPe",contacts:[{name:"Diego Sangunietti",email:"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{name:"Ruben Lopez M.",email:"rub2106@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PE-twitter":{id:"OSM-PE-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["pe"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Peru Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/osmpe",contacts:[{name:"Diego Sangunietti",email:"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{name:"Ruben Lopez M.",email:"rub2106@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PH-facebook":{id:"OSM-PH-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["ph"]},name:"OpenStreetMap PH Facebook",description:"Welcome to OpenStreetMap Philippines, where we encourage all fellow Filipinos to contribute to the OpenStreetMap project.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/OSMPH/",contacts:[{name:"Maning Sambale",email:"emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"},{name:"OSM PH Group",email:"osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}],order:3},"OSM-PH-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-PH-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["ph"]},name:"Talk-ph Mailing List",description:"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in the Philippines",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ph/",contacts:[{name:"Maning Sambale",email:"emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"},{name:"OSM PH Group",email:"osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"OSM-PH-slack":{id:"OSM-PH-slack",type:"slack",locationSet:{include:["ph"]},name:"OpenStreetMap PH Slack",description:"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}",url:"https://osmph.slack.com",signupUrl:"https://osmph-chat.herokuapp.com/",contacts:[{name:"Maning Sambale",email:"emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"},{name:"OSM PH Group",email:"osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}],order:4},"OSM-PH-telegram":{id:"OSM-PH-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["ph"]},languageCodes:["en","tl"],name:"OpenStreetMap PH Telegram",description:"Un-official, Telegram local community of OpenStreetMap contributors and friends in the Philippines",url:"https://t.me/osmph",contacts:[{name:"Erwin Olario",email:"govvin@gmail.com"},{name:"OSM PH Group",email:"osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PL-facebook-group":{id:"OSM-PL-facebook-group",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["pl"]},languageCodes:["pl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Poland Facebook group",description:"Group for mappers and users of OpenStreetMap in Poland",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/500589303317858/",contacts:[{name:"Michał Brzozowski",email:"www.haxor@gmail.com"}],order:3},"OSM-PL-forum":{id:"OSM-PL-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["pl"]},languageCodes:["en","pl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Poland Forum",description:"Forum of Polish OpenStreetMap community",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=23",contacts:[{name:"Daniel Koć",email:"daniel@xn--ko-wla.pl"},{name:"Ryszard Mikke",email:"ryszard.mikke@gmail.com"}],order:10},"OSM-PY-telegram":{id:"OSM-PY-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["py"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OSM Paraguay on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Paraguay Telegram chat",url:"https://telegram.me/osm_py",contacts:[{name:"Talk-py Owner",email:"talk-py-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"OSM-Portland":{id:"OSM-Portland",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["portland_or.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Portland",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area",extendedDescription:"OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world made by people like you. It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more, and come join us at a meetup to talk maps, contribute to OSM, and have fun!",url:"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Portland/",contacts:[{name:"Madeline Steele",email:"madeline.steele@gmail.com"}],order:5},"OSM-Portland-forum":{id:"OSM-Portland-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["portland_or.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group",description:"Forum and mailing list for OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area",extendedDescription:"This group is to facilitate improvements to OpenStreetMap in the Portland, Oregon area to support applications such as the Open Trip Planner.",url:"https://groups.google.com/group/osm-pdx",contacts:[{name:"Madeline Steele",email:"madeline.steele@gmail.com"}],order:-2},"OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List":{id:"OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:[[79.7324,11.9142]]},name:"Free Software Hardware Movement - Mailing List",description:"FSHM Puducherry mailing list to discuss mapping in Puducherry and other things.",extendedDescription:"FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap.",url:"https://www.freelists.org/archive/puduvailug/",signupUrl:"https://www.freelists.org/list/puduvailug",contacts:[{name:"Kamalavelan",email:"sskamalavelan@gmail.com",osm:"demonshreder"},{name:"Prasanna",email:"prasmailme@gmail.com",osm:"Prashere"}],order:-3},"OSM-RU-forum":{id:"OSM-RU-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["ru"]},languageCodes:["ru"],name:"OpenStreetMap RU forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Russia web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=21",contacts:[{name:"Ilya Zverev",email:"ilya@zverev.info"}],order:-2},"OSM-RU-telegram":{id:"OSM-RU-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["ru"]},languageCodes:["ru"],name:"OpenStreetMap RU telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Russia telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/ruosm",contacts:[{name:"Ilya Zverev",email:"ilya@zverev.info"}]},"OSM-Reddit":{id:"OSM-Reddit",type:"reddit",locationSet:{include:["001"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap on Reddit",description:"/r/openstreetmap/ is a great place to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Ask us anything!",url:"https://www.reddit.com/r/openstreetmap/",contacts:[{name:"Serge Wroclawski",email:"emacsen@gmail.com"}],order:2},"OSM-Rome-meetup":{id:"OSM-Rome-meetup",type:"group",locationSet:{include:["roma-capitale.geojson"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"Incontro Mappatori Romani",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in the Rome area",extendedDescription:"We aim to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Lazio.",url:"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Rome/Incontro",contacts:[{name:"Martin Koppenhoefer",email:"dieterdreist@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-Seattle":{id:"OSM-Seattle",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["seattle.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Seattle",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Seattle area",url:"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Seattle/",contacts:[{name:"Clifford Snow",email:"clifford@snowandsnow.us"},{name:"Chase Stephens",email:"seattlefyi@gmail.com"},{name:"Paul McCombs",email:"pablo@imperium.org"}],order:5},"OSM-SoCal":{id:"OSM-SoCal",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["la_metro.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Southern California",description:"Let's have some fun, contribute something to Los Angeles, and learn about mapping!",extendedDescription:"OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California is for anyone interested in mapping to get together to work with OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia of maps, is a free open-source map of the world being created by more than 1,000,000 volunteers around the globe. Everyone is welcome. If you don't know OpenStreetMap, we'll teach you. If you have an idea for a mapping project or even a field trip that the group can do, great!",url:"https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Southern-California/",contacts:[{name:"Charlotte Wolter",email:"techlady@techlady.com"}],order:5},"OSM-South-Bay":{id:"OSM-South-Bay",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OSM South Bay",description:"Map Nights hosted by Code for San Jose",extendedDescription:"Code for San Jose, the local Code for America brigade, hosts monthly Map Nights on Thursday nights in downtown San José. Meet fellow South Bay mappers, help out with local mapping projects, and hear about other civic tech projects. Programming and GIS skills are not required.",url:"https://www.meetup.com/Code-for-San-Jose/",contacts:[{name:"OSM Bay Area mailing list",email:"talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org"}],order:5},"OSM-TH-CNX-meetup":{id:"OSM-TH-CNX-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["thailand_cnx.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OSM Meetup Chiang Mai",description:"Irregular meeting of the OpenStreetMap community in Chiang Mai",extendedDescription:"Members of the OpenStreetMap community meet every few months in Chiang Mai. Get in contact and check out {url} to see when the next meetup is scheduled",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46",contacts:[{name:"Team Chiang Mai",email:"meetup-cnx@openstreetmap.in.th"}],order:5},"OSM-TH-facebook":{id:"OSM-TH-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["th"]},languageCodes:["en","th"],name:"OpenStreetMap TH Facebook group",description:"Facebook group for OpenStreetMappers in Thailand",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/thaiosm/",contacts:[{name:"Theppitak Karoonboonyanan",email:"theppitak@gmail.com"}],order:3},"OSM-TH-forum":{id:"OSM-TH-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["th"]},languageCodes:["en","th"],name:"OpenStreetMap TH forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Thailand web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46",contacts:[{name:"Stephan Knauss",email:"osm@stephans-server.de"}],order:-2},"OSM-TW-facebook":{id:"OSM-TW-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["tw"]},languageCodes:["zh-tw"],name:"OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community",description:"Facebook Group for Mappers and OpenStreetMap users to discuss matters about Taiwan.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenStreetMap.TW/",contacts:[{name:"Nobody 沒有人 (Public mail)",email:"hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}],order:3},"OSM-TW-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-TW-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["tw"]},languageCodes:["en","zh-tw"],name:"OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailinglist",description:"Talk-tw is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Taiwan",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-tw",contacts:[{name:"Nobody 沒有人 (Public email)",email:"hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}],order:-3},"OSM-TW-telegram":{id:"OSM-TW-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["tw"]},languageCodes:["zh-tw"],name:"OpenStreetMap Taiwan Telegram",description:"A Telegram group for the OSM Taiwan community: {url}",url:"https://t.me/OSMTaiwan",contacts:[{name:"Nobody 沒有人 (Public mail)",email:"hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}],order:5},"OSM-Tampa-Bay":{id:"OSM-Tampa-Bay",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["tampa_bay.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Tampa Bay area",extendedDescription:"OSM Tampa Bay group for local residents to get together and build out the definitive map of Tampa Bay with OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world. If you're into maps, data, open source, GPS, hiking, cycling, et cetera, you'll love working with OpenStreetMap -- so join in! We'll get together and map and talk about new topics once-a-month or so.",url:"https://www.meetup.com/osmtampabay/",contacts:[{name:"Coleman McCormick",email:"cmccormick@gmail.com"}],order:5},"OSM-Telegram":{id:"OSM-Telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["001"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Telegram",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Telegram global supergroup at {url}",url:"https://t.me/OpenStreetMapOrg",contacts:[{name:"Max N",email:"abonnements@revolwear.com"}]},"OSM-Twitter":{id:"OSM-Twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["001"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/openstreetmap",contacts:[{name:"Harry Wood",email:"mail@harrywood.co.uk"}]},"OSM-US":{id:"OSM-US",type:"group",locationSet:{include:["us"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap US",description:"We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in the United States.",extendedDescription:"We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap US here: {signupUrl}",url:"https://www.openstreetmap.us/",signupUrl:"https://www.openstreetmap.us/join",contacts:[{name:"Ian Dees",email:"ian@openstreetmap.us"},{name:"Bryan Housel",email:"bryan@openstreetmap.us"}]},"OSM-US-Slack":{id:"OSM-US-Slack",type:"slack",locationSet:{include:["us"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap US Slack",description:"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}",url:"https://osmus.slack.com",signupUrl:"https://slack.openstreetmap.us/",contacts:[{name:"Ian Dees",email:"ian@openstreetmap.us"},{name:"Clifford Snow",email:"clifford@snowandsnow.us"}],order:4},"OSM-Utah":{id:"OSM-Utah",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["salt_lake_city.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Utah",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Salt Lake City area",extendedDescription:"Activities may include things like Learn To Map workshops, mapping parties and outdoor data collection. The events will take place in the SLC area, at least initially. We are looking for seasoned mappers as well as people new to OSM. Join and let's do some mapping!",url:"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Utah/",contacts:[{name:"Martijn van Exel",email:"m@rtijn.org"}],order:5},"OSM-Wyoming":{id:"OSM-Wyoming",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["wyoming.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Wyoming",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Wyoming",extendedDescription:"OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.",url:"https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Wyoming/",contacts:[{name:"Russell Deffner",email:"russdeffner@gmail.com"}],order:5},"OSM-br-discord":{id:"OSM-br-discord",type:"discord",locationSet:{include:["br"]},languageCodes:["pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Discord",url:"https://discord.gg/bQn4aCm",contacts:[{name:"Eduardo Addad de Oliveira",email:"duduaddad@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-br-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-br-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["br"]},languageCodes:["pt"],name:"Talk-br Mailing List",description:"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Brazil",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-br/",contacts:[{name:"Arlindo Pereira",email:"nighto@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"OSM-br-telegram":{id:"OSM-br-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["br"]},languageCodes:["pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Brasil Telegram",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Telegram",extendedDescription:"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!",url:"https://t.me/OSMBrasil_Comunidade",contacts:[{name:"Vitor George",email:"vitor.george@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-br-twitter":{id:"OSM-br-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["br"]},languageCodes:["pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Brasil Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapBR",contacts:[{name:"Wille Marcel",email:"wille@wille.blog.br"}]},"OSM-help":{id:"OSM-help",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["001"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Help",description:"Ask a question and get answers on OSM's community-driven question and answer site.",extendedDescription:"{url} is for everyone who needs help with OpenStreetMap. Whether you are a beginner mapper or have a technical question, we're here to help!",url:"https://help.openstreetmap.org/",contacts:[{name:"OSMF Operations",email:"operations@osmfoundation.org"}],order:-2},"OSM-india-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-india-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["in"]},name:"OpenStreetMap India Mailinglist",description:"Talk-in is the official Mailinglist for Indian Community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-in",contacts:[{name:"Arun Ganesh",email:"arun.planemad@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"OSM-india-twitter":{id:"OSM-india-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["in"]},name:"OpenStreetMap India Twitter",description:"We are just a tweet away: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/osm_in",contacts:[{name:"Jinal Foflia",email:"fofliajinal@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-japan-facebook":{id:"OSM-japan-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["jp"]},languageCodes:["ja"],name:"OpenStreetMap Japan Community",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in Japan",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmjapan/",contacts:[{name:"Satoshi IIDA",email:"nyampire@gmail.com"}],order:3},"OSM-japan-mailinglist":{id:"OSM-japan-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["jp"]},languageCodes:["ja"],name:"OpenStreetMap Japan Mailinglist",description:"Talk-ja is an Official Mailinglist for Japanese Community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ja",contacts:[{name:"OSMF Japan",email:"info@osmf.jp"}],order:-3},"OSM-japan-twitter":{id:"OSM-japan-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["jp"]},languageCodes:["ja"],name:"OpenStreetMap Japan Twitter",description:"Hashtag on Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/hashtag/osmjp",contacts:[{name:"Satoshi IIDA",email:"nyampire@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-japan-website":{id:"OSM-japan-website",type:"osm",locationSet:{include:["jp"]},languageCodes:["ja"],name:"OpenStreetMap Japan",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in Japan",url:"https://openstreetmap.jp/",contacts:[{name:"Satoshi IIDA",email:"nyampire@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-sri-lanka-facebook":{id:"OSM-sri-lanka-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["lk"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in Sri Lanka",extendedDescription:"Mapping in Sri Lanka? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/142058222659672/",contacts:[{name:"Karan Suthakaran",email:"karansuthakaran@yahoo.com"}],order:3},OSMF:{id:"OSMF",type:"osm",locationSet:{include:["001"]},languageCodes:["en","fr","it","ja","nl","ru"],name:"OpenStreetMap Foundation",description:"OSMF is a UK-based not-for-profit that supports the OpenStreetMap Project",extendedDescription:"OSMF supports the OpenStreetMap by fundraising, maintaining the servers which power OSM, organizing the annual State of the Map conference, and coordinating the volunteers who keep OSM running. You can show your support and have a voice in the direction of OpenStreetMap by joining as an OSMF member here: {signupUrl}",url:"https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Main_Page",signupUrl:"https://join.osmfoundation.org/",contacts:[{name:"OSMF Board",email:"board@osmfoundation.org"}],events:[{id:"sotm2020",i18n:true,name:"State of the Map 2020",description:"Join us for 3 days in Cape Town, South Africa for the annual worldwide OpenStreetMap conference, bringing together everyone in the community to socialize, share, and learn.",where:"Cape Town, South Africa",when:"2020-jul-03",url:"https://2020.stateofthemap.org/"}]},"OpenCleveland-meetup":{id:"OpenCleveland-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["cleveland.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Open Cleveland",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in the Cleveland area",extendedDescription:"Open Geo Cleveland aims to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Northeast Ohio. We're also a maptime chapter =)",url:"https://www.meetup.com/open-cleveland/",contacts:[{name:"Will Skora",email:"skorasaurus@gmail.com"},{name:"Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz",email:"anastasia.diamond@gmail.com"}],order:5},"PHXGeo-meetup":{id:"PHXGeo-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["phoenix.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"PHXGeo Meetup",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Phoenix, AZ area",extendedDescription:"This is a meetup group for those in the Phoenix area who like maps, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartography and anything in between.",url:"https://www.meetup.com/PHXGeo/",contacts:[{name:"Ryan Arp",email:"ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"}],order:5},"PHXGeo-twitter":{id:"PHXGeo-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["phoenix.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"PHXGeo Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/phxgeo",contacts:[{name:"Ryan Arp",email:"ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"}]},"RS-telegram":{id:"RS-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["riograndedosul.geojson"]},languageCodes:["pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul community on Telegram",extendedDescription:"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!",url:"https://t.me/osmrs"},"South-Tyrol-Mailing-List":{id:"South-Tyrol-Mailing-List",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["south-tyrol.geojson"]},languageCodes:["de","en","it","lld"],name:"OpenStreetMap mailing list for South Tyrol",description:"OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for South Tyrol",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-southtyrol",contacts:[{name:"Martin Raifer",email:"tyr.asd@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"Trentino-Mailing-List":{id:"Trentino-Mailing-List",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["trentino.geojson"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"OpenStreetMap mailing list for Trentino",description:"OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for Trentino",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-trentino",contacts:[{name:"Luca Delucchi",email:"lucadeluge@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"Western-Slope-facebook":{id:"Western-Slope-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["grand_junction_co.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Western Slope OSM Facebook",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO",url:"https://www.facebook.com/wsosm/",contacts:[{name:"Aaron Young",email:"aaron@kaartgroup.com"}],order:3},"Western-Slope-meetup":{id:"Western-Slope-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["grand_junction_co.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Western Slope OSM Meetup",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO",extendedDescription:"The goal of this group is to introduce OpenStreetMap to the community, develop a community of mappers, create the most amazing geodata possible using whatever method we can and finally strategize in order to get this data out into our community. Imagine accurate trail signage! Imagine further development of bike paths! Imagine anything you want, that's the joy of OpenStreetMap!",url:"https://www.meetup.com/Western-Slope-OpenStreetMap/",contacts:[{name:"Aaron Young",email:"aaron@kaartgroup.com"}],order:5},"al-forum":{id:"al-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["al"]},languageCodes:["en","sq"],name:"OSM Albania Forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Albania Forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=91",contacts:[{name:"Jonathan Beliën",email:"dev@jbelien.be"},{name:"Amanti Lulo",email:"amanti.lulo@gmail.com"}],order:-2},"al-maptime-tirana":{id:"al-maptime-tirana",type:"group",locationSet:{include:[[19.8156,41.3305]]},languageCodes:["en","sq"],name:"Maptime Tirana",description:"Social events organized around mapping - beginners most welcome!",extendedDescription:"Maptime is an open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge, offering intentional educational support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously flexible and structured, creating space for mapping tutorials, workshops, ongoing projects with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time.",url:"http://maptime.io/tirana/",contacts:[{name:"Jonathan Beliën",email:"dev@jbelien.be"},{name:"Amanti Lulo",email:"amanti.lulo@gmail.com"}]},"al-telegram":{id:"al-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["al"]},languageCodes:["en","sq"],name:"OSM Albania Telegram channel",description:"OpenStreetMap Albania Telegram channel",url:"https://telegram.me/OpenStreetMapAL",contacts:[{name:"Jonathan Beliën",email:"dev@jbelien.be"},{name:"Amanti Lulo",email:"amanti.lulo@gmail.com"}]},"al-twitter":{id:"al-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["al"]},languageCodes:["en","sq"],name:"OpenStreetMap Albania Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/Osm_Albania"},"at-forum":{id:"at-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["at"]},languageCodes:["de","en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Austria Forum",description:"The official forum for OpenStreetMap questions in and around Austria",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=89",contacts:[{name:"emga",email:"emgaosm@gmail.com"}],order:-2},"at-mailinglist":{id:"at-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["at"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"Talk-at Mailing List",description:"Talk-at is the official mailing list for the Austrian OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-at",contacts:[{name:"AT community",email:"info@openstreetmap.at"}],order:-3},"at-twitter":{id:"at-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["at"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OpenStreetMap Austria Twitter",description:"OpenStreetMap Austria On Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/osm_at",contacts:[{name:"AT Community",email:"info@openstreetmap.at"}]},"be-chapter":{id:"be-chapter",type:"osm-lc",locationSet:{include:["be"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","nl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Belgium Local Chapter",description:"We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Belgium.",extendedDescription:"If you want to help to improve and grow the mapping community in Belgium, to make even more people crazy about mapping, OpenStreetMap Belgium is the right place for you!",url:"https://openstreetmap.be/",contacts:[{name:"BE community",email:"community@osm.be"}],order:1},"be-facebook":{id:"be-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["be"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","nl"],name:"OpenStreetMap BE Facebook Community",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Belgium",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/1419016881706058/",contacts:[{name:"BE community",email:"community@osm.be"}]},"be-forum":{id:"be-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["be"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","nl"],name:"OpenStreetMap BE forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Belgium web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=29",contacts:[{name:"BE community",email:"community@osm.be"}],order:3},"be-irc":{id:"be-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["be"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","nl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Belgium IRC",description:"Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",extendedDescription:"Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), it is bridged with the Matrix chat channel",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osmbe",contacts:[{name:"BE community",email:"community@osm.be"}],order:2},"be-mailinglist":{id:"be-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["be"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","nl"],name:"Talk-be Mailing List",description:"Talk-be is the official mailing list for the Belgian OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be",contacts:[{name:"BE community",email:"community@osm.be"}],order:4},"be-matrix":{id:"be-matrix",type:"matrix",locationSet:{include:["be"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","nl"],name:"OpenStreetMap BE Matrix channel",description:"All mappers are welcome!",extendedDescription:"Most talk is happening at the \"OpenStreetMap Belgium\" channel. You can ask anything there! The other rooms are for specific subjects.",url:"https://riot.im/app/#/group/+osmbe:matrix.org",contacts:[{name:"BE community",email:"community@osm.be"}],order:6},"be-meetup":{id:"be-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["be"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","nl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Belgium Meetup",description:"Real life meetups of everyone who is interested in OpenStreetMap",extendedDescription:"Physical meetups are great to meet other mappers, ask them questions and to learn a lot. Especially new contributors are very welcome!",url:"https://meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/",contacts:[{name:"BE community",email:"community@osm.be"}],order:5},"be-twitter":{id:"be-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["be"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","nl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Belgium Twitter",description:"OSM Belgium on Twitter: @osm_be",url:"https://twitter.com/osm_be",contacts:[{name:"BE community",email:"community@osm.be"}],order:4},"bg-forum":{id:"bg-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["bg"]},languageCodes:["bg","en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Bulgaria Forum",description:"Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Bulgaria",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=57"},"bg-wiki":{id:"bg-wiki",type:"wiki",locationSet:{include:["bg"]},languageCodes:["bg","en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Bulgaria",description:"Wikiproject page for Bulgaria",url:"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Bulgaria",order:10},"bi-vc-cvl_wiki":{id:"bi-vc-cvl_wiki",type:"osm",locationSet:{include:["bi-vc-cvl.geojson"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"OSMers BI-VC-CVL",description:"Mappers of northern Piedmont",extendedDescription:"In addition to the monthly meetings, we also have a WhatsApp group.",url:"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSMers_BI-VC-CVL",contacts:[{name:"Andrea Musuruane",email:"musuruan@gmail.com"},{name:"Marco Brancolini",email:"mbranco2@gmail.com"}],order:3},"bw-facebook":{id:"bw-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["bw"]},languageCodes:["en","tn"],name:"Mapping Botswana on Facebook",description:"Page of OpenStreetMap in Botswana",url:"https://www.facebook.com/MappingBotswana/",contacts:[{name:"info@openstreetmap.org.bw",email:"info@openstreetmap.org.bw"}],order:3},"bw-twitter":{id:"bw-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["bw"]},languageCodes:["en","tn"],name:"Mapping Botswana on Twitter",description:"Twitter of OpenStreetMap in Botswana",url:"https://twitter.com/mappingbotswana",contacts:[{name:"info@openstreetmap.org.bw",email:"info@openstreetmap.org.bw"}]},byosm:{id:"byosm",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["by"]},languageCodes:["be","en","ru"],name:"OpenStreetMap Belarus",description:"OpenStreetMap Belarus telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/byosm",contacts:[{name:"Darafei Praliaskouski",email:"me@komzpa.net"}]},"cape-coast-youthmappers":{id:"cape-coast-youthmappers",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["cape_coast_gh.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"University of Cape Coast YouthMappers",description:"Follow us on Twitter: {url}",extendedDescription:"This is the official handle for the Youth Mappers chapter of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. we love maps, open data and helping the vulnerable.",url:"https://twitter.com/YouthmappersUCC",contacts:[{name:"Enock Seth Nyamador",email:"kwadzo459@gmail.com"}]},"ch-irc":{id:"ch-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["ch"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","it"],name:"OpenStreetMap Switzerland IRC",description:"Join #osm-ch on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ch",contacts:[{name:"Swiss OpenStreetMap Association",email:"board@sosm.ch"}],order:-2},"ch-mailinglist":{id:"ch-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["ch"]},name:"Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Mailing List",description:"Mailing list for Switzerland",url:"http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch",order:1},"ch-twitter":{id:"ch-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["ch"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","it"],name:"OpenStreetMap Switzerland Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/SwissOSM",contacts:[{name:"Swiss OpenStreetMap Association",email:"board@sosm.ch"}]},"cuneo-telegram":{id:"cuneo-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["cuneo.geojson"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"OpenStreetMap Cuneo Mappers",description:"OpenStreetMap Cuneo Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/OSMCuneo",contacts:[{name:"Francesco Ansanelli",email:"francians@gmail.com"},{name:"Marco Brancolini",email:"mbranco2@gmail.com"}],order:3},"czech-community":{id:"czech-community",type:"osm",locationSet:{include:["cz"]},languageCodes:["cs","en","sk"],name:"Czech OSM community",description:"Map portal, website and contacts on OSM members in Czechia",url:"https://openstreetmap.cz/komunita",contacts:[{name:"osmcz",email:"dev@openstreetmap.cz"}]},"de-berlin-mailinglist":{id:"de-berlin-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"Berlin Mailing List",description:"This is the mailing list for the Berlin OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.de/listinfo/berlin",contacts:[{name:"FOSSGIS e.V.",email:"info@fossgis.de"}],order:-3},"de-berlin-meetup":{id:"de-berlin-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburg Meetup",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Berlin area",url:"https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Berlin-Brandenburg/",contacts:[{name:"Christopher Lorenz",email:"osm@lorenz.lu"}],order:5},"de-berlin-telegram":{id:"de-berlin-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"@osmberlin on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Berlin Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/osmberlin",contacts:[{name:"Christopher Lorenz",email:"osm@lorenz.lu"}]},"de-berlin-twitter":{id:"de-berlin-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OpenStreetMap Berlin Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/osmberlin",contacts:[{name:"Christopher Lorenz",email:"osm@lorenz.lu"}]},"de-forum":{id:"de-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["de"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OpenStreetMap DE forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Germany web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=14",contacts:[{name:"FOSSGIS e.V.",email:"info@fossgis.de"}],order:-2},"de-hamburg-telegram":{id:"de-hamburg-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["de-hamburg.geojson"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OSM Hamburg on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Hamburg Telegram chat: {url}",url:"https://t.me/osm_de_hh"},"de-irc":{id:"de-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["de"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OpenStreetMap Germany IRC",description:"Join #osm-de on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-de",contacts:[{name:"FOSSGIS e.V.",email:"info@fossgis.de"}],order:-4},"de-mailinglist":{id:"de-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["de"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"Talk-de Mailing List",description:"Talk-de is the official mailing list for the German OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de",contacts:[{name:"FOSSGIS e.V.",email:"info@fossgis.de"}],order:-3},"de-matrix":{id:"de-matrix",type:"matrix",locationSet:{include:["de"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OpenStreetMap Germany Matrix",description:"Join #osm-de:matrix.org at https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org",url:"https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org",contacts:[{name:"Christopher Rossbach",email:"public.cr@protonmail.ch"}],order:4},"de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist":{id:"de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["de-ostwestfalen-lippe.geojson"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OWL Mailing List",description:"This is the mailing list for the Ostwestfalen-Lippe OSM community",url:"https://gt.owl.de/mailman/listinfo/osm",contacts:[{name:"Florian Lohoff",email:"osm-owner@gt.owl.de"}],order:-3},"de-telegram":{id:"de-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["de"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram supergroup at {url}",url:"https://t.me/OSM_de",contacts:[{name:"Max N",email:"abonnements@revolwear.com"}]},"de-viersen-meetup":{id:"de-viersen-meetup",type:"osm",locationSet:{include:[[6.354282,51.264137]]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OpenStreetMap Viersen Meetup",description:"OSM community and users meetup Kreis Viersen and Mönchengladbach",url:"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Niederrhein/Viersen/Stammtisch",order:5},"dk-forum":{id:"dk-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["dk"]},languageCodes:["da"],name:"OpenStreetMap Denmark Web Forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Denmark web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=48",contacts:[{name:"Talk-dk-owner",email:"talk-dk-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-2},"dk-irc":{id:"dk-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["dk"]},languageCodes:["da"],name:"OpenStreetMap Denmark IRC",description:"Join #osm-dk on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-dk",contacts:[{name:"Talk-dk-owner",email:"talk-dk-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-4},"dk-mailinglist":{id:"dk-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["dk"]},languageCodes:["da"],name:"Talk-dk Mailing List",description:"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Denmark",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-dk",contacts:[{name:"Talk-dk-owner",email:"talk-dk-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-3},"es-twitter":{id:"es-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["es"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap España Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/openstreetmapes"},"et-telegram":{id:"et-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["et"]},name:"@OpenStreetMapEthiopia on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Ethiopia Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/openstreetmapethiopia",contacts:[{name:"Ben Jamin",email:"benjazben10@gmail.com"}]},"fi-forum":{id:"fi-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["fi"]},languageCodes:["fi"],name:"OpenStreetMap FI forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Finland web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=15",contacts:[{name:"Talk-fi administrator",email:"talk-fi-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-2},"fi-irc":{id:"fi-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["fi"]},languageCodes:["fi"],name:"OpenStreetMap Finland IRC",description:"Join #osm-fi on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-fi",contacts:[{name:"Talk-fi administrator",email:"talk-fi-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-4},"fi-mailinglist":{id:"fi-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["fi"]},languageCodes:["fi"],name:"Talk-fi Mailing List",description:"Talk-fi is the official mailing list for the Finnish OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fi",contacts:[{name:"Talk-fi administrator",email:"talk-fi-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-3},"fr-chapter":{id:"fr-chapter",type:"osm-lc",locationSet:{include:["fr"]},languageCodes:["fr"],name:"OpenStreetMap France Local Chapter",description:"We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in France.",url:"https://www.openstreetmap.fr/",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap France",email:"contact@openstreetmap.fr"}],order:1},"fr-facebook":{id:"fr-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["fr"]},languageCodes:["fr"],name:"OpenStreetMap France Facebook page",description:"OpenStreetMap France Facebook page",url:"https://www.facebook.com/osmfr",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap France",email:"contact@openstreetmap.fr"}],order:3},"fr-forum":{id:"fr-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["fr"]},languageCodes:["fr"],name:"OpenStreetMap France web forum",description:"OpenStreetMap France web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.fr/",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap France",email:"contact@openstreetmap.fr"}],order:-2},"fr-irc":{id:"fr-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["fr"]},languageCodes:["fr"],name:"OpenStreetMap France on IRC",description:"Join #osm-fr on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-fr",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap France",email:"contact@openstreetmap.fr"}],order:-4},"fr-mailinglist":{id:"fr-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["fr"]},languageCodes:["fr"],name:"Talk-fr Mailing List",description:"Talk-fr mailing list",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap France",email:"contact@openstreetmap.fr"}],order:-3},"fr-telegram":{id:"fr-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["fr"]},name:"OpenStreetMap France on Telegram",description:"A Telegram group for the OSM France community: {url}",url:"https://t.me/osmfr",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap France",email:"contact@openstreetmap.fr"}],order:5},"fr-twitter":{id:"fr-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["fr"]},languageCodes:["fr"],name:"OpenStreetMap France on Twitter",description:"OpenStreetMap France on Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/osm_fr",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap France",email:"contact@openstreetmap.fr"}]},"galicia-wiki":{id:"galicia-wiki",type:"wiki",locationSet:{include:["galicia.geojson"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Galicia",description:"Everything you need to know about mapping in Galicia: {url}",url:"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gl:P%C3%A1xina_principal"},"gb-irc":{id:"gb-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["gb"]},languageCodes:["cy","en"],name:"OpenStreetMap United Kingdom IRC",description:"Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",extendedDescription:"Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-gb",contacts:[{name:"UK mailing list",email:"talk-gb-owner@lists.openstreetmap.org"}],order:2},"gb-mailinglist":{id:"gb-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["gb"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Talk-gb Mailing List",description:"Talk-gb is the main communication forum list for the UK (including Northern Ireland) OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb",contacts:[{name:"UK mailing list",email:"talk-gb-owner@lists.openstreetmap.org"}],order:4},geogeeks_perth_meetup:{id:"geogeeks_perth_meetup",type:"group",locationSet:{include:["western_australia.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"GeoGeeks Perth Meetup",description:"Perth-based meetup group for people interested in mapping, geospatial data, and open source. We'll be working on anything that involves a sense of place.",url:"https://geogeeks.org",contacts:[{name:"GeoGeeks Perth",email:"geogeeks.perth@gmail.com"}]},"guatemala-telegram":{id:"guatemala-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["gt"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OSM Guatemala on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Guatemala Telegram chat",url:"https://telegram.me/openstreetmapGT"},"hr-facebook":{id:"hr-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["hr"]},languageCodes:["hr"],name:"OpenStreetMap Croatia Facebook group",description:"OpenStreetMap Croatia Facebook group",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/541098862671461",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Croatia",email:"info@osm-hr.org"}],order:3},"hr-irc":{id:"hr-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["hr"]},languageCodes:["hr"],name:"OpenStreetMap Croatia on IRC",description:"Join #osm-hr on irc.freenode.org (port 6667)",url:"https://webchat.freenode.net/?url=irc://irc.freenode.net/osm-hr",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Croatia",email:"info@osm-hr.org"}],order:-4},"hr-mailinglist":{id:"hr-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["hr"]},languageCodes:["hr"],name:"Talk-hr Mailing List",description:"Talk-hr mailing list",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-hr",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Croatia",email:"info@osm-hr.org"}],order:-3},"hu-facebook":{id:"hu-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["hu"]},languageCodes:["hu"],name:"OpenStreetMap HU on Facebook",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap Facebook in Hungary",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osm.hu/",contacts:[{name:"Ferenc Veres",email:"info@openstreetmap.hu"}],order:3},"hu-forum":{id:"hu-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["hu"]},languageCodes:["hu"],name:"OpenStreetMap HU forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Hungary web forum",url:"https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/openstreetmap-hungary",contacts:[{name:"Ferenc Veres",email:"info@openstreetmap.hu"}],order:-2},"hu-matrix":{id:"hu-matrix",type:"matrix",locationSet:{include:["hu"]},languageCodes:["en","hu"],name:"OpenStreetMap HU matrix room",description:"OpenStreetMap Hungary matrix chat",extendedDescription:"OpenStreetMap chat on map topics. One of the OSM community support forums.",url:"https://riot.grin.hu/#/room/#osm:grin.hu",contacts:[{name:"Peter 'grin' Gervai",email:"grin@grin.hu"}]},"hu-meetup":{id:"hu-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:["hu"]},languageCodes:["hu"],name:"OpenStreetMap Hungary Meetup",description:"The platform for organizing meetups in Hungary",url:"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Hungary",contacts:[{name:"Ferenc Veres",email:"info@openstreetmap.hu"}],order:5},"il-telegram":{id:"il-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["il"]},name:"OSM Israel on Telegram",description:"A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Israel: {url}",url:"https://t.me/OSM_Israel",order:5},"ireland-chapter":{id:"ireland-chapter",type:"osm-lc",locationSet:{include:["ie"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Ireland Local Chapter",description:"We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Ireland.",extendedDescription:"OpenStreetMap Ireland provides an advocate voice for the OpenStreetMap project on the island of Ireland, in addition to interacting with other open initiatives.",url:"https://www.openstreetmap.ie/",order:1},"ireland-facebook":{id:"ireland-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["ie"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook group",description:"OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook page",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenStreetMapIreland",order:3},"ireland-irc":{id:"ireland-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["ie"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Ireland IRC",description:"Join #osm-ie on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",extendedDescription:"Join #osm-ie on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ie",order:-1},"ireland-mailinglist":{id:"ireland-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["ie"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Talk-ie Mailing List",description:"Talk-ie is the mailing list for the Irish OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ie",order:2},"ireland-telegram":{id:"ireland-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["ie"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OSM Ireland on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Ireland Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/joinchat/BDLI7w9jCWm7Bwm2T06jwQ?fbclid=IwAR1ltY85Y7_4_CZhhwLOsLLppzis1MOVRRy897epT99JuZ9ZHZF8wpDRIfk",order:4},"ireland-twitter":{id:"ireland-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["ie"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap IE on Twitter",description:"OpenStreetMap IE on Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/osm_ie",order:5},"is-chapter":{id:"is-chapter",type:"osm-lc",locationSet:{include:["is"]},languageCodes:["en","is"],name:"OpenStreetMap Iceland Local Chapter",description:"We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Iceland.",url:"https://www.hlidskjalf.is/",contacts:[{name:"Talk-is-owner",email:"talk-is-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:1},"is-facebook":{id:"is-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["is"]},languageCodes:["en","is"],name:"OSM Iceland on Facebook",description:"Page of OpenStreetMap in Iceland",url:"https://www.facebook.com/osmiceland/",contacts:[{name:"Talk-is-owner",email:"talk-is-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:3},"is-mailinglist":{id:"is-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["is"]},languageCodes:["en","is"],name:"Talk-is Mailing List",description:"Talk-is is the official mailing list for the Icelandic OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-is",contacts:[{name:"Talk-is-owner",email:"talk-is-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-3},"is-twitter":{id:"is-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["is"]},languageCodes:["en","is"],name:"OSM Iceland on Twitter",description:"Twitter of OpenStreetMap in Iceland",url:"https://twitter.com/openstreetmapis",contacts:[{name:"Talk-is-owner",email:"talk-is-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"it-chapter":{id:"it-chapter",type:"osm-lc",locationSet:{include:["it"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"OpenStreetMap Italy Local Chapter",description:"We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Italy.",url:"https://www.wikimedia.it/",contacts:[{name:"Simone Cortesi",email:"simone@cortesi.com"},{name:"Stefano",email:"sabas88@gmail.com"},{name:"Alessandro Palmas",email:"alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}],order:1},"it-facebook":{id:"it-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["it"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"OpenStreetMap Italy Facebook",description:"Join the OpenStreetMap Italy community on Facebook",url:"https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap.Italia/",contacts:[{name:"Simone Cortesi",email:"simone@cortesi.com"},{name:"Stefano",email:"sabas88@gmail.com"},{name:"Alessandro Palmas",email:"alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}],order:3},"it-irc":{id:"it-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["it"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"OpenStreetMap Italy IRC",description:"Join #osm-it on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-it",contacts:[{name:"Simone Cortesi",email:"simone@cortesi.com"},{name:"Stefano",email:"sabas88@gmail.com"},{name:"Alessandro Palmas",email:"alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}],order:-4},"it-mailinglist":{id:"it-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["it"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"Talk-it Mailing List",description:"Talk-it is the official mailing list for the Italian OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it",contacts:[{name:"Simone Cortesi",email:"simone@cortesi.com"},{name:"Stefano",email:"sabas88@gmail.com"},{name:"Alessandro Palmas",email:"alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}],order:-3},"it-telegram":{id:"it-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["it"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"@OpenStreetMapItalia on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Italy Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/OpenStreetMapItalia",contacts:[{name:"Simone Cortesi",email:"simone@cortesi.com"},{name:"Stefano",email:"sabas88@gmail.com"},{name:"Alessandro Palmas",email:"alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}],order:4},"it-twitter":{id:"it-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["it"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"OpenStreetMap Italy Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter at {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapIt",contacts:[{name:"Simone Cortesi",email:"simone@cortesi.com"},{name:"Stefano",email:"sabas88@gmail.com"},{name:"Alessandro Palmas",email:"alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}],order:2},"kazakhstan-telegram":{id:"kazakhstan-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["kz"]},name:"OSM Kazakhstan on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Kazakhstan Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/osm_kz"},"kosovo-matrix":{id:"kosovo-matrix",type:"matrix",locationSet:{include:["xk"]},languageCodes:["en","sq","sr"],name:"OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Matrix (bridged with the one in Telegram)",description:"Semi-official all-Kosovo public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language.",url:"https://riot.im/app/#/room/#osmkosovo:matrix.org"},"kosovo-telegram":{id:"kosovo-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["xk"]},languageCodes:["en","sq","sr"],name:"OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Telegram",description:"Semi-official all-Kosovo Telegram public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language.",url:"https://t.me/osmkosovo",contacts:[{name:"Guillaume Rischard",email:"guillaumenospam@openstreetmapnospam.lu"}],order:1},"latam-facebook":{id:"latam-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["419"]},languageCodes:["en","es","pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Latin America Facebook",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Latin America",url:"https://www.facebook.com/osmlatam",contacts:[{name:"OSM LATAM Community",email:"info@osmlatam.org"}],order:1},"latam-irc":{id:"latam-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["419"]},languageCodes:["en","es","pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Latin America IRC",description:"Join #osm-latam on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",url:"http://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-latam",contacts:[{name:"OSM LATAM Community",email:"info@osmlatam.org"}],order:3},"latam-mailinglist":{id:"latam-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["419"]},languageCodes:["en","es","pt"],name:"Talk-latam Mailing List",description:"Talk-latam is the official mailing list for the Latinamerican OpenStreetMap community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-latam",contacts:[{name:"OSM LATAM Community",email:"info@osmlatam.org"}],order:2},"latam-matrix":{id:"latam-matrix",type:"matrix",locationSet:{include:["419"]},languageCodes:["en","es","pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Latin America Matrix",description:"Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Telegram chat",url:"https://matrix.to/#/#osm-latam:matrix.org",contacts:[{name:"OSM LATAM Community",email:"info@osmlatam.org"}],order:3},"latam-telegram":{id:"latam-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["419"]},languageCodes:["en","es","pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Latin America Telegram",description:"Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Matrix chat",url:"https://t.me/osmlatam",contacts:[{name:"OSM LATAM Community",email:"info@osmlatam.org"}],order:3},"latam-twitter":{id:"latam-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["419"]},languageCodes:["en","es","pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Latin America Twitter",description:"OpenStreetMap Latin America on Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/osmlatam",contacts:[{name:"OSM LATAM Community",email:"info@osmlatam.org"}],order:3},"latam-wiki":{id:"latam-wiki",type:"wiki",locationSet:{include:["419"]},languageCodes:["en","es","pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Latin America",description:"Everything you need to know about mapping in Latin America",url:"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:OSM_Latam",contacts:[{name:"OSM LATAM Community",email:"info@osmlatam.org"}],order:2},"lu-mailinglist":{id:"lu-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["lu"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","lb"],name:"Talk-lu Mailing List",description:"Official mailing list for the Luxembourgish OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lu",contacts:[{name:"David Morais Ferreira",email:"contact@openstreetmap.lu"}],order:-3},"mailinglist-sk-googlegroups":{id:"mailinglist-sk-googlegroups",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["sk"]},languageCodes:["cz","en","sk"],name:"Slovak mailing list on google groups",description:"Official mailing list for Slovak community",url:"https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/osm_sk",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Slovakia",email:"osm_sk@googlegroups.com"}],order:-3},"map-kibera":{id:"map-kibera",type:"group",locationSet:{include:[[36.8196,-1.2904]]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Map Kibera Trust",description:"Map Kibera is a registered organization working in Kenya",extendedDescription:"Map Kibera Trust’s mission is to increase influence and representation of marginalized communities through the creative use of digital tools for action.",url:"https://mapkibera.org/",contacts:[{name:"Map Kibera",email:"contact@mapkibera.org"}],order:4},"mappa-mercia-group":{id:"mappa-mercia-group",type:"group",locationSet:{include:["england-west-midlands.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Mappa Mercia local group",description:"A home for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Midlands",extendedDescription:"Mappa Mercia is a project to grow OpenStreetMap in the West Midlands, UK. We run community events, provide training and support local organisations wishing to open up their data.",url:"http://www.mappa-mercia.org/",contacts:[{name:"Brian Prangle",email:"community@mappa-mercia.org"}],order:5},"md-googlegroup":{id:"md-googlegroup",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["md"]},languageCodes:["mo","ro","ru"],name:"OSM Moldova Google Group",description:"OpenStreetMap Moldova Google Group",url:"https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/openstreetmap-moldova",contacts:[{name:"Ion Moldovan",email:"6yhxhs7t7huf@inbox.ru"}],order:1},"md-telegram":{id:"md-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["md"]},languageCodes:["mo","ro","ru"],name:"@OSMMoldova on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Moldova Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/OSMMoldova",contacts:[{name:"Ion Moldovan",email:"6yhxhs7t7huf@inbox.ru"}],order:2},"ni-facebook":{id:"ni-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["ni"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap NI Community",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Nicaragua",url:"https://www.facebook.com/mapanica/",contacts:[{name:"NI Community",email:"talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:3},"ni-mailinglist":{id:"ni-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["ni"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"Talk-ni Mailing List",description:"Talk-ni is the official mailing list for the Nicaraguan OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ni",contacts:[{name:"NI Community",email:"talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-3},"ni-telegram":{id:"ni-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["ni"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OSM Nicaragua on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Telegram chat",url:"https://telegram.me/mapanica",contacts:[{name:"NI Community",email:"talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"ni-twitter":{id:"ni-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["ni"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Twitter",description:"OSM Nicaragua on Twitter: @osm_ni",url:"https://twitter.com/osm_ni",contacts:[{name:"NI Community",email:"talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"nl-forum":{id:"nl-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["nl"]},languageCodes:["nl"],name:"Netherlands OpenStreetMap forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Netherlands web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=12",contacts:[{name:"Peter Elderson",email:"pelderson@gmail.com"}],order:3},"nl-telegram":{id:"nl-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["nl"]},languageCodes:["nl"],name:"Netherlands OpenStreetMap Telegram",description:"A Telegram group for the OSM Netherlands community: {url}",url:"https://t.me/osm_nl",contacts:[{name:"Peter Elderson",email:"pelderson@gmail.com"}],order:5},"no-forum":{id:"no-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["no"]},languageCodes:["no"],name:"OpenStreetMap Norway Web Forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Norway web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=68",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Norway",email:"kart@nuug.no"}],order:-2},"no-irc":{id:"no-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["no"]},languageCodes:["no"],name:"OpenStreetMap Norway on IRC",description:"Chat room for mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in Norway",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-no",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Norway",email:"kart@nuug.no"}],order:-4},"no-mailinglist":{id:"no-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["no"]},languageCodes:["no"],name:"OpenStreetMap Norway mailing list",description:"Mailing list for mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in Norway",url:"https://lists.nuug.no/mailman/listinfo/kart",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Norway",email:"kart@nuug.no"}],order:-3},"no-telegram":{id:"no-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["no"]},languageCodes:["no"],name:"@OSM_no on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Norway Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/OSM_no",contacts:[{name:"Syver Stensholt",email:"sssandum@gmail.com"}]},"osm-afghanistan-facebook":{id:"osm-afghanistan-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["af"]},languageCodes:["en","fa","ps"],name:"OpenStreetMap Afghanistan",description:"Improve OpenStreetMap in Afghanistan",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/321292812113316/",contacts:[{name:"Walker Kosmidou-Bradley",email:"walker.t.bradley@gmail.com"}],order:3},"osm-africa-telegram":{id:"osm-africa-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["002"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Africa Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Telegram for Africa",url:"https://t.me/OSMAfrica",contacts:[{name:"OSM Africa",email:"info@openstreetmap.africa"}]},"osm-asia-telegram":{id:"osm-asia-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["142"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Asia Telegram",description:"Join our family: {url}",url:"https://t.me/OpenStreetMapAsia",contacts:[{name:"Erwin Olario",email:"govvin@gmail.com"}]},"osm-at":{id:"osm-at",type:"osm",locationSet:{include:["at"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OpenStreetMap Austria",description:"The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Austria",url:"https://www.openstreetmap.at/",contacts:[{name:"AT community",email:"info@openstreetmap.at"}]},"osm-ch":{id:"osm-ch",type:"osm-lc",locationSet:{include:["ch"]},languageCodes:["de","en","fr","it"],name:"OpenStreetMap Switzerland",description:"The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Switzerland",url:"https://osm.ch/",contacts:[{name:"Swiss OpenStreetMap Association",email:"board@sosm.ch"}]},"osm-de":{id:"osm-de",type:"osm-lc",locationSet:{include:["de"]},languageCodes:["de"],name:"OpenStreetMap Germany",description:"The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Germany",url:"https://www.openstreetmap.de/",contacts:[{name:"FOSSGIS e.V.",email:"info@fossgis.de"}]},"osm-gh-facebook":{id:"osm-gh-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["gh"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Ghana on Facebook",description:"Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap.",extendedDescription:"Mappers in Ghana community, promoting OpenStreetMap and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) projects in Ghana. Join us.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/OSMGhana/",contacts:[{name:"Enock Seth Nyamador",email:"enock@osmghana.org"}],order:3},"osm-gh-telegram":{id:"osm-gh-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["gh"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Ghana Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Ghana community on Telegram",url:"https://t.me/osmghana",contacts:[{name:"Enock Seth Nyamador",email:"enock@osmghana.org"}]},"osm-gh-twitter":{id:"osm-gh-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["gh"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Ghana on Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/osmghana",contacts:[{name:"Enock Seth Nyamador",email:"enock@osmghana.org"}]},"osm-india-forum":{id:"osm-india-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["in"]},name:"OpenStreetMap India forum",description:"OpenStreetMap India web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=65",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap India",email:"openstreetmapindia@gmail.com"}],order:-2},"osm-india-github":{id:"osm-india-github",type:"github",locationSet:{include:["in"]},name:"OpenStreetMap India GitHub",description:"Code with us: {url}",url:"https://github.com/osm-in",contacts:[{name:"Naveen Francis",email:"naveenpf@gmail.com"}]},"osm-india-telegram":{id:"osm-india-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["in"]},name:"OpenStreetMap India Telegram",description:"Join our family: {url}",url:"https://t.me/OSMIndia",contacts:[{name:"Naveen Francis",email:"naveenpf@gmail.com"}]},"osm-india-website":{id:"osm-india-website",type:"osm",locationSet:{include:["in"]},name:"OpenStreetMap India",description:"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in India",url:"https://openstreetmap.in/",contacts:[{name:" OpenStreetMap India",email:"openstreetmapindia@gmail.com"}]},"osm-india-wiki":{id:"osm-india-wiki",type:"wiki",locationSet:{include:["in"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Wikiproject India",description:"Everything you need to know about mapping in India: {url}",url:"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_India",contacts:[{name:"Naveen Francis",email:"naveenpf@gmail.com"}]},"osm-india-youtube":{id:"osm-india-youtube",type:"youtube",locationSet:{include:["in"]},name:"OpenStreetMap India Youtube",description:"Subscribe to our channel: {url}",url:"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu5sKaPU04x0RJkgGkoFORw",contacts:[{name:"Naveen Francis",email:"naveenpf@gmail.com"}]},"osm-iran-aparat":{id:"osm-iran-aparat",type:"aparat",locationSet:{include:["ir"]},languageCodes:["fa"],name:"OpenStreetMap Iran Aparat",description:"Subscribe to our channel at {url}",extendedDescription:"A good resource of videos about anything related to OpenStreetMap. Mainly in Persian.",url:"https://www.aparat.com/osm_iran",contacts:[{name:"Iman",email:"iriman@chmail.ir"}]},"osm-iran-forum":{id:"osm-iran-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["ir"]},languageCodes:["fa"],name:"OpenStreetMap Iran web forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Iran web forum",extendedDescription:"A web forum for OpenStreetMap users in Iran. Feel free to ask questions and discuss with others!",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=103",contacts:[{name:"Iman",email:"iriman@chmail.ir"}],order:-2},"osm-iran-telegram":{id:"osm-iran-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["ir"]},languageCodes:["fa"],name:"OpenStreetMap Iran Telegram",description:"You're welcome to join our Telegram channel at {url}. We also have a supergroup of many OSMers interested in Iran. Find its link in bio of channel.",url:"https://t.me/openstreetmapir",contacts:[{name:"Iman",email:"iriman@chmail.ir"}]},"osm-kenya":{id:"osm-kenya",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["ke"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OSM Kenya",description:"OSM Kenya is a community of OSM contributors and users",extendedDescription:"OSM is a local community for individuals interested in OpenStreetMap including organizations, developers, and YouthMappers chapters in the country.",url:"https://twitter.com/OSMKenya",contacts:[{name:"OSM Kenya",email:"osmkenya@gmail.com"}],order:4},"osm-kerala-telegram":{id:"osm-kerala-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["india_kerala.geojson"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Kerala Telegram",description:"We map Kerala together. Join our telegram group. {url}",url:"https://t.me/osmkerala",contacts:[{name:"Jaisen Nedumpala",email:"jaisuvyas@gmail.com"},{name:"Naveen Francis",email:"naveenpf@gmail.com"}]},"osm-kerala-wiki":{id:"osm-kerala-wiki",type:"wiki",locationSet:{include:["india_kerala.geojson"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Kerala",description:"Want to know more about Kerala Mapping: {url}",url:"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Kerala",contacts:[{name:"Kevin",email:"muzirian@gmail.com"},{name:"Naveen Francis",email:"naveenpf@gmail.com"}]},"osm-mg-facebook":{id:"osm-mg-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["mg"]},languageCodes:["fr","mg"],name:"OpenStreetMap Madagascar Facebook Group",description:"Malagasy Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/1601381123461284/",contacts:[{name:"Brice Ramamonjy",email:"rafaby21@gmail.com"},{name:"Dolly Andriatsiferana",email:"privatemajory@gmail.com"}],order:3},"osm-ni":{id:"osm-ni",type:"group",locationSet:{include:["ni"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"MapaNica.net",description:"Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Nicaragua",url:"https://www.mapanica.net/",contacts:[{name:"NI Community",email:"talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"osm-se":{id:"osm-se",type:"osm",locationSet:{include:["se"]},languageCodes:["sv"],name:"OpenStreetMap.se",description:"Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Sweden",url:"http://openstreetmap.se/",order:1},"osm-za-twitter":{id:"osm-za-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["za"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap South Africa on Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapZA",contacts:[{name:"Grant Slater",email:"osm@firefishy.com"}]},"osmcz-facebook":{id:"osmcz-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["cz"]},languageCodes:["cs","en","sk"],name:"OpenStreetMap CZ on Facebook",description:"Follow Czech community on Facebook - including translated WeeklyOSM!",url:"https://www.facebook.com/osmcz",contacts:[{name:"osmcz",email:"dev@openstreetmap.cz"}],order:3},"osmcz-twitter":{id:"osmcz-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["cz"]},languageCodes:["cs","en","sk"],name:"Czech twitter @osmcz",description:"Follow czech community on Twitter - including translated WeeklyOSM!",url:"https://twitter.com/osmcz",contacts:[{name:"osmcz",email:"dev@openstreetmap.cz"}]},"osmgraz-meetup":{id:"osmgraz-meetup",type:"meetup",locationSet:{include:[[15.4461,47.0556]]},languageCodes:["de","en"],name:"OSM community meetup Graz",description:"Monthly meetup of the OpenStreetMap community in Graz",url:"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Graz/Stammtisch",contacts:[{name:"Michael Maier",email:"michael.maier@secure.mailbox.org"}],order:5},"osmgraz-twitter":{id:"osmgraz-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:[[15.4461,47.0556]]},languageCodes:["de","en"],name:"OSM community Graz on twitter",description:"OpenStreetMap community in Graz on twitter",url:"https://twitter.com/osmgraz",contacts:[{name:"Michael Maier",email:"michael.maier@secure.mailbox.org"}]},"panama-telegram":{id:"panama-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["pa"]},languageCodes:["es"],name:"OSM Panama on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Panama Telegram chat",url:"https://telegram.me/Comunidad_OSM_Panama"},"pt-mailinglist":{id:"pt-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["pt"]},languageCodes:["pt"],name:"Talk-pt Mailing List",description:"Talk-pt is the official mailing list for the Portuguese OSM community",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-pt",contacts:[{name:"Nuno Caldeira",email:"hello@iamnunocaldeira.com"}],order:-3},"pt-telegram":{id:"pt-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["pt"]},languageCodes:["pt"],name:"OpenStreetMap Portugal on Telegram",description:"Telegram Group of the Portuguese OpenStreetMap community {url}",url:"https://t.me/OSMPortugal",contacts:[{name:"Nuno Caldeira",email:"hello@iamnunocaldeira.com"}]},"romania-facebook":{id:"romania-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["ro"]},name:"OpenStreetMap Romania Facebook group",description:"Group for mappers and users of OpenStreetMap in Romania",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/1487443198159793/",order:1},"romania-telegram":{id:"romania-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["ro"]},name:"@OSMRomania on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Romania Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/OSMRomania",order:2},"sa-telegram":{id:"sa-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["sa"]},name:"OSM Saudi Arabia on Telegram",description:"A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Saudi Arabia: {url}",url:"https://t.me/OSMSaudi",order:5},"scotland-twitter":{id:"scotland-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["scotland.geojson"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"OpenStreetMap Alba on Twitter",description:"OpenStreetMap Alba on Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/OSMScotland",order:4},"se-facebook":{id:"se-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["se"]},languageCodes:["sv"],name:"OpenStreetMap Sweden Facebook",description:"OpenStreetMap Sweden on Facebook",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmsweden/",order:3},"se-forum":{id:"se-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["se"]},languageCodes:["sv"],name:"OpenStreetMap Sweden Web Forum",description:"OpenStreetMap Sweden web forum",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=4",order:-2},"se-irc":{id:"se-irc",type:"irc",locationSet:{include:["se"]},languageCodes:["sv"],name:"OpenStreetMap Sweden IRC",description:"Join #osm.se on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",url:"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm.se",order:-4},"se-mailinglist":{id:"se-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["se"]},languageCodes:["sv"],name:"Talk-se Mailing List",description:"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Sweden",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-se",contacts:[{name:"Talk-se-owner",email:"talk-se-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-3},"se-telegram":{id:"se-telegram",type:"telegram",locationSet:{include:["se"]},languageCodes:["sv"],name:"OSM Sweden on Telegram",description:"OpenStreetMap Sweden Telegram chat",url:"https://t.me/osmSE",order:4},"se-twitter":{id:"se-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["se"]},languageCodes:["sv"],name:"OpenStreetMap Sweden on Twitter",description:"Follow us on Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/openstreetmapse",order:2},"si-forum":{id:"si-forum",type:"forum",locationSet:{include:["si"]},languageCodes:["en","sl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Slovenia Forum",description:"Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Slovenia",url:"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=58",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Slovenia",email:"talk-si@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-2},"si-mailinglist":{id:"si-mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["si"]},languageCodes:["en","sl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Slovenia mailing list",description:"Mailing list of OpenStreetMap community in Slovenia",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-si",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Slovenia",email:"talk-si@openstreetmap.org"}],order:-3},"si-twitter":{id:"si-twitter",type:"twitter",locationSet:{include:["si"]},languageCodes:["en","sl"],name:"OpenStreetMap Slovenia Twitter",description:"Follow OpenStreetMap Slovenia On Twitter: {url}",url:"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapSi",contacts:[{name:"OpenStreetMap Slovenia",email:"talk-si@openstreetmap.org"}]},"sk-facebook":{id:"sk-facebook",type:"facebook",locationSet:{include:["sk"]},languageCodes:["sk"],name:"Freemap.sk Slovakia community 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community",url:"https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz",contacts:[{name:"osmcz",email:"dev@openstreetmap.cz"}],order:-3},"talk-gh":{id:"talk-gh",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["gh"]},languageCodes:["en"],name:"Talk-gh Mailing List",description:"Talk-gh is the official mailing list for Ghana OSM community.",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gh",contacts:[{name:"Enock Seth Nyamador",email:"kwadzo459@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"talk-it-lazio":{id:"talk-it-lazio",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["lazio.geojson"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"OpenStreetMap IT Lazio",description:"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}",extendedDescription:"Mailinglist for Rome and Lazio area.",url:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-lazio",signupUrl:"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-lazio",contacts:[{name:"Martin Koppenhoefer",email:"dieterdreist@gmail.com"}],order:-3},"talk-it-piemonte_mailinglist":{id:"talk-it-piemonte_mailinglist",type:"mailinglist",locationSet:{include:["piemonte.geojson"]},languageCodes:["it"],name:"OSM Italy regional talk list for Piemonte",description:"All are welcome! 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It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.",url:"https://t.me/aastumappers",contacts:[{name:"Ben Jamin",email:"benjazben10@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Abia-State-University":{id:"ym-Abia-State-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[7.41909,5.8308]]},name:"AbsuMappersTeam",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Abia State University",extendedDescription:"AbsuMappersTeam is voluntary team of map enthusiast ,using openstreetmap,GIS and other open source geospatial techno;ogy to solve problems.It is a dedicated for disaster response using OpenStreetMap.It is a professional mentoring and empowerment platform for those with passion for GIS and Mapping.It is a community of volunteers for geospatial data creation,field data collection and mapping.The team was co-founded by Victor N.Sunday(the Team mentor) and Professor J.U.Ogbonna ,the team coordinator and faculty Advisor. AbsuMapperTeam is an affiliate of UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt.The team stands to support sustainable development using geospatial technology",url:"https://www.facebook.com/Absumappersteam-1709186109157466",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"absumappersteam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University":{id:"ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-10.80063,6.31073]]},name:"YouthMappers-AMEU",description:"YouthMappers chapter at African Methodist Episcopal University",url:"mailto:youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University":{id:"ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[7.64648,11.17836]]},name:"ABU Geomappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Ahmadu Bello University",extendedDescription:"We are a group of Data driven Humanitarian mappers, who are dedicated to rendering humanitarian service in response to disaster and mitigation. We are glad to contribute our expertise and knowledge through mapping, and helping to spread #OpenEvangelism through Training, and collaboration.",url:"https://web.facebook.com/abugeomappers/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"abugeomappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Ardhi-University":{id:"ym-Ardhi-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[39.21541,-6.76613]]},name:"ARU Mapper",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University",extendedDescription:"As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations.",url:"mailto:bayonakennedy@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"bayonakennedy@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Asian-University-for-Women":{id:"ym-Asian-University-for-Women",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[91.8457,22.34998]]},name:"YouthMappers at AUW",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women",extendedDescription:"The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world.",url:"http://www.auw.edu.bd/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"harunur.rashid@auw.edu.bd"}]},"ym-Ball-State-University":{id:"ym-Ball-State-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-85.40688,40.20588]]},name:"Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University",extendedDescription:"Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/BallState.GammaThetaUpsilon/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"gtu@bsu.edu"}]},"ym-Busitema-University":{id:"ym-Busitema-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[34.01367,0.52733]]},name:"Good Mappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University",extendedDescription:"Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map.",url:"https://m.facebook.com/HOTBusitemaUniv/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"mulindwasteven82@gmail.com"}]},"ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania":{id:"ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-79.89258,40.04425]]},name:"CalU PA GIS Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania",extendedDescription:"GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/CalUGisClub/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"mueller@calu.edu"}]},"ym-Central-Washington-University":{id:"ym-Central-Washington-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-120.49805,46.98002]]},name:"Geography Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University",extendedDescription:"Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills.",url:"https://www.cwu.edu/geography/geography-club",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"valkoc@cwu.edu"}]},"ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny":{id:"ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-3.98799,5.344]]},name:"YouthMappers CURAT",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny",extendedDescription:"Our chapter aim is to promote the use of collaborative free mapping and the use of openstreetmap data in the field of research and their application in the implementation of tools for decision-making. Help students produce their own data of their research.",url:"mailto:gpcome@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"gpcome@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Clemson-University":{id:"ym-Clemson-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-82.79297,34.66921]]},name:"Clemson Mappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University",extendedDescription:"Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections throughout the world.",url:"http://www.clemsongis.org/#!clemson-mappers/i9w6t",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"clemsonmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-College-of-William-and-Mary":{id:"ym-College-of-William-and-Mary",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-76.72852,37.30011]]},name:"All over the map!",description:"YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary",extendedDescription:"The students who are all over the map are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise.  Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences.",url:"mailto:lnseitz@email.wm.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"lnseitz@email.wm.edu"}]},"ym-Cornell-University":{id:"ym-Cornell-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-76.4735,42.4532]]},name:"Mapping Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University",extendedDescription:"Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy.",url:"mailto:mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20and%20Mapping%20Society%20at%20Cornell%20University",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Cuttington-University":{id:"ym-Cuttington-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-9.5539,7.04037]]},name:"Cuttington University YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Cuttington University",extendedDescription:"The YouthMappers at Cuttington University, Suakoko, and Bong County comprised of Students from three different departments; namely, the Department of Natural Resources Management “DONRM”, Department of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Natural Sciences. Since the establishment of the Chapter in February 2017, the overall membership is 20 students, with each department containing 5 students.",url:"mailto:youthmappers.cu@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappers.cu@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology":{id:"ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[37.00195,-0.43945]]},name:"GDEV",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology",extendedDescription:"GDEV is a group of enthusiastic GIS group at DeKUT that aims at helping students share, engage and learn from each other in matters geospatial",url:"https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102367719061492681269/stream/e376a295-1246-4e19-9f66-fa6077719f32",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"gdevkenya@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Dhaka-College":{id:"ym-Dhaka-College",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[90.35156,23.72492]]},name:"YouthMappers Daka College",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College",extendedDescription:"YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers  gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes. Happy mapping.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/321220498214124/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappersdc@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Dhaka-University":{id:"ym-Dhaka-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[90.35156,23.72492]]},name:"Openstreetmap YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University",extendedDescription:"It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmDU/1773150346233538/?notif_t=group_activity¬if_id=1472953820177890",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Eastern-University":{id:"ym-Eastern-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[90.38063,23.74236]]},name:"YouthMappers at Eastern University",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University",extendedDescription:"YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes.",url:"mailto:infolimon@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"infolimon@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology":{id:"ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[120.98854,14.60403]]},name:"Junior Philippines Computer Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology",extendedDescription:"FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region",url:"mailto:jpcsfeutech@outlook.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20Junior%20Philippines%20Computer%20Society",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"jpcsfeutech@outlook.com"}]},"ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys":{id:"ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[3.95129,7.84218]]},name:"OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Federal School of Surveys",url:"https://web.facebook.com/Oyomappersteam-omt-oyo-1432864713415765/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"oyomappersteam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure":{id:"ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[5.18555,7.27527]]},name:"YouthMappers Futa Space Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Federal University of Technology, Akure",extendedDescription:"Our mission is to raise the next generation of Space Leaders. Activities include research and capacity building in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change, Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Engineering, Global Navigation, Robotics and Space Education.",url:"http://spaceclubfuta.com.ng/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"denironyx@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Fourah-Bay-College":{id:"ym-Fourah-Bay-College",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-13.18359,8.49407]]},name:"Student's Geographical Association",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College",extendedDescription:"The Student's Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team.",url:"mailto:sgayouthmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Fourah%20Bay%20College",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"sgayouthmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University":{id:"ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-13.62305,9.70902]]},name:"YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University",description:"YouthMappers chapter at General Lansana Conte University",extendedDescription:"The YouthMappers of the University General Lansana Conté is a non profit community willing to contribute to Map Guinea and others part of the world. We are promoting the use of GIS and Open data to build decision support tools. We also work to build capacities among the students and local communities.",url:"www.uglc.org",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"condefa3@gmail.com"}]},"ym-George-Mason-University":{id:"ym-George-Mason-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-77.34375,38.82241]]},name:"Mason Mappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University",extendedDescription:"Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow.",url:"Facebook.com/MasonMappers",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"masonmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College":{id:"ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-8.11817,6.06392]]},name:"YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Grand Gedeh County Community College",extendedDescription:"The Youth Mappers of GGCCC sole intent is to put places in and around Liberia that are not on the map. We gather youths from the college within the Grand Gedeh Community College to make it their duties to unite and bring these places to the spot light geographically.",url:"mailto:yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Gujarat-University":{id:"ym-Gujarat-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[72.50977,22.99876]]},name:"CCIM at Ahmedabad",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University",url:"mailto:Coolmulls@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"coolmulls@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Gulu-University":{id:"ym-Gulu-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[32.34375,2.81136]]},name:"CSGU Mappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University",extendedDescription:"The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University. This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination.",url:"mailto:git445@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Gulu%20University",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"git445@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Heidelberg-University":{id:"ym-Heidelberg-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[8.67039,49.41882]]},name:"disastermappers heidelberg",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Heidelberg University",extendedDescription:"Disastermappers Heidelberg was founded in 2014 as a student initiative to build a platform for exchange between students, researchers and humanitarian actors. Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications.",url:"https://disastermappers.wordpress.com/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"disastermappers@posteo.de"}]},"ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education":{id:"ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[6.93364,4.80651]]},name:"IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT)",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education",extendedDescription:"We are a YouthMappers Chapter of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education involved in crowdsourced mapping of our environment and remote mapping of resilient communities.We are a team of volunteers using openstreetmap and other open Geospatial source for mapping.",url:"https://fb.me/ignatiusmappersteam",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"ignatiusmappersteam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania":{id:"ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-79.16139,40.61395]]},name:"Geospatial Science Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania",url:"mailto:rhoch@iup.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"rhoch@iup.edu"}]},"ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri":{id:"ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[29.6112,-1.50091]]},name:"YouthMappers at INES Ruhengeri",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri",extendedDescription:"We are students from Land Administration and Management and Land survey Departments from INES-Ruhengeri. We are engaged in mapping activities that create the changes toward sustainable development in our community.",url:"www.ines.ac.rw",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"dufitesaie91@yahoo.com"}]},"ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda":{id:"ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-14.94108,12.88982]]},name:"Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda",extendedDescription:"Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda is an all-female mapping group in southern Senegal looking to put Kolda and surrounding villages on the map and better understand how to use OSM.",url:"mailto:koldaym@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"koldaym@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies":{id:"ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[85.34173,27.72759]]},name:"Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies",extendedDescription:"To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations.",url:"mailto:deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np"}]},"ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management":{id:"ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[39.2935,-6.13779]]},name:"IFM mappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management",extendedDescription:"This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts",url:"mailto:supermalik95@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"supermalik95@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning":{id:"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[35.74578,-6.12215]]},name:"Mipango YouthMappers Chapter",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning",extendedDescription:"Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President.",url:"mailto:msmapperschapter@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"msmapperschapter@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza":{id:"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[32.89851,-2.51658]]},name:"Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza",url:"www.facebook.com/IYMLZC/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"shabanimagawila@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine":{id:"ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-12.1175,10.68652]]},name:"YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine",extendedDescription:"YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala is a non profit organisation working to promote humanitarian mapping and the use of open sources and open data to build decision making tools in Guinea.",url:"mailto:bvloua45@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"bvloua45@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Istanbul-Technical-University":{id:"ym-Istanbul-Technical-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[29.02465,41.10542]]},name:"YouthMappers ITU",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Istanbul Technical University",extendedDescription:"YouthMappers ITU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative student community to promote humanitarian mapping for vulnerable settlements and aims to develop and share strategic and innovative spatial information for the future cities by using geographical information systems and open data.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/YouthMappers-ITU-226489641442744/?modal=admin_todo_tour",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappersitu@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Jacksonville-State-University":{id:"ym-Jacksonville-State-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-85.76795,33.82283]]},name:"JSU Disaster Mapping Team",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University",extendedDescription:"The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets",url:"mailto:ltatum@stu.jsu.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"ltatum@stu.jsu.edu"}]},"ym-Jahangirnagar-University":{id:"ym-Jahangirnagar-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[90.26753,23.88222]]},name:"YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University",url:"mailto:s.t.islam@juniv.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"s.t.islam@juniv.edu"}]},"ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology":{id:"ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[37.0105,-1.08909]]},name:"Association of Geomatics Engineering Students",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology",extendedDescription:"The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.",url:"mailto:laurahmugeha36@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"laurahmugeha36@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Kansas-State-University":{id:"ym-Kansas-State-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-96.5918,39.16396]]},name:"Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University",extendedDescription:"We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to YouthMappers. We have been active with mapping for OSM and conducted a mapathon called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/kstate.gtu?fref=ts",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"tblarsen@ksu.edu"}]},"ym-Karatina-University":{id:"ym-Karatina-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[37.12789,-0.48134]]},name:"Nature Club Karatina University",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Karatina University",extendedDescription:"This chapter aims to bring together all GIS enthusiasts.They include environment experts, wildlife experts, aquatic and tourism officers, just to mention a few. Its main aim is to provide a platform where students can learn from each other and, in the process, understand how to integrate the GIS skills in their various career paths as well as provide solutions to various environmental related challenges.",url:"https://twitter.com/karunature",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"karunatureclub@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Kathmandu-University":{id:"ym-Kathmandu-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[85.53873,27.62025]]},name:"Geomatics Engineering Society,GES",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University",extendedDescription:"Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc.",url:"ku.edu.np/ges",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"ges@ku.edu.np"}]},"ym-Kenyatta-University":{id:"ym-Kenyatta-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[36.93493,-1.17996]]},name:"Kenyatta University GIS Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Kenyatta University",extendedDescription:"Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) was founded on 28th October 2016, with more than 200 students and staff from all faculty within campus as members. We are committed to empower members with spatial knowledge, skills and expertise required in understanding the Earth. We help in mapping resources within the university by incorporating geospatial data in their projects as well as fieldwork data collection.",url:"mailto:jamesmagige24@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"jamesmagige24@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Khulna-University":{id:"ym-Khulna-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[89.56055,22.83685]]},name:"Khulna University YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University",extendedDescription:"KU students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmku/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Kumi-University":{id:"ym-Kumi-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[33.83789,1.49396]]},name:"Ever Last YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University",extendedDescription:"This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science and Information Technology.",url:"mailto:kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Kumi%20University",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology":{id:"ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-1.56831,6.67234]]},name:"Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology",url:"https://www.facebook.com/KNUSTMappers/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"knustyouthmappers@outlook.com"}]},"ym-Makerere-University":{id:"ym-Makerere-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[32.60742,0.35156]]},name:"Geo YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University",extendedDescription:"Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness.\"We map the world and change lives.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"geo-youthmappers@googlegroups.com"}]},"ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology":{id:"ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[30.65679,-0.61644]]},name:"MUST Street Mappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology",extendedDescription:"MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society.",url:"https://web.facebook.com/muststreetmappers/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"muststreetmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-McGill-University":{id:"ym-McGill-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-73.5787,45.50608]]},name:"Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at McGill University",extendedDescription:"The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad.",url:"mailto:omg.mcgill@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"omg.mcgill@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Miami-University":{id:"ym-Miami-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-84.73174,39.5109]]},name:"Geography and Planning Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Miami University",extendedDescription:"GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience.",url:"mailto:GPSMiamiOH@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"gpsmiamioh@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Moi-University":{id:"ym-Moi-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[35.50781,-0.35156]]},name:"Geography Students Association",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Moi University",extendedDescription:"The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) explores, discovers and aims at developing the entire world through the young Geo-Spatial analysts.  GEOSAMU is part of the Department of Geography.",url:"mailto:geosamu44@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Moi%20University",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"geosamu44@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Monroe-Community-College":{id:"ym-Monroe-Community-College",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-77.61025,43.10138]]},name:"MCC Mapping Corps",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College",url:"mailto:GIST@monroecc.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"gist@monroecc.edu"}]},"ym-Montgomery-College":{id:"ym-Montgomery-College",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-77.15782,39.09718]]},name:"GeoMC",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College",extendedDescription:"GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in.",url:"mailto:stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu"}]},"ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology":{id:"ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[17.07709,-22.56572]]},name:"Geoinformation Technology Student Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Namibia University of Science and Technology",url:"mailto:patriciasem87@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"patriciasem87@gmail.com"}]},"ym-New-York-University":{id:"ym-New-York-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-74.00391,40.71377]]},name:"NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps",description:"YouthMappers chapter at New York University",extendedDescription:"The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes.",url:"http://www.nyumhealth.org/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"mhealth@nyu.edu"}]},"ym-Nimba-County-Community-College":{id:"ym-Nimba-County-Community-College",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-8.71645,7.35208]]},name:"Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Nimba County Community College",url:"mailto:ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com"}]},"ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus":{id:"ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-13.23673,8.47959]]},name:"Njala Freetown YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus",extendedDescription:"We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone.",url:"mailto:Njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus":{id:"ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-11.76548,7.93596]]},name:"YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus",url:"mailto:youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University":{id:"ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-83.06823,40.29605]]},name:"Environment and Wildlife Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University",extendedDescription:"Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives.",url:"mailto:envirowild@owu.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"envirowild@owu.edu"}]},"ym-Oklahoma-State-University":{id:"ym-Oklahoma-State-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-97.07253,36.12077]]},name:"Geography Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University",url:"mailto:hhayden@okstate.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"hhayden@okstate.edu"}]},"ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania":{id:"ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[39.26466,-6.7835]]},name:"Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania",extendedDescription:"Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania\n\nHad been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html )\n\nOur chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels.",url:"mailto:youthmapout@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmapout@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Politecnico-di-Milano":{id:"ym-Politecnico-di-Milano",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[9.22852,45.45991]]},name:"PoliMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano",extendedDescription:"PoliMappers is a volunteer students’ association based at Politecnico di Milano. The mission of the group is to train and motivate the next generation of volunteer mappers and to do mapping using free and open source software within the university as well as primary and secondary schools.",url:"https://polimappers.github.io/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"polimappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London":{id:"ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-0.04049,51.52382]]},name:"Queen Mary YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London",extendedDescription:"This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/qmulgeographysociety/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappers@qmul.ac.uk"}]},"ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology":{id:"ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[88.62839,24.36373]]},name:"YouthMappers at RUET",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology",extendedDescription:"The \"YouthMappers at RUET\" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world.",url:"mailto:ruetmappers@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"ruetmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia":{id:"ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-79.36523,42.42325]]},name:"Geoventurers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia",extendedDescription:"GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction. We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better.",url:"mailto:amw30@geneseo.edu?subject=GeoVenturers%20and%20the%20YouthMappers%20network",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"amw30@geneseo.edu"}]},"ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College":{id:"ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-89.07411,17.161]]},name:"Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College",url:"mailto:jtzib18@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"jtzib18@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Sherubtse-College":{id:"ym-Sherubtse-College",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[91.52369,27.2866]]},name:"Geographical Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College",extendedDescription:"The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!",url:"mailto:gsscbhutan@gmail.com?subject=About%20the%20Royal%20University%20of%20Bhutan%20Geographical%20Society%20and%20Youth%20Mappers",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"gsscbhutan@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture":{id:"ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[37.65636,-6.85251]]},name:"SMCoSE YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture",extendedDescription:"A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action.",url:"mailto:SMCoSEyouthmappers@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"smcoseyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-St.-Augustine-International-University":{id:"ym-St.-Augustine-International-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[32.62161,0.27237]]},name:"YouthMappers at St Augustine International University",description:"YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University",url:"mailto:youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com"}]},"ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute":{id:"ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[26.9671,-16.81484]]},name:"MawaggaliMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute",extendedDescription:"We are the youthappers chapter at St. Mawaggali trades in choma who are want to contribute the different humantarian tasks to serve lives through mapping.",url:"mailto:mawaggalimappers@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"mawaggalimappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo":{id:"ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-77.7832,42.81132]]},name:"SUNY Geneseo GIS Association",description:"YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo",extendedDescription:"We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community.",url:"http://www.facebook.com/GeneseoGIS",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"bb18@geneseo.edu"}]},"ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic":{id:"ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-10.7944,6.28997]]},name:"YouthMappers-SMP",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Stella Maris Polytechnic",url:"mailto:youthmappers.smp@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappers.smp@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya":{id:"ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[36.82449,-1.2916]]},name:"Geospatial Science Student Association",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Technical University of Kenya",extendedDescription:"It's a geographical information based group with very passionate students in the relevant fields of study. We do training to members on emerging trends in the market and keep up with technological advancements",url:"mailto:youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Texas-Tech-University":{id:"ym-Texas-Tech-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-101.86523,33.57787]]},name:"YouthMappers at TTU",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University",extendedDescription:"As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus activities through mapping.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/youthmapperstexastech/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"emily.glaeser@ttu.edu"}]},"ym-The-Citadel":{id:"ym-The-Citadel",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-79.96064,32.79693]]},name:"YouthMappers at The Citadel",description:"YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel",extendedDescription:"This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers.",url:"Mailto:cstokes5@citadel.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"cstokes5@citadel.edu"}]},"ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia":{id:"ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-16.6763,13.4579]]},name:"Connected YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia",extendedDescription:"Connected YouthMappers is comprised of dedicated young Gambians who aspire to change and aid national development.",url:"mailto:connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-The-George-Washington-University":{id:"ym-The-George-Washington-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-77.04812,38.89966]]},name:"Humanitarian Mapping Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University",extendedDescription:"Models of leadership and engagement, HMS seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/GWHMS/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"hms.gwu@gmail.com"}]},"ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS":{id:"ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-77.04027,38.90797]]},name:"SAIS YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS",extendedDescription:"The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region.",url:"mailto:saisyouthmappers@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"saisyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University":{id:"ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-77.85976,40.798]]},name:"Penn State GIS Coalition",description:"YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University",extendedDescription:"The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry.",url:"mailto:advising@geog.psu.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"advising@geog.psu.edu"}]},"ym-The-University-of-Zambia":{id:"ym-The-University-of-Zambia",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[28.33027,-15.39189]]},name:"YouthMappers Unza",description:"YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia",url:"https://www.facebook.com/search/posts/?q=youth%20mappers%20unza",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"chombachishala13@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Tribhuvan-University":{id:"ym-Tribhuvan-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[83.97645,28.2538]]},name:"Geomatics Engineering Students Association",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University",extendedDescription:"This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network.",url:"http://gesanwrc.wordpress.com/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"gesan.nepal@gmail.com"}]},"ym-UW-Madison":{id:"ym-UW-Madison",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-89.41268,43.07645]]},name:"BadgerMaps",description:"YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison",extendedDescription:"BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/UW-BadgerMaps-197746270811951/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"uwbadgermaps@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus":{id:"ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[34.17487,1.07587]]},name:"Mappers for Life",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus",extendedDescription:"We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!\" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU.",url:"mailto:munhilll@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20the%20Uganda%20Christian%20University%20Mappers%20for%20Life",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"munhilll@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University":{id:"ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[30.26621,0.66206]]},name:"HiTech Youth Mappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University",extendedDescription:"A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes.",url:"mailto:hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid":{id:"ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-3.69437,40.54647]]},name:"YouthMappers at UAM",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid",url:"mailto:youthmappersatuam@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappersatuam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas":{id:"ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-74.0918,4.65306]]},name:"YouthMappers at Bogota",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas",extendedDescription:"The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is a public, coeducational, research university based in Bogotá, Colombia with a population of 26,140 students.",url:"mailto:lrocha@selper.org.co",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"lrocha@selper.org.co"}]},"ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras":{id:"ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-87.16598,14.08505]]},name:"PumaGis Hn",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras",url:"mailto:pumagishn@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"pumagishn@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia":{id:"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-74.0918,4.65306]]},name:"Grupo UN",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Colombia",extendedDescription:"Students are uniting to map and network with university students across the country of Colombia and across the globe.  Geographic specialties include affiliation with microbiology and health disciplines.",url:"mailto:raknudsono@unal.edu.co?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20y%20Grupo%20UN%20Colombia",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"raknudsono@unal.edu.co"}]},"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria":{id:"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-86.27051,12.1316]]},name:"Yeka Street MGA",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria",extendedDescription:"YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/yekastreetmga/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"yeka.street.mga@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid":{id:"ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-3.7173,40.44782]]},name:"Mapeo Humanitario",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid",extendedDescription:"Geo-volunteering group formed at Moncloa Campus on November 2017. Around 20 members from three Universities (Complutense, CEU and UPM). Undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students collaborate together with organizations (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre,...) supported by trainers from Geoinquietos. Official recognition by UPM as Educative Innovation Project (Code IE1718.0411)",url:"https://blogs.upm.es/mapeo-humanitario/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"lab.topografia@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia":{id:"ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-75.58594,6.22791]]},name:"Geomatica UDEA",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Antioquia",extendedDescription:"We are a group interested in geospatial data, voluntary cartography, and participating in mapping with others in our country and within the YouthMappers network.",url:"mailto:geomatica.ing.udea@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20y%20Universidad%20de%20Antioquia",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"geomatica.ing.udea@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica":{id:"ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-84.05105,9.93721]]},name:"YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica",extendedDescription:"YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/ucr.asege/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappersucr@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira":{id:"ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-72.86133,11.52304]]},name:"Grupo Mesh",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de La Guajira",extendedDescription:"Grupo Mesh is a student organization at the Universidad de la Guajira in Colombia, including students from the program of Environmental Engineering who learn cartography and open mapping.",url:"mailto:zoviedo@uniguajira.edu.co?subject=Grupo%20Mesh%20y%20YouthMappers",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"zoviedo@uniguajira.edu.co"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes":{id:"ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-74.0918,4.56545]]},name:"Cartografos Uniandes",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Los Andes",extendedDescription:"We are a circle of student participation that seeks to use mapping and spatial reasoning as a means to create bonds of cooperation and integration between the university and society by addressing different spatial, social, political , economic and cultural dynamics.",url:"mailto:geografia@uniandes.edu.co?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20Chapter%20y%20la%20Universidad%20de%20los%20Andes",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"geografia@uniandes.edu.co"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras":{id:"ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-66.04978,18.40277]]},name:"UPR YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras",url:"mailto:carlosguilbe@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"carlosguilbe@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura":{id:"ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-75.58594,6.22791]]},name:"YouthMappers San Buenaventura",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de San Buenaventura",extendedDescription:"We are pleased to join YouthMappers mapping for a better world and community.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"ingenieria.sistemas@usbmed.edu.co"}]},"ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane":{id:"ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[32.60357,-25.95208]]},name:"Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane",extendedDescription:"We are a student group that intends to join Mozambican society to create a resilient community of humanitarian mapping. The community intend to map the physical occupation of our Country and create open geographic data, accessible to the public and able to be used in several areas without associated costs.",url:"www.facebook.com/Moz-YouthMappers",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"moz.youthmappers1@hotmail.com"}]},"ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger":{id:"ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-16.42556,16.06284]]},name:"YouthMappers at UGB",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Université Gaston Berger",extendedDescription:"YouthMappers UGB is made up of young students and researchers who are passionate about mapping. Our aim is to improve students' skills in the field of cartography and to participate in the creation of open geographic data that responds to development challenges around the world and particularly in Africa.",url:"https://web.facebook.com/youthmappersugb/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappers.ugb@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat":{id:"ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-6.84395,33.99862]]},name:"Brahmapoutre at Rabat",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat",extendedDescription:"This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries",url:"mailto:khmichasma@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"khmichasma@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universit-de-NZrkor":{id:"ym-Universit-de-NZrkor",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-8.83716,7.7324]]},name:"Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Université de N'Zérékoré",extendedDescription:"YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit.",url:"mailto:donpaul1974@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"donpaul1974@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako":{id:"ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-7.98832,12.61531]]},name:"Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako",url:"mailto:youthmappersfhg@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappersfhg@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar":{id:"ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[119.4292,-5.18613]]},name:"Kontur Geografi",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar",url:"https://tentangkontur.blogspot.co.id",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"konturgeografi@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta":{id:"ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[110.76899,-7.55758]]},name:"SpaceTime",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta",extendedDescription:"SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta.",url:"mailto:spacetime1717@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"spacetime1717@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-California-Davis":{id:"ym-University-of-California-Davis",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-121.72852,38.54799]]},name:"Mapping Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis",url:"mailto:ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20UC%20Davis%20Mapping%20Club",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Cape-Coast":{id:"ym-University-of-Cape-Coast",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-1.23047,5.09092]]},name:"UCC Geographical Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Cape Coast",extendedDescription:"We are a society that encompasses all students who are reading and read geography in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Cape Coast. Our main aim is to promote interest in the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. Our motto is “We comprehend the Earth and its inhabitants.”",url:"https://www.facebook.com/Geographical-Society-Ucc-105157196204838/info/?tab=page_info",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"geosoc_ucc@yahoo.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Central-Florida":{id:"ym-University-of-Central-Florida",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-81.38672,28.45891]]},name:"Geospatial Information Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida",extendedDescription:"Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS.",url:"mailto:rsouth@knights.ucf.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"rsouth@knights.ucf.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Chicago":{id:"ym-University-of-Chicago",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-87.59878,41.78872]]},name:"Tobler Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago",url:"mailto:toblersociety@uchicago.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"toblersociety@uchicago.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam":{id:"ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[39.20531,-6.78035]]},name:"YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam",extendedDescription:"The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners .",url:"https://www.facebook.com/UDSMYouthMappers/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"godluckur@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources":{id:"ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-2.343,7.35021]]},name:"Eco-Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Energy and Natural Resources",extendedDescription:"To provide a sound education to all citizens about the deteriorating environment and provide utmost use of recreation of the environment for human survival.",url:"mailto:james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh"}]},"ym-University-of-Exeter":{id:"ym-University-of-Exeter",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-3.53515,50.73664]]},name:"University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter",extendedDescription:"We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/EUMissingMaps/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"uniofexemissingmaps@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Ghana":{id:"ym-University-of-Ghana",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-0.19624,5.65113]]},name:"University of Ghana YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Ghana",extendedDescription:"UG YouthMappers consists of both graduate and undergraduate students possessing knowledge and skills in GIS and Remote Sensing. The club is composed of an energetic team that is poised to address social issues and mitigate environmental problems through mapping. Our fundamental principles are capacity building, empowerment and teamwork.",url:"https://twitter.com/UGYouthMappers",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"mawulikaf@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers":{id:"ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-10.61986,6.37704]]},name:"University of Liberia YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Liberia YouthMappers",extendedDescription:"The University of Liberia YouthMappers is a chapter organization of the Global YouthMappers. We are a nonprofit student mapping organization focus on mapping for Liberia’s development and the World at large. The purpose of this organization shall be to utilize technology and geospatial knowledge as means of creating and developing maps; collecting and analyzing data that will address local and worldwide challenges. Our aim is to support and create opportunity for students to develop interest and skills in the fields of mapping. We envision a united student community that are collaborative, active and are willing to work with the University of Liberia YouthMappers in order to better the lives of others.",url:"mailto:ulym2017@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"ulym2017@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Malawi":{id:"ym-University-of-Malawi",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[35.33203,-15.36889]]},name:"Chanco Malawi YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Malawi",extendedDescription:"Chanco Malawi YouthMappers is the student mapping organization for the University of Malawi's Chancellor College. The students in this chapter focus on mapping for Malawi's development and science needs.",url:"mailto:zolamanyungwa@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"zolamanyungwa@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park":{id:"ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-76.94332,38.98672]]},name:"Geography Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park",extendedDescription:"The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/UMDGeographyClub/?fref=ts",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"geogclubumd@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology":{id:"ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-2.00125,5.29878]]},name:"UMaT YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Mines and Technology",extendedDescription:"UMaT YouthMappers is a group of volunteer students who seek to grant students the opportunity to improve skills in the field of mapping & creating open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide.",url:"http://umatyouthmappers.wordpress.com/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"kwadzo459@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Nairobi":{id:"ym-University-of-Nairobi",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[36.82617,-1.31824]]},name:"Geospatial Engineering Students Association",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Nairobi",extendedDescription:"UN students are working with the local OSM community, Map Kibera, and GrouthTruth to learn about open mapping and contribute data for needs in their urban communities.",url:"www.geospatial.uonbi.ac.ke",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"contact@mapkibera.org"}]},"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus":{id:"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[7.50373,6.42639]]},name:"LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus",extendedDescription:"The LionMappersTeam(LMT)Enugu Campus is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of Geoinformatics and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for Crowdsourced Mapping and Geographic Information provision using Openstreetmap, Citizen Science and other Geospatial Technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in Web-Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and ResearchWe are passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science.Our major activities include online crowdsourced-Cartography, Field Mapping ,Training workshops and outreaches to High School as well as Humanitarian/Disaster Response Mapping.",url:"https://web.facebook.com/Lionmappersteam-enugu-Campus-361221567667528/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"lmtenugucampus@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka":{id:"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[7.40821,6.86461]]},name:"LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Nsukka",extendedDescription:"The LionMappersTeam is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of mapping science and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for crowdsourced mapping and geographic information provision using Openstreetmap, citizen science and other geospatial technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and Research.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science,field mapping ,training workshops and outreaches to High Schools.",url:"http://fb.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka;and send messages to our Page at m.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"lionmappersteam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-North-Texas":{id:"ym-University-of-North-Texas",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-97.15255,33.20735]]},name:"UNT Geography Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas",extendedDescription:"The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community.",url:"Mailto:reeseramsey@my.unt.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"reeseramsey@my.unt.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado":{id:"ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-104.69563,40.40395]]},name:"UNCO Geography and GIS Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado",extendedDescription:"Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld",url:"www.facebook.com/groups/476365076071166/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"uncogeoggisclub@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Oregon":{id:"ym-University-of-Oregon",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-123.04688,44.02421]]},name:"Map by Northwest",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon",extendedDescription:"Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures.",url:"http://blogs.uoregon.edu/mxnw/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"cbone@uoregon.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Panama":{id:"ym-University-of-Panama",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-79.54102,9.01527]]},name:"YouthMappers UP",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama",extendedDescription:"Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to help identify, define, address, and create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives.",url:"mailto:Youthmappers.up@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"youthmappers.up@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt":{id:"ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[6.92037,4.90173]]},name:"UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Port Harcourt",extendedDescription:"UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port Harcourt is an action group and a team of volunteers for a collaborative online mapping targeted at training and empowering members with trending mapping skills to create open geospatial data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges for geoinformation and to provide humanitarian mapping services to resilient communities in Niger Delta,Nigeria and elsewhere.We promote Crowdsoucred Mapping and Geographic information volunteering using OpenStreetMap(OSM) platform and other accessible platforms for Rapid Response Mapping,Disaster Mapping,Geo-intelligence Mapping,Map updates and training.Its an affiliate Campus chapter of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team(HOT).It is a project-task team of YouthMappers that provide opportunity for members to learn and improve their skills in Geoinformatics so as to explore global opportunities in the field of Mapping and Geoinformation.",url:"https://web.facebook.com/uniquemappersteamportharcourt/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"victor.sunday@uniport.edu.ng"}]},"ym-University-of-Pretoria":{id:"ym-University-of-Pretoria",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[28.21289,-25.72063]]},name:"Centre for Geoinformation Science",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria",extendedDescription:"The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's Centre for Geoinformation Science, a platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad.",url:"http://www.up.ac.za/cgis",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"cgis-info@kendy.up.ac.za"}]},"ym-University-of-Redlands":{id:"ym-University-of-Redlands",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-117.16339,34.06295]]},name:"URSpatial Geo-Thinkers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands",extendedDescription:"To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events.",url:"mailto:nathan_strout@redlands.edu",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"nathan_strout@redlands.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus":{id:"ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[29.7397,-2.61509]]},name:"Rwanda YouthMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Rwanda - Huye Campus",extendedDescription:"Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organized as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/Rwanda-YouthMappers",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"erneruz@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-South-Carolina":{id:"ym-University-of-South-Carolina",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-81.03516,34.01609]]},name:"Geography Graduate Student Association",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina",extendedDescription:"The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines.",url:"https://carolinaggsa.wordpress.com/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"carolina_ggsa@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Southern-California":{id:"ym-University-of-Southern-California",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-118.30078,34.01609]]},name:"SC Mappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California",extendedDescription:"We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!",url:"mailto:scmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20USC",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"scmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Vermont":{id:"ym-University-of-Vermont",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-73.21289,44.46493]]},name:"University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont",url:"https://www.facebook.com/UVMHMC",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"uvm.hmc@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Victoria":{id:"ym-University-of-Victoria",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-123.31186,48.46321]]},name:"Society of Geography Students",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria",extendedDescription:"SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus",url:"https://www.facebook.com/SOGSUVic/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"sogsmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Warwick":{id:"ym-University-of-Warwick",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-1.56119,52.37905]]},name:"University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick",extendedDescription:"We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled.",url:"mailto:p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk"}]},"ym-University-of-Wyoming":{id:"ym-University-of-Wyoming",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-105.56651,41.31476]]},name:"Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming",url:"http://www.uwyo.edu/geography/geographyclub/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"gtu-geography@uwyo.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Zimbabwe":{id:"ym-University-of-Zimbabwe",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[31.05466,-17.78467]]},name:"UZMappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe",extendedDescription:"UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/Uzmappersteam-Zimbabwe-246038666256392/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"uzmappersteam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute":{id:"ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[121.06,14.65]]},name:"YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute",extendedDescription:"The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to Open Street Maps.",url:"https://www.facebook.com/UP-Resillience-Institute-Youth-Mappers-123477508533225",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"llnguyen@up.edu.ph"}]},"ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus":{id:"ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-76.74601,18.00629]]},name:"Libraries Outreach - ODL",description:"YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus",extendedDescription:"The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students.",url:"mailto:benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm"}]},"ym-Vassar-College":{id:"ym-Vassar-College",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-73.89515,41.68658]]},name:"Hudson Valley Mappers",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College",extendedDescription:"Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts.",url:"http://pages.vassar.edu/gis/vassar-youthmappers/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"geo@vassar.edu"}]},"ym-Villanova-University":{id:"ym-Villanova-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-75.34361,40.03714]]},name:"The Villanova Globeplotters",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University",extendedDescription:"The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level.",url:"mailto:villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com"}]},"ym-West-Virginia-University":{id:"ym-West-Virginia-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-79.98047,39.63936]]},name:"Maptime Morgantown",description:"YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University",extendedDescription:"Working as a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world.",url:"mailto:MaptimeMorgantown@gmail.com?subject=Maptime%20Morgantown%20from%20YouthMappers%20website",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"maptimemorgantown@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Western-Michigan-University":{id:"ym-Western-Michigan-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[-85.61042,42.28342]]},name:"Geography Club",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University",url:"http://www.facebook.com/groups/WMUGeographyClub/",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"wmu.geog.club@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Yarmouk-University":{id:"ym-Yarmouk-University",type:"youthmappers",locationSet:{include:[[35.85811,32.53652]]},name:"YouthMappers at YU",description:"YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University",extendedDescription:"YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region.",url:"mailto:rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo",contacts:[{name:"Organizer",email:"rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo"}]}}; + + exports.features = features; + exports.resources = resources; + + Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); + +}))); diff --git a/dist/resources.json b/dist/resources.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1755414b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/resources.json @@ -0,0 +1,458 @@ +{ + "resources": { + "Bahia-telegram": {"id": "Bahia-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["bahia.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Bahia Telegram Group", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Bahia community on Telegram", "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", "url": "https://t.me/OSMBA", "contacts": [{"name": "Wille Marcel", "email": "wille@wille.blog.br"}]}, + "Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers": {"id": "Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["sf_bay_area.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Bay Area OpenStreetMappers", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Bay Area", "extendedDescription": "This group is about growing the OpenStreetMap community here in the Bay Area. Our events are open to everyone, from open source enthusiasts, cyclists, GIS professionals, geocachers, and beyond. Anyone and everyone who is interested in maps, map making and free map data is welcome to join our group as well as attend our events.", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers/", "contacts": [{"name": "Ben Discoe", "email": "bdiscoe@gmail.com"}], "order": 5}, + "Central-Pennsylvania-OSM": {"id": "Central-Pennsylvania-OSM", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["central_pa.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Central Pennsylvania OSM", "description": "Online mapping community based out of State College, PA", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/CentralPennsylvaniaOSM", "contacts": [{"name": "Sterling Quinn", "email": "sdq107@psu.edu"}], "order": 3}, + "Code-for-San-Jose-Slack": {"id": "Code-for-San-Jose-Slack", "type": "slack", "locationSet": {"include": ["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Code for San Jose Slack", "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}, then join the #osm channel.", "url": "https://codeforsanjose.slack.com/", "signupUrl": "https://slackin-c4sj.herokuapp.com/", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM Bay Area mailing list", "email": "talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": 4}, + "DF-telegram": {"id": "DF-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["brasilia_df.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasília Telegram Group", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasília community on Telegram", "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", "url": "https://t.me/osmbsb", "contacts": [{"name": "Wille Marcel", "email": "wille@wille.blog.br"}]}, + "Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM": {"id": "Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM", "type": "osm", "locationSet": {"include": ["dfw_metro.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Dallas-Fort Worth OSM", "description": "The OpenStreetMap user group for Dallas-Fort Worth", "extendedDescription": "Dallas, Fort Worth, and all the cities in between are abounding with creative and tech-savvy people. The vision for this usergroup is to find new ways to use the amazing resource of OSM.", "url": "http://dfwosm.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "Andrew Matheny", "email": "andrewdmatheny@gmail.com"}]}, + "Galicia-Telegram": {"id": "Galicia-Telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["galicia.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["es", "gl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Galicia Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Telegram for Galicia", "url": "https://t.me/joinchat/AAHZsRBs-mY3hrquk2kpig"}, + "Galicia-Twitter": {"id": "Galicia-Twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["galicia.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["es", "gl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Galicia Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osmgalicia"}, + "GeoPhilly": {"id": "GeoPhilly", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["philly_metro.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "GeoPhilly", "description": "Meetup for map enthusiasts in the Philadelphia area", "extendedDescription": "GeoPhilly unites developers, geographers, data geeks, open source enthusiasts, civic hackers and map addicts in our shared love of maps and the stories they tell. If you use maps as part of your work or just want to learn more, this is the meetup for you! Our events aim to be open, friendly, educational and social and range from happy hours to lightning talks or even workshops. Come create a diverse, inspiring geospatial community in the Philadelphia with us!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/GeoPhilly/", "contacts": [{"name": "Dan Ford", "email": "dford@azavea.com"}], "order": 5}, + "MapColabora-mailinglist": {"id": "MapColabora-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.8860231, 41.6568048]]}, "name": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza", "description": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Mailing list", "url": "https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21forum/mapeado-colaborativo", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}], "order": 1}, + "MapColabora-meetup": {"id": "MapColabora-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.8860231, 41.6568048]]}, "name": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza", "description": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Meetup page", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/mapcolabora/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}], "order": 5}, + "MapColabora-twitter": {"id": "MapColabora-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.8860231, 41.6568048]]}, "name": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza", "description": "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Twitter Account", "url": "https://www.twitter.com/MapColabora", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}], "order": 4}, + "MapMinnesota": {"id": "MapMinnesota", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "MapMinnesota", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Twin Cities area", "extendedDescription": "Connecting OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in Minnesota and the Twin Cities!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Map-Minnesota/", "contacts": [{"name": "Ian Dees", "email": "ian.dees@gmail.com"}], "order": 5}, + "Mapping-DC-meetup": {"id": "Mapping-DC-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["dc_metro.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Mapping DC", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area", "extendedDescription": "We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. We gather every other month at meetups to focus on one area of our city.", "url": "https://mappingdc.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "Brian DeRocher", "email": "brian@derocher.org"}], "order": 5}, + "MappingWR": {"id": "MappingWR", "type": "slack", "locationSet": {"include": [[-80.4925, 43.4518]]}, "name": "MappingWR", "description": "Making low carbon routes around Waterloo Region easy to find.", "url": "https://mappingwr.slack.com/", "signupUrl": "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUswpQfyzwQugdLugtYh4WTMTce0EEjrnOS6xhQ416V4BFHg/viewform", "contacts": [{"name": "David Trueman", "email": "dwtrueman@gmail.com"}]}, + "Maptime-Bogota": {"id": "Maptime-Bogota", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["bogota.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "Maptime Bogotá", "description": "We're a group of mappers interested in mapping in OpenStreetMap around Bogotá.", "extendedDescription": "Learn to collect data in the field and digitize onto OpenStreetMap. It is not necessary to have previous knowledge! You just need the desire to participate, learn, and have fun.", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Maptime-Colombia-OSM/", "contacts": [{"name": "Andrés Gómez Casanova", "email": "angoca@gmail.com"}], "order": 5}, + "Maptime-ME-meetup": {"id": "Maptime-ME-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["portland_me.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "MaptimeME", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, around Portland, ME", "extendedDescription": "Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation using mapping tools and technologies.", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/MaptimeME/", "contacts": [{"name": "Malcolm Toon", "email": "malcolm@foreflight.com"}], "order": 5}, + "Maptime-Oceania-Slack": {"id": "Maptime-Oceania-Slack", "type": "slack", "locationSet": {"include": ["009"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Maptime Oceania Slack", "description": "Sign up at {signupUrl}", "url": "https://maptimeoceania.slack.com", "signupUrl": "https://bit.ly/maptimeau", "contacts": [{"name": "David Dean", "email": "ddean@ieee.org"}, {"name": "Philip Mallis", "email": "philip.mallis@unimelb.edu.au"}, {"name": "Edoardo Neerhut", "email": "ed@mapillary.com"}], "order": 3}, + "MaptimeHRVA-twitter": {"id": "MaptimeHRVA-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["hrva.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "MaptimeHRVA Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/maptimehrva", "contacts": [{"name": "Jonah Adkins", "email": "jonahadkins@gmail.com"}]}, + "Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup": {"id": "Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup", "type": "group", "locationSet": {"include": ["east_midlands.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "East Midlands (Nottingham) Monthly pub meet-up", "description": "Social gathering for East Midlands mappers and users", "extendedDescription": "A group have been meeting since March 2011, initially in Nottingham, and, more recently in Derby, and from time to time elsewhere in the East Midlands. These are social gatherings, but are an excellent place to come and ask specific questions about OSM either in the area or in general. In the summer months we usually do some light mapping for an hour in the vicinity of our meeting place. The group as a whole has a special interest in mapping public rights of way and from time to time has mapping meetings for this purpose.", "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nottingham/Pub_Meetup", "contacts": [{"name": "Jerry Clough", "email": "SK53.osm@gmail.com"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-AR-facebook": {"id": "OSM-AR-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Facebook", "extendedDescription": "News from the local community", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMapArgentina/", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-AR-forum": {"id": "OSM-AR-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum", "extendedDescription": "Ideal for long or important discussions. Slow response time.", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=49", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}], "order": -2}, + "OSM-AR-irc": {"id": "OSM-AR-irc", "type": "irc", "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC", "description": "Join #osm-ar on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", "extendedDescription": "You may find the most geeky user in the community.", "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ar", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}], "order": -4}, + "OSM-AR-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-AR-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "Talk-ar Mailing List", "description": "Historic mailing list. Almost unused today.", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ar/", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-AR-telegram": {"id": "OSM-AR-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Telegram", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Telegram", "extendedDescription": "The most active channel in the community, ideal for chatting and getting answers to your questions instantly. Everyone is welcome!", "url": "https://telegram.me/osm_ar", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-AR-twitter": {"id": "OSM-AR-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "extendedDescription": "News from the local community and OpenStreetMap in general.", "url": "https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapAr", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-Asia-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-Asia-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["142"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Asia Mailinglist", "description": "Talk-asia is the official Mailinglist for Asian Community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-asia", "contacts": [{"name": "Erwin Olario", "email": "govvin@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-BGD-facebook": {"id": "OSM-BGD-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["bd"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Bangladesh", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Bangladesh", "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Bangladesh? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmbd/", "contacts": [{"name": "Ahasanul Hoque", "email": "hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}], "order": 3, "events": [{"id": "sotmasia2019", "i18n": true, "name": "State of the Map Asia 2019", "description": "Join the 2019 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in Dhaka", "where": "Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh", "when": "2019-11-01", "url": "http://stateofthemap.asia/"}]}, + "OSM-BO-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-BO-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["bo"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "Talk-bo Mailing List", "description": "Talk-bo is the official mailing list for the Bolivian OpenStreetMap community", "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Bolivia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-bo/", "contacts": [{"name": "Marco Antonio", "email": "marcoantoniofrias@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-BiH-telegram": {"id": "OSM-BiH-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["ba"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap BiH Telegram", "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Bosnia and Herzegovina community: {url}", "url": "https://t.me/osmbih", "order": 5}, + "OSM-Boston": {"id": "OSM-Boston", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["boston_metro.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Boston", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Boston area", "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap is the free and open, wiki-style map of the world, with hundreds of thousands of contributions every day from people like you. Editing the map is simple, and fun! Join us both indoors and outdoors in our effort to create the best map of the Boston area and the rest of the world!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Boston/", "contacts": [{"name": "Lars Ahlzen", "email": "lars@ahlzen.com"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-CA-Slack": {"id": "OSM-CA-Slack", "type": "slack", "locationSet": {"include": ["ca"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "fr"], "name": "OSM-CA Slack", "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}.", "url": "https://osm-ca.slack.com/", "signupUrl": "https://slackinviteosmcanada.herokuapp.com/", "contacts": [{"name": "Denis Carriere", "email": "carriere.denis@gmail.com"}], "order": 4}, + "OSM-CA-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-CA-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["ca"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "fr"], "name": "OSM-CA mailing list", "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Canada.", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ca"}, + "OSM-CA-telegram": {"id": "OSM-CA-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["ca"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "fr"], "name": "@osmca on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Canada Telegram chat", "url": "https://t.me/osmca"}, + "OSM-CL-facebook": {"id": "OSM-CL-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Facebook", "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap-Chile-145127198882915/", "contacts": [{"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-CL-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-CL-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "Talk-cl Mailing List", "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Chile", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cl/", "contacts": [{"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-CL-telegram": {"id": "OSM-CL-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Telegram", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Telegram", "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", "url": "https://t.me/OSMcl", "contacts": [{"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}]}, + "OSM-CL-twitter": {"id": "OSM-CL-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osmCL", "contacts": [{"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}]}, + "OSM-CN-telegram": {"id": "OSM-CN-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["cn"]}, "languageCodes": ["zh"], "name": "OpenStreetMap China Telegram", "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Chinese community: {url}", "url": "https://t.me/osmchina", "order": 5}, + "OSM-CO": {"id": "OSM-CO", "type": "group", "locationSet": {"include": ["co"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Colombia", "description": "News of the OpenStreetMap Colombia community and the OSMCo Foundation", "url": "https://blog.openstreetmap.co/s657", "contacts": [{"name": "Fredy Rivera", "email": "fredyrivera@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-CO-facebook": {"id": "OSM-CO-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["co"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Colombia Facebook", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Colombia community on Facebook", "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Everyone is welcome!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/OsmCol/", "contacts": [{"name": "Fredy Rivera", "email": "fredyrivera@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-CO-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-CO-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["co"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "Talk-co Mailing List", "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Colombia", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-co/", "contacts": [{"name": "Fredy Rivera", "email": "fredyrivera@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-CO-telegram": {"id": "OSM-CO-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["co"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OSM Colombia on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Colombia Telegram chat", "url": "https://telegram.me/osmco", "contacts": [{"name": "Fredy Rivera", "email": "fredyrivera@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-CO-twitter": {"id": "OSM-CO-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["co"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Colombia Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapCo", "contacts": [{"name": "Fredy Rivera", "email": "fredyrivera@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-CU-telegram": {"id": "OSM-CU-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["cu"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OSM Cuba on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Cuba Telegram chat", "url": "https://telegram.me/OSM_Cuba", "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-cu Owner", "email": "talk-cu-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]}, + "OSM-CZ-telegram": {"id": "OSM-CZ-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["cz"]}, "languageCodes": ["cs", "en", "sk"], "name": "OpenStreetMap CZ Telegram", "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Czech community: {url}", "url": "https://t.me/OSM_cz", "order": 5}, + "OSM-Central-Salish-Sea": {"id": "OSM-Central-Salish-Sea", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["mt_vernon_wa.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Mount Vernon, WA", "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap is an map of the world made by people like you. It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more. We meet all the time to talk maps, make maps and have fun!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Central-Salish-Sea/", "contacts": [{"name": "Clifford Snow", "email": "clifford@snowandsnow.us"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-Chattanooga": {"id": "OSM-Chattanooga", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["chattanooga.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OSM Chattanooga", "description": "The OpenStreetMap user group for Chattanooga", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/123483951073256", "contacts": [{"name": "Jenny Park", "email": "tennessee@tpl.org"}, {"name": "Randal Hale", "email": "rjhale@northrivergeographic.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-Colorado": {"id": "OSM-Colorado", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["colorado.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Colorado", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Colorado, USA", "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Colorado/", "contacts": [{"name": "Russell Deffner", "email": "russdeffner@gmail.com"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-Discord": {"id": "OSM-Discord", "type": "discord", "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Discord", "description": "Get in touch with other mappers via Discord", "url": "https://discord.gg/SRZUYUz", "contacts": [{"name": "Austin Harrison", "email": "jaustinharrison@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-EC-telegram": {"id": "OSM-EC-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["ec"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OSM Ecuador on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Ecuador Telegram chat", "url": "https://telegram.me/MappingEcuador", "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-ec Owner", "email": "talk-ec-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]}, + "OSM-ES-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-ES-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["es"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "Talk-es mailing list", "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Spain", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es", "contacts": [{"name": "Iván Sánchez", "email": "ivansanchez@escomposlinux.org"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-ES-telegram": {"id": "OSM-ES-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["es"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "@OSMes on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Spain Telegram chat", "url": "https://t.me/OSMes", "contacts": [{"name": "Jorge Sanz", "email": "sanchi2@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-Facebook": {"id": "OSM-Facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap on Facebook", "description": "Like us on Facebook for news and updates about OpenStreetMap.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap", "contacts": [{"name": "Harry Wood", "email": "mail@harrywood.co.uk"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-IDN-facebook": {"id": "OSM-IDN-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["id"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Indonesia", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Indonesia", "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Indonesia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osm.id/", "contacts": [{"name": "Yantisa Akhadi", "email": "yantisa.akhadi@hotosm.org"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-IRC": {"id": "OSM-IRC", "type": "irc", "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap IRC", "description": "Join #osm on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm", "contacts": [{"name": "Harry Wood", "email": "mail@harrywood.co.uk"}], "order": -4}, + "OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook": {"id": "OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": [[79.7324, 11.9142]]}, "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook", "description": "FSHM Facebook page to know about community events, activities", "extendedDescription": "FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap. Its FB page is the best way to keep in contact with its events.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/FSHMP", "contacts": [{"name": "Kamalavelan", "email": "sskamalavelan@gmail.com", "osm": "demonshreder"}, {"name": "Prasanna", "email": "prasmailme@gmail.com", "osm": "Prashere"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix": {"id": "OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix", "type": "matrix", "locationSet": {"include": [[79.7324, 11.9142]]}, "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix", "description": "FSHM Riot group to discuss, share and update mapping activities, events in and around Puducherry", "extendedDescription": "FSHM community members share their OSM mapping updates / experiences through the Riot.im group, this group is also used to discuss things related to free software / hardware, technology and activism.", "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/#fshm:matrix.org", "contacts": [{"name": "Kamalavelan", "email": "sskamalavelan@gmail.com", "osm": "demonshreder"}, {"name": "Prasanna", "email": "prasmailme@gmail.com", "osm": "Prashere"}]}, + "OSM-India-facebook": {"id": "OSM-India-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in India", "extendedDescription": "Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/mappingindia/", "contacts": [{"name": "Jinal Foflia", "email": "fofliajinal@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Arun Ganesh", "email": "arun.planemad@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-Japan-telegram": {"id": "OSM-Japan-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["jp"]}, "languageCodes": ["ja"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Japan Telegram", "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Japan community: {url}", "url": "https://t.me/osmjapan", "contacts": [{"name": "OSMF Japan", "email": "info@osmf.jp"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-Kerala-facebook": {"id": "OSM-Kerala-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["india_kerala.geojson"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Kerala - Participatory neighborhood mapping", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Kerala", "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Kerala ? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", "url": "https://facebook.com/osmkerala/", "contacts": [{"name": "Manoj Karingamadathil", "email": "dartermanoj@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Jaisen Nedumpala", "email": "jaisuvyas@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-Korea-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-Korea-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["kp", "kr"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "ko"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Korea Mailinglist", "description": "Talk-ko is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Korea", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ko", "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-ko-owner", "email": "talk-ko-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-Korea-telegram": {"id": "OSM-Korea-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["kp", "kr"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "ko"], "name": "OSM Korea Telegram", "description": "Unofficial Group for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities, and users in Korea to share and discuss.", "url": "https://t.me/osmKorea", "contacts": [{"name": "Yongmin Hong", "email": "revi@pobox.com"}, {"name": "Max N", "email": "abonnements@revolwear.com"}]}, + "OSM-MMR-facebook": {"id": "OSM-MMR-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["mm"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Myanmar", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Myanmar", "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Myanmar? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmmm/", "contacts": [{"name": "Yan Naung Oak", "email": "yan@phandeeyar.org"}, {"name": "Patrick Oswald", "email": "patrickoswald.omm@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Set Khaing Oo", "email": "setkhaing@phandeeyar.org"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-MNG-facebook": {"id": "OSM-MNG-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["mn"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Mongolia", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Mongolia", "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Mongolia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/OSM.Mongolia/", "contacts": [{"name": " ", "email": "talk-mn@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-MY-facebook": {"id": "OSM-MY-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["my"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "ms"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Malaysia on Facebook", "description": "For chat about anything related to OpenStreetMap!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/openstreetmapMY/", "contacts": [{"name": "Mohd Saidin", "email": "projekopenstreetmap@hotmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-MY-forum": {"id": "OSM-MY-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["my"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "ms"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum", "description": "Official OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=60", "contacts": [{"name": "Mohd Saidin", "email": "projekopenstreetmap@hotmail.com"}], "order": -2}, + "OSM-MY-matrix": {"id": "OSM-MY-matrix", "type": "matrix", "locationSet": {"include": ["my"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "ms"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Malaysia Riot channel", "description": "All mappers are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}", "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/#OpenstreetmapMalaysia:matrix.org", "signupUrl": "https://riot.im/app/#/register", "contacts": [{"name": "Ahmad Amsyar", "email": "OfficiallyAhmad@protonmail.ch"}]}, + "OSM-Nepal-facebook": {"id": "OSM-Nepal-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["np"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Nepal", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Nepal", "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Nepal? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/mapkathmandu/", "contacts": [{"name": "Kshitiz Khanal", "email": "khanal1990@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-Ottawa-meetup": {"id": "OSM-Ottawa-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["ottawa_gatineau.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "fr"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Ottawa", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Ottawa area", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/openstreetmap-ottawa/", "contacts": [{"name": "Denis Carriere", "email": "carriere.denis@gmail.com"}, {"name": "John Marshall", "email": "rps333@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-PE": {"id": "OSM-PE", "type": "osm", "locationSet": {"include": ["pe"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Peru", "description": "News and resources for the OpenStreetMap Peru community", "url": "http://osmpe.ourproject.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "Diego Sangunietti", "email": "diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"}, {"name": "Ruben Lopez M.", "email": "rub2106@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-PE-facebook": {"id": "OSM-PE-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["pe"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Peru Facebook", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Peru community on Facebook", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Osmpe", "contacts": [{"name": "Diego Sangunietti", "email": "diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"}, {"name": "Ruben Lopez M.", "email": "rub2106@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-PE-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-PE-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["pe"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "Talk-pe Mailing List", "description": "The official mailing list for the OpenStreetMap Peru community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-pe/", "contacts": [{"name": "Diego Sangunietti", "email": "diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"}, {"name": "Ruben Lopez M.", "email": "rub2106@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-PE-matrix": {"id": "OSM-PE-matrix", "type": "matrix", "locationSet": {"include": ["pe"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Peru Matrix Chat", "description": "Chat with other members of the OpenStreetMap Peru community in Matrix.", "url": "https://matrix.to/#/#osmpe:matrix.org", "contacts": [{"name": "Diego Sangunietti", "email": "diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"}, {"name": "Ruben Lopez M.", "email": "rub2106@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-PE-telegram": {"id": "OSM-PE-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["pe"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Peru Telegram", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Peru community on Telegram", "url": "https://telegram.me/osmPe", "contacts": [{"name": "Diego Sangunietti", "email": "diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"}, {"name": "Ruben Lopez M.", "email": "rub2106@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-PE-twitter": {"id": "OSM-PE-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["pe"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Peru Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osmpe", "contacts": [{"name": "Diego Sangunietti", "email": "diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"}, {"name": "Ruben Lopez M.", "email": "rub2106@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-PH-facebook": {"id": "OSM-PH-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["ph"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap PH Facebook", "description": "Welcome to OpenStreetMap Philippines, where we encourage all fellow Filipinos to contribute to the OpenStreetMap project.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OSMPH/", "contacts": [{"name": "Maning Sambale", "email": "emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"}, {"name": "OSM PH Group", "email": "osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-PH-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-PH-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["ph"]}, "name": "Talk-ph Mailing List", "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in the Philippines", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ph/", "contacts": [{"name": "Maning Sambale", "email": "emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"}, {"name": "OSM PH Group", "email": "osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-PH-slack": {"id": "OSM-PH-slack", "type": "slack", "locationSet": {"include": ["ph"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap PH Slack", "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}", "url": "https://osmph.slack.com", "signupUrl": "https://osmph-chat.herokuapp.com/", "contacts": [{"name": "Maning Sambale", "email": "emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"}, {"name": "OSM PH Group", "email": "osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}], "order": 4}, + "OSM-PH-telegram": {"id": "OSM-PH-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["ph"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "tl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap PH Telegram", "description": "Un-official, Telegram local community of OpenStreetMap contributors and friends in the Philippines", "url": "https://t.me/osmph", "contacts": [{"name": "Erwin Olario", "email": "govvin@gmail.com"}, {"name": "OSM PH Group", "email": "osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-PL-facebook-group": {"id": "OSM-PL-facebook-group", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["pl"]}, "languageCodes": ["pl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Poland Facebook group", "description": "Group for mappers and users of OpenStreetMap in Poland", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/500589303317858/", "contacts": [{"name": "Michał Brzozowski", "email": "www.haxor@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-PL-forum": {"id": "OSM-PL-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["pl"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "pl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Poland Forum", "description": "Forum of Polish OpenStreetMap community", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=23", "contacts": [{"name": "Daniel Koć", "email": "daniel@xn--ko-wla.pl"}, {"name": "Ryszard Mikke", "email": "ryszard.mikke@gmail.com"}], "order": 10}, + "OSM-PY-telegram": {"id": "OSM-PY-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["py"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OSM Paraguay on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Paraguay Telegram chat", "url": "https://telegram.me/osm_py", "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-py Owner", "email": "talk-py-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]}, + "OSM-Portland": {"id": "OSM-Portland", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["portland_or.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Portland", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area", "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world made by people like you. It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more, and come join us at a meetup to talk maps, contribute to OSM, and have fun!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Portland/", "contacts": [{"name": "Madeline Steele", "email": "madeline.steele@gmail.com"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-Portland-forum": {"id": "OSM-Portland-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["portland_or.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group", "description": "Forum and mailing list for OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area", "extendedDescription": "This group is to facilitate improvements to OpenStreetMap in the Portland, Oregon area to support applications such as the Open Trip Planner.", "url": "https://groups.google.com/group/osm-pdx", "contacts": [{"name": "Madeline Steele", "email": "madeline.steele@gmail.com"}], "order": -2}, + "OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List": {"id": "OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": [[79.7324, 11.9142]]}, "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Mailing List", "description": "FSHM Puducherry mailing list to discuss mapping in Puducherry and other things.", "extendedDescription": "FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap.", "url": "https://www.freelists.org/archive/puduvailug/", "signupUrl": "https://www.freelists.org/list/puduvailug", "contacts": [{"name": "Kamalavelan", "email": "sskamalavelan@gmail.com", "osm": "demonshreder"}, {"name": "Prasanna", "email": "prasmailme@gmail.com", "osm": "Prashere"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-RU-forum": {"id": "OSM-RU-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["ru"]}, "languageCodes": ["ru"], "name": "OpenStreetMap RU forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap Russia web forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=21", "contacts": [{"name": "Ilya Zverev", "email": "ilya@zverev.info"}], "order": -2}, + "OSM-RU-telegram": {"id": "OSM-RU-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["ru"]}, "languageCodes": ["ru"], "name": "OpenStreetMap RU telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Russia telegram chat", "url": "https://t.me/ruosm", "contacts": [{"name": "Ilya Zverev", "email": "ilya@zverev.info"}]}, + "OSM-Reddit": {"id": "OSM-Reddit", "type": "reddit", "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap on Reddit", "description": "/r/openstreetmap/ is a great place to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Ask us anything!", "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/openstreetmap/", "contacts": [{"name": "Serge Wroclawski", "email": "emacsen@gmail.com"}], "order": 2}, + "OSM-Rome-meetup": {"id": "OSM-Rome-meetup", "type": "group", "locationSet": {"include": ["roma-capitale.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["it"], "name": "Incontro Mappatori Romani", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Rome area", "extendedDescription": "We aim to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Lazio.", "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Rome/Incontro", "contacts": [{"name": "Martin Koppenhoefer", "email": "dieterdreist@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-Seattle": {"id": "OSM-Seattle", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["seattle.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Seattle", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Seattle area", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Seattle/", "contacts": [{"name": "Clifford Snow", "email": "clifford@snowandsnow.us"}, {"name": "Chase Stephens", "email": "seattlefyi@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Paul McCombs", "email": "pablo@imperium.org"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-SoCal": {"id": "OSM-SoCal", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["la_metro.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Southern California", "description": "Let's have some fun, contribute something to Los Angeles, and learn about mapping!", "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California is for anyone interested in mapping to get together to work with OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia of maps, is a free open-source map of the world being created by more than 1,000,000 volunteers around the globe. Everyone is welcome. If you don't know OpenStreetMap, we'll teach you. If you have an idea for a mapping project or even a field trip that the group can do, great!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Southern-California/", "contacts": [{"name": "Charlotte Wolter", "email": "techlady@techlady.com"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-South-Bay": {"id": "OSM-South-Bay", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OSM South Bay", "description": "Map Nights hosted by Code for San Jose", "extendedDescription": "Code for San Jose, the local Code for America brigade, hosts monthly Map Nights on Thursday nights in downtown San José. Meet fellow South Bay mappers, help out with local mapping projects, and hear about other civic tech projects. Programming and GIS skills are not required.", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Code-for-San-Jose/", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM Bay Area mailing list", "email": "talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-TH-CNX-meetup": {"id": "OSM-TH-CNX-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["thailand_cnx.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OSM Meetup Chiang Mai", "description": "Irregular meeting of the OpenStreetMap community in Chiang Mai", "extendedDescription": "Members of the OpenStreetMap community meet every few months in Chiang Mai. Get in contact and check out {url} to see when the next meetup is scheduled", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46", "contacts": [{"name": "Team Chiang Mai", "email": "meetup-cnx@openstreetmap.in.th"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-TH-facebook": {"id": "OSM-TH-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["th"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "th"], "name": "OpenStreetMap TH Facebook group", "description": "Facebook group for OpenStreetMappers in Thailand", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/thaiosm/", "contacts": [{"name": "Theppitak Karoonboonyanan", "email": "theppitak@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-TH-forum": {"id": "OSM-TH-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["th"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "th"], "name": "OpenStreetMap TH forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap Thailand web forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46", "contacts": [{"name": "Stephan Knauss", "email": "osm@stephans-server.de"}], "order": -2}, + "OSM-TW-facebook": {"id": "OSM-TW-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["tw"]}, "languageCodes": ["zh-tw"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community", "description": "Facebook Group for Mappers and OpenStreetMap users to discuss matters about Taiwan.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenStreetMap.TW/", "contacts": [{"name": "Nobody 沒有人 (Public mail)", "email": "hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-TW-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-TW-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["tw"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "zh-tw"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailinglist", "description": "Talk-tw is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Taiwan", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-tw", "contacts": [{"name": "Nobody 沒有人 (Public email)", "email": "hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-TW-telegram": {"id": "OSM-TW-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["tw"]}, "languageCodes": ["zh-tw"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Telegram", "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Taiwan community: {url}", "url": "https://t.me/OSMTaiwan", "contacts": [{"name": "Nobody 沒有人 (Public mail)", "email": "hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-Tampa-Bay": {"id": "OSM-Tampa-Bay", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["tampa_bay.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Tampa Bay area", "extendedDescription": "OSM Tampa Bay group for local residents to get together and build out the definitive map of Tampa Bay with OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world. If you're into maps, data, open source, GPS, hiking, cycling, et cetera, you'll love working with OpenStreetMap -- so join in! We'll get together and map and talk about new topics once-a-month or so.", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/osmtampabay/", "contacts": [{"name": "Coleman McCormick", "email": "cmccormick@gmail.com"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-Telegram": {"id": "OSM-Telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Telegram", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Telegram global supergroup at {url}", "url": "https://t.me/OpenStreetMapOrg", "contacts": [{"name": "Max N", "email": "abonnements@revolwear.com"}]}, + "OSM-Twitter": {"id": "OSM-Twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/openstreetmap", "contacts": [{"name": "Harry Wood", "email": "mail@harrywood.co.uk"}]}, + "OSM-US": {"id": "OSM-US", "type": "group", "locationSet": {"include": ["us"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap US", "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in the United States.", "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap US here: {signupUrl}", "url": "https://www.openstreetmap.us/", "signupUrl": "https://www.openstreetmap.us/join", "contacts": [{"name": "Ian Dees", "email": "ian@openstreetmap.us"}, {"name": "Bryan Housel", "email": "bryan@openstreetmap.us"}]}, + "OSM-US-Slack": {"id": "OSM-US-Slack", "type": "slack", "locationSet": {"include": ["us"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap US Slack", "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}", "url": "https://osmus.slack.com", "signupUrl": "https://slack.openstreetmap.us/", "contacts": [{"name": "Ian Dees", "email": "ian@openstreetmap.us"}, {"name": "Clifford Snow", "email": "clifford@snowandsnow.us"}], "order": 4}, + "OSM-Utah": {"id": "OSM-Utah", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["salt_lake_city.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Utah", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Salt Lake City area", "extendedDescription": "Activities may include things like Learn To Map workshops, mapping parties and outdoor data collection. The events will take place in the SLC area, at least initially. We are looking for seasoned mappers as well as people new to OSM. Join and let's do some mapping!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Utah/", "contacts": [{"name": "Martijn van Exel", "email": "m@rtijn.org"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-Wyoming": {"id": "OSM-Wyoming", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["wyoming.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Wyoming", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Wyoming", "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Wyoming/", "contacts": [{"name": "Russell Deffner", "email": "russdeffner@gmail.com"}], "order": 5}, + "OSM-br-discord": {"id": "OSM-br-discord", "type": "discord", "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, "languageCodes": ["pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Discord", "url": "https://discord.gg/bQn4aCm", "contacts": [{"name": "Eduardo Addad de Oliveira", "email": "duduaddad@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-br-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-br-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, "languageCodes": ["pt"], "name": "Talk-br Mailing List", "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Brazil", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-br/", "contacts": [{"name": "Arlindo Pereira", "email": "nighto@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-br-telegram": {"id": "OSM-br-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, "languageCodes": ["pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Telegram", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Telegram", "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", "url": "https://t.me/OSMBrasil_Comunidade", "contacts": [{"name": "Vitor George", "email": "vitor.george@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-br-twitter": {"id": "OSM-br-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, "languageCodes": ["pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapBR", "contacts": [{"name": "Wille Marcel", "email": "wille@wille.blog.br"}]}, + "OSM-help": {"id": "OSM-help", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Help", "description": "Ask a question and get answers on OSM's community-driven question and answer site.", "extendedDescription": "{url} is for everyone who needs help with OpenStreetMap. Whether you are a beginner mapper or have a technical question, we're here to help!", "url": "https://help.openstreetmap.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "OSMF Operations", "email": "operations@osmfoundation.org"}], "order": -2}, + "OSM-india-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-india-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap India Mailinglist", "description": "Talk-in is the official Mailinglist for Indian Community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-in", "contacts": [{"name": "Arun Ganesh", "email": "arun.planemad@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-india-twitter": {"id": "OSM-india-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap India Twitter", "description": "We are just a tweet away: {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osm_in", "contacts": [{"name": "Jinal Foflia", "email": "fofliajinal@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-japan-facebook": {"id": "OSM-japan-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["jp"]}, "languageCodes": ["ja"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Japan Community", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in Japan", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmjapan/", "contacts": [{"name": "Satoshi IIDA", "email": "nyampire@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSM-japan-mailinglist": {"id": "OSM-japan-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["jp"]}, "languageCodes": ["ja"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Japan Mailinglist", "description": "Talk-ja is an Official Mailinglist for Japanese Community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ja", "contacts": [{"name": "OSMF Japan", "email": "info@osmf.jp"}], "order": -3}, + "OSM-japan-twitter": {"id": "OSM-japan-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["jp"]}, "languageCodes": ["ja"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Japan Twitter", "description": "Hashtag on Twitter: {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/hashtag/osmjp", "contacts": [{"name": "Satoshi IIDA", "email": "nyampire@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-japan-website": {"id": "OSM-japan-website", "type": "osm", "locationSet": {"include": ["jp"]}, "languageCodes": ["ja"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Japan", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in Japan", "url": "https://openstreetmap.jp/", "contacts": [{"name": "Satoshi IIDA", "email": "nyampire@gmail.com"}]}, + "OSM-sri-lanka-facebook": {"id": "OSM-sri-lanka-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["lk"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Sri Lanka", "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Sri Lanka? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/142058222659672/", "contacts": [{"name": "Karan Suthakaran", "email": "karansuthakaran@yahoo.com"}], "order": 3}, + "OSMF": {"id": "OSMF", "type": "osm", "locationSet": {"include": ["001"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "fr", "it", "ja", "nl", "ru"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Foundation", "description": "OSMF is a UK-based not-for-profit that supports the OpenStreetMap Project", "extendedDescription": "OSMF supports the OpenStreetMap by fundraising, maintaining the servers which power OSM, organizing the annual State of the Map conference, and coordinating the volunteers who keep OSM running. You can show your support and have a voice in the direction of OpenStreetMap by joining as an OSMF member here: {signupUrl}", "url": "https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Main_Page", "signupUrl": "https://join.osmfoundation.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "OSMF Board", "email": "board@osmfoundation.org"}], "events": [{"id": "sotm2020", "i18n": true, "name": "State of the Map 2020", "description": "Join us for 3 days in Cape Town, South Africa for the annual worldwide OpenStreetMap conference, bringing together everyone in the community to socialize, share, and learn.", "where": "Cape Town, South Africa", "when": "2020-jul-03", "url": "https://2020.stateofthemap.org/"}]}, + "OpenCleveland-meetup": {"id": "OpenCleveland-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["cleveland.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Open Cleveland", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Cleveland area", "extendedDescription": "Open Geo Cleveland aims to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Northeast Ohio. We're also a maptime chapter =)", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/open-cleveland/", "contacts": [{"name": "Will Skora", "email": "skorasaurus@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz", "email": "anastasia.diamond@gmail.com"}], "order": 5}, + "PHXGeo-meetup": {"id": "PHXGeo-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["phoenix.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "PHXGeo Meetup", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Phoenix, AZ area", "extendedDescription": "This is a meetup group for those in the Phoenix area who like maps, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartography and anything in between.", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/PHXGeo/", "contacts": [{"name": "Ryan Arp", "email": "ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"}], "order": 5}, + "PHXGeo-twitter": {"id": "PHXGeo-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["phoenix.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "PHXGeo Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/phxgeo", "contacts": [{"name": "Ryan Arp", "email": "ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"}]}, + "RS-telegram": {"id": "RS-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["riograndedosul.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul community on Telegram", "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", "url": "https://t.me/osmrs"}, + "South-Tyrol-Mailing-List": {"id": "South-Tyrol-Mailing-List", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["south-tyrol.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "it", "lld"], "name": "OpenStreetMap mailing list for South Tyrol", "description": "OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for South Tyrol", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-southtyrol", "contacts": [{"name": "Martin Raifer", "email": "tyr.asd@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "Trentino-Mailing-List": {"id": "Trentino-Mailing-List", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["trentino.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["it"], "name": "OpenStreetMap mailing list for Trentino", "description": "OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for Trentino", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-trentino", "contacts": [{"name": "Luca Delucchi", "email": "lucadeluge@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "Western-Slope-facebook": {"id": "Western-Slope-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["grand_junction_co.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Western Slope OSM Facebook", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/wsosm/", "contacts": [{"name": "Aaron Young", "email": "aaron@kaartgroup.com"}], "order": 3}, + "Western-Slope-meetup": {"id": "Western-Slope-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["grand_junction_co.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Western Slope OSM Meetup", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO", "extendedDescription": "The goal of this group is to introduce OpenStreetMap to the community, develop a community of mappers, create the most amazing geodata possible using whatever method we can and finally strategize in order to get this data out into our community. Imagine accurate trail signage! Imagine further development of bike paths! Imagine anything you want, that's the joy of OpenStreetMap!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Western-Slope-OpenStreetMap/", "contacts": [{"name": "Aaron Young", "email": "aaron@kaartgroup.com"}], "order": 5}, + "al-forum": {"id": "al-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["al"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], "name": "OSM Albania Forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap Albania Forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=91", "contacts": [{"name": "Jonathan Beliën", "email": "dev@jbelien.be"}, {"name": "Amanti Lulo", "email": "amanti.lulo@gmail.com"}], "order": -2}, + "al-maptime-tirana": {"id": "al-maptime-tirana", "type": "group", "locationSet": {"include": [[19.8156, 41.3305]]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], "name": "Maptime Tirana", "description": "Social events organized around mapping - beginners most welcome!", "extendedDescription": "Maptime is an open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge, offering intentional educational support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously flexible and structured, creating space for mapping tutorials, workshops, ongoing projects with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time.", "url": "http://maptime.io/tirana/", "contacts": [{"name": "Jonathan Beliën", "email": "dev@jbelien.be"}, {"name": "Amanti Lulo", "email": "amanti.lulo@gmail.com"}]}, + "al-telegram": {"id": "al-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["al"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], "name": "OSM Albania Telegram channel", "description": "OpenStreetMap Albania Telegram channel", "url": "https://telegram.me/OpenStreetMapAL", "contacts": [{"name": "Jonathan Beliën", "email": "dev@jbelien.be"}, {"name": "Amanti Lulo", "email": "amanti.lulo@gmail.com"}]}, + "al-twitter": {"id": "al-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["al"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Albania Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/Osm_Albania"}, + "at-forum": {"id": "at-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["at"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Austria Forum", "description": "The official forum for OpenStreetMap questions in and around Austria", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=89", "contacts": [{"name": "emga", "email": "emgaosm@gmail.com"}], "order": -2}, + "at-mailinglist": {"id": "at-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["at"]}, "languageCodes": ["de"], "name": "Talk-at Mailing List", "description": "Talk-at is the official mailing list for the Austrian OSM community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-at", "contacts": [{"name": "AT community", "email": "info@openstreetmap.at"}], "order": -3}, + "at-twitter": {"id": "at-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["at"]}, "languageCodes": ["de"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Austria Twitter", "description": "OpenStreetMap Austria On Twitter: {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osm_at", "contacts": [{"name": "AT Community", "email": "info@openstreetmap.at"}]}, + "be-chapter": {"id": "be-chapter", "type": "osm-lc", "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium Local Chapter", "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Belgium.", "extendedDescription": "If you want to help to improve and grow the mapping community in Belgium, to make even more people crazy about mapping, OpenStreetMap Belgium is the right place for you!", "url": "https://openstreetmap.be/", "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], "order": 1}, + "be-facebook": {"id": "be-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap BE Facebook Community", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Belgium", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/1419016881706058/", "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}]}, + "be-forum": {"id": "be-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap BE forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap Belgium web forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=29", "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], "order": 3}, + "be-irc": {"id": "be-irc", "type": "irc", "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium IRC", "description": "Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", "extendedDescription": "Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), it is bridged with the Matrix chat channel", "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osmbe", "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], "order": 2}, + "be-mailinglist": {"id": "be-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], "name": "Talk-be Mailing List", "description": "Talk-be is the official mailing list for the Belgian OSM community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be", "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], "order": 4}, + "be-matrix": {"id": "be-matrix", "type": "matrix", "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap BE Matrix channel", "description": "All mappers are welcome!", "extendedDescription": "Most talk is happening at the \"OpenStreetMap Belgium\" channel. You can ask anything there! The other rooms are for specific subjects.", "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/group/+osmbe:matrix.org", "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], "order": 6}, + "be-meetup": {"id": "be-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium Meetup", "description": "Real life meetups of everyone who is interested in OpenStreetMap", "extendedDescription": "Physical meetups are great to meet other mappers, ask them questions and to learn a lot. Especially new contributors are very welcome!", "url": "https://meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/", "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], "order": 5}, + "be-twitter": {"id": "be-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["be"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "nl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium Twitter", "description": "OSM Belgium on Twitter: @osm_be", "url": "https://twitter.com/osm_be", "contacts": [{"name": "BE community", "email": "community@osm.be"}], "order": 4}, + "bg-forum": {"id": "bg-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["bg"]}, "languageCodes": ["bg", "en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Bulgaria Forum", "description": "Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Bulgaria", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=57"}, + "bg-wiki": {"id": "bg-wiki", "type": "wiki", "locationSet": {"include": ["bg"]}, "languageCodes": ["bg", "en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Bulgaria", "description": "Wikiproject 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chapter of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. we love maps, open data and helping the vulnerable.", "url": "https://twitter.com/YouthmappersUCC", "contacts": [{"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "kwadzo459@gmail.com"}]}, + "ch-irc": {"id": "ch-irc", "type": "irc", "locationSet": {"include": ["ch"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "it"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Switzerland IRC", "description": "Join #osm-ch on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ch", "contacts": [{"name": "Swiss OpenStreetMap Association", "email": "board@sosm.ch"}], "order": -2}, + "ch-mailinglist": {"id": "ch-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["ch"]}, "name": "Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Mailing List", "description": "Mailing list for Switzerland", "url": "http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch", "order": 1}, + "ch-twitter": {"id": "ch-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["ch"]}, 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"dev@openstreetmap.cz"}]}, + "de-berlin-mailinglist": {"id": "de-berlin-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["de"], "name": "Berlin Mailing List", "description": "This is the mailing list for the Berlin OSM community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.de/listinfo/berlin", "contacts": [{"name": "FOSSGIS e.V.", "email": "info@fossgis.de"}], "order": -3}, + "de-berlin-meetup": {"id": "de-berlin-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["de"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburg Meetup", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Berlin area", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Berlin-Brandenburg/", "contacts": [{"name": "Christopher Lorenz", "email": "osm@lorenz.lu"}], "order": 5}, + "de-berlin-telegram": {"id": "de-berlin-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson"]}, 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{"include": ["de"]}, "languageCodes": ["de"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Germany Matrix", "description": "Join #osm-de:matrix.org at https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org", "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org", "contacts": [{"name": "Christopher Rossbach", "email": "public.cr@protonmail.ch"}], "order": 4}, + "de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist": {"id": "de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["de-ostwestfalen-lippe.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["de"], "name": "OWL Mailing List", "description": "This is the mailing list for the Ostwestfalen-Lippe OSM community", "url": "https://gt.owl.de/mailman/listinfo/osm", "contacts": [{"name": "Florian Lohoff", "email": "osm-owner@gt.owl.de"}], "order": -3}, + "de-telegram": {"id": "de-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["de"]}, "languageCodes": ["de"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram supergroup at {url}", "url": "https://t.me/OSM_de", "contacts": [{"name": "Max N", "email": "abonnements@revolwear.com"}]}, + "de-viersen-meetup": {"id": "de-viersen-meetup", "type": "osm", "locationSet": {"include": [[6.354282, 51.264137]]}, "languageCodes": ["de"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Viersen Meetup", "description": "OSM community and users meetup Kreis Viersen and Mönchengladbach", "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Niederrhein/Viersen/Stammtisch", "order": 5}, + "dk-forum": {"id": "dk-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["dk"]}, "languageCodes": ["da"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Denmark Web Forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap Denmark web forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=48", "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-dk-owner", "email": "talk-dk-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -2}, + "dk-irc": {"id": "dk-irc", "type": "irc", "locationSet": {"include": ["dk"]}, "languageCodes": ["da"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Denmark IRC", "description": "Join #osm-dk on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-dk", "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-dk-owner", "email": "talk-dk-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -4}, + "dk-mailinglist": {"id": "dk-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["dk"]}, "languageCodes": ["da"], "name": "Talk-dk Mailing List", "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Denmark", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-dk", "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-dk-owner", "email": "talk-dk-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -3}, + "es-twitter": {"id": "es-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["es"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap España Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/openstreetmapes"}, + "et-telegram": {"id": "et-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["et"]}, "name": "@OpenStreetMapEthiopia on Telegram", 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"contact@openstreetmap.fr"}], "order": 3}, + "fr-forum": {"id": "fr-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["fr"]}, "languageCodes": ["fr"], "name": "OpenStreetMap France web forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap France web forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.fr/", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap France", "email": "contact@openstreetmap.fr"}], "order": -2}, + "fr-irc": {"id": "fr-irc", "type": "irc", "locationSet": {"include": ["fr"]}, "languageCodes": ["fr"], "name": "OpenStreetMap France on IRC", "description": "Join #osm-fr on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-fr", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap France", "email": "contact@openstreetmap.fr"}], "order": -4}, + "fr-mailinglist": {"id": "fr-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["fr"]}, "languageCodes": ["fr"], "name": "Talk-fr Mailing List", "description": "Talk-fr mailing list", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap France", "email": "contact@openstreetmap.fr"}], "order": -3}, + "fr-telegram": {"id": "fr-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["fr"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap France on Telegram", "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM France community: {url}", "url": "https://t.me/osmfr", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap France", "email": "contact@openstreetmap.fr"}], "order": 5}, + "fr-twitter": {"id": "fr-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["fr"]}, "languageCodes": ["fr"], "name": "OpenStreetMap France on Twitter", "description": "OpenStreetMap France on Twitter: {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osm_fr", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap France", "email": "contact@openstreetmap.fr"}]}, + "galicia-wiki": {"id": "galicia-wiki", "type": "wiki", "locationSet": {"include": ["galicia.geojson"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Galicia", "description": "Everything you need to know about mapping in Galicia: 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"talk-gb-owner@lists.openstreetmap.org"}], "order": 4}, + "geogeeks_perth_meetup": {"id": "geogeeks_perth_meetup", "type": "group", "locationSet": {"include": ["western_australia.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "GeoGeeks Perth Meetup", "description": "Perth-based meetup group for people interested in mapping, geospatial data, and open source. 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One of the OSM community support forums.", "url": "https://riot.grin.hu/#/room/#osm:grin.hu", "contacts": [{"name": "Peter 'grin' Gervai", "email": "grin@grin.hu"}]}, + "hu-meetup": {"id": "hu-meetup", "type": "meetup", "locationSet": {"include": ["hu"]}, "languageCodes": ["hu"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Hungary Meetup", "description": "The platform for organizing meetups in Hungary", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Hungary", "contacts": [{"name": "Ferenc Veres", "email": "info@openstreetmap.hu"}], "order": 5}, + "il-telegram": {"id": "il-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["il"]}, "name": "OSM Israel on Telegram", "description": "A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Israel: {url}", "url": "https://t.me/OSM_Israel", "order": 5}, + "ireland-chapter": {"id": "ireland-chapter", "type": "osm-lc", "locationSet": {"include": ["ie"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Ireland Local Chapter", "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Ireland.", "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap Ireland provides an advocate voice for the OpenStreetMap project on the island of Ireland, in addition to interacting with other open initiatives.", "url": "https://www.openstreetmap.ie/", "order": 1}, + "ireland-facebook": {"id": "ireland-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["ie"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook group", "description": "OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook page", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenStreetMapIreland", "order": 3}, + "ireland-irc": {"id": "ireland-irc", "type": "irc", "locationSet": {"include": ["ie"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Ireland IRC", "description": "Join #osm-ie on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", "extendedDescription": "Join #osm-ie on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question", "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ie", "order": -1}, + 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[{"name": "Talk-is-owner", "email": "talk-is-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -3}, + "is-twitter": {"id": "is-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["is"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "is"], "name": "OSM Iceland on Twitter", "description": "Twitter of OpenStreetMap in Iceland", "url": "https://twitter.com/openstreetmapis", "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-is-owner", "email": "talk-is-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]}, + "it-chapter": {"id": "it-chapter", "type": "osm-lc", "locationSet": {"include": ["it"]}, "languageCodes": ["it"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Italy Local Chapter", "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Italy.", "url": "https://www.wikimedia.it/", "contacts": [{"name": "Simone Cortesi", "email": "simone@cortesi.com"}, {"name": "Stefano", "email": "sabas88@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Alessandro Palmas", "email": "alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}], "order": 1}, + "it-facebook": {"id": "it-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["it"]}, "languageCodes": ["it"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Italy Facebook", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Italy community on Facebook", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap.Italia/", "contacts": [{"name": "Simone Cortesi", "email": "simone@cortesi.com"}, {"name": "Stefano", "email": "sabas88@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Alessandro Palmas", "email": "alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}], "order": 3}, + "it-irc": {"id": "it-irc", "type": "irc", "locationSet": {"include": ["it"]}, "languageCodes": ["it"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Italy IRC", "description": "Join #osm-it on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-it", "contacts": [{"name": "Simone Cortesi", "email": "simone@cortesi.com"}, {"name": "Stefano", "email": "sabas88@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Alessandro Palmas", "email": "alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}], "order": -4}, + "it-mailinglist": {"id": "it-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["it"]}, "languageCodes": ["it"], 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We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language.", "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/#osmkosovo:matrix.org"}, + "kosovo-telegram": {"id": "kosovo-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["xk"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "sq", "sr"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Telegram", "description": "Semi-official all-Kosovo Telegram public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language.", "url": "https://t.me/osmkosovo", "contacts": [{"name": "Guillaume Rischard", "email": "guillaumenospam@openstreetmapnospam.lu"}], "order": 1}, + "latam-facebook": {"id": "latam-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["419"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America Facebook", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Latin America", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/osmlatam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 1}, + "latam-irc": {"id": "latam-irc", "type": "irc", "locationSet": {"include": ["419"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America IRC", "description": "Join #osm-latam on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", "url": "http://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-latam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 3}, + "latam-mailinglist": {"id": "latam-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["419"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "Talk-latam Mailing List", "description": "Talk-latam is the official mailing list for the Latinamerican OpenStreetMap community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-latam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 2}, + "latam-matrix": {"id": "latam-matrix", "type": "matrix", "locationSet": {"include": ["419"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America Matrix", "description": "Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Telegram chat", "url": "https://matrix.to/#/#osm-latam:matrix.org", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 3}, + "latam-telegram": {"id": "latam-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["419"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America Telegram", "description": "Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Matrix chat", "url": "https://t.me/osmlatam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 3}, + "latam-twitter": {"id": "latam-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["419"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America Twitter", "description": "OpenStreetMap Latin America on Twitter: {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osmlatam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 3}, + "latam-wiki": {"id": "latam-wiki", "type": "wiki", "locationSet": {"include": ["419"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Latin America", "description": "Everything you need to know about mapping in Latin America", "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:OSM_Latam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 2}, + "lu-mailinglist": {"id": "lu-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["lu"]}, "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "lb"], "name": "Talk-lu Mailing List", "description": "Official mailing list for the Luxembourgish OSM community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lu", "contacts": [{"name": "David Morais Ferreira", "email": "contact@openstreetmap.lu"}], "order": -3}, + "mailinglist-sk-googlegroups": {"id": "mailinglist-sk-googlegroups", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["sk"]}, "languageCodes": ["cz", "en", "sk"], "name": "Slovak mailing list on google groups", "description": "Official mailing list for Slovak community", "url": "https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/osm_sk", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Slovakia", "email": "osm_sk@googlegroups.com"}], "order": -3}, + "map-kibera": {"id": "map-kibera", "type": "group", "locationSet": {"include": [[36.8196, -1.2904]]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Map Kibera Trust", "description": "Map Kibera is a registered organization working in Kenya", "extendedDescription": "Map Kibera Trust’s mission is to increase influence and representation of marginalized communities through the creative use of digital tools for action.", "url": "https://mapkibera.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "Map Kibera", "email": "contact@mapkibera.org"}], "order": 4}, + "mappa-mercia-group": {"id": "mappa-mercia-group", "type": "group", "locationSet": {"include": ["england-west-midlands.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Mappa Mercia local group", "description": "A home for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Midlands", "extendedDescription": "Mappa Mercia is a project to grow OpenStreetMap in the West Midlands, UK. We run community events, provide training and support local organisations wishing to open up their data.", "url": "http://www.mappa-mercia.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "Brian Prangle", "email": "community@mappa-mercia.org"}], "order": 5}, + "md-googlegroup": {"id": "md-googlegroup", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["md"]}, "languageCodes": ["mo", "ro", "ru"], "name": "OSM Moldova Google Group", "description": "OpenStreetMap Moldova Google Group", "url": "https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/openstreetmap-moldova", "contacts": [{"name": "Ion Moldovan", "email": "6yhxhs7t7huf@inbox.ru"}], "order": 1}, + "md-telegram": {"id": "md-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["md"]}, "languageCodes": ["mo", "ro", "ru"], "name": "@OSMMoldova on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Moldova Telegram chat", "url": "https://t.me/OSMMoldova", "contacts": [{"name": "Ion Moldovan", "email": "6yhxhs7t7huf@inbox.ru"}], "order": 2}, + "ni-facebook": {"id": "ni-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["ni"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap NI Community", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Nicaragua", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/mapanica/", "contacts": [{"name": "NI Community", "email": "talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": 3}, + "ni-mailinglist": {"id": "ni-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["ni"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "Talk-ni Mailing List", "description": "Talk-ni is the official mailing list for the Nicaraguan OSM community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ni", "contacts": [{"name": "NI Community", "email": "talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -3}, + "ni-telegram": {"id": "ni-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["ni"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OSM Nicaragua on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Telegram chat", "url": "https://telegram.me/mapanica", "contacts": [{"name": "NI Community", "email": "talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]}, + "ni-twitter": {"id": "ni-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["ni"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Twitter", "description": "OSM Nicaragua on Twitter: @osm_ni", "url": "https://twitter.com/osm_ni", "contacts": [{"name": "NI Community", "email": "talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]}, + "nl-forum": {"id": "nl-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["nl"]}, "languageCodes": ["nl"], "name": "Netherlands OpenStreetMap forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap Netherlands web forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=12", "contacts": [{"name": "Peter Elderson", "email": "pelderson@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "nl-telegram": {"id": "nl-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["nl"]}, "languageCodes": ["nl"], "name": "Netherlands OpenStreetMap Telegram", "description": "A Telegram 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["no"]}, "languageCodes": ["no"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Norway mailing list", "description": "Mailing list for mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in Norway", "url": "https://lists.nuug.no/mailman/listinfo/kart", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Norway", "email": "kart@nuug.no"}], "order": -3}, + "no-telegram": {"id": "no-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["no"]}, "languageCodes": ["no"], "name": "@OSM_no on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Norway Telegram chat", "url": "https://t.me/OSM_no", "contacts": [{"name": "Syver Stensholt", "email": "sssandum@gmail.com"}]}, + "osm-afghanistan-facebook": {"id": "osm-afghanistan-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["af"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "fa", "ps"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Afghanistan", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Afghanistan", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/321292812113316/", "contacts": [{"name": "Walker Kosmidou-Bradley", "email": "walker.t.bradley@gmail.com"}], "order": 3}, + "osm-africa-telegram": {"id": "osm-africa-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["002"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Africa Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Telegram for Africa", "url": "https://t.me/OSMAfrica", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM Africa", "email": "info@openstreetmap.africa"}]}, + "osm-asia-telegram": {"id": "osm-asia-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["142"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Asia Telegram", "description": "Join our family: {url}", "url": "https://t.me/OpenStreetMapAsia", "contacts": [{"name": "Erwin Olario", "email": "govvin@gmail.com"}]}, + "osm-at": {"id": "osm-at", "type": "osm", "locationSet": {"include": ["at"]}, "languageCodes": ["de"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Austria", "description": "The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Austria", "url": "https://www.openstreetmap.at/", "contacts": [{"name": "AT community", "email": "info@openstreetmap.at"}]}, + "osm-ch": 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Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) projects in Ghana. Join us.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OSMGhana/", "contacts": [{"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "enock@osmghana.org"}], "order": 3}, + "osm-gh-telegram": {"id": "osm-gh-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["gh"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Ghana Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Ghana community on Telegram", "url": "https://t.me/osmghana", "contacts": [{"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "enock@osmghana.org"}]}, + "osm-gh-twitter": {"id": "osm-gh-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["gh"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Ghana on Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osmghana", "contacts": [{"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "enock@osmghana.org"}]}, + "osm-india-forum": {"id": "osm-india-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap India forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap India web forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=65", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap India", "email": "openstreetmapindia@gmail.com"}], "order": -2}, + "osm-india-github": {"id": "osm-india-github", "type": "github", "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap India GitHub", "description": "Code with us: {url}", "url": "https://github.com/osm-in", "contacts": [{"name": "Naveen Francis", "email": "naveenpf@gmail.com"}]}, + "osm-india-telegram": {"id": "osm-india-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap India Telegram", "description": "Join our family: {url}", "url": "https://t.me/OSMIndia", "contacts": [{"name": "Naveen Francis", "email": "naveenpf@gmail.com"}]}, + "osm-india-website": {"id": "osm-india-website", "type": "osm", "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap India", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in India", "url": "https://openstreetmap.in/", "contacts": [{"name": " OpenStreetMap India", "email": "openstreetmapindia@gmail.com"}]}, + "osm-india-wiki": {"id": "osm-india-wiki", "type": "wiki", "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Wikiproject India", "description": "Everything you need to know about mapping in India: {url}", "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_India", "contacts": [{"name": "Naveen Francis", "email": "naveenpf@gmail.com"}]}, + "osm-india-youtube": {"id": "osm-india-youtube", "type": "youtube", "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap India Youtube", "description": "Subscribe to our channel: {url}", "url": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu5sKaPU04x0RJkgGkoFORw", "contacts": [{"name": "Naveen Francis", "email": "naveenpf@gmail.com"}]}, + "osm-iran-aparat": {"id": "osm-iran-aparat", "type": "aparat", "locationSet": {"include": ["ir"]}, "languageCodes": ["fa"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran Aparat", "description": "Subscribe to our channel at {url}", "extendedDescription": "A good resource of videos about anything related to OpenStreetMap. Mainly in Persian.", "url": "https://www.aparat.com/osm_iran", "contacts": [{"name": "Iman", "email": "iriman@chmail.ir"}]}, + "osm-iran-forum": {"id": "osm-iran-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["ir"]}, "languageCodes": ["fa"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran web forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap Iran web forum", "extendedDescription": "A web forum for OpenStreetMap users in Iran. Feel free to ask questions and discuss with others!", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=103", "contacts": [{"name": "Iman", "email": "iriman@chmail.ir"}], "order": -2}, + "osm-iran-telegram": {"id": "osm-iran-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["ir"]}, "languageCodes": ["fa"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran Telegram", "description": "You're welcome to join our Telegram channel at {url}. We also have a supergroup of many OSMers interested in Iran. Find its link in bio of channel.", "url": "https://t.me/openstreetmapir", "contacts": [{"name": "Iman", "email": "iriman@chmail.ir"}]}, + "osm-kenya": {"id": "osm-kenya", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["ke"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OSM Kenya", "description": "OSM Kenya is a community of OSM contributors and users", "extendedDescription": "OSM is a local community for individuals interested in OpenStreetMap including organizations, developers, and YouthMappers chapters in the country.", "url": "https://twitter.com/OSMKenya", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM Kenya", "email": "osmkenya@gmail.com"}], "order": 4}, + "osm-kerala-telegram": {"id": "osm-kerala-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["india_kerala.geojson"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap Kerala Telegram", "description": "We map Kerala together. 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Sign up at {signupUrl}", "extendedDescription": "Mailinglist for Piemonte region.", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-piemonte", "signupUrl": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-piemonte", "contacts": [{"name": "Marco Brancolini", "email": "mbranco2@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Andrea Musuruane", "email": "musuruan@gmail.com"}], "order": 2}, + "talk-mg": {"id": "talk-mg", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["mg"]}, "languageCodes": ["fr", "mg"], "name": "Talk-mg Mailing List", "description": "Place for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities and users in Madagascar to share and discuss.", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-mg", "contacts": [{"name": "Brice Ramamonjy", "email": "rafaby21@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Dolly Andriatsiferana", "email": "privatemajory@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "talk-nz": {"id": "talk-nz", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["nz"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Talk-nz Mailing List", "description": "New Zealand's OSM community talk", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-nz", "contacts": [{"name": "Talk NZ Owner", "email": "talk-nz-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -3}, + "talk-za": {"id": "talk-za", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["za"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Talk-za Mailing List", "description": "Talk-za is the official mailing list for South African OSM community.", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-za", "contacts": [{"name": "Grant Slater", "email": "osm@firefishy.com"}]}, + "ua-facebook": {"id": "ua-facebook", "type": "facebook", "locationSet": {"include": ["ukraine.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["uk"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Facebook group", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Facebook", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/openstreetmapua/", "contacts": [{"name": "Andrii Holovin", "email": "andygol@ua.fm"}], "order": 3}, + "ua-forum": {"id": "ua-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["ukraine.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "ru", "uk"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Forum", "description": "Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Ukraine", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=40", "contacts": [{"name": "Andrii Holovin", "email": "andygol@ua.fm"}], "order": 2}, + "ua-github": {"id": "ua-github", "type": "github", "locationSet": {"include": ["ukraine.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "uk"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine on GitHub", "description": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/osm-ua/", "contacts": [{"name": "Andrii Holovin", "email": "andygol@ua.fm"}]}, + "ua-osm": {"id": "ua-osm", "type": "osm", "locationSet": {"include": ["ukraine.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["uk"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Website Ukraine", "description": "OpenStreetMap website in Ukraine", "url": "https://openstreetmap.org.ua/", "contacts": [{"name": "Andrii Holovin", "email": "andygol@ua.fm"}], "order": 4}, + "ua-slack": {"id": "ua-slack", "type": "slack", "locationSet": {"include": ["ukraine.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "ru", "uk"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Slack", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Slack", "url": "https://osmukraine.slack.com/", "signupUrl": "http://bit.ly/SlackOsmUa", "contacts": [{"name": "Andrii Holovin", "email": "andygol@ua.fm"}], "order": 5}, + "ua-telegram": {"id": "ua-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["ukraine.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en", "ru", "uk"], "name": "@osmUA on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Telegram chat", "url": "https://t.me/osmUA", "contacts": [{"name": "Andrii Holovin", "email": "andygol@ua.fm"}]}, + "ua-twitter": {"id": "ua-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["ukraine.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["uk"], "name": "OpenStreetMap UA Twitter", "description": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine on Twitter: {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osm_ua", "contacts": [{"name": "Andrii Holovin", "email": "andygol@ua.fm"}], "order": 1}, + "uk-localchapter": {"id": "uk-localchapter", "type": "osm-lc", "locationSet": {"include": ["gb"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap UK", "description": "The official Local Chapter for the UK (including Northern Ireland).", "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding events, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap UK here: {signupUrl}", "url": "https://osmuk.org/", "signupUrl": "https://osmuk.org/become-member/", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap UK", "email": "board@osmuk.org"}], "order": 3}, + "uk-london-twitter": {"id": "uk-london-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["london.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap London on Twitter", "description": "OpenStreetMap London on Twitter: {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/OSMLondon", "contacts": [{"name": "Harry Wood", "email": "mail@harrywood.co.uk"}], "order": 4}, + "uk-twitter": {"id": "uk-twitter", "type": "twitter", "locationSet": {"include": ["gb"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter", "description": "OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter: {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osmuk", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap UK", "email": "board@osmuk.org"}], "order": 2}, + "us-ma-mailinglist": {"id": "us-ma-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["massachusetts.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Talk-us-massachusetts Mailing List", "description": "Email mailing list for the Massachusetts OSM community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-us-massachusetts", "contacts": [{"name": "Alan Bragg", "email": "alan.ruth.bragg@gmail.com"}], "order": -3}, + "uy-forum": {"id": "uy-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["uy"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap UY forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap Uruguay web forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=78", "contacts": [{"name": "UY community", "email": "talk-uy-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -2}, + "uy-irc": {"id": "uy-irc", "type": "irc", "locationSet": {"include": ["uy"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Uruguay on IRC", "description": "Join #osmuruguay on irc.freenode.org (port 6667)", "extendedDescription": "Join #osmuruguay on irc.freenode.org", "url": "https://webchat.freenode.net/?url=irc://irc.freenode.net/osmuruguay", "contacts": [{"name": "UY community", "email": "talk-uy-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -4}, + "uy-mailinglist": {"id": "uy-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["uy"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "Talk-uy Mailing List", "description": "Talk-uy is the official mailing list for the Uruguayan OSM community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-uy", "contacts": [{"name": "UY community", "email": "talk-uy-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -3}, + "uzbekistan-telegram": {"id": "uzbekistan-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["uz"]}, "name": "OSM Uzbekistan on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Uzbekistan Telegram chat", "url": "https://t.me/osm_uz"}, + "ve-forum": {"id": "ve-forum", "type": "forum", "locationSet": {"include": ["ve"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap VE Forum", "description": "OpenStreetMap Venezuela web forum", "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=50", "contacts": [{"name": "VE Community", "email": "talk-ve-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -2}, + "ve-mailinglist": {"id": "ve-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "locationSet": {"include": ["ve"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "Talk-ve Mailing List", "description": "Talk-ve is the official mailing list for the Venezuelan OSM community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ve", "contacts": [{"name": "VE Community", "email": "talk-ve-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], "order": -3}, + "ve-telegram": {"id": "ve-telegram", "type": "telegram", "locationSet": {"include": ["ve"]}, "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Venezuela Telegram", "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Venezuela community on Telegram", "url": "https://telegram.me/OSMve", "contacts": [{"name": "VE Community", "email": "talk-ve-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]}, + "ym-AASTU": {"id": "ym-AASTU", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[38.8092, 8.889]]}, "name": "AASTU Youth Mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University", "extendedDescription": "The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.", "url": "https://t.me/aastumappers", "contacts": [{"name": "Ben Jamin", "email": "benjazben10@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Abia-State-University": {"id": "ym-Abia-State-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[7.41909, 5.8308]]}, "name": "AbsuMappersTeam", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Abia State University", "extendedDescription": "AbsuMappersTeam is voluntary team of map enthusiast ,using openstreetmap,GIS and other open source geospatial techno;ogy to solve problems.It is a dedicated for disaster response using OpenStreetMap.It is a professional mentoring and empowerment platform for those with passion for GIS and Mapping.It is a community of volunteers for geospatial data creation,field data collection and mapping.The team was co-founded by Victor N.Sunday(the Team mentor) and Professor J.U.Ogbonna ,the team coordinator and faculty Advisor. AbsuMapperTeam is an affiliate of UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt.The team stands to support sustainable development using geospatial technology", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Absumappersteam-1709186109157466", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "absumappersteam@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University": {"id": "ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-10.80063, 6.31073]]}, "name": "YouthMappers-AMEU", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at African Methodist Episcopal University", "url": "mailto:youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University": {"id": "ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[7.64648, 11.17836]]}, "name": "ABU Geomappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ahmadu Bello University", "extendedDescription": "We are a group of Data driven Humanitarian mappers, who are dedicated to rendering humanitarian service in response to disaster and mitigation. We are glad to contribute our expertise and knowledge through mapping, and helping to spread #OpenEvangelism through Training, and collaboration.", "url": "https://web.facebook.com/abugeomappers/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "abugeomappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Ardhi-University": {"id": "ym-Ardhi-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[39.21541, -6.76613]]}, "name": "ARU Mapper", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University", "extendedDescription": "As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations.", "url": "mailto:bayonakennedy@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "bayonakennedy@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Asian-University-for-Women": {"id": "ym-Asian-University-for-Women", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[91.8457, 22.34998]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at AUW", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women", "extendedDescription": "The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world.", "url": "http://www.auw.edu.bd/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "harunur.rashid@auw.edu.bd"}]}, + "ym-Ball-State-University": {"id": "ym-Ball-State-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-85.40688, 40.20588]]}, "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University", "extendedDescription": "Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/BallState.GammaThetaUpsilon/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gtu@bsu.edu"}]}, + "ym-Busitema-University": {"id": "ym-Busitema-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[34.01367, 0.52733]]}, "name": "Good Mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University", "extendedDescription": "Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map.", "url": "https://m.facebook.com/HOTBusitemaUniv/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mulindwasteven82@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania": {"id": "ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.89258, 40.04425]]}, "name": "CalU PA GIS Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania", "extendedDescription": "GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/CalUGisClub/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mueller@calu.edu"}]}, + "ym-Central-Washington-University": {"id": "ym-Central-Washington-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-120.49805, 46.98002]]}, "name": "Geography Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University", "extendedDescription": "Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills.", "url": "https://www.cwu.edu/geography/geography-club", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "valkoc@cwu.edu"}]}, + "ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny": {"id": "ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-3.98799, 5.344]]}, "name": "YouthMappers CURAT", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny", "extendedDescription": "Our chapter aim is to promote the use of collaborative free mapping and the use of openstreetmap data in the field of research and their application in the implementation of tools for decision-making. Help students produce their own data of their research.", "url": "mailto:gpcome@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gpcome@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Clemson-University": {"id": "ym-Clemson-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-82.79297, 34.66921]]}, "name": "Clemson Mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University", "extendedDescription": "Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections throughout the world.", "url": "http://www.clemsongis.org/#!clemson-mappers/i9w6t", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "clemsonmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-College-of-William-and-Mary": {"id": "ym-College-of-William-and-Mary", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.72852, 37.30011]]}, "name": "All over the map!", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary", "extendedDescription": "The students who are all over the map are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise.  Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences.", "url": "mailto:lnseitz@email.wm.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "lnseitz@email.wm.edu"}]}, + "ym-Cornell-University": {"id": "ym-Cornell-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.4735, 42.4532]]}, "name": "Mapping Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University", "extendedDescription": "Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy.", "url": "mailto:mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20and%20Mapping%20Society%20at%20Cornell%20University", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Cuttington-University": {"id": "ym-Cuttington-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-9.5539, 7.04037]]}, "name": "Cuttington University YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Cuttington University", "extendedDescription": "The YouthMappers at Cuttington University, Suakoko, and Bong County comprised of Students from three different departments; namely, the Department of Natural Resources Management “DONRM”, Department of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Natural Sciences. Since the establishment of the Chapter in February 2017, the overall membership is 20 students, with each department containing 5 students.", "url": "mailto:youthmappers.cu@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.cu@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology": {"id": "ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[37.00195, -0.43945]]}, "name": "GDEV", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology", "extendedDescription": "GDEV is a group of enthusiastic GIS group at DeKUT that aims at helping students share, engage and learn from each other in matters geospatial", "url": "https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102367719061492681269/stream/e376a295-1246-4e19-9f66-fa6077719f32", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gdevkenya@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Dhaka-College": {"id": "ym-Dhaka-College", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[90.35156, 23.72492]]}, "name": "YouthMappers Daka College", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College", "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers  gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes. Happy mapping.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/321220498214124/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersdc@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Dhaka-University": {"id": "ym-Dhaka-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[90.35156, 23.72492]]}, "name": "Openstreetmap YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University", "extendedDescription": "It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmDU/1773150346233538/?notif_t=group_activity¬if_id=1472953820177890", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Eastern-University": {"id": "ym-Eastern-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[90.38063, 23.74236]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at Eastern University", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University", "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes.", "url": "mailto:infolimon@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "infolimon@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology": {"id": "ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[120.98854, 14.60403]]}, "name": "Junior Philippines Computer Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology", "extendedDescription": "FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region", "url": "mailto:jpcsfeutech@outlook.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20Junior%20Philippines%20Computer%20Society", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "jpcsfeutech@outlook.com"}]}, + "ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys": {"id": "ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[3.95129, 7.84218]]}, "name": "OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Federal School of Surveys", "url": "https://web.facebook.com/Oyomappersteam-omt-oyo-1432864713415765/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "oyomappersteam@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure": {"id": "ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[5.18555, 7.27527]]}, "name": "YouthMappers Futa Space Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Federal University of Technology, Akure", "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to raise the next generation of Space Leaders. Activities include research and capacity building in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change, Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Engineering, Global Navigation, Robotics and Space Education.", "url": "http://spaceclubfuta.com.ng/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "denironyx@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Fourah-Bay-College": {"id": "ym-Fourah-Bay-College", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-13.18359, 8.49407]]}, "name": "Student's Geographical Association", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College", "extendedDescription": "The Student's Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team.", "url": "mailto:sgayouthmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Fourah%20Bay%20College", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "sgayouthmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University": {"id": "ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-13.62305, 9.70902]]}, "name": "YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at General Lansana Conte University", "extendedDescription": "The YouthMappers of the University General Lansana Conté is a non profit community willing to contribute to Map Guinea and others part of the world. We are promoting the use of GIS and Open data to build decision support tools. We also work to build capacities among the students and local communities.", "url": "www.uglc.org", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "condefa3@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-George-Mason-University": {"id": "ym-George-Mason-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.34375, 38.82241]]}, "name": "Mason Mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University", "extendedDescription": "Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow.", "url": "Facebook.com/MasonMappers", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "masonmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College": {"id": "ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-8.11817, 6.06392]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Grand Gedeh County Community College", "extendedDescription": "The Youth Mappers of GGCCC sole intent is to put places in and around Liberia that are not on the map. We gather youths from the college within the Grand Gedeh Community College to make it their duties to unite and bring these places to the spot light geographically.", "url": "mailto:yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Gujarat-University": {"id": "ym-Gujarat-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[72.50977, 22.99876]]}, "name": "CCIM at Ahmedabad", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University", "url": "mailto:Coolmulls@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "coolmulls@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Gulu-University": {"id": "ym-Gulu-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[32.34375, 2.81136]]}, "name": "CSGU Mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University", "extendedDescription": "The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University. This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination.", "url": "mailto:git445@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Gulu%20University", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "git445@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Heidelberg-University": {"id": "ym-Heidelberg-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[8.67039, 49.41882]]}, "name": "disastermappers heidelberg", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Heidelberg University", "extendedDescription": "Disastermappers Heidelberg was founded in 2014 as a student initiative to build a platform for exchange between students, researchers and humanitarian actors. Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications.", "url": "https://disastermappers.wordpress.com/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "disastermappers@posteo.de"}]}, + "ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education": {"id": "ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[6.93364, 4.80651]]}, "name": "IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT)", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education", "extendedDescription": "We are a YouthMappers Chapter of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education involved in crowdsourced mapping of our environment and remote mapping of resilient communities.We are a team of volunteers using openstreetmap and other open Geospatial source for mapping.", "url": "https://fb.me/ignatiusmappersteam", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ignatiusmappersteam@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania": {"id": "ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.16139, 40.61395]]}, "name": "Geospatial Science Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania", "url": "mailto:rhoch@iup.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "rhoch@iup.edu"}]}, + "ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri": {"id": "ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[29.6112, -1.50091]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at INES Ruhengeri", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri", "extendedDescription": "We are students from Land Administration and Management and Land survey Departments from INES-Ruhengeri. We are engaged in mapping activities that create the changes toward sustainable development in our community.", "url": "www.ines.ac.rw", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "dufitesaie91@yahoo.com"}]}, + "ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda": {"id": "ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-14.94108, 12.88982]]}, "name": "Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda", "extendedDescription": "Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda is an all-female mapping group in southern Senegal looking to put Kolda and surrounding villages on the map and better understand how to use OSM.", "url": "mailto:koldaym@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "koldaym@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies": {"id": "ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[85.34173, 27.72759]]}, "name": "Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies", "extendedDescription": "To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations.", "url": "mailto:deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np"}]}, + "ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management": {"id": "ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[39.2935, -6.13779]]}, "name": "IFM mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management", "extendedDescription": "This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts", "url": "mailto:supermalik95@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "supermalik95@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning": {"id": "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[35.74578, -6.12215]]}, "name": "Mipango YouthMappers Chapter", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning", "extendedDescription": "Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President.", "url": "mailto:msmapperschapter@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "msmapperschapter@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza": {"id": "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[32.89851, -2.51658]]}, "name": "Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza", "url": "www.facebook.com/IYMLZC/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "shabanimagawila@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine": {"id": "ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-12.1175, 10.68652]]}, "name": "YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine", "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala is a non profit organisation working to promote humanitarian mapping and the use of open sources and open data to build decision making tools in Guinea.", "url": "mailto:bvloua45@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "bvloua45@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Istanbul-Technical-University": {"id": "ym-Istanbul-Technical-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[29.02465, 41.10542]]}, "name": "YouthMappers ITU", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Istanbul Technical University", "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers ITU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative student community to promote humanitarian mapping for vulnerable settlements and aims to develop and share strategic and innovative spatial information for the future cities by using geographical information systems and open data.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/YouthMappers-ITU-226489641442744/?modal=admin_todo_tour", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersitu@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Jacksonville-State-University": {"id": "ym-Jacksonville-State-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-85.76795, 33.82283]]}, "name": "JSU Disaster Mapping Team", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University", "extendedDescription": "The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets", "url": "mailto:ltatum@stu.jsu.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ltatum@stu.jsu.edu"}]}, + "ym-Jahangirnagar-University": {"id": "ym-Jahangirnagar-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[90.26753, 23.88222]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University", "url": "mailto:s.t.islam@juniv.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "s.t.islam@juniv.edu"}]}, + "ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology": {"id": "ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[37.0105, -1.08909]]}, "name": "Association of Geomatics Engineering Students", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology", "extendedDescription": "The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.", "url": "mailto:laurahmugeha36@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "laurahmugeha36@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Kansas-State-University": {"id": "ym-Kansas-State-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-96.5918, 39.16396]]}, "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University", "extendedDescription": "We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to YouthMappers. We have been active with mapping for OSM and conducted a mapathon called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/kstate.gtu?fref=ts", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "tblarsen@ksu.edu"}]}, + "ym-Karatina-University": {"id": "ym-Karatina-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[37.12789, -0.48134]]}, "name": "Nature Club Karatina University", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Karatina University", "extendedDescription": "This chapter aims to bring together all GIS enthusiasts.They include environment experts, wildlife experts, aquatic and tourism officers, just to mention a few. Its main aim is to provide a platform where students can learn from each other and, in the process, understand how to integrate the GIS skills in their various career paths as well as provide solutions to various environmental related challenges.", "url": "https://twitter.com/karunature", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "karunatureclub@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Kathmandu-University": {"id": "ym-Kathmandu-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[85.53873, 27.62025]]}, "name": "Geomatics Engineering Society,GES", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University", "extendedDescription": "Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc.", "url": "ku.edu.np/ges", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ges@ku.edu.np"}]}, + "ym-Kenyatta-University": {"id": "ym-Kenyatta-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[36.93493, -1.17996]]}, "name": "Kenyatta University GIS Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kenyatta University", "extendedDescription": "Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) was founded on 28th October 2016, with more than 200 students and staff from all faculty within campus as members. We are committed to empower members with spatial knowledge, skills and expertise required in understanding the Earth. We help in mapping resources within the university by incorporating geospatial data in their projects as well as fieldwork data collection.", "url": "mailto:jamesmagige24@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "jamesmagige24@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Khulna-University": {"id": "ym-Khulna-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[89.56055, 22.83685]]}, "name": "Khulna University YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University", "extendedDescription": "KU students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmku/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Kumi-University": {"id": "ym-Kumi-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[33.83789, 1.49396]]}, "name": "Ever Last YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University", "extendedDescription": "This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science and Information Technology.", "url": "mailto:kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Kumi%20University", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology": {"id": "ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-1.56831, 6.67234]]}, "name": "Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/KNUSTMappers/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "knustyouthmappers@outlook.com"}]}, + "ym-Makerere-University": {"id": "ym-Makerere-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[32.60742, 0.35156]]}, "name": "Geo YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University", "extendedDescription": "Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness.\"We map the world and change lives.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geo-youthmappers@googlegroups.com"}]}, + "ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology": {"id": "ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[30.65679, -0.61644]]}, "name": "MUST Street Mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology", "extendedDescription": "MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society.", "url": "https://web.facebook.com/muststreetmappers/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "muststreetmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-McGill-University": {"id": "ym-McGill-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-73.5787, 45.50608]]}, "name": "Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at McGill University", "extendedDescription": "The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad.", "url": "mailto:omg.mcgill@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "omg.mcgill@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Miami-University": {"id": "ym-Miami-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-84.73174, 39.5109]]}, "name": "Geography and Planning Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Miami University", "extendedDescription": "GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience.", "url": "mailto:GPSMiamiOH@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gpsmiamioh@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Moi-University": {"id": "ym-Moi-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[35.50781, -0.35156]]}, "name": "Geography Students Association", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Moi University", "extendedDescription": "The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) explores, discovers and aims at developing the entire world through the young Geo-Spatial analysts.  GEOSAMU is part of the Department of Geography.", "url": "mailto:geosamu44@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Moi%20University", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geosamu44@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Monroe-Community-College": {"id": "ym-Monroe-Community-College", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.61025, 43.10138]]}, "name": "MCC Mapping Corps", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College", "url": "mailto:GIST@monroecc.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gist@monroecc.edu"}]}, + "ym-Montgomery-College": {"id": "ym-Montgomery-College", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.15782, 39.09718]]}, "name": "GeoMC", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College", "extendedDescription": "GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in.", "url": "mailto:stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu"}]}, + "ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology": {"id": "ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[17.07709, -22.56572]]}, "name": "Geoinformation Technology Student Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Namibia University of Science and Technology", "url": "mailto:patriciasem87@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "patriciasem87@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-New-York-University": {"id": "ym-New-York-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-74.00391, 40.71377]]}, "name": "NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at New York University", "extendedDescription": "The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes.", "url": "http://www.nyumhealth.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mhealth@nyu.edu"}]}, + "ym-Nimba-County-Community-College": {"id": "ym-Nimba-County-Community-College", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-8.71645, 7.35208]]}, "name": "Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Nimba County Community College", "url": "mailto:ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com"}]}, + "ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus": {"id": "ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-13.23673, 8.47959]]}, "name": "Njala Freetown YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus", "extendedDescription": "We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone.", "url": "mailto:Njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus": {"id": "ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-11.76548, 7.93596]]}, "name": "YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus", "url": "mailto:youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University": {"id": "ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-83.06823, 40.29605]]}, "name": "Environment and Wildlife Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University", "extendedDescription": "Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives.", "url": "mailto:envirowild@owu.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "envirowild@owu.edu"}]}, + "ym-Oklahoma-State-University": {"id": "ym-Oklahoma-State-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-97.07253, 36.12077]]}, "name": "Geography Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University", "url": "mailto:hhayden@okstate.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hhayden@okstate.edu"}]}, + "ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania": {"id": "ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[39.26466, -6.7835]]}, "name": "Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania", "extendedDescription": "Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania\n\nHad been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html )\n\nOur chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels.", "url": "mailto:youthmapout@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmapout@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Politecnico-di-Milano": {"id": "ym-Politecnico-di-Milano", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[9.22852, 45.45991]]}, "name": "PoliMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano", "extendedDescription": "PoliMappers is a volunteer students’ association based at Politecnico di Milano. The mission of the group is to train and motivate the next generation of volunteer mappers and to do mapping using free and open source software within the university as well as primary and secondary schools.", "url": "https://polimappers.github.io/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "polimappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London": {"id": "ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.04049, 51.52382]]}, "name": "Queen Mary YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London", "extendedDescription": "This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/qmulgeographysociety/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers@qmul.ac.uk"}]}, + "ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology": {"id": "ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[88.62839, 24.36373]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at RUET", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology", "extendedDescription": "The \"YouthMappers at RUET\" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world.", "url": "mailto:ruetmappers@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ruetmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia": {"id": "ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.36523, 42.42325]]}, "name": "Geoventurers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia", "extendedDescription": "GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction. We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better.", "url": "mailto:amw30@geneseo.edu?subject=GeoVenturers%20and%20the%20YouthMappers%20network", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "amw30@geneseo.edu"}]}, + "ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College": {"id": "ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-89.07411, 17.161]]}, "name": "Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College", "url": "mailto:jtzib18@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "jtzib18@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Sherubtse-College": {"id": "ym-Sherubtse-College", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[91.52369, 27.2866]]}, "name": "Geographical Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College", "extendedDescription": "The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!", "url": "mailto:gsscbhutan@gmail.com?subject=About%20the%20Royal%20University%20of%20Bhutan%20Geographical%20Society%20and%20Youth%20Mappers", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gsscbhutan@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture": {"id": "ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[37.65636, -6.85251]]}, "name": "SMCoSE YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture", "extendedDescription": "A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action.", "url": "mailto:SMCoSEyouthmappers@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "smcoseyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-St.-Augustine-International-University": {"id": "ym-St.-Augustine-International-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[32.62161, 0.27237]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at St Augustine International University", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University", "url": "mailto:youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute": {"id": "ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[26.9671, -16.81484]]}, "name": "MawaggaliMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute", "extendedDescription": "We are the youthappers chapter at St. Mawaggali trades in choma who are want to contribute the different humantarian tasks to serve lives through mapping.", "url": "mailto:mawaggalimappers@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mawaggalimappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo": {"id": "ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.7832, 42.81132]]}, "name": "SUNY Geneseo GIS Association", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo", "extendedDescription": "We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community.", "url": "http://www.facebook.com/GeneseoGIS", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "bb18@geneseo.edu"}]}, + "ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic": {"id": "ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-10.7944, 6.28997]]}, "name": "YouthMappers-SMP", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Stella Maris Polytechnic", "url": "mailto:youthmappers.smp@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.smp@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya": {"id": "ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[36.82449, -1.2916]]}, "name": "Geospatial Science Student Association", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Technical University of Kenya", "extendedDescription": "It's a geographical information based group with very passionate students in the relevant fields of study. We do training to members on emerging trends in the market and keep up with technological advancements", "url": "mailto:youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Texas-Tech-University": {"id": "ym-Texas-Tech-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-101.86523, 33.57787]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at TTU", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University", "extendedDescription": "As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus activities through mapping.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/youthmapperstexastech/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "emily.glaeser@ttu.edu"}]}, + "ym-The-Citadel": {"id": "ym-The-Citadel", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.96064, 32.79693]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at The Citadel", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel", "extendedDescription": "This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers.", "url": "Mailto:cstokes5@citadel.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "cstokes5@citadel.edu"}]}, + "ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia": {"id": "ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-16.6763, 13.4579]]}, "name": "Connected YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia", "extendedDescription": "Connected YouthMappers is comprised of dedicated young Gambians who aspire to change and aid national development.", "url": "mailto:connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-The-George-Washington-University": {"id": "ym-The-George-Washington-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.04812, 38.89966]]}, "name": "Humanitarian Mapping Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University", "extendedDescription": "Models of leadership and engagement, HMS seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/GWHMS/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hms.gwu@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS": {"id": "ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.04027, 38.90797]]}, "name": "SAIS YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS", "extendedDescription": "The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region.", "url": "mailto:saisyouthmappers@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "saisyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University": {"id": "ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.85976, 40.798]]}, "name": "Penn State GIS Coalition", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University", "extendedDescription": "The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry.", "url": "mailto:advising@geog.psu.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "advising@geog.psu.edu"}]}, + "ym-The-University-of-Zambia": {"id": "ym-The-University-of-Zambia", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[28.33027, -15.39189]]}, "name": "YouthMappers Unza", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/search/posts/?q=youth%20mappers%20unza", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "chombachishala13@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Tribhuvan-University": {"id": "ym-Tribhuvan-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[83.97645, 28.2538]]}, "name": "Geomatics Engineering Students Association", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University", "extendedDescription": "This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network.", "url": "http://gesanwrc.wordpress.com/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gesan.nepal@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-UW-Madison": {"id": "ym-UW-Madison", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-89.41268, 43.07645]]}, "name": "BadgerMaps", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison", "extendedDescription": "BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UW-BadgerMaps-197746270811951/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uwbadgermaps@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus": {"id": "ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[34.17487, 1.07587]]}, "name": "Mappers for Life", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus", "extendedDescription": "We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!\" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU.", "url": "mailto:munhilll@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20the%20Uganda%20Christian%20University%20Mappers%20for%20Life", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "munhilll@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University": {"id": "ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[30.26621, 0.66206]]}, "name": "HiTech Youth Mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University", "extendedDescription": "A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes.", "url": "mailto:hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid": {"id": "ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-3.69437, 40.54647]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at UAM", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid", "url": "mailto:youthmappersatuam@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersatuam@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas": {"id": "ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-74.0918, 4.65306]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at Bogota", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas", "extendedDescription": "The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is a public, coeducational, research university based in Bogotá, Colombia with a population of 26,140 students.", "url": "mailto:lrocha@selper.org.co", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "lrocha@selper.org.co"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras": {"id": "ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-87.16598, 14.08505]]}, "name": "PumaGis Hn", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras", "url": "mailto:pumagishn@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "pumagishn@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia": {"id": "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-74.0918, 4.65306]]}, "name": "Grupo UN", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Colombia", "extendedDescription": "Students are uniting to map and network with university students across the country of Colombia and across the globe.  Geographic specialties include affiliation with microbiology and health disciplines.", "url": "mailto:raknudsono@unal.edu.co?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20y%20Grupo%20UN%20Colombia", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "raknudsono@unal.edu.co"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria": {"id": "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-86.27051, 12.1316]]}, "name": "Yeka Street MGA", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria", "extendedDescription": "YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/yekastreetmga/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "yeka.street.mga@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid": {"id": "ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-3.7173, 40.44782]]}, "name": "Mapeo Humanitario", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid", "extendedDescription": "Geo-volunteering group formed at Moncloa Campus on November 2017. Around 20 members from three Universities (Complutense, CEU and UPM). Undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students collaborate together with organizations (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre,...) supported by trainers from Geoinquietos. Official recognition by UPM as Educative Innovation Project (Code IE1718.0411)", "url": "https://blogs.upm.es/mapeo-humanitario/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "lab.topografia@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia": {"id": "ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-75.58594, 6.22791]]}, "name": "Geomatica UDEA", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Antioquia", "extendedDescription": "We are a group interested in geospatial data, voluntary cartography, and participating in mapping with others in our country and within the YouthMappers network.", "url": "mailto:geomatica.ing.udea@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20y%20Universidad%20de%20Antioquia", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geomatica.ing.udea@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica": {"id": "ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-84.05105, 9.93721]]}, "name": "YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica", "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/ucr.asege/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersucr@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira": {"id": "ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-72.86133, 11.52304]]}, "name": "Grupo Mesh", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de La Guajira", "extendedDescription": "Grupo Mesh is a student organization at the Universidad de la Guajira in Colombia, including students from the program of Environmental Engineering who learn cartography and open mapping.", "url": "mailto:zoviedo@uniguajira.edu.co?subject=Grupo%20Mesh%20y%20YouthMappers", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "zoviedo@uniguajira.edu.co"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes": {"id": "ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-74.0918, 4.56545]]}, "name": "Cartografos Uniandes", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Los Andes", "extendedDescription": "We are a circle of student participation that seeks to use mapping and spatial reasoning as a means to create bonds of cooperation and integration between the university and society by addressing different spatial, social, political , economic and cultural dynamics.", "url": "mailto:geografia@uniandes.edu.co?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20Chapter%20y%20la%20Universidad%20de%20los%20Andes", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geografia@uniandes.edu.co"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras": {"id": "ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-66.04978, 18.40277]]}, "name": "UPR YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras", "url": "mailto:carlosguilbe@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "carlosguilbe@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura": {"id": "ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-75.58594, 6.22791]]}, "name": "YouthMappers San Buenaventura", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de San Buenaventura", "extendedDescription": "We are pleased to join YouthMappers mapping for a better world and community.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ingenieria.sistemas@usbmed.edu.co"}]}, + "ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane": {"id": "ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[32.60357, -25.95208]]}, "name": "Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane", "extendedDescription": "We are a student group that intends to join Mozambican society to create a resilient community of humanitarian mapping. The community intend to map the physical occupation of our Country and create open geographic data, accessible to the public and able to be used in several areas without associated costs.", "url": "www.facebook.com/Moz-YouthMappers", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "moz.youthmappers1@hotmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger": {"id": "ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-16.42556, 16.06284]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at UGB", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université Gaston Berger", "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers UGB is made up of young students and researchers who are passionate about mapping. Our aim is to improve students' skills in the field of cartography and to participate in the creation of open geographic data that responds to development challenges around the world and particularly in Africa.", "url": "https://web.facebook.com/youthmappersugb/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.ugb@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat": {"id": "ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-6.84395, 33.99862]]}, "name": "Brahmapoutre at Rabat", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat", "extendedDescription": "This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries", "url": "mailto:khmichasma@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "khmichasma@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universit-de-NZrkor": {"id": "ym-Universit-de-NZrkor", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-8.83716, 7.7324]]}, "name": "Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université de N'Zérékoré", "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit.", "url": "mailto:donpaul1974@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "donpaul1974@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako": {"id": "ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-7.98832, 12.61531]]}, "name": "Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako", "url": "mailto:youthmappersfhg@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersfhg@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar": {"id": "ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[119.4292, -5.18613]]}, "name": "Kontur Geografi", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar", "url": "https://tentangkontur.blogspot.co.id", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "konturgeografi@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta": {"id": "ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[110.76899, -7.55758]]}, "name": "SpaceTime", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta", "extendedDescription": "SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta.", "url": "mailto:spacetime1717@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "spacetime1717@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-California-Davis": {"id": "ym-University-of-California-Davis", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-121.72852, 38.54799]]}, "name": "Mapping Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis", "url": "mailto:ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20UC%20Davis%20Mapping%20Club", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Cape-Coast": {"id": "ym-University-of-Cape-Coast", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-1.23047, 5.09092]]}, "name": "UCC Geographical Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Cape Coast", "extendedDescription": "We are a society that encompasses all students who are reading and read geography in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Cape Coast. Our main aim is to promote interest in the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. Our motto is “We comprehend the Earth and its inhabitants.”", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Geographical-Society-Ucc-105157196204838/info/?tab=page_info", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geosoc_ucc@yahoo.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Central-Florida": {"id": "ym-University-of-Central-Florida", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-81.38672, 28.45891]]}, "name": "Geospatial Information Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida", "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS.", "url": "mailto:rsouth@knights.ucf.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "rsouth@knights.ucf.edu"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Chicago": {"id": "ym-University-of-Chicago", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-87.59878, 41.78872]]}, "name": "Tobler Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago", "url": "mailto:toblersociety@uchicago.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "toblersociety@uchicago.edu"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam": {"id": "ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[39.20531, -6.78035]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam", "extendedDescription": "The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners .", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UDSMYouthMappers/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "godluckur@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources": {"id": "ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-2.343, 7.35021]]}, "name": "Eco-Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Energy and Natural Resources", "extendedDescription": "To provide a sound education to all citizens about the deteriorating environment and provide utmost use of recreation of the environment for human survival.", "url": "mailto:james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Exeter": {"id": "ym-University-of-Exeter", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-3.53515, 50.73664]]}, "name": "University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter", "extendedDescription": "We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/EUMissingMaps/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uniofexemissingmaps@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Ghana": {"id": "ym-University-of-Ghana", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.19624, 5.65113]]}, "name": "University of Ghana YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Ghana", "extendedDescription": "UG YouthMappers consists of both graduate and undergraduate students possessing knowledge and skills in GIS and Remote Sensing. The club is composed of an energetic team that is poised to address social issues and mitigate environmental problems through mapping. Our fundamental principles are capacity building, empowerment and teamwork.", "url": "https://twitter.com/UGYouthMappers", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mawulikaf@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers": {"id": "ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-10.61986, 6.37704]]}, "name": "University of Liberia YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Liberia YouthMappers", "extendedDescription": "The University of Liberia YouthMappers is a chapter organization of the Global YouthMappers. We are a nonprofit student mapping organization focus on mapping for Liberia’s development and the World at large. The purpose of this organization shall be to utilize technology and geospatial knowledge as means of creating and developing maps; collecting and analyzing data that will address local and worldwide challenges. Our aim is to support and create opportunity for students to develop interest and skills in the fields of mapping. We envision a united student community that are collaborative, active and are willing to work with the University of Liberia YouthMappers in order to better the lives of others.", "url": "mailto:ulym2017@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ulym2017@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Malawi": {"id": "ym-University-of-Malawi", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[35.33203, -15.36889]]}, "name": "Chanco Malawi YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Malawi", "extendedDescription": "Chanco Malawi YouthMappers is the student mapping organization for the University of Malawi's Chancellor College. The students in this chapter focus on mapping for Malawi's development and science needs.", "url": "mailto:zolamanyungwa@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "zolamanyungwa@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park": {"id": "ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.94332, 38.98672]]}, "name": "Geography Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park", "extendedDescription": "The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UMDGeographyClub/?fref=ts", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geogclubumd@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology": {"id": "ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-2.00125, 5.29878]]}, "name": "UMaT YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Mines and Technology", "extendedDescription": "UMaT YouthMappers is a group of volunteer students who seek to grant students the opportunity to improve skills in the field of mapping & creating open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide.", "url": "http://umatyouthmappers.wordpress.com/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "kwadzo459@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Nairobi": {"id": "ym-University-of-Nairobi", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[36.82617, -1.31824]]}, "name": "Geospatial Engineering Students Association", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nairobi", "extendedDescription": "UN students are working with the local OSM community, Map Kibera, and GrouthTruth to learn about open mapping and contribute data for needs in their urban communities.", "url": "www.geospatial.uonbi.ac.ke", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "contact@mapkibera.org"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus": {"id": "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[7.50373, 6.42639]]}, "name": "LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus", "extendedDescription": "The LionMappersTeam(LMT)Enugu Campus is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of Geoinformatics and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for Crowdsourced Mapping and Geographic Information provision using Openstreetmap, Citizen Science and other Geospatial Technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in Web-Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and ResearchWe are passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science.Our major activities include online crowdsourced-Cartography, Field Mapping ,Training workshops and outreaches to High School as well as Humanitarian/Disaster Response Mapping.", "url": "https://web.facebook.com/Lionmappersteam-enugu-Campus-361221567667528/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "lmtenugucampus@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka": {"id": "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[7.40821, 6.86461]]}, "name": "LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Nsukka", "extendedDescription": "The LionMappersTeam is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of mapping science and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for crowdsourced mapping and geographic information provision using Openstreetmap, citizen science and other geospatial technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and Research.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science,field mapping ,training workshops and outreaches to High Schools.", "url": "http://fb.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka;and send messages to our Page at m.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "lionmappersteam@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-North-Texas": {"id": "ym-University-of-North-Texas", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-97.15255, 33.20735]]}, "name": "UNT Geography Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas", "extendedDescription": "The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community.", "url": "Mailto:reeseramsey@my.unt.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "reeseramsey@my.unt.edu"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado": {"id": "ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-104.69563, 40.40395]]}, "name": "UNCO Geography and GIS Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado", "extendedDescription": "Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld", "url": "www.facebook.com/groups/476365076071166/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uncogeoggisclub@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Oregon": {"id": "ym-University-of-Oregon", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-123.04688, 44.02421]]}, "name": "Map by Northwest", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon", "extendedDescription": "Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures.", "url": "http://blogs.uoregon.edu/mxnw/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "cbone@uoregon.edu"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Panama": {"id": "ym-University-of-Panama", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.54102, 9.01527]]}, "name": "YouthMappers UP", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama", "extendedDescription": "Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to help identify, define, address, and create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives.", "url": "mailto:Youthmappers.up@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.up@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt": {"id": "ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[6.92037, 4.90173]]}, "name": "UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Port Harcourt", "extendedDescription": "UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port Harcourt is an action group and a team of volunteers for a collaborative online mapping targeted at training and empowering members with trending mapping skills to create open geospatial data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges for geoinformation and to provide humanitarian mapping services to resilient communities in Niger Delta,Nigeria and elsewhere.We promote Crowdsoucred Mapping and Geographic information volunteering using OpenStreetMap(OSM) platform and other accessible platforms for Rapid Response Mapping,Disaster Mapping,Geo-intelligence Mapping,Map updates and training.Its an affiliate Campus chapter of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team(HOT).It is a project-task team of YouthMappers that provide opportunity for members to learn and improve their skills in Geoinformatics so as to explore global opportunities in the field of Mapping and Geoinformation.", "url": "https://web.facebook.com/uniquemappersteamportharcourt/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "victor.sunday@uniport.edu.ng"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Pretoria": {"id": "ym-University-of-Pretoria", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[28.21289, -25.72063]]}, "name": "Centre for Geoinformation Science", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria", "extendedDescription": "The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's Centre for Geoinformation Science, a platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad.", "url": "http://www.up.ac.za/cgis", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "cgis-info@kendy.up.ac.za"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Redlands": {"id": "ym-University-of-Redlands", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-117.16339, 34.06295]]}, "name": "URSpatial Geo-Thinkers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands", "extendedDescription": "To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events.", "url": "mailto:nathan_strout@redlands.edu", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "nathan_strout@redlands.edu"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus": {"id": "ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[29.7397, -2.61509]]}, "name": "Rwanda YouthMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Rwanda - Huye Campus", "extendedDescription": "Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organized as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Rwanda-YouthMappers", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "erneruz@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-South-Carolina": {"id": "ym-University-of-South-Carolina", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-81.03516, 34.01609]]}, "name": "Geography Graduate Student Association", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina", "extendedDescription": "The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines.", "url": "https://carolinaggsa.wordpress.com/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "carolina_ggsa@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Southern-California": {"id": "ym-University-of-Southern-California", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-118.30078, 34.01609]]}, "name": "SC Mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California", "extendedDescription": "We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!", "url": "mailto:scmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20USC", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "scmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Vermont": {"id": "ym-University-of-Vermont", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-73.21289, 44.46493]]}, "name": "University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UVMHMC", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uvm.hmc@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Victoria": {"id": "ym-University-of-Victoria", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-123.31186, 48.46321]]}, "name": "Society of Geography Students", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria", "extendedDescription": "SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/SOGSUVic/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "sogsmappers@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Warwick": {"id": "ym-University-of-Warwick", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-1.56119, 52.37905]]}, "name": "University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick", "extendedDescription": "We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled.", "url": "mailto:p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Wyoming": {"id": "ym-University-of-Wyoming", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-105.56651, 41.31476]]}, "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming", "url": "http://www.uwyo.edu/geography/geographyclub/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gtu-geography@uwyo.edu"}]}, + "ym-University-of-Zimbabwe": {"id": "ym-University-of-Zimbabwe", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[31.05466, -17.78467]]}, "name": "UZMappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe", "extendedDescription": "UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Uzmappersteam-Zimbabwe-246038666256392/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uzmappersteam@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute": {"id": "ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[121.06, 14.65]]}, "name": "YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute", "extendedDescription": "The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to Open Street Maps.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UP-Resillience-Institute-Youth-Mappers-123477508533225", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "llnguyen@up.edu.ph"}]}, + "ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus": {"id": "ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.74601, 18.00629]]}, "name": "Libraries Outreach - ODL", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus", "extendedDescription": "The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students.", "url": "mailto:benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm"}]}, + "ym-Vassar-College": {"id": "ym-Vassar-College", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-73.89515, 41.68658]]}, "name": "Hudson Valley Mappers", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College", "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts.", "url": "http://pages.vassar.edu/gis/vassar-youthmappers/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geo@vassar.edu"}]}, + "ym-Villanova-University": {"id": "ym-Villanova-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-75.34361, 40.03714]]}, "name": "The Villanova Globeplotters", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University", "extendedDescription": "The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level.", "url": "mailto:villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-West-Virginia-University": {"id": "ym-West-Virginia-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.98047, 39.63936]]}, "name": "Maptime Morgantown", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University", "extendedDescription": "Working as a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world.", "url": "mailto:MaptimeMorgantown@gmail.com?subject=Maptime%20Morgantown%20from%20YouthMappers%20website", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "maptimemorgantown@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Western-Michigan-University": {"id": "ym-Western-Michigan-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[-85.61042, 42.28342]]}, "name": "Geography Club", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University", "url": "http://www.facebook.com/groups/WMUGeographyClub/", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "wmu.geog.club@gmail.com"}]}, + "ym-Yarmouk-University": {"id": "ym-Yarmouk-University", "type": "youthmappers", "locationSet": {"include": [[35.85811, 32.53652]]}, "name": "YouthMappers at YU", "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University", "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region.", "url": "mailto:rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo", "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo"}]} + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/resources.min.json b/dist/resources.min.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..14d94b6d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/resources.min.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"resources":{"Bahia-telegram":{"id":"Bahia-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["bahia.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Bahia Telegram Group","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Bahia community on Telegram","extendedDescription":"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://t.me/OSMBA","contacts":[{"name":"Wille Marcel","email":"wille@wille.blog.br"}]},"Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers":{"id":"Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["sf_bay_area.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Bay Area OpenStreetMappers","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in the Bay Area","extendedDescription":"This group is about growing the OpenStreetMap community here in the Bay Area. Our events are open to everyone, from open source enthusiasts, cyclists, GIS professionals, geocachers, and beyond. Anyone and everyone who is interested in maps, map making and free map data is welcome to join our group as well as attend our events.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Ben Discoe","email":"bdiscoe@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"Central-Pennsylvania-OSM":{"id":"Central-Pennsylvania-OSM","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["central_pa.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Central Pennsylvania OSM","description":"Online mapping community based out of State College, PA","url":"https://www.facebook.com/CentralPennsylvaniaOSM","contacts":[{"name":"Sterling Quinn","email":"sdq107@psu.edu"}],"order":3},"Code-for-San-Jose-Slack":{"id":"Code-for-San-Jose-Slack","type":"slack","locationSet":{"include":["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Code for San Jose Slack","description":"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}, then join the #osm channel.","url":"https://codeforsanjose.slack.com/","signupUrl":"https://slackin-c4sj.herokuapp.com/","contacts":[{"name":"OSM Bay Area mailing list","email":"talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":4},"DF-telegram":{"id":"DF-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["brasilia_df.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Brasília Telegram Group","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Brasília community on Telegram","extendedDescription":"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://t.me/osmbsb","contacts":[{"name":"Wille Marcel","email":"wille@wille.blog.br"}]},"Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM":{"id":"Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM","type":"osm","locationSet":{"include":["dfw_metro.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Dallas-Fort Worth OSM","description":"The OpenStreetMap user group for Dallas-Fort Worth","extendedDescription":"Dallas, Fort Worth, and all the cities in between are abounding with creative and tech-savvy people. The vision for this usergroup is to find new ways to use the amazing resource of OSM.","url":"http://dfwosm.org/","contacts":[{"name":"Andrew Matheny","email":"andrewdmatheny@gmail.com"}]},"Galicia-Telegram":{"id":"Galicia-Telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["galicia.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["es","gl"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Galicia Telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Telegram for Galicia","url":"https://t.me/joinchat/AAHZsRBs-mY3hrquk2kpig"},"Galicia-Twitter":{"id":"Galicia-Twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["galicia.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["es","gl"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Galicia Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/osmgalicia"},"GeoPhilly":{"id":"GeoPhilly","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["philly_metro.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"GeoPhilly","description":"Meetup for map enthusiasts in the Philadelphia area","extendedDescription":"GeoPhilly unites developers, geographers, data geeks, open source enthusiasts, civic hackers and map addicts in our shared love of maps and the stories they tell. If you use maps as part of your work or just want to learn more, this is the meetup for you! Our events aim to be open, friendly, educational and social and range from happy hours to lightning talks or even workshops. Come create a diverse, inspiring geospatial community in the Philadelphia with us!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/GeoPhilly/","contacts":[{"name":"Dan Ford","email":"dford@azavea.com"}],"order":5},"MapColabora-mailinglist":{"id":"MapColabora-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":[[-0.8860231,41.6568048]]},"name":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza","description":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Mailing list","url":"https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21forum/mapeado-colaborativo","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}],"order":1},"MapColabora-meetup":{"id":"MapColabora-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":[[-0.8860231,41.6568048]]},"name":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza","description":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Meetup page","url":"https://www.meetup.com/mapcolabora/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"MapColabora-twitter":{"id":"MapColabora-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":[[-0.8860231,41.6568048]]},"name":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza","description":"Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Twitter Account","url":"https://www.twitter.com/MapColabora","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mapeadocolaborativo@gmail.com"}],"order":4},"MapMinnesota":{"id":"MapMinnesota","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"MapMinnesota","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Twin Cities area","extendedDescription":"Connecting OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in Minnesota and the Twin Cities!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/Map-Minnesota/","contacts":[{"name":"Ian Dees","email":"ian.dees@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"Mapping-DC-meetup":{"id":"Mapping-DC-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["dc_metro.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Mapping DC","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area","extendedDescription":"We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. We gather every other month at meetups to focus on one area of our city.","url":"https://mappingdc.org/","contacts":[{"name":"Brian DeRocher","email":"brian@derocher.org"}],"order":5},"MappingWR":{"id":"MappingWR","type":"slack","locationSet":{"include":[[-80.4925,43.4518]]},"name":"MappingWR","description":"Making low carbon routes around Waterloo Region easy to find.","url":"https://mappingwr.slack.com/","signupUrl":"https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUswpQfyzwQugdLugtYh4WTMTce0EEjrnOS6xhQ416V4BFHg/viewform","contacts":[{"name":"David Trueman","email":"dwtrueman@gmail.com"}]},"Maptime-Bogota":{"id":"Maptime-Bogota","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["bogota.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Maptime Bogotá","description":"We're a group of mappers interested in mapping in OpenStreetMap around Bogotá.","extendedDescription":"Learn to collect data in the field and digitize onto OpenStreetMap. It is not necessary to have previous knowledge! You just need the desire to participate, learn, and have fun.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/Maptime-Colombia-OSM/","contacts":[{"name":"Andrés Gómez Casanova","email":"angoca@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"Maptime-ME-meetup":{"id":"Maptime-ME-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["portland_me.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"MaptimeME","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, around Portland, ME","extendedDescription":"Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation using mapping tools and technologies.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/MaptimeME/","contacts":[{"name":"Malcolm Toon","email":"malcolm@foreflight.com"}],"order":5},"Maptime-Oceania-Slack":{"id":"Maptime-Oceania-Slack","type":"slack","locationSet":{"include":["009"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Maptime Oceania Slack","description":"Sign up at {signupUrl}","url":"https://maptimeoceania.slack.com","signupUrl":"https://bit.ly/maptimeau","contacts":[{"name":"David Dean","email":"ddean@ieee.org"},{"name":"Philip Mallis","email":"philip.mallis@unimelb.edu.au"},{"name":"Edoardo Neerhut","email":"ed@mapillary.com"}],"order":3},"MaptimeHRVA-twitter":{"id":"MaptimeHRVA-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["hrva.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"MaptimeHRVA Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/maptimehrva","contacts":[{"name":"Jonah Adkins","email":"jonahadkins@gmail.com"}]},"Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup":{"id":"Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup","type":"group","locationSet":{"include":["east_midlands.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"East Midlands (Nottingham) Monthly pub meet-up","description":"Social gathering for East Midlands mappers and users","extendedDescription":"A group have been meeting since March 2011, initially in Nottingham, and, more recently in Derby, and from time to time elsewhere in the East Midlands. These are social gatherings, but are an excellent place to come and ask specific questions about OSM either in the area or in general. In the summer months we usually do some light mapping for an hour in the vicinity of our meeting place. The group as a whole has a special interest in mapping public rights of way and from time to time has mapping meetings for this purpose.","url":"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nottingham/Pub_Meetup","contacts":[{"name":"Jerry Clough","email":"SK53.osm@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"OSM-AR-facebook":{"id":"OSM-AR-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Facebook","extendedDescription":"News from the local community","url":"https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMapArgentina/","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-AR-forum":{"id":"OSM-AR-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum","extendedDescription":"Ideal for long or important discussions. Slow response time.","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=49","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],"order":-2},"OSM-AR-irc":{"id":"OSM-AR-irc","type":"irc","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC","description":"Join #osm-ar on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)","extendedDescription":"You may find the most geeky user in the community.","url":"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ar","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],"order":-4},"OSM-AR-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-AR-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Talk-ar Mailing List","description":"Historic mailing list. Almost unused today.","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ar/","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-AR-telegram":{"id":"OSM-AR-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina Telegram","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Telegram","extendedDescription":"The most active channel in the community, ideal for chatting and getting answers to your questions instantly. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://telegram.me/osm_ar","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-AR-twitter":{"id":"OSM-AR-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["ar"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","extendedDescription":"News from the local community and OpenStreetMap in general.","url":"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapAr","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap Argentina","email":"openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-Asia-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-Asia-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["142"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap Asia Mailinglist","description":"Talk-asia is the official Mailinglist for Asian Community","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-asia","contacts":[{"name":"Erwin Olario","email":"govvin@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-BGD-facebook":{"id":"OSM-BGD-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["bd"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap Bangladesh","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in Bangladesh","extendedDescription":"Mapping in Bangladesh? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmbd/","contacts":[{"name":"Ahasanul Hoque","email":"hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}],"order":3,"events":[{"id":"sotmasia2019","i18n":true,"name":"State of the Map Asia 2019","description":"Join the 2019 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in Dhaka","where":"Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh","when":"2019-11-01","url":"http://stateofthemap.asia/"}]},"OSM-BO-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-BO-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["bo"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Talk-bo Mailing List","description":"Talk-bo is the official mailing list for the Bolivian OpenStreetMap community","extendedDescription":"Mapping in Bolivia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-bo/","contacts":[{"name":"Marco Antonio","email":"marcoantoniofrias@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-BiH-telegram":{"id":"OSM-BiH-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["ba"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap BiH Telegram","description":"A Telegram group for the OSM Bosnia and Herzegovina community: {url}","url":"https://t.me/osmbih","order":5},"OSM-Boston":{"id":"OSM-Boston","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["boston_metro.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Boston","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Boston area","extendedDescription":"OpenStreetMap is the free and open, wiki-style map of the world, with hundreds of thousands of contributions every day from people like you. Editing the map is simple, and fun! Join us both indoors and outdoors in our effort to create the best map of the Boston area and the rest of the world!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Boston/","contacts":[{"name":"Lars Ahlzen","email":"lars@ahlzen.com"}],"order":5},"OSM-CA-Slack":{"id":"OSM-CA-Slack","type":"slack","locationSet":{"include":["ca"]},"languageCodes":["en","fr"],"name":"OSM-CA Slack","description":"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}.","url":"https://osm-ca.slack.com/","signupUrl":"https://slackinviteosmcanada.herokuapp.com/","contacts":[{"name":"Denis Carriere","email":"carriere.denis@gmail.com"}],"order":4},"OSM-CA-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-CA-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["ca"]},"languageCodes":["en","fr"],"name":"OSM-CA mailing list","description":"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Canada.","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ca"},"OSM-CA-telegram":{"id":"OSM-CA-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["ca"]},"languageCodes":["en","fr"],"name":"@osmca on Telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Canada Telegram chat","url":"https://t.me/osmca"},"OSM-CL-facebook":{"id":"OSM-CL-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["cl"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Facebook","extendedDescription":"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap-Chile-145127198882915/","contacts":[{"name":"Julio Costa","email":"julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}],"order":3},"OSM-CL-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-CL-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["cl"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Talk-cl Mailing List","description":"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Chile","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cl/","contacts":[{"name":"Julio Costa","email":"julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}],"order":-3},"OSM-CL-telegram":{"id":"OSM-CL-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["cl"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Chile Telegram","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Telegram","extendedDescription":"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://t.me/OSMcl","contacts":[{"name":"Julio Costa","email":"julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}]},"OSM-CL-twitter":{"id":"OSM-CL-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["cl"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/osmCL","contacts":[{"name":"Julio Costa","email":"julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}]},"OSM-CN-telegram":{"id":"OSM-CN-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["cn"]},"languageCodes":["zh"],"name":"OpenStreetMap China Telegram","description":"A Telegram group for the OSM Chinese community: {url}","url":"https://t.me/osmchina","order":5},"OSM-CO":{"id":"OSM-CO","type":"group","locationSet":{"include":["co"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Colombia","description":"News of the OpenStreetMap Colombia community and the OSMCo Foundation","url":"https://blog.openstreetmap.co/s657","contacts":[{"name":"Fredy Rivera","email":"fredyrivera@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-CO-facebook":{"id":"OSM-CO-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["co"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Colombia Facebook","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Colombia community on Facebook","extendedDescription":"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/OsmCol/","contacts":[{"name":"Fredy Rivera","email":"fredyrivera@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-CO-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-CO-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["co"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Talk-co Mailing List","description":"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Colombia","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-co/","contacts":[{"name":"Fredy Rivera","email":"fredyrivera@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-CO-telegram":{"id":"OSM-CO-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["co"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OSM Colombia on Telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Colombia Telegram chat","url":"https://telegram.me/osmco","contacts":[{"name":"Fredy Rivera","email":"fredyrivera@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-CO-twitter":{"id":"OSM-CO-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["co"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Colombia Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapCo","contacts":[{"name":"Fredy Rivera","email":"fredyrivera@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-CU-telegram":{"id":"OSM-CU-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["cu"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OSM Cuba on Telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Cuba Telegram chat","url":"https://telegram.me/OSM_Cuba","contacts":[{"name":"Talk-cu Owner","email":"talk-cu-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"OSM-CZ-telegram":{"id":"OSM-CZ-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["cz"]},"languageCodes":["cs","en","sk"],"name":"OpenStreetMap CZ Telegram","description":"A Telegram group for the OSM Czech community: {url}","url":"https://t.me/OSM_cz","order":5},"OSM-Central-Salish-Sea":{"id":"OSM-Central-Salish-Sea","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["mt_vernon_wa.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Mount Vernon, WA","extendedDescription":"OpenStreetMap is an map of the world made by people like you. It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more. We meet all the time to talk maps, make maps and have fun!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Central-Salish-Sea/","contacts":[{"name":"Clifford Snow","email":"clifford@snowandsnow.us"}],"order":5},"OSM-Chattanooga":{"id":"OSM-Chattanooga","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["chattanooga.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OSM Chattanooga","description":"The OpenStreetMap user group for Chattanooga","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/123483951073256","contacts":[{"name":"Jenny Park","email":"tennessee@tpl.org"},{"name":"Randal Hale","email":"rjhale@northrivergeographic.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-Colorado":{"id":"OSM-Colorado","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["colorado.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Colorado","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Colorado, USA","extendedDescription":"OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Colorado/","contacts":[{"name":"Russell Deffner","email":"russdeffner@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"OSM-Discord":{"id":"OSM-Discord","type":"discord","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Discord","description":"Get in touch with other mappers via Discord","url":"https://discord.gg/SRZUYUz","contacts":[{"name":"Austin Harrison","email":"jaustinharrison@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-EC-telegram":{"id":"OSM-EC-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["ec"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OSM Ecuador on Telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Ecuador Telegram chat","url":"https://telegram.me/MappingEcuador","contacts":[{"name":"Talk-ec Owner","email":"talk-ec-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"OSM-ES-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-ES-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["es"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Talk-es mailing list","description":"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Spain","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es","contacts":[{"name":"Iván Sánchez","email":"ivansanchez@escomposlinux.org"}],"order":-3},"OSM-ES-telegram":{"id":"OSM-ES-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["es"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"@OSMes on Telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Spain Telegram chat","url":"https://t.me/OSMes","contacts":[{"name":"Jorge Sanz","email":"sanchi2@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-Facebook":{"id":"OSM-Facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap on Facebook","description":"Like us on Facebook for news and updates about OpenStreetMap.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap","contacts":[{"name":"Harry Wood","email":"mail@harrywood.co.uk"}],"order":3},"OSM-IDN-facebook":{"id":"OSM-IDN-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["id"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap Indonesia","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in Indonesia","extendedDescription":"Mapping in Indonesia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osm.id/","contacts":[{"name":"Yantisa Akhadi","email":"yantisa.akhadi@hotosm.org"}],"order":3},"OSM-IRC":{"id":"OSM-IRC","type":"irc","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap IRC","description":"Join #osm on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)","url":"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm","contacts":[{"name":"Harry Wood","email":"mail@harrywood.co.uk"}],"order":-4},"OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook":{"id":"OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":[[79.7324,11.9142]]},"name":"Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook","description":"FSHM Facebook page to know about community events, activities","extendedDescription":"FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap. Its FB page is the best way to keep in contact with its events.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/FSHMP","contacts":[{"name":"Kamalavelan","email":"sskamalavelan@gmail.com","osm":"demonshreder"},{"name":"Prasanna","email":"prasmailme@gmail.com","osm":"Prashere"}],"order":3},"OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix":{"id":"OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix","type":"matrix","locationSet":{"include":[[79.7324,11.9142]]},"name":"Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix","description":"FSHM Riot group to discuss, share and update mapping activities, events in and around Puducherry","extendedDescription":"FSHM community members share their OSM mapping updates / experiences through the Riot.im group, this group is also used to discuss things related to free software / hardware, technology and activism.","url":"https://riot.im/app/#/room/#fshm:matrix.org","contacts":[{"name":"Kamalavelan","email":"sskamalavelan@gmail.com","osm":"demonshreder"},{"name":"Prasanna","email":"prasmailme@gmail.com","osm":"Prashere"}]},"OSM-India-facebook":{"id":"OSM-India-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["in"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in India","extendedDescription":"Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/mappingindia/","contacts":[{"name":"Jinal Foflia","email":"fofliajinal@gmail.com"},{"name":"Arun Ganesh","email":"arun.planemad@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-Japan-telegram":{"id":"OSM-Japan-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["jp"]},"languageCodes":["ja"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Japan Telegram","description":"A Telegram group for the OSM Japan community: {url}","url":"https://t.me/osmjapan","contacts":[{"name":"OSMF Japan","email":"info@osmf.jp"}],"order":5},"OSM-Kerala-facebook":{"id":"OSM-Kerala-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["india_kerala.geojson"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap Kerala - Participatory neighborhood mapping","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in Kerala","extendedDescription":"Mapping in Kerala ? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://facebook.com/osmkerala/","contacts":[{"name":"Manoj Karingamadathil","email":"dartermanoj@gmail.com"},{"name":"Jaisen Nedumpala","email":"jaisuvyas@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-Korea-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-Korea-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["kp","kr"]},"languageCodes":["en","ko"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Korea Mailinglist","description":"Talk-ko is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Korea","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ko","contacts":[{"name":"Talk-ko-owner","email":"talk-ko-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":-3},"OSM-Korea-telegram":{"id":"OSM-Korea-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["kp","kr"]},"languageCodes":["en","ko"],"name":"OSM Korea Telegram","description":"Unofficial Group for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities, and users in Korea to share and discuss.","url":"https://t.me/osmKorea","contacts":[{"name":"Yongmin Hong","email":"revi@pobox.com"},{"name":"Max N","email":"abonnements@revolwear.com"}]},"OSM-MMR-facebook":{"id":"OSM-MMR-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["mm"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap Myanmar","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in Myanmar","extendedDescription":"Mapping in Myanmar? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmmm/","contacts":[{"name":"Yan Naung Oak","email":"yan@phandeeyar.org"},{"name":"Patrick Oswald","email":"patrickoswald.omm@gmail.com"},{"name":"Set Khaing Oo","email":"setkhaing@phandeeyar.org"}],"order":3},"OSM-MNG-facebook":{"id":"OSM-MNG-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["mn"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap Mongolia","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in Mongolia","extendedDescription":"Mapping in Mongolia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/OSM.Mongolia/","contacts":[{"name":" ","email":"talk-mn@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":3},"OSM-MY-facebook":{"id":"OSM-MY-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["my"]},"languageCodes":["en","ms"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Malaysia on Facebook","description":"For chat about anything related to OpenStreetMap!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/openstreetmapMY/","contacts":[{"name":"Mohd Saidin","email":"projekopenstreetmap@hotmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-MY-forum":{"id":"OSM-MY-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["my"]},"languageCodes":["en","ms"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum","description":"Official OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=60","contacts":[{"name":"Mohd Saidin","email":"projekopenstreetmap@hotmail.com"}],"order":-2},"OSM-MY-matrix":{"id":"OSM-MY-matrix","type":"matrix","locationSet":{"include":["my"]},"languageCodes":["en","ms"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Malaysia Riot channel","description":"All mappers are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}","url":"https://riot.im/app/#/room/#OpenstreetmapMalaysia:matrix.org","signupUrl":"https://riot.im/app/#/register","contacts":[{"name":"Ahmad Amsyar","email":"OfficiallyAhmad@protonmail.ch"}]},"OSM-Nepal-facebook":{"id":"OSM-Nepal-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["np"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap Nepal","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in Nepal","extendedDescription":"Mapping in Nepal? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/mapkathmandu/","contacts":[{"name":"Kshitiz Khanal","email":"khanal1990@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-Ottawa-meetup":{"id":"OSM-Ottawa-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["ottawa_gatineau.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en","fr"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Ottawa","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Ottawa area","url":"https://www.meetup.com/openstreetmap-ottawa/","contacts":[{"name":"Denis Carriere","email":"carriere.denis@gmail.com"},{"name":"John Marshall","email":"rps333@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PE":{"id":"OSM-PE","type":"osm","locationSet":{"include":["pe"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Peru","description":"News and resources for the OpenStreetMap Peru community","url":"http://osmpe.ourproject.org/","contacts":[{"name":"Diego Sangunietti","email":"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{"name":"Ruben Lopez M.","email":"rub2106@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PE-facebook":{"id":"OSM-PE-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["pe"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Peru Facebook","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Peru community on Facebook","url":"https://www.facebook.com/Osmpe","contacts":[{"name":"Diego Sangunietti","email":"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{"name":"Ruben Lopez M.","email":"rub2106@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-PE-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-PE-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["pe"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Talk-pe Mailing List","description":"The official mailing list for the OpenStreetMap Peru community","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-pe/","contacts":[{"name":"Diego Sangunietti","email":"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{"name":"Ruben Lopez M.","email":"rub2106@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-PE-matrix":{"id":"OSM-PE-matrix","type":"matrix","locationSet":{"include":["pe"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Peru Matrix Chat","description":"Chat with other members of the OpenStreetMap Peru community in Matrix.","url":"https://matrix.to/#/#osmpe:matrix.org","contacts":[{"name":"Diego Sangunietti","email":"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{"name":"Ruben Lopez M.","email":"rub2106@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PE-telegram":{"id":"OSM-PE-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["pe"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Peru Telegram","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Peru community on Telegram","url":"https://telegram.me/osmPe","contacts":[{"name":"Diego Sangunietti","email":"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{"name":"Ruben Lopez M.","email":"rub2106@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PE-twitter":{"id":"OSM-PE-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["pe"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Peru Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/osmpe","contacts":[{"name":"Diego Sangunietti","email":"diego.sanguinetti@hotmail.com"},{"name":"Ruben Lopez M.","email":"rub2106@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PH-facebook":{"id":"OSM-PH-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["ph"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap PH Facebook","description":"Welcome to OpenStreetMap Philippines, where we encourage all fellow Filipinos to contribute to the OpenStreetMap project.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/OSMPH/","contacts":[{"name":"Maning Sambale","email":"emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"},{"name":"OSM PH Group","email":"osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-PH-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-PH-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["ph"]},"name":"Talk-ph Mailing List","description":"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in the Philippines","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ph/","contacts":[{"name":"Maning Sambale","email":"emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"},{"name":"OSM PH Group","email":"osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-PH-slack":{"id":"OSM-PH-slack","type":"slack","locationSet":{"include":["ph"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap PH Slack","description":"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}","url":"https://osmph.slack.com","signupUrl":"https://osmph-chat.herokuapp.com/","contacts":[{"name":"Maning Sambale","email":"emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"},{"name":"OSM PH Group","email":"osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}],"order":4},"OSM-PH-telegram":{"id":"OSM-PH-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["ph"]},"languageCodes":["en","tl"],"name":"OpenStreetMap PH Telegram","description":"Un-official, Telegram local community of OpenStreetMap contributors and friends in the Philippines","url":"https://t.me/osmph","contacts":[{"name":"Erwin Olario","email":"govvin@gmail.com"},{"name":"OSM PH Group","email":"osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-PL-facebook-group":{"id":"OSM-PL-facebook-group","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["pl"]},"languageCodes":["pl"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Poland Facebook group","description":"Group for mappers and users of OpenStreetMap in Poland","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/500589303317858/","contacts":[{"name":"Michał Brzozowski","email":"www.haxor@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-PL-forum":{"id":"OSM-PL-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["pl"]},"languageCodes":["en","pl"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Poland Forum","description":"Forum of Polish OpenStreetMap community","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=23","contacts":[{"name":"Daniel Koć","email":"daniel@xn--ko-wla.pl"},{"name":"Ryszard Mikke","email":"ryszard.mikke@gmail.com"}],"order":10},"OSM-PY-telegram":{"id":"OSM-PY-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["py"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OSM Paraguay on Telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Paraguay Telegram chat","url":"https://telegram.me/osm_py","contacts":[{"name":"Talk-py Owner","email":"talk-py-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"OSM-Portland":{"id":"OSM-Portland","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["portland_or.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Portland","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area","extendedDescription":"OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world made by people like you. It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more, and come join us at a meetup to talk maps, contribute to OSM, and have fun!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Portland/","contacts":[{"name":"Madeline Steele","email":"madeline.steele@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"OSM-Portland-forum":{"id":"OSM-Portland-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["portland_or.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group","description":"Forum and mailing list for OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area","extendedDescription":"This group is to facilitate improvements to OpenStreetMap in the Portland, Oregon area to support applications such as the Open Trip Planner.","url":"https://groups.google.com/group/osm-pdx","contacts":[{"name":"Madeline Steele","email":"madeline.steele@gmail.com"}],"order":-2},"OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List":{"id":"OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":[[79.7324,11.9142]]},"name":"Free Software Hardware Movement - Mailing List","description":"FSHM Puducherry mailing list to discuss mapping in Puducherry and other things.","extendedDescription":"FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap.","url":"https://www.freelists.org/archive/puduvailug/","signupUrl":"https://www.freelists.org/list/puduvailug","contacts":[{"name":"Kamalavelan","email":"sskamalavelan@gmail.com","osm":"demonshreder"},{"name":"Prasanna","email":"prasmailme@gmail.com","osm":"Prashere"}],"order":-3},"OSM-RU-forum":{"id":"OSM-RU-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["ru"]},"languageCodes":["ru"],"name":"OpenStreetMap RU forum","description":"OpenStreetMap Russia web forum","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=21","contacts":[{"name":"Ilya Zverev","email":"ilya@zverev.info"}],"order":-2},"OSM-RU-telegram":{"id":"OSM-RU-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["ru"]},"languageCodes":["ru"],"name":"OpenStreetMap RU telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Russia telegram chat","url":"https://t.me/ruosm","contacts":[{"name":"Ilya Zverev","email":"ilya@zverev.info"}]},"OSM-Reddit":{"id":"OSM-Reddit","type":"reddit","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap on Reddit","description":"/r/openstreetmap/ is a great place to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Ask us anything!","url":"https://www.reddit.com/r/openstreetmap/","contacts":[{"name":"Serge Wroclawski","email":"emacsen@gmail.com"}],"order":2},"OSM-Rome-meetup":{"id":"OSM-Rome-meetup","type":"group","locationSet":{"include":["roma-capitale.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["it"],"name":"Incontro Mappatori Romani","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in the Rome area","extendedDescription":"We aim to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Lazio.","url":"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Rome/Incontro","contacts":[{"name":"Martin Koppenhoefer","email":"dieterdreist@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-Seattle":{"id":"OSM-Seattle","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["seattle.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Seattle","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Seattle area","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Seattle/","contacts":[{"name":"Clifford Snow","email":"clifford@snowandsnow.us"},{"name":"Chase Stephens","email":"seattlefyi@gmail.com"},{"name":"Paul McCombs","email":"pablo@imperium.org"}],"order":5},"OSM-SoCal":{"id":"OSM-SoCal","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["la_metro.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Southern California","description":"Let's have some fun, contribute something to Los Angeles, and learn about mapping!","extendedDescription":"OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California is for anyone interested in mapping to get together to work with OpenStreetMap. 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Programming and GIS skills are not required.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/Code-for-San-Jose/","contacts":[{"name":"OSM Bay Area mailing list","email":"talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":5},"OSM-TH-CNX-meetup":{"id":"OSM-TH-CNX-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["thailand_cnx.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OSM Meetup Chiang Mai","description":"Irregular meeting of the OpenStreetMap community in Chiang Mai","extendedDescription":"Members of the OpenStreetMap community meet every few months in Chiang Mai. Get in contact and check out {url} to see when the next meetup is scheduled","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46","contacts":[{"name":"Team Chiang Mai","email":"meetup-cnx@openstreetmap.in.th"}],"order":5},"OSM-TH-facebook":{"id":"OSM-TH-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["th"]},"languageCodes":["en","th"],"name":"OpenStreetMap TH Facebook group","description":"Facebook group for OpenStreetMappers in Thailand","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/thaiosm/","contacts":[{"name":"Theppitak Karoonboonyanan","email":"theppitak@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-TH-forum":{"id":"OSM-TH-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["th"]},"languageCodes":["en","th"],"name":"OpenStreetMap TH forum","description":"OpenStreetMap Thailand web forum","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46","contacts":[{"name":"Stephan Knauss","email":"osm@stephans-server.de"}],"order":-2},"OSM-TW-facebook":{"id":"OSM-TW-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["tw"]},"languageCodes":["zh-tw"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community","description":"Facebook Group for Mappers and OpenStreetMap users to discuss matters about Taiwan.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenStreetMap.TW/","contacts":[{"name":"Nobody 沒有人 (Public mail)","email":"hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}],"order":3},"OSM-TW-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-TW-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["tw"]},"languageCodes":["en","zh-tw"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailinglist","description":"Talk-tw is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Taiwan","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-tw","contacts":[{"name":"Nobody 沒有人 (Public email)","email":"hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}],"order":-3},"OSM-TW-telegram":{"id":"OSM-TW-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["tw"]},"languageCodes":["zh-tw"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Taiwan Telegram","description":"A Telegram group for the OSM Taiwan community: {url}","url":"https://t.me/OSMTaiwan","contacts":[{"name":"Nobody 沒有人 (Public mail)","email":"hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}],"order":5},"OSM-Tampa-Bay":{"id":"OSM-Tampa-Bay","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["tampa_bay.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Tampa Bay area","extendedDescription":"OSM Tampa Bay group for local residents to get together and build out the definitive map of Tampa Bay with OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world. If you're into maps, data, open source, GPS, hiking, cycling, et cetera, you'll love working with OpenStreetMap -- so join in! We'll get together and map and talk about new topics once-a-month or so.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/osmtampabay/","contacts":[{"name":"Coleman McCormick","email":"cmccormick@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"OSM-Telegram":{"id":"OSM-Telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Telegram","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Telegram global supergroup at {url}","url":"https://t.me/OpenStreetMapOrg","contacts":[{"name":"Max N","email":"abonnements@revolwear.com"}]},"OSM-Twitter":{"id":"OSM-Twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/openstreetmap","contacts":[{"name":"Harry Wood","email":"mail@harrywood.co.uk"}]},"OSM-US":{"id":"OSM-US","type":"group","locationSet":{"include":["us"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap US","description":"We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in the United States.","extendedDescription":"We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap US here: {signupUrl}","url":"https://www.openstreetmap.us/","signupUrl":"https://www.openstreetmap.us/join","contacts":[{"name":"Ian Dees","email":"ian@openstreetmap.us"},{"name":"Bryan Housel","email":"bryan@openstreetmap.us"}]},"OSM-US-Slack":{"id":"OSM-US-Slack","type":"slack","locationSet":{"include":["us"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap US Slack","description":"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}","url":"https://osmus.slack.com","signupUrl":"https://slack.openstreetmap.us/","contacts":[{"name":"Ian Dees","email":"ian@openstreetmap.us"},{"name":"Clifford Snow","email":"clifford@snowandsnow.us"}],"order":4},"OSM-Utah":{"id":"OSM-Utah","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["salt_lake_city.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Utah","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Salt Lake City area","extendedDescription":"Activities may include things like Learn To Map workshops, mapping parties and outdoor data collection. The events will take place in the SLC area, at least initially. We are looking for seasoned mappers as well as people new to OSM. Join and let's do some mapping!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Utah/","contacts":[{"name":"Martijn van Exel","email":"m@rtijn.org"}],"order":5},"OSM-Wyoming":{"id":"OSM-Wyoming","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["wyoming.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Wyoming","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Wyoming","extendedDescription":"OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Wyoming/","contacts":[{"name":"Russell Deffner","email":"russdeffner@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"OSM-br-discord":{"id":"OSM-br-discord","type":"discord","locationSet":{"include":["br"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Discord","url":"https://discord.gg/bQn4aCm","contacts":[{"name":"Eduardo Addad de Oliveira","email":"duduaddad@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-br-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-br-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["br"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"Talk-br Mailing List","description":"A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Brazil","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-br/","contacts":[{"name":"Arlindo Pereira","email":"nighto@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-br-telegram":{"id":"OSM-br-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["br"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Brasil Telegram","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Telegram","extendedDescription":"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://t.me/OSMBrasil_Comunidade","contacts":[{"name":"Vitor George","email":"vitor.george@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-br-twitter":{"id":"OSM-br-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["br"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Brasil Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapBR","contacts":[{"name":"Wille Marcel","email":"wille@wille.blog.br"}]},"OSM-help":{"id":"OSM-help","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Help","description":"Ask a question and get answers on OSM's community-driven question and answer site.","extendedDescription":"{url} is for everyone who needs help with OpenStreetMap. Whether you are a beginner mapper or have a technical question, we're here to help!","url":"https://help.openstreetmap.org/","contacts":[{"name":"OSMF Operations","email":"operations@osmfoundation.org"}],"order":-2},"OSM-india-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-india-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["in"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap India Mailinglist","description":"Talk-in is the official Mailinglist for Indian Community","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-in","contacts":[{"name":"Arun Ganesh","email":"arun.planemad@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"OSM-india-twitter":{"id":"OSM-india-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["in"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap India Twitter","description":"We are just a tweet away: {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/osm_in","contacts":[{"name":"Jinal Foflia","email":"fofliajinal@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-japan-facebook":{"id":"OSM-japan-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["jp"]},"languageCodes":["ja"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Japan Community","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in Japan","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmjapan/","contacts":[{"name":"Satoshi IIDA","email":"nyampire@gmail.com"}],"order":3},"OSM-japan-mailinglist":{"id":"OSM-japan-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["jp"]},"languageCodes":["ja"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Japan Mailinglist","description":"Talk-ja is an Official Mailinglist for Japanese Community","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ja","contacts":[{"name":"OSMF Japan","email":"info@osmf.jp"}],"order":-3},"OSM-japan-twitter":{"id":"OSM-japan-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["jp"]},"languageCodes":["ja"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Japan Twitter","description":"Hashtag on Twitter: {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/hashtag/osmjp","contacts":[{"name":"Satoshi IIDA","email":"nyampire@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-japan-website":{"id":"OSM-japan-website","type":"osm","locationSet":{"include":["jp"]},"languageCodes":["ja"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Japan","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in Japan","url":"https://openstreetmap.jp/","contacts":[{"name":"Satoshi IIDA","email":"nyampire@gmail.com"}]},"OSM-sri-lanka-facebook":{"id":"OSM-sri-lanka-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["lk"]},"name":"OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka","description":"Improve OpenStreetMap in Sri Lanka","extendedDescription":"Mapping in Sri Lanka? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/142058222659672/","contacts":[{"name":"Karan Suthakaran","email":"karansuthakaran@yahoo.com"}],"order":3},"OSMF":{"id":"OSMF","type":"osm","locationSet":{"include":["001"]},"languageCodes":["en","fr","it","ja","nl","ru"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Foundation","description":"OSMF is a UK-based not-for-profit that supports the OpenStreetMap Project","extendedDescription":"OSMF supports the OpenStreetMap by fundraising, maintaining the servers which power OSM, organizing the annual State of the Map conference, and coordinating the volunteers who keep OSM running. 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We're also a maptime chapter =)","url":"https://www.meetup.com/open-cleveland/","contacts":[{"name":"Will Skora","email":"skorasaurus@gmail.com"},{"name":"Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz","email":"anastasia.diamond@gmail.com"}],"order":5},"PHXGeo-meetup":{"id":"PHXGeo-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["phoenix.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"PHXGeo Meetup","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Phoenix, AZ area","extendedDescription":"This is a meetup group for those in the Phoenix area who like maps, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartography and anything in between.","url":"https://www.meetup.com/PHXGeo/","contacts":[{"name":"Ryan Arp","email":"ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"}],"order":5},"PHXGeo-twitter":{"id":"PHXGeo-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["phoenix.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"PHXGeo Twitter","description":"Follow us on Twitter at {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/phxgeo","contacts":[{"name":"Ryan Arp","email":"ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"}]},"RS-telegram":{"id":"RS-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["riograndedosul.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["pt"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul community on Telegram","extendedDescription":"Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!","url":"https://t.me/osmrs"},"South-Tyrol-Mailing-List":{"id":"South-Tyrol-Mailing-List","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["south-tyrol.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["de","en","it","lld"],"name":"OpenStreetMap mailing list for South Tyrol","description":"OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for South Tyrol","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-southtyrol","contacts":[{"name":"Martin Raifer","email":"tyr.asd@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"Trentino-Mailing-List":{"id":"Trentino-Mailing-List","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["trentino.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["it"],"name":"OpenStreetMap mailing list for Trentino","description":"OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for Trentino","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-trentino","contacts":[{"name":"Luca Delucchi","email":"lucadeluge@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"Western-Slope-facebook":{"id":"Western-Slope-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["grand_junction_co.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Western Slope OSM Facebook","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO","url":"https://www.facebook.com/wsosm/","contacts":[{"name":"Aaron Young","email":"aaron@kaartgroup.com"}],"order":3},"Western-Slope-meetup":{"id":"Western-Slope-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["grand_junction_co.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Western Slope OSM Meetup","description":"Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO","extendedDescription":"The goal of this group is to introduce OpenStreetMap to the community, develop a community of mappers, create the most amazing geodata possible using whatever method we can and finally strategize in order to get this data out into our community. Imagine accurate trail signage! Imagine further development of bike paths! Imagine anything you want, that's the joy of OpenStreetMap!","url":"https://www.meetup.com/Western-Slope-OpenStreetMap/","contacts":[{"name":"Aaron Young","email":"aaron@kaartgroup.com"}],"order":5},"al-forum":{"id":"al-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["al"]},"languageCodes":["en","sq"],"name":"OSM Albania Forum","description":"OpenStreetMap Albania Forum","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=91","contacts":[{"name":"Jonathan Beliën","email":"dev@jbelien.be"},{"name":"Amanti Lulo","email":"amanti.lulo@gmail.com"}],"order":-2},"al-maptime-tirana":{"id":"al-maptime-tirana","type":"group","locationSet":{"include":[[19.8156,41.3305]]},"languageCodes":["en","sq"],"name":"Maptime Tirana","description":"Social events organized around mapping - beginners most welcome!","extendedDescription":"Maptime is an open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge, offering intentional educational support for the beginner. 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You can ask anything there! The other rooms are for specific subjects.","url":"https://riot.im/app/#/group/+osmbe:matrix.org","contacts":[{"name":"BE community","email":"community@osm.be"}],"order":6},"be-meetup":{"id":"be-meetup","type":"meetup","locationSet":{"include":["be"]},"languageCodes":["de","en","fr","nl"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Belgium Meetup","description":"Real life meetups of everyone who is interested in OpenStreetMap","extendedDescription":"Physical meetups are great to meet other mappers, ask them questions and to learn a lot. Especially new contributors are very welcome!","url":"https://meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/","contacts":[{"name":"BE community","email":"community@osm.be"}],"order":5},"be-twitter":{"id":"be-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["be"]},"languageCodes":["de","en","fr","nl"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Belgium Twitter","description":"OSM Belgium on Twitter: @osm_be","url":"https://twitter.com/osm_be","contacts":[{"name":"BE community","email":"community@osm.be"}],"order":4},"bg-forum":{"id":"bg-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["bg"]},"languageCodes":["bg","en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Bulgaria Forum","description":"Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Bulgaria","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=57"},"bg-wiki":{"id":"bg-wiki","type":"wiki","locationSet":{"include":["bg"]},"languageCodes":["bg","en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Bulgaria","description":"Wikiproject page for 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Twitter: {url}","extendedDescription":"This is the official handle for the Youth Mappers chapter of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. we love maps, open data and helping the vulnerable.","url":"https://twitter.com/YouthmappersUCC","contacts":[{"name":"Enock Seth Nyamador","email":"kwadzo459@gmail.com"}]},"ch-irc":{"id":"ch-irc","type":"irc","locationSet":{"include":["ch"]},"languageCodes":["de","en","fr","it"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Switzerland IRC","description":"Join #osm-ch on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)","url":"https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ch","contacts":[{"name":"Swiss OpenStreetMap Association","email":"board@sosm.ch"}],"order":-2},"ch-mailinglist":{"id":"ch-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["ch"]},"name":"Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Mailing List","description":"Mailing list for 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Sign up at {signupUrl}","extendedDescription":"Mailinglist for Rome and Lazio area.","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-lazio","signupUrl":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-lazio","contacts":[{"name":"Martin Koppenhoefer","email":"dieterdreist@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"talk-it-piemonte_mailinglist":{"id":"talk-it-piemonte_mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["piemonte.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["it"],"name":"OSM Italy regional talk list for Piemonte","description":"All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}","extendedDescription":"Mailinglist for Piemonte region.","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-piemonte","signupUrl":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it-piemonte","contacts":[{"name":"Marco Brancolini","email":"mbranco2@gmail.com"},{"name":"Andrea Musuruane","email":"musuruan@gmail.com"}],"order":2},"talk-mg":{"id":"talk-mg","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["mg"]},"languageCodes":["fr","mg"],"name":"Talk-mg Mailing List","description":"Place for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities and users in Madagascar to share and discuss.","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-mg","contacts":[{"name":"Brice Ramamonjy","email":"rafaby21@gmail.com"},{"name":"Dolly Andriatsiferana","email":"privatemajory@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"talk-nz":{"id":"talk-nz","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["nz"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Talk-nz Mailing List","description":"New Zealand's OSM community talk","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-nz","contacts":[{"name":"Talk NZ Owner","email":"talk-nz-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":-3},"talk-za":{"id":"talk-za","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["za"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Talk-za Mailing List","description":"Talk-za is the official mailing list for South African OSM community.","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-za","contacts":[{"name":"Grant Slater","email":"osm@firefishy.com"}]},"ua-facebook":{"id":"ua-facebook","type":"facebook","locationSet":{"include":["ukraine.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["uk"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Ukraine Facebook group","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Facebook","url":"https://www.facebook.com/openstreetmapua/","contacts":[{"name":"Andrii Holovin","email":"andygol@ua.fm"}],"order":3},"ua-forum":{"id":"ua-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["ukraine.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en","ru","uk"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Ukraine Forum","description":"Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Ukraine","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=40","contacts":[{"name":"Andrii Holovin","email":"andygol@ua.fm"}],"order":2},"ua-github":{"id":"ua-github","type":"github","locationSet":{"include":["ukraine.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en","uk"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Ukraine on GitHub","description":"OpenStreetMap Ukraine GitHub","url":"https://github.com/osm-ua/","contacts":[{"name":"Andrii Holovin","email":"andygol@ua.fm"}]},"ua-osm":{"id":"ua-osm","type":"osm","locationSet":{"include":["ukraine.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["uk"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Website Ukraine","description":"OpenStreetMap website in Ukraine","url":"https://openstreetmap.org.ua/","contacts":[{"name":"Andrii Holovin","email":"andygol@ua.fm"}],"order":4},"ua-slack":{"id":"ua-slack","type":"slack","locationSet":{"include":["ukraine.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en","ru","uk"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Ukraine Slack","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Slack","url":"https://osmukraine.slack.com/","signupUrl":"http://bit.ly/SlackOsmUa","contacts":[{"name":"Andrii Holovin","email":"andygol@ua.fm"}],"order":5},"ua-telegram":{"id":"ua-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["ukraine.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en","ru","uk"],"name":"@osmUA on Telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Ukraine Telegram chat","url":"https://t.me/osmUA","contacts":[{"name":"Andrii Holovin","email":"andygol@ua.fm"}]},"ua-twitter":{"id":"ua-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["ukraine.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["uk"],"name":"OpenStreetMap UA Twitter","description":"OpenStreetMap Ukraine on Twitter: {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/osm_ua","contacts":[{"name":"Andrii Holovin","email":"andygol@ua.fm"}],"order":1},"uk-localchapter":{"id":"uk-localchapter","type":"osm-lc","locationSet":{"include":["gb"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap UK","description":"The official Local Chapter for the UK (including Northern Ireland).","extendedDescription":"We support OpenStreetMap by holding events, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap UK here: {signupUrl}","url":"https://osmuk.org/","signupUrl":"https://osmuk.org/become-member/","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap UK","email":"board@osmuk.org"}],"order":3},"uk-london-twitter":{"id":"uk-london-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["london.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap London on Twitter","description":"OpenStreetMap London on Twitter: {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/OSMLondon","contacts":[{"name":"Harry Wood","email":"mail@harrywood.co.uk"}],"order":4},"uk-twitter":{"id":"uk-twitter","type":"twitter","locationSet":{"include":["gb"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter","description":"OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter: {url}","url":"https://twitter.com/osmuk","contacts":[{"name":"OpenStreetMap UK","email":"board@osmuk.org"}],"order":2},"us-ma-mailinglist":{"id":"us-ma-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["massachusetts.geojson"]},"languageCodes":["en"],"name":"Talk-us-massachusetts Mailing List","description":"Email mailing list for the Massachusetts OSM community","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-us-massachusetts","contacts":[{"name":"Alan Bragg","email":"alan.ruth.bragg@gmail.com"}],"order":-3},"uy-forum":{"id":"uy-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["uy"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap UY forum","description":"OpenStreetMap Uruguay web forum","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=78","contacts":[{"name":"UY community","email":"talk-uy-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":-2},"uy-irc":{"id":"uy-irc","type":"irc","locationSet":{"include":["uy"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Uruguay on IRC","description":"Join #osmuruguay on irc.freenode.org (port 6667)","extendedDescription":"Join #osmuruguay on irc.freenode.org","url":"https://webchat.freenode.net/?url=irc://irc.freenode.net/osmuruguay","contacts":[{"name":"UY community","email":"talk-uy-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":-4},"uy-mailinglist":{"id":"uy-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["uy"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Talk-uy Mailing List","description":"Talk-uy is the official mailing list for the Uruguayan OSM community","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-uy","contacts":[{"name":"UY community","email":"talk-uy-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":-3},"uzbekistan-telegram":{"id":"uzbekistan-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["uz"]},"name":"OSM Uzbekistan on Telegram","description":"OpenStreetMap Uzbekistan Telegram chat","url":"https://t.me/osm_uz"},"ve-forum":{"id":"ve-forum","type":"forum","locationSet":{"include":["ve"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap VE Forum","description":"OpenStreetMap Venezuela web forum","url":"https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=50","contacts":[{"name":"VE Community","email":"talk-ve-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":-2},"ve-mailinglist":{"id":"ve-mailinglist","type":"mailinglist","locationSet":{"include":["ve"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"Talk-ve Mailing List","description":"Talk-ve is the official mailing list for the Venezuelan OSM community","url":"https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ve","contacts":[{"name":"VE Community","email":"talk-ve-owner@openstreetmap.org"}],"order":-3},"ve-telegram":{"id":"ve-telegram","type":"telegram","locationSet":{"include":["ve"]},"languageCodes":["es"],"name":"OpenStreetMap Venezuela Telegram","description":"Join the OpenStreetMap Venezuela community on Telegram","url":"https://telegram.me/OSMve","contacts":[{"name":"VE Community","email":"talk-ve-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},"ym-AASTU":{"id":"ym-AASTU","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[38.8092,8.889]]},"name":"AASTU Youth Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University","extendedDescription":"The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.","url":"https://t.me/aastumappers","contacts":[{"name":"Ben Jamin","email":"benjazben10@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Abia-State-University":{"id":"ym-Abia-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[7.41909,5.8308]]},"name":"AbsuMappersTeam","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Abia State University","extendedDescription":"AbsuMappersTeam is voluntary team of map enthusiast ,using openstreetmap,GIS and other open source geospatial techno;ogy to solve problems.It is a dedicated for disaster response using OpenStreetMap.It is a professional mentoring and empowerment platform for those with passion for GIS and Mapping.It is a community of volunteers for geospatial data creation,field data collection and mapping.The team was co-founded by Victor N.Sunday(the Team mentor) and Professor J.U.Ogbonna ,the team coordinator and faculty Advisor. AbsuMapperTeam is an affiliate of UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt.The team stands to support sustainable development using geospatial technology","url":"https://www.facebook.com/Absumappersteam-1709186109157466","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"absumappersteam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University":{"id":"ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-10.80063,6.31073]]},"name":"YouthMappers-AMEU","description":"YouthMappers chapter at African Methodist Episcopal University","url":"mailto:youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University":{"id":"ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[7.64648,11.17836]]},"name":"ABU Geomappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Ahmadu Bello University","extendedDescription":"We are a group of Data driven Humanitarian mappers, who are dedicated to rendering humanitarian service in response to disaster and mitigation. We are glad to contribute our expertise and knowledge through mapping, and helping to spread #OpenEvangelism through Training, and collaboration.","url":"https://web.facebook.com/abugeomappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"abugeomappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Ardhi-University":{"id":"ym-Ardhi-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[39.21541,-6.76613]]},"name":"ARU Mapper","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University","extendedDescription":"As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations.","url":"mailto:bayonakennedy@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"bayonakennedy@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Asian-University-for-Women":{"id":"ym-Asian-University-for-Women","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[91.8457,22.34998]]},"name":"YouthMappers at AUW","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women","extendedDescription":"The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world.","url":"http://www.auw.edu.bd/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"harunur.rashid@auw.edu.bd"}]},"ym-Ball-State-University":{"id":"ym-Ball-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-85.40688,40.20588]]},"name":"Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University","extendedDescription":"Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/BallState.GammaThetaUpsilon/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gtu@bsu.edu"}]},"ym-Busitema-University":{"id":"ym-Busitema-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[34.01367,0.52733]]},"name":"Good Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University","extendedDescription":"Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map.","url":"https://m.facebook.com/HOTBusitemaUniv/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mulindwasteven82@gmail.com"}]},"ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania":{"id":"ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.89258,40.04425]]},"name":"CalU PA GIS Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania","extendedDescription":"GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/CalUGisClub/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mueller@calu.edu"}]},"ym-Central-Washington-University":{"id":"ym-Central-Washington-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-120.49805,46.98002]]},"name":"Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University","extendedDescription":"Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills.","url":"https://www.cwu.edu/geography/geography-club","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"valkoc@cwu.edu"}]},"ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny":{"id":"ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-3.98799,5.344]]},"name":"YouthMappers CURAT","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny","extendedDescription":"Our chapter aim is to promote the use of collaborative free mapping and the use of openstreetmap data in the field of research and their application in the implementation of tools for decision-making. Help students produce their own data of their research.","url":"mailto:gpcome@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gpcome@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Clemson-University":{"id":"ym-Clemson-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-82.79297,34.66921]]},"name":"Clemson Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University","extendedDescription":"Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections throughout the world.","url":"http://www.clemsongis.org/#!clemson-mappers/i9w6t","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"clemsonmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-College-of-William-and-Mary":{"id":"ym-College-of-William-and-Mary","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-76.72852,37.30011]]},"name":"All over the map!","description":"YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary","extendedDescription":"The students who are all over the map are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise.  Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences.","url":"mailto:lnseitz@email.wm.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"lnseitz@email.wm.edu"}]},"ym-Cornell-University":{"id":"ym-Cornell-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-76.4735,42.4532]]},"name":"Mapping Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University","extendedDescription":"Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy.","url":"mailto:mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20and%20Mapping%20Society%20at%20Cornell%20University","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Cuttington-University":{"id":"ym-Cuttington-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-9.5539,7.04037]]},"name":"Cuttington University YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Cuttington University","extendedDescription":"The YouthMappers at Cuttington University, Suakoko, and Bong County comprised of Students from three different departments; namely, the Department of Natural Resources Management “DONRM”, Department of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Natural Sciences. Since the establishment of the Chapter in February 2017, the overall membership is 20 students, with each department containing 5 students.","url":"mailto:youthmappers.cu@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers.cu@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology":{"id":"ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[37.00195,-0.43945]]},"name":"GDEV","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology","extendedDescription":"GDEV is a group of enthusiastic GIS group at DeKUT that aims at helping students share, engage and learn from each other in matters geospatial","url":"https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102367719061492681269/stream/e376a295-1246-4e19-9f66-fa6077719f32","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gdevkenya@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Dhaka-College":{"id":"ym-Dhaka-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[90.35156,23.72492]]},"name":"YouthMappers Daka College","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers  gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes. Happy mapping.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/321220498214124/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersdc@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Dhaka-University":{"id":"ym-Dhaka-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[90.35156,23.72492]]},"name":"Openstreetmap YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University","extendedDescription":"It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmDU/1773150346233538/?notif_t=group_activity¬if_id=1472953820177890","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Eastern-University":{"id":"ym-Eastern-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[90.38063,23.74236]]},"name":"YouthMappers at Eastern University","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes.","url":"mailto:infolimon@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"infolimon@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology":{"id":"ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[120.98854,14.60403]]},"name":"Junior Philippines Computer Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology","extendedDescription":"FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region","url":"mailto:jpcsfeutech@outlook.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20Junior%20Philippines%20Computer%20Society","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"jpcsfeutech@outlook.com"}]},"ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys":{"id":"ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[3.95129,7.84218]]},"name":"OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Federal School of Surveys","url":"https://web.facebook.com/Oyomappersteam-omt-oyo-1432864713415765/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"oyomappersteam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure":{"id":"ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[5.18555,7.27527]]},"name":"YouthMappers Futa Space Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Federal University of Technology, Akure","extendedDescription":"Our mission is to raise the next generation of Space Leaders. Activities include research and capacity building in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change, Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Engineering, Global Navigation, Robotics and Space Education.","url":"http://spaceclubfuta.com.ng/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"denironyx@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Fourah-Bay-College":{"id":"ym-Fourah-Bay-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-13.18359,8.49407]]},"name":"Student's Geographical Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College","extendedDescription":"The Student's Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team.","url":"mailto:sgayouthmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Fourah%20Bay%20College","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"sgayouthmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University":{"id":"ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-13.62305,9.70902]]},"name":"YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University","description":"YouthMappers chapter at General Lansana Conte University","extendedDescription":"The YouthMappers of the University General Lansana Conté is a non profit community willing to contribute to Map Guinea and others part of the world. We are promoting the use of GIS and Open data to build decision support tools. We also work to build capacities among the students and local communities.","url":"www.uglc.org","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"condefa3@gmail.com"}]},"ym-George-Mason-University":{"id":"ym-George-Mason-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.34375,38.82241]]},"name":"Mason Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University","extendedDescription":"Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow.","url":"Facebook.com/MasonMappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"masonmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College":{"id":"ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-8.11817,6.06392]]},"name":"YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Grand Gedeh County Community College","extendedDescription":"The Youth Mappers of GGCCC sole intent is to put places in and around Liberia that are not on the map. We gather youths from the college within the Grand Gedeh Community College to make it their duties to unite and bring these places to the spot light geographically.","url":"mailto:yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Gujarat-University":{"id":"ym-Gujarat-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[72.50977,22.99876]]},"name":"CCIM at Ahmedabad","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University","url":"mailto:Coolmulls@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"coolmulls@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Gulu-University":{"id":"ym-Gulu-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[32.34375,2.81136]]},"name":"CSGU Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University","extendedDescription":"The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University. This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination.","url":"mailto:git445@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Gulu%20University","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"git445@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Heidelberg-University":{"id":"ym-Heidelberg-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[8.67039,49.41882]]},"name":"disastermappers heidelberg","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Heidelberg University","extendedDescription":"Disastermappers Heidelberg was founded in 2014 as a student initiative to build a platform for exchange between students, researchers and humanitarian actors. Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications.","url":"https://disastermappers.wordpress.com/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"disastermappers@posteo.de"}]},"ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education":{"id":"ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[6.93364,4.80651]]},"name":"IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT)","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education","extendedDescription":"We are a YouthMappers Chapter of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education involved in crowdsourced mapping of our environment and remote mapping of resilient communities.We are a team of volunteers using openstreetmap and other open Geospatial source for mapping.","url":"https://fb.me/ignatiusmappersteam","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ignatiusmappersteam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania":{"id":"ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.16139,40.61395]]},"name":"Geospatial Science Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania","url":"mailto:rhoch@iup.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"rhoch@iup.edu"}]},"ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri":{"id":"ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[29.6112,-1.50091]]},"name":"YouthMappers at INES Ruhengeri","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri","extendedDescription":"We are students from Land Administration and Management and Land survey Departments from INES-Ruhengeri. We are engaged in mapping activities that create the changes toward sustainable development in our community.","url":"www.ines.ac.rw","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"dufitesaie91@yahoo.com"}]},"ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda":{"id":"ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-14.94108,12.88982]]},"name":"Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda","extendedDescription":"Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda is an all-female mapping group in southern Senegal looking to put Kolda and surrounding villages on the map and better understand how to use OSM.","url":"mailto:koldaym@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"koldaym@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies":{"id":"ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[85.34173,27.72759]]},"name":"Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies","extendedDescription":"To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations.","url":"mailto:deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np"}]},"ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management":{"id":"ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[39.2935,-6.13779]]},"name":"IFM mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management","extendedDescription":"This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts","url":"mailto:supermalik95@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"supermalik95@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning":{"id":"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[35.74578,-6.12215]]},"name":"Mipango YouthMappers Chapter","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning","extendedDescription":"Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President.","url":"mailto:msmapperschapter@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"msmapperschapter@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza":{"id":"ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[32.89851,-2.51658]]},"name":"Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza","url":"www.facebook.com/IYMLZC/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"shabanimagawila@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine":{"id":"ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-12.1175,10.68652]]},"name":"YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala is a non profit organisation working to promote humanitarian mapping and the use of open sources and open data to build decision making tools in Guinea.","url":"mailto:bvloua45@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"bvloua45@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Istanbul-Technical-University":{"id":"ym-Istanbul-Technical-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[29.02465,41.10542]]},"name":"YouthMappers ITU","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Istanbul Technical University","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers ITU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative student community to promote humanitarian mapping for vulnerable settlements and aims to develop and share strategic and innovative spatial information for the future cities by using geographical information systems and open data.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/YouthMappers-ITU-226489641442744/?modal=admin_todo_tour","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersitu@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Jacksonville-State-University":{"id":"ym-Jacksonville-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-85.76795,33.82283]]},"name":"JSU Disaster Mapping Team","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University","extendedDescription":"The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets","url":"mailto:ltatum@stu.jsu.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ltatum@stu.jsu.edu"}]},"ym-Jahangirnagar-University":{"id":"ym-Jahangirnagar-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[90.26753,23.88222]]},"name":"YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University","url":"mailto:s.t.islam@juniv.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"s.t.islam@juniv.edu"}]},"ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology":{"id":"ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[37.0105,-1.08909]]},"name":"Association of Geomatics Engineering Students","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology","extendedDescription":"The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.","url":"mailto:laurahmugeha36@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"laurahmugeha36@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Kansas-State-University":{"id":"ym-Kansas-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-96.5918,39.16396]]},"name":"Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University","extendedDescription":"We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to YouthMappers. We have been active with mapping for OSM and conducted a mapathon called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/kstate.gtu?fref=ts","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"tblarsen@ksu.edu"}]},"ym-Karatina-University":{"id":"ym-Karatina-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[37.12789,-0.48134]]},"name":"Nature Club Karatina University","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Karatina University","extendedDescription":"This chapter aims to bring together all GIS enthusiasts.They include environment experts, wildlife experts, aquatic and tourism officers, just to mention a few. Its main aim is to provide a platform where students can learn from each other and, in the process, understand how to integrate the GIS skills in their various career paths as well as provide solutions to various environmental related challenges.","url":"https://twitter.com/karunature","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"karunatureclub@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Kathmandu-University":{"id":"ym-Kathmandu-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[85.53873,27.62025]]},"name":"Geomatics Engineering Society,GES","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University","extendedDescription":"Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc.","url":"ku.edu.np/ges","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ges@ku.edu.np"}]},"ym-Kenyatta-University":{"id":"ym-Kenyatta-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[36.93493,-1.17996]]},"name":"Kenyatta University GIS Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Kenyatta University","extendedDescription":"Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) was founded on 28th October 2016, with more than 200 students and staff from all faculty within campus as members. We are committed to empower members with spatial knowledge, skills and expertise required in understanding the Earth. We help in mapping resources within the university by incorporating geospatial data in their projects as well as fieldwork data collection.","url":"mailto:jamesmagige24@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"jamesmagige24@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Khulna-University":{"id":"ym-Khulna-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[89.56055,22.83685]]},"name":"Khulna University YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University","extendedDescription":"KU students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmku/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Kumi-University":{"id":"ym-Kumi-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[33.83789,1.49396]]},"name":"Ever Last YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University","extendedDescription":"This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science and Information Technology.","url":"mailto:kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Kumi%20University","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology":{"id":"ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-1.56831,6.67234]]},"name":"Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology","url":"https://www.facebook.com/KNUSTMappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"knustyouthmappers@outlook.com"}]},"ym-Makerere-University":{"id":"ym-Makerere-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[32.60742,0.35156]]},"name":"Geo YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University","extendedDescription":"Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness.\"We map the world and change lives.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geo-youthmappers@googlegroups.com"}]},"ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology":{"id":"ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[30.65679,-0.61644]]},"name":"MUST Street Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology","extendedDescription":"MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society.","url":"https://web.facebook.com/muststreetmappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"muststreetmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-McGill-University":{"id":"ym-McGill-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-73.5787,45.50608]]},"name":"Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at McGill University","extendedDescription":"The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad.","url":"mailto:omg.mcgill@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"omg.mcgill@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Miami-University":{"id":"ym-Miami-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-84.73174,39.5109]]},"name":"Geography and Planning Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Miami University","extendedDescription":"GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience.","url":"mailto:GPSMiamiOH@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gpsmiamioh@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Moi-University":{"id":"ym-Moi-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[35.50781,-0.35156]]},"name":"Geography Students Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Moi University","extendedDescription":"The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) explores, discovers and aims at developing the entire world through the young Geo-Spatial analysts.  GEOSAMU is part of the Department of Geography.","url":"mailto:geosamu44@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Moi%20University","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geosamu44@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Monroe-Community-College":{"id":"ym-Monroe-Community-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.61025,43.10138]]},"name":"MCC Mapping Corps","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College","url":"mailto:GIST@monroecc.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gist@monroecc.edu"}]},"ym-Montgomery-College":{"id":"ym-Montgomery-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.15782,39.09718]]},"name":"GeoMC","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College","extendedDescription":"GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in.","url":"mailto:stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu"}]},"ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology":{"id":"ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[17.07709,-22.56572]]},"name":"Geoinformation Technology Student Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Namibia University of Science and Technology","url":"mailto:patriciasem87@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"patriciasem87@gmail.com"}]},"ym-New-York-University":{"id":"ym-New-York-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-74.00391,40.71377]]},"name":"NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps","description":"YouthMappers chapter at New York University","extendedDescription":"The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes.","url":"http://www.nyumhealth.org/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mhealth@nyu.edu"}]},"ym-Nimba-County-Community-College":{"id":"ym-Nimba-County-Community-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-8.71645,7.35208]]},"name":"Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Nimba County Community College","url":"mailto:ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com"}]},"ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus":{"id":"ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-13.23673,8.47959]]},"name":"Njala Freetown YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus","extendedDescription":"We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone.","url":"mailto:Njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus":{"id":"ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-11.76548,7.93596]]},"name":"YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus","url":"mailto:youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University":{"id":"ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-83.06823,40.29605]]},"name":"Environment and Wildlife Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University","extendedDescription":"Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives.","url":"mailto:envirowild@owu.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"envirowild@owu.edu"}]},"ym-Oklahoma-State-University":{"id":"ym-Oklahoma-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-97.07253,36.12077]]},"name":"Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University","url":"mailto:hhayden@okstate.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"hhayden@okstate.edu"}]},"ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania":{"id":"ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[39.26466,-6.7835]]},"name":"Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania","extendedDescription":"Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania\n\nHad been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html )\n\nOur chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels.","url":"mailto:youthmapout@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmapout@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Politecnico-di-Milano":{"id":"ym-Politecnico-di-Milano","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[9.22852,45.45991]]},"name":"PoliMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano","extendedDescription":"PoliMappers is a volunteer students’ association based at Politecnico di Milano. The mission of the group is to train and motivate the next generation of volunteer mappers and to do mapping using free and open source software within the university as well as primary and secondary schools.","url":"https://polimappers.github.io/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"polimappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London":{"id":"ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-0.04049,51.52382]]},"name":"Queen Mary YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London","extendedDescription":"This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/qmulgeographysociety/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers@qmul.ac.uk"}]},"ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology":{"id":"ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[88.62839,24.36373]]},"name":"YouthMappers at RUET","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology","extendedDescription":"The \"YouthMappers at RUET\" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world.","url":"mailto:ruetmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ruetmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia":{"id":"ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.36523,42.42325]]},"name":"Geoventurers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia","extendedDescription":"GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction. We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better.","url":"mailto:amw30@geneseo.edu?subject=GeoVenturers%20and%20the%20YouthMappers%20network","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"amw30@geneseo.edu"}]},"ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College":{"id":"ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-89.07411,17.161]]},"name":"Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College","url":"mailto:jtzib18@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"jtzib18@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Sherubtse-College":{"id":"ym-Sherubtse-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[91.52369,27.2866]]},"name":"Geographical Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College","extendedDescription":"The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!","url":"mailto:gsscbhutan@gmail.com?subject=About%20the%20Royal%20University%20of%20Bhutan%20Geographical%20Society%20and%20Youth%20Mappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gsscbhutan@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture":{"id":"ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[37.65636,-6.85251]]},"name":"SMCoSE YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture","extendedDescription":"A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action.","url":"mailto:SMCoSEyouthmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"smcoseyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-St.-Augustine-International-University":{"id":"ym-St.-Augustine-International-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[32.62161,0.27237]]},"name":"YouthMappers at St Augustine International University","description":"YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University","url":"mailto:youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com"}]},"ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute":{"id":"ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[26.9671,-16.81484]]},"name":"MawaggaliMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute","extendedDescription":"We are the youthappers chapter at St. Mawaggali trades in choma who are want to contribute the different humantarian tasks to serve lives through mapping.","url":"mailto:mawaggalimappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mawaggalimappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo":{"id":"ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.7832,42.81132]]},"name":"SUNY Geneseo GIS Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo","extendedDescription":"We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community.","url":"http://www.facebook.com/GeneseoGIS","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"bb18@geneseo.edu"}]},"ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic":{"id":"ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-10.7944,6.28997]]},"name":"YouthMappers-SMP","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Stella Maris Polytechnic","url":"mailto:youthmappers.smp@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers.smp@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya":{"id":"ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[36.82449,-1.2916]]},"name":"Geospatial Science Student Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Technical University of Kenya","extendedDescription":"It's a geographical information based group with very passionate students in the relevant fields of study. We do training to members on emerging trends in the market and keep up with technological advancements","url":"mailto:youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Texas-Tech-University":{"id":"ym-Texas-Tech-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-101.86523,33.57787]]},"name":"YouthMappers at TTU","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University","extendedDescription":"As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus activities through mapping.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/youthmapperstexastech/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"emily.glaeser@ttu.edu"}]},"ym-The-Citadel":{"id":"ym-The-Citadel","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.96064,32.79693]]},"name":"YouthMappers at The Citadel","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel","extendedDescription":"This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers.","url":"Mailto:cstokes5@citadel.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"cstokes5@citadel.edu"}]},"ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia":{"id":"ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-16.6763,13.4579]]},"name":"Connected YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia","extendedDescription":"Connected YouthMappers is comprised of dedicated young Gambians who aspire to change and aid national development.","url":"mailto:connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-The-George-Washington-University":{"id":"ym-The-George-Washington-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.04812,38.89966]]},"name":"Humanitarian Mapping Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University","extendedDescription":"Models of leadership and engagement, HMS seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/GWHMS/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"hms.gwu@gmail.com"}]},"ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS":{"id":"ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.04027,38.90797]]},"name":"SAIS YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS","extendedDescription":"The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region.","url":"mailto:saisyouthmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"saisyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University":{"id":"ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-77.85976,40.798]]},"name":"Penn State GIS Coalition","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University","extendedDescription":"The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry.","url":"mailto:advising@geog.psu.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"advising@geog.psu.edu"}]},"ym-The-University-of-Zambia":{"id":"ym-The-University-of-Zambia","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[28.33027,-15.39189]]},"name":"YouthMappers Unza","description":"YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia","url":"https://www.facebook.com/search/posts/?q=youth%20mappers%20unza","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"chombachishala13@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Tribhuvan-University":{"id":"ym-Tribhuvan-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[83.97645,28.2538]]},"name":"Geomatics Engineering Students Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University","extendedDescription":"This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network.","url":"http://gesanwrc.wordpress.com/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gesan.nepal@gmail.com"}]},"ym-UW-Madison":{"id":"ym-UW-Madison","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-89.41268,43.07645]]},"name":"BadgerMaps","description":"YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison","extendedDescription":"BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/UW-BadgerMaps-197746270811951/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"uwbadgermaps@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus":{"id":"ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[34.17487,1.07587]]},"name":"Mappers for Life","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus","extendedDescription":"We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!\" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU.","url":"mailto:munhilll@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20the%20Uganda%20Christian%20University%20Mappers%20for%20Life","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"munhilll@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University":{"id":"ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[30.26621,0.66206]]},"name":"HiTech Youth Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University","extendedDescription":"A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes.","url":"mailto:hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-3.69437,40.54647]]},"name":"YouthMappers at UAM","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid","url":"mailto:youthmappersatuam@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersatuam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-74.0918,4.65306]]},"name":"YouthMappers at Bogota","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas","extendedDescription":"The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is a public, coeducational, research university based in Bogotá, Colombia with a population of 26,140 students.","url":"mailto:lrocha@selper.org.co","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"lrocha@selper.org.co"}]},"ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-87.16598,14.08505]]},"name":"PumaGis Hn","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras","url":"mailto:pumagishn@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"pumagishn@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-74.0918,4.65306]]},"name":"Grupo UN","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Colombia","extendedDescription":"Students are uniting to map and network with university students across the country of Colombia and across the globe.  Geographic specialties include affiliation with microbiology and health disciplines.","url":"mailto:raknudsono@unal.edu.co?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20y%20Grupo%20UN%20Colombia","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"raknudsono@unal.edu.co"}]},"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-86.27051,12.1316]]},"name":"Yeka Street MGA","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria","extendedDescription":"YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/yekastreetmga/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"yeka.street.mga@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid":{"id":"ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-3.7173,40.44782]]},"name":"Mapeo Humanitario","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid","extendedDescription":"Geo-volunteering group formed at Moncloa Campus on November 2017. Around 20 members from three Universities (Complutense, CEU and UPM). Undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students collaborate together with organizations (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre,...) supported by trainers from Geoinquietos. Official recognition by UPM as Educative Innovation Project (Code IE1718.0411)","url":"https://blogs.upm.es/mapeo-humanitario/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"lab.topografia@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-75.58594,6.22791]]},"name":"Geomatica UDEA","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Antioquia","extendedDescription":"We are a group interested in geospatial data, voluntary cartography, and participating in mapping with others in our country and within the YouthMappers network.","url":"mailto:geomatica.ing.udea@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20y%20Universidad%20de%20Antioquia","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geomatica.ing.udea@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-84.05105,9.93721]]},"name":"YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/ucr.asege/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersucr@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-72.86133,11.52304]]},"name":"Grupo Mesh","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de La Guajira","extendedDescription":"Grupo Mesh is a student organization at the Universidad de la Guajira in Colombia, including students from the program of Environmental Engineering who learn cartography and open mapping.","url":"mailto:zoviedo@uniguajira.edu.co?subject=Grupo%20Mesh%20y%20YouthMappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"zoviedo@uniguajira.edu.co"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-74.0918,4.56545]]},"name":"Cartografos Uniandes","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Los Andes","extendedDescription":"We are a circle of student participation that seeks to use mapping and spatial reasoning as a means to create bonds of cooperation and integration between the university and society by addressing different spatial, social, political , economic and cultural dynamics.","url":"mailto:geografia@uniandes.edu.co?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20Chapter%20y%20la%20Universidad%20de%20los%20Andes","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geografia@uniandes.edu.co"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-66.04978,18.40277]]},"name":"UPR YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras","url":"mailto:carlosguilbe@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"carlosguilbe@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura":{"id":"ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-75.58594,6.22791]]},"name":"YouthMappers San Buenaventura","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de San Buenaventura","extendedDescription":"We are pleased to join YouthMappers mapping for a better world and community.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ingenieria.sistemas@usbmed.edu.co"}]},"ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane":{"id":"ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[32.60357,-25.95208]]},"name":"Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane","extendedDescription":"We are a student group that intends to join Mozambican society to create a resilient community of humanitarian mapping. The community intend to map the physical occupation of our Country and create open geographic data, accessible to the public and able to be used in several areas without associated costs.","url":"www.facebook.com/Moz-YouthMappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"moz.youthmappers1@hotmail.com"}]},"ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger":{"id":"ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-16.42556,16.06284]]},"name":"YouthMappers at UGB","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Université Gaston Berger","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers UGB is made up of young students and researchers who are passionate about mapping. Our aim is to improve students' skills in the field of cartography and to participate in the creation of open geographic data that responds to development challenges around the world and particularly in Africa.","url":"https://web.facebook.com/youthmappersugb/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers.ugb@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat":{"id":"ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-6.84395,33.99862]]},"name":"Brahmapoutre at Rabat","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat","extendedDescription":"This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries","url":"mailto:khmichasma@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"khmichasma@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universit-de-NZrkor":{"id":"ym-Universit-de-NZrkor","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-8.83716,7.7324]]},"name":"Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Université de N'Zérékoré","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit.","url":"mailto:donpaul1974@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"donpaul1974@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako":{"id":"ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-7.98832,12.61531]]},"name":"Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako","url":"mailto:youthmappersfhg@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappersfhg@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar":{"id":"ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[119.4292,-5.18613]]},"name":"Kontur Geografi","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar","url":"https://tentangkontur.blogspot.co.id","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"konturgeografi@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta":{"id":"ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[110.76899,-7.55758]]},"name":"SpaceTime","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta","extendedDescription":"SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta.","url":"mailto:spacetime1717@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"spacetime1717@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-California-Davis":{"id":"ym-University-of-California-Davis","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-121.72852,38.54799]]},"name":"Mapping Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis","url":"mailto:ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20UC%20Davis%20Mapping%20Club","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Cape-Coast":{"id":"ym-University-of-Cape-Coast","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-1.23047,5.09092]]},"name":"UCC Geographical Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Cape Coast","extendedDescription":"We are a society that encompasses all students who are reading and read geography in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Cape Coast. Our main aim is to promote interest in the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. Our motto is “We comprehend the Earth and its inhabitants.”","url":"https://www.facebook.com/Geographical-Society-Ucc-105157196204838/info/?tab=page_info","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geosoc_ucc@yahoo.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Central-Florida":{"id":"ym-University-of-Central-Florida","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-81.38672,28.45891]]},"name":"Geospatial Information Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida","extendedDescription":"Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS.","url":"mailto:rsouth@knights.ucf.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"rsouth@knights.ucf.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Chicago":{"id":"ym-University-of-Chicago","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-87.59878,41.78872]]},"name":"Tobler Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago","url":"mailto:toblersociety@uchicago.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"toblersociety@uchicago.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam":{"id":"ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[39.20531,-6.78035]]},"name":"YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam","extendedDescription":"The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners .","url":"https://www.facebook.com/UDSMYouthMappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"godluckur@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources":{"id":"ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-2.343,7.35021]]},"name":"Eco-Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Energy and Natural Resources","extendedDescription":"To provide a sound education to all citizens about the deteriorating environment and provide utmost use of recreation of the environment for human survival.","url":"mailto:james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh"}]},"ym-University-of-Exeter":{"id":"ym-University-of-Exeter","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-3.53515,50.73664]]},"name":"University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter","extendedDescription":"We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/EUMissingMaps/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"uniofexemissingmaps@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Ghana":{"id":"ym-University-of-Ghana","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-0.19624,5.65113]]},"name":"University of Ghana YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Ghana","extendedDescription":"UG YouthMappers consists of both graduate and undergraduate students possessing knowledge and skills in GIS and Remote Sensing. The club is composed of an energetic team that is poised to address social issues and mitigate environmental problems through mapping. Our fundamental principles are capacity building, empowerment and teamwork.","url":"https://twitter.com/UGYouthMappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"mawulikaf@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers":{"id":"ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-10.61986,6.37704]]},"name":"University of Liberia YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Liberia YouthMappers","extendedDescription":"The University of Liberia YouthMappers is a chapter organization of the Global YouthMappers. We are a nonprofit student mapping organization focus on mapping for Liberia’s development and the World at large. The purpose of this organization shall be to utilize technology and geospatial knowledge as means of creating and developing maps; collecting and analyzing data that will address local and worldwide challenges. Our aim is to support and create opportunity for students to develop interest and skills in the fields of mapping. We envision a united student community that are collaborative, active and are willing to work with the University of Liberia YouthMappers in order to better the lives of others.","url":"mailto:ulym2017@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"ulym2017@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Malawi":{"id":"ym-University-of-Malawi","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[35.33203,-15.36889]]},"name":"Chanco Malawi YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Malawi","extendedDescription":"Chanco Malawi YouthMappers is the student mapping organization for the University of Malawi's Chancellor College. The students in this chapter focus on mapping for Malawi's development and science needs.","url":"mailto:zolamanyungwa@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"zolamanyungwa@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park":{"id":"ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-76.94332,38.98672]]},"name":"Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park","extendedDescription":"The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/UMDGeographyClub/?fref=ts","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geogclubumd@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology":{"id":"ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-2.00125,5.29878]]},"name":"UMaT YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Mines and Technology","extendedDescription":"UMaT YouthMappers is a group of volunteer students who seek to grant students the opportunity to improve skills in the field of mapping & creating open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide.","url":"http://umatyouthmappers.wordpress.com/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"kwadzo459@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Nairobi":{"id":"ym-University-of-Nairobi","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[36.82617,-1.31824]]},"name":"Geospatial Engineering Students Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Nairobi","extendedDescription":"UN students are working with the local OSM community, Map Kibera, and GrouthTruth to learn about open mapping and contribute data for needs in their urban communities.","url":"www.geospatial.uonbi.ac.ke","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"contact@mapkibera.org"}]},"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus":{"id":"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[7.50373,6.42639]]},"name":"LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus","extendedDescription":"The LionMappersTeam(LMT)Enugu Campus is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of Geoinformatics and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for Crowdsourced Mapping and Geographic Information provision using Openstreetmap, Citizen Science and other Geospatial Technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in Web-Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and ResearchWe are passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science.Our major activities include online crowdsourced-Cartography, Field Mapping ,Training workshops and outreaches to High School as well as Humanitarian/Disaster Response Mapping.","url":"https://web.facebook.com/Lionmappersteam-enugu-Campus-361221567667528/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"lmtenugucampus@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka":{"id":"ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[7.40821,6.86461]]},"name":"LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Nsukka","extendedDescription":"The LionMappersTeam is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of mapping science and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for crowdsourced mapping and geographic information provision using Openstreetmap, citizen science and other geospatial technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and Research.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science,field mapping ,training workshops and outreaches to High Schools.","url":"http://fb.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka;and send messages to our Page at m.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"lionmappersteam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-North-Texas":{"id":"ym-University-of-North-Texas","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-97.15255,33.20735]]},"name":"UNT Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas","extendedDescription":"The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community.","url":"Mailto:reeseramsey@my.unt.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"reeseramsey@my.unt.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado":{"id":"ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-104.69563,40.40395]]},"name":"UNCO Geography and GIS Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado","extendedDescription":"Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld","url":"www.facebook.com/groups/476365076071166/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"uncogeoggisclub@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Oregon":{"id":"ym-University-of-Oregon","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-123.04688,44.02421]]},"name":"Map by Northwest","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon","extendedDescription":"Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures.","url":"http://blogs.uoregon.edu/mxnw/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"cbone@uoregon.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Panama":{"id":"ym-University-of-Panama","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.54102,9.01527]]},"name":"YouthMappers UP","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama","extendedDescription":"Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to help identify, define, address, and create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives.","url":"mailto:Youthmappers.up@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"youthmappers.up@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt":{"id":"ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[6.92037,4.90173]]},"name":"UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Port Harcourt","extendedDescription":"UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port Harcourt is an action group and a team of volunteers for a collaborative online mapping targeted at training and empowering members with trending mapping skills to create open geospatial data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges for geoinformation and to provide humanitarian mapping services to resilient communities in Niger Delta,Nigeria and elsewhere.We promote Crowdsoucred Mapping and Geographic information volunteering using OpenStreetMap(OSM) platform and other accessible platforms for Rapid Response Mapping,Disaster Mapping,Geo-intelligence Mapping,Map updates and training.Its an affiliate Campus chapter of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team(HOT).It is a project-task team of YouthMappers that provide opportunity for members to learn and improve their skills in Geoinformatics so as to explore global opportunities in the field of Mapping and Geoinformation.","url":"https://web.facebook.com/uniquemappersteamportharcourt/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"victor.sunday@uniport.edu.ng"}]},"ym-University-of-Pretoria":{"id":"ym-University-of-Pretoria","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[28.21289,-25.72063]]},"name":"Centre for Geoinformation Science","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria","extendedDescription":"The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's Centre for Geoinformation Science, a platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad.","url":"http://www.up.ac.za/cgis","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"cgis-info@kendy.up.ac.za"}]},"ym-University-of-Redlands":{"id":"ym-University-of-Redlands","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-117.16339,34.06295]]},"name":"URSpatial Geo-Thinkers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands","extendedDescription":"To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events.","url":"mailto:nathan_strout@redlands.edu","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"nathan_strout@redlands.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus":{"id":"ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[29.7397,-2.61509]]},"name":"Rwanda YouthMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Rwanda - Huye Campus","extendedDescription":"Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organized as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/Rwanda-YouthMappers","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"erneruz@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-South-Carolina":{"id":"ym-University-of-South-Carolina","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-81.03516,34.01609]]},"name":"Geography Graduate Student Association","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina","extendedDescription":"The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines.","url":"https://carolinaggsa.wordpress.com/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"carolina_ggsa@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Southern-California":{"id":"ym-University-of-Southern-California","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-118.30078,34.01609]]},"name":"SC Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California","extendedDescription":"We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!","url":"mailto:scmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20USC","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"scmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Vermont":{"id":"ym-University-of-Vermont","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-73.21289,44.46493]]},"name":"University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont","url":"https://www.facebook.com/UVMHMC","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"uvm.hmc@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Victoria":{"id":"ym-University-of-Victoria","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-123.31186,48.46321]]},"name":"Society of Geography Students","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria","extendedDescription":"SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus","url":"https://www.facebook.com/SOGSUVic/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"sogsmappers@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-Warwick":{"id":"ym-University-of-Warwick","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-1.56119,52.37905]]},"name":"University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick","extendedDescription":"We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled.","url":"mailto:p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk"}]},"ym-University-of-Wyoming":{"id":"ym-University-of-Wyoming","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-105.56651,41.31476]]},"name":"Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming","url":"http://www.uwyo.edu/geography/geographyclub/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"gtu-geography@uwyo.edu"}]},"ym-University-of-Zimbabwe":{"id":"ym-University-of-Zimbabwe","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[31.05466,-17.78467]]},"name":"UZMappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe","extendedDescription":"UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/Uzmappersteam-Zimbabwe-246038666256392/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"uzmappersteam@gmail.com"}]},"ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute":{"id":"ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[121.06,14.65]]},"name":"YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute","extendedDescription":"The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to Open Street Maps.","url":"https://www.facebook.com/UP-Resillience-Institute-Youth-Mappers-123477508533225","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"llnguyen@up.edu.ph"}]},"ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus":{"id":"ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-76.74601,18.00629]]},"name":"Libraries Outreach - ODL","description":"YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus","extendedDescription":"The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students.","url":"mailto:benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm"}]},"ym-Vassar-College":{"id":"ym-Vassar-College","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-73.89515,41.68658]]},"name":"Hudson Valley Mappers","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College","extendedDescription":"Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts.","url":"http://pages.vassar.edu/gis/vassar-youthmappers/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"geo@vassar.edu"}]},"ym-Villanova-University":{"id":"ym-Villanova-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-75.34361,40.03714]]},"name":"The Villanova Globeplotters","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University","extendedDescription":"The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level.","url":"mailto:villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com"}]},"ym-West-Virginia-University":{"id":"ym-West-Virginia-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-79.98047,39.63936]]},"name":"Maptime Morgantown","description":"YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University","extendedDescription":"Working as a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world.","url":"mailto:MaptimeMorgantown@gmail.com?subject=Maptime%20Morgantown%20from%20YouthMappers%20website","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"maptimemorgantown@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Western-Michigan-University":{"id":"ym-Western-Michigan-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[-85.61042,42.28342]]},"name":"Geography Club","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University","url":"http://www.facebook.com/groups/WMUGeographyClub/","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"wmu.geog.club@gmail.com"}]},"ym-Yarmouk-University":{"id":"ym-Yarmouk-University","type":"youthmappers","locationSet":{"include":[[35.85811,32.53652]]},"name":"YouthMappers at YU","description":"YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University","extendedDescription":"YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region.","url":"mailto:rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo","contacts":[{"name":"Organizer","email":"rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo"}]}}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CNAME b/docs/CNAME new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e75c65f2f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/CNAME @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +openstreetmap.community \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6f7f87b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ + + + + +OSM Community Index + + + + + + + +

OSM Communities

+ + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/africa/ghana/cape_coast_gh.geojson b/features/africa/ghana/cape_coast_gh.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5110b0e3a --- /dev/null +++ b/features/africa/ghana/cape_coast_gh.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "cape_coast_gh.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [[[-1.6, 5], [-1.6, 5.4], [-1, 5.4], [-1, 5], [-1.6, 5]]] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/antarctica/.gitkeep b/features/antarctica/.gitkeep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 diff --git a/features/asia/india/india_andhrapradesh.geojson b/features/asia/india/india_andhrapradesh.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a13f066c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/asia/india/india_andhrapradesh.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,453 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "india_andhrapradesh.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + 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[77.89376, 15.90154], + [78.00803, 15.86506], + [78.03641, 15.90188], + [78.06997, 15.85048], + [78.10755, 15.83401], + [78.17153, 15.85511], + [78.17371, 15.89569], + [78.20995, 15.9197], + [78.2507, 15.96993], + [78.2682, 16.02857], + [78.29785, 16.01169], + [78.40727, 16.0756], + [78.45394, 16.07503], + [78.55814, 16.04517], + [78.59917, 16.08361], + [78.64311, 16.08312], + [78.68277, 16.03346], + [78.73718, 16.0097], + [78.78267, 16.02125], + [78.8419, 16.08707], + [78.83228, 16.13919], + [78.87606, 16.13902], + [78.88876, 16.0879], + [78.92138, 16.10307], + [78.9049, 16.17711], + [78.92807, 16.19871], + [78.98352, 16.21074], + [79.01236, 16.24173], + [79.09802, 16.2236], + [79.12305, 16.23187], + [79.1593, 16.20893], + [79.22111, 16.23251], + [79.23438, 16.32518], + [79.21143, 16.35493], + [79.21112, 16.44396], + [79.22091, 16.51631], + [79.25265, 16.57381], + [79.37802, 16.58412], + [79.41773, 16.57986], + [79.44409, 16.61796], + [79.49421, 16.63408], + [79.53884, 16.63046], + 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[80.49616, 17.10789], + [80.56039, 17.13822], + [80.68393, 17.06865], + [80.82309, 17.03787], + [80.85877, 17.05081], + [80.87714, 17.10478], + [80.88011, 17.1644], + [80.91689, 17.15439], + [80.91892, 17.22003], + [80.99838, 17.19012], + [81.03576, 17.19196], + [81.05653, 17.22041], + [81.16295, 17.23278], + [81.18035, 17.25463], + [81.17053, 17.29656], + [81.19016, 17.32733], + [81.26732, 17.3202], + [81.31385, 17.37576], + [81.24132, 17.40667], + [81.22725, 17.43762], + [81.17746, 17.45203], + [81.15755, 17.47938], + [81.11343, 17.49477], + [81.08374, 17.45957], + [81.01198, 17.49248], + [80.99962, 17.53013], + [80.95671, 17.58749], + [80.85431, 17.59347], + [80.86444, 17.62914], + [80.90266, 17.63912], + [80.90684, 17.67993], + [80.89153, 17.74125], + [80.94636, 17.76025], + [81.03556, 17.74495], + [81.07481, 17.76038], + [81.08891, 17.81081], + [81.15938, 17.85273], + [81.19194, 17.84694], + [81.25394, 17.81215], + [81.40915, 17.80501], + [81.47025, 17.8233], + [81.48096, 17.80278], + [81.5541, 17.81616], + [81.61119, 17.81527], + [81.66293, 17.87682], + [81.70307, 17.86121], + [81.78246, 17.90982], + [81.80119, 17.93614], + [81.89932, 17.9687], + [82.0019, 18.02356], + [82.03316, 18.06597], + [82.08072, 18.07378], + [82.14091, 18.0439], + [82.17228, 18.04993], + [82.25028, 17.9883], + [82.27583, 17.995], + [82.2667, 18.04332], + [82.29628, 18.06899], + [82.34354, 18.07485], + [82.33329, 18.1422], + [82.30608, 18.19572], + [82.33284, 18.21579], + [82.33685, 18.26619], + [82.37209, 18.27421], + [82.39305, 18.30633], + [82.33462, 18.31703], + [82.38458, 18.36922], + [82.36138, 18.4098], + [82.43513, 18.48477], + [82.48969, 18.52285], + [82.53139, 18.51177], + [82.54422, 18.41638], + [82.60918, 18.37427], + [82.59758, 18.26516], + [82.64005, 18.23708], + [82.67329, 18.29908], + [82.70644, 18.30476], + [82.77538, 18.33958], + [82.79251, 18.36262], + [82.78448, 18.42803], + [82.80742, 18.44772], + [82.89919, 18.40074], + [82.91103, 18.36453], + [82.98471, 18.36362], + [83.0002, 18.38368], + [83.04775, 18.37883], + [83.07472, 18.401], + [83.04552, 18.44345], + [83.05997, 18.48603], + [83.09665, 18.54123], + [83.05931, 18.54334], + [83.0336, 18.57266], + [83.05776, 18.62215], + [83.09414, 18.63021], + [83.15495, 18.70089], + [83.23099, 18.75616], + [83.27407, 18.76523], + [83.28745, 18.79777], + [83.36791, 18.81557], + [83.40661, 18.84174], + [83.39569, 18.87914], + [83.35554, 18.92896], + [83.36892, 18.96132], + [83.32119, 18.97447], + [83.3428, 19.01449], + [83.41665, 19.00408], + [83.45049, 18.95576], + [83.48237, 19.00825], + [83.46716, 19.07746], + [83.51314, 19.07262], + [83.52143, 19.03271], + [83.61209, 19.10076], + [83.62679, 19.14969], + [83.69206, 19.05202], + [83.71342, 18.99346], + [83.73398, 18.98382], + [83.79596, 19.01607], + [83.84255, 18.9178], + [83.85136, 18.86003], + [83.87788, 18.82716], + [84.05557, 18.79246], + [84.0894, 18.75373], + [84.16689, 18.78415], + [84.22422, 18.79642], + [84.2535, 18.78262], + [84.2914, 18.8], + [84.33966, 18.80123], + [84.39349, 18.89211], + [84.43671, 18.92277], + [84.42292, 18.94711], + [84.47894, 18.99017], + [84.51711, 19.04634], + [84.62687, 19.08543], + [84.61653, 19.12624], + [84.66828, 19.13065], + [84.6721, 19.16552], + [84.71352, 19.1524], + [84.70468, 19.11772], + [84.76857, 19.08003], + [85.15481, 18.87834], + [80.22545, 13.48346], + [80.14774, 13.49443], + [80.08045, 13.49111], + [80.08, 13.52565], + [80.00213, 13.53964], + [80.01841, 13.50074], + [79.97441, 13.46419], + [79.96622, 13.38714], + [79.93821, 13.34898], + [79.86379, 13.31632], + [79.8129, 13.31712], + [79.79245, 13.29487], + [79.73437, 13.27843], + [79.79598, 13.24103], + [79.75102, 13.21106], + [79.68369, 13.24845], + [79.68102, 13.29448], + [79.57781, 13.26176], + [79.54809, 13.32329], + [79.42941, 13.33391], + [79.41957, 13.24971], + [79.43293, 13.1966], + [79.39666, 13.19679], + [79.36005, 13.17504], + [79.36244, 13.13752], + [79.31106, 13.1268], + [79.28351, 13.14994], + [79.23853, 13.1464], + [79.20549, 13.10147], + [79.16498, 13.01908], + [79.06532, 13.04951], + [78.99361, 13.08754], + [78.95768, 13.07478], + [78.81243, 13.08649], + [78.75104, 13.05634], + [78.71387, 13.06691], + [78.70525, 13.01518], + [78.6625, 13.02861], + [78.63167, 12.98455], + [78.63629, 12.92494], + [78.60313, 12.84933], + [78.59178, 12.77804], + [78.55737, 12.73938], + [78.55312, 12.69582], + [78.50595, 12.74103], + [78.50517, 12.68031], + [78.46933, 12.67292], + [78.47136, 12.62811], + [78.3799, 12.62235], + [78.30177, 12.66322], + [78.27563, 12.70205], + [78.23857, 12.6994], + [78.23025, 12.75702], + [78.2528, 12.82236], + [78.25198, 12.85741], + [78.31411, 12.85733], + [78.32741, 12.90272], + [78.35638, 12.93819], + [78.38944, 12.90542], + [78.41213, 12.94302], + [78.46924, 12.97546], + [78.46092, 13.03126], + [78.5219, 13.06638], + [78.54509, 13.11098], + [78.57956, 13.21461], + [78.57797, 13.28201], + [78.51185, 13.28722], + [78.44649, 13.30825], + [78.43949, 13.327], + [78.36546, 13.36503], + [78.38151, 13.40071], + [78.37259, 13.46181], + [78.38241, 13.52477], + [78.40574, 13.57659], + [78.39268, 13.5915], + [78.32632, 13.59445], + [78.25894, 13.58461], + [78.20436, 13.60369], + [78.16645, 13.65721], + [78.11784, 13.65587], + [78.12295, 13.71405], + [78.09423, 13.74251], + [78.12795, 13.78565], + [78.11441, 13.8625], + [78.04999, 13.89494], + [78.04642, 13.86104], + [78.00476, 13.87355], + [77.95566, 13.82664], + [77.95098, 13.88825], + [77.98752, 13.89784], + [77.97015, 13.95827], + [77.92868, 13.90698], + [77.89567, 13.93954], + [77.83858, 13.93508], + [77.81494, 13.91679], + [77.83635, 13.86863], + [77.79261, 13.8211], + [77.6267, 13.76984], + [77.53033, 13.69514], + [77.45805, 13.68671], + [77.47014, 13.7502], + [77.45855, 13.79212], + [77.41662, 13.80595], + [77.43223, 13.84163], + [77.32787, 13.83226], + [77.31449, 13.86393], + [77.25829, 13.84609], + [77.21904, 13.86794], + [77.18236, 13.8682], + [77.15308, 13.84278], + [77.18088, 13.78098], + [77.17444, 13.76135], + [77.10308, 13.76759], + [77.06516, 13.74405], + [77.0277, 13.77651], + [77.00003, 13.74482], + [76.97723, 13.81547], + [77.01323, 13.85558], + [77.04239, 13.9332], + [76.99574, 13.96114], + [77.00108, 13.98729], + [76.93324, 14.03009], + [76.97878, 14.07002], + [76.89779, 14.16518], + [76.96469, 14.18169], + [77.02696, 14.17477], + [77.02154, 14.13052], + [77.03389, 14.05587], + [77.13014, 14.04533], + [77.1441, 14.00245], + [77.28518, 14.01342], + [77.31997, 14.03126], + [77.3503, 13.95767], + [77.35476, 13.90325], + [77.39713, 13.90415], + [77.42702, 13.98353], + [77.39, 14.01386], + [77.33291, 14.02947], + [77.40204, 14.1102], + [77.38331, 14.13607], + [77.39624, 14.17175], + [77.51711, 14.17844], + [77.49659, 14.23419], + [77.50284, 14.27834], + [77.45021, 14.28414], + [77.44887, 14.31625], + [77.37617, 14.33081], + [77.38984, 14.26937], + [77.28608, 14.2828], + [77.28786, 14.33766], + [77.23835, 14.31759], + [77.1661, 14.34301], + [77.13845, 14.33721], + [77.11838, 14.29395], + [77.11539, 14.22104], + [77.0818, 14.2159], + [77.05638, 14.24623], + [76.9426, 14.2444], + [76.92967, 14.27651], + [76.94748, 14.31179], + [76.9038, 14.32379], + [76.88373, 14.35055], + [76.88774, 14.3947], + [76.97828, 14.48256], + [76.91138, 14.48836], + [76.87481, 14.47275], + [76.83244, 14.52761], + [76.80434, 14.53207], + [76.76554, 14.60075], + [76.77639, 14.68002], + [76.80359, 14.7398], + [76.78371, 14.78455], + [76.83756, 14.78968], + [76.86771, 14.96792], + [76.76736, 14.97267], + [76.76365, 14.98503] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/asia/india/india_full.geojson b/features/asia/india/india_full.geojson deleted file mode 100644 index f3c1ade47..000000000 --- a/features/asia/india/india_full.geojson +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -{ - "type": "Feature", - "id": "india_full", - "properties": {"name": "India"}, - "geometry": { - "type": "MultiPolygon", - "coordinates": [ - [ - [ - [77.837451, 35.49401], - [78.912269, 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24.356524], - [70.844699, 25.215102], - [70.282873, 25.722229], - [70.168927, 26.491872], - [69.514393, 26.940966], - [70.616496, 27.989196], - [71.777666, 27.91318], - [72.823752, 28.961592], - [73.450638, 29.976413], - [74.42138, 30.979815], - [74.405929, 31.692639], - [75.258642, 32.271105], - [74.451559, 32.7649], - [74.104294, 33.441473], - [73.749948, 34.317699], - [74.240203, 34.748887], - [75.757061, 34.504923], - [76.871722, 34.653544], - [77.837451, 35.49401] - ] - ] - ] - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/asia/india/india_karnataka.geojson b/features/asia/india/india_karnataka.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fbb13680b --- /dev/null +++ b/features/asia/india/india_karnataka.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "india_karnataka.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [73.87267, 14.75312], + [74.17989, 14.95708], + [74.2532, 14.95804], + [74.29821, 15.04123], + [74.31574, 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[77.60217, 11.93627], + [77.49513, 11.94251], + [77.42332, 11.77259], + [77.29576, 11.80871], + [77.11315, 11.77337], + [77.01458, 11.81306], + [76.90977, 11.79343], + [76.8262, 11.60485], + [76.56305, 11.62046], + [76.51399, 11.70565], + [76.41621, 11.67255], + [76.20482, 11.86247], + [76.1155, 11.8579], + [76.11204, 11.97862], + [76.00455, 11.93123], + [75.86924, 11.95161], + [75.79654, 12.0533], + [75.63883, 12.14712], + [75.5804, 12.1556], + [75.4863, 12.29074], + [75.43456, 12.29653], + [75.37427, 12.46113], + [75.22345, 12.56714], + [75.1619, 12.66883], + [75.06067, 12.66842], + [75.00958, 12.79255], + [74.8591, 12.76032], + [74.64061, 12.65899], + [74.51827, 12.99543], + [74.32397, 13.82179], + [73.87267, 14.75312] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/asia/india/india_kerala.geojson b/features/asia/india/india_kerala.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e62682bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/asia/india/india_kerala.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ 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[75.68727, 12.10816], + [75.73047, 12.07283], + [75.75506, 12.08318], + [75.79833, 12.08006], + [75.79654, 12.0533], + [75.82391, 12.01308], + [75.82999, 11.98372], + [75.86924, 11.95161], + [76.00455, 11.93123], + [76.03621, 11.9406], + [76.07903, 11.96914], + [76.11204, 11.97862], + [76.1155, 11.8579], + [76.15528, 11.87128], + [76.20482, 11.86247], + [76.22662, 11.80542], + [76.27964, 11.81018], + [76.30774, 11.78297], + [76.31799, 11.75041], + [76.34252, 11.73748], + [76.41129, 11.75913], + [76.42399, 11.72006], + [76.40338, 11.70748], + [76.41621, 11.67255], + [76.44345, 11.63744], + [76.42497, 11.62329], + [76.37992, 11.6224], + [76.37056, 11.59341], + [76.29786, 11.56442], + [76.2711, 11.59296], + [76.2256, 11.56442], + [76.24255, 11.52874], + [76.24478, 11.49439], + [76.32105, 11.44489], + [76.33354, 11.45871], + [76.39063, 11.42794], + [76.44861, 11.38155], + [76.53826, 11.35167], + [76.54532, 11.30094], + [76.52349, 11.27236], + [76.45271, 11.23905], + [76.44934, 11.20462], + [76.51048, 11.21163], + [76.53385, 11.19671], + [76.60091, 11.20654], + [76.62971, 11.19413], + [76.69784, 11.23906], + [76.72537, 11.22534], + [76.72765, 11.19388], + [76.69301, 11.17193], + [76.69124, 11.14472], + [76.73852, 11.12108], + [76.74788, 11.07514], + [76.73718, 11.04749], + [76.69507, 11.02252], + [76.68644, 10.98934], + [76.66047, 10.96052], + [76.64932, 10.92395], + [76.73272, 10.88113], + [76.77286, 10.88158], + [76.81746, 10.86195], + [76.85983, 10.79996], + [76.88838, 10.79996], + [76.8973, 10.77096], + [76.875, 10.70674], + [76.85537, 10.67507], + [76.87277, 10.62958], + [76.80497, 10.62646], + [76.80854, 10.59434], + [76.82995, 10.58498], + [76.81746, 10.43869], + [76.8072, 10.41505], + [76.83932, 10.35974], + [76.82944, 10.30749], + [76.9018, 10.26001], + [76.90974, 10.23668], + [76.93976, 10.23927], + [76.98194, 10.22077], + [77.04075, 10.25298], + [77.06496, 10.29751], + [77.11964, 10.31782], + [77.17683, 10.35777], + [77.23655, 10.35242], + [77.21441, 10.30577], + [77.25054, 10.25359], + [77.25544, 10.22549], + [77.28042, 10.20721], + [77.26769, 10.12222], + [77.23784, 10.12768], + [77.20426, 10.11207], + [77.21976, 10.07801], + [77.26184, 10.03015], + [77.25908, 9.9945], + [77.27231, 9.96404], + [77.24834, 9.95177], + [77.21305, 9.87549], + [77.23646, 9.85946], + [77.22277, 9.82317], + [77.24656, 9.80841], + [77.20553, 9.69439], + [77.17963, 9.65641], + [77.16816, 9.61495], + [77.21264, 9.60207], + [77.23711, 9.58089], + [77.27684, 9.57498], + [77.3042, 9.59951], + [77.36511, 9.54996], + [77.3997, 9.49683], + [77.39331, 9.45986], + [77.36661, 9.46037], + [77.33693, 9.40901], + [77.33713, 9.36507], + [77.32506, 9.33664], + [77.28329, 9.30039], + [77.28844, 9.27469], + [77.26509, 9.18184], + [77.26714, 9.15394], + [77.24693, 9.12483], + [77.21199, 9.101], + [77.18667, 9.04329], + [77.16025, 9.03584], + [77.14986, 9.01008], + [77.17354, 8.99121], + [77.19759, 8.95104], + [77.19567, 8.9236], + [77.2559, 8.8781], + [77.25798, 8.83758], + [77.2292, 8.78679], + [77.19607, 8.74588], + [77.17517, 8.73703], + [77.20586, 8.68645], + [77.21552, 8.64836], + [77.27872, 8.56521], + [77.26344, 8.50713], + [77.20618, 8.47859], + [77.22506, 8.44602], + [77.18854, 8.43476], + [77.15375, 8.37722], + [77.14974, 8.32192], + [77.12209, 8.32281], + [77.09077, 8.2973], + [76.92132, 8.09605], + [76.6728, 8.34299], + [76.46487, 8.59279], + [76.22556, 8.95652], + [75.91159, 10.04616], + [75.68288, 10.55908], + [75.58764, 10.89204], + [75.55244, 11.04304], + [75.25797, 11.51227], + [75.53645, 11.69255], + [75.53089, 11.70357], + [75.25113, 11.52458], + [74.97117, 11.94518], + [74.71236, 12.49398], + [74.64061, 12.65899] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/asia/india/india_maharashtra.geojson b/features/asia/india/india_maharashtra.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8bac135e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/asia/india/india_maharashtra.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "india_maharashtra.geojson", + "properties": {"name": "Maharashtra"}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [72.53789, 20.1498], + [72.80202, 20.12516], + [72.87472, 20.22596], + [72.97061, 20.21213], + [72.97329, 20.13096], + [73.18604, 20.05291], + [73.29353, 20.15371], + [73.31137, 20.20723], + [73.43, 20.20634], + [73.41484, 20.38162], + [73.47594, 20.49491], + [73.51787, 20.67019], + [73.62224, 20.62514], + [73.63428, 20.58232], + [73.74801, 20.56716], + [73.84658, 20.62336], + [73.88538, 20.72951], + [73.93846, 20.76073], + [73.94515, 20.84012], + [73.79279, 21.06787], + [73.68111, 21.15233], + [73.82249, 21.17195], + [73.83231, 21.2674], + [73.94827, 21.29773], + [73.96879, 21.39228], + [74.10883, 21.44803], + [74.30776, 21.48014], + [74.2917, 21.55864], + [73.97926, 21.54124], + [73.86085, 21.49576], + [73.82294, 21.60057], + [73.88583, 21.64517], + [73.89029, 21.71073], + [73.83231, 21.81064], + [74.04684, 21.92259], + [74.14585, 21.95425], + [74.28991, 21.93597], + [74.38848, 22.02026], + [74.52764, 21.90876], + [74.50578, 21.78254], + [74.59053, 21.66435], + [74.83048, 21.61038], + [74.86438, 21.63402], + [75.05795, 21.56489], + [75.11504, 21.45963], + [75.21985, 21.41101], + [75.38443, 21.38559], + [75.46828, 21.39406], + [75.83267, 21.38336], + [75.95934, 21.39629], + [76.05255, 21.35259], + [76.09849, 21.37399], + [76.15915, 21.25892], + [76.16851, 21.08587], + [76.3826, 21.07963], + [76.45262, 21.11486], + [76.48741, 21.19604], + [76.61676, 21.19871], + [76.66091, 21.28256], + [76.62434, 21.33519], + [76.73227, 21.40878], + [76.79159, 21.48996], + [76.79516, 21.59745], + [76.90131, 21.60101], + [76.9972, 21.68174], + [77.1212, 21.72545], + [77.20728, 21.69423], + [77.27998, 21.76113], + [77.47756, 21.77005], + [77.57122, 21.62688], + [77.56721, 21.52965], + [77.45749, 21.55641], + [77.41869, 21.52073], + [77.48692, 21.37756], + [77.93873, 21.38693], + [78.16932, 21.49843], + [78.21526, 21.55374], + [78.3, 21.58496], + [78.41329, 21.57782], + [78.43024, 21.50155], + [78.50874, 21.52831], + [78.58501, 21.48683], + [78.932, 21.48728], + [78.91327, 21.59254], + [79.1278, 21.62822], + [79.22102, 21.69646], + [79.48862, 21.67416], + [79.50602, 21.59031], + [79.57604, 21.54348], + [79.73259, 21.60235], + [79.85703, 21.53099], + [80.06665, 21.55686], + [80.18842, 21.63402], + [80.26022, 21.62019], + [80.36905, 21.52296], + [80.41142, 21.43822], + [80.51936, 21.3896], + [80.63532, 21.25], + [80.45736, 21.17284], + [80.42391, 21.0096], + [80.46539, 20.92709], + [80.54166, 20.93378], + [80.54344, 20.79195], + [80.57823, 20.67866], + [80.50776, 20.65458], + [80.51177, 20.585], + [80.62239, 20.60373], + [80.58581, 20.39544], + [80.61659, 20.32587], + [80.38288, 20.24157], + [80.4141, 20.19028], + [80.54032, 20.11], + [80.54567, 19.98734], + [80.46048, 19.82812], + [80.66476, 19.69075], + [80.65673, 19.61225], + [80.82755, 19.56274], + [80.88553, 19.50922], + [80.84271, 19.36605], + [80.74905, 19.28666], + [80.67864, 19.33089], + [80.60751, 19.31353], + [80.58732, 19.39674], + [80.48071, 19.3355], + [80.39329, 19.24591], + [80.39154, 19.1836], + [80.3302, 19.13746], + [80.26929, 18.94468], + [80.35176, 18.84592], + [80.24684, 18.70149], + [80.10826, 18.68928], + [79.94712, 18.78372], + [79.95979, 18.85795], + [79.93945, 19.0406], + [79.85699, 19.09508], + [79.94349, 19.16387], + [79.92836, 19.24777], + [79.97469, 19.38922], + [79.92536, 19.49855], + [79.87599, 19.5041], + [79.75713, 19.60733], + [79.63608, 19.57639], + [79.60249, 19.51309], + [79.5317, 19.55241], + [79.42494, 19.53529], + [79.22736, 19.61468], + [79.22023, 19.5286], + [79.1725, 19.46081], + [79.08018, 19.53261], + [79.00213, 19.54198], + [78.89954, 19.66954], + [78.84245, 19.65839], + [78.82963, 19.75513], + [78.60098, 19.81809], + [78.48728, 19.79375], + [78.28109, 19.90236], + [78.3514, 19.78327], + [78.32909, 19.71548], + [78.26933, 19.69184], + [78.29475, 19.60621], + [78.29564, 19.46794], + [78.20778, 19.43583], + [78.16318, 19.3551], + [78.16675, 19.2436], + [78.03473, 19.2436], + [77.92412, 19.3444], + [77.84428, 19.30426], + [77.81484, 19.13745], + [77.74304, 19.06118], + [77.75106, 18.98357], + [77.83714, 18.95414], + [77.90751, 18.8295], + [77.83749, 18.80764], + [77.74829, 18.60515], + [77.65541, 18.5316], + [77.59709, 18.54762], + [77.54937, 18.3875], + [77.55171, 18.29114], + [77.46332, 18.26219], + [77.3672, 18.30846], + [77.41407, 18.39352], + [77.31257, 18.43674], + [77.2452, 18.41278], + [77.19913, 18.27795], + [77.14119, 18.20815], + [77.03495, 18.18076], + [76.95329, 18.18881], + [76.92422, 18.14531], + [76.9513, 18.05843], + [76.9075, 18.00923], + [76.92164, 17.94103], + [76.8094, 17.8693], + [76.66314, 17.68771], + [76.56488, 17.76523], + [76.48652, 17.71358], + [76.48659, 17.66155], + [76.41561, 17.60431], + [76.33086, 17.46872], + [76.37153, 17.4341], + [76.38171, 17.31172], + [76.22917, 17.36301], + [76.11996, 17.37007], + [75.93159, 17.32197], + [75.89432, 17.40292], + [75.77995, 17.37683], + [75.63468, 17.47651], + [75.58469, 17.34963], + [75.65739, 17.27069], + [75.62834, 17.18928], + [75.67389, 17.11369], + [75.66898, 16.97766], + [75.51065, 16.94733], + [75.46783, 16.98524], + [75.28311, 16.95524], + [75.26705, 16.86247], + [75.18186, 16.84374], + [75.09075, 16.95064], + [74.99259, 16.95146], + [74.96287, 16.87942], + [74.90306, 16.86241], + [74.91203, 16.7883], + [74.68877, 16.71489], + [74.6313, 16.57831], + [74.56843, 16.55445], + [74.54427, 16.63407], + [74.33986, 16.54825], + [74.26427, 16.53936], + [74.33806, 16.40125], + [74.31843, 16.32588], + [74.50509, 16.22265], + [74.48045, 16.14527], + [74.37226, 16.07692], + [74.46484, 16.0421], + [74.43203, 15.95338], + [74.34579, 15.84959], + [74.36893, 15.78648], + [74.28923, 15.73953], + [74.16212, 15.75075], + [74.11652, 15.65308], + [74.02811, 15.60433], + [73.97592, 15.62887], + [73.94515, 15.74126], + [73.88226, 15.74929], + [73.68072, 15.72057], + [73.32871, 15.60794], + [72.98859, 16.57559], + [72.71294, 17.97077], + [72.60935, 19.26366], + [72.53789, 20.1498] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/asia/india/india_tamilnadu.geojson b/features/asia/india/india_tamilnadu.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18c3b519f --- /dev/null +++ b/features/asia/india/india_tamilnadu.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "india_tamilnadu.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [76.23882, 11.52666], + [76.42497, 11.62329], + [76.48321, 11.69182], + [76.56305, 11.62046], + [76.8262, 11.60485], + [76.90977, 11.79343], + [77.01458, 11.81306], + [77.11315, 11.77337], + [77.29576, 11.80871], + [77.33679, 11.76902], + [77.42332, 11.77259], + [77.49513, 11.94251], + [77.60217, 11.93627], + [77.67932, 11.97287], + [77.77447, 12.12033], + [77.73432, 12.17555], + [77.60853, 12.20409], + [77.51993, 12.19264], + [77.52722, 12.27746], + [77.61553, 12.36799], + [77.63575, 12.48605], + [77.58743, 12.51473], + [77.60006, 12.6661], + [77.74108, 12.67162], + [77.79267, 12.74643], + [77.81099, 12.8303], + [77.93327, 12.8876], + [77.99036, 12.80553], + [78.08636, 12.80344], + [78.23196, 12.76495], + [78.2273, 12.71513], + [78.36824, 12.61165], + [78.54754, 12.68569], + [78.62559, 12.9194], + [78.61355, 12.97872], + [78.70231, 13.05633], + [78.80801, 13.07774], + [78.97973, 13.0764], + [79.15278, 13.00727], + [79.1889, 13.08443], + [79.25625, 13.13661], + [79.34679, 13.13482], + [79.45292, 13.33852], + [79.53513, 13.33423], + [79.58006, 13.24544], + [79.68442, 13.25659], + [79.92572, 13.33598], + [79.96184, 13.45149], + [80.06933, 13.53757], + [80.15229, 13.4787], + [80.25978, 13.44748], + [80.68273, 13.45353], + [80.58546, 12.88895], + [80.57389, 12.78634], + [80.43092, 12.33305], + [80.32877, 12.14], + [80.20563, 11.84284], + [79.85031, 11.95606], + [79.74742, 12.0054], + [79.69629, 11.95142], + [79.76493, 11.85315], + [80.17499, 11.74816], + [80.13891, 11.5158], + [80.22104, 11.03359], + [80.22222, 10.98402], + [79.85413, 10.97539], + [79.73705, 10.98906], + [79.70405, 10.91904], + [79.85166, 10.82788], + [80.22599, 10.82479], + [80.03964, 10.09642], + [79.66744, 9.97318], + [79.55982, 9.92323], + [79.37812, 9.6665], + [79.42037, 9.35343], + [79.56652, 9.25796], + [79.57134, 9.08722], + [79.49634, 8.89762], + [79.37403, 8.97879], + [79.06914, 9.02225], + [78.73928, 8.93257], + [78.54484, 8.84743], + [78.46298, 8.3509], + [78.36123, 8.16045], + [78.10363, 8.04096], + [77.66766, 7.85864], + [76.92132, 8.09605], + [77.09077, 8.2973], + [77.14974, 8.32192], + [77.20618, 8.47859], + [77.27872, 8.56521], + [77.21552, 8.64836], + [77.19607, 8.74588], + [77.25798, 8.83758], + [77.14986, 9.01008], + [77.26714, 9.15394], + [77.28844, 9.27469], + [77.33693, 9.40901], + [77.3997, 9.49683], + [77.3042, 9.59951], + [77.27684, 9.57498], + [77.16816, 9.61495], + [77.24656, 9.80841], + [77.21305, 9.87549], + [77.26184, 10.03015], + [77.28042, 10.20721], + [77.17683, 10.35777], + [77.06496, 10.29751], + [76.98194, 10.22077], + [76.82944, 10.30749], + [76.81746, 10.43869], + [76.82995, 10.58498], + [76.8973, 10.77096], + [76.81746, 10.86195], + [76.64932, 10.92395], + [76.73718, 11.04749], + [76.72765, 11.19388], + [76.44934, 11.20462], + [76.52349, 11.27236], + [76.53826, 11.35167], + [76.39063, 11.42794], + [76.25772, 11.47343], + [76.23882, 11.52666] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/asia/india/india_telengana.geojson b/features/asia/india/india_telengana.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df2eccafa --- /dev/null +++ b/features/asia/india/india_telengana.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,445 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "india_telengana.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [77.23521, 16.47123], + [77.29413, 16.47453], + [77.37516, 16.48768], + [77.37501, 16.50885], + [77.41861, 16.51735], + [77.42586, 16.57007], + [77.46147, 16.58589], + [77.45871, 16.61229], + [77.47627, 16.64839], + [77.43775, 16.64241], + [77.42132, 16.66752], + [77.46657, 16.6772], + [77.47337, 16.71709], + [77.42692, 16.72829], + [77.44309, 16.76259], + [77.4748, 16.78164], + [77.45754, 16.82843], + [77.46322, 16.84476], + [77.45223, 16.91995], + [77.48061, 16.97751], + [77.478, 17.00152], + [77.50069, 17.01255], + [77.49527, 17.04601], + [77.46328, 17.11129], + [77.40575, 17.12751], + [77.3772, 17.14285], + [77.36157, 17.16669], + [77.37179, 17.19944], + [77.39294, 17.1981], + [77.40662, 17.2372], + [77.45894, 17.28058], + [77.43826, 17.29144], + [77.45747, 17.34038], + [77.45274, 17.37335], + [77.50349, 17.35735], + [77.52471, 17.36431], + [77.53972, 17.40645], + [77.53911, 17.44295], + [77.57779, 17.43051], + [77.60849, 17.44332], + [77.61732, 17.47261], + [77.65946, 17.48011], + [77.69188, 17.47463], + [77.6912, 17.50865], + [77.66304, 17.5217], + [77.59762, 17.53374], + [77.59603, 17.56309], + [77.55361, 17.55007], + [77.52751, 17.57308], + [77.49462, 17.56675], + [77.44541, 17.58272], + [77.45732, 17.63263], + [77.45138, 17.69052], + [77.49398, 17.7153], + [77.53999, 17.72825], + [77.56532, 17.74838], + [77.55654, 17.76872], + [77.50997, 17.78724], + [77.51604, 17.80424], + [77.55572, 17.81934], + [77.5709, 17.86625], + [77.6208, 17.9031], + [77.61974, 17.93865], + [77.65529, 17.97047], + [77.64737, 17.99934], + [77.5862, 18.01459], + [77.55377, 18.03572], + [77.54914, 18.06475], + [77.59821, 18.0861], + [77.59705, 18.15205], + [77.57179, 18.19195], + [77.58611, 18.21875], + [77.57345, 18.24294], + [77.60614, 18.28059], + [77.57018, 18.29238], + [77.56676, 18.31792], + [77.51948, 18.34914], + [77.54937, 18.3875], + [77.56007, 18.43522], + [77.59709, 18.54762], + [77.64035, 18.55386], + [77.65775, 18.5271], + [77.71216, 18.55431], + [77.73669, 18.55476], + [77.74829, 18.60515], + [77.72956, 18.64262], + [77.73268, 18.67607], + [77.74963, 18.6899], + [77.78664, 18.6841], + [77.83749, 18.80764], + [77.90751, 18.8295], + [77.90895, 18.86137], + [77.88264, 18.86984], + [77.86524, 18.91043], + [77.82421, 18.9131], + [77.83714, 18.95414], + [77.79611, 18.95146], + [77.80057, 18.98447], + [77.75106, 18.98357], + [77.74081, 19.03041], + [77.74304, 19.06118], + [77.77693, 19.07322], + [77.78942, 19.10534], + [77.83179, 19.09195], + [77.81484, 19.13745], + [77.84205, 19.18294], + [77.82822, 19.19008], + [77.85097, 19.25743], + [77.88398, 19.25832], + [77.88442, 19.27928], + [77.84562, 19.28597], + [77.84428, 19.30426], + [77.89602, 19.31987], + [77.92412, 19.3444], + [77.96916, 19.31095], + [78.00172, 19.29846], + [78.02938, 19.27304], + [78.03473, 19.2436], + [78.1101, 19.24851], + [78.1333, 19.232], + [78.16675, 19.2436], + [78.16675, 19.28106], + [78.18057, 19.33369], + [78.16318, 19.3551], + [78.17121, 19.39747], + [78.20778, 19.43583], + [78.23543, 19.43182], + [78.25684, 19.4559], + [78.29564, 19.46794], + [78.2787, 19.5393], + [78.29475, 19.57365], + [78.29475, 19.60621], + [78.27111, 19.65661], + [78.26933, 19.69184], + [78.29966, 19.69273], + [78.32909, 19.71548], + [78.3514, 19.78327], + [78.3224, 19.84125], + [78.2778, 19.85151], + [78.27921, 19.88196], + [78.3679, 19.8814], + [78.38128, 19.83858], + [78.41205, 19.8252], + [78.45978, 19.81851], + [78.47762, 19.79531], + [78.50973, 19.82386], + [78.5686, 19.8136], + [78.58734, 19.8194], + [78.67966, 19.79175], + [78.70018, 19.769], + [78.72203, 19.78149], + [78.76842, 19.7806], + [78.79116, 19.76008], + [78.82774, 19.76097], + [78.84691, 19.69898], + [78.84245, 19.65839], + [78.87457, 19.65705], + [78.89954, 19.66954], + [78.9379, 19.66553], + [78.95262, 19.65125], + [78.94637, 19.61914], + [78.97626, 19.56384], + [79.00213, 19.54198], + [79.03513, 19.54733], + [79.08018, 19.53261], + [79.08821, 19.51477], + [79.12389, 19.50318], + [79.1725, 19.46081], + [79.2064, 19.46973], + [79.19034, 19.49381], + [79.22023, 19.5286], + [79.23361, 19.57945], + [79.22736, 19.61468], + [79.35492, 19.56339], + [79.39729, 19.53529], + [79.42494, 19.53529], + [79.45394, 19.49961], + [79.4972, 19.52013], + [79.5317, 19.55241], + [79.55367, 19.52413], + [79.60249, 19.51309], + [79.61596, 19.55941], + [79.63608, 19.57639], + [79.71198, 19.58528], + [79.75713, 19.60733], + [79.81825, 19.57293], + [79.82378, 19.55743], + [79.87599, 19.5041], + [79.92536, 19.49855], + [79.97171, 19.42013], + [79.97469, 19.38922], + [79.94937, 19.29163], + [79.9293, 19.24996], + [79.92636, 19.20252], + [79.94349, 19.16387], + [79.88262, 19.13295], + [79.85699, 19.09508], + [79.8741, 19.04152], + [79.92544, 19.05312], + [79.93945, 19.0406], + [79.9397, 18.98616], + [79.95302, 18.96934], + [79.95979, 18.85795], + [79.91056, 18.82565], + [79.94712, 18.78372], + [79.99276, 18.76905], + [80.03276, 18.74654], + [80.10826, 18.68928], + [80.24684, 18.70149], + [80.27513, 18.72272], + [80.30656, 18.68345], + [80.33809, 18.59903], + [80.379, 18.60937], + [80.38851, 18.5972], + [80.45022, 18.62656], + [80.48858, 18.62656], + [80.514, 18.61318], + [80.53184, 18.58598], + [80.59562, 18.54896], + [80.63264, 18.51863], + [80.65093, 18.47224], + [80.6991, 18.43612], + [80.74281, 18.32194], + [80.74459, 18.30231], + [80.7883, 18.24968], + [80.73344, 18.21891], + [80.73478, 18.17163], + [80.79811, 18.16628], + [80.81774, 18.18724], + [80.81729, 18.22515], + [80.85922, 18.22605], + [80.84807, 18.1975], + [80.86189, 18.13283], + [80.9007, 18.13461], + [80.95422, 18.16717], + [80.9725, 18.14353], + [80.94931, 18.12302], + [80.94396, 18.08109], + [80.96225, 18.03158], + [80.98455, 17.92276], + [80.99436, 17.91428], + [81.00417, 17.83846], + [81.03227, 17.78985], + [81.07375, 17.78628], + [81.08891, 17.81081], + [81.15938, 17.85273], + [81.19194, 17.84694], + [81.25394, 17.81215], + [81.40915, 17.80501], + [81.47025, 17.8233], + [81.48096, 17.80278], + [81.5541, 17.81616], + [81.56882, 17.82776], + [81.61119, 17.81527], + [81.64286, 17.83935], + [81.66293, 17.87682], + [81.68835, 17.88485], + [81.70307, 17.86121], + [81.75838, 17.89332], + [81.79272, 17.85273], + [81.78246, 17.83177], + [81.72939, 17.81928], + [81.68478, 17.77067], + [81.62323, 17.76264], + [81.5764, 17.72607], + [81.57105, 17.68771], + [81.50281, 17.59003], + [81.52377, 17.57264], + [81.50147, 17.53919], + [81.49345, 17.44865], + [81.44171, 17.38175], + [81.41584, 17.36168], + [81.37168, 17.35722], + [81.32262, 17.38933], + [81.28917, 17.33759], + [81.26732, 17.3202], + [81.19016, 17.32733], + [81.17053, 17.29656], + [81.18035, 17.25463], + [81.16295, 17.23278], + [81.11835, 17.22475], + [81.02603, 17.18684], + [80.99124, 17.1797], + [80.93058, 17.20513], + [80.90516, 17.20111], + [80.91318, 17.14581], + [80.87037, 17.14625], + [80.8552, 17.11146], + [80.86412, 17.09585], + [80.85877, 17.05081], + [80.82309, 17.03787], + [80.72586, 17.06463], + [80.68393, 17.06865], + [80.65673, 17.08782], + [80.56039, 17.13822], + [80.51936, 17.10834], + [80.49616, 17.10789], + [80.48234, 17.05036], + [80.42034, 17.02494], + [80.39001, 17.07623], + [80.36682, 17.0566], + [80.38778, 17.0071], + [80.35835, 16.97052], + [80.44264, 16.9451], + [80.48769, 16.91745], + [80.49126, 16.94822], + [80.53184, 16.95001], + [80.59027, 16.91165], + [80.5867, 16.87374], + [80.56485, 16.86883], + [80.55593, 16.81843], + [80.6041, 16.78766], + [80.56262, 16.76268], + [80.51088, 16.76982], + [80.45647, 16.78989], + [80.45245, 16.81531], + [80.41856, 16.84252], + [80.37306, 16.8113], + [80.35879, 16.85501], + [80.3191, 16.87106], + [80.31553, 16.91254], + [80.28877, 16.97677], + [80.26201, 17.01066], + [80.23569, 17.00219], + [80.19555, 17.01825], + [80.18217, 17.04501], + [80.134, 16.98524], + [80.08405, 16.96339], + [80.04569, 16.96517], + [80.03722, 16.93663], + [80.00957, 16.90719], + [79.99173, 16.86303], + [80.0332, 16.85233], + [80.04168, 16.82602], + [80.07093, 16.81323], + [80.054, 16.74194], + [80.02722, 16.71251], + [80.00576, 16.70857], + [79.95306, 16.63621], + [79.90723, 16.63408], + [79.88555, 16.68642], + [79.84286, 16.70561], + [79.81796, 16.69098], + [79.79256, 16.72485], + [79.74673, 16.72106], + [79.72286, 16.68966], + [79.68544, 16.69755], + [79.6621, 16.68835], + [79.63566, 16.6594], + [79.60613, 16.67239], + [79.53884, 16.63046], + [79.49421, 16.63408], + [79.44409, 16.61796], + [79.41773, 16.57986], + [79.37802, 16.58412], + [79.31162, 16.57554], + [79.27926, 16.5816], + [79.24543, 16.57009], + [79.24388, 16.53515], + [79.22091, 16.51631], + [79.21526, 16.4846], + [79.23202, 16.46035], + [79.21112, 16.44396], + [79.21143, 16.35493], + [79.23438, 16.32518], + [79.22111, 16.23251], + [79.1593, 16.20893], + [79.12305, 16.23187], + [79.09802, 16.2236], + [79.05373, 16.23827], + [79.01236, 16.24173], + [78.98352, 16.21074], + [78.92807, 16.19871], + [78.9049, 16.17711], + [78.92481, 16.13259], + [78.92138, 16.10307], + [78.88876, 16.0879], + [78.87606, 16.13902], + [78.83228, 16.13919], + [78.8419, 16.08707], + [78.82164, 16.05227], + [78.78267, 16.02125], + [78.73718, 16.0097], + [78.68277, 16.03346], + [78.64311, 16.08312], + [78.59917, 16.08361], + [78.55814, 16.04517], + [78.45394, 16.07503], + [78.40727, 16.0756], + [78.36075, 16.04605], + [78.32341, 16.033], + [78.29785, 16.01169], + [78.2682, 16.02857], + [78.25445, 16.01627], + [78.2507, 15.96993], + [78.20995, 15.9197], + [78.17371, 15.89569], + [78.17153, 15.85511], + [78.13252, 15.8549], + [78.10755, 15.83401], + [78.06997, 15.85048], + [78.03641, 15.90188], + [78.00803, 15.86506], + [77.97903, 15.87982], + [77.93428, 15.88216], + [77.89376, 15.90154], + [77.8616, 15.88138], + [77.80554, 15.87083], + [77.72205, 15.89199], + [77.689, 15.87914], + [77.6536, 15.88393], + [77.61152, 15.91691], + [77.58504, 15.91532], + [77.51178, 15.92828], + [77.52058, 15.95112], + [77.51562, 16.00803], + [77.49612, 16.03679], + [77.50848, 16.07885], + [77.49242, 16.12134], + [77.48889, 16.16443], + [77.50036, 16.1925], + [77.49303, 16.25534], + [77.59655, 16.31743], + [77.58991, 16.33381], + [77.54011, 16.35849], + [77.52418, 16.3753], + [77.4865, 16.38299], + [77.41673, 16.36775], + [77.37791, 16.38517], + [77.35761, 16.3815], + [77.28927, 16.408], + [77.26056, 16.45344], + [77.23521, 16.47123] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/asia/thailand/thailand_cnx.geojson b/features/asia/thailand/thailand_cnx.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e32387b48 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/asia/thailand/thailand_cnx.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "thailand_cnx.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [98.4375, 18.2319], + [98.4375, 19.2255], + [99.5306, 19.2255], + [99.5306, 18.2319], + [98.4375, 18.2319] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/belgium/flanders.geojson b/features/europe/belgium/flanders.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce9258032 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/belgium/flanders.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "flanders.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [2.52239, 51.10172], + [3.12606, 51.34118], + [3.17493, 51.38246], + [3.37615, 51.38784], + [3.41065, 51.3304], + [3.40202, 51.28548], + [3.49114, 51.2567], + [3.48251, 51.30345], + [3.57737, 51.32322], + [3.81309, 51.27289], + [3.82172, 51.23691], + [3.93095, 51.23691], + [4.05456, 51.27469], + [4.20116, 51.35195], + [4.16954, 51.38067], + [4.34202, 51.39502], + [4.36502, 51.46491], + [4.53749, 51.50072], + [4.57199, 51.47924], + [4.56049, 51.44879], + [4.63811, 51.45058], + [4.75022, 51.52397], + [4.83645, 51.50787], + [5.0808, 51.49893], + [5.13541, 51.447], + [5.10667, 51.39143], + [5.26477, 51.31783], + [5.26477, 51.28727], + [5.4085, 51.29267], + [5.48612, 51.32501], + [5.58098, 51.28368], + [5.58385, 51.23511], + [5.76783, 51.2045], + [5.87706, 51.16125], + [5.70459, 50.80293], + [5.90581, 50.78657], + [5.93743, 50.73202], + [5.90293, 50.70108], + [5.81382, 50.69379], + [5.61547, 50.76112], + [5.50049, 50.712], + [5.2044, 50.7029], + [5.16416, 50.67558], + [5.03768, 50.70108], + [4.98881, 50.75021], + [4.91694, 50.72656], + [4.79046, 50.76658], + [4.68122, 50.77021], + [4.66973, 50.73566], + [4.2874, 50.67922], + [3.91083, 50.6774], + [3.71823, 50.75203], + [3.65499, 50.712], + [3.53426, 50.71018], + [3.51413, 50.74112], + [3.45664, 50.74384], + [3.37328, 50.69562], + [3.31004, 50.70745], + [3.28991, 50.73657], + [3.16487, 50.74294], + [3.13181, 50.77203], + [3.08007, 50.76021], + [2.87453, 50.7393], + [2.89609, 50.71109], + [2.87453, 50.69562], + [2.79692, 50.7029], + [2.69918, 50.8002], + [2.62013, 50.79747], + [2.56982, 50.8583], + [2.56695, 50.92358], + [2.60288, 50.94985], + [2.5497, 50.99601], + [2.52239, 51.10172] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/belgium/wallonia.geojson b/features/europe/belgium/wallonia.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3249c80f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/belgium/wallonia.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "wallonia.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [5.78257, 49.87573], + [5.73919, 49.83362], + [5.75516, 49.79146], + [5.78839, 49.79665], + [5.91064, 49.66249], + [5.84857, 49.59723], + [5.87102, 49.57599], + [5.81857, 49.54638], + [5.66079, 49.55362], + [5.61108, 49.50603], + [5.55603, 49.52928], + [5.47051, 49.49737], + [5.45708, 49.56703], + [5.37522, 49.62333], + [5.31486, 49.61137], + [5.33243, 49.65263], + [5.26851, 49.69657], + [5.16628, 49.69303], + [4.99753, 49.80006], + [4.85164, 49.79345], + [4.84754, 49.86806], + [4.89013, 49.90893], + [4.79117, 49.958], + [4.87762, 50.15374], + [4.82418, 50.16932], + [4.70207, 50.09556], + [4.69441, 49.99625], + [4.44551, 49.93722], + [4.30589, 49.96829], + [4.19746, 49.9546], + [4.1352, 50.01508], + [4.22825, 50.07842], + [4.19682, 50.13519], + [4.12714, 50.1355], + [4.2052, 50.27347], + [4.16262, 50.28896], + [4.13538, 50.25784], + [4.02795, 50.3584], + [3.88574, 50.32701], + [3.84578, 50.35323], + [3.74546, 50.35005], + [3.70994, 50.30316], + [3.65756, 50.37076], + [3.65552, 50.4617], + [3.60586, 50.49632], + [3.4993, 50.48921], + [3.51992, 50.52362], + [3.47439, 50.53368], + [3.37698, 50.49109], + [3.28634, 50.52793], + [3.26104, 50.70131], + [3.20602, 50.71139], + [3.17839, 50.75609], + [3.30562, 50.75466], + [3.36077, 50.70962], + [3.45439, 50.77072], + [3.64047, 50.72242], + [3.67752, 50.77062], + [3.75857, 50.78045], + [3.77568, 50.74789], + [3.8798, 50.75146], + [3.9097, 50.69245], + [4.05868, 50.69439], + [4.14853, 50.72834], + [4.2467, 50.6894], + [4.46355, 50.75511], + [4.52399, 50.72724], + [4.59727, 50.76359], + [4.63445, 50.74272], + [4.64309, 50.79755], + [4.76014, 50.80544], + [4.92545, 50.74275], + [5.00339, 50.76594], + [5.07039, 50.70649], + [5.16508, 50.6957], + [5.16984, 50.72257], + [5.30912, 50.71802], + [5.35029, 50.74629], + [5.47863, 50.72352], + [5.68786, 50.81193], + [5.68225, 50.75651], + [5.7707, 50.75132], + [5.81963, 50.71396], + [5.88333, 50.70992], + [5.89217, 50.75518], + [5.96561, 50.76107], + [6.04045, 50.74546], + [6.03959, 50.71833], + [6.11066, 50.72299], + [6.18169, 50.62383], + [6.26953, 50.62519], + [6.17812, 50.54153], + [6.22658, 50.49432], + [6.35036, 50.48854], + [6.34298, 50.38033], + [6.40542, 50.32331], + [6.30647, 50.32019], + [6.27889, 50.26734], + [6.17377, 50.23165], + [6.19232, 50.18203], + [6.147, 50.17775], + [6.13779, 50.12985], + [6.10245, 50.17055], + [5.96368, 50.17263], + [5.96133, 50.13136], + [5.89532, 50.11216], + [5.81968, 50.01329], + [5.83578, 49.97892], + [5.77502, 49.9608], + [5.73577, 49.89684], + [5.78257, 49.87573] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/germany/de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson b/features/europe/germany/de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5df06d91c --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/germany/de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "de-berlin-brandenburg.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [11.32141, 53.11711], + [12.09595, 53.36694], + [12.88147, 53.20274], + [13.78235, 53.50765], + [14.16687, 53.41608], + [14.10645, 53.28164], + [14.29871, 53.27507], + [14.41956, 53.32431], + [14.19434, 52.93871], + [14.19434, 52.82932], + [14.57336, 52.60972], + [14.57336, 52.36218], + [14.71619, 52.05249], + [14.61182, 51.84257], + [14.76563, 51.54975], + [14.36462, 51.519], + [14.1449, 51.54975], + [13.99109, 51.36835], + [13.2605, 51.39578], + [13.07373, 51.65211], + [13.13965, 51.86971], + [12.67273, 52.01532], + [12.40356, 52.03222], + [12.22229, 52.14697], + [12.32117, 52.50619], + [12.16736, 52.51956], + [12.23877, 52.87245], + [11.60156, 52.96849], + [11.32141, 53.11711] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/germany/de-hamburg.geojson b/features/europe/germany/de-hamburg.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..724e0b27f --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/germany/de-hamburg.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "de-hamburg.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [[[9.6, 53.8], [10.4, 53.8], [10.4, 53.3], [9.6, 53.3], [9.6, 53.8]]] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/germany/de-ostwestfalen-lippe.geojson b/features/europe/germany/de-ostwestfalen-lippe.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..566fb69ef --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/germany/de-ostwestfalen-lippe.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "de-ostwestfalen-lippe.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [8.04337, 52.05756], + [8.42583, 52.19919], + [8.43846, 52.35394], + [8.30866, 52.39929], + [8.28438, 52.4581], + [8.67096, 52.56967], + [9.22028, 52.49616], + [9.06097, 52.28328], + [9.47365, 51.86716], + [9.46266, 51.64103], + [9.26285, 51.46641], + [9.15648, 51.43569], + [8.80348, 51.43218], + [8.54444, 51.46003], + [8.42239, 51.55658], + [8.31076, 51.72252], + [8.12645, 51.86844], + [8.04337, 52.05756] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/italy/bi-vc-cvl.geojson b/features/europe/italy/bi-vc-cvl.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..355ccfd5e --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/italy/bi-vc-cvl.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "bi-vc-cvl.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [7.36633, 45.32125], + [7.89917, 45.57752], + [8.91541, 45.58521], + [9.01154, 45.24202], + [7.65472, 45.07352], + [7.36633, 45.32125] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/italy/cuneo.geojson b/features/europe/italy/cuneo.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a20709999 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/italy/cuneo.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "cuneo.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [7.66022, 45.06382], + [7.90741, 44.93953], + [8.04474, 44.35921], + [7.14661, 44.2865], + [7.1521, 44.91036], + [7.66022, 45.06382] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/italy/lazio.geojson b/features/europe/italy/lazio.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3316a4f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/italy/lazio.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "lazio.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [13.23814, 42.1301], + [13.19363, 42.15923], + [13.17062, 42.15169], + [13.12434, 42.17797], + [13.08798, 42.17886], + [13.08575, 42.14318], + [13.0317, 42.12309], + [13.01946, 42.07634], + [13.05545, 42.01736], + [13.10194, 42.00898], + [13.10589, 42.02698], + [13.36437, 41.92475], + [13.384, 41.90419], + [13.35751, 41.8694], + [13.38052, 41.81709], + [13.4169, 41.83467], + [13.50508, 41.8016], + [13.52044, 41.77297], + [13.57182, 41.7543], + [13.66214, 41.81144], + [13.70555, 41.78747], + [13.72956, 41.7989], + [13.7629, 41.7488], + [13.81162, 41.75426], + [13.85645, 41.73124], + [13.89541, 41.73405], + [13.98311, 41.66238], + [14.01182, 41.60835], + [13.99895, 41.57448], + [14.02596, 41.55567], + [14.00526, 41.53875], + [14.0275, 41.52321], + [13.97291, 41.49404], + [13.99278, 41.48208], + [13.9779, 41.46249], + [13.90257, 41.42273], + [13.86123, 41.41763], + [13.8886, 41.40081], + [13.8688, 41.36272], + [13.88974, 41.29748], + [13.82898, 41.28154], + [13.83083, 41.2502], + [13.77126, 41.24136], + [13.45667, 40.77769], + [11.52381, 41.03693], + [11.44922, 42.37798], + [11.48889, 42.43937], + [11.61771, 42.43604], + [11.61626, 42.48862], + [11.56011, 42.51595], + [11.58852, 42.54226], + [11.57917, 42.56803], + [11.61401, 42.55723], + [11.64337, 42.56635], + [11.71111, 42.61091], + [11.73597, 42.60666], + [11.74975, 42.63965], + [11.80478, 42.644], + [11.77554, 42.70951], + [11.80156, 42.70719], + [11.81949, 42.74543], + [11.74602, 42.78576], + [11.77424, 42.82107], + [11.80685, 42.79485], + [11.8137, 42.82267], + [11.84851, 42.84008], + [11.90558, 42.8325], + [11.92743, 42.78092], + [11.97948, 42.76459], + [11.96293, 42.72669], + [11.9301, 42.71295], + [11.94133, 42.6833], + [12.03, 42.64324], + [12.10666, 42.66464], + [12.12406, 42.64929], + [12.16101, 42.67691], + [12.20434, 42.66046], + [12.24292, 42.62906], + [12.22819, 42.61077], + [12.24626, 42.60256], + [12.23866, 42.57218], + [12.27504, 42.55991], + [12.26676, 42.53347], + [12.29027, 42.51904], + [12.27477, 42.50921], + [12.30735, 42.4973], + [12.29041, 42.49164], + [12.32537, 42.49476], + [12.35123, 42.47365], + [12.39017, 42.49819], + [12.41905, 42.49765], + [12.41244, 42.46756], + [12.43038, 42.45802], + [12.41368, 42.45517], + [12.41365, 42.4256], + [12.4636, 42.42909], + [12.44469, 42.39882], + [12.51169, 42.40311], + [12.52874, 42.36445], + [12.60642, 42.40245], + [12.61481, 42.46511], + [12.64109, 42.4678], + [12.6495, 42.44331], + [12.67465, 42.44242], + [12.74156, 42.47053], + [12.71114, 42.50079], + [12.89273, 42.5635], + [12.88052, 42.60935], + [13.00524, 42.61622], + [13.02522, 42.64], + [13.06423, 42.62427], + [13.13, 42.66053], + [13.14645, 42.64714], + [13.17506, 42.66707], + [13.19025, 42.73363], + [13.25415, 42.72145], + [13.2645, 42.74019], + [13.28589, 42.74049], + [13.35851, 42.69533], + [13.35059, 42.66968], + [13.37022, 42.6507], + [13.4092, 42.64383], + [13.39493, 42.59223], + [13.29421, 42.5705], + [13.28454, 42.58349], + [13.24686, 42.57367], + [13.19228, 42.58849], + [13.15673, 42.54102], + [13.17934, 42.48031], + [13.11708, 42.44489], + [13.19508, 42.39017], + [13.15427, 42.35797], + [13.22737, 42.32031], + [13.23563, 42.27871], + [13.28229, 42.23874], + [13.33653, 42.22338], + [13.34238, 42.19939], + [13.3808, 42.18142], + [13.34871, 42.17689], + [13.35488, 42.16769], + [13.32819, 42.16483], + [13.30621, 42.13923], + [13.23814, 42.1301] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/italy/piemonte.geojson b/features/europe/italy/piemonte.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ac27a89c --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/italy/piemonte.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "piemonte.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [8.45947, 46.46057], + [8.47046, 46.44164], + [8.47046, 46.26724], + [8.70117, 46.09609], + [8.58032, 45.77135], + [8.84949, 45.38302], + [8.90442, 45.04636], + [9.36584, 44.67647], + [9.29443, 44.59047], + [8.94287, 44.64521], + [8.66272, 44.54742], + [8.25623, 44.42201], + [7.75085, 44.13097], + [7.36633, 44.13491], + [6.98181, 44.24913], + [6.85547, 44.52001], + [7.08069, 44.67647], + [6.84448, 44.85976], + [6.68518, 45.09291], + [7.05322, 45.22461], + [7.17407, 45.41002], + [7.04773, 45.46398], + [6.97083, 45.63709], + [6.89392, 45.67548], + [6.80054, 45.84793], + [7.08069, 45.87471], + [7.58057, 45.97024], + [7.84973, 45.92441], + [8.15735, 46.157], + [8.15186, 46.28622], + [8.45947, 46.46057] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/italy/roma-capitale.geojson b/features/europe/italy/roma-capitale.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec148f05b --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/italy/roma-capitale.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "roma-capitale.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [11.6, 42.16], + [12.28, 42.2], + [12.52, 42.31], + [13.27, 41.92], + [13.15, 41.58], + [12.6, 41.16], + [11.6, 42.16] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/italy/south-tyrol.geojson b/features/europe/italy/south-tyrol.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9af74160c --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/italy/south-tyrol.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "south-tyrol.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + 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"trentino.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [10.49332, 46.35641], + [10.59219, 46.46624], + [10.76317, 46.49697], + [10.84076, 46.45536], + [11.07971, 46.54469], + [11.23627, 46.50123], + [11.21086, 46.32559], + [11.1779, 46.27341], + [11.23352, 46.2473], + [11.32416, 46.30235], + [11.5583, 46.40378], + [11.62628, 46.5069], + [11.83502, 46.54233], + [11.91399, 46.44306], + [11.85356, 46.34124], + [11.99158, 46.18363], + [11.84464, 46.08466], + [11.72791, 46.07704], + [11.69907, 45.95592], + [11.51093, 45.97979], + [11.28845, 45.8814], + [11.21567, 45.76273], + [11.16074, 45.68316], + [10.90256, 45.66013], + [10.82016, 45.71097], + [10.84076, 45.81827], + [10.51529, 45.76752], + [10.41504, 46.00269], + [10.51941, 46.2112], + [10.49332, 46.35641] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/spain/galicia.geojson b/features/europe/spain/galicia.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9de4a5872 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/spain/galicia.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "galicia.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-7.17133, 43.43198], + [-7.17545, 43.38808], + [-7.13837, 43.3811], + [-7.12807, 43.33567], + [-7.09511, 43.3017], + [-7.06627, 43.30519], + [-7.06764, 43.2457], + [-6.96808, 43.18966], + [-6.98181, 43.16512], + [-6.95297, 43.13507], + [-6.86096, 43.17564], + [-6.81908, 43.13657], + [-6.91315, 43.07441], + [-6.94405, 43.07842], + [-6.97083, 43.03678], + [-6.83556, 42.95894], + [-6.83281, 42.91772], + [-6.86783, 42.87345], + [-6.84174, 42.82462], + [-7.04224, 42.69758], + [-7.00584, 42.64457], + [-7.04361, 42.63547], + [-7.03949, 42.58797], + [-7.07726, 42.50956], + [-6.82182, 42.49438], + [-6.80603, 42.46602], + [-6.84105, 42.40318], + [-6.73325, 42.35854], + [-6.77307, 42.25648], + [-6.93649, 42.16646], + [-7.04361, 42.06], + [-6.96877, 42.05082], + [-6.96465, 42.02583], + [-6.99623, 41.96664], + [-7.07382, 41.94979], + [-7.14729, 41.99063], + [-7.18781, 41.9697], + [-7.19055, 41.88439], + [-7.42264, 41.81124], + [-7.70142, 41.90125], + [-8.16833, 41.81943], + [-8.22739, 41.91045], + [-8.09143, 42.01869], + [-8.19855, 42.14508], + [-8.23168, 42.13248], + [-8.24232, 42.13884], + [-8.25657, 42.13349], + [-8.25932, 42.12191], + [-8.27391, 42.12356], + [-8.30154, 42.10535], + [-8.32266, 42.10064], + [-8.32558, 42.09045], + [-8.33347, 42.08434], + [-8.3606, 42.09032], + [-8.37055, 42.08752], + [-8.38188, 42.07631], + [-8.39081, 42.07593], + [-8.39167, 42.07924], + [-8.41158, 42.0772], + [-8.43063, 42.07211], + [-8.44265, 42.08294], + [-8.47801, 42.0809], + [-8.48419, 42.08204], + [-8.5017, 42.07797], + [-8.52608, 42.07771], + [-8.52591, 42.06331], + [-8.55251, 42.05337], + [-8.58667, 42.05222], + [-8.59594, 42.05592], + [-8.64023, 42.04713], + [-8.64607, 42.03667], + [-8.65791, 42.03081], + [-8.65826, 42.0155], + [-8.66392, 42.00109], + [-8.67268, 41.99637], + [-8.70632, 41.98208], + [-8.74718, 41.96409], + [-8.74838, 41.94302], + [-8.76, 41.9311], + [-8.9, 41.85], + [-9.6, 43.2], + [-7.5, 44], + [-7.02885, 43.55178], + [-7.04807, 43.50698], + [-7.04807, 43.47684], + [-7.06181, 43.47335], + [-7.09099, 43.45242], + [-7.08858, 43.4437], + [-7.11983, 43.42525], + [-7.17133, 43.43198] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/ukraine/ukraine.geojson b/features/europe/ukraine/ukraine.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bee38746b --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/ukraine/ukraine.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "ukraine.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [23.6193, 51.65491], + [24.09803, 51.64047], + [24.39723, 51.89353], + [25.19178, 51.95913], + [26.12263, 51.92224], + [26.49829, 51.80933], + [27.09005, 51.77026], + [27.62861, 51.62603], + [28.02422, 51.59093], + [28.28021, 51.68172], + [28.37662, 51.5806], + [28.82542, 51.5682], + [29.19111, 51.64253], + [29.41718, 51.4399], + [29.67316, 51.51238], + [29.82276, 51.47512], + [30.21837, 51.50824], + [30.54417, 51.30709], + [30.63726, 51.38599], + [30.51425, 51.63634], + [30.983, 52.09005], + [31.2822, 52.07984], + [31.48832, 52.13497], + [32.11, 52.05531], + [32.31279, 52.11864], + [32.43912, 52.32434], + [32.93114, 52.28368], + [33.29683, 52.39337], + [33.75561, 52.35277], + [34.35734, 51.78055], + [34.14457, 51.76409], + [34.05813, 51.67965], + [34.22103, 51.47098], + [34.25095, 51.30085], + [34.7197, 51.19056], + [35.11199, 51.21139], + [35.1818, 51.08626], + [35.38792, 51.03402], + [35.40787, 50.62878], + [35.62063, 50.38563], + [36.06944, 50.4513], + [36.21571, 50.41106], + [36.31212, 50.28802], + [36.4717, 50.32624], + [36.59138, 50.2519], + [37.46571, 50.45977], + [37.735, 50.11353], + [38.05747, 49.9384], + [38.19377, 49.95765], + [38.19045, 50.07514], + [38.35002, 50.08154], + [38.41651, 49.98972], + [38.73899, 49.97476], + [39.00827, 49.83344], + [39.14457, 49.89987], + [39.27755, 49.78195], + [39.54018, 49.74544], + [39.79949, 49.58406], + [40.18845, 49.6013], + [40.0588, 49.50424], + [40.20508, 49.24666], + [39.93247, 49.06185], + [39.71638, 49.01608], + [40.08872, 48.85448], + [39.79617, 48.78443], + [39.69311, 48.65283], + [39.86266, 48.5693], + [39.99231, 48.31348], + [39.83274, 47.92287], + [39.74297, 47.83144], + [39.57675, 47.81135], + [38.86532, 47.85153], + [38.77555, 47.68618], + [38.38327, 47.60106], + [38.30348, 47.52704], + [38.30016, 47.23891], + [38.13393, 47.05577], + [37.5455, 47.05124], + [37.31279, 46.87654], + [37.20973, 46.92651], + [36.96039, 46.83107], + [36.7443, 46.61685], + [36.72436, 46.7719], + [36.4451, 46.72407], + [36.10601, 46.4728], + [36.20574, 46.66022], + [35.92316, 46.64424], + [35.43114, 46.39948], + [35.10202, 45.97138], + [35.0455, 45.75145], + [35.47436, 45.33], + [35.86, 45.53297], + [35.9963, 45.43274], + [36.11598, 45.51899], + [36.66452, 45.4514], + [36.65454, 45.34168], + [36.50494, 45.31363], + [36.47502, 45.24111], + [36.48832, 45.04884], + [35.81013, 44.98539], + [35.5076, 45.11222], + [35.42782, 44.93364], + [35.12196, 44.76394], + [34.67649, 44.75686], + [33.985, 44.37078], + [33.68912, 44.38504], + [33.38327, 44.50608], + [33.35002, 44.589], + [33.55282, 44.93128], + [33.42981, 45.1263], + [33.19377, 45.14271], + [32.83141, 45.33935], + [32.60534, 45.30896], + [32.44577, 45.3557], + [32.50893, 45.47005], + [32.87795, 45.68181], + [33.57941, 45.90665], + [33.58938, 46.02681], + [33.25694, 46.07065], + [33.02422, 45.97138], + [31.61133, 46.19506], + [31.27555, 46.61457], + [30.87662, 46.56887], + [30.43446, 45.98756], + [29.69643, 45.55159], + [29.79284, 45.46306], + [29.73965, 45.15913], + [29.47369, 45.41407], + [29.18114, 45.38373], + [28.74896, 45.22004], + [28.56611, 45.23409], + [28.29018, 45.33], + [28.23367, 45.49103], + [28.31678, 45.56789], + [28.483, 45.54228], + [28.47303, 45.73753], + [28.95175, 46.03143], + [29.02489, 46.18125], + [28.9318, 46.49569], + [29.18779, 46.57116], + [29.59337, 46.45448], + [29.81944, 46.46593], + [29.95574, 46.68759], + [29.8959, 46.8197], + [29.56013, 46.96963], + [29.54683, 47.29982], + [29.14789, 47.50234], + [29.23101, 47.77562], + [29.17117, 47.934], + [28.86864, 47.99411], + [28.63593, 48.16513], + [28.44311, 48.06525], + [28.36332, 48.17178], + [28.25694, 48.15404], + [27.735, 48.43494], + [27.55547, 48.45258], + [26.92383, 48.34884], + [26.36532, 48.17178], + [26.1193, 47.97408], + [25.3846, 47.91618], + [24.91585, 47.70408], + [24.52024, 47.94291], + [24.18446, 47.90058], + [23.58274, 48.00523], + [23.43646, 47.96963], + [23.15388, 48.10522], + [23.07077, 47.98743], + [22.858, 47.9585], + [22.76824, 48.09856], + [22.58539, 48.103], + [22.51558, 48.2161], + [22.11332, 48.4217], + [22.49896, 49.06621], + [22.58872, 49.11193], + [22.87795, 49.04006], + [22.7217, 49.18151], + [22.71837, 49.64652], + [23.24364, 50.105], + [24.04484, 50.49785], + [24.05813, 50.68779], + [23.9451, 50.81399], + [24.10135, 50.85388], + [23.62928, 51.29462], + [23.6193, 51.65491] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/united_kingdom/east_midlands.geojson b/features/europe/united_kingdom/east_midlands.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e72d2d23b --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/united_kingdom/east_midlands.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "east_midlands.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-0.37, 53.85], + [0.2, 53.5], + [0.55, 53.1], + [-1.1222, 52.36367], + [-1.95817, 53.27605], + [-1.88, 53.86], + [-0.96, 54.06], + [-0.37, 53.85] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/united_kingdom/england-west-midlands.geojson b/features/europe/united_kingdom/england-west-midlands.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a321308a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/united_kingdom/england-west-midlands.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "england-west-midlands.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-3.28493, 52.44175], + [-3.12706, 52.96995], + [-1.95817, 53.27605], + [-1.1222, 52.36367], + [-1.59859, 51.90733], + [-2.65611, 51.7761], + [-3.10848, 51.95414], + [-3.28493, 52.44175] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/united_kingdom/london.geojson b/features/europe/united_kingdom/london.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2bf4acba --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/united_kingdom/london.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "london.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [0.23926, 51.43251], + [0.23923, 51.43329], + [0.23926, 51.43251], + [0.23717, 51.4241], + [0.205, 51.39919], + [0.18385, 51.37628], + [0.16188, 51.36621], + [0.15614, 51.3539], + [0.1603, 51.31026], + [0.14958, 51.30173], + [0.14213, 51.29098], + [0.06692, 51.27361], + [-0.01594, 51.26864], + [-0.05766, 51.2586], + [-0.10949, 51.25943], + [-0.16628, 51.26848], + [-0.19872, 51.25854], + [-0.22666, 51.2587], + [-0.27352, 51.28757], + [-0.31813, 51.30077], + [-0.33644, 51.31532], + [-0.40313, 51.30581], + [-0.44436, 51.31987], + [-0.47985, 51.3302], + [-0.50762, 51.37142], + [-0.53414, 51.39494], + [-0.54109, 51.42774], + [-0.53264, 51.43923], + [-0.5152, 51.46248], + [-0.49617, 51.48894], + [-0.50203, 51.53945], + [-0.5278, 51.55474], + [-0.53166, 51.5611], + [-0.53569, 51.57289], + [-0.53596, 51.5778], + [-0.53455, 51.58275], + [-0.53376, 51.58792], + [-0.51516, 51.6337], + [-0.49776, 51.65205], + [-0.4901, 51.66912], + [-0.45924, 51.67692], + [-0.44684, 51.69442], + [-0.42579, 51.71213], + [-0.39306, 51.715], + [-0.38079, 51.71654], + [-0.34459, 51.70948], + [-0.2838, 51.71515], + [-0.26707, 51.71395], + [-0.23509, 51.69056], + [-0.22093, 51.68445], + [-0.17729, 51.68441], + [-0.10644, 51.69165], + [-0.05899, 51.68257], + [0.02324, 51.678], + [0.0691, 51.68854], + [0.10856, 51.68336], + [0.19863, 51.65015], + [0.25714, 51.61353], + [0.28187, 51.57813], + [0.29039, 51.55903], + [0.26811, 51.50265], + [0.26882, 51.49783], + [0.26782, 51.49042], + [0.2659, 51.47443], + [0.25509, 51.46053], + [0.23586, 51.44791], + [0.23926, 51.43251] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/europe/united_kingdom/scotland.geojson b/features/europe/united_kingdom/scotland.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d68b91c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/europe/united_kingdom/scotland.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "scotland.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-3.05969, 54.98352], + [-3.12904, 54.95199], + [-3.21625, 54.96579], + [-5, 54.4], + [-6.1, 55.5], + [-14.78497, 57.60709], + [-0.3751, 61.32236], + [0, 56.6], + [-2.08637, 55.79086], + [-2.08569, 55.7619], + [-2.10251, 55.76132], + [-2.24258, 55.64505], + [-2.32979, 55.64079], + [-2.16019, 55.46095], + [-2.56805, 55.31274], + [-2.70401, 55.1773], + [-2.96082, 55.05084], + [-3.04939, 55.05517], + [-3.03017, 55.03314], + [-3.05969, 54.98352] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/north-america/canada/ottawa_gatineau.geojson b/features/north-america/canada/ottawa_gatineau.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9089c2253 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/north-america/canada/ottawa_gatineau.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "ottawa_gatineau.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [-76.23413, 45.50827], + [-76.12839, 45.55829], + [-75.26184, 45.58041], + [-75.13412, 45.39652], + [-75.42938, 45.32512], + [-75.35385, 45.17816], + [-75.82489, 44.93564], + [-76.34537, 45.36855], + [-76.23413, 45.50827] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/north-america/canada/vancouver_metro.geojson 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38.7048], + [-77.04437, 38.70266] + ] + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/north-america/united_states/dfw_metro.geojson b/features/north-america/united_states/dfw_metro.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b52e3153 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/north-america/united_states/dfw_metro.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "dfw_metro.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [[[-97.75, 32.25], [-97.75, 33.4], [-96, 33.4], [-96, 32.25], [-97.75, 32.25]]] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/features/north-america/united_states/grand_junction_co.geojson b/features/north-america/united_states/grand_junction_co.geojson new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53bf186d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/features/north-america/united_states/grand_junction_co.geojson @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "id": "grand_junction_co.geojson", + "properties": {}, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + 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+ OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu d'OpenStreetMap Xapón + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Xapón + description: 'Hashtag en Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Xapón + al-forum: + name: Foru OSM d'Albania + description: Foru d'OpenStreetMap d'Albania + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + al-telegram: + name: Canal de Telegram OSM d'Albania + description: Canal de Telegram d'OpenStreetMap d'Albania + at-forum: + name: Foru d'OpenStreetMap Austria + at-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu Talk-at + at-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Austria + description: 'OpenStreetMap Austria en Twitter: {url}' + be-forum: + name: Foru d'OpenStreetMap BE + description: Foru web d'OpenStreetMap Bélxica + be-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Bélxica + be-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu Talk-be + be-matrix: + name: Canal Matrix d'OpenStreetMap BE + be-meetup: + name: Meetup d'OpenStreetMap Bélgica + be-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Bélxica + description: 'OSM Bélxica en Twitter: @osm_be' + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Bielorrusia + description: Grupu de telegram d'OpenStreetMap Bielorrusia + czech-community: + name: Comunidá OSM de Chequia + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu de Berlín + de-berlin-meetup: + name: Meetup d'OpenStreetMap Berlín-Brandenburgu + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin en Telegram' + description: Charra de Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Berlín + de-berlin-twitter: + name: Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Berlín + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: Foru d'OpenStreetMap DE + description: Foru web d'OpenStreetMap Alemaña + de-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Alemaña + de-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu Talk-de + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu OWL + de-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Alemaña + dk-forum: + name: Foru web d'OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + description: Foru web d'OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + dk-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + dk-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu Talk-dk + fi-forum: + name: Foru d'OpenStreetMap FI + description: Foru web d'OpenStreetMap Finlandia + fi-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Finlandia + fi-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu Talk-fi + fr-facebook: + name: Páxina de Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Francia + description: Páxina de Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Francia + fr-forum: + name: Foru web d'OpenStreetMap Francia + description: Foru web d'OpenStreetMap Francia + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Francia en IRC + fr-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu Talk-fr + description: Llista de corréu Talk-fr + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Francia en Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Francia en Twitter: {url}' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu Talk-hr + description: Llista de corréu Talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: Facebook d'OpenStreetMap HU + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Alemaña + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana en Twitter + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ en Facebook + osmcz-twitter: + name: Twitter checu @osmcz + se-facebook: + name: Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Suecia + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Llista de corréu checa (talk-cz) + talk-gh: + name: Llista de corréu Talk-gh diff --git a/i18n/bg.yaml b/i18n/bg.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dcfecbc2b --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/bg.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +bg: + be-facebook: + description: Картографи и OpenStreetMap във Фейсбук в Белгия + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Централна Пенсилвания OSM + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Чатануга + description: OpenStreetMap потребителската група за Чатануга + OSM-NYC: + name: OpenStreetMap Ню Йорк + description: 'Картографи и OpenStreetMap потребители, разработчици и ентусиасти в района на Ню Йорк Метрополитън' + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Портланд + description: Картографи и OpenStreetMap потребители в района на Портланд + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US Slack diff --git a/i18n/bn.yaml b/i18n/bn.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..66927eb65 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/bn.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +bn: + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: 'টুইটারে আমাদের অনুসরণ করুন: {url}' + osm-gh-facebook: + name: ফেসবুকে ঘানা OpenStreetMap + description: OpenStreetMap-এ আগ্রহীদের জন্য ফেসবুক গ্রুপ। + osm-gh-twitter: + name: টুইটারে ঘানা OpenStreetMap + description: 'টুইটারে আমাদের অনুসরণ করুন: {url}' + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh মেইলিং লিস্ট diff --git a/i18n/ca.yaml b/i18n/ca.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5427b7cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/ca.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +ca: + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Uneix-te a la comunitat argentina d'OpenStreetMap a Telegram + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: Twitter d'Argentina d'OpenStreetMap + description: 'Segueix-nos a Twitter a {url}' + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + OSM-CL-twitter: + description: 'Segueix-nos a Twitter a {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Colòmbia + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: Facebook de Colòmbia d'OpenStreetMap + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Llista de correu Talk-co + description: Una llista de correu per comentar OpenStreetMap de Colòmbia + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: Twitter de Colòmbia d'OpenStreetMap + description: 'Seguiu-nos a Twitter a [url]' + OSM-Discord: + name: Discord d'OpenStreetMap + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Llista de correu Talk-es + description: Una llista de correu per comentar OpenStreetMap d'Espanya + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap al Facebook + OSM-India-facebook: + description: Millora OpenStreetMap a l'Índia + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Perú + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap a Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ és un bon lloc per aprendre més sobre OpenStreetMap. Pregunta'ns qualsevol cosa! + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Califòrnia del Sud + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Califòrnia del Sud és per a tothom interessat en el mapatge que s''uneixi a treballar amb OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, la Viquipèdia dels mapes, és un mapa de codi obert gratuït del món sent creat per més de 1000000 de voluntaris al voltant del món. Tothom és benvingut. Si no coneixes OpenStreetMap, t''ensenyarem. Si tens una idea d''un projecte de mapatge o fins i tot una excursió de camp que el grup pot fer, genial!' + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: Comunitat de Taiwan d'OpenStreetMap + description: Grup de Facebook per mapadors i usuaris d'OpenStreetMap per discutir assumptes sobre Taiwan. + OSM-br-twitter: + description: 'Segueix-nos a Twitter a {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Ajuda d'OpenStreetMap + OSM-india-twitter: + name: Twitter de l'Índia d'OpenStreetMap + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Comunitat de Japó d'OpenStreetMap + description: Mapador i usuari d'OpenStreetMap a Japó + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Twitter de Japó d'OpenStreetMap + description: 'Etiqueta a Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japó + OSMF: + name: Fundació OpenStreetMap + PHXGeo-twitter: + description: 'Segueix-nos a Twitter a {url}' + at-twitter: + name: Twitter d'Àustria d'OpenStreetMap + be-twitter: + name: Twitter de Bèlgica d'OpenStreetMap + description: 'OSM Bèlgica a Twitter: @osm_be' + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Universitat de Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: 'Segueix-nos a Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Aquest és l''identificacdor oficial dels Joves Cartografistes de la Universitat de Cape Coast, Ghana. Ens encanten els mapes, les dades obertes i ajudar a les persones vulnerables.' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Àustria + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana a Facebook + description: Grup de Facebook per a gent interessada en OpenStreetMap. + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana a Twitter + description: 'Segueix-nos a Twitter: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Grup de Facebook de OpenStreetMap a Madagascar + talk-gh: + name: Llista de correu Talk-gh diff --git a/i18n/ckb.yaml b/i18n/ckb.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4de4362d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/ckb.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +ckb: + it-twitter: + description: 'لەسەر تویتەر شوێنمان بکەوە {url}' + osm-latam: + events: + sotm-latam-2018: + where: 'بۆینس ئایرس، ئەرجەنتین' + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap لە فەیسبووک + OSMF: + events: + sotm2018: + where: 'میلان، ئیتاڵیا' diff --git a/i18n/cs.yaml b/i18n/cs.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2ea783cf --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/cs.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +cs: + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Bay Area OpenStreetMappers + description: Vylepšete OpenStreetMap v Bay Area + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: OSM Střední Pensylvánie + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapování DC + description: Vylepšete OpenStreetMap na území DC + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru na {url}' + OSM-AR-twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru na {url}' + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Asia Mailinglist + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladéš + description: Vylepšete OpenStreetMap v Bangladéši + extendedDescription: 'Mapujete v Bangladéši? Máte otázky, chcete se zde spojit s komunitou? Připojte se k nám na adrese {url}. Všichni jsou vítáni!' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap na území Bostonu + OSM-CL-twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru na {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbie + OSM-CO-twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru na {url}' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: Uživatelská skupina OpenStreetMap pro Chatanoogu + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap ve státě Colorado, USA' + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap na Facebooku + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonésie + description: Vylepšete OpenStreetMap v Indonésii + extendedDescription: 'Mapujete v Indonésii? Máte otázky, chcete se zde spojit s komunitou? Připojte se k nám na adrese {Url}. Všichni jsou vítáni!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + OSM-India-facebook: + description: Vylepšete OpenStreetMap v Indii + extendedDescription: 'Mapujete v Indii? Máte otázky, chcete se zde spojit s komunitou? Připojte se k nám na adrese {url}. Všichni jsou vítáni!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Myanmar + description: Vylepšete OpenStreetMap v Myanmaru + extendedDescription: 'Mapujete v Myanmaru? Máte otázky, chcete se zde spojit s komunitou? Připojte se k nám na adrese {Url}. Všichni jsou vítáni!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolsko + description: Vylepšete OpenStreetMap v Mongolsku + extendedDescription: 'Mapujete v Mongolsku? Máte otázky, chcete se zde spojit s komunitou? Připojte se k nám na adrese {Url}. Všichni jsou vítáni!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malajsie na Facebooku + description: Pro chatování o čemkoliv ohledně OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Malajské fórum OpenStreetMap + description: Oficiální malajské fórum OpenStreetMap + OSM-MY-matrix: + description: 'Všichni mapovači jsou vítáni! Zaregistrujte se na {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepál + description: Vylepšete OpenStreetMap v Nepálu + extendedDescription: 'Mapujete v Nepálu? Máte otázky, chcete se zde spojit s komunitou? Připojte se k nám na adrese {Url}. Všichni jsou vítáni!' + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + OSM-PE-twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru na {url}' + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap na území Portlandu + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap na Redditu + description: /r/openstreetmap/ je vynikající místo, kde lze zjistit více o OpenStreetMap. Zeptejte se nás na cokoliv! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + description: Vylepšete OpenStreetMap na území Říma + OSM-Seattle: + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap na území Seattlu + OSM-TH-facebook: + description: Skupina Facebook pro OpenStreetMappers v Thajsku + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: Tchajwanská komunita OpenStreetMap + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap na území Tampa Bay + OSM-Twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru na {url}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US Slack + description: 'Všichni jsou vítaní! Přihlaste se na {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap na území Salt Lake City + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap ve státě Wyoming + OSM-br-twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru na {url}' + OSM-india-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Indie + description: 'Zrovna jsme vytweetli: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Japonská komunita OpenStreetMap + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap v Japonsku + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Japonsko + description: 'Hashtag na Twitteru: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japonsko + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap v Japonsku + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka + OpenCleveland-meetup: + description: Vylepšete OpenStreetMap na území Clevelandu + PHXGeo-twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru na {url}' + RS-telegram: + extendedDescription: 'Připojte se ke komunitě, abyste se dozvěděli více o OpenStreetMap, klást otázky nebo se účastnit našich setkání. Každý je vítán!' + al-forum: + name: Albánské fórum OSM + description: Albánské fórum OpenStreetMap + at-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Rakousko + description: 'OpenStreetMap Rakousko na Twitteru: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap v Belgii + bw-facebook: + description: Stránka OpenStreetMap v Botswaně + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Bělorusko + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: YouthMappers univerzity v Cape Coast + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru: {url}' + czech-community: + name: Česká OSM komunita + description: 'Mapový portál, webové stránky a kontakty na členy OSM v ČR' + de-berlin-meetup: + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap v oblasti Berlína + de-berlin-twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru: {url}' + dk-forum: + name: Webové fórum OpenStreetMap Dánsko + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Francie na Twitteru + description: 'OpenStreetMap Francie na Twitteru: {url}' + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Chorvatsko Facebook skupina + description: OpenStreetMap Chorvatsko Facebook skupina + hu-facebook: + description: Mapovači a uživatelé OpenStreetMap v Maďarsku + it-facebook: + name: Facebook OpenStreetMap Itálie + it-twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru na {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Rakousko + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana na Facebooku + description: Facebooková skupina pro lidi zajímající se o OpenStreetMap. + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana na Twitteru + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap India forum + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap India GitHub + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap India Telegram + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap India + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject India + description: 'Vše, co potřebujete vědět o mapování v Indii: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap India Youtube + osm-iran-forum: + description: OpenStreetMap Iran web forum + osm-iran-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Telegram + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Facebooková skupina OpenStreetMap Madagaskar + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ na Facebooku + osmcz-twitter: + name: Český twitter @osmcz + description: Sledujte českou komunitu na Twitteru - včetně přeloženého WeeklyOSM! + se-twitter: + description: 'Sledujte nás na Twitteru: {url}' + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Český mailing list (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz je hlavní komunikační kanál české komunity + uk-twitter: + description: 'OpenStreetMap UK na Twitteru: {url}' + ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University: + extendedDescription: 'Jsme skupina datových humanitárních mapovačů, kteří se věnují poskytování humanitárních služeb při reakci na katastrofy a při zmírňování následků. Jsme rádi, že můžeme přispět svými odbornostmi a znalostmi prostřednictvím mapování a pomoci šířit #OpenEvangelism prostřednictvím školení a spolupráce.' + ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: CalU PA GIS Club + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + extendedDescription: 'GDEV je skupina nadšené skupiny GIS na DeKUT, jejímž cílem je pomáhat studentům sdílet, zapojovat se a učit se jeden od druhého v geoprostorových věcech' + ym-Dhaka-University: + extendedDescription: Je velkým privilegiem pro studenty University of Dhaka mapovat pro humanitární účely. Naše sekce dává studentům příležitost pomáhat lidem a používat mapování pro humanitární účely. + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning: + description: Oddělení YouthMappers v Institutu pro plánování rozvoje venkova + ym-Karatina-University: + extendedDescription: 'Tato kapitola si klade za cíl shromáždit všechny nadšence GIS. Patří mezi ně odborníci na životní prostředí, odborníci na zvěř a rostlinstvo, vodní a turističtí průvodci. Jejím hlavním cílem je poskytnout platformu, kde se studenti mohou učit jeden od druhého, a přitom porozumět tomu, jak integrovat dovednosti GIS do svých různých profesních cest, a poskytnout řešení různých environmentálních problémů.' + ym-Kumi-University: + description: Sekce YouthMappers na Kumi University + ym-Miami-University: + extendedDescription: 'Cílem GPS na Miami University je vytvořit úzce propojenou komunitu plánovačů a geografů, kteří se chtějí bavit, dozvědět se více o kariéře a vysokoškolském vzdělávání ve svém oboru, síti a spolupracovat s profesionály se skutečnými zkušenostmi.' + ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo: + description: Oddělení YouthMappers na Státní univerzitě v New Yorku Geneseo + ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane: + name: Mládežnická komunita YouthMappers v Mozambiku + ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta: + extendedDescription: 'SpaceTime je komunitní mapování na Geografické fakultě univerzity Muhammadiyah v Surakartě. SpaceTime založili Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar a Irfandi Fauzi. Jsou aktivními studenty na Geografické fakultě Muhammadijáhu Surakarty.' + ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam: + description: Sekce YouthMappers na University of Dar es Salaam + ym-University-of-Exeter: + extendedDescription: 'Jsme tým nadšených geografů s komplexní znalostí GIS. Jsme nadšeni podporou britské společnosti Červeného kříže různými snahami o humanitární pomoc. Jsme také důležitými učiteli o významu mapování vzdáleně zaznamenaných dat ao tom, jak to pomáhá v terénu. Naše mapathony mají tematické akademické zaměření, které upozorňují na různý výzkum GIS v našem geografickém oddělení, a zároveň fungují jako události zvyšující povědomí o zaměstnatelnosti, které používáme k pozvání řečníků, aby hovořili o své kariéře v GIS / Britském Červeném kříži.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus: + description: 'Oddělení YouthMappers na University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus' + ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado: + name: UNCO Geography and GIS Club + ym-University-of-Pretoria: + description: Oddělení YouthMappers na University of Pretoria + ym-University-of-Zimbabwe: + name: UZMappers diff --git a/i18n/da.yaml b/i18n/da.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0999b4e97 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/da.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +da: + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap på Facebook + description: Like os på Facebook for nyheder og opdateringer om OpenStreetMap. + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap på Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ er et godt sted at lære mere om OpenStreetMap. Spørg os om alt! + OSM-Twitter: + description: 'Følg os på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap Hjælp + description: Stil et spørgsmål og få svar på OSM's fællesskabs-drevne spørgsmål- og svar side. + extendedDescription: '{url} er for alle der har brug for hjælp med OpenStreetMap. Hvad enten du er en begynder eller har et teknisk spørgsmål, er vi her for at hjælpe!' + OSMF: + description: OSMF er en UK-baseret non-profit organisation der støtter OpenStreetMap projektet + extendedDescription: 'OSMF støtter OpenStreetMap ved at rejse penge, vedligeholde serverne der driver OSM, organisere den årlige State of the Map konference, og koordinere de frivillige der holder OSM kørende. Du kan vise din støtte og have en stemme i forhold til OpenStreetMaps retning ved at melde dig som OSMF medlem her: {signupUrl}' + bw-facebook: + name: Kortlæg Botswana på Facebook + bw-twitter: + name: Kortlæg Botswana på Twitter + dk-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Danmark webforum + description: Dansk OpenStreetMap webforum + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Danmark IRC + description: 'Kom ind i kanalen #osm-dk på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk mailinglisten + description: En mailingliste hvor OpenStreetMap i Danmark diskuteres diff --git a/i18n/de.yaml b/i18n/de.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e0f0b126 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/de.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1569 @@ +de: + Bahia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Bahia Telegram Gruppe + description: Mach mit bei der OpenStreetMap Bahia Community auf Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Mach mit, um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu erfahren, Fragen zu stellen oder an unseren Treffen teilzunehmen. Alle sind willkommen!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Bay Area OpenStreetMappers + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap in der Bay Area + extendedDescription: 'Diese Gruppe beschäftigt sich mit der Vergrößerung der OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft hier in der Bay Area (San Francisco). Unsere Veranstaltungen sind für alle offen, sowohl für Open Source Liebhaber, Radfahrenden, GIS Fachleute, Geocachers und alle anderen. Alle die an Karten, Kartenerstellung und freien Karte interessiert sind, sind in unserer Gruppe und bei unseren Veranstaltungen willkommen.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Zentral-Pennsylvania OSM + description: 'Online Mapping Gemeinschaft des State College, Pennsylvania' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Coding für San Jose Slack + description: 'Alle sind willkommen! Melde dich bei {signupUrl}, dann beteiligte dich am #osm Kanal.' + DF-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasília Telegram Gruppe + description: Beteiligte dich an der OpenStreetMap Brasília Gemeinschaft auf Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Mach mit, um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu erfahren, Fragen zu stellen oder an unseren Treffen teilzunehmen. Alle sind willkommen!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + description: Die OpenStreetMap Benutzergruppe für Dallas-Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth und alle Städte dazwischen strotzen vor kreativen und computererfahrenen Menschen. Die Vision für diese Benutzergruppe ist das finden von neuen Möglichkeiten die erstaunlichen Ressourcen von OSM zu nutzen.' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Galizien Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Telegram for Galizien + Galicia-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Galizien Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Treffen für Kartenliebhaber in und um Philadelphia + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly vereint Entwickler, Geographen, Data geeks, Open Source Liebhaber, civic hacker und Kartensüchtige in unserer gemeinsamen Leidenschaft für Karten und die Geschichten die sie erzählen. Wenn du Karten in deiner Arbeit benutzten oder einfach nur lernen willst, ist das der Treffpunkt für dich! Unsere Veranstaltungen beabsichtigen offen, freundlich, lehrreich und sozial zu sein und reichen von "happy hours" bis "lightning talks" oder sogar Workshops. Bilde mit uns eine diverse und inspirierende OSM-Gemeinschaft in Philadelphia!' + MapColabora-mailinglist: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Mailing Liste + MapColabora-meetup: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Meetup page + MapColabora-twitter: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Twitter Account + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap-Enthusiasten in der Region Minneapolis-Saint Paul + extendedDescription: Verbindet OpenStreetMap Liebhaber in Minnesota USA und den "Twin Cities" + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Washington DC Mappen + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap im Gebiet Washington DC + extendedDescription: 'Wir sind eine Gruppe von ehrenamtlichen Mappern die OpenStreetMap in Washington DC verbessern wollen. Wir wollen unser Wissen über das OSM-Ökosystem, Datanalayse, Kartegraphie und GIS an andere weitergeben. Wir treffen uns jeden Monat bei Veranstaltungen um uns jedes Mal auf einen Teil unsere Stadt zu konzentrieren.' + MappingWR: + name: Mappen in der Waterloo Region + description: Hilf dabei niedrigenergierouten in der Waterloo Region leicht auffindbar zu machen. + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + description: Wir sind eine Gruppe von Mappern, die sich für Mappen in OpenStreetMap rund um Bogotá interessiert. + extendedDescription: 'Lerne Daten vor Ort zu erheben und auf OpenStreetMap zu digitalisieren. Du brauchst kein Vorwissen, du musst nur am Mitwirken, Lernen und Spaß haben interessiert sein.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in und um Portland, USA' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime ist - ziemlich wörtlich - Zeit zum Mappen. Unsere Ziel ist die Türen für kartografische Möglichkeiten für alle Interessierten zu öffenen, wir stellen Zeit und Raum zum gemeinschaftlichen Lernen, Erkunden und zur Kartenerzeugung bereit und benutzen gemeinsam Mapping Tools und Technologien.' + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + name: Maptime Oceanien Slack + description: 'Melde dich an auf {signupUrl}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: East Midlands (Nottingham) monatliches Treffen im Pub + description: Soziales Zusammentreffen für East Midlands Mapper und Benutzer + extendedDescription: 'Seit März 2011 trifft sich eine Gruppe regelmäßig, zuerst in Nottingham, und neuestens in Derby, manchmal auch an einem anderen Ort in den East Midlands. Es sind Gemeinschaftstreffen, aber ein ausgezeichneter Ort um spezielle Fragen über OSM zu stellen. Im Sommer machen wir einfaches Mappen in der Nähe unseres Treffpunkt. Die Gruppe als Ganzes hat ein hohes Interesse öffentliche Fußwege zu mappen und es gibt immer wieder Mapper-Treffen genau zu diesem Zweck.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentinien Facebook + description: Beteiligte dich bei der argentinischen OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft auf Facebook + extendedDescription: Nachrichten von der lokalen Gemeinschaft + OSM-AR-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentinien web forum + description: Beteilige dich am argentinischen OpenStreetMap Internetforum + extendedDescription: Ideal für lange oder wichtige Diskussionen. Langsame Reaktionszeit. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentinien IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich an #osm-ar auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + extendedDescription: Du könntest den komischsten Benutzer in der Gemeinschaft finden. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar Mailingliste + description: Veraltete Mailingliste, heute fast nicht mehr benutzt. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentinien Telegram + description: Beteilige dich an der argentinischen OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft auf Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Der aktivste Kanal in der Gemeinschaft, ideal zum Chatten und um schnell Antworten auf Fragen zu bekommen. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentinien Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: Nachrichten von der lokalen Gemeinschaft und OpenStreetMap in Allgemeinen. + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Asien Mailingliste + description: Talk-asia ist die offizielle Mailingliste für die asiatische OSM-Gemeinschaft + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesch + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap in Bangladesch + extendedDescription: 'Mappst du in Bangladesch? Hast du Fragen, willst du mit der Community vor Ort Kontakt aufnehmen? Mach mit: {url}. Alle sind willkommen!' + events: + sotmasia2019: + name: State of the Map Asien 2019 + description: Beteilige dich an dem regionalen OpenStreetMap Event "State of the Map Asia 2019“ in Dhaka + where: 'Krishibid Institution Bangladesch (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesch' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-bo Mailingliste + description: Talk-bo ist die offizielle Mailingliste für die bolivianische OpenStreetMap-Community + extendedDescription: 'Mappst du in Bolivien? Hast du Fragen, willst du mit der Community vor Ort Kontakt aufnehmen? Mach mit: {url}. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-BiH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap BiH Telegram + description: 'Eine Telegram Gruppe für die OSM Gemeinschaft in Bosnien und Herzegowina: {url}' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Boston, USA + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap ist die freie und wiki-artige Karte der Welt mit hundertausenden täglich Mitwirkenden wie du. Das verbessern der Karte ist einfach und macht Spaß! Triff uns sowohl bei Veranstaltungen als auch vor Ort bei unseren Bemühungen die beste Karte von Boston und dem Rest der Welt zu machen!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM Kalifornien USA Slack + description: 'Alle sind willkommen, melde dich an: {signupUrl}' + OSM-CA-mailinglist: + name: OSM-CA Mailing Liste + description: Eine Mailing Liste umOpenStreetMap in Kanada zu diskutieren. + OSM-CA-telegram: + name: '@osmca auf Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Kanada Telegram Chat + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook + description: Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Chile Gemeinschaft auf Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Beteilige dich an der Gemeinschaft um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu lernen, Fragen zu stellen oder an unseren Treffen teilzunehmen. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl Mailing List + description: Eine Mailing Liste um OpenStreetMap in Chile zu diskutieren + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Telegram + description: Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Chile Gemeinschaft auf Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Beteilige dich an der Gemeinschaft, um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu lernen, Fragen zu stellen oder an unseren Treffen teilzunehmen. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + OSM-CN-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap China Telegram + description: 'Eine Telegram Gruppe für die OSM Gemeinschaft in China: {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbien + description: Nachrichten von der OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft in Kolumbien und der OSMCo Sitftung + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbien Facebook + description: Beteiligte dich bei der kolumbianische OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft auf Facebook + extendedDescription: Beteiligte dich bei der kolumbianische OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft um zu lernen. Alle sind willkommen! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-co Mailing Liste + description: Eine Mailing Liste zur Diskussion über OpenStreetMap in Kolumbien + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Kolumbien auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Kolumbien Telegram Chat + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbien Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Kuba auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Kuba Telegram chat + OSM-CZ-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ Telegram + description: 'Eine Telegram Gruppe für die OSM Gemeinschaft in Tschechien: {url}' + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + description: 'Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer und um Mount Vernon, USA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap ist eine Weltkarte gemacht von Menschen wie dir. Es ist eine Karte, zu der du beiträgst und die frei zugänglich ist wie Wikipedia. Besuche osm.org für mehr Information. Wir treffen uns immer wieder, um über Karten zu reden, zu mappen und Spaß zu haben!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: Die OpenStreetMap Benutzergruppe für Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Colorado, USA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado ist eine lokale Zusammenarbeiten von Menschen, die zu einer freien Karte beitragen wollen. Wir ermutigen unsere Mapper, Treffen in ganz Colorado zu organisieren oder vorzuschlagen. Die Treffen können einfach Kennenlern-Events, OSM-Einführungsworkshops, fortgeschrittenes OSM-Training oder Mapathons sein.' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + description: Kontaktiere andere Mapper via Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Ecuador auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Ecuador Telegram chat + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Talk-es Mailingliste + description: Eine Mailing Liste um OpenStreetMap in Spanien zu diskutieren + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Spanien Telegram chat + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap auf Facebook + description: Like uns auf Facebook für Nachrichten und Updates über OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonesien + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap in Indonesien + extendedDescription: 'Mappst du in Indonesien? Hast du Fragen, willst du mit der Community vor Ort Kontakt aufnehmen? Mach mit: {url}. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Freie Software Hardware Bewegung - Facebook + description: 'FSHM Facebook Seite für Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten der Gemeinschaft' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organisiert Veranstaltungen für freie Software/Hard, Technologie, Aktivismus für OpenStreetMap. Seine Facebook Seite ist der beste Weg um in Kontakt mit sweinen Veranstaltungen zu bleiben.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Freie Software Hardware Bewegung - Matrix + description: 'FSHM Riot Gruppe zum diskutieren, plaudern und mehr über Mapping Aktivitäten zu erfahren, Veranstaltungen in und um Puducherry' + extendedDescription: 'Mitglieder der FSHM Gemeinschaft reden über ihre OSM Mapping Updates und Erfahrungen in der Riot.im Gruppe, in dieser Gruppe wird auch über freie Software / Hardware, Technologie und Aktivismus diskutiert.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien - Nachbarschaftsmapping + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap in Indien + extendedDescription: 'Mappst du in Indien? Hast du Fragen, willst du mit der Community vor Ort Kontakt aufnehmen? Mach mit: {url}. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-Japan-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Telegram + description: 'Eine Telegram Gruppe für die OSM Gemeinschaft in Japan: {url}' + OSM-Kerala-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala - Partizipatives Nachbarschaftsmapping + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap in Kerala + extendedDescription: 'Mappst du in Kerala? Hast du Fragen, willst du dich mit der lokalen Gemeinschaft vernetzen? Beteilige dich unter {url}. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-Korea-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Korea Mailingliste + description: Talk-ko ist eine offizielle Mailingliste für die OSM-Gemeinschaft um über koreanische Angelegenheiten zu diskutieren + OSM-Korea-telegram: + name: OSM Korea Telegram + description: 'Inoffizielle Gruppe für OpenStreetMap Mitwirkende, Gemeinschaften und Benutzer in Korea zum teilen und diskutieren.' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Myanmar + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap in Myanmar + extendedDescription: 'Mappst du in Myanmar? Hast du Fragen, willst du mit der Community vor Ort Kontakt aufnehmen? Mach mit: {url}. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolei + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap in der Mongolei + extendedDescription: 'Mappst du in der Mongolei? Hast du Fragen, willst du mit der Community vor Ort Kontakt aufnehmen? Mach mit: {url}. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia auf Facebook + description: Zum Chatten über alles mit Bezug zu OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum + description: Offizielles OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia Riot channel + description: 'Alle Mapper sind willkommen, melde dich an: {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Verbessere in Nepal + extendedDescription: 'Mappst du in Nepal? Hast du Fragen, willst du mit der Community vor Ort Kontakt aufnehmen? Mach mit: {url}. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-Ottawa-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ottawa + description: Mappers und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Ottawa + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Neuigkeiten und Quellen für die OpenStreetMap Peru Gemeinschaft + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Facebook + description: Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Peru Gemeinschaft auf Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pe Mailing List + description: Die offizielle Mailing List der OpenStreetMap Peru Gemeinschaft + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Matrix Chat + description: Unterhalte dich mit anderen Mitgliedern der OpenStreetmap Peru Gemeinschaft in Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Telegram + description: Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Peru Gemeinschaft in Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Facebook + description: 'Willkommen zu OpenStreetMap auf den Philippinen, wo wir alle Filipinos ermutigen zu dem OpenStreetMap Projekt beizutragen.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph Mailingliste + description: Eine Mailingliste um über OpenStreetMap auf den Philippinen zu diskutieren + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap Philippinen Slack + description: 'Alle sind willkommen, melde dich an: {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Philippinen Telegram + description: 'Inoffizielle lokale Telegram Gemeinschaft von OpenStreetMap Mitwirkenden und Freunden auf den Philippinen' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: OpenStreetMap Polen auf Facebook + description: Gruppe für Mappers und Benutzer von OpenStreetMap in Polen + OSM-PL-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Polen Web Forum + description: Forum der polnischen OpenStreetMap-Community + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguay auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Paraguay Telegram chat + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland, USA + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Portland + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) ist die weltweite Karte gemacht von Menschen wie dir. Es ist die Karte zu der du beitragt und die frei zugänglich ist wie Wikipedia. Besuche osm.org für mehr Information und komm zu einer unserer Treffen um über Karten zu reden, OSM zu verbessern und Spaß zu haben!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap PDX Google Gruppe + description: Forum und Mailing-Liste der OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft im Gebiet von Portland + extendedDescription: 'Diese Gruppe erleichtert Verbesserungen für OpenStreetMap um Anwendungen wie der Open Trip Planner zu unterstützen.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Freie Software Hardware Bewegung - Mailing Liste + description: FSHM Puducherry Mailing Liste um Mappen in Puducherry und anderes zu diskutieren. + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organisiert Treffen über Freie Software/Hardware, Technologie und Aktivismus für OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Russland forum + description: OpenStreetMap Russland Internetforum + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Russland telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Russland telegram chat + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap in Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ ist ein großartiger Ort um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu lernen. Du kannst jede Frage stellen! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Einführung für Mapper in Rom + description: Verbessere in Rom und Umgebung + extendedDescription: 'Wir zielen darauf ab es Menschen zu ermöglichen über geographischen Daten und insbesondere OpenStreetMap zu diskutieren und Wissen zu teilen, ebenso Offene Geospatial Software zum managen, editieren und anzeigen von geographischen Daten sowie Engagement zur Nutzung in Lazio, Italien' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Seattlem USA + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Süd-Kalifornien, USA + description: 'Lass uns Spaß haben, etwas zu OSM Los Angeles beitragen und mehr über Mappen lernen!' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Südkalifornien ist für alle am Mappen Interessierte um zusammen zu kommen und mit OpenStreetMap zu arbeiten. OpenStreetMap, das Wikipedia der Karten, ist eine freie weltweite Open-Source-Karte, die von über einer Million von Freiwilligen rund um den Globus gestaltet wird. Wenn du OpenStreetMap nicht kennst, unterstützen wir dich. Wenn du eine Idee für ein Kartenprojekt oder einen Erkundungsrundgang hast, den die Gruppe durchführen kann, wäre das großartig!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + description: Mapping-Nächte veranstaltet von "Code for San Jose" + extendedDescription: '"Code for San Jose", die lokale "Code for America" Brigade, veransalted monatlichen Mapping-Nächte jeweils Donnerstag abend in Zentrum von San José. Triff andere South Bay Mapper, unterstütze lokale Mapping-Projekte und erfahre von anderen zivilen Technik-Projekten. Du brauchst keine Erfahrung im Programmieren oder mit GIS.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: OSM Treffen Chiang Mai + description: Unregelmässiges Treffen der OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft in Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Mitgieder der OpenStreetMap treffen sich alle paar Monate in Chiang Mai. Nimm Kontakt auf und lies bei {url} um zu sehen wann das nächste Treffen stattfindet.' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap TH Facebook Gruppe + description: Facebook Gruppe für OpenStreetMapper in Thailand + OSM-TH-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap TH forum + description: OpenStreetMap Thailand Web Forum + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan Gemeinschaft + description: Facebook Gruppe für Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer um über Angelegenheiten für Taiwan zu diskutieren. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailingliste + description: Talk-tw is eine offizielle Mailingliste for the Gemeinschaft um über Taiwan-Angelegenheite zu diskutieren + OSM-TW-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan Telegram + description: 'Eine Telegram Gruppe für die OSM Gemeinschaft in Taiwan: {url}' + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Tampa Bay, USA + extendedDescription: 'OSM Tampa Bay ist eine Gruppe von Bewohner die sich treffen und die definitiv beste OSM-Karte von Tampa Bay machen, die freie und editierbare Karte der Welt. Wenn du dich für Karten, Open Source, GPS, Wandern, Radfahren oder ähnliches interessierst wirst du OpenStreetMap lieben! Beteilige dich bei uns, wir treffen uns zum Reden und Mappen etwa einmal monatlich.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: 'Beteilige dich an der globalen OpenStreetMap Telegram Supergruppe: {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap US + description: Wir helfen dabei OpenStreetMap in den USA zu verbessern. + extendedDescription: 'Wir unterstützen OpenStreetMap durch eine jährliche Konferenz, Unterstützung von lokalen OSM-Gruppen, Aufbau von Partnerschaft und durch Verbreitung des Vorteilen von OSM. Beteiligte sich an OpenStreetMap US hier: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US Slack + description: 'Alle sind willkommen! Melde dich unter {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Salt Lake City, USA + extendedDescription: 'Activitäten beinhalten Workshop zum Erlernen des Mappens, Mapathong (Mapping Parties und Datensammlung vor Ort. Die Veranstaltungen finden in der SLC area statt, zumindest anfänglichen. Wir suchen erfahrene Mapper und Menschen die OSM kennenlernenn wollen. Beteilige dich und lass und mappen!' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + description: 'Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Vancouver, Kanada' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Wyoming, USA + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming ist eine lokale Gemeinschaftsinitiative von Menschen, die gerne frei zugängliche Karten mitgestalten wollen. Wir ermuten alle unsere Mapper, Veranstaltungen zum Mappen in Wyoming vorzuschlagen oder zu organisieren. Treffen können einfach zum Kennenlernen, zum Erlernen von OSM-Grundlagen, fortgeschrittenem Training oder einfach Mapathons sein.' + OSM-br-discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord + description: Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Brasilien Community auf Discord + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br Mailingliste + description: Eine Mailingliste zu OpenStreetMap in Brasilien + OSM-br-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasilien Telegram + description: Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Brasilien Community auf Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Beteilige dich an der Gemeinschaft um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu lernen, zu fragen oder an unseren Treffen teilzunehmen. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasilien Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap Hilfe + description: Stelle Fragen und erhalte Antworten auf der FAQ-Seite der OSM-Gemeinschaft + extendedDescription: '{url} ist für alle, die Hilfe mit OpenStreetMap brauchen. Egal ob du zu mappen beginnst oder eine technische Frage hast, wir sind hier um dir zu helfen!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien Mailingliste + description: Talk-in ist die offizielle Mailingliste für die indische Community + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien Twitter + description: 'Wir sind nur einen Tweet weit weg: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft Japan + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Japan + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Mailingliste + description: Talk-ja ist die offizielle Mailingliste für die Japanische OSM-Gemeinschaft + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Twitter + description: 'Hashtag auf Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Japan + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap in Sri Lanka + extendedDescription: 'Mappen in Sri Lanka? Hast du Frage, willst du dich mit der lokalen Community vernetzen? Kontaktiere uns bei {Url}. Alle sind willkommen!' + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap Foundation + description: OSMF ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation mit Sitz im Vereinigten Königreich, die das OpenStreetMap Projekt unterstützt + extendedDescription: 'OSMF unterstützt OpenStreetMap durch Fundraising, den Betrieb der OSM-Server, die Organisation der jährlichen Konferenz "State of the Map" und die Koordination der Freiwilligen die OSM am Laufen halten. Du kannst deine Unterstützung zeigen und eine Stimme für die Richtung der Weiterentwicklung von OpenStreetMap bekommen, indem du der OSMF als Mitglied beitrittst: {signupUrl}' + events: + sotm2020: + name: State of the Map 2020 + description: 'Begleite uns für 3 Tage in Kapstadt, Südafrika zur jährlichen weltweiten OpenStreetMap-Konferenz, die jeden in der Community zusammenbringt, um Kontakte zu knüpfen, zu teilen und zu lernen.' + where: 'Kapstadt, Südafrika' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap in Cleveland, USA + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland zielt darauf ab es Menschen zu ermöglichen über geographischen Daten und insbesondere OpenStreetMap zu diskutieren und Wissen zu teilen, ebenso Offene Geospatial Software zum managen, editieren und anzeigen von geographischen Daten sowie Engagement zur Nutzung in Nordost Ohio, USA. Wir sind ein Ortsverband von maptime =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: PHXGeo Treffen + description: 'Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Phoenix, Arizona, USA' + extendedDescription: 'Das ist ein Treffpunkt für alle in Phoenix die Karten, GIS, OpenStreetMap, Kartographie und alle dazwischen mögen.' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group + description: Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Gemeinschaft auf Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Beteilige dich an der Gemeinschaft um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu lernen, zu fragen oder an unseren Treffen teilzunehmen. Alle sind willkommen!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: OpenStreetMap Mailing Liste für Südtirol + description: OpenStreetMap Italien regionales Diskussionsforum für Südtirol + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: OpenStreetMap Mailing Liste für das Trentino + description: OpenStreetMap Italien regionales Diskussionsforum für das Trentino + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Western Slope OSM Facebook + description: 'Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in und um Grand Junction, Colorado, USA' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Western Slope OSM Treffen + description: 'Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in und um Grand Junction, Colorado, USA' + extendedDescription: 'Das Ziel dieser Gruppe ist OpenStreetMap in der Region einzuführen, eine Gemeinschaft von Mappern zu entwickeln, die erstaunlichsten Geodaten mit allen zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln zu erzeugen und diese Daten in der ganzen Gegend bekannt zu machen. Stell dir einen ganz genaue Wanderkarte oder auch genaue Karte der Fahrradwege vor; oder alles andere was du willst, das ist die Freude von OpenStreetMap!' + al-forum: + name: OSM Albanien Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Albanien Forum + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: Soziale Events zum Mappen werden organisiert -Anfänger sind sehr willkommen! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime ist eine offene Lernumgebung für alle Erfahrungsstufen und biete internationale Ausbildung für Anfänger. Maptime ist gleichzeitig flexibel und strukturiert, schafft Freiraum für Mapping Einführungen, Workshops, laufende Projekte mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel und unabhängige Gemeinschaftsprojekte.' + al-telegram: + name: OSM Albanien Telegram channel + description: OpenStreetMap Albanien Telegram channel + al-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Albanien Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + at-forum: + name: OpenStreetmap Österreich Forum + description: Das offizielle Forum für Fragen zu OpenStreetmap in und um Österreich + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-at Mailing Liste + description: Talk-at ist die offizielle Mailingliste der österreichischen OSM Gemeinschaft + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Österreich Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Österreich auf Twitter: {url}' + be-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgien Landesverband + description: Wir helfen OpenStreetMap in Belgien beim besser und größer werden. + extendedDescription: 'Wenn du dabei helfen willst die Mapping-Gemeinschaft in Belgien größer und besser zu machen, Menschen verrückt nach Mappen zu machen, dann ist OpenStreetMap Belgien der richtige Platz für dich!' + be-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap BE Facebook Gemeinschaft + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer auf Facebook in Belgien + be-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgien Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Belgien Web Forum + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgien IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osmbe auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Beteilige dich bei #osmbe auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667), es wird auf dem Matrix Chat Kanal gespiegelt' + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-be Mailing Liste + description: Talk-be ist die officielle Mailing Liste für die Belgische OSM Gemeinschaf + be-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgien Matrix channel + description: Alle Mapper sind willkommen! + extendedDescription: Die meißten Gespräche gibt auf auf dem "OpenStreetMap Belgium" Kanal. Du kannst alles fragen! Es gibt andere Räume für spezifische Themen. + be-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgien Treffen + description: Persönliche Treffen für alle die an OpenStreetMap interessiert sind + extendedDescription: 'Du kannst andere Mapper bei persönliche Treffen kennenlernen, mit Ihnen diskutieren und von Ihnen lernen. Neulige sind ausdrücklich willkommen.' + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgien Twitter + description: 'OSM Belgien auf Twitter: @osm_be' + bg-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Bulgarien Forum + description: Forum der OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft in Bulgarien + bg-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Bulgarien + description: Wikiproject Sete für Bulgarien + bi-vc-cvl_wiki: + name: OSMers BI-VC-CVL + description: Mapper des nördlichen Piedmont + extendedDescription: 'Zusätzliche zu den monatlichen Treffen habe wir auch eine WhatsApp Gruppe.' + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana auf Facebook + description: Website von OpenStreetMap in Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Mapping Botswana auf Twitter + description: OpenStreetMap in Botswana auf Twitter + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Weißrussland + description: OpenStreetMap Weißrussland telegram chat + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Universität von Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Das ist der offizielle Handle für den Ortsverband der Youth Mappers der Universität von Cape Coast, Ghana. Wir lieben Karten, offene Daten und Unterstützung für die Schutzlosen.' + ch-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Schweiz IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-ch auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + ch-mailinglist: + name: Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Mailing Liste + description: Mailing Liste für die Schweiz + ch-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Schweiz Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + cuneo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Cuneo Mapper + description: OpenStreetMap Cuneo Telegram chat + czech-community: + name: Tschechische OSM community + description: 'Mapping Portal, website und Kontaktdaten der OSM Mitglieder in Tschechien' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Berlin Mailing Liste + description: Das ist die Mailing Liste für die Berliner OSM Gemeinschaft + de-berlin-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburg Treffen + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in der Berliner Gegend + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin auf Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Berlin Telegram chat + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Deutschland Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Deutschland Web Forum + de-hamburg-telegram: + name: OSM Hamburg auf Telegram + description: 'OpenStreetMap Hamburg Telegram chat: {url}' + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Deutschland IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-de auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de Mailing Liste + description: Talk-de ist die offizielle Mailing Liste der bundesdeutschen OSM Gemeinschaft + de-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Deutschland Matrix + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-de:matrix.org auf https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org' + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: OWL Mailing Liste + description: Das ist die Mailing Liste für die Ostwestfalen-Lippe OSM Gemeinschaft + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Deutschland Telegram + description: 'Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Deutschland Telegram Supergruppe: {url}' + de-viersen-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Treffen Viersen + description: Treffen der OSM Gemeinschaft im Kreis Viersen und Mönchengladbach + dk-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Dänemark Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Dänemark Web Forum + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Dänemark IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-dk auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk Mailing Liste + description: Eine Mailing Liste um über OpenStreetMap in Dänemark zu diskutieren + es-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Spanien Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + et-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapEthiopia auf Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Äthiopien Telegram chat + fi-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap FI Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Finnland Web Forum + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Finnland IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-fi auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi Mailing Liste + description: Talk-fi ist die offizielle Mailing Liste für die Finnische OSM Gemeinschaft + fr-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankreich Landesverband + description: Wir helfen OpenStreetMap in Frankreich beim besser und größer werden. + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankreich auf Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Frankreich auf Facebook + fr-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankreich Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Frankreich Web Forum + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankreich auf IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-fr auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr Mailing Liste + description: Talk-fr Mailing Liste + fr-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankreich auf Telegram + description: 'Eine Telegram Gruppe für die OSM Gemeinschaft in Frankreich: {url}' + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankreich auf Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Frankreich auf Twitter: {url}' + galicia-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Galizien + description: 'Alles was du über das Mappen in Galizien wissen musst: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Vereinigstes Königreich IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-gb auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-gb auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667), bitte sei geduldig und warte ein paar Minuten nachdem du eine Frage stellst' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb Mailing Liste + description: Talk-gb ist das Hauptkommunikationsforum für die OSM Gemeinschaft in UK (inklusive Nordirland) + geogeeks_perth_meetup: + name: GeoGeeks Perth Treffen + description: 'Treffen in Perth für Menschen die sich für GIS-Daten, Mappen und Open Source interessieren. Wir beschäftigen uns mit allen Angelegenheiten von lokaler Bedeutung.' + guatemala-telegram: + name: OSM Guatemala auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Guatemala Telegram Chat + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kroatien Facebook Gruppe + description: OpenStreetMap Kroatien Facebook Gruppe + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Kroatien auf IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-hr auf irc.freenode.org (Port 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr Mailing Liste + description: Talk-hr Mailing Liste + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU auf Facebook + description: Mapper und Benutzer von OpenStreetMap Facebook in Ungarn + hu-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Ungarn Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Ungarn Internetforum + hu-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap HU Matrix Raum + description: OpenStreetMap Ungarn Matrix Raum + extendedDescription: OpenStreetMap chat über Kartenthemen. Eines der Foren zur Unterstützung der OSM Gemeinschaft. + hu-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ungarn Treffen + description: Die Plattform um Treffen in Ungarn zu organisieren + il-telegram: + name: OSM Israel auf Telegram + description: 'Eine Telegram Gruppe für die OSM Gemeinschaft in Israel: {url}' + ireland-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Irland Landesverband + description: Wir helfen OpenStreetMap in Irland beim besser und größer werden. + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap Irland bietet eine Stimme für das OpenStreetMap Projekt auf der Irischen Insel, zusätzlich zur Zusammenareit mit anderen offenen Initiativen.' + ireland-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Irland Facebook Gruppe + description: OpenStreetMap Irland Facebook Seite + ireland-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Irland IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-ie auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-ie auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667), bitte sei geduldig und warte ein paar Minuten nachdem du eine Frage stellst' + ireland-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ie Mailing Liste + description: Talk-ie iist die Mailing Liste für die Irische OSM Gemeinschaft + ireland-telegram: + name: OSM Irland auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Ireand Telegram chat + ireland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Irland auf Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Irland auf Twitter: {url}' + is-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Island Landesverband + description: Wir helfen OpenStreetMap in Island beim besser und größer werden. + is-facebook: + name: OSM Island auf Facebook + description: Website von OpenStreetMap in Island + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is Mailing Liste + description: Talk-is ist die offizielle Mailing Liste für die isländische OSM Gemeinschaft + is-twitter: + name: OSM Island auf Twitter + description: Twitter von OpenStreetMap in Island + it-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Italien Landesverband + description: Wir helfen OpenStreetMap in Italien beim besser und größer werden. + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Italien Facebook + description: Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Italien Gemeinschaft auf Facebook + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Italien IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm-it auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it Mailing Liste + description: Talk-it ist die offizielle Mailing Liste für die Italienische OSM Gemeinschaft + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia auf Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Italien Telegram chat + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Italien Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + kazakhstan-telegram: + name: OSM Kasachstan auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Kasachstan Telegram Chat + kosovo-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo auf Matrix (gespiegelt mit Telegram) + description: Halfoffizielle öffentliche Gesamt-Kosovo Gruppe. Alle Mapper von überall mit jeder Sprache sind willkommen. + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo auf Telegram + description: Halboffizielle öffentliche Gesamt-Kosovo Telegram Gruppe. Mapper von überall in jeder Sprache sind willkommen. + latam-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Lateinamerika Facebook + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap auf Facebook in Lateinamerika + latam-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Lateinamerika IRC + description: 'Mach mit bei #osm-latam auf irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + latam-mailinglist: + name: Talk-latam Mailing Liste + description: Talk-latam ist die offizielle Mailing Liste für die OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft in Lateinamerika + latam-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Lateinamerika Matrix + description: 'Unterhalte dich mit anderen Mitgliedern der OSM Gemeinschaft in Lateinamerika, es gibt eine Spiegelung mit der Unterhaltung auf Telegram' + latam-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Lateinamerika Telegram + description: 'Unterhalte dich mit anderen Mitgliedern der OSM Gemeinschaft in Lateinamerika, es gibt eine Spiegelung mit der Unterhaltung auf Matrix' + latam-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Lateinamerika Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Lateinamerika auf Twitter: {url}' + latam-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Lateinamerika + description: Alles was du über Mappen in Lateinamerika wissen musst + lu-mailinglist: + name: Talk-lu Mailing Liste + description: Offizielle Mailing Liste für die Luxembourgische OSM Gemeinschaft + mailinglist-sk-googlegroups: + name: Slowakische Mailing Liste auf Google Groups + description: Offizielle Mailing Liste für die slowakische Gemeinschaft + map-kibera: + name: Map Kibera Stiftung + description: Map Kibera ist eine registrierte Organisation die in Kenia arbeitet + extendedDescription: Die Aufgabe der Map Kibera Stiftung besteht in der Vertretung und Vergrößerung des Einfluss von marginalisierten Gemeinschaften durch die kreative Nutzung von digitalen Mitteln + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Mappa Mercia lokale Gruppe + description: Ein Platz für OpenStreetMap Enthusiasten in den Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia ist ein Projekt umOpenStreetMap in tden West Midlands, UK zu Erbessern. Wir veranstalten Gemeinschaftstreffen, Trainings, und unterstützen lokale Organisationen die ihre Daten öffnen wollen.' + md-googlegroup: + name: OSM Moldawien Google Group + description: OpenStreetMap Moldawien Google Grouppe + md-telegram: + name: '@OSMMoldova auf Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Moldawien Telegram chat + ni-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Gemeinschaft + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer auf Facebook in Nicaragua + ni-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ni Mailing Liste + description: Talk-ni ist die offizielle Mail8ng Liste für die OSM Gemeinschaft in Nicaragua + ni-telegram: + name: OSM Nicaragua auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Telegram chat + ni-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Twitter + description: 'OSM Nicaragua auf Twitter: @osm_ni' + nl-forum: + name: Nieder ländisches OpenStreetMap Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Niederlande Web Forum + nl-telegram: + name: Niederlande OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: 'Eine Telegram Gruppe für die OSM Gemeinschaft in den Niederlanden: {url}' + no-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankreich Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Frankreich Web Forum + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Norwegen auf IRC + description: 'Chat room für Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer, Entwicklung und Enthusiasten in Norwegen' + no-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Norwegen Mailing Liste + description: 'Mailing Liste für Mappen und OpenStreetMap Benutzer, Entwicklung und Enthusiasten in Norwegen' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no auf Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Norwegen Telegram chat + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Afghanistan + description: Verbessere OpenStreetMap in Afghanistan + osm-africa-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Afrika Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Telegram für Afrika + osm-asia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Asien Telegram + description: 'Beteilige dich: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Österreich + description: Die Plattform für Information über OpenStreetMap in Österreich + osm-ch: + name: OpenStreetMap Schweiz + description: Die Plattform für Informationen über OpenStreetMap in der Schweiz + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Deutschland + description: Die Plattform für Informationen über OpenStreetMap in Deutschland + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana auf Facebook + description: Facebook Gruppe für Menschen mit Interesse an OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Community der Mapper in Ghana, Förderung von OpenStreetMap und den Projekten des Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) in Ghana. Mach mit!' + osm-gh-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Ghana Gemeinschaft auf Telegram + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana auf Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Indien Web Forum + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien GitHub + description: 'Programmiere mit uns: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien Telegram + description: 'Schließen Sie sich unserer Gemeinschaft an: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien + description: Mapper und OpenStreetMap Benutzer in Indien + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Indien + description: 'Alles was du über Mappen in Indien wissen musst: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien Youtube + description: 'Abonniere unseren Kanal: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Aparat + description: 'Abonniere unseren Kanal: {url}' + extendedDescription: Eine gute Sammlung von Videos über OpenstreetMap. Hautsächlich in Persisch. + osm-iran-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Iran Web Forum + extendedDescription: Ein Web Forum für OpenStreetMap Benutzer imIran. Stell Fragen und diskutiere mit den anderen! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Telegram + description: 'Beteilige dich an unserem Telegram Kanal {url}. Wir haben auch eine Supergroup von viel OSM-Interessierten im Iran. Der Link ist in der Beschreibung des Kanals.' + osm-kenya: + name: OSM Kenia + description: OSM Kenia ist eine Gemeinschaft von OSM Mitwirkenden und Nutzern + extendedDescription: 'OSM Kenia ist eine lokale Gemeinschaft für an OSM interessierten Menschen, Organisationen und Entwicklern und YouthMapper Ortsverbänden in Kenia' + osm-kerala-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala Telegram + description: 'Wir mappen Kerala gemeinsam. Beteilige dich an unserer Telegram Gruppe: {url}' + osm-kerala-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala + description: 'Wenn du mehr über Mapping in Kerala wissen willst: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Madagaskar Facebook Gruppe + description: Madagaskar Facebook Gruppe für Menschen mit Interesse an OpenStreetMap. + osm-ni: + name: MapaNica.net + description: Stelle OSM service und Information für die lokale Gemeinschaft in Nicaragua zur Verfügung + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Bereitstellen von OSM Dienstleistungen und Information für die lokale Gemeimschaft in Schweden + osm-za-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Südafrika auf Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ auf Facebook + description: Folge der tschechischen OSM Gemeinschaft auf Facebook - inklusive tschechischem WeeklyOSM! + osmcz-twitter: + name: Tschechischer Twitter @osmcz + description: Folge der tschechischen Gemeinschaft auf Twitter - inklusive übersetztem WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: OSM Gemeinschaft Treffen Graz + description: Monatliches Treffen der OSM Gemeinschaft in Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM Gemeinschaft Graz auf Twitter + description: OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft Graz auf Twitter + panama-telegram: + name: OSM Panama auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Panama Telegram Chat + pt-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pt Mailing Liste + description: Talk-pt ist die offizielle Mailingliste für die Portugiesische OSM-Gemeinschaft + pt-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Portugal auf Telegram + description: 'Telegram Gruppe der Portugiesischen OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft {url}' + romania-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Rumänien Facebook Gruppe + description: Gruppe für Mapper und Nutzer von OpenStreetMap in Rumänien + romania-telegram: + name: '@OSMRomania auf Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Rumänien Telegram Chat + sa-telegram: + name: OSM Saudi Arabien auf Telegram + description: 'Eine Telegram Gruppe für die OSM Gemeinschaft in Saudi Arabien: {url}' + scotland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Alba auf Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Alba auf Twitter: {url}' + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankreich auf Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Frankreich auf Facebook + se-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Schweden Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Schweden Web Forum + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Schweden auf IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osm.se auf irc.oftc.net (Port 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Talk-se Mailing Liste + description: Eine Mailing Liste um OpenStreetMap in Schweden zu diskutieren + se-telegram: + name: OSM Schweden auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Schweden Telegram Chat + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Schweden auf Twitter + description: 'Folge uns auf Twitter: {url}' + si-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Slowenien Forum + description: Forum der OpenStreetMap-Community in Slowenien + si-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Slowenien Mailingliste + description: Mailingliste der OpenStreetMap-Community in Slowenien + si-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovenia Twitter + description: 'Follow OpenStreetMap Slovenia On Twitter: {url}' + sk-facebook: + name: Freemap.sk Slowakische Gemeinschaft auf Facebook + description: Freemap.sk Slowakische Gemeinschaft auf Facebook + sk-freemap: + name: OpenStreetMap Website Freemap Slowakei + description: OpenStreetMap Karten-Website mit Werkzeugen in der Slowakei und umgebenden Regionen + sk-freemap-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Freemap Slowakei Wiki + description: OpenStreetMap wiki for Slowakische Mapper und Gemeinschaft + sk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovenien auf Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slowenien auf Twitter: {url}' + talk-au: + name: Talk-au Mailing Liste + description: Mappers in Australien chatten hier + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Tschechische Mailing Liste (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz is die offizielle Mailingliste for the tschechische OSM-Gemeinschaft + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh Mailing Liste + description: Talk-gh ist die offizielle Mailingliste für die OSM Community in Ghana. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap IT Latium + description: 'Alle sind willkommen, melde dich an: {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Mailing Liste für Rom und das Gebiet von Lazio + talk-it-piemonte_mailinglist: + name: OSM Italien regionale Liste für Piemont + description: 'Alle sind willkommen! Melde dich an: {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Mailinglist für die Region Piemont. + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg Mailingliste + description: 'Ort für OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende, Communitys und Benutzer in Madagaskar um sich auszutauschen und zu diskutieren.' + talk-nz: + name: Talk-nz Mailing Liste + description: Neuseeland OSM Gemeinschafts-atalk + talk-za: + name: Talk-za Mailing Liste + description: Talk-za ist die offizielle Mailing Liste fü die südafrikanische OSM Gemeinschaft. + ua-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Facebook Gruppe + description: Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Ukraine Gemeinschaft auf Facebook + ua-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Forum + description: Forum der OpenStreetMap Gemeinschaft in der Ukraine + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine auf GitHub + description: OpenStreetMap Ukraine GitHub + ua-osm: + name: OpenStreetMap Website Ukraine + description: OpenStreetMap Website in der Ukraine + ua-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Slack + description: Beteilige dich an der OpenStreetMap Ukraine Gemeinschaft auf Slack + ua-telegram: + name: '@osmUA auf Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Telegram chat + ua-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UA Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ukraine auf Twitter: {url}' + uk-localchapter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK + description: Der offizielle Landesverband für UK (inclusive Nordirland). + extendedDescription: 'Wir unterstützen OpenStreetMap durch Veranstaltungen, Bereitstellen von Ressourcen für die Community, Aufbau von Partnerschaften und durch Verbreitung der Information über OpenStreetMap. Beteilige dich hier: {signupUrl}' + uk-london-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap London auf Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap London auf Twitter: {url}' + uk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK auf Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap UK auf Twitter: {url}' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Talk-us-massachusetts Mailing Liste + description: Mailingliste für die OSM-Community in Massachusetts + uy-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap UY Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Uruguay Web Forum + uy-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Uruguay auf IRC + description: 'Beteilige dich bei #osmurugauy auf irc.freemode.net (Port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Beteilige dich bei #osmuruguay auf irc.freenode.net ' + uy-mailinglist: + name: Talk-uy Mailing Liste + description: Talk-uy ist die offizielle Mailingliste für die OSM Gemeinschaft in Uruguay + uzbekistan-telegram: + name: OSM Usbekistan auf Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Usbekistan Telegram Chat + ve-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap VE Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Venezuela web forum + ve-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ve Mailing Liste + description: Talk-ve ist die offizielle Mailingliste für die OSM Community in Venezuela. + ve-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Venezuela Telegram + description: Mach mit bei der OpenStreetMap Venezuela Gemeinschaft auf Telegram + ym-AASTU: + name: AASTU Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität für Wissenschaft und Technologie in Addis Ababa + extendedDescription: 'Der Verein der Studenten der Geomatik (AGES) zielt darauf ab, GIS-Produkte und -Dienstleistungen zu fördern und Studenten in der Verwendung derselben zu schulen. Er fördert nicht nur den Austausch zwischen Studenten und Praktikern, sondern bietet auch eine Plattform für den Austausch neuer Ideen für die Durchführung neuer GIS sowie für Vermessungsveranstaltungen und Schulungen an der Universität.' + ym-Abia-State-University: + name: AbsuMappersTeam + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Staatlichen Universität von Abia + extendedDescription: 'Das AbsuMappersTeam ist ein freiwilliges Team von Kartenliebhabern, das zur Lösung von Problemen Openstreetmap, GIS und andere Open Source-Geodaten-Technologien verwendet. Es ist ein Spezialist für die Reaktion auf Katastrophen mithilfe von OpenStreetMap Es ist eine Gemeinschaft von Freiwilligen für die Erstellung von Geodaten, das Sammeln und Mapping von Felddaten. Das Team wurde von Victor N. Sonntag (der Teammentor) und Professor JUOgbonna, dem Teamkoordinator und Berater der Fakultät, gegründet. AbsuMapperTeam ist eine Tochtergesellschaft von UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt. Das Team steht für nachhaltige Entwicklung unter Verwendung von Geospatial-Technologie' + ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University: + name: YouthMappers-AMEU + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der African Methodist Episcopal Universität + ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University: + name: ABU Geomappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Ahmadu Bello Universität + extendedDescription: 'Wir sind eine Gruppe datengetriebener humanitärer Mapper, die sich der Aufgabe widmen, humanitäre Dienste als Reaktion auf Katastrophen und Abmilderung zu leisten. Wir sind froh, unser Know-how und unser Wissen durch Mapping einbringen und durch Training und Zusammenarbeit zur Verbreitung von #OpenEvangelism beitragen zu können.' + ym-Ardhi-University: + name: ARU Mapper + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University + extendedDescription: As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations. + ym-Asian-University-for-Women: + name: YouthMappers at AUW + description: YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women + extendedDescription: 'The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world.' + ym-Ball-State-University: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University + extendedDescription: 'Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing.' + ym-Busitema-University: + name: Good Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University + extendedDescription: Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map. + ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: CalU PA GIS Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania + extendedDescription: GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management. + ym-Central-Washington-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University + extendedDescription: 'Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills.' + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an dem Universitätszentrum für Forschung und Anwendung in der Fernerkundung (CURAT) an der Felix Houphouet Boigny Universität + extendedDescription: Das Ziel unseres Ortsverbanden ist es die Zusammenarbeit für freie Karten zu fördern und die Benutzung von Open StreetMap Daten für Forschung und ihre Anwendung in der Umsetzung von Werkzeugen zur Entscheidungsfindung. Wir helfen Stundenten ihre eigenen Daten für ihre Forschung herzustellen. + ym-Clemson-University: + name: Clemson Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University + extendedDescription: "Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections throughout the world." + ym-College-of-William-and-Mary: + name: All over the map! + description: YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary + extendedDescription: "The students who are all over the map are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise.  Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences." + ym-Cornell-University: + name: Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University + extendedDescription: 'Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy.' + ym-Cuttington-University: + name: Cuttington Universität YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Cuttington Universität + extendedDescription: 'Die YouthMappers der Cuttington Universitäz, Suakoko und des Landkreises Bong umfassten Studenten aus drei verschiedenen Abteilungen. nämlich die Abteilung für Naturressourcenmanagement „DONRM“, die Abteilung für Umweltwissenschaften und die Abteilung für Naturwissenschaften. Seit der Gründung im Februar 2017 besteht die Gesamtzahl aus 20 Studenten, wobei jede Abteilung aus 5 Studenten besteht.' + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + name: GDEV + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Technischen Universität Dedan Kimathi + extendedDescription: 'ie GDEV ist eine Gruppe enthusiastischer GIS-Gruppe an der DeKUT, deren Ziel es ist, Studierenden zu helfen, sich gegenseitig in geografischen Angelegenheiten auszutauschen und voneinander zu lernen' + ym-Dhaka-College: + name: YouthMappers Daka College + description: YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College + extendedDescription: "YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers  gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes. Happy mapping." + ym-Dhaka-University: + name: Openstreetmap YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University + extendedDescription: It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes. + ym-Eastern-University: + name: YouthMappers at Eastern University + description: YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes.' + ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology: + name: Junior Philippines Computer Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology + extendedDescription: "FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region" + ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys: + name: OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Federal School of Surveys + ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure: + name: YouthMappers Futa Space Club + description: 'YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Staatlichen Technischen Universität Akure' + extendedDescription: "Unsere Mission ist es, die nächste Generation von Weltraumführern aufzubauen. Die Aktivitäten umfassen Forschung und Kapazitätsaufbau in den Bereichen Fernerkundung, GIS, Klimawandel, Astronomie, Kosmologie, Weltraumtechnik, Globale Navigation, Robotik und Weltraumbildung." + ym-Fourah-Bay-College: + name: Vereinigung der Geographie-Stundierenden + description: YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College + extendedDescription: 'The Student''s Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team.' + ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University: + name: YouthMappers Allgemeine Lansana Conte Universität + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Allgemeinen Lansana Conte Universität + extendedDescription: Die YouthMappers der Allgemeine Lansana Conte Universität sind eine gemeinnützige Gemeinschaft, die bereit ist, einen Beitrag zu Map Guinea und anderen Teilen der Welt zu leisten. Wir fördern die Nutzung von GIS und Open Data, um Tools zur Entscheidungsunterstützung zu erstellen. Wir arbeiten auch daran, Föähigkeiten unter den Studenten und den lokalen Gemeinschaften aufzubauen. + ym-George-Mason-University: + name: Mason Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University + extendedDescription: 'Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow.' + ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers am Grand Gedeh County Community College + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband am Grand Gedeh County Community College + extendedDescription: Die Youth Mappers von GGCCC verfolgen die einzige Absicht, Orte in und um Liberia zu platzieren, die nicht auf der Karte stehen. Wir versammeln Jugendliche vom College des Grand Gedeh Community College, um sich zu einer gemeinsamen Aufgabe zu machen und diese Orte geografisch sichtbar zu machen. + ym-Gujarat-University: + name: CCIM at Ahmedabad + description: YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University + ym-Gulu-University: + name: CSGU Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University + extendedDescription: "The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University. This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination." + ym-Heidelberg-University: + name: disastermappers heidelberg + description: YouthMappers chapter at Heidelberg University + extendedDescription: 'Disastermappers Heidelberg was founded in 2014 as a student initiative to build a platform for exchange between students, researchers and humanitarian actors. Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications.' + ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education: + name: IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT) + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Pädagogischen Universität Ignatius Ajuru + extendedDescription: Wir sind ein YouthMappers-Kapitel der Ignatius Ajuru Pädagogischen Universität, das an der Crowdsourcing-Kartierung unserer Umgebung und der Fernkartierung widerstandsfähiger Gemeinschaften beteiligt ist. Wir sind ein Team von Freiwilligen, die Openstreetmap und andere offene Geospatial-Quellen für das Mapping verwenden. + ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: Geospatial Science Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania + ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri: + name: YouthMappers INES Ruhengeri + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband am Institut für Hochschulbildung in Ruhengeri + extendedDescription: Wir sind Studenten aus den Bereichen Landverwaltung und Landesvermessung von INES-Ruhengeri. Wir sind daran beteiligt, Aktivitäten zu kartieren, die Veränderungen in Richtung nachhaltige Entwicklung in unserer Gemeinschaft bewirken. + ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda: + name: Die Frauenführer von ISM / Kolda + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband am Höheren Institut für Management Kolda + extendedDescription: iDie Frauenführer von ISM / Koldast eine rein weibliche Mapping-Gruppe im südlichen Senegal, die Kolda und die umliegenden Dörfer auf die Karte setzen und die Verwendung von OSM besser verstehen soll. + ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies: + name: Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies + extendedDescription: To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations. + ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management: + name: IFM mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management + extendedDescription: This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning: + name: Mipango YouthMappers Chapter + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning + extendedDescription: 'Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President.' + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza: + name: Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza + ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine: + name: YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband am Institut für Wissenschaft und Veterinärmedizin + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich für die Förderung der humanitären Kartierung und die Nutzung offener Quellen und offener Daten zur Errichtung von Expertensystemen in Guinea einsetzt. + ym-Istanbul-Technical-University: + name: YouthMappers ITU + description: YouthMappers chapter at Istanbul Technical University + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ITU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative student community to promote humanitarian mapping for vulnerable settlements and aims to develop and share strategic and innovative spatial information for the future cities by using geographical information systems and open data. + ym-Jacksonville-State-University: + name: JSU Disaster Mapping Team + description: YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University + extendedDescription: 'The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets' + ym-Jahangirnagar-University: + name: 'YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University' + description: YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University + ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology: + name: Verein der Studenten der Geomatik + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Jomo Kenyatta Universität für Landwirtschaft und Technologie + extendedDescription: 'Der Verein der Studenten der Geomatik (AGES) zielt darauf ab, GIS-Produkte und -Dienstleistungen zu fördern und Studenten in der Verwendung derselben zu schulen. Er fördert nicht nur den Austausch zwischen Studenten und Praktikern, sondern bietet auch eine Plattform für den Austausch neuer Ideen für die Durchführung neuer GIS sowie für Vermessungsveranstaltungen und Schulungen an der Universität.' + ym-Kansas-State-University: + name: 'Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter' + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University + extendedDescription: "We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to YouthMappers. We have been active with mapping for OSM and conducted a mapathon called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015." + ym-Karatina-University: + name: Nature Club Karatina University + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Karatina Universität + extendedDescription: 'Dieser Ortsverband möchte alle GIS-Enthusiasten zusammenbirngen. Dies inkludiert Umweltexperten, Tierxperten und Wasser- und Tourismusbeauftragte, um nur einige zu nennen. Das Hauptziel ist es, eine Plattform zu bieten, auf der die Schüler voneinander lernen und dabei verstehen können, wie sie die GIS-Fähigkeiten in ihre verschiedenen Karrierewege integrieren und Lösungen für verschiedene umweltbezogene Herausforderungen bieten können.' + ym-Kathmandu-University: + name: 'Geomatics Engineering Society,GES' + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University + extendedDescription: 'Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc.' + ym-Kenyatta-University: + name: Kenyatta University GIS-Club + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Kenyatta Universität + extendedDescription: 'Der GIS-Club der Kenyatta University (KUGISC) wurde am 28. Oktober 2016 mit über 200 Studenten und Mitarbeitern aller Fakultäten innerhalb des Campus als Mitglieder gegründet. Wir verpflichten uns, Mitglieder mit räumlichen Kenntnissen, Fähigkeiten und Fachkenntnissen zu unterstützen, die zum Verständnis der Erde erforderlich sind. Wir helfen bei der Kartierung von Ressourcen innerhalb der Universität, indem wir Geodaten in ihre Projekte integrieren und Felddaten sammeln.' + ym-Khulna-University: + name: Khulna University YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University + extendedDescription: "KU students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics." + ym-Kumi-University: + name: Ever Last YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University + extendedDescription: "This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science and Information Technology." + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Kwame Nkrumah Universität für Wissenschaft und Technologie YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Kwame Nkrumah Universität für Wissenschaft und Technologie + ym-Makerere-University: + name: Geo YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University + extendedDescription: Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness."We map the world and change lives. + ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: MUST Street Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology + extendedDescription: MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society. + ym-McGill-University: + name: 'Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society' + description: YouthMappers chapter at McGill University + extendedDescription: 'The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad.' + ym-Miami-University: + name: Geography and Planning Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Miami University + extendedDescription: 'GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience.' + ym-Moi-University: + name: Geographie-Studentenverein + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Moi Universität + extendedDescription: "Der Geographie-Studentenverein der Moi University (GEOSAMU) erforscht, entdeckt und zielt darauf ab, die gesamte Welt durch die jungen Geo-Spatial-Analysten zu entwickeln. GEOSAMU ist Teil der Geographischen Abteilung." + ym-Monroe-Community-College: + name: MCC Mapping Corps + description: YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College + ym-Montgomery-College: + name: GeoMC + description: YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College + extendedDescription: 'GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in.' + ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Geoinformationstechnik Stundentenverein + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Namibia Universität für Wissenschaft und Technologie + ym-New-York-University: + name: NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps + description: YouthMappers chapter at New York University + extendedDescription: 'The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes.' + ym-Nimba-County-Community-College: + name: Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband am Nimba County Community College + ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus: + name: Njala Freetown YouthMappers + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus' + extendedDescription: 'We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone.' + ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus: + name: 'YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus' + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus' + ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University: + name: Environment and Wildlife Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University + extendedDescription: 'Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives.' + ym-Oklahoma-State-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University + ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania: + name: Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania + description: YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania + extendedDescription: |- + Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania + + Had been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html ) + + Our chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels. + ym-Politecnico-di-Milano: + name: PoliMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano + extendedDescription: PoliMappers is a volunteer students’ association based at Politecnico di Milano. The mission of the group is to train and motivate the next generation of volunteer mappers and to do mapping using free and open source software within the university as well as primary and secondary schools. + ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London: + name: Queen Mary YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London + extendedDescription: This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society. + ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology: + name: YouthMappers at RUET + description: YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology + extendedDescription: 'The "YouthMappers at RUET" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world.' + ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia: + name: Geoventurers + description: YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia + extendedDescription: "GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction. We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better." + ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College: + name: Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College + description: YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College + ym-Sherubtse-College: + name: Geographical Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College + extendedDescription: "The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!" + ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture: + name: SMCoSE YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture + extendedDescription: 'A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action.' + ym-St.-Augustine-International-University: + name: YouthMappers at St Augustine International University + description: YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University + ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute: + name: MawaggaliMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute + extendedDescription: Wir sind das Youthhappers Chapter in St. Mawaggali Trades in Choma, die unterschiedliche Aufgaben im Dienst für die Menschen durch Kartierung beitragen wollen. + ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo: + name: SUNY Geneseo GIS Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo + extendedDescription: 'We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community.' + ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic: + name: YouthMappers-SMP + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband am Stella Maris Polytechnic + ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya: + name: Raumbezogene Wissenschaft Studentenverein + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Technischen Universität von Kenya + extendedDescription: Es handelt sich um eine auf geografischen Informationen basierende Gruppe mit sehr leidenschaftlichen Studenten in den relevanten Studienbereichen. Wir schulen die Mitglieder in Bezug auf neue Trends auf dem Markt und sind auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik + ym-Texas-Tech-University: + name: YouthMappers at TTU + description: YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University + extendedDescription: "As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus activities through mapping." + ym-The-Citadel: + name: YouthMappers at The Citadel + description: YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel + extendedDescription: 'This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers.' + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + name: Connected YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Gambia YMCA / Universität von Gambia + extendedDescription: Connected YouthMappers besteht aus engagierten jungen Gambianern, die sich bemühen, die nationale Entwicklung zu verändern und zu unterstützen. + ym-The-George-Washington-University: + name: Humanitarian Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University + extendedDescription: "Models of leadership and engagement, HMS seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community." + ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS: + name: SAIS YouthMappers + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS' + extendedDescription: 'The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region.' + ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University: + name: Penn State GIS Coalition + description: YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University + extendedDescription: 'The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry.' + ym-The-University-of-Zambia: + name: YouthMappers Unza + description: YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia + ym-Tribhuvan-University: + name: Geomatics Engineering Students Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University + extendedDescription: "This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network." + ym-UW-Madison: + name: BadgerMaps + description: YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison + extendedDescription: 'BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it.' + ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus: + name: Mappers for Life + description: YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus + extendedDescription: We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU. + ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University: + name: HiTech Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University + extendedDescription: A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes. + ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid: + name: YouthMappers at UAM + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid + ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas: + name: YouthMappers in Bogotá + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas + extendedDescription: 'Die Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas ist eine öffentliche, koedukative Forschungsuniversität mit Sitz in Bogotá, Kolumbien mit einer Studentenzahl von 26.140.' + ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras: + name: PumaGis Hn + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia: + name: Grupo UN + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Nationalen Universität von Kolumbien + extendedDescription: "Die Studenten schließen sich zusammen, um sich mit Universitätsstudenten im ganzen Land Kolumbiens und auf der ganzen Welt zu vernetzen. Geographische Schwerpunkte sind die Zugehörigkeit zu mikrobiologischen und gesundheitlichen Disziplinen." + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria: + name: Yeka Street MGA + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria + extendedDescription: 'YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability.' + ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid: + name: Mapeo Humanitario + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid + extendedDescription: 'Geo-volunteering group formed at Moncloa Campus on November 2017. Around 20 members from three Universities (Complutense, CEU and UPM). Undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students collaborate together with organizations (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre,...) supported by trainers from Geoinquietos. Official recognition by UPM as Educative Innovation Project (Code IE1718.0411)' + ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia: + name: Geomatica UDEA + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität von Antioquia + extendedDescription: 'Wir sind eine Gruppe, die sich für Geodaten, freiwillige Kartographie und die Teilnahme an Kartierungen mit anderen in unserem Land und im Rahmen des YouthMappers Netzwerks interessiert.' + ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica: + name: YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas.' + ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira: + name: Grupo Mesh + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universidad de La Guajira + extendedDescription: 'Grupo Mesh ist eine Studentenorganisation an der Universidad de la Guajira in Kolumbien, darunter Studenten des Studiengangs Umwelttechnik, die Kartographie und Open Mapping erlernen.' + ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes: + name: Cartografos Uniandes + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universidad de Los Andes + extendedDescription: 'Wir sind ein Kreis von Studierenden, der versucht, Mapping und räumliches Denken als Mittel zur Schaffung von Verbindungen der Zusammenarbeit und Integration zwischen Universität und Gesellschaft zu nutzen, indem er sich mit verschiedenen räumlichen, sozialen, politischen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Dynamiken auseinandersetzt.' + ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras: + name: UPR YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras + ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura: + name: YouthMappers San Buenaventura + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universidad de San Buenaventura + extendedDescription: Wir freuen uns, YouthMappers Mapping beizutreten, um für eine bessere Welt und Gemeinschaft zu mappen. + ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane: + name: Comunidade YouthMappers Mozambique + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Eduardo Mondlane Universität + extendedDescription: 'Wir sind eine Studentengruppe, die sich der mosambikanischen Gesellschaft anschließen möchte, um eine widerstandsfähige Gemeinschaft humanitärer Kartierungen zu schaffen. Die Gemeinde beabsichtigt, die physische Besetzung unseres Landes abzubilden und offene geografische Daten zu erstellen, die der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sind und in mehreren Bereichen ohne damit verbundene Kosten verwendet werden können.' + ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger: + name: YouthMappers UGB + description: YouthMappers Ortsver and an der Universität Gaston Berger + extendedDescription: YouthMappers UGB besteht aus jungen Studenten und Forschern, die sich leidenschaftlich mit Mapping beschäftigen. Unser Ziel ist es, die Fähigkeiten der Schüler auf dem Gebiet der Kartografie zu verbessern und an der Erstellung offener Geodaten mitzuwirken, die den Entwicklungsherausforderungen auf der ganzen Welt und insbesondere in Afrika entsprechen. + ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat: + name: Brahmapoutre at Rabat + description: YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat + extendedDescription: This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries + ym-Universit-de-NZrkor: + name: Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität von N'Zérékoré + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ist eine Gruppe, die es ermöglicht, Binnenstaaten zu kartieren und bei Katastrophen oder Epidemien Entscheidungen zu treffen. Es erlaubt auch die Erzeugung und Verwendung von Daten in freiem Zugriff. + ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako: + name: Student im HoPE-Labor + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität für Sozialwissenschaften und Management in Bamako + ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar: + name: Kontur Geografi + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar + ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta: + name: SpaceTime + description: YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta + extendedDescription: 'SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta.' + ym-University-of-California-Davis: + name: Mapping Club + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis' + ym-University-of-Cape-Coast: + name: UCC Geographische Gesellschaft + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität von Cape Coast + extendedDescription: Wir sind eine Gesellschaft, die alle Studenten umfasst, die in der Abteilung für Geographie und Raumplanung der Universität von Cape Coast Geographie studiert haben und studieren. Unser Hauptziel ist es, das Interesse an der Disziplin innerhalb und außerhalb des Unterrichts zu fördern. Unser Motto lautet "Wir verstehen die Erde und ihre Bewohner." + ym-University-of-Central-Florida: + name: Geospatial Information Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida + extendedDescription: "Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS." + ym-University-of-Chicago: + name: Tobler Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago + ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam: + name: YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam + extendedDescription: 'The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners .' + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Öko-Klub + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität für Energie und natürliche Ressourcen + extendedDescription: Allen Bürgern eine solide Aufklärung über die sich verschlechternde Umwelt bieten und die Wiederherstellung der Umwelt für das Überleben der Menschen auf äußerste Weise zu nutzen. + ym-University-of-Exeter: + name: University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter + extendedDescription: 'We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers.' + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: Ghana Universität YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität von Ghana + extendedDescription: 'UG YouthMappers besteht aus Graduierten und Studenten, die über Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten im Bereich GIS und Fernerkundung verfügen. Der Club besteht aus einem energiegeladenen Team, das soziale Probleme angehen und Umweltprobleme durch Mapping abschwächen kann. Unsere Grundprinzipien sind Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Ermächtigung und Zusammenarbeit.' + ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers: + name: Universität von Liberia YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität von Liberia + extendedDescription: 'Die YouthMappers der University of Liberia ist eine Unterorganisation der Global YouthMappers. Wir sind eine Non-Profit-Organisation, die sich auf die Kartierung von Liberia und die Welt im Allgemeinen konzentriert. Der Zweck dieser Organisation besteht darin, technisches und räumliches Wissen als Mittel zur Erstellung und Entwicklung von Karten zu nutzen. Sammlung und Analyse von Daten zur Bewältigung lokaler und weltweiter Herausforderungen. Unser Ziel ist es, Studenten die Möglichkeit zu bieten, Interesse und Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen Mapping zu entwickeln. Wir stellen uns eine vereinte Studentengemeinschaft vor, die kooperativ und aktiv ist und bereit ist, mit den YouthMappers der Universität von Liberia zusammenzuarbeiten, um das Leben anderer zu verbessern.' + ym-University-of-Malawi: + name: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität von Malawi + extendedDescription: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers ist die Studentenorganisation für das Chancellor College der University of Malawi. Die Studenten konzentrieren sich auf das Mapping für Malawis Entwicklungs- und Wissenschaftsbedürfnisse. + ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park + extendedDescription: The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community. + ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology: + name: UMaT YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität für Bergbau und Technologie + extendedDescription: UMaT YouthMappers ist eine Gruppe Freiwilliger, die den Studenten die Möglichkeit geben möchten, ihre Fähigkeiten im Bereich Kartierung und Erstellung offener geografischer Daten und Analysen zu verbessern, um lokal definierten Entwicklungsherausforderungen weltweit zu begegnen. + ym-University-of-Nairobi: + name: Raumbezogene Wissenschaft Studentenverein + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität von Nairobi + extendedDescription: 'UN-Studenten arbeiten mit der lokalen OSM-Community, Map Kibera und GrouthTruth zusammen, um mehr über offene Kartierungen zu erfahren und Daten für den Bedarf in ihren städtischen Gemeinden bereitzustellen.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu + description: 'YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität von Nigerie, Enugu Campus' + extendedDescription: 'Das LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu Campus ist ein Teil des YouthMappers Network. Das einzige Ziel ist, Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Fähigkeiten im Bereich der Geoinformatik zu erlernen und zu verbessern sowie offene geografische Daten und Analysen zu erstellen, die lokal definierten Herausforderungen auf globaler Ebene begegnen. Es handelt sich um ein Team von Freiwilligen für die Bereitstellung von Crowdsourced-Mapping und Geoinformationen unter Verwendung von Openstreetmap, Citizen Science und anderer Geospatial-Technologie für Forschung, Schulung und Reaktion auf widerstandsfähige gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen. Wir sind in den Bereichen Web-Kartografie, GIS und Fernerkundung und Forschung involviert. Wir beschäftigen uns mit Freiwilligen Geografischen Informationen. GIS und Gerechtigkeit und Citizen Science. Zu unseren Hauptaktivitäten zählen Online-Crowdsourcing-Kartografie, Field Mapping, Schulungsworkshops und Schulungen zu High School sowie humanitärer Katastrophenhilfe.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka + description: 'YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Nsukka Universität von Nigeria' + extendedDescription: 'Das LionMappersTeam ist ein Mitglied des YouthMappers Network. Das einzige Ziel besteht darin, Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Fähigkeiten im Bereich Kartografie zu erlernen und zu verbessern und offene geografische Daten und Analysen zu erstellen, die lokal definierten Herausforderungen auf globaler Ebene begegnen. Es handelt sich um ein Team von Freiwilligen für das Crowdsourcing-Mapping und für die Bereitstellung von geografischen Informationen mithilfe von Openstreetmap, Citizen Science und anderen Geoinformationstechnologien für Forschung, Schulung und Reaktion auf widerstandsfähige gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen. Wir sind an GIS- und Remote-Sensing-Anwendungen und an der Forschung beteiligt. GIS- und Citizen-Wissenschaft, Feld-Mapping, Schulungsworkshops und Schulbesuche an Gymnasien.' + ym-University-of-North-Texas: + name: UNT Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas + extendedDescription: 'The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community.' + ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado: + name: UNCO Geography and GIS Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado + extendedDescription: 'Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld' + ym-University-of-Oregon: + name: Map by Northwest + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon + extendedDescription: "Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures." + ym-University-of-Panama: + name: YouthMappers UP + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama + extendedDescription: "Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to help identify, define, address, and create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives." + ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt: + name: UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität von Port Harcourt + extendedDescription: 'UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt ist eine Aktionsgruppe und ein Team von Freiwilligen für ein kollaboratives Online-Mapping, mit dem Mitglieder geschult werden und die Mitglieder mit Trend-Mapping-Fähigkeiten befähigt werden können, um offene Geodaten und Analysen zu erstellen, die auf lokal definierte Herausforderungen für die Geoinformation eingehen, und humanitäre Kartierungsdienste bereitzustellen für belastbare Gemeinden im Niger-Delta, Nigeria und anderswo. Wir unterstützen Crowdsoucred-Mapping und die Bereitstellung von Geoinformationen mithilfe der OpenStreetMap (OSM) -Plattform und anderer zugänglicher Plattformen für schnelles Response-Mapping, Disaster-Mapping, Geo-Intelligence-Mapping, Kartenaktualisierungen und Schulungen Campus-Kapitel des Humanitarian OpenStreetMap-Teams (HOT). Es ist ein Projektteam von YouthMappers, das Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit bietet, ihre Fähigkeiten in Geoinformatik zu erlernen und zu verbessern, um globale Möglichkeiten im Bereich Mapping und Geoinformation zu erkunden.' + ym-University-of-Pretoria: + name: Centre for Geoinformation Science + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria + extendedDescription: "The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's Centre for Geoinformation Science, a platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad." + ym-University-of-Redlands: + name: URSpatial Geo-Thinkers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands + extendedDescription: To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events. + ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus: + name: Ruanda YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers Ortsverband an der Universität von Rwanda - Huye Campus + extendedDescription: 'Aufgrund des Engagements und des Zwecks der Förderung des Mappings sowie der Informationen aus den öffentlichen Gesprächen von YouthMappers haben wir uns als Studenten in der Geographie-Abteilung organisiert, die sich beim Mapping dazu verpflichten, ein Kapitel unseres Campus zu gründen. Wir wurden von unserem Moderator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Direktor von CGIS-Ruanda) und verschiedenen Dozentenmentoren unterstützt.' + ym-University-of-South-Carolina: + name: Geography Graduate Student Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina + extendedDescription: 'The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines.' + ym-University-of-Southern-California: + name: SC Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California + extendedDescription: 'We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!' + ym-University-of-Vermont: + name: University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont + ym-University-of-Victoria: + name: Society of Geography Students + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria + extendedDescription: 'SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus' + ym-University-of-Warwick: + name: University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick + extendedDescription: We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled. + ym-University-of-Wyoming: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming + ym-University-of-Zimbabwe: + name: UZMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe + extendedDescription: UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills. + ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute: + name: YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute + extendedDescription: 'Das UP Resilience Institute wurde 2016 mit dem Ziel gegründet, lokale Gemeinschaften durch multidisziplinäre Forschung und Maßnahmen zur Resilienz zu stärken. Über das UP NOAH Center und mit Hilfe verschiedener Organisationen haben wir für 17 der 82 Provinzen Liegenschaftskarten zur Verfügung gestellt und mehr als 4 Millionen Gebäude auf OpenStreetMap hochgeladen.' + ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus: + name: Libraries Outreach - ODL + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus' + extendedDescription: 'The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students.' + ym-Vassar-College: + name: Hudson Valley Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College + extendedDescription: 'Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts.' + ym-Villanova-University: + name: The Villanova Globeplotters + description: YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University + extendedDescription: 'The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level.' + ym-West-Virginia-University: + name: Maptime Morgantown + description: YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University + extendedDescription: "Working as a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world." + ym-Western-Michigan-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University + ym-Yarmouk-University: + name: YouthMappers at YU + description: YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region.' diff --git a/i18n/el.yaml b/i18n/el.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7b64bcc34 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/el.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +el: + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: Το OpenStreetMap του Μπαγκλαντές + description: Βελτιώστε το OpenStreetMap στο Μπαγκλαντές + extendedDescription: 'Χαρτογράφηση στο Μπαγκλαντές; Έχετε ερωτήσεις, θέλετε να συνδεθείτε με την κοινότητα εδώ; Ελάτε μαζί μας στο {url}. Είναι όλοι ευπρόσδεκτοι!' + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Talk-es κατάλογος αλληλογραφίας + description: Μια λίστα αλληλογραφίας για να συζητήσετε το OpenStreetMap στν Ισπανία + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap στην Ινδονησία + description: Βελτιώστε το OpenStreetMap στην Ινδονησία + extendedDescription: 'Χαρτογράφηση στην Ινδονησία; Έχετε ερωτήσεις, θέλετε να συνδεθείτε με την κοινότητα εδώ; Ελάτε μαζί μας στο {url}. Είναι όλοι ευπρόσδεκτοι!' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: (FSHM) Κίνημα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού & Υλικού - Facebook + description: 'Η FSHM Facebook σελίδα για να ξέρετε για εκδηλώσεις & δραστηριότητες της κοινότητας' + extendedDescription: 'Η FSHM διοργανώνει εκδηλώσεις σχετικές με την τεχνολογία ελεύθερου λογισμικού / υλικού, τον ακτιβισμό και το OpenStreetMap. Η σελίδα στο FB είναι ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να διατηρείτε επαφή με τα γεγονότα της.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: (FSHM) Κίνημα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού & Υλικού - Matrix + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap της Ινδία - Συμμετοχική χαρτογράφηση γειτονιάς + description: Βελτιώστε το OpenStreetMap στην Ινδία + extendedDescription: 'Χαρτογράφηση στην Ινδία; Έχετε ερωτήσεις, θέλετε να συνδεθείτε με την κοινότητα εδώ; Ελάτε μαζί μας στο {url}. Είναι όλοι ευπρόσδεκτοι!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: Το OpenStreetMap της Μιανμάρ + description: Βελτιώστε το OpenStreetMap στην Μιανμάρ + extendedDescription: 'Χαρτογράφηση στην Μιανμάρ; Έχετε ερωτήσεις, θέλετε να συνδεθείτε με την κοινότητα εδώ; Ελάτε μαζί μας στο {url}. Είναι όλοι ευπρόσδεκτοι!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap στην Μογγολία + description: Βελτιώστε το OpenStreetMap στην Μογγολία + extendedDescription: 'Χαρτογράφηση στην Μογγολία; Έχετε ερωτήσεις, θέλετε να συνδεθείτε με την κοινότητα εδώ; Ελάτε μαζί μας στο {url}. Είναι όλοι ευπρόσδεκτοι!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: Το OpenStreetMap της Μαλαισίας στο Facebook + description: Για συνομιλία για οτιδήποτε σχετίζεται με το OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Φόρουμ OpenStreetMap της Μαλαισίας + description: Επίσημο Φόρουμ OpenStreetMap της Μαλαισίας + OSM-MY-matrix: + description: 'Όλοι οι χαρτογράφοι είναι ευπρόσδεκτοι! Εγγραφείτε στο {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap στο Νεπάλ + description: Βελτιώστε το OpenStreetMap στο Νεπάλ + extendedDescription: 'Χαρτογράφηση στο Νεπάλ; Έχετε ερωτήσεις, θέλετε να συνδεθείτε με την κοινότητα εδώ; Ελάτε μαζί μας στο {url}. Είναι όλοι ευπρόσδεκτοι!' + OSM-PH-facebook: + description: 'Καλώς ήρθατε στο OpenStreetMap των Φιλιππίνων, όπου ενθαρρύνουμε όλους τους φιλιππινέζους να συνεισφέρουν στο έργοτου OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας + description: Μια λίστα αλληλογραφίας για να συζητήσετε το OpenStreetMap στις Φιλιππίνες + OSM-PH-slack: + description: 'Όλοι είναι ευπρόσδεκτοι! Εγγραφείτε στο {signupUrl}' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: RU φόρουμ OpenStreetMap + description: Διαδικτυακό φόρουμ OpenStreetMap Ρωσίας + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Κοινότητα της Ταϊβάν + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας OpenStreetMap της Ταϊβάν + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας OpenStreetMap της Ινδίας + description: Το Talk-in είναι ο επίσημος κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας για την Ινδική Κοινότητα + OSM-india-twitter: + name: 'Το Twitter του OpenStreetMap της Ινδίας ' + description: 'Είμαστε απλά ένα tweet μακριά: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Ιαπωνική Κοινότητα του OpenStreetMap  + description: Χαρτογράφοι και χρήστες του OpenStreetMap στην Ιαπωνία + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας OpenStreetMap της Ιαπωνίας + description: Το Talk-ja είναι ο επίσημος κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας για την Ιαπωνική Κοινότητα + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Ιαπωνίας + description: 'Hashtag στοTwitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap στην Ιαπωνία + description: Χαρτογράφοι και χρήστες του OpenStreetMap στην Ιαπωνία + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας OpenStreetMap του Νότιου Τυρόλο + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας OpenStreetMap του Τρεντίνο + al-maptime-tirana: + description: Στις κοινωνικές εκδηλώσεις οργανωμένες γύρω από τη χαρτογράφηση - οι αρχάριοι είναι περισσότερο ευπρόσδεκτοι! + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-at Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας + description: Το Talk-at είναι ο επίσημος κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας για την Αυστριακή Κοινότητα του OSM + at-twitter: + name: Το Twitter του OpenStreetMap της Αυστρίας + description: 'Το OpenStreetMap της Αυστρίας στο Twitter: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: Χαρτογράφοι και OpenStreetMap του Βελγίου στο Facebook + be-forum: + name: Φόρουμ OpenStreetMap BE + description: 'Φόρουμ διαδικτύου του OpenStreetMap Βελγίου ' + be-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Βελγίου + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-be Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας + description: Το Talk-be είναι ο επίσημος κατάλογος αλληλογραφίας για την Βελγική Κοινότητα του OSM + be-matrix: + description: Όλοι οι χαρτογράφοι είναι ευπρόσδεκτοι! + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Λευκορωσίας + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Πανεπιστήμιο του Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: 'Ακολουθήστε μας στο Twitter: {url}' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας Βερολίνου + description: Αυτή είναι μια λίστα αλληλογραφίας για την κοινότητα OpenStreetMap στο Βερολίνο + de-berlin-meetup: + description: Χαρτογράφοι και χρήστες του OpenStreetMap στην περιοχή του Βερολίνου + de-berlin-twitter: + description: 'Ακολουθήστε μας στο Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: Φόρουμ OpenStreetMap DE + description: Διαδικτυακό φόρουμ OpenStreetMap Γερμανίας + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας + description: Το Talk-de είναι ο επίσημος κατάλογος αλληλογραφίας για την Γερμανική κοινότητα του OSM + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας + description: Μια λίστα αλληλογραφίας συζήτησης για το OpenStreetMap στη Δανία + fr-facebook: + name: Σελίδα Facebook του OpenStreetMap στη Γαλλία + description: Σελίδα Facebook του OpenStreetMap στη Γαλλία + fr-forum: + name: Διαδικτυακό φόρουμ του OpenStreetMap στη Γαλλία + description: Διαδικτυακό φόρουμ του OpenStreetMap στη Γαλλία + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας + description: Talk-fr κατάλογος αλληλογραφίας + fr-twitter: + name: Το OpenStreetMap της Γαλλίας στο Twitter + description: 'Το OpenStreetMap της Γαλλίας στο Twitter: {url}' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας + hu-facebook: + name: Το OpenStreetMap HU στο Facebook + description: Χαρτογράφοι και Facebook του OpenStreetMap στην Ουγγαρία + hu-forum: + name: 'Φόρουμ του OpenStreetMap HU ' + description: Διαδικτυακό φόρουμ OpenStreetMap Ουγγαρίας + hu-meetup: + name: Συνάντηση του OpenStreetMap Ουγγαρίας + description: Η πλατφόρμα για τη διοργάνωση συναντήσεων στην Ουγγαρία + it-facebook: + name: Το OpenStreetMap Ιταλίας στο Facebook + description: Λάβετε μέρος στην κοινότητα του OpenStreetMap Ιταλίας στο Facebook + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας + description: Το Talk-it είναι ο επίσημος κατάλογος αλληλογραφίας για την Ιταλική κοινότητα του OSM + no-irc: + description: 'Χώρος συζήτησης για τους ζαρτογράφους και τους χρήστες του OpenStreetMap, τους προγραμματιστές και τους λάτρεις στην Νορβηγία' + no-mailinglist: + name: Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας OpenStreetMap της Νορβηγίας + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap στην Αυστρία + description: Η πλατφόρμα για πληροφορίες σχετικά με το OpenStreetMap στην Αυστρία + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Γερμανίας + description: Η πλατφόρμα για πληροφορίες σχετικά με το OpenStreetMap στη Γερμανία + osm-gh-facebook: + name: Το OpenStreetMap της Γκάνα στο Facebook + description: Ομάδα στο Facebook για άτομα που ενδιαφέρονται για το OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Χαρτογράφοι στην κοινότητα της Γκάνα, προωθούν εργασίες του OpenStreetMap και της Ανθρωπιστικής Ομάδας OpenStreetMap (HOT) στην Γκάνα. Ελάτε μαζί μας.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: Το OpenStreetMap της Γκάνα στο Twitter + description: 'Ακολουθήστε μας στο Twitter: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Ομάδα Facebook Μαδαγασκάρης για το OpenStreetMap + description: Ομάδα Facebook Μαδαγασκαριανών για άτομα που ενδιαφέρονται για το OpenStreetMap + osmgraz-meetup: + name: Συνάντηση κοινότητας OSM στο Γκρατς + description: Μηνιαία συνάντηση της κοινότητας του OpenStreetMap στο Γκρατς + osmgraz-twitter: + name: Η OSM κοινότητα του Γκρατς στο twitter + description: Η OpenStreetMap κοινότητα του Γκρατς στο twitter + se-mailinglist: + name: Talk-se Κατάλογος Αλληλογραφίας + description: Μια λίστα αλληλογραφίας για να συζητήσετε το OpenStreetMap στη Σουηδία + talk-cz-mailinglist: + description: Το Talk-cz είναι ο επίσημος κατάλογος αλληλογραφίας για την Τσέχικη Κοινότητα + talk-gh: + name: Ταχυδρομική Λίστα Talk-gh + description: Το Talk-gh είναι η επίσημη ταχυδρομική λίστα για την κοινότητα OSM της Γκάνα. + talk-mg: + name: Ταχυδρομική Λίστα Talk-gh + description: 'Τοποθεσία για τους συνδρομητές του OpenStreetMap, τις κοινότητες και τους χρήστες στη Μαδαγασκάρη για συμμετοχή και συζήτηση.' diff --git a/i18n/en.yaml b/i18n/en.yaml index a84d183fa..5b6d7af7c 100644 --- a/i18n/en.yaml +++ b/i18n/en.yaml @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ en: - OSM-India-facebook: - name: OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping - description: Improve OpenStreetMap in India - extendedDescription: 'Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + Bahia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Bahia Telegram Group + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Bahia community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: name: Bay Area OpenStreetMappers description: Improve OpenStreetMap in the Bay Area @@ -13,38 +13,1554 @@ en: Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: name: Code for San Jose Slack description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}, then join the #osm channel.' + DF-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasília Telegram Group + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Brasília community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM description: The OpenStreetMap user group for Dallas-Fort Worth extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth, and all the cities in between are abounding with creative and tech-savvy people. The vision for this usergroup is to find new ways to use the amazing resource of OSM.' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Galicia Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Telegram for Galicia + Galicia-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Galicia Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' GeoPhilly: name: GeoPhilly description: Meetup for map enthusiasts in the Philadelphia area extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly unites developers, geographers, data geeks, open source enthusiasts, civic hackers and map addicts in our shared love of maps and the stories they tell. If you use maps as part of your work or just want to learn more, this is the meetup for you! Our events aim to be open, friendly, educational and social and range from happy hours to lightning talks or even workshops. Come create a diverse, inspiring geospatial community in the Philadelphia with us!' + MapColabora-mailinglist: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Mailing list + MapColabora-meetup: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Meetup page + MapColabora-twitter: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Twitter Account + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Twin Cities area + extendedDescription: Connecting OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in Minnesota and the Twin Cities! Mapping-DC-meetup: name: Mapping DC description: Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area extendedDescription: 'We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. We gather every other month at meetups to focus on one area of our city.' + MappingWR: + name: MappingWR + description: Making low carbon routes around Waterloo Region easy to find. + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + description: We're a group of mappers interested in mapping in OpenStreetMap around Bogotá. + extendedDescription: 'Learn to collect data in the field and digitize onto OpenStreetMap. It is not necessary to have previous knowledge! You just need the desire to participate, learn, and have fun.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, around Portland, ME' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation using mapping tools and technologies.' + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + name: Maptime Oceania Slack + description: 'Sign up at {signupUrl}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: East Midlands (Nottingham) Monthly pub meet-up + description: Social gathering for East Midlands mappers and users + extendedDescription: 'A group have been meeting since March 2011, initially in Nottingham, and, more recently in Derby, and from time to time elsewhere in the East Midlands. These are social gatherings, but are an excellent place to come and ask specific questions about OSM either in the area or in general. In the summer months we usually do some light mapping for an hour in the vicinity of our meeting place. The group as a whole has a special interest in mapping public rights of way and from time to time has mapping meetings for this purpose.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Facebook + extendedDescription: News from the local community + OSM-AR-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum + extendedDescription: Ideal for long or important discussions. Slow response time. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC + description: 'Join #osm-ar on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: You may find the most geeky user in the community. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar Mailing List + description: Historic mailing list. Almost unused today. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Telegram + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'The most active channel in the community, ideal for chatting and getting answers to your questions instantly. Everyone is welcome!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + extendedDescription: News from the local community and OpenStreetMap in general. + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Asia Mailinglist + description: Talk-asia is the official Mailinglist for Asian Community + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Bangladesh + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Bangladesh? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!' + events: + sotmasia2019: + name: State of the Map Asia 2019 + description: Join the 2019 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in Dhaka + where: 'Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-bo Mailing List + description: Talk-bo is the official mailing list for the Bolivian OpenStreetMap community + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Bolivia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-BiH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap BiH Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Bosnia and Herzegovina community: {url}' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Boston area + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap is the free and open, wiki-style map of the world, with hundreds of thousands of contributions every day from people like you. Editing the map is simple, and fun! Join us both indoors and outdoors in our effort to create the best map of the Boston area and the rest of the world!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA Slack + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}.' + OSM-CA-mailinglist: + name: OSM-CA mailing list + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Canada. + OSM-CA-telegram: + name: '@osmca on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Canada Telegram chat + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Chile + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Telegram + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + OSM-CN-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap China Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Chinese community: {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia + description: News of the OpenStreetMap Colombia community and the OSMCo Foundation + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia Facebook + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Colombia community on Facebook + extendedDescription: Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Everyone is welcome! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-co Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Colombia + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Colombia on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Colombia Telegram chat + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Cuba on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Cuba Telegram chat + OSM-CZ-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Czech community: {url}' + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Mount Vernon, WA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap is an map of the world made by people like you. It''s a map that you build, that''s given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more. We meet all the time to talk maps, make maps and have fun!' OSM-Chattanooga: name: OSM Chattanooga description: The OpenStreetMap user group for Chattanooga - OSM-NYC: - name: OpenStreetMap NYC - description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in the New York Metropolitan area' + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Colorado, USA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + description: Get in touch with other mappers via Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Ecuador on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Ecuador Telegram chat + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Talk-es mailing list + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Spain + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Spain Telegram chat + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap on Facebook + description: Like us on Facebook for news and updates about OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonesia + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Indonesia + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Indonesia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + description: 'Join #osm on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook + description: 'FSHM Facebook page to know about community events, activities' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap. Its FB page is the best way to keep in contact with its events.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix + description: 'FSHM Riot group to discuss, share and update mapping activities, events in and around Puducherry' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM community members share their OSM mapping updates / experiences through the Riot.im group, this group is also used to discuss things related to free software / hardware, technology and activism.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in India + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-Japan-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Japan community: {url}' + OSM-Kerala-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala - Participatory neighborhood mapping + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Kerala + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Kerala ? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-Korea-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Korea Mailinglist + description: Talk-ko is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Korea + OSM-Korea-telegram: + name: OSM Korea Telegram + description: 'Unofficial Group for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities, and users in Korea to share and discuss.' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Myanmar + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Myanmar + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Myanmar? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolia + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Mongolia + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Mongolia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia on Facebook + description: For chat about anything related to OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum + description: Official OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia Riot channel + description: 'All mappers are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Nepal + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Nepal? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-Ottawa-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ottawa + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Ottawa area + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + description: News and resources for the OpenStreetMap Peru community + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Facebook + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Peru community on Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pe Mailing List + description: The official mailing list for the OpenStreetMap Peru community + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Matrix Chat + description: Chat with other members of the OpenStreetMap Peru community in Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Telegram + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Peru community on Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Facebook + description: 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap Philippines, where we encourage all fellow Filipinos to contribute to the OpenStreetMap project.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in the Philippines + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Slack + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Telegram + description: 'Un-official, Telegram local community of OpenStreetMap contributors and friends in the Philippines' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: OpenStreetMap Poland Facebook group + description: Group for mappers and users of OpenStreetMap in Poland + OSM-PL-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Poland Forum + description: Forum of Polish OpenStreetMap community + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguay on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Paraguay Telegram chat OSM-Portland: name: OpenStreetMap Portland description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world made by people like you. It''s a map that you build, that''s given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more, and come join us at a meetup to talk maps, contribute to OSM, and have fun!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group + description: Forum and mailing list for OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area + extendedDescription: 'This group is to facilitate improvements to OpenStreetMap in the Portland, Oregon area to support applications such as the Open Trip Planner.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Mailing List + description: FSHM Puducherry mailing list to discuss mapping in Puducherry and other things. + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap RU forum + description: OpenStreetMap Russia web forum + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap RU telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Russia telegram chat + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap on Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ is a great place to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Ask us anything! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in the Rome area + extendedDescription: 'We aim to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Lazio.' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Seattle area + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Southern California + description: 'Let''s have some fun, contribute something to Los Angeles, and learn about mapping!' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California is for anyone interested in mapping to get together to work with OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia of maps, is a free open-source map of the world being created by more than 1,000,000 volunteers around the globe. Everyone is welcome. If you don''t know OpenStreetMap, we''ll teach you. If you have an idea for a mapping project or even a field trip that the group can do, great!' OSM-South-Bay: name: OSM South Bay description: Map Nights hosted by Code for San Jose extendedDescription: 'Code for San Jose, the local Code for America brigade, hosts monthly Map Nights on Thursday nights in downtown San José. Meet fellow South Bay mappers, help out with local mapping projects, and hear about other civic tech projects. Programming and GIS skills are not required.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: OSM Meetup Chiang Mai + description: Irregular meeting of the OpenStreetMap community in Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Members of the OpenStreetMap community meet every few months in Chiang Mai. Get in contact and check out {url} to see when the next meetup is scheduled' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap TH Facebook group + description: Facebook group for OpenStreetMappers in Thailand + OSM-TH-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap TH forum + description: OpenStreetMap Thailand web forum + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community + description: Facebook Group for Mappers and OpenStreetMap users to discuss matters about Taiwan. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailinglist + description: Talk-tw is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Taiwan + OSM-TW-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Taiwan community: {url}' + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Tampa Bay area + extendedDescription: 'OSM Tampa Bay group for local residents to get together and build out the definitive map of Tampa Bay with OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world. If you''re into maps, data, open source, GPS, hiking, cycling, et cetera, you''ll love working with OpenStreetMap -- so join in! We''ll get together and map and talk about new topics once-a-month or so.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: 'Join the OpenStreetMap Telegram global supergroup at {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap US + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in the United States. + extendedDescription: 'We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap US here: {signupUrl}' OSM-US-Slack: name: OpenStreetMap US Slack description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' - Maptime-Australia-Slack: - name: Maptime Australia Slack - description: 'Sign up at {signupUrl}' - OSM-Reddit: - name: OpenStreetMap on Reddit - description: /r/openstreetmap/ is a great place to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Ask us anything! + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Salt Lake City area + extendedDescription: 'Activities may include things like Learn To Map workshops, mapping parties and outdoor data collection. The events will take place in the SLC area, at least initially. We are looking for seasoned mappers as well as people new to OSM. Join and let''s do some mapping!' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Wyoming + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.' + OSM-br-discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Discord + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Brazil + OSM-br-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil Telegram + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap Help + description: Ask a question and get answers on OSM's community-driven question and answer site. + extendedDescription: '{url} is for everyone who needs help with OpenStreetMap. Whether you are a beginner mapper or have a technical question, we''re here to help!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap India Mailinglist + description: Talk-in is the official Mailinglist for Indian Community + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap India Twitter + description: 'We are just a tweet away: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Community + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in Japan + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Mailinglist + description: Talk-ja is an Official Mailinglist for Japanese Community + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Twitter + description: 'Hashtag on Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in Japan + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Sri Lanka + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Sri Lanka? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap Foundation + description: OSMF is a UK-based not-for-profit that supports the OpenStreetMap Project + extendedDescription: 'OSMF supports the OpenStreetMap by fundraising, maintaining the servers which power OSM, organizing the annual State of the Map conference, and coordinating the volunteers who keep OSM running. You can show your support and have a voice in the direction of OpenStreetMap by joining as an OSMF member here: {signupUrl}' + events: + sotm2020: + name: State of the Map 2020 + description: 'Join us for 3 days in Cape Town, South Africa for the annual worldwide OpenStreetMap conference, bringing together everyone in the community to socialize, share, and learn.' + where: 'Cape Town, South Africa' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in the Cleveland area + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland aims to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Northeast Ohio. We''re also a maptime chapter =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: PHXGeo Meetup + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Phoenix, AZ area' + extendedDescription: 'This is a meetup group for those in the Phoenix area who like maps, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartography and anything in between.' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: OpenStreetMap mailing list for South Tyrol + description: OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for South Tyrol + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: OpenStreetMap mailing list for Trentino + description: OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for Trentino + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Western Slope OSM Facebook + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Western Slope OSM Meetup + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO' + extendedDescription: 'The goal of this group is to introduce OpenStreetMap to the community, develop a community of mappers, create the most amazing geodata possible using whatever method we can and finally strategize in order to get this data out into our community. Imagine accurate trail signage! Imagine further development of bike paths! Imagine anything you want, that''s the joy of OpenStreetMap!' + al-forum: + name: OSM Albania Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Albania Forum + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: Social events organized around mapping - beginners most welcome! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime is an open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge, offering intentional educational support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously flexible and structured, creating space for mapping tutorials, workshops, ongoing projects with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time.' + al-telegram: + name: OSM Albania Telegram channel + description: OpenStreetMap Albania Telegram channel + al-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Albania Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + at-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria Forum + description: The official forum for OpenStreetMap questions in and around Austria + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-at Mailing List + description: Talk-at is the official mailing list for the Austrian OSM community + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Austria On Twitter: {url}' + be-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium Local Chapter + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Belgium. + extendedDescription: 'If you want to help to improve and grow the mapping community in Belgium, to make even more people crazy about mapping, OpenStreetMap Belgium is the right place for you!' + be-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap BE Facebook Community + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Belgium + be-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap BE forum + description: OpenStreetMap Belgium web forum + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium IRC + description: 'Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), it is bridged with the Matrix chat channel' + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-be Mailing List + description: Talk-be is the official mailing list for the Belgian OSM community + be-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap BE Matrix channel + description: All mappers are welcome! + extendedDescription: Most talk is happening at the "OpenStreetMap Belgium" channel. You can ask anything there! The other rooms are for specific subjects. + be-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium Meetup + description: Real life meetups of everyone who is interested in OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Physical meetups are great to meet other mappers, ask them questions and to learn a lot. Especially new contributors are very welcome!' + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium Twitter + description: 'OSM Belgium on Twitter: @osm_be' + bg-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Bulgaria Forum + description: Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Bulgaria + bg-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Bulgaria + description: Wikiproject page for Bulgaria + bi-vc-cvl_wiki: + name: OSMers BI-VC-CVL + description: Mappers of northern Piedmont + extendedDescription: 'In addition to the monthly meetings, we also have a WhatsApp group.' + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana on Facebook + description: Page of OpenStreetMap in Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Mapping Botswana on Twitter + description: Twitter of OpenStreetMap in Botswana + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Belarus + description: OpenStreetMap Belarus telegram chat + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: University of Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'This is the official handle for the Youth Mappers chapter of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. we love maps, open data and helping the vulnerable.' + ch-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Switzerland IRC + description: 'Join #osm-ch on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + ch-mailinglist: + name: Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Mailing List + description: Mailing list for Switzerland + ch-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Switzerland Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + cuneo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Cuneo Mappers + description: OpenStreetMap Cuneo Telegram chat + czech-community: + name: Czech OSM community + description: 'Map portal, website and contacts on OSM members in Czechia' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Berlin Mailing List + description: This is the mailing list for the Berlin OSM community + de-berlin-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburg Meetup + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Berlin area + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Berlin Telegram chat + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap DE forum + description: OpenStreetMap Germany web forum + de-hamburg-telegram: + name: OSM Hamburg on Telegram + description: 'OpenStreetMap Hamburg Telegram chat: {url}' + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Germany IRC + description: 'Join #osm-de on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de Mailing List + description: Talk-de is the official mailing list for the German OSM community + de-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Germany Matrix + description: 'Join #osm-de:matrix.org at https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org' + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: OWL Mailing List + description: This is the mailing list for the Ostwestfalen-Lippe OSM community + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram + description: 'Join the OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram supergroup at {url}' + de-viersen-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Viersen Meetup + description: OSM community and users meetup Kreis Viersen and Mönchengladbach + dk-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Denmark Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Denmark web forum + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Denmark IRC + description: 'Join #osm-dk on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Denmark + es-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap España Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + et-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapEthiopia on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Ethiopia Telegram chat + fi-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap FI forum + description: OpenStreetMap Finland web forum + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Finland IRC + description: 'Join #osm-fi on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi Mailing List + description: Talk-fi is the official mailing list for the Finnish OSM community + fr-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap France Local Chapter + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in France. + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap France Facebook page + description: OpenStreetMap France Facebook page + fr-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap France web forum + description: OpenStreetMap France web forum + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap France on IRC + description: 'Join #osm-fr on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr Mailing List + description: Talk-fr mailing list + fr-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap France on Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM France community: {url}' + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap France on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap France on Twitter: {url}' + galicia-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Galicia + description: 'Everything you need to know about mapping in Galicia: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap United Kingdom IRC + description: 'Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb Mailing List + description: Talk-gb is the main communication forum list for the UK (including Northern Ireland) OSM community + geogeeks_perth_meetup: + name: GeoGeeks Perth Meetup + description: 'Perth-based meetup group for people interested in mapping, geospatial data, and open source. We''ll be working on anything that involves a sense of place.' + guatemala-telegram: + name: OSM Guatemala on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Guatemala Telegram chat + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Croatia Facebook group + description: OpenStreetMap Croatia Facebook group + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Croatia on IRC + description: 'Join #osm-hr on irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr Mailing List + description: Talk-hr mailing list + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU on Facebook + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap Facebook in Hungary + hu-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap HU forum + description: OpenStreetMap Hungary web forum + hu-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap HU matrix room + description: OpenStreetMap Hungary matrix chat + extendedDescription: OpenStreetMap chat on map topics. One of the OSM community support forums. + hu-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Hungary Meetup + description: The platform for organizing meetups in Hungary + il-telegram: + name: OSM Israel on Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Israel: {url}' + ireland-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ireland Local Chapter + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Ireland. + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap Ireland provides an advocate voice for the OpenStreetMap project on the island of Ireland, in addition to interacting with other open initiatives.' + ireland-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook group + description: OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook page + ireland-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Ireland IRC + description: 'Join #osm-ie on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Join #osm-ie on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question' + ireland-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ie Mailing List + description: Talk-ie is the mailing list for the Irish OSM community + ireland-telegram: + name: OSM Ireland on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Ireland Telegram chat + ireland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap IE on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap IE on Twitter: {url}' + is-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Iceland Local Chapter + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Iceland. + is-facebook: + name: OSM Iceland on Facebook + description: Page of OpenStreetMap in Iceland + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is Mailing List + description: Talk-is is the official mailing list for the Icelandic OSM community + is-twitter: + name: OSM Iceland on Twitter + description: Twitter of OpenStreetMap in Iceland + it-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Italy Local Chapter + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Italy. + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Italy Facebook + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Italy community on Facebook + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Italy IRC + description: 'Join #osm-it on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it Mailing List + description: Talk-it is the official mailing list for the Italian OSM community + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Italy Telegram chat + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Italy Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + kazakhstan-telegram: + name: OSM Kazakhstan on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Kazakhstan Telegram chat + kosovo-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Matrix (bridged with the one in Telegram) + description: Semi-official all-Kosovo public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language. + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Telegram + description: Semi-official all-Kosovo Telegram public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language. + latam-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Latin America Facebook + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Latin America + latam-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Latin America IRC + description: 'Join #osm-latam on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + latam-mailinglist: + name: Talk-latam Mailing List + description: Talk-latam is the official mailing list for the Latinamerican OpenStreetMap community + latam-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Latin America Matrix + description: 'Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Telegram chat' + latam-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Latin America Telegram + description: 'Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Matrix chat' + latam-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Latin America Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Latin America on Twitter: {url}' + latam-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Latin America + description: Everything you need to know about mapping in Latin America + lu-mailinglist: + name: Talk-lu Mailing List + description: Official mailing list for the Luxembourgish OSM community + mailinglist-sk-googlegroups: + name: Slovak mailing list on google groups + description: Official mailing list for Slovak community + map-kibera: + name: Map Kibera Trust + description: Map Kibera is a registered organization working in Kenya + extendedDescription: Map Kibera Trust’s mission is to increase influence and representation of marginalized communities through the creative use of digital tools for action. + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Mappa Mercia local group + description: A home for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia is a project to grow OpenStreetMap in the West Midlands, UK. We run community events, provide training and support local organisations wishing to open up their data.' + md-googlegroup: + name: OSM Moldova Google Group + description: OpenStreetMap Moldova Google Group + md-telegram: + name: '@OSMMoldova on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Moldova Telegram chat + ni-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap NI Community + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Nicaragua + ni-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ni Mailing List + description: Talk-ni is the official mailing list for the Nicaraguan OSM community + ni-telegram: + name: OSM Nicaragua on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Telegram chat + ni-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Twitter + description: 'OSM Nicaragua on Twitter: @osm_ni' + nl-forum: + name: Netherlands OpenStreetMap forum + description: OpenStreetMap Netherlands web forum + nl-telegram: + name: Netherlands OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Netherlands community: {url}' + no-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Norway Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Norway web forum + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Norway on IRC + description: 'Chat room for mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in Norway' + no-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Norway mailing list + description: 'Mailing list for mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in Norway' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Norway Telegram chat + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Afghanistan + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Afghanistan + osm-africa-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Africa Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Telegram for Africa + osm-asia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Asia Telegram + description: 'Join our family: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria + description: The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Austria + osm-ch: + name: OpenStreetMap Switzerland + description: The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Switzerland + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Germany + description: The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Germany + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana on Facebook + description: Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Mappers in Ghana community, promoting OpenStreetMap and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) projects in Ghana. Join us.' + osm-gh-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Ghana community on Telegram + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana on Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap India forum + description: OpenStreetMap India web forum + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap India GitHub + description: 'Code with us: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap India Telegram + description: 'Join our family: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap India + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in India + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject India + description: 'Everything you need to know about mapping in India: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap India Youtube + description: 'Subscribe to our channel: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Aparat + description: 'Subscribe to our channel at {url}' + extendedDescription: A good resource of videos about anything related to OpenStreetMap. Mainly in Persian. + osm-iran-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran web forum + description: OpenStreetMap Iran web forum + extendedDescription: A web forum for OpenStreetMap users in Iran. Feel free to ask questions and discuss with others! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Telegram + description: 'You''re welcome to join our Telegram channel at {url}. We also have a supergroup of many OSMers interested in Iran. Find its link in bio of channel.' + osm-kenya: + name: OSM Kenya + description: OSM Kenya is a community of OSM contributors and users + extendedDescription: 'OSM is a local community for individuals interested in OpenStreetMap including organizations, developers, and YouthMappers chapters in the country.' + osm-kerala-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala Telegram + description: 'We map Kerala together. Join our telegram group. {url}' + osm-kerala-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala + description: 'Want to know more about Kerala Mapping: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Madagascar Facebook Group + description: Malagasy Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap. + osm-ni: + name: MapaNica.net + description: Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Nicaragua + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Sweden + osm-za-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap South Africa on Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ on Facebook + description: Follow Czech community on Facebook - including translated WeeklyOSM! + osmcz-twitter: + name: Czech twitter @osmcz + description: Follow czech community on Twitter - including translated WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: OSM community meetup Graz + description: Monthly meetup of the OpenStreetMap community in Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM community Graz on twitter + description: OpenStreetMap community in Graz on twitter + panama-telegram: + name: OSM Panama on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Panama Telegram chat + pt-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pt Mailing List + description: Talk-pt is the official mailing list for the Portuguese OSM community + pt-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Portugal on Telegram + description: 'Telegram Group of the Portuguese OpenStreetMap community {url}' + romania-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Romania Facebook group + description: Group for mappers and users of OpenStreetMap in Romania + romania-telegram: + name: '@OSMRomania on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Romania Telegram chat + sa-telegram: + name: OSM Saudi Arabia on Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Saudi Arabia: {url}' + scotland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Alba on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Alba on Twitter: {url}' + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sweden Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Sweden on Facebook + se-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Sweden Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Sweden web forum + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Sweden IRC + description: 'Join #osm.se on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Talk-se Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Sweden + se-telegram: + name: OSM Sweden on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Sweden Telegram chat + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Sweden on Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + si-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovenia Forum + description: Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Slovenia + si-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovenia mailing list + description: Mailing list of OpenStreetMap community in Slovenia + si-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovenia Twitter + description: 'Follow OpenStreetMap Slovenia On Twitter: {url}' + sk-facebook: + name: Freemap.sk Slovakia community Facebook page + description: Freemap.sk Slovakia community Facebook page + sk-freemap: + name: OpenStreetMap Website Freemap Slovakia + description: OpenStreetMap map website with tools in Slovakia and surrounding regions + sk-freemap-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia Wiki + description: OpenStreetMap wiki for Slovak mappers and community + sk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovensko on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovensko on Twitter: {url}' + talk-au: + name: Talk-au Mailing List + description: Place for Aussie mappers to chat + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Czech mailing list (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz is the official mailing list for Czech community + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh Mailing List + description: Talk-gh is the official mailing list for Ghana OSM community. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap IT Lazio + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Mailinglist for Rome and Lazio area. + talk-it-piemonte_mailinglist: + name: OSM Italy regional talk list for Piemonte + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Mailinglist for Piemonte region. + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg Mailing List + description: 'Place for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities and users in Madagascar to share and discuss.' + talk-nz: + name: Talk-nz Mailing List + description: New Zealand's OSM community talk + talk-za: + name: Talk-za Mailing List + description: Talk-za is the official mailing list for South African OSM community. + ua-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Facebook group + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Facebook + ua-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Forum + description: Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Ukraine + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine on GitHub + description: OpenStreetMap Ukraine GitHub + ua-osm: + name: OpenStreetMap Website Ukraine + description: OpenStreetMap website in Ukraine + ua-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Slack + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Slack + ua-telegram: + name: '@osmUA on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Telegram chat + ua-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UA Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ukraine on Twitter: {url}' + uk-localchapter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK + description: The official Local Chapter for the UK (including Northern Ireland). + extendedDescription: 'We support OpenStreetMap by holding events, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap UK here: {signupUrl}' + uk-london-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap London on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap London on Twitter: {url}' + uk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter: {url}' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Talk-us-massachusetts Mailing List + description: Email mailing list for the Massachusetts OSM community + uy-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap UY forum + description: OpenStreetMap Uruguay web forum + uy-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Uruguay on IRC + description: 'Join #osmuruguay on irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Join #osmuruguay on irc.freenode.org' + uy-mailinglist: + name: Talk-uy Mailing List + description: Talk-uy is the official mailing list for the Uruguayan OSM community + uzbekistan-telegram: + name: OSM Uzbekistan on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Uzbekistan Telegram chat + ve-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap VE Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Venezuela web forum + ve-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ve Mailing List + description: Talk-ve is the official mailing list for the Venezuelan OSM community + ve-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Venezuela Telegram + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Venezuela community on Telegram + ym-AASTU: + name: AASTU Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University + extendedDescription: 'The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.' + ym-Abia-State-University: + name: AbsuMappersTeam + description: YouthMappers chapter at Abia State University + extendedDescription: 'AbsuMappersTeam is voluntary team of map enthusiast ,using openstreetmap,GIS and other open source geospatial techno;ogy to solve problems.It is a dedicated for disaster response using OpenStreetMap.It is a professional mentoring and empowerment platform for those with passion for GIS and Mapping.It is a community of volunteers for geospatial data creation,field data collection and mapping.The team was co-founded by Victor N.Sunday(the Team mentor) and Professor J.U.Ogbonna ,the team coordinator and faculty Advisor. AbsuMapperTeam is an affiliate of UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt.The team stands to support sustainable development using geospatial technology' + ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University: + name: YouthMappers-AMEU + description: YouthMappers chapter at African Methodist Episcopal University + ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University: + name: ABU Geomappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ahmadu Bello University + extendedDescription: 'We are a group of Data driven Humanitarian mappers, who are dedicated to rendering humanitarian service in response to disaster and mitigation. We are glad to contribute our expertise and knowledge through mapping, and helping to spread #OpenEvangelism through Training, and collaboration.' + ym-Ardhi-University: + name: ARU Mapper + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University + extendedDescription: As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations. + ym-Asian-University-for-Women: + name: YouthMappers at AUW + description: YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women + extendedDescription: 'The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world.' + ym-Ball-State-University: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University + extendedDescription: 'Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing.' + ym-Busitema-University: + name: Good Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University + extendedDescription: Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map. + ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: CalU PA GIS Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania + extendedDescription: GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management. + ym-Central-Washington-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University + extendedDescription: 'Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills.' + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + description: YouthMappers chapter at Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny + extendedDescription: Our chapter aim is to promote the use of collaborative free mapping and the use of openstreetmap data in the field of research and their application in the implementation of tools for decision-making. Help students produce their own data of their research. + ym-Clemson-University: + name: Clemson Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University + extendedDescription: "Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting\_research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections\_throughout the world." + ym-College-of-William-and-Mary: + name: All over the map! + description: YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary + extendedDescription: "The students who are all over the map\_are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group\_integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise. \_Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences." + ym-Cornell-University: + name: Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University + extendedDescription: 'Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy.' + ym-Cuttington-University: + name: Cuttington University YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Cuttington University + extendedDescription: 'The YouthMappers at Cuttington University, Suakoko, and Bong County comprised of Students from three different departments; namely, the Department of Natural Resources Management “DONRM”, Department of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Natural Sciences. Since the establishment of the Chapter in February 2017, the overall membership is 20 students, with each department containing 5 students.' + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + name: GDEV + description: YouthMappers chapter at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology + extendedDescription: 'GDEV is a group of enthusiastic GIS group at DeKUT that aims at helping students share, engage and learn from each other in matters geospatial' + ym-Dhaka-College: + name: YouthMappers Daka College + description: YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College + extendedDescription: "YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers \_gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using\_mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes.\_Happy mapping." + ym-Dhaka-University: + name: Openstreetmap YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University + extendedDescription: It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes. + ym-Eastern-University: + name: YouthMappers at Eastern University + description: YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes.' + ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology: + name: Junior Philippines Computer Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology + extendedDescription: "FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines.\_Its mission centers on\_producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The\_university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region" + ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys: + name: OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo + description: YouthMappers chapter at Federal School of Surveys + ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure: + name: YouthMappers Futa Space Club + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at Federal University of Technology, Akure' + extendedDescription: "Our mission is to raise the next generation of Space Leaders. Activities include\_research and capacity building in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change, Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Engineering, Global Navigation,\_Robotics\_and Space Education." + ym-Fourah-Bay-College: + name: Student's Geographical Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College + extendedDescription: 'The Student''s Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team.' + ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University: + name: YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University + description: YouthMappers chapter at General Lansana Conte University + extendedDescription: The YouthMappers of the University General Lansana Conté is a non profit community willing to contribute to Map Guinea and others part of the world. We are promoting the use of GIS and Open data to build decision support tools. We also work to build capacities among the students and local communities. + ym-George-Mason-University: + name: Mason Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University + extendedDescription: 'Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow.' + ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College + description: YouthMappers chapter at Grand Gedeh County Community College + extendedDescription: The Youth Mappers of GGCCC sole intent is to put places in and around Liberia that are not on the map. We gather youths from the college within the Grand Gedeh Community College to make it their duties to unite and bring these places to the spot light geographically. + ym-Gujarat-University: + name: CCIM at Ahmedabad + description: YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University + ym-Gulu-University: + name: CSGU Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University + extendedDescription: "The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University.\_This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination." + ym-Heidelberg-University: + name: disastermappers heidelberg + description: YouthMappers chapter at Heidelberg University + extendedDescription: 'Disastermappers Heidelberg was founded in 2014 as a student initiative to build a platform for exchange between students, researchers and humanitarian actors. Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications.' + ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education: + name: IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT) + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education + extendedDescription: We are a YouthMappers Chapter of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education involved in crowdsourced mapping of our environment and remote mapping of resilient communities.We are a team of volunteers using openstreetmap and other open Geospatial source for mapping. + ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: Geospatial Science Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania + ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri: + name: YouthMappers at INES Ruhengeri + description: YouthMappers chapter at Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri + extendedDescription: We are students from Land Administration and Management and Land survey Departments from INES-Ruhengeri. We are engaged in mapping activities that create the changes toward sustainable development in our community. + ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda: + name: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda + extendedDescription: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda is an all-female mapping group in southern Senegal looking to put Kolda and surrounding villages on the map and better understand how to use OSM. + ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies: + name: Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies + extendedDescription: To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations. + ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management: + name: IFM mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management + extendedDescription: This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning: + name: Mipango YouthMappers Chapter + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning + extendedDescription: 'Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President.' + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza: + name: Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza + ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine: + name: YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala is a non profit organisation working to promote humanitarian mapping and the use of open sources and open data to build decision making tools in Guinea. + ym-Istanbul-Technical-University: + name: YouthMappers ITU + description: YouthMappers chapter at Istanbul Technical University + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ITU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative student community to promote humanitarian mapping for vulnerable settlements and aims to develop and share strategic and innovative spatial information for the future cities by using geographical information systems and open data. + ym-Jacksonville-State-University: + name: JSU Disaster Mapping Team + description: YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University + extendedDescription: 'The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets' + ym-Jahangirnagar-University: + name: 'YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University' + description: YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University + ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology: + name: Association of Geomatics Engineering Students + description: YouthMappers chapter at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology + extendedDescription: 'The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.' + ym-Kansas-State-University: + name: 'Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter' + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University + extendedDescription: "We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to\_YouthMappers.\_We have been active with mapping for OSM and\_conducted a mapathon\_called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015." + ym-Karatina-University: + name: Nature Club Karatina University + description: YouthMappers chapter at Karatina University + extendedDescription: 'This chapter aims to bring together all GIS enthusiasts.They include environment experts, wildlife experts, aquatic and tourism officers, just to mention a few. Its main aim is to provide a platform where students can learn from each other and, in the process, understand how to integrate the GIS skills in their various career paths as well as provide solutions to various environmental related challenges.' + ym-Kathmandu-University: + name: 'Geomatics Engineering Society,GES' + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University + extendedDescription: 'Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc.' + ym-Kenyatta-University: + name: Kenyatta University GIS Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kenyatta University + extendedDescription: 'Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) was founded on 28th October 2016, with more than 200 students and staff from all faculty within campus as members. We are committed to empower members with spatial knowledge, skills and expertise required in understanding the Earth. We help in mapping resources within the university by incorporating geospatial data in their projects as well as fieldwork data collection.' + ym-Khulna-University: + name: Khulna University YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University + extendedDescription: "KU\_students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating\_open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics." + ym-Kumi-University: + name: Ever Last YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University + extendedDescription: "This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science\_and Information Technology." + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology + ym-Makerere-University: + name: Geo YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University + extendedDescription: Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness."We map the world and change lives. + ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: MUST Street Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology + extendedDescription: MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society. + ym-McGill-University: + name: 'Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society' + description: YouthMappers chapter at McGill University + extendedDescription: 'The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad.' + ym-Miami-University: + name: Geography and Planning Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Miami University + extendedDescription: 'GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience.' + ym-Moi-University: + name: Geography Students Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at Moi University + extendedDescription: "The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) explores, discovers and aims at developing the entire world through the young Geo-Spatial analysts.\_ GEOSAMU is part of the Department of Geography." + ym-Monroe-Community-College: + name: MCC Mapping Corps + description: YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College + ym-Montgomery-College: + name: GeoMC + description: YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College + extendedDescription: 'GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in.' + ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Geoinformation Technology Student Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Namibia University of Science and Technology + ym-New-York-University: + name: NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps + description: YouthMappers chapter at New York University + extendedDescription: 'The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes.' + ym-Nimba-County-Community-College: + name: Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Nimba County Community College + ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus: + name: Njala Freetown YouthMappers + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus' + extendedDescription: 'We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone.' + ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus: + name: 'YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus' + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus' + ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University: + name: Environment and Wildlife Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University + extendedDescription: 'Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives.' + ym-Oklahoma-State-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University + ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania: + name: Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania + description: YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania + extendedDescription: |- + Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania + + Had been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html ) + + Our chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels. + ym-Politecnico-di-Milano: + name: PoliMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano + extendedDescription: PoliMappers is a volunteer students’ association based at Politecnico di Milano. The mission of the group is to train and motivate the next generation of volunteer mappers and to do mapping using free and open source software within the university as well as primary and secondary schools. + ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London: + name: Queen Mary YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London + extendedDescription: This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society. + ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology: + name: YouthMappers at RUET + description: YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology + extendedDescription: 'The "YouthMappers at RUET" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world.' + ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia: + name: Geoventurers + description: YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia + extendedDescription: "GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction.\_We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better." + ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College: + name: Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College + description: YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College + ym-Sherubtse-College: + name: Geographical Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College + extendedDescription: "The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers\_network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!" + ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture: + name: SMCoSE YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture + extendedDescription: 'A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action.' + ym-St.-Augustine-International-University: + name: YouthMappers at St Augustine International University + description: YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University + ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute: + name: MawaggaliMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute + extendedDescription: We are the youthappers chapter at St. Mawaggali trades in choma who are want to contribute the different humantarian tasks to serve lives through mapping. + ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo: + name: SUNY Geneseo GIS Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo + extendedDescription: 'We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community.' + ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic: + name: YouthMappers-SMP + description: YouthMappers chapter at Stella Maris Polytechnic + ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya: + name: Geospatial Science Student Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at Technical University of Kenya + extendedDescription: It's a geographical information based group with very passionate students in the relevant fields of study. We do training to members on emerging trends in the market and keep up with technological advancements + ym-Texas-Tech-University: + name: YouthMappers at TTU + description: YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University + extendedDescription: "As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to\_serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter\_strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe\_while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus\_activities through mapping." + ym-The-Citadel: + name: YouthMappers at The Citadel + description: YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel + extendedDescription: 'This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers.' + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + name: Connected YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia + extendedDescription: Connected YouthMappers is comprised of dedicated young Gambians who aspire to change and aid national development. + ym-The-George-Washington-University: + name: Humanitarian Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University + extendedDescription: "Models of\_leadership and engagement, HMS\_seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community." + ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS: + name: SAIS YouthMappers + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS' + extendedDescription: 'The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region.' + ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University: + name: Penn State GIS Coalition + description: YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University + extendedDescription: 'The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry.' + ym-The-University-of-Zambia: + name: YouthMappers Unza + description: YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia + ym-Tribhuvan-University: + name: Geomatics Engineering Students Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University + extendedDescription: "This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the\_Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network." + ym-UW-Madison: + name: BadgerMaps + description: YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison + extendedDescription: 'BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it.' + ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus: + name: Mappers for Life + description: YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus + extendedDescription: We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU. + ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University: + name: HiTech Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University + extendedDescription: A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes. + ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid: + name: YouthMappers at UAM + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid + ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas: + name: YouthMappers at Bogota + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas + extendedDescription: 'The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is a public, coeducational, research university based in Bogotá, Colombia with a population of 26,140 students.' + ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras: + name: PumaGis Hn + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia: + name: Grupo UN + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Colombia + extendedDescription: "Students are uniting to map and network with university students across the country of Colombia and across the globe. \_Geographic specialties include affiliation with microbiology and health disciplines." + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria: + name: Yeka Street MGA + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria + extendedDescription: 'YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability.' + ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid: + name: Mapeo Humanitario + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid + extendedDescription: 'Geo-volunteering group formed at Moncloa Campus on November 2017. Around 20 members from three Universities (Complutense, CEU and UPM). Undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students collaborate together with organizations (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre,...) supported by trainers from Geoinquietos. Official recognition by UPM as Educative Innovation Project (Code IE1718.0411)' + ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia: + name: Geomatica UDEA + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Antioquia + extendedDescription: 'We are a group interested in geospatial data, voluntary cartography, and participating in mapping with others in our country and within the YouthMappers network.' + ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica: + name: YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas.' + ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira: + name: Grupo Mesh + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de La Guajira + extendedDescription: 'Grupo Mesh is a student organization at the Universidad de la Guajira in Colombia, including students from the program of Environmental Engineering who learn cartography and open mapping.' + ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes: + name: Cartografos Uniandes + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Los Andes + extendedDescription: 'We are a circle of student participation that seeks to use mapping and spatial reasoning as a means to create bonds of cooperation and integration between the university and society by addressing different spatial, social, political , economic and cultural dynamics.' + ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras: + name: UPR YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras + ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura: + name: YouthMappers San Buenaventura + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de San Buenaventura + extendedDescription: We are pleased to join YouthMappers mapping for a better world and community. + ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane: + name: Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane + extendedDescription: 'We are a student group that intends to join Mozambican society to create a resilient community of humanitarian mapping. The community intend to map the physical occupation of our Country and create open geographic data, accessible to the public and able to be used in several areas without associated costs.' + ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger: + name: YouthMappers at UGB + description: YouthMappers chapter at Université Gaston Berger + extendedDescription: YouthMappers UGB is made up of young students and researchers who are passionate about mapping. Our aim is to improve students' skills in the field of cartography and to participate in the creation of open geographic data that responds to development challenges around the world and particularly in Africa. + ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat: + name: Brahmapoutre at Rabat + description: YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat + extendedDescription: This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries + ym-Universit-de-NZrkor: + name: Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré + description: YouthMappers chapter at Université de N'Zérékoré + extendedDescription: YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit. + ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako: + name: Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE + description: YouthMappers chapter at Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako + ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar: + name: Kontur Geografi + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar + ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta: + name: SpaceTime + description: YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta + extendedDescription: 'SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta.' + ym-University-of-California-Davis: + name: Mapping Club + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis' + ym-University-of-Cape-Coast: + name: UCC Geographical Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Cape Coast + extendedDescription: We are a society that encompasses all students who are reading and read geography in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Cape Coast. Our main aim is to promote interest in the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. Our motto is “We comprehend the Earth and its inhabitants.” + ym-University-of-Central-Florida: + name: Geospatial Information Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida + extendedDescription: "Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize\_students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating\_local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS." + ym-University-of-Chicago: + name: Tobler Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago + ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam: + name: YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam + extendedDescription: 'The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners .' + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Eco-Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Energy and Natural Resources + extendedDescription: To provide a sound education to all citizens about the deteriorating environment and provide utmost use of recreation of the environment for human survival. + ym-University-of-Exeter: + name: University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter + extendedDescription: 'We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers.' + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: University of Ghana YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Ghana + extendedDescription: 'UG YouthMappers consists of both graduate and undergraduate students possessing knowledge and skills in GIS and Remote Sensing. The club is composed of an energetic team that is poised to address social issues and mitigate environmental problems through mapping. Our fundamental principles are capacity building, empowerment and teamwork.' + ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers: + name: University of Liberia YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Liberia YouthMappers + extendedDescription: 'The University of Liberia YouthMappers is a chapter organization of the Global YouthMappers. We are a nonprofit student mapping organization focus on mapping for Liberia’s development and the World at large. The purpose of this organization shall be to utilize technology and geospatial knowledge as means of creating and developing maps; collecting and analyzing data that will address local and worldwide challenges. Our aim is to support and create opportunity for students to develop interest and skills in the fields of mapping. We envision a united student community that are collaborative, active and are willing to work with the University of Liberia YouthMappers in order to better the lives of others.' + ym-University-of-Malawi: + name: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Malawi + extendedDescription: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers is the student mapping organization for the University of Malawi's Chancellor College. The students in this chapter focus on mapping for Malawi's development and science needs. + ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park + extendedDescription: The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community. + ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology: + name: UMaT YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Mines and Technology + extendedDescription: UMaT YouthMappers is a group of volunteer students who seek to grant students the opportunity to improve skills in the field of mapping & creating open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. + ym-University-of-Nairobi: + name: Geospatial Engineering Students Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Nairobi + extendedDescription: 'UN students are working with the local OSM community, Map Kibera, and GrouthTruth to learn about open mapping and contribute data for needs in their urban communities.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus' + extendedDescription: 'The LionMappersTeam(LMT)Enugu Campus is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of Geoinformatics and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for Crowdsourced Mapping and Geographic Information provision using Openstreetmap, Citizen Science and other Geospatial Technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in Web-Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and ResearchWe are passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science.Our major activities include online crowdsourced-Cartography, Field Mapping ,Training workshops and outreaches to High School as well as Humanitarian/Disaster Response Mapping.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Nsukka' + extendedDescription: 'The LionMappersTeam is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of mapping science and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for crowdsourced mapping and geographic information provision using Openstreetmap, citizen science and other geospatial technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and Research.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science,field mapping ,training workshops and outreaches to High Schools.' + ym-University-of-North-Texas: + name: UNT Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas + extendedDescription: 'The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community.' + ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado: + name: UNCO Geography and GIS Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado + extendedDescription: 'Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld' + ym-University-of-Oregon: + name: Map by Northwest + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon + extendedDescription: "Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome\_students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures." + ym-University-of-Panama: + name: YouthMappers UP + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama + extendedDescription: "Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to\_help identify, define, address, and\_create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives." + ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt: + name: UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Port Harcourt + extendedDescription: 'UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port Harcourt is an action group and a team of volunteers for a collaborative online mapping targeted at training and empowering members with trending mapping skills to create open geospatial data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges for geoinformation and to provide humanitarian mapping services to resilient communities in Niger Delta,Nigeria and elsewhere.We promote Crowdsoucred Mapping and Geographic information volunteering using OpenStreetMap(OSM) platform and other accessible platforms for Rapid Response Mapping,Disaster Mapping,Geo-intelligence Mapping,Map updates and training.Its an affiliate Campus chapter of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team(HOT).It is a project-task team of YouthMappers that provide opportunity for members to learn and improve their skills in Geoinformatics so as to explore global opportunities in the field of Mapping and Geoinformation.' + ym-University-of-Pretoria: + name: Centre for Geoinformation Science + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria + extendedDescription: "The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's\_Centre for Geoinformation Science, a\_platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad." + ym-University-of-Redlands: + name: URSpatial Geo-Thinkers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands + extendedDescription: To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events. + ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus: + name: Rwanda YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Rwanda - Huye Campus + extendedDescription: 'Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organized as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors.' + ym-University-of-South-Carolina: + name: Geography Graduate Student Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina + extendedDescription: 'The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines.' + ym-University-of-Southern-California: + name: SC Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California + extendedDescription: 'We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!' + ym-University-of-Vermont: + name: University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont + ym-University-of-Victoria: + name: Society of Geography Students + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria + extendedDescription: 'SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus' + ym-University-of-Warwick: + name: University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick + extendedDescription: We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled. + ym-University-of-Wyoming: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming + ym-University-of-Zimbabwe: + name: UZMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe + extendedDescription: UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills. + ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute: + name: YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute + extendedDescription: 'The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to Open Street Maps.' + ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus: + name: Libraries Outreach - ODL + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus' + extendedDescription: 'The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students.' + ym-Vassar-College: + name: Hudson Valley Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College + extendedDescription: 'Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts.' + ym-Villanova-University: + name: The Villanova Globeplotters + description: YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University + extendedDescription: 'The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level.' + ym-West-Virginia-University: + name: Maptime Morgantown + description: YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University + extendedDescription: "Working as\_a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter\_focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world." + ym-Western-Michigan-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University + ym-Yarmouk-University: + name: YouthMappers at YU + description: YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region.' diff --git a/i18n/en_GB.yaml b/i18n/en_GB.yaml index e442e7882..bd725efa6 100644 --- a/i18n/en_GB.yaml +++ b/i18n/en_GB.yaml @@ -21,19 +21,13 @@ en_GB: OSM-Chattanooga: name: OSM Chattanooga description: The OpenStreetMap user group for Chattanooga - OSM-NYC: - name: OpenStreetMap NYC - description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in the New York Metropolitan area' OSM-Portland: name: OpenStreetMap Portland description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world made by people like you. It''s a map that you build, that''s given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more, and come join us at a meetup to talk maps, contribute to OSM, and have fun!' - OSM-US-Slack: - name: OpenStreetMap US Slack - description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' - Maptime-Australia-Slack: - name: Maptime Australia Slack - description: 'Sign up at {signupUrl}' OSM-Reddit: name: OpenStreetMap on Reddit description: /r/openstreetmap/ is a great place to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Ask us anything! + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US Slack + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' diff --git a/i18n/eo.yaml b/i18n/eo.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cdafb6a2e --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/eo.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,457 @@ +eo: + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Bay Area OpenStreetMappers + description: Plibonigi OpenStreetMap en la regiono apud Golfo de San-Francisko + extendedDescription: 'Celo de tiu ĉi grupo estas kunigi OpenStreetMap-komunumon en la regiono apud Golfo de San-Francisko. Niaj eventoj estas malfermitaj al ĉiuj: ŝatantoj de malfermkoda programaro, biciklistoj, GIS-profesiuloj, geokaŝ-ludantoj kaj aliuloj. Ĉiu, kiu interesiĝas pri mapoj, mapigado kaj liberaj map-datumoj povas aligi la grupon kaj alveni niajn eventojn.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Central Pennsylvania OSM + description: 'Interreta mapiga komunumo en State College, Pensilvanio' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Code for San Jose ĉe Slack + description: 'Bonvenon ĉiuj! Registriĝu ĉe {signupUrl} kaj sekve aliĝu al la kanalo #osm.' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + description: Grupo de uzantoj de OpenStreetMap en Dallas-Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth kaj ĉiuj urboj inter estas plenaj da kreemaj kaj teĥnologi-lertaj homoj. La celo de tiu ĉi grupo estas trovi novajn manierojn por uzi mirindajn kapablojn de OSM.' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Renkontiĝo por map-ŝatantoj proksime de Filadelfio + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly kunigas programistojn, geografiistoj, fanatikuloj de datumoj kaj malfermkoda programaro, lertuloj kaj map-ŝatantoj en la komuna amo al mapoj kaj historioj pri ili. Se vi uzas mapojn en laboro aŭ simple volas sciiĝi pli, tiu ĉi renkontiĝo estas por vi! Niaj renkontiĝoj estas malfermitaj, amikecaj, instruantaj kaj sociaj kaj temas pri klaĉado, teĥnika babilado kaj eĉ laboro. Alvenu por krei diversan kaj inspiran mapigan komunumon en Filadelfio kun ni!' + MapMinnesota: + name: Map Minnesota + description: Mapigistoj kaj ŝatantoj de OpenStreetMap en Mineapolo kaj Saint Paul + extendedDescription: Konektante ŝatantoj de OpenStreetMap en Minesoto kaj Ĝemelaj Urboj! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapping DC + description: Plibonigi OpenStreetMap en la Distrikto Kolumbio + extendedDescription: 'Ni estas grupo da helpemaj mapigistoj, kiuj celas plibonigi OpenStreetMap en la regiono de la Distrikto Kolombio. Ni ankaŭ volas instrui aliajn pri la OSM-ĉirkaŭsistemo, analizo de datumoj, kartografio kaj GIS. Ni renkontas ĉiumonate por koncentriĝi al kelka are de nia urbo.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Mapigistoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap proksime de Portlando (Majno)' + extendedDescription: '«Maptime» estas tempo por mapigado. Nia celo estas ebligi al ĉiu lerni pri kartografio per liveri spacon por kunlabora lernado, esplorado kaj map-farado uzante mapigajn ilojn kaj teĥnologiojn.' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: Ĉiumonata taverna renkontiĝo en East Midlands (Nottingham) + description: Sociaj renkontiĝoj por uzantoj kaj mapigistoj en East Midlands + extendedDescription: 'La grupo renkontiĝas de post marto 2011, komence en Nottingham kaj lastatempe en Derby kaj iam ie en East Midlands. Tiuj ĉi renkontiĝoj estas sociaj, sed ili estas bonegaj okazoj por demandi pri OpenStreetMap aŭ loke aŭ ĝenerale. Somere ni kutime iomete mapigas proksime de renkontejo. La grupo specife interesiĝas pri mapigi publikajn alirajn vojojn kaj renkontiĝoj de tempo al tempo temas pri tio.' + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Plibonigi OpenStreetMap en Bangladeŝo + extendedDescription: 'Ĉu vi mapigas en Bangladeŝo? Ĉu vi havas demandojn aŭ volas kuniĝi al tiu ĉi komunumo? Aliĝu al ni ĉe {url}. Bonvenon ĉiuj!' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Mapigistoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap proksime de Bostono + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap estas libera kaj malferma kiel vikio mapo de la mondo kun centoj da miloj da kontribuantoj ĉiutage de homoj kiel vi. Redakti mapon estas simpla kaj amuza! Kunigu nin aŭ eksterdome aŭ maleksterdome en nia peno por krei la plej bonan mapon de areo de Bestono kaj la resto de mondo!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA Slack + description: 'Bonvenon ĉiuj! Aliĝu al ni ĉe {signupUrl}.' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Cuba ĉe Telegram + description: Telegram-kanalo OpenStreetMap Kubo + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + description: 'Mapigistoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap proksime de Mount Vernon (Vaŝingtonio)' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap estas mapo de la mondo farata de homoj kiel vi. Ĝi estas mapo, kiun vi kreas kaj kiu estas donata senpage kiel Vikipedio. Rigardu osm.org por pli da informo. Ni renkontas por pridiskuti mapojn, fari mapojn kaj ĝui!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: Grupo de uzantoj de OpenStreetMap en Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Mapigistoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap en la subŝtato Koloradio' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado estas loka kunlaboro de homoj, kiuj interesiĝas pri kontribui al krei liberajn mapojn. Ni instigas ĉiujn niajn mapigistojn al organizi aŭ sugesti mapigajn eventojn en Koloradio. Tiuj eventoj povas esti simplaj renkontiĝoj, komencanta aŭ sperta instruado pri OSM, aŭ komuna mapigado.' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap ĉe Discord + description: Kontaktu kun aliaj mapigistoj per Discord + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-es + description: Dissendolisto por diskuti pri OpenStreetMap en Hispanujo + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes ĉe Telegram' + description: Telegram-kanalo OpenStreetMap Hispanujo + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap ĉe Facebook + description: Ŝatu nin ĉe Facebook por akiri novaĵojn pri OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonesia + description: Plibonigi OpenStreetMap en Indonezio + extendedDescription: 'Ĉu vi mapigas en Indonezio? Ĉu vi havas demandojn aŭ volas kuniĝi al tiu ĉi komunumo? Aliĝu al ni ĉe {Url}. Bonvenon ĉiuj!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap ĉe IRC + description: 'Aliĝu al #osm ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook + description: 'Facebook-paĝo de FSHM por informoj pri komunumaj okazaĵoj kaj agado' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organizas okazaĵojn rilatajn al libera programaro/aparataro, teĥnologio, aktivismo kaj OpenStreetMap. Ĝia FB-paĝo estas la plej bona loko por esti ĝisdata pri ĝiaj okazaĵoj.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix + description: 'Riot-grupo de FSHM por diskuti, kunhavigi kaj samtempigi mapigan agadon kaj okazaĵojn proksime de Pondiĉero' + extendedDescription: 'Anoj de FSHM-komunumo diskonigas siajn agadojn kaj spertojn de OSM-mapado per la grupo de Riot.im, tiu ĉi grupo estas ankaŭ uzata por diskuti aferojn rilatajn al libera programaro/aparataro, teĥnologio kaj aktivismo.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping + description: Plibonigi OpenStreetMap en Barato + extendedDescription: 'Ĉu vi mapigas en Barato? Ĉu vi havas demandojn aŭ volas kuniĝi al tiu ĉi komunumo? Aliĝu al ni ĉe {url}. Bonvenon ĉiuj!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Myanmar + description: Plibonigi OpenStreetMap en Mjanmao/Birmo + extendedDescription: 'Ĉu vi mapigas en Mjanmao/Birmo? Ĉu vi havas demandojn aŭ volas kuniĝi al tiu ĉi komunumo? Aliĝu al ni ĉe {Url}. Bonvenon ĉiuj!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolia + description: Plibonigi OpenStreetMap en Mongolujo + extendedDescription: 'Ĉu vi mapigas en Mongolujo? Ĉu vi havas demandojn aŭ volas kuniĝi al tiu ĉi komunumo? Aliĝu al ni ĉe {Url}. Bonvenon ĉiuj!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia ĉe Facebook + description: Por babili pri ĉio rilata al OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap Malaysia + description: Oficiala forumo OpenStreetMap Malajzio + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Riot-kanalo OpenStreetMap Malaysia + description: 'Ĉiuj mapigistoj estas akceptindaj! Aniĝu ĉe {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Plibonigi OpenStreetMap en Nepalo + extendedDescription: 'Ĉu vi mapigas en Nepalo? Ĉu vi havas demandojn aŭ volas kuniĝi al tiu ĉi komunumo? Aliĝu al ni ĉe {Url}. Bonvenon ĉiuj!' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Philippines ĉe Facebook + description: 'Bonvenon al OpenStreetMap Philippines – tie ĉi ni instigas ĉiujn filipinanojn al kontribui al la projekto OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-ph + description: Dissendolisto por diskuti pri OpenStreetMap en Filipinoj + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH ĉe Slack + description: 'Bonvenon ĉiuj! Aliĝu al ni ĉe {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap PH ĉe Telegram + description: 'Neoficiala loka komunumo ĉe Telegramo por kontribuantoj kaj ŝatantoj de OpenStreetMap en Filipinoj' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: Facebook-grupo OpenStreetMap Polska + description: Grupo por mapigistoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap en Polujo. + OSM-PL-forum: + name: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Polska + description: Diskutejo por OpenStreetMap-komunumo en Polujo + OSM-RU-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap RU + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Rusujo + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap RU ĉe Telegram + description: Telegram-grupo OpenStreetMap Rusujo + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap ĉe Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ estas bonega loko por sciiĝi pli pri OpenStreetMap. Demandu pri io ajn! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: Plibonigi OpenStreetMap proksime de Romo + extendedDescription: 'Ni celas esti rimedon por homoj por diskuti kaj kunhavigi scion pri uzi liberajn geografiajn datumojn (precipe OpenStreetMap) kaj liberan programaron por administri, redakti kaj vidigi geografiajn datumojn, kaj promoti ĝian uzon en Latio.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: OSM-renkonto en Ĉiang Mai + description: Neregulaj renkontoj de OpenStreetMap-komunumo en Ĉiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Anoj de la OpenStreetMap-komunumo renkontiĝas je kelkaj monatoj en Ĉiang Mai. Sekvu nin ĉe {url} por scii pri la sekva renkontiĝo' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: Facebook-grupo OpenStreetMap TH + description: Facebook-grupo por mapigistoj en Tajlando + OSM-TH-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap TH + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Tajlando + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan + description: Facebook-grupo por mapigistoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap por diskuti aferojn pri Tajvano. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto OpenStreetMap Tajvano + description: Talk-tw estas oficiala dissendolisto por diskuti OSM-rilatajn aferojn pri Tajvano + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap ĉe Telegram + description: 'Aniĝu al la tutmonda Telegram-grupo pri OpenStreetMap ĉe {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap ĉe Twitter + description: 'Sekvu nin ĉe Twitter ĉe {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap US + description: Ni helpas disvastigi kaj plibonigi OpenStreetMap en Usono. + extendedDescription: 'Nie subtenas OpenStreetMap per organizi ĉiujaran konferencon, liverante rimedojn por la komunumo, gajnante akompanantojn kaj diskonigante la ideon. Aliĝu al OpenStreetMap US tie ĉi: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US ĉe Slack + description: 'Bonvenon ĉiuj! Aliĝu al ni ĉe {signupUrl}' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + description: 'Mapigistoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap en Vankuvero, Brita Kolumbio' + OSM-help: + name: Helpo pri OpenStreetMap + description: Demandu kaj akiru respondojn ĉe kreata de komunumo retejo. + extendedDescription: '{url} taŭgas por ĉiu, kiu bezonas helpon pri OpenStreetMap. Ne gravas ĉu vi estas komencanta mapisto aŭ havas teĥnikan demandon, ni estas tie ĉi por vin helpi!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto OpenStreetMap India + description: Talk-in estas oficiala dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Barato + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap India ĉe Twitter + description: 'Apenaŭ unu pepaĵo de vi: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Community + description: Mapigistoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap en Japanujo + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto OpenStreetMap Japanujo + description: Talk-ja estas oficiala dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Japanujo + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japanujo ĉe Twitter + description: 'Kradvorto ĉe Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan + description: Mapigistoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap en Japanujo + OSMF: + name: Fondaĵo OpenStreetMap + description: OSMF estas ne-profit-cela organizaĵo en Britujo, kiu subtenas la projekton OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'OSMF subtenas OpenStreetMap per regali, prizorgi servilojn gastigatajn OSM, organizi la ĉiujaran konferencon “State of the Map” kaj kunordigi volontulojn, kiuj evoluigas la mapon. Vi povas oferi vian helpon kaj havi opinion pri direkto de la projekto OpenStreetMap per aniĝi OSMF tie ĉi: {signupUrl}' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Plibonigi OpenStreetMap proksime de Klevlando + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland celas esti rimedo por homoj por diskuti kaj kunhavigi scion pri uzi liberajn geografiajn datumojn (precipe OpenStreetMap) kaj liberan programaron por administri, redakti kaj vidigi geografiajn datumojn, kaj promoti ĝian uzon en nordorienta Ohio. Ni ankaŭ estas klubo de mapigistoj =)' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: Dissendolisto talk-it-southtyrol + description: Regiona dissendolisto pri OpenStreetMap en Sud-Tirolo + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Dissendolisto talk-it-trentino + description: Regiona dissendolisto pri OpenStreetMap en Trento + al-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap Albanujo + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Albanujo + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: Sociaj okazaĵoj organizitaj por mapigi – komencantoj estas akceptindaj! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime estas malferma lernada medio por ĉiuj niveloj de scio, kiu estas precipe preparita por komencantoj. Maptime estas kaj fleksebla kaj strukturebla, liverante lokon por mapigaj gvidiloj, instruadoj, nunaj projektoj kun difinita komuna celo, per aŭ individua aŭ kolektiva laboro.' + al-telegram: + name: Telegram-kanalo OSM Albanujo + description: Telegram-grupo OpenStreetMap Albanujo + at-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap Österreich + description: La oficiala forumo por aferoj pri OpenStreetMap en Aŭstrujo + at-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-at + description: Talk-at estas oficiala dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Aŭstrujo + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap AT ĉe Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Aŭstrujo ĉe Twitter: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: OpenStreetMap Belgujo ĉe Facebook + be-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap BE + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Belgujo + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgujo ĉe IRC + description: 'Aliĝu al #osmbe ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Aliĝu al #osmbe ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667), ĝi estas kunigita kun la diskuta Matrix-kanalo' + be-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-be + description: Talk-be estas oficiala dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Belgujo + be-matrix: + name: Matrix-kanalo OpenStreetMap BE + description: Ĉiuj mapigistoj estas akceptindaj! + extendedDescription: Plejparto da diskutoj estas en la kanalo “OpenStreetMap Belgium”. Demandu pri io ajn! En aliaj kanaloj oni diskutas pri specifaj temoj. + be-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap BE ĉe Meetup + description: Renkontiĝoj en la reala mondo por ĉiu, kiu interesiĝas pri OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Renkontiĝoj en la reala mondo estas bonaj ŝancoj por renkonti aliajn mapigistojn, demandi ilin kaj multe lerni. Precipe bonvenon novaj kontribuantoj!' + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap BE ĉe Twitter + description: 'OSM Belgujo ĉe Twitter: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana ĉe Facebook + description: Facebook-paĝo pri OpenStreetMap en Bocvano + bw-twitter: + name: Mapping Botswana ĉe Twitter + description: Twitter-paĝo pri OpenStreetMap en Bocvano + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Беларусь + description: Talegram-grupo OpenStreetMap Belorusujo + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: UCC YouthMappers + description: 'Sekvu nin ĉe Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Oficiala Twitter-paĝo pri sekcio de Junaj Mapigistoj de Universitato de Cape Coast, Ganao. Ni ŝatas mapojn, malfermajn datumojn kaj helpi al senfortuloj.' + czech-community: + name: Česká komunita OpenStreetMap + description: 'Mapo, retejo kaj kontakto al OSM-mapigistoj en Ĉeĥujo' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto Berlin + description: Dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Berlino + de-berlin-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburg ĉe Meetup + description: Mapigistoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap proksime de Berlino + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin ĉe Telegram' + description: Telegram-kanalo OpenStreetMap Berlino + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin ĉe Twitter + description: 'Sekvu nin ĉe Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap DE + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Germanujo + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Germanujo ĉe IRC + description: 'Aliĝu al #osm-de ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-de + description: Talk-de estas oficiala dissendolisto por OSM-komunumo en Germanujo + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto OWL + description: Dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo Ostwestfalen-Lippe + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Germanujo ĉe Telegram + description: 'Aliĝu al la Telegram-supergrupo pri OpenStreetMap en Germanujo ĉe {url}' + dk-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap Danmark + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Danujo + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Danujo ĉe IRC + description: 'Aliĝu al #osm-dk ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-dk + description: Dissendolisto por diskuti pri OpenStreetMap en Danujo + fi-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap FI + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Suomujo + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Suomujo ĉe IRC + description: 'Aliĝu al #osm-fi ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-fi + description: Talk-fi estas oficiala dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Suomujo + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap France ĉe Facebook + description: Facebook-grupo OpenStreetMap Francujo + fr-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap France + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Francujo + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Francujo ĉe IRC + description: 'Aliĝu al #osm-fr ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-fr + description: Dissendolisto talk-fr + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap France ĉe Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Francujo ĉe Twitter: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap United Kingdom IRC + description: 'Aliĝu al #osm-gb ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Aliĝu al #osm-gb ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667), bonvolu esti pacienca kaj atendi kelkajn minutojn post demandi' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-gb + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kroatujo ĉe Facebook + description: Facebook-grupo OpenStreetMap Kroatujo + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Kroatujo ĉe IRC + description: 'Aliĝu al #osm-hr ĉe irc.freenode.org (pordo 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-hr + description: Dissendolisto talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU ĉe Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Hungarujo ĉe Facebook + hu-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap HU + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Hungarujo + hu-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap HU ĉe Meetup + description: Platformo por organizi kunvenojn en Hungarujo + is-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Íslandi ĉe Facebook + description: Facebook-paĝo pri OpenStreetMap en Islando + is-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-is + description: Talk-is estas oficiala dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Islando + is-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Íslandi ĉe Twitter + description: Twitter-paĝo pri OpenStreetMap en Islando + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Italia ĉe Facebook + description: Facebook-paĝo de OpenStreetMap-komunumo en Italujo + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Italia ĉe IRC + description: 'Aliĝu al #osm-it ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-it + description: Talk-at estas oficiala dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Italujo + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia ĉe Telegram' + description: Telegram-kanalo OpenStreetMap Italujo + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Italia ĉe Twitter + description: 'Sekvu nin ĉe Twitter ĉe {url}' + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Loka grupo Mappa Mercia + description: Hejmo de OpenStreetMap-ŝatantoj en Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia estas projekto por disvastigi OpenStreetMap en West Midlands, Britujo. Ni organizas komunumajn eventojn, instruas kaj subtenas lokajn organizaĵojn, kiuj volas malfermi siajn datumojn.' + no-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap Norge + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Norvegujo + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Norge ĉe IRC + description: 'Babila kanalo por uzantoj, mapigistoj, programistoj kaj ŝatantoj de OpenStreetMap en Norvegujo' + no-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto OpensStreetMap Norge + description: 'Dissendolisto por uzantoj, mapigistoj, programistoj kaj ŝatantoj de OpenStreetMap en Norvegujo' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Österreich + description: Platformo de informoj pri OpenStreetMap en Aŭstrujo + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Deutschland + description: Platformo de informoj pri OpenStreetMap en Germanujo + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana ĉe Facebook + description: Facebook-grupo por homoj interesantaj pri OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Mapigistoj de Ganao, promociantaj OpenStreetMap kaj HOT-projektojn (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) en Ganao. Aliĝu nin.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana ĉe Twitter + description: 'Sekvu nin ĉe Twitter: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Facebook-grupo OpenStreetMap Madagascar + description: Facebook-grupo por homoj interesantaj pri OpenStreetMap en Madagaskaro + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Liveras OSM-servojn kaj informojn por la loka komunumo en Svedujo + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ ĉe Facebook + osmcz-twitter: + name: Ĉeĥa Twitter-kanalo @osmcz + description: Sekvu la Ĉeĥan komunumon ĉe Facebook – inkluzivante tradukitan WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: Kunveno en Graz + description: Ĉiumonata renkonto de OpenStreetMap-komunumo en Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: Kunveno en Graz ĉe Twitter + description: Renkonto de OpenStreetMap-komunumo en Graz ĉe Twitter + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sverige ĉe Facebook + description: Facebook-grupo OpenStreetMap Svedujo + se-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap Sverige + description: Forum-sekcio OpenStreetMap Svedujo + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Sverige ĉe IRC + description: 'Aliĝu al #osm.se ĉe irc.oftc.net (pordo 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-se + description: Dissendolisto por diskuti pri OpenStreetMap en Svedujo + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap SE ĉe Twitter + description: 'Sekvu nin ĉe Twitter: {url}' + si-forum: + name: Forumo OpenStreetMap Slovenija + description: Diskutejo por OpenStreetMap-komunumo en Slovenujo + si-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-si + description: Dissendolisto por OpenStreetMap-komunumo en Slovenujo + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Ĉeĥa dissendolisto talk-cz + description: Talk-cz estas oficiala dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Ĉeĥujo + talk-gh: + name: Dissendolisto talk-gh + description: Talk-gh estas oficiala dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Ganao. + talk-it-lazio: + name: Dissendolisto talk-it-lazio + description: 'Bonvenon ĉiuj! Aliĝu al ni ĉe {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Dissendolisto por mapigistoj proksime de Romo kaj Latio. + talk-mg: + name: Dissendolisto talk-mg + description: 'Loko por mapigistoj, komunumoj kaj uzantoj de OpenStreetMap en Madagaskaro por kunhavigi kaj diskuti.' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Dissendolisto talk-us-massachusetts + description: Dissendolisto por la OSM-komunumo en Masaĉuseco diff --git a/i18n/es.yaml b/i18n/es.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0a3af1f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/es.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1569 @@ +es: + Bahia-telegram: + name: Grupo de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Bahia + description: Únete a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Bahia en Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Únase a la comunidad para obtener más información sobre OpenStreetMap, hacer preguntas o participar en nuestras reuniones. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: OpenStreetMappers del área de la bahía + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en el área de la bahía + extendedDescription: 'En este grupo se trata de hacer crecer la comunidad OpenStreetMap aquí en el Área de la Bahía. Nuestros eventos están abiertos a todos, desde entusiastas del código abierto, ciclistas, profesionales SIG, geocachers y más. Cualquier persona y todos los que estén interesados en mapas, creación de mapas y datos de mapa gratuitos pueden unirse a nuestro grupo y asistir a nuestros eventos.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: OSM Pensilvania Central + description: 'Comunidad de mapeo en línea con sede en State College, PA' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Slack de Code for San Jose + description: '¡Todos son bienvenidos! Regístrese en {signupUrl}, luego únase al canal #osm channel.' + DF-telegram: + name: Grupo de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Brasilia + description: Únase a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Brasília en Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Únase a la comunidad para obtener más información sobre OpenStreetMap, hacer preguntas o participar en nuestras reuniones. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + description: El grupo de usuarios de OpenStreetMap para Dallas-Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth y todas las ciudades en el medio están repletas de gente creativa y conocedora de la tecnología. La visión de este grupo de usuarios es encontrar nuevas formas de utilizar el increíble recurso de OSM.' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Galicia + description: Telegram de OpenStreetMap para Galicia + Galicia-Twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Galicia + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Encuentro para entusiastas del mapa en el área de Filadelfia + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly une desarrolladores, geógrafos, geeks de datos, entusiastas del código abierto, hackers cívicos y adictos al mapa en nuestro amor compartido por los mapas y las historias que cuentan. Si usa mapas como parte de su trabajo o simplemente quiere aprender más, este es lugar de encuentro para usted. Nuestros eventos apuntan a ser abiertos, amigables, educativos y sociales, y abarcan desde happy hours hasta lightning talk -charla relámpago- o incluso talleres. ¡Ven a crear una comunidad geoespacial diversa e inspiradora en Filadelfia con nosotros!' + MapColabora-mailinglist: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Lista de correo + MapColabora-meetup: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza página Meetup + MapColabora-twitter: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Cuenta Twitter + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Mapeadores y entusiastas de OpenStreetMap en el área de Twin Cities + extendedDescription: ¡Conecta a los entusiastas de OpenStreetMap en Minnesota y Twin Cities! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapeando DC + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en el área de DC + extendedDescription: 'Somos un grupo de cartógrafos voluntarios que buscan mejorar OpenStreetMap en el área de DC. También pretendemos enseñar a otros sobre el ecosistema OSM, análisis de datos, cartografía y SIG. Nos reunimos cada dos meses para enfocarnos en un área de nuestra ciudad.' + MappingWR: + name: MappingWR + description: Haciendo que las rutas bajas en carbono alrededor de la región de Waterloo sean fáciles de encontrar. + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + description: Somos un grupo de mapeadores interesados ​​en mapear en OpenStreetMap alrededor de Bogotá. + extendedDescription: 'Aprenda a recopilar datos en el campo y digitalice en OpenStreetMap. ¡No es necesario tener conocimiento previo! Solo necesitas el deseo de participar, aprender y divertirte.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap, en Portland, ME' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime es, literalmente, el momento de hacer mapas. Nuestra misión es abrir las puertas de la posibilidad cartográfica a cualquier persona interesada creando un tiempo y espacio para el aprendizaje colaborativo, la exploración y la creación de mapas utilizando herramientas y tecnologías de mapeo.' + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + name: Slack de Maptime Oceanía + description: 'Registrarse en {signupUrl}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: Twitter de MaptimeHRVA + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: Reunión mensual pub de East Midlands (Nottingham) + description: Reunión social de mapeadores y usuarios de East Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Un grupo se ha estado reuniendo desde marzo de 2011, inicialmente en Nottingham, y más recientemente en Derby, y de vez en cuando en otras partes de East Midlands. Estas son reuniones sociales, pero son un excelente lugar para venir y hacer preguntas específicas sobre OSM, ya sea en el área o en general. En los meses de verano usualmente hacemos un mapeo ligero durante una hora en las cercanías de nuestro lugar de reunión. El grupo como un todo tiene un interés especial en el mapeo de los derechos de paso públicos y de vez en cuando tiene reuniones de mapeo para este propósito.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: Facebook de OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Unite a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Argentina en Facebook + extendedDescription: Novedades de la comunidad local + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Unite al foro web de OpenStreetMap Argentina + extendedDescription: 'Ideal para discusiones largas o importantes. Tiempo de respuesta lento. ' + OSM-AR-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: 'Unite a #osm-ar en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + extendedDescription: Puede que encuentres al usuario más geek de la comunidad. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-ar + description: Lista de correo electrónico histórica. Casi sin uso hoy en día. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Unite a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Argentina en Telegram + extendedDescription: 'El canal más activo de la comunidad, ideal para charlar y obtener respuestas a tus preguntas al instante. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Novedades de la comunidad local y OpenStreetMap en general. ' + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de OpenStreetMap Asia + description: Talk-asia es la lista de correo oficial para la comunidad asiática + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en Bangladesh + extendedDescription: '¿Mapeando en Bangladesh? ¿Tiene alguna pregunta, desea conectarse con la comunidad aquí? Únase a nosotros en {url}. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + events: + sotmasia2019: + name: State of the Map Asia 2019 + description: Únase al evento regional OpenStreetMap 2019 en State of the Map Asia en Dhaka + where: 'Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo talk-bo + description: Talk-bo es la lista de correo oficial de la comunidad boliviana de OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '¿Mapeando en Bolivia? ¿Tiene preguntas, quiere conectarse con la comunidad aquí? Únase a nosotros en {url}. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-BiH-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap BiH + description: 'Un grupo de Telegram para la comunidad OSM de Bosnia y Herzegovina: {url}' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Editores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el área de Boston + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap es el mapa del mundo gratuito y abierto al estilo wiki, con cientos de miles de contribuciones diarias de personas como usted. ¡Editar el mapa es simple y divertido! ¡Únete a nosotros tanto en el interior como en el exterior en nuestro esfuerzo por crear el mejor mapa del área de Boston y el resto del mundo!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: Slack de OSM-CA + description: '¡Todos son bienvenidos! Regístrese en {signupUrl}.' + OSM-CA-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de OSM-CA + description: Una lista de correo para discutir OpenStreetMap en Canadá. + OSM-CA-telegram: + name: '@osmca en Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Canada chat Telegram + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: Facebook de OpenStreetMap Chile + description: Únase a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Chile en Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Únase a la comunidad para obtener más información sobre OpenStreetMap, hacer preguntas o participar en nuestras reuniones ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-cl + description: Una lista de correo para discutir OpenStreetMap en Chile + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Chile + description: Únase a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Chile en Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Únase a la comunidad para obtener más información sobre OpenStreetMap, hacer preguntas o participar en nuestras reuniones. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Chile + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + OSM-CN-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap China + description: 'Un grupo de Telegram para la comunidad china de OSM: {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia + description: Noticias de la comunidad OpenStreetMap Colombia y la Fundación OSMCo + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: Facebook de OpenStreetMap Colombia + description: Únase a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Colombia en Facebook + extendedDescription: Únase a la comunidad para obtener más información sobre OpenStreetMap. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-co + description: Una lista de correo para discutir OpenStreetMap en Colombia + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Colombia en Telegram + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Colombia + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Colombia + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Cuba en Telegram + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Cuba + OSM-CZ-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap CZ + description: 'Un grupo de Telegram para la comunidad checa de OSM: {url}' + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + description: 'Mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap alrededor de Mount Vernon, WA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap es un mapa del mundo hecho por personas como usted. Es un mapa que creas, que se regala gratis como wikipedia. Visite osm.org para obtener más información. ¡Nos reunimos todo el tiempo para hablar de mapas, hacer mapas y divertirnos!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: El grupo de usuarios de OpenStreetMap para Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Editores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el Estado de Colorado, EE.UU.' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado es una colaboración local de personas interesadas en contribuir con sus esfuerzos para crear mapas gratuitos. Alentamos a todos nuestros cartógrafos a organizar o sugerir eventos de mapeo en todo el estado. Los encuentros pueden ser simples reuniones sociales, entrenamiento básico a avanzado de OSM o actividades de mapeo comunitario.' + OSM-Discord: + name: Discord de OpenStreetMap + description: Póngase en contacto con otros mapeadores a través de Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Ecuador en Telegram + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Ecuador + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-es + description: Una lista de correo para discutir OpenStreetMap en España + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes en Telegram' + description: Grupo de Telegram de OpenStreetMap España + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap en Facebook + description: Dénos me gusta en Facebook para recibir noticias y actualizaciones sobre OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonesia + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en Indonesia + extendedDescription: '¿Mapeando en Indonesia? ¿Tiene preguntas, quiere conectarse con la comunidad aquí? Únase a nosotros en {Url}. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-IRC: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap + description: 'Únase a #osm en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook + description: 'Página de Facebook de FSHM para conocer eventos y actividades de la comunidad' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organiza eventos relacionados con software/hardware, tecnología, activismo y OpenStreetMap. Su página FB es la mejor manera de mantenerse en contacto con sus eventos.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix + description: 'Grupo Riot de FSHM para discutir, compartir y actualizar actividades de mapeo, eventos en Puducherry y sus alrededores' + extendedDescription: 'Los miembros de la comunidad FSHM comparten sus actualizaciones / experiencias de mapeo de OSM a través del grupo Riot.im, este grupo también se usa para discutir cosas relacionadas con software / hardware, tecnología y activismo gratuitos.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap India - Mapeo participativo del barrio + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en India + extendedDescription: '¿Mapeando en India? ¿Tiene preguntas, quiere conectarse con la comunidad aquí? Únase a nosotros en {url}. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-Japan-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Japón + description: 'Un grupo de Telegram para la comunidad OSM Japón: {url}' + OSM-Kerala-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala - Mapeo participativo de vecindarios + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en Kerala + extendedDescription: '¿Mapeando en Kerala? ¿Tiene preguntas, quiere conectarse con la comunidad aquí? Únase a nosotros en {url}. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-Korea-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de OpenStreetMap Korea + description: Talk-ko es la lista de correo oficial para que las comunidades discutan asuntos sobre Corea + OSM-Korea-telegram: + name: Telegram de OSM Korea + description: 'Grupo no oficial para contribuyentes, comunidades y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en Corea para compartir y discutir.' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Birmania + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en Birmania + extendedDescription: '¿Mapeando en Birmania? ¿Tienes preguntas, quiere contactarse con la comunidad aquí? Únase a nosotros en {Url}. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolia + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en Mongolia + extendedDescription: '¿Mapeando en Mongolia? ¿Tiene preguntas, quiere conectarse con la comunidad aquí? Únase a nosotros en {Url}. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia en Facebook + description: ¡Para conversar sobre cualquier cosa relacionada con OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap Malasia + description: Foro oficial de OpenStreetMap Malaysia + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Canal Riot de OpenStreetMap Malaysia + description: '¡Todos los mapeadores son bienvenidos! Regístrese en {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en Nepal + extendedDescription: '¿Mapeando en Nepal? ¿Tiene preguntas, quiere conectarse con la comunidad aquí? Únase a nosotros en {Url}. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-Ottawa-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ottawa + description: Mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el área de Ottawa + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Perú + description: Noticias y recursos para la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Perú + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: Facebook de OpenStreetMap Perú + description: Únase a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Perú en Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-pe + description: La lista de correo oficial para la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Perú + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: Chat de Matrix de OpenStreetMap Perú + description: Chatea con otros miembros de la comunidad OpenStreetMap Perú en Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Perú + description: Únase a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Perú en Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Perú + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: Grupo de Facebook OpenStreetMap PH + description: 'Bienvenido a OpenStreetMap Filipinas, donde animamos a los Filipinos a contribuir al proyecto OpenStreetMap' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-ph + description: Una lista de correo para discutir OpenStreetMap en Filipinas + OSM-PH-slack: + name: Slack de OpenStreetMap PH + description: '¡Todos son bienvenidos! Regístrate en {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap PH + description: 'Comunidad local en Telegram no oficial de contribuidores y amigos de OpenStreetMap en Filipinas' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: Grupo de Facebook de OpenStreetMap Polonia + description: Grupo para mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en Polonia + OSM-PL-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap Polonia + description: Foro de la comunidad polaca OpenStreetMap + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguay en Telegram + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Paraguay + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el área de Portland + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) es un mapa del mundo creado por personas como tú. Es un mapa que tú creas, que se regala gratis como wikipedia. Visita osm.org para obtener más información, ¡y únete a nosotros en un encuentro para hablar de mapas, contribuir con OSM y divertirse!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: Grupo de Google de OpenStreetMap PDX + description: Foro y lista de correo para usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el área de Portland + extendedDescription: 'Este grupo es para facilitar las mejoras en OpenStreetMap en el área de Portland, Oregon, para dar soporte a aplicaciones como Open Trip Planner.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Movimiento de hardware software libre - Lista de correo + description: Lista de correo de FSHM Puducherry para discutir el mapeo en Puducherry y otras cosas. + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organiza eventos relacionados con software / hardware libre, tecnología, activismo y OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: Foro OpenStreetMap RU + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Rusia + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap RU + description: Chat de telegram de OpenStreetMap Rusia + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap en Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ es un gran lugar para aprender más sobre OpenStreetMap. ¡Pregúntenos cualquier cosa! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Encuentro de mapeadores de Roma + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en el área de Roma + extendedDescription: 'Nuestro objetivo es ser un recurso para que las personas discutan y compartan conocimientos sobre la utilización de conjuntos de datos geográficos libres, especialmente OpenStreetMap, y software geoespacial abierto que gestiona, edita y muestra datos geográficos, y aboga por su uso en Lazio.' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: Editores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el área de Seattle + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Southern California + description: '¡Divirtámonos, contribuyamos con algo a Los Ángeles y aprendamos a mapear!' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California es para todos aquellos interesados ​​en mapear para trabajar juntos con OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, la Wikipedia de mapas, es un mapa de código abierto y gratuito creado por más de 1,000,000 de voluntarios en todo el mundo. Todos son bienvenidos. Si no conoce OpenStreetMap, le enseñaremos. Si tiene una idea para un proyecto de mapeo o incluso una excursión que el grupo pueda hacer, ¡genial!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + description: Noches de mapeo organizadas por Code for San Jose + extendedDescription: 'Code for San Jose, la brigada local del Code for America, organiza noches de mapeo mensuales los jueves por la noche en el centro de San José. Conozca a otros mapeadores de South Bay, ayude con proyectos de mapeo locales y escuche sobre otros proyectos de tecnología cívica. No se requieren habilidades de programación ni GIS.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: Meetup de OSM en Chiang Mai + description: Reunión irregular de la comunidad OpenStreetMap en Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Los miembros de la comunidad OpenStreetMap se reúnen cada pocos meses en Chiang Mai. Póngase en contacto y eche un vistazo a {url} para ver cuándo está programada la próxima reunión' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: Grupo de Facebook de OpenStreetMap TH + description: Grupo de Facebook para OpenStreetMappers en Tailandia + OSM-TH-forum: + name: Foro OpenStreetMap TH + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Tailandia + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: Comunidad de OpenStreetMap Taiwan + description: Grupo de Facebook para mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap para discutir asuntos sobre Taiwán. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de OpenStreetMap Taiwán + description: Talk-tw es la lista de correo oficial para que las Comunidades discutan asuntos sobre Taiwán + OSM-TW-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Taiwán + description: 'Un grupo de Telegram para la comunidad OSM Taiwán: {url}' + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay + description: Editores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el área de Tampa Bay + extendedDescription: 'El grupo OSM de residentes locales de Tampa Bay para reunirnos y construir el mapa definitivo de Tampa Bay con OpenStreetMap, el mapa libre y editable del mundo. Si te van los mapas, el código abierto, GPS, senderismo, ciclismo, etcetera, te encantará trabajar con OpenStreetMap -- ¡así que únete! Nos juntaremos y haremos mapas y hablaremos de nuevos temas una vez al mes o así.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap + description: 'Únase al supergrupo global Telegram de OpenStreetMap en {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap EE.UU. + description: Ayudamos a crecer y mejorar OpenStreetMap en los Estados Unidos. + extendedDescription: 'Apoyamos OpenStreetMap celebrando conferencias anuales, proporcionando recursos comunitarios, creando alianzas y dando a conocer. Únase a OpenStreetMap EE.UU. aquí: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: Slack de OpenStreetMap EE.UU. + description: '¡Todos son bienvenidos! Regístrate en {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Editores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el área de Salt Lake City + extendedDescription: 'Las actividades pueden incluir cosas como talleres para Aprender a Hacer Mapas, actividades de mapeo y recolección de datos al aire libre. Los eventos tendrán lugar en el área de SLC, al menos inicialmente. Estamos buscando mapeadores experimentados, así como personas nuevas en OSM. ¡Únase y mapeemos juntos!' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + description: 'Mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el área de Vancouver, BC' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Editores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el área de Wyoming + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming es una colaboración local de personas interesadas en contribuir con sus esfuerzos para crear mapas gratuitos. Alentamos a todos nuestros cartógrafos a organizar o sugerir eventos de mapeo en todo el estado. Las actividades de reunión pueden ser simples reuniones sociales, entrenamiento básico a avanzado de OSM o fiestas de mapeo de la comunidad.' + OSM-br-discord: + name: Discord de OpenStreetMap Brasil + description: Únete a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Brasil en Discord + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-br + description: Una lista de correo para discutir OpenStreetMap en Brasil + OSM-br-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Brasil + description: Únase a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Brasil en Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Únase a la comunidad para obtener más información sobre OpenStreetMap, hacer preguntas o participar en nuestras reuniones. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Brasil + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Ayuda de OpenStreetMap + description: Haga una pregunta y obtenga respuestas en el sitio de preguntas y respuestas dirigido por la comunidad de OSM. + extendedDescription: '{url} es para todos los que necesitan ayuda con OpenStreetMap. Si usted es un mapeador principiante o tiene una pregunta técnica, ¡estamos aquí para ayudarlo!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de OpenStreetMap India + description: Talk-in es la lista de correo oficial para la comunidad hindú + OSM-india-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap India + description: 'Estamos a solo un tweet: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Comunidad OpenStreetMap Japón + description: Mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en Japón + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de OpenStreetMap Japón + description: Talk-ja es una lista de correo oficial para la Comunidad Japonesa + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Japón + description: 'Hashtag en Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japón + description: Mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en Japón + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka + description: Mejorar OpenStreetMap en Sri Lanka + extendedDescription: '¿Mapeando en Sri Lanka? ¿Tiene preguntas, quiere conectarse con la comunidad aquí? Únase a nosotros en {Url}. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + OSMF: + name: Fundación OpenStreetMap + description: OSMF es una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en el Reino Unido que respalda el proyecto OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'OSMF apoya a OpenStreetMap mediante la recaudación de fondos, el mantenimiento de los servidores que impulsan OSM, la organización de la conferencia anual State of the Map y la coordinación de los voluntarios que mantienen OSM en funcionamiento. Puede mostrar su apoyo y tener una voz en la dirección de OpenStreetMap uniéndose como miembro de OSMF aquí: {signupUrl}' + events: + sotm2020: + name: State of the Map 2020 + description: 'Únase a nosotros durante 3 días en Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica, para la conferencia anual mundial de OpenStreetMap, que reúne a todos en la comunidad para socializar, compartir y aprender.' + where: 'Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en el área de Cleveland + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland pretende ser un recurso para que las personas discutan y compartan conocimientos sobre el uso de conjuntos de datos geográficos libres, especialmente OpenStreetMap, y software geoespacial abierto que gestiona, edita y muestra datos geográficos, y aboga por su uso en el noreste de Ohio. También somos un capítulo maptime =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: Meetup de PHXGeo + description: 'Editores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en el área de Phoenix, AZ' + extendedDescription: 'Este es un grupo de encuentro para aquellos en el área de Phoenix que les gustan los mapas, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartografía y cualquier cosa similar.' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: Twitter de PHXGeo + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: Grupo de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul + description: Únase a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul en Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Únase a la comunidad para obtener más información sobre OpenStreetMap, hacer preguntas o participar en nuestras reuniones. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: Lista de correo de OpenStreetMap para Tirol del Sur + description: Lista de conversaciones regionales de OpenStreetMap Italia para Tirol del Sur + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Lista de correo de OpenStreetMap para Trentino + description: Lista de conversaciones regionales de OpenStreetMap Italia para Trentino + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Facebook de Western Slope OSM + description: 'Editores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en Grand Junction, CO' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Meetup de Western Slope OSM + description: 'Editores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en Grand Junction, CO' + extendedDescription: 'El objetivo de este grupo es presentar OpenStreetMap a la comunidad, desarrollar una comunidad de mapeadores, crear datos geográficos lo más increíble posible utilizando cualquier método que podamos y, finalmente, crear una estrategia con el fin de obtener esta información de nuestra comunidad. ¡Imagine la señalización precisa del sendero! ¡Imagine un mayor desarrollo de las ciclovías! ¡Imagina lo que quieras, esa es la gracia de OpenStreetMap!' + al-forum: + name: Foro de OSM de Albania + description: Foro de OpenStreetMap de Albania + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: ¡Eventos sociales organizados alrededor del mapeando - principiantes más bienvenidos! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime es un entorno de aprendizaje abierto para todos los niveles y grados de conocimiento, que ofrece apoyo educativo intencional para el principiante. Maptime es a la vez flexible y estructurado, creando espacio para mapeando de tutoriales, talleres, proyectos en curso con un objetivo compartido, y tiempo de trabajo independiente/colaborativo.' + al-telegram: + name: Canal de Telegram de OSM de Albania + description: Canal de Telegram de OpenStreetMap de Albania + al-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Albania + description: 'Síganos en Twitter en {url}' + at-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap Austria + description: El foro oficial para preguntas sobre OpenStreetMap en y alrededor de Austria + at-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-at + description: Talk-at es la lista de correo oficial de la comunidad austríaca de OSM + at-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Austria + description: 'OpenStreetMap Austria en Twitter: {url}' + be-chapter: + name: Capítulo local de OpenStreetMap Bélgica + description: Ayudamos a crecer y mejorar OpenStreetMap en Bélgica. + extendedDescription: 'Si desea ayudar a mejorar y hacer crecer la comunidad de mapeo en Bélgica, para hacer que aún más personas se vuelvan locas por mapear, ¡OpenStreetMap Belgium es el lugar adecuado para usted!' + be-facebook: + name: Comunidad de Facebook OpenStreetMap BE + description: Mapeadores y OpenStreetMap en Facebook en Bélgica + be-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap BE + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Bélgica + be-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap Bélgica + description: 'Únete a #osmbe en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Unirse a #osmbe en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667), está puenteado con el canal de chat Matrix' + be-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-be + description: Talk-be es la lista de correo oficial para la comunidad belga de OSM + be-matrix: + name: Canal Matrix de OpenStreetMap BE + description: ¡Todos los mapeadores son bienvenidos! + extendedDescription: La mayoría de las charlas ocurren en el canal "OpenStreetMap Belgium". ¡Puede preguntar cualquier cosa allí! Las otras salas son para temas específicos. + be-meetup: + name: Meetup de OpenStreetMap Bélgica + description: Reuniones en la vida real de todos los interesados en OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Las reuniones presenciales son geniales para conocer a otros mapeadores, hacerles preguntas y aprender mucho. ¡Son especialmente bienvenidos los nuevos contribuidores!' + be-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Bélgica + description: 'OSM Bélgica en Twitter: @osm_be' + bg-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap Bulgaria + description: Foro de la comunidad OpenStreetMap en Bulgaria + bg-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Bulgaria + description: Página de Wikiproyecto para Bulgaria + bi-vc-cvl_wiki: + name: OSMers BI-VC-CVL + description: Mapeadores del norte de Piamonte + extendedDescription: 'Además de las reuniones mensuales, también tenemos un grupo de WhatsApp.' + bw-facebook: + name: Mapeo de Botswana en Facebook + description: Página de OpenStreetMap en Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Mapeo de Botswana en Twitter + description: Twitter de OpenStreetMap en Botswana + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Belarús + description: Grupo de telegram de OpenStreetMap Belarús + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Universidad de Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Este es el identificador oficial del capítulo de Jóvenes Cartografistas de la Universidad de Cape Coast, Ghana. Nos encantan los mapas, los datos abiertos y ayudar a las personas vulnerables.' + ch-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap Suiza + description: 'Únase a #osm-ch en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + ch-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Openstreetmap Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera / Svizra + description: Lista de correo de Suiza + ch-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Suiza + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter: {url}' + cuneo-telegram: + name: Mapeadores de OpenStreetMap Cuneo + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Cuneo + czech-community: + name: Comunidad checa OSM + description: 'Portal de mapas, sitio web y contactos sobre miembros de OSM en Chequia' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Berlín + description: Esta es la lista de correo de la comunidad de OSM de Berlín + de-berlin-meetup: + name: Meetup de OpenStreetMap Berlín-Brandenburgo + description: Mapeadores y usuarios en OpenStreetMap en el área de Berlín + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin en Telegram' + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Berlín + de-berlin-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Berlín + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap DE + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Alemania + de-hamburg-telegram: + name: OSM Hamburgo en Telegram + description: 'Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Hamburgo: {url}' + de-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap Alemania + description: 'Únase a #osm-de en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-de + description: Talk-de es la lista de correo oficial para la comunidad alemana de OSM + de-matrix: + name: Matrix de OpenStreetMap Alemania + description: 'Únase a #osm-de: matrix.org en https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org' + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo OWL + description: Esta es la lista de correo de la comunidad Ostwestfalen-Lippe de OSM + de-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Alemania + description: 'Únase al supergrupo de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Alemania en {url}' + de-viersen-meetup: + name: Meetup de OpenStreetMap Viersen + description: Reunión de la comunidad y usuarios de OSM Kreis Viersen y Mönchengladbach + dk-forum: + name: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + dk-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + description: 'Únase a #osm-dk en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-dk + description: Una lista de correo para discutir OpenStreetMap en Dinamarca + es-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap España + description: 'Síganos en Twitter en {url}' + et-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapEthiopia en Telegram' + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Etiopía + fi-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap FI + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Finlandia + fi-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap Finlandia + description: 'Únase a #osm-fi en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-fi + description: Talk-fi es la lista de correo oficial para la comunidad finlandesa de OSM + fr-chapter: + name: Capítulo local de OpenStreetMap Francia + description: Ayudamos a crecer y mejorar OpenStreetMap en Francia + fr-facebook: + name: Página de Facebook de OpenStreetMap Francia + description: Página de Facebook de OpenStreetMap Francia + fr-forum: + name: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Francia + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Francia + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Francia en IRC + description: 'Únase a #osm-fr en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-fr + description: Lista de correo Talk-fr + fr-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Francia en Telegram + description: 'Un grupo de Telegram para la comunidad de OSM Francia: {url}' + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Francia en Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Francia en Twitter: {url}' + galicia-wiki: + name: Wikiproyecto de OpenStreetMap Galicia + description: 'Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el mapeo en Galicia: {url} (las herramientas del mundo OSM también están disponibles en gallego, ¡anímate!)' + gb-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap Reino Unido + description: 'Únase a #osm-gb en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Únase a #osm-gb en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667), sea paciente y espere unos minutos si hace una pregunta' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-gb + description: Talk-gb es la lista principal de foros de comunicación para la comunidad OSM del Reino Unido (incluida Irlanda del Norte) + geogeeks_perth_meetup: + name: Grupo de Meetup de GeoGeeks Perth + description: 'Grupo de reuniones basado en Perth para personas interesadas en mapas, datos geoespaciales y código abierto. Estaremos trabajando en cualquier cosa que implique un sentido de lugar.' + guatemala-telegram: + name: OSM Guatemala en Telegram + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Guatemala + hr-facebook: + name: Grupo de Facebook de OpenStreetMap de Croacia + description: Grupo de Facebook de OpenStreetMap de Croacia + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Croacia en IRC + description: 'Únete a #osm-hr en irc.freenode.org (puerto 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-hr + description: Lista de correo Talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: Facebook de OpenStreetMap HU + description: Facebook de Mapeadores y OpenStreetMap en Hungría + hu-forum: + name: Foro OpenStreetMap HU + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Hungría + hu-matrix: + name: Sala de matrix de OpenStreetMap HU + description: Chat de matrix de OpenStreetMap Hungría + extendedDescription: Chat de OpenStreetMap sobre temas del mapa. Uno de los foros de soporte de la comunidad OSM. + hu-meetup: + name: Meetup de OpenStreetMap Hungría + description: La plataforma para organizar encuentros en Hungría + il-telegram: + name: OSM Israel en Telegram + description: 'Un grupo de Telegram para la comunidad OpenStreetMap en Israel: {url}' + ireland-chapter: + name: Capítulo local de OpenStreetMap Irlanda + description: Ayudamos a crecer y mejorar OpenStreetMap en Irlanda. + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap Irlanda ofrece una voz de defensa para el proyecto OpenStreetMap en la isla de Irlanda, además de interactuar con otras iniciativas abiertas.' + ireland-facebook: + name: Grupo de Facebook OpenStreetMap Irlanda + description: Página de Facebook de OpenStreetMap Irlanda + ireland-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap Irlanda + description: 'Únase a #osm-ie en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Únase a #osm-ie en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667), tenga paciencia y espere unos minutos si hace una pregunta' + ireland-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-ie + description: Talk-ie es la lista de correo de la comunidad irlandesa de OSM + ireland-telegram: + name: OSM Irlanda en Telegram + description: Chat de Telegram OpenStreetMap Irlanda + ireland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap IE en Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap IE en Twitter: {url}' + is-chapter: + name: Capítulo local de OpenStreetMap Islandia + description: Ayudamos a crecer y mejorar OpenStreetMap en Islandia. + is-facebook: + name: OSM Islandia en Facebook + description: Página de OpenStreetMap en Islandia + is-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-is + description: Talk-is es la lista de correo oficial de la comunidad islandesa OSM + is-twitter: + name: OSM Islandia en Twitter + description: Twitter de OpenStreetMap en Islandia + it-chapter: + name: Capítulo local de OpenStreetMap Italia + description: Ayudamos a crecer y mejorar OpenStreetMap en Italia. + it-facebook: + name: Facebook de OpenStreetMap Italia + description: Únase a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Italia en Facebook + it-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap Italia + description: 'Únase a #osm-it en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-it + description: Talk-it es la lista de correo oficial de la comunidad OSM italiana + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia en Telegram' + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Italia + it-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Italia + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter en {url}' + kazakhstan-telegram: + name: OSM Kazajstán en Telegram + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Kazajstán + kosovo-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo en Matrix (puenteado con el de Telegram) + description: Grupo público semioficial de todo Kosovo. Damos la bienvenida a todos los mapeadores desde cualquier lugar en cualquier idioma. + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo en Telegram + description: Grupo público de Telegram semi-oficial sobre Kosovo. Damos la bienvenida a todos los mapeadores de cualquier lugar en cualquier idioma. + latam-facebook: + name: Facebook de OpenStreetMap Latinoamérica + description: Mapeadores y OpenStreetMap en Facebook Latinoamérica + latam-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap América Latina + description: 'Únase a #osm-latam en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + latam-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-latam + description: Talk-latam es la lista de correo oficial para la comunidad latinoamericana de OpenStreetMap + latam-matrix: + name: Matrix de OpenStreetMap Latinoamérica + description: 'Chatee con otros miembros de la comunidad OSM de Latinoamérica, está puenteado con el chat de Telegram' + latam-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Latinoamérica + description: 'Chatee con otros miembros de la comunidad latinoamericana de OSM, está puenteado con el chat Matrix' + latam-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Latinoamérica + description: 'OpenStreetMap Latinoamérica en Twitter: {url}' + latam-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Latinoamérica + description: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre mapeo en Latinoamérica + lu-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-lu + description: Lista de correo oficial para la comunidad OSM de Luxemburgo + mailinglist-sk-googlegroups: + name: Lista de correo eslovaca en grupos de google + description: Lista de correo oficial para la comunidad eslovaca + map-kibera: + name: Map Kibera Trust + description: Map Kibera es una organización registrada que trabaja en Kenia + extendedDescription: La misión de Map Kibera Trust es aumentar la influencia y la representación de las comunidades marginadas a través del uso creativo de herramientas digitales para la acción. + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Grupo local Mappa Mercia + description: Un hogar para entusiastas de OpenStreetMap en las Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia es un proyecto para hacer crecer OpenStreetMap en West Midlands, Reino Unido. Organizamos eventos comunitarios, proporcionamos capacitación y apoyamos a las organizaciones locales que desean abrir sus datos.' + md-googlegroup: + name: Grupo de Google de OSM Moldova + description: Grupo de Google de OpenStreetMap Moldova + md-telegram: + name: '@OSMMoldova en Telegram' + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Moldova + ni-facebook: + name: Comunidad OpenStreetMap NI + description: Mapeadores y OpenStreetMap en Facebook Nicaragua + ni-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-ni + description: Talk-ni es la lista de correo oficial de la comunidad nicaragüense de OSM + ni-telegram: + name: OSM Nicaragua en Telegram + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Nicaragua + ni-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Nicaragua + description: 'OSM Nicaragua en Twitter: @osm_ni' + nl-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap de los Países Bajos + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap de los Países Bajos + nl-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap de los Países Bajos + description: 'Un grupo de Telegram para la comunidad OSM de los Países Bajos: {url}' + no-forum: + name: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Noruega + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Noruega + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Norway en IRC + description: 'Sala de chat para mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap, desarrolladores y entusiastas en Noruega' + no-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de OpenStreetMap Noruega + description: 'Lista de correo para mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap, desarrolladores y entusiastas en Noruega' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no en Telegram' + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Noruega + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Afganistán + description: Mejore OpenStreetMap en Afganistán + osm-africa-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap África + description: Telegram de OpenStreetMap África + osm-asia-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Asia + description: 'Únete a nuestra familia: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria + description: La plataforma de información sobre OpenStreetMap en Austria + osm-ch: + name: OpenStreetMap Suiza + description: La plataforma de información sobre OpenStreetMap en Suiza + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Alemania + description: La plataforma de información sobre OpenStreetMap en Alemania + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana en Facebook + description: Grupo de Facebook para personas interesadas en OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Mapeadores en la comunidad de Ghana, promocionando los proyectos OpenStreetMap y Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) en Ghana. Únete a nosotros.' + osm-gh-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Ghana + description: Comunidad OpenStreetMap Ghana en Telegram + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana en Twitter + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap India + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap India + osm-india-github: + name: GitHub de OpenStreetMap India + description: 'Codifique con nosotros: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap India + description: 'Únase a nuestra familia: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap India + description: Mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en India + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproyecto India + description: 'Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el mapeo en la India: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: Youtube de OpenStreetMap India + description: 'Suscríbase a nuestro canal: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: Aparat de OpenStreetMap Irán + description: 'Suscríbase a nuestro canal en {url}' + extendedDescription: Un buen recurso de videos sobre cualquier cosa relacionada con OpenStreetMap. Principalmente en persa. + osm-iran-forum: + name: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Irán + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Irán + extendedDescription: Un foro web para usuarios de OpenStreetMap en Irán. ¡Siéntase libre de hacer preguntas y discutir con otros! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Irán + description: 'Le invitamos a unirse a nuestro canal de Telegram en {url}. También tenemos un supergrupo de muchos OSMeros interesados ​​en Irán. Encuentre el enlace en la bio del canal.' + osm-kenya: + name: OSM Kenya + description: OSM Kenya es una comunidad de contribuyentes y usuarios de OSM + extendedDescription: 'OSM es una comunidad local para individuos interesados ​​en OpenStreetMap que incluye organizaciones, desarrolladores y capítulos de YouthMappers en el país.' + osm-kerala-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Kerala + description: 'Mapeamos Kerala juntos. Únase a nuestro grupo de telegram. {url}' + osm-kerala-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala + description: 'Quiere saber más sobre el mapeo de Kerala: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Grupo de Facebook OpenStreetMap Madagascar + description: Grupo de Facebook Malgache para gente interesada en OpenStreetMap + osm-ni: + name: MapaNica.net + description: Proporciona servicios e información de OSM para la comunidad local en Nicaragua + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Proporcionar servicios e información OSM para la comunidad local en Suecia + osm-za-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Sudáfrica en Twitter + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter: {url}' + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ en Facebook + description: ¡Siga a la comunidad checa en Facebook, incluido el WeeklyOSM traducido! + osmcz-twitter: + name: Twitter checo @osmcz + description: ¡Siga a la comunidad checa en Twitter, incluido el WeeklyOSM traducido! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: Meetup de la comunidad de OSM en Graz + description: Reunión mensual de la comunidad OpenStreetMap en Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: Comunidad de OSM Graz en twitter + description: Comunidad de OpenstreetMap en Graz en twitter + panama-telegram: + name: OSM Panamá en Telegram + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Panamá + pt-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-pt + description: Talk-pt es la lista de correo oficial de la comunidad OSM portuguesa + pt-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Portugal en Telegram + description: 'Grupo de Telegram de la comunidad portuguesa de OpenStreetMap {url}' + romania-facebook: + name: Grupo de Facebook de OpenStreetMap Rumania + description: Grupo para mapeadores y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en Rumania + romania-telegram: + name: '@OSMRomania en Telegram' + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Rumania + sa-telegram: + name: OSM Arabia Saudita en Telegram + description: 'Un grupo de Telegram para la comunidad OpenStreetMap en Arabia Saudita: {url}' + scotland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Alba en Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Alba en Twitter: {url}' + se-facebook: + name: Facebook de OpenStreetMap Suecia + description: OpenStreetMap Suecia en Facebook + se-forum: + name: Foro Web de OpenStreetMap Suecia + description: Foro Web de OpenStreetMap Suecia + se-irc: + name: IRC de OpenStreetMap Suecia + description: 'Únase a #osm.se en irc.oftc.net (puerto 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo Talk-se + description: Una lista de correo para discutir OpenStreetMap en Suecia + se-telegram: + name: OSM Suecia en Telegram + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Suecia + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Suecia en Twitter + description: 'Síguenos en Twitter: {url}' + si-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap Eslovenia + description: Foro de la comunidad OpenStreetMap en Eslovenia + si-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de OpenStreetMap en Eslovenia + description: Lista de correo de la comunidad de OpenStreetMap en Eslovenia + si-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap Eslovenia + description: 'Sigue a OpenStreetMap Eslovenia en Twitter: {url}' + sk-facebook: + name: Página de Facebook de la comunidad Freemap.sk Eslovaquia + description: Página de Facebook de la comunidad Freemap.sk Eslovaquia + sk-freemap: + name: Web de OpenStreetMap Freemap Eslovaquia + description: OpenStreetMapSitio web de mapas de OpenStreetMap con herramientas en Eslovaquia y regiones circundantes + sk-freemap-wiki: + name: Wiki de OpenStreetMap Freemap Eslovaquia + description: Wiki de OpenStreetMap para mapeadores y comunidad eslovaca + sk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Freemap Eslovaquia en Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Eslovaquia en Twitter: {url}' + talk-au: + name: Lista de correo Talk-au + description: Lugar para que los mapeadores australianos chateen + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo checa (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz es la lista de correo oficial para la comunidad checa + talk-gh: + name: Lista de correo Talk-gh + description: Talk-gh es la lista de correo oficial de la comunidad OSM de Ghana. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap IT Lazio + description: '¡Todos son bienvenidos! Regístrese en {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Lista de correo para el área de Roma y Lazio. + talk-it-piemonte_mailinglist: + name: Lista regional de OSM Italia para Piemonte + description: '¡Todos son bienvenidos! Regístrese en {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Lista de correo para la región de Piemonte. + talk-mg: + name: Lista de correo Talk-mg + description: 'Lugar para contribuidores, comunidades y usuarios de OpenStreetMap en Madagascar para compartir y debatir.' + talk-nz: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-nz + description: Charla comunitaria OSM de Nueva Zelanda + talk-za: + name: Lista de correo Talk-za + description: Talk-za es la lista de correo oficial para la comunidad sudafricana de OSM + ua-facebook: + name: Grupo de Facebook OpenStreetMap Ucrania + description: Únete a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Ucrania en Facebook + ua-forum: + name: Forum de OpenStreetMap Ucrania + description: Foro de la comunidad OpenStreetMap en Ucrania + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Ucrania está en GitHub + description: GitHub de OpenStreetMap Ucrania + ua-osm: + name: Web de OpenStreetMap Ucrania + description: Sitio web de OpenStreetMap en Ucrania + ua-slack: + name: Slack de OpenStreetMap Ucrania + description: Únete a la comunidad OpenStreetMap Ukraine en Slack + ua-telegram: + name: '@osmUA en Telegram' + description: Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Ucrania + ua-twitter: + name: Twitter de OpenStreetMap UA + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ucrania en Twitter: {url}' + uk-localchapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Reino Unido + description: El Capítulo local oficial para el Reino Unido (incluida Irlanda del Norte) + extendedDescription: 'Apoyamos OpenStreetMap mediante la organización de eventos, el suministro de recursos a la comunidad, la creación de asociaciones y la difusión. Únase a OpenStreetMap Reino Unido aquí: {signupUrl}' + uk-london-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Londres en Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Londres en Twitter: {url}' + uk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Reino Unido en Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Reino Unido en Twitter: {url}' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-us-massachusetts + description: Lista de correo de la comunidad OSM de Massachusetts + uy-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap UY + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Uruguay + uy-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Uruguay en IRC + description: 'Únase a #osmuruguay en irc.freenode.org (puerto 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Únase a #osmuruguay en irc.freenode.org' + uy-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-uy + description: Talk-uy es la lista de correo oficial de la comunidad uruguaya de OSM + uzbekistan-telegram: + name: OSM Uzbekistán en Telegram + description: 'Chat de Telegram de OpenStreetMap Uzbekistán ' + ve-forum: + name: Foro de OpenStreetMap VE + description: Foro web de OpenStreetMap Venezuela + ve-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correo de Talk-ve + description: Talk-ve es la lista de correo oficial de la comunidad OSM de Venezuela + ve-telegram: + name: Telegram de OpenStreetMap Venezuela + description: Únase a la comunidad de OpenStreetMap Venezuela en Telegram + ym-AASTU: + name: AASTU Youth Mappers + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Addis Abeba + extendedDescription: 'La Asociación de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Geomática (AGES) tiene como objetivo promover los productos y servicios SIG, así como capacitar a los estudiantes sobre el uso de los mismos. No solo promueve la socialización entre los estudiantes y los profesionales en ejercicio, sino que también proporciona una plataforma para intercambiar nuevas ideas para la realización de nuevos SIG y eventos de encuestas y capacitación en la universidad.' + ym-Abia-State-University: + name: AbsuMappersTeam + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad Estatal de Abia + extendedDescription: 'AbsuMappersTeam es un equipo voluntario de entusiastas de mapas, que utiliza openstreetmap, SIG y otra tecnología geoespacial de código abierto para resolver problemas. Está dedicado a la respuesta ante desastres utilizando OpenStreetMap. Es una plataforma de capacitación y capacitación profesional para aquellos con pasión por el SIG y la cartografía. Es una comunidad de voluntarios para la creación de datos geoespaciales, la recopilación de datos de campo y el mapeo. El equipo fue cofundado por Victor N.Sunday (el mentor del equipo) y el profesor J.U.Ogbonna, el coordinador del equipo y el asesor de la facultad. AbsuMapperTeam es un afiliado de UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt. El equipo apoya el desarrollo sostenible utilizando tecnología geoespacial' + ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University: + name: YouthMappers-AMEU + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad episcopal metodista africana + ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University: + name: ABU Geomappers + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad Ahmadu Bello. + extendedDescription: 'Somos un grupo de mapeadores humanitarios basados ​​en datos, que estamos dedicados a brindar un servicio humanitario en respuesta a desastres y mitigación. Nos complace contribuir con nuestra experiencia y conocimiento a través del mapeo y ayudar a difundir #OpenEvangelism a través de la capacitación y la colaboración.' + ym-Ardhi-University: + name: ARU Mapper + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Ardhi + extendedDescription: Como futuros consultores de datos geoespaciales, buscamos educar y asesorar a la sociedad sobre cómo pueden utilizar los datos espaciales no solo como una forma de ubicación, sino también como una herramienta para la toma de decisiones y predecir diferentes cambios climáticos y peligrosos que pueden perjudicarlos o futuras generaciones. + ym-Asian-University-for-Women: + name: YouthMappers en AUW + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la universidad asiática para mujeres + extendedDescription: 'La Universidad Asiática para Mujeres busca graduarse que serán profesionales capacitados e innovadores, líderes orientadas al servicio en las empresas y comunidades en las que trabajarán y vivirán, y promotoras de la comprensión intercultural y el desarrollo humano y económico sostenible en Asia y en todo el mundo.' + ym-Ball-State-University: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la universidad estatal de Ball + extendedDescription: 'Nuestro capítulo es muy activo. Nos enfocamos principalmente en eventos comunitarios, recaudación de fondos y excursiones. Actualmente estamos buscando desarrollar más actividades relacionadas con el mapeo para atraer a otros estudiantes del campus que puedan estar interesados ​​en contribuir.' + ym-Busitema-University: + name: Good Mappers + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Busitema + extendedDescription: Good mappers es un equipo de estudiantes en la Universidad de Busitema. Su objetivo principal es crear una comunidad de mapeadores experimentados que puedan contribuir al mapa mundial. + ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: CalU PA GIS Club + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de California de Pennsylvania + extendedDescription: Los estudiantes de SIG en Cal U aprenden a aplicar la teoría espacial al mundo real. El programa de estudios universitarios se centra en la geografía, así como en la utilización de SIG en la gestión de emergencias. + ym-Central-Washington-University: + name: Club de geografía + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad Central de Washington + extendedDescription: 'Nuestro objetivo de asociarnos con Youthmappers es brindar alivio a las áreas que necesitan mapeo humanitario. Al hacerlo, estamos sirviendo a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en todo el mundo, así como a mejorar nuestras propias habilidades de cartografía.' + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el Centro Universitario de Investigación y Aplicación en Teledetección (CURAT) en la Universidad Felix Houphouet Boigny + extendedDescription: El objetivo de nuestro capítulo es promover el uso del mapeo libre colaborativo y el uso de datos de openstreetmap en el campo de la investigación y su aplicación en la implementación de herramientas para la toma de decisiones. Ayudar a los estudiantes a producir sus propios datos de su investigación. + ym-Clemson-University: + name: Clemson Mappers + description: El capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Clemson + extendedDescription: "Los estudiantes en Clemson son apoyados por el Centro de Tecnologías Geoespaciales, una comunidad de profesionales interdisciplinarios de las ciencias geoespaciales que apoyan las actividades de investigación, enseñanza y divulgación utilizando tecnologías que permiten la recopilación, análisis y aplicación de datos geoespaciales. Los estudiantes integran tecnologías geoespaciales en sus actividades académicas en todas las disciplinas y crean conexiones en todo el mundo." + ym-College-of-William-and-Mary: + name: ¡Por todo el mapa! + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en el colegio de William y Mary + extendedDescription: "Los estudiantes que están en todo el mapa son apoyados por el Centro para el Análisis Geoespacial, un grupo que integra SIG en todo el plan de estudios y proporciona a los estudiantes y profesores el hardware, el software y la experiencia. Los estudiantes de todos los orígenes utilizan SIG en todo el campus, incluidas las ciencias y políticas ambientales, geología, historia, negocios, sociología, biología, antropología, políticas públicas y ciencias marinas." + ym-Cornell-University: + name: Sociedad cartográfica + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Cornell + extendedDescription: 'Los estudiantes y la facultad de Cornell utilizan datos abiertos y software de código abierto para abordar los desafíos a escala local, nacional y global. Al hacerlo, avanzamos en nuestros objetivos académicos y personales de desarrollar nuestras propias habilidades en torno al SIG y la alfabetización espacial.' + ym-Cuttington-University: + name: YouthMappers universitarios de Cuttington + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Cuttington + extendedDescription: 'Los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Cuttington, Suakoko y el condado de Bong estaban compuestos por estudiantes de tres departamentos diferentes; a saber, el Departamento de Gestión de Recursos Naturales “DONRM”, el Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales y el Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Desde el establecimiento del Capítulo en febrero de 2017, la membresía total es de 20 estudiantes, y cada departamento contiene 5 estudiantes.' + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + name: GDEV + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Tecnología Dedan Kimathi + extendedDescription: 'GDEV es un grupo de entusiastas de GIS en DeKUT que tiene como objetivo ayudar a los estudiantes a compartir, participar y aprender unos de otros en asuntos geoespaciales.' + ym-Dhaka-College: + name: YouthMappers Daka College + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en el colegio de Dhaka + extendedDescription: "YouthMappers DhakaCollege es un enfoque de los estudiantes para ayudar a mapear áreas vulnerables del mundo como parte de la Acción Humanitaria. YouthMappers brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de ayudar a las personas y utilizar el mapeo con fines humanitarios. Estos datos geográficos abiertos pueden utilizarse con fines educativos, de navegación y otros fines humanitarios. Feliz mapeo" + ym-Dhaka-University: + name: Openstreetmap YouthMappers + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Dhaka + extendedDescription: Es un gran privilegio para los estudiantes de la Universidad de Dhaka realizar mapas con fines humanitarios. Nuestro capítulo brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de ayudar a las personas y utilizar el mapeo con fines humanitarios. + ym-Eastern-University: + name: YouthMappers en Eastern University + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la universidad del este + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers en Eastern University, Bangladesh se formó con el fin de ayudar a las personas durante la crisis humanitaria. Los estudiantes, al igual que otros mapeadores del mundo, se comprometen a ayudar a las personas a utilizar el mapa con fines educativos, de navegación y otros con fines humanitarios.' + ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology: + name: Junior Philippines Computer Society + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers aprendices en la Universidad del Lejano Oriente - Instituto de Tecnología + extendedDescription: "FEU ha sido reconocida como una de las principales universidades de Filipinas. Su misión se centra en producir graduados que han contribuido al avance del país. La universidad se desafía continuamente a sí misma para elevar el nivel de excelencia para alcanzar un estatus de primer nivel no solo en Filipinas sino también en la región del sudeste asiático." + ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys: + name: OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Escuela Federal de Encuestas. + ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure: + name: YouthMappers Futa Space Club + description: 'Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Federal de Tecnología, Akure' + extendedDescription: "Nuestra misión es criar a la próxima generación de Líderes Espaciales. Las actividades incluyen la investigación y el desarrollo de capacidades en teledetección, SIG, cambio climático, astronomía, cosmología, ingeniería espacial, navegación global, robótica y educación espacial." + ym-Fourah-Bay-College: + name: Asociación Geográfica de Estudiantes + description: El capítulo de los YouthMappers en la universidad de Fourah Bay + extendedDescription: 'La Asociación Geográfica de Estudiantes - YouthMappers es una asociación de estudiantes de Fourah Bay College con los objetivos comunes de trazar lugares vulnerables en Sierra Leona y el mundo en general para el alivio y otros fines beneficiosos, llevar a cabo investigaciones y otros esfuerzos educativos. El capítulo está formado por jóvenes con grandes ideas, orientadas al desarrollo con la capacidad de relacionarse entre sí, comprender e implementar proyectos de desarrollo sostenible en equipo.' + ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University: + name: YouthMappers en la Universidad General Lansana Conte + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad General Lansana Conte + extendedDescription: YouthMappers de la Universidad General Lansana Conté es una comunidad sin fines de lucro que está dispuesta a contribuir con Map Guinea y otras partes del mundo. Estamos promoviendo el uso de SIG y datos abiertos para crear herramientas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones. También trabajamos para desarrollar capacidades entre los estudiantes y las comunidades locales. + ym-George-Mason-University: + name: Mason Mappers + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad George Mason + extendedDescription: 'La Sociedad Estudiantil Mason Mappers es una organización estudiantil de mapeo humanitario en el Departamento GGS de la Universidad George Mason, y su objetivo es promover la educación y el conocimiento en geo-tecnologías, geo-info ciencia, para fomentar una buena administración global y participar en el desarrollo profesional mientras se construye un una geo-comunidad positiva e interactiva, así como la formación de los estudiantes como líderes del mañana.' + ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers en el Colegio Comunitario del Condado de Grand Gedeh + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en el colegio comunitario de Grand Gedeh County + extendedDescription: El único propósito de los Youth Mappers de GGCCC es poner lugares en Liberia y sus alrededores que no estén en el mapa. Reunimos a jóvenes de la universidad dentro del Colegio Comunitario de Grand Gedeh para que cumplan con su deber de unirse y traer estos lugares a la luz del lugar geográficamente. + ym-Gujarat-University: + name: CCIM en Ahmedabad + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Gujarat + ym-Gulu-University: + name: CSGU Mappers + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Gulu + extendedDescription: "Los CSGU Mappers son la Sociedad de Computación en la Universidad de Gulu. Este capítulo es creativo, apasionado, innovador y está listo para cartografiar Uganda y el mundo en general, más allá de la imaginación de otras personas." + ym-Heidelberg-University: + name: disastermappers heidelberg + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad de Heidelberg + extendedDescription: 'Los desastrosos Heidelberg se fundó en 2014 como una iniciativa estudiantil para construir una plataforma de intercambio entre estudiantes, investigadores y actores humanitarios. Los participantes en el desastre son miembros de Missing Maps y están organizando mapathons, talleres y webinars en Heidelberg y más allá, y apoyan a HOT y Missing Maps a través de la investigación y las aplicaciones.' + ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education: + name: IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT) + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Educación Ignatius Ajuru + extendedDescription: Somos un Capítulo de Jóvenes de la Universidad de Educación de Ignatius Ajuru involucrado en la creación de mapas de nuestro entorno de participación colectiva y en el mapeo remoto de comunidades resilientes. Somos un equipo de voluntarios que utiliza openstreetmap y otra fuente geoespacial abierta para el mapeo. + ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: Club de Ciencias Geoespaciales + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad de Indiana en Pennsylvania + ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri: + name: YouthMappers en INES Ruhengeri + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en el Instituto de Educación Superior de Ruhengeri + extendedDescription: Somos estudiantes de los Departamentos de Administración y Administración de Tierras y de Inspección de Tierras de INES-Ruhengeri. Estamos comprometidos en actividades de mapeo que crean los cambios hacia el desarrollo sostenible en nuestra comunidad. + ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda: + name: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el Instituto Kolda de Administración + extendedDescription: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM / Kolda es un grupo de mapeo de mujeres en el sur de Senegal que busca poner a Kolda y las aldeas circundantes en el mapa y comprender mejor cómo usar OSM. + ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies: + name: Instituto de Estudios de Gestión de Crisis YouthMappers + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el Instituto de Estudios de Gestión de Crisis + extendedDescription: Desarrollar Crisis Mappers para asistir en situaciones de desastre + ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management: + name: IFM mappers + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el Instituto de Gestión Financiera + extendedDescription: Este es un nuevo capítulo en nuestro instituto y esperamos utilizar nuestra educación financiera que estamos recibiendo aquí en el campus y vincular a ig con el medio ambiente para desarrollar nuestro entorno sostenible para ayudar a la comunidad con los efectos de nuestro medio ambiente en una forma financiera por convertirlos en números. Esto se explica ampliamente en la contabilidad ambiental. + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning: + name: Capítulo de YouthMappers de Mipango + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el Instituto de Planificación del Desarrollo Rural + extendedDescription: 'El Capítulo de YouthMappers de Mipango fue presentado en el IRDP el 3 de julio de 2017 por la Dra. Domitilla Bashemera. Los miembros fundadores fueron 300 (190 hombres y 110 mujeres) estudiantes de licenciatura, que se registraron como miembros del Capítulo. Gerald Zacharia es el presidente del capítulo y Juster Lugira es el vicepresidente.' + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza: + name: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el Instituto de Planificación de Desarrollo Rural - Lake Zone Center + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el Instituto de Planificación de Desarrollo Rural de Mwanza + ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine: + name: YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el Instituto de ciencia y medicina veterinaria + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala es una organización sin fines de lucro que trabaja para promover el mapeo humanitario y el uso de fuentes abiertas y datos abiertos para desarrollar herramientas de toma de decisiones en Guinea. + ym-Istanbul-Technical-University: + name: YouthMappers ITU + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la universidad técnica de Estambul + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ITU es una comunidad estudiantil interdisciplinaria y colaborativa para promover el mapeo humanitario para asentamientos vulnerables y tiene como objetivo desarrollar y compartir información espacial estratégica e innovadora para las ciudades futuras mediante el uso de sistemas de información geográfica y datos abiertos. + ym-Jacksonville-State-University: + name: Equipo de mapeo de desastres JSU + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la universidad estatal de Jacksonville + extendedDescription: 'El Equipo de Mapeo de Desastres de JSU es un programa en la Universidad Estatal de Jacksonville dedicado a ayudar en la respuesta a desastres en situaciones de emergencia. Esto incluye tornados, tormentas eléctricas severas, inundaciones, etc. El equipo pretende ser un activo valioso para los condados circundantes y un conducto para que los estudiantes del Departamento de Geociencias de JSU apliquen lo que han aprendido en un entorno académico para apoyar los servicios de emergencia. Nuestro objetivo es agilizar las operaciones de recuperación y respuesta ante desastres mientras utilizamos los conjuntos de habilidades de los estudiantes.' + ym-Jahangirnagar-University: + name: 'YouthMappers en IRS, Universidad de Jahangirnagar' + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Jahangirnagar + ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology: + name: Asociación de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Geomática + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Agricultura y Tecnología Jomo Kenyatta + extendedDescription: 'La Asociación de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Geomática (AGES), tiene como objetivo promover los productos y servicios de SIG, así como capacitar a los estudiantes sobre el uso de los mismos. No solo promueve la socialización entre los estudiantes y los profesionales en ejercicio, sino que también proporciona una plataforma para intercambiar nuevas ideas para la realización de nuevos SIG y los eventos de encuesta y capacitación en la universidad.' + ym-Kansas-State-University: + name: 'Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter' + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad del Estado de Kansas + extendedDescription: "Somos el Capítulo de la Universidad Estatal de Kansas de Gamma Theta Upsilon, una sociedad internacional de honor de la geografía con afiliación a YouthMappers. Hemos estado activos en el mapeo para OSM y hemos realizado un mapathon llamado \"Mapa para Nepal\", en el cual utilizamos OpenStreetMap para digitalizar áreas no mapeadas de Nepal después del terremoto de 2015." + ym-Karatina-University: + name: Nature Club de la Universidad de Karatina + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers de la Universidad de Karatina + extendedDescription: 'El objetivo de este capítulo es reunir a todos los entusiastas de los SIG. Incluyen expertos en medio ambiente, expertos en vida silvestre, oficiales acuáticos y de turismo, solo por mencionar algunos. Su objetivo principal es proporcionar una plataforma donde los estudiantes puedan aprender unos de otros y, en el proceso, comprender cómo integrar las habilidades de SIG en sus diversas trayectorias profesionales, así como proporcionar soluciones a diversos desafíos relacionados con el medio ambiente.' + ym-Kathmandu-University: + name: 'Geomatics Engineering Society,GES' + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Katmandú + extendedDescription: 'La Sociedad de Ingeniería Geomática (GES) establecida en 2008 A.D es un club departamental del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Geomática (DCGE) en la Universidad de Katmandú. GES actúa como una plataforma para desarrollar las habilidades de los estudiantes, aparte de sus actividades educativas, centrándose en actividades como capacitaciones técnicas, seminarios, programas de conversación e interacción con expertos de campos relacionados, actividades deportivas, etc.' + ym-Kenyatta-University: + name: Club de SIG de la Universidad de Kenyatta + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Kenyatta + extendedDescription: 'El Club de SIG de la Universidad de Kenyatta (KUGISC) se fundó el 28 de octubre de 2016, con más de 200 estudiantes y personal de todos los profesores dentro del campus como miembros. Estamos comprometidos a capacitar a los miembros con el conocimiento espacial, las habilidades y la experiencia necesaria para comprender la Tierra. Ayudamos a mapear recursos dentro de la universidad incorporando datos geoespaciales en sus proyectos, así como la recopilación de datos de trabajo de campo.' + ym-Khulna-University: + name: YouthMappers de Khulna University + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Khulna + extendedDescription: "Los estudiantes y profesores de KU de múltiples disciplinas tienen experiencia en la creación de datos abiertos para OSM para abordar los desafíos locales de desarrollo, incluida la seguridad alimentaria y otros temas." + ym-Kumi-University: + name: Ever Last YouthMappers + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad de Kumi. + extendedDescription: "Este grupo energético de estudiantes se organiza dentro de la facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información." + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: YouthMappers de la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Kwame Nkrumah + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Kwame Nkrumah + ym-Makerere-University: + name: Geo YouthMappers + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Makerere + extendedDescription: Geo YouthMappers es un capítulo de mapeo basado en la Universidad de Makerere que se estima que aplica la concepción espacial al mundo real. Hemos colaborado en varios eventos de mapeo con OSM. Nuestro objetivo principal es el deseo de simplificar los datos y hacer que estén disponibles principalmente para la preparación para desastres. "Mapeamos el mundo y cambiamos vidas." + ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: MUST Street Mappers + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad de Mbarara de Ciencia y Tecnología + extendedDescription: MUST Street Mappers es un capítulo de Youth Mappers en la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Mbarara que se basa en hacer de nuestro país y del mundo en general un lugar mejor a través del mapeo. Nos basamos en la información recopilada para observar patrones y datos para presentar información relevante y beneficiosa para la sociedad. + ym-McGill-University: + name: 'Grupo de mapeo abierto McGill: Miembro de la Sociedad de Geografía de Pregrado de McGill' + description: El capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad McGill + extendedDescription: 'El Open Mapping Group McGill: un miembro de McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) tiene como objetivo conectar a los estudiantes con datos y tecnologías geoespaciales abiertos para mejorar la resiliencia, la creación de comunidades y el aprendizaje a través del mapeo en el campus, en Montreal, Canadá, y en el extranjero.' + ym-Miami-University: + name: Sociedad de Geografía y Planificación + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Miami + extendedDescription: 'El GPS en la Universidad de Miami tiene como objetivo crear una comunidad unida de planificadores y geógrafos que quieran divertirse, aprender más sobre carreras y educación superior en su campo, red y trabajar junto a profesionales para obtener una experiencia real.' + ym-Moi-University: + name: Asociación de Estudiantes de Geografía + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad Moi + extendedDescription: "La Asociación de Estudiantes de Geografía en la Universidad Moi (GEOSAMU) explora, descubre y apunta a desarrollar el mundo entero a través de los jóvenes analistas geoespaciales. GEOSAMU forma parte del Departamento de Geografía." + ym-Monroe-Community-College: + name: MCC Mapping Corps + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en el Monroe Community College + ym-Montgomery-College: + name: GeoMC + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en el Montgomery College + extendedDescription: 'La misión de GeoMC es proporcionar a los estudiantes experiencia práctica en la aplicación de herramientas geoespaciales, la recopilación de datos y la gestión de proyectos. La mayoría de nuestros estudiantes tienen antecedentes en SIG y son estudiantes de geografía. Los miembros de nuestro capítulo provienen de diversos orígenes y todos trabajamos juntos para lograr un impacto positivo en el mundo.' + ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Sociedad de Estudiantes de Tecnología de Geoinformación + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Namibia de Ciencia y Tecnología + ym-New-York-University: + name: NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Nueva York + extendedDescription: 'La iniciativa de investigación de salud móvil o “mHealth” de la NYU se enfoca en el desarrollo de sistemas que vinculan a las personas, generalmente a través de sus teléfonos, a los lugares que viven y atraviesan, y por lo tanto apoya una investigación novedosa sobre la forma en que los teléfonos y los mapas se pueden aprovechar para entender el comportamiento de toma de decisiones y finalmente resultados de salud.' + ym-Nimba-County-Community-College: + name: Youth Mappers del Colegio Comunitario del Condado de Nimba + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en el Colegio Comunitario del Condado de Nimba + ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus: + name: YouthMappers de Njala Freetown + description: 'Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Njala, campus de Freetown' + extendedDescription: 'Somos estudiantes del campus de Freetown de la Universidad de Njala, que estudian tecnología de la información en el departamento de física y ciencias de la computación. Estamos ubicados en Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leona.' + ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus: + name: 'YouthMappers de Njala University, Njala Campus' + description: 'Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Njala, Campus de Njala' + ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University: + name: Club de Medio Ambiente y Vida Silvestre + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad Wesleyana de Ohio + extendedDescription: 'El Club de Medio Ambiente y Vida Silvestre analiza los problemas ambientales en el campus, en Delaware e incluso a nivel nacional. Creamos proyectos comunitarios y de campus, exploramos y disfrutamos actividades al aire libre, somos voluntarios y tratamos de promover el ecologismo en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas.' + ym-Oklahoma-State-University: + name: Club de geografía + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en Oklahoma State University + ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania: + name: YouthMappers en la Universidad Abierta de Tanzania + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Abierta de Tanzania + extendedDescription: |- + YouthMappers en la Open University of Tanzania + + Fue fundada por miembros y estudiantes de la Open University of Tanzania en el Departamento de Geografía, que necesitan principalmente mejorar su carrera y ayudar a la comunidad joven a través de proyectos conjuntos y de asociación con grupos de la comunidad local como Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) e iniciar la cooperación con colegios y universidades internacionales para programas de intercambio en relación con los Estudios de Geografía, como algunos programas preparados por Mikoko Scout Group, que vincula a universidades locales y otras universidades del mismo interés a través del Campamento Internacional de Jóvenes de Naturaleza y Medio Ambiente 2019 (www.campsite msg.or.tz/nature.html) + + Nuestro capítulo pronto será reconocido como un programa de red juvenil que abrirá una oportunidad para que los estudiantes estudien y realicen estudios de investigación a nivel local. + ym-Politecnico-di-Milano: + name: PoliMappers + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el Politécnico de Milán + extendedDescription: PoliMappers es una asociación de estudiantes voluntarios con sede en el Politecnico di Milano. La misión del grupo es capacitar y motivar a la próxima generación de mapeadores voluntarios y hacer mapeos utilizando software gratuito y de código abierto dentro de la universidad, así como en las escuelas primarias y secundarias. + ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London: + name: Queen Mary YouthMappers + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad Queen Mary de Londres + extendedDescription: Este capítulo formará parte de las actividades de la Sociedad de Geografía Queen Mary + ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology: + name: YouthMappers en RUET + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Rajshahi de Ingeniería y Tecnología + extendedDescription: 'El "YouthMappers at RUET" es un grupo de mapeo humanitario de estudiantes de la Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología Rajshahi (RUET) para compartir, desarrollar y practicar el conocimiento de SIG. Este grupo fomenta el uso de datos geoespaciales de código abierto y una plataforma para hacer que la solución llegue al grupo más vulnerable del mundo.' + ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia: + name: Geoventurers + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en SUNY en Fredonia + extendedDescription: "GeoVenturers es un grupo de estudiantes que se unen a lo largo de varias especialidades en nuestro campus que ven las tecnologías geoespaciales como una herramienta para servir a los demás y para unir a las personas. La tutoría para el grupo trae educación científica del departamento de currículo e instrucción. Esperamos poder aportar nuestras habilidades para ayudar a mejorar la vida de las personas." + ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College: + name: YouthMappers en el Sacred Heart Junior College + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en el Sacred Heart Junior College + ym-Sherubtse-College: + name: Sociedad geográfica + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en el colegio Sherubtse + extendedDescription: "La Sociedad Geográfica, en el Departamento de Geografía y Planificación, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, con el apoyo del Centro para el Cambio Climático e Información Espacial, ha realizado varios esfuerzos para crear conciencia y abordar cuestiones importantes a nivel local y nacional. ¡Ahora nos unimos a la red internacional YouthMappers centrada en el estudiante en \"Mapping for Resilience\" y contribuyendo a una 'Felicidad' global!" + ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture: + name: SMCoSE YouthMappers + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Agricultura de Sokoine + extendedDescription: 'Un capítulo que comprende estudiantes de ciencias ambientales y administración y estudios de geografía en el departamento. de Geografía y utilizaremos técnicas de mapeo, basadas en conceptos y teorías de sistemas, que se pueden utilizar para facilitar, explorar y captar los diferentes entendimientos de las relaciones, perspectivas y límites involucrados en la sostenibilidad ambiental para obtener una comprensión más completa del Concepto y desarrollo de planes de acción.' + ym-St.-Augustine-International-University: + name: YouthMappers en la Universidad Internacional San Agustín + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad Internacional de San Agustín + ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute: + name: MawaggaliMappers + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el Instituto de capacitación de oficios de St. Mawaggali + extendedDescription: Somos el capítulo de YouthMappers en St. Mawaggali con oficios en Choma que quieren contribuir con las diferentes tareas humanitarias para servir vidas a través del mapeo. + ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo: + name: SUNY Geneseo GIS Association + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Estatal de Nueva York Geneseo + extendedDescription: 'Distribuimos oportunidades de concientización, apoyo, educación, voluntariado y promoción profesional en sistemas de información geográfica, en disciplinas y departamentos, en el contexto de SUNY Geneseo, la comunidad local y la comunidad global.' + ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic: + name: YouthMappers-SMP + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Politécnica de Stella Maris + ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya: + name: Asociación de Estudiantes de Ciencias Geoespaciales + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Técnica de Kenia + extendedDescription: Es un grupo basado en información geográfica con estudiantes muy apasionados en los campos de estudio relevantes. Realizamos capacitación a los miembros sobre las tendencias emergentes en el mercado y nos mantenemos al día con los avances tecnológicos. + ym-Texas-Tech-University: + name: YouthMappers en TTU + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Texas Tech + extendedDescription: "Como uno de los capítulos fundadores de la red, TTU YouthMappers se enorgullece de servir como líderes interdisciplinarios para ayudar a crear datos geográficos abiertos y análisis que aborden los desafíos de desarrollo definidos localmente en todo el mundo. El capítulo se esfuerza por intercambiar y colaborar con otros capítulos de todo el mundo al tiempo que se ofrece a sí mismo como un recurso y servicio local para las organizaciones estudiantiles de Texas Tech de maneras que agreguen valor a sus respectivas actividades del campus a través del mapeo." + ym-The-Citadel: + name: YouthMappers en The Citadel + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en The Citadel + extendedDescription: 'Este capítulo también es un Club Rotaract, que está afiliado a Rotary International. Múltiples miembros, así como también líderes, han expresado interés en YouthMappers y nos gustaría afiliarnos a Citadel Rotaract Club con YouthMappers.' + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + name: YouthMappers conectados + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la YMCA de Gambia / Universidad de Gambia + extendedDescription: Connected YouthMappers está compuesto por jóvenes gambianos dedicados que aspiran a cambiar y ayudar al desarrollo nacional. + ym-The-George-Washington-University: + name: Humanitarian Mapping Society + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad George Washington + extendedDescription: "Modelos de liderazgo y compromiso, HMS busca brindar ayuda y mejorar el mundo a través de proyectos humanitarios de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Este capítulo cofundador afiliado en el campus de GWU tiene una gran experiencia para compartir, y frecuentemente se asocia directamente con USAID, la Cruz Roja Americana y el Departamento de Estado de los EE. UU. En su área de DC para ampliar los esfuerzos dirigidos por los estudiantes y servir a los Comunidad global." + ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS: + name: SAIS YouthMappers + description: 'Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Johns Hopkins, SAIS' + extendedDescription: 'La misión de SAIS Youth Mappers es brindar a los estudiantes de la Universidad Johns Hopkins SAIS la oportunidad de convertirse en mapeadores humanitarios altamente capacitados. Como grupo dentro del Club de Asia del Sur, su enfoque principal es apoyar proyectos de mapeo humanitario en la Región del Indo-Pacífico.' + ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University: + name: Coalición GIS del estado de Penn + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad del Estado de Pennsylvania + extendedDescription: 'La Coalición de Ciencias de la Información Geoespacial de Penn State (GIS, por sus siglas en inglés) es una organización que ofrece a los estudiantes la especialización, la minoría o el intercambio de intereses en las oportunidades de SIG para desarrollar el conocimiento y las habilidades complementarias necesarias para tener éxito en la industria de SIG profesional.' + ym-The-University-of-Zambia: + name: YouthMappers Unza + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Zambia + ym-Tribhuvan-University: + name: Asociación de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Geomática + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Tribhuvan + extendedDescription: "Esta organización es el foro estudiantil de estudiantes de Ingeniería Geomática de la Universidad Tribhuvan, Instituto de Ingeniería en el campus de Pashchimanchal. Establecidos desde el inicio del programa de estudios, los estudiantes han sido activos en el mapeo y el liderazgo y están encantados de ser parte de la red de YouthMappers." + ym-UW-Madison: + name: BadgerMaps + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la UW-Madison + extendedDescription: 'BadgerMaps es el capítulo del campus de la Universidad de Washington de Youthmappers, una organización dedicada a los servicios humanitarios y de mapeo comunitario. Conectamos nuestra red de voluntarios con oportunidades para crear datos GIS para proyectos que lo necesitan.' + ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus: + name: Mappers for Life + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el campus de Uganda Christian University Mbale + extendedDescription: '"¡Somos Team Mappers para la vida! ¡Vengan y únanse a nosotros mientras mapeamos juntos!" Este grupo trabaja desde el Departamento de Tecnología de la Información en la UCU.' + ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University: + name: HiTech Youth Mappers + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers de Uganda en la Universidad Pentecostal de Uganda + extendedDescription: Un nuevo capítulo de YouthMappers en el oeste de Uganda. Listo para mapear y proporcionar datos abiertos con OpenStreetMap para propósitos de desarrollo + ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid: + name: YouthMappers en UAM + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid + ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas: + name: YouthMappers en Bogota + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas + extendedDescription: 'La Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas es una universidad pública, mixta y de investigación con sede en Bogotá, Colombia, con una población de 26,140 estudiantes.' + ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras: + name: PumaGis Hn + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia: + name: Grupo UN + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia + extendedDescription: "Los estudiantes se están uniendo para trazar mapas y relacionarse con estudiantes universitarios en todo el país de Colombia y el mundo. Las especialidades geográficas incluyen afiliación con microbiología y disciplinas de salud." + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria: + name: Yeka Street MGA + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería + extendedDescription: 'YEKA STREET es un equipo de trabajo formado por estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería en Managua, Nicaragua. Con el propósito principal de aplicar nuestros conocimientos y habilidades utilizando muchas herramientas y aplicaciones para mapear áreas en nuestras ciudades y contribuir a los proyectos comunitarios de desarrollo y planes de alivio de desastres. Queremos abrir el camino y agregar más estudiantes de todas las carreras y universidades de nuestro país para que se unan a nosotros en esta causa, aumentando así el nivel de vida y reduciendo la vulnerabilidad de la población.' + ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid: + name: Mapeo Humanitario + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid + extendedDescription: 'El grupo de geo-voluntariado se formó en el campus de Moncloa en noviembre de 2017. Alrededor de 20 miembros de tres universidades (Complutense, CEU y UPM). Estudiantes de pregrado, estudiantes de maestría y doctorado colaboran con organizaciones (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre, ...) apoyados por capacitadores de Geoinquietos. Reconocimiento oficial por UPM como Proyecto de Innovación Educativa (Código IE1718.0411)' + ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia: + name: Geomatica UDEA + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Antioquia + extendedDescription: 'Somos un grupo interesado en datos geoespaciales, cartografía voluntaria y participamos en el mapeo con otros en nuestro país y dentro de la red YouthMappers.' + ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica: + name: YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Costa Rica + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas.' + ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira: + name: Grupo Mesh + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de La Guajira + extendedDescription: 'Grupo Mesh es una organización estudiantil en la Universidad de la Guajira en Colombia, que incluye los estudiantes del programa de Ingeniería Ambiental que aprenden cartografía y mapeo abierto.' + ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes: + name: Cartógrafos Uniandes + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de los Andes + extendedDescription: 'Somos un círculo de participación estudiantil que busca utilizar el mapeo y el razonamiento espacial como un medio para crear vínculos de cooperación e integración entre la universidad y la sociedad al abordar diferentes dinámicas espaciales, sociales, políticas, económicas y culturales.' + ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras: + name: UPR YouthMappers + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras + ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura: + name: YouthMappers San Buenaventura + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de San Buenaventura + extendedDescription: Nos complace unirnos al mapeo de YouthMappers para un mundo y una comunidad mejores. + ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane: + name: Comunidad YouthMappers Mozambique + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidade Eduardo Mondlane + extendedDescription: 'Somos un grupo de estudiantes que pretende unirse a la sociedad mozambiqueña para crear una comunidad resistente de mapeo humanitario. La comunidad tiene la intención de mapear la ocupación física de nuestro país y crear datos geográficos abiertos, accesibles al público y que puedan usarse en varias áreas sin costos asociados.' + ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger: + name: YouthMappers en la UGB + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad Gaston Berger + extendedDescription: YouthMappers UGB está formado por jóvenes estudiantes e investigadores apasionados por el mapeo. Nuestro objetivo es mejorar las habilidades de los estudiantes en el campo de la cartografía y participar en la creación de datos geográficos abiertos que respondan a los desafíos del desarrollo en todo el mundo y en particular en África. + ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat: + name: Brahmapoutre en Rabat + description: Capítulo de YouthMapper en la Université Mohammed V Rabat + extendedDescription: Este capítulo considera la participación en el programa YouthMappers como una oportunidad para compartir nuestro conocimiento, crear nuevas relaciones de trabajo con otros capítulos en diferentes países. + ym-Universit-de-NZrkor: + name: Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de N'Zérékoré + extendedDescription: YouthMappers es un grupo que permite mapear comunidades sin litoral y tomar decisiones en caso de desastres o epidemias. También permite la producción y uso de datos en libre acceso. + ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako: + name: Estudiante en el laboratorio de HoPE + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Ciencias Sociales y Gestión de Bamako + ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar: + name: Kontur Geografi + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad Estatal de Makassar + ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta: + name: SpaceTime + description: Capítulo YouthMappers de la Universidad Muhammadiyah de Surakarta + extendedDescription: 'SpaceTime es un mapeo comunitario en la Facultad de Geografía de la Universidad Muhammadiyah de Surakarta. SpaceTime fue fundada por Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar e Irfandi Fauzi. Son estudiantes activos en la Facultad de Geografía de la Universidad Muhammadiyah Surakarta.' + ym-University-of-California-Davis: + name: Mapping Club + description: 'Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de California, Davis' + ym-University-of-Cape-Coast: + name: Sociedad Geográfica UCC + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad de Cape Coast + extendedDescription: Somos una sociedad que abarca a todos los estudiantes que están leyendo y leyendo geografía en el Departamento de Geografía y Planificación Regional de la Universidad de Cape Coast. Nuestro principal objetivo es promover el interés en la disciplina dentro y fuera del aula. Nuestro lema es "Comprendemos la Tierra y sus habitantes" + ym-University-of-Central-Florida: + name: Sociedad de la información geoespacial + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Florida Central + extendedDescription: "Nuestra misión es fomentar un entorno social y educativo para todas las carreras que estén interesadas en la discusión y la aplicación de SIG. Los eventos grupales y comunitarios a lo largo del año académico organizan a los estudiantes para que se ofrezcan como voluntarios para ayudar a las comunidades locales y regionales mediante el uso de proyectos GIS basados ​​en la comunidad y la educación de los estudiantes de escuelas intermedias y secundarias locales sobre el uso y la aplicación de los SIG." + ym-University-of-Chicago: + name: Sociedad tobler + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Chicago + ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam: + name: YouthMappers en la Universidad de Dar es Salaam + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Dar es Salaam + extendedDescription: 'El propósito de YouthMappers de la Universidad de Dar es Salaam es utilizar y promover datos de fuente abierta y tecnologías GIS para mapear áreas de desastre potencial, proporcionar recursos para el manejo de emergencias, conectar a sus miembros con organizaciones de fuente abierta y GIS en la ciudad de Dar es Salaam y atender las necesidades futuras de nuestros socios del proyecto.' + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Eco-Club + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Energía y Recursos Naturales + extendedDescription: Proporcionar una educación sólida a todos los ciudadanos sobre el deterioro del medio ambiente y proporcionar el mayor uso de la recreación del medio ambiente para la supervivencia humana. + ym-University-of-Exeter: + name: University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Exeter + extendedDescription: 'Somos un equipo de geógrafos entusiastas con amplio conocimiento de SIG. Nos apasiona apoyar a la Sociedad de la Cruz Roja Británica con varios esfuerzos de ayuda humanitaria. También somos importantes maestros de la importancia de la cartografía de datos detectados a distancia y cómo esto ayuda en el terreno. Nuestros mapatones tienen enfoques académicos temáticos que resaltan las diferentes investigaciones de SIG en nuestro departamento de geografía, a la vez que funcionan como eventos de conciencia de empleabilidad que utilizamos para invitar a oradores a hablar sobre sus carreras en SIG / Cruz Roja Británica.' + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: YouthMappers de la Universidad de Ghana + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Ghana + extendedDescription: 'UG YouthMappers consiste en estudiantes graduados y no graduados que poseen conocimientos y habilidades en SIG y Teledetección. El club está compuesto por un equipo energético que está preparado para abordar los problemas sociales y mitigar los problemas ambientales a través del mapeo. Nuestros principios fundamentales son el desarrollo de capacidades, el empoderamiento y el trabajo en equipo.' + ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers: + name: YouthMappers de Universidad de liberia + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Liberia + extendedDescription: 'Los YouthMappers de Universidad de Liberia es un capítulo de la organización Global YouthMappers. Somos una organización de mapeo sin fines de lucro formada por estudiantes que se enfoca en el mapeo para el desarrollo de Liberia y el mundo en general. El propósito de esta organización será utilizar la tecnología y el conocimiento geoespacial como medio para crear y desarrollar mapas; Recopilar y analizar datos que abordarán los desafíos locales y mundiales. Nuestro objetivo es apoyar y crear oportunidades para que los estudiantes desarrollen interés y habilidades en los campos del mapeo. Imaginamos una comunidad estudiantil unida que sea colaborativa, activa y que esté dispuesta a trabajar con los YouthMappers de la Universidad de Liberia para mejorar la vida de los demás.' + ym-University-of-Malawi: + name: YouthMappers de Chanco Malawi + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Malawi + extendedDescription: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers es la organización de mapeo de estudiantes de la Universidad de Malawi Canciller College. Los estudiantes en este capítulo se enfocan en el mapeo de las necesidades de desarrollo y ciencias de Malawi. + ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park: + name: Club de geografía + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Maryland - College Park + extendedDescription: La misión del Club de Geografía de la Universidad de Maryland College Park es involucrar y alentar a los estudiantes a explorar los intereses geográficos dentro del campus y la comunidad. + ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology: + name: UMaT YouthMappers + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Minas y Tecnología + extendedDescription: UMaT YouthMappers es un grupo de estudiantes voluntarios que buscan brindarles la oportunidad de mejorar sus habilidades en el campo del mapeo y la creación de datos y análisis geográficos abiertos que aborden los desafíos de desarrollo definidos localmente en todo el mundo. + ym-University-of-Nairobi: + name: Asociación de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Geoespacial + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Nairobi + extendedDescription: 'Los estudiantes de la ONU están trabajando con la comunidad local de OSM, Map Kibera y GrouthTruth para aprender sobre el mapeo abierto y aportar datos para las necesidades de sus comunidades urbanas.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu + description: 'Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Nigeria, Campus Enugu' + extendedDescription: 'El LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu Campus es un afiliado de YouthMappers Network, con el único objetivo de brindar a los miembros la oportunidad de aprender y mejorar sus habilidades en el campo de la geoinformática y crear datos geográficos abiertos y análisis que aborden los desafíos definidos localmente a nivel mundial. Es un equipo de voluntarios para la provisión de información geográfica y de mapas de colaboración colectiva que utiliza Openstreetmap, Citizen Science y otras tecnologías geoespaciales para la investigación, la capacitación y la respuesta a los desafíos de la comunidad resistente. Participamos en aplicaciones de cartografía web, SIG y teledetección e investigación. Nos apasiona la información geográfica voluntaria. El SIG participativo y la ciencia ciudadana. Nuestras actividades principales incluyen cartografía en línea, cartografía de campo, talleres de capacitación y divulgación a la escuela secundaria, así como Mapeo de Respuesta Humanitaria / Desastres.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka + description: 'El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Nigeria, Nsukka' + extendedDescription: 'LionMappersTeam es un afiliado de YouthMappers Network, con el único objetivo de brindarles a los miembros la oportunidad de aprender y mejorar sus habilidades en el campo de la cartografía científica y crear datos y análisis geográficos abiertos que aborden los desafíos definidos localmente a nivel mundial. Es un equipo de voluntarios para el mapeo de recursos compartidos y la provisión de información geográfica utilizando Openstreetmap, Citizens Science y otras tecnologías geoespaciales para la investigación, la capacitación y la respuesta a los desafíos de la comunidad. Estamos involucrados en SIG y aplicaciones e investigación de sensores remotos. SIG participativos y ciencia ciudadana, mapas de campo, talleres de capacitación y divulgación a escuelas secundarias.' + ym-University-of-North-Texas: + name: Club de Geografía UNT + description: El capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad del Norte de Texas + extendedDescription: 'El Club de Geografía es una organización estudiantil en la Universidad del Norte de Texas que recibe a todos los estudiantes interesados ​​en geografía. El objetivo del Club de Geografía es promover el interés en Geografía, el Departamento de Geografía, junto con el compañerismo entre los estudiantes y profesores. El club también busca representar las necesidades y deseos de los estudiantes con respecto al estudio de la geografía y proporcionar un foro para la presentación de ideas innovadoras en beneficio de la comunidad universitaria.' + ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado: + name: Club de Geografía y SIG de la UNCO + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad del Norte de Colorado + extendedDescription: 'Capítulo oficial de Geografía y GIS del club afiliado a la Universidad del Norte de Colorado donde nuestro objetivo es aprender, compartir y conectar con quienes nos rodean. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld' + ym-University-of-Oregon: + name: Map by Northwest + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Oregón + extendedDescription: "Map By Northwest tiene como objetivo involucrar a estudiantes de pregrado en la Universidad de Oregon en proyectos de mapeo para ayudar en causas humanitarias y para realizar investigaciones geográficas. Damos la bienvenida a estudiantes de todas las disciplinas para que se unan a nosotros en nuestras aventuras de mapeo." + ym-University-of-Panama: + name: YouthMappers UP + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Panamá + extendedDescription: "Los estudiantes mapeadores en Panamá trabajan con datos espaciales abiertos para ayudar a identificar, definir, abordar y crear un significado sobre los desafíos de desarrollo definidos localmente. Colaboran con estudiantes de otros países en temas de mapeo comunitario desde ecoturismo hasta seguridad alimentaria, desde biodiversidad hasta temas indígenas, promoviendo una visión humanista a través de perspectivas científicas." + ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt: + name: UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Port Harcourt + extendedDescription: 'UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt es un grupo de acción y un equipo de voluntarios para mapeo colaborativo en línea dirigido a entrenar y capacitar a los miembros con habilidades de mapeo para crear datos geoespaciales abiertos y análisis que aborden los desafíos definidos localmente para la geoinformación y para brindar servicios de mapeo humanitario a las comunidades resilientes en el Delta del Níger, Nigeria y en otros lugares. Promovemos el voluntariado de mapeo colaborativo y la información Geográfica utilizando la plataforma OpenStreetMap (OSM) y otras plataformas accesibles para Mapeo de Respuesta Rápida, Mapeo de Desastres, Mapeo de Inteligencia Geográfica, actualizaciones de mapas y capacitación. Es un afiliado Capítulo de Campus del Equipo Humanitario OpenStreetMap (HOT). Es un equipo de proyecto-y-tarea de YouthMappers que brinda a los miembros la oportunidad de aprender y mejorar sus habilidades en Geoinformática para explorar oportunidades globales en el campo del Mapeo y la Geoinformación.' + ym-University-of-Pretoria: + name: Centro de Ciencias de la Geoinformación + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Pretoria + extendedDescription: "Los estudiantes que trazan el mapa de Pretoria cuentan con el apoyo del Centro de Ciencias de la Geoinformación de la Universidad de Pretoria, una plataforma desde la cual se alienta la excelencia de las personas y los equipos de UP involucrados en la investigación, la educación y la capacitación en ciencias de la información geográfica (GISc), el desarrollo profesional y la participación comunitaria. Fortalecido a través de colaboraciones, educación y capacitación y alianzas dentro de Sudáfrica y en el extranjero." + ym-University-of-Redlands: + name: URSpatial Geo-Thinkers + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Redlands + extendedDescription: Desarrollar las habilidades de GIS de los miembros y el conocimiento de las herramientas y métodos a través del compromiso social aplicado, así como educar a la comunidad del campus sobre el poder del mapeo y el análisis espacial a través de eventos de servicio comunitario. + ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus: + name: Rwanda YouthMappers + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Ruanda - Campus Huye + extendedDescription: 'Basándonos en el compromiso y el propósito de promover el mapeo y la información de las charlas públicas de YouthMappers nos hemos organizado como estudiantes en el departamento de Geografía que están comprometidos en el mapeo para fundar un capítulo de nuestro Campus. Hemos recibido el apoyo de nuestro Facilitador, el Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director de CGIS-Rwanda) y de varios mentores docentes.' + ym-University-of-South-Carolina: + name: Asociación de Estudiantes de Geografía + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Carolina del Sur + extendedDescription: 'La GGSA es una organización totalmente dirigida por estudiantes, diseñada para servir como defensor y recurso para todos los estudiantes graduados en geografía al desempeñar el papel de enlace entre el departamento y los estudiantes. Nuestro objetivo es promover el desarrollo profesional, académico y personal de los estudiantes graduados interesados ​​en el campo de la geografía y sus subdisciplinas.' + ym-University-of-Southern-California: + name: SC Mappers + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad del sur de California + extendedDescription: 'Vemos el mundo de manera diferente: lo vemos a través de una lente espacial. Con el poder del pensamiento espacial, conectamos el lugar y el espacio para ayudar a abordar los desafíos globales. ¡Colabora con nosotros!' + ym-University-of-Vermont: + name: Club de cartografía humanitaria de la Universidad de Vermont + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Vermont + ym-University-of-Victoria: + name: Sociedad de Estudiantes de Geografía + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Victoria + extendedDescription: 'SOGS busca promover y representar intereses sociales y académicos dentro del Departamento de Geografía. Esto se expresa mediante cuatro objetivos clave: Proporcionar un foro para la discusión de asuntos relacionados con la calidad y accesibilidad de la educación dentro de la geografía; proporcionar un medio para expresar un consenso de la opinión de los estudiantes a la facultad del departamento a través de la representación en las reuniones del departamento y en los comités del departamento; para llevar a cabo acuerdos para las actividades que benefician a los estudiantes y que se consideran dentro del campo de interés de los estudiantes en geografía; para actuar como enlace a través del UVSS y el Course Union Council con otros grupos de estudiantes en el campus' + ym-University-of-Warwick: + name: Universidad de Warwick Resilience Mapping Society + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad de Warwick + extendedDescription: Somos un grupo de cartógrafos entusiastas basados ​​en la Universidad de Warwick. Nuestro objetivo es hacer que la gente se entusiasme con el mapeo humanitario y ayudarles a comprender el impacto que esta actividad tiene en el campo. Estamos estrechamente alineados con Missing Maps y Doctors Without Borders UK y nos enfocamos en las tareas HOT en nuestras actividades y talleres de mapeo. Nuestros mapatones están listados en la página de Missing Maps cada vez que están programados. + ym-University-of-Wyoming: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Wyoming + ym-University-of-Zimbabwe: + name: UZMappers + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Zimbabwe + extendedDescription: UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe es un equipo de voluntarios que utilizan OpenStreetMap para el mapeo de datos abiertos y el mapeo de respuesta ante desastres humanitarios. El equipo capacita a sus miembros con habilidades de tecnología geoespacial de código abierto. + ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute: + name: YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en el Instituto de Resiliencia de la Universidad de Filipinas + extendedDescription: 'El Instituto de Resiliencia UP fue establecido en 2016 con una declaración de misión para empoderar a las comunidades locales a través de la investigación multidisciplinaria y las acciones hacia la resiliencia. A través del Centro UP NOAH, y con la ayuda de diferentes organizaciones, proporcionamos mapas de exposición para 17 provincias de las 82 y subimos más de 4 millones de huellas a OpenStreetMap.' + ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus: + name: Divulgación a las bibliotecas - ODL + description: 'Capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de las Indias Occidentales, Campus Mona' + extendedDescription: 'La Biblioteca Universitaria Mona de la UWI participa en proyectos públicos, de divulgación y especiales. Esto permitirá a nuestra biblioteca los medios para ser un catalizador para la alfabetización espacial y abogar por el intercambio de datos espaciales y el acceso a los intereses de Jamaica y el Caribe. Tenemos necesidades de comunicación y socorro en casos de desastre, y una amplia variedad de necesidades de geomedia y ciencias de la Tierra para servir mejor a nuestro campus y comunidad. Específicamente, tenemos una biblioteca de ciencias para mostrar a todos los profesores y estudiantes.' + ym-Vassar-College: + name: Hudson Valley Mappers + description: Capítulo de YouthMappers en el colegio Vassar + extendedDescription: 'Nuestra misión es proporcionar una plataforma multidisciplinaria para que compañeros, educadores y organizaciones comunitarias participen en proyectos de mapeo locales con un enfoque en el fortalecimiento de nuestros ecosistemas locales, nuestro entorno construido y la salud de nuestra comunidad. También buscamos contribuir con apoyo geoespacial para la ayuda humanitaria global y los esfuerzos de desarrollo.' + ym-Villanova-University: + name: Los Villanova Globeplotters + description: Capítulo de los YouthMappers de la Universidad de Villanova + extendedDescription: 'El Villanova Globeplotters se basa en el principio agustiniano de Villanova de servicio desinteresado a la comunidad global. Combinados con una interacción social relajada, nos esforzamos por brindar asistencia geoespacial a los necesitados, independientemente de la raza, especialización académica, asociación de grupos de estudiantes o nivel universitario de los estudiantes participantes.' + ym-West-Virginia-University: + name: Maptime Morgantown + description: El capítulo de los YouthMappers en la Universidad de Virginia Occidental + extendedDescription: "Trabajando como un equipo de colaboración, este capítulo cofundador se enfoca en proporcionar un ambiente de aprendizaje abierto para aquellos interesados ​​en trabajar en proyectos que se entrecruzan con el desarrollo internacional, la respuesta a emergencias y la ciencia de la información geográfica.\nConectan a principiantes y expertos a través de capacitación técnica y experiencia en la construcción de datos de infraestructura geográfica significativos y útiles, mientras se conectan a ciudades hermanas de todo el mundo." + ym-Western-Michigan-University: + name: Club de geografía + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Western Michigan + ym-Yarmouk-University: + name: YouthMappers en YU + description: El capítulo de YouthMappers en la Universidad de Yarmuk + extendedDescription: 'El capítulo de YouthMappers en YU es el primer grupo de mapeo en la región de Medio Oriente y África del Norte donde los refugiados, la sequía y la pobreza son crisis en aumento y en urgente necesidad de actividades de mapeo humanitarias para mitigar las consecuencias de tales crisis. Se alienta a YU Mappers a utilizar datos abiertos para abordar los desafíos en la región de MENA a fin de brindar alivio y desarrollo a áreas específicas dentro de la región.' diff --git a/i18n/eu.yaml b/i18n/eu.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01ba622e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/eu.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +eu: + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + description: 'Pertsona oro ongi etorria da! Izena eman {signupUrl}-en, gero batu #osm katea.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + extendedDescription: Lekuko komunitateko albisteak + OSM-AR-irc: + description: 'Batu#osm-ar irc.oftc.net-en (6667 portua)' + OSM-AR-twitter: + description: 'Jarraitu gaitzazu Twitter-en {url} -ean' + OSM-CA-Slack: + description: 'Pertsona oro ongi etorria da! Izena eman {signupUrl}-en.' + OSM-CO-twitter: + description: 'Jarraitu gaitzazu Twitter-en {url}-ean' + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes Telegram-en' + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: Indonesiako OpenStreetMap + description: OpenStreetMap hobetu Indonesian + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Software Hardware Libre Mugimenduak - Facebook + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Software Hardware Libre Mugimenduak - Matrix + OSM-India-facebook: + description: ' OpenStreetMap-a hobetu Indian' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: Mongoliako OpenStreetMap + description: OpenStreetMap hobetu Mongolian + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: Malaysiako OpenStreetMap-a Facebook-en + description: 'OpenStreetMap-i buruzko edozein gauzari buruz eztabaidatzeko! ' + OSM-MY-matrix: + description: 'Kartografo guztiak ongi etorriak dira! Eman izena {signupUrl} -en' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: Nepaleko OpenStreetMap + description: OpenStreetMap hobetu Nepalen + OSM-PE-twitter: + description: 'Jarraitu gaitzazu Twitter-en {url}-ean' + OSM-PH-slack: + description: 'Edonor da ongi etorria! Izen eman {signupUrl} -en' + OSM-RU-telegram: + description: Errusiako OpenStreetMap-aren telegram txat-a + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap-en Telegram-a + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap-en Twitter-a + description: 'Jarrai gaitzazu Twitter-en hemen {url} ' + OSM-US-Slack: + description: 'Pertsona oro da ongi etorria! Izena eman {signupUrl}-en.' + OSM-india-twitter: + name: Indiako OpenStreetMap Twitter-a + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap-aren Japoniako Komunitatea + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Japoniako OpenStreetMap Twitter-a + description: 'Traola Twitter-en: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: Japoniako OpenStreetMap + description: Japoniako Kartografo eta OpenStreetMap erabiltzaileak + PHXGeo-twitter: + description: 'Jarraitu gaitzazu Twitter-en {url}-ean' + al-telegram: + name: Albaniako OSM-aren Telegram Katea + description: Albaniako OpenStreetMap-aren Telegram Katea + at-twitter: + name: Austriako OpenStreetMap Twitter-a + description: 'Austriako OpenStreetMap Twitterren: {url}' + be-irc: + description: 'Batu #osmbe irc.oftc.net -en (6667 portua)' + be-matrix: + description: Kartografo guztiak ongi etorriak dira! + be-meetup: + name: 'Belgikako OpenStreetMap bilkura ' + be-twitter: + name: Belgikako OpenStreetMap Twitter-a + description: 'Belgikako OSM Twitter-en: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + description: Bostwanako OpenStreetMap webgunea + bw-twitter: + description: Bostwanako OpenStreetMap Twitter-a + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: 'Jarraitu gaitzazu Twitterren: {url}' + czech-community: + name: Txekiar OSM komunitatea + description: 'Txekiako OSM kideen mapa ataria, webgunea eta kontaktuak' + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin Telegram-en' + de-berlin-twitter: + description: 'Jarraitu gaitzazu Twitter-en: {url}' + de-irc: + description: 'Batu #osm-de irc.oftc.net-en (6667 portua)' + fr-irc: + description: 'Batu #osm-fr irc.oftc.net -en (6667 portua)' + gb-irc: + description: 'Batu #osm-gb irc.oftc.net-en (port 6667)' + hr-facebook: + name: Kroaziako OpenStreetMap Facebook taldea + description: Kroaziako OpenStreetMap Facebook taldea + hr-irc: + name: Kroaziako OpenStreetMap-a IRC-en + description: 'Batu #osm-hr irc.freenode.org -en (6667 portua)' + it-irc: + description: 'Batu #osm-it irc.oftc.net-en (6667 portua)' + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia Telegram-en' + it-twitter: + description: 'Jarraitu gaitzazu Twitter-en {url}-(e)an' + osm-at: + name: Austriako OpenStreetMap + description: Austriako OpenStreetMap-ari buruzko informazio plataforma + osm-gh-facebook: + name: Ghana-ko OpenStreetMap Facebook-en + description: OpenStreetMap-ean interesatutako jendearentzako Facebook taldea. + osm-gh-twitter: + name: Ghana-ko OpenStreetMap Twitter-en + description: 'Jarraitu gaitzazu Twitterren: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap-en Madagaskarreko Facebook Taldea + osmcz-facebook: + name: CZ-ko OpenStreetMap Facebook-en + osmcz-twitter: + name: Txekiar twitter-a @osmcz  + description: Jarraitu txekiar komunitatea Twitter-en - AsterokoOSM itzulia barne! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: OSM komunitatearen Graz-eko bilera + description: OpenStreetMap komunitateren hileroko bilera Graz-en + osmgraz-twitter: + name: Graz-eko OSM komunitatea Twitterren + description: Graz-eko OpenStreetMap komunitatea twitterren + se-twitter: + description: 'Jarraitu gaitzazu Twitter-en: {url}' + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Txekiar posta zerrenda (talk-cz) + talk-mg: + description: 'Madagaskarren OpenStreetMap-eko eragile, komunitate eta erabiltzailek elkarbanatzeko eta eztabaidatzeko gunea' diff --git a/i18n/fa.yaml b/i18n/fa.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b7b070b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/fa.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +fa: + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: پنسیلوانیا مرکزی OSM + description: 'جامعه نقشه برداری آنلاین بر اساس کالج ایالتی، پنسیلوانیا' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: دالاس‌فورت وورث OSM + description: گروه کاربران OpenStreetMap برای دالاس‌فورت وورث + GeoPhilly: + name: ژئوفیلی + description: Meetup برای علاقمندان به نقشه در منطقه فیلادلفیا + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: فهرست پستی اوپن‌استریت‌مپ آسیا + description: «talk-asia» فهرست پستی رسمی برای جامعهٔ آسیاست + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM چاتانوگا + description: گروه کاربران OpenStreetMap برای چاتانوگا + OSM-Discord: + name: اوپن‌استریت‌مپ در دیسکورد + description: از طریق دیسکورد با سایر نقشه‌کش‌ها آشنا شوید + OSM-Facebook: + name: اوپن‌استریت‌مپ در فیسبوک + description: اخبار و نوشته‌های اوپن‌استریت‌مپی ما را در فیسبوک دنبال کنید! + OSM-IDN-facebook: + description: بهبود OpenStreetMap در اندونزی + OSM-IRC: + name: اوپن‌استریت‌مپ در آی‌آرسی + description: 'در irc.oftc.net به #osm بپیوندید (پورت 6667)' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap نپال + description: بهبود OpenStreetMap در نپال + OSM-Portland: + name: پورتلند OpenStreetMap + OSM-Reddit: + name: اوپن‌استریت‌مپ در ردیت + description: /r/openstreetmap/ یک مکان عالی برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر دربارهٔ اوپن‌استریت‌مپ است. هر چه که می‌خواهید بپرسید! + OSM-Telegram: + name: اوپن‌استریت‌مپ در تلگرام + description: 'به ابَرگروه جهانی اوپن‌استریت‌مپ در تلگرام بپیوندید: {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: توییتر اوپن‌استریت‌مپ + description: 'ما را در توییتر دنبال کنید: {url}' + OSM-US-Slack: + description: 'همگی خوش آمدید! ثبت نام کنید در {signupUrl}' + OSM-help: + name: راهنمای پرسش‌پاسخی اوپن‌استریت‌مپ + description: در وبسایت پرسش و پاسخی OSM سوال بپرسید و جواب بگیرید. این وبسایت را جامعهٔ اوپن‌استریت‌مپ اداره می‌کند. + extendedDescription: 'هر کسی که در ارتباط با اوپن‌استریت‌مپ نیازمند راهنمایی باشد می‌تواند به {url} مراجعه کند. چه یک نقشه‌کش تازه‌وارد باشید یا کسی که پرسشی فنی دارد، ما اینجا هستیم تا به شما کمک کنیم!' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: انجمن OpenStreetMap ژاپن + description: نقشه برداران و کاربران OpenStreetMap در ژاپن + OSM-japan-twitter: + description: 'هشتگ در توییتر: {url}' + OSMF: + name: بنیاد اوپن‌استریت‌مپ + description: بنیاد اوپن‌استریت‌مپ بنیادی ناسودبر در بریتانیاست که از پروژهٔ اوپن‌استریت‌مپ پشتیبانی می‌کند + extendedDescription: 'بنیاد OSM با جذب منابع مالی، نگهداری میزبان‌های OSM، سامان‌دادن نشست سالانهٔ State of the Map و ایجاد هماهنگی بین مشتاقان بقای این پروژه، از اوپن‌استریت‌مپ پشتیبانی می‌کند. شما نیز می‌توانید از طریق پیوند زیر به عضویت OSMF درآیید تا حمایت خود را ابراز کرده و در جهت‌گیری‌های اوپن‌استریت‌مپ نقش داشته باشید: {signupUrl}' + osm-asia-telegram: + name: تلگرام اوپن‌استریت‌مپ آسیا + description: 'همراهمان شوید: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: اوپن‌استریت‌مپ ایران در آپارات + description: 'کانال آپارات ما را در {url} دنبال کنید' + extendedDescription: این کانال منبع خوبی از فیلم‌های آموزشی دربارهٔ اوپن‌استریت‌مپ برای فارسی‌زبانان است. + osm-iran-forum: + name: انجمن اوپن‌استریت‌مپ ایران + description: انجمن اینترنتی اوپن‌استریت‌مپ ایران + extendedDescription: یک انجمن اینترنتی برای کاربران اوپن‌استریت‌مپ ایران. سؤال بپرسید و با دیگران گفت‌وگو کنید! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: اوپن‌استریت‌مپ ایران در تلگرام + description: 'از شما دعوت می‌کنیم به کانال تلگرامی اوپن‌استریت مپ ایران به نشانی {url} بیپوندید. کاربران اوپن‌استریت‌مپ ایران یک گروه تلگرامی نیز دارند که لینک آن را در توضیحات کانال خواهید یافت. خوش آمدید!' diff --git a/i18n/fi.yaml b/i18n/fi.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b710dad2 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/fi.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +fi: + OSM-AR-twitter: + description: 'Seuraa Twitter-tiliämme osoitteessa {url}' + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Paranna Bangladeshin OpenStreetMapia + OSM-CL-twitter: + description: 'Seuraa Twitter-tiliämme osoitteessa {url}' + OSM-CO-twitter: + description: 'Seuraa Twitter-tiliämme osoitteessa {url}' + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Facebookissa + description: Pysy ajan tasalla tuoreimmista OpenStreetMap-uutisista tykkäämällä meistä Facebookissa. + OSM-India-facebook: + description: Paranna Intian OpenStreetMapia + OSM-PE-twitter: + description: 'Seuraa Twitter-tiliämme osoitteessa {url}' + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap Redditissä + description: /r/openstreetmap/ on näppärä tapa oppia lisää OpenStreetMapista. Kysy mitä tahansa! + OSM-Twitter: + description: 'Seuraa Twitter-tiliämme osoitteessa {url}' + OSM-br-twitter: + description: 'Seuraa Twitter-tiliämme osoitteessa {url}' + OSM-help: + description: Hanki vastauksia kysymyksiisi OpenStreetMapin yhteisön ylläpitämällä vastausfoorumilla. + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap-säätiö + description: OSMF on Iso-Britanniasta toimiva voittoa tavoittelematon, OpenStreetMapin toimintaa edistävä säätiö + PHXGeo-twitter: + description: 'Seuraa Twitter-tiliämme osoitteessa {url}' + de-mailinglist: + description: Talk-de on Saksan OSM-yhteisön virallinen sähköpostituslista + fi-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Suomen keskustelualue + description: OpenStreetMap Suomen keskustelualue verkossa + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Suomen irc-kanava + description: 'Osallistu #osm-fi-kanavalle osoitteessa irc.oftc.net (portti 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi-sähköpostituslista + description: Talk-fi on Suomen OSM-yhteisön virallinen sähköpostituslista + it-mailinglist: + description: Talk-it on Italian OSM-yhteisön virallinen sähköpostituslista + it-twitter: + description: 'Seuraa Twitter-tiliämme osoitteessa {url}' + osm-gh-twitter: + description: 'Seuraa Twitter-tiliämme osoitteessa {url}' + osm-se: + description: OSM-palvelut ja -neuvonta Ruotsin paikallisyhteisölle + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ruotsi Facebookissa + description: OpenStreetMap Ruotsin Facebook-sivu + se-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Ruotsin keskustelualue verkossa + description: OpenStreetMap Ruotsin keskustelualue verkossa + se-irc: + name: 'OpenStreetMap Ruotsin irc-kanava ' + se-mailinglist: + description: OpenStreetMapin postituslista avointa keskustelua varten + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ruotsi Twitterissä diff --git a/i18n/fr.yaml b/i18n/fr.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4039bdb13 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/fr.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1366 @@ +fr: + Bahia-telegram: + name: Groupe Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Bahia + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Bahia sur Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Rejoignez la communauté pour en apprendre plus sur OpenStreetMap, pour poser des questions ou participer à nos rencontres. Tout le monde est le bienvenu!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Bay Area OpenStreetMappers + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap dans la Bay Area + extendedDescription: 'Ce groupe a pour objectif de développer la communauté OpenStreetMap dans le secteur de la Région de la baie de San Francisco. Nos événements sont ouverts à tout le monde, passionné.e.s de l''Open Source, cyclistes, professionnel.le.s de la géomatique, geocachers, ou d''autres encore. Quiconque est intéressé.e par les cartes, la cartographie et les données cartographiques libres est invité.e à rejoindre le groupe et à participer aux événements.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Central Pennsylvania OSM + description: 'Communauté de cartographie en ligne de State College, Pennsylvanie' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Slack de Code for San Jose + description: 'Tout le monde est le bienvenu! Inscrivez-vous sur {signupUrl} et rejoignez le canal #osm.' + DF-telegram: + name: Groupe Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Brésil + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Brasilia sur Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Rejoignez la communauté pour en apprendre plus sur OpenStreetMap, pour poser des questions ou participer à nos rencontres. Tout le monde est le bienvenu!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + description: Groupe d'utilisateurs OpenStreetMap de Dallas-Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth et les villes au milieu abondent de personnes créatives et douées en informatique. La volonté de ce groupe est de trouver de nouvelles manières d''utiliser les supers ressources d''OSM.' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Galice + description: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap pour la Galice + Galicia-Twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Galice + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Réunion pour les passionnés de cartographie dans la région de Philadelphie + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly unit les développeurs, les géographes, les passionnés de données et d''open source, les hackers civiques et les drogués de la carte dans l''amour partagé pour les cartes et les histoires qu''elles racontent. Que vous utilisiez des cartes dans votre travail ou que vous souhaitiez en savoir plus, c''est la bonne réunion ! Nos événements essayent d''être ouverts, amicaux, éducatifs et sociaux et vont des happy hours aux présentations rapides voire aux ateliers. Venez créer une communauté géospatiale diversifiée et inspirante à Philadelphie avec nous !' + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Cartographes et amateurs d'OpenStreetMap dans la région des villes jumelles + extendedDescription: Nous connectons les amateurs d'OpenStreetMap au Minnesota et dans les villes jumelles ! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapping DC + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap dans la région de DC + extendedDescription: 'Nous sommes un groupe de cartographes volontaires qui cherchons à améliorer OpenStreetMap dans la région de DC. Nous essayons aussi de montrer aux autres ce qu''est l''écosystème OSM, l''analyse de données, la cartographie et les SIG. Nous nous réunissons tous les mois à des réunions pour nous concentrer sur une partie de notre ville.' + MappingWR: + name: MappingWR + description: Rendre les chemins à faible émission de carbone faciles à trouver dans la région de Waterloo. + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + description: Nous sommes un groupe de cartographes intéressés par la cartographie et OpenStreetMap autour de Bogotá. + extendedDescription: 'Apprenez à collecter des données sur le terrain et les numériser sur OpenStreetMap. Aucune connaissance préalable n''est requise ! Vous avez seulement besoin de vouloir participer, apprendre et vous amuser.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Cartographes et utilisateurs d''OpenStreetMap autour de Portland, ME' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime est, plutôt littéralement, l''heure de cartographier. Notre mission est d''ouvrir les portes des possibilités cartographiques à tous ceux qui sont intéressés par la création d''un temps et d''un espace collaboratif d''apprentissage, d''exploration et de création de cartes avec des outils et des technologies de cartographie.' + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + name: Slack Maptime Océanie + description: 'Enregistrez-vous sur {signupUrl}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: Twitter de MaptimeHRVA + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: Rencontres mensuelles dans un pub de East Midlands (Nottingham) + description: Rassemblement social pour les cartographes et les utilisateur d'East Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Un groupe se rencontre depuis Mars 2011, au début à Nottingham et plus récemment à Derby et de temps en temps autre part dans les East Midlands. Ce sont des rencontres sociales mais sont des moments privilégiés pour poser des questions spécifiques sur OSM dans la région et en général. Pendant les mois d''été nous cartographions rapidement pendant une heure autour du lieu de réunion. Le groupe est particulièrement intéressé par la cartographie des droits de passage et organise parfois des cartoparties dans ce but.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: Page Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Argentine + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Argentine sur Facebook + extendedDescription: Des nouvelles de la communauté locale + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Argentine + description: Rejoignez le forum web d'OpenStreetMap Argentine + extendedDescription: Idéal pour des discussions longues et importantes. Temps de réponse élevé. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Argentine + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-ar sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: Vous pouvez trouver les utilisateurs les plus geek de la communauté. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion talk-ar + description: Liste de diffusion historique. Presque inutilisée aujourd'hui. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Argentine + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Argentine sur Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Le canal le plus actif dans la communauté, idéal pour papoter et obtenir des réponses à vos questions instantanément. Tout le monde est le bienvenu !' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Argentine + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + extendedDescription: Des nouvelles de la communauté locale et d'OpenStreetMap en général. + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion OpenStreetMap Asie + description: Talk-asia est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté d'Asie + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap au Bangladesh + extendedDescription: 'Vous cartographiez au Bangladesh ? Vous avez des questions, souhaitez entrer en contact avec la communauté ici ? Rejoignez-nous sur {url}. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus !' + events: + sotmasia2019: + name: State of the Map Asie 2019 + description: Rejoignez l'évènement régional OpenStreetMap 2019 avec State of the Map Asie à Dacca + where: 'Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dacca, Bangladesh' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-bo + description: Talk-bo est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté bolivienne d'OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Vous cartographiez en Bolivie ? Vous avez des questions, vous souhaitez rencontrer la communauté ? Rejoignez-nous sur {url}. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus !' + OSM-BiH-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap BiH + description: 'Un groupe Telegram pour la communauté d''OSM en Bosnie-Herzégovine: {url}' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap dans la région de Boston + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap est la carte du monde libre et ouverte comme un wiki avec des centaines de milliers de contributions chaque jour par des personnes comme vous. Modifier la carte est simple et amusant ! Rejoignez-nous aussi bien en intérieur qu''en extérieur dans notre effort pour créer la meilleure carte de la région de Boston et du reste du monde !' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: Slack OSM-CA + description: 'Vous êtes tous les bienvenus ! Enregistrez-vous sur {signupUrl}.' + OSM-CA-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion OSM-CA + description: Une liste de diffusion pour discuter d'OpenStreetMap au Canada. + OSM-CA-telegram: + name: '@osmca sur Telegram' + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: Page Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Chili + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Chili sur Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Rejoignez la communauté pour en apprendre plus sur OpenStreetMap, pour poser des questions ou participer à nos rencontres. Tout le monde est le bienvenu!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion talk-cl + description: Une liste de diffusion pour discuter d'OpenStreetMap au Chili + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: 'Telegram d''OpenStreetMap Chili ' + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Chili sur Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Rejoignez la communauté pour en apprendre plus sur OpenStreetMap, pour poser des questions ou participer à nos rencontres. Tout le monde est le bienvenu!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Chili + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + OSM-CN-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Chine + description: 'Un groupe Telegram pour la communauté chinoise d''OSM: {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombie + description: Des nouvelles de la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Colombie et de la fondation OSMCo + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: Facbebook OpenStreetMap Colombie + description: Rejoignez la communauté OpenStreetMap Colombie sur Facebook + extendedDescription: Rejoignez la communauté pour en apprendre plus sur OpenStreetMap. Tout le monde est le bienvenu! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-co + description: Une liste de diffusion pour discuter d'OpenStreetMap en Colombie + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Colombie sur Telegram + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Colombie + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Colombie + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Cuba sur Telegram + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Cuba + OSM-CZ-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap CZ + description: 'Un groupe Telegram pour la communauté tchèque d''OSM: {url}' + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Mer de Salish + description: 'Cartographes et utilisateurs d''OpenStreetMap autour de Mount Vernon, WA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap est une carte du monde faite par des gens comme vous. C''est une carte que vous construisez et qui est libre comme wikipédia. Voyez osm.org pour plus d''informations. Nous nous rencontrons pour parler de cartes, contribuer à OSM et s''amuser !' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: Le groupe d'utilisateurs d'OSM de Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Cartographes et utilisateurs d''OpenStreetMap dans l''état du Colorado aux USA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado est une collaboration locale de personnes intéressées par la contribution de leurs efforts pour créer des cartes libres. Nous encourageons tous les cartographes à organiser ou suggérer des événements cartographiques dans tout l''état. Des rencontres peuvent simplement tisser des liens sociaux, consister en des cours de base ou avancés sur OSM ou des cartoparties communautaires.' + OSM-Discord: + name: Discord d'OpenStreetMap + description: Contactez d'autres cartographes via Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Équateur sur Telegram + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Équateur + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-es + description: Une liste de diffusion pour discuter d'OpenStreetMap en Espagne + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes sur Telegram' + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Espagne + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap sur Facebook + description: Mettez-nous un « j'aime » sur Facebook pour recevoir des nouvelles d'OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonésie + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap en Indonésie + extendedDescription: 'Vous cartographiez en Indonésie ? Vous avez des questions, vous souhaitez rencontrer la communauté ? Rejoignez-nous sur {Url}. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus !' + OSM-IRC: + name: Canal IRC d'OpenStreetMap + description: 'Rejoignez #osm sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Mouvement logiciel libre et matériel (Free Software Hardware Movement, FSHM) - Facebook + description: 'Page Facebook de FSHM pour en connaître plus sur les événements communautaires et les activités' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organise des événements liés au logiciel et au matériel libre, les technologies, l''activisme et OpenStreetMap. Sa page FB est le meilleur moyen de rester en contact avec ses événements' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Mouvement logiciel libre et matériel (Free Software Hardware Movement, FSHM) - Matrix + description: 'Group riot FSHM pour discutter, partager et mettre à jour les activités de cartographie, les événements à et autour de Puducherry' + extendedDescription: 'Les membres de la communauté FSHM partagent leur mises à jour et expériences sur OSM à travers le groupe riot.im. Ce groupe est aussi utilisé pour discutter de choses liées au logiciel et matériel libre, les technologies et l''activisme.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Inde - cartographie participative du voisinage + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap en Inde + extendedDescription: 'Vous cartographiez en Inde ? Vous avez des questions, vous souhaitez rencontrer la communauté ? Rejoignez-nous sur {url}. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus !' + OSM-Japan-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Japon + description: 'Un groupe Telegram pour la communauté japonaise d''OSM: {url}' + OSM-Kerala-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala - Cartographie participative locale + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap au Kerala + extendedDescription: 'Vous cartographiez au Kerala ? Vous avez des questions, vous souhaitez rencontrer la communauté ? Rejoignez-nous sur {url}. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus !' + OSM-Korea-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion OpenStreetMap Corée + description: Talk-ko est une liste de diffusion officielle pour discuter de sujets relatifs à la Corée + OSM-Korea-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OSM Corée + description: 'Groupe non officiel de contributeurs, communautés, et utilisateurs d''OpenStreetMap en Corée, pour échanger et discuter.' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Birmanie + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap en Birmanie + extendedDescription: 'Vous cartographiez en Birmanie ? Vous avez des questions, vous souhaitez rencontrer la communauté ? Rejoignez-nous sur {Url}. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus !' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolie + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap en Mongolie + extendedDescription: 'Vous cartographiez en Mongolie ? Vous avez des questions, vous souhaitez rencontrer la communauté ? Rejoignez-nous sur {Url}. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus !' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaisie sur Facebook + description: Pour discuter de tout ce qui concerne OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Forum d'OpenStreetMap Malaisie + description: Forum officiel d'OpenStreetMap Malaisie + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Canal riot d'OpenStreetMap Malaisie + description: 'Tous les cartographes sont les bienvenus ! Enregistrez-vous sur {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Népal + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap au Népal + extendedDescription: 'Vous cartographiez au Népal ? Vous avez des questions, vous souhaitez rencontrer la communauté ? Rejoignez-nous sur {Url}. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus !' + OSM-Ottawa-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ottawa + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap dans la région d'Ottawa + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Pérou + description: Nouvelles et ressources pour la communauté d'OpenStreetMap au Pérou + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Pérou + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Pérou sur Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-pe + description: La liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté d'OpenStreetMap au Pérou + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: Le salon de discussion d'OpenStreetMap Pérou sur Matrix + description: Discutez avec d'autres membres de la communauté d'OpenStreetMap au Pérou sur Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Pérou + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Pérou sur Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Pérou + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: Page Facebook d'OpenStreetMap PH + description: 'Bienvenue sur OpenStreetMap Philippines, où nous encourageons tous les philippins à contribuer au projet OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion talk-ph + description: Une liste de diffusion pour discuter d'OpenStreetMap aux Philippines + OSM-PH-slack: + name: Slack OpenStreetMap PH + description: 'Vous êtes tous les bienvenus ! Enregistrez-vous sur {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: Groupe telegram OpenStreetMap PH + description: 'Communauté telegram locale non officielle des contributeurs d''OpenStreetMap et amis aux Philippines' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: Groupe Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Pologne + description: Groupe pour les cartographes et les utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap en Pologne + OSM-PL-forum: + name: Forum d'OpenStreetMap Pologne + description: Forum de la communauté polonaise d'OpenStreetMap + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguay sur Telegram + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Paraguay + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap dans la région de Portland + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) est une carte du monde faite par des gens comme vous. C''est une carte que vous construisez et qui est libre comme wikipédia. Voyez osm.org pour plus d''informations et rejoignez-nous à une rencontre pour parler de cartes, contribuer à OSM et s''amuser !' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: Groupe Google OpenStreetMap PDX + description: Forum et liste de diffusion pour les utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap dans la région de Portland + extendedDescription: 'Ce groupe a pour objectif de faciliter les contributions à OpenStreetMap dans la région de Portland, Oregon, et de soutenir des applications comme Open Trip Planner.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Mouvement logiciel libre et matériel (Free Software Hardware Movement, FSHM) - Liste de diffusion + description: Liste de diffusion de FSHM Pondichéry pour discuter de cartographie à Pondichéry et d'autres choses. + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organise des événements liés au logiciel et au matériel libre, les technologies, l''activisme et OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap RU + description: Forum web OpenStreetMap Russie + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: Groupe telegram OpenStreetMap RU + description: Chat telegram d'OpenStreetMap Russie + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap sur Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ est un super endroit pour en apprendre plus sur OpenStreetMap. Demandez-nous tout ce que vous voulez ! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap dans la région de Rome + extendedDescription: 'Nous souhaitons être une ressource pour les gens où discuter et partager notre connaissance sur l''utilisation des données géographiques libres, en particulier OpenStreetMap, et des logiciels géospatiaux qui gèrent, modifient et affichent des données géographiques et militons pour leur utilisation à Lazio.' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap dans la région de Seattle + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Californie du sud + description: 'Amusons-nous, contribuons quelque chose pour Los Angeles et apprenons à cartographier !' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Californie du sud réuni tous les gens intéressés par la cartographie pour travailler sur OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, le Wikipédia des cartes, est une carte libre du monde créée par plus de 1 000 000 de volontaires autour du monde. Tout le monde est le bienvenu. Si vous ne connaissez pas OpenStreetMap, nous vous apprendrons. Si vous avez une idée de projet de cartographie ou même d''une excursion à laquelle le groupe pourrait participer, super !' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + description: Nuits de la cartographie hébergées par Code for San Jose + extendedDescription: 'Code for San Jose, la brigade Code for America locale, héberge des nuits de la cartographie mensuelles les jeudi soirs à San José. Rencontrez d''autres cartographes de South Bay, aidez les projets de cartographie locaux et apprenez-en plus sur les autres projets civiques techniques. Vous n''avez pas besoin de connaître la programmation ou les SIG.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: Rencontres OSM Chiang Mai + description: Rencontres irrégulières de la communauté OpenStreetMap à Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Les membres de la communauté OpenStreetMap se rencontrent tous les quelques mois à Chiang Mai. Contactez-nous et regardez {url} pour voir quand notre prochaine rencontre est prévue' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: Groupe Facebook OpenStreetMap TH + description: Groupe Facebook pour les cartographes en thaïlande + OSM-TH-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap TH + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Thaïlande + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Taïwan + description: Groupe Facebook pour que les cartographes et les utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap discuttent de Taïwan. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion OpenStreetMap Taïwan + description: Talk-tw est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté OSM de Taïwan + OSM-TW-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Taïwan + description: 'Un groupe Telegram pour la communauté taïwanaise d''OSM: {url}' + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap baie de Tampa + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap dans la région de la baie de Tampa + extendedDescription: 'Le groupe OpenStreetMap baie de Tampa pour que les locaux se rencontrent et construisent la carte complète de la baie de Tampa avec OpenStreetMap, la carte du monde libre et modifiable. Si vous aimez les cartes, les données, l''open source, le GPS, la randonnée, le vélo et cætera, vous allez aimer travailler avec OpenStreetMap – alors rejoinez-nous ! Nous nous rencontrerons pour cartographier et parler de nouveaux sujets environ une fois par mois.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap + description: 'Rejoignez le groupe Telegram d''OpenStreetMap sur {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap États-Unis + description: Nous aidons OpenStreetMap à croître et à s'améliorer aux États-Unis. + extendedDescription: 'Nous soutenons OpenStreetMap en organisant des conférences annuelles, en fournissant des moyens à la communauté, en établissant des partenariats, et en relayant les informations. Rejoignez OpenStreetMap États-Unis ici: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: Slack d'OpenStreetMap US + description: 'Vous êtes tous les bienvenus ! Enregistrez-vous sur {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap dans la région de Salt Lake City + extendedDescription: 'Les activités peuvent être des ateliers pour apprendre à cartographier, des cartoparties et des collectes de données en extérieur. Les événement se déroulent dans la zone de SLC au moins au départ. Nous cherchons des cartographes chevronnés ainsi que des nouveaux sur OSM. Rejoignez-nous et cartographions !' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + description: 'Cartographes et utilisateurs d''OpenStreetMap à Vancouver' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap dans la région de Wyoming + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming est une collaboration locale de gens intéressés par la contribution de leurs efforts pour créer des cartes libres. Nous encourageons tous nos cartographes à organiser ou suggérer des événement cartographiques dans tout l''état. Les rencontres peuvent consister en de simples événements sociaux, des sessions d''apprentissage des bases ou avancées, ou des cartoparties communautaires.' + OSM-br-discord: + name: Discord d'OpenStreetMap Brésil + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Brésil sur Discord + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion talk-br + description: Une liste de diffusion pour discuter d'OpenStreetMap au Brézil + OSM-br-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Brésil + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Brésil sur Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Rejoignez la communauté pour en apprendre plus sur OpenStreetMap, pour poser des questions ou participer à nos rencontres. Tout le monde est le bienvenu!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Brésil + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Aide d'OpenStreetMap + description: Posez des questions et recevez des réponses sur le site de question-réponse de la communauté OSM. + extendedDescription: 'Le site {url} s''adresse à tous ceux qui ont besoin d''aide sur OpenStreetMap. Que vous soyez un débutant ou que vous ayez une question technique, nous sommes là pour vous aider !' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion OpenStreetMap Inde + description: Talk-in est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté OSM d'Inde + OSM-india-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Inde + description: 'Nous ne sommes qu''à un tweet : {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Communauté OpenStreetMap japonaise + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap au Japon + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion OpenStreetMap Japon + description: Talk-ja est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté OSM du Japon + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Japon + description: 'Hashtag sur Twitter : {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japon + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap au Japon + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap au Sri Lanka + extendedDescription: 'Vous cartographiez au Sri Lanka ? Vous avez des questions, souhaitez entrer en contact avec la communauté ici ? Rejoignez-nous sur {Url}. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus !' + OSMF: + name: Fondation OpenStreetMap + description: OSMF est une organisation à but non lucratif de droit britannique qui soutient le projet OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'OSMF supporte le projet OpenStreetMap en levant des fonds, en maintenant les serveurs d''OSM, en organisant la conférence annuelle State of the Map, et en coordonnant les volontaires qui permettent à OSM de fonctionner. Vous pouvez apporter votre aide et faire entendre votre voix dans OpenStreetMap en devenant membre d''OSMF ici: {signupUrl}' + events: + sotm2020: + name: State of the Map 2020 + description: 'Rejoignez-nous pendant 3 jours au Cap, Afrique du Sud, pour la conférence mondiale annuelle d''OpenStreetMap, rassemblant l''ensemble de la communauté, pour se rencontrer, partager et apprendre.' + where: 'Le Cap, Afrique du Sud' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap dans la région de Cleveland + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland souhaite être une ressource pour les gens où discuter et partager notre connaissance sur l''utilisation des données géographiques libres, en particulier OpenStreetMap, et des logiciels géospatiaux qui gèrent, modifient et affichent des données géographiques et militons pour leur utilisation au nord-est de l''Ohio. Nous sommes aussi un chapitre maptime =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: Rencontres PHXGeo + description: 'Cartographes et utilisateurs d''OpenStreetMap dans la région de Phoenix, AZ' + extendedDescription: 'C''est un groupe de rencontre pour les gens de la zone de Phoenix qui aiment les cartes, les SIG, OpenStreetMap et tout le reste.' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter de PHXGeo + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Rio Grande du Sud sur Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Rejoignez la communauté pour apprendre davantage sur OpenStreetMap, poser des questions ou participer à nos réunions. Tout le monde est la bienvenue !' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: Liste de diffusion OpenStreetMap pour le Haut-Adige + description: Liste de discussion OpenStreetMap Italie régionale pour le Haut-Adige. + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Liste de diffusion OpenStreetMap pour le Trentin + description: Liste de discussion OpenStreetMap Italie régionale pour Trentino. + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Facebook de Western Slope + description: 'Cartographes et utilisateurs d''OpenStreetMap autour de Grand Junction, CO' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Recontres de Wester Slope OSM + description: 'Cartographes et utilisateurs d''OpenStreetMap autour de Grand Junction, CO' + extendedDescription: 'Le but de ce groupe est de présenter OpenStreetMap aux communautés, développer une communauté de cartographes, créer la meilleure donnée géographique possible par n''importe quel moyen et finalement d''élaborer une stratégie pour communiquer cette donnée aux communautés. Imaginez des panneaux indicatifs sur les chemins de randonnées ! Imaginez un meilleur développement des voies cyclables ! Imaginez tout ce que vous voulez, c''est le plaisir d''OpenStreetMap !' + al-forum: + name: Forum d'OSM Albanie + description: Forum d'OpenStreetMap Albanie + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: Événements sociaux organisés autour de la cartographie — les débutants sont les bienvenus ! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime est un environnement d''apprentissage ouvert pour tous les niveaux et degrés de connaissance, offrant un support éducatif volontaire pour le débutant. Maptime est aussi flexible que structuré, créant un espace pour les tutoriels de cartographie, les ateliers, les projets en cours avec un but commun et des temps de travail indépendants ou communs.' + al-telegram: + name: Canal Telegram d'OSM Albanie + description: Canal Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Albanie + al-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Albanie + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + at-forum: + name: Forum d'OpenStreetMap Autriche + description: Le forum officiel pour les questions sur OpenStreetMap en Autriche et autour + at-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion talk-at + description: Talk-at est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté OSM d'Autriche + at-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Autriche + description: 'OpenStreetMap Autriche sur Twitter : {url}' + be-chapter: + name: Chapitre local OpenStreetMap Belgique + description: Nous aidons OpenStreetMap à croître et à s'améliorer en Belgique. + extendedDescription: 'Si vous désirez aider à améliorer et agrandir la communauté de cartographie en Belgique, pour rendre les gens encore plus enthousiastes à cartographier, OpenStreetMap Belgique est le fait pour vous.' + be-facebook: + name: Communauté Facebook d'OpenStreetMap BE + description: Cartographes et OpenStreetMap sur Facebook en Belgique + be-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap BE + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Belgique + be-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Belgique + description: 'Rejoignez #osmbe sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Rejoignez #osmbe sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667), il y a un pont avec le canal matrix' + be-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion talk-be + description: Talk-be est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté belge d'OSM + be-matrix: + name: Canal Matrix d'OpenStreetMap BE + description: Tous les cartographes sont les bienvenus ! + extendedDescription: La plupart des discussions ont lieu sur le canal « OpenStreetMap Belgium ». Vous pouvez y demander tout ce que vous voulez ! Les autres canaux sont là pour des sujets spécifiques. + be-meetup: + name: Réunion d'OpenStreetMap Belgique + description: Rencontres pour tous ceux qui sont intéressés par OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Les rencontres physiques sont un bon moyen de rencontrer d''autres cartographes, leur poser des questions et apprendre plein de choses. Les nouveaux contributeurs sont particulièrement les bienvenus !' + be-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Belgique + description: 'OSM Belgique sur Twitter : @osm_be' + bg-forum: + name: Forum d'OpenStreetMap Bulgarie + description: Forum de la communauté bulgare d'OpenStreetMap + bg-wiki: + name: Wikiprojet OpenStreetMap Bulgarie + description: Page du wikiprojet pour la Bulgarie + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana sur Facebook + description: Page OpenStreetMap au Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Mapping Botswana sur Twitter + description: Fil Twitter OpenStreetMap au Botswana + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Biélorussie + description: Chat telegram OpenStreetMap Biélorussie + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: YouthMappers de l'université de Cape Coast + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter : {url}' + extendedDescription: 'C''est le compte officiel du chapitre Youth Mappers de l''université de Cape Coast, au Ghana. Nous aimons les cartes, la donnée libre et aider les communautés vulnérables.' + ch-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Suisse + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-ch sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + ch-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion d'Openstreetmap Suisse + description: Liste de diffusion pour la Suisse + ch-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Suisse + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter: {url}' + czech-community: + name: Communauté OSM tchèque + description: 'Portail cartographique, site web et contacts des membres OSM en République Tchèque' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion pour Berlin + description: Il s'agit de la liste de diffusion pour la communauté berlinoise d'OSM + de-berlin-meetup: + name: Recontres OpenStreetMap de Berlin-Brandenburg + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs OpenStreetMap dans la région de Berlin + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin sur Telegram' + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Berlin + de-berlin-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Berlin + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter : {url}' + de-forum: + name: Forum d'OpenStreetMap DE + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Allemagne + de-hamburg-telegram: + name: OSM Hambourg sur Telegram + description: 'Chat Telegram d''OpenStreetMap Hambourg: {url}' + de-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Allemagne + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-de sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-de + description: Talk-de est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté allemande d'OSM + de-matrix: + name: Matrix d'OpenStreetMap Allemagne + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-de:matrix.org à l''adresse https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org' + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion OWL + description: Il s'agit de la liste de diffusion pour la communauté OSM en Westphalie Est-Lippe + de-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Allemagne + description: 'Rejoignez le groupe Telegram d''OpenStreetMap Allemagne sur {url}' + dk-forum: + name: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Danemark + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Danemark + dk-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Danemark + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-dk sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-dk + description: Une liste de diffusion pour discuter d'OpenStreetMap au Danemark + es-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Espagne + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + fi-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap FI + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Finlande + fi-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Finlande + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-fi sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-fi + description: Talk-fi est la liste de diffusion officielle de la communauté d'OSM en Finlande + fr-chapter: + name: Chapitre local OpenStreetMap France + description: Nous aidons OpenStreetMap à croître et à s'améliorer en France. + fr-facebook: + name: Page Facebook d'OpenStreetMap France + description: Page Facebook d'OpenStreetMap France + fr-forum: + name: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap France + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap France + fr-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap France + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-fr sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-fr + description: Liste de diffusion Talk-fr + fr-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap France sur Telegram + description: 'Un groupe Telegram pour la communauté d''OSM France: {url}' + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap France sur Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap France sur Twitter : {url}' + galicia-wiki: + name: Wikiprojet OpenStreetMap Galice + description: 'Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la cartographie en Galice: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Royaume-Uni + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-gb sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Rejoignez #osm-gb sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667), soyez patient SVP et attendez quelques minutes si vous posez une question' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-gb + description: Talk-gb est la liste de diffusion principale pour la communauté OSM du Royaume-Uni (incluant l'Irlande du Nord) + geogeeks_perth_meetup: + description: 'Groupe de rencontre basé à Perth pour les personnes intéressées par la cartographie, les données géospatiales et les logiciels libres. Nous travaillerons sur tout ce qui implique un sens du lieu.' + hr-facebook: + name: Groupe Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Croatie + description: Groupe Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Croatie + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Croatie sur IRC + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-hr sur irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-hr + description: Liste de diffusion Talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU sur Facebook + description: Page Facebook des cartographes et d'OpenStreetMap en Hongrie + hu-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap HU + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Hongrie + hu-matrix: + name: Salle matricielle HU d'OpenStreetMap + description: Salle matricielle Hongroise d'OpenStreetMap + hu-meetup: + name: Réunion d'OpenStreetMap Hongrie + description: La plate-forme pour l'organisation des réunions en Hongrie + il-telegram: + name: OSM Israël sur Telegram + description: 'Un groupe Telegram pour la communauté d''OpenStreetMap en Israël: {url}' + ireland-chapter: + name: Chapitre local OpenStreetMap Irlande + description: Nous aidons OpenStreetMap à croître et à s'améliorer en Irlande. + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap Ireland fournit une voix pour le projet OpenStreetMap sur l''île d''Irlande, en plus d''interagir avec d''autres initiatives ouvertes.' + ireland-facebook: + name: Groupe Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Irlande + description: Page Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Irlande + ireland-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Irlande + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-ie sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Rejoignez #osm-ie sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667), veuillez patienter quelques minutes si vous posez une question' + ireland-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-ie + description: Talk-ie est la liste de diffusion pour la communauté irlandaise d'OSM + ireland-telegram: + name: OSM Irlande sur Telegram + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Irlande + ireland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap IE sur Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap IE sur Twitter: {url}' + is-chapter: + name: Chapitre local OpenStreetMap Islande + description: Nous aidons OpenStreetMap à croître et à s'améliorer en Islande. + is-facebook: + name: OSM Islande sur Facebook + description: Page OpenStreetMap en Islande + is-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-is + description: Talk-is est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté OSM islandaise + is-twitter: + name: OSM Islande sur Twitter + description: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap en Islande + it-chapter: + name: Chapitre local OpenStreetMap Italie + description: Nous aidons OpenStreetMap à croître et à s'améliorer en Italie. + it-facebook: + name: Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Italie + description: Rejoignez la communauté italienne d'OpenStreetMap sur Facebook + it-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Italie + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-it sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-it + description: Talk-it est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté italienne d'OSM + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia sur Telegram' + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Italie + it-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Italie + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter à l''adresse {url}' + kosovo-matrix: + description: Groupe public semi-officiel de tout le Kosovo. Nous accueillons tous les cartographes de partout et dans toutes les langues. + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo sur Telegram + description: Groupe Telegram public semi-officiel pour tout le Kosovo. Nous accueillons tous les cartographes de n'importe où dans toutes les langues. + latam-facebook: + name: Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Amérique Latine + latam-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Amérique Latine + description: 'Rejoignez #osm-latam sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + latam-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-latam + description: Talk-latam est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté latino-américaine d'OpenStreetMap + latam-twitter: + description: 'OpenStreetMap Amérique Latine sur Twitter: {url}' + lu-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-lu + description: Liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté luxembourgeoise d'OSM + mailinglist-sk-googlegroups: + name: Liste de diffusion Slovaque dans un groupe Google + description: Liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté Slovaque + map-kibera: + name: Carte Kibera certifiée + description: '"Map Kibera" est une organisation reconnue travaillant au Kenya' + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Groupe local Mappa Mercia + description: Un endroit pour les amateurs d'OpenStreetMap dans les Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia est un projet pour faire grandir OpenStreetMap dans les West Midlands au Royaume-Uni. Nous organisons des événements communautaires, fournissons de l''aide et du support aux organisations locales qui veulent libérer leurs données.' + ni-facebook: + name: Communauté OpenStreetMap NI + description: Cartographes et OpenStreetMap sur Facebook au Nicaragua + ni-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-ni + description: Talk-ni est la liste de diffusion officielle de la communauté nicaraguayenne d'OSM + ni-telegram: + name: OSM Nicaragua sur Telegram + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Nicaragua + ni-twitter: + name: Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Nicaragua + description: 'OSM Nicaragua sur Twitter: @osm_ni' + nl-forum: + name: Forum d'OpenStreetMap Pays-Bas + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Pays-Bas + nl-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Pays-Bas + description: 'Un groupe Telegram pour la communauté néerlandaise d''OSM: {url}' + no-forum: + name: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Norvège + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Norvège + no-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Norvège + description: 'Salon de discussion pour les cartographes et les utilisateurs, les développeurs et les amateurs d''OpenStreetMap en Norvège' + no-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion d'OpenStreetMap Norvège + description: 'Liste de diffusion pour les cartographes et les utilisateurs, développeurs et amateurs d''OpenStreetmap en Norvège' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no sur Telegram' + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Norvège + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Afghanistan + description: Améliorez OpenStreetMap en Afghanistan + osm-africa-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Afrique + description: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap pour l'Afrique + osm-asia-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Asie + description: 'Rejoignez notre famille: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Autriche + description: La plateforme pour obtenir des informations sur OpenStreetMap en Autriche + osm-ch: + name: OpenStreetMap Suisse + description: La plate-forme pour l'information sur OpenStreetMap en Suisse + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Allemagne + description: La plate-forme pour l'information sur OpenStreetMap en Allemagne + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana sur Facebook + description: Groupe Facebook pour les gens intéressés par OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Cartographes de la communauté du Ghana qui promeuvent les projets OpenStreetMap et Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) au Ghana. Rejoignez-nous.' + osm-gh-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Ghana + description: Communauté ghanéenne d'OpenStreetMap sur Telegram + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana sur Twitter + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter : {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap Inde + description: Forum OpenStreetMap Inde sur le web + osm-india-github: + name: Github d'OpenstreetMap Inde + description: 'Codons ensenble : {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Inde + description: 'Rejoignez notre famille : {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Inde + description: Cartographes et utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap en Inde + osm-india-wiki: + name: Wikiproject OpenStreetMap Inde + description: 'Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour cartographier en Inde : {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: Chaîne Youtube d'OpenStreetMap Inde + description: 'Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne : {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: Chaîne Aparat d'OpenStreetMap Iran + description: 'Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne : {url}' + extendedDescription: Une bonne ressource de vidéos sur tout ce qui a trait à OpenStreetMap. Surtout en persan. + osm-iran-forum: + name: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Iran + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Iran + extendedDescription: Un forum pour les utilisateurs d'OpenStreetMap en Iran. Posez vous questions et discutez avec les autres ! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Iran + description: 'Vous êtes les bienvenus sur notre canal Telegram sur {url}. Nous avons aussi un supergroupe de plusieurs utilisateurs intéressés en Iran. Vous trouverez le lien dans la description du canal.' + osm-kenya: + name: OSM Kenya + description: OSM Kenya est une communauté de contributeurs et d'utilisateurs d'OSM + extendedDescription: 'OSM est une communauté locale pour les personnes intéressées par OpenStreetMap, parmi lesquelles les organisations, les développeurs, et les chapitres YouthMappers dans le pays.' + osm-kerala-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Kerala + description: 'Nous cartographions le Kerala ensemble. Rejoignez notre groupe Telegram. {url}' + osm-kerala-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala + description: 'En savoir plus sur le mappage "Kerala": {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Groupe Facebook OpenStreetMap Madagascar + description: Groupe Facebook malgache pour les gens intéressé par OpenStreetMap. + osm-ni: + name: MapaNica.net + description: Fournit des services OSM et des informations pour la communauté locale au Nicaragua + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Des nouvelles de la communauté OpenStreetMap suédoise + osm-za-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Afrique du Sud sur Twitter + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter: {url}' + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ sur Facebook + description: Suivez la communauté tchèque sur Facebook - avec la lettre WeeklyOSM traduite! + osmcz-twitter: + name: Twitter tchèque @osmcz + description: Suivez la communauté tchèque sur Twitter — dont la traduction des HebdoOSM ! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: Rencontres OSM communautaires de Graz + description: Rencontres mensuelles de la communauté OpenStreetMap à Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: Communauté OSM de Graz sur twitter + description: Communauté OpenStreetMap de Graz sur twitter + panama-telegram: + name: OSM Panama sur Telegram + pt-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-pt + description: Talk-pt est la liste de diffusion officielle de la communauté portugaise d'OSM + pt-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Portugal sur Telegram + description: 'Groupe Telegram de la communauté portugaise d''OpenStreetMap {url}' + romania-telegram: + name: '@OSMRomania sur Telegram' + sa-telegram: + name: OSM Arabie Saoudite sur Telegram + description: 'Un groupe Telegram pour la communauté d''OpenStreetMap en Arabie Saoudite: {url}' + scotland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Écosse sur Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Écosse sur Twitter: {url}' + se-facebook: + name: Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Suède + description: OpenStreetMap Suède sur Facebook + se-forum: + name: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Suède + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Suède + se-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Suède + description: 'Rejoignez #osm.se sur irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-se + description: Une liste de diffusion pour discuter d'OpenStreetMap en Suède + se-telegram: + name: OSM Suède sur Telegram + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Suède sur Twitter + description: 'Suivez-nous sur Twitter : {url}' + si-forum: + name: Forum d'OpenStreetMap Slovénie + description: Forum de la communauté OpenStreetMap en Slovénie + si-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion d'OpenStreetMap Slovénie + description: Liste de diffusion de la communauté OpenStreetMap en Slovénie + si-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap Slovénie + description: 'Suivez OpenStreetMap Slovénie sur Twitter : {url}' + sk-facebook: + name: Page Facebook de la communauté Slovaque de Freemap.sk + description: Page Facebook de la communauté Slovaque de Freemap.sk + sk-freemap: + name: Site web Slovaque de "Freemap" d'OpenStreetMap + talk-au: + name: Liste de diffusion talk-au + description: Lieu de discussion pour les cartographes australiens + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion tchèque (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté tchèque + talk-gh: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-gh + description: Talk-gh est la liste de diffusion officielle de la communauté d'OSM au Ghana. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap Italie Lazio + description: 'Vous êtes tous les bienvenus ! Enregistrez-vous sur {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Liste de diffusion pour Rome et la région du Lazio + talk-it-piemonte_mailinglist: + extendedDescription: Liste de diffusion pour la région du Piémont. + talk-mg: + name: Liste de diffusion talk-mg + description: 'Le lieu de rencontre des contributeurs OpenStreetMap, des communautés et des utilisateurs à Madagascar où partager et discuter.' + talk-nz: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-nz + description: Discussion de la communauté OSM en Nouvelle-Zélande + talk-za: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-za + description: Talk-za est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté sud-africaine d'OSM. + ua-facebook: + name: Groupe Facebook d'OpenStreetMap Ukraine + description: Rejoignez la communauté ukrainienne d'OpenStreetMap sur Facebook + ua-forum: + name: Forum d'OpenStreetMap Ukraine + description: Forum de la communauté OpenStreetMap en Ukraine + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine sur GitHub + description: GitHub d'OpenStreetMap Ukraine + ua-osm: + name: Site web d'OpenStreetMap Ukraine + description: Site web d'OpenStreetMap en Ukraine + ua-slack: + name: Slack d'OpenStreetMap Ukraine + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Ukraine sur Slack + ua-telegram: + name: '@osmUA sur Telegram' + description: Chat Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Ukraine + ua-twitter: + name: Fil Twitter d'OpenStreetMap UA + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ukraine sur Twitter: {url}' + uk-localchapter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK + description: Le chapitre local officiel pour le Royaume-Uni (incluant l'Irlande du Nord). + extendedDescription: 'Nous soutenons OpenStreetMap en organisant des évènements, en fournissant des ressources communautaires, en établissant des partenariats, et en diffusant la bonne parole. Rejoignez OpenStreetMap UK ici: {signupUrl}' + uk-london-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Londres sur Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Londres sur Twitter: {url}' + uk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK sur Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap UK sur Twitter: {url}' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion talk-us-massachusetts + description: Il s'agit de la liste de diffusion pour la communauté du Massachusetts d'OSM + uy-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap UY + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Uruguay + uy-irc: + name: IRC d'OpenStreetMap Uruguay + description: 'Rejoignez #osmuruguay sur irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Rejoignez #osmuruguay sur irc.freenode.org' + uy-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion talk-uy + description: Talk-uy est la liste de diffusion officielle pour la communauté uruguayenne d'OSM + ve-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap VE + description: Forum web d'OpenStreetMap Venezuela + ve-mailinglist: + name: Liste de diffusion Talk-ve + description: Talk-ve est la liste de diffusion officielle de la communauté vénézuélienne d'OSM + ve-telegram: + name: Telegram d'OpenStreetMap Venezuela + description: Rejoignez la communauté d'OpenStreetMap Venezuela sur Telegram + ym-Abia-State-University: + name: AbsuMappersTeam + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université d'état d'Abia + extendedDescription: 'AbsuMappersTeam est une équipe de cartographes volontaires, qui utilisent openstreetmap, le SIG et d''auters technologies géospatiales open source pour résoudre des problèmes. Elle est dédiée à la réponse humanitaire avec OpenStreetMap. C''est une plateforme de mentorat professionnel et d''autonomisation pour ceux qui se passionnent pour les SIG et la cartographie. C''est une communauté de volontaires pour la création de données géospatiales, la collecte de données sur le terrain et la cartographie. L''équipe a été fondée par Victor N.Sunday et le Professeur J. U. Ogbonna, le coordinateur de l''équipe et le conseiller académique. AbsuMapperTeam est affilié à UniqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt. L''équipe veut soutenir le développement durable avec les technologies géospatiales.' + ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University: + name: YouthMappers-AMEU + description: Chapitre YouthMappers de l'Université Épiscopale Méthodiste Africaine + ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University: + name: ABU Geomappers + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Ahmadu Bello + extendedDescription: 'Nous sommes un groupe de cartographes humanitaires guidés par les données, qui sommes dédiés à rendre des services humanitaires en réponse aux catastrophes. Nous sommes heureux de contribuer notre expertise et nos connaissances à travers la cartographie et d''aider à étendre #OpenEvangelism à travers la formation et la collaboration.' + ym-Ardhi-University: + name: Cartographe ARU + description: Groupe de jeunes cartographes de l'université d'Ardhi + extendedDescription: En tant que futurs consultants en données géospatiales nous cherchons à éduquer et conseiller la société sur leur possibilité d'utiliser les données géographiques non plus seulement comme un moyen de localisation mais un outil de prise de décision et de prédiction des différents dangers et du changements climatiques qui risque de les impacter, eux ou les générations futures. + ym-Asian-University-for-Women: + name: YouthMappers à l'AUW + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Asian University for Women + ym-Ball-State-University: + name: Gamma Thêta Upsilon - Chapitre Iota Oméga + description: Chapitre de "YouthMappers" à l'université de Ball State + ym-Busitema-University: + name: Good Mappers + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Busitema + extendedDescription: Good mappers est une équipe d'étudiants de l'Université de Busitema. Son principal objectif est de créer une communauté de cartographes expérimentés qui pourront contribuer à cartographier le monde. + ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: CalU PA GIS Club + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université California de Pennsylvanie + extendedDescription: Les étudiants en SIG à Cal U apprennent à appliquer une approche théorique de l'espace à la réalité pratique. Le programme d'enseignement de l'université se porte notamment sur l'utilisation des SIG dans la gestion des urgences. + ym-Central-Washington-University: + name: Club de géographie + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à la Central Washington University + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + description: Chapitre YouthMappers du Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny + extendedDescription: Notre chapitre promeut l'utilisation de la cartographie libre et collaborative et l'utilisation des données d'openstreetmap dans le champ de la recherche et de leur application dans l'implémentation d'outils pour la prise de décision. Nous aidons les étudiants à produire leur propres données pour leurs recherches. + ym-Clemson-University: + name: Clemson Mappers + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Clemson + ym-College-of-William-and-Mary: + name: Sur toute la carte ! + description: Chapitre de "YouthMappers" au Collège de William et Mary + ym-Cornell-University: + name: Société de cartographie + description: Chapitre de "YouthMappers" à l'université de Cornell + ym-Cuttington-University: + name: YouthMappers de l'Université de Cuttington + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Cuttington + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers à l''Université de Cuttington et des contés de Suakoko et Bong est constitués d''étudiants de trois départements, le Département de Gestion des Ressources Naturelles « DONRM », le Département des Sciences Environnementales et le Département des Sciences Naturelles. Depuis sa création en février 2017, 20 étudiants en font partie, avec environ 5 étudiants de chaque département.' + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + name: GDEV + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université des Technologies Dedan Kimathi + extendedDescription: 'GDEV est un groupe d''étudiants en SIG enthosiastes à DeKUT qui cherche à aider les étudiants à partager, s''engager et apprendre les uns des autres en matière de géospatial' + ym-Dhaka-College: + name: Le collège Daka de "YouthMappers" + description: Chapitre de "YouthMappers" au collège Dhaka + ym-Dhaka-University: + name: YouthMappers Openstreetmap + description: Chapitre de "YouthMappers" à l'université de Dhaka + ym-Eastern-University: + name: '"YouthMappers" à l''université de l''Est' + description: Chapitre de "YouthMappers" à l'université de l'Est + ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology: + name: Société d'ordinateurs "Junior Philippines" + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à la Far Eastern University - Institut de Technologie + extendedDescription: "FEU a été reconnue comme l'une des universités majeures aux Philippines. Sa mission est centrée sur la formation de diplômés contribuant au développement du pays. L'université vise continuellement l'excellence pour être un établissement de premier plan non seulement aux Philippines, mais aussi dans tout le Sud-Est Asiatique." + ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys: + name: OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à la Federal School of Surveys + ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure: + name: YouthMappers Futa Space Club + description: 'Chapitre YouthMappers à la Federal University of Technology à Akure' + extendedDescription: "Notre mission est de former la prochaine génération des Space Leaders. Nos activités incluent la recherche et l'amélioration des compétences en télédétection, en SIG, dans le changement climatique, l'astronomie, la cosmologie, l'ingénierie spatiale, la navigation mondiale, la robotique et l'éducation à l'espace." + ym-Fourah-Bay-College: + name: Student's Geographical Association + description: Chapitre YouthMappers au Fourah Bay College + extendedDescription: 'L''association étudiante de géographie-YouthMappers est une association des étudiants du Fourah Bay College qui a pour but de cartographier les endroits vulnérables du Sierra Leone et du monde dans le but de secours et d''autres buts bénéfiques, effectuer de la recherche et d''autres activités éducatives. Le chapitre consiste en de jeunes gens avec de grandes idées, orienté vers le développement ensemble, la compréhension et la mise en œuvre de projets de développement durables en équipe.' + ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University: + name: YouthMappers de l'Université Générale du Conté de Lansana + description: Chapitre YouthMappers de l'Université Générale du Conté de Lansana + extendedDescription: Le chapitre YouthMappers de l'Université Générale du Conté de Lansana est une communauté à but non lucratif qui veut contribuer à cartographier la Guinée et d'autres parties du monde. Nous promouvons l'utilisation des SIG et des données libres pour construire des outils de support aux prises de décision. Nous travaillons aussi pour améliorer les compétences des étudiants et des communautés locales. + ym-George-Mason-University: + name: Mason Mappers + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université George Mason + ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers au Grand Gedeh County Community College + description: Chapitre YouthMappers au Grand Gedeh County Community College + extendedDescription: La seule motivation de YouthMappers de GGCCC est de cartographier les endroits du Libéria et autour qui ne sont pas sur la carte. Nous regroupons des jeunes de Grand Gedeh Community College pour faire de leur devoir d'unir et de mettre en lumière ces endroits géographiquement. + ym-Gujarat-University: + name: CCIM à Ahmedabad + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Gujarat + ym-Gulu-University: + name: Cartographes CSGU + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Gulu + ym-Heidelberg-University: + name: Disastermappers Heidelberg + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université d'Heidelberg + extendedDescription: 'Disastermappers Heidelberg a été fondée en 2014 en tant qu''initiative étudiante pour construire une plateforme d''échanges entre les étudiants, les chercheurs, et les acteurs de l''humanitaire. Disastermappers est membre de Missing Maps et organise des mapathons, des ateliers et des webinaires à Heidelberg et au-delà. Elle soutient HOT et Missing Maps par la recherche et les applications.' + ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education: + name: IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT) + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Ignatius Ajuru University of Education + extendedDescription: Nous sommes un chapitre YouthMappers de l'Ignatius Ajuru University of Education impliqué dans la cartographie collective de notre environnement et la cartographie à distance des communautés résilientes. Nous sommes une équipe de volontaires qui utilisent openstreetmap et d'autres sources géospatiales ouvertes pour cartographier. + ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: Club de science géospatiale + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Indiana de Pennsylvanie + ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri: + name: YouthMappers à l'INES Ruhengeri + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Insititue d'Enseignement Supérieur de Ruhengeri + extendedDescription: Nous sommes des étudiants des départements d'administration et de gestion du territoire et de recensement cadastral à l'INES-Ruhengeri. Nous sommes engagés dans des activités de cartographie qui créent le changement vers un développement durable dans notre communauté. + ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda: + name: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Institut Supérieur de Management de Kolda + extendedDescription: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda est un groupe de cartographie entièrement féminin dans le sud du Sénégal qui cherche à placer Kolda et les villages alentours sur la carte et mieux comprendre comme utiliser OSM. + ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies: + name: YouthMappers Institut d’Études de Gestion des Crises + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Institut d’Études de Gestion des Crises + extendedDescription: Développer la cartographie de crise afin d'apporter une assistance lors des catastrophes. + ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management: + name: Cartographes IFM + description: Groupe YouthMappers de l'Institute of Finance Management + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning: + name: Groupe des jeunes cartographes de Mipango + description: Groupe des jeunes cartographes de l'Institute of Rural Development Planning + extendedDescription: 'Le groupe des jeunes cartographes de Mipango a été créé à IRDP le 3 juillet 2017 par Dr. Domitilla Bashemera. Les membres fondateurs étaient 300 (190 hommes, 110 femmes) étudiants bacheliers qui se sont enregistrés comme membres du groupe. Gerald Zacharia est le président du groupe et Juster Lugira le vice président.' + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza: + name: Groupe des jeune cartographes de l'Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre + description: Groupe des jeunes cartographes de l'Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza + ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine: + name: YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Institut des Sciences et de Médecine Vétérinaire + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala est une organisation à but non lucratif qui travaille pour promouvoir la cartographie humanitaire et l'utilisation de l'open source et de l'open data pour construire des outils de prise de décision en Guinée. + ym-Istanbul-Technical-University: + name: YouthMappers ITU + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Technique d'Istanbul + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ITU est une communauté étudiante interdisciplinaire et collaborative, dont le but est de promouvoir une cartographie humanitaire des zones vulnérables, et de développer et partager des informations spatiales stratégiques et innovantes pour les futures villes, en utilisant les systèmes d'information géographique et l'open data. + ym-Jacksonville-State-University: + name: Équipe de cartographes "JSU Disaster" + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université d’État de Jacksonville + ym-Jahangirnagar-University: + name: '"YouthMappers" à l''IRS dans l''université de Jahangirnagar ' + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Jahangirnagar + ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology: + name: Association of Geomatics Engineering Students + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Jomo Kenyatta d'Agriculture et de Technologies + extendedDescription: 'L''association des étudiants ingénieurs géomaticiens (AGES) cherche à promouvoir les produits GIS et les services ainsi qu''à entraîner les étudiants à les utiliser. Non seulement elle promeut la socialisation entre les étudiants et les professionnels pratiquants, mais elle fournit aussi une plateforme pour échanger de nouvelles idées pour tenir de nouveaux événements SIG et de terrain et de formations à l''université.' + ym-Kansas-State-University: + name: 'Gamma Thêta Upsilon - Chapitre Bêta Psi' + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université d’État du Kansas + ym-Karatina-University: + name: Nature Club Karatina University + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Karatina + extendedDescription: 'Ce chapitre essaye de réunir tous les enthousiastes du SIG. Il inclut des experts de l''environnement, des experts de la vie sauvage, des responsables du tourismes et des activités aquatiques, pour n''en citer que quelques uns. Son but principal est de fournir une plateforme où les étudiants peuvent apprendre les uns des autres et, ce faisant, comprendre comment intégrer les compétences en SIG dans leurs diverses carrières ainsi que fournir des solutions aux défis environnementaux.' + ym-Kathmandu-University: + name: 'Société d''Ingénierie Géomatique, GES' + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Katmandou + extendedDescription: 'La Société d''Ingénierie Géomatique (GES), fondée en 2008, est un club du Département d''Ingénierie Civile et Géomatique (DCGE) de l''Université de Katmandou. Elle agit en tant que plate-forme afin de développer les compétences des étudiants au-delà de leurs activités éducatives, en se concentrant sur des activités telles que des formations techniques, des séminaires, des conversations et une interaction avec des experts de domaines connexes, des activités sportives, etc...' + ym-Kenyatta-University: + name: Club SIG de l'Université de Kenyatta + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Kenyatta + extendedDescription: 'Le club SIG de l''Université de Kenyatt (KUGISC) a été fondé le 28 octobre 2016 avec plus de 200 étudiants et membres de toutes les facultés du campus. Nous sommes engagés à rendre nos membres autonomes en matière de connaissance, compétences et expertise géospatiales requises pour comprendre la Terre. Nous aidons aux ressources cartographiques de l''université en incorporant des données géospatiales dans les projets et dans la collecte de données sur le terrain.' + ym-Khulna-University: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Khulna + ym-Kumi-University: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Kumi + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: YouthMappers de l'Université des Sciences et Technologies Kwame Nkrumah + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université des Sciences et des Technologies Kwame Nkrumah + ym-Makerere-University: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Makerere + ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université des Sciences et Technologies de Mbarara + ym-McGill-University: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université McGill + ym-Miami-University: + name: Société de planification et de géographie + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Miami + ym-Moi-University: + name: Association étudiante de géographie + description: Chapitre YouthMappers de l'Université de Moi + extendedDescription: "L'association étudiante de géographie à l'Université de Moi (GEOSAMU) explore, découvre et essaye de développer le monde entier à travers l'analyse géospatiale. GEOSAMU fait partie du département de Géographie." + ym-Montgomery-College: + name: GeoMC + description: Chapitre YouthMappers au Montgomery College + ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Geoinformation Technology Student Society + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université des Sciences et des Technologies en Namibie + ym-New-York-University: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de New York + ym-Nimba-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers de Nimba County Community College + description: Chapitre YouthMappers au Nimba County Community College + ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus: + name: Njala Freetown YouthMappers + description: 'Chapitre YouthMappers à Njala University, campus de Freetown' + extendedDescription: 'Nous sommes des étudiants du campus de Freetown de Njala University, et nous étudions les technologies de l''information dans le département de physique et d''informatique. Nous nous trouvons à Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone.' + ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus: + name: 'YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus' + description: 'Chapitre YouthMappers à l''université de Njala, campus de Njala' + ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania: + name: Jeunes cartographes de l'Open University of Tanzania + description: Groupe des jeunes cartographes de l'Open University of Tanzania + ym-Politecnico-di-Milano: + name: PoliMappers + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l’École Polytechnique de Milan + extendedDescription: PoliMappers est une association étudiante basée à l’École Polytechnique de Milan. La mission de ce groupe est de former et motiver la prochaine génération de cartographes bénévoles, et de cartographier en utilisant des outils libres et open source, aussi bien à l'université que dans les écoles primaires ou secondaires. + ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London: + name: YouthMappers à l'Université Queen Mary + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Queen Mary de Londres + extendedDescription: Ce chapitre est intégré aux activités de la Société de Géographie de l'Université Queen Mary. + ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology: + name: YouthMappers à la RUET + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université d'Ingénierie et de Technologie de Rajshahi + extendedDescription: 'Les "YouthMappers à la RUET" est un groupe de cartographie humanitaire d''étudiants de l''Université d''Ingénierie et de Technologie de Rajshahi (RUET) qui a pour objectif de partager et développer la connaissance et l''utilisation des SIG. Ce groupe encourage l''utilisation de données géospatiales open source et d''une plate-forme pour aider les groupes les plus vulnérables dans le monde.' + ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia: + name: Geoventurers + ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College: + name: YouthMappers au Sacred Heart Junior College + description: Chapitre YouthMappers au Sacred Heart Junior College + ym-Sherubtse-College: + name: Société géographique + ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université d'Agriculture Sokoine + ym-St.-Augustine-International-University: + name: YouthMappers à l'Université Internationale de St Augustine + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Internationale de St. Augustine + ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic: + name: YouthMappers-SMP + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à Stella Maris Polytechnic + ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya: + name: Association étudiante de sciences géospatiales + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Technologies du Kenya + extendedDescription: C'est un groupe basé sur l'information géographique avec des étudiants passionnés dans les champs de recherche correspondants. Nous formons nos membres aux tendances actuelles sur le marché et nous renseignons sur les avancés des technologies + ym-Texas-Tech-University: + name: YouthMappers à la TTU + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Technologie du Texas + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + name: Connected YouthMappers + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Gambie + extendedDescription: Connected YouthMappers se compose de jeunes gambiens résolus qui cherchent à changer le pays et à aider le développement national. + ym-The-George-Washington-University: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université George Washington + ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université d’État de Pennsylvanie + ym-The-University-of-Zambia: + name: YouthMappers Unza + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Zambie + ym-Tribhuvan-University: + name: Association des Étudiants en Ingénierie Géomatique + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Tribhuvan + extendedDescription: "Cette organisation est le forum des étudiants en Ingénierie Géomatique de l'Université Tribhuvan, campus de l'Institut d'Ingénierie de Pashchimanchal. Elle a été fondée dès la mise en place du programme d'études. Les étudiants font preuve d'implication en cartographie et de proactivité, et sont heureux d'appartenir au réseau YouthMappers." + ym-UW-Madison: + name: BadgerMaps + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'UW-Madison + extendedDescription: 'BadgerMaps est le chapitre Youthmappers du campus de l''UW. Cette organisation se consacre aux services de cartographie humanitaires et communautaires. Nous permettons à nos bénévoles de participer à des projets nécessitant la création de données SIG. ' + ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid: + name: YouthMappers à l'UAM + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Autonome de Madrid + ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas: + name: YouthMappers à Bogota + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Districtale Francisco José de Caldas + extendedDescription: 'L''Université Districtale Francisco José de Caldas est une université de recherche publique, mixte, basée à Bogota, Colombie, avec un effectif de 26.140 étudiants.' + ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras: + name: PumaGis Hn + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Nationale Autonome du Honduras + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Nationale de Colombie + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria: + name: Yeka Street MGA + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Nationale d'Ingénierie de Managua + extendedDescription: 'YEKA STREET est un groupe de travail constitué par des étudiants de l''Université Nationale d''Ingénierie de Managua, Nicaragua. Notre principal objectif est d''appliquer nos connaissances et compétences en utilisant de nombreux outils et applications pour cartographier nos villes, contribuer au développement des projets de la communauté, et aux plans de lutte contre les catastrophes. Nous voulons montrer la voie en invitant à nous rejoindre davantage d''étudiants de toutes filières et universités de notre pays, afin de contribuer à l''amélioration du niveau de vie et à la réduction de la vulnérabilité des populations.' + ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid: + name: Mapeo Humanitario + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Polytechnique de Madrid + ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica: + name: YouthMappers à l'Université du Costa Rica + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Costa Rica + ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira: + name: Grupo Mesh + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de La Guajira + extendedDescription: 'Grupo Mesh est une organisation étudiante de l''Université de La Guajira en Colombie, avec des étudiants du programme d''Ingénierie Environnementale qui apprennent la cartographie (notamment ouverte).' + ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes: + name: Cartografos Uniandes + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université des Andes + ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras: + name: YouthMappers à l'UPR + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras + ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura: + name: YouthMappers San Buenaventura + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de San Buenaventura + extendedDescription: Nous sommes heureux de cartographier au sein de YouthMappers pour faire progresser le monde et la communauté. + ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane: + name: Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique + description: Chapitre Youthmappers à l'Université Eduardo Mondlane + extendedDescription: 'Nous sommes un groupe d''étudiants qui veulent rejoindre la société mozambicaine pour créer une communauté résiliente de cartographes humanitaires. La communauté veut cartographier les occupations physiques de notre pays et créer des données géographiques ouvertes, accessibles au public et utilisables dans divers secteurs sans coût associé.' + ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger: + name: YouthMappers à l'UGB + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Gaston Berger + extendedDescription: YouthMappers UGB est composé de jeunes étudiants et chercheurs qui sont passionnés par la cartographie. Notre but est d'améliorer les compétences des étudiants en cartographie et de participer à la création de données géographiques libres qui répondent aux défis de développement autour du monde et en particulier en Afrique. + ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat: + name: Brahmapoutre à Rabat + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Mohammed V de Rabat + extendedDescription: Ce chapitre voit sa participation au programme YouthMappers comme une opportunité de partager la connaissance et de créer de nouvelles relations avec les autres chapitres de différents pays. + ym-Universit-de-NZrkor: + name: Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré + description: Chapitre YouthMappers de l'Université de N'Zérékoré + extendedDescription: YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit. + ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako: + name: Étudiants au Laboratoire HoPE + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako + ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar: + name: Kontur Geografi + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Negeri Makassar + ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta: + name: SpaceTime + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université Muhammadiyah Surakarta + extendedDescription: 'SpaceTime est une communauté de cartographie de la Faculté de Géographie de l''Université Muhammadiyah de Surakarta. SpaceTime a été fondée par Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar et Irfandi Fauzi. Ce sont des étudiants actifs de la Faculté de Géographie de l''Université Muhammadiyah Surakarta.' + ym-University-of-California-Davis: + name: Club de cartographie + description: 'Chapitre YouthMappers à l''Université de Californie, Davis' + ym-University-of-Cape-Coast: + name: UCC Geographical Society + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Cape Coast + extendedDescription: Nous sommes une société qui comprend tous les étudiants du département de géographie et de planification locale à l'Université de Cape Coast. Notre principal objectif est de promouvoir l'intérêt pour la discipline en classe et en dehors. Notre devise est « nous comprenons la Terre et ses habitants ». + ym-University-of-Central-Florida: + name: Société d'information géospatiale + ym-University-of-Chicago: + name: Société "Tobler" + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Chicago + ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam: + name: YouthMappers à l'Université de Dar es Salaam + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Dar es Salaam + extendedDescription: 'Le but du chapitre YouthMappers de l''Université de Dar es Salaam est d''utiliser et de promouvoir les données open source et les technologies SIG pour cartographier les zones de catastrophe potentielle, fournir des ressources pour les interventions d''urgence, mettre en contact ses membres avec les organismes travaillant sur l''open source et les SIG dans la ville de Dar es Salaam, et contribuer aux besoins futurs de nos partenaires.' + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Eco-Club + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université des Énergies et des Ressources Renouvelables + extendedDescription: Pour fournir une éducation correcte à tous les citoyens sur la détérioration de l'environnement et aider à la reconstruction de l'environnement pour la survie humaine. + ym-University-of-Exeter: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université d'Exeter + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: YouthMappers de l'Université du Ghana + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Ghana + extendedDescription: 'UG YouthMappers consiste en un groupe d''étudiants en license et en master qui possèdent les connaissances et les compétences en SIG et en télédetection. Le club est composé d''une équipe énergique qui veut gérer les problème sociaux et réduire les problèmes environnementaux à travers la cartographie. Nos principes fondamentaux sont le développement des compétences, l''autonomisation et le travail d''équipe.' + ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers: + name: YouthMappers à l'Université du Liberia + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Liberia + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers de l''Université du Liberia est une organisation qui fait partie de Global YouthMappers. Nous somme une organisation à but non lucratif d''étudiants cartographes qui cartographions pour développer le Liberia et le monde entier. Le but de cette organisation est d''utiliser les technologies et la connaissance géospatiale comme moyen pour créer et développer des cartes ; collecter et analyser des données qui répondront aux défis locaux et mondiaux. Notre but est d''aider à créer des opportunités pour les étudiants pour qu''ils développent un intérêt et des compétences dans la cartographie. Nous avons pour vision une communauté d''étudiants unis, collaborative, active et volontaire pour travailler avec YouthMappers de l''Université du Liberia pour améliorer la vie des autres.' + ym-University-of-Malawi: + name: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Malawi + extendedDescription: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers est l'organisation étudiante de cartographie de Chancellor College à l'Université du Malawi. Les étudiants de ce chapitre se concentrent sur la cartographie pour les besoins en développement et scientifiques du Malawi. + ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park: + name: Club de géographie + description: Chapitre de "YouthMappers" à l'Université du Maryland - Parc du collège + ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology: + name: UMaT YouthMappers + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université des Mines et des Technologies + extendedDescription: UMaT YouthMappers est un groupe d'étudiants volontaires qui cherchent à donner aux étudiants la possibilité d'améliorer leurs compétences dans le champ de la cartographie et de la création de données géographiques et d'analyses libres qui répondent aux besoins de développement défini localement, à l'échelle mondiale. + ym-University-of-Nairobi: + name: Association étudiante d'ingénierie géospatiale + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Nairobi + extendedDescription: 'Les étudiants à UN travaillent avec la communauté OSM locale, Map Kibera, et GroundTruth pour apprendre la cartographie libre et contribuer des données pour les besoins des communautés urbaines.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu + description: 'Chapitre YouthMappers à l''Université du Nigéria, Campus Enugu' + extendedDescription: 'LionMappersTeam (LMT) Campus Enugu est affilié au réseau YouthMappers avec pour seul objectif de fournir à ses membres l''opportunité d''apprendre et d''améliorer leurs compétences dans les sciences de la cartographie et de créer des données et des analyses géographiques libres qui répondent aux besoins exprimés localement, à l''échelle mondiale. C''est une équipe de volontaires pour la cartographie collective et la mise à disposition d''informations géographiques à travers OpenStreetMap, la science citoyenne et d''autres technologie géospatiales pour la recherche, la formation et la réponse aux défis d''une communauté résiliente. Nous sommes impliqués dans le SIG et la télédétection, la cartographie de terrain, des ateliers de formation et la vulgarisation auprès des lycées ainsi que la réponse aux catastrophe.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka + description: 'Chapitre YouthMappers à l''Université du Nigéria à Nsukka' + extendedDescription: 'LionMappersTeam est affilié au réseau YouthMappers avec pour seul objectif de fournir à ses membres l''opportunité d''apprendre et d''améliorer leurs compétences dans les sciences de la cartographie et de créer des données et des analyses géographiques libres qui répondent aux besoins exprimés localement, à l''échelle mondiale. C''est une équipe de volontaires pour la cartographie collective et la mise à disposition d''informations géographiques à travers OpenStreetMap, la science citoyenne et d''autres technologie géospatiales pour la recherche, la formation et la réponse aux défis d''une communauté résiliente. Nous sommes impliqués dans le SIG et la télédétection, la cartographie de terrain, des ateliers de formation et la vulgarisation auprès des lycées.' + ym-University-of-North-Texas: + name: Club de Géographie de l'UNT + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Nord du Texas + extendedDescription: 'Le Club de Géographie est une organisation étudiante de l''Université du Nord du Texas qui accueille tous les étudiants intéressés par la géographie.Son objectif est de promouvoir l''intérêt pour la géographie à travers le développement des liens entre les étudiants et la faculté. Le club cherche également à faire connaître les besoins des étudiants en géographie et organise un forum pour présenter des idées innovantes au service de la communauté de l''université.' + ym-University-of-Oregon: + name: Carte faite par "Nothwest" + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de l'Oregon + ym-University-of-Panama: + name: YouthMappers UP + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Panama + ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt: + name: UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Port Harcourt + extendedDescription: 'UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt est un groupe d''action et une équipe de volontaires pour une cartographie en ligne collaborative pour la formation et l''autonomisation de ses membres en ce qui concerne les compétences cartographiques récentes pour créer des données et des analyses géospatiales libres qui répondent aux défis définis localement pour l''information géographique et pour fournir des services de cartographie humanitaire pour créer des communautés résilientes dans le delta du Niger, au Nigéria et ailleurs. Nous promouvons la cartographie collective et les informations géographiques volontaires avec la plateforme OpenStreetMap et d''autres plateformes accessible pour la cartographie rapide de réponse, la cartographie de catastrophe, de géo-intelligence, de mise à jour et pour la formation. C''est un chapitre Campus affilié à HOT. C''est une équipe-projet de YouthMappers qui fournit l''opportunité à ses membres d''apprendre et d''améliorer leurs compétences en information géographique pour explorer les opportunités mondiales dans la cartographie et l''information géographique.' + ym-University-of-Pretoria: + name: Centre des sciences géomatiques + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Pretoria + ym-University-of-Redlands: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Redlands + ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus: + name: Rwanda YouthMappers + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Ruanda, Campus Huye + extendedDescription: 'Basé sur l''engagement et le but de promouvoir la cartographie et l''information donnée à travers les conférences YouthMappers publiques, nous sommes organisés comme étudiants du département de géographie engagés dans la cartographie pour fonder un chapitre sur notre campus. Nous sommes supportés par notre facilitateur, le Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Directeur de CGIS-Rwanda) et diverse mentors.' + ym-University-of-South-Carolina: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Caroline du Sud + ym-University-of-Vermont: + name: Club de Cartographie Humanitaire de l'Université du Vermont + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Vermont + ym-University-of-Warwick: + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Warwick + extendedDescription: Nous sommes un groupe de cartographes enthousiastes basé à l'Université de Warwick. Notre but est d'impliquer les gens dans la cartographie humanitaire et de les aider à comprendre l'impact que cette activité a sur le terrain. Nous sommes étroitement liés à Missing Maps et Doctors Without Borders UK, et nous nous concentrons sur la cartographie et les ateliers liés à HOT. Nos mapathons sont indiqués sur la page Missing Maps dès lors qu'ils sont planifiés. + ym-University-of-Wyoming: + name: Gamma Thêta Upsilon/Club de Géographie + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Wyoming + ym-University-of-Zimbabwe: + name: UZMappers + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université du Zimbabwe + ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute: + name: YouthMappers à l'UP Resilience Institute + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université des Philippines - Resilience Institute + extendedDescription: 'L''UP Resilience Institute a été fondé en 2016 afin de renforcer les communautés locales par la recherche multidisciplinaire et les actions de résilience. Avec le Centre NOAH de l''UP, et l''aide de différentes organisations, nous avons fourni des cartes de bâtiments pour 17 provinces sur 82 et chargé plus de 4 millions d''empreintes dans Openstreetmap.' + ym-Western-Michigan-University: + name: Club de géographie + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de l'Ouest du Michigan + ym-Yarmouk-University: + name: YouthMappers à YU + description: Chapitre YouthMappers à l'Université de Yarmouk diff --git a/i18n/gl.yaml b/i18n/gl.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bbe6d179b --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/gl.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +gl: + Bahia-telegram: + name: Grupo de Telegram do OpenStreetMap Baía + description: Únete á comunidade do OpenStreetMap Baía no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Únete á comunidade para obter máis información acerca do OpenStreetMap, facer cuestións ou participar nas nosas xuntanzas. Todos son benvidos!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: OpenStreetMappers da área da badía + description: Mellore o OpenStreetMap na área da badía + Galicia-Telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Galicia + description: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Galicia + Galicia-Twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Galicia + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter en {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + Mapping-DC-meetup: + description: Mellore o OpenStreetMap na área de DC + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter en {url}' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: Facebook do OpenStreetMap Arxentina + description: Unirse á comunidade do OpenStreetMap Arxentina no Facebook + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Foro web do OpenStreetMap Arxentina + description: Únete ó foro web do OpenStreetMap Arxentina + extendedDescription: 'Axeitado para conversas longas ou importantes. Tempo de resposta tardo. ' + OSM-AR-irc: + name: IRC do OpenStreetMap Arxentina + description: 'Únete a #osm-ar en irc.oftc.net (porto 6667)' + extendedDescription: Seica atopes ó usuario máis experto da comunidade. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Listaxe de correo Talk-ar + description: Listaxe de correo electrónico vella. Case sen uso hoxe en día. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Arxentina + description: Únete á comunidade do OpenStreetMap Arxentina no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'A canle máis activa da comunidade, axeitada para parolar e obter respostas ás túas cuestións no mesmo intre. Todos son benvidos!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Arxentina + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter en {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Novas da comunidade local e do OpenStreetMap en xeral. ' + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Mellore o OpenStreetMap en Bangladesh + extendedDescription: 'Cartografando en Bangladesh? Tes algunha pregunta e desexas contactar ca comunidade aquí? Únete a nós en {url}. Todos son benvidos!' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Listaxe de correo talk-bo + description: Talk-bo é a listaxe de correo oficial da comunidade boliviana do OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Cartografando en Bolivia? Tes cuestións e desexas contactar ca comunidade aquí? Únete a nós en {url}. Todos son benvidos!' + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: Facebook do OpenStreetMap Chile + description: Unirse á comunidade do OpenStreetMap Chile no Facebook + OSM-CL-twitter: + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter en {url}' + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: Facebook do OpenStreetMap Colombia + description: Unirse á comunidade do OpenStreetMap Colombia no Facebook + OSM-CO-twitter: + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter en {url}' + OSM-Discord: + description: Póñase en contacto con outros cartógrafos a través do Discord + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Listaxe de correo talk-es + description: Unha listaxe de correo para debater sobre o OpenStreetMap en España + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes no Telegram' + description: Grupo de Telegram do OpenStreetMap España + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap no Facebook + description: Dános un Góstame no Facebook para ver novas e actualizacións sobre o OpenStreetMap + OSM-IDN-facebook: + extendedDescription: 'Cartografando na Indonesia? Tes cuestións e desexas contactar ca comunidade aquí? Únete a nós en {Url}. Todos son benvidos!' + OSM-IRC: + name: IRC do OpenStreetMap + description: 'Únete a #osm en irc.oftc.net (porto 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap India - Cartografado participativo do bairro + description: Mellore o OpenStreetMap na India + extendedDescription: 'Cartografando na India? Tes cuestións e desexas contactar ca comunidade aquí? Únete a nós en {url}. Todos son benvidos!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + extendedDescription: 'Cartografando en Mongolia? Tes cuestións e desexas contactar ca comunidade aquí? Únete a nós en {Url}. Todos son benvidos!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaisia no Facebook + description: Para parolar sobre calquera cousa relacionada co OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Foro do OpenStreetMap Malaisia + description: Foro oficial do OpenStreetMap Malaisia + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Canle de Riot do OpenStreetMap Malaisia + description: 'Tódolos cartógrafos son benvidos! Rexístrate en {signupUrl}' + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: Facebook do OpenStreetMap Perú + description: Unirse á comunidade do OpenStreetMap Perú no Facebook + OSM-PE-twitter: + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter en {url}' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: Grupo de Facebook do OpenStreetMap Polonia + OSM-Portland: + description: Cartógrafos e usuarios do OpenStreetMap na área de Portland + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap no Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ é un bo sitio para aprender máis sobre o OpenStreetMap. Pregúntanos calquera cousa! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + description: Mellora o OpenStreetMap na área de Roma + OSM-SoCal: + extendedDescription: 'O OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California é para todos aquilos interesados ​​en cartografar para traballar xuntos co OpenStreetMap. O OpenStreetMap, a Wikipedia de mapas, é un mapa de código aberto e de balde creado por máis de 1.000.000 de voluntarios en todo o mundo. Todos son benvidos. Se non coñece o OpenStreetMap, ensinarémoslle. Se ten unha idea para un proxecto de cartografado ou incluso unha andaina ou roteiro que o grupo poida facer, xenial!' + OSM-Telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap + description: 'Únete no Telegram ó supergrupo global do OpenStreetMap en {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter en {url}' + OSM-br-twitter: + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter en {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Axuda de OpenStreetMap + description: Fai unha pregunta e obtén respostas no sitio de cuestións e respostas xestionado pola comunidade do OSM. + OSM-india-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap India + description: 'Estamos só a un chío de distancia: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Comunidad OpenStreetMap Xapón + description: Cartógrafos e usuarios do OpenStreetMap no Xapón + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Listaxe de correo do OpenStreetMap Xapón + description: Talk-ja é unha listaxe de correo oficial para a Comunidade Xaponesa + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Xapón + description: 'Cancelo no Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Xapón + description: Cartógrafos e usuarios do OpenStreetMap no Xapón + OSMF: + name: Fundación OpenStreetMap + description: OSMF é unha organización sen ánimo de lucro estabelecida no Reino Unido que apoia ó proxecto do OpenStreetMap + PHXGeo-twitter: + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter en {url}' + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Listaxe de correo do OpenStreetMap para Trentino + description: Listaxe de conversas rexionais do OpenStreetMap Italia para Trentino + be-forum: + description: Foro web do OpenStreetMap Bélxica + be-irc: + name: IRC do OpenStreetMap Bélxica + description: 'Únete a #osmbe en irc.oftc.net (porto 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Únete a #osmbe en irc.oftc.net (porto 6667), está ligado ca canle de conversa de Matrix' + be-mailinglist: + name: Listaxe de correo de Talk-be + description: Talk-be é a listaxe de correo oficial para a comunidade belga do OSM + be-matrix: + name: Canle de Matrix do OpenStreetMap BE + description: Tódolos cartógrafos son benvidos! + extendedDescription: A maioría das conversas ocorren na canle "OpenStreetMap Belgium". Podes preguntar calquera cousa alí! As outras salas son para eidos específicos. + be-meetup: + name: Xuntanza do OpenStreetMap Bélxica + description: Xuntanzas presenciais de tódolos interesados no OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'As xuntanzas presenciais son xeniais para coñecer a outros cartógrafos, facerlles cuestións e aprender moito. Son de xeito especial benvidos os novos contribuíntes!' + be-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Bélxica + description: 'OSM Bélxica no Twitter: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: Cartografado de Botswana no Facebook + description: Páxina do OpenStreetMap en Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Cartografado de Botswana no Twitter + description: Twitter do OpenStreetMap en Botswana + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Universidade de Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Este é o identificador oficial do capítulo de Xoves Cartógrafos da Universidade de Cape Coast, Ghana. Encantannos os mapas, os datos abertos e axudar ás persoas vulnerábeis.' + ch-twitter: + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter: {url}' + de-berlin-twitter: + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + description: Foro web do OpenStreetMap Alemaña + fr-facebook: + name: Páxina do Facebook do OpenStreetMap Francia + description: Páxina do Facebook do OpenStreetMap Francia + galicia-wiki: + name: Wikiproxecto do OpenStreetMap Galicia + description: 'Todo o que precisas saber sobre o cartografado en Galiza: {url} (todas as ferramentas do mundo do OSM están en galego, emprégaas!)' + hr-facebook: + name: Grupo de Facebook do OpenStreetMap de Croacia + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Hungría no Facebook + description: Cartógrafos e Facebook do OpenStreetMap en Hungría + is-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Islandia no Facebook + it-facebook: + name: Facebook do OpenStreetMap Italia + description: Unirse á comunidade do OpenStreetMap Italia no Facebook + it-twitter: + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter en {url}' + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana no Facebook + description: Grupo do Facebook pra a xente interesada de xeito activo no OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Cartógrafos na comunidade de Ghana, promocionando os proxectos do OpenStreetMap e Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) en Ghana. Únete a nós.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana no Twitter + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Foro do OpenStreetMap India + description: Foro web do OpenStreetMap India + osm-india-github: + name: GitHub do OpenStreetMap India + description: 'Codifica connosco: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + description: 'Únete á nosa familia: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap India + osm-india-youtube: + description: 'Subscríbete á nosa canle: {url}' + osm-iran-forum: + extendedDescription: Un foro web para os usuarios do OpenStreetMap en Irán. Síntete ceibe de facer cuestións e debater con outros! + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Grupo de Facebook do OpenStreetMap na illa de Madagascar + description: Grupo do Facebook de Malgache para xente interesada no OpenStreetMap + se-facebook: + name: Facebook do OpenStreetMap Suecia + description: OpenStreetMap Suecia no Facebook + se-twitter: + description: 'Séguenos no Twitter: {url}' + talk-gh: + name: Listaxe de correo Talk-gh + description: Talk-gh é a listaxe de correo oficial da comunidade do OSM de Ghana. + talk-mg: + name: Listaxe de correo Talk-mg + description: 'Lugar para contribuíntes, comunidades e usuarios do OpenStreetMap en Madagascar para compartir e debater.' + ym-University-of-Exeter: + extendedDescription: 'Somos un equipo de entusiastas xeógrafos cun amplo coñecemento dos SIG. Apaixoanos apoiar á Sociedade da Cruz Vermella Británica con varios esforzos de axuda humanitaria. Tamén somos importantes mestres da importancia da cartografía dos datos obtidos a distancia e o xeito no que isto axuda sobre o terreo. As nosas xuntanzas que facemos (chamadas mapatóns) teñen enfoques académicos temáticos que destacan as diferentes pescudas do SIG no noso departamento de xeografía, ó mesmo tempo que funcionan coma acontecementos de concienciación sobre a empregabilidade que utilizamos para convidar a oradores a falar sobre as súas carreiras na SIG/Cruz Vermella Británica.' diff --git a/i18n/he.yaml b/i18n/he.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f6c6fdaf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/he.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,759 @@ +he: + Bahia-telegram: + name: קבוצת הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap באהיה + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילת OpenStreetMap באהיה בטלגרם + extendedDescription: 'ניתן להצטרף לקהילה שלנו כדי ללמוד עוד על OpenStreetMap, לשאול שאלות או להשתתף במפגשים שלנו. כולם מוזמנים!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: ממפי OpenStreetMap באזור מפרץ סן פרנסיסקו + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap באזור מפרץ סן פרנסיסקו + extendedDescription: 'מטרת הקבוצה הזו היא להגדיל את קהילת OpenStreetMap כאן באזור מפרץ סן פרנסיסקו. האירועים שלנו פתוחים לכולם, החל מחובבי קוד פתוח, רוכבי אופניים, מומחי GIS, אוצרי נתונים גאוגרפיים והרבה מעבר לזה. כולם וכל מי שמעוניין במפות, יצירת מפות ונתוני מפות חופשיים מוזמנים להצטרף לקבוצה שלנו ולהשתתף באירועים שלנו.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: OSM מרכז פנסילבניה + description: 'קהילת מיפוי מקוון שבסיסה הוא בסטייט קולג׳, פנסילבניה' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: קוד ל־Slack של סן חוזה + description: 'כולם מוזמנים! ניתן להירשם בכתובת {signupUrl} ואז להצטרף לערוץ ‎#osm.' + DF-telegram: + name: קבוצת הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap ברזיליה + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילת OpenStreetMap ברזיליה בטלגרם + extendedDescription: 'ניתן להצטרף לקהילה וללמוד עוד על OpenStreetMap, לשאול שאלות או להשתתף במפגשים שלנו. כולם מוזמנים!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: OSM דלאס-פורט וורת׳ + description: קבוצת משתמשי OpenStreetMap בדלאס-פורט וורת׳ + extendedDescription: 'דלאס, פורט וורת׳ וכל הערים שביניהן שופעות באנשים יצירתיים ומוכשרים טכנולוגית. החזון של קבוצת המשתמשים הזאת היא למצוא דרכים חדשות להשתמש במשאב המדהים שנקרא OSM.' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap גליסיה + description: טלגרם של OpenStreetMap עבור גליסיה + Galicia-Twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap גליסיה + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר בכתובת {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: קבוצת מפגשים לחובבי מפות באזור פילדלפיה + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly היא קבוצה של מפתחים, מומחי גאוגרפיה, גיקים של מידע, חובבי קוד פתוח, האקרים אזרחיים ומכורי מפות שמתאגדים סביב אהבתם המשותפת למפות ולסיפורים שהן מספרות. אם מפות משמשות אותך כחלק מהעבודה שלך או שפשוט מעניין אותך לדעת יותר, המפגש הזה מיועד לך! האירועים שלנו מתוכננים להיות פתוחים, ידידותיים, חינוכיים וחברתיים, החל מהרמת כוסית דרך הרצאות בזק ואפילו סדנאות. מזמינים אותך ליצור קהילה גאו־‏מרחבית מגוונת ומעוררת השראה בפילדלפיה ביחד אתנו!' + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: ממפי וחובבי OpenStreetMap באזור טווין סיטיז + extendedDescription: חיבור חובבי OpenStreetMap באזורי מינסוטה וטווין סיטיז! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: מיפוי וושינגטון הבירה + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap באיזור וושינגטון הבירה + extendedDescription: 'אנו קבוצה של ממפים מתנדבים שחותרים לשפר את OpenStreetMap באיזור וושינגטון הבירה. אנו גם חותרים ללמד אנשים נוספים על הסביבה המקיפה את OSM, ניתוח מידע, מיפוי ומערכות מידע גאוגרפיות. אנו נפגשים אחת לחודשיים כדי להתמקד על אזור מסוים בעיר שלנו.' + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime בוגוטה + description: אנו קבוצה של ממפים שמעוניים למפות ב־OpenStreetMap סביב בוגוטה. + extendedDescription: 'מידע על איסוף נתונים בשטח והמרתם לנתונים דיגיטליים ב־OpenStreetMap. אין צורך בידע קודם! נדרש רק רצון עז להשתתף, ללמוד וליהנות.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'ממפים ומשתמשי OpenStreetMap סביב פורטלנד, מיין' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime כשמו כן הוא, זמן ליצירת מפות. המטרה שלנו היא לפתוח את הדלת לאפשרויות מגוונות ליצירת מפות לכל מי שמעוניין על ידי יצירת מקום ללמידה שיתופית, חקירה ויצירת מפות באמצעות כלים וטכנולוגיות למיפוי.' + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + description: 'ניתן להירשם בכתובת {signupUrl}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA טוייטר + description: 'עקוב אחרינו בטוייטר {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: קבוצת המפגשים החודשיים של מזרח המידלנדס (נוטינגהם) + description: מפגשים חברתיים לממפי ומשתמשי מזרח המידלנדס + extendedDescription: 'הקבוצה עורכת מפגשים מאז מרץ 2011, בהתחלה בנוטינגהם ובהמשך בדרבי ומדי פעם בפעם במקומות אחרים במזרח המידלנדס. מדובר במפגשים חברתיים אך הם גם מקום נפלא לבוא ולשאול שאלות על OSM, או נקודתית על האזור או באופן כללי. בחודשי הקיץ אנחנו בדרך כלל עורכים פעילות מיפוי קליל למשך כשעה בקרבת מקום המפגש. לקבוצה ככלל יש עניין מיוחד בזכויות מיפוי ציבורי של דרכים ומדי פעם מתקיימות גם פגישות למטרה זו.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap ארגנטינה + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילה של OpenStreetMap ארגנטינה בפייסבוק + extendedDescription: חדשות מהקהילה המקומית + OSM-AR-forum: + name: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap ארגנטינה + description: ניתן להצטרף לפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap ארגנטינה + extendedDescription: מצוין לדיונים ארוכים או חשובים. זמן תגובה ארוך. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap ארגנטינה ב־IRC + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm-ar תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + extendedDescription: שם ניתן למצוא את המשתמש החנון ביותר בקהילה. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-ar + description: קבוצת דיוור היסטורית. כמעט לא בשימוש כיום. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap ארגנטינה + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילת OpenStreetMap ארגנטינה בטלגרם + extendedDescription: 'הערוץ הפעיל ביותר בקהילה, מומלץ לשיחות ולקבלת תשובות לשאלות שלך במהרה. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap ארגנטינה + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר בכתובת {url}' + extendedDescription: חדשות מהקהילה המקומית ומ־OpenStreetMap באופן כללי. + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap אסיה רשימת תפוצה + description: Talk-asia היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של הקהילה האסיאתית + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap בנגלדש + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap בבנגלדש + extendedDescription: 'מעניין אותך מיפוי בבנגלדש? יש לך שאלות? אולי ליצור קשר עם הקהילה המקומית? ניתן להצטרף אלינו ב־{url}. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-bo + description: Talk-bo היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של קהילת OpenStreetMap הבוליביאנית + extendedDescription: 'מעניין אותך מיפוי בבוליביה? יש לך שאלות? אולי ליצור קשר עם הקהילה המקומית? ניתן להצטרף אלינו ב־{url}. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap בוסטון + description: ממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap באזור בוסטון + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap היא מפת העולם פתוחה בסגנון ויקי, מורכבת ממאות אלפי תרומות כל יום שנתרמות על ידי אנשים כמוך. עריכת המפה היא תהליך פשוט ומהנה! מזמינים אותך להצטרף אלינו בפעילויות הפנים והחוץ כחלק מהניסיון שלנו ליצור את המפה הטובה ביותר של אזור בוסטון ושאר העולם!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: ה־Slack של OSM קנדה + description: 'כולם מוזמנים! ניתן להירשם בכתובת {signupUrl}.' + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap צ׳ילה + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילה של OpenStreetMap צ׳ילה בפייסבוק + extendedDescription: 'ניתן להצטרף לקהילה שלנו כדי ללמוד עוד על OpenStreetMap, לשאול שאלות או להשתתף במפגשים שלנו. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-cl + description: קבוצת דיוור לדיונים על OpenStreetMap בצ׳ילה + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap צ׳ילה + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילת OpenStreetMap צ׳ילה בטלגרם + extendedDescription: 'ניתן להצטרף לקהילה שלנו כדי ללמוד עוד על OpenStreetMap, לשאול שאלות או להשתתף במפגשים שלנו. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap צ׳ילה + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר בכתובת {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap קולומביה + description: חדשות על קהילת OpenStreetMap קולומביה ועל קרן OSMCo + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap קולומביה + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילה של OpenStreetMap קולומביה בפייסבוק + extendedDescription: ניתן להצטרף לקהילה שלנו כדי ללמוד עוד על OpenStreetMap. כולם מוזמנים! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-co + description: קבוצת דיוור לדיונים על OpenStreetMap בקולומביה + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: ערוץ הטלגרם של OSM קולומביה + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap קולומביה + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap קולומביה + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר בכתובת {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: ערוץ הטלגרם של OSM קובה + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap קובה + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap מרכז ים סאליש + description: 'ממפים ומשתמשי OpenStreetMap סביב מאונט ורנון, וירג׳יניה' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap היא מפת העולם שנוצרת על ידי אנשים כמוך. זו מפה בהרכבתך, שמוגשת לציבור בחינם כמו ויקיפדיה. כדאי לבקר ב־osm.org למידע נוסף. אנו נפגשים כל הזמן ומדברים על מפות, ממפים ונהנים!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM צ׳טנוגה + description: קבוצת משתמשי OpenStreetMap בצ׳טנוגה + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap קולורדו + description: 'ממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap במדינת קולורדו, ארה״ב' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) קולורדו היא שיתוף פעולה מקומי בין אנשים שמתעניינים ברתימת מאמציהם ליצירת מפות חופשיות. אנו מעודדים את כל הממפים לארגן או להציע אירועי מיפוי בכל רחבי המדינה. פעילויות במפגשים יכול להיות סתם מפגש חברתי, תרגול OSM ממתחילים ועד מתקדמים או מסיבות מיפוי קהילתיות.' + OSM-Discord: + name: ה־Discord של OpenStreetMap + description: יצירת קשר עם ממפים אחרים דרך Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: ערוץ הטלגרם של OSM אקוודור + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap אקוודור + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-es + description: קבוצת דיוור לדיונים על OpenStreetMap בספרד + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes ב־Telegram' + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap ספרד + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap בפייסבוק + description: ניתן לעשות לנו ‚לייק’ בפייסבוק כדי לקבל חדשות ועדכונים על OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap אינדונזיה + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap באינדונזיה + extendedDescription: 'מעניין אותך מיפוי באינדונזיה? יש לך שאלות? אולי ליצור קשר עם הקהילה המקומית? ניתן להצטרף אלינו ב־{Url}. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-IRC: + name: ה־IRC של OpenStreetMap + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: תנועת החומרה והתכנה החופשית - פייסבוק + description: 'עמוד הפייסבוק של FSHM נועד לעדכון על אירועים ופעילויות של הקהילה' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM מארגנים אירועים שקשורים לתכנה/חומרה פתוחים, טכנולוגיה, מעורבות חברתית ו־OpenStreetMap. עמוד הפייסבוק הוא הדרך הטוב ביותר לשמור על קשר בנוגע לאירועים.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: תנועת החומרה והתכנה החופשית - Matrix + description: 'קבוצת ה־Riot של FSHM מיועדת לדיונים, שיתוף ועדכון פעילויות מיפוי ואירועים בתוך ומסביב לפודוצ׳רי.' + extendedDescription: 'חברי קהילת FSHM משתפים עדכונים / חוויות על המיפוי שלהם עם OSM דרך קבוצה ב־Riot.im, קבוצה זה גם משמשת לדיונים בנוגע תכנה / חומרה חופשיים, טכנולוגיה ומעורבות חברתית.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap הודו - מיפוי שכונות התנדבותי + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap בהודו + extendedDescription: 'מעניין אותך מיפוי בהודו? יש לך שאלות? אולי ליצור קשר עם הקהילה המקומית? ניתן להצטרף אלינו ב־{url}. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap מיאנמר + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap במיאנמר + extendedDescription: 'מעניין אותך מיפוי במיאנמר? יש לך שאלות? אולי ליצור קשר עם הקהילה המקומית? ניתן להצטרף אלינו ב־{Url}. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap מונגוליה + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap במונגוליה + extendedDescription: 'מעניין אותך מיפוי במונגוליה? יש לך שאלות? אולי ליצור קשר עם הקהילה המקומית? ניתן להצטרף אלינו ב־{Url}. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap מלזיה + description: לשיחות על כל מה שקשור ב־OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: הפורום של OpenStreetMap מלזיה + description: הפורום הרשמי של OpenStreetMap מלזיה + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: ערוץ ה־Riot של OpenStreetMap מלזיה + description: 'כל הממפים מוזמנים! ניתן להירשם בכתובת {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap נפאל + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap בנפאל + extendedDescription: 'מעניין אותך מיפוי בנפאל? יש לך שאלות? אולי ליצור קשר עם הקהילה המקומית? ניתן להצטרף אלינו ב־{Url}. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap פרו + description: חדשות ומשאבים לקהילת OpenStreetMap פרו + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap פרו + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילה של OpenStreetMap פרו בפייסבוק + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-pe + description: קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית ל־OpenStreetMap פרו + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: ערוץ ה־Matrix של OpenStreetMap פרו + description: ניתן לשוחח עם חברים נוספים בקהילת OpenStreetMap פרו דרך Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap פרו + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילת OpenStreetMap פרו בטלגרם + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap פרו + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר בכתובת {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap PH (הפיליפינים) + description: 'ברוך בואך ל־OpenStreetMap הפיליפינים, פה אנו מעודדים את כל הפיליפינים באשר הם לתרום למיזם OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-ph + description: קבוצת דיוור לדיונים על OpenStreetMap בפיליפינים + OSM-PH-slack: + name: ה־Slack של OpenStreetMap PH (הפיליפינים) + description: 'כולם מוזמנים! ניתן להירשם בכתובת {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap PH (הפיליפינים) + description: 'קהילת טלגרם בלתי רשמית ומקומית של תורמים וחברים של OpenStreetMap בפיליפינים' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: קבוצת הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap פולין + description: קבוצה של ממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap בפולין + OSM-PL-forum: + name: הפורום של OpenStreetMap פולין + description: הפורום של קהילת OpenStreetMap הפולנית + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: ערוץ הטלגרם של OSM פרגוואי + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap פרגוואי + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap פורטלנד + description: ממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap באזור פורטלנד + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) היא מפה של העולם שנוצרה על ידי אנשים כמוך. זו מפה שנבנית על ידיך ומוגשת לקהילה באופן חופשי כמו ויקיפדיה. כדאי לבקר ב־osm.org למידע נוסף, ניתן גם להצטרף אלינו למפגשים כדי לדבר על מפות, לתרום ל־OSM וליהנות!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: קבוצת ה־Google של OpenStreetMap בפורטלנד + description: פורום ורשימת דיוור למשתמשים OpenStreetMap באזור פורטלנד + extendedDescription: 'קבוצה זו מיועדת לקדם שיפורים ל־OpenStreetMap באזור של פורטלנד, אורגון כדי לתמוך ביישומים כגון Open Trip Planner.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - רשימת תפוצה + description: קבוצת הדיוור פודוצ׳רי של FSHM לדיונים על מיפוי בפודוצ׳רי ונושאים נוספים. + extendedDescription: 'FSHM מארגנים אירועים שקשורים לתכנה/חומרה פתוחים, טכנולוגיה, מעורבות חברתית ו־OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: הפורום של OpenStreetMap רוסיה + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap רוסיה + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap רוסיה + description: קבוצת הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap רוסיה + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap ב־Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ הוא מקום נהדר ללמוד עוד על OpenStreetMap. מצפים לשאלות שלכם בכל נושא שהוא! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: מפגש המיפוי של רומא - Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap באזור רומא + extendedDescription: 'אנו מכוונים להוות משאב לשיחות בין אנשים ולשתף מידע על שימוש בנתונים גאוגרפיים חופשיים ובמיוחד OpenStreetMap ותכניות לניהול גאו־מרחבי שמנהלות, עורכות ומציגות נתונים גאוגרפיים וקידום השימוש בהן לטובת לאציו.' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap סיאטל + description: ממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap באזור סיאטל + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap דרום קליפורניה + description: 'בואו נהנה, נתרום משהו ללוס אנג׳לס ונלמד על מיפוי!' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) דרום קליפורניה היא קבוצה שמיועדת לכל מי שמעניין אות להיפגש ולעבוד יחד על OpenStreetMap.‏ OpenStreetMap, הוויקיפדיה של המפות, מפה חופשית של העולם שנוצרת על ידי למעלה ממיליון משתתפים מכל רחבי העולם. כולם מוזמנים. אם עוד אין לך היכרות עם OpenStreetMap, אנו נלמד אותך. אם יש לך רעיון למיזם מיפוי או אפילו סיור שטח עם הקבוצה, מעולה!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM סאות׳ ביי + description: Map Nights באירוח של Code for San Jose + extendedDescription: 'Code for San Jose, הבריגדה המקומית של Code for America, מארחת Map Nights חודשיים בימי חמישי באזור המרכזי של סן חוזה. ניתן לפגוש ממפים עמיתים מסאות׳ ביי, לסייע עם מיזמי מיפוי מקומיים ולשמוע על מיזמים טכנולוגיים אזרחיים נוספים. לא נדרש ידע מקדים בתכנות או ב־GIS.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: מפגשי OSM צ׳אנג מאי + description: מפגשים בתדירות בלתי קבועה של קהילת OpenStreetMap של צ׳אנג מאי + extendedDescription: 'חברי קהילת OpenStreetMap נפגשים מדי מספר חודשים בצ׳אנג מאי. ניתן ליצור אתם קשר ולבקר בכתובת {url} כדי לראות מתי מתקיים המפגש הבא.' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: קבוצת הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap תאילנד + description: קבוצת פייסבוק עבור OpenStreetMap בתאילנד + OSM-TH-forum: + name: הפורום של OpenStreetMap תאילנד + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap תאילנד + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: קהילת OpenStreetMap טאיוואן + description: קבוצת פייסבוק לממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap לטובת דיונים בנוגע לטאיוואן. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור של OpenStreetMap טאיוואן + description: Talk-tw היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית לקהילות לטובת דיונים בנושא טאיוואן + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap מפרץ טמפה + description: ממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap באזור מפרץ טמפה + extendedDescription: 'קבוצת OSM בטמפה ביי למפגשים ולבניית המפה המכריעה של טמפה ביי על ידי תושבים מקומיים עם OpenStreetMap, מפת העולם החופשית גם לעריכה. אם תחומי העניין הבאים מרתקים אותך: מפות, נתונים, קוד פתוח, GPS, טיולים בטבע, רכיבה על אופניים וכו׳, ירתק אותך לעבוד עם OpenStreetMap - אז למה שלא להצטרף אלינו? אנו נפגשים, ממפים ומדברים על נושאים חדשים בערך פעם בחודש.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap + description: 'ניתן להצטרף לקבוצת העל הגלובלית של OpenStreetMap בטלגרם בכתובת {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר בכתובת {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap ארה״ב + description: אנו מסייעים להצמיח ולשפר את OpenStreetMap בארצות הברית. + extendedDescription: 'אנו תומכים ב־OpenStreetMap על ידי אירוח של כנסים שנתיים, אספקת משאבים קהילתיים, בניית שותפויות והפצה ברבים. ניתן להצטרף ל־OpenStreetMap ארה״ב כאן: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: ה־Slack של OpenStreetMap ארה״ב + description: 'כולם מוזמנים! ניתן להירשם בכתובת {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap יוטה + description: ממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap באזור סולט לייק סיטי + extendedDescription: 'פעילויות עשויות לכלול דברים כגון סדנאות הדרכה למיפוי, מסיבות מיפוי ואיסוף נתונים באוויר הפתוח. האירועים מתקיימים באזור סולט לייק סיטי, לפחות בתחילת הדרך. אנו מחפשים ממפים מנוסים לצד מתחילים ב־OSM. מזמינים אותך להצטרף אלינו ופשוט למפות!' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap ונקובר + description: 'ממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap בוונקובר, קולומביה הבריטית' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap ויומינג + description: ממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap במדינת ויומינג + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) ויומינג היא שיתוף פעולה מקומי בין אנשים שמתעניינים ברתימת מאמציהם ליצירת מפות חופשיות. אנו מעודדים את כל הממפים לארגן או להציע אירועי מיפוי בכל רחבי המדינה. פעילויות במפגשים יכול להיות סתם מפגש חברתי, תרגול OSM ממתחילים ועד מתקדמים או מסיבות מיפוי קהילתיות.' + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-br + description: קבוצת דיוור לדיונים על OpenStreetMap בברזיל + OSM-br-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap ברזיל + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילת OpenStreetMap ברזיל בטלגרם + extendedDescription: 'ניתן להצטרף לקהילה שלנו כדי ללמוד עוד על OpenStreetMap, לשאול שאלות או להשתתף במפגשים שלנו. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap ברזיל + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר בכתובת {url}' + OSM-help: + name: העזרה של OpenStreetMap + description: ניתן לשאול שאלות ולקבל תשובות באתר השאלות והתשובות בשיתוף קהילת OSM. + extendedDescription: '{url} מיועד לכל מי שצריך עזרה עם OpenStreetMap. בין אם עזרה לממפים מתחילים או שאלה טכנית, אנחנו כאן כדי לעזור!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור של OpenStreetMap הודו + description: Talk-in היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של הקהילה ההודית + OSM-india-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap הודו + description: 'אנחנו במרחק ציוץ: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: קהילת OpenStreetMap יפן + description: ממפים ומשתמשים OpenStreetMap ביפן + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור של OpenStreetMap יפן + description: Talk-ja היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של הקהילה היפנית + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap יפן + description: 'תגית הקבץ בטוויטר: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap יפן + description: ממפים ומשתמשים OpenStreetMap ביפן + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap סרי לנקה + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap בסרי לנקה + extendedDescription: 'מעניין אותך מיפוי בסרי לנקה? יש לך שאלות? אולי ליצור קשר עם הקהילה המקומית? ניתן להצטרף אלינו ב־{Url}. כולם מוזמנים!' + OSMF: + name: קרן OpenStreetMap + description: OSMF הוא ארגון בריטי ללא מטרות רווח שתומך במיזם OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'OSMF תומך ב־OpenStreetMap על ידי תרומה, תחזוקת השרתים שעליהם פועלת מערכת OSM, ארגון הכנס State of the Map ותיאום בין המתנדבים שדואגים ש־OSM ימשיך להכות גלים. ניתן להראות את תמיכתך ולתת את קולך ל־OpenStreetMap על ידי הצטרפות לחברות ב־OSMF דרך כאן: {signupUrl}' + events: + sotm2020: + where: 'קייפטאון, דרום אפריקה' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: קליבלנד פתוחה + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap באזור קליבלנד + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo קליבנד מכוונים להוות משאב לשיחות בין אנשים ולשתף מידע על שימוש בנתונים גאוגרפיים חופשיים ובמיוחד OpenStreetMap ותכניות לניהול גאו־מרחבי שמנהלות, עורכות ומציגות נתונים גאוגרפיים וקידום השימוש בהן לטובת צפון מזרח אוהיו, אנו גם סניף של maptime =).' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: קבוצת המפגשים של PHXGeo + description: 'ממפי ומשתמשי OpenStreetMap באזור פיניקס, אריזונה' + extendedDescription: 'זו קבוצת מפגשים לאלו מאזור פיניקס שאוהבים מיפוי, נתונים גאוגרפיים, OpenStreetMap, חיבור מפות וכל מה שביניהם.' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של PHXGeo + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר בכתובת {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: קבוצת הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap ריו גראנדה דו סול + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילת OpenStreetMap ריו גראנדה דו סול בטלגרם + extendedDescription: 'ניתן להצטרף לקהילה וללמוד עוד על OpenStreetMap, לשאול שאלות או להשתתף במפגשים שלנו. כולם מוזמנים!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: קבוצת הדיוור של OpenStreetMap לדרום טירול + description: קבוצת הדיונים האזורית של OpenStreetMap איטליה לאזור דרום טירול + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: קבוצת הדיוור של OpenStreetMap טרנטינו + description: קבוצת הדיונים האזורית של OpenStreetMap איטליה לאזור טרנטינו + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OSM וסטרן סלופ + description: 'ממפי ומשתמשי OpenStreetMap סביב גרנד ג׳נקשן, קולורדו' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: קבוצת המפגשים של OSM וסטרן סלופ + description: 'ממפי ומשתמשי OpenStreetMap סביב גרנד ג׳נקשן, קולורדו' + extendedDescription: 'מטרת הקבוצה הזאת היא להפגיש את הקהילה עם OpenStreetMap, לפתח קהילת ממפים, ליצור את הנתונים הגאוגרפיים המרשימים ביותר שניתן באמצעות כל שיטה שאפשר למצוא כדי לבנות אסטרטגיה לקבל את המידע הזה לתוך הקהילה שלנו. איך נשמע לך תיחום שבילים מדויק? אולי פיתוח נוסף של שבילי אופניים? כל מה שרק מעניין אותך, זה היופי ב־OpenStreetMap!' + al-forum: + name: פורום OSM אלבניה + description: פורום OpenStreetMap אלבניה + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime טירנה + description: אירועים חברתיים שמתגבשים סביב מיפוי - מתחילים מוזמנים בהחלט! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime היא סביבת למידה פתוחה לכל רמות ודרגות הידע, המציעה תמיכה חינוכית המיועדת למתחילים. Maptime היא גמישה ובנויה היטב בו זמנית, לטובת יצירת מקום להדרכות, סדנאות ומיזמים בנושאי מיפוי עם מטרה משותפת וזמן עבודה עצמאי/שיתופי.' + al-telegram: + name: ערוץ הטלגרם של OSM אלבניה + description: ערוץ הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap אלבניה + al-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap אלבניה + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר בכתובת {url}' + at-forum: + name: הפורום של OpenStreetMap אוסטריה + description: הפורום הרשמי לשאלות על OpenStreetMap בתוך וסביב אוסטריה + at-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-at + description: Talk-at היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של קהילת OSM האוסטרית + at-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap אוסטריה + description: 'הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap אוסטריה: {url}' + be-chapter: + description: אנו מסייעים לפתח ולטפח את OpenStreetMap בבלגיה. + be-facebook: + name: קהילת הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap בלגיה + description: ממפים ומשתמשים ב־OpenStreetMap בבלגיה בפייסבוק + be-forum: + name: הפורום של OpenStreetMap בלגיה + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap בלגיה + be-irc: + name: ה־IRC של OpenStreetMap בלגיה + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osmbe תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osmbe תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667), הוא מקושר לערוץ הצ׳אט ב־Matrix' + be-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-be + description: Talk-be היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של קהילת OSM הבלגית + be-matrix: + name: ערוץ ה־Matrix של OpenStreetMap בלגיה + description: כל הממפים מוזמנים! + extendedDescription: רוב הדיונים מתרחשים בערוץ „OpenStreetMap בלגיה”. ניתן לשאול כאן הכול! החדרים האחרים מתמקדים בנושאים נקודתיים. + be-meetup: + name: קבוצת המפגשים של OpenStreetMap בלגיה + description: מפגשים פנים אל פנים של כל מי שמעוניין ב־OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'מפגשים בחיים האמתיים מהווים דרך נפלאה לפגוש ממפים אחרים, לשאול אותם שאלות וללמוד הרבה. מתנדבים חדשים מוזמנים במיוחד!' + be-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap בלגיה + description: 'OSM בלגיה בטווויטר: ‎@osm_be' + bg-forum: + name: הפורום של OpenStreetMap בולגריה + bw-facebook: + name: מיפוי בוטסואנה בפייסבוק + description: העמוד של OpenStreetMap בבוטסואנה + bw-twitter: + name: מיפוי בוטסואנה בטוויטר + description: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap בבוטסואנה + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap בלרוס + description: קבוצת הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap בלארוס + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: הממפים הצעירים של אוניברסיטת קייפ קוסט + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'זה הכינוי הרשמי של אגף הממפים הצעירים באוניברסיטת קייפ קוסט, גאנה. אנו אוהבים מפות, נתונים פתוחים וגם לעזור לחלשים.' + ch-twitter: + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר: {url}' + czech-community: + name: קהילת OSM הצ׳כית + description: 'פורטל המפה, האתר ופרטי הקשר של חברי OSM בצ׳כיה' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור של ברלין + description: זאת רשימת הדיוור לקהילת OSM בברלין + de-berlin-meetup: + name: קבוצת המפגשים של OpenStreetMap ברלין-ברנדנבורג + description: ממפי ומשתמשי OpenStreetMap באזור ברלין + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '‎@osmberlin בטלגרם' + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap ברלין + de-berlin-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap ברלין + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר: {url}' + de-forum: + name: הפורום של OpenStreetMap גרמניה + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap גרמניה + de-hamburg-telegram: + name: ערוץ הטלגרם של OSM המבורג + description: 'הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap המבורג: {url}' + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap גרמניה ב־IRC + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm-de תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-de + description: Talk-de היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של קהילת OSM הגרמנית + de-matrix: + name: ה־Matrix של OpenStreetMap גרמניה + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור OWL + description: זאת רשימת הדיוור לקהילת OSM במזרח וסטפליה-ליפה + de-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap גרמניה + description: 'ניתן להצטרף לקבוצת העל של OpenStreetMap גרמניה בטלגרם בכתובת {url}' + dk-forum: + name: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap דנמרק + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap דנמרק + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap דנמרק ב־IRC + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm-dk תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-dk + description: קבוצת דיוור לדיונים על OpenStreetMap בדנמרק + fi-forum: + name: פורום OpenStreetMap פינלנד + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap פינלנד + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap פינלנד ב־IRC + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm-fi תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-fi + description: Talk-fi היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של קהילת OSM הפינית + fr-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap צרפת + description: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap צרפת + fr-forum: + name: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap צרפת + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap צרפת + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap צרפת ב־IRC + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm-fr תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-fr + description: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-fr + fr-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap צרפת + description: 'קבוצת טלגרם לקהילת OSM צרפת: {url}' + fr-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap צרפת + description: 'הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap צרפת: {url}' + galicia-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject גליסיה + description: 'כל מה שצריך לדעת על מיפוי בגליסיה: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap המלכה המאוחדת ב־IRC + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm-gb תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm-gb תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667), נא להתאזר בסבלנות ולחכות מספר דקות לאחר פרסום שאלה' + gb-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-gb + hr-facebook: + name: קבוצת הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap קרואטיה + description: קבוצת הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap קרואטיה + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap קרואטיה ב־IRC + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm-hr תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-hr + description: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap הונגריה + description: ממפים וקבוצת פייסבוק של OpenStreetMap בהונגריה + hu-forum: + name: הפורום של OpenStreetMap הונגריה + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap הונגריה + hu-meetup: + name: קבוצת המפגשים של OpenStreetMap הונגרי + description: הפלטפורמה לכינוס מפגשים בהונגריה + il-telegram: + name: ערוץ הטלגרם של OSM ישראל + description: 'קבוצת טלגרם לקהילת OpenStreetMap ישראל: {url}' + ireland-telegram: + name: ערוץ הטלגרם של OSM אירלנד + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap אירלנד + ireland-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap אירלנד + description: 'הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap אירלנד: {url}' + is-facebook: + name: OSM איסלנד בפייסבוק + description: העמוד של OpenStreetMap באיסלנד + is-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-is + description: Talk-is היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של קהילת OSM האיסלנדית + is-twitter: + name: OSM איסלנד בטוויטר + description: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap באיסלנד + it-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap איטליה + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילה של OpenStreetMap איטליה בפייסבוק + it-irc: + name: ה־IRC של OpenStreetMap איטליה + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm-it תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-it + description: Talk-at היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של קהילת OSM האיטלקית + it-telegram: + name: '‎@OpenStreetMapItalia בטלגרם' + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap איטליה + it-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap איטליה + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר בכתובת {url}' + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap קוסובו בטלגרם + description: קבוצת טלגרם ציבורית חצי רשמית לכלל קוסובו. אנו מזמינים את כל הממפים מכל מקום ובכל שפה. + latam-facebook: + name: ' הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap אמריקה הלטינית' + latam-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap אמריקה הלטינית ב־IRC + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm-latam תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + latam-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-latam + latam-matrix: + name: ערוץ ה־Matrix של OpenStreetMap אמריקה הלטינית + latam-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap אמריקה הלטינית + latam-twitter: + description: 'הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap אמריקה הלטינית: {url}' + latam-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject אמריקה הלטינית + description: כל מה שצריך לדעת על מיפוי באמריקה הלטינית {url} + mappa-mercia-group: + name: הקבוצה המקומית Mappa Mercia + description: בית לחובבי OpenStreetMap במידלנדס + extendedDescription: 'מיזם Mappa Mercia מיועד לטפל את OpenStreetMap במערב המידלנדס, אנגליה. אנו מגבשים אירועים קהילתיים, מספקים הכשרה ותומכים בארגונים מקומיים שרוצים לפתוח את הנתונים שלהם.' + ni-telegram: + name: ערוץ הטלגרם של OSM ניקרגואה + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap ניקרגואה + ni-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap ניקרגואה + description: 'OSM ניקרגואה בטווויטר: ‎@osm_ni' + no-forum: + name: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap נורווגיה + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap נורווגיה + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap נורווגיה ב־IRC + description: 'חדר צ׳אט לממפי, משתמשי, מפתחי וחובבי OpenStreetMap בנורווגיה' + no-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור של OpenStreetMap נורווגיה + description: 'קבוצת דיוור לממפי, משתמשי, מפתחי וחובבי OpenStreetMap בנורווגיה' + no-telegram: + name: '‎@OSM_no בטלגרם' + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap נורבגיה + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap אפגניסטן + description: שיפור OpenStreetMap באפגניסטן + osm-asia-telegram: + name: OSM אסיה טלגרם + description: 'מוזמנים למשפחה: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap אוסטריה + description: מאגר למידע על OpenStreetMap באוסטריה + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap גרמניה + description: הפלטפורמה למידע על OpenStreetMap בגרמניה + osm-gh-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap גאנה + description: קבוצת פייסבוק לאנשים שמתעניינים ב־OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'ממפים בקהילת גאנה, מקדמים את OpenStreetMap ואת מיזמי צוות OpenStreetMap ההומניטרי (HOT) בגאנה. אפשר להצטרף אלינו.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap גאנה + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap פורום הודו + description: OpenStreetMap פורום הודו + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap גיטהאב הודו + description: 'תפתח קוד איתנו ב{url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap הודו טלגרם + description: 'מוזמנים למשפחה: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap הודו + description: ממפים ומשתמשים בOpenStreetMap + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject הודו + description: 'כל מה שאתה צריך לדעת על מיפוי בהודו {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap הודו יוטוב + description: 'מוזמנים לערוץ שלנו: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: ה־Aparat של OpenStreetMap איראן + description: 'מוזמנים לערוץ שלנו בכתובת {url}' + extendedDescription: משאב טוב של סרטונים על כל מה שקשור ב־OpenStreetMap. בעיקר בפרסית. + osm-iran-forum: + name: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap איראן + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap איראן + extendedDescription: פורום מקוון למשתמשי OpenStreetMap באיראן. אפשר לשאול שאלות ולדון עם אחרים באופן חופשי! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap איראן + description: 'מזמינים אותך להצטרף לערוץ הטלגרם שלנו בכתובת {url}. יש לנו גם קבוצת על של משתמשי OSM רבים שמתעניינים באיראן. ניתן למצוא את הקישור אליה בביוגרפיה של הערוץ.' + osm-kenya: + name: OSM קניה + osm-kerala-telegram: + name: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap קרלה + description: 'אנחנו ממפים את קרלה ביחד. מזמינים אותך להצטרף לקבוצת הטלגרם שלנו. {url}' + osm-kerala-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap קרלה + osm-mg-facebook: + name: 'קבוצת הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap במדגסקר ' + description: קבוצת פייסבוק במלגשי לאנשים שמתעניינים ב־OpenStreetMap. + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: אספקת שירותים ומידע על OSM עבור הקהילה המקומית בשוודיה + osmcz-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap צ׳כיה + osmcz-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של הקהילה הצ׳כית ‎@osmcz + description: ניתן לעקוב אחר הקהילה הצ׳כית בטוויטר - כולל ה־WeeklyOSM המתורגם! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: מפגש קהילת OSM גראץ + description: מפגש חודשי של קהילת OpenStreetMap בגראץ + osmgraz-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של קהילת OSM בגראץ + description: הטוויטר של קהילת OpenStreetMap בגראץ + se-facebook: + name: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap שוודיה + description: הפייסבוק של OpenStreetMap נורווגיה + se-forum: + name: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap שוודיה + description: הפורום המקוון של OpenStreetMap שוודיה + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap שוודיה ב־IRC + description: 'ניתן להצטרף ל־‎#osm.se תחת irc.oftc.net (פתחה 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-se + description: קבוצת דיוור לדיונים על OpenStreetMap בשוודיה + se-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap שוודיה + description: 'ניתן לעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר: {url}' + si-forum: + name: הפורום של OpenStreetMap סלובניה + description: הפורום של קהילת OpenStreetMap בסלובניה + si-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור של OpenStreetMap סלובניה + description: קבוצת דיוור על OpenStreetMap בסלובניה + talk-au: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-au + description: מקום לשיחות בין ממפים אוסטרליים + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיונים הצ׳כית (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של הקהילה הצ׳כית + talk-gh: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-gh + description: Talk-gh היא קבוצת הדיוור הרשמית של קהילת OSM בגאנה + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap לאציו, איטליה + description: 'כולם מוזמנים! ניתן להירשם בכתובת {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: קבוצת דיוור לאזורי רומא ולאציו. + talk-mg: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-mg + description: 'מקום לתורמים, קהילות ומשתמשי OpenStreetMap במדגסקר לשתף ולדון זה עם זה.' + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap אוקראינה ב־GitHub + description: ה־GitHub של OpenStreetMap אוקראינה + ua-osm: + name: האתר של OpenStreetMap אוקראינה + description: האתר של OpenStreetMap באוקראינה + ua-slack: + name: ה־Slack של OpenStreetMap אוקראינה + description: ניתן להצטרף לקהילה של OpenStreetMap אוקראינה ב־Slack + ua-telegram: + name: '‎@osmUA בטלגרם' + description: הטלגרם של OpenStreetMap אוקראינה + ua-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap אוקראינה בטוויטר + description: 'OpenStreetMap אוקראינה בטוויטר: {url}' + uk-localchapter: + name: OpenStreetMap הממלכה המאוחדת + uk-london-twitter: + name: הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap לונדון + description: 'הטוויטר של OpenStreetMap לונדון: {url}' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: קבוצת הדיוור Talk-us-massachusetts + description: רשימת דיוור בדוא״ל לקהילת OSM במסצ׳וסטס + ym-University-of-California-Davis: + name: מועדון המיפוי diff --git a/i18n/hu.yaml b/i18n/hu.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f22155417 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/hu.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,566 @@ +hu: + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: A San Francisco-öböl környéki (Bay Area) OpenStreetMap-szerkesztők + description: Az OpenStreetMap tökéletesítése a San Francisco-öböl környékén + extendedDescription: 'Ez a csoport az itteni, öbölkörnyéki OpenStreetMap-közösség gyarapításával foglalkozik. Rendezvényeink mindenki számára nyitottak a nyílt forráskódú szoftverek híveitől kezdve a kerékpárosokon, térinformatikusokon és geocaching-játékosokon át bárki másig. Örömmel látunk mindenkit, akit érdekelnek a térképek, a térképészet és a nyílt térképadatok, hogy csatlakozzék csoportunkhoz és részt vegyen a rendezvényeinken.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Közép-Pennsylvania OSM + description: 'A Pennsylvania State College főiskolából kinövő online térképészközösség' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + description: A Dallas-Fort Worth-ban működő OpenStreetMap felhasználói csoport + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth és a köztük lévő városok bővelkednek kreatív, műszakilag jártas emberekben. A felhasználói csoport jövőképe, hogy új utakat találjon az OSM lenyűgöző erőforrásainak kihasználásra.' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Térképrajongók találkozója Philadelphia térségében + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapping DC + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + name: Maptime Oceania Slack + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentína Facebook + extendedDescription: Hírek a helyi közösségtől + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Telegram + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Ázsia levelezőlista + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Banglades + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA Slack + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook + description: Csatlakozz az OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook közösséghez + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Telegram + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbia + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbia Facebook + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbia Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Facebookon + description: A OpenStreetMappel kapcsolatos hírekért és frissítésekért kedvelj minket Facebookon. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonézia + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + OSM-India-facebook: + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in India + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mianmar + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongólia + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malajzia a Facebookon + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepál + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Facebook + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Facebook + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Slack + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Telegram + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: OpenStreetMap Lengyelország Facebook csoport + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap RU telegram + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap Redditen + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Dél-Kalifornia + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: OSM Meetup Chiang Mai + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap TH Facebook csoport + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Tajvan közösség + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: 'Csatlakozz az OpenStreetMap Telegram globális szupercsoporthoz itt: {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap US + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US Slack + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + OSM-br-discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Brazília Discord + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Brazília Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap Súgó + description: Tegyél fel kérdéseket az OSM közösségi kérdezz-felelek oldalán. + extendedDescription: '{url} elérhető bárkinek, aki OpenStreetMappel kapcsolatban szeretne segítséget. Ha kezdő szerkesztő vagy, vagy technikai kérdésed van, szívesen segítünk!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap India levelezőlista + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap India Twitter + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Japán közösség + description: Térképészek és OpenStreetMap felhasználók Japánban + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Japán levelezőlista + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japán Twitter + description: 'Hashtag a Twitteren: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japán + description: Térképészek és OpenStreetMap felhasználók Japánban + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap Alapítvány + description: Az OSMF az OpenStreetMap projektet segítő angol nonprofit szervezet + extendedDescription: 'Az OSMF az OpenStreetMapet adománygyűjtéssel, az OSM szervereinek működtetésével, az éves State of the Map konferenciák szervezésével és az OSM-et működtető önkéntesek koordinálásával támogatja. Csatlakozz és legyél OSMF tag, hogy kifejezd a támogatásod, szavad legyen az OSM irányításában: {signupUrl}' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ausztria Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ausztria Twitter: {url}' + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium IRC + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium Twitter + description: 'OSM Belgium a Twitteren: @osm_be' + bw-twitter: + name: Botswana térképezése Twitter + description: OpenStreetMap Botswana Twitter + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Fehéroroszország + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: University of Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + czech-community: + name: Cseh OSM közösség + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Berlin levelezőlista + description: Ez a berlini OSM közösség levelezőlistája + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Dánia IRC + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Finnország IRC + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Franciaország Facebook oldal + description: OpenStreetMap Franciaország Facebook oldal + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Franciaország IRC-n + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Franciaország Twitteren + description: 'OpenStreetMap Franciaország Twitteren: {url}' + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Horvátország Facebook csoport + description: OpenStreetMap Horvátország Facebook csoport + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Horvátország IRC-n + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU a Facebookon + description: Magyarországi térképészek és OpenStreetMap Facebook oldal + hu-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap HU fórum + description: OpenStreetMap Magyarország webes fórum + hu-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Magyarország Meetup + description: A találkozók szervezéséhez használt platform Magyarországon + is-facebook: + name: OSM Izland a Facebook-on + is-twitter: + name: OSM Izland a Twitteren + description: OpenStreetMap Izland Twitter + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Olaszország Facebook + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Olaszország Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + ni-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Twitter + description: 'OSM Nicaragua Twitter: @osm_ni' + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Afganisztán + osm-africa-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Africa Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Telegram for Africa + osm-asia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Ázsia Telegram + description: 'Csatlakozz hozzánk: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Ausztria + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Németország + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghána Facebook + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghána Twitter + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap India GitHub + description: 'Kódolj velünk: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap India Telegram + description: 'Csatlakozz hozzánk: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap India + description: Térképészek és OpenStreetMap felhasználók Indiában + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiprojekt India + description: 'Minden, amit tudnod kell az indiai térképezésről: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap India Youtube + description: 'Iratkozz fel csatornánkra: {url}' + osm-iran-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Telegram + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Madagaszkár Facebook csoport + osm-ni: + name: MapaNica.net + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ a Facebook-on + osmcz-twitter: + name: Cseh twitter @osmcz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM közösség, Graz twitter + description: OpenStreetMap közösség, Graz twitter + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Svédország Facebook + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Svédország Twitteren + description: 'Kövess minket Twitteren: {url}' + si-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Szlovénia fórum + si-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Szlovénia levelezőlista + si-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Szlovénia Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Szlovénia Twitter: {url}' + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap IT Lazio + ve-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Venezuela Telegram + ym-Abia-State-University: + name: AbsuMappersTeam + ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University: + name: YouthMappers-AMEU + ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University: + name: ABU Geomappers + ym-Ardhi-University: + name: ARU Mapper + ym-Asian-University-for-Women: + name: YouthMappers at AUW + ym-Busitema-University: + name: Good Mappers + ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: CalU PA GIS Club + ym-Central-Washington-University: + name: Geography Club + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + ym-Clemson-University: + name: Clemson Mappers + ym-Cornell-University: + name: Mapping Society + ym-Cuttington-University: + name: Cuttington University YouthMappers + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + name: GDEV + ym-Dhaka-College: + name: YouthMappers Daka College + ym-Dhaka-University: + name: Openstreetmap YouthMappers + ym-Eastern-University: + name: YouthMappers at Eastern University + ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology: + name: Junior Philippines Computer Society + ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys: + name: OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo + ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure: + name: YouthMappers Futa Space Club + ym-Fourah-Bay-College: + name: Student's Geographical Association + ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University: + name: YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University + ym-George-Mason-University: + name: Mason Mappers + ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College + ym-Gujarat-University: + name: CCIM at Ahmedabad + ym-Gulu-University: + name: CSGU Mappers + ym-Heidelberg-University: + name: disastermappers heidelberg + ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education: + name: IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT) + ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: Geospatial Science Club + ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri: + name: YouthMappers at INES Ruhengeri + ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda: + name: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda + ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies: + name: Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers + ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management: + name: IFM mappers + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning: + name: Mipango YouthMappers Chapter + ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine: + name: YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba + ym-Istanbul-Technical-University: + name: YouthMappers ITU + ym-Jacksonville-State-University: + name: JSU Disaster Mapping Team + ym-Jahangirnagar-University: + name: 'YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University' + ym-Kansas-State-University: + name: 'Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter' + ym-Karatina-University: + name: Nature Club Karatina University + ym-Kathmandu-University: + name: 'Geomatics Engineering Society, GES' + ym-Kenyatta-University: + name: Kenyatta University GIS Club + ym-Kumi-University: + name: Ever Last YouthMappers + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers + ym-Makerere-University: + name: Geo YouthMappers + ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: MUST Street Mappers + ym-Miami-University: + name: Geography and Planning Society + ym-Moi-University: + name: Geography Students Association + ym-Monroe-Community-College: + name: MCC Mapping Corps + ym-Montgomery-College: + name: GeoMC + ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Geoinformation Technology Student Society + ym-Nimba-County-Community-College: + name: Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers + ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus: + name: Njala Freetown YouthMappers + ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus: + name: 'YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus' + ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University: + name: Environment and Wildlife Club + ym-Oklahoma-State-University: + name: Geography Club + ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania: + name: Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania + ym-Politecnico-di-Milano: + name: PoliMappers + ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London: + name: Queen Mary YouthMappers + ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology: + name: YouthMappers at RUET + ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia: + name: Geoventurers + ym-Sherubtse-College: + name: Geographical Society + ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture: + name: SMCoSE YouthMappers + ym-St.-Augustine-International-University: + name: YouthMappers at St Augustine International University + ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute: + name: MawaggaliMappers + ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo: + name: SUNY Geneseo GIS Association + ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic: + name: YouthMappers-SMP + ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya: + name: Geospatial Science Student Association + ym-Texas-Tech-University: + name: YouthMappers at TTU + ym-The-Citadel: + name: YouthMappers at The Citadel + ym-The-George-Washington-University: + name: Humanitarian Mapping Society + ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS: + name: SAIS YouthMappers + ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University: + name: Penn State GIS Coalition + ym-The-University-of-Zambia: + name: YouthMappers Unza + ym-Tribhuvan-University: + name: Geomatics Engineering Students Association + ym-UW-Madison: + name: BadgerMaps + ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus: + name: Mappers for Life + ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University: + name: HiTech Youth Mappers + ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid: + name: YouthMappers at UAM + ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas: + name: YouthMappers at Bogota + ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras: + name: PumaGis Hn + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia: + name: Grupo UN + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria: + name: Yeka Street MGA + ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid: + name: Mapeo Humanitario + ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia: + name: Geomatica UDEA + ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica: + name: YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica + ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira: + name: Grupo Mesh + ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes: + name: Cartografos Uniandes + ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras: + name: UPR YouthMappers + ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura: + name: YouthMappers San Buenaventura + ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane: + name: Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique + ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger: + name: YouthMappers at UGB + ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat: + name: Brahmapoutre, Rabat + ym-Universit-de-NZrkor: + name: Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré + ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako: + name: Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE + ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar: + name: Kontur Geografi + ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta: + name: SpaceTime + ym-University-of-California-Davis: + name: Mapping Club + ym-University-of-Cape-Coast: + name: UCC Geographical Society + ym-University-of-Central-Florida: + name: Geospatial Information Society + ym-University-of-Chicago: + name: Tobler Society + ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam: + name: YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Eco-Club + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: University of Ghana YouthMappers + ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers: + name: University of Liberia YouthMappers + ym-University-of-Malawi: + name: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers + ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park: + name: Geography Club + ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology: + name: UMaT YouthMappers + ym-University-of-Nairobi: + name: Geospatial Engineering Students Association + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka + ym-University-of-North-Texas: + name: UNT Geography Club + ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado: + name: UNCO Geography and GIS Club + ym-University-of-Oregon: + name: Map by Northwest + ym-University-of-Panama: + name: YouthMappers UP + ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt: + name: UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt + ym-University-of-Pretoria: + name: Centre for Geoinformation Science + ym-University-of-Redlands: + name: URSpatial Geo-Thinkers + ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus: + name: Rwanda YouthMappers + ym-University-of-South-Carolina: + name: Geography Graduate Student Association + ym-University-of-Southern-California: + name: SC Mappers + ym-University-of-Vermont: + name: University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club + ym-University-of-Victoria: + name: Society of Geography Students + ym-University-of-Wyoming: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club + ym-University-of-Zimbabwe: + name: UZMappers + ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute: + name: YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute + ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus: + name: Libraries Outreach - ODL + ym-Vassar-College: + name: Hudson Valley Mappers + ym-Villanova-University: + name: The Villanova Globeplotters + ym-West-Virginia-University: + name: Maptime Morgantown + ym-Western-Michigan-University: + name: Geography Club diff --git a/i18n/is.yaml b/i18n/is.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1fe26d80e --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/is.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +is: + Bahia-telegram: + extendedDescription: 'Gakktu til liðs við teymið til að læra meira um OpenStreetMap, spyrja spurninga eða taka þátt í fundum. Allir eru velkomnir!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Bay Area OpenStreetMappers + description: Bætum OpenStreetMap-gögn á Bay Area + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Central Pennsylvania OSM + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + description: 'Allir eru velkomnir! Skráðu þig á {signupUrl}, taktu síðan þátt á #osm IRC-rásinni' + DF-telegram: + extendedDescription: 'Gakktu til liðs við teymið til að læra meira um OpenStreetMap, spyrja spurninga eða taka þátt í fundum. Allir eru velkomnir!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + description: Notendahópur OpenStreetMap í Dallas-Fort Worth + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapping DC + description: Bætum OpenStreetMap-gögn á DC-svæðinu + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap í kringum Portland, ME' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: Facebook-hópur OpenStreetMap Argentína + description: Gakktu til liðs við OpenStreetMap Argentína hópinn á Facebook + extendedDescription: Fréttir frá fólki á staðnum + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Vefspjall (forum) OpenStreetMap Argentína + description: Gakktu til liðs við OpenStreetMap Argentína vefspjallið + OSM-AR-irc: + name: IRC-rás OpenStreetMap Argentína + description: 'Taktu þátt á #osm-ar á irc.oftc.net (gátt 6667)' + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar póstlistinn + description: Gamall sögulegur póstlisti sem næstum enginn notar í dag. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: Telegram-hópur OpenStreetMap Argentína + description: Gakktu til liðs við OpenStreetMap Argentína hópinn á Telegram + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap Argentína + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter á {url}' + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-bo póstlistinn + description: Talk-bo er opinber póstlisti bólivíska OSM-hópsins + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap á Boston-svæðinu + OSM-CL-facebook: + extendedDescription: 'Gakktu til liðs við teymið til að læra meira um OpenStreetMap, spyrja spurninga eða taka þátt í fundum. Allir eru velkomnir!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl póstlistinn + description: Póstlisti til að ræða OpenStreetMap í Síle + OSM-CL-telegram: + extendedDescription: 'Gakktu til liðs við teymið til að læra meira um OpenStreetMap, spyrja spurninga eða taka þátt í fundum. Allir eru velkomnir!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Síle + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter á {url}' + OSM-CO-facebook: + extendedDescription: Gakktu til liðs við teymið til að læra meira um OpenStreetMap. Allir eru velkomnir! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-co póstlistinn + description: Póstlisti til að ræða OpenStreetMap í Kólumbíu + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Kólumbíu + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter á {url}' + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + description: 'Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap í kringum Mount Vernon, WA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap er landakort af heiminum gert af fólki eins og þér. Kort sem þú byggir upp, sem er öllum frjálst, rétt eins og Wikipedia. Skoðaðu osm.org til að sjá nánari upplýsingar. Við hittumst mjög oft til að tala um kort, gera kort, og skemmta okkur!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: Notendur OpenStreetMap í Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap í Colorado-fylki, BNA' + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Talk-es póstlistinn + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes á Telegram' + description: Telegram-hópur OpenStreetMap Spánn + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap á Facebook + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap India - Kortagerð með þáttöku nágranna + description: Bætum OpenStreetMap-gögn á Indlandi + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap í Perú + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pe póstlistinn + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: Telegram-hópur OpenStreetMap í Perú + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Perú + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter á {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: Facebook-hópur OpenStreetMap PH + description: 'Velkomin í filipeyska OpenStreetMap hópinn, þar sem við hvetjum alla aðra filipseyinga til að taka þátt í OpenStreetMap-verkefninu.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph póstlistinn + description: Póstlisti til að ræða OpenStreetMap á Filipseyjum + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Slack + description: 'Allir velkomnir! Skráðu þig á {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: Telegram-hópur OpenStreetMap PH + description: 'Óopinber staðvær Telegram-hópur OpenStreetMap þátttakenda og vina á Filipseyjum' + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap á Portland-svæðinu + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) er landakort af heiminum gert af fólki eins og þér. Kort sem þú byggir upp, sem er öllum frjálst, rétt eins og Wikipedia. Skoðaðu osm.org til að sjá nánari upplýsingar, og kíktu við á fundum til að tala um kort, gera OSM-kort, og skemmta þér!' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap RU vefspjall + description: Vefspjall (forum) OpenStreetMap Rússland + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: Telegram-hópur OpenStreetMap RU + description: Telegram-hópur OpenStreetMap Rússland + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap á Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ er góður staður til að læra meira um OpenStreetMap. Spurðu okkur um allt milli himins og jarðar! + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap á Seattle-svæðinu + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Southern California + description: 'Skemmtum okkur, gerum eitthvað fyrir Los Angeles, og lærum í leiðinni um kortagerð!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Tævan samfélagið + description: Facebook-hópur fyrir kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap í Tævan + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: Póstlisti OpenStreetMap Tævan + description: Talk-ja er opinber póstlisti tævanska OSM-hópsins + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay + description: Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap á Tampa Bay-svæðinu + OSM-Telegram: + name: Telegram fyrir OpenStreetMap + OSM-Twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter á {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap US + description: Við hjálpum til við að auka og bæta OpenStreetMap-gögn í Bandaríkjunum + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US Slack + description: 'Allir velkomnir! Skráðu þig á {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap á Salt Lake City-svæðinu + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + description: 'Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap í Vancouver, BC-svæðinu' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap í Wyoming-fylki, BNA + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br póstlistinn + description: Póstlisti til að ræða OpenStreetMap í Brasilíu + OSM-br-telegram: + extendedDescription: 'Gakktu til liðs við teymið til að læra meira um OpenStreetMap, spyrja spurninga eða taka þátt í fundum. Allir eru velkomnir!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Brasilíu + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter á {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Aðstoð með OpenStreetMap + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Póstlisti OpenStreetMap Indland + OSM-india-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap Indland + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan samfélagið + description: Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap í Japan + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Póstlisti OpenStreetMap Japan + description: Talk-ja er opinber póstlisti japanska OSM-hópsins + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap Japan + description: 'Myllumerki á Twitter á {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap sjálfseignarstofnunin + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Bætum OpenStreetMap-gögn á Cleveland-svæðinu + PHXGeo-meetup: + description: 'Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap á Phoenix, AZ-svæðinu' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur PHXGeo + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter á {url}' + Western-Slope-facebook: + description: 'Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap í kringum Grand Junction, CO' + Western-Slope-meetup: + description: 'Kortagerðarfólk og notendur OpenStreetMap í kringum Grand Junction, CO' + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-at póstlistinn + at-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Austurríki + description: 'Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Austurríki: {url}' + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-be póstlistinn + be-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Belgíu + description: 'Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Belgíu: @osm_be' + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Hvítarússland + description: Telegram-hópur OpenStreetMap Hvítarússlands + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter: {url}' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Berlín-póstlistinn + de-berlin-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Berlín + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter: {url}' + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de póstlistinn + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: OWL-póstlistinn + dk-forum: + name: Vefspjall (forum) OpenStreetMap Danmörk + description: Vefspjall (forum) OpenStreetMap Danmörk + dk-irc: + name: IRC-rás OpenStreetMap Danmörk + description: 'Taktu þátt á #osm-dk á irc.oftc.net (gátt 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk póstlistinn + description: Póstlisti til að ræða OpenStreetMap í Danmörku + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi póstlistinn + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr póstlistinn + description: Talk-fr póstlistinn + fr-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Frakklandi + description: 'Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Frakklandi: {url}' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb póstlistinn + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr póstlistinn + description: Talk-hr póstlistinn + is-facebook: + name: OSM Íslandi á Facebook + description: Síða OpenStreetMap á Íslandi + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is póstlistinn + description: Talk-is er opinber póstlisti íslenska OSM-hópsins + is-twitter: + name: OSM Íslandi á Twitter + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it póstlistinn + description: Talk-it er opinber póstlisti ítalska OSM-hópsins + it-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap á Ítalíu + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter á {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Austurríki + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Þýskalandi + osm-gh-facebook: + description: Facebook-hópur fyrir fólk sem hefur áhuga á OpenStreetMap. + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana á Twitter + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter: {url}' + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + osmgraz-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Graz + description: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Graz + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sweden Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap í Svíþjóð á Facebook + se-forum: + name: Vefspjall (forum) OpenStreetMap Svíþjóð + description: Vefspjall (forum) OpenStreetMap Svíþjóð + se-irc: + name: IRC-rás OpenStreetMap Svíþjóð + description: 'Taktu þátt á #osm-se á irc.oftc.net (gátt 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Talk-se póstlistinn + description: Póstlisti til að ræða OpenStreetMap í Svíþjóð + se-twitter: + name: Twitter-hópur OpenStreetMap í Svíþjóð + description: 'Fylgstu með okkur á Twitter: {url}' + si-mailinglist: + name: Slóvenski OpenStreetMap póstlistinn + talk-au: + name: Talk-au póstlistinn + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Tékkneski póstlistinn (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz er opinber póstlisti tékkneska OSM-hópsins + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh póstlistinn + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg póstlistinn + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Talk-us-massachusetts póstlistinn diff --git a/i18n/it.yaml b/i18n/it.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..006ae1086 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/it.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,666 @@ +it: + Bahia-telegram: + name: Gruppo Telegram di OpenStreetMap di Bahia + description: Unisciti alla comunità OpenStreetMap di Bahia su Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Unisciti alla comunità per saperne di più su OpenStreetMap, fare domande e partecipare alle nostre riunioni. Chiunque è il benvenuto!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: OpenStreetMappers a Bay Area + description: Migliora OpenStreetMap a Bay Area + extendedDescription: 'Il nostro gruppo vuole far crescere la community OpenStreetMap qui nella zona di Bay Area. I nostri eventi sono aperti a chiunque, dall''appassionato di open source, al ciclista, al professionista GIS, al geocacher e oltre. Qualunque persona appassionata di mappe, cartografia o analisi geografica è la benvenuta a unirsi al nostro gruppo e partecipare ai nostri eventi. ' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: OSM Pennsylvania Centrale + description: 'Community online di mapping con base presso State College, PA' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Slack di Programmare per San Jose + description: 'Tutti sono benvenuti! Iscriviti su {signupUrl}, e dopo collegati al canale "osm su IRC.' + DF-telegram: + name: Gruppo Telegram di OpenStreetMap di Brasilia + description: Unisciti alla comunità di OpenStreetMap di Brasilia su Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Unisciti alla comunità per saperne di più su OpenStreetMap, fare domande e partecipare alle nostre riunioni. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: OSM Dallas-Fort Worth + description: Gruppo OpenStreetMap di Dallas-Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Work, e tutte le città limitrofe abbondano di persone creative ed esperte di tecnologia. La nostra vision è quella di cercare in questo gruppo nuove vie di utilizzare le fantastiche risorse offerte da OSM.' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Meetup per appassionati di mappe nella zona di Philadelphia + extendedDescription: 'Geophilly unisce sviluppatori, geografi, data geek, appassionati open source, civic hacker e drogati di mappe nella comune passione passione per le mappe e delle storie che possono raccontare. Se usate delle mappe nel vostro lavoro o se voltete soltanto saperne di più, questo è il meetup adatto per voi! I nostri eventi mirano a essere aperti, amichevoli, educativi e sociali, e spaziano dalle piacevoli chiacchierate agli incontri lampo e perfino agli workshop. Venite a creare una community geospaziale variegata e ispirativa con noi a Philadelphia!' + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Mappatori e appassionati di OpenStreetMap nell’area delle Twin Cities. + extendedDescription: Un punto di contatto per gli appassionati di OpenStreetMap del Minnesota e delle Twin Cities! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mappando DC + description: Migliora OpenStreetMap nell'area di DC + extendedDescription: 'Siamo un gruppo di mappatori volontari con l''obiettivo di migliorare OpenStreetMap nell''area di DC. Puntiamo anche a insegnare agli altri l''ecosistema OSM, l''analisi dei dati, la cartografia e GIS. Ci raduniamo ogni altro mese ai meetup per concentrarci su una zona della nostra città.' + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotà + description: Siamo un gruppo di mappatori interessati a mappare su OpenStreetMap nei dintorni di Bogotà + extendedDescription: 'Impara a raccogliere dati sul campo e a inserirli in OpenStreetMap. Non importa avere delle conoscenze pregresse! È solo necessario voler partecipare, imparare e divertirsi.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap nei dintorni di Portland, Maine' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime è letteralmente tempo per la mappatura. La nostra missione è quella di aprire le porte della cartografia a chiunque sia interessato, creando un posto e dei momenti per l’apprendimento collaborativo, l’esplorazione, la creazione di mappe usando strumenti e tecnologie per la mappatura.' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: Twitter di MaptimeHRVA + description: 'Seguici su Twitter all’indirizzo {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: Meetup mensili pubblici di Nottingham e East Midlands + description: Incontri sociali per i mappatori e utenti delle East Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Un gruppo che da marzo 2011 si riunisce, inizialmente a Nottingham, più recentemente a Derby e di tanto in tanto da qualche altra parte nelle East Midlands. Si tratta di incontri sociali, ma sono anche dei momenti eccellenti per venire a fare delle domande specifiche su OSM nella nostra zona o in generale. Nei mesi estivi facciamo solitamente delle sessioni leggere di mappatura nei dintorni del punto d’incontro. Il gruppo ha come interesse speciale quello di mappare le precedenze nelle strade pubbliche e di tanto in tanto ci incontriamo proprio per questo scopo.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: Facebook di OpenStreetMap dell’Argentina + description: Unisciti alla comunità su Facebook di OpenStreetMap dell’Argentina + extendedDescription: Novità della comunità locale + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Forum web di OpenStreetMap dell’Argentina + description: Unisciti al forum web di OpenStreetMap dell’Argentina + extendedDescription: Ideale per discussioni lunghe e profonde. Tempi di risposta lenti. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: IRC di OpenStreetMap dell’Argentina + description: 'Entra su #osm-ar nel server irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + extendedDescription: Potresti trovarvi gli utenti più nerd della comunità. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-ar + description: Vecchia mailinglist. Praticamente inutilizzata al giorno d’oggi. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap dell’Argentina + description: Unisciti alla comunità su Telegram di OpenStreetMap dell’Argentina + extendedDescription: 'Il canale più attivo della comunità, ideale per chiacchierare e ricevere risposte alle proprie domande praticamente in tempo reale. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap dell’Argentina + description: 'Seguici su Twitter all’indirizzo {url}' + extendedDescription: Novità dalla comunità locale e OpenStreetMap in generale. + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: 'Mailinglist di OpenStreetMap dell''Asia ' + description: Talk-asia è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità asiatica + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap del Bangladesh + description: Migliora OpenStreetMap nel Bangladesh + extendedDescription: 'Mappi in Bangladesh? Hai delle domande oppure vuoi connetterti alla comunità di qua? Unisciti a noi all’indirizzo {url}. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-bo + description: Talk-bo è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità OpenStreetMap boliviana + extendedDescription: 'Mappi in Bolivia? Hai domande o vuoi connetterti con la comunità di quaggiù? Unisciti a noi all’indirizzo {url}. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap di Boston + description: Mappatori e utenti di OpenStreetMap che risiedono nell’area di Boston + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap è una mappa libera e aperta, simile ad una mappa del mondo in stile Wikipedia, con centinaia di migliaia di contributi ogni giorno da persone come te. Modificare la mappa è semplice e divertente! Unisciti a noi sia da casa che all’aperto, nel nostro obiettivo di creare la miglior mappa dell’area di Boston e del resto del mondo!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: Slack di OSM-CA + description: 'Tutti sono i benvenuti! Iscriviti su {signupUrl}.' + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: Facebook di OpenStreetMap del Cile + description: Unisciti alla comunità OpenStreetMap del Cile su Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Unisciti alla comunità per saperne di più su OpenStreetMap, fare domande e partecipare alle nostre riunioni. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-cl + description: Una mailinglist per discutere su OpenStreetMap del Cile + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap del Cile + description: Unisciti alla comunità di OpenStreetMap del Cile su Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Unisciti alla comunità per saperne di più su OpenStreetMap, fare domande e partecipare alle nostre riunioni. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap del Cile + description: 'Seguici su Twitter all’indirizzo {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap della Colombia + description: Novità della comunità di OpenStreetMap della Colombia e della fondazione OSMCo + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: Facebook di OpenStreetMap della Colombia + description: Unisciti alla comunità di OpenStreetMap della Colombia su Facebook + extendedDescription: Unisciti alla comunità per saperne di più su OpenStreetMap. Tutti sono i benvenuti! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-co + description: Una mailinglist per discutere di OpenStreetMap in Colombia + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Colombia su Telegram + description: La chat su Telegram di OpenStreetMap della Colombia + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap della Colombia + description: 'Seguici su Twitter all’indirizzo {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM di Cuba su Telegram + description: La chat su Telegram di OpenStreetMap di Cuba + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap, mar dei Salish centrale + description: 'Mappatori e utenti di OpenStreetMap nei dintorni di Mount Vernon, nello stato di Washington' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap è la mappa del mondo creata da persone come te. È una mappa che tu puoi costruire e che è gratis come Wikipedia. Vai su osm.org per altre informazioni. Noi ci riuniamo sempre per parlare di mappe, mappare e divertirci!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: Gruppo utenti OpenStreetMap di Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap del Colorado + description: 'Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap dello stato del Colorado, USA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) del Colorado è una collaborazione locale di persone interessate a usare le proprie forze per creare mappe libere. Noi incoraggiamo i nostri mappatori ad organizzare e suggerire eventi di mappatura ovunque nel nostro stato. Attività di incontro come per esempio semplici riunioni, lezioni di OSM dal principiante all’intermedio oppure feste di mappatura in compagnia.' + OSM-Discord: + name: Discord OpenStreetMap + description: Entra in contatto con gli altri mappatori attraverso Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Ecuador su Telegram + description: La chat su Telegram di OpenStreetMap dell’Ecuador + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-es + description: Una mailinglist per discutere su OpenStreetMap della Spagna + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes su Telegram' + description: Chat Telegram di OpenStreetMap della Spagna + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap su Facebook + description: Metti “Mi piace” su Facebook per notizie e aggiornamenti su OpenStreetMap + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap dell’Indonesia + description: Migliora OpenStreetMap in Indonesia + extendedDescription: 'Stai mappando in Indonesia? Hai domande o vuoi connetterti alla comunità locale? Unisci a a noi su {Url}. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSM-IRC: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap + description: 'Entra in #osm su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Movimento del software e hardware liberi su Facebook + description: 'Pagina Facebook di FSHM per conoscere gli eventi e le attività della comunità' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organizza eventi che riguardano il software e l’hardware liberi, la tecnologia, l’attivismo e OpenStreetMap. La sua pagina Facebook è il posto migliore per rimanere in contatto con i suoi eventi.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Movimento del software e hardware liberi su Matrix + description: 'Gruppo FSHM di Riot per discutere, condividere e aggiornare le attività di mappatura, gli eventi si terranno nei dintorni di Pondicherry' + extendedDescription: 'I membri della comunità FSHM condividono le loro esperienze / novità sulla mappatura in OSM attraverso il gruppo Riot.im, questo gruppo è anche usato per discutere di argomenti relativi al software e all’hardware liberi, la tecnologia e l’attivismo.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap India - mappatura di quartiere partecipativa + description: Miglioriamo OpenStreetMap in India + extendedDescription: 'Mappi in India? Hai domande o vuoi connetterti alla comunità locale? Unisciti a noi su {url}. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Myanmar + description: Contribuisci a migliorare OpenStreetMap in Myanmar + extendedDescription: 'Mappi in Myanmar? Hai domande oppure vuoi connetterti alla comunità di quaggiù? Unisciti a noi all’indirizzo {Url}. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap della Mongolia + description: Migliora OpenStreetMap in Mongolia + extendedDescription: 'Stai mappando in Mongolia? Hai domande o vuoi connetterti alla comunità locale? Unisci a noi su {Url}. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap della Malaysia su Facebook + description: Per chiacchierare su tutto ciò che è inerente a OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Malaysia + description: Forum web ufficiale di OpenStreetMap della Malaysia + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Canale Riot di OpenStreetMap della Malaysia + description: 'Tutti i mappatori sono i benvenuti! Iscriviti su {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap del Nepal + description: Migliora OpenStreetMap in Nepal + extendedDescription: 'Stai mappando in Nepal? Hai domande o vuoi connetterti alla comunità locale? Unisciti a noi su {Url}. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap del Perù + description: Novità e risorse per la comunità di OpenStreetMap del Perù + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: Facebook di OpenStreetMap del Perù + description: Unisciti alla comunità di OpenStreetMap del Perù su Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-pe + description: La mailinglist ufficiale della comunità di OpenStreetMap del Perù + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: Chat Matrix di OpenStreetMap del Perù + description: Parla su Matrix con gli altri membri della comunità di OpenStreetMap del Perù + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap del Perù + description: Unisciti alla comunità di OpenStreetMap del Perù su Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap del Perù + description: 'Seguici su Twitter all’indirizzo {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: Facebook di OpenStreetMap delle Filippine + description: 'Benvenuta/o in OpenStreetMap delle Filippine, un posto dove i nostri amici filippini vengono incoraggiati a contribuire al progetto OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Mailing list Talk-ph + description: Una mailinglist per discutere OpenStreetMap nelle Filippine + OSM-PH-slack: + name: Slack di OpenStreetMap delle Filippine + description: 'Tutti sono i benvenuti! Registrati su {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap delle Filippine + description: 'Non ufficiale, comunità locale su Telegram di utenti OpenStreetMap e amici nelle Filippine.' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: Gruppo Facebook di OpenStreetMap della Polonia + description: Gruppo per mappatori e utenti di OpenStreetMap in Polonia + OSM-PL-forum: + name: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Polonia + description: Forum web della comunità polacca di OpenStreetMap + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguay su Telegram + description: La chat su Telegram di OpenStreetMap del Paraguay + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap nell'area di Portland + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) è una cartina del pianeta costruita da persone come te. È una mappa che puoi modificare, distribuita gratuitamente come Wikipedia. Vai su osm.org per saperne di più e vieni ai nostri meetup per discutere di mappe, contribuire a OSM e divertirti!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: Gruppo Google di OpenStreetMap PDX + description: Forum e mailinglist degli utenti di OpenStreetMap nell’area di Portland + extendedDescription: 'Questo gruppo serve a facilitare i miglioramenti di OpenStreetMap nell’area di Portland (stato dell’Oregon) e per sostenere applicazioni come Open trip Planner.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Movimento del software e hardware liberi - mailinglist + description: Mailinglist di FSHM a Pondicherry per discutere di mappatura a Pondicherry e altro. + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organizza eventi relativi al software/hardware liberi, tecnologia, attivismo e OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: Forum di OpenStreetMap della Russia + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Russia + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap della Russia + description: Chat Telegram di OpenStreetMap della Russia + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap su Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ è il posto perfetto per imparare di più su OpenStreetMap. Chiedici di tutto! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: Miglioriamo OpenStreetMap nell’area attorno a Roma + extendedDescription: 'Puntiamo ad aiutare le persone a discutere e a condividere le loro conoscenze nell’utilizzo dei dati geografici, in particolar modo quelli di OpenStreetMap, in quello di software geo-spaziale che gestisce, modifica e visualizza dati geografici e promuoviamo il suo uso nel Lazio.' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap di Seattle + description: Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap nell’area di Seattle + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap della California del sud + description: 'Divertiamoci, contribuiamo con qualunque cosa a Los Angeles e impariamo a mappare!' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) della California del sud è per chiunque sia interessato a mappare insieme agli altri lavorando con OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, la Wikipedia delle mappe, è la mappa del mondo open-source libera creata da più di un milione di volontari per tutto il globo. Chiunque è ben accetto. Se non conosci OpenStreetMap, te la insegneremo noi. Se hai un’idea per un progetto di mappatura oppure una gita sul campo che il nostro gruppo può effettuare, perfetto!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM di South Bay + description: Serate della mappa ospitate da "Programmare per San Jose" + extendedDescription: 'Programmare per San Jose, la filiale locale della brigata di Programmare per l’America, ospita ogni mese di giovedì una serata per la mappa nei sobborghi di San José. Incontra altri mappatori della South Bay, aiutaci con i progetti di mappatura locale e vieni a conoscenza di altri progetti di tecnologia civica. Non è richiesto né saper programmare né sapere cosa sia un GIS.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: Meetup OSM di Chiang Mai + description: Riunioni con cadenza irregolare della comunità OpenStreetMap a Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'I membri della comunità di OpenStreetMap si incontrano ogni qualche mese a Chiang Mai. Contattaci all’indirizzo {url} per sapere quando avverrà il prossimo ‘meetup’.' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: Gruppo Facebook di OpenStreetMap della Thailandia + description: Gruppo Facebook degli utenti di OpenStreetMap in Thailandia + OSM-TH-forum: + name: Forum di OpenStreetMap della Thailandia + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Thailandia + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: Comunità di OpenStreetMap di Taiwan + description: Gruppo di Facebook per mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap che vogliono discutere su argomenti inerenti Taiwan. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist di OpenStreetMap di Taiwan + description: Talk-tw è la mailinglist ufficiale delle comunità per discutere su argomenti inerenti Taiwan. + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap di Tampa Bay + description: Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap dell’area di Tampa Bay + extendedDescription: 'Gruppo OSM di Tampa Bay per riunire residenti locali e riuscire a costruire la mappa definitiva di Tampa Bay con OpenStreetMap, la mappa del mondo libera e modificabile. Se ti interessano le mappe, i dati, l’open source, il GPS, le passeggiate, pedalare, etc., ti piacerà da impazzire lavorare con OpenStreetMap - perciò unisciti a noi! Ci incontreremo e mapperemo e discuteremo di nuovi argomenti più o meno una volta al mese.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap + description: 'Unisciti al supergruppo globale di OpenStreetMap su Telegram all’indirizzo {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap + description: 'Seguici su Twitter all’indirizzo {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap degli Stati Uniti + description: Aiutiamo a crescere e migliorare OpenStreetMap negli Stati Uniti. + extendedDescription: 'Supportiamo OpenStreetMap organizzando conferenze annuali, producendo risorse per la comunità, costruendo relazioni e diffondendo la voce. Unisciti a OpenStreetMap degli Stati Uniti qui: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: Slack Americano di OpenStreetMap + description: 'Sono tutti i benvenuti! Registrati all''indirizzo {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap dello Utah + description: Mappaori e utenti OpenStreetMap dell’area di Salt Lake City + extendedDescription: 'Le attività comprendono cose come lezioni per imparare a mappare, feste di mappatura e uscite all’aperto per la raccolta di dati. Gli eventi avverranno nell’area SLC, almeno all’inizio. Stiamo cercando sia mappatori esperti che alle prime armi. Unisciti e andiamo a mappare!' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap di Vancouver + description: 'Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap di Vancouver, area Colombia Britannica' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap del Wyoming + description: Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap dello stato del Wyoming + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) del Wyoming è una collaborazione local formata da persone interessate a unire i loro sforzi per creare mappe libere. Incoraggiamo tutti i nostri mappatori a organizzare o suggerire eventi di mappatura ovunque nello stato. Attività di gruppo sono per esempio incontri, lezioni di OSM dal principiante all’intermedio, oppure feste di mappatura in compagnia.' + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-br + description: Una mailinglist per discutere di OpenStreetMap in Brasile + OSM-br-telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap del Brasile + description: Unisciti alla comunità brasiliana di OpenStreetMap su Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Unisciti alla comunità per saperne di più su OpenStreetMap, fare domande e partecipare alle nostre riunioni. Chiunque è il benvenuto!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap del Brasile + description: 'Seguici su Twitter all’indirizzo {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Assistenza OpenStreetMap + description: Fai domande e ricevi risposte nel sito di domande e risposte gestito dalla comunità OSM. + extendedDescription: '{url} è per tutti quelli che hanno bisogno di aiuto con OpenStreetMap. Sia che tu sia un principiante o che tu abbia una domanda tecnica, siamo qui per aiutarti!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist di OpenStreetMap dell’India + description: Talk-in è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità indiana + OSM-india-twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap dell’India + description: 'Siamo solo ad un cinguettio di distanza: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Comunità OpenStreetMap del Giappone + description: Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap del Giappone + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist di OpenStreetMap Giappone + description: Talk-ja è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità giapponese + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Giappone + description: 'Hashtag su Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap del Giappone + description: Mappatori e utenti di OpenStreetMap in Giappone + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap dello Sri Lanka + description: Migliora OpenStreetMap nello Sri Lanka + extendedDescription: 'Mappi in Sri Lanka? Hai delle domande oppure vuoi unirti alla comunità locale? Unisciti a noi all’indirizzo {Url}. Tutti sono i benvenuti!' + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap Foundation + description: OSMF è una organizzazione non a scopo di lucro che ha sede nel Regno Unito e che supporta il progetto OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'OSMF supporta OpenStreetMap con la raccolta fondi, la manutenzione dei server che danno energia a OSM, l’organizzazione dell’annuale conferenza State of the Map e la coordinazione dei volontari che tengono in vita OSM. Puoi dare il tuo contributo e avere una voce in capitolo nella direzione di OpenStreetMap unendoti alla OSMF come membro andando a questo indirizzo: {signupUrl}' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Miglioriamo OpenStreetMap nell’area di Cleveland + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland mira a diventare una risorsa per le persone che vogliano discutere e condividere le proprie conoscenze su come utilizzare i dati geografici liberi, nella fattispecie OpenStreetMap, e di software geo-spaziale aperto che gestisce, modifica e mostra su schermo dati geografici, e spingiamo per il suo uso nell’Ohio del nord-est. Siamo anche un chapter di maptime =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: Meetup PHXGeo + description: 'Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap di Phoenix (area Arizona)' + extendedDescription: 'Questo è un gruppo meetup per i residenti nell’area di Phoenix a cui piacciono le mappe, GIS, OpenStreetMap e cartografia in tutte le loro combinazioni.' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: Twitter PHXGeo + description: 'Seguici su Twitter all’indirizzo {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: Gruppo Telegram di Rio Grande do SUl + description: Unisciti alla comunità di Rio Grande do Sul su Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Unisciti alla comunità per saperne di più su OpenStreetMap, fare domande e partecipare alle nostre riunioni. Chiunque è il benvenuto!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: Mailinglist di OpenStreetMap del Sud Tirolo + description: Mailinglist di OpenStreetMap Italia dell’area del Sud Tirolo, + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Mailinglist di OpenStreetMap per il Trentino + description: Mailinglist di OpenStreetMap Italia del Trentino + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Facebook di OSM Western Slope + description: 'Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap attorno a Grand Junction (Colorado)' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Meetup di OSM di Western Slope + description: 'Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap intorno a Grand Junction (Colorado)' + extendedDescription: 'L’obiettivo di questo gruppo è quello di introdurre la comunità a OpenStreetMap, sviluppare una gruppo di mappatori, creare i più strabilianti dati georiferiti utilizzando qualsiasi metodo possibile e infine studiare dei metodi che permettano a questi dati di ritornare nella nostra comunità. Immagina un segnale dei percorsi accurato! Immagine un’ulteriore sviluppo delle piste ciclabili! Immagina qualsiasi cosa, quello è il bello di OpenStreetMap!' + al-forum: + name: Forum di OSM dell’Albania + description: Forum di OpenStreetMap dell’Albania + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime di Tirana + description: Eventi sociali centrati sulla mappatura—i principianti sono più che benvenuti! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime è un ambiente di apprendimento libero per tutti i livelli e gradi di conoscenza, che offre supporto educativo in particolare ai principianti. Maptime è allo stesso tempo flessibile e strutturato, rendendo in questo modo possibile l’organizzazione di lezioni di mappatura, corsi di specializzazione, lavori a progetto indipendenti e/o collaborativi.' + al-telegram: + name: Canale su Telegram di OSM dell’Albania + description: Canale su Telegram di OpenStreetMap dell’Albania + at-forum: + name: Forum web di OpenStreetMap dell’Austria + description: Il forum ufficiale di OpenStreetMap per fare domande sull’Austria e nei suoi dintorni. + at-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-at + description: Talk-at è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità austriaca di OpenStreetMap + at-twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap dell’Austria + description: 'OpenStreetMap dell’Austria su Twitter: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: Facebook dei mappatori e OpenStreetMap in Belgio + be-forum: + name: Forum belga di OpenStreetMap + description: Forum web belga di OpenStreetMap + be-irc: + name: Canale IRC di OpenStreetMap del Belgio + description: 'Entra in #osmbe su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Entra in #osmbe su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667), è unito al canale di chat Matrix' + be-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-be + description: Talk-be è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità belga su OSM + be-matrix: + name: Canale Matrix di OpenStreetMap del Belgio + description: Tutti i mappatori sono benvenuti! + extendedDescription: La maggior parte delle discussioni avviene nel canale “OpenStreetMap del Belgio”. Puoi chiedere qualsiasi cosa lì! Le altre stanze sono per argomenti specifici. + be-meetup: + name: Meetup di OpenStreetMap del Belgio + description: Incontri dal vivo per chiunque sia interessato a OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Incontrarsi di persona è una grande occasione per conoscere altri mappatori, fare domande e imparare un sacco di cose. I nuovi utenti sono in special modo i benvenuti!' + be-twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap del Belgio + description: 'OSM del Belgio su Twitter: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: Mappando il Botswana su Facebook + description: Pagina di OpenStreetMap nel Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Mappando il Botswana su Twitter + description: Twitter di OpenStreetMap nel Botswana + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap della Bielorussia + description: Chat Telegram di OpenStreetMap della Bielorussia + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Giovani mappatori dell’università di Cape Coast + description: 'Seguici su Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Questo è il punto d’incontro del capitolo dei Giovani Mappatori dell’università di Cape Coast in Ghana. Amiamo le mappe, i dati aperti e aiutare i più vulnerabili.' + czech-community: + name: Comunità OSM della Repubblica Ceca + description: 'Portale delle mappe, sito web e contatti fra i membri di OSM nella Repubblica Ceca' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist di Berlino + description: Questa è la mailinglist per la comunità OSM di Berlino + de-berlin-meetup: + name: Meetup di OpenStreetMap di Berlino-Brandeburgo + description: Mappatori e utenti di OpenStreetMap dell’area berlinese + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin su Telegram' + description: Chat Telegram di OpenStreetMap di Berlino + de-berlin-twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap di Berlino + description: 'seguici su Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap della Germania + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Germania + de-irc: + name: Canale IRC di OpenStreetMap della Germania + description: 'Entra in #osm-de su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-de + description: Talk-de è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità OSM della Germania + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist OWL + description: Questa è la mailinglist della comunità OSM nella regione di Ostwestfalen-Lippe + de-telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap della Germania + description: 'Unisciti al supergruppo di OpenStreetMap della Germania su Telegram all’indirizzo {url}' + dk-forum: + name: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Danimarca + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Danimarca + dk-irc: + name: Canale IRC di OpenStreetMap della Danimarca + description: 'Entra in #osm-dk su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-dk + description: Una mailinglist per discutere di OpenStreetMap in Danimarca + fi-forum: + name: Forum di OpenStreetMap della Finlandia + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Finlandia + fi-irc: + name: Canale IRC di OpenStreetMap della Finlandia + description: 'Entra in #osm-fi su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-fi + description: Talk-fi è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità OSM finlandese + fr-facebook: + name: Pagina Facebook di OpenStreetMap della Francia + description: Pagina Facebook di OpenStreetMap della Francia + fr-forum: + name: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Francia + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Francia + fr-irc: + name: Canale IRC di OpenStreetMap della Francia + description: 'Entra in #osm-fr su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-fr + description: Mailinglist talk-fr + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap della Francia su Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap della Francia su Twitter: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: Canale IRC di OpenStreetMap del Regno Unito + description: 'Entra in #osm-gb su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Entra in #osm-gb su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667), cerca di essere paziente e aspetta almeno qualche minuto se chiedi qualcosa' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-gb + hr-facebook: + name: Gruppo Facebook di OpenStreetMap della Croazia + description: Gruppo Facebook di OpenStreetMap della Croazia + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap della Croazia su IRC + description: 'Entra in #osm-hr su irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-hr + description: Mailinglist talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap dell’Ungheria su Facebook + description: Facebook dei mappatori e OpenStreetMap in Ungheria + hu-forum: + name: Forum web di OpenStreetMap in Ungheria + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap in Ungheria + hu-meetup: + name: Meetup di OpenStreetMap in Ungheria + description: La piattaforma per organizzare incontri in Ungheria + is-facebook: + name: OSM dell’Islanda su Facebook + description: Pagina di OpenStreetMap in Islanda + is-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-is + description: Talk-is è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità OSM islandese + is-twitter: + name: OSM Islanda su Twitter + description: Twitter di OpenStreetMap in Islanda + it-facebook: + name: Facebook di OpenStreetMap dell’Italia + description: Unisciti alla comunità italiana di OpenStreetMap su Facebook + it-irc: + name: Canale IRC di OpenStreetMap dell’Italia + description: 'Entra in #osm-it su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-it + description: Talk-it è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità OSM italiana + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia su Telegram' + description: Chat su Telegram di OpenStreetMap dell’Italia + it-twitter: + name: Twitter di OpenStreetMap dell’Italia + description: 'Seguici su Twitter all’indirizzo {url}' + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap del Kosovo su Telegram + description: Gruppo pubblico semi-ufficiale del Kosovo. Tutti i mappatori qualsiasi sia la lingua sono i benvenuti. + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Gruppo locale Mappa Mercia + description: Un posto per gli appassionati di OpenStreetMap nelle Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia è un progetto per sviluppare OpenStreetMap nelle West Midlands nel Regno Unito. Organizziamo eventi per la comunità, lezioni e supportiamo gli enti locali che vogliano rendere aperti i dati in loro possesso.' + no-forum: + name: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Norvegia + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Norvegia + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap della Norvegia su IRC + description: 'Stanza della chat per mappatori e utenti di OpenStreetMap, sviluppatori ed appassionati in Norvegia' + no-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist di OpenStreetMap della Norvegia + description: 'Mailinglist per mappatori e utenti di OpenStreetMap, sviluppatori ed appassionati in Norvegia' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no su Telegram' + description: Chat Telegram di OpenStreetMap della Norvegia + osm-asia-telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap dell’Asia + description: 'Unisciti alla nostra famiglia: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap dell’Austria + description: La piattaforma per informazioni su OpenStreetMap in Austria + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap della Germania + description: La piattaforma d’informazione per OpenStreetMap in Germania + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap del Ghana su Facebook + description: Gruppo Facebook per persone interessate a OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Mappatori nella comunità del Ghana, promuoviamo OpenStreetMap e i progetti della squadra umanitaria di OpenStreetMap (HOT) in Ghana. Unisciti a noi.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap del Ghana su Twitter + description: 'Seguici su Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Forum di OpenStreetMap dell’India + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap dell’India + osm-india-github: + name: GitHub di OpenStreetMap dell’India + description: 'Programma con noi: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap dell’India + description: 'Unisciti alla nostra famiglia: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap dell’India + description: Mappatori e utenti OpenStreetMap in India + osm-india-wiki: + name: Wikiproject di OpenStreetMap dell’India + description: 'Tutto quello che c’è da sapere sulla mappatura in India: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: Youtube di OpenStreetMap dell’India + description: 'Iscriviti al nostro canale: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: OpenStreetMap dell’Iran su Aparat + description: 'Iscriviti al nostro canale all’indirizzo {url}' + extendedDescription: Una buona risorsa per video su qualsiasi argomento relativo a OpenStreetMap. Principalmente in lingua persiana. + osm-iran-forum: + name: Forum web di OpenStreetMap dell’Iran + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap dell’Iran + extendedDescription: Un forum web per gli utenti di OpenStreetMap in Iran. Sentiti libero di chiedere e discutere con gli altri! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: Telegram di OpenStreetMap dell’Iran + description: 'Ti invitiamo a unirti al nostro canale Telegram all’indirizzo {url}. Abbiamo anche un supergruppo con molti utenti OSM interessati all’Iran. Trovi il link nella biografia del canale.' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Gruppo Facebook di OpenStreetMap del Madagascar + description: Gruppo Facebook malgascio per persone interessate a OpenStreetMap. + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Offriamo servizi OSM e informazioni per la comunità locale in Svezia + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap della Repubblica Ceca su Facebook + osmcz-twitter: + name: Twitter della Repubblica Ceca @osmcz + description: Segui la comunità ceca su Twitter - include la versione tradotta del settimanale WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: Comunità OSM di Graz Meetup + description: Meetup mensile della comunità OpenStreetMap in Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: Comunità OSM di Graz su Twitter + description: Comunità OpenStreetMap in Graz su Twitter + se-facebook: + name: Facebook di OpenStreetMap della Svezia + description: OpenStreetMap della Svezia su Facebook + se-forum: + name: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Svezia + description: Forum web di OpenStreetMap della Svezia + se-irc: + name: Canale IRC di OpenStreetMap della Svezia + description: 'Entra in #osm.se su irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist talk-se + description: Una mailinglist per discutere di OpenStreetMap in Svezia + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap della Svezia su Twitter + description: 'Seguici su Twitter: {url}' + si-forum: + name: Forum di OpenStreetMap della Slovenia + description: Forum della comunità di OpenStreetMap della Slovenia + si-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist di OpenStreetMap della Slovenia + description: Mailinglist della comunità di OpenStreetMap della Slovenia + talk-au: + name: Mailinglist talk-au + description: Un posto dove i mappatori australiani possono conversare liberamente + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist della Repubblica Ceca (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità ceca + talk-gh: + name: Mailinglist talk-gh + description: Talk-gh è la mailinglist ufficiale della comunità OSM del Ghana. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap Italy del Lazio + description: 'Tutti sono i benvenuti! Iscriviti su {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Mailinglist di Roma e del Lazio. + talk-mg: + name: Mailinglist talk-mg + description: 'Un posto dove i collaboratori, le comunità e gli utenti di OpenStreetMap del Madagascar possono condividere e discutere.' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Mailinglist Talk-us-massachusetts + description: Mailinglist per la comunità OSM del Massachusetts + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: Giovani mappatori dell'Università del Ghana diff --git a/i18n/ja.yaml b/i18n/ja.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7fe6168c --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/ja.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1569 @@ +ja: + Bahia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Bahia Telegram Group + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Bahia community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Bay Area OpenStreetMappers + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in the Bay Area + extendedDescription: 'This group is about growing the OpenStreetMap community here in the Bay Area. Our events are open to everyone, from open source enthusiasts, cyclists, GIS professionals, geocachers, and beyond. Anyone and everyone who is interested in maps, map making and free map data is welcome to join our group as well as attend our events.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Central Pennsylvania OSM + description: 'Online mapping community based out of State College, PA' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Code for San Jose Slack + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}, then join the #osm channel.' + DF-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasília Telegram Group + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Brasília community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + description: The OpenStreetMap user group for Dallas-Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth, and all the cities in between are abounding with creative and tech-savvy people. The vision for this usergroup is to find new ways to use the amazing resource of OSM.' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Galicia Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Telegram for Galicia + Galicia-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Galicia Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Meetup for map enthusiasts in the Philadelphia area + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly unites developers, geographers, data geeks, open source enthusiasts, civic hackers and map addicts in our shared love of maps and the stories they tell. If you use maps as part of your work or just want to learn more, this is the meetup for you! Our events aim to be open, friendly, educational and social and range from happy hours to lightning talks or even workshops. Come create a diverse, inspiring geospatial community in the Philadelphia with us!' + MapColabora-mailinglist: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Mailing list + MapColabora-meetup: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Meetup page + MapColabora-twitter: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza Twitter Account + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Twin Cities area + extendedDescription: Connecting OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in Minnesota and the Twin Cities! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapping DC + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area + extendedDescription: 'We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. We gather every other month at meetups to focus on one area of our city.' + MappingWR: + name: MappingWR + description: Making low carbon routes around Waterloo Region easy to find. + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + description: We're a group of mappers interested in mapping in OpenStreetMap around Bogotá. + extendedDescription: 'Learn to collect data in the field and digitize onto OpenStreetMap. It is not necessary to have previous knowledge! You just need the desire to participate, learn, and have fun.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, around Portland, ME' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation using mapping tools and technologies.' + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + name: Maptime Oceania Slack + description: 'Sign up at {signupUrl}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: East Midlands (Nottingham) Monthly pub meet-up + description: Social gathering for East Midlands mappers and users + extendedDescription: 'A group have been meeting since March 2011, initially in Nottingham, and, more recently in Derby, and from time to time elsewhere in the East Midlands. These are social gatherings, but are an excellent place to come and ask specific questions about OSM either in the area or in general. In the summer months we usually do some light mapping for an hour in the vicinity of our meeting place. The group as a whole has a special interest in mapping public rights of way and from time to time has mapping meetings for this purpose.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Facebook + extendedDescription: News from the local community + OSM-AR-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum + extendedDescription: Ideal for long or important discussions. Slow response time. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC + description: 'Join #osm-ar on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: You may find the most geeky user in the community. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar Mailing List + description: Historic mailing list. Almost unused today. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Telegram + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'The most active channel in the community, ideal for chatting and getting answers to your questions instantly. Everyone is welcome!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + extendedDescription: News from the local community and OpenStreetMap in general. + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Asia Mailinglist + description: Talk-asia is the official Mailinglist for Asian Community + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Bangladesh + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Bangladesh? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!' + events: + sotmasia2019: + name: State of the Map Asia 2019 + description: Join the 2019 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in Dhaka + where: 'Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-bo Mailing List + description: Talk-bo is the official mailing list for the Bolivian OpenStreetMap community + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Bolivia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-BiH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap BiH Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Bosnia and Herzegovina community: {url}' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Boston area + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap is the free and open, wiki-style map of the world, with hundreds of thousands of contributions every day from people like you. Editing the map is simple, and fun! Join us both indoors and outdoors in our effort to create the best map of the Boston area and the rest of the world!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA Slack + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}.' + OSM-CA-mailinglist: + name: OSM-CA mailing list + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Canada. + OSM-CA-telegram: + name: '@osmca on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Canada Telegram chat + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Chile + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Telegram + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + OSM-CN-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap China Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Chinese community: {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia + description: News of the OpenStreetMap Colombia community and the OSMCo Foundation + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia Facebook + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Colombia community on Facebook + extendedDescription: Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Everyone is welcome! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-co Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Colombia + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Colombia on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Colombia Telegram chat + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Cuba on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Cuba Telegram chat + OSM-CZ-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Czech community: {url}' + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Mount Vernon, WA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap is an map of the world made by people like you. It''s a map that you build, that''s given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more. We meet all the time to talk maps, make maps and have fun!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: The OpenStreetMap user group for Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Colorado, USA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + description: Get in touch with other mappers via Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Ecuador on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Ecuador Telegram chat + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Talk-es mailing list + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Spain + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Spain Telegram chat + OSM-Facebook: + name: Facebook上のOpenStreetMap + description: Like us on Facebook for news and updates about OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonesia + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Indonesia + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Indonesia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + description: 'Join #osm on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook + description: 'FSHM Facebook page to know about community events, activities' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap. Its FB page is the best way to keep in contact with its events.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix + description: 'FSHM Riot group to discuss, share and update mapping activities, events in and around Puducherry' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM community members share their OSM mapping updates / experiences through the Riot.im group, this group is also used to discuss things related to free software / hardware, technology and activism.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in India + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-Japan-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 日本 Telegram + description: 'OSM日本コミュニティ用のTelegramグループ: {url}' + OSM-Kerala-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala - Participatory neighborhood mapping + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Kerala + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Kerala ? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-Korea-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Korea Mailinglist + description: Talk-ko is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Korea + OSM-Korea-telegram: + name: OSM Korea Telegram + description: 'Unofficial Group for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities, and users in Korea to share and discuss.' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Myanmar + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Myanmar + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Myanmar? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolia + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Mongolia + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Mongolia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia on Facebook + description: For chat about anything related to OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum + description: Official OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia Riot channel + description: 'All mappers are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Nepal + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Nepal? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + OSM-Ottawa-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ottawa + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Ottawa area + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + description: News and resources for the OpenStreetMap Peru community + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Facebook + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Peru community on Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pe Mailing List + description: The official mailing list for the OpenStreetMap Peru community + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Matrix Chat + description: Chat with other members of the OpenStreetMap Peru community in Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Telegram + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Peru community on Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Facebook + description: 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap Philippines, where we encourage all fellow Filipinos to contribute to the OpenStreetMap project.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in the Philippines + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Slack + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Telegram + description: 'Un-official, Telegram local community of OpenStreetMap contributors and friends in the Philippines' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: OpenStreetMap Poland Facebook group + description: Group for mappers and users of OpenStreetMap in Poland + OSM-PL-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Poland Forum + description: Forum of Polish OpenStreetMap community + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguay on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Paraguay Telegram chat + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world made by people like you. It''s a map that you build, that''s given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more, and come join us at a meetup to talk maps, contribute to OSM, and have fun!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group + description: Forum and mailing list for OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area + extendedDescription: 'This group is to facilitate improvements to OpenStreetMap in the Portland, Oregon area to support applications such as the Open Trip Planner.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Mailing List + description: FSHM Puducherry mailing list to discuss mapping in Puducherry and other things. + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap RU forum + description: OpenStreetMap Russia web forum + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap RU telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Russia telegram chat + OSM-Reddit: + name: Reddit上のOpenStreetMap + description: /r/openstreetmap/ is a great place to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Ask us anything! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in the Rome area + extendedDescription: 'We aim to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Lazio.' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Seattle area + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Southern California + description: 'Let''s have some fun, contribute something to Los Angeles, and learn about mapping!' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California is for anyone interested in mapping to get together to work with OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia of maps, is a free open-source map of the world being created by more than 1,000,000 volunteers around the globe. Everyone is welcome. If you don''t know OpenStreetMap, we''ll teach you. If you have an idea for a mapping project or even a field trip that the group can do, great!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + description: Map Nights hosted by Code for San Jose + extendedDescription: 'Code for San Jose, the local Code for America brigade, hosts monthly Map Nights on Thursday nights in downtown San José. Meet fellow South Bay mappers, help out with local mapping projects, and hear about other civic tech projects. Programming and GIS skills are not required.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: OSM Meetup Chiang Mai + description: Irregular meeting of the OpenStreetMap community in Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Members of the OpenStreetMap community meet every few months in Chiang Mai. Get in contact and check out {url} to see when the next meetup is scheduled' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap TH Facebook group + description: Facebook group for OpenStreetMappers in Thailand + OSM-TH-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap TH forum + description: OpenStreetMap Thailand web forum + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community + description: Facebook Group for Mappers and OpenStreetMap users to discuss matters about Taiwan. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailinglist + description: Talk-tw is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Taiwan + OSM-TW-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Taiwan community: {url}' + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Tampa Bay area + extendedDescription: 'OSM Tampa Bay group for local residents to get together and build out the definitive map of Tampa Bay with OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world. If you''re into maps, data, open source, GPS, hiking, cycling, et cetera, you''ll love working with OpenStreetMap -- so join in! We''ll get together and map and talk about new topics once-a-month or so.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: 'Join the OpenStreetMap Telegram global supergroup at {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap US + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in the United States. + extendedDescription: 'We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap US here: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US Slack + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Salt Lake City area + extendedDescription: 'Activities may include things like Learn To Map workshops, mapping parties and outdoor data collection. The events will take place in the SLC area, at least initially. We are looking for seasoned mappers as well as people new to OSM. Join and let''s do some mapping!' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Vancouver, BC area' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Wyoming + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.' + OSM-br-discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Discord + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Brazil + OSM-br-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil Telegram + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap ヘルプ + description: OSMのコミュニティが運営しているQAサイトで質問して答えをもらいましょう。 + extendedDescription: '{url} はOpenStreetMapについて知りたいことがある人みんなのためのものです。初心者マッパーでも技術的な質問でも、ぜひどうぞ。' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap India Mailinglist + description: Talk-in is the official Mailinglist for Indian Community + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap India Twitter + description: 'We are just a tweet away: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 日本コミュニティ + description: 日本のマッパーとOpenStreetMap ユーザー + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap 日本メーリングリスト + description: Talk-ja は日本コミュニティ向けの公式メーリングリストです + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 日本のTwitter + description: 'Twitterでのハッシュタグ: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap 日本 + description: 日本のマッパーとOpenStreetMap ユーザー + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Sri Lanka + extendedDescription: 'Mapping in Sri Lanka? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!' + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap ファウンデーション + description: OSMF は英国に拠点を置くOpenStreetMapプロジェクトをサポートする非営利組織です + extendedDescription: 'OSMF supports the OpenStreetMap by fundraising, maintaining the servers which power OSM, organizing the annual State of the Map conference, and coordinating the volunteers who keep OSM running. You can show your support and have a voice in the direction of OpenStreetMap by joining as an OSMF member here: {signupUrl}' + events: + sotm2020: + name: State of the Map 2020 + description: 'Join us for 3 days in Cape Town, South Africa for the annual worldwide OpenStreetMap conference, bringing together everyone in the community to socialize, share, and learn.' + where: 'Cape Town, South Africa' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in the Cleveland area + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland aims to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Northeast Ohio. We''re also a maptime chapter =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: PHXGeo Meetup + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Phoenix, AZ area' + extendedDescription: 'This is a meetup group for those in the Phoenix area who like maps, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartography and anything in between.' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul community on Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: OpenStreetMap mailing list for South Tyrol + description: OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for South Tyrol + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: OpenStreetMap mailing list for Trentino + description: OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for Trentino + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Western Slope OSM Facebook + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Western Slope OSM Meetup + description: 'Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO' + extendedDescription: 'The goal of this group is to introduce OpenStreetMap to the community, develop a community of mappers, create the most amazing geodata possible using whatever method we can and finally strategize in order to get this data out into our community. Imagine accurate trail signage! Imagine further development of bike paths! Imagine anything you want, that''s the joy of OpenStreetMap!' + al-forum: + name: OSM Albania Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Albania Forum + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: Social events organized around mapping - beginners most welcome! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime is an open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge, offering intentional educational support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously flexible and structured, creating space for mapping tutorials, workshops, ongoing projects with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time.' + al-telegram: + name: OSM Albania Telegram channel + description: OpenStreetMap Albania Telegram channel + al-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Albania Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + at-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria Forum + description: The official forum for OpenStreetMap questions in and around Austria + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-at Mailing List + description: Talk-at is the official mailing list for the Austrian OSM community + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Austria On Twitter: {url}' + be-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium Local Chapter + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Belgium. + extendedDescription: 'If you want to help to improve and grow the mapping community in Belgium, to make even more people crazy about mapping, OpenStreetMap Belgium is the right place for you!' + be-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap BE Facebook Community + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Belgium + be-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap BE forum + description: OpenStreetMap Belgium web forum + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium IRC + description: 'Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), it is bridged with the Matrix chat channel' + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-be Mailing List + description: Talk-be is the official mailing list for the Belgian OSM community + be-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap BE Matrix channel + description: All mappers are welcome! + extendedDescription: Most talk is happening at the "OpenStreetMap Belgium" channel. You can ask anything there! The other rooms are for specific subjects. + be-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium Meetup + description: Real life meetups of everyone who is interested in OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Physical meetups are great to meet other mappers, ask them questions and to learn a lot. Especially new contributors are very welcome!' + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium Twitter + description: 'OSM Belgium on Twitter: @osm_be' + bg-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Bulgaria Forum + description: Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Bulgaria + bg-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Bulgaria + description: Wikiproject page for Bulgaria + bi-vc-cvl_wiki: + name: OSMers BI-VC-CVL + description: Mappers of northern Piedmont + extendedDescription: 'In addition to the monthly meetings, we also have a WhatsApp group.' + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana on Facebook + description: Page of OpenStreetMap in Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Mapping Botswana on Twitter + description: Twitter of OpenStreetMap in Botswana + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Belarus + description: OpenStreetMap Belarus telegram chat + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: University of Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'This is the official handle for the Youth Mappers chapter of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. we love maps, open data and helping the vulnerable.' + ch-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Switzerland IRC + description: 'Join #osm-ch on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + ch-mailinglist: + name: Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Mailing List + description: Mailing list for Switzerland + ch-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Switzerland Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + cuneo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Cuneo Mappers + description: OpenStreetMap Cuneo Telegram chat + czech-community: + name: Czech OSM community + description: 'Map portal, website and contacts on OSM members in Czechia' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Berlin Mailing List + description: This is the mailing list for the Berlin OSM community + de-berlin-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburg Meetup + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Berlin area + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Berlin Telegram chat + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap DE forum + description: OpenStreetMap Germany web forum + de-hamburg-telegram: + name: OSM Hamburg on Telegram + description: 'OpenStreetMap Hamburg Telegram chat: {url}' + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Germany IRC + description: 'Join #osm-de on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de Mailing List + description: Talk-de is the official mailing list for the German OSM community + de-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Germany Matrix + description: 'Join #osm-de:matrix.org at https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org' + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: OWL Mailing List + description: This is the mailing list for the Ostwestfalen-Lippe OSM community + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram + description: 'Join the OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram supergroup at {url}' + de-viersen-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Viersen Meetup + description: OSM community and users meetup Kreis Viersen and Mönchengladbach + dk-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Denmark Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Denmark web forum + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Denmark IRC + description: 'Join #osm-dk on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Denmark + es-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap España Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + et-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapEthiopia on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Ethiopia Telegram chat + fi-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap FI forum + description: OpenStreetMap Finland web forum + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Finland IRC + description: 'Join #osm-fi on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi Mailing List + description: Talk-fi is the official mailing list for the Finnish OSM community + fr-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap France Local Chapter + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in France. + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap France Facebook page + description: OpenStreetMap France Facebook page + fr-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap France web forum + description: OpenStreetMap France web forum + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap France on IRC + description: 'Join #osm-fr on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr Mailing List + description: Talk-fr mailing list + fr-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap France on Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM France community: {url}' + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap France on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap France on Twitter: {url}' + galicia-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Galicia + description: 'Everything you need to know about mapping in Galicia: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap United Kingdom IRC + description: 'Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb Mailing List + description: Talk-gb is the main communication forum list for the UK (including Northern Ireland) OSM community + geogeeks_perth_meetup: + name: GeoGeeks Perth Meetup + description: 'Perth-based meetup group for people interested in mapping, geospatial data, and open source. We''ll be working on anything that involves a sense of place.' + guatemala-telegram: + name: OSM Guatemala on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Guatemala Telegram chat + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Croatia Facebook group + description: OpenStreetMap Croatia Facebook group + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Croatia on IRC + description: 'Join #osm-hr on irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr Mailing List + description: Talk-hr mailing list + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU on Facebook + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap Facebook in Hungary + hu-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap HU forum + description: OpenStreetMap Hungary web forum + hu-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap HU matrix room + description: OpenStreetMap Hungary matrix chat + extendedDescription: OpenStreetMap chat on map topics. One of the OSM community support forums. + hu-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Hungary Meetup + description: The platform for organizing meetups in Hungary + il-telegram: + name: OSM Israel on Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Israel: {url}' + ireland-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ireland Local Chapter + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Ireland. + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap Ireland provides an advocate voice for the OpenStreetMap project on the island of Ireland, in addition to interacting with other open initiatives.' + ireland-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook group + description: OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook page + ireland-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Ireland IRC + description: 'Join #osm-ie on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Join #osm-ie on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question' + ireland-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ie Mailing List + description: Talk-ie is the mailing list for the Irish OSM community + ireland-telegram: + name: OSM Ireland on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Ireland Telegram chat + ireland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap IE on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap IE on Twitter: {url}' + is-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Iceland Local Chapter + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Iceland. + is-facebook: + name: OSM Iceland on Facebook + description: Page of OpenStreetMap in Iceland + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is Mailing List + description: Talk-is is the official mailing list for the Icelandic OSM community + is-twitter: + name: OSM Iceland on Twitter + description: Twitter of OpenStreetMap in Iceland + it-chapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Italy Local Chapter + description: We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Italy. + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Italy Facebook + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Italy community on Facebook + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Italy IRC + description: 'Join #osm-it on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it Mailing List + description: Talk-it is the official mailing list for the Italian OSM community + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Italy Telegram chat + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Italy Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter at {url}' + kazakhstan-telegram: + name: OSM Kazakhstan on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Kazakhstan Telegram chat + kosovo-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Matrix (bridged with the one in Telegram) + description: Semi-official all-Kosovo public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language. + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Telegram + description: Semi-official all-Kosovo Telegram public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language. + latam-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Latin America Facebook + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Latin America + latam-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Latin America IRC + description: 'Join #osm-latam on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + latam-mailinglist: + name: Talk-latam Mailing List + description: Talk-latam is the official mailing list for the Latinamerican OpenStreetMap community + latam-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Latin America Matrix + description: 'Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Telegram chat' + latam-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Latin America Telegram + description: 'Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Matrix chat' + latam-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Latin America Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Latin America on Twitter: {url}' + latam-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Latin America + description: Everything you need to know about mapping in Latin America + lu-mailinglist: + name: Talk-lu Mailing List + description: Official mailing list for the Luxembourgish OSM community + mailinglist-sk-googlegroups: + name: Slovak mailing list on google groups + description: Official mailing list for Slovak community + map-kibera: + name: Map Kibera Trust + description: Map Kibera is a registered organization working in Kenya + extendedDescription: Map Kibera Trust’s mission is to increase influence and representation of marginalized communities through the creative use of digital tools for action. + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Mappa Mercia local group + description: A home for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia is a project to grow OpenStreetMap in the West Midlands, UK. We run community events, provide training and support local organisations wishing to open up their data.' + md-googlegroup: + name: OSM Moldova Google Group + description: OpenStreetMap Moldova Google Group + md-telegram: + name: '@OSMMoldova on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Moldova Telegram chat + ni-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap NI Community + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Nicaragua + ni-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ni Mailing List + description: Talk-ni is the official mailing list for the Nicaraguan OSM community + ni-telegram: + name: OSM Nicaragua on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Telegram chat + ni-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Twitter + description: 'OSM Nicaragua on Twitter: @osm_ni' + nl-forum: + name: Netherlands OpenStreetMap forum + description: OpenStreetMap Netherlands web forum + nl-telegram: + name: Netherlands OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OSM Netherlands community: {url}' + no-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Norway Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Norway web forum + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Norway on IRC + description: 'Chat room for mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in Norway' + no-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Norway mailing list + description: 'Mailing list for mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in Norway' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Norway Telegram chat + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Afghanistan + description: Improve OpenStreetMap in Afghanistan + osm-africa-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Africa Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Telegram for Africa + osm-asia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Asia Telegram + description: 'Join our family: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria + description: The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Austria + osm-ch: + name: OpenStreetMap Switzerland + description: The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Switzerland + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Germany + description: The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Germany + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana on Facebook + description: Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Mappers in Ghana community, promoting OpenStreetMap and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) projects in Ghana. Join us.' + osm-gh-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Ghana community on Telegram + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana on Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap India forum + description: OpenStreetMap India web forum + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap India GitHub + description: 'Code with us: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap India Telegram + description: 'Join our family: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap India + description: Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in India + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject India + description: 'Everything you need to know about mapping in India: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap India Youtube + description: 'Subscribe to our channel: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Aparat + description: 'Subscribe to our channel at {url}' + extendedDescription: A good resource of videos about anything related to OpenStreetMap. Mainly in Persian. + osm-iran-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran web forum + description: OpenStreetMap Iran web forum + extendedDescription: A web forum for OpenStreetMap users in Iran. Feel free to ask questions and discuss with others! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Telegram + description: 'You''re welcome to join our Telegram channel at {url}. We also have a supergroup of many OSMers interested in Iran. Find its link in bio of channel.' + osm-kenya: + name: OSM Kenya + description: OSM Kenya is a community of OSM contributors and users + extendedDescription: 'OSM is a local community for individuals interested in OpenStreetMap including organizations, developers, and YouthMappers chapters in the country.' + osm-kerala-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala Telegram + description: 'We map Kerala together. Join our telegram group. {url}' + osm-kerala-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala + description: 'Want to know more about Kerala Mapping: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Madagascar Facebook Group + description: Malagasy Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap. + osm-ni: + name: MapaNica.net + description: Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Nicaragua + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Sweden + osm-za-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap South Africa on Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ on Facebook + description: Follow Czech community on Facebook - including translated WeeklyOSM! + osmcz-twitter: + name: Czech twitter @osmcz + description: Follow czech community on Twitter - including translated WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: OSM community meetup Graz + description: Monthly meetup of the OpenStreetMap community in Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM community Graz on twitter + description: OpenStreetMap community in Graz on twitter + panama-telegram: + name: OSM Panama on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Panama Telegram chat + pt-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pt Mailing List + description: Talk-pt is the official mailing list for the Portuguese OSM community + pt-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Portugal on Telegram + description: 'Telegram Group of the Portuguese OpenStreetMap community {url}' + romania-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Romania Facebook group + description: Group for mappers and users of OpenStreetMap in Romania + romania-telegram: + name: '@OSMRomania on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Romania Telegram chat + sa-telegram: + name: OSM Saudi Arabia on Telegram + description: 'A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Saudi Arabia: {url}' + scotland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Alba on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Alba on Twitter: {url}' + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sweden Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Sweden on Facebook + se-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Sweden Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Sweden web forum + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Sweden IRC + description: 'Join #osm.se on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Talk-se Mailing List + description: A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Sweden + se-telegram: + name: OSM Sweden on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Sweden Telegram chat + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Sweden on Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + si-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovenia Forum + description: Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Slovenia + si-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovenia mailing list + description: Mailing list of OpenStreetMap community in Slovenia + si-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovenia Twitter + description: 'Follow OpenStreetMap Slovenia On Twitter: {url}' + sk-facebook: + name: Freemap.sk Slovakia community Facebook page + description: Freemap.sk Slovakia community Facebook page + sk-freemap: + name: OpenStreetMap Website Freemap Slovakia + description: OpenStreetMap map website with tools in Slovakia and surrounding regions + sk-freemap-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia Wiki + description: OpenStreetMap wiki for Slovak mappers and community + sk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovensko on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovensko on Twitter: {url}' + talk-au: + name: Talk-au Mailing List + description: Place for Aussie mappers to chat + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Czech mailing list (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz is the official mailing list for Czech community + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh Mailing List + description: Talk-gh is the official mailing list for Ghana OSM community. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap IT Lazio + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Mailinglist for Rome and Lazio area. + talk-it-piemonte_mailinglist: + name: OSM Italy regional talk list for Piemonte + description: 'All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Mailinglist for Piemonte region. + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg Mailing List + description: 'Place for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities and users in Madagascar to share and discuss.' + talk-nz: + name: Talk-nz Mailing List + description: New Zealand's OSM community talk + talk-za: + name: Talk-za Mailing List + description: Talk-za is the official mailing list for South African OSM community. + ua-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Facebook group + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Facebook + ua-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Forum + description: Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Ukraine + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine on GitHub + description: OpenStreetMap Ukraine GitHub + ua-osm: + name: OpenStreetMap Website Ukraine + description: OpenStreetMap website in Ukraine + ua-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Slack + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Slack + ua-telegram: + name: '@osmUA on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Ukraine Telegram chat + ua-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UA Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ukraine on Twitter: {url}' + uk-localchapter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK + description: The official Local Chapter for the UK (including Northern Ireland). + extendedDescription: 'We support OpenStreetMap by holding events, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap UK here: {signupUrl}' + uk-london-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap London on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap London on Twitter: {url}' + uk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter: {url}' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Talk-us-massachusetts Mailing List + description: Email mailing list for the Massachusetts OSM community + uy-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap UY forum + description: OpenStreetMap Uruguay web forum + uy-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Uruguay on IRC + description: 'Join #osmuruguay on irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Join #osmuruguay on irc.freenode.org' + uy-mailinglist: + name: Talk-uy Mailing List + description: Talk-uy is the official mailing list for the Uruguayan OSM community + uzbekistan-telegram: + name: OSM Uzbekistan on Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Uzbekistan Telegram chat + ve-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap VE Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Venezuela web forum + ve-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ve Mailing List + description: Talk-ve is the official mailing list for the Venezuelan OSM community + ve-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Venezuela Telegram + description: Join the OpenStreetMap Venezuela community on Telegram + ym-AASTU: + name: AASTU Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University + extendedDescription: 'The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.' + ym-Abia-State-University: + name: AbsuMappersTeam + description: YouthMappers chapter at Abia State University + extendedDescription: 'AbsuMappersTeam is voluntary team of map enthusiast ,using openstreetmap,GIS and other open source geospatial techno;ogy to solve problems.It is a dedicated for disaster response using OpenStreetMap.It is a professional mentoring and empowerment platform for those with passion for GIS and Mapping.It is a community of volunteers for geospatial data creation,field data collection and mapping.The team was co-founded by Victor N.Sunday(the Team mentor) and Professor J.U.Ogbonna ,the team coordinator and faculty Advisor. AbsuMapperTeam is an affiliate of UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt.The team stands to support sustainable development using geospatial technology' + ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University: + name: YouthMappers-AMEU + description: YouthMappers chapter at African Methodist Episcopal University + ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University: + name: ABU Geomappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ahmadu Bello University + extendedDescription: 'We are a group of Data driven Humanitarian mappers, who are dedicated to rendering humanitarian service in response to disaster and mitigation. We are glad to contribute our expertise and knowledge through mapping, and helping to spread #OpenEvangelism through Training, and collaboration.' + ym-Ardhi-University: + name: ARU Mapper + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University + extendedDescription: As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations. + ym-Asian-University-for-Women: + name: YouthMappers at AUW + description: YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women + extendedDescription: 'The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world.' + ym-Ball-State-University: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University + extendedDescription: 'Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing.' + ym-Busitema-University: + name: Good Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University + extendedDescription: Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map. + ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: CalU PA GIS Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania + extendedDescription: GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management. + ym-Central-Washington-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University + extendedDescription: 'Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills.' + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + description: YouthMappers chapter at Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny + extendedDescription: Our chapter aim is to promote the use of collaborative free mapping and the use of openstreetmap data in the field of research and their application in the implementation of tools for decision-making. Help students produce their own data of their research. + ym-Clemson-University: + name: Clemson Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University + extendedDescription: "Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections throughout the world." + ym-College-of-William-and-Mary: + name: All over the map! + description: YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary + extendedDescription: "The students who are all over the map are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise.  Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences." + ym-Cornell-University: + name: Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University + extendedDescription: 'Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy.' + ym-Cuttington-University: + name: Cuttington University YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Cuttington University + extendedDescription: 'The YouthMappers at Cuttington University, Suakoko, and Bong County comprised of Students from three different departments; namely, the Department of Natural Resources Management “DONRM”, Department of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Natural Sciences. Since the establishment of the Chapter in February 2017, the overall membership is 20 students, with each department containing 5 students.' + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + name: GDEV + description: YouthMappers chapter at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology + extendedDescription: 'GDEV is a group of enthusiastic GIS group at DeKUT that aims at helping students share, engage and learn from each other in matters geospatial' + ym-Dhaka-College: + name: YouthMappers Daka College + description: YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College + extendedDescription: "YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers  gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes. Happy mapping." + ym-Dhaka-University: + name: Openstreetmap YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University + extendedDescription: It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes. + ym-Eastern-University: + name: YouthMappers at Eastern University + description: YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes.' + ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology: + name: Junior Philippines Computer Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology + extendedDescription: "FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region" + ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys: + name: OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo + description: YouthMappers chapter at Federal School of Surveys + ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure: + name: YouthMappers Futa Space Club + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at Federal University of Technology, Akure' + extendedDescription: "Our mission is to raise the next generation of Space Leaders. Activities include research and capacity building in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change, Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Engineering, Global Navigation, Robotics and Space Education." + ym-Fourah-Bay-College: + name: Student's Geographical Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College + extendedDescription: 'The Student''s Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team.' + ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University: + name: YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University + description: YouthMappers chapter at General Lansana Conte University + extendedDescription: The YouthMappers of the University General Lansana Conté is a non profit community willing to contribute to Map Guinea and others part of the world. We are promoting the use of GIS and Open data to build decision support tools. We also work to build capacities among the students and local communities. + ym-George-Mason-University: + name: Mason Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University + extendedDescription: 'Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow.' + ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College + description: YouthMappers chapter at Grand Gedeh County Community College + extendedDescription: The Youth Mappers of GGCCC sole intent is to put places in and around Liberia that are not on the map. We gather youths from the college within the Grand Gedeh Community College to make it their duties to unite and bring these places to the spot light geographically. + ym-Gujarat-University: + name: CCIM at Ahmedabad + description: YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University + ym-Gulu-University: + name: CSGU Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University + extendedDescription: "The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University. This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination." + ym-Heidelberg-University: + name: disastermappers heidelberg + description: YouthMappers chapter at Heidelberg University + extendedDescription: 'Disastermappers Heidelberg was founded in 2014 as a student initiative to build a platform for exchange between students, researchers and humanitarian actors. Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications.' + ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education: + name: IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT) + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education + extendedDescription: We are a YouthMappers Chapter of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education involved in crowdsourced mapping of our environment and remote mapping of resilient communities.We are a team of volunteers using openstreetmap and other open Geospatial source for mapping. + ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: Geospatial Science Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania + ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri: + name: YouthMappers at INES Ruhengeri + description: YouthMappers chapter at Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri + extendedDescription: We are students from Land Administration and Management and Land survey Departments from INES-Ruhengeri. We are engaged in mapping activities that create the changes toward sustainable development in our community. + ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda: + name: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda + extendedDescription: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda is an all-female mapping group in southern Senegal looking to put Kolda and surrounding villages on the map and better understand how to use OSM. + ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies: + name: Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies + extendedDescription: To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations. + ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management: + name: IFM mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management + extendedDescription: This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning: + name: Mipango YouthMappers Chapter + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning + extendedDescription: 'Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President.' + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza: + name: Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza + ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine: + name: YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba + description: YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala is a non profit organisation working to promote humanitarian mapping and the use of open sources and open data to build decision making tools in Guinea. + ym-Istanbul-Technical-University: + name: YouthMappers ITU + description: YouthMappers chapter at Istanbul Technical University + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ITU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative student community to promote humanitarian mapping for vulnerable settlements and aims to develop and share strategic and innovative spatial information for the future cities by using geographical information systems and open data. + ym-Jacksonville-State-University: + name: JSU Disaster Mapping Team + description: YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University + extendedDescription: 'The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets' + ym-Jahangirnagar-University: + name: 'YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University' + description: YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University + ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology: + name: Association of Geomatics Engineering Students + description: YouthMappers chapter at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology + extendedDescription: 'The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.' + ym-Kansas-State-University: + name: 'Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter' + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University + extendedDescription: "We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to YouthMappers. We have been active with mapping for OSM and conducted a mapathon called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015." + ym-Karatina-University: + name: Nature Club Karatina University + description: YouthMappers chapter at Karatina University + extendedDescription: 'This chapter aims to bring together all GIS enthusiasts.They include environment experts, wildlife experts, aquatic and tourism officers, just to mention a few. Its main aim is to provide a platform where students can learn from each other and, in the process, understand how to integrate the GIS skills in their various career paths as well as provide solutions to various environmental related challenges.' + ym-Kathmandu-University: + name: 'Geomatics Engineering Society,GES' + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University + extendedDescription: 'Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc.' + ym-Kenyatta-University: + name: Kenyatta University GIS Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kenyatta University + extendedDescription: 'Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) was founded on 28th October 2016, with more than 200 students and staff from all faculty within campus as members. We are committed to empower members with spatial knowledge, skills and expertise required in understanding the Earth. We help in mapping resources within the university by incorporating geospatial data in their projects as well as fieldwork data collection.' + ym-Khulna-University: + name: Khulna University YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University + extendedDescription: "KU students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics." + ym-Kumi-University: + name: Ever Last YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University + extendedDescription: "This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science and Information Technology." + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology + ym-Makerere-University: + name: Geo YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University + extendedDescription: Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness."We map the world and change lives. + ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: MUST Street Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology + extendedDescription: MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society. + ym-McGill-University: + name: 'Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society' + description: YouthMappers chapter at McGill University + extendedDescription: 'The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad.' + ym-Miami-University: + name: Geography and Planning Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Miami University + extendedDescription: 'GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience.' + ym-Moi-University: + name: Geography Students Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at Moi University + extendedDescription: "The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) explores, discovers and aims at developing the entire world through the young Geo-Spatial analysts.  GEOSAMU is part of the Department of Geography." + ym-Monroe-Community-College: + name: MCC Mapping Corps + description: YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College + ym-Montgomery-College: + name: GeoMC + description: YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College + extendedDescription: 'GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in.' + ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Geoinformation Technology Student Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Namibia University of Science and Technology + ym-New-York-University: + name: NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps + description: YouthMappers chapter at New York University + extendedDescription: 'The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes.' + ym-Nimba-County-Community-College: + name: Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Nimba County Community College + ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus: + name: Njala Freetown YouthMappers + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus' + extendedDescription: 'We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone.' + ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus: + name: 'YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus' + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus' + ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University: + name: Environment and Wildlife Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University + extendedDescription: 'Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives.' + ym-Oklahoma-State-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University + ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania: + name: Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania + description: YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania + extendedDescription: |- + Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania + + Had been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html ) + + Our chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels. + ym-Politecnico-di-Milano: + name: PoliMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano + extendedDescription: PoliMappers is a volunteer students’ association based at Politecnico di Milano. The mission of the group is to train and motivate the next generation of volunteer mappers and to do mapping using free and open source software within the university as well as primary and secondary schools. + ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London: + name: Queen Mary YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London + extendedDescription: This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society. + ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology: + name: YouthMappers at RUET + description: YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology + extendedDescription: 'The "YouthMappers at RUET" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world.' + ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia: + name: Geoventurers + description: YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia + extendedDescription: "GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction. We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better." + ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College: + name: Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College + description: YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College + ym-Sherubtse-College: + name: Geographical Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College + extendedDescription: "The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!" + ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture: + name: SMCoSE YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture + extendedDescription: 'A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action.' + ym-St.-Augustine-International-University: + name: YouthMappers at St Augustine International University + description: YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University + ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute: + name: MawaggaliMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute + extendedDescription: We are the youthappers chapter at St. Mawaggali trades in choma who are want to contribute the different humantarian tasks to serve lives through mapping. + ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo: + name: SUNY Geneseo GIS Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo + extendedDescription: 'We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community.' + ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic: + name: YouthMappers-SMP + description: YouthMappers chapter at Stella Maris Polytechnic + ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya: + name: Geospatial Science Student Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at Technical University of Kenya + extendedDescription: It's a geographical information based group with very passionate students in the relevant fields of study. We do training to members on emerging trends in the market and keep up with technological advancements + ym-Texas-Tech-University: + name: YouthMappers at TTU + description: YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University + extendedDescription: "As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus activities through mapping." + ym-The-Citadel: + name: YouthMappers at The Citadel + description: YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel + extendedDescription: 'This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers.' + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + name: Connected YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia + extendedDescription: Connected YouthMappers is comprised of dedicated young Gambians who aspire to change and aid national development. + ym-The-George-Washington-University: + name: Humanitarian Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University + extendedDescription: "Models of leadership and engagement, HMS seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community." + ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS: + name: SAIS YouthMappers + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS' + extendedDescription: 'The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region.' + ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University: + name: Penn State GIS Coalition + description: YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University + extendedDescription: 'The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry.' + ym-The-University-of-Zambia: + name: YouthMappers Unza + description: YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia + ym-Tribhuvan-University: + name: Geomatics Engineering Students Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University + extendedDescription: "This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network." + ym-UW-Madison: + name: BadgerMaps + description: YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison + extendedDescription: 'BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it.' + ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus: + name: Mappers for Life + description: YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus + extendedDescription: We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU. + ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University: + name: HiTech Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University + extendedDescription: A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes. + ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid: + name: YouthMappers at UAM + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid + ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas: + name: YouthMappers at Bogota + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas + extendedDescription: 'The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is a public, coeducational, research university based in Bogotá, Colombia with a population of 26,140 students.' + ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras: + name: PumaGis Hn + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia: + name: Grupo UN + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Colombia + extendedDescription: "Students are uniting to map and network with university students across the country of Colombia and across the globe.  Geographic specialties include affiliation with microbiology and health disciplines." + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria: + name: Yeka Street MGA + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria + extendedDescription: 'YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability.' + ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid: + name: Mapeo Humanitario + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid + extendedDescription: 'Geo-volunteering group formed at Moncloa Campus on November 2017. Around 20 members from three Universities (Complutense, CEU and UPM). Undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students collaborate together with organizations (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre,...) supported by trainers from Geoinquietos. Official recognition by UPM as Educative Innovation Project (Code IE1718.0411)' + ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia: + name: Geomatica UDEA + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Antioquia + extendedDescription: 'We are a group interested in geospatial data, voluntary cartography, and participating in mapping with others in our country and within the YouthMappers network.' + ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica: + name: YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas.' + ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira: + name: Grupo Mesh + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de La Guajira + extendedDescription: 'Grupo Mesh is a student organization at the Universidad de la Guajira in Colombia, including students from the program of Environmental Engineering who learn cartography and open mapping.' + ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes: + name: Cartografos Uniandes + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Los Andes + extendedDescription: 'We are a circle of student participation that seeks to use mapping and spatial reasoning as a means to create bonds of cooperation and integration between the university and society by addressing different spatial, social, political , economic and cultural dynamics.' + ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras: + name: UPR YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras + ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura: + name: YouthMappers San Buenaventura + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de San Buenaventura + extendedDescription: We are pleased to join YouthMappers mapping for a better world and community. + ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane: + name: Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane + extendedDescription: 'We are a student group that intends to join Mozambican society to create a resilient community of humanitarian mapping. The community intend to map the physical occupation of our Country and create open geographic data, accessible to the public and able to be used in several areas without associated costs.' + ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger: + name: YouthMappers at UGB + description: YouthMappers chapter at Université Gaston Berger + extendedDescription: YouthMappers UGB is made up of young students and researchers who are passionate about mapping. Our aim is to improve students' skills in the field of cartography and to participate in the creation of open geographic data that responds to development challenges around the world and particularly in Africa. + ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat: + name: Brahmapoutre at Rabat + description: YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat + extendedDescription: This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries + ym-Universit-de-NZrkor: + name: Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré + description: YouthMappers chapter at Université de N'Zérékoré + extendedDescription: YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit. + ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako: + name: Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE + description: YouthMappers chapter at Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako + ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar: + name: Kontur Geografi + description: YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar + ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta: + name: SpaceTime + description: YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta + extendedDescription: 'SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta.' + ym-University-of-California-Davis: + name: Mapping Club + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis' + ym-University-of-Cape-Coast: + name: UCC Geographical Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Cape Coast + extendedDescription: We are a society that encompasses all students who are reading and read geography in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Cape Coast. Our main aim is to promote interest in the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. Our motto is “We comprehend the Earth and its inhabitants.” + ym-University-of-Central-Florida: + name: Geospatial Information Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida + extendedDescription: "Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS." + ym-University-of-Chicago: + name: Tobler Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago + ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam: + name: YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam + extendedDescription: 'The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners .' + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Eco-Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Energy and Natural Resources + extendedDescription: To provide a sound education to all citizens about the deteriorating environment and provide utmost use of recreation of the environment for human survival. + ym-University-of-Exeter: + name: University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter + extendedDescription: 'We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers.' + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: University of Ghana YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Ghana + extendedDescription: 'UG YouthMappers consists of both graduate and undergraduate students possessing knowledge and skills in GIS and Remote Sensing. The club is composed of an energetic team that is poised to address social issues and mitigate environmental problems through mapping. Our fundamental principles are capacity building, empowerment and teamwork.' + ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers: + name: University of Liberia YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Liberia YouthMappers + extendedDescription: 'The University of Liberia YouthMappers is a chapter organization of the Global YouthMappers. We are a nonprofit student mapping organization focus on mapping for Liberia’s development and the World at large. The purpose of this organization shall be to utilize technology and geospatial knowledge as means of creating and developing maps; collecting and analyzing data that will address local and worldwide challenges. Our aim is to support and create opportunity for students to develop interest and skills in the fields of mapping. We envision a united student community that are collaborative, active and are willing to work with the University of Liberia YouthMappers in order to better the lives of others.' + ym-University-of-Malawi: + name: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Malawi + extendedDescription: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers is the student mapping organization for the University of Malawi's Chancellor College. The students in this chapter focus on mapping for Malawi's development and science needs. + ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park + extendedDescription: The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community. + ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology: + name: UMaT YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Mines and Technology + extendedDescription: UMaT YouthMappers is a group of volunteer students who seek to grant students the opportunity to improve skills in the field of mapping & creating open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. + ym-University-of-Nairobi: + name: Geospatial Engineering Students Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Nairobi + extendedDescription: 'UN students are working with the local OSM community, Map Kibera, and GrouthTruth to learn about open mapping and contribute data for needs in their urban communities.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus' + extendedDescription: 'The LionMappersTeam(LMT)Enugu Campus is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of Geoinformatics and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for Crowdsourced Mapping and Geographic Information provision using Openstreetmap, Citizen Science and other Geospatial Technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in Web-Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and ResearchWe are passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science.Our major activities include online crowdsourced-Cartography, Field Mapping ,Training workshops and outreaches to High School as well as Humanitarian/Disaster Response Mapping.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Nsukka' + extendedDescription: 'The LionMappersTeam is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of mapping science and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for crowdsourced mapping and geographic information provision using Openstreetmap, citizen science and other geospatial technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and Research.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science,field mapping ,training workshops and outreaches to High Schools.' + ym-University-of-North-Texas: + name: UNT Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas + extendedDescription: 'The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community.' + ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado: + name: UNCO Geography and GIS Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado + extendedDescription: 'Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld' + ym-University-of-Oregon: + name: Map by Northwest + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon + extendedDescription: "Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures." + ym-University-of-Panama: + name: YouthMappers UP + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama + extendedDescription: "Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to help identify, define, address, and create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives." + ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt: + name: UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Port Harcourt + extendedDescription: 'UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port Harcourt is an action group and a team of volunteers for a collaborative online mapping targeted at training and empowering members with trending mapping skills to create open geospatial data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges for geoinformation and to provide humanitarian mapping services to resilient communities in Niger Delta,Nigeria and elsewhere.We promote Crowdsoucred Mapping and Geographic information volunteering using OpenStreetMap(OSM) platform and other accessible platforms for Rapid Response Mapping,Disaster Mapping,Geo-intelligence Mapping,Map updates and training.Its an affiliate Campus chapter of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team(HOT).It is a project-task team of YouthMappers that provide opportunity for members to learn and improve their skills in Geoinformatics so as to explore global opportunities in the field of Mapping and Geoinformation.' + ym-University-of-Pretoria: + name: Centre for Geoinformation Science + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria + extendedDescription: "The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's Centre for Geoinformation Science, a platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad." + ym-University-of-Redlands: + name: URSpatial Geo-Thinkers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands + extendedDescription: To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events. + ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus: + name: Rwanda YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Rwanda - Huye Campus + extendedDescription: 'Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organized as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors.' + ym-University-of-South-Carolina: + name: Geography Graduate Student Association + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina + extendedDescription: 'The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines.' + ym-University-of-Southern-California: + name: SC Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California + extendedDescription: 'We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!' + ym-University-of-Vermont: + name: University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont + ym-University-of-Victoria: + name: Society of Geography Students + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria + extendedDescription: 'SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus' + ym-University-of-Warwick: + name: University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick + extendedDescription: We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled. + ym-University-of-Wyoming: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming + ym-University-of-Zimbabwe: + name: UZMappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe + extendedDescription: UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills. + ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute: + name: YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute + description: YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute + extendedDescription: 'The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to Open Street Maps.' + ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus: + name: Libraries Outreach - ODL + description: 'YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus' + extendedDescription: 'The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students.' + ym-Vassar-College: + name: Hudson Valley Mappers + description: YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College + extendedDescription: 'Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts.' + ym-Villanova-University: + name: The Villanova Globeplotters + description: YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University + extendedDescription: 'The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level.' + ym-West-Virginia-University: + name: Maptime Morgantown + description: YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University + extendedDescription: "Working as a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world." + ym-Western-Michigan-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University + ym-Yarmouk-University: + name: YouthMappers at YU + description: YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region.' diff --git a/i18n/ko.yaml b/i18n/ko.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69b1e263e --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/ko.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +ko: + Bahia-telegram: + description: 텔레그램의 오픈스트리트맵 바이아 공동체에 참여하세요 + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + description: 베이에어리어 내 오픈스트리트맵 개선하기 + DF-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 브라질리아 텔레그램 + description: 텔레그램의 오픈스트리트맵 브라질리아 공동체에 참여하세요 + Mapping-DC-meetup: + description: 워싱턴 지역 내 오픈스트리트맵 개선하기 + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + description: '{url}에서 트위터 팔로우하기' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 아르헨티나 페이스북 + description: 페이스북의 오픈스트리트맵 아르헨티나 공동체에 참여하세요 + OSM-AR-irc: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 아르헨티나 IRC + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osm-ar 대화방에 참여하세요' + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar 메일링리스트 + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 아르헨티나 텔레그램 + description: 텔레그램의 오픈스트리트맵 아르헨티나 공동체에 참여하세요 + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 아르헨티나 트위터 + description: '{url}에서 트위터 팔로우하기' + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 방글라데시 + description: 방글라데시 내 오픈스트리트맵 개선하기 + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-bo 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-bo는 볼리비아 오픈스트리트맵 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + OSM-Boston: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 보스턴 + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 칠레 페이스북 + description: 페이스북의 오픈스트리트맵 칠레 공동체에 참여하세요 + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl 메일링리스트 + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 칠레 텔레그램 + description: 텔레그램의 오픈스트리트맵 칠레 공동체에 참여하세요 + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 칠레 트위터 + description: '{url}에서 트위터 팔로우하기' + OSM-CO: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 콜롬비아 + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 콜롬비아 페이스북 + description: 페이스북의 오픈스트리트맵 콜롬비아 공동체에 참여하세요 + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-co 메일링리스트 + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 콜롬비아 텔레그램 + description: 오픈스트리트맵 콜롬비아 텔레그램 대화방 + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 콜롬비아 트위터 + description: '{url}에서 트위터 팔로우하기' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 쿠바 텔레그램 + description: 오픈스트리트맵 쿠바 텔레그램 대화방 + OSM-Discord: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 디스코드 + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 에콰도르 텔레그램 + description: 오픈스트리트맵 에콰도르 텔레그램 대화방 + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Talk-es 메일링리스트 + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '텔레그램 @OSMes' + description: 오픈스트리트맵 에스파냐 텔레그램 대화방 + OSM-Facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 페이스북 + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 인도네시아 + description: 인도네시아 내 오픈스트리트맵 개선하기 + OSM-IRC: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 IRC + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osm 대화방에 참여하세요' + OSM-India-facebook: + description: 인도 내 오픈스트리트맵 개선하기 + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 미얀마 + description: 미얀마 내 오픈스트리트맵 개선하기 + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 몽골 + description: 몽골 내 오픈스트리트맵 개선하기 + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 말레이시아 페이스북 + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 네팔 + description: 네팔 내 오픈스트리트맵 개선하기 + OSM-PE: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 페루 + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 페루 페이스북 + description: 페이스북의 오픈스트리트맵 페루 공동체에 참여하세요 + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pe 메일링리스트 + description: 오픈스트리트맵 페루 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트 + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 페루 텔레그램 + description: 텔레그램의 오픈스트리트맵 페루 공동체에 참여하세요 + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 페루 트위터 + description: '{url}에서 트위터 팔로우하기' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph 메일링리스트 + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 필리핀 텔레그램 + description: '필리핀 내 오픈스트리트맵 기여자 및 후원자의 비공식 텔레그램 지역 공동체' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 폴란드 페이스북 그룹 + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 파라과이 텔레그램 + description: 오픈스트리트맵 파라과이 텔레그램 대화방 + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: 자유 소프트웨어 하드웨어 운동 메일링리스트 + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 러시아 텔레그램 + description: 오픈스트리트맵 러시아 텔레그램 대화방 + OSM-Reddit: + name: 레딧 내 오픈스트리트맵 + description: /r/openstreetmap/은 오픈스트리트맵을 배워가기 가장 좋은 곳입니다. 무엇이든지 물어보세요! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + description: 로마 지역 내 오픈스트리트맵 개선하기 + OSM-Seattle: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 시애틀 + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 치앙마이 모임 + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 타이 페이스북 그룹 + description: 타이 내 오픈스트리트맵 페이스북 그룹 + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 타이완 공동체 + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 타이완 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-tw는 타이완 관련 문제를 논의할 수 있는 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + OSM-Telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 텔레그램 + description: '{url}에서 오픈스트리트맵 텔레그램 전세계 슈퍼그룹에 참여하세요' + OSM-Twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 트위터 + description: '{url}에서 트위터 팔로우하기' + OSM-US: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 미국 + description: 우리는 미국 내 오픈스트리트맵을 성장 및 개선하도록 돕습니다. + OSM-US-Slack: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 미국 슬랙 + OSM-Utah: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 유타 + OSM-Wyoming: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 와이오밍 + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br 메일링리스트 + OSM-br-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 브라질 텔레그램 + description: 텔레그램의 오픈스트리트맵 브라질 공동체에 참여하세요 + OSM-br-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 브라질 트위터 + description: '{url}에서 트위터 팔로우하기' + OSM-help: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 도움말 + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 인도 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-in은 인도 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + OSM-india-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 인도 트위터 + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 일본 공동체 + description: 일본 거주 오픈스트리트맵 사용자 및 맵퍼 + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 일본 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-ja는 일본 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 일본 트위터 + description: '트위터 해시태그: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 일본 + description: 일본 거주 오픈스트리트맵 사용자 및 맵퍼 + OSMF: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 재단 + description: OSMF는 오픈스트리트맵 프로젝트를 지원하는 영국에 기반을 둔 비영리 재단입니다. + OpenCleveland-meetup: + description: 클리블랜드 지역 내 오픈스트리트맵 개선하기 + PHXGeo-twitter: + description: '{url}에서 트위터 팔로우하기' + RS-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 히우그란지두술 텔레그램 그룹 + description: 텔레그램의 오픈스트리트맵 히우그란지두술 공동체에 참여하세요 + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: 트렌토의 오픈스트리트맵 메일링리스트 + al-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 알바니아 텔레그램 채널 + description: 오픈스트리트맵 알바니아 텔레그램 채널 + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-at 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-at는 오스트리아 오픈스트리트맵 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + at-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 오스트리아 트위터 + description: '오픈스트리트맵 오스트리아 트위터: {url}' + be-irc: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 벨기에 IRC + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osmbe 대화방에 참여하세요' + extendedDescription: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osmbe 대화방에 참여하면 매트릭스 대화 채널과 이어지게 됩니다' + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-be 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-be는 벨기에 오픈스트리트맵 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + be-twitter: + description: '오픈스트리트맵 벨기에 트위터: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + description: 보츠와나의 오픈스트리트맵 문서 + bw-twitter: + description: 보츠와나의 오픈스트리트맵 트위터 + byosm: + description: 오픈스트리트맵 벨라루스 텔레그램 대화방 + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: '트위터에서 팔로우하기: {url}' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: 베를린 메일링리스트 + description: 베를린 오픈스트리트맵 공동체의 메일링리스트입니다. + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '텔레그램 @osmberlin' + description: 오픈스트리트맵 베를린 텔레그램 대화방 + de-berlin-twitter: + description: '트위터에서 팔로우하기: {url}' + de-irc: + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osm-de 대화방에 참여하세요' + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-de는 독일 오픈스트리트맵 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: OWL 메일링리스트 + de-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 독일 텔레그램 + description: '{url}에서 오픈스트리트맵 독일 텔레그램 슈퍼그룹에 참여하세요' + dk-irc: + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osm-dk 대화방에 참여하세요' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk 메일링리스트 + fi-irc: + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osm-fi 대화방에 참여하세요' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-fi는 핀란드 오픈스트리트맵 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + fr-irc: + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osm-fr 대화방에 참여하세요' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-fr 메일링리스트 + fr-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 프랑스 트위터 + description: '오픈스트리트맵 프랑스 트위터: {url}' + gb-irc: + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osm-gb 대화방에 참여하세요' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb 메일링리스트 + hr-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 크로아티아 페이스북 그룹 + description: 오픈스트리트맵 크로아티아 페이스북 그룹 + hr-irc: + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osm-hr 대화방에 참여하세요' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-hr 메일링리스트 + hu-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 헝가리 페이스북 + is-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 아이슬란드 페이스북 + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-is는 아이슬란드 오픈스트리트맵 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + it-facebook: + description: 페이스북의 오픈스트리트맵 이탈리아 공동체에 참여하세요. + it-irc: + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osm-it 대화방에 참여하세요' + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-it는 이탈리아 오픈스트리트맵 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + it-telegram: + name: '텔레그램 @OpenStreetMapItalia' + description: 오픈스트리트맵 이탈리아 텔레그램 대화방 + it-twitter: + description: '{url}에서 트위터 팔로우하기' + kosovo-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 코소보 텔레그램 + no-mailinglist: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 노르웨이 메일링리스트 + osm-at: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 오스트리아 + osm-gh-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 가나 페이스북 + description: OpenStreetMap에 관심 있는 사람들을 위한 Facebook 그룹. + osm-gh-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 가나 트위터 + description: '트위터에서 팔로우하기: {url}' + osm-india-github: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 인도 깃허브 + osm-india-telegram: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 인도 텔레그램 + description: '우리의 가족이 되세요: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 인도 + osm-india-wiki: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 위키프로젝트 인도 + osm-mg-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 마다가스카르 페이스북 그룹 + description: 오픈스트리트맵에 관심있는 사람들을 위한 마다가스카르 페이스북 그룹 + osmcz-facebook: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 체코 페이스북 + se-facebook: + description: 오픈스트리트맵 스웨덴 페이스북 + se-irc: + description: 'irc.oftc.net(6667 포트)의 #osm-se 대화방에 참여하세요' + se-mailinglist: + name: Talk-se 메일링리스트 + se-twitter: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 스웨덴 트위터 + description: '{url}에서 트위터 팔로우하기' + si-mailinglist: + name: 오픈스트리트맵 슬로베니아 메일링리스트 + description: 슬로베니아 내 오픈스트리트맵 공동체의 메일링리스트 + talk-au: + name: Talk-au 메일링리스트 + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: 체코 메일링리스트(talk-cz) + description: talk-cz는 체코 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh 메일링리스트 + description: Talk-gh는 가나 오픈스트리트맵 공동체의 공식 메일링리스트입니다. + talk-it-lazio: + extendedDescription: 로마·라치오의 메일링리스트 + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg 메일링리스트 + description: '마다가스카르 내 오픈스트리트맵 기여자와 공동체, 사용자가 공유하고 논의하기 위한 장소.' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Talk-us-massachusetts 메일링리스트 diff --git a/i18n/lt.yaml b/i18n/lt.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9d44e137 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/lt.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +lt: + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar Mailing List + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladešas + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-bo Mailing List + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Bostonas + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA Slack + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl Mailing List + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbija + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-co Mailing List + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Čatanuga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Koloradas + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonezija + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mianmaras + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolija + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepalas + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pe Mailing List + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph Mailing List + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Slack + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Telegram + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portlandas + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap RU telegram + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Siatlas + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Pietinė Kalifornija + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Taivano bendruomenė + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Taivanas Mailinglist + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampos įlanka + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Telegram + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap JAV + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap JAV Slack + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Juta + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vankuveris + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Vajomingas + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br Mailing List + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap Pagalba + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japonija + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap Fondas + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitter + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + bw-facebook: + name: Botsvanos žymėjimas per Facebook + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Baltarusija + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: 'Sek mus per Twitter: {url}' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Berlynas Mailing List + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de Mailing List + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: OWL Mailing List + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk Mailing List + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi Mailing List + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr Mailing List + description: Talk-fr mailing list + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb Mailing List + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr Mailing List + description: Talk-hr mailing list + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is Mailing List + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Austrija + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Vokietija + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + talk-au: + name: Talk-au Mailing List + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh Mailing List + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg Mailing List diff --git a/i18n/lv.yaml b/i18n/lv.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd0051f34 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/lv.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,488 @@ +lv: + Bahia-telegram: + description: Pievienojies OpenStreetMap Baijas kopienai Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Pievienojies kopienai lai uzzinātu vairāk par OpenStreetMap, uzdod jautājumus vai piedalies saietos. Visi ir gaidīti!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Līča rajona OpenStreetMappers + description: Uzlabo OpenStreetMap Sanfrancisko līča rajonā. + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Centrālās Pensilvānijas OSM + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Kods priekš Sanhosē Slack + description: 'Visi ir laipni aicināti! Piesakies {signupUrl}, tad pievienojies #osm kanālam.' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Saiets karšu entuziastiem Filadelfijas apkārtnē + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly apvieno izstrādātājus, ģeogrāfus, datu nūģus, atvērtā pirmkoda entuziastus, civilos hakerus un karšu atkarīgos kopējā karšu mīlestībā un to izteiktajiem stāstiem. Ja tu izmanto kartes savā darbā, vai vienkārši gribi uzzināt vairāk, tad šis saiets ir priekš tevis! Mūsu pasākumu mērķis ir būt atvērtiem, draudzīgiem, izglītojošiem un sociāliem, un tie iet no laimīgām stundām līdz ātrām runām un pat darbnīcām. Nāc un izveido diversu, iedvesmojošu kopienu Filadelfijā kopā ar mums!' + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinesota + description: Kartētāji un OpenStreetMap lietotāji Mineapolisas—Sentpolas apkārtnē + extendedDescription: Savieno OpenStreetMap entuziastus Minesotā un Mineapolisā—Sentpolā. + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Kartēšana DC + description: Uzlabo OpenStreetMap Vašingtonas apkārtnē + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: Austrummidlendas (Notingemas) Ikmēneša bāra saiets + description: Sociālais saiets priekš Austrummidlendas  kartētājiem un lietotājiem + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar E-pasta saraksts + description: Vēsturisks e-pasta saraksts. Gandrīz vai vispār netiek lietots. + OSM-AR-twitter: + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladeša + description: Uzlabo OpenStreetMap Bangladešā + extendedDescription: 'Kartē Bangladešā? Ir jautājumi, vai gribi sazināties ar mūsu kopienu? Pievienojies {url}. Visi ir gaidīti!' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-bo E-pasta saraksts + extendedDescription: 'Kartē Bolīvijā? Ir jautājumi, gribi sazināties ar mūsu kopienu? Pievienojies {url}. Visi ir gaidīti!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA Slack + description: 'Visi ir laipni aicināti! Piesakies {signupUrl}' + OSM-CL-facebook: + description: Pievienojies OpenStreetMap Čīles kopienai Feisbookā + extendedDescription: 'Pievienojies kopienai lai uzzinātu vairāk par OpenStreetMap, uzdod jautājumus vai piedalies saietos. Visi ir gaidīti!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl E-pasta saraksts + OSM-CL-telegram: + description: Pievienojies OpenStreetMap Čīles kopienai Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Pievienojies kopienai lai uzzinātu vairāk par OpenStreetMap, uzdod jautājumus vai piedalies saietos. Visi ir gaidīti!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbija + OSM-CO-facebook: + description: Pievienojies OpenStreetMap Kolumbijas kopienai Feisbookā + extendedDescription: Pievienojies kopienai lai uzzinātu vairāk par OpenStreetMap. Visi ir gaidīti! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-co E-pasta liste + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Kolumbija Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Kolumbijas Telegram čats + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbijas Twiteris + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Kubas Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Kubas Telegram čats + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolorādo + description: 'Kartētāji un OpenStreetMap lietotāji ASV Kolorādo štatā' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discords + description: Sazinies ar citiem kartētājiem Discordā + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Ekvadora Telegrammā + description: OpenStreetMap Ekvadoras Telegram čats + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Talk-es e-pasta saraksts + description: E-pasta saraksts, kur var diskutēt par OpenStreetMap Spānijā + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes Telegrammā' + description: OpenStreetMap Spānijas telegram čats + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Facebookā. + description: Spied patīk facebookā, lai saņemtu ziņas un atjauninājumus par OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonēzija + description: Uzlabo OpenStreetMap Indonēzijā + extendedDescription: 'Kartē Indonēzijā? Ir jautājumi, gribi sazināties ar mūsu kopienu? Pievienojies {url}. Visi ir gaidīti!' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Brīvas Programmatūras un Aparatūras Kustība - Facebook + description: 'FSHM Facebook lapa, lai uzzinātu par kopienas notikumiem un aktivitātēm' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organizē saietus jebkam, kas ir saistīts ar brīvu programmatūru/aparatūru, tehnoloģiju, aktīvismu un OpenStreetMap. Facebook lapa ir labākais veids kā turēties kontaktā ar mūsu notikumiem.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Brīvas Programmatūras un Aparatūras Kustība - Matrix + description: 'FSHM Riot grupa, lai diskutētu, dalītos un atjaunotu kartēšanas aktivitātes un notikumus ap Pudučerri.' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM kopienas biedri dalās ar saviem OSM labojumiem / pieredzi caur Riot.im grupu. Šo grupu arī izmanto lai diskutētu par brīvu aparatūru / programmatūru, tehnoloģiju un aktīvismu. ' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indija - Apkārtnes kartēšana + description: Uzlabo OpenStreetMap Indijā + extendedDescription: 'Kartē indijā? Ir jautājumi, gribi sazināties ar mūsu kopienu? Pievienojies {url}. Visi ir gaidīti!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mjanma + description: Uzlabo OpenStreetMap Mjanmā + extendedDescription: 'Kartē Mjanmā? Ir jautājumi, vai gribi sazināties ar mūsu kopienu? Pievienojies {Url}. Visi ir gaidīti!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolija + description: Uzlabo OpenStreetMap Mongolijā + extendedDescription: 'Kartē Mongolijā? Ir jautājumi, vai gribi sazināties ar mūsu kopienu? Pievienojies {Url}. Visi ir gaidīti!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaizija Facebookā + description: Čatam par jebko, kas ir saistīts ar OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaizijas forums + description: Oficiālais OpenStreetMap Malaizijas forums + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaizijas Riot kannāls + description: 'Visi kartētāji ir laipni aicināti! Piesakies {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepāla + description: Uzlabo OpenStreetMap Nepālā + extendedDescription: 'Kartē Nepālā? Ir jautājumi, vai gribi sazināties ar mūsu kopienu? Pievienojies {Url}. Visi ir gaidīti!' + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Jaunumi un resursi OpenStreetMap Peru kopienai + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Facebookā. + description: Pievinojies OpenStreetMap Peru kopienai Facebookā + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pe E-pasta saraksts + description: Oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts OpenStreetMap Peru kopienai + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Matrix čats + description: Čato ar citiem OpenStreetMap Peru kopienas biedriem Matrixā. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Telegram + description: Pievienojies OpenStreetMap Peru kopienai Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Twiteris + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: 'OpenStreetMap PH Facebooks ' + description: 'Esiet sveicināti OpenStreetMap Filipīnās, kur mēs aicinām visus Filipīniešus pievienoties un atbalstīt OpenStreetMap projektu.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph E-pasta liste + description: Adresātu saraksts, kur var diskutēt par OpenStreetMap Filipīnās + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Slack + description: 'Visi ir aicināti! Piesakies {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Telegram + description: 'Neoficiāls Telegram vietējai OpenStreetMap ieguldītāju kopienai un draugiem Filipīnās.' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: OpenStreetMap Polijas Facebook grupa + description: Grupas kartētājiem un OpenStreetMap lietotājiem Polijā + OSM-PL-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Polijas forums + description: Forums OpenStreetMap Polijas kopienai + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paragvaja Telegrammā + description: OpenStreetMap Paragvajas Telegram čats + OSM-RU-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap RU forums + description: OpenStreetMap RU interneta forums + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap RU telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Krievijas telegram čats + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap Redditā. + description: /r/openstreetmap ir laba vieta, kur var uzzināt vairāk par OpenStreetMap. Jautājiet mums jebko! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: Uzlabo OpenStreetMap Romas apkārtnē + extendedDescription: 'Mēs mērķējam būt resurss kur cilvēki var diskutēt un dalīties ar zināšanām par brīvu ģeogrāfisku datu izmantošanu, itsevišķi OpenStreetMap un Atvērtu ģeotelpisko programmatūru, kas uztur rediģējumus un parāda ģeogrāfiskos datus. Mēs stipri atbalstam to izmantošanu Lazio.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: OSM saiets Chiang Mai + description: Neregulārs OpenStreetMap kopienas saiets Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap kopienas biedri satiekas ik pa pāris mēnešiem Chiang Mai. Sazienies ar mums un apskati {url} lai redzētu kad notiek nākošais saiets.' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap TH Facebook grupa + description: Facebook grupa OpenStreetMap kartētājiem Taizemē + OSM-TH-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap TH forums + description: OpenStreetMap Taizemes interneta forums + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Taivānas Kopiena + description: Facebook grupa OpenStreetMap kartētājiem, lai diskutētu par notikumiem Taivānā. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Taivānas Adresātu Saraksts + description: Talk-tw ir Oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts, kur kopienas var diskutēt par notikumiem Taivānā. + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: 'Pievienojies OpenStreetMap Telegram globālai supergrupai šeit: {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twiteris + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vankūvera + description: 'Kartētāji un OpenStreetMap lietotāji Vankūveras, BC apkārtnē' + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br E-pasta saraksts + OSM-br-telegram: + description: Pievienojies OpenStreetMap Brazīlijas kopienai Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Pievienojies kopienai lai uzzinātu vairāk par OpenStreetMap, uzdod jautājumus vai piedalies saietos. Visi ir gaidīti!' + OSM-br-twitter: + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap Palīdzība + description: Uzdod jautājumu un saņem atbildes OpenStreetMap kopienas balstītajā jautājumu un atbilžu lapā. + extendedDescription: '{url} ir visiem kam vajadzīga palīdzība ar OpenStreetMap. Vai nu tu esi iesācējs, vai arī tev ir tehnisks jautājums, mēs esam šeit lai palīdzētu!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Indijas Adresātu Saraksts + description: Talk-in ir Oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts Indiešu OSM kopienai. + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Indija Twiteris + description: 'Mēs esam viena tvīta attālumā: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Japānas Kopiena + description: Kartētāji un OpenStreetMap lietotāji Japānā + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Japānas Adresātu Saraksts + description: 'Talk-ja ir Oficiālais adresātu saraksts japāniešu kopienai. ' + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japānas Twiteris + description: 'Heštago Twitterī: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japāna + description: Kartētāji un OpenStreetMap lietotāji Japānā + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap Fonds + description: OSMF ir Lielbritānijā bāzēta bezpeļņas organizācija, kas atbalsta OpenStreetMap Projektu + extendedDescription: 'OSMF atbalsta OpenStreetMap vācot līdzekļus, uzturot serverus kas nodrošina OSM, organizējot ikgadējo State of the Map konferenci, kā arī koordinējot brīvprātīgos, kas uztur un atjaunina OSM. Tu vari parādīt atbalstu un izpaust savu balsi OpenStreetMap virzienā paliekot par OSMF biedru šeit: {signupUrl}' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: PHXGeo Saiets + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitteris + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + RS-telegram: + description: Pievienojies OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul kopienai Telegram + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: OpenStreetMap Dienvidtiroles e-pasta saraksts + description: OpenStreetMap Itālijas reģionālais saziņas saraksts Dienvidtirolei + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: OpenStreetMap Trentino e-pasta saraksts + description: OpenStreetMap Itālijas reģionālais saziņas saraksts Trentino + al-forum: + name: OSM Albānijas Forums + description: OpenStreetMap Albānijas forums + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirāna + description: Ap kartēšanu organizēti sociālie notikumi - iesācēji laipni lūgti! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime ir atvērta mācību vide visiem zināšanu līmeņiem, dodot mācību atbalstu iesācējiem. Maptime ir gan elastīgs, gan strukturēts, veidojot vietu kartēšanas konsultācijām, darbnīcām, ejošiem projektiem ar vienu mērķi un neatkarīgam/sadarbīgam darba laikam.' + al-telegram: + name: OSM Albānijas Telegram kanāls + description: OpenStreetMap Albānijas Telegram kanāls + at-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Austrijas Forums + description: Oficiālais forums priekš OpenStreetMap jautājumiem Austrijā un apkārt tai! + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph E-pasta liste + description: Talk-at ir Oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts Austrijas OSM kopienai. + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Austrija Twiteris + description: 'OpenStreetMap Austrija Twitterī: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: Kartētāji un OpenStreetMap lietotāju Facebook Beļģijā + be-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap BE forums + description: OpenStreetMap Beļģijas interneta forums + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Beļģijas IRC + description: 'Pievienojies #osmbe kanālam irc.oftc.net serverī (6667 ports)' + extendedDescription: 'Pievienojies #osmbe kanālam irc.oftc.net serverī (6667 ports), tas ir savienots ar Matrix čata kanālu' + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-mg E-pasta saraksts + description: Talk-be ir Oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts Beļģijas OSM kopienai. + be-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap BE Matrix kanāls + description: Visi kartētāji laipni aicināti! + extendedDescription: Lielākā daļa runāšanas notiek "OpenStreetMap Belgium" kanālā. Tur tu vari uzdot jebkādus jautājumus! Pārējās istabas ir citiem tematiem. + be-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Beļģijas Saiets + description: Dzīvie saieti visiem, kam interesē OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Fiziskie saieti ir laba vieta, kur satikt citus kartētājus, uzdot jautājumus un daudz iemācīties. It sevišķi gaidīti ir jaunie atbalstītāji!' + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Beļģijas Twiteris + description: 'OSM Beļģija Twiterī: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: Kartējam Botsvanu Facebookā + description: OpenStreetMap Botsvana lapa + bw-twitter: + name: Kartējam Botsvanu Twitteris + description: Twitteris priekš OpenStreetMap Botswanā + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Baltkrievija + description: OpenStreetMap Baltkrievijas telegram čats + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Cape Coasta universitātes YouthMappers + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + czech-community: + name: Čehijas OSM Kopiena + description: 'Kartes portāls, mājaslapa un kontakinformācija OSM biedriem Čehijā' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Berlīnes e-pasta saraksts + description: Šis ir e-pasta saraksts Berlīnes OSM kopienai + de-berlin-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlīnes-Brandenburgas Saiets + description: Kartētāji un OpenStreetMap lietotāji Berlīnes apkārtnē + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin Telegrammā' + description: OpenStreetMap Berlīnes telegram čats + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlīnes Twiteris + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + de-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap DE forums + description: OpenStreetMap Vācijas interneta forums + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Vācijas IRC + description: 'Pievienojies #osm-de kanālam irc.oftc.net serverī (6667 ports)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de E-pasta saraksts + description: Talk-de ir Oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts Vācijas OSM kopienai + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: OWL e-pasta saraksts + description: Šis ir e-pasta saraksts Ostwestfalen-Lippe OSM kopienai + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Vācijas Telegram + description: 'Pievienojies OpenStreetMap Vācijas Telegram supergrupai šeit: {url}' + dk-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Dānijas interneta forums + description: OpenStreetMap Dānijas interneta forums + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Dānijas IRC + description: 'Pievienojies #osm-dk kanālam irc.oftc.net serverī (6667 ports)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk E-pasta saraksts + description: E-pasta saraksts, kur var diskutēt par OpenStreetMap Dānijā + fi-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap FI forums + description: OpenStreetMap Somijas interneta forums + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Somijas IRC + description: 'Pievienojies #osm-fi kanālam irc.oftc.net serverī (6667 ports)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi E-pasta saraksts + description: Talk-fi ir Oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts Austrijas OSM kopienai. + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Francijas Facebook lapa + description: OpenStreetMap Francijas Facebook lapa + fr-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Francijas interneta forums + description: OpenStreetMap Francijas interneta forums + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Francijas IRC + description: 'Pievienojies #osm-fr kanālam irc.oftc.net serverī (6667 ports)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr E-pasta saraksts + description: Talk-fr e-pasta saraksts + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Francija Twitterī + description: 'OpenStreetMap Francija Twitterī: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Apvienotās Karalistes IRC + description: 'Pievienojies #osm-gb kanālam irc.oftc.net serverī (6667 ports)' + extendedDescription: 'Pievienojies #osm-gb kanālam irc.oftc.net serverī (6667 ports), Lūdzu esi pacietīgs un pagaidi pāris minūtes pirms uzdod jautājumu' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb E-pasta saraksts + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Horvātijas Facebook Grupa + description: OpenStreetMap Horvātijas Facebook Grupa + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Horvātijas IRC + description: 'Pievienojies kanālam #osm-hr, serverī irc.freenode.org (6667 ports)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr E-pasta saraksts + description: Talk-mg e-pasta saraksts + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU Facebookā. + description: Kartētāji un OpenStreetMap lietotāju Facebook Ungārijā + hu-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap HU forums + description: OpenStreetMap Ungārijas interneta forums + hu-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ungārijas saiets + description: Platforma saietu organizēšanai Ungārijā + is-facebook: + name: OSM Islande Facebookā + description: OpenStreetMap Islandes lapa + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is E-pasta saraksts + description: Talk-is ir oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts Islandiešu OSM kopienai. + is-twitter: + description: Twitteris priekš OpenStreetMap Islandē + it-facebook: + name: 'OpenStreetMap Itālijas Facebooks ' + description: Pievinojies OpenStreetMap Itālijas kopienai Facebookā + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Itālijas IRC + description: 'Pievienojies #osm-it kanālam irc.oftc.net serverī (6667 ports)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it E-pasta saraksts + description: Talk-it ir Oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts Itāļu OSM kopienai. + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap itālijas Telegram čats + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Itālijas Twiteris + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Mappa Mercia vietējā grupa + description: Mājas OpenStreetMap entuziastiem Midlendā + no-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Norvēģijas interneta forums + description: OpenStreetMap Norvēģijas interneta forums + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Norvēģijas IRC + description: 'Čata telpa kartētājiem un OpenStreetMap lietotājiem, izstrādātājiem un entuziastiem Norvēģijā' + no-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Norvēģijas e-pasta saraksts + description: 'E-pasta saraskts OpenStreetMap kartētājiem, lietotājiem, izstrādātājiem un entuziastiem Norvēģijā' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Austrija + description: Platforma informācijai par OpenStreetMap Austrijā + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Vācija + description: Platforma informācijai par OpenStreetMap Vācijā + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Gana Facebookā + description: Facebook grupa cilvēkiem, kas ir ieinteresēti OpenStreetMap. + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Gana Twitterī + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Madagaskaras Facebook Grupa + description: Malgašu Facebook grupa cilvēkiem, kas interesējas par OpenStreetMap. + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Nodrošina OSM servisus un informāciju vietējai Zviedrijas kopienai + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ Facebookā + osmcz-twitter: + name: Čehu twitteris @osmcz + description: Seko Čehu kopienai Twitterī - ieskaitot tulkotu WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: OSM kopienas saiets Grācā + description: Ikmēneša saiets OpenStreetMap kopienai Grācā + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM Grācas kopienas twitteris + description: OpenStreetMap Grācas kopienas twitteris + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Zviedrijas Facebooks + description: OpenStreetMap Zviedrija Facebookā. + se-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Zviedrijas interneta forums + description: OpenStreetMap Zviedrijas interneta forums + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Zviedrijas IRC + description: 'Pievienojies #osm.se kanālam irc.oftc.net serverī (6667 ports)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Talk-se E-pasta saraksts + description: E-pasta saraksts, kur var diskutēt par OpenStreetMap Zviedrijā + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Zviedrija Twitterī + description: 'Seko mums Twitterī: {url}' + si-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovēnijas Forums + description: Forums OpenStreetMap Slovēnijas kopienai + si-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovēnijas e-pasta saraksts + description: E-pasta saraksts Slovēnijas OpenStreetMap kopienai + talk-au: + name: Talk-au E-pasta saraksts + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Čehu e-pasta saraksts (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz ir Oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts Čehu OSM kopienai + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh E-pasta saraksts + description: Talk-gh ir Oficiāls E-Pasta saraksts Ganas OSM kopienai. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap IT Lazio + description: 'Visi ir laipni aicināti! Piesakies {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: E-pasta saraksts kartētājiem Romā un Lazio apkārtnē. + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg E-pasta liste + description: 'Vieta, kur Madagaskaras OpenStreetMap lietotāji, kopienas un kartētāji var dalīties un diskutēt.' diff --git a/i18n/mg.yaml b/i18n/mg.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6425fe8f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/mg.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +mg: + bw-facebook: + description: Pejy OpenStreetMap Botswana + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: 'Araho ao aminin''ny Twitter izahay: {url}' + osm-gh-facebook: + description: Vondrona Facebook hoan'izay liana amin'ny OpenStreetMap + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Vondrona Facebook OpenStreetMap Madagascar + description: Vondrona Facebook malagasy ho an'izay liana amin'ny OpenStreetMap. + talk-mg: + name: Mailaka fiseraserana Talk-mg + description: 'Toerana ahafahan''ny mpandray anjara sy ny mpampiasa ny OpenStreetMap eto Madagasikara mifanakalo hevitra sy miresaka.' + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap ao amin'ny Facebook + OSM-help: + name: Fanampiana OpenStreetMap + OSMF: + events: + sotm2018: + where: 'Milan, Italie' diff --git a/i18n/mk.yaml b/i18n/mk.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f4d7a0eaf --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/mk.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +mk: + Bahia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Баија на Telegram + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Баија на Telegram + DF-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Бразилија на Telegram + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Бразилија на Telegram + Galicia-Twitter: + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter на {url}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter на {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: Месечна пивничка средба на Источна Средна Англија (Нотингем) + description: Друштвен собир на картографите и корисниците во Источна Средна Англија + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Аргентина на Facebook + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Аргентина на Facebook + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Аргентина на IRC + description: 'Стапете во #osm-ar на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667)' + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Аргентина на Telegram + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Аргентина на Telegram + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Аргентина на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter на {url}' + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + description: Talk-asia е официјалниот поштенски список на азиската заедница + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Бангладеш + description: Подобрете го OpenStreetMap на подрачјето на Бангладеш + extendedDescription: 'Работите на Бангладеш? Имате прашања и сакате да се обратите кај тамошната заедница? Повелете на {url}. Сите се добредојдени!' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + description: Talk-bo е официјалниот поштенски список на боливиската заедница + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Чиле на Facebook + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Чиле на Facebook + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Чиле на Telegram + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Чиле на Telegram + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Чиле на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter на {url}' + OSM-CO: + description: Новости од заедницата OpenStreetMap Колумбија и Задолжбината OSMCo + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Колумбија на Facebook + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Колумбија на Facebook + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Колумбија на Telegram + description: Разговори на OpenStreetMap Колумбија на Telegram + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Колумбија на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter на {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Куба на Telegram + description: Разговори на OpenStreetMap Куба на Telegram + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap на Discord + description: Поврзете се со други картографи преку Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Еквадор на Telegram + description: Разговори на OpenStreetMap Еквадор на Telegram + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes на Telegram' + description: Разговори на OpenStreetMap Шпанија на Telegram + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap на Facebook + description: Новости за OpenStreetMap на Facebook. + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap на IRC + description: 'Стапете во #osm на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Движење за слободна машинска опрема — Facebook + description: 'Страница на Facebook посветена на настани и активности на Движењето за слободна машинска опрема — FSHM' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Индија — Учесна работилница за населби + description: Подобрете го OpenStreetMap во Индија + extendedDescription: 'Работите на Индија? Имате прашања и сакате да се обратите кај тамошната заедница? Повелете на {url}. Сите се добредојдени!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Малезија на Facebook + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Перу на Facebook + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Перу на Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + description: Официјален поштенски список на перуанската заедница + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Перу на Telegram + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Перу на Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Перу на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter на {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Филипини на Facebook + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Филипини на Telegram + description: 'Неофицијална заедница на Telegram за уредниците и поддржувачите на OpenStreetMap во Филипините' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: Група на OpenStreetMap Полска на Facebook + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Парагвај на Telegram + description: Разговори на OpenStreetMap Парагвај на Telegram + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Русија на Telegram + description: Разговори на OpenStreetMap Русија на Telegram + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap на Reddit + description: На /r/openstreetmap/ можете да дознаете повеќе за OpenStreetMap. Поставете било какво прашање! + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: Група на OpenStreetMap Тајланд на Facebook + description: Група на Facebook за љубители на OpenStreetMap во Тајланд. + OSM-TW-facebook: + description: Група на Facebook за картографи и корисници на OpenStreetMap посветена на разговори поврзани со Тајван. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + description: Talk-tw е официјалниот поштенски список посветен на Тајван + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap на Telegram + description: 'Придружете ни се во светската надгрупа OpenStreetMap на Telegram на {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter на {url}' + OSM-US: + description: Го развиваме и подобруваме OpenStreetMap во САД. + OSM-br-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Бразил на Telegram + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Бразил на Telegram + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Бразил на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter на {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Помош со OpenStreetMap + description: Поставувајте прашања на порталот за прашања и одговори на заедницата на OSM. + extendedDescription: '{url} служи секому да понуди помош со OpenStreetMap. Тука сме да помогнеме, било да сте почетник или уредник со техничко прашање!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Поштенски список на OpenStreetMap Индија + description: Talk-in е официјалниот поштенски список на индиската заедница + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Индија на Twitter + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Јапонија на Twitter + description: 'Тарабна ознака на Twitter: {url}' + OSMF: + name: Задолжбина OpenStreetMap + description: OSMF е британска непрофитна организација која раководи со проектот OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'OSMF раководи со OpenStreetMap со тоа што прибира на средства од доброволни прилози, ги одржува опслужувачите, ја приредува годишната конференција „Состојба на картата“ и ги ја усогласува дејноста на доброволците кои го овозможуваат работењето на OSM. Можете да искажете поддршка и да давате идеи и мислења за OpenStreetMap ако се придружите како член на OSMF тука: {signupUrl}' + events: + sotm2020: + name: Состојба на картата 2020 + description: 'Придружете ни се во Кејптаун, ЈАР за овогодишната тридневна светска конференција на OpenStreetMap. Ова е средба на целата заедница на која ќе дружиме, ќе споделуваме и ќе учиме.' + where: 'Кејптаун, ЈАР' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter на {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Јужно Рио Гранде на Telegram + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Јужно Рио Гранде на Telegram + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: OSM Западна Падина на Facebook + al-forum: + name: Форум на OSM Албанија + description: Форум на OpenStreetMap Албанија + al-telegram: + name: Канал на OSM Албанија на Telegram + description: Канал на OpenStreetMap Албанија на Telegram + at-mailinglist: + description: Talk-at е официјалниот поштенски список на австриската заедница + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Австрија на Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Австрија на Twitter: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: Картографи и корисници на OpenStreetMap во Белгија на Facebook + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Белгија на IRC + description: 'Стапете во #osmbe на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Стапете во #osmbe на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667). Премостувањето го врши разговорниот канал Matrix' + be-mailinglist: + description: Talk-be е официјалниот поштенски список на белгиската заедница + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Белгија на Twitter + description: 'OSM Белгија на Twitter: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: Картографска работилница на Боцвана на Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap во Боцвана + bw-twitter: + name: Картографски работи на Боцвана на Twitter + description: Twitter на OpenStreetMap во Боцвана + byosm: + description: Разговори на OpenStreetMap Белорусија на Telegram + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Млади картографи при Универзитетот во Кејп Коуст + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Ова е официјалниот профил на огранокот „Млади картографи“ / Youth Mappers при Универзитетот во Кејп Коуст, Гана. Наша љубов се картите, отворените податоци и да укажуваме помош на ранливите заедници.' + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin на Telegram' + description: Разговори на OpenStreetMap Берлин на Telegram + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Берлин на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter: {url}' + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Германија на IRC + description: 'Стапете во #osm-de на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + description: Talk-de е официјалниот поштенски список на германската заедница + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Германија на Telegram + description: 'Придружете ни се во надгрупата OpenStreetMap Германија на Telegram на {url}' + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Данска на IRC + description: 'Стапете во #osm-dk на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667)' + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Финска на IRC + description: 'Стапете во #osm-fi на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + description: Talk-fi е официјалниот поштенски список на финската заедница + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Франција на Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Франција на Facebook + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Франција на IRC + description: 'Стапете во #osm-fr на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667)' + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Франција на Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Франција на Twitter: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Британија на IRC + description: 'Стапете во #osm-gb на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Стапете во #osm-gb на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667). Бидете трпеливи кога поставувате прашања — почекајте неколку минути ' + hr-facebook: + name: Група на OpenStreetMap Хрватска на Facebook + description: Група на OpenStreetMap Хрватска на Facebook + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Хрватска на IRC + description: 'Стапете во #osm-hr на irc.freenode.org (порта 6667)' + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Унгарија на Facebook + description: Картографи и корисници на OpenStreetMap во Унгарија на Facebook + is-facebook: + name: OSM Исланд на Facebook + is-mailinglist: + description: Talk-is е официјалниот поштенски список на исланската заедница + is-twitter: + name: OSM Исланд на Twitter + description: OpenStreetMap Исланд на Twitter + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Италија на Facebook + description: Придружете ни се во заедницата на OpenStreetMap Италија на Facebook + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Италија на IRC + description: 'Стапете во #osm-it на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + description: Talk-it е официјалниот поштенски список на италијанската заедница + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia на Telegram' + description: Разговори на OpenStreetMap Италија на Telegram + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Италија на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter на {url}' + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Косово на Telegram + description: Полуофицијална јавна група на Telegram за цело Косово. Добредојдени се сите картографи од било каде, на било кој јазик. + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Норвешка на IRC + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no на Telegram' + description: Разговори на OpenStreetMap Норвешка на Telegram + osm-asia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Азија на Telegram + description: 'Придружете ни се: {url}' + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Гана на Facebook + description: Група на Facebook за љубители на OpenStreetMap. + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Гана на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Форум на OpenStreetMap Индија + description: Семрежен форум на OpenStreetMap Индија + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Индија на GitHub + description: 'Програмирајте со нас: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Индија на Telegram + description: 'Придружете ни се: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Индија + description: Картографи и корисници на OpenStreetMap во Индија + osm-india-wiki: + name: Википроект „OpenStreetMap Индија“ + description: 'Сè што треба да знаете за картографската работа на Индија: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap Индија на Youtube + description: 'Претплатете се на нашиот канал: {url}' + osm-iran-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Иран на Telegram + description: 'Добредојдени сте да ни се придружите во нашиот канал на Telegram на {url}. Исто така, имаме и на надгрупа од многу картографи заинтересирани за Иран. Врската ќе ја најдете во описот на каналот.' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Група на OpenStreetMap Мадагаскар на Facebook + description: Група на Facebook за љубители на OpenStreetMap во Мадагаскар. + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Чешка на Facebook + osmcz-twitter: + name: 'OSM Чешка на Twitter: @osmcz' + description: Следете ја чешката заедница наTwitter. Имаме преведен неделен билтен WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM Грац на Twitter + description: Заедницата на OpenStreetMap во Грац на Twitter + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Шведска на Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Шведска на Facebook + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Шведска IRC + description: 'Стапете во#osm.se на irc.oftc.net (порта 6667)' + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Шведска на Twitter + description: 'Следете нè на Twitter: {url}' + talk-cz-mailinglist: + description: Talk-cz е официјалниот поштенски список на Чешката заедница + talk-gh: + name: Поштенски список Talk-gh + description: Talk-gh е официјалниот поштенски список на заедницата ганската заедница. + talk-mg: + name: Поштенски список Talk-mg diff --git a/i18n/ms.yaml b/i18n/ms.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bfaa02f1b --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/ms.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +ms: + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: OpenStreetMappers Kawasan Teluk + description: Perbaiki OpenStreetMap di Kawasan Teluk + extendedDescription: 'Kumpulan ini ialah mengenai memperkembangkan komuniti OpenStreetMap di Kawasan Teluk ini. Acara-acara kami adalah terbuka kepada sesiapa sahaja, dari peminat sumber terbuka, penunggang basikal, profesional GIS, pengcache geo, dan sebagainya. Sesiapa sahaja dan semua orang yang berminat dalam peta, membuat peta, dan data peta percuma adalah dialu-alukan untuk menyertai kumpulan kami serta menghadiri acara-acara kami.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: OSM Pennsylvania Pusat + description: 'Komuniti pemetaan atas talian yang berpusat di luar State College, PA' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: OSM Dallas-Fort Worth + description: Kumpulan pengguna OpenStreetMap bagi Dallas-Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth, dan kesemua bandar di antaranya adalah berlimpah dengan orang-orang yang kreatif dan celik teknologi. Visi kumpulan pengguna ini ialah untuk mencari cara-cara yang baru untuk menggunakan sumber OSM yang hebat.' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Pertemuan untuk peminat-peminat peta di kawasan Philadelphia + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly menyatukan pemaju, ahli geografi, gek data, peminat sumber terbuka, penggodam awam dan kaki peta dalam perkongsian minat kita tentang peta dan cerita-cerita yang dikongsi sama. Jika anda menggunakan peta sebagai sebahagian dari kerja anda atau hanya untuk mempelajari dengan lebih lanjut, ini ialah pertemuan untuk anda! Acara kami bertujuan untuk menjadi terbuka, mesra, berpendidikan dan bersosial dan berjulat dari jam gembira kepada ceramah kilat atau malah bengkel. Datanglah untuk mencipta komuniti yang berpelbagai, berinspirasi di Philadelphia dengan kami!' + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Memeta DC + description: Perbaiki OpenStreetMap di kawasan DC + extendedDescription: 'Kami ialah sebuah kumpulan pemeta sukarela yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki OpenStreetMap di kawasan DC. Kami juga berhasrat untuk mengajar yang lain tentang ekosistem OSM, penganalisaan data, kartografi, dan GIS. Kami berkumpul setiap bulan yang lain dalam pertemuan untuk memfokuskan pada satu kawasan bandar kami.' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: Kumpulan pengguna OpenStreetMap bagi Chattanooga + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia di Facebook + description: Segala borak-borak OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap Malaysia + description: Forum rasmi OpenStreetMap Malaysia + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Saluran Riot OpenStreetMap Malaysia + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Pemeta dan pengguna OpenStreetMap di kawasan Portland + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) ialah sebuah peta dunia yang dibuat oleh orang-orang seperti anda. Ianya sebuah peta yang anda buat, diberi secara percuma seperti wikipedia. Lihat osm.org bagi yang lanjut, dan datang sertai kami pada pertemuan untuk berbincang tentang peta, menyumbang ke OSM, dan berseronok!' + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap di Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ ialah sebuah tempat yang hebat untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang OpenStreetMap. Tanya apa sahaja kepada kami! + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US Slack + description: 'Semua dialu-alukan hadir! Daftar di {signupUrl}' diff --git a/i18n/nl.yaml b/i18n/nl.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e5ebab44 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/nl.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +nl: + Bahia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Bahia Telegram-group + description: OpenStreetMap Bahia op Telegram + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Bay Area OpenStreetMappers + description: Verbeter OpenStreetMap in de Bay Area + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Pennsylvania + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Slack + DF-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasília Telegram-groep + description: OpenStreetMap Brazilië op Telegram + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapping DC + description: Verbeter OpenStreetMap in District Columbia + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogota + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter via {url}' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: Facebook + description: Neem deel aan de OpenStreetMap Argentinië community op Facebook + extendedDescription: Nieuws van de lokale gemeenschap + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentinië IRC + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar Mailinglijst + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentinië Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Argentinië op Telegram + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentinië Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Verbeter OpenStreetMap in Bangladesh + extendedDescription: 'Map je in Bangladesh? Heb je vragen, wil je in contact treden met de community here? Kom erbij op {Url}. Iedereen is welkom!' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: Slack + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: Facebook + description: Neem deel aan de OpenStreetMap Chili community op Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Sluit je aan bij onze gemeenschap om meer te leren over OpenStreetMap, om vragen te stellen of om deel te nemen aan onze besprekingen. Iedereen is welkom!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl Mailinglijst + description: Talk-cl is de officiële Mailinglijst voor Chili + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Chili Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Chili op Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Sluit je aan bij onze gemeenschap om meer te leren over OpenStreetMap, om vragen te stellen of om deel te nemen aan onze besprekingen. Iedereen is welkom!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Chili Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia Facebook + description: Wordt lid van de OpenStreetMap Colombia community op Facebook + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Colombia op Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Colombia Telegram-chat + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter at {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Cuba op Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Cuba Telegram-chat + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: De OpenStreetMap-gebruikersgroep voor Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Ecuador op Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Ecuador Telegram-chat + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes op Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Spanje op Telegram + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap op Facebook + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonesië + description: Verbeter OpenStreetMap in Indonesië + extendedDescription: 'Map je in Indonesië? Heb je vragen, wil je in contact treden met de community hier? Kom erbij op {Url}. Iedereen is welkom!' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement – Facebook + description: 'FSHM Facebook-pagina om op de hoogte te blijven van community-evenementen, -activiteiten' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organiseert evenementen gerelateerd aan gratis software/hardware, technologie, activisme en OpenStreetmap. De FB pagina is de beste manier om op de hoogte te blijven van deze evenementen.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement – Matrix + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap India + description: Verbeter OpenStreetMap in India + extendedDescription: 'Map je in India? Heb je vragen, wil je in contact treden met de community hier? Kom erbij op {Url}. Iedereen is welkom!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Myanmar + description: Verbeter OpenStreetMap in Myanmar + extendedDescription: 'Map je in Myanmar? Heb je vragen, wil je in contact treden met de community hier? Kom erbij op {Url}. Iedereen is welkom!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolië + description: Verbeter OpenStreetMap in Mongolia + extendedDescription: 'Map je in Mongolië? Heb je vragen, wil je in contact treden met de community hier? Kom erbij op {Url}. Iedereen is welkom!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia op Facebook + description: Om te chatten over alles gerelateerd aan OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Maleisië Forum + description: Officiële OpenStreetMap Maleisië Forum + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Maleisië Riot-kanaal + description: 'Alle mappers zijn welkom! Meld je aan via {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Verbeter OpenStreetMap in Nepal + extendedDescription: 'Map je in Nepal? Heb je vragen, wil je in contact treden met de community hier? Kom erbij op {Url}. Iedereen is welkom!' + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Telegram + description: Word lid van de OpenStreetMap-gemeenschap Peru op Telegram + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: Facebook + description: 'Welkom bij OpenStreetMap Filippijnen, waar we alle Filipijnen aanmoedigen om bij te dragen aan het OpenStreetMap project.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph Mailinglijst + description: Talk-ph is de officiële Mailinglijst voor de Filipijnen + OSM-PH-slack: + name: Slack + description: 'Iedereen is welkom! Maak een account onder: {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: Telegram + description: 'OpenStreetMap Filipijnen op Telegram' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: OpenStreetMap Polen Facebook-groep + OSM-PL-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Polen forum + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguay op Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Paraguay Telegram-chat + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + OSM-RU-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap RU forum + description: OpenStreetMap Rusland webforum + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Rusland op Telegram + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap op Reddit + description: Op /r/openstreetmap/ vind een levendige dialoog plaats over OpenStreetMap. Hier kun je alles vragen! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: Verbeter OpenStreetMap in Rome + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Zuid Californië + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: OSM Meetup Chiang Mai + description: Onregelmatige bijeenkoms van de OpenStreetMap gemeenschap in Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Leden van de OpenStreetMap gemeenschap komen elke paar maanden bij elkaar in Chiang Mai. Treed in contact en bekijk {url} om te zien wanneer de volgende bijeenkomst is.' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap TH Facebook groep + description: Facebook group voor OpenStreetMappers in Thailand + OSM-TH-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap TH-forum + description: OpenStreetMap Thailand web forum + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan + description: Neem deel aan de OpenStreetMap Taiwan community op Facebook + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailinglijst + description: Talk-tw is de officiële Mailinglijst voor Taiwan + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: 'Word lid van de OpenStreetMap Telegram global supergroup at {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter at {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap Verenigde Staten + OSM-US-Slack: + name: Slack + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br Mailinglijst + description: Talk-br is de officiële Mailinglijst voor Brazilië + OSM-br-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Brazilië Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Brazilië op Telegram + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Brazilië Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap Help + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap India Mailinglijst + description: Talk-in is de officiële Mailinglijst voor de India + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap India Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan + description: Mappers en OpenStreetMap gebruikers in Japan + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Mailinglijst + description: Talk-ja is de officiële Mailinglijst voor Japan + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan + description: Mappers en OpenStreetMap gebruikers in Japan + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Verbeter OpenStreetMap in de regio Cleveland + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: PHXGeo Meetup + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram-group + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: OpenStreetMap maillijst voor Zuid-Tirol + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: OpenStreetMap maillijst voor Trentino + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Facebook + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Western Slope OSM-meetup + al-forum: + name: OSM Albanie Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Albanie Forum + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: Sociale evenementen georganiseerd rondom mappen - beginners zijn van harte welkom! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime is een open leeromgeving voor alle niveaus. Het biedt interantionale educatieve ondersteuning voor beginners. Maptine is tegelijkertijk flexibel en gestructureerd, biedt ruimte voor mapping tutorials, workshops, projecten met een gezamenlijk doel en onafhankelijke/samenwerkende werktijd.' + al-telegram: + name: OSM Albanië Telegram-kanaal + description: OpenStreetMap Albanië Telegram-kanaal + at-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Oostenrijk Forum + description: Het officiële forum voor OpenStreetMap vragen in en rond Oostenrijk + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-at Mailinglijst + description: Talk-at is de officiële Mailinglijst voor Oostenrijk + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Oostenrijk Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: Mappers en OpenStreetMap op Facebook in België + be-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap BE forum + description: Webforum van OpenStreetMap in België + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap België IRC + description: 'Kom erbij op #osmbe op irc.oftc.net (poort 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Kom erbij op #osmbe op irc.oftc.net (poort 6667), het kanaal is gekoppeld aan de Matrix-chatruimte' + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-be-mailinglijst + description: Talk-be is de officiële mailinglijst voor de Belgische OpenStreetMapgemeenschap + be-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap BE Matrix-kanaal + description: Alle mappers zijn welkom! + be-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap België Meetup + description: Bijeenkomsten in het echte leven van iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Fysieke bijeenkomsten zijn fantastisch om andere mappers te leren kennen, hen vragen te stellen, en veel bij te leren. In het bijzonder zijn nieuwe bijdragers van harte welkom!' + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap België Twitter + description: 'OSM België op Twitter: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana op Facebook + description: Pagina van OpenStreetMap in Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Mapping Botswana op Twitter + description: Twitter van OpenStreetMap in Botswana + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Wit-Rusland + description: OpenStreetMap Wit-Rusland op Telegram + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: University of Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Dit is officiële account van de afdeling van Youth Mappers van de University of Cape Coast, Ghana. We houden van kaarten, open data en het helpen van kwetsbaren.' + czech-community: + name: Tsjechische OSM community + description: 'Kaartportaal, website en contactgegevens van OSM leden in Tsjechie' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Berlijn Mailing List + description: Dit is de mailing list voor de Berlijnse OSM gemeenschap + de-berlin-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlijn-Brandenburg Meetup + description: Mappers en OpenStreetMap gebruikers in de omgeving van Berlijn + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin op Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Berlijn Telegram chat + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlijn Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap DE forum + description: OpenStreetMap Duitsland web forum + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Duitsland IRC + description: 'Kom erbij op #odm-de op irc.oftc.net (poort 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de Mailinglijst + description: Talk-de is de officiële Mailinglijst voor Duitsland + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: OWL Mailing List + description: Dit is de mailing list voor de Ostwestfalen-Lippe OSM gemeenschap + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Duitsland Telegram + description: 'Kom bij de OpenStreetMap Duitsland Telegram supergroup via {url}' + dk-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Denemarken Web Forum + description: OpenStreetMap Denemarken Web Forum + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Denemarken IRC + description: 'Kom erbij op #odm-dk op irc.oftc.net (poort 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk Mailing List + description: Een mailing list om OpenStreetMap in Denemarken te bespreken + fi-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap FI forum + description: OpenStreetMap Finland web forum + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Finland IRC + description: 'Kom erbij op #osm-fi op irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi Mailing List + description: Talk-fi is de officiële mailing list voor de Finse OSM community + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankrijk Facebook-pagina + description: OpenStreetMap Frankrijk Facebook-pagina + fr-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankrijk web forum + description: OpenStreetMap Frankrijk web forum + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankrijk op IRC + description: 'Kom erbij op #osm-fr op irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr Mailing List + description: Talk-fr mailing list + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankrijk op Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Frankrijk op Twitter: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Verenigd Koninkrijk IRC + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kroatie Facebook-groep + description: OpenStreetMap Kroatie Facebook-groep + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Kroatië op IRC + description: 'Kom erbij op #osm-hr op irc.freenode.org (poort 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr Mailing List + description: Talk-hr mailing list + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU op Facebook + description: Mappers en OpenStreetMap op Facebook in Hongarije + hu-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap HU forum + description: OpenStreetMap Hongarije web forum + hu-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Hongarije Meetup + description: Het platform om meetups te organiseren in Hongarije + is-facebook: + name: OSM IJsland on Facebook + description: Pagina van OpenStreetMap in IJsland + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is Mailing List + description: Talk-is is de officiële mailinglijst voor de IJslandse OpenStreetMap gemeenschap + is-twitter: + description: Twitter van OpenStreetMap in IJsland + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Italië Facebook + description: Neem deel aan de OpenStreetMap Italië community op Facebook + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Italië IRC + description: 'Kom erbij op #osm-it op irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it Mailing List + description: Talk-it is de officiële Mailinglijst voor de Italiaanse OSM gemeenschap + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia op Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Italië op Telegram + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Italië Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter via {url}' + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo op Telegram + nl-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap NL Forum + description: Nederlands OpenStreetMap web forum + no-forum: + description: OpenStreetMap Noorwegen webforum + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Noorwegen op IRC + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Oostenrijk + description: Het platform voor informatie over OpenStreetMap in Oostenrijk + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Duitsland + description: Het platform voor informatie over OpenStreetMap in Duitsland + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana op Facebook + description: Facebook-groep voor mensen met interesse in OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Mappers van de Ghaneese gemeenschap. We promoten projecten van OpenStreetMap en het Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) in Ghana. Sluit je aan.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana op Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap India forum + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap India Telegram + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap India + description: Mappers en OpenStreetMap-gebruikers in India + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap-Wikiproject India + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap India Youtube + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Madagascar-Facebookgroep + description: Malagasi-Facebookgroep voor mensen geïnteresseerd in OpenStreetMap. + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ op Facebook + osmcz-twitter: + name: Tsjechische twitter @osmcz + description: Volg de Tsjechische gemeenschap op Twitter - inclusief vertaalde WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap gemeenschap Graz bijeenkomst + description: Maandelijkse bijeenkomst van de OpenStreetMap gemeenschap in Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap gemeenschap Graz op Twitter + description: OpenStreetMap gemeenschap in Graz op Twitter + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Zweden Facebook-pagina + description: OpenStreetMap Zweden op Facebook + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Zweden op Twitter + description: 'Volg ons op Twitter: {url}' + si-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovenië maillijst + talk-au: + name: Talk-au Mailinglijst + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Tsjechische mailing list (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz is de officiële Mailinglijst voor Tsjechië + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh mailinglijst + description: Talk-gh is de officiële mailing list van de Ghanese OSM community. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap IT Lazio + description: 'Iedereen is welkom! Meld je aan bij {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Mailinglijst voor Rome en Lazio. + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg-mailinglijst + description: 'Plek voor OpenStreetMap-bijdragers, -gemeenschappen en -gebruikers in Madagascar om te delen en voor overleg.' diff --git a/i18n/nn.yaml b/i18n/nn.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ae402829 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/nn.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +nn: + Bahia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Bahia Telegram Group + description: Bli med i OpenStreetMap Bahia-samfunnet på Telegram + Galicia-Twitter: + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + description: 'Registrer deg på {signupUrl}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter at {url}' + OSM-AR-facebook: + extendedDescription: Nyheiter frå det lokale fellesskapet + OSM-AR-twitter: + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-CL-twitter: + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter: {url}' + osm-gh-twitter: + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter: {url}' diff --git a/i18n/no.yaml b/i18n/no.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b579c49c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/no.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +"no": + Galicia-Twitter: + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-BGD-facebook: + description: Forbedre OpenStreetMap i Bangladesh + OSM-CA-Slack: + description: 'Alle er velkomne! Registrer deg på {signupUrl}.' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia Twitter + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-IDN-facebook: + description: Forbedre OpenStreetMap i Indonesia + OSM-India-facebook: + description: Forbedre OpenStreetMap i India + OSM-MMR-facebook: + description: Forbedre OpenStreetMap i Myanmar + OSM-MNG-facebook: + description: Forbedre OpenStreetMap i Mongolia + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + description: Forbedre OpenStreetMap i Nepal + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Twitter + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-US-Slack: + description: 'Alle er velkomne! Registrer deg på {signupUrl}' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil Twitter + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap India Twitter + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan Twitter + description: 'Hashtag på Twitter: {url}' + PHXGeo-twitter: + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Østerrike Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Østerrike på Twitter: {url}' + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgia Twitter + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana på Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap siden i Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Mapping Botswana på Twitter + description: OpenStreetMap Twitter-kontoen i Botswana + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter: {url}' + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin Twitter + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter: {url}' + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankrike på Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Frankrike på Twitter: {url}' + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Italia Twitter + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter på {url}' + no-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Norge Nettforum + description: OpenStreetMap Norge Nettforum + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Norge på IRC + description: 'Chatterom for kartleggere og OpenStreetMap-brukere, utviklere og entusiaster i Norge' + no-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Norge e-postliste + description: 'E-postliste for kartleggere og OpenStreetMap-brukere, utviklere og entusiaster i Norge' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no på Telegram' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Østerrike + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana på Twitter + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter: {url}' + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM-samfunnet i Graz på Twitter + description: OpenStreetMap-samfunnet i Graz på Twitter + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Sverige på Twitter + description: 'Følg oss på Twitter: {url}' + talk-it-lazio: + description: 'Alle er velkomne! Registrer deg på {signupUrl}' + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT diff --git a/i18n/pl.yaml b/i18n/pl.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..312a7da59 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/pl.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1429 @@ +pl: + Bahia-telegram: + name: Grupa OpenStreetMap Bahia na Telegramie + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Bahia na Telegramie + extendedDescription: 'Dołącz do społeczności, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o OpenStreetMap, zadawać pytania i brać udział w naszych spotkaniach. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Mapujący OpenStreetMap z Bay Area + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w Bay Area + extendedDescription: 'Ta grupa poświęcona jest rozwijaniu społeczności OpenStreetMap w Bay Area. Nasze wydarzenia są otwarte dla wszystkich – entuzjastów otwartych źródeł, rowerzystów, specjalistów od GIS, geocacherów i innych. Każdego, kto jest zainteresowany mapami, ich tworzeniem oraz wolnymi danymi map, serdecznie zapraszamy do dołączenia do naszej grupy, jak również udziału w naszych wydarzeniach.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: OSM Centralna Pensylwania + description: 'Internetowa społeczność mapująca ze State College' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Code for San Jose na Slacku + description: 'Zapraszamy wszystkich! Zarejestruj się tutaj {signupUrl}, a następnie dołącz do kanału #osm.' + DF-telegram: + name: Grupa OpenStreetMap Brazylia na Telegramie + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Brazylia na Telegramie + extendedDescription: 'Dołącz do społeczności, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o OpenStreetMap, zadawać pytania i brać udział w naszych spotkaniach. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + description: Grupa użytkowników OpenStreetMap z Dallas-Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth i wszystkie miasta pomiędzy nimi są pełne ludzi kreatywnych i obeznanych z technologią. Wizją dla tej grupy jest znalezienie nowych dróg użycia niesamowitych zasobów OSM.' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Galicja na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Galicja na Telegramie + Galicia-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Galicja na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Spotkania dla entuzjastów map z okolic Filadelfii + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly łączy programistów, geografów, geeków danych, entuzjastów otwartych źródeł, hakerów obywatelskich i uzależnionych od map w naszej wspólnej miłości do map i historii, które się za nią kryją. Jeżeli używasz map w swojej pracy lub po prostu chcesz się czegoś nauczyć, to jest spotkanie dla ciebie! Nasze wydarzenia mają być otwarte, przyjacielskie, edukacyjne i towarzyskie, więc obejmują zarówno luźne spotkania, jak i burzliwe dyskusje, a nawet warsztaty. Przyjdź, aby stworzyć razem z nami zróżnicowaną i inspirującą społeczność geoprzestrzenną w Filadelfii!' + MapColabora-mailinglist: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Lista dyskusyjna Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + MapColabora-meetup: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza na Meetup + MapColabora-twitter: + name: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza + description: Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza na Twitterze + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Mapujący i fani OpenStreetMap z okolic Twin Cities + extendedDescription: Łączy fanów OpenStreetMap z Minnesoty i Twin Cities! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapowanie DC + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w okolicach DC + extendedDescription: 'Jesteśmy grupą mapujących wolontariuszy, którzy chcą ulepszyć OpenStreetMap w okolicach Waszyngtonu. Mamy również na celu uczyć innych ekosystemu OSM, analizowania danych, kartografii oraz GIS. Zbieramy się na comiesięcznych spotkaniach, aby skupić się na wybranych obszarach naszego miasta.' + MappingWR: + name: MappingWR + description: Ułatwienie znalezienia tras o niskiej emisji węgla w regionie Waterloo. + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + description: Jesteśmy grupą mapujących zainteresowanych mapowaniem w OpenStreetMap okolic Bogoty. + extendedDescription: 'Naucz się zbierać dane w terenie i przenosić je do OpenStreetMap. Nie jest wymagana żadna wcześniejsza wiedza! Musisz tylko chcieć wziąć udział, uczyć się i dobrze się bawić.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Portland' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime to dosłownie czas na tworzenie mapy. Naszą misją jest otworzyć drzwi do kartografii każdemu zainteresowanemu stworzeniem czasu i miejsca dla wspólnej nauki, odkrywania i tworzenia map przy użyciu odpowiednich narzędzi i technologii.' + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + name: Maptime Oceania Slack + description: 'Zarejestruj się tutaj {signupUrl}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA Twitter + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: Comiesięczne spotkania w pubie w East Midlands (Nottingham) + description: Spotkania towarzyskie dla mapujących i użytkowników z East Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Grupa spotyka się od marca 2011, najpierw w Nottingham, a ostatnio w Derby. Czasami jesteśmy również gdzieś indziej w East Midlands. Są to spotkania towarzyskie, ale jest to też świetna okazja, aby przyjść i zapytać o różne tematy związane z OSM. W miesiącach letnich zazwyczaj mapujemy trochę w okolicy naszego miejsca spotkania. Grupa, jako całość, jest zwłaszcza zainteresowana mapowaniem publicznych praw do dróg, więc od czasu do czasu spotyka się w tym celu.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentyna na Facebooku + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Argentyna na Facebooku + extendedDescription: Wiadomości z lokalnej społeczności + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Forum www OpenStreetMap Argentyna + description: Dołącz do forum www OpenStreetMap Argentyna + extendedDescription: Idealne dla długich i ważnych dyskusji. Długi czas odpowiedzi. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentyna na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-ar na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: Możesz znaleźć największego geeka w społeczności. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-ar + description: Historyczna lista dyskusyjna. Praktycznie już nieużywana. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentyna na Telegramie + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Argentyna na Telegramie + extendedDescription: 'Najbardziej aktywny kanał społeczności, idealny do rozmów i uzyskiwania szybkich odpowiedzi na pytania. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentyna na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + extendedDescription: Wiadomości z lokalnej społeczności i ogólnie OpenStreetMap. + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap Azja + description: Talk-asia to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna azjatyckiej społeczności + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesz + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w Bangladeszu + extendedDescription: 'Mapujesz w Bangladeszu? Masz pytania lub chcesz dołączyć do naszej społeczności? Wejdź na {url}. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + events: + sotmasia2019: + name: State of the Map Azja 2019 + description: Dołącz do regionalnego wydarzenia OpenStreetMap, State of the Map Azja 2019 w Dhace + where: 'Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesz' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-bo + description: Talk-bo to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna boliwijskiej społeczności OSM + extendedDescription: 'Mapujesz w Boliwii? Masz pytania lub chcesz dołączyć do naszej społeczności? Wejdź na {url}. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + OSM-BiH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap BiH na Telegramie + description: 'Grupa na Telegramie bośniackiej społeczności OpenStreetMap: {url}' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Bostonu + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap jest wolną i otwartą mapą świata w stylu wiki, z setkami tysięcy edycji każdego dnia, robionych przez ludzi takich, jak ty. Edytowanie mapy jest proste i przyjemne! Dołącz do nas zarówno w domu, jak i na zewnątrz i pomóż w naszych staraniach stworzenia najlepszej mapy okolic Bostonu i reszty świata!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA na Slacku + description: 'Zapraszamy wszystkich! Zarejestruj się tutaj {signupUrl}' + OSM-CA-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OSM-CA + description: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap w Kanadzie + OSM-CA-telegram: + name: '@osmca na Telegramie' + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Kanada na Telegramie + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile na Facebooku + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Chile na Facebooku + extendedDescription: 'Dołącz do społeczności, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o OpenStreetMap, zadawać pytania i brać udział w naszych spotkaniach. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-cl + description: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap w Chile + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile na Telegramie + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Chile na Telegramie + extendedDescription: 'Dołącz do społeczności, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o OpenStreetMap, zadawać pytania i brać udział w naszych spotkaniach. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + OSM-CN-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Chiny na Telegramie + description: 'Grupa na Telegramie chińskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap: {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbia + description: Wiadomości z kolumbijskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap i fundacji OSMCo + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbia na Facebooku + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Kolumbia na Facebooku + extendedDescription: Dołącz do społeczności, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o OpenStreetMap. Zapraszamy wszystkich! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-co + description: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap w Kolumbii + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Kolumbia na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Kolumbia na Telegramie + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Kolumbia na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Kuba na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Kuba na Telegramie + OSM-CZ-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ na Telegramie + description: 'Grupa na Telegramie czeskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap: {url}' + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + description: 'Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Mount Vernon' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap to mapa świata robiona przez ludzi takich, jak ty. To mapa, którą ty tworzysz, która jest rozdawana za darmo, jak Wikipedia. Wejdź na osm.org, aby dowiedzieć się więcej. Spotykamy się ciągle, żeby porozmawiać o mapach, tworzyć je i dobrze się bawić!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: Grupa użytkowników OpenStreetMap z Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap ze stanu Kolorado, USA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Kolorado to lokalna wspólnota ludzi chcących wspierać się nawzajem w tworzeniu wolnych map. Zachęcamy wszystkich mapujących do organizowania lub proponowania wydarzeń w całym stanie. Mogą to być zwykłe spotkania, podstawowe lub zaawansowane ćwiczenia z OSM albo imprezy mapowania.' + OSM-Discord: + name: Discord OpenStreetMap + description: Pozostawaj w kontakcie z innymi mapującymi dzięki Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Ekwador na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Ekwador na Telegramie + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-es + description: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap w Hiszpanii + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes na Telegramie' + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Hiszpania na Telegramie + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap na Facebooku + description: Polub nas na Facebooku, aby być na bieżąco z OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonezja + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w Indonezji + extendedDescription: 'Mapujesz w Indonezji? Masz pytania lub chcesz dołączyć do naszej społeczności? Wejdź na {url}. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + OSM-IRC: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement – Facebook + description: 'Strona FSHM na Facebooku, aby być na bieżąco z wydarzeniami społeczności' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organizuje wydarzenia związane z wolnym oprogramowaniem/sprzętem, technologią, aktywizmem i OpenStreetMap. Aby być z nimi na bieżąco, obserwuj ich stronę na FB.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement – Matrix + description: 'Grupa FSHM na Riot do dyskusji, dzielenia się i aktualizacji działań mapujących oraz wydarzeń w okolicach Puducherry' + extendedDescription: 'Członkowie społeczności FSHM dzielą się swoimi aktualizacjami/doświadczeniami z OSM poprzez grupę Riot.im. Grupa ta jest również używana do dyskusji o rzeczach związanych z wolnym oprogramowaniem/sprzętem, technologią i aktywizmem.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indie – Uczestniczący w mapowaniu sąsiedztwa + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w Indiach + extendedDescription: 'Mapujesz w Indiach? Masz pytania lub chcesz dołączyć do naszej społeczności? Wejdź na {url}. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + OSM-Japan-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Japonia na Telegramie + description: 'Grupa na Telegramie japońskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap: {url}' + OSM-Kerala-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala – mapowanie okolicy + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w Kerali + extendedDescription: 'Mapujesz w Kerali? Masz pytania lub chcesz się skontaktować ze społecznością? Dołącz do nas na {url}. Wszyscy są mile widziani!' + OSM-Korea-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap Korea + description: Talk-ko to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna społeczności w kwestii Korei + OSM-Korea-telegram: + name: OSM Korea na Telegramie + description: 'Nieoficjalna grupa dla twórców, społeczności i użytkowników OpenStreetMap w Korei.' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Birma + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w Birmie + extendedDescription: 'Mapujesz w Birmie? Masz pytania lub chcesz dołączyć do naszej społeczności? Wejdź na {url}. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolia + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w Mongolii + extendedDescription: 'Mapujesz w Mongolii? Masz pytania lub chcesz dołączyć do naszej społeczności? Wejdź na {url}. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malezja na Facebooku + description: Do rozmów o wszystkim powiązanym z OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap Malezja + description: Oficjalne forum OpenStreetMap Malezja + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Kanał OpenStreetMap zamieszki w Malezji + description: 'Zapraszamy wszystkich mapujących! Zarejestruj się tutaj {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w Nepalu + extendedDescription: 'Mapujesz w Nepalu? Masz pytania lub chcesz dołączyć do naszej społeczności? Wejdź na {url}. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + OSM-Ottawa-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ottawa + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Ottawy + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Wiadomości i zasoby z peruwiańskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru na Facebooku + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Peru na Facebooku + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-pe + description: Oficjalna lista dyskusyjna peruwiańskiej społeczności OSM + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: Kanał OpenStreetMap Peru na Matriksie + description: Rozmawiaj z innymi członkami peruwiańskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap na Matriksie. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru na Telegramie + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Peru na Telegramie + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap PH na Facebooku + description: 'Witamy w OpenStreetMap Filipiny, gdzie zachęcamy wszystkich Filipińczyków do uczestnictwa w projekcie OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-ph + description: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap na Filipinach + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH na Slack + description: 'Zapraszamy wszystkich! Zarejestruj się tutaj {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap PH na Telegramie + description: 'Nieoficjalna społeczność twórców i przyjaciół OpenStreetMap na Filipinach na Telegramie' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: OpenStreetMap Polska na Facebooku + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap w Polsce + OSM-PL-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap Polska + description: Forum dyskusyjne polskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paragwaj na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Paragwaj na Telegramie + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Portland + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) to mapa świata robiona przez ludzi takich, jak ty. To mapa, którą ty tworzysz, która jest rozdawana za darmo, jak Wikipedia. Wejdź na osm.org, aby dowiedzieć się więcej i przyjdź na nasze spotkanie, żeby porozmawiać o mapach, wesprzeć OSM i dobrze się bawić!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: Grupa Google OpenStreetMap PDX + description: Forum i lista dyskusyjna dla użytkowników OpenStreetMap z okolic Portland + extendedDescription: 'Ta grupa ma ułatwiać ulepszanie OpenStreetMap w okolicach Portland, aby wesprzeć aplikacje takie jak Open Trip Planner.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Ruch Wolnego Oprogramowania i Sprzętu – Lista dyskusyjna + description: Lista dyskusyjna FSHM Puducherry do dyskusji o mapowaniu w FSHM Puducherry i nie tylko. + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organizuje wydarzenia związane z wolnym oprogramowaniem/sprzętem, technologią, aktywizmem i OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap RU + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Rosja + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap RU na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Rosja na Telegramie + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap na Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ jest wspaniałym miejscem, by dowiedzieć się więcej o OpenStreetMap. + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w okolicach Rzymu + extendedDescription: 'Mamy na celu być źródłem dla ludzi w dyskusji i dzieleniu się wiedzą o używaniu darmowych zestawów danych, zwłaszcza OpenStreetMap, i otwartego oprogramowania do zarządzania, edytowania i wyświetlania danych geograficznych; a także zachęcać do używania ich w Lacjum.' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Seattle + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Southern California + description: 'Zabaw się, wnieś coś do Los Angeles i naucz się mapować!' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Południowa Kalifornia jest dla wszystkich zainteresowanych wspólnym mapowaniem dla OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia map, jest mapą świata open source tworzoną przez ponad 1.000.000 ochotników na całej Ziemi. Zapraszamy każdego. Jeśli nie znasz OpenStreetMap, nauczymy cię. Jeżeli masz jakiś pomysł na projekt mapowania lub wspólne wyjście grupy w teren, to wspaniale!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + description: Noce Map obsługiwane przez Code for San Jose + extendedDescription: 'Code for San Jose, lokalna komórka Code for America, organizuje comiesięczne Noce Map w czwartkowe wieczory w centrum San José. Poznaj innych mapujących z South Bay, pomóż w lokalnych przedsięwzięciach i dowiedz się o innych projektach obywatelskich. Nie musisz znać się na programowaniu ani GIS.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: Spotkania OSM Chiang Mai + description: Nieregularne spotkania społeczności OpenStreetMap w Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Członkowie społeczności OpenStreetMap spotykają się co kilka miesięcy w Chiang Mai. Bądź na bieżąco i sprawdzaj {url}, żeby zobaczyć, na kiedy planujemy następne spotkanie' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap TH na Facebooku + description: Grupa na Facebooku dla mapujących OpenStreetMap z Tajlandii. + OSM-TH-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap TH + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Tajlandia + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap tajwańska społeczność + description: Grupa na Facebooku dla mapujących i użytkowników OpenStreetMap do dyskusji o sprawach Tajwanu. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap Tajwan + description: Talk-tw to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna społeczności w kwestii Tajwanu + OSM-TW-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Tajwan na Telegramie + description: 'Grupa na Telegramie tajwańskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap: {url}' + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Tampa Bay + extendedDescription: 'Grupa OSM Tampa Bay dla okolicznych mieszkańców chcących zebrać się razem i zbudować kompletną mapę Tampa Bay na OpenStreetMap, wolnej i edytowalnej mapie świata. Jeśli interesują cię mapy, dane, otwarte źródła, GPS, wspinanie, kolarstwo itd., to pokochasz pracę z OpenStreetMap – więc dołącz do nas! Spotykamy się razem i mapujemy oraz omawiamy nowe tematy mniej więcej raz na miesiąc.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap na Telegramie + description: 'Dołącz od globalnej grupy OpenStreetMap na Telegramie na {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap US + description: Pomagamy rozwijać i ulepszać OpenStreetMap w Stanach Zjednoczonych + extendedDescription: 'Wspieramy OpenStreetMap poprzez organizowanie corocznych konferencji, dostarczanie zasobów społeczności, budowanie partnerstwa i szerzenie wieści. Dołącz do OpenStreetMap US tutaj: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US na Slacku + description: 'Zapraszamy wszystkich! Zarejestruj się tutaj {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Salt Lake City + extendedDescription: 'Na działalność mogą składać się takie rzeczy, jak warsztaty Naucz Się Mapować, imprezy mapowania i zbieranie danych w terenie. Wydarzenia, przynajmniej na razie, będą miały miejsce w okolicach SLC. Szukamy wprawionych mapujących, jak również nowych ludzi. Dołącz do nas i zacznij mapować!' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + description: 'Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Vancouver' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap ze stanu Wyoming + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming to lokalna wspólnota ludzi chcących wspierać się nawzajem w tworzeniu wolnych map. Zachęcamy wszystkich mapujących do organizowania lub proponowania wydarzeń w całym stanie. Mogą to być zwykłe spotkania, podstawowe lub zaawansowane ćwiczenia z OSM albo imprezy mapowania.' + OSM-br-discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Brazylia na Discord + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Brazylia na Discord + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-br + description: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap w Brazylii + OSM-br-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Brazylia na Telegramie + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Brazylia na Telegramie + extendedDescription: 'Dołącz do społeczności, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o OpenStreetMap, zadawać pytania i brać udział w naszych spotkaniach. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Brazylia na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Pomoc OpenStreetMap + description: Uzyskaj odpowiedzi na najczęściej zadawane pytania na dedykowanej stronie prowadzonej przez społeczność OSM. + extendedDescription: '{url} jest dla wszystkich, którzy potrzebują pomocy z OpenStreetMap. Nieważne, czy dopiero zaczynasz, czy masz tylko pytanie techniczne, jesteśmy tutaj, by ci pomóc!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap Indie + description: Talk-in to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna hinduskiej społeczności OSM + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Indie na Twitterze + description: 'Jesteśmy na Twitterze: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Japońska społeczność OpenStreetMap + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap w Japonii + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap Japonia + description: Talk-ja to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna japońskiej społeczności + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japonia na Twitterze + description: 'Hashtag na Twitterze: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japonia + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap w Japonii + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap na Sri Lance + extendedDescription: 'Mapujesz na Sri Lance? Masz pytania, chcesz dołączyć do tutejszej społeczności? Dołącz do nas na {Url}. Zapraszamy!' + OSMF: + name: 'Fundacja OpenStreetMap ' + description: OSMF to działająca w UK fundacja non-profit, która wspiera projekt OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'OSMF wspiera OpenStreetMap poprzez zbieranie funduszy, utrzymywanie serwerów, na których działa OSM, organizowanie corocznej konferencji State of the Map i koordynowanie wolontariuszy zapewniających działanie OSM. Możesz pokazać swoje wsparcie i mieć wpływ na kierunek rozwoju OpenStreetMap, poprzez dołączenie jako członek OSMF tutaj: {signupUrl}' + events: + sotm2020: + name: State of the Map 2020 + description: 'Dołącz do nas na 3 dni w w Kapsztadzie w RPA na doroczną ogólnoświatową konferencję OpenStreetMap, która gromadzi wszystkich członków społeczności, aby nawiązywać kontakty, dzielić się i uczyć.' + where: 'Kapsztad, RPA' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w okolicach Cleveland + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland chce być źródłem dla ludzi w dyskusji i dzieleniu się wiedzą o używaniu darmowych zestawów danych, zwłaszcza OpenStreetMap, i otwartego oprogramowania do zarządzania, edytowania i wyświetlania danych geograficznych; a także zachęcać do używania ich w Północno-wschodnim Ohio. Jesteśmy również sekcją maptime =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: Spotkania PHXGeo + description: 'Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Phoenix' + extendedDescription: 'To jest grupa spotkań dla lubiących mapy, GIS, OpenStreetMap, kartografię i wszystko, co z tym związane z okolic Phoenix.' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: Grupa OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul na Telegramie + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul na Telegramie + extendedDescription: 'Dołącz do społeczności, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o OpenStreetMap, zadawać pytania i brać udział w naszych spotkaniach. Zapraszamy wszystkich!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap dla Południowego Tyrolu + description: Regionalna lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap Włochy dla Południowego Tyrolu + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap dla Trydentu + description: Regionalna lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap Włochy dla Trydentu + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: OSM Western Slope na Facebooku + description: 'Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Grand Junction' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Spotkania OSM Western Slope + description: 'Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Grand Junction' + extendedDescription: 'Celem tej grupy jest przedstawienie OpenStreetMap społeczności, utworzenie wspólnoty mapujących, stworzenie niesamowitych danych geograficznych używając wszystkich dostępnych metod, które znamy i ostatecznie zintegrowanie tego wszystkiego, aby przedstawić nasze osiągnięcia. Wyobraź sobie dokładne oznakowania szlaków! Wyobraź sobie dalszy rozwój ścieżek rowerowych! Wyobraź sobie, cokolwiek chcesz! To jest właśnie radość z OpenStreetMap!' + al-forum: + name: Forum OSM Albania + description: Forum OpenStreetMap Albania + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: Imprezy towarzyszące mapowaniu – początkujący bardzo mile widziani! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime jest otwartym środowiskiem nauki dla wszystkich stopni i poziomów wiedzy, oferującym celowe wsparcie edukacyjne dla początkujących. Maptime jest jednocześnie elastyczne i usystematyzowane, tworząc miejsce dla podręczników i warsztatów mapowania, bieżących projektów z określonym wspólnym celem, jak i niezależnej lub wspólnej pracy.' + al-telegram: + name: Kanał OSM Albania na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Albania na Telegramie + al-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Albania na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + at-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap Austria + description: Oficjalne forum dotyczące OpenStreetMap w Austrii i okolicach + at-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-at + description: Talk-at to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna austriackiej społeczności OSM + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria na Twitterze + description: 'OpenStreetMap Austria na Twitterze: {url}' + be-chapter: + name: Oddział lokalny OpenStreetMap Belgia + description: Pomagamy rozwijać i ulepszać OpenStreetMap w Belgii. + extendedDescription: 'Jeśli chcesz pomóc ulepszać i rozwijać społeczność mapujących w Belgii, aby jeszcze więcej osób oszalało na punkcie tworzenia map, OpenStreetMap Belgia to właściwe miejsce dla ciebie!' + be-facebook: + name: Społeczność OpenStreetMap BE na Facebooku + description: Mapujący i OpenStreetMap Belgia na Facebooku + be-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap BE + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Belgia + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgia na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osmbe na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Wejdź na kanał #osmbe na irc.oftc.net (port 6667), który jest połączony z kanałem Matrixa' + be-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-be + description: Talk-be to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna belgijskiej społeczności OSM + be-matrix: + name: Kanał OpenStreetMap BE na Matriksie + description: Wszyscy mapujący są mile widziani! + extendedDescription: Większość rozmów ma miejsce na kanale "OpenStreetMap Belgia". Możesz tam zapytać o wszystko! Inne pokoje są używane dla specyficznych tematów. + be-meetup: + name: Spotkania OpenStreetMap Belgia + description: Spotkania dla wszystkich zainteresowanych OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Spotkania są świetną okazją, żeby poznawać innych mapujących, zadawać im pytania i nauczyć się czegoś nowego. Zwłaszcza nowi twórcy są bardzo mile widziani!' + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgia na Twitterze + description: 'OSM Belgia na Twitterze: @osm_be' + bg-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap Bułgaria + description: Forum bułgarskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap + bg-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiprojekt Bułgaria + description: Strona Wikiprojektu dla Bułgarii + bi-vc-cvl_wiki: + name: OSMers BI-VC-CVL + description: Mapujący z północnego Piemontu + extendedDescription: 'Oprócz comiesięcznych spotkań mamy też grupę na WhatsApp.' + bw-facebook: + name: Mapowanie Botswany na Facebooku + description: Strona OpenStreetMap w Botswanie + bw-twitter: + name: Mapowanie Botswany na Twitterze + description: OpenStreetMap Botswana na Twitterze + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Białoruś + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Białoruś na Telegramie + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: YouthMappers z Uniwersytetu w Cape Coast + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'To jest oficjalne odniesienie do oddziału YouthMappers z Uniwersytetu Cape Coast w Ghanie. Kochamy mapy, otwarte dane i pomoc bezbronnym.' + ch-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Szwajcaria na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-ch na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + ch-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap Szwajcaria + description: Lista dyskusyjna dla Szwajcarii + ch-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Szwajcaria na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + cuneo-telegram: + name: Mapujący OpenStreetMap z Cuneo + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Cuneo na Telegramie + czech-community: + name: Czeska społeczność OSM + description: 'Portal, strona i kontakty do członków OSM w Czechach.' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna dla Berlina + description: To oficjalna lista dyskusyjna berlińskiej społeczności OSM + de-berlin-meetup: + name: Spotkania OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburgia + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap z okolic Berlina + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin na Telegramie' + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Berlin na Telegramie + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + de-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap DE + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Niemcy + de-hamburg-telegram: + name: OSM Hamburg na Telegramie + description: 'Kanał OpenStreetMap Hamburg na Telegramie: {url}' + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Niemcy na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-de na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-de + description: Talk-de to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna niemieckiej społeczności OSM + de-matrix: + name: Kanał OpenStreetMap Niemcy na Matriksie + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-de:matrix.org na https://riot.im/app/#/room/osm-de:matrix.org' + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OWL + description: To oficjalna lista dyskusyjna społeczności OSM Ostwestfalen-Lippe + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Niemcy na Telegramie + description: 'Dołącz do grupy OpenStreetMap Niemcy na Telegramie: {url}' + de-viersen-meetup: + name: Spotkania OpenStreetMap Viersen + description: Spotkania społeczności i użytkowników OSM z Viersen i Mönchengladbach + dk-forum: + name: Forum www OpenStreetMap Dania + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Dania + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Dania na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-dk na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-dk + description: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap w Danii + es-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Hiszpania na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + et-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapEthiopia na Telegramie' + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Etiopia na Telegramie + fi-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap FI + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Finlandia + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Finlandia na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-fi na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-fi + description: Talk-fi to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna fińskiej społeczności OSM + fr-chapter: + name: Oddział lokalny OpenStreetMap Francja + description: Pomagamy rozwijać i ulepszać OpenStreetMap we Francji. + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Francja na Facebooku + description: OpenStreetMap Francja na Facebooku + fr-forum: + name: Forum www OpenStreetMap Francja + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Francja + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Francja na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-fr na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-fr + description: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-fr + fr-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Francja na Telegramie + description: 'Grupa na Telegramie francuskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap: {url}' + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Francja na Twitterze + description: 'OpenStreetMap Francja na Twitterze: {url}' + galicia-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiprojekt Galicja + description: 'Wszystko, co powinniście wiedzieć o mapowaniu w Galicji: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Zjednoczone Królestwo na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-gb na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-gb na irc.oftc.net (port 6667), prosimy o cierpliwość i chwilę oczekiwania po zadaniu pytania' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-gb + description: Talk-gb to główna lista dyskusyjna brytyjskiej (łącznie z Irlandią Północną) społeczności OSM + geogeeks_perth_meetup: + name: Spotkania GeoGeeks Perth + guatemala-telegram: + name: OSM Gwatemala na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Gwatemala na Telegramie + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Chorwacja na Facebooku + description: OpenStreetMap Chorwacja na Facebooku + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Chorwacja na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał do #osm-hr na irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-hr + description: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU na Facebooku + description: Mapujący i OpenStreetMap Węgry na Facebooku + hu-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap HU + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Węgry + hu-matrix: + name: Kanał OpenStreetMap Węgry na Matriksie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Węgry na Matriksie + extendedDescription: Czat OpenStreetMap na tematy mapowania. Jedno z forów wsparcia społeczności OSM. + hu-meetup: + name: Spotkania OpenStreetMap Węgry + description: Platforma do organizowania spotkań na Węgrzech + il-telegram: + name: OSM Izrael na Telegramie + description: 'Grupa na Telegramie izraelskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap: {url}' + ireland-chapter: + name: Oddział lokalny OpenStreetMap Irlandia + description: Pomagamy rozwijać i ulepszać OpenStreetMap w Irlandii. + ireland-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Irlandia na Facebooku + description: OpenStreetMap Irlandia na Facebooku + ireland-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Irlandia na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-ie na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-ie na irc.oftc.net (port 6667), prosimy o cierpliwość i chwilę oczekiwania po zadaniu pytania' + ireland-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-ie + description: Talk-ie to lista dyskusyjna irlandzkiej społeczności OSM + ireland-telegram: + name: OSM Irlandia na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Irlandia na Telegramie + ireland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap IE na Twitterze + description: 'OpenStreetMap IE na Twitterze: {url}' + is-chapter: + name: Oddział lokalny OpenStreetMap Islandia + description: Pomagamy rozwijać i ulepszać OpenStreetMap w Islandii. + is-facebook: + name: OSM Islandia na Facebooku + description: Strona OpenStreetMap na Islandii + is-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-is + description: Talk-is to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna islandzkiej społeczności OSM + is-twitter: + name: OSM Islandia na Twitterze + description: OpenStreetMap Islandia na Twitterze + it-chapter: + name: Oddział lokalny OpenStreetMap Włochy + description: Pomagamy rozwijać i ulepszać OpenStreetMap we Włoszech. + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Włochy na Facebooku + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Włochy na Facebooku + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Włochy na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-it na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-it + description: Talk-it to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna włoskiej społeczności OSM + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia na Telegramie' + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Włochy na Telegramie + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Włochy na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + kazakhstan-telegram: + name: OSM Kazachstan na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Kazachstan na Telegramie + kosovo-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosowo na Matriksie (połączony z tym na Telegramie) + description: Półoficjalna grupa publiczna dla Kosowa i okolic. Zapraszamy wszystkich mapujących z dowolnego kraju i z dowolnym językiem. + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosowo na Telegramie + description: Półoficjalna grupa publiczna na Telegramie dla Kosowa i okolic. Zapraszamy wszystkich mapujących z dowolnego kraju i z dowolnym językiem. + latam-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ameryka Łacińska na Facebooku + description: Mapujący i OpenStreetMap Ameryka Łacińska na Facebooku + latam-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Ameryka Łacińska na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm-latam na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + latam-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-latam + description: Talk-latam to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna latynoamerykańskiej społeczności OSM + latam-matrix: + name: Kanał OpenStreetMap Ameryka Łacińska na Matriksie + description: 'Rozmawiaj z innymi członkami latynoamerykańskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap na Matriksie.' + latam-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Ameryka Łacińska na Telegramie + description: 'Rozmawiaj z innymi członkami latynoamerykańskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap na Telegramie.' + latam-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ameryka Łacińska na Twitterze + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ameryka Łacińska na Twitterze: {url}' + latam-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiprojekt Ameryka Łacińska + description: Wszystko, co powinniście wiedzieć o mapowaniu w Ameryce Łacińskiej + lu-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-lu + description: Oficjalna lista dyskusyjna luksemburskiej społeczności OSM + mailinglist-sk-googlegroups: + name: Słowacka lista dyskusyjna na Google Groups + description: Oficjalna lista dyskusyjna słowackiej społeczności + map-kibera: + name: Map Kibera Trust + description: Map Kibera to zarejestrowana organizacja działająca w Kenii + extendedDescription: Misją Map Kibera Trust jest zwiększenie wpływu i reprezentacji zmarginalizowanych społeczności poprzez kreatywne wykorzystanie cyfrowych narzędzi do działania. + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Lokalna grupa Mappa Mercia + description: Baza dla fanów OpenStreetMap i Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia jest projektem rozwoju OpenStreetMap w West Midlands w UK. Organizujemy różne wydarzenia, uczymy i wspieramy lokalne organizacje, które chcą się podzielić z nami swoimi danymi.' + md-googlegroup: + name: Grupa Google OSM Mołdawia + description: Grupa Google OpenStreetMap Mołdawia + md-telegram: + name: '@OSMMoldova na Telegramie' + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Mołdawia na Telegramie + ni-facebook: + name: Społeczność OpenStreetMap NI + description: Mapujący i OpenStreetMap Nikaragua na Facebooku + ni-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-ni + description: Talk-ni to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna nikaraguańskiej społeczności OSM + ni-telegram: + name: OSM Nikaragua na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Nikaragua na Telegramie + ni-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Nikaragua na Twitterze + description: 'OSM Nikaragua na Twitterze: @osm_ni' + nl-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap Holandia + description: Forum OpenStreetMap Holandia + nl-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Holandia na Telegramie + description: 'Grupa na Telegramie holenderskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap: {url}' + no-forum: + name: Forum www OpenStreetMap Norwegia + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Norwegia + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Norwegia na IRC + description: 'Kanał dla mapujących, użytkowników, programistów i fanów OpenStreetMap w Norwegii' + no-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap Norwegia + description: 'Lista dyskusyjna dla mapujących i użytkowników OpenStreetMap w Norwegii' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no na Telegramie' + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Norwegia na Telegramie + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Afganistan + description: Ulepsz OpenStreetMap w Afganistanie + osm-africa-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Afryka na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Afryka na Telegramie + osm-asia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Azja na Telegramie + description: 'Dołącz do naszej rodziny: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria + description: Platforma z informacjami o OpenStreetMap w Austrii + osm-ch: + name: OpenStreetMap Szwajcaria + description: Platforma z informacjami o OpenStreetMap w Szwajcarii + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Niemcy + description: Platforma z informacjami o OpenStreetMap w Niemczech + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana na Facebooku + description: Grupa na Facebooku dla osób zainteresowanych OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Mapujący z ghańskiej społeczności promujący projekty OpenStreetMap i Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) w Ghanie. Dołącz do nas.' + osm-gh-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana na Telegramie + description: Społeczność OpenStreetMap Ghana na Telegramie + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Hinduskie forum OpenStreetMap + description: Hinduskie forum OpenStreetMap + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Indie na GitHub + description: 'Rozwijaj kod z nami: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: Hinduskie OpenStreetMap na Telegramie + description: 'Dołącz do naszej rodziny: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: Hinduskie OpenStreetMap + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap w Indiach + osm-india-wiki: + name: Hinduski OpenStreetMap na Wikiprojekt + description: 'Wszystko, co powinniście wiedzieć o mapowaniu w Indiach: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap Indie na YouTube + description: 'Subskrybuj nasz kanał: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Aparat + description: 'Subskrybuj nasz kanał: {url}' + extendedDescription: Dobre źródło wideo o wszystkim powiązanym z OpenStreetMap. Głównie po persku. + osm-iran-forum: + name: Irańskie forum OpenStreetMap + description: Irańskie forum OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: Forum dla użytkowników OpenStreetMap w Iranie. Możliwość zadawania pytań i dyskusji! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: Irańskie OpenStreetMap na Telegramie + description: 'Zapraszamy cię do przyłączenia się do kanału Telegram na {url}. Posiadamy dodatkowo supergrupę wielu mapujących skupionych wokół Iranu. Znajdziesz link na kanale bio.' + osm-kenya: + name: OSM Kenia + description: OSM Kenia to społeczność twórców i użytkowników OSM + extendedDescription: 'OSM Kenia to lokalna społeczność dla osób zainteresowanych OpenStreetMap, włączając w to organizacje, programistów i oddziały YouthMappers w kraju.' + osm-kerala-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala na Telegramie + description: 'Mapujemy razem Keralę. Dołącz do naszej grupy na Telegramie: {url}' + osm-kerala-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala + description: 'Dowiedz się więcej o mapowaniu Kerali: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Madagaskar na Facebooku + description: Grupa na Facebooku dla osób z Madagaskaru zainteresowanych OpenStreetMap. + osm-ni: + name: MapaNica.net + description: Zapewniaj usługi OSM i informacje dla lokalnej społeczności w Nikaragui + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Zapewniaj usługi OSM i informacje dla lokalnej społeczności w Szwecji + osm-za-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap RPA na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ na Facebooku + description: Obserwuj czeską społeczność na Facebooku – zawiera tłumaczenie WeeklyOSM! + osmcz-twitter: + name: Czeski Twitter @osmcz + description: Obserwuj czeską społeczność na Twitterze – zawiera tłumaczenie WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: Spotkania społeczności OSM Graz + description: Comiesięczne spotkania społeczności OpenStreetMap Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: Społeczność OSM Graz na Twitterze + description: Społeczność OpenStreetMap Graz na Twitterze + panama-telegram: + name: OSM Panama na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Panama na Telegramie + pt-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-pt + description: Talk-pt to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna portugalskiej społeczności OSM + pt-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Portugalia na Telegramie + description: 'Grupa na Telegramie portugalskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap {url}' + romania-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Rumunia na Facebooku + description: Mapujący i użytkownicy OpenStreetMap w Rumunii + romania-telegram: + name: '@OSMRomania na Telegramie' + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Rumunia na Telegramie + sa-telegram: + name: OSM Arabia Saudyjska na Telegramie + description: 'Grupa na Telegramie saudyjskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap: {url}' + scotland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Alba na Twitterze + description: 'OpenStreetMap Alba na Twitterze: {url}' + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Szwecja na Facebooku + description: OpenStreetMap Szwecja na Facebooku + se-forum: + name: Forum www OpenStreetMap Szwecja + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Szwecja + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Szwecja na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osm.se na irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-se + description: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap w Szwecji + se-telegram: + name: OSM Szwecja na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Szwecja na Telegramie + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Szwecja na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj nas na Twitterze: {url}' + si-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap Słowenia + description: Forum społeczności OpenStreetMap w Słowenii + si-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna OpenStreetMap Słowenia + description: Lista dyskusyjna społeczności OpenStreetMap w Słowenii + si-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Słowenia na Twitterze + description: 'Obserwuj OpenStreetMap Słowenia na Twitterze: {url}' + sk-facebook: + name: Społeczność Freemap.sk Słowacja na Facebooku + description: Społeczność Freemap.sk Słowacja na Facebooku + sk-freemap: + name: Strona Freemap Słowacja + description: Strona OpenStreetMap z narzędziami na Słowacji i okolicach + sk-freemap-wiki: + name: Wiki Freemap Słowacja + description: Wiki dla społeczności i mapujących ze Słowacji + sk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Słowacja na Twitterze + description: 'OpenStreetMap Słowacja na Twitterze: {url}' + talk-au: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-au + description: Miejsce rozmów mapujących z Australii + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Czeska lista dyskusyjna (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna czeskiej społeczności + talk-gh: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-gh + description: Talk-gh to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna ghańskiej społeczności OSM + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap IT Lacjum + description: 'Zapraszamy wszystkich! Zarejestruj się tutaj {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Lista dyskusyjna dla obszarów Rzymu i Lacjum. + talk-it-piemonte_mailinglist: + name: Regionalna lista dyskusyjna OSM Włochy dla Piemontu + description: 'Zapraszamy wszystkich! Zarejestruj się tutaj {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Lista dyskusyjna dla Piemontu. + talk-mg: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-mg + description: 'Miejsce rozmów twórców, społeczności i użytkowników OpenStreetMap na Madagaskarze.' + talk-nz: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-nz + talk-za: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-za + description: Talk-za to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna południowoafrykańskiej społeczności OSM + ua-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraina na Facebooku + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Ukraina na Facebooku + ua-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap Ukraina + description: Forum ukraińskiej społeczności OpenStreetMap + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraina na GitHub + description: OpenStreetMap Ukraina na GitHub + ua-osm: + name: Strona OpenStreetMap Ukraina + description: Strona OpenStreetMap Ukraina + ua-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraina na Slacku + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Ukraina na Slacku + ua-telegram: + name: '@osmUA na Telegramie' + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Ukraina na Telegramie + ua-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UA na Twitterze + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ukraina na Twitterze: {url}' + uk-localchapter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK + description: Oficjalny lokalny brtyjski oddział (łącznie z Irlandią Północną) + extendedDescription: 'Wspieramy OpenStreetMap poprzez organizowanie wydarzeń, dostarczanie zasobów społeczności, budowanie partnerstwa i szerzenie wieści. Dołącz do OpenStreetMap UK tutaj: {signupUrl}' + uk-london-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Londyn na Twitterze + description: 'OpenStreetMap Londyn na Twitterze: {url}' + uk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK na Twitterze + description: 'OpenStreetMap UK na Twitterze: {url}' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-us-massachusetts + description: Lista dyskusyjna społeczności OSM Massachusetts + uy-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap UY + description: Forum OpenStreetMap Urugwaj + uy-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Urugwaj na IRC + description: 'Wejdź na kanał #osmuruguay na irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Wejdź na kanał #osmuruguay na irc.freenode.org' + uy-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-uy + description: Talk-uy to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna urugwajskiej społeczności OSM + uzbekistan-telegram: + name: OSM Uzbekistan na Telegramie + description: Kanał OpenStreetMap Uzbekistan na Telegramie + ve-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap VE + description: Forum www OpenStreetMap Wenezuela + ve-mailinglist: + name: Lista dyskusyjna Talk-ve + description: Talk-ve to oficjalna lista dyskusyjna wenezuelskiej społeczności OSM + ve-telegram: + name: OSM Wenezuela na Telegramie + description: Dołącz do społeczności OpenStreetMap Wenezuela na Telegramie + ym-AASTU: + name: AASTU Youth Mappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Science and Technology University w Addis Abebie + ym-Abia-State-University: + name: AbsuMappersTeam + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Abia State University + ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University: + name: YouthMappers-AMEU + description: Oddział YouthMappers na African Methodist Episcopal University + ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University: + name: ABU Geomappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Ahmadu Bello University + ym-Ardhi-University: + name: ARU Mapper + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Ardhi University + ym-Asian-University-for-Women: + name: YouthMappers na AUW + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Asian University for Women + ym-Ball-State-University: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon – oddział Iota Omega + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Ball State University + ym-Busitema-University: + name: Good Mappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Busitema University + ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: CalU PA GIS Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na California University of Pennsylvania + ym-Central-Washington-University: + name: Geography Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na California University of Pennsylvania + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + ym-Clemson-University: + name: Mapujący z Clemson + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Clemson + ym-College-of-William-and-Mary: + name: All over the map! + description: Oddział YouthMappers na College of William & Mary + ym-Cornell-University: + name: YouthMappers na Cornell University + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Cornella + ym-Cuttington-University: + name: YouthMappers na Cuttington University + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Cuttington University + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + name: GDEV + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Politechnice Dedan Kimathi + ym-Dhaka-College: + name: YouthMappers na Daka College + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Dhaka College + ym-Dhaka-University: + name: OpenStreetMap YouthMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Dhaka University + ym-Eastern-University: + name: YouthMappers na Eastern University + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Eastern University + ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology: + name: Junior Philippines Computer Society + description: Oddział YouthMappers w Instytucie Technologii na Far Eastern University + ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys: + name: OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Federal School of Surveys + ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure: + name: YouthMappers Futa Space Club + description: 'Oddział YouthMappers na Federal University of Technology w Akure' + ym-Fourah-Bay-College: + name: Stowarzyszenie Studentów Geografii + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Fourah Bay College + ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University: + name: YouthMappers Général Lansana Conté University + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Général Lansana Conté University + ym-George-Mason-University: + name: Mason Mappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na George Mason University + ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers na Grand Gedeh County Community College + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Grand Gedeh County Community College + ym-Gujarat-University: + name: CCIM na Ahmedabad + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Gujarat University + ym-Gulu-University: + name: CSGU Mappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Gulu + ym-Heidelberg-University: + name: Disastermappers Heidelberg + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Heidelbergu + ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education: + name: IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT) + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Ignatius Ajuru University of Education + ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: Geospatial Science Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Indiana University of Pennsylvania + ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri: + name: YouthMappers z INES Ruhengeri + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri + ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda: + name: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda + ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies: + name: YouthMappers na Institute of Crisis Management Studies + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Institute of Crisis Management Studies + ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management: + name: IFM mappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers w Instytucie Zarządzania Finansami + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning: + name: Oddział YouthMappers Mipango + description: YouthMappers na Institute of Rural Development Planning + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Institute of Rural Development Planning w Mwanza + ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine: + name: YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba + description: Oddział YouthMappers w Instytucie Nauki i Weterynarii + ym-Istanbul-Technical-University: + name: YouthMappers ITU + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Technicznym w Stambule + ym-Jacksonville-State-University: + name: JSU Disaster Mapping Team + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Jacksonville State University + ym-Jahangirnagar-University: + name: 'YouthMappers na IRS, Jahangirnagar University' + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Jahangirnagar University + ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology: + name: Stowarzyszenie Studentów Geomatyki + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology + ym-Kansas-State-University: + name: 'Gamma Theta Upsilon – oddział Beta Psi' + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Stanowym Kansas + ym-Karatina-University: + name: Nature Club Karatina University + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Karantinie + ym-Kathmandu-University: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Katmandu + ym-Kenyatta-University: + name: Kenyatta University GIS Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Kenyatta University + ym-Khulna-University: + name: YouthMappers na Khulna University + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Khulna University + ym-Kumi-University: + name: Ever Last YouthMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Kumi University + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: YouthMappers na Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology + ym-Makerere-University: + name: Geo YouthMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Makerere + ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: MUST Street Mappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Mbarara University of Science and Technology + ym-McGill-University: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie McGilla + ym-Miami-University: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Miami w Oxford, Ohio + ym-Moi-University: + name: Stowarzyszenie Studentów Geografii + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Moi University + ym-Monroe-Community-College: + name: MCC Mapping Corps + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Monroe Community College + ym-Montgomery-College: + name: GeoMC + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Montgomery College + ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Społeczność Studentów Technologii Geoinformacyjnych + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Politechnice Namibijskiej (NUST) + ym-New-York-University: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Nowojorskim + ym-Nimba-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers na Nimba County Community College + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Nimba County Community College + ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus: + name: Njala Freetown YouthMappers + description: 'Oddział YouthMappers na Njala University, kampus Freetown' + ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus: + name: 'YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus' + description: 'Oddział YouthMappers na Njala University, kampus Njala' + ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Ohio Wesleyan University + ym-Oklahoma-State-University: + name: Geography Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Stanowym Oklahomy + ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania: + name: YouthMappers na Open University of Tanzania + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Open University of Tanzania + ym-Politecnico-di-Milano: + name: PoliMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Politechnice w Milanie + ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London: + name: Queen Mary YouthMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Queen Mary University of London + ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology: + name: YouthMappers na RUET + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology + ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia: + name: Geoventurers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na State University of New York at Fredonia + ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College: + name: YouthMappers na Sacred Heart Junior College + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Sacred Heart Junior College + ym-Sherubtse-College: + name: Towarzystwo Geograficzne + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Sherubtse College + ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture: + name: SMCoSE YouthMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Rolniczym Sokoine + ym-St.-Augustine-International-University: + name: YouthMappers na St. Augustine International University + description: Oddział YouthMappers na St. Augustine International University + ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute: + name: MawaggaliMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute + ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo: + name: Stowarzyszenie SUNY Geneseo GIS + description: Oddział YouthMappers na State University of New York w Geneseo + ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic: + name: YouthMappers-SMP + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Politechnice Stella Maris + ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya: + name: Stowarzyszenie Studentów Nauk Geoprzestrzennych + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Politechnice w Kenii + ym-Texas-Tech-University: + name: YouthMappers na TTU + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Texas Tech University + ym-The-Citadel: + name: YouthMappers na The Citadel + description: Oddział YouthMappers na The Citadel + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + name: Connected YouthMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia + ym-The-George-Washington-University: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na George Washington University + ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS: + name: SAIS YouthMappers + description: 'Oddział YouthMappers na The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS' + ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University: + name: Penn State GIS Coalition + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Stanowym Pensylwanii + ym-The-University-of-Zambia: + name: YouthMappers Unza + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Zambii + ym-Tribhuvan-University: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Tribhuvan University + ym-UW-Madison: + name: BadgerMaps + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Wisconsin w Madison + ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus: + name: Mappers for Life + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uganda Christian University, kampus Mbale + ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University: + name: HiTech YouthMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uganda Pentecostal University + extendedDescription: Nowy oddział YouthMappers w zachodniej Ugandzie. Gotowy do mapowania i dostarczania otwartych danych za pomocą OpenStreetMap dla rozwoju. + ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid: + name: YouthMappers na UAM + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Universidad Autónoma de Madrid + ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas: + name: YouthMappers w Bogocie + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas + ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras: + name: PumaGis Hn + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Universidad Nacional Autónoma w Hondurasie + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia: + name: Grupo UN + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Narodowym Uniwersytecie Kolumbii + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria: + name: Yeka Street MGA + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería + ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid: + name: Mapeo Humanitario + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Politechnice w Madrycie + ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia: + name: Geomatica UDEA + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Antioquia + ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica: + name: YouthMappers na Universidad de Costa Rica + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Universidad de Costa Rica + ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira: + name: Grupo Mesh + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie La Guajira + ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes: + name: Cartografos Uniandes + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Andyjskim + ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras: + name: UPR YouthMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus + ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura: + name: YouthMappers San Buenaventura + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie San Buenaventura w Kolumbii + ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane: + name: Społeczność YouthMappers w Mozambiku + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Eduarda Mondlanego + ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger: + name: YouthMappers na UGB + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Gaston Berger + ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat: + name: Brahmapoutre at Rabat + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Mohammeda V w Rabacie + ym-Universit-de-NZrkor: + name: Youthmappers z N'Zérékoré + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Nzérékoré + ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako: + name: Studenci w laboratorium HoPE + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Nauk Społecznych i Zarządzania w Bamako + ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar: + name: Kontur Geografi + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Universitas Negeri Makassar + ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta: + name: SpaceTime + description: Oddział YouthMappers na University Muhammadiyah Surakarta + ym-University-of-California-Davis: + name: Mapping Club + description: 'Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Kalifornijskim w Davis' + ym-University-of-Cape-Coast: + name: Towarzystwo Geograficzne UCC + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Cape Coast + ym-University-of-Central-Florida: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na University of Central Florida + ym-University-of-Chicago: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Chicagowskim + ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam: + name: YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Dar es Salaam + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Dar es Salaam + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Eco-Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Energii i Zasobów Naturalnych + ym-University-of-Exeter: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Exeter + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: YouthMappers z Uniwersytetu w Ghanie + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Ghanie + ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers: + name: YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Liberyjskim + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Liberyjskim + ym-University-of-Malawi: + name: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Malawi + ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park: + name: Geography Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Marylandu w College Park + ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology: + name: YouthMappers UMaT + description: Oddział YouthMappers na University of Mines and Technology + ym-University-of-Nairobi: + name: Stowarzyszenie Studentów Inżynierii Geoprzestrzennej + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Nairobi + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu + description: 'Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Nigeryjskim w Enugu' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka + description: 'Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Nigeryjskim w Nsukka' + ym-University-of-North-Texas: + name: UNT Geography Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Północnego Teksasu + ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado: + name: UNCO Geography and GIS Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na University of Northern Colorado + ym-University-of-Oregon: + name: Map by Northwest + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Oregonu + ym-University-of-Panama: + name: YouthMappers UP + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Panamie + ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt: + name: UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Port Harcourt + ym-University-of-Pretoria: + name: Centrum Nauk Geoinformacyjnych + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Pretorii + ym-University-of-Redlands: + name: URSpatial Geo-Thinkers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na University of Redlands + ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus: + name: Rwanda YouthMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Rwandyjskim, kampus Huye + ym-University-of-South-Carolina: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Południowej Karolinie + ym-University-of-Southern-California: + name: SC Mappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytet Południowej Kalifornii + ym-University-of-Vermont: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Vermontu + ym-University-of-Victoria: + description: Oddział YouthMappers na University of Victoria + ym-University-of-Warwick: + name: Społeczność mapujących z University of Warwick + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Warwick + ym-University-of-Wyoming: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Wyoming + ym-University-of-Zimbabwe: + name: UZMappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie w Zimbabwe + ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute: + name: YouthMappers w Resilience Institute na Uniwersytecie Filipińskim + description: Oddział YouthMappers w Resilience Institute na Uniwersytecie Filipińskim + ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus: + description: 'Oddział YouthMappers na University of the West Indies, Mona Campus' + ym-Vassar-College: + name: Hudson Valley Mappers + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Vassar College + ym-Villanova-University: + name: The Villanova Globeplotters + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Villanova University + ym-West-Virginia-University: + name: Maptime Morgantown + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Uniwersytecie Wirginii Zachodniej + ym-Western-Michigan-University: + name: Geography Club + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Western Michigan University + ym-Yarmouk-University: + name: YouthMappers na YU + description: Oddział YouthMappers na Yarmouk University diff --git a/i18n/pt.yaml b/i18n/pt.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f712566c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/pt.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,685 @@ +pt: + Bahia-telegram: + name: Grupo Telegram do OpenStreetMap Bahia + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Bahia no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: OpenStreetMappers de Bay + description: Melhorar o OpenStreetMap na área de Bay + extendedDescription: 'Este grupo é sobre o crescimento da comunidade OpenStreetMap aqui em Bay Area. Os nossos eventos estão abertos a todos, entusiastas do código aberto, ciclistas, profissionais de GIS, geocachers e muito mais. Qualquer pessoa interessada em mapas, elaboração de mapas e dados dos mapas gratuitos é bem-vinda para se juntar ao nosso grupo e participar nos nossos eventos.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: OSM Pensilvânia Central + description: 'Comunidade de mapeamento online baseada no Colégio Estadual, PA' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Código para San Jose Slack + description: 'Sejam todos bem-vindos! Registem-se em {signupUrl} depois junte-se ao canal #osm.' + DF-telegram: + name: Grupo de Telegram do OpenStreetMap Brasília + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Brasília no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: OSM de Dallas-Fort Worth + description: O grupo de utilizadores do OpenStreetMap em Dallas Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth e todas as cidades entre essas cidades estão cheias de pessoas criativas e com conhecimento de tecnologia. A visão deste grupo de utilizadores é de encontrar novas maneiras de usar o incrível recurso OSM.' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: Grupo de Telegram do OpenStreetMap Galiza + Galicia-Twitter: + description: 'Segue-nos no Twitter em {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Encontro para entusiastas do mapa na área de Filadélfia + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly une developers, geógrafos, geeks de dados, entusiastas do código aberto, hackers cívicos e viciados em mapas ao nosso amor partilhado pelos mapas e histórias que contam. Se usa mapas como parte do seu trabalho ou se quer apenas saber mais, este encontro é para si! Os nossos eventos são abertos, amigáveis, educacionais e sociais e vão desde happy hours, discussões ou até workshops. Junte-se a nós para criar uma comunidade geoespacial diversificada e inspiradora em Filadélfia!' + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Mapeadores e entusiastas do OpenStreetMap na área de Twin Cities + extendedDescription: A conectar entusiastas do OpenStreetMap em Minnesota e Twin Cities! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapping DC + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap na área de DC + extendedDescription: 'Somos um grupo de mapeadores voluntários que visam melhorar o OpenStreetMap na área de Washington. Também queremos ensinar aos outros sobre o ecossistema OSM, análise de dados, cartografia e GIS. Reunimos-nos a cada dois meses em reuniões para nos concentrar-mos numa área da nossa cidade.' + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + description: Somos um grupo de mapeadores interessados em mapear no OpenStreetMap as imediações de Bogotá. + extendedDescription: 'Aprenda a recolher dados no terreno e digitalize no OpenStreetMap. Não é necessário ter conhecimento prévio! Só necessita ter o desejo de participar, aprender e se divertir.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Portland, ME' + extendedDescription: 'O Maptime é, dedicado à criação de mapas. A nossa missão é abrir as portas das oportunidades do mapeamento a qualquer pessoa interessada, criando espaço e tempo para aprendizagem colaborativa, exploração e criação de mapas usando ferramentas e tecnologias de cartografia. .' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA Twitter + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: East Midlands (Nottingham) Encontro mensal num pubs + description: Encontro social para mapeadores e utilizadores de East Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Um grupo tem se reunido desde março de 2011, inicialmente em Nottingham e mais recentemente em Derby, e de vez em quando noutros lugares em East Midlands. Estas são reuniões sociais, mas são um ótimo lugar para se fazer perguntas específicas sobre a MSO na região ou em geral. Durante os meses de verão, geralmente mapeamos durante uma hora perto do local de encontro. O grupo como um todo tem um interesse particular em mapear os direitos de passagem públicos e, às vezes, organiza reuniões de mapeamento para essa finalidade.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook + description: Junte-se à comunidade do OpenStreetMap Argentina no Facebook + extendedDescription: Notícias da comunidade local + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Fórum do OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Junte-se ao fórum do OpenStreetMap Argentina + extendedDescription: Ideal para discussões longas ou importantes. Tempo de resposta lento. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC + description: 'Participe do # osm-ar no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + extendedDescription: Pode encontrar o utilizador mais nerd da comunidade. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-ar + description: Lista histórica. Em desuso atualmente. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Argentina no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'O canal mais ativo da comunidade, ideal para conversar e obter respostas às suas perguntas instantaneamente. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + extendedDescription: Notícias da comunidade local e OpenStreetMap em geral. + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap na Ásia + description: Talk-asia é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade asiática + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Melhorar o OpenStreetMap no Bangladesh + extendedDescription: 'A cartografar no Bangladesh? Tem dúvidas, quer comunicar com a comunidade daqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. São todos bem-vindos!' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-bo + description: Lista de discussão oficial da comunidade OpenStreetMap Boliviana + extendedDescription: 'A mapearna Bolívia? Tem dúvidas, quer comunicar com a comunidade daqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. São todos bem-vindos!' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Boston + extendedDescription: 'O OpenStreetMap é o mapa do mundo wiki, gratuito e aberto, com centenas de milhares de contribuições de pessoas como você. Mudar o mapa é simples e divertido! Junte-se a nós em ambientes internos e externos nos nossos esforços para criar o melhor mapa da área de Boston e do resto do mundo!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA Slack + description: 'Sejam todos bem-vindos! Registem-se em {signupUrl}' + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: 'Facebook OpenStreetMap Chile ' + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Chile no Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-cl + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap no Chile + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: 'Telegram OpenStreetMap Chile ' + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Chile no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Chile + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Colômbia + description: Notícias da comunidade OpenStreetMap Colômbia e da Fundação OSMCo + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Colômbia Facebook + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Colômbia no Facebook + extendedDescription: Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap. Todos são bem-vindos! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-co + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap na Colômbia + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Colômbia no Telegram + description: Chat Telegram do OpenStreetMap Colômbia + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: 'Twitter OpenStreetMap Colômbia ' + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Cuba no Telegram + description: Chat telegram OpenStreetMap Cuba + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + description: 'Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Mount Vernon, WA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap é um mapa do mundo feito por pessoas como tu. Este é um mapa que tu constróis, que é distribuído gratuitamente como a Wikipedia. Vê osm.org para mais informações. Encontramo-nos diversas vezes para falar sobre mapas, criar mapas e para te divertires!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: O grupo de utilizadores do OpenStreetMap para o Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Colorado, USA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado é uma colaboração local de pessoas interessadas em contribuir para a criação de mapas gratuitos. Encorajamos todos os nossos mapeadores a organizar ou sugerir eventos de mapeamento em todo o estado. As actividades do encontro podem ser simples misturas sociais, formação básico e avançado em OSM ou eventos de mapeamento.' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + description: Entre em contacto com outros mapeadores via Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Equador no Telegram + description: Chat Telegram do OpenStreetMap Equador + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-es + description: Uma lista de discussão para discutir o OpenStreetMap em Espanha + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes no Telegram' + description: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Espanha + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap no Facebook + description: Faça Gosto no Facebook para novidades e actualizações do OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonésia + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap na Indonésia + extendedDescription: 'A mapear na Indonésia? Tem dúvidas, quer comunicar com a comunidade local? Junte-se a nós em {Url}. São todos bem-vindos!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + description: 'Junte-se ao #osm em irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Movimento de Hardware de Software Livre - Facebook + description: 'Página do Facebook da FSHM para estar a par de eventos da comunidade e as actividades' + extendedDescription: 'O FSHM organiza eventos relacionados com software / hardware livre, tecnologia, ativismo e OpenStreetMap. A página do FB é a melhor maneira de manter-se a par dos eventos.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Movimento de Hardware de Software Livre - Matrix + description: 'Grupo motim FSHM para discutir, partilhar e actualizar actividades de mapeamento e eventos em e nas redondezas de Puducherry' + extendedDescription: 'Os membros da comunidade FSHM partilham as suas actualizações e experiências do OSM através do grupo riot.im. O grupo é utilizado para discutir assuntos relacionados com software livre, hardware, tecnologias e ativismo.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Índia - Mapeamento participativo dos bairros + description: Melhorar o OpenStreetMap na Índia + extendedDescription: 'A maear na Índia? Tem dúvidas, quer comunicar com a comunidade daqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Myanmar + description: Melhorar o OpenStreetMap em Mianmar + extendedDescription: 'A mapear em Myanmar? Tem dúvidas, quer comunicar com a comunidade daqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. São todos bem-vindos!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongólia + description: Melhorar o OpenStreetMap na Mongólia + extendedDescription: 'A mapear na Mongólia? Tem dúvidas, quer comunicar com a comunidade daqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. São todos bem-vindos!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malásia no Facebook + description: Para conversar sobre qualquer coisa relacionada com o OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Fórum OpenStreetMap Malásia + description: Fórum Oficial do OpenStreetMap na Malásia + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Canal OpenStreetMap Malaysia Riot + description: 'Todos os mapeadores são bem-vindos! Registem-se em {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Melhorar o OpenStreetMap no Nepal + extendedDescription: 'A mapear no Nepal? Tem dúvidas, quer comunicar com a comunidade daqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. São todos bem-vindos!' + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Notícias e recursos para a comunidade OpenStreetMap Peru + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Facebook + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Peru no Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-pe + description: A lista de discussão oficial da comunidade OpenStreetMap Peru + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: 'Chat Matrix do OpenStreetMap Peru ' + description: Converse com outros membros da comunidade OpenStreetMap Peru no Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Telegram + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Peru no Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Twitter + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Facebook + description: 'Bem-vindo ao OpenStreetMap Filipinas, onde incentivamos todos os colegas filipinos a contribuir para o projeto OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-ph + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap nas Filipinas + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Slack + description: 'Sejam todos bem-vindos! Registem-se em {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Telegram + description: 'Comunidade no Telegram local não oficial de contribuidores e amigos do OpenStreetMap nas Filipinas' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: Grupo do OpenStreetMap Polónia no Facebook + description: Grupo para mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na Polónia + OSM-PL-forum: + name: Fórum OpenStreetMap Polónia + description: Fórum da comunidade polaca OpenStreetMap + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguai no Telegram + description: Chat Telegram do OpenStreetMap Paraguai + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Portland + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) é um mapa do mundo criado por pessoas como tu. Este é um mapa que tu constróis, que é distribuído gratuitamente como a Wikipedia. Visita osm.org para mais informações e encontra-nos numa reunião para discutir mapas, contribuir para o OSM e para te divertires!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group + description: Fórum e lista de discussão para usuários do OpenStreetMap na área de Portland + extendedDescription: 'Este grupo é para facilitar melhorias para o OpenStreetMap na área de Portland, Oregon, para suportar aplicações como o Open Trip Planner.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Movimento de Hardware e Software Livre - Lista de discussão + description: Lista de discussão do FSHM Puducherry para discutir o mapeamento em Puducherry e outras coisas. + extendedDescription: 'O FSHM organiza eventos relacionados a software / hardware livre, tecnologia, ativismo e OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: Fórum do OpenStreetMap RU + description: Fórum da web OpenStreetMap Rússia + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap RU + description: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Russia + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap no Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ é um ótimo lugar para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap. Pergunte-nos qualquer coisa! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Encontro Mappatori Romani + description: Melhorar o OpenStreetMap na área de Roma + extendedDescription: 'O nosso objetivo é ser um recurso para as pessoas discutirem e partilharem conhecimento sobre o uso de conjuntos de dados geoespaciais gratuitos, especialmente o OpenStreetMap, e o software Open Geospatial que gere, edita e exibe dados geográficos e defende o seu uso em Lazio.' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: MApeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Seattle + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Southern California + description: 'Vamos-nos divertir, contribuir com algo para Los Angeles e aprender sobre mapeamento!' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California é para qualquer pessoa interessada em mapear e se juntar ao OpenStreetMap. O OpenStreetMap, é a Wikipédia dos mapas, é um mapa mundial de código aberto criado por mais de 1.000.000 de voluntários em todo o mundo. Todos são bem-vindos. Se não conheces o OpenStreetMap, nós vamos ensinar-te. Se tens uma ideia para um projecto de mapeamento ou até mesmo uma visita de campo com o grupo podes fazer, é perfeito!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + description: Maps Night organizadas por Code para San Jose + extendedDescription: 'O Code for San Jose, é a brigada local do Code for America, recebe mensalmente Map Nights nas noites de quinta-feira no centro de San Jose. Conheça outros mapeadores de South Bay, ajude com projectos de mapeamento local e ouça sobre outros projectos de tecnologia cívica. Ter capacidades de programação e GIS não é obrigatório.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: Encontro OSM de Chiang Mai + description: Reunião irregular da comunidade OpenStreetMap em Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Os membros da comunidade OpenStreetMap encontram-se de quando em vez em Chiang Mai. Entre em contacto e confira {url} para ver quando será o próximo encontro.' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: Grupo do OpenStreetMap TH no Facebook + description: Grupo do Facebook para OpenStreetMappers na Tailândia + OSM-TH-forum: + name: Fórum OpenStreetMap TH + description: Fórum da OpenStreetMap Tailândia + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: Comunidade OpenStreetMap Taiwan + description: Grupo do Facebook para mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap Taiwan + description: Talk-tw é uma lista de discussão oficial para as comunidades para discutir assuntos sobre Taiwan + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay + description: Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Tampa Bay + extendedDescription: 'O OSM Tampa Bay Group convida os moradores locais a unirem-se e a desenvolverem o mapa final de Tampa Bay com o OpenStreetMap, o mapa mundial livre e editável. Se gosta de mapas, dados, código aberto, GPS, caminhadas, ciclismo, etc., vai adorar trabalhar com o OpenStreetMap - então junte-se a nós! Encontrámo-nos, mapeamos e discutiremos novos tópicos uma vez por mês.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap + description: 'Junte-se ao grupo de Telegram Global do OpenStreetMap em {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap US + description: Ajudamos a crescer e melhorar o OpenStreetMap nos Estados Unidos. + extendedDescription: 'Apoiamos o OpenStreetMap realizando conferências anuais, fornecendo recursos da comunidade, construindo parcerias e espalhando a palavra. Junte-se ao OpenStreetMap US aqui: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US Slack + description: 'Todos são bem-vindos! Registem-se em {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Salt Lake City + extendedDescription: 'As atividades podem incluir workshops como o Learn to Map, em que mapeamos e recolhemos dados em visitas de campo. Os eventos ocorrerão na área do SLC, pelo menos para já. Estamos à procura de mapeadores experientes, bem como recém-chegados ao OSM. Junta-te a nós e vamos mapear!' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + description: 'Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Vancouver, BC' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap no estado de Wyoming + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming é uma colaboração local de pessoas interessadas em contribuir com os seus esforços para criar mapas gratuitos. Encorajamos todos os nossos mapeadores a organizar ou sugerir eventos de mapeamento em todo o estado. As actividades do Meetup podem ser simples mixers sociais, formação básica e avançada do OSM ou eventos de mapeamento.' + OSM-br-discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil no Discord + description: Junta-te à comunidade OpenStreetMap Brasil no Discord + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-br + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap no Brasil + OSM-br-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil no Telegram + description: Junta-te à comunidade OpenStreetMap Brasil no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar das nossas reuniões. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil no Twitter + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Ajuda OpenStreetMap + description: Faça uma pergunta e obtenha respostas no site de perguntas e respostas conduzidas pela comunidade da OSM. + extendedDescription: '{url} é para todos aqueles que necessitam de ajuda com o OpenStreetMap. Se é um novato ou uma questão técnica, estamos aqui para ajudar!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão do OpenStreetMap na Índia + description: Talk-in é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade indiana + OSM-india-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Índia + description: 'Estamos a um tweet de distância: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Comunidade do OpenStreetMap Japão + description: Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap no Japão + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão do OpenStreetMap Japão + description: Talk-ja é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade japonesa + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japão Twitter + description: 'Hashtag no Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japão + description: Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap no Japão + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanca + description: Melhorar o OpenStreetMap no Sri Lanca + extendedDescription: 'A mapear no Sri Lanca? Tem dúvidas, quer comunicar com a comunidade daqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. São todos bem-vindos!' + OSMF: + name: Fundação OpenStreetMap + description: OSMF é uma organização sem fins lucrativos sediada no Reino Unido que apoia o projeto OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'A OSMF suporta o OpenStreetMap na captação de recursos, mantendo os servidores do o OSM, organizando a conferência anual do State Of The Map e coordenando os voluntários que mantêm o OSM a funcionar. Pode mostrar o seu apoio e ter uma voz na direção do OpenStreetMap, tornando-se membro da OSMF aqui: {signupUrl}' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Melhorar o OpenStreetMap na área de Cleveland + extendedDescription: 'O Open Geo Cleveland é um recurso para as pessoas discutirem e partilharem conhecimento sobre o uso de conjuntos de dados geoespaciais gratuitos, especialmente o OpenStreetMap, e o software Open-geo-space que gere, edita e exibe dados geográficos e defende para o seu uso no nordeste de Ohio. Fazemos parte do Maptime =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: Encontro PHXGeo + description: 'Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Phoenix, AZ' + extendedDescription: 'Este é um grupo de encontro para aqueles que se encontram na área de Phoenix e que gostam de mapas, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartografia e qualquer coisa entre eles.' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitter + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: Grupo Telegram OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap para o Tirol do Sul + description: Lista de discussão regional do OpenStreetMap Itália para o Sul do Tirol + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap para o Trentino + description: Lista de discussão regional do OpenStreetMap Itália para o Trentino + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Western Slope OSM Facebook + description: 'Mapeadores e utilizadores OpenStreetMap na área de Grand Junction, CO' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Encontro da costa ocidental OSM + description: 'Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Grand Junction, CO' + extendedDescription: 'O objetivo deste grupo é apresentar o OpenStreetMap para a comunidade, desenvolver uma comunidade de mapeadores, criar os geodados mais incríveis possíveis usando os métodos disponíveis e, finalmente, criar estratégias para obter esses dados na nossa comunidade. Imagine uma sinalização precisa de percursos pedrestres! Imagine mais desenvolvimento de ciclovias! Imagine o que quiser, essa é motivação do OpenStreetMap!' + al-forum: + name: Fórum da OSM Albânia + description: Fórum do OpenStreetMap Albânia + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: Eventos sociais organizados em torno do mapeamento - os novatos são muito bem-vindos! + extendedDescription: 'O Maptime é um ambiente de aprendizagem aberto para todos os níveis e graus de conhecimento, oferecendo suporte educacional intencional para o iniciante. O Maptime é simultaneamente flexível e estruturado, criando espaço para tutoriais de mapeamento, workshops, projetos em curso com um objectivo partilhado e tempo de trabalho independente / colaborativo.' + al-telegram: + name: Canal OSM Albania Telegram + description: Canal OpenStreetMap Albania Telegram + at-forum: + name: Fórum OpenStreetMap Áustria + description: O fórum oficial para perguntas sobre o OpenStreetMap na Áustria + at-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-at + description: Talk-at é a lista de discussão oficial da comunidade austríaca de OSM + at-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Áustria + description: 'OpenStreetMap Áustria no Twitter: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: Mapeadores e OpenStreetMap no Facebook na Bélgica + be-forum: + name: Fórum do OpenStreetMap BE + description: Fórum da web OpenStreetMap Bélgica + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium IRC + description: 'Participe do #osmbe no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Junte-se ao #osmbe no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667), ele é preenchido com o canal de chat Matrix' + be-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-be + description: Talk-be é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade belga OSM + be-matrix: + name: Canal do OpenStreetMap BE Matrix + description: Todos os mapeadores são bem-vindos! + extendedDescription: A maioria das conversas acontecem no canal "OpenStreetMap Bélgica". Pode perguntar qualquer coisa! As outras seccções são para assuntos específicos. + be-meetup: + name: Encontro OpenStreetMap Bélgica + description: Encontros da vida real de todos que estão interessados no OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Encontros físicos são óptimos para conhecer outros mapeadores , fazer perguntas e aprender muito. Especialmente novos colaboradores são muito bem-vindos!' + be-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Bélgica + description: 'OSM Bélgica no Twitter: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: A mapear o Botsuana no Facebook + description: Página do OpenStreetMap no Botsuana + bw-twitter: + name: A mapear o Botsuana no Twitter + description: Twitter do OpenStreetMap no Botsuana + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Bielorrússia + description: OpenStreetMap Bielorrússia chat telegram + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Universidade dos YouthMappers de Cabo Corso + description: 'Segue-nos no Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Esta é a descrição oficial do capítulo Youth Mappers da Universidade de Cape Coast, no Gana. adoramos mapas, os dados abertos e ajudar os mais vulneráveis.' + czech-community: + name: Comunidade checa OSM + description: 'Mapa, site e contactos em membros da OSM na República Checa' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Berlim + description: Esta é a lista de discussão para a comunidade Berlin OSM + de-berlin-meetup: + name: Encontro OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburg + description: Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na área de Berlim + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@ osmberlin no telegrama' + description: Chat do OpenStreetMap Berlin Telegram + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlim Twitter + description: 'Follow us on Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: Fórum OpenStreetMap DE + description: Fórum da web do OpenStreetMap Alemanha + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Alemanha IRC + description: 'Participe no # osm-de no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-de + description: Talk-de é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade alemã OSM + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: Lista de correspondência de OWL + description: Esta é a lista de discussão para a comunidade OSM Ostwestfalen-Lippe + de-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Alemanha + description: 'Junte-se ao supergrupo OpenStreetMap Alemanha no Telegram em {url}' + dk-forum: + name: Fórum OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + description: Fórum OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Denmark IRC + description: 'Registe-se # osm-dk em irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-dk + description: Uma lista de discussão para discutir o OpenStreetMap na Dinamarca + fi-forum: + name: Fórum OpenStreetMap FI + description: Fórum da web do OpenStreetMap Finlândia + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Finland IRC + description: 'Participe no # osm-fi em irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão do talk-fi + description: O Talk-fi é a lista de discussão oficial da comunidade finlandesa de OSM + fr-facebook: + name: Página Facebook da OpenStreetMap França + description: Página Facebook da OpenStreetMap França + fr-forum: + name: Fórum da OpenStreetMap França + description: Fórum da OpenStreetMap França + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap França no IRC + description: 'Entre em # osm-fr no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-fr + description: Lista de Discussão Talk-fr + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap França no Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap França no Twitter: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Reino Unido IRC + description: 'Junte-se em # osm-gb em irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Junte-se a # osm-gb no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667), por favor seja paciente e espere alguns minutos caso tenha feito uma pergunta' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-gb + hr-facebook: + name: Grupo do Facebook do OpenStreetMap Croácia + description: Grupo do Facebook do OpenStreetMap Croácia + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Croácia no IRC + description: 'Junte-se ao # osm-hr em irc.freenode.org (porta 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão do Talk-hr + description: Lista de discussão Talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU no Facebook + description: Mapeadores e OpenStreetMap Facebook na Hungria + hu-forum: + name: Fórum do OpenStreetMap HU + description: Fórum da web OpenStreetMap Hungria + hu-meetup: + name: Encontro OpenStreetMap Hungria + description: A plataforma para organizar encontros na Hungria + is-facebook: + name: OSM Islândia no Facebook + description: Página do OpenStreetMap na Islândia + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is é lista de discussão + description: Talk-is é a lista de discussão oficial da comunidade islandesa OSM + is-twitter: + name: OSM Islândia no Twitter + description: Twitter do OpenStreetMap na Islândia + it-facebook: + name: Facebook OpenStreetMap Itália + description: Junte-se à comunidade do OpenStreetMap Itália no Facebook + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Itália IRC + description: 'Participe no # osm-it no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-it + description: Talk-it é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade italiana OSM + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia no telegrama' + description: Chat do OpenStreetMap Itália Telegram + it-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Itália + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo no telegrama + description: Grupo Telegram público semi-oficial do Kosovo. Aceitamos os mapeadores de qualquer local e qualquer idioma. + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Grupo local Mappa Mercia + description: Uma casa para os entusiastas do OpenStreetMap nas Midlands + extendedDescription: 'O Mappa Mercia é um projeto para desenvolver o OpenStreetMap em West Midlands, no Reino Unido. Realizamos eventos comunitários, oferecemos formação e apoiamos organizações locais que desejam tornar os seus dados abertos.' + no-forum: + name: Fórum da Web do OpenStreetMap Noruega + description: Fórum da Web do OpenStreetMap Noruega + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Noruega no IRC + description: 'Sala de chat para mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap, developers e entusiastas na Noruega' + no-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap Noruega + description: 'Lista de discussão para usuários, developers, mapeadores e cartógrafos do OpenStreetMap na Noruega' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no no Telegram' + description: Chat do OpenStreetMap Telegram Noruega + osm-asia-telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Ásia + description: 'Junte-se à nossa família: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Áustria + description: A plataforma para informações sobre o OpenStreetMap na Áustria + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Alemanha + description: A plataforma para informações sobre o OpenStreetMap na Alemanha + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Gana no Facebook + description: Grupo no Facebook para pessoas interessadas no OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'A comunidade de mapeadores do Gana está a promover os projetos OpenStreetMap e Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) no Gana. Junte-se a nós.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Gana no Twitter + description: 'Segue-nos no Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Fórum do OpenStreetMap na Índia + description: Web fórum do OpenStreetMap Índia + osm-india-github: + name: GitHub do OpenStreetMap Índia + description: 'Codifique connosco: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Índia + description: 'Junte-se à família: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Índia + description: Mapeadores e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap na Índia + osm-india-wiki: + name: Wikiproject OpenStreetMap Índia + description: 'Tudo o que precisa de saber sobre a mapeamento na Índia: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: Youtube do OpenStreetMap Índia + description: 'Subscreva o nosso canal: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: OpenStreetMap Irão Aparat + description: 'Subscreva o nosso canal em {url}' + extendedDescription: Um bom recurso de vídeos sobre actividade relacionada com o OpenStreetMap. Principalmente em persa. + osm-iran-forum: + name: Fórum OpenStreetMap Irão + description: Fórum OpenStreetMap Irão + extendedDescription: Um fórum para utilizadores do OpenStreetMap no Irão. Sinta-se livre para fazer perguntas e discutir com os outros! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Irão + description: 'Está convidado a participar no nosso canal Telegram em {url}. Também temos um supergrupo de muitos OSMers interessados no Irão. Encontre o link na descrição do canal.' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Grupo Facebook do OpenStreetMap Madagascar + description: Grupo malgaxe no Facebook para pessoas interessadas no OpenStreetMap. + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Fornecer serviços e informações de OSM para a comunidade local na Suécia + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ no Facebook + osmcz-twitter: + name: Twitter da República Checa @osmcz + description: Siga a comunidade checa no Twitter - incluindo o WeeklyOSM traduzido! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: Encontro da comunidade de OSM Graz + description: Encontro mensal da comunidade OpenStreetMap em Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: Comunidade OSM Graz no twitter + description: Comunidade OpenStreetMap em Graz no twitter + pt-mailinglist: + name: Mailing List Talk-pt + description: Talk-pt faz parte da mailing list oficial para a comunidade portuguesa do OSM + pt-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Portugal no Telegram + description: 'Grupo do Telegram da comunidade Portuguesa do OpenStreetMap {url}' + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Suécia no Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Suécia no Facebook + se-forum: + name: Fórum da Web do OpenStreetMap Suécia + description: Fórum da Web do OpenStreetMap Suécia + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Suécia IRC + description: 'Junte-se # osm.se em irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão de Talk-se + description: Uma lista de discussão para discutir o OpenStreetMap na Suécia + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Suécia no Twitter + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter: {url}' + si-forum: + name: Fórum do OpenStreetMap Eslovénia + description: Fórum da comunidade OpenStreetMap na Eslovénia + si-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap Eslovénia + description: Lista de discussão da comunidade OpenStreetMap na Eslovénia + talk-au: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-au + description: Local para mapeadores australianos para conversar + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão checa (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz é a lista de discussão oficial da comunidade checa + talk-gh: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-gh + description: Talk-gh é a lista de discussão oficial da comunidade OMS do Ghana. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap IT Lazio + description: 'Sejam todos bem-vindos! Registem-se em {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Lista de Discussão para a área de Roma e Lázio + talk-mg: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-mg + description: 'Lugar para os contribuidores, comunidades e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap em Madagáscar partilharem e discutirem.' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão Talk-us-massachusetts + description: Lista de emails para a comunidade de Massachusetts OSM + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane: + name: Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique + ym-Yarmouk-University: + name: YouthMappers da YU + description: Grupo YouthMappers da Universidade de Yarmouk + extendedDescription: 'O Grupo YouthMappers da Universidade de Yarmouk é o primeiro grupo de mapeamento do Médio Oriente e do Norte de África onde os refugiados, a seca e a pobreza são crises crescentes e onde há uma necessidade urgente de mapeamento humanitário por forma a mitigar as consequências de tais crises. Os mapeadores da Universidade de Yarmouk são incentivados a usar dados abertos para abordar desafios na região MENA e dar apoio e desenvolvimento às áreas designadas dessa região.' diff --git a/i18n/pt_BR.yaml b/i18n/pt_BR.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00a1acaba --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/pt_BR.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,546 @@ +pt_BR: + Bahia-telegram: + name: Grupo Telegram OpenStreetMap Bahia + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Bahia no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: OpenStreetMappers da Bay Area + description: Melhorar o OpenStreetMap na Área da Baía + extendedDescription: 'Este grupo é sobre crescer a comunidade do OpenStreetMap aqui na Área da Baía de São Francisco. Nossos eventos são abertos para todos, desde entusiastas open-source, ciclistas, profissionais GIS, geocachers, e além. Todos e quaisquer pessoas interessadas em mapas, cartografia e dados de mapa livres são bem-vindas a se juntar ao nosso grupo e participar dos nossos eventos.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Pensilvânia central OSM + description: 'Comunidade de mapeamento on-line baseada no State College, PA' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Código para San Jose Slack + description: 'São todos bem-vindos! Inscreva-se em {signupUrl}, então junte-se ao canal #osm.' + DF-telegram: + name: Grupo de Telegram do OpenStreetMap Brasília + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Brasília no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + description: O grupo de usuários do OpenStreetMap para Dallas-Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth e todas as cidades estão repletas de pessoas criativas e conhecedoras de tecnologia. A visão deste grupo de usuários é encontrar novas maneiras de usar o incrível recurso do OSM.' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Encontro para entusiastas do mapa na área de Filadélfia + extendedDescription: 'A GeoPhilly une desenvolvedores, geógrafos, geeks de dados, entusiastas do código aberto, hackers cívicos e viciados em mapas em nosso amor compartilhado pelos mapas e pelas histórias que contam. Se você usa mapas como parte do seu trabalho ou apenas quer aprender mais, este é o encontro para você! Nossos eventos visam ser abertos, amigáveis, educacionais e sociais e vão desde happy hours até palestras relâmpago ou até workshops. Venha criar uma comunidade geoespacial diversificada e inspiradora na Filadélfia conosco!' + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapeamneto de DC + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap na área do DC + extendedDescription: 'Somos um grupo de mapeadores voluntários que visam melhorar o OpenStreetMap na área de DC. Também pretendemos ensinar aos outros sobre o ecossistema OSM, análise de dados, cartografia e GIS. Nós nos reunimos a cada dois meses nos encontros para nos concentrar em uma área da nossa cidade.' + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Horário de Bogotá + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: Facebook OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Argentina no Facebook + extendedDescription: Notícias da comunidade local + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Web forum do OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Junte-se ao web forum OpenStreetMap Argentina + OSM-AR-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: 'Junte-se à #osm-ar no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + extendedDescription: Você pode encontrar o usuário mais nerd da comunidade. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-ar + description: Lista histórica. Em desuso atualmente. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Argentina no Telegram + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap na Ásia + description: Talk-asia é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade asiática + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap em Bangladesh + extendedDescription: 'Mapeando em Bangladesh? Tem dúvidas, quer conectar-se com a comunidade aqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-bo + description: Lista de discussão oficial da comunidade OpenStreetMap Boliviana + extendedDescription: 'Mapeando na Bolívia? Tem dúvidas, quer conectar-se com a comunidade aqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Mapeadores e usuários do OpenStreetMap na área de Boston + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap é o mapa gratuito e aberto do mundo, com centenas de milhares de contribuições diárias de pessoas como você. Editar o mapa é simples e divertido! Junte-se a nós em ambientes internos e externos em nosso esforço para criar o melhor mapa da área de Boston e do resto do mundo!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: Slack do OSM-CA + description: 'Todos são bem-vindos! Inscreva-se em {signupUrl}' + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: 'Facebook OpenStreetMap Chile ' + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Chile no Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-cl + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap no Chile + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: 'Telegram OpenStreetMap Chile ' + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Chile no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Chile + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Colômbia + OSM-CO-facebook: + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Colômbia no Facebook + extendedDescription: Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap. Todos são bem-vindos! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-co + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap na Colômbia + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Colômbia no Telegram + description: Bate-papo do OpenStreetMap Colômbia no Telegram + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: 'Twitter OpenStreetMap Colômbia ' + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Cuba no Telegram + description: Bate-papo do OpenStreetMap Cuba no Telegram + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: O grupo de usuários do OpenStreetMap para o Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Mapeadores e usuários do OpenStreetMap no estado do Colorado, EUA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado é uma colaboração local de pessoas interessadas em contribuir com seus esforços para criar mapas gratuitos. Encorajamos todos os nossos mapeadores a organizar ou sugerir o mapeamento de eventos em todo o estado. As atividades do Meetup podem ser simples mixers sociais, treinamento básico e avançado do OSM ou partes de mapeamento da comunidade.' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap no Discord + description: Entre em contato com outros mapeadores via Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Equador no Telegram + description: Bate-papo do OpenStreetMap Equador no Telegram + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-es + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap na Espanha + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes no Telegram' + description: Bate-papo do OpenStreetMap Espanha no Telegram + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap no Facebook + description: Curta-nos no Facebook para novidades e atualizações sobre o OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonésia + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap na Indonésia + extendedDescription: 'Mapeando na Indonésia? Tem dúvidas, quer conectar-se com a comunidade aqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + description: 'Junte-se à #osm no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Movimento de Hardware de Software Livre - Facebook + description: 'Página do Facebook da FSHM para saber sobre eventos da comunidade e as atividades' + extendedDescription: 'O FSHM organiza eventos relacionados a software/hardware livres, tecnologia, ativismo e OpenStreetMap. A página do FB é a melhor maneira de manter-se informado sobre os eventos.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Movimento de Hardware de Software Livre - Matrix + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Índia - Mapeamento de vizinhança participativa + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap na Índia + extendedDescription: 'Mapeando na Índia? Tem dúvidas, quer conectar-se com a comunidade aqui? Junte-se a nós em {url}. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Myanmar + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap no Mianmar + extendedDescription: 'Mapeando em Myanmar? Tem dúvidas, quer conectar-se com a comunidade aqui? Junte-se a nós em {Url}. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongólia + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap na Mongólia + extendedDescription: 'Mapeando na Mongólia? Tem dúvidas, quer conectar-se com a comunidade aqui? Junte-se a nós em {Url}. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malásia no Facebook + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Forum do OpenStreetMap Malásia + description: Forum Oficial do OpenStreetMap Malásia + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Canal Riot do OpenStreetMap Malásia + description: 'Todos os mapeadores são bem-vindos! Inscreva-se em {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap no Nepal + extendedDescription: 'Mapeando no Nepal? Tem dúvidas, quer conectar-se com a comunidade aqui? Junte-se a nós em {Url}. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Notícias e recursos para a comunidade OpenStreetMap do Peru + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru no Facebook + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Peru no Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-pe + description: A lista de discussão oficial da comunidade OpenStreetMap do Peru + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru Matrix Chat + description: Converse com outros membros da comunidade OpenStreetMap Peru no Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru no Telegram + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Peru no Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru no Twitter + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + description: 'Bem-vindo ao OpenStreetMap Filipinas, onde encorajamos todos os colegas filipinos a contribuir para o projeto OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-ph + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap nas Filipinas + OSM-PH-slack: + name: Slack do OpenStreetMap PH + description: 'Todos são bem-vindos! Inscreva-se em {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap PH + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: Grupo OpenStreetMap Polônia no Facebook + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguay no Telegram + description: Bate-papo do OpenStreetMap Paraguai no Telegram + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Mapeadores e usuários do OpenStreetMap na área de Portland + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) é um mapa do mundo feito por pessoas como você. É um mapa que você constrói, que é dado de graça, como na Wikipédia. Confira osm.org para mais, e junte-se a nós em um meetup para conversar sobre mapas, contribuir para o OSM e se divertir!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + description: Fórum e lista de discussão para usuários do OpenStreetMap na área de Portland + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Movimento de Hardware e Software Livres - Lista de discussão + extendedDescription: 'O FSHM organiza eventos relacionados a software/hardware livres, tecnologia, ativismo e OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + description: Web forum do OpenStreetMap Rússia + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap RU + description: Bate-papo do OpenStreetMap Rússia no Telegram + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap no Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ é um ótimo lugar para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap. Pergunte-nos qualquer coisa! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap na área de Roma + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: Mapeadores e usuários do OpenStreetMap na área de Seattle + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Califórnia Meridional + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + description: Noites do Mapa hospedado por Code for San Jose + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: Encontro OSM Chiang Mai + description: Encontro irregular da comunidade OpenStreetMap em Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Membros da comunidade OpenStreetMap encontram-se algumas vezes por ano em Chiang Mai. Entre em contato e confira {url} para ver quando está agendado o próximo encontro.' + OSM-TH-facebook: + description: Grupo no Facebook para mapeadores OpenStreetMap na Tailândia + OSM-TH-forum: + description: Web forum do OpenStreetMap Tailândia + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Taiwan + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + description: Mapeadores e usuários do OpenStreetMap em Tampa Bay + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap no Telegram + description: 'Junte-se ao supergrupo global do OpenStreetMap no Telegram em {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap EUA + description: Nós ajudamos o OpenStreetMap a crescer e melhorar nos Estados Unidos. + OSM-US-Slack: + name: Slack do OpenStreetMap US + description: 'Todos são bem-vindos! Inscreva-se em {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + OSM-br-discord: + name: Discord do OpenStreetMap Brasil + description: Junte-se à comunidade do OpenStreetMap Brasil no Discord + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-br + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap no Brasil + OSM-br-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Brasil + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Brasil no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Brasil + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Ajuda OpenStreetMap + description: Faça uma pergunta e obtenha respostas no site de respostas OSM mantido pela comunidade. + extendedDescription: '{url} é para todos que precisem de ajuda com o OpenStreetMap. Se você for iniciante ou tem uma questão técnica, estamos aqui para ajudar!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão do OpenStreetMap na Índia + description: Talk-in é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade indiana + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap India Twitter + description: 'Estamos a um tweet de distância: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Comunidade OpenStreetMap Japão + description: Mapeadores e usuários do OpenStreetMap no Japão + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão do OpenStreetMap Japão + description: Talk-ja é a lista de discussão oficial para a Comunidade Japonesa + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Japão + description: 'Hashtag no Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japão + description: Mapeadores e usuários do OpenStreetMap no Japão + OSMF: + name: Fundação OpenStreetMap + description: OSMF é uma fundação sem fins lucrativos baseada no Reino Unido que suporta o projeto OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'OSMF suporta o OpenStreetMap levantando fundos, mantendo os servidores onde reside o OSM, organizando a conferência anual State of the Map, e coordenando os voluntários que mantém o OSM no ar. Você pode mostrar seu suporte e ter uma voz na direção do OpenStreetMap associando-se como um membro aqui: {signupUrl}' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + description: Melhore o OpenStreetMap na área de Cleveland + PHXGeo-twitter: + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: Grupo Telegram OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul no Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Entre na comunidade para aprender mais sobre o OpenStreetMap, fazer perguntas ou participar dos nossos encontros. Todos são bem-vindos!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap para o Tirol do Sul + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap para o Trentino + Western-Slope-facebook: + description: 'Editores e usuários do OpenStreetMap em Grand Junction, CO' + Western-Slope-meetup: + description: 'Mapeadores e usuários do OpenStreetMap em Grand Junction, CO' + al-forum: + name: Forum OSM Albânia + description: Forum OpenStreetMap Albânia + al-maptime-tirana: + description: Eventos sociais organizados sobre mapeamento - iniciantes são muito bem-vindos! + al-telegram: + name: Canal Telegram do OSM Albânia + description: Canal Telegram do OpenStreetMap Albânia + at-forum: + name: Forum OpenStreetMap Áustria + description: O fórum oficial para questões do OpenStreetMap na Áustria e arredores. + at-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-at + description: Talk-at é a lista de discussão oficial da comunidade austríaca do OSM + at-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Áustria + description: 'OpenStreetMap Áustria no Twitter: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: Mapeadores e OpenStreetMap no Facebook da Bélgica + be-forum: + description: Web forum do OpenStreetMap Bélgica + be-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Bélgica + description: 'Junte-se à #osmbe no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Junte-se à #osmbe no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667), ele é vinculado ao canal de bate-papo Matrix' + be-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-be + description: Talk-be é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade belga do OSM + be-matrix: + description: Todos os mapeadores são bem-vindos! + be-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Bélgica + description: 'OSM Bélgica no Twitter: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: Mapeando Botsuana no Facebook + description: Página do OpenStreetMap no Botsuana + bw-twitter: + name: Mapeando Botsuana no Twitter + description: Twitter do OpenStreetMap no Botsuana + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Bielorrússia + description: Bate-papo do OpenStreetMap Bielorrússia no Telegram + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: YouthMappers da Universidade de Cape Coast + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Esta é a descrição oficial do capítulo Youth Mappers da Universidade de Cape Coast, no Gana. adoramos mapas, os dados abertos e ajudar os mais vulneráveis.' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Berlim + description: Esta é a lista de discussão para a comunidade OSM de Berlim + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin no Telegram' + description: Bate-papo do OpenStreetMap Berlin no Telegram + de-berlin-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Berlin + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + description: Web forum do OpenStreetMap Alemanha + de-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Alemanha + description: 'Junte-se à #osm-de no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-de + description: Talk-de é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade OSM alemã + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão OWL + de-telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Alemanha + description: 'Junte-se ao supergrupo OpenStreetMap Alemanha no Telegram em {url}' + dk-forum: + name: Web Forum do OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + description: Web forum do OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + dk-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Dinamarca + description: 'Junte-se à #osm-dk no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-dk + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap na Dinamarca + fi-forum: + description: Web forum do OpenStreetMap Finlândia + fi-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Finlândia + description: 'Junte-se à #osm-fi no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-fi + description: O Talk-fi é a lista de discussão oficial da comunidade finlandesa do OSM + fr-forum: + name: Web forum do OpenStreetMap França + description: Web forum do OpenStreetMap França + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap França no IRC + description: 'Junte-se à #osm-fr no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-fr + description: Lista de Discussão Talk-fr + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap França no Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap França no Twitter: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Reino Unido + description: 'Junte-se à #osm-gb no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Junte-se à #osm-gb no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667), por favor seja paciente e aguarde alguns minutos se fizer uma pergunta' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-gb + hr-facebook: + name: Grupo OpenStreetMap Croácia no Facebook + description: Grupo OpenStreetMap Croácia no Facebook + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Croácia no IRC + description: 'Junte-se à #osm-hr no irc.freenode.org (porta 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-hr + description: Lista de discussão Talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU no Facebook + hu-forum: + description: Web forum do OpenStreetMap Hungria + is-facebook: + name: OSM Islândia no Facebook + is-mailinglist: + description: Talk-is é a lista de discussão oficial da comunidade OSM islandesa + is-twitter: + description: Twitter do OpenStreetMap na Islândia + it-facebook: + description: Junte-se à comunidade OpenStreetMap Itália no Facebook + it-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Itália + description: 'Junte-se à #osm-it no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-it + description: Talk-it é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade OSM italiana + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia no Telegram' + description: Bate-papo do OpenStreetMap Itália no Telegram + it-twitter: + name: Twitter do OpenStreetMap Itália + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter em {url}' + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo no Telegram + description: Grupo público semi-oficial do Telegram de Kosovo. Saudamos com todos os mapeadores de qualquer lugar e em qualquer idioma. + no-forum: + name: Web Forum do OpenStreetMap Noruega + description: Web forum do OpenStreetMap Noruega + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Noruega no IRC + no-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap Noruega + description: 'Lista de discussão para usuários, desenvolvedores e entusiastas do OpenStreetMap na Noruega' + osm-asia-telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Ásia + description: 'Junte-se à nossa família: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Áustria + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Alemanha + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Gana no Facebook + description: Grupo no Facebook para pessoas interessadas no OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'A comunidade de cartógrafos do Gana está a promover os projetos OpenStreetMap e Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) no Gana. Junte-se a nós.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Gana no Twitter + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Fórum do OpenStreetMap na Índia + description: Web fórum do OpenStreetMap Índia + osm-india-github: + name: GitHub do OpenStreetMap Índia + description: 'Codifique connosco: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Índia + description: 'Junte-se à família: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Índia + description: Cartógrafos e usuários do OpenStreetMap na Índia + osm-india-wiki: + name: Wikiproject OpenStreetMap Índia + description: 'Tudo o que precisa de saber sobre a cartografia na Índia: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: Youtube do OpenStreetMap Índia + description: 'Subscreva o nosso canal: {url}' + osm-iran-telegram: + name: Telegram do OpenStreetMap Irã + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Grupo OpenStreetMap Madagascar no Facebook + description: Grupo malgaxe no Facebook para pessoas interessadas no OpenStreetMap. + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ no Facebook + se-facebook: + description: OpenStreetMap Suécia no Facebook + se-forum: + name: Web Forum do OpenStreetMap Suécia + description: Web forum do OpenStreetMap Suécia + se-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Suécia + description: 'Junte-se à #osm.se no irc.oftc.net (porta 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-se + description: Uma lista de discussão para falar sobre o OpenStreetMap na Suécia + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Suécia no Twitter + description: 'Siga-nos no Twitter: {url}' + si-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão do OpenStreetMap Eslovênia + description: Lista de discussão da comunidade OpenStreetMap na Eslovênia + talk-au: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-au + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Lista de Discussão Tcheca (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz é a lista de discussão oficial da comunidade tcheca + talk-gh: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-gh + description: Talk-gh é a lista de discussão oficial para a comunidade OSM de Gana + talk-it-lazio: + description: 'Todos são bem-vindos! Inscreva-se em {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Lista de Discussão para a área de Roma e Lázio + talk-mg: + name: Lista de Discussão Talk-mg + description: 'Lugar para os contribuidores, comunidades e utilizadores do OpenStreetMap em Madagáscar partilharem e discutirem.' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Lista de discussão Talk-us-massachusetts + description: Lista de emails para a comunidade OSM de Massachusetts + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + extendedDescription: Nosso foco é promover o uso do livre mapeamento colaborativo e o uso de dados do openstreetmap no campo de pesquisa e suas aplicações na implementação de ferramentos para criador de decisão. Ajuda estudantes produzirem as próprias informações de sua pesquisa. + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + name: GDEV + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + description: YouthMappers na Universidade de Ciência e Tecnologia de Kwame Nkrumah + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + name: YouthMappers conectado + ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes: + description: YouthMappers na Universidade de Los Andes + ym-University-of-Cape-Coast: + name: Sociedade Geográfica da UCC + extendedDescription: Somos uma sociedade que engloba todos os estudantes que estão lendo e lendo geografia no Departamento de Geografia e Planejamento Regional da Universidade de Cape Coast. Nosso principal objetivo é promover o interesse pela disciplina dentro e fora da sala de aula. Nosso lema é "Nós compreendemos a Terra e seus habitantes". + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Clube Ecológico + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: Universidade de Ghana YouthMappers + ym-Western-Michigan-University: + name: Clube de Geografia diff --git a/i18n/ro.yaml b/i18n/ro.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2beec6f9d --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/ro.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +ro: + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + description: Îmbunătățește OpenStreetMap în Bay Area diff --git a/i18n/ru.yaml b/i18n/ru.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eaa4a5bde --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/ru.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +ru: + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + description: Улучшить перевод OpenStreetMap в Bay Area + Galicia-Twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-ar + OSM-AR-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-bo + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-cl + OSM-CL-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-co + OSM-CO-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: Группа пользователей OpenStreetMap в Chattanooga + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-es + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap в Facebook + description: Нажмите Like на нашей странице в Facebook, чтобы подписаться на новости и обновления про OpenStreetMap. + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Мьянма + description: Улучшите OpenStreetMap в Мьянме + extendedDescription: 'Картографируете в Мьянме? Есть вопросы, хотите пообщаться с сообществом? Присоединяйтесь к нам по ссылке {Url}. Рады всем!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Монголия + description: Улучшите OpenStreetMap в Монголии + extendedDescription: 'Картографируете в Монголии? Есть вопросы, хотите пообщаться с сообществом? Присоединяйтесь к нам по ссылке {Url}. Рады всем!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + description: Для общения по поводу всего, что связано с OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-matrix: + description: 'Приглашаются все картографы! Регистрация на {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Непал + description: Улучшите OpenStreetMap в Непале + extendedDescription: 'Картографируете в Непале? Есть вопросы, хотите пообщаться с сообществом? Присоединяйтесь к нам по ссылке {Url}. Рады всем!' + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-pe + OSM-PE-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-ph + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Мапперы и пользователи OpenStreetMap в Portland area + OSM-RU-forum: + name: Форум русскоязычного сообщества OSM + description: Дискуссии, вопросы, голосования, проблемы и их решения — вам сюда. + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: Telegram-чат русскоязычного сообщества OSM + description: Участники рады ответить на любой вопрос, связанный с использованием или рисованием карт, и готовы обсудить любую важную новость. Да, мы любим аниме и умеем устанавливать KDE на FreeBSD. + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap на Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ — прекрасное место, чтобы узнать что-нибудь про OpenStreetMap. Задавайте любые вопросы! + OSM-Telegram: + name: Глобальный Telegram-чат OpenStreetMap + description: 'Присоединяйтесь к глобальной супергруппе OpenStreetMap в Telegram по адресу {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: Slack OpenStreetMap US + description: 'Приглашаются все! Регистрация на {signupUrl}' + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-br + OSM-br-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Помощь OpenStreetMap + description: Задайте вопрос и получите ответы на сайте вопросов и ответов, поддерживаемом OSM сообществом. + extendedDescription: '{url} для всех нуждающихся в помощи касательно OpenStreetMap. Начинающий ли вы участник или у вас возник технический вопрос — здесь вам помогут!' + OSMF: + name: Фонд OpenStreetMap + description: OSMF — это зарегистрированная в Великобритании бесприбыльная организация, поддерживающая проект OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'OSMF поддерживает OpenStreetMap, собирая деньги, поддерживая работоспособность серверов, на которых работает OSM, организуя ежегодную конференцию State of the Map, координируя волонтёров, что держат OSM на плаву. Вы можете выразить свою поддержку и принять участие в судьбе OpenStreetMap, приосединившись как участник OSMF по ссылке: {signupUrl}' + PHXGeo-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + at-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-at + be-facebook: + description: Мапперы и сообщество OpenStreetMap Бельгии в Facebook + be-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-be + bw-facebook: + description: Страница OpenStreetMap в Ботсване + bw-twitter: + description: Твиттер OpenStreetMap в Ботсване + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Беларусь + description: Telegram-чат OpenStreetMap Беларусь + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + ch-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + de-berlin-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + de-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-de + dk-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-dk + fi-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-fi + fr-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-fr + description: список рассылки Talk-gh + gb-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-gb + hr-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-hr + description: Список рассылки Talk-hr + is-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-is + it-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-it + it-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + osm-gh-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + se-mailinglist: + name: Список рассылки Talk-se + se-twitter: + description: 'Подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter {url}' + talk-au: + name: Список рассылки Talk-au + talk-gh: + name: Список рассылки Talk-gh + talk-mg: + name: Список рассылки Talk-mg diff --git a/i18n/sl.yaml b/i18n/sl.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b018a85d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/sl.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +sl: + OSM-MY-facebook: + description: Za klepet o čemerkoli v zvezi z OpenStreetMap! + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + OSM-help: + name: Pomoč OpenStreetMap + OSMF: + name: Fundacija OpenStreetMap + be-irc: + description: 'Pridružite se #osmbe na irc.oftc.net (vrata 6667)' + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: 'Sledi nam na Twitterju: {url}' + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana na Facebooku + description: Facebook skupina za ljudi, ki jih zanima OpenStreetMap + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana na Twitterju + description: 'Sledite nam na Twitterju: {url}' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Facebook skupina OpenStreetMap Madagaskar + si-forum: + name: Slovenski forum OpenStreetMap + description: Forum skupnosti OpenStreetMap v Sloveniji + si-mailinglist: + name: Slovenski dopisni seznam OpenStreetMap + description: Dopisni seznam slovenske skupnosti OpenStreetMap diff --git a/i18n/sq.yaml b/i18n/sq.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1585c2e22 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/sq.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +sq: + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Përmirësoni OpenStreetMap në Bangladesh + OSM-CA-Slack: + description: 'Të gjithë janë të mirëpritur! Regjistrohuni në {signupUrl}.' + OSM-India-facebook: + description: Përmirësoni OpenStreetMap në Indi + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Myanmar + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongolia + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Përmirësoni OpenStreetMap në Nepal + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Na ndiqni në Twitter: {url}' + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap India Twitter + OSMF: + name: Fondacioni OpenStreetMap + al-forum: + description: OpenStreetMap Albania Forum + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + al-telegram: + name: 'OSM Albania kanali në Telegram ' + description: 'OpenStreetMap Albania kanali në Telegram ' + bw-facebook: + description: Faqja e OpenStreetMap në Botswana + cape-coast-youthmappers: + description: 'Na ndiqni në Twitter: {url}' + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia në Telegram' + it-twitter: + description: 'Na ndiqni në Twitter: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Austria + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Gana në Facebook + description: Grupi në facebook për njerzit e interesuar në OpenStreetMap + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Gana në Twitter + description: 'Na ndiqni në Twitter: {url}' diff --git a/i18n/sv.yaml b/i18n/sv.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba684a27d --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/sv.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1238 @@ +sv: + Bahia-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Bahia + description: Anslut till gemenskapen på OpenStreetMap Bahia via Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Anslut till gemenskapen för att lära dig mer om OpenStreetMap, ställa frågor eller delta på våra möten. Alla är välkomna!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Bay Area OpenStreetMappers + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap i San Francisco Bay Area + extendedDescription: 'Den här gruppen handlar om att odla OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen här i San Francisco Bay Area. Våra evenemang är öppna för alla, från open source-entusiaster, cyklister, GIS-proffs, geocachare m.m. Precis alla som är intresserade av kartor, kartläggning och gratis kartdata är välkomna att delta i vår grupp samt delta i våra evenemang.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Central Pennsylvania OSM + description: 'Online-kartläggningsgemenskap baserat på State College, PA' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Kod för San Jose på Slack + description: 'Alla är välkomna! Registrera dig på {signupUrl} och anslut sedan till #osm-kanalen.' + DF-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Brasília + description: Anslut till gemenskapen på OpenStreetMap Brasília via Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Anslut till gemenskapen för att lära dig mer om OpenStreetMap, ställa frågor eller delta på våra möten. Alla är välkomna!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Dallas-Fort Worth OSM + description: OpenStreetMap-användargruppen för Dallas-Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth och alla städer däremellan är överfulla med kreativa och tekniskt kunniga människor. Visionen för den här användargruppen är att hitta nya sätt att använda OSM:s fantastiska resurser.' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Galicien + description: OpenStreetMap Telegram för Galicien + Galicia-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Galicien på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter på {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Träffar för kart-entusiaster kring Philadelphia + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly förenar utvecklare, geografer, data-nördar, open source-entusiaster, civila hackare och kartmissbrukare i vår gemensamma kärlek för kartor och vad de berättar för oss. Om du använder kartor som en del av ditt arbete eller bara vill lära dig mer, är det här samlingspunkten för dig! Våra aktiviteter syftar till att vara öppna, vänliga, pedagogiska och sociala och spänna allt från roliga stunder till korta föreläsningar eller till och med workshops. Kom och skapa en varierad, inspirerande geo-gemenskap i Philadelphia med oss!' + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare kring Minneapolis–Saint Paul + extendedDescription: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare kring Minneapolis–Saint Paul + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Kartlägg Washington, D.C. + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap kring Washington, D.C. + extendedDescription: 'Vi är en grupp volontär-kartläggare med syfte att förbättra OpenStreetMap kring Washington, D.C. Vi strävar även efter att lära andra om ekosystemet i OSM, dataanalys, kartografi och GIS. Vi samlas varannan månad för att fokusera på ett område i vår stad.' + MappingWR: + name: MappingWR + description: Det är lätt att hitta vägar med låg koldioxidutsläpp runt Waterloo-regionen. + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + description: Vi är en grupp av kartläggare intresserade av OpenStreetMap kring Bogotá. + extendedDescription: 'Lär dig att samla in data på fältet och digitalisera det i OpenStreetMap. Det finns inga krav på förkunskaper! Du behöver bara lusten att delta, lära dig och ha kul.' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare runt Portland, Maine' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime ger, ganska bokstavligen, tid för kartläggning. Vårt uppdrag är att öppna dörrarna för kartografiska möjligheter för alla som är intresserade av att skapa tid och utrymme för samarbete, utforskning och kartskapande med hjälp av kartläggningsverktyg och -teknik.' + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + name: Maptime Oceania på Slack + description: 'Registrera dig på {signupUrl}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter på {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: Pub-möte en gång i månaden i East Midlands (Nottingham) + description: Social sammankomst för kartläggare och användare i East Midlands + extendedDescription: 'En grupp har träffats sedan mars 2011, ursprungligen i Nottingham, och senare i Derby och ibland någon annanstans i East Midlands. Det är sociala träffar, men det är en utmärkt plats att komma till för att ställa specifika frågor om OSM, antingen i närområdet eller i allmänhet. Under sommarmånaderna brukar vi göra lite lätt kartläggning i en timme i närheten av vår mötesplats. Gruppen som helhet har ett särskilt intresse för att kartlägga vägrestriktioner och då och då har vi kartläggningsmöten för detta ändamål.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina på Facebook + description: Anslut till gemenskapen på OpenStreetMap Argentina via Facebook + extendedDescription: Nyheter från den lokala gemenskapen + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Argentinska + description: Anslut till OpenStreetMap argentinska webbforum + extendedDescription: Ideal för långa eller viktiga diskussioner. Lång svarstid. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: 'Anslut #osm-ar på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: Du kan stöta på den mest nördiga användaren i gemenskapen. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-ar + description: Historisk e-postlista. Knappt använd idag. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Anslut till gemenskapen på OpenStreetMap Argentina via Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Den mest aktiva kanalen i gemenskapen, ideal för att chatta och få svar på dina frågor snabbt. Alla är välkomna!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Argentina på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter på {url}' + extendedDescription: Nyheter från den lokala gemenskapen och OpenStreetMap i allmänhet. + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: E-postlista för OpenStreetMap Asien + description: Talk-asia är den officiella e-postlistan för gemenskapen i Asien + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap i Bangladesh + extendedDescription: 'Kartlägger i Bangladesh? Har du frågor, vill du ansluta till gemenskapen här? Anslut dig på {url}. Alla är välkomna!' + events: + sotmasia2019: + name: State of the Map Asia 2019 + description: Kom till 2019 års upplaga av OpenStreetMaps regiontäckande evenemang State of the Map Asia i Dhaka + where: 'Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-bo + description: Talk-bo är den officiella e-postlistan för den bolivianska OSM-gemenskapen + extendedDescription: 'Kartlägger i Bolivia? Har du frågor, vill komma i kontakt med gemenskapen här? Gå med på {url}. Alla är välkomna!' + OSM-BiH-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap BiH + description: 'En Telegram-grupp för gemenskapen i OSM Bosnien och Hercegovina: {url}' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare runt Boston + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap är en fria och öppna, wiki-liknande världskarta med hundratusentals bidrag varje dag från människor precis som du. Redigering av kartan är enkelt och roligt! Följ med oss både inomhus och utomhus i vårt försök att skapa den bästa kartan över Boston-området och resten av världen!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA på Slack + description: 'Alla är välkomna! Registrera dig på {signupUrl}.' + OSM-CA-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan OSM-CA + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile på Facebook + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Child via Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Anslut till gemenskapen för att lära dig mer om OpenStreetMap, ställa frågor eller delta på våra möten. Alla är välkomna!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: E-postlista Talk-cl + description: En e-postlista för att diskutera OpenStreetMap i Chile + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Chile + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Child via Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Anslut till gemenskapen för att lära dig mer om OpenStreetMap, ställa frågor eller delta på våra möten. Alla är välkomna!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Chile på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia + description: Nyheter om OpenStreetMap Colombia-gemenskapen och OSMCo Foundation + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia på Facebook + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Columbia via Facebook + extendedDescription: Anslut till gemenskapen för att lära dig mer om OpenStreetMap. Alla är välkomna! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-co + description: En e-postlista för att diskutera OpenStreetMap i Colombia + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Colombia på Telegram + description: 'Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Colombia ' + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Kuba på Telegram + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Kuba + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea + description: 'Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare runt Mount Vernon, Washington' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap är en världskarta skapad av människor precis som du. Det är en karta du bygger och ger bort gratis, precis som Wikipedia. Ta en titt på osm.org för mer information. Vi träffas hela tiden för att prata om kartor, skapar kartor och har kul!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: OpenStreetMap-användargruppen för Chattanooga, Tennessee + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare i staten Colorado, USA' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado är en lokal gemenskap med personer som är intresserade av att bidra till att skapa gratiskartor. Vi uppmuntrar alla våra kartläggare att organisera eller föreslå kartläggningsevenemang i hela staten. Meetup-aktiviteter kan vara enkla sociala träffar, enkla eller avancerade utbildningar kring OSM eller gemensamma kartläggningsatsningar.' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + description: Kom i kontakt med andra kartläggare via Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Ecuador på Telegram + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Ecuador + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-es + description: En e-postlista för att diskutera OpenStreetMap i Spanien + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes på Telegram' + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Spanien + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap på Facebook + description: Gilla oss på Facebook för nyheter och uppdateringar om OpenStreetMap + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonesien + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap i Indonesien + extendedDescription: 'Kartlägger i Indonesien? Har du frågor, vill du ansluta till gemenskapen här? Anslut dig på {Url}. Alla är välkomna!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + description: 'Anslut #osm på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Rörelsen för fri mjukvara och hårdvara – Facebook + description: 'Facebook-sidan FSHM för att få veta om evenemang och aktiviteter' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organiserar evenemang relaterade till gratis mjukvara/hårdvara, teknologi, aktivism och OpenStreetMap. Dess Facebook-sida är det bästa vägen att hålla kontakten med dess evenemang.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Rörelsen för fri mjukvara och hårdvara – Matrix + description: 'FSHM:s Riot-grupp för att diskutera, dela och uppdatera om kartläggningsaktiviteter och evenemang i och omkring Puducherry' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM:s medlemmar delar sina kartläggningsuppdateringar / -erfarenheter i OSM genom Riot.im-gruppen, denna grupp används även för att diskutera saker relaterade till fri mjukvara / hårdvara, teknologi och aktivism.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien – Användarstödd kartläggning av grannskapet + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap i Indien + extendedDescription: 'Kartlägger i Indien? Har du frågor, vill komma i kontakt med gemenskapen här? Gå med på {url}. Alla är välkomna!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Burma + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap i Burma + extendedDescription: 'Kartlägger i Burma? Har du frågor, vill du ansluta till gemenskapen här? Anslut dig på {Url}. Alla är välkomna!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mongoliet + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap i Mongoliet + extendedDescription: 'Kartlägger i Mongoliet? Har du frågor, vill du ansluta till gemenskapen här? Anslut dig på {Url}. Alla är välkomna!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia på Facebook + description: För chatt om allt som rör OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap Malaysia + description: Officiellt forum för OpenStreetMap Malaysia + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Riot-kanal för OpenStreetMap Malaysia + description: 'Alla kartläggare är välkomna! Registrera dig på {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap i Nepal + extendedDescription: 'Kartlägger i Nepal? Har du frågor, vill du ansluta till gemenskapen här? Anslut dig på {Url}. Alla är välkomna!' + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Nyheter och resurser för OpenStreetMap Peru-gemenskapen + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru på Facebook + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Peru via Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-pe + description: Den officiella e-postlistan för OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen i Peru + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: Matrix-chat för OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Chatta med andra medlemmar i OpenStreetMap Peru-gemenskapen via Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Peru via Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap PH på Facebook + description: 'Välkommen till OpenStreetMap Filippinerna, där vi uppmuntrar alla filippiner att bidra till OpenStreetMap-projektet.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-ph + description: En epostlista för att diskutera OpenStreetMap på Filippinerna + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH på Slack + description: 'Alla är välkomna! Registrera dig på {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap PH + description: 'Inofficiell, lokal gemenskap på Telegram för OpenStreetMaps bidragsgivare och vänner på Filippinerna' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: OpenStreetMap Polens Facebook-grupp + description: Grupp för kartläggare och användare av OpenStreetMap i Polen + OSM-PL-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap Polen + description: Forum för den polska OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguay på Telegram + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Paraguay + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare runt Portland + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) är en världskarta skapad av människor precis som du. Det är en karta du bygger och ger bort gratis, precis som Wikipedia. Ta en titt på osm.org för mer information, och kom med på ett meetup för att prata om kartor, bidra till OSM och ha kul!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap PDX på Google Group + description: Forum och e-postlista för OpenStreetMap-användare runt Portland + extendedDescription: 'Denna grupp syfta till att samordna förbättringar av OpenStreetMap runt Portland, Oregon, för att stöda tillämpningar så som Open Trip Planer.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Rörelsen för fri mjukvara och hårdvara – E-postlista + description: E-postlistan FSHM Puducherry för att diskutera kartläggning i Puducherry och andra saker. + extendedDescription: 'FSHM organiserar evenemang relaterade till fri mjukvara/hårdvara, teknologi, aktivism och OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap RU + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Ryssland + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap RU + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Rysland + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap på Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ är ett bra ställe att lära sig mer om OpenStreetMap. Fråga om vad som helst! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap kring Rom + extendedDescription: 'Vi siktar på att vara en resurs för människor att diskutera och dela kunskaper om hur man använder fri geografiska datasamlingar, speciellt OpenStreetMap, och öppen geo-mjukvara som hanterar, redigerar och visar geografiska data och förespråkar för dess användning i Lazio.' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare runt Seattle + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap södra Kalifornien + description: 'Låt oss ha lite kul, bidra med något till Los Angeles och lär dig om kartläggning!' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (SOM) Södra Kalifornien är för alla intresserade av kartläggning för att komma tillsammans för att arbeta med OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia för kartor, är en gratis open source-karta över hela världen som skapats av mer än 1 000 000 volontärer runt hela världen. Alla är välkomna. Om du inte känner till OpenStreetMap lär vi dig. Om du har en idé kring ett kartläggningsprojekt, eller en t.o.m. en studieresa som en grupp människor kan göra, har du fullt stöd från oss!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + description: Kartkvällar arrangerade av Code for San Jose + extendedDescription: 'Code for San Jose, den lokala Code for America-brigaden, arrangerar en gång i månaden kart-kvällar på en torsdag kväll i centrala San José. Träffa andra kartläggare från South Bay, hjälp till i kartläggningsprojekt och hör om andra medborgarorienterade teknikprojekt. Programmerings- och GIS-kunskap är inget krav.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: OSM Meetup Chiang Mai + description: Oregelbundna träffar för OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen i Chiang Mai + extendedDescription: 'Medlemmar av OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen träffas då och då i Chiang Mai. Kom i kontakt och kolla in {url} för att se när nästa träff är planerad' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap TH på Facebook + description: Facebook-grupp för OpenStreetMap-kartläggare i Thailand + OSM-TH-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap TH + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Thailand + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: Gemenskap för OpenStreetMap Taiwan + description: Facebook-grupp för kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare för att diskutera frågor rörande Taiwan. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: E-postlista för OpenStreetMap Taiwan + description: Talk-tw är en officiell e-postlista för att diskutera frågor som rör Taiwan + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare runt Tampa Bay + extendedDescription: 'Gruppen OSM Tampa Bay är till för att lokalinvånare ska förenas och bygga upp den optimala kartan över Tampa Bay med OpenStreetMap, den fria och redigerbara kartan över världen. Om du gillar kartor, data, open source, GPS, vandring, cykling, etc., kommer du att älska att arbeta med OpenStreetMap + + – så gå med! Vi kommer samman, kartlägger och pratar om nya ämnen ungefär en gång i månaden.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap + description: 'Anslut till den världsomspännande gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap via Telegram på {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap US + description: Vi hjälper till att utöka och förbättra OpenStreetMap i USA. + extendedDescription: 'Vi stöder OpenStreetMap genom att ha årliga konferencier, tillhandahåller resurser för gemenskapen, bygger nätverk och genom att sprida ordet. Gå med i OpenStreetMap USA här: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US på Slack + description: 'Alla är välkomna! Registrera dig på {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare runt Salt Lake City + extendedDescription: 'Aktiviteter kan vara saker så som workshops där man lär sig att kartlägga, kartläggningsfester och datainsamling utomhus. Aktiviteterna kommer äga rum kring Salt Lake City, åtminstone initialt. Vi söker både efter erfarna kartläggare och nybörjare. Gå med och låt oss göra lite kartläggning!' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + description: 'Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare i Vancouver, BC-området' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare i staten Wyoming + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming är en lokal gemenskap med personer som är intresserade av att bidra till att skapa gratiskartor. Vi uppmuntrar alla våra kartläggare att organisera eller föreslå kartläggningsevenemang i hela staten. Meetup-aktiviteter kan vara enkla sociala träffar, enkla eller avancerade utbildningar kring OSM eller gemensamma kartläggningsatsningar.' + OSM-br-discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Brasilien via Discord + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-br + description: En e-postlista för att diskutera OpenStreetMap i Brasilien + OSM-br-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Brasilien + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Brasilien via Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Anslut till gemenskapen för att lära dig mer om OpenStreetMap, ställa frågor eller delta på våra möten. Alla är välkomna!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Brasilien på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter på {url}' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap-hjälp + description: Ställ en fråga och få svar på OSM:s användardrivna frågor och svar-sida. + extendedDescription: '{url} är för alla som behöver hjälp med OpenStreetMap. Oavsett om du är en nybörjarkartläggare eller har tekniska frågor, är vi här för att hjälpa dig!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: E-postlista för OpenStreetMap Indien + description: Talk-in är den officiella e-postlistan för den indiska gemenskapen + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien på Twitter + description: 'Vi är bara ett tweet iväg: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Gemenskap för OpenStreetMap Japan + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare i Japan + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: E-postlista för OpenStreetMap Japan + description: Talk-ja är en officiell e-postlista för den japanska gemenskapen + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan på Twitter + description: 'Hashtag på Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japan + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare i Japan + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap i Sri Lanka + extendedDescription: 'Kartlägger i Sir Lanka? Har du frågor, vill du ansluta till gemenskapen här? Anslut dig på {Url}. Alla är välkomna!' + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap Foundation + description: OSMF är en ideell organisation baserat i Storbritannien som stöttar OpenStreetMap-projekt. + extendedDescription: 'OSMF stöder OpenStreetMap genom insamling, underhåll av servrarna som driver OSM, organiserar den årliga State of the Map-konferensen och samordnar de volontärer som håller OSM igång. Du kan visa ditt stöd och göra din röst hörd för OpenStreetMap genom att bli medlem i OSMF här: {signupUrl}' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap kring Cleveland + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland syftar till att vara en resurs för människor att diskutera och dela kunskaper om hur man använder fri geografiska datasamlingar, speciellt OpenStreetMap, och öppen geo-mjukvara som hanterar, redigerar och visar geografiska data och förespråkar för dess användning i nordöstra Ohio. Vi är också en maptime-filial =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: PHXGeo på Meetup + description: 'Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare kring Phoenix, Arizona' + extendedDescription: 'Detta är en meetup-grupp för de kring Phoenix som gillar kartläggning, GIS, OpenStreetMap, kartografi och allt däremellan. ' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter på {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: Telegram-grupp för OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul via Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Anslut till gemenskapen för att lära dig mer om OpenStreetMap, ställa frågor eller delta på våra möten. Alla är välkomna!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: E-postlista för OpenStreetMap i Sydtyrolen + description: Regional e-postlista för OpenStreetMap Italien i Sydtyrolen + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: E-postlista för OpenStreetMap i Trento + description: Regional e-postlista för OpenStreetMap Italien i Trentino + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: 'OSM-Facebook för Western Slope ' + description: 'Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare runt Grand Junction, Colorado' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Western Slope (Colorado) på Meetup + description: 'Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare kring Grand Junction, Colorado' + extendedDescription: 'Målet med denna grupp är att introducera OpenStreetMap för allmänheten, utveckla en gemenskap av kartläggare, skapa den bästa möjliga geodatan med alla till buds stående medel och därefter få ut denna data i samhället. Föreställ dig korrekta vägskyltar! Föreställ dig ytterligare förbättring av cykelvägar! Föreställ dig precis vad som helst, det är det som är glädjen med OpenStreetMap!' + al-forum: + name: Forum för OSM Albanien + description: Forum för OpenStreetMap Albanien + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: Sociala evenemang organiserade runt kartläggning – nybörjare är varmt välkomna! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime är en öppen inlärningsmiljö för alla kunskapsnivåer, och erbjuder riktat pedagogiskt stöd till nybörjaren. Maptime är både flexibel och strukturerad, vilket skapar möjlighet för kartläggningsguider, workshops, pågående projekt med gemensamt mål samt arbetstid för oberoende projekt eller samarbetande.' + al-telegram: + name: Telegram-kanal för OSM Albanien + description: 'Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Albanien ' + at-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap Österrike + description: Det officiella forumet för OpenStreetMap-frågor i och runt Österrike + at-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-at + description: Talk-at är den officiella e-postlistan för den österrikiska OSM-gemenskapen + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Österrike på Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Österrike på Twitter: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap på Facebook i Belgien + be-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap BE + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Belgien + be-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Belgien + description: 'Anslut #osmbe på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Anslut #osmbe på irc.oftc.net (port 6667), den är bryggad med chatt-kanalen Matrix' + be-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-be + description: Talk-be är den officiella e-postlistan för den belgiska OSM-gemenskapen + be-matrix: + name: Matrix-kanal för OpenStreetMap BE + description: Alla kartläggare är välkomna! + extendedDescription: De flesta diskussionerna sker i kanalen "OpenStreetMap Belgium". Du kan fråga vad som helst där! De andra rummen är för specifika ämnen. + be-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgien på Meetup + description: Träffa alla som är intresserade av OpenStreetMap i verkligheten + extendedDescription: 'Fysiska träffar är ett bra sätt att träffa andra kartläggare, ställa frågor till dem och lära dig jättemycket. Speciellt nya bidragsgivare är varmt välkomna!' + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Belgium på Twitter + description: 'OSM Belgien på Twitter: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: Kartlägg Botswana på Facebook + description: Sida om OpenStreetMap i Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Kartlägg Botswana på Twitter + description: Twitter om OpenStreetMap i Botswana + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Vitryssland + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Vitryssland + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: University of Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Detta är den officiella hållpunkten för Youth Mappers chapter på University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Vi älskar kartor, öppen data och att hjälpa de fattiga.' + czech-community: + name: Tjeckiska OSM-gemenskapen + description: 'Kartportal, webbplats och kontaktuppgifter för OSM-medlemmar i Tjeckien' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: E-postlista för Berlin + description: Detta är e-postlistan för Berlins OSM-gemenskap + de-berlin-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburg på Meetup + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare runt Berlin + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin på Telegram' + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Berlin + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap DE + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Tyskland + de-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Tyskland + description: 'Anslut #osm-de på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-de + description: Talk-de är den officiella e-postlistan för den tyska OSM-gemenskapen + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: E-postlista för OWL + description: Detta är e-postlistan för OSM-gemenskap i Ostwestfalen-Lippe + de-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Tyskland + description: 'Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Tyskland via Telegram på {url}' + dk-forum: + name: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Danmark + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Danmark + dk-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Danmark + description: 'Anslut #osm-dk på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-dk + description: En e-postlista för att diskutera OpenStreetMap i Danmark + fi-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap FI + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Finland + fi-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Finland + description: 'Anslut #osm-fi på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-fi + description: Talk-fi är den officiella e-postlistan för den finska OSM-gemenskapen + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankrikes Facebook-sida + description: OpenStreetMap Frankrikes Facebook-sida + fr-forum: + name: 'Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Frankrike ' + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Frankrike + fr-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Frankrike + description: 'Anslut #osm-fr på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-fr + description: E-postlistan Talk-fr + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Frankrike på Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Frankrike på Twitter: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Storbritannien + description: 'Anslut #osm-gb på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Anslut #osm-gb på irc.oftc.net (port 6667). Ha tålamod och vänta några minuter om du ställer en fråga' + gb-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-gb + description: Talk-gb är den officiella kommunikationslistan för storbritanniska (inklusive nordirländska) OSM-gemenskapen + geogeeks_perth_meetup: + name: GeoGeeks Perth Meetup + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Kroatiens Facebook-grupp + description: OpenStreetMap Kroatiens Facebook-grupp + hr-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Kroatien + description: 'Anslut #osm-hr på irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-hr + description: E-postlistan Talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap HU på Facebook + description: Kartläggar- och OpenStreetMap-facebook i Ungern + hu-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap HU + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Ungern + hu-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ungern på Meetup + description: Plattformen för att organisera träffar i Ungen + is-facebook: + name: OSM Island på Facebook + description: Sida om OpenStreetMap på Island + is-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-is + description: Talk-is är den officiella e-postlistan för den isländska OSM-gemenskapen + is-twitter: + name: OSM Island på Twitter + description: Twitter om OpenStreetMap på Island + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Italien på Facebook + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Italien via Facebook + it-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Italien + description: 'Anslut #osm-it på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-it + description: Talk-it är den officiella e-postlistan för den italienske OSM-gemenskapen + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia på Telegram' + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Italien + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Italien på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter på {url}' + kosovo-telegram: + name: Telegram Kosovo för OpenStreetMap + description: Halvofficiell publik Telegram-grupp för hela Kosovo. Vi välkomnar alla kartläggare från var som helst på vilket språk som helst. + lu-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-lu + description: Officiell e-postlista för luxemburgska OSM-gemenskap + map-kibera: + name: Map Kibera Trust + description: Map Kibera är en registrerad organisation som verkar i Kenya + extendedDescription: Map Kibera Trusts uppdrag är att öka inflytande och representation av marginaliserade samhällen genom kreativ användning av digitala verktyg för handling. + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Lokalgrupp Mappa Mercia + description: Ett hem för OpenStreetMap-entusiaster i Midlands + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia är ett projekt att förbättra OpenStreetMap i West Midlands, Storbritannien. Vi har gemenskapsevenemang, tillhandahåller upplärning och ger support till lokala organisationer som vill öppna upp sin data.' + ni-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap NI-gemenskap + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap på Facebook i Nicaragua + ni-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-ni + description: Talk-ni är den officiella e-postlistan för den nicaraguanska OSM-gemenskapen + ni-telegram: + name: OSM Nicaragua på Telegram + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Nicaragua + ni-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Nicaragua på Twitter + description: 'OSM Nicaragua på Twitter: @osm_ni' + no-forum: + name: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Norge + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Norge + no-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Norge + description: 'Chattrum för kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare, utvecklare och entusiaster i Norge' + no-mailinglist: + name: E-postlista för OpenStreetMap i Norge + description: 'E-postlista för kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare, utvecklare och entusiaster i Norge' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no på Telegram' + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Norge + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Afghanistan + description: Förbättra OpenStreetMap i Afghanistan + osm-africa-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Africa Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Telegram för Afrika + osm-asia-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Asien + description: 'Anslut till vår familj: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Österrike + description: Plattformen för information om OpenStreetMap i Österrike + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Tyskland + description: Plattformen för information om OpenStreetMap i Tyskland + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana på Facebook + description: Facebook-grupp för folk intresserade av OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Kartläggare i Ghana-gemenskapen, marknadsför OpenStreetMap projektet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) i Ghana. Gå med oss.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap Indien + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Indien + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien på GitHub + description: 'Koda med oss: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Indien + description: 'Anslut till vår familj: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien + description: Kartläggare och OpenStreetMap-användare i Indien + osm-india-wiki: + name: Wiki-projekt OpenStreetMap i Indien + description: 'Allt du behöver veta om kartläggning i Indien: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap Indien på YouTube + description: 'Prenumerera på vår kanal: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: OpenStreetMap Iran Aparat + description: 'Prenumerera på vår kanal på {url}' + extendedDescription: En god resurs med videos om allt rörande OpenStreetMap. Mestadels i Persiska. + osm-iran-forum: + name: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Iran + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Iran + extendedDescription: Ett webbforum för OpenStreetMap-användare i Iran. Känn dig fri att ställa frågor och diskutera med andra! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Iran + description: 'Du är välkommen att gå med i vår Telegram-kanal på {url}. Vi har också en supergrupp med många OSM:are intresserade av Iran. Hitta dess länk i beskrivningen av kanalen.' + osm-kenya: + name: OSM Kenya + description: OSM Kenya är en sammanslutning av OSM-bidragsgivare och -användare + extendedDescription: 'OSM är en lokal gemenskap för personer intresserade av OpenStreetMap och inkluderar organisationer, utvecklare och YouthMappers-filialer i landet.' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Facebook-grupp för OpenStreetMap Madagaskar + description: Malagasy Facebook-grupp för personer intresserade av OpenStreetMap. + osm-ni: + name: MapaNica.net + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Tillhandahåller OSM-tjänster och information för den svenska gemenskapen + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap CZ på Facebook + osmcz-twitter: + name: Tjeckiska twitter @osmcz + description: Följ tjeckiska gemenskapen på Twitter – inklusive översatt WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: OSM-gemenskapsträffar i Graz + description: Träffar en gång i månaden för OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen i Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM-gemenskapen i Graz på Twitter + description: OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen i Graz på Twitter + pt-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-pt + description: Talk-pt är den officiella e-postlistan för den portugisiska OSM-gemenskapen + pt-telegram: + description: 'Telegram-grupp för den portugisiska OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen {url}' + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sverige på Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Sverige på Facebook + se-forum: + name: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Sverige + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Sverige + se-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Sverige + description: 'Anslut #osm.se på irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-se + description: En e-postlista för att diskutera OpenStreetMap i Sverige + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Sverige på Twitter + description: 'Följ oss på Twitter: {url}' + si-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap Slovenien + description: Forum för den slovenska OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen + si-mailinglist: + name: E-postlista för OpenStreetMap i Slovenien + description: E-postlista för den slovenska OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen + si-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Slovenien på Twitter + description: 'Följ OpenStreetMap Slovenien på Twitter: {url}' + talk-au: + name: E-postlistan Talk-au + description: Plats där australienska användare kan chatta + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Tjeckisk e-postlista (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz är den officiella e-postlistan för den tjeckiska gemenskapen + talk-gh: + name: E-postlistan Talk-gh + description: Talk-gh är den officiella e-postlistan för OSM-gemenskapen i Ghana + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap IT Lazio + description: 'Alla är välkomna! Registrera dig på {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: E-postlista för området kring Rom och Lazio. + talk-mg: + name: E-postlistan Talk-mg + description: 'Plats för bidragsgivare till OpenStreetMap, sammanslutningar och användare i Madagaskar för att dela och diskutera.' + talk-nz: + name: E-postlistan Talk-nz + description: Femenskapsdiskussion för Nya Zeelands OSM + ua-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraina Facebook-grupp + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Ukraina via Facebook + ua-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap Ukraina + description: Forum för den ukrainska OpenStreetMap-gemenskapen + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraina på GitHub + description: OpenStreetMap Ukraina på GitHub + ua-osm: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukrainas webbsida + description: OpenStreetMap webbsida i Ukraine + ua-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraina på Slack + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Ukraina via Slack + ua-telegram: + name: '@osmUA på Telegram' + description: Telegram-chatt för OpenStreetMap Ukraina + ua-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UA på Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ukraina på Twitter: {url}' + uk-localchapter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK + description: Den officiella lokala filialen för Storbritannien (inklusive Nordirland). + extendedDescription: 'Vi stöder OpenStreetMap genom att hålla evenemang, tillhandahålla gemenskapsresurser, bygga partnerskap och genom att sprida ordet. Gå med i OpenStreetMap UK här: {signupUrl}' + uk-london-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap London på Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap London på Twitter: {url}' + uk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap UK på Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap UK på Twitter: {url}' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-us-massachusetts + description: E-postlista for OSM-gemenskapen i Massachusetts + uy-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap UY + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Uruguay + uy-irc: + name: IRC för OpenStreetMap Uruguay + description: 'Anslut #osmuruguay på irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Anslut #osmuruguay på irc.freenode.org' + uy-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-uy + description: Talk-uy är den officiella e-postlistan för den uruguayanska OSM-gemenskapen + ve-forum: + name: Forum för OpenStreetMap VE + description: Webbforum för OpenStreetMap Venezuela + ve-mailinglist: + name: E-postlistan Talk-ve + description: Talk-ve är den officiella e-postlistan för den venezolanska OSM-gemenskapen + ve-telegram: + name: Telegram för OpenStreetMap Venezuela + description: Anslut till gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap Venezuela via Telegram + ym-Abia-State-University: + name: AbsuMappersTeam + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Abia State University + extendedDescription: 'AbsuMappersTeam är ett frivilligt team av kartentusiaster som använder openstreetmap, GIS och annan open source geospatial teknik; ogy för att lösa problem. Det är en dedikerad katastrofrespons med OpenStreetMap. Det är en professionell plattform för mentorskap och empowerment för dem med passion för GIS och kartläggning. Det är ett samarbete med frivilliga för skapande av geospatial data, insamling och kartläggning av fältdata. Teamet grundades av Victor N.Sunday (Team mentor) och professor J.U.Ogbonna, teamkoordinator och fakultetsrådgivare. AbsuMapperTeam är ett dotterbolag till UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt. Teamet står för att stödja hållbar utveckling med geospatial teknologi' + ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University: + name: YouthMappers-AMEU + description: YouthMappers-filial vid African Methodist Episcopal University + ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University: + name: ABU Geomappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Ahmadu Bello University + extendedDescription: 'Vi är en grupp datadrivna humanitära kartläggare, som ägnar sig åt att tillhandahålla humanitär service som svar på katastrof och åtgärder vid dessa. Vi är glada att bidra med vår expertis och kunskap genom kartläggning och hjälpa till att sprida #OpenEvangelism genom utbildning och samarbete.' + ym-Ardhi-University: + name: ARU Mapper + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Ardhi University + ym-Asian-University-for-Women: + name: YouthMappers vid AUW + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Asian University for Women + ym-Ball-State-University: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega-filial + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Ball State University + ym-Busitema-University: + name: Good Mappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Busitema University + ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: CalU PA GIS Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid California University of Pennsylvania + ym-Central-Washington-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Central Washington University + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + description: YouthMappers-filial på Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny + extendedDescription: Vår filial syftar till att främja användningen av gemenskapsdriven fri kartläggning och användning av openstreetmap-data inom forskningsområdet och dess tillämpning vid implementering av verktyg för beslutsfattande. Hjälp eleverna att producera sin egen data för sin forskning. + ym-Clemson-University: + name: Clemson Mappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Clemson University + ym-College-of-William-and-Mary: + name: All over the map! + description: YouthMappers-filial vid College of William and Mary + ym-Cornell-University: + name: Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Cornell University + ym-Cuttington-University: + name: Cuttington University YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Cuttington University + extendedDescription: 'YouthMappers vid Cuttington University, Suakoko och Bong County består av studenter från tre olika avdelningar; nämligen avdelningen för naturresurshantering "DONRM", Institutionen för miljövetenskaper och avdelningen för naturvetenskap. Sedan filialen inrättades februari 2017 är det totala medlemskapet 20 studenter, där varje avdelning innehåller 5 studenter.' + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + name: GDEV + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Dedan Kimathi University of Technology + extendedDescription: 'GDEV är en grupp entusiastisk GIS-grupp på DeKUT som syftar till att hjälpa studenter att dela, engagera och lära av varandra i geospatiala frågor' + ym-Dhaka-College: + name: YouthMappers Daka College + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Dhaka College + ym-Dhaka-University: + name: Openstreetmap YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Dhaka University + ym-Eastern-University: + name: YouthMappers vid Eastern University + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Eastern University + ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology: + name: Junior Philippines Computer Society + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology + ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys: + name: OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Federal School of Surveys + ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure: + name: YouthMappers Futa Space Club + description: 'YouthMappers-filial vid Federal University of Technology, Akure' + extendedDescription: "Vårt uppdrag är att höja nästa generation rymdledare. Bland aktiviteterna ingår forskning och kapacitetsuppbyggnad inom fjärravkänning, GIS, klimatförändring, astronomi, kosmologi, rymdteknik, global navigering, robotik och rymdutbildning." + ym-Fourah-Bay-College: + name: Student's Geographical Association + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Fourah Bay College + ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University: + name: YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University + description: YouthMappers-filial vid General Lansana Conte University + extendedDescription: YouthMappers of University General Lansana Conté är en ideell sammanslutning som är villigt att bidra till Map Guinea och andra delar av världen. Vi främjar användningen av GIS och Open data för att bygga verktyg för beslutsstöd. Vi arbetar också för att bygga upp kapacitet bland eleverna och lokala samhällen. + ym-George-Mason-University: + name: Mason Mappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid George Mason University + ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers vid Grand Gedeh County Community College + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Grand Gedeh County Community College + extendedDescription: Youth Mappers vid GGCCC enda avsikt är att lägga till platser i och runt Liberia som inte finns på kartan. Vi samlar ungdomar från högskolan inom Grand Gedeh Community College för att göra det till deras plikter att sammanföra och framföra dessa platser till offentlighetens ljus geografiskt. + ym-Gujarat-University: + name: CCIM vid Ahmedabad + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Gujarat University + ym-Gulu-University: + name: CSGU Mappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Gulu University + ym-Heidelberg-University: + name: disastermappers heidelberg + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Heidelberg University + ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education: + name: IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT) + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Ignatius Ajuru University of Education + extendedDescription: Vi är en YouthMappers-filial från Ignatius Ajuru University of Education som är engagerade i samhällskartläggning av vår miljö och fjärrkartläggning av motståndskraftiga samhällen. Vi är en grupp av frivilliga som använder openstreetmap och annan öppen geospatial källa för kartläggning. + ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: Geospatial Science Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Indiana University of Pennsylvania + ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri: + name: YouthMappers vid INES Ruhengeri + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri + ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda: + name: Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda + ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies: + name: Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Institute of Crisis Management Studies + ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management: + name: IFM mappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Institute of Finance Management + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning: + name: Mipango YouthMappers-filial + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Institute of Rural Development Planning + ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza: + name: Youth Mappers-filial vid Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza + ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine: + name: YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala är en ideell organisation som arbetar för att främja humanitär kartläggning och användning av öppna källor och öppen data för att bygga verktyg för beslutsfattande i Guinea. + ym-Istanbul-Technical-University: + name: YouthMappers ITU + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Istanbul Technical University + ym-Jacksonville-State-University: + name: JSU Disaster Mapping Team + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Jacksonville State University + ym-Jahangirnagar-University: + name: 'YouthMappers vid IRS, Jahangirnagar University' + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Jahangirnagar University + ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology: + name: Association of Geomatics Engineering Students + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology + extendedDescription: 'The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES) syftar till att marknadsföra GIS-produkter och -tjänster samt utbilda studenter om användning av det samma. Det främjar inte bara socialisering mellan studenterna och yrkesutövare, utan ger också en plattform för att utbyta nya idéer för att hålla nya GIS- och kartläggningsevenemang och utbildning vid universitetet.' + ym-Kansas-State-University: + name: 'Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi-filial' + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Kansas State University + ym-Karatina-University: + name: Nature Club Karatina University + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Karatina University + extendedDescription: 'Denna filial syftar till att samla alla GIS-entusiaster. Den inkluderar miljöexperter, djurlivsexperter, vatten- och turismtjänstemän, för att bara nämna några. Huvudsyftet är att tillhandahålla en plattform där eleverna kan lära av varandra och i processen förstå hur man integrerar GIS-färdigheterna i sina olika karriärvägar samt erbjuder lösningar på olika miljörelaterade utmaningar.' + ym-Kathmandu-University: + name: 'Geomatics Engineering Society,GES' + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Kathmandu University + ym-Kenyatta-University: + name: Kenyatta University GIS-klubb + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Kenyatta University + extendedDescription: 'Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) grundades den 28 oktober 2016, med mer än 200 studenter och personal från alla fakulteter inom campus som medlemmar. Vi strävar efter att ge medlemmar rumslig kunskap, färdigheter och expertis som krävs för att förstå jorden. Vi hjälper till med att kartlägga resurser inom universitetet genom att integrera geospatial data i deras projekt såväl som insamling av fältarbetsdata.' + ym-Khulna-University: + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Khulna University + ym-Kumi-University: + name: Ever Last YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Kumi University + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology + ym-Makerere-University: + name: Geo YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Makerere University + ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: MUST Street Mappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Mbarara University of Science and Technology + ym-McGill-University: + description: YouthMappers-filial vid McGill University + ym-Miami-University: + name: Geography and Planning Society + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Miami University + ym-Moi-University: + name: Geography Students Association + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Moi University + extendedDescription: "The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) utforskar, upptäcker och syftar till att utveckla hela världen genom de ungas Geo-Spatial analyser. GEOSAMU är en del av Institutionen för geografi." + ym-Monroe-Community-College: + name: MCC Mapping Corps + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Monroe Community College + ym-Montgomery-College: + name: GeoMC + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Montgomery College + ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Geoinformation Technology Student Society + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Namibia University of Science and Technology + ym-New-York-University: + name: NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps + description: YouthMappers-filial vid New York University + ym-Nimba-County-Community-College: + name: Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Nimba County Community College + ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus: + name: Njala Freetown YouthMappers + description: 'YouthMappers-filial vid Njala University, Freetown Campus' + ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus: + name: 'YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus' + description: 'YouthMappers-filial vid Njala University, Njala Campus' + ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University: + name: Environment and Wildlife Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Ohio Wesleyan University + ym-Oklahoma-State-University: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Oklahoma State University + ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania: + name: Youth Mappers vid Open University of Tanzania + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Open University of Tanzania + ym-Politecnico-di-Milano: + name: PoliMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Politecnico di Milano + ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London: + name: Queen Mary YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Queen Mary University of London + extendedDescription: Denna filial kommer att vara en del av aktiviteterna i Queen Mary Geography Society. + ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology: + name: YouthMappers vid RUET + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology + ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia: + name: Geoventurers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid SUNY at Fredonia + ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College: + name: Youth Mappers vid Sacred Heart Junior College + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Sacred Heart Junior College + ym-Sherubtse-College: + name: Geographical Society + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Sherubtse College + ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture: + name: SMCoSE YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Sokoine University of Agriculture + ym-St.-Augustine-International-University: + name: YouthMappers vid St Augustine International University + description: YouthMappers-filial vid St. Augustine International University + ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute: + name: MawaggaliMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute + ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo: + name: SUNY Geneseo GIS Association + description: YouthMappers-filial vid State University of New York Geneseo + ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic: + name: YouthMappers-SMP + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Stella Maris Polytechnic + ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya: + name: Geospatial Science Student Association + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Technical University of Kenya + extendedDescription: Det är en geografisk informationsbaserad grupp med mycket passionerade studenter inom relevanta studierektorer. Vi utbildar medlemmar om nya trender på marknaden och följer med tekniska framsteg + ym-Texas-Tech-University: + name: YouthMappers vid TTU + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Texas Tech University + ym-The-Citadel: + name: YouthMappers vid The Citadel + description: YouthMappers-filial vid The Citadel + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + name: Connected YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia + extendedDescription: Connected YouthMappers består av hängivna unga gambier som strävar efter förändring och stöd till nationell utveckling. + ym-The-George-Washington-University: + name: Humanitarian Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers-filial vid The George Washington University + ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS: + name: SAIS YouthMappers + description: 'YouthMappers-filial vid The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS' + ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University: + name: Penn State GIS Coalition + description: YouthMappers-filial vid The Pennsylvania State University + ym-The-University-of-Zambia: + name: YouthMappers Unza + description: YouthMappers-filial vid The University of Zambia + ym-Tribhuvan-University: + name: Geomatics Engineering Students Association + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Tribhuvan University + ym-UW-Madison: + name: BadgerMaps + description: YouthMappers-filial vid UW-Madison + ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus: + name: Mappers for Life + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus + ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University: + name: HiTech Youth Mappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Uganda Pentecostal University + ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid: + name: YouthMappers vid UAM + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad Autonoma de Madrid + ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas: + name: YouthMappers på Bogota + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas + ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras: + name: PumaGis Hn + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia: + name: Grupo UN + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad Nacional de Colombia + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria: + name: Yeka Street MGA + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria + ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid: + name: Mapeo Humanitario + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid + ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia: + name: Geomatica UDEA + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad de Antioquia + ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica: + name: YouthMappers vid Universidad de Costa Rica + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad de Costa Rica + ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira: + name: Grupo Mesh + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad de La Guajira + ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes: + name: Cartografos Uniandes + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad de Los Andes + ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras: + name: UPR YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras + ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura: + name: YouthMappers San Buenaventura + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidad de San Buenaventura + ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane: + name: Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universidade Eduardo Mondlane + extendedDescription: 'Vi är en studentgrupp som avser att gå med i det mozambikanska samhället för att skapa en motståndskraftig gemenskap av humanitär kartläggning. Gemenskapen har för avsikt att kartlägga landets fysiska ockupation och skapa öppna geografiska data, tillgängliga för allmänheten och som kan användas i flera områden utan tillhörande kostnader.' + ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger: + name: YouthMappers vid UGB + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Université Gaston Berger + ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat: + name: Brahmapoutre vid Rabat + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Université Mohammed V Rabat + ym-Universit-de-NZrkor: + name: Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Université de N'Zérékoré + extendedDescription: YouthMappers är en grupp som gör det möjligt att kartlägga isolerade samhällen och fatta beslut i händelse av katastrofer eller epidemier. Det tillåter också produktion och användning av data i fri åtkomst. + ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako: + name: Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako + ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar: + name: Kontur Geografi + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Universitas Negeri Makassar + ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta: + name: SpaceTime + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University Muhammadiyah Surakarta + ym-University-of-California-Davis: + name: Mapping Club + description: 'YouthMappers-filial vid University of California, Davis' + ym-University-of-Cape-Coast: + name: UCC Geographical Society + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Cape Coast + extendedDescription: Vi är en sammanslutning som omfattar alla studenter som läser eller har läst geografi vid Institutionen för geografi och regional planering vid University of Cape Coast. Vårt huvudmål är att främja intresse för disciplinen inom och utanför klassrummet. Vårt motto är "Vi förstår jorden och dess invånare." + ym-University-of-Central-Florida: + name: Geospatial Information Society + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Central Florida + ym-University-of-Chicago: + name: Tobler Society + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Chicago + ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam: + name: YouthMappers vid University of Dar es Salaam + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Dar es Salaam + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Eco-Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Energy and Natural Resources + extendedDescription: För att tillhandahålla en sund utbildning till alla medborgare om den försämrade miljön och ge största möjliga användning för återskrapning av miljön för människors överlevnad. + ym-University-of-Exeter: + name: University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Exeter + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: University of Ghana YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Ghana + extendedDescription: 'UG YouthMappers består av både doktorander och studenter med kunskaper och färdigheter inom GIS och Remote Sensing. Klubben består av ett energiskt team som är redo att ta itu med sociala frågor och mildra miljöproblem genom kartläggning. Våra grundläggande principer är kapacitetsuppbyggnad, inflytande och teamwork.' + ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers: + name: University of Liberia YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Liberia YouthMappers + extendedDescription: 'University of Liberia YouthMappers är en filialorganisation för Global YouthMappers. Vi är en ideell studentorganisation för kartläggning som fokuserar på kartläggning för Liberias utveckling och världen i stort. Syftet med denna organisation ska vara att använda teknik och geospatial kunskap som medel för att skapa och utveckla kartor; samla in och analysera data som kommer att möta lokala och globala utmaningar. Vårt mål är att stödja och skapa möjligheter för studenter att utveckla intresse och färdigheter inom kartläggningsområdet. Vi ser för oss en förenat studentgemenskap som är samarbetsvillig, aktiv och är villiga att samarbeta med University of Liberia YouthMappers för att förbättra andras liv.' + ym-University-of-Malawi: + name: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Malawi + extendedDescription: Chanco Malawi YouthMappers är studentkartororganisationen för University of Malawis Chancellor College. Studenterna i denna filial fokuserar på kartläggning för Malawis utvecklings- och vetenskapsbehov. + ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park: + name: Geography Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Maryland - College Park + ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology: + name: UMaT YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Mines and Technology + extendedDescription: UMaT YouthMappers är en grupp volontärstudenter som försöker ge studenter möjlighet att förbättra färdigheterna inom kartläggning och skapa öppna geografiska data och analyser som adresserar lokalt definierade utvecklingsutmaningar världen över. + ym-University-of-Nairobi: + name: Geospatial Engineering Students Association + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Nairobi + extendedDescription: 'UN-studenter arbetar med den lokala OSM-gruppen, Map Kibera och GrouthTruth för att lära sig om öppen kartläggning och bidra med data för behov i deras urbana miljö.' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu + description: 'YouthMappers-filial vid University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus' + ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka: + name: LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka + description: 'YouthMappers-filial vid University of Nigeria, Nsukka' + extendedDescription: 'LionMappersTeam är ett dotterbolag till YouthMappers Network, med det enda syftet att ge medlemmarna möjlighet att lära sig och förbättra sina färdigheter inom kartläggning av vetenskap och skapa öppen geografisk data och analyser som adresserar lokalt definierade utmaningar globalt. Det är ett team av frivilliga för samhällskartläggning och geografisk information som tillhandahåller Openstreetmap, medborgarvetenskap och annan geospatial teknik för forskning, utbildning och svar på motståndskraftiga samhällsutmaningar. Vi är involverade i GIS och fjärravkänningsapplikationer och forskning. Vi är involverade i GIS och medborgarvetenskap, fältkartläggning, utbildningsverkstäder och resurser till gymnasier.' + ym-University-of-North-Texas: + name: UNT Geography Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of North Texas + ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado: + name: UNCO Geography and GIS Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Northern Colorado + ym-University-of-Oregon: + name: Map by Northwest + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Oregon + ym-University-of-Panama: + name: YouthMappers UP + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Panama + ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt: + name: UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Port Harcourt + extendedDescription: 'UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt är en åtgärdsgrupp och ett team av frivilliga för en samarbetsdriven online-kartläggning riktad mot utbildning och bemyndigande av medlemmar med trending kartläggningskompetens för att skapa öppen geospatial data och analys som adresserar lokalt definierade utmaningar för geoinformation och tillhandahålla humanitära kartläggningstjänster för att motståndskraftiga samhällen i Niger Delta, Nigeria och på andra håll. Vi främjar Crowdsoucred Mapping och geografisk information som volontär med hjälp av OpenStreetMap (OSM) -plattform och andra tillgängliga plattformar för snabbkartläggning, katastrofkartläggning, kartläggning av geo-intelligens, kartuppdateringar och utbildning. Det är dotterbolag till Campusfilialen Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). Det är ett projektuppgiftsteam av YouthMappers som ger medlemmarna möjlighet att lära sig och förbättra sina färdigheter inom geoinformatik för att utforska globala möjligheter inom kartläggning och geoinformation.' + ym-University-of-Pretoria: + name: Centre for Geoinformation Science + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Pretoria + ym-University-of-Redlands: + name: URSpatial Geo-Thinkers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Redlands + ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus: + name: Rwanda YouthMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Rwanda - Huye Campus + ym-University-of-South-Carolina: + name: Geography Graduate Student Association + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of South Carolina + ym-University-of-Southern-California: + name: SC Mappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Southern California + ym-University-of-Vermont: + name: University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Vermont + ym-University-of-Victoria: + name: Society of Geography Students + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Victoria + ym-University-of-Warwick: + name: University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Warwick + ym-University-of-Wyoming: + name: Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of Wyoming + ym-University-of-Zimbabwe: + name: UZMappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vidUniversity of Zimbabwe + ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute: + name: YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute + description: YouthMappers-filial vid University of the Philippines Resilience Institute + ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus: + name: Libraries Outreach - ODL + description: 'YouthMappers-filial vid University of the West Indies, Mona Campus' + ym-Vassar-College: + name: Hudson Valley Mappers + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Vassar College + ym-Villanova-University: + name: The Villanova Globeplotters + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Villanova University + ym-West-Virginia-University: + name: Maptime Morgantown + description: YouthMappers-filial vid West Virginia University + ym-Western-Michigan-University: + name: Geografiska klubben + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Western Michigan University + ym-Yarmouk-University: + name: YouthMappers vid YU + description: YouthMappers-filial vid Yarmouk University diff --git a/i18n/ta.yaml b/i18n/ta.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..395d00d05 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/ta.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +ta: + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap அர்ஜன்டினா முகநூல் + description: OpenStreetMap அர்ஜன்டினா முகநூல் குமூகத்தில் இணையுங்கள் + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap அர்ஜன்டினா ஐஆர்சி + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap அர்ஜன்டினா டெலகிராம் + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap அர்ஜன்டினா கீச்சு + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap வங்காளதேசம் + description: வங்காளதேச OpenStreetMap ஐ மேம்படுத்துக + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap சிலி முகநூல் + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap சிலி டெலகிராம் + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap சிலி கீச்சு + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap கொலம்பியா + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap கொலம்பியா முகநூல் + description: OpenStreetMap கொலம்பியா முகநூல் குமூகத்தில் இணையுங்கள் + OSM-CO-telegram: + description: OpenStreetMap கொலம்பியா டெலகிராம் + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap கொலம்பியா கீச்சு + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap கொலராடோ + OSM-EC-telegram: + description: OpenStreetMap ஈக்குவேடார் டெலகிராம் + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap இந்தோனேசியா + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: கட்டற்ற மென்பொருள் வின்பொருள் இயக்கம் - முகனூல் + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: கட்டற்ற மென்பொருள் வின்பொருள் இயக்கம் - மேட்ரிக்ஸ் + OSM-India-facebook: + description: OpenStreetMapஐ இந்தியாவில் மேம்படுத்துக + extendedDescription: 'இந்தியாவின் கூட்டாசிரியர் வரைபட கலையில் பங்கு பெற விருப்பமா? ஏதேனும் கேள்விகள்/சந்தேகங்கள் உள்ளனவா? உங்கள் அருகாமையில் உள்ள OSM சமுகதில் இணைய விருபம்மா? இந்த உரலியை சொடுக்கவும். {url} ' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap மங்கோலியா + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap நேபால் + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap பெரு + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap பெரு முகநூல் + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap பெரு டெலகிராம் + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap பெரு கீச்சு + OSM-PY-telegram: + description: OpenStreetMap பாராகுவே டெலகிராம் + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap போர்ட்லாந்து + OSM-Reddit: + name: ரெட்டிட்டில் OpenStreetMap + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap சியாட்டில் + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap தாய்வான் குமூகம் + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap தாய்வான் மடலாற்குழு + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap கீச்சு + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap அமெரிக்கா + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap வேன்கூவர் + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap வொயோமிங் + OSM-br-mailinglist: + description: பிரேசில் OpenStreetMap மடலாற்குழு + OSM-br-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap பிரேசில் டெலகிராம் + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap பிரேசில் கீச்சு + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap உதவி + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap இந்திய மடலாற்குழு + description: 'Talk-in தான் இந்தியவின் முதன்மையான மடலாற்குழு ' + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMapன் இந்திய கீச்சு + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: சப்பான் OpenStreetMap குமுகாயம் + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap சப்பான் மடலாற்குழு + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: சப்பான் OpenStreetMap கீச்சு + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap சப்பான் + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap அறக்கட்டளை + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap பெல்ஜியம் கீச்சு + bw-facebook: + description: OpenStreetMap போட்ஸ்வானா + bw-twitter: + description: போட்ஸ்வானாவின் OpenStreetMap கீச்சு + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap பெலாரசு + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap பெர்லின் கீச்சு + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap செருமனி ஐஆர்சி + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap செருமனி டெலகிராம் + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap டென்மார்க்கு ஐஆர்சி + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap பின்லாந்து ஐஆர்சி + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap பிரான்சு முகநூல் குழு + description: OpenStreetMap பிரான்சு முகநூல் குழு + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap குரோசியா முகநூல் குழு + description: OpenStreetMap குரோசியா முகநூல் குழு + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap குரோசியா ஐஆர்சி + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap இத்தாலி ஐஆர்சி + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap இத்தாலி கீச்சு + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap செருமனி + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap இன் கானா முகநூல் + description: OpenStreetMap ஆர்வலர்களின் முகநூல் குழு + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap கானா கீச்சு + osm-mg-facebook: + name: மடகாஸ்கர் OpenStreetMap முகநூல் குழு + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap சுவீடன் முகநூல் + description: OpenStreetMap சுவீடன் முகநூல் + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap ஸ்வீடன் கீச்சு diff --git a/i18n/tr.yaml b/i18n/tr.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..159674920 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/tr.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +tr: + Galicia-Twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + OSM-AR-facebook: + description: Facebook'ta OpenStreetMap Arjantin topluluğuna katılın + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Arjantin IRC + description: '#osm-ar''a irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + OSM-AR-twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Asya Posta Listesi + description: Talk-Asia, Asya Topluluğunun Resmî Posta Listesidir + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladeş + description: Bangladeş'teki OpenStreetMap'ı geliştirin + extendedDescription: 'Bangladeş''te Haritalama Sorularınız var mı, buradan toplumla bağlantı kurmak mı istiyorsunuz? {Url} adresinden bize katılın. Hoşgeldiniz!' + OSM-CL-facebook: + description: Facebook'ta OpenStreetMap Şili topluluğuna katılın + OSM-CL-twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + OSM-CO-twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + description: Discord ile diğer haritacılarla iletişim kurun + OSM-Facebook: + name: Facebook'ta OpenStreetMap + description: OpenStreetMap ile ilgili haberler ve güncellemeler için bizi Facebook'ta beğenin. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Endonezya + description: Endonezya'da OpenStreetMap'ı geliştirin + extendedDescription: 'Endonezya''da haritalama mı? Sorularınız var mı, buradan toplumla bağlantı kurmak mı istiyorsunuz? {Url} adresinden bize katılın. Hoşgeldiniz!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + description: '#osm''ye irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + description: 'Topluluk etkinlikleri, aktiviteleri hakkında bilgi edinmek için FSHM Facebook sayfası' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM, özgür yazılım / donanım, teknoloji, aktivizm ve OpenStreetMap ile ilgili etkinlikler düzenlemektedir. FB sayfası, etkinlikleriyle iletişim kurmanın en iyi yoludur.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + description: 'FSHM Riot grubu, Puducherry''deki ve çevresindeki haritalama etkinliklerini, olaylarını tartışmak, paylaşmak ve güncellemek için' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM topluluk üyeleri kendi OSM haritalama güncellemelerini / deneyimlerini Riot.im grubu aracılığıyla paylaşıyor, bu grup aynı zamanda özgür yazılım / donanım, teknoloji ve aktivizm ile ilgili konuları tartışmak için de kullanılıyor.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Hindistan - Katılımcı mahalle haritalaması + description: Hindistan'da OpenStreetMap'i geliştirin + extendedDescription: 'Hindistan''da haritalama mı? Sorularınız var mı, buradan toplumla bağlantı kurmak mı istiyorsunuz? {Url} adresinden bize katılın. Hoşgeldiniz!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: Facebook'ta OpenStreetMap Malezya + description: OpenStreetMap ile ilgili herhangi bir şey hakkında sohbet için! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Malezya Forumu + description: Resmi OpenStreetMap Malezya Forumu + OSM-PE-twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + OSM-Reddit: + name: Reddit'te OpenStreetMap + description: /r/openstreetmap/ OpenStreetMap hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için harika bir yerdir. Bize her şeyi sor! + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: '{url} adresindeki OpenStreetMap Telegram global üst grubuna katıl' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + OSM-br-discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Brezilya Discord + OSM-br-twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap Yardım + description: Bir soru sorun ve OSM'nin topluluk odaklı soru ve cevap sitesinde yanıt alın. + extendedDescription: '{url}, OpenStreetMap konusunda yardıma ihtiyacı olan herkes içindir. İster yeni başlayan bir haritacı olun, isterse teknik bir sorunuz olsun, yardım etmek için buradayız!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Hindistan Posta Listesi + description: Konuşma, Hindistan Topluluğu için resmi Posta Listesi + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Hindistan Twitter'ı + description: 'Sadece bir tweet uzağındayız: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Japonya Topluluğu + description: Japonya'daki Mappers ve OpenStreetMap kullanıcıları + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Japonya Posta Listesi + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Japonya'nın Twitter'ı + description: 'Twitter''daki Hashtag: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Japonya + description: Japonya'daki Mappers ve OpenStreetMap kullanıcıları + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap Vakfı + description: OSMF, OpenStreetMap Projesini destekleyen, İngiltere merkezli, kâr amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluştur + extendedDescription: 'OSMF, fon toplama, OSM''ye güç sağlayan sunucuları koruyarak, yıllık Harita Durumu konferansını organize ederek ve OSM''yi çalıştıran gönüllüleri koordine ederek OpenStreetMap''i destekler. Buradan OSMF üyesi olarak katılarak desteğinizi gösterebilir ve OpenStreetMap yönünde bir ses alabilirsiniz: {signupUrl}' + PHXGeo-twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + al-twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + be-facebook: + description: Facebook'ta Belçika'daki Haritacılar ve OpenStreetMap + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Belçika IRC + description: '#osmbe''ye irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + bw-facebook: + description: Botswana'daki OpenStreetMap Sayfası + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Cape Coast Üniversitesi YouthMappers + description: 'Bizi Twitter''dan takip edin: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Bu, Gana''daki Cape Coast Üniversitesi''nin Gençlik Haritacıları bölümünün resmi tanıtıcısıdır. haritaları seviyoruz, verileri açıyoruz ve savunmasızlığa yardımcı oluyoruz.' + ch-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap İsviçre IRC + description: '#osm-ch''ye irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Almanya IRC + description: '#osm-de''ye irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Danimarka IRC + description: '#osm-dk''ye irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + es-twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Finlandiya IRC + description: '#osm-fi''ye irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Fransa IRC + description: '#osm-fr''ye irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Birleşik Krallık IRC + description: '#osm-gb''ye irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Hırvatistan IRC + ireland-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap İrlanda IRC + description: '#osm-ie''ye irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap İtalya IRC + description: '#osm-it''e irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + it-twitter: + description: 'Bizi Twitter''da {url} adresinden takip edin' + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Norveç IRC + osm-asia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Asya Telegram + description: 'Ailemize katılın: {url}' + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Gana Facebook'ta + description: OpenStreetMap ile ilgilenen kişilerin Faceboo grubu. + extendedDescription: 'Gana topluluğundaki haritacılar, Gana''daki OpenStreetMap ve Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) projelerini tanıtıyor. Bize katılın.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Gana Twitter'da + description: 'Bizi Twitter''dan takip edin: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap Hindistan forumu + description: OpenStreetMap Hindistan internet forumu + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Hindistan GitHub + description: 'Bizimle birlikte kodlayın: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Hindistan Telegram + description: 'Ailemize katılın: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Hindistan + description: Hindistan'daki Haritacılar ve OpenStreetMap kullanıcıları + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Hindistan + description: 'Hindistan''da haritalama hakkında bilmeniz gereken her şey: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap Hindistan Youtube + description: 'Kanalımıza abone olun: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + description: '{url} adresinden kanalımıza abone olun' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Madagaskar Facebook Grubu + description: OpenStreetMap ile ilgilenen insanlar için Malagasy Facebook grubu. + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap İsveç IRC + description: '#osm.se''ye irc.oftc.net''den Katılın (port 6667)' + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh E-posta listesi + description: Talk-gh, Gana OSM topluluğunun resmi posta listesidir. + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg E-posta listesi + description: 'Paylaşmak ve tartışmak için Madagaskar''daki OpenStreetMap katılımcıları, toplulukları ve kullanıcıları için yer.' + uy-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Uruguay IRC diff --git a/i18n/uk.yaml b/i18n/uk.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b7c9090b --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/uk.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,591 @@ +uk: + Bahia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Баїя бесіда Telegram + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Bay Area OpenStreetMappers + description: Покращити OpenStreetMap в районі Затоки Сан-Франциско + extendedDescription: 'Ця група має на меті це розбудову спільноти OpenStreetMap в районі затоки Сан-Франціско. Наші заходи відкриті для всіх, від ентузіастів відкритого коду до велосипедистів, спеціалістів з ГІС, геокористувачів та інших.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: Central Pennsylvania OSM + description: 'Онлайн-мапінг товариство, розташоване в State College, PA' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Code for San Jose Slack + description: 'Запрошуємо всіх! Зареєструйтеся на {signupUrl}, потім приєднуйтесь до каналу #osm.' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: Даллас - Форт Уорт OSM + description: Група учасників OSM з Далласа - Форт Уорта + extendedDescription: 'Даллас, Форт Уорт та всі міста, між ними, об''єдані творчими і технічно підкованими людьми. Мета цієї групи - знайти нові способи використання дивовижного ресурсу OSM.' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Зустріч маперів-ентузіастів в Філадельфії + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly об''єднує розробників, географів, користувачів даних, ентузіастів відкритого коду, хактивістів та всіх хто любить мапи у нашій загальній любові до мап та історії, які вони розповідають. Якщо ви використовуєте мапи у вашій роботі або просто хочете дізнатись більше, ці зустрічі для вас! Наші заходи спрямовані на те, щоб бути відкритими, доброзичливими, освітніми та соціальними, від простого спілкування до коротких виступів чи навіть семінарів. Приходьте, ми створюємо різноманітну, геопросторову спільноту в Філадельфії разом з вами!' + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Мапери та ентузіасти OpenStreetMap в районі Міннеаполіс – Сент-Пол + extendedDescription: Поєднуємо ентузіастів OpenStreetMap з Міннесоти та Міннеаполісу – Сент-Полу + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapping DC + description: Покращуємо OpenStreetMap навколо Вашингтона, округ Колумбія + extendedDescription: 'Ми є групою маперів-волонтерів, які прагнуть вдосконалити OpenStreetMap в окрузі Колумбія. Ми також намагаємось поширити інформацію про екосистему OSM, аналізі даних, картографію та ГІС серед зацікавлених осіб. Ми збираємося щомісяця на зустрічах, щоб покращити якусь частину нашого міста.' + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Богота + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Мапери та учасники OpenStreetMap з Портленда, штат Мен' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime – дослівно значить час для створення мап. Наша місія полягає в тому, щоб відкрити двері картографічних можливостей для всіх, хто зацікавлений у створенні простору для спільного навчання, дослідження та створення мап за допомогою сучасних інструментів та технологій.' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: Іст-Мідлендс (Ноттінгем) Щомісячні зустрічі в пабі + description: Збори для мапперів та користувачів Східного Мідлендса + extendedDescription: 'Група організовує зустрічі з березня 2011 року, спочатку в Ноттінгемі, і нещодавно в Дербі, і час від часу в інших місцях Східного Мідлендса. Це збори для приємного спільного проведення часу та обговорення питань пов''язаних з OSM. В літні місяці ми зазвичай проводимо невеличкий огляд території та мапінг, впродовж години, досліджуючи місцевість навколо місця зустрічі. Група в цілому особливо зацікавлена ​​в тому, щоб позначати дорожню інфраструктуру для всіх учасників руху, і час від часу проводить збори з цією метою.' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Аргентина у Facebook + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Аргентина у Facebook + extendedDescription: Новини місцевої спільноти + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Аргентина + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Аргентина на форумі + extendedDescription: Ідеально підходить для тривалих або важливих обговорень. Повільний час відповідей. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap АргентинаIRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm-ar на irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: Тут ви можете знайти найбільших гіків нашої спільноти. + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar Список розсилки + description: Історичний список розсилки. Сьогодні майже не використовується. + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Аргентина Telegram + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Аргентина у Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Найактивніший канал спільноти, який ідеально підходить для спілкування та миттєвого отримання відповідей на ваші запитання. Ласкаво просимо!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Аргентина Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Азія, список розсилки + description: Talk-asia – офіційний список розсилки спільноти Азії + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Бангладеш + description: Покращити OpenStreetMap в Бангладеш + extendedDescription: 'Мапите в Бангладеш? Маєте питання чи бажаєте поспілкуватись зі спільнотою тут? Приєднуйтесь до нас - {url}. Ласкаво просимо!' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Бостон + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap - це вільна та відкрита мапа світу у вікі, що має сотні тисяч внесків щодня від таких людей, як ви. Редагувати мапу просто і весело! Приєднуйтесь до нас як у приміщенні, так і на вулиці, намагаючись створити найкращу карту району Бостона та решти світу!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA Slack + description: 'Запрошуємо всіх! Зареєструйтеся на {signupUrl}' + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Чилі у Facebook + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Чилі у Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Приєднуйтесь до спільноти, щоб дізнатися більше про OpenStreetMap, задати питання або взяти участь у наших зустрічах. Усі вітаються!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl Список розсилки + OSM-CL-telegram: + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Чилі в Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Приєднуйтесь до спільноти, щоб дізнатися більше про OpenStreetMap, задати питання або взяти участь у наших зустрічах. Усі вітаються!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Чилі Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Колумбія у Facebook + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Колумбія у Facebook + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-co Список розсилки + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Колумбія Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Куба в Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Куба чат в Telegram + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + description: Зв'яжіться з іншими маперами за допомогою Discord + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Talk-es Список розсилки + description: Список розсилки для обговорення OpenStreetMap в Іспанії + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes в Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Іспанія чат Telegram + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap у Facebook + description: Вподобайте нашу сторінку на Facebook, щоб отримувати новини про OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Індонезія + description: Покращити OpenStreetMap в Індонезії + extendedDescription: 'Мапите в Індонезії? Маєте питання, бажаєте зв''язатись зі спільнотою? Приєднуйтесь до нас за адресою {Url}. Ласкаво просимо!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm на irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook + description: 'Відвідайте сторінку FSHM у Facebook, щоб дізнатись про події та заходи' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM організовує події пов''язані з вільним програмним та апаратним забезпечення, технологіями, розповсюдженням інформації про них та OpenStreetMap. На цій сторінці у FB ви завжди знайдете свіжу інформацію про події.' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix + description: 'Група FSHM Riot для обговорення, поширення та сповіщення про заходи та події у та навколо Пудучеррі' + extendedDescription: 'Члени спільноти FSHM поширюють свій досвід та досягнення в OSM в групі Riot.im, ця група також використовується для обговорення питань, пов''язаних з вільним програмним забезпеченням / обладнанням, технологіями та активізмом.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Індія - участь в мапінгу поселень + description: Покращити OpenStreetMap в Індії + extendedDescription: 'Мапите в Індії? Маєте питання чи бажаєте поспілкуватись зі спільнотою тут? Приєднуйтесь до нас - {url}. Ласкаво просимо!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap М'янма + description: Покращити OpenStreetMap в М'янмі + extendedDescription: 'Мапите в М''янмі? Маєте питання, бажаєте зв''язатись зі спільнотою? Приєднуйтесь до нас за адресою {Url}. Ласкаво просимо!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Монголія + description: Покращити OpenStreetMap в Монголії + extendedDescription: 'Мапите в Монголії? Маєте питання, бажаєте зв''язатись зі спільнотою? Приєднуйтесь до нас за адресою {Url}. Ласкаво просимо!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Малайзія у Facebook + description: Для спілкування про все, що пов'язано з OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Малайзія + description: Офіційний форум OpenStreetMap Малайзія + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Канал OpenStreetMap Малайзія на Riot + description: 'Запрошуємо всіх маперів! Зареєструйтеся на {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Непал + description: Покращити OpenStreetMap в Непалі + extendedDescription: 'Мапите в Непалі? Маєте питання, бажаєте зв''язатись зі спільнотою? Приєднуйтесь до нас за адресою {Url}. Ласкаво просимо!' + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Перу + description: Новини та ресурси для спільноти OpenStreetMap в Перу + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Перу у Facebook + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Перу у Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pe Список розсилки + description: Офіційний список розсилки для спільноти OpenStreetMap Перу + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Перу Matrix чат + description: Спілкуйтесь з іншими членами OpenStreetMap спільноти Перу в Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Перу Telegram + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Перу у Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Перу Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Філіппіни у Facebook + description: 'Ласкаво просимо до OpenStreetMap Філіппіни, ми закликаємо всіх філіппінців взяти участь в OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph Список розсилки + description: Список розсилки для обговорення OpenStreetMap на Філіппінах + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Slack + description: 'Запрошуємо всіх! Зареєструйтеся на {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Telegram + description: 'Неофіційний канал в Telegram місцевої спільноти учасників OpenStreetMap та друзів на Філіппінах' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: Група Facebook OpenStreetMap в Польщі + description: Група для маперів та користувачів OpenStreetMap в Польщі + OSM-PL-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Польща + description: Форум польської спільноти OpenStreetMap + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Список розсилки + description: Список розсилки FSHM Puducherry для обговорення мапінгу та інших речей в Пудучеррі. + extendedDescription: 'FSHM організовує події пов''язані з вільним програмним та апаратним забезпечення, технологіями, розповсюдженням інформації про них та OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap RU + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Росія + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap RU telegram + description: OpenStreetMap Russia канал telegram + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap на Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ чудове місце, щоб дізнатись більше про OpenStreetMap. Можете питати про будь-що! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Зустріч маперів Риму + description: Покращити OpenStreetMap навкруги Риму + extendedDescription: 'Ми прагнемо бути джерелом інформації для обговорення та обміну знаннями щодо використання вільних географічних наборів даних, зокрема OpenStreetMap та іншого відкритого програмного забезпечення для роботи з геопросторовими даними, яке дозволяє керувати, змінювати та поширювати географічні дані та виступаємо за його використання в Лаціо.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: OSM зустріч в Чіангмай + description: Нерегулярні зустрічі спільноти OpenStreetMap в Чіангмай + extendedDescription: 'Члени спільноти OpenStreetMap зустрічаються кожні кілька місяців у Чіангмаі. Слідкуйте на {url}, щоб дізнатись, коли відбудеться наступна зустріч' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Таїланд група у Facebook + description: Група Facebook OpenStreetMap в Таїланді + OSM-TH-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap TH + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Тайланд + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: 'Тайванська спільнота OpenStreetMap ' + description: Група Facebook для маперів та користувачів OpenStreetMap для обговорення питань пов'язаних з Тайванем. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Тайвань, список розсилки + description: Talk-tw – офіційний список розсилки спільноти для обговорення питань пов'язаних з Тайванем + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Telegram + description: 'Приєднайтеся до глобальної групти OpenStreetMap Telegram за адресою {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + OSM-US: + description: Ми допомагаємо розвивати та вдосконалювати OpenStreetMap у Сполучених Штатах. + OSM-US-Slack: + description: 'Запрошуємо всіх! Зареєструйтеся на {signupUrl}' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ванкувер + description: 'Мапери та користувачі OpenStreetMap у Ванкувері, Британська Колумбія' + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br Список розсилки + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Бразилія Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap Help + description: Поставте питання та отримайте відповіді на веб-сайті із запитаннями і відповідями що підтримується спільнотою OSM. + extendedDescription: '{url} для всіх, хто потребує допомоги в OpenStreetMap. Неважливо, або ви новачок в мапінгу або вам потрібна відповідь на суто технічне питання, ми тут, щоб допомогти вам!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Індія, список розсилки + description: Talk-in – офіційний список розсилки Індійської спільноти + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Індія Twitter + description: 'Ми просто в твітемо: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Японська спільнота OpenStreetMap + description: Учасники та користувачі OpenStreetMap в Японії + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap Японія, список розсилки + description: Talk-ja – офіційний список розсилки Японської спільноти + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Японія Twitter + description: 'Хеш-теґ у Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Японія + description: Учасники та користувачі OpenStreetMap в Японії + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Шрі-Ланка + description: Покращити OpenStreetMap у Шрі-Ланці + extendedDescription: 'Мапите у Шрі-Ланці? Маєте питання, бажаєте зв''язатись зі спільнотою? Приєднуйтесь до нас за адресою {Url}. Ласкаво просимо!' + OSMF: + name: Фундація OpenStreetMap + description: OSMF, зареєстрована у Великий Британії, неприбуткова організація, що опікується проектом OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'OSMF підтримує OpenStreetMap організовуючи збір коштів, опікуючись роботою серверів, на яких розташовано OSM, організовуючи щорічні конференції State of the Map, координуючи зусилля волонтерів, що допомагають роботі OSM. Ви можете також показати свою підтримку та мати вплив на подальший розвиток проекту, ставши членом OSMF: {signupUrl}' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Відкрити Cleveland + description: Покращити OpenStreetMap навколо Клівленда + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: Список розсилки OpenStreetMap Південного Тіролю + description: Регіональний список розсилки OpenStreetMap Італія Південного Тіролю + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Список розсилки OpenStreetMap Трентіно + description: Регіональний список розсилки OpenStreetMap Італія Трентіно + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Western Slope OSM Facebook + al-forum: + name: Форум OSM Албанія + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Албанія + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Тирана + description: Соціальні заходи, пов'язані з мапінгом — в першу чергу запрошуємо початківців! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime - це відкрите навчальне середовище для всіх, з різним ступенем знань, пропонує особисту ​​освітню підтримку для початківців. Maptime одночасно є гнучким та структурованим, створюючи простір для посібників з мапінгу, семінарів, поточних проектів зі спільною метою та незалежним/спільним робочим часом.' + al-telegram: + name: OSM Albania канал в Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap OSM Albania канал в Telegram + at-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Австрія + description: Офіційний форум для питань про OpenStreetMap у Австрії та навкруги + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-at Список розсилки + description: Talk-at – офіційний список розсилки OSM спільноти Австрії. + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Австрія Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Австрія у Twitter: {url}' + be-facebook: + description: Мапери та OpenStreetMap Бельгія у Facebook + be-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap BE + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Бельгія + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Бельгія IRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osmbe на irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osmbe на irc.oftc.net (порт 6667), він з''єднаний з чатом на Matrix' + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-be Список розсилки + description: Talk-be є офіційним списком розсилки для бельгійської спільноти OSM + be-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap Бельгія Matrix чат + description: Ласкаво просимо всіх маперів! + extendedDescription: Більшість обговорень виідбувається на каналі OpenStreetMap Belgium. Ви можете запитувати там будь-що! Інші розділи для обговорення конкретних предметів. + be-meetup: + name: Зустрічі OpenStreetMap Бельгія + description: Реальні зустрічі всіх, хто цікавиться OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Реальні зустрічі з іншими дуже корисні, мапери обговорюють питання і багато чого навчаються. Особливо приємно бачити нових учасників!' + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Бельгія Twitter + description: 'OSM Бельгія у Twitter: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: Мапимо Ботсвану у Facebook + description: Сторінка OpenStreetMap в Ботсвані + bw-twitter: + name: Мапимо Ботсвану, Twitter + description: Twitter OpenStreetMap в Ботсвані + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Білорусь + description: OpenStreetMap Belarus канал telegram + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: Університет Кейп-Кост - YouthMappers + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: 'Це офіційний провід відділення Youth Mappers Університету Кейп-Кост, Гана. Ми любимо карти, відкриваємо дані та допомагаємо вразливим.' + czech-community: + name: OSM спільнота Чехії + description: 'Портал з мапою, вебсайт та контакти з іншими учасниками OSM в Чехії' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Берлін - Список розсилки + description: Список розсилки берлінської спільноти OSM + de-berlin-meetup: + name: 'OpenStreetMap Берлін - Зустріч в Бранденбурзі ' + description: Учасники та користувачі OpenStreetMap з Берліна + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin в Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Берлін чат в Telegram + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Берлін Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap DE + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Німеччина + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Німеччина IRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm-de на irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de Список розсилки + description: Talk-de – офіційний список розсилки OSM спільноти Німеччини. + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: OWL Список розсилки + description: Спсок розсилки OSM спілноти з регіону Східна Вестфалія-Ліппе + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Німеччина Telegram + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до об''єднаної групи спільноти OpenStreetMap Німеччина у Telegram - {url}' + dk-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Данія + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Данія + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Данія IRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm-dk на irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk Список розсилки + description: Список розсилки для обговорення OpenStreetMap в Данії + fi-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap FI + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Фінляндія + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Фінляндія IRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm-fi на irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi Список розсилки + description: Talk-fi є офіційним списком розсилки для фінської спільноти OSM + fr-facebook: + name: Сторінка OpenStreetMap Франція у Facebook + description: Сторінка OpenStreetMap Франція у Facebook + fr-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Франція + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Франція + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Франція IRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm-fr на irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr Список розсилки + description: Talk-fr Список розсилки + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Франція у Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Франція у Twitter: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap United Kingdom IRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm-gb на irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm-gb на irc.oftc.net (порт 6667), будь ласка, будьте терплячі та зачекайте кілька хвилин, після того як ви поставите питання' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb Список розсилки + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Хорватія група в Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Хорватія група у Facebook + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Хорватія IRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm-hr на irc.freenode.org (port 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr Список розсилки + description: Talk-hr Список розсилки + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Угорщина у Facebook + description: Мапери та OpenStreetMap Угорщина у Facebook + hu-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap HU + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Угорщина + hu-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Угорщина - Зустрічі + description: Платформа для організації зустрічей маперів в Угорщині + is-facebook: + name: OSM Ісландія у Facebook + description: Сторінка OpenStreetMap в Ісландії + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is Список розсилки + description: Talk-is – офіційний список розсилки OSM спільноти Ісландії. + is-twitter: + name: OSM Ісландія у Twitter + description: Twitter OpenStreetMap в Ісландії + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Італія у Facebook + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Італія у Facebook + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Італія IRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm-it на irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it Список розсилки + description: Talk-it – офіційний список розсилки OSM спільноти Італії. + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia в Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Італія чат Telegram + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Італія Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Косово в Telegram + description: Напівофіційна відкрита група в Telegram. Ласкаво просимо маперів звідусіль. + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Місцева група Mappa Mercia + description: Місце для ентузіастів OpenStreetMap у Мідлендс + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia - це проект з розвитку OpenStreetMap у Вест-Мідлендс, Великобританія. Ми проводимо спільні заходи, проводимо навчання та підтримуємо місцеві організації, які бажають зробити свої дані відкритими.' + no-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Норвегія + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Норвегія + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Норвегія IRC + description: 'Місце для обговорення для маперів та користувачів OpenStreetMap, розробників та ентузіастів з Норвегії' + no-mailinglist: + name: Список розсилки OpenStreetMap Норвегія + description: 'Список розсилки для маперів та користувачів OpenStreetMap, розробників та ентузіастів з Норвегії' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no в Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap Норвегія чат Telegram + osm-asia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Азія Telegram + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нашої родини: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Австрія + description: Інформація про OpenStreetMap в Австрії + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Німеччина + description: Інформація про OpenStreetMap в Німеччині + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Гана у Facebook + description: Група у Facebook для тих, хто цікавиться OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Місцева спільнота маперів Гани, розповсюджуємо інформацію про проекти OpenStreetMap та Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) в Гані. Приєднуйтесь до нас.' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Гана у Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Індія + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Індія + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Індія GitHub + description: 'Пишіть код разом з нами: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Індія Telegram + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нашої родини: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Індія + description: Учасники та користувачі OpenStreetMap в Індії + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap ВікіПроект Індія + description: 'Все що вам треба знати про мапінг в Індії: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap Індія Youtube + description: 'Підпишіться на наш канал: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: OpenStreetMap Іран, Aparat + description: 'Підпишіться на наш канал: {url}' + extendedDescription: Відео про все, що пов'язано з OpenStreetMap. Переважно перською. + osm-iran-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Іран + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Іран + extendedDescription: Форум для користувачів OpenStreetMap в Ірані. Не соромтеся ставити питання та обговорювати їх з іншими! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Іран Telegram + description: 'Ласкаво просимо, приєднатись до нашого каналу в Telegram {url}. У нас також є група з великою кількістю ОСМерів, що цікавляться Іраном. Шукайте їх в описі каналу.' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Madagascar група у Facebook + description: Малагасійська група у Facebook для тих, хто цікавиться OpenStreetMap. + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Надає послуги та інформацію на основі OSM для місцевої спільноти в Швеції + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Чехія у Facebook + osmcz-twitter: + name: Twitter Чехія OSM @osmcz + description: Стежте за подіями чеської спільноти у Twitter - включаючи переклади WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: Зустріч спільноти OSM в Граці + description: Щомісячні зустрічі спільноти OpenStreetMap в Граці + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM спілнота Грац у Твіттері + description: OpenStreetMap спілнота Грац у Твіттері + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Швеція у Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap Швеція у Facebook + se-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Швеція + description: Форум OpenStreetMap Швеція + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Швеція IRC + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до #osm.se на irc.oftc.net (port 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Talk-se Список розсилки + description: Список розсилки для обговорення OpenStreetMap в Швеції + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Швеція у Twitter + description: 'Приєднуйтесь до нас у Twitter: {url}' + si-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Словенія + description: Форум словенської спільноти OpenStreetMap + si-mailinglist: + name: Список розсилки OpenStreetMap Словенія + description: Список розсилки словенської спільноти OpenStreetMap + talk-au: + name: Talk-au Список розсилки + description: Місце для балачок про Австралію + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Список розсилки (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz – офіційний список розсилки OSM спільноти Чехії. + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh Список розсилки + description: Talk-gh – офіційний список розсилки OSM спільноти Гани. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap Італія, Лаціо + description: 'Запрошуємо всіх! Зареєструйтеся на {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Список розсилки спільноти Риму та Лаціо + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg Список розсилки + description: 'Місце, де учасники OpenStreetMap, спільнота та користувачі з Мадагаскару поширюють інформацію та обмінюються думками' + ua-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Україна в Facebook + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Україна у Facebook + ua-forum: + name: Форум OpenStreetMap Україна + description: Форум української спільноти OpenStreetMap + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Україна у GitHub + description: GitHub OpenStreetMap Україна + ua-osm: + name: Веб-сайт OpenStreetMap Україна + description: Відвідайте веб-сайт OpenStreetMap Україна + ua-slack: + name: Slack OpenStreetMap Україна + description: Приєднуйтесь до спільноти OpenStreetMap Україна в Slack + ua-telegram: + description: OpenStreetMap Україна чат в Telegram + ua-twitter: + description: 'OpenStreetMap Україна в Twitter: {url}' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Talk-us-massachusetts Список розсилки + description: Список розсилки OSM спільноти штату Массачусетс + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Еко-клуб diff --git a/i18n/vi.yaml b/i18n/vi.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9f7368f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/vi.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@ +vi: + Bahia-telegram: + name: Nhóm Telegram OpenStreetMap Bahia + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Bahia tại Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Mời mọi người tham gia cộng đồng để tìm hiểu thêm về OpenStreetMap, hỏi đáp, và tham dự các cuộc họp mặt của chúng ta.' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: Cộng đồng OpenStreetMap tại Khu vực vịnh + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Khu vực Vịnh San Francisco + extendedDescription: 'Nhóm này ủng hộ cộng đồng OpenStreetMap của chúng ta ở Khu vực Vịnh San Francisco. Ai cũng tham gia được các sự kiện của chúng ta, kể cả người hâm mộ phần mềm nguồn mở, người đi xe đạp, chuyên gia GIS, người hâm mộ geocaching, và hơn nữa. Mời mọi người quan tâm về sử dụng bản đồ, xây dựng bản đồ, và dữ liệu bản đồ tham gia nhóm và các sự kiện của chúng ta.' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: OSM Miền trung Pennsylvania + description: 'Cộng đồng xây dựng bản đồ trực tuyến ở State College, Pennsylvania' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Slack Code for San Jose + description: 'Mời bạn tham gia tại {signupUrl}, rồi tham gia kênh #osm.' + DF-telegram: + name: Nhóm Telegram OpenStreetMap Brasília + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Brasília tại Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Mời mọi người tham gia cộng đồng để tìm hiểu thêm về OpenStreetMap, hỏi đáp, và tham dự các cuộc họp mặt của chúng ta.' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: OSM Dallas–Fort Worth + description: Nhóm người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Dallas–Fort Worth + extendedDescription: 'Dallas, Fort Worth, và các thành phố ở giữa có rất nhiều người sáng tạo và khéo léo về công nghệ thông tin. Nhóm người dùng này nhằm mục đích tìm ra những cách mới để sử dụng tài nguyên OSM khá tốt.' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Galicia + description: Telegram OpenStreetMap dành cho Galicia + Galicia-Twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Galicia + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: Cuộc họp mặt cho những người hâm mộ bản đồ ở khu vực Philadelphia + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly liên hiệp các nhà phát triển, nhà địa lý học, người hâm mộ về dữ liệu và dữ liệu mở, “civic hacker”, và người nghiện bản đồ để bày tỏ say mê bản đồ và chia sẻ các câu chuyện trong bản đồ. Nếu bạn sử dụng bản đồ trong việc làm hoặc chỉ muốn tìm hiểu thêm, bạn nên tham gia cuộc họp mặt này! Chúng ta cố gắng tổ chức các sự kiện mở rộng, thân thiện, cùng giáo dục cùng giải trí, bao gồm họp mặt tại quán rượu, bài thuyết trình nhanh chóng, và workshop. Mời bạn cùng xây dựng một cộng đồng không gian địa lý đa dạng văn hóa và gây cảm hứng tại Philadelphia!' + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người hâm mộ OpenStreetMap ở vùng Thành phố Đôi + extendedDescription: Nơi liên hệ của những người hâm mộ OpenStreetMap ở Minnesota và vùng Thành phố Đôi! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapping DC + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại khu vực Washington, D.C. + extendedDescription: 'Chúng ta tình nguyện xây dựng bản đồ OpenStreetMap tại khu vực Washington, D.C. Nhóm này cũng nhằm mục đích dạy người khác về hệ sinh thái OSM, môn phân tích dữ liệu, bản đồ học, và GIS. Chúng ta họp mặt hai tháng một lần để tập trung chú ý vào một phần của thành phố này.' + MappingWR: + name: MappingWR + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + description: Chúng ta là nhóm người lập bản đồ quan tâm đến việc đóng góp vào OpenStreetMap ở vùng Bogotá. + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: 'Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Portland, Maine' + extendedDescription: 'Maptime đúng là thì giờ để lập bản đồ. Chúng ta nhằm mục đích mở cửa bản đồ học để cho mọi người có quan tâm có thể lập bản đồ, bằng cách để dành thì giờ và không gian để cộng tác tìm hiểu, khám phá, và lập bản đồ dùng công cụ và công nghệ bản đồ.' + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + name: Slack Maptime châu Đại Dương + description: 'Mời bạn tham gia tại {signupUrl}' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: Twitter MaptimeHRVA + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: Họp mặt Đông Midlands (Nottingham) hàng tháng tại quán rượu + description: Tụ tập xã hội dành cho những người lập bản đồ và người sử dụng tại Đông Midlands + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: Facebook OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Argentina tại Facebook + extendedDescription: Tin tức về cộng đồng địa phương + OSM-AR-forum: + name: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Hãy tham gia diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Argentina + extendedDescription: Phù hợp với các thảo luận phức tạp hoặc quan trọng. Thời gian phản hồi lâu. + OSM-AR-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-ar tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-ar + description: Danh sách thư lịch sử, ít dùng ngày nay + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Argentina tại Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Mời mọi người tham gia cộng đồng để tìm hiểu thêm về OpenStreetMap, hỏi đáp, và tham dự các cuộc họp mặt của chúng ta.' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Argentina + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + extendedDescription: Tin tức về cộng đồng địa phương và OpenStreetMap nói chung. + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap châu Á + description: talk-in là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng châu Á + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Bangladesh + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Bangladesh + extendedDescription: 'Bạn có lập bản đồ tại Bangladesh? Bạn có thắc mắc, muốn liên hệ với cộng đồng tại đây? Mời bạn tham gia tại {url}.' + events: + sotmasia2019: + name: Trạng thái Bản đồ Châu Á 2019 + description: Tham dự sự kiện khắp miền OpenStreetMap năm 2019, Trạng thái Bản đồ Châu Á (State of the Map Asia) tại Dhaka + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-bo + description: talk-bo là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM tại Bolivia + extendedDescription: 'Bạn có lập bản đồ tại Bolivia? Bạn có thắc mắc, muốn liên hệ với cộng đồng tại đây? Mời bạn tham gia tại {url}.' + OSM-BiH-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Bosna và Herzegovina + description: 'Nhóm Telegram dành cho cộng đồng OSM Bosna và Herzegovina: {url}' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap Boston + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Boston + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap là bản đồ thế giới mở kiểu wiki nhờ những người như bạn đóng góp mỗi ngày hàng trăm ngàn lần. Sửa đổi bản đồ là điều đơn giản và thú vị! Hãy tham gia chúng tôi trong nhà và ngoài đường để cùng xây dựng bản đồ đầy đủ nhất của vùng Boston và cả thế giới!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: Slack OSM Canada + description: 'Mời bạn tham gia tại {signupUrl}' + OSM-CA-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư OSM-CA + description: Danh sách thư để thảo luận về OpenStreetMap tại Canada + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: Facebook OpenStreetMap Chile + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Chile tại Facebook + extendedDescription: 'Mời mọi người tham gia cộng đồng để tìm hiểu thêm về OpenStreetMap, hỏi đáp, và tham dự các cuộc họp mặt của chúng ta.' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-cl + description: Danh sách thư để thảo luận về OpenStreetMap tại Chile + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Chile + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Chile tại Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Mời mọi người tham gia cộng đồng để tìm hiểu thêm về OpenStreetMap, hỏi đáp, và tham dự các cuộc họp mặt của chúng ta.' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Chile + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + OSM-CN-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Trung Quốc + description: 'Nhóm Telegram dành cho cộng đồng OSM Trung Quốc: {url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap Colombia + description: Tin tức về cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Colombia và Quỹ OSMCo + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: Facebook OpenStreetMap Colombia + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Colombia tại Facebook + extendedDescription: Mời mọi người tham gia cộng đồng để tìm hiểu thêm về OpenStreetMap. Mời mọi người tham gia! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-co + description: Danh sách thư để thảo luận về OpenStreetMap tại Colombia + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM Colombia tại Telegram + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Colombia + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Colombia + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM Cuba tại Telegram + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Cuba + OSM-CZ-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Séc + description: 'Nhóm Telegram dành cho cộng đồng OSM Séc: {url}' + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap Biển Salish Trung + description: 'Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Mount Vernon, Washington' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) là bản đồ thế giới do những người như bạn xây dựng và cho phép mọi người sử dụng miễn phí và vô hạn chế giống như Wikipedia. Chúng tôi gặp mặt thường xuyên để nói chuyện vui vẻ về bản đồ và lập bản đồ!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM Chattanooga + description: Nhóm người dùng OpenStreetMap ở Chattanooga + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap Colorado + description: 'Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở tiểu bang Colorado, Hoa Kỳ' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap Colorado là nhóm địa phương cố gắng xây dựng bản đồ mở. Chúng tôi khuyên khích mọi thành viên tổ chức hoặc gợi ý các sự kiện lập bản đồ ở khắp tiểu bang. Các hoạt động gặp mặt có thể là buổi liên hoan khiêu vũ đơn giản, chương trình huấn luyện về OSM từ căn bản đến nâng cao, hoặc tiệc vẽ bản đồ của cộng đồng.' + OSM-Discord: + name: Discord OpenStreetMap + description: Liên lạc với những người lập bản đồ khác qua Discord + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM Ecuador tại Telegram + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Ecuador + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-es + description: Danh sách thư để thảo luận về OpenStreetMap tại Tây Ban Nha + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes tại Telegram' + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Tây Ban Nha + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap tại Facebook + description: Thích chúng tôi tại Facebook để nhận tin tức và cập nhật về OpenStreetMap. + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Indonesia + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Indonesia + extendedDescription: 'Bạn có lập bản đồ tại Indonesia? Bạn có thắc mắc, muốn liên hệ với cộng đồng tại đây? Mời bạn tham gia tại {Url}.' + OSM-IRC: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Phong trào Phần cứng Phần mềm Nguồn mở – Facebook + description: 'Trang Facebook của FSHM cho biết về sự kiện và hành động của cộng đồng' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: Phong trào Phần cứng Phần mềm Nguồn mở – Matrix + description: 'Nhóm Riot FSHM để thảo luận, chia sẻ, cho biết tin tức về các hoạt động lập bản đồ và sự kiện chung quanh Puducherry.' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ấn Độ – tham gia lập bản đồ hàng xóm + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Ấn Độ + extendedDescription: 'Bạn có lập bản đồ tại Ấn Độ? Bạn có thắc mắc, muốn liên hệ với cộng đồng tại đây? Mời bạn tham gia tại {url}.' + OSM-Japan-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Nhật Bản + description: 'Nhóm Telegram dành cho cộng đồng OSM Nhật Bản: {url}' + OSM-Kerala-facebook: + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Kerala + extendedDescription: 'Bạn có lập bản đồ tại Kerala? Bạn có thắc mắc, muốn liên hệ với cộng đồng tại đây? Mời bạn tham gia tại {Url}.' + OSM-Korea-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap Triều Tiên + description: talk-ko là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng Triều Tiên và Hàn Quốc + OSM-Korea-telegram: + name: Telegram OSM Triều Tiên + description: 'Nhóm không chính chức cho phép những người đóng góp, cộng đồng, và người dùng OpenStreetMap tại Triều Tiên và Hàn Quốc chia sẻ và thảo luận.' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Miến Điện + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Miến Điện + extendedDescription: 'Bạn có lập bản đồ tại Miến Điện? Bạn có thắc mắc, muốn liên hệ với cộng đồng tại đây? Mời bạn tham gia tại {Url}.' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Mông Cổ + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Mông Cổ + extendedDescription: 'Bạn có lập bản đồ tại Mông Cổ? Bạn có thắc mắc, muốn liên hệ với cộng đồng tại đây? Mời bạn tham gia tại {Url}.' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia tại Facebook + description: Trò chuyện về bất cứ mọi điều có liên quan đến OpenStreetMap! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Malaysia + description: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Malaysia chính thức + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: Kênh Riot OpenStreetMap Malaysia + description: 'Mời bạn tham gia tại {signupUrl}' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Nepal + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Nepal + extendedDescription: 'Bạn có lập bản đồ tại Nepal? Bạn có thắc mắc, muốn liên hệ với cộng đồng tại đây? Mời bạn tham gia tại {Url}.' + OSM-Ottawa-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Ottawa + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Ottawa + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Tin tức về và tài nguyên cho cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Peru + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: Facebook OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Peru tại Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-pe + description: Danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM tại Peru + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: Trò chuyện Matrix OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Trò chuyện với cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Peru trong Matrix. + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Peru + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Peru tại Telegram + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Peru + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: Facebook OpenStreetMap Philippines + description: 'OpenStreetMap Philippines khuyến khích mọi người Philippines đóng góp vào dự án OpenStreetMap.' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-ph + description: Danh sách thư để thảo luận về OpenStreetMap tại Philippines + OSM-PH-slack: + name: Slack OpenStreetMap Philippines + description: 'Mời bạn tham gia tại {signupUrl}' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Philippines + description: 'Cộng đồng địa phương Telegram không chính thức dành cho những người đóng góp vào OpenStreetMap và bạn bè ở Philippines' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: Nhóm Facebook OpenStreetMap Ba Lan + description: Nhóm dành cho những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở Ba Lan + OSM-PL-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Ba Lan + description: Diễn đàn của cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Ba Lan + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM Paraguay tại Telegram + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Paraguay + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap Portland + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Portland + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) là bản đồ thế giới do những người như bạn xây dựng và cho phép mọi người sử dụng miễn phí và vô hạn chế giống như Wikipedia. Hãy ghé vào osm.org và gặp mặt chúng ta để nói chuyện vui vẻ về bản đồ và đóng góp vào OSM cùng nhau!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: Nhóm Google OpenStreetMap PDX + description: Diễn đàn và danh sách thư của những người OpenStreetMap ở vùng Portland + extendedDescription: 'Nhóm này cộng tác cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại khu vực Portland, Oregon, để hỗ trợ các ứng dụng như OpenTripPlanner.' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: Phong trào Phần cứng Phần mềm Nguồn mở – danh sách thư + description: Danh sách thư Puducherry FSHM để thảo luận về lập bản đồ tại Puducherry và những thứ khác. + OSM-RU-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Nga + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Nga + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Nga + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Nga + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap tại Reddit + description: /r/openstreetmap/ là nơi để tìm hiểu thêm về OpenStreetMap. Có thắc mắc thì hỏi ở đây! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại khu vực Rôma + extendedDescription: 'Chúng ta nhằm mục đích cho phép thảo luận và chia sẻ kiến thức về cách sử dụng kho dữ liệu địa lý mở, nhất là OpenStreetMap, cũng như cách sử dụng phần mềm không gian địa lý mở để quản lý, sửa đổi, và hiển thị dữ liệu địa lý. Chúng ta ủng hộ sử dụng dữ liệu mở và phần mềm không gian địa lý mở tại miền Đông Bắc Lazio.' + OSM-Seattle: + name: OpenStreetMap Seattle + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Seattle + OSM-SoCal: + name: OpenStreetMap Nam Ca Li + description: 'Hãy vui vẻ đóng góp vào Los Angeles và tìm hiểu cách xây dựng bản đồ!' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap Nam Ca Li liên hiệp những người nào quan tâm về bản đồ để ủng hộ OpenStreetMap. OSM là Wikipedia của bản đồ, tức bản đồ thế giới mở do hơn một triệu người tình nguyện xây dựng ở khắp thế giới. Mời mọi người tham gia. Nếu bạn chưa biết đến OpenStreetMap, chúng tôi sẽ giới thiệu cho bạn. Nếu bạn có ý niệm bắt đầu dự án bản đồ hoặc dẫn nhóm đi nơi nào, tuyệt vời!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM Miền Nam Vùng Vịnh + description: Buổi tối Bản đồ do Code for San Jose tổ chức + extendedDescription: 'Code for San Jose là nhánh Code for America địa phương tổ chức các Buổi tối Bản đồ hàng tháng vào tối thứ 5 dưới phố San José. Gặp mặt những người cùng lập bản đồ ở miền Nam Vùng Vịnh, giúp đỡ các dự án xây dựng bản đồ địa phương, và tìm hiểu về các dự án công nghệ công dân (civic tech) khác. Không nhất thiết phải có kinh nghiệm lập trình hoặc GIS.' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: Họp mặt OSM Chiềng Mai + description: Họp mặt không thường xuyên của cộng đồng OpenStreetMap tại Chiềng Mai + extendedDescription: 'Các thành viên cộng đồng OpenStreetMap gặp nhau vài tháng một lần tại Chiềng Mai. Hãy liên lạc với chúng tôi và truy cập {url} để biết khi nào có cuộc họp mặt sau.' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: Nhóm Facebook OpenStreetMap Thái Lan + description: Nhóm Facebook dành cho những người OpenStreetMap tại Thái Lan + OSM-TH-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Thái Lan + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Thái Lan + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: Cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Đài Loan + description: Nhóm Facebook cho phép những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap để thảo luận về Đài Loan. + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap Đài Loan + description: talk-tw là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng Đài Loan + OSM-TW-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Đài Loan + description: 'Nhóm Telegram dành cho cộng đồng OSM Đài Loan: {url}' + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap Vịnh Tampa + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng vịnh Tampa + extendedDescription: 'OSM Vùng vịnh Tampa là các cư dân địa phương tụ họp để xây dựng bản đồ đầy đủ của Vùng vịnh Tampa trong OpenStreetMap, bản đồ thế giới mở có thể sửa đổi. Nếu bạn quan tâm đến bản đồ, dữ liệu, mã nguồn mở, GPS, đi bộ đường dài, xe đạp, v.v., bạn sẽ yêu thích dự án OpenStreetMap – hãy tham gia! Chúng ta sẽ tụ họp, lập bản đồ, và thảo luận về các chủ đề vào khoảng mỗi tháng một lần.' + OSM-Telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap + description: 'Hãy tham gia siêu nhóm Telegram của OpenStreetMap toàn cầu tại {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap Hoa Kỳ + description: Chúng ta giúp phát triển và cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Hoa Kỳ. + extendedDescription: 'Chúng ta giúp OpenStreetMap bằng cách tổ chức các hội nghị hàng năm, cung cấp tài nguyên cộng đồng, tạo quan hệ đối tác, và truyền bá dự án. Mời tham gia OpenStreetMap Hoa Kỳ tại đây: {signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: Slack OpenStreetMap Hoa Kỳ + description: 'Mời bạn tham gia tại {signupUrl}' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap Utah + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Thành phố Salt Lake + extendedDescription: 'Các hoạt động có thể bao gồm những thứ như hội thảo Tập vẽ bản đồ, tiệc lập bản đồ, và buổi thu thập dữ liệu ngoài trời. Các sự kiện ban đầu sẽ diễn ra trong khu vực Thành phố Salt Lake. Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm những người lập bản đồ có kinh nghiệm cũng như những người mới biết đến OSM. Tham gia và hãy cùng lập bản đồ!' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Vancouver + description: 'Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Vancouver, British Columbia' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap Wyoming + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở tiểu bang Wyoming, Hoa Kỳ + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap Wyoming là nhóm địa phương cố gắng xây dựng bản đồ mở. Chúng tôi khuyên khích mọi thành viên tổ chức hoặc gợi ý các sự kiện lập bản đồ ở khắp tiểu bang. Các hoạt động gặp mặt có thể là buổi liên hoan khiêu vũ đơn giản, chương trình huấn luyện về OSM từ căn bản đến nâng cao, hoặc tiệc vẽ bản đồ của cộng đồng.' + OSM-br-discord: + name: Discord OpenStreetMap Brasil + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Brasil tại Discord + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-br + description: Danh sách thư để thảo luận về OpenStreetMap tại Brasil + OSM-br-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Brasil + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Brasil tại Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Mời mọi người tham gia cộng đồng để tìm hiểu thêm về OpenStreetMap, hỏi đáp, và tham dự các cuộc họp mặt của chúng ta.' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Brasil + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + OSM-help: + name: Trợ giúp OpenStreetMap + description: Hỏi han và nhận câu trả lời tại trang hỏi đáp của cộng đồng OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: '{url} dành cho mọi người cần giúp đỡ sử dụng OpenStreetMap. Mới bắt đầu vẽ bản đồ hoặc có câu hỏi về kỹ thuật, chúng tôi sẵn sàng giúp đỡ!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap Ấn Độ + description: talk-in là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng Ấn Độ + OSM-india-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Ấn Độ + description: 'Chúng tôi chỉ cách bạn một tweet: {url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: Cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Nhật Bản + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở Nhật Bản + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap Nhật Bản + description: talk-ja là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng Nhật Bản + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Nhật Bản + description: 'Thẻ băm tại Twitter: {url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Nhật Bản + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở Nhật Bản + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Sri Lanka + extendedDescription: 'Bạn có lập bản đồ tại Sri Lanka? Bạn có thắc mắc, muốn liên hệ với cộng đồng tại đây? Mời bạn tham gia tại {Url}.' + OSMF: + name: Quỹ OpenStreetMap + description: Quỹ OpenStreetMap là một tổ chức phi lợi nhận tại Vương quốc Anh hỗ trợ dự án OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Quỹ OSM hỗ trợ OpenStreetMap bằng cách gây quỹ, quản trị các máy chủ OSM, tổ chức hội nghị Trạng thái Bản đồ (State of the Map) hàng năm, và phối hợp những người tình nguyện bảo trì OSM. Bạn có thể ủng hộ OpenStreetMap và có tiếng nói về tương lai của đến dự án bằng cách trở thành một thành viên Quỹ OSM: {signupUrl}' + events: + sotm2020: + name: Trạng thái Bản đồ 2020 + description: 'Qua ba ngày tại Cape Town, Nam Phi, tham dự hội nghị OpenStreetMap toàn cầu hàng năm, tụ họp mọi người trong cộng đồng để xã hội hóa, chia sẻ kinh nghiệm, và học tập.' + where: 'Cape Town, Nam Phi' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại khu vực Cleveland + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland nhằm mục đích cho phép thảo luận và chia sẻ kiến thức về cách sử dụng kho dữ liệu địa lý mở, nhất là OpenStreetMap, cũng như cách sử dụng phần mềm không gian địa lý mở để quản lý, sửa đổi, và hiển thị dữ liệu địa lý. Chúng ta ủng hộ sử dụng dữ liệu mở và phần mềm không gian địa lý mở tại miền Đông Bắc Ohio. Chúng ta cũng là một nhánh Maptime. =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: Họp mặt PHXGeo + description: 'Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Phoenix, Arizona' + extendedDescription: 'Nhóm họp mặt dành cho những người ở vùng Phoenix thích bản đồ, GIS, OpenStreetMap, bản đồ học, và đủ mọi thứ.' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: Twitter PHXGeo + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + RS-telegram: + name: Nhóm Telegram OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul tại Telegram + extendedDescription: 'Mời mọi người tham gia cộng đồng để tìm hiểu thêm về OpenStreetMap, hỏi đáp, và tham dự các cuộc họp mặt của chúng ta.' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap cho Nam Tirol + description: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap Ý thảo luận về Nam Tirol + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap cho Trentino + description: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap Ý thảo luận về Trentino + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Facebook OSM Sườn Tây + description: 'Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Grand Junction, Colorado' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Họp mặt OSM Sườn Tây + description: 'Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Grand Junction, Colorado' + extendedDescription: 'Mục tiêu của nhóm này là giới thiệu OpenStreetMap cho cộng đồng, phát triển cộng đồng vẽ bản đồ, tạo ra dữ liệu địa lý tuyệt vời nhất có thể bằng bất kỳ phương pháp nào chúng ta có thể và cuối cùng là chiến lược để đưa dữ liệu này vào cộng đồng của chúng tôi. Hãy tưởng tượng các bảng báo đường mòn chính xác! Hãy tưởng tượng sự phát triển hơn nữa của những con đường xe đạp! Hãy tưởng tượng bất cứ điều gì bạn muốn, đó là niềm vui của OpenStreetMap!' + al-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OSM Albania + description: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Albania + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: Các sự kiện xã hội lập bản đồ – mời người mới tham gia! + al-telegram: + name: Kênh Telegram OSM Albania + description: Kênh Telegram OpenStreetMap Albania + al-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Albania + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + at-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Áo + description: Diễn đàn chính thức dành cho các câu hỏi về OpenStreetMap trong và chung quanh nước Áo + at-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-at + description: talk-at là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng Áo + at-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Áo + description: 'OpenStreetMap Áo tại Twitter: {url}' + be-chapter: + name: Chi nhánh Địa phương OpenStreetMap Bỉ + description: Chúng ta giúp phát triển và cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Bỉ. + be-facebook: + name: Cộng đồng Facebook OpenStreetMap Bỉ + description: Nhóm Facebook của những người lập bản đồ OpenStreetMap ở Bỉ + be-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Bỉ + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Bỉ + be-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Bỉ + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osmbe tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Hãy tham gia #osmbe tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667), kênh này có cầu nối với kênh trò chuyện Matrix' + be-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-be + description: talk-be là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM tại Bỉ + be-matrix: + name: Kênh Matrix OpenStreetMap Bỉ + description: Mời mọi người tham gia! + be-meetup: + name: Họp mặt OpenStreetMap Bỉ + description: Họp mặt dành cho mọi người quan tâm đến OpenStreetMap + be-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Bỉ + description: 'OSM Bỉ tại Twitter: @osm_be' + bg-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Bulgaria + description: Diễn đàn của cộng đồng OpenStreetMap tại Bulgaria + bg-wiki: + name: Dự án Wiki OpenStreetMap Bulgaria + description: Trang dự án wiki Bulgaria + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana tại Facebook + description: Trang OpenStreetMap tại Botswana + bw-twitter: + name: Mapping Botswana tại Twitter + description: Twitter OpenStreetMap tại Botswana + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap Belarus + description: Trò chuyện Telegram OpenStreetMap Belarus + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: YouthMappers Đại học Cape Coast + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + ch-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Thụy Sĩ + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-ch tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + ch-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap Thụy Sĩ + description: Danh sách thư dành cho Thụy Sĩ + ch-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Thụy Sĩ + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + czech-community: + name: Cộng đồng OSM Séc + description: 'Trang bản đồ và thông tin liên lạc với thành viên OSM tại Séc' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư Berlin + description: Đây là danh sách thư của cộng đồng OSM tại Berlin + de-berlin-meetup: + name: Họp mặt OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburg + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở vùng Berlin + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin tại Telegram' + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Berlin + de-berlin-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Berlin + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Đức + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Đức + de-hamburg-telegram: + name: OSM Hamburg tại Telegram + description: 'Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Hamburg: {url}' + de-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Đức + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-de tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + de-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-de + description: talk-de là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng Đức + de-matrix: + name: Matrix OpenStreetMap Đức + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-de:matrix.org tại https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org' + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách OWL + description: Đây là danh sách thư của cộng đồng OSM tại Ostwestfalen-Lippe + de-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Đức + description: 'Hãy tham gia siêu nhóm Telegram của OpenStreetMap Đức tại {url}' + dk-forum: + name: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Đan Mạch + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Đan Mạch + dk-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Đan Mạch + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-dk tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-dk + description: Danh sách thư để thảo luận về OpenStreetMap tại Đan Mạch + es-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Tây Ban Nha + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + fi-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Phần Lan + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Phần Lan + fi-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Phần Lan + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-fi tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-fi + description: talk-fi là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng Phần Lan + fr-chapter: + name: Chi nhánh Địa phương OpenStreetMap Pháp + description: Chúng ta giúp phát triển và cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Pháp. + fr-facebook: + name: Trang Facebook của OpenStreetMap Pháp + description: Trang Facebook của OpenStreetMap Pháp + fr-forum: + name: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Pháp + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Pháp + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Pháp trên IRC + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-fr tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-fr + description: Danh sách thư talk-fr + fr-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Pháp tại Telegram + description: 'Nhóm Telegram dành cho cộng đồng OSM Pháp: {url}' + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Pháp tại Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Pháp tại Twitter: {url}' + galicia-wiki: + name: Dự án Wiki OpenStreetMap Galicia + description: 'Mọi điều cần biết để lập bản đồ tại Galicia: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Vương quốc Anh + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-gb tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-gb tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667). Xin vui lòng kiên nhẫn chờ đợi vài phút nếu hỏi câu hỏi.' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-gb + description: talk-gb là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM tại Vương quốc Liên hiệp Anh và Bắc Ireland + hr-facebook: + name: Nhóm Facebook OpenStreetMap Croatia + description: Nhóm Facebook OpenStreetMap Croatia + hr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Croatia trên IRC + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-hr tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-hr + description: Danh sách thư talk-hr + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Hungary tại Facebook + description: Nhóm Facebook của những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở Hungary + hu-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Hungary + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Hungary + hu-matrix: + name: Phòng Matrix OpenStreetMap Hungary + description: Trò chuyện Matrix OpenStreetMap Hungary + hu-meetup: + name: Họp mặt OpenStreetMap Hungary + description: Trang tổ chức cuộc họp mặt tại Hungary + il-telegram: + name: OSM Israel tại Telegram + description: 'Nhóm Telegram dành cho cộng đồng OpenStreetMap tại Israel: {url}' + ireland-chapter: + name: Chi nhánh Địa phương OpenStreetMap Ireland + description: Chúng ta giúp phát triển và cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Ireland. + ireland-facebook: + name: Nhóm Facebook OpenStreetMap Ireland + description: Trang Facebook OpenStreetMap Ireland + ireland-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Ireland + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-ie tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-ie tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667). Xin vui lòng kiên nhẫn chờ đợi vài phút nếu hỏi câu hỏi.' + ireland-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-ie + description: Đây là danh sách thư của cộng đồng OSM tại Ireland + ireland-telegram: + name: OSM Ireland tại Telegram + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Ireland + ireland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ireland tại Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ireland tại Twitter: {url}' + is-chapter: + name: Chi nhánh Địa phương OpenStreetMap Iceland + description: Chúng ta giúp phát triển và cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Iceland. + is-facebook: + name: OSM Iceland tại Facebook + description: Trang OpenStreetMap tại Iceland + is-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-is + description: talk-is là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM Iceland + is-twitter: + name: OSM Iceland tại Twitter + description: Twitter OpenStreetMap tại Iceland + it-chapter: + name: Chi nhánh Địa phương OpenStreetMap Ý + description: Chúng ta giúp phát triển và cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Ý. + it-facebook: + name: Facebook OpenStreetMap Ý + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Ý tại Facebook + it-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Ý + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm-it tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + it-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-it + description: talk-it là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng Ý + it-telegram: + name: '@OpenStreetMapItalia tại Telegram' + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Ý + it-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Ý + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + kosovo-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Kosovo tại Telegram + lu-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-lu + description: Danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM tại Luxembourg + mailinglist-sk-googlegroups: + name: Danh sách thứ Slovakia tại Google Nhóm + description: Danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM tại Slovakia + map-kibera: + name: Quỹ Map Kibera + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Nhóm địa phương Mappa Mercia + description: Nơi tụ tập những người hâm mộ OpenStreetMap tại Midlands + ni-facebook: + name: Cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Nicaragua + description: Nhóm Facebook của những người lập bản đồ OpenStreetMap ở Nicaragua + ni-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-ni + description: talk-ni là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM Nicaragua + ni-telegram: + name: OSM Nicaragua tại Telegram + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Nicaragua + ni-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Nicaragua + description: 'OSM Nicaragua tại Twitter: @osm_ni' + nl-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Hà Lan + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Hà Lan + nl-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Hà Lan + description: 'Nhóm Telegram dành cho cộng đồng OSM Hà Lan: {url}' + no-forum: + name: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Na Uy + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Na Uy + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Na Uy trên IRC + description: 'Phòng trò chuyện của những người lập bản đồ và những người sử dụng, nhà phát triển, và người hâm mộ OpenStreetMap ở Na Uy' + no-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap Na Uy + description: 'Danh sách thư dành cho những người lập bản đồ và những người sử dụng, nhà phát triển, và người hâm mộ OpenStreetMap ở Na Uy' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no tại Telegram' + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Na Uy + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Afghanistan + description: Cải thiện OpenStreetMap tại Afghanistan + osm-africa-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap châu Phi + description: Telegram OpenStreetMap dành cho châu Phi + osm-asia-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap châu Á + description: 'Trò chuyện với chúng ta: {url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap Áo + description: Trang thông tin về OpenStreetMap tại Áo + osm-ch: + name: OpenStreetMap Thụy Sĩ + description: Trang thông tin về OpenStreetMap tại Thụy Sĩ + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap Đức + description: Trang thông tin về OpenStreetMap tại Đức + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana tại Facebook + description: Nhóm Facebook dành cho những người quan tâm đến OpenStreetMap. + extendedDescription: 'Những người lập bản đồ trong cộng đồng tại Ghana, ủng hộ OpenStreetMap và các dự án Nhóm Nhân đạo OpenStreetMap (HOT) tại Ghana. Mời bạn tham gia!' + osm-gh-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Ghana + description: Cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Ghana tại Telegram + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana tại Twitter + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Ấn Độ + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Ấn Độ + osm-india-github: + name: GitHub OpenStreetMap Ấn Độ + description: 'Hãy cùng lập trình: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Ấn Độ + description: 'Trò chuyện với chúng ta: {url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap Ấn Độ + description: Những người lập bản đồ và người dùng OpenStreetMap ở Ấn Độ + osm-india-wiki: + name: WikiProject OpenStreetMap Ấn Độ + description: 'Mọi điều cần biết để lập bản đồ tại Ấn Độ: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: YouTube OpenStreetMap Ấn Độ + description: 'Đăng ký kênh của chúng ta: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: Aparat OpenStreetMap Iran + description: 'Đăng ký kênh của chúng ta tại {url}' + extendedDescription: Kho video đầy đủ về OpenStreetMap, chủ yếu trong tiếng Ba Tư. + osm-iran-forum: + name: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Iran + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Iran + extendedDescription: Diễn đàn Web dành cho người dùng OpenStreetMap tại Iran. Hãy thoải mái hỏi han và thảo luận với người khác! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Iran + description: 'Mời bạn tham gia kênh Telegram của chúng ta tại {url}. Chúng ta cũng có siêu nhóm dành cho người OSM quan tâm đến Iran; có liên kết trong lời miêu tả kênh.' + osm-kenya: + name: OSM Kenya + description: OSM Kenya là cộng đồng người đóng góp vào và sử dụng OSM + osm-kerala-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Kerala + osm-kerala-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Kerala + osm-mg-facebook: + name: Nhóm Facebook OpenStreetMap Madagascar + description: Nhóm Facebook dành cho những người Madagascar quan tâm đến OpenStreetMap. + osm-ni: + name: MapaNica.net + description: Cung cấp dịch vụ và thông tin về OpenStreetMap cho cộng đồng địa phương tại Nicaragua + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: Cung cấp dịch vụ và thông tin về OpenStreetMap cho cộng đồng địa phương tại Thụy Điển + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Séc tại Facebook + description: Theo dõi cộng đồng Séc tại Facebook – có cả bản dịch WeeklyOSM! + osmcz-twitter: + name: Twitter Séc @osmcz + description: Theo dõi cộng đồng Séc tại Twitter – có cả bản dịch WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: Họp mặt cộng đồng OSM tại Graz + description: Họp mặt hàng tháng của cộng đồng OpenStreetMap tại Graz + osmgraz-twitter: + name: Cộng đồng OSM tại Graz tại Twitter + description: Cộng đồng OpenStreetMap tại Graz tại twitter + pt-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-pt + description: talk-pt là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM Bồ Đào Nha + pt-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Bồ Đào Nha + description: 'Nhóm Telegram dành cho cộng đồng OSM Bồ Đào Nha: {url}' + sa-telegram: + name: OSM Ả Rập Saudi tại Telegram + description: 'Nhóm Telegram dành cho cộng đồng OpenStreetMap tại Ả Rập Saudi: {url}' + scotland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Scotland tại Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Scotland tại Twitter: {url}' + se-facebook: + name: Facebook OpenStreetMap Thụy Điển + description: OpenStreetMap Thụy Điển tại Facebook + se-forum: + name: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Thụy Điển + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Thụy Điển + se-irc: + name: IRC OpenStreetMap Thụy Điển + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osm.se tại irc.oftc.net (cổng 6667)' + se-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-se + description: Danh sách thư để thảo luận về OpenStreetMap tại Thụy Điển + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Thụy Điển tại Twitter + description: 'Theo dõi chúng tôi trên Twitter: {url}' + si-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Slovenia + description: Diễn đàn của cộng đồng OpenStreetMap tại Slovenia + si-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư OpenStreetMap Slovenia + description: Danh sách thư để thảo luận về OpenStreetMap tại Slovenia + si-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Slovenia + description: 'Theo dõi OpenStreetMap Slovenia trên Twitter: {url}' + sk-facebook: + name: Trang Facebook của Cộng đồng Slovakia Freemap.sk + description: Trang Facebook của Cộng đồng Slovakia Freemap.sk + sk-freemap: + name: Trang OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia + sk-freemap-wiki: + name: Trang Wiki OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia + sk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia tại Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia tại Twitter: {url}' + talk-au: + name: Danh sách thư talk-au + description: Nơi trò chuyện của những người Úc lập bản đồ + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư Séc (talk-cz) + description: talk-cz là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng Séc + talk-gh: + name: Danh sách thư talk-gh + description: talk-gh là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng Ghana. + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap Ý-Lazio + description: 'Mời bạn tham gia tại {signupUrl}' + extendedDescription: Danh sách thư cho khu vực Rôma và Lazio. + talk-mg: + name: Danh sách thư talk-mg + description: 'Nơi để những người đóng góp, cộng đồng, và người dùng OpenStreetMap chia sẻ và thảo luận.' + talk-nz: + name: Danh sách thư talk-nz + description: Thảo luận cộng đồng OSM tại New Zealand + ua-facebook: + name: Nhóm Facebook OpenStreetMap Ukraina + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Ukraina tại Facebook + ua-forum: + name: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Ukraina + description: Diễn đàn của cộng đồng OpenStreetMap tại Ukraina + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap Ukraina tại GitHub + description: Các kho mã nguồn tại GitHub của OpenStreetMap Ukraina + ua-osm: + name: Trang chủ OpenStreetMap Ukraina + description: Trang chủ của OpenStreetMap Ukraina + ua-slack: + name: Slack OpenStreetMap Ukraina + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Ukraina tại Slack + ua-telegram: + name: '@osmUA tại Telegram' + description: Trò chuyện Telegram của OpenStreetMap Ukraina + ua-twitter: + name: Twitter OpenStreetMap Ukraina + description: 'OpenStreetMap Ukraina tại Twitter: {url}' + uk-localchapter: + name: OpenStreetMap Vương quốc Anh + description: Chi nhánh địa phương chính thức tại Vương quốc Liên hiệp Anh và Bắc Ireland. + extendedDescription: 'Chúng ta giúp OpenStreetMap bằng cách tổ chức các sự kiện, cung cấp tài nguyên cộng đồng, tạo quan hệ đối tác, và truyền bá dự án. Mời tham gia OpenStreetMap Vương quốc Anh tại đây: {signupUrl}' + uk-london-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Luân Đôn tại Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Luân Đôn tại Twitter: {url}' + uk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Vương quốc Anh tại Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap Vương quốc Anh tại Twitter: {url}' + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-us-massachusetts + description: Danh sách thư của cộng đồng OSM tại Massachusetts + uy-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Uruguay + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Uruguay + uy-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Uruguay trên IRC + description: 'Hãy tham gia #osmurugay tại irc.freenode.org (cổng 6667)' + extendedDescription: 'Hãy tham gia #osmurugay tại irc.freenode.org' + uy-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-uy + description: talk-uy là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM Uruguay + ve-forum: + name: Diễn đàn OpenStreetMap Venezuela + description: Diễn đàn Web của OpenStreetMap Venezuela + ve-mailinglist: + name: Danh sách thư talk-ve + description: talk-ve là danh sách thư chính thức của cộng đồng OSM tại Venezuela + ve-telegram: + name: Telegram OpenStreetMap Venezuela + description: Hãy tham gia cộng đồng OpenStreetMap Venezuela tại Telegram + ym-Abia-State-University: + name: AbsuMappersTeam + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Quốc gia Abia + ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University: + name: YouthMappers-AMEU + ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Ahmadu Bello + ym-Ardhi-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Ardhi + ym-Asian-University-for-Women: + name: YouthMappers tại AUW + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học châu Á dành cho Phụ nữ + ym-Ball-State-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tiểu bang Ball + ym-Busitema-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Busitema + ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania: + name: Câu lạc bộ GIS tại Đại học California tiểu bang Pennsylvania + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học California tiểu bang Pennsylvania + ym-Central-Washington-University: + name: Câu lạc bộ Địa lý + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Trung Washington + ym-Clemson-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Clemson + ym-College-of-William-and-Mary: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng William & Mary + ym-Cornell-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Cornell + ym-Cuttington-University: + name: YouthMappers Đại học Cuttington + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Cuttington + ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Công nghệ Dedan Kimathi + ym-Dhaka-College: + name: YouthMappers Cao đẳng Daka + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng Dhaka + ym-Dhaka-University: + name: YouthMappers OpenStreetMap + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Dhaka + ym-Eastern-University: + name: YouthMappers tại Đại học Miền Đông + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Miền Đông + ym-George-Mason-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học George Mason + ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng Cộng đồng Quận Grand Gedeh + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng Cộng đồng Quận Grand Gedeh + ym-Gujarat-University: + name: CCIM tại Ahmedabad + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Gujarat + ym-Gulu-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Gulu + ym-Heidelberg-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Heidelberg + ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Giáo dục Ignatius Ajuru + ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Indiana tiểu bang Pennsylvania + ym-Istanbul-Technical-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Công nghệ Istanbul + ym-Jacksonville-State-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tiểu bang Jacksonville + ym-Jahangirnagar-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Jahangirnagar + ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Nông nghiệp và Công nghệ Jomo Kenyatta + ym-Kansas-State-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tiểu bang Kansas + ym-Karatina-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Karatina + ym-Kathmandu-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Kathmandu + ym-Kenyatta-University: + name: Câu lạc bộ Hệ thống thông tin địa lý Đại học Kenyatta + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Kenyatta + ym-Khulna-University: + name: YouthMappers Đại học Khulna + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Khulna + ym-Kumi-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Kumi + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: YouthMappers tại Đại học Khoa học và Công nghệ Kwame Nkrumah + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Khoa học và Công nghệ Kwame Nkrumah + ym-Makerere-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Makerere + ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Khoa học và Công nghệ Mbarara + ym-McGill-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học McGill + ym-Miami-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Miami + ym-Moi-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Moi + ym-Monroe-Community-College: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng Cộng đồng Monroe + ym-Montgomery-College: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng Montgomery + ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: Hội Sinh viên Địa tin học + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Khoa học và Công nghệ Namibia + ym-New-York-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học New York + ym-Nimba-County-Community-College: + name: YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng Cộng đồng Quận Nimba + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng Cộng đồng Quận Nimba + ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus: + name: YouthMappers tại Njala tại Freetown + description: 'Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Njala tại Freetown' + ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus: + name: 'YouthMappers tại Đại học Njala tại Njala' + description: 'Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Njala tại Njala' + ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University: + name: Câu lạc bộ Môi trường và Hoang dã + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Wesley Ohio + ym-Oklahoma-State-University: + name: Câu lạc bộ Địa lý + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tiểu bang Oklahoma + ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania: + name: YouthMappers tại Đại học Mở Tanzania + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Mở Tanzania + ym-Politecnico-di-Milano: + name: PoliMappers + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Bách khoa Milano + ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Nữ hoàng Mary tại Luân Đôn + ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Kỹ thuật và Công nghệ Rajshahi + ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia: + name: Geoventurers + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tiểu bang New York tại Fredonia + ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College: + name: YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng Thánh Tâm + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng Thánh Tâm + ym-Sherubtse-College: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Trường cao đẳng Sherubtse + ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Nông nghiệp Sokoine + ym-St.-Augustine-International-University: + name: YouthMappers tại Đại học Quốc tế St. Augustine + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Quốc tế St. Augustine + ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tiểu bang New York tại Geneseo + ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Bách khoa Stella Maris + ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Công nghệ Kenya + ym-Texas-Tech-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Công nghệ Texas + ym-The-Citadel: + name: YouthMappers tại The Citadel + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại The Citadel + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại YMCA Gambia / Đại học Gambia + ym-The-George-Washington-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học George Washington + ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS: + description: 'Nhánh YouthMappers tại Học viện Nghiên cứu Quốc tế Cao cấp tại Đại học Johns Hopkins' + ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tiểu bang Pennsylvania + ym-The-University-of-Zambia: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Zambia + ym-Tribhuvan-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tribhuvan + ym-UW-Madison: + name: BadgerMaps + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Wisconsin tại Madison + ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Kitô giáo Uganda tại Mbale + ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Ngũ Tuần Uganda + ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tự trị Madrid + ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas: + name: YouthMappers tại Bogotá + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Đặc khu Francisco José de Caldas + ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Quốc gia Tự trị Honduras + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Quốc gia Colombia + ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Kỹ thuật Quốc gia + ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Bách khoa Madrid + ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia: + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Antioquia + ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura: + name: YouthMappers San Buenaventura + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học San Buenaventura + ym-University-of-Chicago: + name: Hội Tobler + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Chicago + ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers: + name: YouthMappers Đại học Liberia + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Liberia + ym-University-of-Malawi: + name: YouthMappers Chanco Malawi + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Malawi + ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park: + name: Câu lạc bộ Địa lý + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Maryland tại College Park + ym-University-of-North-Texas: + name: Câu lạc bộ Đại lý UNT + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Bắc Texas + ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado: + name: Câu lạc bộ Địa lý và Hệ thống thông tin địa lý UNCO + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Bắc Colorado + ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus: + name: YouthMappers Rwanda + ym-University-of-South-Carolina: + name: Hội Sinh viên Sau đại học vì Địa lý + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Nam Carolina + ym-University-of-Victoria: + name: Hội Sinh viên Địa lý + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Victoria + ym-West-Virginia-University: + name: Maptime Morgantown + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tây Virginia + ym-Western-Michigan-University: + name: Câu lạc bộ Địa lý + description: Nhánh YouthMappers tại Đại học Tây Michigan diff --git a/i18n/zh.yaml b/i18n/zh.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25582ddf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/zh.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +zh: + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana 的 Facebook 主页 + description: Botswana 的 OpenStreetMap 页面 + bw-twitter: + name: Mapping Botswana 的推特页面 + description: OpenStreetMap in Botswana 的推特页面 + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: 海岸角大学 YouthMappers + description: '在推特上关注我们:{url}' + extendedDescription: '此为加纳海岸角大学的 Youth Mappers 官方分会。我们热爱地图、开放数据以及帮助弱势群体。' + osm-gh-facebook: + name: 加纳 OpenStreetMap 的 Facebook 页面 + description: 为对 OpenStreetMap 感兴趣的用户准备的 Facebook 小组。 + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: YouthMappers CURAT + description: 菲利克斯·乌弗埃·博瓦尼大学遥感研究与应用中心的 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: 我们分会目的是推广合作绘制自由地图的使用,以及在研究与决策应用时运用 OpenStreetMap 资料,帮助学生在他们研究时能生成自己的资料。 + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + name: Connected YouthMappers + description: 冈比亚基督教青年会/冈比亚大学的 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: Connected YouthMappers 由年轻甘比亚组成,希望能改变和协助国家发展。 diff --git a/i18n/zh_CN.yaml b/i18n/zh_CN.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7fd6b828 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/zh_CN.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,798 @@ +zh_CN: + Bahia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 巴伊亚 Telegram 小组 + description: 在 Telegram 上加入 OpenStreetMap 巴伊亚社区 + extendedDescription: '加入社区来了解更多 OpenStreetMap,在会议中提问或者参与。欢迎每个人的到来!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: 旧金山湾区 OpenStreetMap 贡献者 + description: 改进位于旧金山湾区的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '该小组的目的是在旧金山湾区发展 OpenStreetMap 社区。 我们的活动向所有人开放,包括开源代码爱好者、自行车骑手、GIS 专业人员和其他所有人。 欢迎对地图、地图制作和免费地图数据感兴趣的任何人和其他所有人,加入我们的团队并参加我们的活动。' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: 宾夕法尼亚中部 OSM + description: '来自宾夕法尼亚州立大学的在线制图社区' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: San Jose Slack 的代码 + description: '我们欢迎所有人加入!请在 {signupUrl}进行注册,然后加入 #osm 频道。' + DF-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 巴西利亚 Telegram 群组 + description: 在 Telegram 上加入 OpenStreetMap 巴西利亚社区 + extendedDescription: '加入社区以了解有关 OpenStreetMap 的更多信息,在会议中提问或者参与。欢迎每个人的到来!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: 达拉斯沃思堡 OSM + description: 达拉斯沃思堡的 OpenStreetMap 用户群组 + extendedDescription: '达拉斯、沃思堡以及介于两者之间的所有城市中,到处都是富有创造力和精通技术的人。 该用户组的愿景是找到使用 OSM 惊人资源的新方法。' + Galicia-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 加利西亚 Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap 加利西亚 Telegram + Galicia-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 加利西亚 Twitter + description: '关注我们的 Twitter:{url}' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly 将开发人员、地理学家、数据极客、开源代码爱好者、民间黑客和地图迷们团结在一起,共同分享我们对地图及其故事的热爱。 如果您在工作中使用地图,或者只是想了解更多信息,这就是为您提供的聚会! 我们的活动旨在开放、友好、具有教育性和社交性。活动范围从欢乐时光到闪电演讲,甚至是研讨会。 与我们一起在费城创建一个多样化、启发性的地理空间社区!' + MapMinnesota: + name: 明尼苏达州地图 + description: 位于双子城区域的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户 + extendedDescription: 连接明尼苏达州和双子城的 OpenStreetMap 爱好者! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: 正在绘制华盛顿特区 + description: 在华盛顿特区改进 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '我们是一个志愿地图绘制者团体,我们的目标是改善华盛顿特区的 OpenStreetMap。 我们还旨在向其他人讲授 OSM 生态系统、数据分、,制图和 GIS。 我们每隔一个月聚会一次,以关注城市的某个区域。' + MappingWR: + name: 正在绘制滑铁卢地区 + description: 轻松找到滑铁卢地区附近的低碳路线。 + Maptime-Bogota: + name: 波哥大 绘图时间 + description: 我们是一群对在波哥大的 OpenStreetMap 中进行地图绘制感兴趣的地图绘制者。 + extendedDescription: '了解如何在现场收集数据并将其数字化到 OpenStreetMap 上。 没不需要有基础知识! 您只需乐于参与、渴望学习和并收获快乐。' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: Maptime 缅因州 + description: '位于缅因州波特兰地区的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户' + extendedDescription: '实际上,Maptime 是指在地图制作花费的时间。 我们的使命是通过使用制图工具和技术创建协作学习,探索和地图创建的时间和空间,为感兴趣的任何人打开制图的可能性。' + Maptime-Oceania-Slack: + name: Maptime 大洋洲 Slack + description: '在 {signupUrl} 上注册' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: Maptime 克罗地亚 Twitter + description: '关注我们的 Twitter:{url}' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: 东米德兰(诺丁汉)月度酒吧见面会 + description: 东米德兰绘图者和用户的社交聚会 + extendedDescription: '该小组自2011年3月开始举行会议,地点最初在诺丁汉,近几年在德比,或不时在东米德兰的其他地方举行。这些虽是社交聚会,但却是来询问涉及地区或只是普通的 OSM 特定问题的好地方。在夏季,我们通常会在会场附近进行一小时的小型测绘。整个团队都对关于公共优先权的测绘有着特殊的兴趣,并且不时为此而召开绘图会议。' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 阿根廷 Facebook + description: 在 Facebook 上加入 OpenStreetMap 阿根廷社区 + extendedDescription: 当地社区的新闻 + OSM-AR-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 阿根廷网络论坛 + description: 加入 OpenStreetMap 阿根廷网络论坛 + extendedDescription: 长篇或重要讨论的理想地。回应时间较慢。 + OSM-AR-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap 阿根廷 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (端口 6667) 加入 #osm-ar' + extendedDescription: 您可以在社区中找到最为极客的用户。 + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar 邮件列表 + description: 历史邮件列表。如今几乎不再使用。 + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 阿根廷 Telegram + description: 在 Telegram 上加入 OpenStreetMap 阿根廷社区 + extendedDescription: '全社区最活跃的频道,专为聊天和问题速答而准备。欢迎每个人加入!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 阿根廷 Twitter + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + extendedDescription: 当地社区和 OpenStreetMap 大体的新闻 + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap 亚洲邮件列表 + description: Talk-asia 是亚洲社区的官方邮件列表 + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 孟加拉国 + description: 改进位于孟加拉国的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '在孟加拉国绘图?有任何疑问,想要与当地的社区交流?在 {url} 加入我们。欢迎所有人!' + events: + sotmasia2019: + name: State of the Map 亚洲 2019 + description: 加入位于达卡的 State of the Map 亚洲的 2019 年 OpenStreetMap 地区活动。 + where: '孟加拉国达卡农业研究所(KIB)' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-bo 邮件列表 + description: Talk-bo 是玻利维亚 OpenStreetMap 社区的官方邮件列表 + extendedDescription: '在玻利维亚绘图?有任何疑问,想要与当地的社区交流?在 {Url} 加入我们。欢迎所有人!' + OSM-BiH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 波黑 Telegram + description: 'OSM 波斯尼亚与黑塞哥维亚社区的 Telegram 群组: {url}' + OSM-Boston: + name: OpenStreetMap 波士顿 + description: 位于波士顿地区的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户 + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap 是一种免费的,开放的 Wiki 风格的世界地图,每天都有来自像您这样的人作出的数十万贡献。 编辑地图既简单又有趣! 在室内和室外与我们一起,努力创建波士顿和世界其他地区的最佳地图!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA Slack + description: '欢迎所有人加入!在 {signupUrl} 上注册。' + OSM-CA-mailinglist: + name: OSM 加拿大 邮件列表 + description: 讨论在加拿大 OpenStreetMap 的邮件列表 + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 智利 Facebook + description: 在 Facebook 上加入 OpenStreetMap 智利社区 + extendedDescription: '加入社区来了解更多 OpenStreetMap,在会议中提问或者参与。欢迎每个人的到来!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl 邮件列表 + description: 讨论在智利 OpenStreetMap 的邮件列表 + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 智利 Telegram + description: 在 Telegram 上加入 OpenStreetMap 智利社区 + extendedDescription: '加入社区来了解更多 OpenStreetMap,在会议中提问或者参与。欢迎每个人的到来!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 智利 Twitter + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + OSM-CN-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 中国 Telegram + description: 'OSM 中国社区的 Telegram 群组:{url}' + OSM-CO: + name: OpenStreetMap 哥伦比亚 + description: 关于 OpenStreetMap 哥伦比亚社区和 OSMCo 基金会的新闻 + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 哥伦比亚 Facebook + description: 在 Facebook 上加入 OpenStreetMap 哥伦比亚社区 + extendedDescription: 加入社区来了解更多 OpenStreetMap。欢迎每个人的到来! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-co 邮件列表 + description: 讨论在哥伦比亚 OpenStreetMap 的邮件列表 + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM 哥伦比亚在 Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap 哥伦比亚 Telegram 交流 + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 哥伦比亚 Twitter + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM 古巴在 Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap 古巴 Telegram 交流 + OSM-CZ-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 捷克 Telegram + description: 'OSM 捷克社区的 Telegram 群组:{url}' + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: OpenStreetMap 中央盐海 + description: '位于华盛顿州弗农山地区的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap 是由您这样的人制作的世界地图。 这是您创建的地图,像维基百科一样免费赠送。 查看 osm.org 了解更多。 我们一直在开会,讨论地图,制作地图并尽享乐趣!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM 查塔努加 + description: 查塔努加的 OpenStreetMap 用户群组 + OSM-Colorado: + name: OpenStreetMap 科罗拉多州 + description: '位于美国科罗拉多州的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户' + extendedDescription: '科罗拉多州 OpenStreetMap 是一个有志于为创建免费地图做出贡献的人们的本地协作。 我们鼓励所有制图员组织或提倡举行全州制图活动。 聚会活动可以是简单的社交混合器,从基础到高级的 OSM 技术培训、或社区绘图聚会。' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + description: 通过 Discord 与其他绘图者联系 + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM 厄瓜多尔在 Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap 厄瓜多尔 Telegram 交流 + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Talk-es 邮件列表 + description: 讨论在西班牙 OpenStreetMap 的邮件列表 + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: '@OSMes Telegram 主页' + description: OpenStreetMap 西班牙 Telegram 交流 + OSM-Facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Facebook 主页 + description: 在 Facebook 上喜欢我们并接收关于 OpenStreetMap 新闻和更新。 + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 印度尼西亚 + description: 改进位于印度尼西亚的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '在印度尼西亚绘图?有任何疑问,想要与当地的社区交流?在 {Url} 加入我们。欢迎所有人!' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (端口 6667) 加入 #osm' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: 自由软硬件运动 (FSHM) - Facebook + description: '在 FSHM Facebook 主页上了解更多社区事件和活动' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM 组织与免费软硬件、技术、行动主义和 OpenStreetMap 有关的活动。 其 FaceBook 页面是与这个活动保持联系的最佳方式。' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: 自由软硬件运动 (FSHM) - Matrix + OSM-India-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 印度 - 共同参与的街区绘图 + description: 改进位于印度的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '在印度绘图?有任何疑问,想要与当地的社区交流?在 {Url} 加入我们。欢迎所有人!' + OSM-Japan-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 日本 Telegram + description: 'OSM 日本社区的 Telegram 群组:{url}' + OSM-Kerala-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 喀拉拉邦 - 共同参与的街区绘图 + description: 改进位于喀拉拉邦的 OpenStreetMap + OSM-Korea-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap 韩国邮件列表 + description: Talk-ko 是社区讨论关于韩国事务的官方邮件列表 + OSM-Korea-telegram: + name: OSM 韩国 Telegram + description: '非官方的频道,用于韩国的 OpenStreetMap 贡献者、社区和用户的分享与讨论。' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 缅甸 + description: 改进位于缅甸的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '在缅甸绘图?有任何疑问,想要与当地的社区交流?在 {Url} 加入我们。欢迎所有人!' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 蒙古 + description: 改进位于蒙古的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '在蒙古绘图?有任何疑问,想要与当地的社区交流?在 {Url} 加入我们。欢迎所有人!' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 马来西亚 Facebook 主页 + description: 讨论任何和 OpenStreetMap 有关的内容! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 马来西亚论坛 + description: 官方 OpenStreetMap 马来西亚论坛 + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap 马来西亚 Riot 频道 + description: '欢迎所有的绘图者!在 {signupUrl} 上注册。' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 尼泊尔 + description: 改进位于尼泊尔的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '在尼泊尔绘图?有任何疑问,想要与当地的社区交流?在 {Url} 加入我们。欢迎所有人!' + OSM-Ottawa-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap 渥太华 + description: 位于渥太华地区的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户 + OSM-PE: + name: OpenStreetMap 秘鲁 + description: 关于 OpenStreetMap 秘鲁社区的新闻和资源 + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 秘鲁 Facebook + description: 在 Facebook 上加入 OpenStreetMap 秘鲁社区 + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pe 邮件列表 + description: OpenStreetMap 秘鲁社区官方邮件列表 + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap 秘鲁 Matrix 交流 + description: 在 Matrix 上与 OpenStreetMap 秘鲁社区的其他成员交流。 + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 秘鲁 Telegram + description: 在 Telegram 上加入 OpenStreetMap 秘鲁社区 + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 秘鲁 Twitter + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 菲律宾 Facebook + description: '欢迎来到 OpenStreetMap 菲律宾,我们在这里鼓励所有菲律宾同胞为 OpenStreetMap 项目做出贡献。' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph 邮件列表 + description: 讨论在菲律宾 OpenStreetMap 的邮件列表 + OSM-PH-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap 菲律宾 Slack + description: '欢迎所有人加入!在 {signupUrl} 上注册。' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 菲律宾 Telegram + description: '为在菲律宾的 OpenStreetMap 贡献者和伙伴们准备的非官方 Telegram 本地社区' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: OpenStreetMap 波兰 Facebook 小组 + description: 为位于波兰的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户提供的群组 + OSM-PL-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 波兰论坛 + description: 波兰 OpenStreetMap 社区论坛 + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM 巴拉圭在 Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap 巴拉圭 Telegram 交流 + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap 波特兰 + description: 位于波特兰地区的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户 + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 波特兰 Google 小组 + description: 波特兰地区 OpenStreetMap 用户的论坛和邮件列表 + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: 自由软硬件运动 (FSHM) - 邮件列表 + OSM-RU-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 俄罗斯论坛 + description: OpenStreetMap 俄罗斯网络论坛 + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 俄罗斯 Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap 俄罗斯 Telegram 交流 + OSM-Reddit: + name: OpenStreetMap Reddit 社区 + description: /r/openstreetmap/ 是了解更多关于 OpenStreetMap 的好地方。来尽管问我们吧! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + description: 在罗马地区改进 OpenStreetMap + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM 南湾 + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: 清迈的 OSM 聚会 + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap 社区的成员每隔几个月在清迈举行一次会议。请访问 {url} 以和我们取得联系,并查看下一次会议的日程安排。' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 泰国 Facebook 小组 + description: 为泰国 OpenStreetMap 绘图者准备的 Facebook 小组 + OSM-TH-forum: + description: OpenStreetMap 泰国在线论坛 + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 台湾社区 + description: 绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户用以讨论中国台湾省事务的 Facebook 小组。 + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap 台湾邮件列表 + description: Talk-tw 是社区讨论关于中国台湾省事务的官方邮件列表 + OSM-TW-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 台湾 Telegram + description: 'OSM 台湾社区的 Telegram 群组: {url}' + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: OpenStreetMap 坦帕湾 + description: 坦帕湾地区的 OpenStreetMap 贡献者和使用者 + OSM-Telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap Telegram 群组 + description: '加入 OpenStreetMap Telegram 全球大群:{url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Twitter 主页 + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + OSM-US: + name: OpenStreetMap 美国 + description: 我们助长并改善位于美国的 OpenStreetMap。 + extendedDescription: '我们通过召开年度会议、提供社区资源、建立合伙关系以及推广来支持 OpenStreetMap。在此处加入 OpenStreetMap 美国:{signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap 美国 Slack + description: '欢迎所有人加入!在 {signupUrl} 上注册。' + OSM-Utah: + name: OpenStreetMap 犹他州 + description: 位于盐湖城区域的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户 + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap 温哥华 + description: '位于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: OpenStreetMap 怀俄明州 + description: 位于怀俄明州的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户 + OSM-br-discord: + name: OpenStreetMap 巴西 Discord + description: 在 Discord 上加入 OpenStreetMap 巴西社区 + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br 邮件列表 + description: 讨论在巴西 OpenStreetMap 的邮件列表 + OSM-br-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 巴西 Telegram + description: 在 Telegram 上加入 OpenStreetMap 巴西社区 + extendedDescription: '加入社区来了解更多 OpenStreetMap,在会议中提问或者参与。欢迎每个人的到来!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 巴西 Twitter + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + OSM-help: + name: OpenStreetMap 帮助 + description: 在 OSM 社区驱动的问答网站上提问并得到解答。 + extendedDescription: '{url} 为所有人提供关于 OpenStreetMap 的帮助。无论您是新手绘图者或者有任何技术问题,都来找我们帮助吧!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap 印度邮件列表 + description: Talk-in 是为印度社区准备的官方邮件列表 + OSM-india-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 印度 Twitter + description: '我们之间仅差一条推文:{url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 日本社区 + description: 在日本的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户 + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap 日本邮件列表 + description: Talk-ja 是为日本社区准备的官方邮件列表 + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 日本 Twitter + description: 'Twitter 上的#标签:{url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: OpenStreetMap 日本 + description: 位于日本的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户 + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 斯里兰卡 + description: 改进位于斯里兰卡的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '在斯里兰卡绘制地图?有任何疑问、或想要与当地的社区交流?在 {Url} 加入我们。欢迎所有人!' + OSMF: + name: OpenStreetMap 基金会 (OSMF) + description: OSMF 是总部位于英国的非营利组织,用于支持 OpenStreetMap 项目。 + extendedDescription: 'OSMF 通过筹款、维护为网站提供动力的服务器、组织年度 State of the Map 会议以及协调维护网站的志愿者来支持 OpenStreetMap。您可以通过点击该链接成为 OSMF 的一员以展示您的支持并为 OpenStreetMap 的未来发声:{signupUrl}' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: 开放克利夫兰 + description: 在克利夫兰地区改进 OpenStreetMap + PHXGeo-meetup: + description: '位于亚利桑那州凤凰城地区的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitter + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: 南蒂罗尔 OpenStreetMap 邮件列表 + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: 特伦蒂诺 OpenStreetMap 邮件列表 + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: 西坡 OSM Facebook + al-twitter: + description: '关注我们的 Twitter:{url}' + at-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 奥地利论坛 + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-at 邮件列表 + description: Talk-at 是奥地利 OpenStreetMap 社区的官方邮件列表 + at-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 奥地利 Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap 奥地利 Twitter 主页:{url}' + be-chapter: + description: 我们助长并改善位于比利时的 OpenStreetMap。 + be-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 比利时 Facebook 社区 + description: 位于比利时的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap Facebook 主页 + be-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 比利时论坛 + description: OpenStreetMap 比利时网络论坛 + be-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap 比利时 IRC + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-be 邮件列表 + description: Talk-be 是比利时 OSM 社区的官方邮件列表 + be-matrix: + description: 欢迎所有的绘图者! + be-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap 比利时聚会 + be-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 比利时 Twitter + description: 'OSM 比利时 Twitter: @osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana 的 Facebook 页面 + description: OpenStreetMap in Botswana 的页面 + bw-twitter: + name: Mapping Botswana 的 Twitter 页面 + description: OpenStreetMap in Botswana 的 Twitter 页面 + byosm: + name: OpenStreetMap 白俄罗斯 + description: OpenStreetMap 白俄罗斯 Telegram 交流 + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: 海岸角大学 YouthMappers + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + extendedDescription: '此为加纳海岸角大学的 Youth Mappers 官方分会。我们热爱地图、开放数据以及帮助弱势群体。' + ch-mailinglist: + description: 瑞士的邮件列表 + ch-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 瑞士 Twitter + description: '关注我们的 Twitter:{url}' + czech-community: + name: 捷克 OSM 社区 + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: 柏林邮件列表 + description: 此为柏林 OSM 社区的邮件列表 + de-berlin-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap 柏林-勃兰登堡见面会 + description: 位于柏林区域的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户 + de-berlin-telegram: + name: '@osmberlin Telegram 主页' + description: OpenStreetMap 柏林 Telegram 交流 + de-berlin-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 柏林 Twitter + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + de-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 德国论坛 + description: OpenStreetMap 德国网络论坛 + de-hamburg-telegram: + name: OSM 汉堡在 Telegram + description: 'OpenStreetMap 汉堡 Telegram 交流: {url}' + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap 德国 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (端口 6667) 加入 #osm-de' + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de 邮件列表 + description: Talk-de 是德国 OpenStreetMap 社区的官方邮件列表 + de-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap 德国 Matrix + description: '加入 #osm-de:matrix.org 于 https://riot.im/app/#/room/%23osm-de:matrix.org' + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: 东威斯特伐利亚州邮件列表 + description: 此为东威斯特伐利亚州 OSM 社区的邮件列表 + de-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 德国 Telegram + description: '加入 OpenStreetMap Telegram 德国大群:{url}' + dk-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 丹麦网络论坛 + description: OpenStreetMap 丹麦网络论坛 + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap 丹麦 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (端口 6667) 加入 #osm-dk' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk 邮件列表 + description: 讨论在丹麦 OpenStreetMap 的邮件列表 + es-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 西班牙 Twitter + description: '关注我们的 Twitter:{url}' + fi-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 芬兰论坛 + description: OpenStreetMap 芬兰在线论坛 + fi-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap 芬兰 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (端口 6667) 加入 #osm-fi' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fi 邮件列表 + description: Talk-fi 是芬兰 OSM 社区的官方邮件列表 + fr-chapter: + description: 我们助长并改善位于法国的 OpenStreetMap。 + fr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 法国 Facebook 主页 + description: OpenStreetMap 法国 Facebook 主页 + fr-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 法国网络论坛 + description: OpenStreetMap 法国网络论坛 + fr-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap 法国 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (端口 6667) 加入 #osm-fr' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr 邮件列表 + description: Talk-fr 邮件列表 + fr-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 法国的 Telegram 群组 + description: 'OSM 法国社区的 Telegram 群组: {url}' + fr-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 法国 Twitter 主页 + description: 'OpenStreetMap 法国 Twitter 主页:{url}' + galicia-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap 维基计划 加利西亚 + description: '在加利西亚绘图所需要知道的所有事情: {url}' + gb-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap 英国 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (端口 6667) 加入 #osm-gb' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb 邮件列表 + description: Talk-gb 是英国(包括北爱尔兰) OSM 社区的主要交流论坛 + hr-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 克罗地亚 Facebook 小组 + description: OpenStreetMap 克罗地亚 Facebook 小组 + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr 邮件列表 + description: Talk-hr 邮件列表 + hu-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 匈牙利 Facebook 主页 + description: 位于匈牙利的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap Facebook 主页 + hu-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 匈牙利论坛 + description: OpenStreetMap 匈牙利网络论坛 + ireland-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 爱尔兰 Facebook 小组 + description: OpenStreetMap 爱尔兰 Facebook 主页 + ireland-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ie 邮件列表 + description: Talk-ie 是爱尔兰 OSM 社区的邮件列表 + ireland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 爱尔兰 Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap 爱尔兰 Twitter: {url}' + is-facebook: + name: OSM 冰岛 Facebook 主页 + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is 邮件列表 + description: Talk-is 是冰岛 OSM 社区的官方邮件列表 + is-twitter: + name: OSM 冰岛 Twitter + description: 位于冰岛 OpenStreetMap 的 Twitter + it-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 意大利 Facebook + description: 在 Facebook 上加入 OpenStreetMap 意大利社区 + it-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap 意大利 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (端口 6667) 加入 #osm-it' + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it 邮件列表 + description: Talk-it 是意大利 OpenStreetMap 社区的官方邮件列表 + it-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 意大利 Twitter + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + lu-mailinglist: + name: Talk-lu 邮件列表 + map-kibera: + name: Map Kibera Trust + description: Map Kibera 是位于肯尼亚的注册组织 + extendedDescription: Map Kibera Trust的使命是通过创造性地使用数字化行动工具来增加边缘化社区的影响力和代表性。 + ni-facebook: + description: 位于尼加拉瓜的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap Facebook 主页 + ni-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ni 邮件列表 + description: Talk-ni 是尼加拉瓜 OSM 社区的官方邮件列表 + no-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 挪威网络论坛 + description: OpenStreetMap 挪威网络论坛 + no-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap 挪威 IRC + no-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap 挪威邮件列表 + description: '为位于挪威的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户、开发者与爱好者准备的邮件列表' + no-telegram: + name: '@OSM_no 于 Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap 挪威 Telegram 讨论 + osm-afghanistan-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 阿富汗 + description: 改进位于阿富汗的 OpenStreetMap + osm-africa-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 非洲 Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap 非洲 Telegram + osm-asia-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 亚洲 Telegram + description: '加入我们的大家庭:{url}' + osm-at: + name: OpenStreetMap 奥地利 + description: 位于奥地利的 OpenStreetMap 信息平台 + osm-ch: + name: OpenStreetMap 瑞士 + description: 位于瑞士的 OpenStreetMap 信息平台 + osm-de: + name: OpenStreetMap 德国 + description: 位于德国的 OpenStreetMap 信息平台 + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 加纳 Facebook 主页 + description: 为对 OpenStreetMap 感兴趣的用户准备的 Facebook 小组。 + extendedDescription: '位于加纳的绘图者社区,在加纳宣传 OpenStreetMap 以及人道主义 OpenStreetMap 团队 (HOT) 项目。加入我们。' + osm-gh-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 加纳 Telegram + description: OpenStreetMap 加纳社区于 Telegram + osm-gh-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 加纳 Twitter 主页 + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + osm-india-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 印度论坛 + osm-india-github: + name: OpenStreetMap 印度 GitHub + description: '和我们一起编程: {url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 印度 Telegram + description: '加入我们的大家庭:{url}' + osm-india-website: + name: OpenStreetMap 印度 + description: 位于印度的绘图者和 OpenStreetMap 用户 + osm-india-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap 维基计划 印度 + description: '在印度绘图所需要知道的所有事情: {url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: OpenStreetMap 印度 Youtube + description: '订阅我们的频道: {url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: OpenStreetMap 伊朗阿帕拉特 + description: '订阅我们的频道于: {url}' + osm-iran-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 伊朗网络论坛 + description: OpenStreetMap 伊朗网络论坛 + extendedDescription: 为伊朗的 OpenStreetMap 用户提供的网络论坛。请尽情的提问并与他人讨论! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 伊朗 Telegram + description: '欢迎你加入我们的 Telegram 频道 {url}。 我们也有一个有着众多对伊朗感兴趣的 OSM 绘图者的超级群组,请在频道的介绍页面找寻链接。' + osm-kenya: + name: OSM 肯尼亚 + description: OSM Kenya 是 OSM 贡献者及用户的社群 + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 马达加斯加 Facebook 小组 + description: 为对 OpenStreetMap 感兴趣的用户准备的马达加斯加 Facebook 小组。 + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + osmcz-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 捷克 Facebook 主页 + description: 关注捷克社区 Facebook - 包括已翻译的 WeeklyOSM! + osmcz-twitter: + name: 捷克 Twitter @osmcz + description: 关注捷克社区 Twitter - 包括已翻译的 WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: OSM 社区聚会于格拉茨 + description: 每月的 OpenStreetMap 社区聚会在格拉茨 + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM 格拉茨社区 Twitter 主页 + description: OpenStreetMap 格拉茨社区 Twitter 主页 + pt-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pt 邮件列表 + description: Talk-pt 是葡萄牙 OSM 社区的官方邮件列表 + pt-telegram: + name: OpenStreetMap 葡萄牙在 Telegram + description: 'OSM 葡萄牙社区的 Telegram 群组:{url}' + sa-telegram: + name: OSM 沙特阿拉伯 Telegram + description: 'OSM 沙特阿拉伯社区的 Telegram 群组:{url}' + scotland-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 阿尔巴 Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap 阿尔巴 Twitter: {url}' + se-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 瑞典 Facebook + description: OpenStreetMap 瑞典 Facebook 主页 + se-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 瑞典网络论坛 + description: OpenStreetMap 瑞典网络论坛 + se-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap 瑞典 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (端口 6667) 加入 #osm.se' + se-mailinglist: + name: Talk-se 邮件列表 + description: 讨论在瑞典 OpenStreetMap 的邮件列表 + se-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 瑞典 Twitter 页面 + description: '在 Twitter 上关注我们:{url}' + si-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 斯洛文尼亚论坛 + description: 斯洛文尼亚 OpenStreetMap 社区论坛 + si-mailinglist: + name: OpenStreetMap 斯洛文尼亚邮件列表 + description: 斯洛文尼亚 OpenStreetMap 社区的邮件列表 + si-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 斯洛文尼亚 Twitter + description: '关注 OpenStreetMap 斯洛文尼亚 Twitter: {url}' + sk-facebook: + name: Freemap.sk 斯洛伐克社区 Facebook 页面 + description: Freemap.sk 斯洛伐克社区 Facebook 页面 + sk-freemap: + name: OpenStreetMap 网站 Freemap 斯洛伐克 + description: OpenStreetMap 地图网站及工具于斯洛伐克及周边区域 + sk-freemap-wiki: + name: OpenStreetMap Freemap 斯洛伐克维基 + description: 为斯洛伐克绘图者和社区提供的 OpenStreetMap 维基 + sk-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap Freemap 斯洛伐克推特 + description: 'OpenStreetMap Freemap 斯洛伐克推特: {url}' + talk-au: + name: Talk-au 邮件列表 + description: 澳大利亚绘图者交流的地方 + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: 捷克邮件列表 (talk-cz) + description: Talk-cz 是捷克 OpenStreetMap 社区的官方邮件列表 + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh 邮件列表 + description: Talk-gh 是为加纳 OSM 社区准备的官方邮件列表 + talk-it-lazio: + name: OpenStreetMap 意大利拉齐奥 + description: '欢迎所有人加入!在 {signupUrl} 上注册。' + extendedDescription: 罗马和拉齐奥大区的邮件列表 + talk-mg: + name: Talk-mg 邮件列表 + description: '位于马达加斯加的 OpenStreetMap 贡献者、社区和用户分享和讨论的地方。' + talk-nz: + name: Talk-nz 邮件列表 + description: 新西兰 OSM 社区讨论 + ua-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap 乌克兰 Facebook 小组 + description: 加入 OpenStreetMap 乌克兰社区的 Facebook + ua-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap 乌克兰论坛 + description: 乌克兰 OpenStreetMap 社区论坛 + ua-github: + name: OpenStreetMap 乌克兰于 GitHub + description: OpenStreetMap 乌克兰 GitHub + ua-osm: + name: OpenStreetMap 网站乌克兰 + description: OpenStreetMap 网站于乌克兰 + ua-slack: + name: OpenStreetMap 乌克兰 Slack + description: 在 Slack 上加入 OpenStreetMap 乌克兰社区 + ua-telegram: + name: '@osmUA on Telegram' + description: OpenStreetMap 乌克兰 Telegram 交流 + ua-twitter: + name: OpenStreetMap 乌克兰 Twitter + description: 'OpenStreetMap 乌克兰 Twitter: {url}' + uk-localchapter: + name: OpenStreetMap 英国 + us-ma-mailinglist: + name: Talk-us-massachusetts 邮件列表 + uy-mailinglist: + name: Talk-uy 邮件列表 + description: Talk-uy 是乌拉圭 OSM 社区的官方邮件列表 + ve-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ve 邮件列表 + description: Talk-ve 是委内瑞拉 OSM 社区的官方邮件列表 + ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny: + name: 遥感研究与应用中心 YouthMappers + description: 菲利克斯·乌弗埃·博瓦尼大学遥感研究与应用中心的 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: 我们分会目的是推广合作绘制自由地图的使用,以及在研究与决策应用时运用 OpenStreetMap 资料,帮助学生在他们研究时能生成自己的资料。 + ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University: + name: 兰萨纳·孔戴将军大学 YouthMappers + description: 兰萨纳·孔戴将军大学 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: 兰萨纳·孔戴大学将军的 YouthMappers 是一个非营利性社区,愿意为几内亚地图和世界其他地区做出贡献。 我们正在促进使用GIS和开放数据来构建决策支持工具。 我们还致力于在学生和当地社区中建立能力。 + ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine: + name: YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba + description: 科学和兽医学院 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala是一个非营利组织,致力于促进人道主义地图绘制以及使用开源和开放数据在几内亚建立决策工具。 + ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology: + name: 恩克鲁玛科技大学的 YouthMappers + description: 恩克鲁玛科技大学的 YouthMappers 分会 + ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia: + name: Connected YouthMappers + description: 冈比亚基督教青年会/冈比亚大学的 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: Connected YouthMappers 由年轻甘比亚人组成,希望能改变和协助国家发展 + ym-Universit-de-NZrkor: + name: 恩泽雷科雷 YouthMappers + description: 恩泽雷科雷大学 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: YouthMappers是一个小组,可以绘制内陆社区的地图,并在发生灾难或流行病时做出决策。 它还允许免费访问数据的生产和使用。 + ym-University-of-Cape-Coast: + name: UCC地理学协会 + description: 海岸角大学的 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: 我们协会涵盖了开普敦大学地理与区域规划系所有正在阅读和阅读地理的学生。 我们的主要目的是提高对教室内外学科的兴趣。 我们的座右铭是“我们了解地球及其居民”。 + ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources: + name: Eco-Club + description: 加纳能源与自然资源大学的 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: 为所有公民提供有关不断恶化的环境的良好教育,并最大程度地利用环境的重建来维持人类的生存。 + ym-University-of-Ghana: + name: 加纳大学 YouthMappers + description: 加纳大学 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: '加大 YouthMappers由拥有GIS和遥感知识和技能的研究生和本科生组成。 该俱乐部由一支充满活力的团队组成,该团队随时准备通过绘图解决社会问题并缓解环境问题。 我们的基本原则是能力建设、增强和团队合作。' + ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology: + name: 加纳矿业大学 YouthMappers + description: 加纳矿业大学 YouthMappers 分会 + extendedDescription: UMaT YouthMappers是一群学生志愿者,他们旨在为学生提供机会,以提高他们在制图领域的技能,并创建开放的地理数据和分析,以应对全球范围内本地定义的发展挑战。 diff --git a/i18n/zh_HK.yaml b/i18n/zh_HK.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d747eb8d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/zh_HK.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +zh_HK: + bw-facebook: + name: Mapping Botswana Facebook 專頁 + osm-gh-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Ghana Facebook 專頁 + description: Facebook 社群給對 OpenStreetMap 有興趣的人。 + osm-mg-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Madagascar Facebook 群組 + description: 馬達加斯加 Facebook 社群給對 OpenStreetMap 有興趣的人。 + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook + description: 'FSHM Facebook 專頁使你知道社群活動' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap Malaysia Facebook 專頁 + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap PH Facebook 專頁 + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: OpenStreetMap TH Facebook 社群 diff --git a/i18n/zh_TW.yaml b/i18n/zh_TW.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d042ceb91 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/zh_TW.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,696 @@ +zh_TW: + Bahia-telegram: + name: 開放街圖巴伊亞 Telegram + description: 加入開放街圖巴伊亞 Telegram 聊天室 + extendedDescription: '加入社群學習更多關於開放街圖的事情,詢問問題或是參加聚會,歡迎所有人噢!' + Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers: + name: 灣區的 OpenStreetMap 圖客 + description: 改善在灣區的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '這個群組是為了讓灣區的 OpenStreetMap 社群成長茁壯而設立。我們的活動開放給所有人參與,開放原始碼支持者、自行車騎士、地理資訊系統 (GIS) 專家、地理藏寶者都可以。只要對地圖、地圖製作與自由地圖資料有興趣的人都歡迎加入我們的群組,以及參與我們的活動。' + Central-Pennsylvania-OSM: + name: 賓州中部 OSM + description: '位於賓州州立大學的線上製圖社群' + Code-for-San-Jose-Slack: + name: Code for San Jose Slack + description: '歡迎所有人加入!在 {signupUrl} 註冊,並加入 #osm 頻道。' + DF-telegram: + name: 開放街圖巴西利亞 Telegram + description: 加入開放街圖巴西利亞 Telegram 聊天室 + extendedDescription: '加入社群學習更多關於開放街圖的事情,詢問問題或是參加聚會,歡迎所有人噢!' + Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM: + name: 達拉斯—沃斯堡 OSM + description: 達拉斯—沃斯堡的 OpenStreetMap 使用者群組 + extendedDescription: '達拉斯、沃斯堡與其間的所有城市都充滿了極具創造力且技術精湛的人才。這個使用者群組的願景是找出新的方法來使用 OSM 上的驚人資源。' + GeoPhilly: + name: GeoPhilly + description: 費城地區的地圖愛好者聚會 + extendedDescription: 'GeoPhilly 將開發者、地理學家、資料極客、開放原始碼愛好者、公民駭客與地圖愛好者聯合起來,並將我們對地圖的熱愛與他們的故事連結起來。如果你在工作中會用到地圖,或僅僅只是想要了解更多,這就是為你而辦的聚會!我們的活動旨在開放、友好、教育與社交,從歡樂時光到閃電講,甚至是工作坊都有。跟我們一起在費城建立一個多元化且激勵人心的地理空間社群!' + MapMinnesota: + name: MapMinnesota + description: 在雙城區一帶的圖客與開放街圖使用者 + extendedDescription: 接觸明尼蘇達和雙城區一帶開放街圖熱情參與者! + Mapping-DC-meetup: + name: Mapping DC + description: 改善華府區域的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '我們是一群致力於改善華府區域的 OpenStreetMap 的群組。我們也努力教導其他人關於 OSM 的生態系、資料分析、製圖與 GIS。我們每隔一個月聚會一次,每次僅聚焦在我們的城市中的一個地區。' + Maptime-Bogota: + name: Maptime Bogotá + description: 我們是一群關心波哥大一帶開放街圖狀況的圖客。 + extendedDescription: '學習在現場收集資料,然後在開放街圖上面數位位。你不需要有先備知識!你只要有心參與、學習以及好好玩。' + Maptime-ME-meetup: + name: MaptimeME + description: '緬因州波特蘭區域的圖客與 OpenStreetMap 使用者' + extendedDescription: '以字面來說,Maptime 是畫地圖的時間,我們的宗旨是開創一扇讓任何能製作地圖的時間和空問,大家共同學習,探索和運用製作地圖工具和技術製作地圖。' + MaptimeHRVA-twitter: + name: MaptimeHRVA Twitter + description: '在 {url} 於 Twitter 上追蹤我們' + Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup: + name: East Midlands (諾丁漢) 酒吧每月聚會 + description: East Midlands 圖客和使用者的社交聚會 + extendedDescription: '一開始 2011 年 3 月時有一群人在諾丁罕開始聚會,後來則大多在德比,以及不時在東密德蘭的其他地方。大多是社交性質的聚會,但也是相當好詢問有關地方 OSM 或是一般性質問題。在夏季時我們通常會趁有日光時在聚會場地附近出外畫地圖,這群人有個特別興趣,就是繪製公共空間,不時會為了畫地圖而聚會。' + OSM-AR-facebook: + name: 開放街圖阿根廷 Facebook + description: 加入開放街圖阿根廷社群 Facebook + extendedDescription: 在地社群消息 + OSM-AR-forum: + name: 開放街圖阿根廷的網頁論壇 + description: 加入開放街圖阿根廷的網頁論壇 + extendedDescription: 適合長篇或重要討論,回應時間慢。 + OSM-AR-irc: + name: 開放街圖阿根廷 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 上面加入 #osm-ar' + extendedDescription: 你會發現社群中最 geeky 的使用者。 + OSM-AR-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ar 郵件論壇 + description: 從前用過的郵件論壇,如今已經不再使用。 + OSM-AR-telegram: + name: 開放街圖阿根廷 Telegram + description: 加入開放街圖阿根廷 Telegram 聊天室 + extendedDescription: '社群最活躍的頻道,適合聊天和馬上解答你的問題,歡迎所有人!' + OSM-AR-twitter: + name: 開放街圖阿根廷 Twitter + description: '在 {url} 上追隨我們的 Twitter ' + extendedDescription: 一般在地社群和開放街圖消息。 + OSM-Asia-mailinglist: + name: 開放街圖亞洲郵件論壇 + description: Talk-asia 是亞洲社群的官方郵件論壇 + OSM-BGD-facebook: + name: 開放街圖孟加拉 + description: 改進孟加拉的開放街圖 + extendedDescription: '在孟加拉畫地圖嗎?想要問問題,想要與社群連結?請加入 {url},所有人都歡迎噢! ' + OSM-BO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-bo 郵件論壇 + description: 'Talk-bo 是玻利維亞社群的官方郵件論壇 ' + extendedDescription: '在玻利維亞畫地圖嗎?想要問問題,想要與社群連結?請加入 {Url},所有人都歡迎噢!' + OSM-Boston: + name: 開放街圖波士頓 + description: 波士頓的圖客與開放街圖使用者 + extendedDescription: '開放街圖是一份自由開放的維基風格世界地圖,每天都有數十萬像您這樣的人們做出貢獻。編輯地圖很簡單,而且很有趣!不管是在戶內或是戶外都可以加入我們,來建立波士頓地區與世界其他地方最好的地圖吧!' + OSM-CA-Slack: + name: OSM-CA Slack + description: '歡迎所有人加入!在 {signupUrl} 註冊。' + OSM-CL-facebook: + name: 開放街圖智利 Facebook + description: 加入開放街圖智利社群 Facebook + extendedDescription: '加入社群學習更多關於開放街圖的事情,詢問問題或是參加聚會,歡迎所有人噢!' + OSM-CL-mailinglist: + name: Talk-cl 郵件論壇 + description: 討論開放街圖在智利事物的郵件論壇 + OSM-CL-telegram: + name: 開放街圖智利 Telegram + description: 加入開放街圖智利 Telegram 聊天室 + extendedDescription: '加入社群學習更多關於開放街圖的事情,詢問問題或是參加聚會,歡迎所有人噢!' + OSM-CL-twitter: + name: 開放街圖智利 Twitter + description: '在 {url} 上追隨我們的 Twitter' + OSM-CO: + name: 開放街圖哥倫比亞 + description: 開放街圖哥倫比亞社群和 OSMCo 基金會的消息 + OSM-CO-facebook: + name: 開放街圖哥倫比亞 Facebook + description: 加入開放街圖哥倫比亞社群 Facebook + extendedDescription: 加入社群學習更多關於開放街圖的事情,歡迎所有人噢! + OSM-CO-mailinglist: + name: Talk-co 郵件論壇 + description: 討論開放街圖在哥倫比亞事物的郵件論壇 + OSM-CO-telegram: + name: OSM 哥倫比亞在 Telegram + description: 開放街圖哥倫比亞 Telegram 聊天室 + OSM-CO-twitter: + name: 開放街圖哥倫比亞 Twitter + description: '在 {url} 上追隨我們的 Twitter' + OSM-CU-telegram: + name: OSM 古巴在 Telegram + description: 開放街圖古巴 Telegram 聊天室 + OSM-Central-Salish-Sea: + name: 開放街圖中薩利希海 + description: '華盛頓州弗農山區域的圖客與 OpenStreetMap 使用者' + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap 是一幅由像你這樣的人所製作的世界地圖。它是由你所建構,並如同維基百科那樣自由提供給所有人的地圖。看看 osm.org 以取得更多資訊,然後在聚會上加入我們來說說地圖的故事、對 OSM 貢獻然後玩得開心!' + OSM-Chattanooga: + name: OSM 查塔努加 + description: 查塔努加的 OpenStreetMap 使用者群組 + OSM-Colorado: + name: 開放街圖科羅拉多 + description: '在美國科羅拉多州的圖客與開放街圖使用者' + extendedDescription: '開放街圖 (OpenStreetMap, OSM) 科羅拉多是一個喜歡貢獻他們的心力建立自由地圖的一群地區協作夥伴。我們鼓勵我們所有的圖客組織或建議橫跨整個州的製圖活動。會面活動可以是簡單的社交活動、OSM 基礎到進階訓練,或是社群製圖派對。' + OSM-Discord: + name: OpenStreetMap Discord + description: 透過 Discord 與其他製圖者取得聯繫 + OSM-EC-telegram: + name: OSM 厄瓜多在 Telegram + description: 開放街圖厄瓜多 Telegram 聊天室 + OSM-ES-mailinglist: + name: Talk-es 郵件論壇 + description: 討論開放街圖在西班牙事物的郵件論壇 + OSM-ES-telegram: + name: 'Telegram 上的 @OSMes' + description: 開放街圖西班牙 Telegram 聊天室 + OSM-Facebook: + name: 開放街圖 Facebook + description: 在 Facebook 為我們按讚,追蹤開放街圖相關的新聞和動態。 + OSM-IDN-facebook: + name: 開放街圖印尼 + description: 改進印尼的開放街圖 + extendedDescription: '在印尼畫地圖嗎?有問題,想要與社群互動?來 {Url} 加入我們,歡迎所有人。' + OSM-IRC: + name: OpenStreetMap IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net 上加入 #osm(連接埠 6667)' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook: + name: Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook + description: 'FSHM Facebook 粉絲頁讓你知道社群活動' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM 組織跟自由軟體/硬體、科技、倡議和開放街圖的活動。FSHM Facebook 粉絲頁是最好跟他們活動保持聯繫的方式。' + OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix: + name: 自由軟體硬體運動 - Matrix + description: 'FSHM Riot 小組討論、分享和更新本地治里一帶畫地圖活動' + extendedDescription: 'FSHM 社群成員經由 Riot.im 群組分享他們的開放街圖畫地圖狀況 / 經驗,社群也會討論與自由軟體 / 硬體、科技和行動主義。' + OSM-India-facebook: + name: 開放街圖印度 - 參與社區畫圖 + description: 改善印度的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '在印度畫地圖嗎?想要問問題,想要與社群連結?請加入 {Url},所有人都歡迎噢!' + OSM-MMR-facebook: + name: 開放街圖緬甸 + description: 改進緬甸的開放街圖 + extendedDescription: '在緬甸畫地圖嗎?有問題,想要與社群互動?來 {Url} 加入我們,歡迎所有人。' + OSM-MNG-facebook: + name: 開放街圖蒙古 + description: 改進蒙古的開放街圖 + extendedDescription: '在蒙古畫地圖嗎?有問題,想要與社群互動?來 {Url} 加入我們,歡迎所有人。' + OSM-MY-facebook: + name: 開放街圖馬來西亞 Facebook + description: 討論任何跟開放街圖相關的事物! + OSM-MY-forum: + name: 開放街圖馬來西亞論壇 + description: 官方開放街圖馬來西亞論壇 + OSM-MY-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap 馬來西亞 Riot channel + description: '歡迎所有圖客!在 {signupUrl} 註冊' + OSM-Nepal-facebook: + name: 開放街圖尼泊爾 + description: 改進尼泊爾的開放街圖 + extendedDescription: '在尼泊爾畫地圖嗎?有問題,想要與社群互動?來 {Url} 加入我們,歡迎所有人。' + OSM-PE: + name: 開放街圖祕魯 + description: 開放街圖社群的新聞和資源頁面 + OSM-PE-facebook: + name: 開放街圖祕魯 Facebook + description: 加入開放街圖祕魯社群 Facebook + OSM-PE-mailinglist: + name: Talk-pe 郵件論壇 + description: 'Talk-be 是開放街圖祕魯社群的官方郵件論壇 ' + OSM-PE-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap 祕魯 Matrix 頻道 + description: 在開放街圖祕魯社群的 Matrix 與其他成員聊天。 + OSM-PE-telegram: + name: 開放街圖祕魯 Telegram + description: 加入開放街圖祕魯 Telegram 聊天室 + OSM-PE-twitter: + name: 開放街圖祕魯 Twitter + description: '在 {url} 上追隨我們的 Twitter ' + OSM-PH-facebook: + name: 開放街圖菲律賓 Facebook + description: '歡迎來到開放街圖菲律賓,我們歡迎所有菲律賓人貢獻一己之力到開放街圖計畫。' + OSM-PH-mailinglist: + name: Talk-ph 郵件論壇 + description: 討論開放街圖在菲律賓事物的郵件論壇 + OSM-PH-slack: + name: 開放街圖 PH Slack + description: '歡迎所有人加入!在 {signupUrl} 註冊' + OSM-PH-telegram: + name: 開放街圖 PH Telegram + description: '非官方的菲律賓貢獻者和友好者的 Telegram 群組。' + OSM-PL-facebook-group: + name: 開放街圖波蘭 Facebook 社團 + description: 波蘭的開放街圖圖客和使用者社團 + OSM-PL-forum: + name: 開放街圖波蘭論壇 + description: 開放街圖波蘭社群的論壇 + OSM-PY-telegram: + name: OSM 巴拉圭在 Telegram + description: 開放街圖厄瓜多 Telegram 聊天室 + OSM-Portland: + name: OpenStreetMap 波特蘭 + description: 波特蘭區域的圖客與 OpenStreetMap 使用者 + extendedDescription: 'OpenStreetMap (OSM) 是一幅由像你這樣的人所製作的世界地圖。它是由你所建構,並如同維基百科那樣自由提供給所有人的地圖。看看 osm.org 以取得更多資訊,然後在聚會上加入我們來說說地圖的故事、對 OSM 貢獻然後玩得開心!' + OSM-Portland-forum: + name: 開放街圖 PDX Google 群組 + description: 波特蘭一帶開放街圖使用者活動的論壇和郵件論壇 + extendedDescription: '團隊宗旨是增進奧勒岡波蘭一帶開放街圖的發展,像是應用如 Open Trip Planner。' + OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List: + name: 自由軟體硬體運動 - 郵件清單 + description: FSHM Puducherry 郵件清單用來討論在 Puducherry 的製圖與其他事情。 + extendedDescription: 'FSHM 會組織關於自由軟體/硬體、科技、行動與開放街圖的活動。' + OSM-RU-forum: + name: 開放街圖俄羅斯論壇 + description: 開放街圖俄羅斯網頁論壇 + OSM-RU-telegram: + name: 開放街圖 RU Telegram + description: 開放街圖俄羅斯 Telegram 聊天群組 + OSM-Reddit: + name: 在 Reddit 上的 OpenStreetMap + description: /r/openstreetmap/ 是一個取得更多關於 OpenStreetMap 資訊的好地方。什麼事都能問! + OSM-Rome-meetup: + name: Incontro Mappatori Romani + description: 改善羅馬區域的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: '我們是一群熱情討論和分享自由地理資料集知識的人,特別是開放街圖的資料,以及管理、編輯和顯示地理資料的開放地理空間軟體,以及在拉吉歐推廣的團體。' + OSM-Seattle: + name: 開放街圖西雅圖 + description: 在西雅圖的圖客與開放街圖使用者 + OSM-SoCal: + name: 開放街圖南加州 + description: '讓我們玩樂吧,並且貢獻畫洛杉磯一帶,以及學習有關畫地圖的一切!' + extendedDescription: '開放街圖南加州擁抱任何對共同畫開放街圖有興趣的人。開放街圖是維基百科式運作的地圖,是全世界尺度自由開源的地圖,由全球超過 1,000,000 人的志工製作。我們歡迎所有人,如果你不大知道開放街圖,我們會教你,如果你有關於畫地圖計畫,甚至野外實察,也是很棒的事情!' + OSM-South-Bay: + name: OSM South Bay + description: 由為聖荷西寫程式主辦的地圖之夜 + extendedDescription: '為聖荷西寫程式是為美國寫程式的地區分支,週四晚上在聖荷西市中心舉辦每月地圖之夜。結識南灣區的圖客,與當地的製圖專案交流,聽聽其他的公民科技專案。寫程式或 GIS 相關技能都並非必要。' + OSM-TH-CNX-meetup: + name: OSM 清邁聚會 + description: 開放街圖清邁社群不定期聚會 + extendedDescription: '清邁開放街圖社群每隔幾個月的時候的聚會,歡迎接洽以及找尋 {url} 下次聚會時間' + OSM-TH-facebook: + name: '開放街圖泰國 Facebook ' + description: 泰國開放街圖的 Facebook 社團。 + OSM-TH-forum: + name: 開放街圖泰國論壇 + description: '開放街圖泰國網頁論壇 ' + OSM-TW-facebook: + name: 開放街圖台灣社群 + description: 台灣社群專門討論有關台灣圖資的臉書社團 + OSM-TW-mailinglist: + name: 開放街圖台灣郵件論壇 + description: Talk-tw 是台灣社群專門討論有關台灣圖資的官方郵件論壇 + OSM-Tampa-Bay: + name: 開放街圖坦帕灣 + description: 坦帕灣的圖客與開放街圖使用者 + extendedDescription: 'OSM 坦帕灣群組讓當地居民聚在一起,用開放街圖建立坦帕灣的準確地圖。如果您使用地圖、資料、開放原始碼、GPS、徒步旅行或是騎腳踏車等等,您將會很喜歡與 OSM 合作,所以請加入吧!我們會聚在一起,製圖並討論每月的新主題。' + OSM-Telegram: + name: 開放街圖 Telegram + description: '加入開放街圖 Telegram 超級聊天室 {url}' + OSM-Twitter: + name: 開放街圖 Twitter + description: '在 {url} 上追隨我們的 Twitter' + OSM-US: + name: 開放街圖美國 + description: 我們協助美國的開放街圖成長茁壯並改善它。 + extendedDescription: '我們透過舉辦年度研討會、提供社群資源、建立合作關係以及推廣來支援開放街圖。在此加入開放街圖美國:{signupUrl}' + OSM-US-Slack: + name: OpenStreetMap US Slack + description: '歡迎所有人加入!在 {signupUrl} 註冊' + OSM-Utah: + name: 開放街圖猶他 + description: 在鹽湖城區域的圖客與開放街圖使用者 + extendedDescription: '我們可能會舉辦的活動有:學習製圖工作坊、製圖派對與戶外資料蒐集。活動將會在鹽湖城區舉辦,至少一開始是這樣。我們正在尋找經驗豐富的圖客與 OSM 新手。加入我們,一起來製圖吧!' + OSM-Vancouver-meetup: + name: 開放街圖溫哥華 + description: '英屬哥倫比亞溫哥華一帶的圖客與開放街圖使用者' + OSM-Wyoming: + name: 開放街圖懷俄明 + description: 在懷俄明州的圖客與開放街圖使用者 + extendedDescription: '開放街圖 (OpenStreetMap, OSM) 懷俄明是一個喜歡貢獻他們的心力建立自由地圖的一群地區協作夥伴。我們鼓勵我們所有的圖客組織或建議橫跨整個州的製圖活動。會面活動可以是簡單的社交活動、OSM 基礎到進階訓練,或是社群製圖派對。' + OSM-br-mailinglist: + name: Talk-br 郵件論壇 + description: 討論開放街圖在巴西事物的郵件論壇 + OSM-br-telegram: + name: 開放街圖巴西 Telegram + description: 加入開放街圖巴西 Telegram 聊天室 + extendedDescription: '加入社群學習更多關於開放街圖的事情,詢問問題或是參加聚會,歡迎所有人噢!' + OSM-br-twitter: + name: 開放街圖巴西 Twitter + description: '在 {url} 上追隨我們的 Twitter' + OSM-help: + name: 開放街圖幫助論壇 + description: 在開放街圖社群驅動的問答站,詢問問題以及得到答案。 + extendedDescription: '{url} 是讓對開放街圖有需要幫助的人,無論你是初學者,或是有技術問題,來到這邊尋求協助吧!' + OSM-india-mailinglist: + name: 開放街圖印度郵件論壇 + description: Talk-in 是印度社群的官方郵件論壇 + OSM-india-twitter: + name: 開放街圖印度 Twitter + description: '我們只是喜歡 tweet:{url}' + OSM-japan-facebook: + name: 開放街圖日本社群 + description: 日本圖客和開放街圖使用者 + OSM-japan-mailinglist: + name: 開放街圖日本郵件論壇 + description: Talk-ja 是日本社群官方的郵件論壇 + OSM-japan-twitter: + name: 開放街圖日本 Twitter + description: 'Twitter 的標籤:{url}' + OSM-japan-website: + name: 開放街圖日本 + description: 日本圖客和開放街圖使用者 + OSM-sri-lanka-facebook: + name: 開放街圖斯里蘭卡 + description: 在斯里蘭卡改善開放街圖 + extendedDescription: '在斯里蘭卡製圖嗎?有問題想要聯絡這裡的社群嗎?在 {Url} 上加入我們。歡迎所有人!' + OSMF: + name: 開放街圖基金會 + description: 開放街圖基金會是位於英國,支持開放街圖計劃的非營利組織 + extendedDescription: '開放街圖基金會藉由募款,維持開放街圖背後的伺服器,舉行年度 State of the Map 大會,以及協調志工維持開放街圖運作,支援開放街圖計畫。你可以在這裡藉由加入開放街圖基金會成為會員:{signupUrl},顯示你的支持,還有在開放街圖中帶進你的聲音,指導開放街圖的發展方向。' + OpenCleveland-meetup: + name: Open Cleveland + description: 改善克里夫蘭區域的 OpenStreetMap + extendedDescription: 'Open Geo Cleveland 宗旨是成為人們熱情討論和分享自由地理資料集知識的資源,特別是開放街圖的資料,以及管理、編輯和顯示地理資料的開放地理空間軟體,以及在東北伊犁洛州推廣的團體。我們同時也是 maptime 的在地社群 =)' + PHXGeo-meetup: + name: PHXGeo Meetup + description: '在亞利桑那州鳳凰城的圖客與開放街圖使用者' + extendedDescription: '這是一個給住在鳳凰城,喜歡地圖、GIS、開放街圖、製圖與其他東西的群組。' + PHXGeo-twitter: + name: PHXGeo Twitter + description: '在 {url} 上追隨我們的 Twitter' + RS-telegram: + name: 開放街圖南里奧格蘭德州 Telegram 群組 + description: 加入在 Telegram 上的開放街圖南里奧格蘭德州社群 + extendedDescription: '加入社群以得知更多關於開放街圖的資訊,也可以問問題或是參與我們的會面。每個人都很歡迎加入!' + South-Tyrol-Mailing-List: + name: 開放街圖波爾察諾的郵件論壇 + description: 開放街圖義大利波爾察諾地區的郵件論壇 + Trentino-Mailing-List: + name: 開放街圖特倫托的郵件論壇 + description: 開放街圖義大利特倫托地區的郵件論壇 + Western-Slope-facebook: + name: Western Slope OSM Facebook + description: '在科羅拉多州大章克申的圖客與開放街圖使用者' + Western-Slope-meetup: + name: Western Slope OSM Meetup + description: '在科羅拉多州大章克申的圖客與開放街圖使用者' + extendedDescription: '此群組的目標是介紹開放街圖給社群知道,並發展圖客社群、利用任何方法建立盡可能多的地理資料並把這些資料提供給社群。想像準確的線索標示!想像自行車道的進一步發展!想像您想要什麼,這就是開放街圖的有趣之處!' + al-forum: + name: 開放街圖阿爾巴尼亞論壇 + description: 開放街圖阿爾巴尼亞論壇 + al-maptime-tirana: + name: Maptime Tirana + description: 與畫地圖相關的社交活動-尤其歡迎新手! + extendedDescription: 'Maptime 是開放給所有等級和知識程度的學習環境,提供給初學者的國際教育支援。Maptime 同時具有彈性和架構的環境,創造畫地圖的教學、工作坊,分享共同目標的進行中計畫,以及獨立/協同的工作時間。' + al-telegram: + name: '開放街圖阿爾巴尼亞 Telegram 頻道 ' + description: '開放街圖阿爾巴尼亞 Telegram 頻道 ' + at-forum: + name: 開放街圖奧地利論壇 + description: 開放街圖在奧地利問答的官方論壇 + at-mailinglist: + name: Talk-at 郵件論壇 + description: 'Talk-at 是奧地利社群的官方郵件論壇 ' + at-twitter: + name: 開放街圖奧地利 Twitter + description: '開放街圖奧地利 Twitter:{url}' + be-facebook: + description: 比利時圖客和開放街圖 Facebook + be-forum: + name: 開放街圖比利時論壇 + description: 開放街圖比利時網頁論壇 + be-irc: + name: 開放街圖奧地利 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 上面加入 #osmbe' + extendedDescription: '運用 Matrix chat channel,在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 上面加入 #osmbe' + be-mailinglist: + name: Talk-be 郵件論壇 + description: 'Talk-be 是比利時社群的官方郵件論壇 ' + be-matrix: + name: OpenStreetMap BE Matrix channel + description: 歡迎所有圖客! + extendedDescription: 大部分討論都在 "OpenStreetMap Belgium"  頻道。你可以在這裡問任何問題!其他頻道則會針對特定主題。 + be-meetup: + name: 開放街圖比利時聚會 + description: 實體聚會中見到每一位對開放街圖有興趣的人 + extendedDescription: '實體的聚會是與其他圖客碰面的好機會,能夠論論問題,學到很多事情,特別是歡迎新的貢獻者。' + be-twitter: + name: 開放街圖比利時 Twitter + description: '開放街圖比利時 Twitter:@osm_be' + bw-facebook: + name: 在 Facebook 上的 Mapping Botswana + description: OpenStreetMap in Botswana 專頁 + bw-twitter: + name: 在 Twitter 上的 Mapping Botswana + description: OpenStreetMap in Botswana 的 Twitter + byosm: + name: 開放街圖白羅斯 + description: 開放街圖白羅斯 Telegram 聊天室 + cape-coast-youthmappers: + name: University of Cape Coast YouthMappers + description: '追隨我們的 Twitter: {url} ' + extendedDescription: '這是迦納 University of Cape Coast Youth Mappers 分會的官方頻道,我們愛地圖、開放資料和幫助別人。' + czech-community: + name: 捷克開放街圖社群 + description: '捷克開放街圖成員的地圖入口以及聯繫地方' + de-berlin-mailinglist: + name: 柏林郵件論壇 + description: 這是柏林開放街圖社群的郵件論壇 + de-berlin-meetup: + name: OpenStreetMap Berlin-Brandenburg Meetup + description: 柏林和布蘭登堡一帶的圖客與開放街圖使用者 + de-berlin-telegram: + name: 'Telegram 上的 @osmberlin' + description: 開放街圖柏林 Telegram 聊天室 + de-berlin-twitter: + name: 開放街圖柏林 Twitter + description: '追隨我們的 Twitter: {url}' + de-forum: + name: OpenStreetMap DE forum + description: 開放街圖德國網頁論壇 + de-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Germany IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 上面加入 #osm-de' + de-mailinglist: + name: Talk-de 郵件論壇 + description: 'Talk-de 是德國開放街圖社群的郵件論壇 ' + de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist: + name: OWL 郵件論壇 + description: 這是東威斯特法倫 - 利普開放街圖社群的郵件論壇 + de-telegram: + name: 開放街圖德國 Telegram + description: '加入開放街圖德國 Telegram 超級聊天室 {url}' + dk-forum: + name: 開放街圖丹麥網頁論壇 + description: 開放街圖丹麥的網頁論壇 + dk-irc: + name: OpenStreetMap Denmark IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 上面加入 #osm-dk' + dk-mailinglist: + name: Talk-dk 郵件論壇 + description: 討論開放街圖在丹麥事物的郵件論壇 + fi-forum: + name: 開放街圖芬蘭論壇 + description: 開放街圖芬蘭網路論壇 + fi-irc: + name: 開放街圖芬蘭 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 上面加入 #osm-fl' + fi-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fl 郵件論壇 + description: 'Talk-fl 是芬蘭社群的官方郵件論壇 ' + fr-facebook: + name: 開放街圖法國 Facebook 頁面 + description: 開放街圖法國 Facebook 頁面 + fr-forum: + name: 開放街圖法國網頁論壇 + description: 開放街圖法國網頁論壇 + fr-irc: + name: 開放街圖法國 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 上面加入 #osm-fr' + fr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-fr 郵件論壇 + description: Talk-fr 郵件論壇 + fr-twitter: + name: 開放街圖法國 Twitter + description: '開放街圖法國 Twitter:{url}' + gb-irc: + name: 開放街圖聯合王國 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 上面加入 #osm-gb' + extendedDescription: '在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 加入 #osm-gb,如果你問了問題,請耐心等候數分鐘等待回應' + gb-mailinglist: + name: Talk-gb 郵件論壇 + hr-facebook: + name: 開放街圖克羅埃西亞 Facebook 社團 + description: 開放街圖克羅埃西亞 Facebook 社團 + hr-irc: + name: 開放街圖克羅埃西亞 IRC + description: '在 irc.freenode.org (port 6667) 上面加入 #osm-ㄐ' + hr-mailinglist: + name: Talk-hr 郵件論壇 + description: Talk-hr 郵件論壇 + hu-facebook: + name: 開放街圖匈牙利在 Facebook + description: 匈牙利的圖客和開放街圖 Facebook 頁面 + hu-forum: + name: 開放街圖匈牙利論壇 + description: 開放街圖匈牙利網頁論壇 + hu-meetup: + name: 開放街圖匈牙利 Meetup + description: 匈牙利舉行聚會的平台 + is-facebook: + name: 在 Facebook 上的 OSM Iceland + description: OpenStreetMap in Iceland 專頁 + is-mailinglist: + name: Talk-is 郵件清單 + description: Talk-is 是冰島 OSM 社群的官方郵件清單 + is-twitter: + name: 在 Twittter 上的 OSM Iceland + description: OpenStreetMap in Iceland 的 Twitter + it-facebook: + name: 開放街圖義大利 Facebook + description: 加入開放街圖義大利社群 Facebook + it-irc: + name: 開放街圖義大利 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 上面加入 #osm-it' + it-mailinglist: + name: Talk-it 郵件論壇 + description: 'Talk-at 是義大利社群的官方郵件論壇 ' + it-telegram: + name: '開放街圖義大利在 Telegram' + description: 開放街圖義大利 Telegram 聊天室 + it-twitter: + name: 開放街圖義大利 Twitter + description: '在 {url} 上追隨我們的 Twitter' + kosovo-telegram: + name: 在 Telegram 上的科索沃開放街圖 + description: 半官方的全科索沃 Telegram 公開群組。我們歡迎從任何地方來,說任何語言的製圖者。 + mappa-mercia-group: + name: Mappa Mercia 地方社群 + description: 英格蘭中部區一帶開放街圖熱情參與者的園地 + extendedDescription: 'Mappa Mercia 計畫宗旨是幫忙英國英格蘭中部區開放街圖的成長,我們運行社群活動,提供訓練和支援當地組織,最終希望能夠開放他們的資料。' + no-forum: + name: 開放街圖挪威網頁論壇 + description: 開放街圖挪威的網頁論壇 + no-irc: + name: 開放街圖挪威 IRC + description: '在挪威的圖客與 OpenStreetMap 使用者、開發者與愛好者' + no-mailinglist: + name: 開放街圖挪威郵件論壇 + description: '在挪威的圖客與 OpenStreetMap 使用者、開發者與愛好者的郵件論壇' + no-telegram: + name: '在 Telegram 上的 @OSM_no' + description: 開放街圖挪威 Telegram 聊天室 + osm-asia-telegram: + name: 開放街圖亞洲 Telegram + description: '加入我們這個大家庭:{url}' + osm-at: + name: 開放街圖奧地利 + description: 開放街圖在奧地利交流資訊的平台 + osm-de: + name: 開放街圖德國 + description: 開放街圖在德國交流資訊的平台 + osm-gh-facebook: + name: 開放街圖迦納 Facebook + description: 迦納對開放街圖有興趣的人參與的 Facebook 社團。 + extendedDescription: ' 迦納社群中的圖客,推廣迦納開放街圖和人道救援開放街圖計畫。加入我們吧!' + osm-gh-twitter: + name: 開放街圖迦納 Twitter + description: '追隨我們的 Twitter: {url} ' + osm-india-forum: + name: 開放街圖印度論壇 + description: 開放街圖印度網頁論壇 + osm-india-github: + name: 開放街圖印度 GitHub + description: '和我們一起寫程式:{url}' + osm-india-telegram: + name: 開放街圖印度 Telegram + description: '加入我們這個大家庭:{url}' + osm-india-website: + name: 開放街圖印度 + description: 印度圖客和開放街圖使用者 + osm-india-wiki: + name: 開放街圖維基專案印度 + description: '您必須知道的在印度製圖的所有事情:{url}' + osm-india-youtube: + name: 開放街圖印度 YouTube + description: '訂閱我們的頻道:{url}' + osm-iran-aparat: + name: 開放街圖伊朗阿帕拉特 + description: '訂閱我們的頻道 {url}' + extendedDescription: 這裡有開放街圖相關的影片資源,主要用波斯文。 + osm-iran-forum: + name: 開放街圖伊朗網頁論壇 + description: 開放街圖伊朗網頁論壇 + extendedDescription: 伊朗開放街圖使用者的網頁論壇,請自由發問以及與其他人討論! + osm-iran-telegram: + name: 開放街圖伊朗 Telegram + description: '觀迎加入 Telegram 頻道 {url},我們伊朗的開放街圖參與者也有超級群組,請到我們的頻道關於部分找到連結。' + osm-mg-facebook: + name: 開放街圖馬達加斯加 Facebook 社團 + description: 馬達加斯加對開放街圖有興趣的人參與的 Facebook 社團。 + osm-se: + name: OpenStreetMap.se + description: 提供瑞典在地社群 OSM 服務和資訊 + osmcz-facebook: + name: 開放街圖捷克在 Facebook + osmcz-twitter: + name: 捷克 Twitter @osmcz + description: 追蹤捷克開放街圖 Twitter - 包括翻譯 WeeklyOSM! + osmgraz-meetup: + name: OSM community meetup Graz + description: 開放街圖格拉茨社群的每月聚會 + osmgraz-twitter: + name: OSM community Graz Twitter + description: 開放街圖格拉茨社群的 Twitter + se-facebook: + name: 開放街圖瑞典 Facebook + description: 開放街圖瑞典的 Facebook + se-forum: + name: 開放街圖瑞典網頁論壇 + description: 開放街圖瑞典的網頁論壇 + se-irc: + name: 開放街圖瑞典 IRC + description: '在 irc.oftc.net (port 6667) 上面加入 #osm.se' + se-mailinglist: + name: Talk-se 郵件論壇 + description: 討論開放街圖在瑞典事物的郵件論壇 + se-twitter: + name: 開放街圖瑞典 Twitter + description: '追隨我們的 Twitter: {url} ' + si-forum: + name: 開放街圖斯洛維尼亞論壇 + description: 開放街圖斯洛維尼亞社群的論壇 + si-mailinglist: + name: 開放街圖斯洛維尼亞郵件論壇 + description: 開放街圖在斯洛維尼亞的郵件論壇 + talk-au: + name: Talk-au 郵件論壇 + description: 讓澳洲圖客聊天的園地 + talk-cz-mailinglist: + name: '捷克郵件論壇 (Talk-cz ) ' + description: 'Talk-cz 是捷克社群的官方郵件論壇 ' + talk-gh: + name: Talk-gh 郵件論壇 + description: 'Talk-gh 是迦納社群的官方郵件論壇 ' + talk-it-lazio: + name: 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It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.", + "url": "https://t.me/aastumappers", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ben Jamin", "email": "benjazben10@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/gambia/ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia.json b/resources/africa/gambia/ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6697d8ebd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/gambia/ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-16.6763, 13.4579]]}, + "name": "Connected YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia", + "extendedDescription": "Connected YouthMappers is comprised of dedicated young Gambians who aspire to change and aid national development.", + "url": "mailto:connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "connectedyouthmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/ghana/cape-coast-youthmappers.json b/resources/africa/ghana/cape-coast-youthmappers.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f666f3e1d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/ghana/cape-coast-youthmappers.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "cape-coast-youthmappers", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cape_coast_gh.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "University of Cape Coast YouthMappers", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}", + "extendedDescription": "This is the official handle for the Youth Mappers chapter of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. we love maps, open data and helping the vulnerable.", + "url": "https://twitter.com/YouthmappersUCC", + "contacts": [{"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "kwadzo459@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/ghana/osm-gh-facebook.json b/resources/africa/ghana/osm-gh-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..772c811f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/ghana/osm-gh-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-gh-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gh"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Ghana on Facebook", + "description": "Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap.", + "extendedDescription": "Mappers in Ghana community, promoting OpenStreetMap and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) projects in Ghana. Join us.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OSMGhana/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "enock@osmghana.org"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/ghana/osm-gh-telegram.json b/resources/africa/ghana/osm-gh-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72cb05256 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/ghana/osm-gh-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-gh-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gh"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Ghana Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Ghana community on Telegram", + "url": "https://t.me/osmghana", + "contacts": [{"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "enock@osmghana.org"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/ghana/osm-gh-twitter.json b/resources/africa/ghana/osm-gh-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de8bfa89d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/ghana/osm-gh-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-gh-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gh"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Ghana on Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osmghana", + "contacts": [{"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "enock@osmghana.org"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/ghana/talk-gh.json b/resources/africa/ghana/talk-gh.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6586cec34 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/ghana/talk-gh.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "talk-gh", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gh"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Talk-gh Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-gh is the official mailing list for Ghana OSM community.", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gh", + "contacts": [{"name": "Enock Seth Nyamador", "email": "kwadzo459@gmail.com"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/ghana/ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology.json b/resources/africa/ghana/ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50d5a32b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/ghana/ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-1.56831, 6.67234]]}, + "name": "Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/KNUSTMappers/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "knustyouthmappers@outlook.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Cape-Coast.json b/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Cape-Coast.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8f844633 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Cape-Coast.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Cape-Coast", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-1.23047, 5.09092]]}, + "name": "UCC Geographical Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Cape Coast", + "extendedDescription": "We are a society that encompasses all students who are reading and read geography in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Cape Coast. Our main aim is to promote interest in the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. Our motto is “We comprehend the Earth and its inhabitants.”", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Geographical-Society-Ucc-105157196204838/info/?tab=page_info", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geosoc_ucc@yahoo.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources.json b/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..66653befb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-2.343, 7.35021]]}, + "name": "Eco-Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Energy and Natural Resources", + "extendedDescription": "To provide a sound education to all citizens about the deteriorating environment and provide utmost use of recreation of the environment for human survival.", + "url": "mailto:james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "james.agyei-ohemeng@uenr.edu.gh"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Ghana.json b/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Ghana.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5946ffa77 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Ghana.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Ghana", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.19624, 5.65113]]}, + "name": "University of Ghana YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Ghana", + "extendedDescription": "UG YouthMappers consists of both graduate and undergraduate students possessing knowledge and skills in GIS and Remote Sensing. The club is composed of an energetic team that is poised to address social issues and mitigate environmental problems through mapping. Our fundamental principles are capacity building, empowerment and teamwork.", + "url": "https://twitter.com/UGYouthMappers", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mawulikaf@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology.json b/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..34d7d0b0b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/ghana/ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-2.00125, 5.29878]]}, + "name": "UMaT YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Mines and Technology", + "extendedDescription": "UMaT YouthMappers is a group of volunteer students who seek to grant students the opportunity to improve skills in the field of mapping & creating open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide.", + "url": "http://umatyouthmappers.wordpress.com/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "kwadzo459@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/guinea/ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University.json b/resources/africa/guinea/ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d80b82a5d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/guinea/ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-13.62305, 9.70902]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at General Lansana Conte University", + "extendedDescription": "The YouthMappers of the University General Lansana Conté is a non profit community willing to contribute to Map Guinea and others part of the world. We are promoting the use of GIS and Open data to build decision support tools. We also work to build capacities among the students and local communities.", + "url": "www.uglc.org", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "condefa3@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/guinea/ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine.json b/resources/africa/guinea/ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2f8c390c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/guinea/ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-12.1175, 10.68652]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala is a non profit organisation working to promote humanitarian mapping and the use of open sources and open data to build decision making tools in Guinea.", + "url": "mailto:bvloua45@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "bvloua45@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/guinea/ym-Universit-de-NZrkor.json b/resources/africa/guinea/ym-Universit-de-NZrkor.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7080310f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/guinea/ym-Universit-de-NZrkor.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Universit-de-NZrkor", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-8.83716, 7.7324]]}, + "name": "Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université de N'Zérékoré", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit.", + "url": "mailto:donpaul1974@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "donpaul1974@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/kenya/map-kibera.json b/resources/africa/kenya/map-kibera.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1611ab451 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/kenya/map-kibera.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "map-kibera", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": [[36.8196, -1.2904]]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Map Kibera Trust", + "description": "Map Kibera is a registered organization working in Kenya", + "extendedDescription": "Map Kibera Trust’s mission is to increase influence and representation of marginalized communities through the creative use of digital tools for action.", + "url": "https://mapkibera.org/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Map Kibera", "email": "contact@mapkibera.org"}], + "order": 4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/kenya/osm-kenya.json b/resources/africa/kenya/osm-kenya.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..19d4492a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/kenya/osm-kenya.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-kenya", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ke"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OSM Kenya", + "description": "OSM Kenya is a community of OSM contributors and users", + "extendedDescription": "OSM is a local community for individuals interested in OpenStreetMap including organizations, developers, and YouthMappers chapters in the country.", + "url": "https://twitter.com/OSMKenya", + "contacts": [{"name": "OSM Kenya", "email": "osmkenya@gmail.com"}], + "order": 4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology.json b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4708e00c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[37.00195, -0.43945]]}, + "name": "GDEV", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology", + "extendedDescription": "GDEV is a group of enthusiastic GIS group at DeKUT that aims at helping students share, engage and learn from each other in matters geospatial", + "url": "https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102367719061492681269/stream/e376a295-1246-4e19-9f66-fa6077719f32", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gdevkenya@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology.json b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..33f20c23b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[37.0105, -1.08909]]}, + "name": "Association of Geomatics Engineering Students", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology", + "extendedDescription": "The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university.", + "url": "mailto:laurahmugeha36@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "laurahmugeha36@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Karatina-University.json b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Karatina-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f68fcb9b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Karatina-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Karatina-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[37.12789, -0.48134]]}, + "name": "Nature Club Karatina University", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Karatina University", + "extendedDescription": "This chapter aims to bring together all GIS enthusiasts.They include environment experts, wildlife experts, aquatic and tourism officers, just to mention a few. Its main aim is to provide a platform where students can learn from each other and, in the process, understand how to integrate the GIS skills in their various career paths as well as provide solutions to various environmental related challenges.", + "url": "https://twitter.com/karunature", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "karunatureclub@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Kenyatta-University.json b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Kenyatta-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40e11af4f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Kenyatta-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Kenyatta-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[36.93493, -1.17996]]}, + "name": "Kenyatta University GIS Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kenyatta University", + "extendedDescription": "Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) was founded on 28th October 2016, with more than 200 students and staff from all faculty within campus as members. We are committed to empower members with spatial knowledge, skills and expertise required in understanding the Earth. We help in mapping resources within the university by incorporating geospatial data in their projects as well as fieldwork data collection.", + "url": "mailto:jamesmagige24@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "jamesmagige24@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Moi-University.json b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Moi-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0871c1190 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Moi-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Moi-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[35.50781, -0.35156]]}, + "name": "Geography Students Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Moi University", + "extendedDescription": "The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) explores, discovers and aims at developing the entire world through the young Geo-Spatial analysts.  GEOSAMU is part of the Department of Geography.", + "url": "mailto:geosamu44@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Moi%20University", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geosamu44@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya.json b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f382b33c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[36.82449, -1.2916]]}, + "name": "Geospatial Science Student Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Technical University of Kenya", + "extendedDescription": "It's a geographical information based group with very passionate students in the relevant fields of study. We do training to members on emerging trends in the market and keep up with technological advancements", + "url": "mailto:youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.tuk@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/kenya/ym-University-of-Nairobi.json b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-University-of-Nairobi.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eddc66e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/kenya/ym-University-of-Nairobi.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Nairobi", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[36.82617, -1.31824]]}, + "name": "Geospatial Engineering Students Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nairobi", + "extendedDescription": "UN students are working with the local OSM community, Map Kibera, and GrouthTruth to learn about open mapping and contribute data for needs in their urban communities.", + "url": "www.geospatial.uonbi.ac.ke", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "contact@mapkibera.org"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/liberia/ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University.json b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..663174aab --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-10.80063, 6.31073]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers-AMEU", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at African Methodist Episcopal University", + "url": "mailto:youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmapper.ameu@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Cuttington-University.json b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Cuttington-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50b2c8915 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Cuttington-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Cuttington-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-9.5539, 7.04037]]}, + "name": "Cuttington University YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Cuttington University", + "extendedDescription": "The YouthMappers at Cuttington University, Suakoko, and Bong County comprised of Students from three different departments; namely, the Department of Natural Resources Management “DONRM”, Department of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Natural Sciences. Since the establishment of the Chapter in February 2017, the overall membership is 20 students, with each department containing 5 students.", + "url": "mailto:youthmappers.cu@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.cu@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College.json b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0187b20dc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-8.11817, 6.06392]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Grand Gedeh County Community College", + "extendedDescription": "The Youth Mappers of GGCCC sole intent is to put places in and around Liberia that are not on the map. We gather youths from the college within the Grand Gedeh Community College to make it their duties to unite and bring these places to the spot light geographically.", + "url": "mailto:yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "yimodaxzibitallison@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Nimba-County-Community-College.json b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Nimba-County-Community-College.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f040661eb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Nimba-County-Community-College.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Nimba-County-Community-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-8.71645, 7.35208]]}, + "name": "Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Nimba County Community College", + "url": "mailto:ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ncccyouthmappers@yahoo.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic.json b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e1b00237 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-10.7944, 6.28997]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers-SMP", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Stella Maris Polytechnic", + "url": "mailto:youthmappers.smp@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.smp@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/liberia/ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers.json b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ebfc200a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/liberia/ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-10.61986, 6.37704]]}, + "name": "University of Liberia YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Liberia YouthMappers", + "extendedDescription": "The University of Liberia YouthMappers is a chapter organization of the Global YouthMappers. We are a nonprofit student mapping organization focus on mapping for Liberia’s development and the World at large. The purpose of this organization shall be to utilize technology and geospatial knowledge as means of creating and developing maps; collecting and analyzing data that will address local and worldwide challenges. Our aim is to support and create opportunity for students to develop interest and skills in the fields of mapping. We envision a united student community that are collaborative, active and are willing to work with the University of Liberia YouthMappers in order to better the lives of others.", + "url": "mailto:ulym2017@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ulym2017@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/madagascar/osm-mg-facebook.json b/resources/africa/madagascar/osm-mg-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acec6c7cb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/madagascar/osm-mg-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-mg-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["mg"]}, + "languageCodes": ["fr", "mg"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Madagascar Facebook Group", + "description": "Malagasy Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/1601381123461284/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Brice Ramamonjy", "email": "rafaby21@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Dolly Andriatsiferana", "email": "privatemajory@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/madagascar/talk-mg.json b/resources/africa/madagascar/talk-mg.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..93752d9eb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/madagascar/talk-mg.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "id": "talk-mg", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["mg"]}, + "languageCodes": ["fr", "mg"], + "name": "Talk-mg Mailing List", + "description": "Place for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities and users in Madagascar to share and discuss.", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-mg", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Brice Ramamonjy", "email": "rafaby21@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Dolly Andriatsiferana", "email": "privatemajory@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/malawi/ym-University-of-Malawi.json b/resources/africa/malawi/ym-University-of-Malawi.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a0491e27 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/malawi/ym-University-of-Malawi.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Malawi", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[35.33203, -15.36889]]}, + "name": "Chanco Malawi YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Malawi", + "extendedDescription": "Chanco Malawi YouthMappers is the student mapping organization for the University of Malawi's Chancellor College. The students in this chapter focus on mapping for Malawi's development and science needs.", + "url": "mailto:zolamanyungwa@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "zolamanyungwa@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/mali/ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako.json b/resources/africa/mali/ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..647646399 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/mali/ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-7.98832, 12.61531]]}, + "name": "Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako", + "url": "mailto:youthmappersfhg@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersfhg@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/morocco/ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat.json b/resources/africa/morocco/ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3dc3fa897 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/morocco/ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-6.84395, 33.99862]]}, + "name": "Brahmapoutre at Rabat", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat", + "extendedDescription": "This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries", + "url": "mailto:khmichasma@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "khmichasma@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/mozambique/ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane.json b/resources/africa/mozambique/ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03454d479 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/mozambique/ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[32.60357, -25.95208]]}, + "name": "Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane", + "extendedDescription": "We are a student group that intends to join Mozambican society to create a resilient community of humanitarian mapping. The community intend to map the physical occupation of our Country and create open geographic data, accessible to the public and able to be used in several areas without associated costs.", + "url": "www.facebook.com/Moz-YouthMappers", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "moz.youthmappers1@hotmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/namibia/ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology.json b/resources/africa/namibia/ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8d6c5f5a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/namibia/ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[17.07709, -22.56572]]}, + "name": "Geoinformation Technology Student Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Namibia University of Science and Technology", + "url": "mailto:patriciasem87@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "patriciasem87@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Abia-State-University.json b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Abia-State-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a8ba1156 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Abia-State-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Abia-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[7.41909, 5.8308]]}, + "name": "AbsuMappersTeam", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Abia State University", + "extendedDescription": "AbsuMappersTeam is voluntary team of map enthusiast ,using openstreetmap,GIS and other open source geospatial techno;ogy to solve problems.It is a dedicated for disaster response using OpenStreetMap.It is a professional mentoring and empowerment platform for those with passion for GIS and Mapping.It is a community of volunteers for geospatial data creation,field data collection and mapping.The team was co-founded by Victor N.Sunday(the Team mentor) and Professor J.U.Ogbonna ,the team coordinator and faculty Advisor. AbsuMapperTeam is an affiliate of UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt.The team stands to support sustainable development using geospatial technology", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Absumappersteam-1709186109157466", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "absumappersteam@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University.json b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3226ee2fe --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[7.64648, 11.17836]]}, + "name": "ABU Geomappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ahmadu Bello University", + "extendedDescription": "We are a group of Data driven Humanitarian mappers, who are dedicated to rendering humanitarian service in response to disaster and mitigation. We are glad to contribute our expertise and knowledge through mapping, and helping to spread #OpenEvangelism through Training, and collaboration.", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/abugeomappers/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "abugeomappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys.json b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10e668dd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[3.95129, 7.84218]]}, + "name": "OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Federal School of Surveys", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/Oyomappersteam-omt-oyo-1432864713415765/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "oyomappersteam@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure.json b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f55e706c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[5.18555, 7.27527]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers Futa Space Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Federal University of Technology, Akure", + "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to raise the next generation of Space Leaders. Activities include research and capacity building in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change, Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Engineering, Global Navigation, Robotics and Space Education.", + "url": "http://spaceclubfuta.com.ng/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "denironyx@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education.json b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a0a45033 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[6.93364, 4.80651]]}, + "name": "IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT)", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education", + "extendedDescription": "We are a YouthMappers Chapter of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education involved in crowdsourced mapping of our environment and remote mapping of resilient communities.We are a team of volunteers using openstreetmap and other open Geospatial source for mapping.", + "url": "https://fb.me/ignatiusmappersteam", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ignatiusmappersteam@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus.json b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..143c7beb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[7.50373, 6.42639]]}, + "name": "LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus", + "extendedDescription": "The LionMappersTeam(LMT)Enugu Campus is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of Geoinformatics and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for Crowdsourced Mapping and Geographic Information provision using Openstreetmap, Citizen Science and other Geospatial Technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in Web-Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and ResearchWe are passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science.Our major activities include online crowdsourced-Cartography, Field Mapping ,Training workshops and outreaches to High School as well as Humanitarian/Disaster Response Mapping.", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/Lionmappersteam-enugu-Campus-361221567667528/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "lmtenugucampus@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka.json b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..effc1543f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[7.40821, 6.86461]]}, + "name": "LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Nsukka", + "extendedDescription": "The LionMappersTeam is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of mapping science and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for crowdsourced mapping and geographic information provision using Openstreetmap, citizen science and other geospatial technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and Research.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science,field mapping ,training workshops and outreaches to High Schools.", + "url": "http://fb.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka;and send messages to our Page at m.me/LionMappersTeamNsukka", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "lionmappersteam@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt.json b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8180c4f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/nigeria/ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[6.92037, 4.90173]]}, + "name": "UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Port Harcourt", + "extendedDescription": "UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port Harcourt is an action group and a team of volunteers for a collaborative online mapping targeted at training and empowering members with trending mapping skills to create open geospatial data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges for geoinformation and to provide humanitarian mapping services to resilient communities in Niger Delta,Nigeria and elsewhere.We promote Crowdsoucred Mapping and Geographic information volunteering using OpenStreetMap(OSM) platform and other accessible platforms for Rapid Response Mapping,Disaster Mapping,Geo-intelligence Mapping,Map updates and training.Its an affiliate Campus chapter of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team(HOT).It is a project-task team of YouthMappers that provide opportunity for members to learn and improve their skills in Geoinformatics so as to explore global opportunities in the field of Mapping and Geoinformation.", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/uniquemappersteamportharcourt/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "victor.sunday@uniport.edu.ng"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/osm-africa-telegram.json b/resources/africa/osm-africa-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b28eb7f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/osm-africa-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-africa-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["002"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Africa Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Telegram for Africa", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMAfrica", + "contacts": [{"name": "OSM Africa", "email": "info@openstreetmap.africa"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/rwanda/ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri.json b/resources/africa/rwanda/ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e8f6d71b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/rwanda/ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[29.6112, -1.50091]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at INES Ruhengeri", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri", + "extendedDescription": "We are students from Land Administration and Management and Land survey Departments from INES-Ruhengeri. We are engaged in mapping activities that create the changes toward sustainable development in our community.", + "url": "www.ines.ac.rw", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "dufitesaie91@yahoo.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/rwanda/ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus.json b/resources/africa/rwanda/ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..673de5e36 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/rwanda/ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[29.7397, -2.61509]]}, + "name": "Rwanda YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Rwanda - Huye Campus", + "extendedDescription": "Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organized as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Rwanda-YouthMappers", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "erneruz@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/senegal/ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda.json b/resources/africa/senegal/ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..605676e3a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/senegal/ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-14.94108, 12.88982]]}, + "name": "Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda", + "extendedDescription": "Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda is an all-female mapping group in southern Senegal looking to put Kolda and surrounding villages on the map and better understand how to use OSM.", + "url": "mailto:koldaym@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "koldaym@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/senegal/ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger.json b/resources/africa/senegal/ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40b4d4c82 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/senegal/ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-16.42556, 16.06284]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at UGB", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université Gaston Berger", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers UGB is made up of young students and researchers who are passionate about mapping. Our aim is to improve students' skills in the field of cartography and to participate in the creation of open geographic data that responds to development challenges around the world and particularly in Africa.", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/youthmappersugb/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.ugb@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/sierra_leone/ym-Fourah-Bay-College.json b/resources/africa/sierra_leone/ym-Fourah-Bay-College.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c160a33eb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/sierra_leone/ym-Fourah-Bay-College.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Fourah-Bay-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-13.18359, 8.49407]]}, + "name": "Student's Geographical Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College", + "extendedDescription": "The Student's Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team.", + "url": "mailto:sgayouthmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Fourah%20Bay%20College", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "sgayouthmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/sierra_leone/ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus.json b/resources/africa/sierra_leone/ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c6d5b59cc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/sierra_leone/ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-13.23673, 8.47959]]}, + "name": "Njala Freetown YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus", + "extendedDescription": "We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone.", + "url": "mailto:Njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "njalafreetownmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/sierra_leone/ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus.json b/resources/africa/sierra_leone/ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f7d32803a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/sierra_leone/ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-11.76548, 7.93596]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus", + "url": "mailto:youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersnu2017@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/south_africa/osm-za-twitter.json b/resources/africa/south_africa/osm-za-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7ea8af799 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/south_africa/osm-za-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-za-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["za"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap South Africa on Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapZA", + "contacts": [{"name": "Grant Slater", "email": "osm@firefishy.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/south_africa/talk-za.json b/resources/africa/south_africa/talk-za.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44bc9aeb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/south_africa/talk-za.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "talk-za", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["za"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Talk-za Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-za is the official mailing list for South African OSM community.", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-za", + "contacts": [{"name": "Grant Slater", "email": "osm@firefishy.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/south_africa/ym-University-of-Pretoria.json b/resources/africa/south_africa/ym-University-of-Pretoria.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff7354e5e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/south_africa/ym-University-of-Pretoria.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Pretoria", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[28.21289, -25.72063]]}, + "name": "Centre for Geoinformation Science", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria", + "extendedDescription": "The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's Centre for Geoinformation Science, a platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad.", + "url": "http://www.up.ac.za/cgis", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "cgis-info@kendy.up.ac.za"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Ardhi-University.json b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Ardhi-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..29027968a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Ardhi-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Ardhi-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[39.21541, -6.76613]]}, + "name": "ARU Mapper", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University", + "extendedDescription": "As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations.", + "url": "mailto:bayonakennedy@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "bayonakennedy@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management.json b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8516b772 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[39.2935, -6.13779]]}, + "name": "IFM mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management", + "extendedDescription": "This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts", + "url": "mailto:supermalik95@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "supermalik95@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza.json b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d42aedaa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[32.89851, -2.51658]]}, + "name": "Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza", + "url": "www.facebook.com/IYMLZC/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "shabanimagawila@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning.json b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb8608894 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[35.74578, -6.12215]]}, + "name": "Mipango YouthMappers Chapter", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning", + "extendedDescription": "Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President.", + "url": "mailto:msmapperschapter@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "msmapperschapter@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania.json b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c390da4c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[39.26466, -6.7835]]}, + "name": "Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania", + "extendedDescription": "Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania\n\nHad been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html )\n\nOur chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels.", + "url": "mailto:youthmapout@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmapout@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture.json b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da4b4501a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[37.65636, -6.85251]]}, + "name": "SMCoSE YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture", + "extendedDescription": "A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action.", + "url": "mailto:SMCoSEyouthmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "smcoseyouthmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam.json b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c1ad6d844 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/tanzania/ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[39.20531, -6.78035]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam", + "extendedDescription": "The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners .", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UDSMYouthMappers/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "godluckur@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Busitema-University.json b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Busitema-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8eef15ec --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Busitema-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Busitema-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[34.01367, 0.52733]]}, + "name": "Good Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University", + "extendedDescription": "Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map.", + "url": "https://m.facebook.com/HOTBusitemaUniv/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mulindwasteven82@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Gulu-University.json b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Gulu-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4489e43c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Gulu-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Gulu-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[32.34375, 2.81136]]}, + "name": "CSGU Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University", + "extendedDescription": "The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University. This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination.", + "url": "mailto:git445@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Gulu%20University", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "git445@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Kumi-University.json b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Kumi-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c43a4e2e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Kumi-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Kumi-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[33.83789, 1.49396]]}, + "name": "Ever Last YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University", + "extendedDescription": "This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science and Information Technology.", + "url": "mailto:kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20Kumi%20University", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "kumiuniversityeverlastyouthmap@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Makerere-University.json b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Makerere-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4eef69924 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Makerere-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Makerere-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[32.60742, 0.35156]]}, + "name": "Geo YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University", + "extendedDescription": "Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness.\"We map the world and change lives.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742657446017065/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geo-youthmappers@googlegroups.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology.json b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41d4d5c0f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[30.65679, -0.61644]]}, + "name": "MUST Street Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology", + "extendedDescription": "MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society.", + "url": "https://web.facebook.com/muststreetmappers/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "muststreetmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/uganda/ym-St.-Augustine-International-University.json b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-St.-Augustine-International-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8b2eac3c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-St.-Augustine-International-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-St.-Augustine-International-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[32.62161, 0.27237]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at St Augustine International University", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University", + "url": "mailto:youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmapperssaiu@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus.json b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c1724ee6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[34.17487, 1.07587]]}, + "name": "Mappers for Life", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus", + "extendedDescription": "We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!\" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU.", + "url": "mailto:munhilll@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20the%20Uganda%20Christian%20University%20Mappers%20for%20Life", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "munhilll@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University.json b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..20d2f337b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/uganda/ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[30.26621, 0.66206]]}, + "name": "HiTech Youth Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University", + "extendedDescription": "A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes.", + "url": "mailto:hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hitechyouthmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/zambia/ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute.json b/resources/africa/zambia/ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d81407b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/zambia/ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[26.9671, -16.81484]]}, + "name": "MawaggaliMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute", + "extendedDescription": "We are the youthappers chapter at St. Mawaggali trades in choma who are want to contribute the different humantarian tasks to serve lives through mapping.", + "url": "mailto:mawaggalimappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mawaggalimappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/zambia/ym-The-University-of-Zambia.json b/resources/africa/zambia/ym-The-University-of-Zambia.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c09d50679 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/zambia/ym-The-University-of-Zambia.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-The-University-of-Zambia", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[28.33027, -15.39189]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers Unza", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/search/posts/?q=youth%20mappers%20unza", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "chombachishala13@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/africa/zimbabwe/ym-University-of-Zimbabwe.json b/resources/africa/zimbabwe/ym-University-of-Zimbabwe.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..303bd6830 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/africa/zimbabwe/ym-University-of-Zimbabwe.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Zimbabwe", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[31.05466, -17.78467]]}, + "name": "UZMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe", + "extendedDescription": "UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Uzmappersteam-Zimbabwe-246038666256392/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uzmappersteam@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/antarctica/.gitkeep b/resources/antarctica/.gitkeep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 diff --git a/resources/asia/afghanistan/osm-afghanistan-facebook.json b/resources/asia/afghanistan/osm-afghanistan-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3888782d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/afghanistan/osm-afghanistan-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-afghanistan-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["af"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "fa", "ps"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Afghanistan", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Afghanistan", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/321292812113316/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Walker Kosmidou-Bradley", "email": "walker.t.bradley@gmail.com"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/bangladesh/osm-bangladesh-facebook.json b/resources/asia/bangladesh/osm-bangladesh-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6fee3f74e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/bangladesh/osm-bangladesh-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-BGD-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["bd"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Bangladesh", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Bangladesh", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Bangladesh? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmbd/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ahasanul Hoque", "email": "hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}], + "order": 3, + "events": [ + { + "id": "sotmasia2019", + "i18n": true, + "name": "State of the Map Asia 2019", + "description": "Join the 2019 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in Dhaka", + "where": "Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh", + "when": "2019-11-01", + "url": "http://stateofthemap.asia/" + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Asian-University-for-Women.json b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Asian-University-for-Women.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c37b19fc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Asian-University-for-Women.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Asian-University-for-Women", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[91.8457, 22.34998]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at AUW", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women", + "extendedDescription": "The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world.", + "url": "http://www.auw.edu.bd/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "harunur.rashid@auw.edu.bd"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Dhaka-College.json b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Dhaka-College.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27222a99f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Dhaka-College.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Dhaka-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[90.35156, 23.72492]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers Daka College", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers  gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes. Happy mapping.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/321220498214124/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersdc@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Dhaka-University.json b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Dhaka-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2fc07ff8 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Dhaka-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Dhaka-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[90.35156, 23.72492]]}, + "name": "Openstreetmap YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University", + "extendedDescription": "It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmDU/1773150346233538/?notif_t=group_activity¬if_id=1472953820177890", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Eastern-University.json b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Eastern-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b54b19bdc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Eastern-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Eastern-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[90.38063, 23.74236]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at Eastern University", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes.", + "url": "mailto:infolimon@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "infolimon@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Jahangirnagar-University.json b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Jahangirnagar-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00d421a2d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Jahangirnagar-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Jahangirnagar-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[90.26753, 23.88222]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University", + "url": "mailto:s.t.islam@juniv.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "s.t.islam@juniv.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Khulna-University.json b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Khulna-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5b9a1db9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Khulna-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Khulna-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[89.56055, 22.83685]]}, + "name": "Khulna University YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University", + "extendedDescription": "KU students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmku/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hoque.ahasan@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology.json b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1430be941 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/bangladesh/ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[88.62839, 24.36373]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at RUET", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology", + "extendedDescription": "The \"YouthMappers at RUET\" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world.", + "url": "mailto:ruetmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ruetmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/bhutan/ym-Sherubtse-College.json b/resources/asia/bhutan/ym-Sherubtse-College.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..36dfef691 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/bhutan/ym-Sherubtse-College.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Sherubtse-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[91.52369, 27.2866]]}, + "name": "Geographical Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College", + "extendedDescription": "The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!", + "url": "mailto:gsscbhutan@gmail.com?subject=About%20the%20Royal%20University%20of%20Bhutan%20Geographical%20Society%20and%20Youth%20Mappers", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gsscbhutan@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/china/OSM-CN-telegram.json b/resources/asia/china/OSM-CN-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7097d39e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/china/OSM-CN-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-CN-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cn"]}, + "languageCodes": ["zh"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap China Telegram", + "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Chinese community: {url}", + "url": "https://t.me/osmchina", + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/kerala/osm-kerala-facebook.json b/resources/asia/india/kerala/osm-kerala-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23218d334 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/india/kerala/osm-kerala-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Kerala-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["india_kerala.geojson"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Kerala - Participatory neighborhood mapping", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Kerala", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Kerala ? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://facebook.com/osmkerala/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Manoj Karingamadathil", "email": "dartermanoj@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Jaisen Nedumpala", "email": "jaisuvyas@gmail.com"} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/kerala/osm-kerala-telegram.json b/resources/asia/india/kerala/osm-kerala-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..278f58f5f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/india/kerala/osm-kerala-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-kerala-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["india_kerala.geojson"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Kerala Telegram", + "description": "We map Kerala together. Join our telegram group. {url}", + "url": "https://t.me/osmkerala", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jaisen Nedumpala", "email": "jaisuvyas@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Naveen Francis", "email": "naveenpf@gmail.com"} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/kerala/osm-kerala-wiki.json b/resources/asia/india/kerala/osm-kerala-wiki.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa7b7f572 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/india/kerala/osm-kerala-wiki.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-kerala-wiki", + "type": "wiki", + "locationSet": {"include": ["india_kerala.geojson"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Kerala", + "description": "Want to know more about Kerala Mapping: {url}", + "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Kerala", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Kevin", "email": "muzirian@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Naveen Francis", "email": "naveenpf@gmail.com"} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/osm-india-facebook.json b/resources/asia/india/osm-india-facebook.json index fd9a16745..7b54b6e9f 100644 --- a/resources/asia/india/osm-india-facebook.json +++ b/resources/asia/india/osm-india-facebook.json @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ { "id": "OSM-India-facebook", - "featureId": "india_full", "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, "name": "OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in India", - "extendedDescription": "Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/mappingindia/", "contacts": [ {"name": "Jinal Foflia", "email": "fofliajinal@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Arun Ganesh", "email": "arun.planemad@gmail.com"} - ] + ], + "order": 3 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/osm-india-forum.json b/resources/asia/india/osm-india-forum.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2be17df3 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/india/osm-india-forum.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-india-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap India forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap India web forum", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=65", + "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap India", "email": "openstreetmapindia@gmail.com"}], + "order": -2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/osm-india-github.json b/resources/asia/india/osm-india-github.json new file mode 100644 index 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"arun.planemad@gmail.com"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/osm-india-telegram.json b/resources/asia/india/osm-india-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2aa87630 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/india/osm-india-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-india-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap India Telegram", + "description": "Join our family: {url}", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMIndia", + "contacts": [{"name": "Naveen Francis", "email": "naveenpf@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/osm-india-twitter.json b/resources/asia/india/osm-india-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84717f64e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/india/osm-india-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-india-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["in"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap India Twitter", + 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Its FB page is the best way to keep in contact with its events.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/FSHMP", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Kamalavelan", "email": "sskamalavelan@gmail.com", "osm": "demonshreder"}, + {"name": "Prasanna", "email": "prasmailme@gmail.com", "osm": "Prashere"} + ], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/osm-puducherry-mailing-list.json b/resources/asia/india/osm-puducherry-mailing-list.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c98f352cd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/india/osm-puducherry-mailing-list.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": [[79.7324, 11.9142]]}, + "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Mailing List", + "description": "FSHM Puducherry mailing list to discuss mapping in Puducherry and other things.", + "extendedDescription": "FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap.", + "url": "https://www.freelists.org/archive/puduvailug/", + "signupUrl": "https://www.freelists.org/list/puduvailug", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Kamalavelan", "email": "sskamalavelan@gmail.com", "osm": "demonshreder"}, + {"name": "Prasanna", "email": "prasmailme@gmail.com", "osm": "Prashere"} + ], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/osm-puducherry-matrix.json b/resources/asia/india/osm-puducherry-matrix.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5cd833f44 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/india/osm-puducherry-matrix.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix", + "type": "matrix", + "locationSet": {"include": [[79.7324, 11.9142]]}, + "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix", + "description": "FSHM Riot group to discuss, share and update mapping activities, events in and around Puducherry", + "extendedDescription": "FSHM community members share their OSM mapping updates / experiences through the Riot.im group, this group is also used to discuss things related to free software / hardware, technology and activism.", + "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/#fshm:matrix.org", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Kamalavelan", "email": "sskamalavelan@gmail.com", "osm": "demonshreder"}, + {"name": "Prasanna", "email": "prasmailme@gmail.com", "osm": "Prashere"} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/india/ym-Gujarat-University.json b/resources/asia/india/ym-Gujarat-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e45033f6c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/india/ym-Gujarat-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Gujarat-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[72.50977, 22.99876]]}, + "name": "CCIM at Ahmedabad", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University", + "url": "mailto:Coolmulls@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "coolmulls@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/indonesia/indonesia.json b/resources/asia/indonesia/indonesia.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03d137565 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/indonesia/indonesia.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-IDN-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["id"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Indonesia", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Indonesia", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Indonesia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osm.id/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Yantisa Akhadi", "email": "yantisa.akhadi@hotosm.org"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/indonesia/ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar.json b/resources/asia/indonesia/ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6452aa6a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/indonesia/ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[119.4292, -5.18613]]}, + "name": "Kontur Geografi", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar", + "url": "https://tentangkontur.blogspot.co.id", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "konturgeografi@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/indonesia/ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta.json b/resources/asia/indonesia/ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..526584dc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/indonesia/ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[110.76899, -7.55758]]}, + "name": "SpaceTime", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta", + "extendedDescription": "SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta.", + "url": "mailto:spacetime1717@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "spacetime1717@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/iran/osm-iran-aparat.json b/resources/asia/iran/osm-iran-aparat.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..93cebcff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/iran/osm-iran-aparat.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-iran-aparat", + "type": "aparat", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ir"]}, + "languageCodes": ["fa"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran Aparat", + "description": "Subscribe to our channel at {url}", + "extendedDescription": "A good resource of videos about anything related to OpenStreetMap. Mainly in Persian.", + "url": "https://www.aparat.com/osm_iran", + "contacts": [{"name": "Iman", "email": "iriman@chmail.ir"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/iran/osm-iran-forum.json b/resources/asia/iran/osm-iran-forum.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..507cd3cca --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/iran/osm-iran-forum.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-iran-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ir"]}, + "languageCodes": ["fa"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran web forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Iran web forum", + "extendedDescription": "A web forum for OpenStreetMap users in Iran. Feel free to ask questions and discuss with others!", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=103", + "contacts": [{"name": "Iman", "email": "iriman@chmail.ir"}], + "order": -2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/iran/osm-iran-telegram.json b/resources/asia/iran/osm-iran-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..228c43a7b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/iran/osm-iran-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-iran-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ir"]}, + "languageCodes": ["fa"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran Telegram", + "description": "You're welcome to join our Telegram channel at {url}. We also have a supergroup of many OSMers interested in Iran. Find its link in bio of channel.", + "url": "https://t.me/openstreetmapir", + "contacts": [{"name": "Iman", "email": "iriman@chmail.ir"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/japan/OSM-Japan-facebook.json b/resources/asia/japan/OSM-Japan-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0cca2d33 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/japan/OSM-Japan-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-japan-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["jp"]}, + "languageCodes": ["ja"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Japan Community", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in Japan", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmjapan/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Satoshi IIDA", "email": "nyampire@gmail.com"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/japan/OSM-Japan-mailinglist.json b/resources/asia/japan/OSM-Japan-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f7ad069a --- /dev/null +++ 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contributors, communities, and users in Korea to share and discuss.", + "url": "https://t.me/osmKorea", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Yongmin Hong", "email": "revi@pobox.com"}, + {"name": "Max N", "email": "abonnements@revolwear.com"} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/malaysia/OSM-MY-facebook.json b/resources/asia/malaysia/OSM-MY-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f11e6a7e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/malaysia/OSM-MY-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-MY-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["my"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "ms"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Malaysia on Facebook", + "description": "For chat about anything related to OpenStreetMap!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/openstreetmapMY/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Mohd Saidin", "email": "projekopenstreetmap@hotmail.com"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/malaysia/OSM-MY-forum.json 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mappers are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}", + "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/#OpenstreetmapMalaysia:matrix.org", + "signupUrl": "https://riot.im/app/#/register", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ahmad Amsyar", "email": "OfficiallyAhmad@protonmail.ch"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/mongolia/mongolia.json b/resources/asia/mongolia/mongolia.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bf13cd49 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/mongolia/mongolia.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-MNG-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["mn"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Mongolia", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Mongolia", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Mongolia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/OSM.Mongolia/", + "contacts": [{"name": " ", "email": "talk-mn@openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/myanmar/osm-myanmar-facebook.json b/resources/asia/myanmar/osm-myanmar-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1940f67e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/myanmar/osm-myanmar-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-MMR-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["mm"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Myanmar", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Myanmar", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Myanmar? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osmmm/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Yan Naung Oak", "email": "yan@phandeeyar.org"}, + {"name": "Patrick Oswald", "email": "patrickoswald.omm@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Set Khaing Oo", "email": "setkhaing@phandeeyar.org"} + ], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/nepal/osm-nepal-facebook.json b/resources/asia/nepal/osm-nepal-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..73abf6709 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/nepal/osm-nepal-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Nepal-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["np"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Nepal", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Nepal", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Nepal? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/mapkathmandu/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Kshitiz Khanal", "email": "khanal1990@gmail.com"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/nepal/ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies.json b/resources/asia/nepal/ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef670d60e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/nepal/ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[85.34173, 27.72759]]}, + "name": "Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies", + "extendedDescription": "To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations.", + "url": "mailto:deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "deepakadhikari@tuicms.edu.np"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/nepal/ym-Kathmandu-University.json b/resources/asia/nepal/ym-Kathmandu-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a4ac7dbf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/nepal/ym-Kathmandu-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Kathmandu-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[85.53873, 27.62025]]}, + "name": "Geomatics Engineering Society,GES", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University", + "extendedDescription": "Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc.", + "url": "ku.edu.np/ges", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ges@ku.edu.np"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/nepal/ym-Tribhuvan-University.json b/resources/asia/nepal/ym-Tribhuvan-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9131ba3d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/nepal/ym-Tribhuvan-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Tribhuvan-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[83.97645, 28.2538]]}, + "name": "Geomatics Engineering Students Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University", + "extendedDescription": "This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network.", + "url": "http://gesanwrc.wordpress.com/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gesan.nepal@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/osm-asia-mailing-list.json b/resources/asia/osm-asia-mailing-list.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77bcea30c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/osm-asia-mailing-list.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Asia-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["142"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Asia Mailinglist", + "description": "Talk-asia is the official Mailinglist for Asian Community", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-asia", + "contacts": [{"name": "Erwin Olario", "email": "govvin@gmail.com"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/osm-asia-telegram.json b/resources/asia/osm-asia-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..524992a34 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/osm-asia-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-asia-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["142"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Asia Telegram", + "description": "Join our family: {url}", + "url": "https://t.me/OpenStreetMapAsia", + "contacts": [{"name": "Erwin Olario", "email": "govvin@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-facebook.json b/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb483ea34 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-PH-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ph"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap PH Facebook", + "description": "Welcome to OpenStreetMap Philippines, where we encourage all fellow Filipinos to contribute to the OpenStreetMap project.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OSMPH/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Maning Sambale", "email": "emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "OSM PH Group", "email": "osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-mailinglist.json b/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..83f83aeb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-PH-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ph"]}, + "name": "Talk-ph Mailing List", + "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in the Philippines", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ph/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Maning Sambale", "email": "emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "OSM PH Group", "email": "osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-slack.json b/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-slack.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e194fb11b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-slack.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-PH-slack", + "type": "slack", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ph"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap PH Slack", + "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}", + "url": "https://osmph.slack.com", + "signupUrl": "https://osmph-chat.herokuapp.com/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Maning Sambale", "email": "emmanuel.sambale@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "OSM PH Group", "email": "osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-telegram.json b/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27cc7a692 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/philippines/OSM-PH-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-PH-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ph"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "tl"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap PH Telegram", + "description": "Un-official, Telegram local community of OpenStreetMap contributors and friends in the Philippines", + "url": "https://t.me/osmph", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Erwin Olario", "email": "govvin@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "OSM PH Group", "email": "osm.pilipinas@gmail.com"} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/philippines/ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology.json b/resources/asia/philippines/ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6068b0172 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/philippines/ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[120.98854, 14.60403]]}, + "name": "Junior Philippines Computer Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology", + "extendedDescription": "FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region", + "url": "mailto:jpcsfeutech@outlook.com?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20Junior%20Philippines%20Computer%20Society", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "jpcsfeutech@outlook.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/philippines/ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute.json b/resources/asia/philippines/ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c316dc33 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/philippines/ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[121.06, 14.65]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute", + "extendedDescription": "The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to Open Street Maps.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UP-Resillience-Institute-Youth-Mappers-123477508533225", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "llnguyen@up.edu.ph"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/russia/OSM-RU-forum.json b/resources/asia/russia/OSM-RU-forum.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..989c0038a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/russia/OSM-RU-forum.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-RU-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ru"]}, + "languageCodes": ["ru"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap RU forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Russia web forum", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=21", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ilya Zverev", "email": "ilya@zverev.info"}], + "order": -2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/russia/OSM-RU-telegram.json b/resources/asia/russia/OSM-RU-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..056e7d8a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/russia/OSM-RU-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-RU-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ru"]}, + "languageCodes": ["ru"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap RU telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Russia telegram chat", + "url": "https://t.me/ruosm", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ilya Zverev", "email": "ilya@zverev.info"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/sri_lanka/OSM-sri-lanka-facebook.json b/resources/asia/sri_lanka/OSM-sri-lanka-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e2eebe774 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/sri_lanka/OSM-sri-lanka-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-sri-lanka-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["lk"]}, + "name": "OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Sri Lanka", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Sri Lanka? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/142058222659672/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Karan Suthakaran", "email": "karansuthakaran@yahoo.com"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/taiwan/OSM-TW-facebook.json b/resources/asia/taiwan/OSM-TW-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a1e0eafe7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/taiwan/OSM-TW-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-TW-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["tw"]}, + "languageCodes": ["zh-tw"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community", + "description": "Facebook Group for Mappers and OpenStreetMap users to discuss matters about Taiwan.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenStreetMap.TW/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Nobody 沒有人 (Public mail)", "email": "hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/taiwan/OSM-TW-mailinglist.json b/resources/asia/taiwan/OSM-TW-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e325745e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/taiwan/OSM-TW-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-TW-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["tw"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "zh-tw"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailinglist", + "description": "Talk-tw is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Taiwan", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-tw", + "contacts": [{"name": "Nobody 沒有人 (Public email)", "email": "hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/taiwan/OSM-TW-telegram.json b/resources/asia/taiwan/OSM-TW-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ceb914868 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/taiwan/OSM-TW-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-TW-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["tw"]}, + "languageCodes": ["zh-tw"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Telegram", + "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Taiwan community: {url}", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMTaiwan", + "contacts": [{"name": "Nobody 沒有人 (Public mail)", "email": "hiboard@openstreetmap.tw"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/thailand/OSM-TH-CNX-meetup.json b/resources/asia/thailand/OSM-TH-CNX-meetup.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9aa8f6c61 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/thailand/OSM-TH-CNX-meetup.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-TH-CNX-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["thailand_cnx.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OSM Meetup Chiang Mai", + "description": "Irregular meeting of the OpenStreetMap community in Chiang Mai", + "extendedDescription": "Members of the OpenStreetMap community meet every few months in Chiang Mai. Get in contact and check out {url} to see when the next meetup is scheduled", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46", + "contacts": [{"name": "Team Chiang Mai", "email": "meetup-cnx@openstreetmap.in.th"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/thailand/OSM-TH-facebook.json b/resources/asia/thailand/OSM-TH-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6dbeef97d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/thailand/OSM-TH-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-TH-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["th"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "th"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap TH Facebook group", + "description": "Facebook group for OpenStreetMappers in Thailand", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/thaiosm/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Theppitak Karoonboonyanan", "email": "theppitak@gmail.com"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/thailand/OSM-TH-forum.json b/resources/asia/thailand/OSM-TH-forum.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..32e87f30d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/thailand/OSM-TH-forum.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-TH-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["th"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "th"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap TH forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Thailand web forum", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=46", + "contacts": [{"name": "Stephan Knauss", "email": "osm@stephans-server.de"}], + "order": -2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/asia/uzbekistan/uzbekistan-telegram.json b/resources/asia/uzbekistan/uzbekistan-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8a965a36 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/asia/uzbekistan/uzbekistan-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "id": "uzbekistan-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["uz"]}, + "name": "OSM Uzbekistan on Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Uzbekistan Telegram chat", + "url": "https://t.me/osm_uz" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/albania/al-forum.json b/resources/europe/albania/al-forum.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f7beb9354 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/albania/al-forum.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "id": "al-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["al"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], + "name": "OSM Albania Forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Albania Forum", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=91", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jonathan Beliën", "email": "dev@jbelien.be"}, + {"name": "Amanti Lulo", "email": "amanti.lulo@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": -2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/albania/al-maptime-tirana.json b/resources/europe/albania/al-maptime-tirana.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..660b39519 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/albania/al-maptime-tirana.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "id": "al-maptime-tirana", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": [[19.8156, 41.3305]]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], + "name": "Maptime Tirana", + "description": "Social events organized around mapping - beginners most welcome!", + "extendedDescription": "Maptime is an open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge, offering intentional educational support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously flexible and structured, creating space for mapping tutorials, workshops, ongoing projects with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time.", + "url": "http://maptime.io/tirana/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jonathan Beliën", "email": "dev@jbelien.be"}, + {"name": "Amanti Lulo", "email": "amanti.lulo@gmail.com"} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/albania/al-telegram.json b/resources/europe/albania/al-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c8ccee56 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/albania/al-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "id": "al-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["al"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "sq"], + "name": "OSM Albania Telegram channel", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Albania Telegram channel", + "url": "https://telegram.me/OpenStreetMapAL", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Jonathan Beliën", "email": "dev@jbelien.be"}, + {"name": "Amanti Lulo", "email": 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"email": "info@fossgis.de"}], + "order": -4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/germany/de-mailinglist.json b/resources/europe/germany/de-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..11cecf06e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/germany/de-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "de-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["de"]}, + "languageCodes": ["de"], + "name": "Talk-de Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-de is the official mailing list for the German OSM community", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de", + "contacts": [{"name": "FOSSGIS e.V.", "email": "info@fossgis.de"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/germany/de-matrix.json b/resources/europe/germany/de-matrix.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0241a4d6d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/germany/de-matrix.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "de-matrix", + "type": "matrix", + 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Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications.", + "url": "https://disastermappers.wordpress.com/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "disastermappers@posteo.de"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/hungary/hu-facebook.json b/resources/europe/hungary/hu-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f6f5293b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/hungary/hu-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "hu-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hu"]}, + "languageCodes": ["hu"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap HU on Facebook", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap Facebook in Hungary", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/osm.hu/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ferenc Veres", "email": "info@openstreetmap.hu"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/hungary/hu-forum.json b/resources/europe/hungary/hu-forum.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6fc62f87f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/hungary/hu-forum.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "hu-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hu"]}, + "languageCodes": ["hu"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap HU forum", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Hungary web forum", + "url": "https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/openstreetmap-hungary", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ferenc Veres", "email": "info@openstreetmap.hu"}], + "order": -2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/hungary/hu-matrix.json b/resources/europe/hungary/hu-matrix.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..92590585f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/hungary/hu-matrix.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "hu-matrix", + "type": "matrix", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hu"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "hu"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap HU matrix room", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Hungary matrix chat", + "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap chat on map topics. One of the OSM community support forums.", + "url": "https://riot.grin.hu/#/room/#osm:grin.hu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Peter 'grin' Gervai", "email": "grin@grin.hu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/hungary/hu-meetup.json b/resources/europe/hungary/hu-meetup.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac8071c02 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/hungary/hu-meetup.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "hu-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hu"]}, + "languageCodes": ["hu"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Hungary Meetup", + "description": "The platform for organizing meetups in Hungary", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Hungary", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ferenc Veres", "email": "info@openstreetmap.hu"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/iceland/is-chapter.json b/resources/europe/iceland/is-chapter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..991ac2be9 --- /dev/null +++ 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"talk-is-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/iceland/is-mailinglist.json b/resources/europe/iceland/is-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..75c078a18 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/iceland/is-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "is-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["is"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "is"], + "name": "Talk-is Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-is is the official mailing list for the Icelandic OSM community", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-is", + "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-is-owner", "email": "talk-is-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/iceland/is-twitter.json b/resources/europe/iceland/is-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07e4eefca --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/iceland/is-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": 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other open initiatives.", + "url": "https://www.openstreetmap.ie/", + "order": 1 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/ireland/ireland-facebook.json b/resources/europe/ireland/ireland-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae01096ef --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/ireland/ireland-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ireland-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ie"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook group", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook page", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenStreetMapIreland", + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/ireland/ireland-irc.json b/resources/europe/ireland/ireland-irc.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68d190820 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/ireland/ireland-irc.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "ireland-irc", + "type": "irc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ie"]}, + 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+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine on Twitter: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osm_ua", + "contacts": [{"name": "Andrii Holovin", "email": "andygol@ua.fm"}], + "order": 1 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/ukraine/ua-website.json b/resources/europe/ukraine/ua-website.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d902ce345 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/ukraine/ua-website.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "ua-osm", + "type": "osm", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ukraine.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["uk"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Website Ukraine", + "description": "OpenStreetMap website in Ukraine", + "url": "https://openstreetmap.org.ua/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Andrii Holovin", "email": "andygol@ua.fm"}], + "order": 4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/scotland-twitter.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/scotland-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6bf990531 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/scotland-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "scotland-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["scotland.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Alba on Twitter", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Alba on Twitter: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/OSMScotland", + "order": 4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-eastmidlands-meetup.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-eastmidlands-meetup.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a37d8e62 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-eastmidlands-meetup.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": ["east_midlands.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "East Midlands (Nottingham) Monthly pub meet-up", + "description": "Social gathering for East Midlands mappers and users", + "extendedDescription": "A group have been meeting since March 2011, initially in Nottingham, and, more recently in Derby, and from time to time elsewhere in the East Midlands. These are social gatherings, but are an excellent place to come and ask specific questions about OSM either in the area or in general. In the summer months we usually do some light mapping for an hour in the vicinity of our meeting place. The group as a whole has a special interest in mapping public rights of way and from time to time has mapping meetings for this purpose.", + "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nottingham/Pub_Meetup", + "contacts": [{"name": "Jerry Clough", "email": "SK53.osm@gmail.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-irc.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-irc.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..638009577 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-irc.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "gb-irc", + "type": "irc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gb"]}, + "languageCodes": ["cy", "en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap United Kingdom IRC", + "description": "Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", + "extendedDescription": "Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question", + "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-gb", + "contacts": [{"name": "UK mailing list", "email": "talk-gb-owner@lists.openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": 2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-localchapter.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-localchapter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4bf2ae38c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-localchapter.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "id": "uk-localchapter", + "type": "osm-lc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gb"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap UK", + "description": "The official Local Chapter for the UK (including Northern Ireland).", + "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding events, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap UK here: {signupUrl}", + "url": "https://osmuk.org/", + "signupUrl": "https://osmuk.org/become-member/", + "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap UK", "email": "board@osmuk.org"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-london-twitter.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-london-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd3bfa0ef --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-london-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "uk-london-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["london.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap London on Twitter", + "description": "OpenStreetMap London on Twitter: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/OSMLondon", + "contacts": [{"name": "Harry Wood", "email": "mail@harrywood.co.uk"}], + "order": 4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-mailinglist.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be22aaf40 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "gb-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gb"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Talk-gb Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-gb is the main communication forum list for the UK (including Northern Ireland) OSM community", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb", + "contacts": [{"name": "UK mailing list", "email": "talk-gb-owner@lists.openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": 4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-mappamercia.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-mappamercia.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0fa7211d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-mappamercia.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "mappa-mercia-group", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": ["england-west-midlands.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Mappa Mercia local group", + "description": "A home for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Midlands", + "extendedDescription": "Mappa Mercia is a project to grow OpenStreetMap in the West Midlands, UK. We run community events, provide training and support local organisations wishing to open up their data.", + "url": "http://www.mappa-mercia.org/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Brian Prangle", "email": "community@mappa-mercia.org"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-twitter.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ace65e12e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/uk-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "uk-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gb"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter", + "description": "OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter: {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osmuk", + "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap UK", "email": "board@osmuk.org"}], + "order": 2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..26ea0ed14 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-0.04049, 51.52382]]}, + "name": "Queen Mary YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London", + "extendedDescription": "This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/qmulgeographysociety/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers@qmul.ac.uk"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/ym-University-of-Exeter.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/ym-University-of-Exeter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e134aa0a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/ym-University-of-Exeter.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Exeter", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-3.53515, 50.73664]]}, + "name": "University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter", + "extendedDescription": "We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/EUMissingMaps/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uniofexemissingmaps@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/europe/united_kingdom/ym-University-of-Warwick.json b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/ym-University-of-Warwick.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06e2f6c91 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/europe/united_kingdom/ym-University-of-Warwick.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Warwick", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-1.56119, 52.37905]]}, + "name": "University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick", + "extendedDescription": "We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled.", + "url": "mailto:p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "p.ulbrich@warwick.ac.uk"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/middle-east/israel/il-telegram.json b/resources/middle-east/israel/il-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..336ba1910 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/middle-east/israel/il-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "il-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["il"]}, + "name": "OSM Israel on Telegram", + "description": "A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Israel: {url}", + "url": "https://t.me/OSM_Israel", + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/middle-east/jordan/ym-Yarmouk-University.json b/resources/middle-east/jordan/ym-Yarmouk-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e4b26c13 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/middle-east/jordan/ym-Yarmouk-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Yarmouk-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[35.85811, 32.53652]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at YU", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region.", + "url": "mailto:rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "rnjawarneh@yu.edu.jo"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/middle-east/saudi_arabia/sa-telegram.json b/resources/middle-east/saudi_arabia/sa-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9815a7586 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/middle-east/saudi_arabia/sa-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "sa-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["sa"]}, + "name": "OSM Saudi Arabia on Telegram", + "description": "A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Saudi Arabia: {url}", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMSaudi", + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/belize/ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College.json b/resources/north-america/belize/ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..575083b47 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/belize/ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-89.07411, 17.161]]}, + "name": "Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College", + "url": "mailto:jtzib18@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "jtzib18@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/canada/MappingWR.json b/resources/north-america/canada/MappingWR.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ad05e766 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/canada/MappingWR.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "MappingWR", + "type": "slack", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-80.4925, 43.4518]]}, + "name": "MappingWR", + "description": "Making low carbon routes around Waterloo Region easy to find.", + "url": "https://mappingwr.slack.com/", + "signupUrl": "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUswpQfyzwQugdLugtYh4WTMTce0EEjrnOS6xhQ416V4BFHg/viewform", + "contacts": [{"name": "David Trueman", "email": "dwtrueman@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/canada/OSM-CA-Slack.json b/resources/north-america/canada/OSM-CA-Slack.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6acf82824 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/canada/OSM-CA-Slack.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-CA-Slack", + "type": "slack", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ca"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "fr"], + "name": "OSM-CA Slack", + "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}.", + "url": "https://osm-ca.slack.com/", + "signupUrl": "https://slackinviteosmcanada.herokuapp.com/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Denis Carriere", "email": "carriere.denis@gmail.com"}], + "order": 4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/canada/OSM-CA-mailinglist.json b/resources/north-america/canada/OSM-CA-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2bf00118 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/canada/OSM-CA-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-CA-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ca"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en", "fr"], + "name": "OSM-CA mailing list", + "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Canada.", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ca" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/canada/OSM-CA-telegram.json b/resources/north-america/canada/OSM-CA-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 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"email": "carriere.denis@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "John Marshall", "email": "rps333@gmail.com"} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/canada/ym-McGill-University.json b/resources/north-america/canada/ym-McGill-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0ab378b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/canada/ym-McGill-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-McGill-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-73.5787, 45.50608]]}, + "name": "Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at McGill University", + "extendedDescription": "The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad.", + "url": "mailto:omg.mcgill@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "omg.mcgill@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/costa_rica/ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica.json b/resources/north-america/costa_rica/ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6bb5de92d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/costa_rica/ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-84.05105, 9.93721]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica", + "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/ucr.asege/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappersucr@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/cuba/OSM-CU-telegram.json b/resources/north-america/cuba/OSM-CU-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..392504b58 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/cuba/OSM-CU-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-CU-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cu"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OSM Cuba on Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Cuba Telegram chat", + "url": "https://telegram.me/OSM_Cuba", + "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-cu Owner", "email": "talk-cu-owner@openstreetmap.org"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/guatemala/guatemala-telegram.json b/resources/north-america/guatemala/guatemala-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1736f8944 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/guatemala/guatemala-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "guatemala-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["gt"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OSM Guatemala on Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Guatemala Telegram chat", + "url": "https://telegram.me/openstreetmapGT" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/honduras/ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras.json b/resources/north-america/honduras/ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78fd15d92 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/honduras/ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-87.16598, 14.08505]]}, + "name": "PumaGis Hn", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras", + "url": "mailto:pumagishn@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "pumagishn@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/jamaica/ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus.json b/resources/north-america/jamaica/ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f6782b736 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/jamaica/ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.74601, 18.00629]]}, + "name": "Libraries Outreach - ODL", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus", + "extendedDescription": "The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students.", + "url": "mailto:benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "benjamin.branch@uwimona.edu.jm"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-facebook.json b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa1474365 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "ni-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ni"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap NI Community", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Nicaragua", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/mapanica/", + "contacts": [{"name": "NI Community", "email": "talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-mailinglist.json b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..42e4bed73 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "ni-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ni"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Talk-ni Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-ni is the official mailing list for the Nicaraguan OSM community", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ni", + "contacts": [{"name": "NI Community", "email": "talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-telegram.json b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fce442e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ni-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ni"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OSM Nicaragua on Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Telegram chat", + "url": "https://telegram.me/mapanica", + "contacts": [{"name": "NI Community", "email": "talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-twitter.json b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2715f365 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ni-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ni-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ni"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Twitter", + "description": "OSM Nicaragua on Twitter: @osm_ni", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osm_ni", + "contacts": [{"name": "NI Community", "email": "talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/nicaragua/osm-ni.json b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/osm-ni.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd86278fd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/osm-ni.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "osm-ni", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ni"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "MapaNica.net", + "description": "Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Nicaragua", + "url": "https://www.mapanica.net/", + "contacts": [{"name": "NI Community", "email": "talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria.json b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..94fd2ec12 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/nicaragua/ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-86.27051, 12.1316]]}, + "name": "Yeka Street MGA", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria", + "extendedDescription": "YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/yekastreetmga/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "yeka.street.mga@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/panama/panama-telegram.json b/resources/north-america/panama/panama-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d848870f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/panama/panama-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "panama-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["pa"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OSM Panama on Telegram", + "description": "OpenStreetMap Panama Telegram chat", + "url": "https://telegram.me/Comunidad_OSM_Panama" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/panama/ym-University-of-Panama.json b/resources/north-america/panama/ym-University-of-Panama.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5aeccc089 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/panama/ym-University-of-Panama.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Panama", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.54102, 9.01527]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers UP", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama", + "extendedDescription": "Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to help identify, define, address, and create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives.", + "url": "mailto:Youthmappers.up@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "youthmappers.up@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/puerto_rico/ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras.json b/resources/north-america/puerto_rico/ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7907be895 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/puerto_rico/ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-66.04978, 18.40277]]}, + "name": "UPR YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras", + "url": "mailto:carlosguilbe@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "carlosguilbe@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers.json similarity index 90% rename from resources/north-america/us/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers.json rename to resources/north-america/united_states/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers.json index d6de805dc..bf20b0170 100644 --- a/resources/north-america/us/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers.json +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "id": "Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers", - "featureId": "sf_bay_area", "type": "meetup", - "name": "Bay Area OpenStreetMappers", - "countryCodes": ["us"], + "locationSet": {"include": ["sf_bay_area.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Bay Area OpenStreetMappers", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Bay Area", "extendedDescription": "This group is about growing the OpenStreetMap community here in the Bay Area. Our events are open to everyone, from open source enthusiasts, cyclists, GIS professionals, geocachers, and beyond. Anyone and everyone who is interested in maps, map making and free map data is welcome to join our group as well as attend our events.", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers/", - "contacts": [{"name": "Ben Discoe", "email": "bdiscoe@gmail.com"}] + "contacts": [{"name": "Ben Discoe", "email": "bdiscoe@gmail.com"}], + "order": 5 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/Central-Pennsylvania-OSM.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/Central-Pennsylvania-OSM.json similarity index 81% rename from resources/north-america/us/Central-Pennsylvania-OSM.json rename to resources/north-america/united_states/Central-Pennsylvania-OSM.json index 262804282..ab78769b4 100644 --- a/resources/north-america/us/Central-Pennsylvania-OSM.json +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/Central-Pennsylvania-OSM.json @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ { "id": "Central-Pennsylvania-OSM", - "featureId": "central_pa", "type": "facebook", - "name": "Central Pennsylvania OSM", - "countryCodes": ["us"], + "locationSet": {"include": ["central_pa.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Central Pennsylvania OSM", "description": "Online mapping community based out of State College, PA", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/CentralPennsylvaniaOSM", - "contacts": [{"name": "Sterling Quinn", "email": "sdq107@psu.edu"}] + "contacts": [{"name": "Sterling Quinn", "email": "sdq107@psu.edu"}], + "order": 3 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/Code-for-San-Jose-Slack.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/Code-for-San-Jose-Slack.json similarity index 62% rename from resources/north-america/us/Code-for-San-Jose-Slack.json rename to resources/north-america/united_states/Code-for-San-Jose-Slack.json index 293dc751b..62368eb34 100644 --- a/resources/north-america/us/Code-for-San-Jose-Slack.json +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/Code-for-San-Jose-Slack.json @@ -1,17 +1,12 @@ { "id": "Code-for-San-Jose-Slack", - "featureId": "south_sf_bay_area", "type": "slack", - "countryCodes": ["us"], + "locationSet": {"include": ["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Code for San Jose Slack", "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}, then join the #osm channel.", - "signupUrl": "https://slackin-c4sj.herokuapp.com/", "url": "https://codeforsanjose.slack.com/", - "contacts": [ - { - "name": "OSM Bay Area mailing list", - "email": "talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org" - } - ] + "signupUrl": "https://slackin-c4sj.herokuapp.com/", + "contacts": [{"name": "OSM Bay Area mailing list", "email": "talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": 4 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM.json similarity index 86% rename from resources/north-america/us/Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM.json rename to resources/north-america/united_states/Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM.json index c49f83c96..18735de50 100644 --- a/resources/north-america/us/Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM.json +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM.json @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ { "id": "Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM", - "featureId": "dfw_metro", - "type": "website", - "name": "Dallas-Fort Worth OSM", - "countryCodes": ["us"], + "type": "osm", + "locationSet": {"include": ["dfw_metro.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Dallas-Fort Worth OSM", "description": "The OpenStreetMap user group for Dallas-Fort Worth", "extendedDescription": "Dallas, Fort Worth, and all the cities in between are abounding with creative and tech-savvy people. The vision for this usergroup is to find new ways to use the amazing resource of OSM.", "url": "http://dfwosm.org/", diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/GeoPhilly.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/GeoPhilly.json similarity index 91% rename from resources/north-america/us/GeoPhilly.json rename to resources/north-america/united_states/GeoPhilly.json index 39ffab727..bcbc5dfc2 100644 --- a/resources/north-america/us/GeoPhilly.json +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/GeoPhilly.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "id": "GeoPhilly", - "featureId": "philly_metro", "type": "meetup", - "name": "GeoPhilly", - "countryCodes": ["us"], + "locationSet": {"include": ["philly_metro.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "GeoPhilly", "description": "Meetup for map enthusiasts in the Philadelphia area", "extendedDescription": "GeoPhilly unites developers, geographers, data geeks, open source enthusiasts, civic hackers and map addicts in our shared love of maps and the stories they tell. If you use maps as part of your work or just want to learn more, this is the meetup for you! Our events aim to be open, friendly, educational and social and range from happy hours to lightning talks or even workshops. Come create a diverse, inspiring geospatial community in the Philadelphia with us!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/GeoPhilly/", - "contacts": [{"name": "Dan Ford", "email": "dford@azavea.com"}] + "contacts": [{"name": "Dan Ford", "email": "dford@azavea.com"}], + "order": 5 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/MapMinnesota.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/MapMinnesota.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69a279b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/MapMinnesota.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "MapMinnesota", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "MapMinnesota", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Twin Cities area", + "extendedDescription": "Connecting OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in Minnesota and the Twin Cities!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Map-Minnesota/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ian Dees", "email": "ian.dees@gmail.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/Mapping-DC-meetup.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/Mapping-DC-meetup.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..835b71192 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/Mapping-DC-meetup.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "Mapping-DC-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["dc_metro.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Mapping DC", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area", + "extendedDescription": "We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. We gather every other month at meetups to focus on one area of our city.", + "url": "https://mappingdc.org/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Brian DeRocher", "email": "brian@derocher.org"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/Maptime-ME.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/Maptime-ME.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9bd988eab --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/Maptime-ME.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "Maptime-ME-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["portland_me.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "MaptimeME", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, around Portland, ME", + "extendedDescription": "Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation using mapping tools and technologies.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/MaptimeME/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Malcolm Toon", "email": "malcolm@foreflight.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/Massachusetts-mailinglist.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/Massachusetts-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bae8ad8b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/Massachusetts-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "us-ma-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["massachusetts.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Talk-us-massachusetts Mailing List", + "description": "Email mailing list for the Massachusetts OSM community", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-us-massachusetts", + "contacts": [{"name": "Alan Bragg", "email": "alan.ruth.bragg@gmail.com"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Boston.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Boston.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ffb182209 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Boston.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Boston", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["boston_metro.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Boston", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Boston area", + "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap is the free and open, wiki-style map of the world, with hundreds of thousands of contributions every day from people like you. Editing the map is simple, and fun! Join us both indoors and outdoors in our effort to create the best map of the Boston area and the rest of the world!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Boston/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Lars Ahlzen", "email": "lars@ahlzen.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Central-Salish-Sea.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Central-Salish-Sea.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff7a36eaa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Central-Salish-Sea.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Central-Salish-Sea", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["mt_vernon_wa.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Mount Vernon, WA", + "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap is an map of the world made by people like you. It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more. We meet all the time to talk maps, make maps and have fun!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Central-Salish-Sea/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Clifford Snow", "email": "clifford@snowandsnow.us"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/OSM-Chattanooga.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Chattanooga.json similarity index 83% rename from resources/north-america/us/OSM-Chattanooga.json rename to resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Chattanooga.json index d8742aeb6..947496cba 100644 --- a/resources/north-america/us/OSM-Chattanooga.json +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Chattanooga.json @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { "id": "OSM-Chattanooga", - "featureId": "chattanooga", "type": "facebook", - "name": "OSM Chattanooga", - "countryCodes": ["us"], + "locationSet": {"include": ["chattanooga.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OSM Chattanooga", "description": "The OpenStreetMap user group for Chattanooga", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/123483951073256", "contacts": [ {"name": "Jenny Park", "email": "tennessee@tpl.org"}, {"name": "Randal Hale", "email": "rjhale@northrivergeographic.com"} - ] + ], + "order": 3 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Colorado.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Colorado.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f6ecc062 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Colorado.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Colorado", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["colorado.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Colorado", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Colorado, USA", + "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Colorado/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Russell Deffner", "email": "russdeffner@gmail.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Portland-forum.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Portland-forum.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54fb90715 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Portland-forum.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Portland-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["portland_or.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group", + "description": "Forum and mailing list for OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area", + "extendedDescription": "This group is to facilitate improvements to OpenStreetMap in the Portland, Oregon area to support applications such as the Open Trip Planner.", + "url": "https://groups.google.com/group/osm-pdx", + "contacts": [{"name": "Madeline Steele", "email": "madeline.steele@gmail.com"}], + "order": -2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/OSM-Portland.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Portland.json similarity index 77% rename from resources/north-america/us/OSM-Portland.json rename to resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Portland.json index e0dd8439b..fdfea2b97 100644 --- a/resources/north-america/us/OSM-Portland.json +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Portland.json @@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ { "id": "OSM-Portland", - "featureId": "portland", "type": "meetup", - "name": "OpenStreetMap Portland", - "countryCodes": ["us"], + "locationSet": {"include": ["portland_or.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Portland", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area", "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world made by people like you. It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more, and come join us at a meetup to talk maps, contribute to OSM, and have fun!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Portland/", - "contacts": [ - {"name": "Madeline Steele", "email": "madeline.steele@gmail.com"} - ] + "contacts": [{"name": "Madeline Steele", "email": "madeline.steele@gmail.com"}], + "order": 5 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Seattle.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Seattle.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e86e64301 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Seattle.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Seattle", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["seattle.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Seattle", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Seattle area", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Seattle/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Clifford Snow", "email": "clifford@snowandsnow.us"}, + {"name": "Chase Stephens", "email": "seattlefyi@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Paul McCombs", "email": "pablo@imperium.org"} + ], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-SoCal.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-SoCal.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..29a44218c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-SoCal.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-SoCal", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["la_metro.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Southern California", + "description": "Let's have some fun, contribute something to Los Angeles, and learn about mapping!", + "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California is for anyone interested in mapping to get together to work with OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia of maps, is a free open-source map of the world being created by more than 1,000,000 volunteers around the globe. Everyone is welcome. If you don't know OpenStreetMap, we'll teach you. If you have an idea for a mapping project or even a field trip that the group can do, great!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Southern-California/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Charlotte Wolter", "email": "techlady@techlady.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/OSM-SouthBay.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-SouthBay.json similarity index 73% rename from resources/north-america/us/OSM-SouthBay.json rename to resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-SouthBay.json index 5b51c1ad8..a2fa2bebb 100644 --- a/resources/north-america/us/OSM-SouthBay.json +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-SouthBay.json @@ -1,17 +1,12 @@ { "id": "OSM-South-Bay", - "featureId": "south_sf_bay_area", "type": "meetup", - "name": "OSM South Bay", - "countryCodes": ["us"], + "locationSet": {"include": ["south_sf_bay_area.geojson"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OSM South Bay", "description": "Map Nights hosted by Code for San Jose", "extendedDescription": "Code for San Jose, the local Code for America brigade, hosts monthly Map Nights on Thursday nights in downtown San José. Meet fellow South Bay mappers, help out with local mapping projects, and hear about other civic tech projects. Programming and GIS skills are not required.", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Code-for-San-Jose/", - "contacts": [ - { - "name": "OSM Bay Area mailing list", - "email": "talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org" - } - ] + "contacts": [{"name": "OSM Bay Area mailing list", "email": "talk-us-sfbay@openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": 5 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Tampa-Bay.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Tampa-Bay.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c0edc501 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Tampa-Bay.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Tampa-Bay", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["tampa_bay.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Tampa Bay area", + "extendedDescription": "OSM Tampa Bay group for local residents to get together and build out the definitive map of Tampa Bay with OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world. If you're into maps, data, open source, GPS, hiking, cycling, et cetera, you'll love working with OpenStreetMap -- so join in! We'll get together and map and talk about new topics once-a-month or so.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/osmtampabay/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Coleman McCormick", "email": "cmccormick@gmail.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/OSM-US-Slack.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-US-Slack.json similarity index 75% rename from resources/north-america/us/OSM-US-Slack.json rename to resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-US-Slack.json index de1a05b13..2e6ac5552 100644 --- a/resources/north-america/us/OSM-US-Slack.json +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-US-Slack.json @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { "id": "OSM-US-Slack", - "featureId": "usa_full", "type": "slack", - "countryCodes": ["us"], + "locationSet": {"include": ["us"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OpenStreetMap US Slack", "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}", - "signupUrl": "https://osmus-slack.herokuapp.com/", "url": "https://osmus.slack.com", + "signupUrl": "https://slack.openstreetmap.us/", "contacts": [ {"name": "Ian Dees", "email": "ian@openstreetmap.us"}, {"name": "Clifford Snow", "email": "clifford@snowandsnow.us"} - ] + ], + "order": 4 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-US.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-US.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e98b10d9c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-US.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-US", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": ["us"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap US", + "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in the United States.", + "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap US here: {signupUrl}", + "url": "https://www.openstreetmap.us/", + "signupUrl": "https://www.openstreetmap.us/join", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ian Dees", "email": "ian@openstreetmap.us"}, + {"name": "Bryan Housel", "email": "bryan@openstreetmap.us"} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Utah.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Utah.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b80a8e84d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Utah.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Utah", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["salt_lake_city.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Utah", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Salt Lake City area", + "extendedDescription": "Activities may include things like Learn To Map workshops, mapping parties and outdoor data collection. The events will take place in the SLC area, at least initially. We are looking for seasoned mappers as well as people new to OSM. Join and let's do some mapping!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Utah/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Martijn van Exel", "email": "m@rtijn.org"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Wyoming.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Wyoming.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fca4fedd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OSM-Wyoming.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-Wyoming", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["wyoming.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Wyoming", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Wyoming", + "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/OSM-Wyoming/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Russell Deffner", "email": "russdeffner@gmail.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/OpenCleveland-meetup.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/OpenCleveland-meetup.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b518d3ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/OpenCleveland-meetup.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "id": "OpenCleveland-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cleveland.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Open Cleveland", + "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Cleveland area", + "extendedDescription": "Open Geo Cleveland aims to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Northeast Ohio. We're also a maptime chapter =)", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/open-cleveland/", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Will Skora", "email": "skorasaurus@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz", "email": "anastasia.diamond@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/PHXGeo-meetup.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/PHXGeo-meetup.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..abd3b4c92 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/PHXGeo-meetup.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "PHXGeo-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["phoenix.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "PHXGeo Meetup", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Phoenix, AZ area", + "extendedDescription": "This is a meetup group for those in the Phoenix area who like maps, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartography and anything in between.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/PHXGeo/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ryan Arp", "email": "ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/PHXGeo-twitter.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/PHXGeo-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f66142e8f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/PHXGeo-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "PHXGeo-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["phoenix.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "PHXGeo Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/phxgeo", + "contacts": [{"name": "Ryan Arp", "email": "ryan@arpconsultinggroup.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/Western-Slope-facebook.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/Western-Slope-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a3a31946 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/Western-Slope-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "Western-Slope-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["grand_junction_co.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Western Slope OSM Facebook", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/wsosm/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Aaron Young", "email": "aaron@kaartgroup.com"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/Western-Slope-meetup.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/Western-Slope-meetup.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21f716dc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/Western-Slope-meetup.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "Western-Slope-meetup", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["grand_junction_co.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Western Slope OSM Meetup", + "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO", + "extendedDescription": "The goal of this group is to introduce OpenStreetMap to the community, develop a community of mappers, create the most amazing geodata possible using whatever method we can and finally strategize in order to get this data out into our community. Imagine accurate trail signage! Imagine further development of bike paths! Imagine anything you want, that's the joy of OpenStreetMap!", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Western-Slope-OpenStreetMap/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Aaron Young", "email": "aaron@kaartgroup.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/maptimehrva-twitter.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/maptimehrva-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f1da00f7e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/maptimehrva-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "MaptimeHRVA-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["hrva.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "MaptimeHRVA Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/maptimehrva", + "contacts": [{"name": "Jonah Adkins", "email": "jonahadkins@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Ball-State-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Ball-State-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..13a58fc7f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Ball-State-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Ball-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-85.40688, 40.20588]]}, + "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University", + "extendedDescription": "Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/BallState.GammaThetaUpsilon/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gtu@bsu.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..80cb1d1e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.89258, 40.04425]]}, + "name": "CalU PA GIS Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania", + "extendedDescription": "GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/CalUGisClub/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mueller@calu.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Central-Washington-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Central-Washington-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4fcd272f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Central-Washington-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Central-Washington-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-120.49805, 46.98002]]}, + "name": "Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University", + "extendedDescription": "Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills.", + "url": "https://www.cwu.edu/geography/geography-club", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "valkoc@cwu.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Clemson-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Clemson-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0b76824d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Clemson-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Clemson-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-82.79297, 34.66921]]}, + "name": "Clemson Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University", + "extendedDescription": "Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections throughout the world.", + "url": "http://www.clemsongis.org/#!clemson-mappers/i9w6t", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "clemsonmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-College-of-William-and-Mary.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-College-of-William-and-Mary.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..430566caa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-College-of-William-and-Mary.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-College-of-William-and-Mary", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.72852, 37.30011]]}, + "name": "All over the map!", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary", + "extendedDescription": "The students who are all over the map are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise.  Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences.", + "url": "mailto:lnseitz@email.wm.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "lnseitz@email.wm.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Cornell-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Cornell-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1be4307c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Cornell-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Cornell-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.4735, 42.4532]]}, + "name": "Mapping Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University", + "extendedDescription": "Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy.", + "url": "mailto:mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com?subject=Youth%20Mappers%20and%20Mapping%20Society%20at%20Cornell%20University", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mappingsocietycornell@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-George-Mason-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-George-Mason-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3dbc7f32 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-George-Mason-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-George-Mason-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.34375, 38.82241]]}, + "name": "Mason Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University", + "extendedDescription": "Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow.", + "url": "Facebook.com/MasonMappers", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "masonmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ffc72fe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.16139, 40.61395]]}, + "name": "Geospatial Science Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania", + "url": "mailto:rhoch@iup.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "rhoch@iup.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Jacksonville-State-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Jacksonville-State-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2da0a2473 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Jacksonville-State-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Jacksonville-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-85.76795, 33.82283]]}, + "name": "JSU Disaster Mapping Team", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University", + "extendedDescription": "The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets", + "url": "mailto:ltatum@stu.jsu.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ltatum@stu.jsu.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Kansas-State-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Kansas-State-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..912da918b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Kansas-State-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Kansas-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-96.5918, 39.16396]]}, + "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University", + "extendedDescription": "We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to YouthMappers. We have been active with mapping for OSM and conducted a mapathon called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/kstate.gtu?fref=ts", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "tblarsen@ksu.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Miami-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Miami-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2562e2ccd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Miami-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Miami-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-84.73174, 39.5109]]}, + "name": "Geography and Planning Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Miami University", + "extendedDescription": "GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience.", + "url": "mailto:GPSMiamiOH@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gpsmiamioh@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Monroe-Community-College.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Monroe-Community-College.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a9f7ae1c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Monroe-Community-College.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Monroe-Community-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.61025, 43.10138]]}, + "name": "MCC Mapping Corps", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College", + "url": "mailto:GIST@monroecc.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gist@monroecc.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Montgomery-College.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Montgomery-College.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..51dffadea --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Montgomery-College.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Montgomery-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.15782, 39.09718]]}, + "name": "GeoMC", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College", + "extendedDescription": "GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in.", + "url": "mailto:stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "stephanie.calderon@montgomerycollege.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-New-York-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-New-York-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23da9e32e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-New-York-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-New-York-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-74.00391, 40.71377]]}, + "name": "NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at New York University", + "extendedDescription": "The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes.", + "url": "http://www.nyumhealth.org/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "mhealth@nyu.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..702e57aae --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-83.06823, 40.29605]]}, + "name": "Environment and Wildlife Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University", + "extendedDescription": "Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives.", + "url": "mailto:envirowild@owu.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "envirowild@owu.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Oklahoma-State-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Oklahoma-State-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7db2769b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Oklahoma-State-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Oklahoma-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-97.07253, 36.12077]]}, + "name": "Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University", + "url": "mailto:hhayden@okstate.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hhayden@okstate.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab25d9e32 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.36523, 42.42325]]}, + "name": "Geoventurers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia", + "extendedDescription": "GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction. We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better.", + "url": "mailto:amw30@geneseo.edu?subject=GeoVenturers%20and%20the%20YouthMappers%20network", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "amw30@geneseo.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ba2e7830 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.7832, 42.81132]]}, + "name": "SUNY Geneseo GIS Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo", + "extendedDescription": "We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community.", + "url": "http://www.facebook.com/GeneseoGIS", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "bb18@geneseo.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Texas-Tech-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Texas-Tech-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2805664e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Texas-Tech-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Texas-Tech-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-101.86523, 33.57787]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at TTU", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University", + "extendedDescription": "As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus activities through mapping.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/youthmapperstexastech/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "emily.glaeser@ttu.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-Citadel.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-Citadel.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..184d3d73d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-Citadel.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-The-Citadel", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.96064, 32.79693]]}, + "name": "YouthMappers at The Citadel", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel", + "extendedDescription": "This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers.", + "url": "Mailto:cstokes5@citadel.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "cstokes5@citadel.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-George-Washington-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-George-Washington-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..455890a7d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-George-Washington-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-The-George-Washington-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.04812, 38.89966]]}, + "name": "Humanitarian Mapping Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University", + "extendedDescription": "Models of leadership and engagement, HMS seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/GWHMS/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "hms.gwu@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6620918f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.04027, 38.90797]]}, + "name": "SAIS YouthMappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS", + "extendedDescription": "The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region.", + "url": "mailto:saisyouthmappers@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "saisyouthmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..065a4aaf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-77.85976, 40.798]]}, + "name": "Penn State GIS Coalition", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University", + "extendedDescription": "The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry.", + "url": "mailto:advising@geog.psu.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "advising@geog.psu.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-UW-Madison.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-UW-Madison.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8f12f8b98 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-UW-Madison.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-UW-Madison", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-89.41268, 43.07645]]}, + "name": "BadgerMaps", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison", + "extendedDescription": "BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UW-BadgerMaps-197746270811951/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uwbadgermaps@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-California-Davis.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-California-Davis.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b5fa16f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-California-Davis.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-California-Davis", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-121.72852, 38.54799]]}, + "name": "Mapping Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis", + "url": "mailto:ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu?subject=YouthMappers%20and%20UC%20Davis%20Mapping%20Club", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "ucdmappingclub@ucdavis.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Central-Florida.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Central-Florida.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..196f1566a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Central-Florida.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Central-Florida", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-81.38672, 28.45891]]}, + "name": "Geospatial Information Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida", + "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS.", + "url": "mailto:rsouth@knights.ucf.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "rsouth@knights.ucf.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Chicago.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Chicago.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ab65d985 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Chicago.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Chicago", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-87.59878, 41.78872]]}, + "name": "Tobler Society", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago", + "url": "mailto:toblersociety@uchicago.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "toblersociety@uchicago.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..981d2c434 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-76.94332, 38.98672]]}, + "name": "Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park", + "extendedDescription": "The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community.", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UMDGeographyClub/?fref=ts", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geogclubumd@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-North-Texas.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-North-Texas.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..70ec1046d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-North-Texas.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-North-Texas", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-97.15255, 33.20735]]}, + "name": "UNT Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas", + "extendedDescription": "The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community.", + "url": "Mailto:reeseramsey@my.unt.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "reeseramsey@my.unt.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cbc5e58db --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-104.69563, 40.40395]]}, + "name": "UNCO Geography and GIS Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado", + "extendedDescription": "Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld", + "url": "www.facebook.com/groups/476365076071166/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uncogeoggisclub@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Oregon.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Oregon.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..efdc8c9af --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Oregon.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Oregon", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-123.04688, 44.02421]]}, + "name": "Map by Northwest", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon", + "extendedDescription": "Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures.", + "url": "http://blogs.uoregon.edu/mxnw/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "cbone@uoregon.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Redlands.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Redlands.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81eae7b5d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Redlands.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Redlands", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-117.16339, 34.06295]]}, + "name": "URSpatial Geo-Thinkers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands", + "extendedDescription": "To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events.", + "url": "mailto:nathan_strout@redlands.edu", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "nathan_strout@redlands.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-South-Carolina.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-South-Carolina.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2040b6361 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-South-Carolina.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-South-Carolina", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-81.03516, 34.01609]]}, + "name": "Geography Graduate Student Association", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina", + "extendedDescription": "The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines.", + "url": "https://carolinaggsa.wordpress.com/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "carolina_ggsa@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Southern-California.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Southern-California.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6aa7e6697 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Southern-California.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Southern-California", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-118.30078, 34.01609]]}, + "name": "SC Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California", + "extendedDescription": "We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!", + "url": "mailto:scmappers@gmail.com?subject=YouthMappers%20at%20USC", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "scmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Vermont.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Vermont.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53afe4a2f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Vermont.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Vermont", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-73.21289, 44.46493]]}, + "name": "University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/UVMHMC", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "uvm.hmc@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Victoria.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Victoria.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e2ae30a18 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Victoria.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Victoria", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-123.31186, 48.46321]]}, + "name": "Society of Geography Students", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria", + "extendedDescription": "SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/SOGSUVic/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "sogsmappers@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Wyoming.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Wyoming.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f71193543 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-University-of-Wyoming.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-University-of-Wyoming", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-105.56651, 41.31476]]}, + "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming", + "url": "http://www.uwyo.edu/geography/geographyclub/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "gtu-geography@uwyo.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Vassar-College.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Vassar-College.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e970ad991 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Vassar-College.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Vassar-College", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-73.89515, 41.68658]]}, + "name": "Hudson Valley Mappers", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College", + "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts.", + "url": "http://pages.vassar.edu/gis/vassar-youthmappers/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "geo@vassar.edu"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Villanova-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Villanova-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..290e200b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Villanova-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Villanova-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-75.34361, 40.03714]]}, + "name": "The Villanova Globeplotters", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University", + "extendedDescription": "The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level.", + "url": "mailto:villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "villanova.globeplotters@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-West-Virginia-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-West-Virginia-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b758441ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-West-Virginia-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-West-Virginia-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-79.98047, 39.63936]]}, + "name": "Maptime Morgantown", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University", + "extendedDescription": "Working as a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world.", + "url": "mailto:MaptimeMorgantown@gmail.com?subject=Maptime%20Morgantown%20from%20YouthMappers%20website", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "maptimemorgantown@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Western-Michigan-University.json b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Western-Michigan-University.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..572385476 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/north-america/united_states/ym-Western-Michigan-University.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "ym-Western-Michigan-University", + "type": "youthmappers", + "locationSet": {"include": [[-85.61042, 42.28342]]}, + "name": "Geography Club", + "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University", + "url": "http://www.facebook.com/groups/WMUGeographyClub/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Organizer", "email": "wmu.geog.club@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/Mapping-DC-meetup.json b/resources/north-america/us/Mapping-DC-meetup.json deleted file mode 100644 index e2796b8d8..000000000 --- a/resources/north-america/us/Mapping-DC-meetup.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -{ - "id": "Mapping-DC-meetup", - "featureId": "dc_metro", - "type": "meetup", - "name": "Mapping DC", - "countryCodes": ["us"], - "languageCodes": ["en"], - "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area", - "extendedDescription": "We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. We gather every other month at meetups to focus on one area of our city.", - "url": "https://mappingdc.org/", - "contacts": [{"name": "Brian DeRocher", "email": "brian@derocher.org"}], - "events": [ - { - "name": "April Meetup", - "description": "Meets every other month on the 2nd Tuesday", - "when": "2018-04-10 18:00", - "where": "Capitol City Brewing Company, 1100 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC", - "url": "https://www.meetup.com/MappingDC/events/qqvnvhyxgbnb/" - }, - { - "name": "June Meetup", - "description": "Meets every other month on the 2nd Tuesday", - "when": "2018-06-12 18:00", - "where": "Capitol City Brewing Company, 1100 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC", - "url": "https://www.meetup.com/MappingDC/events/qqvnvhyxjbqb/" - }, - { - "name": "August Meetup", - "description": "Meets every other month on the 2nd Tuesday", - "when": "2018-08-14 18:00", - "where": "Capitol City Brewing Company, 1100 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC", - "url": "https://www.meetup.com/MappingDC/events/qqvnvhyxlbsb/" - }, - { - "name": "October Meetup", - "description": "Meets every other month on the 2nd Tuesday", - "when": "2018-10-09 18:00", - "where": "Capitol City Brewing Company, 1100 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC", - "url": "https://www.meetup.com/MappingDC/events/qqvnvhyxnbmb/" - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/north-america/us/OSM-NYC.json b/resources/north-america/us/OSM-NYC.json deleted file mode 100644 index 693b92612..000000000 --- a/resources/north-america/us/OSM-NYC.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -{ - "id": "OSM-NYC", - "featureId": "nyc_metro", - "type": "meetup", - "name": "OpenStreetMap NYC", - "countryCodes": ["us"], - "languageCodes": ["en"], - "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in the New York Metropolitan area", - "url": "https://www.meetup.com/osm-nyc/", - "contacts": [{"name": "Jeff Ferzoco", "email": "jferzoco@carto.com"}] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/oceania/australia/Maptime-Australia-Slack.json b/resources/oceania/Maptime-Oceania-Slack.json similarity index 65% rename from resources/oceania/australia/Maptime-Australia-Slack.json rename to resources/oceania/Maptime-Oceania-Slack.json index d8a241716..f40d40117 100644 --- a/resources/oceania/australia/Maptime-Australia-Slack.json +++ b/resources/oceania/Maptime-Oceania-Slack.json @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ { - "id": "Maptime-Australia-Slack", - "featureId": "australia_full", + "id": "Maptime-Oceania-Slack", "type": "slack", - "countryCodes": ["au"], + "locationSet": {"include": ["009"]}, "languageCodes": ["en"], - "name": "Maptime Australia Slack", + "name": "Maptime Oceania Slack", "description": "Sign up at {signupUrl}", + "url": "https://maptimeoceania.slack.com", "signupUrl": "https://bit.ly/maptimeau", - "url": "https://maptimeaustralia.slack.com", "contacts": [ {"name": "David Dean", "email": "ddean@ieee.org"}, {"name": "Philip Mallis", "email": "philip.mallis@unimelb.edu.au"}, {"name": "Edoardo Neerhut", "email": "ed@mapillary.com"} - ] + ], + "order": 3 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/oceania/australia/geogeeks_perth.json b/resources/oceania/australia/geogeeks_perth.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a4d8326d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/oceania/australia/geogeeks_perth.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "geogeeks_perth_meetup", + "type": "group", + "locationSet": {"include": ["western_australia.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "GeoGeeks Perth Meetup", + "description": "Perth-based meetup group for people interested in mapping, geospatial data, and open source. We'll be working on anything that involves a sense of place.", + "url": "https://geogeeks.org", + "contacts": [{"name": "GeoGeeks Perth", "email": "geogeeks.perth@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/oceania/australia/talk-au.json b/resources/oceania/australia/talk-au.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c6cbef068 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/oceania/australia/talk-au.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "id": "talk-au", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["au"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Talk-au Mailing List", + "description": "Place for Aussie mappers to chat", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-au", + "contacts": [ + {"name": "Ben Kelley", "email": "ben.kelley@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Steve Bennett", "email": "stevagewp@gmail.com"}, + {"name": "Ian Sergeant", "email": "inas66+osm@gmail.com"} + ], + "order": 4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/oceania/new_zealand/talk-nz.json b/resources/oceania/new_zealand/talk-nz.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4ce4a664c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/oceania/new_zealand/talk-nz.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "talk-nz", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["nz"]}, + "languageCodes": ["en"], + "name": "Talk-nz Mailing List", + "description": "New Zealand's OSM community talk", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-nz", + "contacts": [{"name": "Talk NZ Owner", "email": "talk-nz-owner@openstreetmap.org"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-facebook.json b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b5bce4276 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-AR-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Facebook", + "extendedDescription": "News from the local community", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMapArgentina/", + "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-forum.json b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-forum.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..077cf9229 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-forum.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-AR-forum", + "type": "forum", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum", + "extendedDescription": "Ideal for long or important discussions. Slow response time.", + "url": "https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=49", + "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}], + "order": -2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-irc.json b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-irc.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6ca5c93e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-irc.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-AR-irc", + "type": "irc", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC", + "description": "Join #osm-ar on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", + "extendedDescription": "You may find the most geeky user in the community.", + "url": "https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-ar", + "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}], + "order": -4 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-mailinglist.json b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..62a6ff6f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-AR-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Talk-ar Mailing List", + "description": "Historic mailing list. Almost unused today.", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ar/", + "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-telegram.json b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..257d47c20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-AR-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Telegram", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "The most active channel in the community, ideal for chatting and getting answers to your questions instantly. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://telegram.me/osm_ar", + "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-twitter.json b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae6a05387 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/argentina/OSM-AR-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-AR-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["ar"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "extendedDescription": "News from the local community and OpenStreetMap in general.", + "url": "https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapAr", + "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina", "email": "openstreetmap.org.ar@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/bolivia/OSM-BO-mailinglist.json b/resources/south-america/bolivia/OSM-BO-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5734099c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/bolivia/OSM-BO-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-BO-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["bo"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Talk-bo Mailing List", + "description": "Talk-bo is the official mailing list for the Bolivian OpenStreetMap community", + "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Bolivia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-bo/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Marco Antonio", "email": "marcoantoniofrias@gmail.com"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/brazil/Bahia-telegram.json b/resources/south-america/brazil/Bahia-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..16fd37b7b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/brazil/Bahia-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "Bahia-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["bahia.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Bahia Telegram Group", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Bahia community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMBA", + "contacts": [{"name": "Wille Marcel", "email": "wille@wille.blog.br"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/brazil/DF-telegram.json b/resources/south-america/brazil/DF-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3cc96a099 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/brazil/DF-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "DF-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["brasilia_df.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasília Telegram Group", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasília community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://t.me/osmbsb", + "contacts": [{"name": "Wille Marcel", "email": "wille@wille.blog.br"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-discord.json b/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-discord.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a104b0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-discord.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-br-discord", + "type": "discord", + "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Discord", + "url": "https://discord.gg/bQn4aCm", + "contacts": [{"name": "Eduardo Addad de Oliveira", "email": "duduaddad@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-mailinglist.json b/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3330cf2ee --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-br-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "Talk-br Mailing List", + "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Brazil", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-br/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Arlindo Pereira", "email": "nighto@gmail.com"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-telegram.json b/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d42c45bf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-br-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Telegram", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMBrasil_Comunidade", + "contacts": [{"name": "Vitor George", "email": "vitor.george@gmail.com"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-twitter.json b/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de532fd33 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/brazil/OSM-br-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-br-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["br"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapBR", + "contacts": [{"name": "Wille Marcel", "email": "wille@wille.blog.br"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/brazil/RS-telegram.json b/resources/south-america/brazil/RS-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..74bdc0df5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/brazil/RS-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "RS-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["riograndedosul.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["pt"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://t.me/osmrs" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-facebook.json b/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8658edce7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-CL-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Facebook", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap-Chile-145127198882915/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-mailinglist.json b/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1f72af975 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-CL-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Talk-cl Mailing List", + "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Chile", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cl/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-telegram.json b/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-telegram.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..65aa75f99 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-telegram.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-CL-telegram", + "type": "telegram", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Telegram", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Telegram", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://t.me/OSMcl", + "contacts": [{"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-twitter.json b/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-twitter.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5046e71bf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/chile/OSM-CL-twitter.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-CL-twitter", + "type": "twitter", + "locationSet": {"include": ["cl"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter", + "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", + "url": "https://twitter.com/osmCL", + "contacts": [{"name": "Julio Costa", "email": "julio.costa@openstreetmap.cl"}] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/colombia/Maptime-Bogota.json b/resources/south-america/colombia/Maptime-Bogota.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc40cff36 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/colombia/Maptime-Bogota.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "Maptime-Bogota", + "type": "meetup", + "locationSet": {"include": ["bogota.geojson"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Maptime Bogotá", + "description": "We're a group of mappers interested in mapping in OpenStreetMap around Bogotá.", + "extendedDescription": "Learn to collect data in the field and digitize onto OpenStreetMap. It is not necessary to have previous knowledge! You just need the desire to participate, learn, and have fun.", + "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Maptime-Colombia-OSM/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Andrés Gómez Casanova", "email": "angoca@gmail.com"}], + "order": 5 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/colombia/OSM-CO-facebook.json b/resources/south-america/colombia/OSM-CO-facebook.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bd1a66821 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/colombia/OSM-CO-facebook.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-CO-facebook", + "type": "facebook", + "locationSet": {"include": ["co"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "OpenStreetMap Colombia Facebook", + "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Colombia community on Facebook", + "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Everyone is welcome!", + "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/OsmCol/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Fredy Rivera", "email": "fredyrivera@gmail.com"}], + "order": 3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/colombia/OSM-CO-mailinglist.json b/resources/south-america/colombia/OSM-CO-mailinglist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c6f48edf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/south-america/colombia/OSM-CO-mailinglist.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "id": "OSM-CO-mailinglist", + "type": "mailinglist", + "locationSet": {"include": ["co"]}, + "languageCodes": ["es"], + "name": "Talk-co Mailing List", + "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Colombia", + "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-co/", + "contacts": [{"name": "Fredy Rivera", "email": "fredyrivera@gmail.com"}], + "order": -3 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/south-america/colombia/OSM-CO-telegram.json 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"type": "string" + }, + "contacts": { + "description": "(optional) People to contact about this community resource", + "type": "array", + "minItems": 1, + "uniqueItems": true, + "items": { + "type": "object", + "required": [ + "name", + "email" + ], + "properties": { + "name": { + "description": "The contact person's name", + "type": "string" + }, + "email": { + "description": "The contact person's email address", "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[-_.A-Za-z0-9]+$" + "format": "email" + } + } + } + }, + "order": { + "$comment": "When several resources with same geography are present, this controls the display order.", + "description": "(optional) Suggested sort order for this resource (default = 0, higher numbers display more prominently)", + "type": "number" + }, + "events": { + "description": "(optional) Featured events for this resource", + "type": "array", + "uniqueItems": true, + "items": { + "type": "object", + "required": [ + "name", + "description", + "when", + "where" + ], + 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Transifex for translation", - "description": "(required) One line description of the community resource", + }, + "description": { + "$comment": "In local language by default, in English if `i18n=true`", + "description": "(required) One line description of the event", "type": "string" - }, - "extendedDescription": { - "$comment": "Assumed to be in English, this value will be sent to Transifex for translation", - "description": "(optional) Longer description of the community resource", + }, + "where": { + "$comment": "In local language by default, in English if `i18n=true`", + "description": "(required) Where the event is", "type": "string" - }, - "url": { - "description": "(required) A url link to visit the community resource", + }, + "when": { + "description": "(required) When the event is (Should be a string parseable by Date.parse, and assumed to be local time zone for the event)", "type": "string" - }, - "signupUrl": { - "description": "(optional) A url link to sign up for the community resource", + }, + "url": { + "description": "(optional) A url link for the event", "type": "string" - }, - "contacts": { - "description": "(required) People to contact about this community resource", - "type": "array", - "minItems": 1, - "uniqueItems": true, - "items": { - "type": "object", - "required": [ - "name", - "email" - ], - "properties": { - "name": { - "description": "The contact person's name", - "type": "string" - }, - "email": { - "description": "The contact person's email address", - "type": "string", - "format": "email" - } - } - } - }, - "events": { - "description": "(optional) Featured events for this resource", - "type": "array", - "uniqueItems": true, - "items": { - "type": "object", - "required": [ - "name", - "description", - "when", - "where" - ], - "dependencies": { - "i18n": { "required": ["id"] } - }, - "properties": { - "i18n": { - "enum": [ true ], - "description": "(optional) if true, `name`, `description` and `where` will be translated", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "id": { - "description": "(required if i18n=true) A unique identifier for the event", - "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[-_.A-Za-z0-9]+$" - }, - "name": { - "$comment": "In local language by default, in English if `i18n=true`", - "description": "(required) Name of the event", - "type": "string" - }, - "description": { - "$comment": "In local language by default, in English if `i18n=true`", - "description": "(required) One line description of the event", - "type": "string" - }, - "where": { - "$comment": "In local language by default, in English if `i18n=true`", - "description": "(required) Where the event is", - "type": "string" - }, - "when": { - "description": "(required) When the event is (Should be a string parseable by Date.parse, and assumed to be local time zone for the event)", - "type": "string" - }, - "url": { - "description": "(optional) A url link for the event", - "type": "string" - } - } - } - }, - "countryCodes": { - "description": "(optional) Array of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two letter country codes in lowercase", - "type": "array", - "uniqueItems": true, - "items": { - "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[a-z]{2}$" - } - }, - "languageCodes": { - "description": "(optional) Array of ISO 639-1 alpha-2 two letter language codes in lowercase", - "type": "array", - "uniqueItems": true, - "items": { - "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[a-z]{2}$" - } + } } + } + } + }, + + "definitions": { + "countryCoder": { + "$comment": "See country-coder documentation for compatible values: https://github.com/ideditor/country-coder#readme", + "description": "A country code (ISO 3166-1, United Nations M49, or anything recognized by country-coder)", + "type": "string" + }, + "coordinatePair": { + "description": "A coordinate pair formatted as [longitude, latitude]", + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "number", + "minItems": 2, + "maxItems": 2 + } + }, + "geojsonFilename": { + "description": "A filename for one of the geojson features in this project", + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^.*\\.geojson$" } + } } diff --git a/stats.js b/stats.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ccd5ee307 --- /dev/null +++ b/stats.js @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +/* eslint-disable no-console */ +const bytes = require('bytes'); +const colors = require('colors/safe'); +const fs = require('fs'); +const glob = require('glob'); +const path = require('path'); +const Table = require('easy-table'); + +getStats(); + +function getStats() { + let featureSize = 0; + let resourceSize = 0; + let featureFiles = 0; + let resourceFiles = 0; + let currSize = 0; + let currFiles = 0; + + let t = new Table; + currSize = 0; + currFiles = 0; + glob.sync(__dirname + '/features/**/*.geojson').forEach(addRow); + t.sort(['Size|des']); + console.log(t.toString()); + featureSize = bytes(currSize, { unitSeparator: ' ' }); + featureFiles = currFiles; + + t = new Table; + currSize = 0; + currFiles = 0; + glob.sync(__dirname + '/resources/**/*.json').forEach(addRow); + t.sort(['Size|des']); + console.log(t.toString()); + resourceSize = bytes(currSize, { unitSeparator: ' ' }); + resourceFiles = currFiles; + + console.info(`\nTotals:`); + console.info(`-------`); + console.info(colors.blue.bold(`Features: ${featureSize} in ${featureFiles} files.`)); + console.info(colors.blue.bold(`Resources: ${resourceSize} in ${resourceFiles} files.`)); + console.info(''); + + + function addRow(file) { + let stats = fs.statSync(file); + let color = colorBytes(stats.size); + currSize += stats.size; + currFiles++; + + t.cell('Size', stats.size, function sizePrinter(val, width) { + let displaySize = bytes(stats.size, { unitSeparator: ' ' }); + return width ? Table.padLeft(displaySize, width) : color(displaySize); + }); + t.cell('File', color(path.basename(file))); + t.newRow(); + } + + function colorBytes(size) { + if (size > 1024 * 10) { // 10 KB + return colors.red; + } else if (size > 1024 * 2) { // 2 KB + return colors.yellow; + } else { + return colors.green; + } + } +} + diff --git a/test/index.test.js b/test/index.test.js index 56b3c8a37..376ea487c 100644 --- a/test/index.test.js +++ b/test/index.test.js @@ -5,47 +5,40 @@ const featuresJSON = require('../dist/features.json'); const resourcesJSON = require('../dist/resources.json'); -test('dist/features.json', function(t) { - - t.test('is an object', function(t) { - t.type(featuresJSON, 'object'); - t.end(); - }); - - t.test('has a features property', function(t) { - t.true(featuresJSON.hasOwnProperty('features')); - t.end(); - }); - +test('dist/features.json', t => { + t.test('is an object', t => { + t.type(featuresJSON, 'object'); t.end(); + }); + t.test('has a features property', t => { + t.true(featuresJSON.hasOwnProperty('features')); + t.end(); + }); + t.end(); }); -test('dist/resources.json', function(t) { - - t.test('is an object', function(t) { - t.type(resourcesJSON, 'object'); - t.end(); - }); - - t.test('has a resources property', function(t) { - t.true(resourcesJSON.hasOwnProperty('resources')); - t.end(); - }); +test('dist/resources.json', t => { + t.test('is an object', t => { + t.type(resourcesJSON, 'object'); + t.end(); + }); + t.test('has a resources property', t => { + t.true(resourcesJSON.hasOwnProperty('resources')); t.end(); + }); + t.end(); }); -test('index.js', function(t) { - - t.test('exports all features', function(t) { - t.deepEqual(oci.features, featuresJSON.features); - t.end(); - }); - - t.test('exports all resources', function(t) { - t.deepEqual(oci.resources, resourcesJSON.resources); - t.end(); - }); +test('index.js', t => { + t.test('exports all features', t => { + t.deepEqual(oci.features, featuresJSON.features); + t.end(); + }); + t.test('exports all resources', t => { + t.deepEqual(oci.resources, resourcesJSON.resources); t.end(); + }); + t.end(); });