diff --git a/release/ruby-science-sample.epub b/release/ruby-science-sample.epub deleted file mode 100644 index 88d709e..0000000 Binary files a/release/ruby-science-sample.epub and /dev/null differ diff --git a/release/ruby-science-sample.html b/release/ruby-science-sample.html deleted file mode 100644 index 14e1b4b..0000000 --- a/release/ruby-science-sample.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,606 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Ruby on Rails is almost a decade old, and its community has developed a number of principles for building applications that are fast, fun and easy to change: Don't repeat yourself, keep your views dumb, keep your controllers skinny, and keep business logic in your models. These principles carry most applications to their first release or beyond.


However, these principles only get you so far. After a few releases, most applications begin to suffer. Models become fat, classes become few and large, tests become slow and changes become painful. In many applications, there comes a day when the developers realize that there's no going back; the application is a twisted mess and the only way out is a rewrite or a new job.


Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way. Developers have been using object-oriented programming for several decades and there's a wealth of knowledge out there that still applies to developing applications today. We can use the lessons learned by these developers to write good Rails applications by applying good object-oriented programming.


Ruby Science will outline a process for detecting emerging problems in code and will dive into the solutions, old and new.


The full book contains three catalogs: smells, solutions and principles. This sample contains a few hand-picked chapters from the first two catalogs, published directly from the book, allowing you to get a sense of the content, style and delivery of the product.


If you enjoy the sample, you can get access to the entire book and sample application at:




As a purchaser of the book, you also get access to:

- -

Contact Us


If you have any questions, or just want to get in touch, drop us a line at .





Long Method


The most common smell in Rails applications is the Long Method.


Long methods are exactly what they sound like: methods that are too long. They're easy to spot.



- -

You can watch out for long methods as you write them, but finding existing methods is easiest with tools like flog:

% flog app lib
-    72.9: flog total
-     5.6: flog/method average
-    15.7: QuestionsController#create       app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:9
-    11.7: QuestionsController#new          app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:2
-    11.0: Question#none
-     8.1: SurveysController#create         app/controllers/surveys_controller.rb:6

Methods with higher scores are more complicated. Anything with a score higher than 10 is worth looking at, but flog only helps you find potential trouble spots; use your own judgment when refactoring.




For an example of a long method, let's take a look at the highest scored method from flog, QuestionsController#create:

def create
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id]
-  question_params = params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
-  @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params)
-  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type
-  if @question.save
-    redirect_to @survey
-  else
-    render :new
-  end


- -

After extracting methods, check for feature envy in the new methods to see if you should employ move method to provide the method with a better home.


Case Statement


Case Statements are a sign that a method contains too much knowledge.



- -

Actual case statements are extremely easy to find. Just grep your codebase for "case." However, you should also be on the lookout for case's sinister cousin, the repetitive if-elsif.


Type Codes


Some applications contain type codes—fields that store type information about objects. These fields are easy to add and seem innocent, but result in code that's harder to maintain. A better solution is to take advantage of Ruby's ability to invoke different behavior based on an object's class, called "dynamic dispatch." Using a case statement with a type code inelegantly reproduces dynamic dispatch.


The special type column that ActiveRecord uses is not necessarily a type code. The type column is used to serialize an object's class to the database so that the correct class can be instantiated later on. If you're just using the type column to let ActiveRecord decide which class to instantiate, this isn't a smell. However, make sure to avoid referencing the type column from case or if statements.




This method summarizes the answers to a question. The summary varies based on the type of question.

# app/models/question.rb
-def summary
-  case question_type
-  when 'MultipleChoice'
-    summarize_multiple_choice_answers
-  when 'Open'
-    summarize_open_answers
-  when 'Scale'
-    summarize_scale_answers
-  end


Note that many applications replicate the same case statement, which is a more serious offence. This view duplicates the case logic from Question#summary, this time in the form of multiple if statements:

# app/views/questions/_question.html.erb
-<% if question.question_type == 'MultipleChoice' -%>
-  <ol>
-    <% question.options.each do |option| -%>
-      <li>
-        <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, option.text, id: dom_id(option) %>
-        <%= content_tag :label, option.text, for: dom_id(option) %>
-      </li>
-    <% end -%>
-  </ol>
-<% end -%>
-<% if question.question_type == 'Scale' -%>
-  <ol>
-    <% question.steps.each do |step| -%>
-      <li>
-        <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, step %>
-        <%= submission_fields.label "text_#{step}", label: step %>
-      </li>
-    <% end -%>
-  </ol>
-<% end -%>


- -

Shotgun Surgery


Shotgun Surgery is usually a more obvious symptom that reveals another smell.



- -

Make sure you look for related smells in the affected code:

- -



Users' names are formatted and displayed as "First Last" throughout the application. If you want to change the formatting to include a middle initial (example: "First M. Last") you'll need to make the same small change in several places.

# app/views/users/show.html.erb
-<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>
-# app/views/users/index.html.erb
-<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>
-# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
-<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>
-# app/views/mailers/completion_notification.html.erb
-<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>


- -



If your changes become spread out because you need to pass information between boundaries for dependencies, try inverting control.


If you find yourself repeating the exact same change in several places, make sure that you Don't Repeat Yourself.


If you need to change several places because of a modification in your dependency chain, such as changing user.plan.price to user.account.plan.price, make sure that you're following the law of Demeter.


If conditional logic is affected in several places by a single, cohesive change, make sure that you're following tell, don't ask.



Replace Conditional with Null Object


Every Ruby developer is familiar with nil, and Ruby on Rails comes with a full complement of tools to handle it: nil?, present?, try and more. However, it's easy to let these tools hide duplication and leak concerns. If you find yourself checking for nil all over your codebase, try replacing some of the nil values with Null Objects.



- -


# app/models/question.rb
-def most_recent_answer_text
-  answers.most_recent.try(:text) || Answer::MISSING_TEXT

The most_recent_answer_text method asks its answers association for most_recent answer. It only wants the text from that answer, but it must first check to make sure that an answer actually exists to get text from. It needs to perform this check because most_recent might return nil:

# app/models/answer.rb
-def self.most_recent
-  order(:created_at).last

This call clutters up the method, and returning nil is contagious: Any method that calls most_recent must also check for nil. The concept of a missing answer is likely to come up more than once, as in this example:

# app/models/user.rb
-def answer_text_for(question)
-  question.answers.for_user(self).try(:text) || Answer::MISSING_TEXT

Again, for_user might return nil:

# app/models/answer.rb
-def self.for_user(user)
-  joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last

The User#answer_text_for method duplicates the check for a missing answer—and worse, it's repeating the logic of what happens when you need text without an answer.


We can remove these checks entirely from Question and User by introducing a null object:

# app/models/question.rb
-def most_recent_answer_text
-  answers.most_recent.text
# app/models/user.rb
-def answer_text_for(question)
-  question.answers.for_user(self).text

We're now just assuming that Answer class methods will return something answer-like; specifically, we expect an object that returns useful text. We can refactor Answer to handle the nil check:

# app/models/answer.rb
-class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
-  include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
-  belongs_to :completion
-  belongs_to :question
-  validates :text, presence: true
-  def self.for_user(user)
-    joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last ||
-      NullAnswer.new
-  end
-  def self.most_recent
-    order(:created_at).last || NullAnswer.new
-  end

Note that for_user and most_recent return a NullAnswer if no answer can be found, so these methods will never return nil. The implementation for NullAnswer is simple:

# app/models/null_answer.rb
-class NullAnswer
-  def text
-    'No response'
-  end

We can take things just a little further and remove a bit of duplication with a quick extract method:

# app/models/answer.rb
-class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
-  include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
-  belongs_to :completion
-  belongs_to :question
-  validates :text, presence: true
-  def self.for_user(user)
-    joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last_or_null
-  end
-  def self.most_recent
-    order(:created_at).last_or_null
-  end
-  private
-  def self.last_or_null
-    last || NullAnswer.new
-  end

Now we can easily create Answer class methods that return a usable answer, no matter what.




Introducing a null object can remove duplication and clutter. But it can also cause pain and confusion:

- -

Don't introduce a null object until you find yourself swatting enough nil values to grow annoyed. And make sure the removal of the nil-handling logic outweighs the drawbacks above.


Next Steps

- -


Truthiness, try and Other Tricks


All checks for nil are a condition, but Ruby provides many ways to check for nil without using an explicit if. Watch out for nil conditional checks disguised behind other syntax. The following are all roughly equivalent:

# Explicit if with nil?
-if user.nil?
-  nil
-  user.name
-# Implicit nil check through truthy conditional
-if user
-  user.name
-# Relies on nil being falsey
-user && user.name
-# Call to try

Extract Method


The simplest refactoring to perform is extract method. To extract a method:

- -


- -




Let's take a look at an example of long method and improve it by extracting smaller methods:

def create
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id]
-  question_params = params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
-  @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params)
-  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type
-  if @question.save
-    redirect_to @survey
-  else
-    render :new
-  end

This method performs a number of tasks:

- -

Any of these tasks can be extracted to a method. Let's start by extracting the task of building the question.

def create
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id]
-  build_question
-  if @question.save
-    redirect_to @survey
-  else
-    render :new
-  end
-def build_question
-  question_params = params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
-  @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params)
-  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type

The create method is already much more readable. The new build_question method is noisy, though, with the wrong details at the beginning. The task of pulling out question parameters is clouding up the task of building the question. Let's extract another method.



Replace Temp with Query


One simple way to extract methods is by replacing local variables. Let's pull question_params into its own method:

def build_question
-  @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params)
-  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type
-def question_params
-  params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)

Other Examples


For more examples of extract method, take a look at these chapters:

- -

Next Steps

  • Check the original method and the extracted method to make sure neither is a long method.
  • -
  • Check the original method and the extracted method to make sure that they both relate to the same core concern. If the methods aren't highly related, the class will suffer from divergent change.
  • -
  • Check newly extracted methods for feature envy. If you find some, you may wish to employ move method to provide the new method with a better home.
  • -
  • Check the affected class to make sure it's not a large class. Extracting methods reveals complexity, making it clearer when a class is doing too much.
  • -

Extract Partial


Extracting a partial is a technique used for removing complex or duplicated view code from your application. This is the equivalent of using long method and extract method in your views and templates.



- -


- -



Let's revisit the view code for adding and editing questions.


Note: There are a few small differences in the files (the URL endpoint and the label on the submit button).

# app/views/questions/new.html.erb
-<h1>Add Question</h1>
-<%= simple_form_for @question, as: :question, url: survey_questions_path(@survey) do |form| -%>
-  <%= form.hidden_field :type %>
-  <%= form.input :title %>
-  <%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %>
-  <%= form.submit 'Create Question' %>
-<% end -%>
# app/views/questions/edit.html.erb
-<h1>Edit Question</h1>
-<%= simple_form_for @question, as: :question, url: question_path do |form| -%>
-  <%= form.hidden_field :type %>
-  <%= form.input :title %>
-  <%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %>
-  <%= form.submit 'Update Question' %>
-<% end -%>

First, extract the common code into a partial, remove any instance variables and use question and url as local variables:

# app/views/questions/_form.html.erb
-<%= simple_form_for question, as: :question, url: url do |form| -%>
-  <%= form.hidden_field :type %>
-  <%= form.input :title %>
-  <%= render "#{question.to_partial_path}_form", question: question, form: form %>
-  <%= form.submit %>
-<% end -%>

Move the submit button text into the locales file:

# config/locales/en.yml
-  helpers:
-    submit:
-      question:
-        create: 'Create Question'
-        update: 'Update Question'

Then render the partial from each of the views, passing in the values for question and url:

# app/views/questions/new.html.erb
-<h1>Add Question</h1>
-<%= render 'form', question: @question, url: survey_questions_path(@survey) %>
# app/views/questions/edit.html.erb
-<h1>Edit Question</h1>
-<%= render 'form', question: @question, url: question_path %>

Next Steps

- -




Thanks for checking out this sample of Ruby Science. If you'd like to get access to the full content, the example application, ongoing updates and the opportunity to have your questions about Ruby on Rails answered by us, you can get it all on our website:



- - diff --git a/release/ruby-science-sample.md b/release/ruby-science-sample.md deleted file mode 100644 index eaa790f..0000000 --- a/release/ruby-science-sample.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,737 +0,0 @@ -# Introduction - -Ruby on Rails is almost a decade old, and its community has developed a number -of principles for building applications that are fast, fun and easy to change: Don't repeat yourself, keep your views dumb, keep your controllers skinny, and -keep business logic in your models. These principles carry most applications to -their first release or beyond. - -However, these principles only get you so far. After a few releases, most -applications begin to suffer. Models become fat, classes become few and large, -tests become slow and changes become painful. In many applications, there -comes a day when the developers realize that there's no going back; the -application is a twisted mess and the only way out is a rewrite or a new job. - -Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way. Developers have been using -object-oriented programming for several decades and there's a wealth of -knowledge out there that still applies to developing applications today. We can -use the lessons learned by these developers to write good Rails applications by -applying good object-oriented programming. - -Ruby Science will outline a process for detecting emerging problems in code and -will dive into the solutions, old and new. - -The full book contains three catalogs: smells, solutions and principles. This -sample contains a few hand-picked chapters from the first two catalogs, -published directly from the book, allowing you to get a sense of the content, -style and delivery of the product. - -If you enjoy the sample, you can get access to the entire book and sample -application at: - - - -As a purchaser of the book, you also get access to: - -* Multiple formats, including HTML, PDF, EPUB and Kindle. -* A complete example application containing code samples referenced in the - book. -* Access to a GitHub repository to receive updates as soon as they're pushed. -* Access to GitHub Issues, where you can provide feedback and tell us what you'd like to see. -* And you can ask us your toughest Rails questions! - -# Contact Us - -If you have any questions, or just want to get in touch, drop us a line at -[learn@thoughtbot.com](mailto:learn@thoughtbot.com). - -\clearpage - -\mainmatter - -\part{Code Smells} - -# Long Method - -The most common smell in Rails applications is the Long Method. - -Long methods are exactly what they sound like: methods that are too long. -They're easy to spot. - -### Symptoms - -* If you can't tell exactly what a method does at a glance, it's too long. -* Methods with more than one level of nesting are usually too long. -* Methods with more than one level of abstraction may be too long. -* Methods with a flog score of 10 or higher may be too long. - -You can watch out for long methods as you write them, but finding existing -methods is easiest with tools like flog: - - % flog app lib - 72.9: flog total - 5.6: flog/method average - - 15.7: QuestionsController#create app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:9 - 11.7: QuestionsController#new app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:2 - 11.0: Question#none - 8.1: SurveysController#create app/controllers/surveys_controller.rb:6 - -Methods with higher scores are more complicated. Anything with a score higher -than 10 is worth looking at, but flog only helps you find potential trouble -spots; use your own judgment when refactoring. - -### Example - -For an example of a long method, let's take a look at the highest scored method -from flog, `QuestionsController#create`: - -``` ruby -def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id] - question_params = params. - require(:question). - permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum) - @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params) - @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type - - if @question.save - redirect_to @survey - else - render :new - end -end -``` - -### Solutions - -* [Extract method](#extract-method) is the most common way to break apart long methods. -* [Replace temp with query](#replace-temp-with-query) if you have local variables -in the method. - -After extracting methods, check for [feature envy](#feature-envy) in the new -methods to see if you should employ [move method](#move-method) to provide the -method with a better home. - - -# Case Statement - -Case Statements are a sign that a method contains too much knowledge. - -### Symptoms - -* Case statements that check the class of an object. -* Case statements that check a type code. -* [Divergent change](#divergent-change) caused by changing or adding `when` - clauses. -* [Shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) caused by duplicating the case statement. - -Actual `case` statements are extremely easy to find. Just grep your codebase for -"case." However, you should also be on the lookout for `case`'s sinister cousin, -the repetitive `if-elsif`. - -## Type Codes - -Some applications contain type codes—fields that store type information about -objects. These fields are easy to add and seem innocent, but result in code -that's harder to maintain. A better solution is to take advantage of Ruby's -ability to invoke different behavior based on an object's class, called "dynamic -dispatch." Using a case statement with a type code inelegantly reproduces -dynamic dispatch. - -The special `type` column that ActiveRecord uses is not necessarily a type code. -The `type` column is used to serialize an object's class to the database so -that the correct class can be instantiated later on. If you're just using the -`type` column to let ActiveRecord decide which class to instantiate, this isn't -a smell. However, make sure to avoid referencing the `type` column from `case` -or `if` statements. - -### Example - -This method summarizes the answers to a question. The summary varies based on -the type of question. - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summary - case question_type - when 'MultipleChoice' - summarize_multiple_choice_answers - when 'Open' - summarize_open_answers - when 'Scale' - summarize_scale_answers - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -Note that many applications replicate the same `case` statement, which is a more -serious offence. This view duplicates the `case` logic from `Question#summary`, -this time in the form of multiple `if` statements: - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/_question.html.erb -<% if question.question_type == 'MultipleChoice' -%> -
    - <% question.options.each do |option| -%> -
  1. - <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, option.text, id: dom_id(option) %> - <%= content_tag :label, option.text, for: dom_id(option) %> -
  2. - <% end -%> -
-<% end -%> - -<% if question.question_type == 'Scale' -%> -
    - <% question.steps.each do |step| -%> -
  1. - <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, step %> - <%= submission_fields.label "text_#{step}", label: step %> -
  2. - <% end -%> -
-<% end -%> -``` - -### Solutions - -* [Replace type code with subclasses](#replace-type-code-with-subclasses) if the - `case` statement is checking a type code, such as `question_type`. -* [Replace conditional with polymorphism](#replace-conditional-with-polymorphism) - when the `case` statement is checking the class of an object. -* [Use convention over configuration](#use-convention-over-configuration) when - selecting a strategy based on a string name. - -# Shotgun Surgery - -Shotgun Surgery is usually a more obvious symptom that reveals another smell. - -### Symptoms - -* You have to make the same small change across several different files. -* Changes become difficult to manage because they are hard to keep track of. - -Make sure you look for related smells in the affected code: - -* [Duplicated code](#duplicated-code) -* [Case statement](#case-statement) -* [Feature envy](#feature-envy) -* [Long parameter list](#long-parameter-list) - -### Example - -Users' names are formatted and displayed as "First Last" throughout the -application. If you want to change the formatting to include a middle initial -(example: "First M. Last") you'll need to make the same small change in several -places. - -```rhtml -# app/views/users/show.html.erb -<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %> - -# app/views/users/index.html.erb -<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %> - -# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb -<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %> - -# app/views/mailers/completion_notification.html.erb -<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %> - -``` - -### Solutions - -* [Replace conditional with polymorphism](#replace-conditional-with-polymorphism) -to replace duplicated `case` statements and `if-elsif` blocks. -* [Replace conditional with null object](#replace-conditional-with-null-object) - if changing a method to return `nil` would require checks for `nil` in several - places. -* [Extract decorator](#extract-decorator) to replace duplicated display code in -views/templates. -* [Introduce parameter object](#introduce-parameter-object) to hang useful -formatting methods alongside a data clump of related attributes. -* [Use convention over configuration](#use-convention-over-configuration) to - eliminate small steps that can be inferred based on a convention, such as a - name. -* [Inline class](#inline-class) if the class only serves to add extra steps when - performing changes. - -### Prevention - -If your changes become spread out because you need to pass information between -boundaries for dependencies, try [inverting -control](#dependency-inversion-principle). - -If you find yourself repeating the exact same change in several places, make -sure that you [Don't Repeat Yourself](#dry). - -If you need to change several places because of a modification in your -dependency chain, such as changing `user.plan.price` to -`user.account.plan.price`, make sure that you're following the [law of -Demeter](#law-of-demeter). - -If conditional logic is affected in several places by a single, cohesive change, -make sure that you're following [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask). - -\part{Solutions} - -# Replace Conditional with Null Object - -Every Ruby developer is familiar with `nil`, and Ruby on Rails comes with a full -complement of tools to handle it: `nil?`, `present?`, `try` and more. However, -it's easy to let these tools hide duplication and leak concerns. If you find -yourself checking for `nil` all over your codebase, try replacing some of the -`nil` values with Null Objects. - -### Uses - -* Removes [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) when an existing method begins - returning `nil`. -* Removes [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) related to checking for `nil`. -* Removes clutter, improving readability of code that consumes `nil`. -* Makes logic related to presence and absence easier to reuse, making it easier - to [avoid duplication](#dry). -* Replaces conditional logic with simple commands, following [tell, don't - ask](#tell-dont-ask). - -### Example - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def most_recent_answer_text - answers.most_recent.try(:text) || Answer::MISSING_TEXT -end -``` - -The `most_recent_answer_text` method asks its `answers` association for -`most_recent` answer. It only wants the `text` from that answer, but it must -first check to make sure that an answer actually exists to get `text` from. It -needs to perform this check because `most_recent` might return `nil`: - -```ruby -# app/models/answer.rb -def self.most_recent - order(:created_at).last -end -``` - -This call clutters up the method, and returning `nil` is contagious: Any method -that calls `most_recent` must also check for `nil`. The concept of a missing -answer is likely to come up more than once, as in this example: - -```ruby -# app/models/user.rb -def answer_text_for(question) - question.answers.for_user(self).try(:text) || Answer::MISSING_TEXT -end -``` - -Again, `for_user` might return `nil`: - -```ruby -# app/models/answer.rb -def self.for_user(user) - joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last -end -``` - -The `User#answer_text_for` method duplicates the check for a missing -answer—and worse, it's repeating the logic of what happens when you need -text without an answer. - -We can remove these checks entirely from `Question` and `User` by introducing a -null object: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def most_recent_answer_text - answers.most_recent.text -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/user.rb -def answer_text_for(question) - question.answers.for_user(self).text -end -``` - -We're now just assuming that `Answer` class methods will return something -answer-like; specifically, we expect an object that returns useful `text`. We -can refactor `Answer` to handle the `nil` check: - -```ruby -# app/models/answer.rb -class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base - include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection - - belongs_to :completion - belongs_to :question - - validates :text, presence: true - - def self.for_user(user) - joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last || - NullAnswer.new - end - - def self.most_recent - order(:created_at).last || NullAnswer.new - end -end -``` - -Note that `for_user` and `most_recent` return a `NullAnswer` if no answer can be -found, so these methods will never return `nil`. The implementation for -`NullAnswer` is simple: - -```ruby -# app/models/null_answer.rb -class NullAnswer - def text - 'No response' - end -end -``` - -We can take things just a little further and remove a bit of duplication with a -quick [extract method](#extract-method): - -```ruby -# app/models/answer.rb -class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base - include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection - - belongs_to :completion - belongs_to :question - - validates :text, presence: true - - def self.for_user(user) - joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last_or_null - end - - def self.most_recent - order(:created_at).last_or_null - end - - private - - def self.last_or_null - last || NullAnswer.new - end -end -``` - -Now we can easily create `Answer` class methods that return a usable answer, no -matter what. - -### Drawbacks - -Introducing a null object can remove duplication and clutter. But it can also -cause pain and confusion: - -* As a developer reading a method like `Question#most_recent_answer_text`, you - may be confused to find that `most_recent_answer` returned an instance of - `NullAnswer` and not `Answer`. -* It's possible some methods will need to distinguish between `NullAnswer`s and - real `Answer`s. This is common in views, when special markup is required to - denote missing values. In this case, you'll need to add explicit `present?` - checks and define `present?` to return `false` on your null object. -* `NullAnswer` may eventually need to reimplement large part of the `Answer` - API, leading to potential [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) and [shotgun - surgery](#shotgun-surgery), which is largely what we hoped to solve in the - first place. - -Don't introduce a null object until you find yourself swatting enough `nil` -values to grow annoyed. And make sure the removal of the `nil`-handling logic -outweighs the drawbacks above. - -### Next Steps - -* Look for other `nil` checks of the return values of refactored methods. -* Make sure your null object class implements the required methods from the - original class. -* Make sure no [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) exists between the null - object class and the original. - -\clearpage - -## Truthiness, `try` and Other Tricks - -All checks for `nil` are a condition, but Ruby provides many ways to check for -`nil` without using an explicit `if`. Watch out for `nil` conditional checks -disguised behind other syntax. The following are all roughly equivalent: - -```` ruby -# Explicit if with nil? -if user.nil? - nil -else - user.name -end - -# Implicit nil check through truthy conditional -if user - user.name -end - -# Relies on nil being falsey -user && user.name - -# Call to try -user.try(:name) -```` - - -# Extract Method - -The simplest refactoring to perform is extract method. To extract a method: - -* Pick a name for the new method. -* Move extracted code into the new method. -* Call the new method from the point of extraction. - -### Uses - -* Removes [long methods](#long-method). -* Sets the stage for moving behavior via [move method](#move-method). -* Resolves obscurity by introducing intention-revealing names. -* Allows removal of [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) by moving the common - code into the extracted method. -* Reveals complexity, making it easier to follow the [single responsibility - principle](#single-responsibility-principle). -* Makes behavior easier to reuse, which makes it easier to [avoid duplication](#dry). - -\clearpage - -### Example - -Let's take a look at an example of [long method](#long-method) and improve it by -extracting smaller methods: - -```` ruby -def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id] - question_params = params. - require(:question). - permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum) - @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params) - @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type - - if @question.save - redirect_to @survey - else - render :new - end -end -```` - -This method performs a number of tasks: - -* It finds the survey that the question should belong to. -* It figures out what type of question we're creating (the `submittable_type`). -* It builds parameters for the new question by applying a white list to the HTTP - parameters. -* It builds a question from the given survey, parameters and submittable type. -* It attempts to save the question. -* It redirects back to the survey for a valid question. -* It re-renders the form for an invalid question. - -Any of these tasks can be extracted to a method. Let's start by extracting the -task of building the question. - -```` ruby -def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id] - build_question - - if @question.save - redirect_to @survey - else - render :new - end -end - -private - -def build_question - question_params = params. - require(:question). - permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum) - @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params) - @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type -end -```` - -The `create` method is already much more readable. The new `build_question` -method is noisy, though, with the wrong details at the beginning. The task of -pulling out question parameters is clouding up the task of building the -question. Let's extract another method. - -\clearpage - -## Replace Temp with Query - -One simple way to extract methods is by replacing local variables. Let's pull -`question_params` into its own method: - -```` ruby -def build_question - @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params) - @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type -end - -def question_params - params. - require(:question). - permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum) -end -```` - -### Other Examples - -For more examples of [extract method](#extract-method), take a look at these chapters: - - -* [Extract class](#extract-class): - [b434954d](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/b434954d), - [000babe1](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/000babe1) -* [Extract decorator](#extract-decorator): - [15f5b96e](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/15f5b96e) -* [Introduce explaining variable](#introduce-explaining-variable) (inline) -* [Move method](#move-method): - [d5b4871](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/d5b4871) -* [Replace conditional with null object](#replace-conditional-with-null-object): - [1e35c68](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/1e35c68) - -### Next Steps - -* Check the original method and the extracted method to make sure neither is a - [long method](#long-method). -* Check the original method and the extracted method to make sure that they both - relate to the same core concern. If the methods aren't highly related, the - class will suffer from [divergent change](#divergent-change). -* Check newly extracted methods for [feature envy](#feature-envy). If you find - some, you may wish to employ [move method](#move-method) to provide the new - method with a better home. -* Check the affected class to make sure it's not a [large class](#large-class). - Extracting methods reveals complexity, making it clearer when a class is doing - too much. - -# Extract Partial - -Extracting a partial is a technique used for removing complex or duplicated view -code from your application. This is the equivalent of using [long method](#long-method) and -[extract method](#extract-method) in your views and templates. - -### Uses - -* Removes [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) from views. -* Avoids [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) by forcing changes to happen in one place. -* Removes [divergent change](#divergent-change) by removing a reason for the view to change. -* Groups common code. -* Reduces view size and complexity. -* Makes view logic easier to reuse, which makes it easier to [avoid - duplication](#dry). - -### Steps - -* Create a new file for partial prefixed with an underscore (_filename.html.erb). -* Move common code into newly created file. -* Render the partial from the source file. - -### Example - -Let's revisit the view code for _adding_ and _editing_ questions. - -Note: There are a few small differences in the files (the URL endpoint and the -label on the submit button). - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/new.html.erb -

Add Question

- -<%= simple_form_for @question, as: :question, url: survey_questions_path(@survey) do |form| -%> - <%= form.hidden_field :type %> - <%= form.input :title %> - <%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %> - <%= form.submit 'Create Question' %> -<% end -%> -``` - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/edit.html.erb -

Edit Question

- -<%= simple_form_for @question, as: :question, url: question_path do |form| -%> - <%= form.hidden_field :type %> - <%= form.input :title %> - <%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %> - <%= form.submit 'Update Question' %> -<% end -%> -``` - -First, extract the common code into a partial, remove any instance variables and -use `question` and `url` as local variables: - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/_form.html.erb -<%= simple_form_for question, as: :question, url: url do |form| -%> - <%= form.hidden_field :type %> - <%= form.input :title %> - <%= render "#{question.to_partial_path}_form", question: question, form: form %> - <%= form.submit %> -<% end -%> -``` - -Move the submit button text into the locales file: - -``` -# config/locales/en.yml -en: - helpers: - submit: - question: - create: 'Create Question' - update: 'Update Question' -``` - -Then render the partial from each of the views, passing in the values for -`question` and `url`: - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/new.html.erb -

Add Question

- -<%= render 'form', question: @question, url: survey_questions_path(@survey) %> -``` - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/edit.html.erb -

Edit Question

- -<%= render 'form', question: @question, url: question_path %> -``` - -### Next Steps - -* Check for other occurrences of the duplicated view code in your application and -replace them with the newly extracted partial. - -\backmatter - -# Closing - -Thanks for checking out this sample of _Ruby Science_. If you'd like to get access -to the full content, the example application, ongoing updates and the opportunity -to have your questions about Ruby on Rails answered by us, you can get it all on -our website: - - diff --git a/release/ruby-science-sample.pdf b/release/ruby-science-sample.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index ecfa584..0000000 Binary files a/release/ruby-science-sample.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/release/ruby-science-sample.toc.html b/release/ruby-science-sample.toc.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9d4e560..0000000 --- a/release/ruby-science-sample.toc.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • -
  • Contact Us
  • -
  • -

    Code Smells

    • Long Method
    • -
    • Case Statement
    • -
    • Shotgun Surgery
    • -
  • -
  • -


    • Replace Conditional with Null Object
    • -
    • Extract Method
    • -
    • Extract Partial
    • -
    • Closing
    • -
  • -
diff --git a/release/ruby-science.epub b/release/ruby-science.epub deleted file mode 100644 index db5c756..0000000 Binary files a/release/ruby-science.epub and /dev/null differ diff --git a/release/ruby-science.html b/release/ruby-science.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8382e35..0000000 --- a/release/ruby-science.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5085 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - Ruby Science - - - - - -

Ruby Science




Joe Ferris


Harlow Ward

- -




Ruby on Rails is almost a decade old, and its community has developed a number of principles for building applications that are fast, fun and easy to change: Don't repeat yourself, keep your views dumb, keep your controllers skinny, and keep business logic in your models. These principles carry most applications to their first release or beyond.


However, these principles only get you so far. After a few releases, most applications begin to suffer. Models become fat, classes become few and large, tests become slow and changes become painful. In many applications, there comes a day when the developers realize that there's no going back; the application is a twisted mess and the only way out is a rewrite or a new job.


Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way. Developers have been using object-oriented programming for several decades and there's a wealth of knowledge out there that still applies to developing applications today. We can use the lessons learned by these developers to write good Rails applications by applying good object-oriented programming.


Ruby Science will outline a process for detecting emerging problems in code and will dive into the solutions, old and new.


Code Reviews


Our first step toward better code is to review it.


Have you ever sent an email with typos? Did you review what you wrote before clicking "Send"? Reviewing your e-mails prevents mistakes and reviewing your code does the same.


To make it easier to review code, always work in a feature branch. The branch reduces the temptation to push unreviewed code or to wait too long to push code.


The first person who should review every line of your code is you. Before committing new code, read each changed line. Use git's diff and --patch features to examine code before you commit. Read more about these features using git help add and git help commit.


If you're working on a team, push your feature branch and invite your teammates to review the changes via git diff origin/master..HEAD.


Team review reveals how understandable code is to someone other than the author. Your team members' understanding now is a good indicator of your understanding in the future.


However, what should you and your teammates look for during review?


Follow Your Nose


Code "smells" are indicators something may be wrong. They are useful because they are easy to see—sometimes easier than the root cause of a problem.


When you review code, watch for smells. Consider whether refactoring the code to remove the smell would result in better code. If you're reviewing a teammate's feature branch, share your best refactoring ideas with him or her.


Smells are associated with one or more refactorings (example: remove the Long Method smell using the Extract Method refactoring). Learn these associations in order to quickly consider them during review and whether the result (example: several small methods) improves the code.


Don't treat code smells as bugs. It will be a waste of time to "fix" every smell. Not every smell is the symptom of a problem and despite your best intentions, you can accidentally introduce another smell or problem.


Removing Resistance


Another opportunity for refactoring is when you're having difficulty making a change to existing code. This is called "resistance." The refactoring you choose depends on the type of resistance.


Is it hard to determine where new code belongs? The code is not readable enough. Rename methods and variables until it's obvious where your change belongs. This and every subsequent change will be easier. Refactor for readability first.


Is it hard to change the code without breaking existing code? Add extension points or extract code to be easier to reuse, and then try to introduce your change. Repeat this process until the change you want is easy to introduce.


Each change should be easy to introduce. If it's not, refactor.


When you are making your changes, you will be in a feature branch. Try to make your change without refactoring. If your meet resistance, make a "work in progress" commit, check out master and create a new refactoring branch:

git commit -m 'wip: new feature'
-git push
-git checkout master
-git checkout -b refactoring-for-new-feature

Refactor until you fix the resistance you met on your feature branch. Then rebase your feature branch on top of your refactoring branch:

git rebase -i new-feature
-git checkout new-feature
-git merge refactoring-for-new-feature --ff-only

If the change is easier now, continue in your feature branch. If not, check out your refactoring branch and try again.


Bugs and Churn


If you're spending a lot of time swatting bugs, remove smells in the methods or classes of the buggy code. You'll make it less likely that a bug will be reintroduced.


After you commit a bug fix to a feature branch, find out if the code you changed to fix the bug is in files that change often. If the buggy code does change often, find smells and eliminate them. Separate the parts that change often from the parts that don't.


Conversely, avoid refactoring areas with low churn. Refactoring changes code and with each change, you risk introducing new bugs. If a file hasn't changed in six months, leave it alone. It may not be pretty, but you'll spend more time looking at it when you break it by trying to fix something that wasn't broken.


Tools to Find Smells


Some smells are easy to find while you're reading code and change sets, but other smells slip through the cracks without extra help.


Duplication is one of the hardest problems to find by hand. If you're using diffs during code reviews, it will be invisible when you copy and paste existing methods. The original method will be unchanged and won't show up in the diff, so unless the reviewer knows and remembers that the original existed, he or she won't notice that the copied method isn't just a new addition. Every duplicated piece of code is a bug waiting to happen.


Churn is similarly invisible, in that each change will look fine, and only the file's full history will reveal the smell.


Various tools are available which can aid you in your search for code smells.


Our favorite is Code Climate, which is a hosted tool and will scan your code for issues every time you push to Git. Code Climate attempts to locate hot spots for refactoring and assigns each class a simple A through F grade. It identifies complexity, duplication, churn and code smells.


If you're unable to use a hosted service, there are gems you can use locally, such as metric_fu, churn, flog, flay, and reek. These gems can identify churn, complexity, duplication and smells.


Getting obsessed with the counts and scores from these tools will distract from the actual issues in your code, but it's worthwhile to run them continually and watch out for potential warning signs.


How to Read This Book


This book contains three catalogs: smells, solutions and principles.


Start by looking up a smell that sounds familiar. Each chapter on smells explains the potential problems each smell may reveal and references possible solutions.


Once you've identified the problem revealed by a smell, read the relevant solution chapter to learn how to fix it. Each solution chapter explains which problems it addresses and potential problems that can be introduced.


Lastly, smell and solution chapters reference related principles. The smell chapters reference principles that you can follow to avoid the root problem in the future. The solution chapters explain how each solution changes your code to follow related principles.


By following this process, you'll learn how to detect and fix actual problems in your code using smells and reusable solutions, and you'll learn about principles that you can follow to improve the code you write from the beginning.


Example Application


This book comes with a bundled example application, which you can find on GitHub. Make sure that you sign into GitHub before attempting to view example application and commit links, or you'll receive a 404 error.


Most of the code samples included in the book come directly from commits in the example application. Several chapters link to the full commits for related changes. At any point, you can check out the application locally and check out those commits to explore solutions in progress.


For some solutions, the entire change is not included in the chapter for the sake of focus and brevity. However, you can see every change made for a solution in the example commits, including tests.


Make sure to take a look at the application's README, as it contains a summary of the application and instructions for setting it up.



Long Method


The most common smell in Rails applications is the Long Method.


Long methods are exactly what they sound like: methods that are too long. They're easy to spot.



  • If you can't tell exactly what a method does at a glance, it's too long.
  • -
  • Methods with more than one level of nesting are usually too long.
  • -
  • Methods with more than one level of abstraction may be too long.
  • -
  • Methods with a flog score of 10 or higher may be too long.
  • -

You can watch out for long methods as you write them, but finding existing methods is easiest with tools like flog:

% flog app lib
-    72.9: flog total
-     5.6: flog/method average
-    15.7: QuestionsController#create       app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:9
-    11.7: QuestionsController#new          app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:2
-    11.0: Question#none
-     8.1: SurveysController#create         app/controllers/surveys_controller.rb:6

Methods with higher scores are more complicated. Anything with a score higher than 10 is worth looking at, but flog only helps you find potential trouble spots; use your own judgment when refactoring.




For an example of a long method, let's take a look at the highest scored method from flog, QuestionsController#create:

def create
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id]
-  question_params = params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
-  @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params)
-  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type
-  if @question.save
-    redirect_to @survey
-  else
-    render :new
-  end


- -

After extracting methods, check for feature envy in the new methods to see if you should employ move method to provide the method with a better home.


Large Class


Most Rails applications suffer from several Large Classes. Large classes are difficult to understand and make it harder to change or reuse behavior. Tests for large classes are slow and churn tends to be higher, leading to more bugs and conflicts. Large classes likely also suffer from divergent change.



  • You can't easily describe what the class does in one sentence.
  • -
  • You can't tell what the class does without scrolling.
  • -
  • The class needs to change for more than one reason.
  • -
  • The class has more than seven methods.
  • -
  • The class has a total flog score of 50.
  • -



This class has a high flog score, has a large number of methods, more private than public methods and has multiple responsibilities:

# app/models/question.rb
-class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
-  include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
-  SUBMITTABLE_TYPES = %w(Open MultipleChoice Scale).freeze
-  validates :maximum, presence: true, if: :scale?
-  validates :minimum, presence: true, if: :scale?
-  validates :question_type, presence: true, inclusion: SUBMITTABLE_TYPES
-  validates :title, presence: true
-  belongs_to :survey
-  has_many :answers
-  has_many :options
-  accepts_nested_attributes_for :options, reject_if: :all_blank
-  def summary
-    case question_type
-    when 'MultipleChoice'
-      summarize_multiple_choice_answers
-    when 'Open'
-      summarize_open_answers
-    when 'Scale'
-      summarize_scale_answers
-    end
-  end
-  def steps
-    (minimum..maximum).to_a
-  end
-  private
-  def scale?
-    question_type == 'Scale'
-  end
-  def summarize_multiple_choice_answers
-    total = answers.count
-    counts = answers.group(:text).order('COUNT(*) DESC').count
-    percents = counts.map do |text, count|
-      percent = (100.0 * count / total).round
-      "#{percent}% #{text}"
-    end
-    percents.join(', ')
-  end
-  def summarize_open_answers
-    answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text).join(', ')
-  end
-  def summarize_scale_answers
-    sprintf('Average: %.02f', answers.average('text'))
-  end


- -



Following the single responsibility principle will prevent large classes from cropping up. It's difficult for any class to become too large without taking on more than one responsibility.


Using composition over inheritance makes it easier to create small classes.


If a large portion of the class is devoted to instantiating subclasses, try following the dependency inversion principle.


Following the open/closed principle will prevent large classes by preventing new concerns from being introduced.


You can use flog to analyze classes as you write and modify them:

% flog -a app/models/question.rb
-    48.3: flog total
-     6.9: flog/method average
-    15.6: Question#summarize_multiple_choice_answers app/models/question.rb:38
-    12.0: Question#none
-     6.3: Question#summary                 app/models/question.rb:17
-     5.2: Question#summarize_open_answers  app/models/question.rb:48
-     3.6: Question#summarize_scale_answers app/models/question.rb:52
-     3.4: Question#steps                   app/models/question.rb:28
-     2.2: Question#scale?                  app/models/question.rb:34

Private Methods


In general, public methods are a greater liability than private methods. This is because it's harder to tell where public methods are used, so you need to take greater care when refactoring them. However, a large suite of private methods is also a strong indicator of a large class.


Private methods can't be reused between classes, which makes it more likely that code will be duplicated. Extracting private methods to new classes makes it easier for developers to do the right thing.


Additionally, private methods can't be tested directly. This makes it more difficult to write focused, simple unit tests, since the tests will need to go through one or more public methods. The further a test is from the code it tests, the harder it is to understand.


Lastly, private methods are often the easiest to extract to new classes. Large classes can be difficult to split up because of entangled dependencies between public and private methods.


Attempts to extract public methods will frequently halt when shared dependencies are discovered on private methods. Extracting the private behavior of a class into a small, reusable class is often the easiest first step towards splitting up a large class.


Keeping a class's public interface as small as possible is a best practice. However, keep an eye on your private interface as well. A maze of private dependencies is a good sign that your public interface is not cohesive and can be split into two or more classes.


God Class


A particular specimen of large class affects most Rails applications: the God class. A God class is any class that seems to know everything about an application. It has a reference to the majority of the other models and it's difficult to answer any question or perform any action in the application without going through this class.


Most applications have two God classes: the user, and the central focus of the application. For a todo list application, it will be user and todo; for photo sharing application, it will be user and photo.


You need to be particularly vigilant about refactoring these classes. If you don't start splitting up your God classes early on, it will become impossible to separate them without rewriting most of your application.


Treatment and prevention of God classes is the same as for any large class.


Feature Envy


Feature envy reveals a method (or method-to-be) that would work better on a different class.


Methods suffering from feature envy contain logic that is difficult to reuse because the logic is trapped within a method on the wrong class. These methods are also often private methods, which makes them unavailable to other classes. Moving the method (or the affected portion of a method) to a more appropriate class improves readability, makes the logic easier to reuse and reduces coupling.



  • Repeated references to the same object.
  • -
  • Parameters or local variables that are used more than methods and instance variables of the class in question.
  • -
  • Methods that include a class name in their own names (such as invite_user).
  • -
  • Private methods on the same class that accept the same parameter.
  • -
  • Law of Demeter violations.
  • -
  • Tell, don't ask violations.
  • -


# app/models/completion.rb
-def score
-  answers.inject(0) do |result, answer|
-    question = answer.question
-    result + question.score(answer.text)
-  end

The answer local variable is used twice in the block: once to get its question, and once to get its text. This tells us that we can probably extract a new method and move it to the answer class.



  • Extract method if only part of the method suffers from feature envy; then move the method.
  • -
  • Move method if the entire method suffers from feature envy.
  • -
  • Inline class if the envied class isn't pulling its weight.
  • -



Following the law of Demeter will prevent a lot of feature envy by limiting the dependencies of each method.


Following tell, don't ask will prevent feature envy by avoiding unnecessary inspection of another object's state.


Case Statement


Case Statements are a sign that a method contains too much knowledge.



  • Case statements that check the class of an object.
  • -
  • Case statements that check a type code.
  • -
  • Divergent change caused by changing or adding when clauses.
  • -
  • Shotgun surgery caused by duplicating the case statement.
  • -

Actual case statements are extremely easy to find. Just grep your codebase for "case." However, you should also be on the lookout for case's sinister cousin, the repetitive if-elsif.


Type Codes


Some applications contain type codes—fields that store type information about objects. These fields are easy to add and seem innocent, but result in code that's harder to maintain. A better solution is to take advantage of Ruby's ability to invoke different behavior based on an object's class, called "dynamic dispatch." Using a case statement with a type code inelegantly reproduces dynamic dispatch.


The special type column that ActiveRecord uses is not necessarily a type code. The type column is used to serialize an object's class to the database so that the correct class can be instantiated later on. If you're just using the type column to let ActiveRecord decide which class to instantiate, this isn't a smell. However, make sure to avoid referencing the type column from case or if statements.




This method summarizes the answers to a question. The summary varies based on the type of question.

# app/models/question.rb
-def summary
-  case question_type
-  when 'MultipleChoice'
-    summarize_multiple_choice_answers
-  when 'Open'
-    summarize_open_answers
-  when 'Scale'
-    summarize_scale_answers
-  end


Note that many applications replicate the same case statement, which is a more serious offence. This view duplicates the case logic from Question#summary, this time in the form of multiple if statements:

# app/views/questions/_question.html.erb
-<% if question.question_type == 'MultipleChoice' -%>
-  <ol>
-    <% question.options.each do |option| -%>
-      <li>
-        <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, option.text, id: dom_id(option) %>
-        <%= content_tag :label, option.text, for: dom_id(option) %>
-      </li>
-    <% end -%>
-  </ol>
-<% end -%>
-<% if question.question_type == 'Scale' -%>
-  <ol>
-    <% question.steps.each do |step| -%>
-      <li>
-        <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, step %>
-        <%= submission_fields.label "text_#{step}", label: step %>
-      </li>
-    <% end -%>
-  </ol>
-<% end -%>


- -

Shotgun Surgery


Shotgun Surgery is usually a more obvious symptom that reveals another smell.



  • You have to make the same small change across several different files.
  • -
  • Changes become difficult to manage because they are hard to keep track of.
  • -

Make sure you look for related smells in the affected code:

- -



Users' names are formatted and displayed as "First Last" throughout the application. If you want to change the formatting to include a middle initial (example: "First M. Last") you'll need to make the same small change in several places.

# app/views/users/show.html.erb
-<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>
-# app/views/users/index.html.erb
-<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>
-# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
-<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>
-# app/views/mailers/completion_notification.html.erb
-<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>


- -



If your changes become spread out because you need to pass information between boundaries for dependencies, try inverting control.


If you find yourself repeating the exact same change in several places, make sure that you Don't Repeat Yourself.


If you need to change several places because of a modification in your dependency chain, such as changing user.plan.price to user.account.plan.price, make sure that you're following the law of Demeter.


If conditional logic is affected in several places by a single, cohesive change, make sure that you're following tell, don't ask.


Divergent Change


A class suffers from Divergent Change when it changes for multiple reasons.



  • You can't easily describe what the class does in one sentence.
  • -
  • The class is changed more frequently than other classes in the application.
  • -
  • Different changes to the class aren't related to each other.
  • -



# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-class SummariesController < ApplicationController
-  def show
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-    @summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer)
-  end
-  private
-  def summarizer
-    case params[:id]
-    when 'breakdown'
-      Breakdown.new
-    when 'most_recent'
-      MostRecent.new
-    when 'your_answers'
-      UserAnswer.new(current_user)
-    else
-      raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}"
-    end
-  end

This controller has many reasons to change:

  • Control flow logic related to summaries, such as authentication.
  • -
  • Any instance in which a summarizer strategy is added or changed.
  • -


- -



You can prevent divergent change from occurring by following the single responsibility principle. If a class has only one responsibility, it has only one reason to change.


Following the open/closed principle limits future changes to classes, including divergent change.


Following composition over inheritance will make it easier to create small classes, preventing divergent change.


If a large portion of the class is devoted to instantiating subclasses, try following the dependency inversion principle.


You can use churn to discover which files are changing most frequently. This isn't a direct relationship, but frequently changed files often have more than one responsibility and thus more than one reason to change.


Long Parameter List


Ruby supports positional method arguments which can lead to Long Parameter Lists.



  • You can't easily change the method's arguments.
  • -
  • The method has three or more arguments.
  • -
  • The method is complex due to number of collaborating parameters.
  • -
  • The method requires large amounts of setup during isolated testing.
  • -




Look at this mailer for an example of long parameter list.

# app/mailers/mailer.rb
-class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base
-  default from: "from@example.com"
-  def completion_notification(first_name, last_name, email)
-    @first_name = first_name
-    @last_name = last_name
-    mail(
-      to: email,
-      subject: 'Thank you for completing the survey'
-    )
-  end


- -



A common technique used to mask a long parameter list is grouping parameters using a hash of named parameters; this will replace connascence of position with connascence of name (a good first step). However, it will not reduce the number of collaborators in the method.


Duplicated Code


One of the first principles we're taught as developers: Don't Repeat Yourself.



  • You find yourself copying and pasting code from one place to another.
  • -
  • Shotgun surgery occurs when changes to your application require the same small edits in multiple places.
  • -




The QuestionsController suffers from duplication in the create and update methods.

# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb
-def create
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  question_params = params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
-  @question = type.constantize.new(question_params)
-  @question.survey = @survey
-  if @question.save
-    redirect_to @survey
-  else
-    render :new
-  end
-def update
-  @question = Question.find(params[:id])
-  question_params = params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
-  @question.update_attributes(question_params)
-  if @question.save
-    redirect_to @question.survey
-  else
-    render :edit
-  end


- -



Following the single responsibility principle will result in small classes that are easier to reuse, reducing the temptation of duplication.


Uncommunicative Name


Software is run by computers—but written and read by humans. Names provide important information to developers who are trying to understand a piece of code. Patterns and challenges when naming a method or class can also provide clues for refactoring.



  • Difficulty understanding a method or class.
  • -
  • Methods or classes with similar names but dissimilar functionality.
  • -
  • Redundant names, such as names that include the type of object to which they refer.
  • -



In our example application, the SummariesController generates summaries from a Survey:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-@summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer)

The summarize method on Survey asks each Question to summarize itself using a summarizer:

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summarize(summarizer)
-  questions.map do |question|
-    question.summarize(summarizer)
-  end

The summarize method on Question gets a value by calling summarize on a summarizer, and then builds a Summary using that value.

# app/models/question.rb
-def summarize(summarizer)
-  value = summarizer.summarize(self)
-  Summary.new(title, value)

There are several summarizer classes, each of which respond to summarize.


If you're lost, don't worry: You're not the only one. The confusing maze of similar names makes this example extremely hard to follow.


See rename method to see how we improve the situation.



  • Rename method if a well-factored method isn't well named.
  • -
  • Extract class if a class is doing too much to have a meaningful name.
  • -
  • Extract method if a method is doing too much to have a meaningful name.
  • -
  • Inline class if a class is too abstract to have a meaningful name.
  • -

Single Table Inheritance (STI)


Using subclasses is a common method of achieving reuse in object-oriented software. Rails provides a mechanism for storing instances of different classes in the same table, called Single Table Inheritance. Rails takes care of most of the details by writing the class's name to the type column and instantiating the correct class when results come back from the database.


Inheritance has its own pitfalls (see composition over inheritance) and STI introduces a few new gotchas that may compel you to consider an alternate solution.



  • You need to change from one subclass to another.
  • -
  • Behavior is shared among some subclasses but not others.
  • -
  • One subclass is a fusion of one or more other subclasses.
  • -




This method on Question changes the question to a new type. Any necessary attributes for the new subclass are provided to the attributes method.

# app/models/question.rb
-def switch_to(type, new_attributes)
-  attributes = self.attributes.merge(new_attributes)
-  new_question = type.constantize.new(attributes.except('id', 'type'))
-  new_question.id = id
-  begin
-    Question.transaction do
-      destroy
-      new_question.save!
-    end
-  rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
-  end
-  new_question

This transition is difficult for a number of reasons:

  • You need to worry about common Question validations.
  • -
  • You need to make sure validations for the old subclass are not used.
  • -
  • You need to make sure validations for the new subclass are used.
  • -
  • You need to delete data from the old subclass, including associations.
  • -
  • You need to support data from the new subclass.
  • -
  • Common attributes need to remain the same.
  • -

The implementation achieves all these requirements, but is awkward:

  • You can't actually change the class of an instance in Ruby, so you need to return the instance of the new class.
  • -
  • The implementation requires deleting and creating records, but part of the transaction (destroy) must execute before you can validate the new instance. This results in control flow using exceptions.
  • -
  • The STI abstraction leaks into the model, because it needs to understand that it has a type column. STI models normally don't need to understand that they're implemented using STI.
  • -
  • It's hard to understand why this method is implemented the way it is, so other developers fixing bugs or refactoring in the future will have a hard time navigating it.
  • -


  • If you're using STI to reuse common behavior, use replace subclasses with strategies to switch to a composition-based model.
  • -
  • If you're using STI so that you can easily refer to several different classes in the same table, switch to using a polymorphic association instead.
  • -



By following composition over inheritance, you'll use STI as a solution less often.




Comments can be used appropriately to introduce classes and provide documentation. But used incorrectly, they mask readability and process problems by further obfuscating already unreadable code.



  • Comments within method bodies.
  • -
  • More than one comment per method.
  • -
  • Comments that restate the method name in English.
  • -
  • Todo comments.
  • -
  • Commented out, dead code.
  • -


# app/models/open_question.rb
-def summary
-  # Text for each answer in order as a comma-separated string
-  answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text).join(', ')

This comment is trying to explain what the following line of code does because the code itself is too hard to understand. A better solution would be to improve the legibility of the code.


Some comments add no value at all and can safely be removed:

class Invitation
-  # Deliver the invitation
-  def deliver
-    Mailer.invitation_notification(self, message).deliver
-  end

If there isn't a useful explanation to provide for a method or class beyond the name, don't leave a comment.



  • Introduce explaining variable to make obfuscated lines easier to read in pieces.
  • -
  • Extract method to break up methods that are difficult to read.
  • -
  • Move todo comments into a task management system.
  • -
  • Delete commented out code and rely on version control in the event that you want to get it back.
  • -
  • Delete superfluous comments that don't add more value than the method or class name.
  • -



Inheritance is a common method of reuse in object-oriented software. Ruby supports single inheritance using subclasses and multiple inheritance using Mixins. Mixins can be used to package common helpers or provide a common public interface.


However, mixins have some drawbacks:

  • They use the same namespace as classes they're mixed into, which can cause naming conflicts.
  • -
  • Although they have access to instance variables from classes they're mixed into, mixins can't easily accept initializer arguments, so they can't have their own state.
  • -
  • They inflate the number of methods available in a class.
  • -
  • They're not easy to add and remove at runtime.
  • -
  • They're difficult to test in isolation, since they can't be instantiated.
  • -


  • Methods in mixins that accept the same parameters over and over.
  • -
  • Methods in mixins that don't reference the state of the class they're mixed into.
  • -
  • Business logic that can't be used without using the mixin.
  • -
  • Classes that have few public methods except those from a mixin.
  • -
  • Inverting dependencies is difficult because mixins can't accept parameters.
  • -



In our example application, users can invite their friends by email to take surveys. If an invited email matches an existing user, a private message will be created. Otherwise, a message is sent to that email address with a link.


The logic to generate the invitation message is the same regardless of the delivery mechanism, so this behavior is encapsulated in a mixin:

# app/models/inviter.rb
-module Inviter
-  extend ActiveSupport::Concern
-  included do
-    include AbstractController::Rendering
-    include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
-    self.view_paths = 'app/views'
-    self.default_url_options = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options
-  end
-  private
-  def render_message_body
-    render template: 'invitations/message'
-  end


Each delivery strategy mixes in Inviter and calls render_message_body:

# app/models/message_inviter.rb
-class MessageInviter < AbstractController::Base
-  include Inviter
-  def initialize(invitation, recipient)
-    @invitation = invitation
-    @recipient = recipient
-  end
-  def deliver
-    Message.create!(
-      recipient: @recipient,
-      sender: @invitation.sender,
-      body: render_message_body
-    )
-  end

Although the mixin does a good job of preventing duplicated code, it's difficult to test or understand in isolation, it obfuscates the inviter classes, and it tightly couples the inviter classes to a particular message body implementation.



- -



Mixins are a form of inheritance. By following composition over inheritance, you'll be less likely to introduce mixins.


Reserve mixins for reusable framework code like common associations and callbacks, and you'll end up with a more flexible and comprehensible system.




Callbacks are a convenient way to decorate the default save method with custom persistence logic, without the drudgery of template methods, overriding, or calling super.


However, callbacks are frequently abused by adding non-persistence logic to the persistence life cycle, such as sending emails or processing payments. Models riddled with callbacks are harder to refactor and prone to bugs, such as accidentally sending emails or performing external changes before a database transaction is committed.



  • Callbacks containing business logic, such as processing payments.
  • -
  • Attributes that allow certain callbacks to be skipped.
  • -
  • Methods such as save_without_sending_email, which skip callbacks.
  • -
  • Callbacks that need to be invoked conditionally.
  • -



# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def deliver_invitations
-  recipients.map do |recipient_email|
-    Invitation.create!(
-      survey: survey,
-      sender: sender,
-      recipient_email: recipient_email,
-      status: 'pending',
-      message: @message
-    )
-  end
# app/models/invitation.rb
-after_create :deliver
# app/models/invitation.rb
-def deliver
-  Mailer.invitation_notification(self).deliver

In the above code, the SurveyInviter is simply creating Invitation records, and the actual delivery of the invitation email is hidden behind Invitation.create! via a callback.


If one of several invitations fails to save, the user will see a 500 page, but some of the invitations will already have been saved and delivered. The user will be unable to tell which invitations were sent.


Because delivery is coupled with persistence, there's no way to make sure that all of the invitations are saved before starting to deliver emails.



- -


Replace Conditional with Polymorphism


Conditional code clutters methods, makes extraction and reuse harder and can lead to leaky concerns. Object-oriented languages like Ruby allow developers to avoid conditionals using polymorphism. Rather than using if/else or case/when to create a conditional path for each possible situation, you can implement a method differently in different classes, adding (or reusing) a class for each situation.


Replacing conditional code allows you to move decisions to the best point in the application. Depending on polymorphic interfaces will create classes that don't need to change when the application changes.



  • Removes divergent change from classes that need to alter their behavior based on the outcome of the condition.
  • -
  • Prevents shotgun surgery from adding new types.
  • -
  • Removes feature envy by allowing dependent classes to make their own decisions.
  • -
  • Makes it easier to remove duplicated code by taking behavior out of conditional clauses and private methods.
  • -
  • Makes conditional logic easier to reuse, which makes it easier to avoid duplication.
  • -
  • Replaces conditional logic with simple commands, following tell, don't ask.
  • -



This Question class summarizes its answers differently depending on its question_type:

# app/models/question.rb
-class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
-  include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
-  SUBMITTABLE_TYPES = %w(Open MultipleChoice Scale).freeze
-  validates :maximum, presence: true, if: :scale?
-  validates :minimum, presence: true, if: :scale?
-  validates :question_type, presence: true, inclusion: SUBMITTABLE_TYPES
-  validates :title, presence: true
-  belongs_to :survey
-  has_many :answers
-  has_many :options
-  accepts_nested_attributes_for :options, reject_if: :all_blank
-  def summary
-    case question_type
-    when 'MultipleChoice'
-      summarize_multiple_choice_answers
-    when 'Open'
-      summarize_open_answers
-    when 'Scale'
-      summarize_scale_answers
-    end
-  end
-  def steps
-    (minimum..maximum).to_a
-  end
-  private
-  def scale?
-    question_type == 'Scale'
-  end
-  def summarize_multiple_choice_answers
-    total = answers.count
-    counts = answers.group(:text).order('COUNT(*) DESC').count
-    percents = counts.map do |text, count|
-      percent = (100.0 * count / total).round
-      "#{percent}% #{text}"
-    end
-    percents.join(', ')
-  end
-  def summarize_open_answers
-    answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text).join(', ')
-  end
-  def summarize_scale_answers
-    sprintf('Average: %.02f', answers.average('text'))
-  end

There are a number of issues with the summary method:

  • Adding a new question type will require modifying the method, leading to divergent change.
  • -
  • The logic and data for summarizing every type of question and answer is jammed into the Question class, resulting in a large class with obscure code.
  • -
  • This method isn't the only place in the application where question types are checked, meaning that new types will cause shotgun surgery.
  • -

There are several ways to refactor to use polymorphism. In this chapter, we'll demonstrate a solution that uses subclasses to replace type codes, which is one of the simplest solutions to implement. However, make sure to see the Drawbacks section in this chapter for alternative implementations.


Replace Type Code with Subclasses


Let's replace this case statement with polymorphism by introducing a subclass for each type of question.


Our Question class is a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base. If we want to create subclasses of Question, we have to tell ActiveRecord which subclass to instantiate when it fetches records from the questions table. The mechanism Rails uses for storing instances of different classes in the same table is called single table inheritance. Rails will take care of most of the details, but there are a few extra steps we need to take when refactoring to single table inheritance.


Single Table Inheritance (STI)


The first step to convert to STI is generally to create a new subclass for each type. However, the existing type codes are named "Open," "Scale" and "MultipleChoice," which won't make good class names. Names like "OpenQuestion" would be better, so let's start by changing the existing type codes:

# app/models/question.rb
-def summary
-  case question_type
-  when 'MultipleChoiceQuestion'
-    summarize_multiple_choice_answers
-  when 'OpenQuestion'
-    summarize_open_answers
-  when 'ScaleQuestion'
-    summarize_scale_answers
-  end

# db/migrate/20121128221331_add_question_suffix_to_question_type.rb
-class AddQuestionSuffixToQuestionType < ActiveRecord::Migration
-  def up
-    connection.update(<<-SQL)
-      UPDATE questions SET question_type = question_type || 'Question'
-    SQL
-  end
-  def down
-    connection.update(<<-SQL)
-      UPDATE questions SET question_type = REPLACE(question_type, 'Question', '')
-    SQL
-  end

See commit b535171 for the full change.


The Question class stores its type code as question_type. The Rails convention is to use a column named type, but Rails will automatically start using STI if that column is present. That means that renaming question_type to type at this point would result in debugging two things at once: possible breaks from renaming and possible breaks from using STI. Therefore, let's start by just marking question_type as the inheritance column, allowing us to debug STI failures by themselves:

# app/models/question.rb
-set_inheritance_column  'question_type'

Running the tests after this will reveal that Rails wants the subclasses to be defined, so let's add some placeholder classes:

# app/models/open_question.rb
-class OpenQuestion < Question
# app/models/scale_question.rb
-class ScaleQuestion < Question
# app/models/multiple_choice_question.rb
-class MultipleChoiceQuestion < Question

Rails generates URLs and local variable names for partials based on class names. Our views will now be getting instances of subclasses like OpenQuestion rather than Question, so we'll need to update a few more references. For example, we'll have to change lines like:

<%= form_for @question do |form| %>


<%= form_for @question, as: :question do |form| %>

Otherwise, it will generate /open_questions as a URL instead of /questions. See commit c18ebeb for the full change.


At this point, the tests are passing with STI in place, so we can rename question_type to type, following the Rails convention:

# db/migrate/20121128225425_rename_question_type_to_type.rb
-class RenameQuestionTypeToType < ActiveRecord::Migration
-  def up
-    rename_column :questions, :question_type, :type
-  end
-  def down
-    rename_column :questions, :type, :question_type
-  end

Now we need to build the appropriate subclass instead of Question. We can use a little Ruby meta-programming to make that fairly painless:

# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb
-def build_question
-  @question = type.constantize.new(question_params)
-  @question.survey = @survey
-def type
-  params[:question][:type]

At this point, we're ready to proceed with a regular refactoring.


Extracting Type-Specific Code


The next step is to move type-specific code from Question into the subclass for each specific type.


Let's look at the summary method again:

# app/models/question.rb
-def summary
-  case question_type
-  when 'MultipleChoice'
-    summarize_multiple_choice_answers
-  when 'Open'
-    summarize_open_answers
-  when 'Scale'
-    summarize_scale_answers
-  end

For each path of the condition, there is a sequence of steps.


The first step is to use extract method to move each path to its own method. In this case, we already extracted methods called summarize_multiple_choice_answers, summarize_open_answers, and summarize_scale_answers, so we can proceed immediately.


The next step is to use move method to move the extracted method to the appropriate class. First, let's move the method summarize_multiple_choice_answers to MultipleChoiceQuestion and rename it to summary:

class MultipleChoiceQuestion < Question
-  def summary
-    total = answers.count
-    counts = answers.group(:text).order('COUNT(*) DESC').count
-    percents = counts.map do |text, count|
-      percent = (100.0 * count / total).round
-      "#{percent}% #{text}"
-    end
-    percents.join(', ')
-  end

MultipleChoiceQuestion#summary now overrides Question#summary, so the correct implementation will now be chosen for multiple choice questions.


Now that the code for multiple choice types is in place, we repeat the steps for each other path. Once every path is moved, we can remove Question#summary entirely.


In this case, we've already created all our subclasses, but you can use extract class to create them if you're extracting each conditional path into a new class.


You can see the full change for this step in commit a08f801.


The summary method is now much better. Adding new question types is easier. The new subclass will implement summary and the Question class doesn't need to change. The summary code for each type now lives with its type, so no one class is cluttered up with the details.


Polymorphic Partials


Applications rarely check the type code in just one place. Running grep on our example application reveals several more places. Most interestingly, the views check the type before deciding how to render a question:

# app/views/questions/_question.html.erb
-<% if question.type == 'MultipleChoiceQuestion' -%>
-  <ol>
-    <% question.options.each do |option| -%>
-      <li>
-        <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, option.text, id: dom_id(option) %>
-        <%= content_tag :label, option.text, for: dom_id(option) %>
-      </li>
-    <% end -%>
-  </ol>
-<% end -%>
-<% if question.type == 'ScaleQuestion' -%>
-  <ol>
-    <% question.steps.each do |step| -%>
-      <li>
-        <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, step %>
-        <%= submission_fields.label "text_#{step}", label: step %>
-      </li>
-    <% end -%>
-  </ol>
-<% end -%>
-<% if question.type == 'OpenQuestion' -%>
-  <%= submission_fields.text_field :text %>
-<% end -%>

In the previous example, we moved type-specific code into Question subclasses. However, moving view code would violate MVC (introducing divergent change into the subclasses) and, more importantly, it would be ugly and hard to understand.


Rails has the ability to render views polymorphically. A line like this—

<%= render @question %>

—will ask @question which view should be rendered by calling to_partial_path. As subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base, our Question subclasses will return a path based on their class name. This means that the above line will attempt to render open_questions/_open_question.html.erb for an open question, and so on.


We can use this to move the type-specific view code into a view for each type:

# app/views/open_questions/_open_question.html.erb
-<%= submission_fields.text_field :text %>

You can see the full change in commit 8243493.


Multiple Polymorphic Views


Our application also has different fields on the question form depending on the question type. Currently, that also performs type-checking:

# app/views/questions/new.html.erb
-<% if @question.type == 'MultipleChoiceQuestion' -%>
-  <%= form.fields_for(:options, @question.options_for_form) do |option_fields| -%>
-    <%= option_fields.input :text, label: 'Option' %>
-  <% end -%>
-<% end -%>
-<% if @question.type == 'ScaleQuestion' -%>
-  <%= form.input :minimum %>
-  <%= form.input :maximum %>
-<% end -%>

We already used views like open_questions/_open_question.html.erb for showing a question, so we can't just put the edit code there. Rails doesn't support prefixes or suffixes in render, but we can do it ourselves easily enough:

# app/views/questions/new.html.erb
-<%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %>

This will render app/views/open_questions/_open_question_form.html.erb for an open question, and so on.




It's worth noting that, although this refactoring improved this particular example, replacing conditionals with polymorphism is not without its drawbacks.


Using polymorphism like this makes it easier to add new types, because adding a new type means that you just need to add a new class and implement the required methods. Adding a new type won't require changes to any existing classes, and it's easy to understand what the types are because each type is encapsulated within a class.


However, this change makes it harder to add new behaviors. Adding a new behavior will mean finding every type and adding a new method. Understanding the behavior becomes more difficult because the implementations are spread out among the types. Object-oriented languages lean toward polymorphic implementations, but if you find yourself adding behaviors much more often than adding types, you should look into using observers or visitors instead.


Using subclasses forces you to use inheritance instead of composition for reuse and separation of concerns. See composition over inheritance for more on this subject.


Also, using STI has specific disadvantages. See the chapter on STI for details.


Next Steps

  • Check the new classes for duplicated code that can be pulled up into the superclass.
  • -
  • Pay attention to changes that affect the new types, watching out for shotgun surgery that can result from splitting up classes.
  • -

Replace Conditional with Null Object


Every Ruby developer is familiar with nil, and Ruby on Rails comes with a full complement of tools to handle it: nil?, present?, try and more. However, it's easy to let these tools hide duplication and leak concerns. If you find yourself checking for nil all over your codebase, try replacing some of the nil values with Null Objects.



  • Removes shotgun surgery when an existing method begins returning nil.
  • -
  • Removes duplicated code related to checking for nil.
  • -
  • Removes clutter, improving readability of code that consumes nil.
  • -
  • Makes logic related to presence and absence easier to reuse, making it easier to avoid duplication.
  • -
  • Replaces conditional logic with simple commands, following tell, don't ask.
  • -


# app/models/question.rb
-def most_recent_answer_text
-  answers.most_recent.try(:text) || Answer::MISSING_TEXT

The most_recent_answer_text method asks its answers association for most_recent answer. It only wants the text from that answer, but it must first check to make sure that an answer actually exists to get text from. It needs to perform this check because most_recent might return nil:

# app/models/answer.rb
-def self.most_recent
-  order(:created_at).last

This call clutters up the method, and returning nil is contagious: Any method that calls most_recent must also check for nil. The concept of a missing answer is likely to come up more than once, as in this example:

# app/models/user.rb
-def answer_text_for(question)
-  question.answers.for_user(self).try(:text) || Answer::MISSING_TEXT

Again, for_user might return nil:

# app/models/answer.rb
-def self.for_user(user)
-  joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last

The User#answer_text_for method duplicates the check for a missing answer—and worse, it's repeating the logic of what happens when you need text without an answer.


We can remove these checks entirely from Question and User by introducing a null object:

# app/models/question.rb
-def most_recent_answer_text
-  answers.most_recent.text
# app/models/user.rb
-def answer_text_for(question)
-  question.answers.for_user(self).text

We're now just assuming that Answer class methods will return something answer-like; specifically, we expect an object that returns useful text. We can refactor Answer to handle the nil check:

# app/models/answer.rb
-class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
-  include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
-  belongs_to :completion
-  belongs_to :question
-  validates :text, presence: true
-  def self.for_user(user)
-    joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last ||
-      NullAnswer.new
-  end
-  def self.most_recent
-    order(:created_at).last || NullAnswer.new
-  end

Note that for_user and most_recent return a NullAnswer if no answer can be found, so these methods will never return nil. The implementation for NullAnswer is simple:

# app/models/null_answer.rb
-class NullAnswer
-  def text
-    'No response'
-  end

We can take things just a little further and remove a bit of duplication with a quick extract method:

# app/models/answer.rb
-class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
-  include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
-  belongs_to :completion
-  belongs_to :question
-  validates :text, presence: true
-  def self.for_user(user)
-    joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last_or_null
-  end
-  def self.most_recent
-    order(:created_at).last_or_null
-  end
-  private
-  def self.last_or_null
-    last || NullAnswer.new
-  end

Now we can easily create Answer class methods that return a usable answer, no matter what.




Introducing a null object can remove duplication and clutter. But it can also cause pain and confusion:

  • As a developer reading a method like Question#most_recent_answer_text, you may be confused to find that most_recent_answer returned an instance of NullAnswer and not Answer.
  • -
  • It's possible some methods will need to distinguish between NullAnswers and real Answers. This is common in views, when special markup is required to denote missing values. In this case, you'll need to add explicit present? checks and define present? to return false on your null object.
  • -
  • NullAnswer may eventually need to reimplement large part of the Answer API, leading to potential duplicated code and shotgun surgery, which is largely what we hoped to solve in the first place.
  • -

Don't introduce a null object until you find yourself swatting enough nil values to grow annoyed. And make sure the removal of the nil-handling logic outweighs the drawbacks above.


Next Steps

  • Look for other nil checks of the return values of refactored methods.
  • -
  • Make sure your null object class implements the required methods from the original class.
  • -
  • Make sure no duplicated code exists between the null object class and the original.
  • -


Truthiness, try and Other Tricks


All checks for nil are a condition, but Ruby provides many ways to check for nil without using an explicit if. Watch out for nil conditional checks disguised behind other syntax. The following are all roughly equivalent:

# Explicit if with nil?
-if user.nil?
-  nil
-  user.name
-# Implicit nil check through truthy conditional
-if user
-  user.name
-# Relies on nil being falsey
-user && user.name
-# Call to try

Extract Method


The simplest refactoring to perform is extract method. To extract a method:

  • Pick a name for the new method.
  • -
  • Move extracted code into the new method.
  • -
  • Call the new method from the point of extraction.
  • -


- -




Let's take a look at an example of long method and improve it by extracting smaller methods:

def create
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id]
-  question_params = params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
-  @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params)
-  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type
-  if @question.save
-    redirect_to @survey
-  else
-    render :new
-  end

This method performs a number of tasks:

  • It finds the survey that the question should belong to.
  • -
  • It figures out what type of question we're creating (the submittable_type).
  • -
  • It builds parameters for the new question by applying a white list to the HTTP parameters.
  • -
  • It builds a question from the given survey, parameters and submittable type.
  • -
  • It attempts to save the question.
  • -
  • It redirects back to the survey for a valid question.
  • -
  • It re-renders the form for an invalid question.
  • -

Any of these tasks can be extracted to a method. Let's start by extracting the task of building the question.

def create
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id]
-  build_question
-  if @question.save
-    redirect_to @survey
-  else
-    render :new
-  end
-def build_question
-  question_params = params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
-  @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params)
-  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type

The create method is already much more readable. The new build_question method is noisy, though, with the wrong details at the beginning. The task of pulling out question parameters is clouding up the task of building the question. Let's extract another method.



Replace Temp with Query


One simple way to extract methods is by replacing local variables. Let's pull question_params into its own method:

def build_question
-  @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params)
-  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type
-def question_params
-  params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)

Other Examples


For more examples of extract method, take a look at these chapters:

- -

Next Steps

  • Check the original method and the extracted method to make sure neither is a long method.
  • -
  • Check the original method and the extracted method to make sure that they both relate to the same core concern. If the methods aren't highly related, the class will suffer from divergent change.
  • -
  • Check newly extracted methods for feature envy. If you find some, you may wish to employ move method to provide the new method with a better home.
  • -
  • Check the affected class to make sure it's not a large class. Extracting methods reveals complexity, making it clearer when a class is doing too much.
  • -

Rename Method


Renaming a method allows developers to improve the language of the domain as their understanding naturally evolves during development.


The process is straightforward if there aren't too many references:

  • Choose a new name for the method. This is the hard part!
  • -
  • Change the method definition to the new name.
  • -
  • Find and replace all references to the old name.
  • -

If there are a large number of references to the method you want to rename, you can rename the callers one at a time while keeping everything in working order. The process is mostly the same:

  • Choose a new name for the method.
  • -
  • Give the method its new name.
  • -
  • Add an alias to keep the old name working.
  • -
  • Find and replace all references to the old name.
  • -
  • Remove the alias.
  • -


- -



In our example application, we generate summaries from answers to surveys. We allow more than one type of summary, so strategies are employed to handle the variations. There are a number of methods and dependencies that make this work.


SummariesController#show depends on Survey#summarize:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-@summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer)

Survey#summarize depends on Question#summarize:

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summarize(summarizer)
-  questions.map do |question|
-    question.summarize(summarizer)
-  end

Question#summarize depends on summarize from its summarizer argument (a strategy):

# app/models/question.rb
-def summarize(summarizer)
-  value = summarizer.summarize(self)
-  Summary.new(title, value)

There are several summarizer classes, each of which respond to summarize.


This is confusing, largely because the word summarize is used to mean several different things:

  • Survey#summarize accepts a summarizer and returns an array of Summary instances.
  • -
  • Question#summarize accepts a summarizer and returns a single Summary instance.
  • -
  • summarize on summarizer strategies accepts a Question and returns a String.
  • -

Let's rename these methods so that each name is used uniquely and consistently in terms of what it accepts, what it returns and what it does.


First, we'll rename Survey#summarize to reflect the fact that it returns a collection.

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer)

Then we'll update the only reference to the old method:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-@summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer)

Next, we'll rename Question#summarize to be consistent with the naming introduced in Survey:

# app/models/question.rb
-def summary_using(summarizer)

Finally, we'll update the only reference in Survey#summaries_using:

# app/models/survey.rb

We now have consistent and clearer naming:

  • summarize means taking a question and returning a string value representing its answers.
  • -
  • summary_using means taking a summarizer and using it to build a Summary.
  • -
  • summaries_using means taking a set of questions and building a Summary for each one.
  • -

Next Steps

  • Check for explanatory comments that are no longer necessary now that the code is clearer.
  • -
  • If the new name for a method is long, see if you can extract methods from it to make it smaller.
  • -

Extract Class


Dividing responsibilities into classes is the primary way to manage complexity in object-oriented software. Extract class is the primary mechanism for introducing new classes. This refactoring takes one class and splits it into two by moving one or more methods and instance variables into a new class.


The process for extracting a class looks like this:

  1. Create a new, empty class.
  2. -
  3. Instantiate the new class from the original class.
  4. -
  5. Move a method from the original class to the new class.
  6. -
  7. Repeat step 3 until you're happy with the original class.
  8. -


  • Removes large class by splitting up the class.
  • -
  • Eliminates divergent change by moving one reason to change into a new class.
  • -
  • Provides a cohesive set of functionality with a meaningful name, making it easier to understand and talk about.
  • -
  • Fully encapsulates a concern within a single class, following the single responsibility principle and making it easier to change and reuse that functionality.
  • -
  • Allows concerns to be injected, following the dependency inversion principle.
  • -
  • Makes behavior easier to reuse, which makes it easier to avoid duplication.
  • -



The InvitationsController is a large class hidden behind a long method:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-class InvitationsController < ApplicationController
-  EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/
-  def new
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  end
-  def create
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-    @recipients = params[:invitation][:recipients]
-    recipient_list = @recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/)
-    @invalid_recipients = recipient_list.map do |item|
-      unless item.match(EMAIL_REGEX)
-        item
-      end
-    end.compact
-    @message = params[:invitation][:message]
-    if @invalid_recipients.empty? && @message.present?
-      recipient_list.each do |email|
-        invitation = Invitation.create(
-          survey: @survey,
-          sender: current_user,
-          recipient_email: email,
-          status: 'pending'
-        )
-        Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, @message)
-      end
-      redirect_to survey_path(@survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent'
-    else
-      render 'new'
-    end
-  end

Although it contains only two methods, there's a lot going on under the hood. It parses and validates emails, manages several pieces of state which the view needs to know about, handles control flow for the user and creates and delivers invitations.


A liberal application of extract method to break up this long method will reveal the complexity:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-class InvitationsController < ApplicationController
-  EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/
-  def new
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  end
-  def create
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-    if valid_recipients? && valid_message?
-      recipient_list.each do |email|
-        invitation = Invitation.create(
-          survey: @survey,
-          sender: current_user,
-          recipient_email: email,
-          status: 'pending'
-        )
-        Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, message)
-      end
-      redirect_to survey_path(@survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent'
-    else
-      @recipients = recipients
-      @message = message
-      render 'new'
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def valid_recipients?
-    invalid_recipients.empty?
-  end
-  def valid_message?
-    message.present?
-  end
-  def invalid_recipients
-    @invalid_recipients ||= recipient_list.map do |item|
-      unless item.match(EMAIL_REGEX)
-        item
-      end
-    end.compact
-  end
-  def recipient_list
-    @recipient_list ||= recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/)
-  end
-  def recipients
-    params[:invitation][:recipients]
-  end
-  def message
-    params[:invitation][:message]
-  end

Let's extract all of the non-controller logic into a new class. We'll start by defining and instantiating a new, empty class:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-@survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new
# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-class SurveyInviter

At this point, we've created a staging area for using move method to transfer complexity from one class to the other.


Next, we'll move one method from the controller to our new class. It's best to move methods which depend on few private methods or instance variables from the original class, so we'll start with a method which only uses one private method:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def recipient_list
-  @recipient_list ||= @recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/)

We need the recipients for this method, so we'll accept it in the initialize method:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def initialize(recipients)
-  @recipients = recipients

And pass it from our controller:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-@survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new(recipients)

The original controller method can delegate to the extracted method:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-def recipient_list
-  @survey_inviter.recipient_list

We've moved a little complexity out of our controller and we now have a repeatable process for doing so: We can continue to move methods out until we feel good about what's left in the controller.


Next, let's move out invalid_recipients from the controller, since it depends on recipient_list, which we've already moved:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def invalid_recipients
-  @invalid_recipients ||= recipient_list.map do |item|
-    unless item.match(EMAIL_REGEX)
-      item
-    end
-  end.compact

Again, the original controller method can delegate:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-def invalid_recipients
-  @survey_inviter.invalid_recipients

This method references a constant from the controller. This was the only place where the constant was used, so we can move it to our new class:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/

We can remove an instance variable in the controller by invoking this method directly in the view:

# app/views/invitations/new.html.erb
-<% if @survey_inviter.invalid_recipients %>
-  <div class="error">
-    Invalid email addresses: 
-    <%= @survey_inviter.invalid_recipients.join(', ') %>
-  </div>
-<% end %>

Now that parsing email lists is moved out of our controller, let's extract and delegate the only method in the controller that depends on invalid_recipients:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def valid_recipients?
-  invalid_recipients.empty?

Now we can remove invalid_recipients from the controller entirely.


The valid_recipients? method is only used in the compound validation condition:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-if valid_recipients? && valid_message?

If we extract valid_message? as well, we can fully encapsulate validation within SurveyInviter.

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def valid_message?
-  @message.present?

We need message for this method, so we'll add that to initialize:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def initialize(message, recipients)
-  @message = message
-  @recipients = recipients

And pass it in:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-@survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new(message, recipients)

We can now extract a method to encapsulate this compound condition:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def valid?
-  valid_message? && valid_recipients?

And use that new method in our controller:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-if @survey_inviter.valid?

Now these methods can be private, trimming down the public interface for SurveyInviter:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def valid_message?
-  @message.present?
-def valid_recipients?
-  invalid_recipients.empty?

We've pulled out most of the private methods, so the remaining complexity results largely from saving and delivering the invitations.


Let's extract and move a deliver method for that:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def deliver
-  recipient_list.each do |email|
-    invitation = Invitation.create(
-      survey: @survey,
-      sender: @sender,
-      recipient_email: email,
-      status: 'pending'
-    )
-    Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, @message)
-  end

We need the sender (the currently signed-in user) as well as the survey from the controller to do this. This pushes our initialize method up to four parameters, so let's switch to a hash:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def initialize(attributes = {})
-  @survey = attributes[:survey]
-  @message = attributes[:message] || ''
-  @recipients = attributes[:recipients] || ''
-  @sender = attributes[:sender]

And extract a method in our controller to build it:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-def survey_inviter_attributes
-  params[:invitation].merge(survey: @survey, sender: current_user)

Now we can invoke this method in our controller:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-if @survey_inviter.valid?
-  @survey_inviter.deliver
-  redirect_to survey_path(@survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent'
-  @recipients = recipients
-  @message = message
-  render 'new'

The recipient_list method is now only used internally in SurveyInviter, so let's make it private.


We've moved most of the behavior out of the controller, but we're still assigning a number of instance variables for the view, which have corresponding private methods in the controller. These values are also available on SurveyInviter, which is already assigned to the view, so let's expose those using attr_reader:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-attr_reader :message, :recipients, :survey

And use them directly from the view:

# app/views/invitations/new.html.erb
-<%= simple_form_for(
-  :invitation,
-  url: survey_invitations_path(@survey_inviter.survey)
-) do |f| %>
-  <%= f.input(
-    :message,
-    as: :text,
-    input_html: { value: @survey_inviter.message }
-  ) %>
-  <% if @invlid_message %>
-    <div class="error">Please provide a message</div>
-  <% end %>
-  <%= f.input(
-    :recipients,
-    as: :text,
-    input_html: { value: @survey_inviter.recipients }
-  ) %>

Only the SurveyInviter is used in the controller now, so we can remove the remaining instance variables and private methods.


Our controller is now much simpler:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-class InvitationsController < ApplicationController
-  def new
-    @survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new(survey: survey)
-  end
-  def create
-    @survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new(survey_inviter_attributes)
-    if @survey_inviter.valid?
-      @survey_inviter.deliver
-      redirect_to survey_path(survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent'
-    else
-      render 'new'
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def survey_inviter_attributes
-    params[:invitation].merge(survey: survey, sender: current_user)
-  end
-  def survey
-    Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  end

It only assigns one instance variable, it doesn't have too many methods and all of its methods are fairly small.



The newly extracted SurveyInviter class absorbed much of the complexity, but still isn't as bad as the original controller:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-class SurveyInviter
-  EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/
-  def initialize(attributes = {})
-    @survey = attributes[:survey]
-    @message = attributes[:message] || ''
-    @recipients = attributes[:recipients] || ''
-    @sender = attributes[:sender]
-  end
-  attr_reader :message, :recipients, :survey
-  def valid?
-    valid_message? && valid_recipients?
-  end
-  def deliver
-    recipient_list.each do |email|
-      invitation = Invitation.create(
-        survey: @survey,
-        sender: @sender,
-        recipient_email: email,
-        status: 'pending'
-      )
-      Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, @message)
-    end
-  end
-  def invalid_recipients
-    @invalid_recipients ||= recipient_list.map do |item|
-      unless item.match(EMAIL_REGEX)
-        item
-      end
-    end.compact
-  end
-  private
-  def valid_message?
-    @message.present?
-  end
-  def valid_recipients?
-    invalid_recipients.empty?
-  end
-  def recipient_list
-    @recipient_list ||= @recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/)
-  end

We can take this further by extracting more classes from SurveyInviter. See our full solution on GitHub.




Extracting classes decreases the amount of complexity in each class, but increases the overall complexity of the application. Extracting too many classes will create a maze of indirection that developers will be unable to navigate.


Every class also requires a name. Introducing new names can help to explain functionality at a higher level and facilitate communication between developers. However, introducing too many names results in vocabulary overload, which makes the system difficult to learn for new developers.


If you extract classes in response to pain and resistance, you'll end up with just the right number of classes and names.


Next Steps

  • Check the newly extracted class to make sure it isn't a large class, and extract another class if it is.
  • -
  • Check the original class for feature envy of the extracted class and use move method if necessary.
  • -

Extract Value Object


Value Objects are objects that represent a value (such as a dollar amount) rather than a unique, identifiable entity (such as a particular user).


Value objects often implement information derived from a primitive object, such as the dollars and cents from a float, or the user name and domain from an email string.



  • Prevent duplicated code from making the same observations of primitive objects throughout the code base.
  • -
  • Remove large classes by splitting out query methods associated with a particular variable.
  • -
  • Make the code easier to understand by fully encapsulating related logic into a single class, following the single responsibility principle.
  • -
  • Eliminate divergent change by extracting code related to an embedded semantic type.
  • -



InvitationsController is bloated with methods and logic relating to parsing a string that contains a list of email addresses:

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-def recipient_list
-  @recipient_list ||= recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/)
-def recipients
-  params[:invitation][:recipients]

We can extract a new class to offload this responsibility:

# app/models/recipient_list.rb
-class RecipientList
-  include Enumerable
-  def initialize(recipient_string)
-    @recipient_string = recipient_string
-  end
-  def each(&block)
-    recipients.each(&block)
-  end
-  def to_s
-    @recipient_string
-  end
-  private
-  def recipients
-    @recipient_string.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/)
-  end
# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-def recipient_list
-  @recipient_list ||= RecipientList.new(params[:invitation][:recipients])

Next Steps

  • Search the application for duplicated code related to the newly extracted class.
  • -
  • Value objects should be immutable. Make sure the extracted class doesn't have any writer methods.
  • -

Extract Decorator


Decorators can be used to place new concerns on top of existing objects without modifying existing classes. They combine best with small classes containing few methods, and make the most sense when modifying the behavior of existing methods, rather than adding new methods.


The steps for extracting a decorator vary depending on the initial state, but they often include the following:

  1. Extract a new decorator class, starting with the alternative behavior.
  2. -
  3. Compose the decorator in the original class.
  4. -
  5. Move state specific to the alternate behavior into the decorator.
  6. -
  7. Invert control, applying the decorator to the original class from its container, rather than composing the decorator from the original class.
  8. -

It will be difficult to make use of decorators unless your application is following composition over inheritance.



- -



In our example application, users can view a summary of the answers to each question on a survey. By default, in order to prevent the summary from influencing a user's own answers, users don't see summaries for questions they haven't answered yet. Users can click a link to override this decision and view the summary for every question. This concern is mixed across several levels, and introducing the change affects several classes. Let's see if we can refactor our application to make similar changes easier in the future.


Currently, the controller determines whether or not unanswered questions should display summaries:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def constraints
-  if include_unanswered?
-    {}
-  else
-    { answered_by: current_user }
-  end
-def include_unanswered?
-  params[:unanswered]

It passes this decision into Survey#summaries_using as a hash containing Boolean flag:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-@summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer, constraints)


Survey#summaries_using uses this information to decide whether each question should return a real summary or a hidden summary:

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {})
-  questions.map do |question|
-    if !options[:answered_by] || question.answered_by?(options[:answered_by])
-      question.summary_using(summarizer)
-    else
-      Summary.new(question.title, NO_ANSWER)
-    end
-  end

This method is pretty dense. We can start by using extract method to clarify and reveal complexity:

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {})
-  questions.map do |question|
-    summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, options[:answered_by])
-  end
-def summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, answered_by)
-  if hide_unanswered_question?(question, answered_by)
-    hide_answer_to_question(question)
-  else
-    question.summary_using(summarizer)
-  end
-def hide_unanswered_question?(question, answered_by)
-  answered_by && !question.answered_by?(answered_by)
-def hide_answer_to_question(question)
-  Summary.new(question.title, NO_ANSWER)

The summary_or_hidden_answer method reveals a pattern that's well-captured by using a Decorator:

  • There's a base case: returning the real summary for the question's answers.
  • -
  • There's an alternative, or decorated, case: returning a summary with a hidden answer.
  • -
  • The conditional logic for using the base or decorated case is unrelated to the base case: answered_by is only used for determining which path to take, and isn't used by to generate summaries.
  • -

As a Rails developer, this may seem familiar to you: Many pieces of Rack middleware follow a similar approach.


Now that we've recognized this pattern, let's refactor to use a decorator.


Move Decorated Case to Decorator


Let's start by creating an empty class for the decorator and moving one method into it:

# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-class UnansweredQuestionHider
-  NO_ANSWER = "You haven't answered this question".freeze
-  def hide_answer_to_question(question)
-    Summary.new(question.title, NO_ANSWER)
-  end

The method references a constant from Survey, so we moved that, too.


Now we update Survey to compose our new class:

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, answered_by)
-  if hide_unanswered_question?(question, answered_by)
-    UnansweredQuestionHider.new.hide_answer_to_question(question)
-  else
-    question.summary_using(summarizer)
-  end

At this point, the decorated path is contained within the decorator.


Move Conditional Logic Into Decorator


Next, we can move the conditional logic into the decorator. We've already extracted this to its own method on Survey, so we can simply move this method over:

# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-def hide_unanswered_question?(question, user)
-  user && !question.answered_by?(user)

Note that the answered_by parameter was renamed to user. That's because the context is more specific now, so it's clear what role the user is playing.

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, answered_by)
-  hider = UnansweredQuestionHider.new
-  if hider.hide_unanswered_question?(question, answered_by)
-    hider.hide_answer_to_question(question)
-  else
-    question.summary_using(summarizer)
-  end

Move Body Into Decorator


There's just one summary-related method left in Survey: summary_or_hidden_answer. Let's move this into the decorator:

# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-def summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, user)
-  if hide_unanswered_question?(question, user)
-    hide_answer_to_question(question)
-  else
-    question.summary_using(summarizer)
-  end
# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {})
-  questions.map do |question|
-    UnansweredQuestionHider.new.summary_or_hidden_answer(
-      summarizer,
-      question,
-      options[:answered_by]
-    )
-  end

At this point, every other method in the decorator can be made private.



Promote Parameters to Instance Variables


Now that we have a class to handle this logic, we can move some of the parameters into instance state. In Survey#summaries_using, we use the same summarizer and user instance; only the question varies as we iterate through questions to summarize. Let's move everything but the question into instance variables on the decorator:

# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-def initialize(summarizer, user)
-  @summarizer = summarizer
-  @user = user
-def summary_or_hidden_answer(question)
-  if hide_unanswered_question?(question)
-    hide_answer_to_question(question)
-  else
-    question.summary_using(@summarizer)
-  end
# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {})
-  questions.map do |question|
-    UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, options[:answered_by]).
-      summary_or_hidden_answer(question)
-  end

Our decorator now just needs a question to generate a Summary.


Change Decorator to Follow Component Interface


In the end, the component we want to wrap with our decorator is the summarizer, so we want the decorator to obey the same interface as its component—the summarizer. Let's rename our only public method so that it follows the summarizer interface:

# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-def summarize(question)
# app/models/survey.rb
-UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, options[:answered_by]).
-  summarize(question)

Our decorator now follows the component interface in name—but not behavior. In our application, summarizers return a string that represents the answers to a question, but our decorator is returning a Summary instead. Let's fix our decorator to follow the component interface by returning just a string:

# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-def summarize(question)
-  if hide_unanswered_question?(question)
-    hide_answer_to_question(question)
-  else
-    @summarizer.summarize(question)
-  end
# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-def hide_answer_to_question(question)
# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {})
-  questions.map do |question|
-    hider = UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, options[:answered_by])
-    question.summary_using(hider)
-  end

Our decorator now follows the component interface.


That last method on the decorator (hide_answer_to_question) isn't pulling its weight anymore: It just returns the value from a constant. Let's inline it to slim down our class a bit:

# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-def summarize(question)
-  if hide_unanswered_question?(question)
-  else
-    @summarizer.summarize(question)
-  end

Now we have a decorator that can wrap any summarizer, nicely-factored and ready to use.


Invert Control


Now comes one of the most important steps: We can invert control by removing any reference to the decorator from Survey and passing in an already-decorated summarizer.


The summaries_using method is simplified:

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer)
-  questions.map do |question|
-    question.summary_using(summarizer)
-  end

Instead of passing the Boolean flag down from the controller, we can make the decision to decorate there and pass a decorated or undecorated summarizer:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def show
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @summaries = @survey.summaries_using(decorated_summarizer)
-def decorated_summarizer
-  if include_unanswered?
-    summarizer
-  else
-    UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, current_user)
-  end

This isolates the decision to one class and keeps the result of the decision close to the class that makes it.


Another important effect of this refactoring is that the Survey class is now reverted back to the way it was before we started hiding unanswered question summaries. This means that we can now add similar changes without modifying Survey at all.



  • Decorators must keep up to date with their component interface. Our decorator follows the summarizer interface. Every decorator we add for this interface is one more class that will need to change any time we change the interface.
  • -
  • We removed a concern from Survey by hiding it behind a decorator, but this may make it harder for a developer to understand how a Survey might return the hidden response text, since that text doesn't appear anywhere in that class.
  • -
  • The component we decorated had the smallest possible interface: one public method. Classes with more public methods are more difficult to decorate.
  • -
  • Decorators can modify methods in the component interface easily, but adding new methods won't work with multiple decorators without meta-programming like method_missing. These constructs are harder to follow and should be used with care.
  • -

Next Steps

  • It's unlikely that your automated test suite has enough coverage to check every component implementation with every decorator. Run through the application in a browser after introducing new decorators. Test and fix any issues you run into.
  • -
  • Make sure that inverting control didn't push anything over the line into a large class.
  • -

Extract Partial


Extracting a partial is a technique used for removing complex or duplicated view code from your application. This is the equivalent of using long method and extract method in your views and templates.



- -


  • Create a new file for partial prefixed with an underscore (_filename.html.erb).
  • -
  • Move common code into newly created file.
  • -
  • Render the partial from the source file.
  • -



Let's revisit the view code for adding and editing questions.


Note: There are a few small differences in the files (the URL endpoint and the label on the submit button).

# app/views/questions/new.html.erb
-<h1>Add Question</h1>
-<%= simple_form_for @question, as: :question, url: survey_questions_path(@survey) do |form| -%>
-  <%= form.hidden_field :type %>
-  <%= form.input :title %>
-  <%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %>
-  <%= form.submit 'Create Question' %>
-<% end -%>
# app/views/questions/edit.html.erb
-<h1>Edit Question</h1>
-<%= simple_form_for @question, as: :question, url: question_path do |form| -%>
-  <%= form.hidden_field :type %>
-  <%= form.input :title %>
-  <%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %>
-  <%= form.submit 'Update Question' %>
-<% end -%>

First, extract the common code into a partial, remove any instance variables and use question and url as local variables:

# app/views/questions/_form.html.erb
-<%= simple_form_for question, as: :question, url: url do |form| -%>
-  <%= form.hidden_field :type %>
-  <%= form.input :title %>
-  <%= render "#{question.to_partial_path}_form", question: question, form: form %>
-  <%= form.submit %>
-<% end -%>

Move the submit button text into the locales file:

# config/locales/en.yml
-  helpers:
-    submit:
-      question:
-        create: 'Create Question'
-        update: 'Update Question'

Then render the partial from each of the views, passing in the values for question and url:

# app/views/questions/new.html.erb
-<h1>Add Question</h1>
-<%= render 'form', question: @question, url: survey_questions_path(@survey) %>
# app/views/questions/edit.html.erb
-<h1>Edit Question</h1>
-<%= render 'form', question: @question, url: question_path %>

Next Steps

  • Check for other occurrences of the duplicated view code in your application and replace them with the newly extracted partial.
  • -

Extract Validator


Extract Validator is a form of extract class that is used to remove complex validation details from ActiveRecord models. This technique also prevents duplication of validation code across several files.



  • Keeps validation implementation details out of models.
  • -
  • Encapsulates validation details into a single file, following the single responsibility principle.
  • -
  • Removes duplication among classes performing the same validation logic.
  • -
  • Makes validation logic easier to reuse, which makes it easier to avoid duplication.
  • -



The Invitation class has validation details in-line. It checks that the recipient_email matches the formatting of the regular expression EMAIL_REGEX.

# app/models/invitation.rb
-class Invitation < ActiveRecord::Base
-  EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i
-  validates :recipient_email, presence: true, format: EMAIL_REGEX

We extract the validation details into a new class EmailValidator and place the new class into the app/validators directory:

# app/validators/email_validator.rb
-class EmailValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
-  EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i
-  def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
-    unless value.match EMAIL_REGEX
-      record.errors.add(attribute, "#{value} is not a valid email")
-    end
-  end

Once the validator has been extracted, Rails has a convention for using the new validation class. EmailValidator is used by setting email: true in the validation arguments:

# app/models/invitation.rb
-class Invitation < ActiveRecord::Base
-  validates :recipient_email, presence: true, email: true

The convention is to use the validation class name (in lower case, and removing Validator from the name). For example, if we were validating an attribute with ZipCodeValidator, we'd set zip_code: true as an argument to the validation call.


When validating an array of data as we do in SurveyInviter, we use the EnumerableValidator to loop over the contents of an array.

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-validates_with EnumerableValidator,
-  attributes: [:recipients],
-  unless: 'recipients.nil?',
-  validator: EmailValidator


The EmailValidator is passed in as an argument, and each element in the array is validated against it.

# app/validators/enumerable_validator.rb
-class EnumerableValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
-  def validate_each(record, attribute, enumerable)
-    enumerable.each do |value|
-      validator.validate_each(record, attribute, value)
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def validator
-    options[:validator].new(validator_options)
-  end
-  def validator_options
-    options.except(:validator).merge(attributes: attributes)
-  end

Next Steps

  • Verify the extracted validator does not have any long methods.
  • -
  • Check for other models that could use the validator.
  • -

Introduce Explaining Variable


This refactoring allows you to break up a complex, hard-to-read statement by placing part of it in a local variable. The only difficult part is finding a good name for the variable.



  • Improves legibility of code.
  • -
  • Makes it easier to extract methods by breaking up long statements.
  • -
  • Removes the need for extra comments.
  • -



This line of code was deemed hard enough to understand that adding a comment was necessary:

# app/models/open_question.rb
-def summary
-  # Text for each answer in order as a comma-separated string
-  answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text).join(', ')

Adding an explaining variable makes the line easy to understand without requiring a comment:

# app/models/open_question.rb
-def summary
-  text_from_ordered_answers = answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text)
-  text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ')

You can follow up by using replace temp with query.

def summary
-  text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ')
-def text_from_ordered_answers
-  answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text)

This increases the overall size of the class and moves text_from_ordered_answers further away from summary, so you'll want to be careful when doing this. The most obvious reason to extract a method is to reuse the value of the variable.


However, there's another potential benefit: It changes the way developers read the code. Developers instinctively read code from the top down. Expressions based on variables place the details first, which means that developers will start with the details:

text_from_ordered_answers = answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text)

And work their way down to the overall goal of a method:

text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ')

Note that you naturally focus first on the code necessary to find the array of texts and then progress to see what happens to those texts.


Once a method is extracted, the high-level concept comes first:

def summary
-  text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ')

And then you progress to the details:

def text_from_ordered_answers
-  answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text)

You can use this technique of extracting methods to ensure that developers focus on what's important first and only dive into the implementation details when necessary.


Next Steps

  • Replace temp with query if you want to reuse the expression or revert to the order in which a developer naturally reads the method.
  • -
  • Check the affected expression to make sure that it's easy to read. If it's still too dense, try extracting more variables or methods.
  • -
  • Check the extracted variable or method for feature envy.
  • -

Introduce Form Object


This is a specialized type of extract class that is used to remove business logic from controllers when processing data outside of an ActiveRecord model.



  • Keeps business logic out of controllers and views.
  • -
  • Adds validation support to plain old Ruby objects.
  • -
  • Displays form validation errors using Rails conventions.
  • -
  • Sets the stage for extract validator.
  • -



The create action of our InvitationsController relies on user-submitted data for message and recipients (a comma-delimited list of email addresses).


It performs a number of tasks:

  • Finds the current survey.
  • -
  • Validates that the message is present.
  • -
  • Validates each of the recipients' email addresses.
  • -
  • Creates an invitation for each of the recipients.
  • -
  • Sends an email to each of the recipients.
  • -
  • Sets view data for validation failures.
  • -
# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-class InvitationsController < ApplicationController
-  EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/
-  def new
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  end
-  def create
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-    if valid_recipients? && valid_message?
-      recipient_list.each do |email|
-        invitation = Invitation.create(
-          survey: @survey,
-          sender: current_user,
-          recipient_email: email,
-          status: 'pending'
-        )
-        Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, message)
-      end
-      redirect_to survey_path(@survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent'
-    else
-      @recipients = recipients
-      @message = message
-      render 'new'
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def valid_recipients?
-    invalid_recipients.empty?
-  end
-  def valid_message?
-    message.present?
-  end
-  def invalid_recipients
-    @invalid_recipients ||= recipient_list.map do |item|
-      unless item.match(EMAIL_REGEX)
-        item
-      end
-    end.compact
-  end
-  def recipient_list
-    @recipient_list ||= recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/)
-  end
-  def recipients
-    params[:invitation][:recipients]
-  end
-  def message
-    params[:invitation][:message]
-  end

By introducing a form object, we can move the concerns of data validation, invitation creation and notifications to the new model SurveyInviter.


Including ActiveModel::Model allows us to leverage the familiar active record validation syntax.



As we introduce the form object, we'll also extract an enumerable class RecipientList and validators EnumerableValidator and EmailValidator. These will be covered in the Extract Class and Extract Validator chapters.

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-class SurveyInviter
-  include ActiveModel::Model
-  attr_accessor :recipients, :message, :sender, :survey
-  validates :message, presence: true
-  validates :recipients, length: { minimum: 1 }
-  validates :sender, presence: true
-  validates :survey, presence: true
-  validates_with EnumerableValidator,
-    attributes: [:recipients],
-    unless: 'recipients.nil?',
-    validator: EmailValidator
-  def recipients=(recipients)
-    @recipients = RecipientList.new(recipients)
-  end
-  def invite
-    if valid?
-      deliver_invitations
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def create_invitations
-    recipients.map do |recipient_email|
-      Invitation.create!(
-        survey: survey,
-        sender: sender,
-        recipient_email: recipient_email,
-        status: 'pending'
-      )
-    end
-  end
-  def deliver_invitations
-    create_invitations.each do |invitation|
-      Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, message).deliver
-    end
-  end

Moving business logic into the new form object dramatically reduces the size and complexity of the InvitationsController. The controller is now focused on the interaction between the user and the models.

# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb
-class InvitationsController < ApplicationController
-  def new
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-    @survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new
-  end
-  def create
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-    @survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new(survey_inviter_params)
-    if @survey_inviter.invite
-      redirect_to survey_path(@survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent'
-    else
-      render 'new'
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def survey_inviter_params
-    params.require(:survey_inviter).permit(
-      :message,
-      :recipients
-    ).merge(
-      sender: current_user,
-      survey: @survey
-    )
-  end

Next Steps

  • Check that the controller no longer has long methods.
  • -
  • Verify the new form object is not a large class.
  • -
  • Check for places to re-use any new validators if extract validator was used during the refactoring.
  • -

Introduce Parameter Object


This is a technique to reduce the number of input parameters to a method.


To introduce a Parameter Object:

  • Pick a name for the object that represents the grouped parameters.
  • -
  • Replace the method's grouped parameters with the object.
  • -


  • Removes long parameter lists.
  • -
  • Groups parameters that naturally fit together.
  • -
  • Encapsulates behavior between related parameters.
  • -




Let's take a look at the example from Long Parameter List and improve it by grouping the related parameters into an object:

# app/mailers/mailer.rb
-class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base
-  default from: "from@example.com"
-  def completion_notification(first_name, last_name, email)
-    @first_name = first_name
-    @last_name = last_name
-    mail(
-      to: email,
-      subject: 'Thank you for completing the survey'
-    )
-  end
# app/views/mailer/completion_notification.html.erb
-<%= @first_name %> <%= @last_name %>


By introducing the new parameter object recipient we can naturally group the attributes first_name, last_name, and email together.

# app/mailers/mailer.rb
-class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base
-  default from: "from@example.com"
-  def completion_notification(recipient)
-    @recipient = recipient
-    mail(
-      to: recipient.email,
-      subject: 'Thank you for completing the survey'
-    )
-  end

This also gives us the opportunity to create a new full_name method on the recipient object to encapsulate behavior between the first_name and last_name.

# app/views/mailer/completion_notification.html.erb
-<%= @recipient.full_name %>

Next Steps

  • Check to see if the same data clump exists elsewhere in the application and reuse the parameter object to group them together.
  • -
  • Verify the methods using the parameter object don't have feature envy.
  • -

Use Class as Factory


An Abstract Factory is an object that knows how to build something, such as one of several possible strategies for summarizing answers to questions on a survey. An object that holds a reference to an abstract factory doesn't need to know what class is going to be used; it trusts the factory to return an object that responds to the required interface.


Because classes are objects in Ruby, every class can act as an abstract factory. Using a class as a factory allows us to remove most explicit factory objects.



- -




This controller uses one of several possible summarizer strategies to generate a summary of answers to the questions on a survey:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-class SummariesController < ApplicationController
-  def show
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-    @summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer)
-  end
-  private
-  def summarizer
-    case params[:id]
-    when 'breakdown'
-      Breakdown.new
-    when 'most_recent'
-      MostRecent.new
-    when 'your_answers'
-      UserAnswer.new(current_user)
-    else
-      raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}"
-    end
-  end

The summarizer method is a Factory Method. It returns a summarizer object based on params[:id].



We can refactor that using the abstract factory pattern:

def summarizer
-  summarizer_factory.build
-def summarizer_factory
-  case params[:id]
-  when 'breakdown'
-    BreakdownFactory.new
-  when 'most_recent'
-    MostRecentFactory.new
-  when 'your_answers'
-    UserAnswerFactory.new(current_user)
-  else
-    raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}"
-  end

Now the summarizer method asks the summarizer_factory method for an abstract factory, and it asks the factory to build the actual summarizer instance.


However, this means we need to provide an abstract factory for each summarizer strategy:

class BreakdownFactory
-  def build
-    Breakdown.new
-  end
-class MostRecentFactory
-  def build
-    MostRecent.new
-  end

class UserAnswerFactory
-  def initialize(user)
-    @user = user
-  end
-  def build
-    UserAnswer.new(@user)
-  end

These factory classes are repetitive and don't pull their weight. We can rip two of these classes out by using the actual summarizer class as the factory instance. First, let's rename the build method to new, to follow the Ruby convention:

def summarizer
-  summarizer_factory.new
-class BreakdownFactory
-  def new
-    Breakdown.new
-  end
-class MostRecentFactory
-  def new
-    MostRecent.new
-  end

class UserAnswerFactory
-  def initialize(user)
-    @user = user
-  end
-  def new
-    UserAnswer.new(@user)
-  end

Now, an instance of BreakdownFactory acts exactly like the Breakdown class itself, and the same is true of MostRecentFactory and MostRecent. Therefore, let's use the classes themselves instead of instances of the factory classes:

def summarizer_factory
-  case params[:id]
-  when 'breakdown'
-    Breakdown
-  when 'most_recent'
-    MostRecent
-  when 'your_answers'
-    UserAnswerFactory.new(current_user)
-  else
-    raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}"
-  end

Now we can delete two of our factory classes.


Next Steps

- -

Move Method


Moving methods is generally easy. Moving a method allows you to place a method closer to the state it uses by moving it to the class that owns the related state.


To move a method:

  • Move the entire method definition and body into the new class.
  • -
  • Change any parameters that are part of the state of the new class to simply reference the instance variables or methods.
  • -
  • Introduce any necessary parameters because of state which belongs to the old class.
  • -
  • Rename the method if the new name no longer makes sense in the new context (for example, rename invite_user to invite once the method is moved to the User class).
  • -
  • Replace calls to the old method to calls to the new method. This may require introducing delegation or building an instance of the new class.
  • -


  • Removes feature envy by moving a method to the class where the envied methods live.
  • -
  • Makes private, parameterized methods easier to reuse by moving them to public, unparameterized methods.
  • -
  • Improves readability by keeping methods close to the other methods they use.
  • -

Let's take a look at an example method that suffers from feature envy and use extract method and move method to improve it:

# app/models/completion.rb
-def score
-  answers.inject(0) do |result, answer|
-    question = answer.question
-    result + question.score(answer.text)
-  end

The block in this method suffers from feature envy: It references answer more than it references methods or instance variables from its own class. We can't move the entire method; we only want to move the block, so let's first extract a method:

# app/models/completion.rb
-def score
-  answers.inject(0) do |result, answer|
-    result + score_for_answer(answer)
-  end
# app/models/completion.rb
-def score_for_answer(answer)
-  question = answer.question
-  question.score(answer.text)

The score method no longer suffers from feature envy, and the new score_for_answer method is easy to move, because it only references its own state. See the Extract Method chapter for details on the mechanics and properties of this refactoring.


Now that the feature envy is isolated, let's resolve it by moving the method:

# app/models/completion.rb
-def score
-  answers.inject(0) do |result, answer|
-    result + answer.score
-  end
# app/models/answer.rb
-def score
-  question.score(text)

The newly extracted and moved Question#score method no longer suffers from feature envy. It's easier to reuse, because the logic is freed from the internal block in Completion#score. It's also available to other classes because it's no longer a private method. Both methods are also easier to follow because the methods they invoke are close to the methods they depend on.


Dangerous: Move and Extract at the Same Time


It's tempting to do everything as one change: create a new method in Answer, move the code over from Completion and change Completion#score to call the new method. Although this frequently works without a hitch, with practice, you can perform the two, smaller refactorings just as quickly as the single, larger refactoring. By breaking the refactoring into two steps, you reduce the duration of "down time" for your code; that is, you reduce the amount of time during which something is broken. Improving code in smaller steps makes it easier to debug when something goes wrong and prevents you from writing more code than you need to. Because the code still works after each step, you can simply stop whenever you're happy with the results.


Next Steps

  • Make sure the new method doesn't suffer from feature envy because of state it used from its original class. If it does, try splitting the method up and moving part of it back.
  • -
  • Check the class of the new method to make sure it's not a large class.
  • -

Inline Class


As an application evolves, new classes are introduced as new features are added and existing code is refactored. Extracting classes will help keep existing classes maintainable and make it easier to add new features. However, features can also be removed or simplified, and you'll inevitably find that some classes just aren't pulling their weight. Removing dead-weight classes is just as important as splitting up large classes; inlining a class is the easiest way to remove it.


Inlining a class is straightforward:

  • For each consumer class that uses the inlined class, inline or move each method from the inlined class into the consumer class.
  • -
  • Remove the inlined class.
  • -

Note that this refactoring is difficult (and unwise!) if you have more than one or two consumer classes.



  • Makes classes easier to understand by eliminating the number of methods, classes, and files developers need to look through.
  • -
  • Eliminates shotgun surgery from changes that cascade through useless classes.
  • -
  • Eliminates feature envy when the envied class can be inlined into the envious class.
  • -



In our example application, users can create surveys and invite other users to answer them. Users are invited by listing email addresses to invite.


Any email addresses that match up with existing users are sent using a private message that the user will see the next time he or she signs in. Invitations to unrecognized addresses are sent using email messages.


The Invitation model delegates to a different strategy class based on whether or not its recipient email is recognized as an existing user:

# app/models/invitation.rb
-def deliver
-  if recipient_user
-    MessageInviter.new(self, recipient_user).deliver
-  else
-    EmailInviter.new(self).deliver
-  end

We've decided that the private messaging feature isn't getting enough use, so we're going to remove it. This means that all invitations will now be delivered via email, so we can simplify Invitation#deliver to always use the same strategy:

# app/models/invitation.rb
-def deliver
-  EmailInviter.new(self).deliver

The EmailInviter class was useful as a strategy, but now that the strategy no longer varies, it doesn't bring much to the table:

# app/models/email_inviter.rb
-class EmailInviter
-  def initialize(invitation)
-    @invitation = invitation
-    @body = InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body
-  end
-  def deliver
-    Mailer.invitation_notification(@invitation, @body).deliver
-  end

It doesn't handle any concerns that aren't already well-encapsulated by InvitationMessage and Mailer, and it's only used once (in Invitation). We can inline this class into Invitation and eliminate some complexity and indirection from our application.


First, let's inline the EmailInviter#deliver method (and its dependent variables from EmailInviter#initialize):

# app/models/invitation.rb
-def deliver
-  body = InvitationMessage.new(self).body
-  Mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver

Next, we can delete EmailInviter entirely.


After inlining the class, it requires fewer jumps through methods, classes and files to understand how invitations are delivered. Additionally, the application is less complex, overall. Flog gives us a total complexity score of 424.7 after this refactoring, down slightly from 427.6. That isn't a huge gain, but this was an easy refactoring, and continually deleting or inlining unnecessary classes and methods will have broader long-term effects.



  • Attempting to inline a class with multiple consumers will likely introduce duplicated code.
  • -
  • Inlining a class may create large classes and cause divergent change.
  • -
  • Inlining a class will usually increase per-class or per-method complexity, even if it reduces total complexity.
  • -

Next Steps

- -

Inject Dependencies


Injecting dependencies allows you to keep dependency resolutions close to the logic that affects them. It can prevent sub-dependencies from leaking throughout the code base, and it simplifies changing the behavior of related components without modifying those components' classes.


Although many people think of dependency injection frameworks and XML when they hear "dependency injection," injecting a dependency is usually as simple as passing it as a parameter.


Changing code to use dependency injection only takes a few steps:

  1. Move the dependency decision to a higher level component.
  2. -
  3. Pass the dependency as a parameter to the lower level component.
  4. -
  5. Remove any sub-dependencies from the lower level component.
  6. -

Injecting dependencies is the simplest way to invert control.



- -



In our example applications, users can view a summary of the answers to each question on a survey. Users can select from one of several different summary types to view. For example, they can see the most recent answer to each question, or they can see a percentage breakdown of the answers to a multiple choice question.


The controller passes in the name of the summarizer that the user selected:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def show
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer, options)
-def summarizer
-  params[:id]

Survey#summaries_using asks each of its questions for a summary using that summarizer and the given options:

# app/models/survey.rb
-question.summary_using(summarizer, options)

Question#summary_using instantiates the requested summarizer with the requested options, then asks the summarizer to summarize the question:

# app/models/question.rb
-def summary_using(summarizer_name, options)
-  summarizer_factory = "Summarizer::#{summarizer_name.classify}".constantize
-  summarizer = summarizer_factory.new(options)
-  value = summarizer.summarize(self)
-  Summary.new(title, value)

This is hard to follow and causes shotgun surgery because the logic of building the summarizer is in Question, far away from the choice of which summarizer to use, which is in SummariesController. Additionally, the options parameter needs to be passed down several levels so that summarizer-specific options can be provided when building the summarizer.


Let's remedy this by having the controller build the actual summarizer instance. First, we'll move that logic from Question to SummariesController:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def show
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer, options)
-def summarizer
-  summarizer_name = params[:id]
-  summarizer_factory = "Summarizer::#{summarizer_name.classify}".constantize
-  summarizer_factory.new(options)

Then, we'll change Question#summary_using to take an instance instead of a name:

# app/models/question.rb
-def summary_using(summarizer, options)
-  value = summarizer.summarize(self)
-  Summary.new(title, value)

That options argument is no longer necessary because it was only used to build the summarizer—which is now handled by the controller. Let's remove it:

# app/models/question.rb
-def summary_using(summarizer)
-  value = summarizer.summarize(self)
-  Summary.new(title, value)

We also don't need to pass it from Survey:

# app/models/survey.rb

This interaction has already improved, because the options argument is no longer uselessly passed around through two models. It's only used in the controller where the summarizer instance is built. Building the summarizer in the controller is appropriate, because the controller knows the name of the summarizer we want to build, as well as which options are used when building it.


Now that we're using dependency injection, we can take this even further.


By default, in order to prevent the summary from influencing a user's own answers, users don't see summaries for questions they haven't answered yet. Users can click a link to override this decision and view the summary for every question.


The information that determines whether or not to hide unanswered questions lives in the controller:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def constraints
-  if include_unanswered?
-    {}
-  else
-    { answered_by: current_user }
-  end

However, this information is passed into Survey#summaries_using:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-@summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer, options)

Survey#summaries_using decides whether to hide the answer to each question based on that setting:

# app/models/survey.rb
-  def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {})
-    questions.map do |question|
-      summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, options)
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, options)
-    if hide_unanswered_question?(question, options[:answered_by])
-      hide_answer_to_question(question)
-    else
-      question.summary_using(summarizer)
-    end
-  end
-  def hide_unanswered_question?(question, answered_by)
-    answered_by && !question.answered_by?(answered_by)
-  end
-  def hide_answer_to_question(question)
-    Summary.new(question.title, NO_ANSWER)
-  end

Again, the decision is far away from the dependent behavior.


We can combine our dependency injection with a decorator to remove the duplicate decision:

# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-class UnansweredQuestionHider
-  NO_ANSWER = "You haven't answered this question".freeze
-  def initialize(summarizer, user)
-    @summarizer = summarizer
-    @user = user
-  end
-  def summarize(question)
-    if hide_unanswered_question?(question)
-      NO_ANSWER
-    else
-      @summarizer.summarize(question)
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def hide_unanswered_question?(question)
-    !question.answered_by?(@user)
-  end

We'll decide whether or not to decorate the base summarizer in our controller:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def decorated_summarizer
-  if include_unanswered?
-    summarizer
-  else
-    UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, current_user)
-  end

Now, the decision of whether or not to hide answers is completely removed from Survey:

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer)
-  questions.map do |question|
-    question.summary_using(summarizer)
-  end

For more explanation of using decorators, as well as step-by-step instructions for how to introduce them, see the Extract Decorator chapter.




Injecting dependencies in our example made each class—SummariesController, Survey, Question and UnansweredQuestionHider—easier to understand as a unit. However, it's now difficult to understand what kind of summaries will be produced just by looking at Survey or Question. You need to follow the stack up to SummariesController to understand the dependencies and then look at each class to understand how they're used.


In this case, we believe that using dependency injection resulted in an overall win for readability and flexibility. However, it's important to remember that the further you move a dependency's resolution from its use, the harder it is to figure out what's actually being used in lower level components.


In our example, there isn't an easy way to know which class will be instantiated for the summarizer parameter to Question#summary_using:

# app/models/question.rb
-def summary_using(summarizer)
-  value = summarizer.summarize(self)
-  Summary.new(title, value)

In our case, that will be one of Summarizer::Breakdown, Summarizer::MostRecent or Summarizer::UserAnswer, or a UnansweredQuestionHider that decorates one of the above. Developers will need to trace back up through Survey to SummariesController to gather all the possible implementations.


Next Steps

  • When pulling dependency resolution up into a higher level class, check that class to make sure it doesn't become a large class because of all the logic surrounding dependency resolution.
  • -
  • If a class is suffering from divergent change because of new or modified dependencies, try moving dependency resolution further up the stack to a container class whose sole responsibility is managing dependencies.
  • -
  • If methods contain long parameter lists, consider wrapping up several dependencies in a parameter object or facade.
  • -

Replace Subclasses with Strategies


Subclasses are a common method of achieving reuse and polymorphism, but inheritance has its drawbacks. See composition over inheritance for reasons why you might decide to avoid an inheritance-based model.


During this refactoring, we will replace the subclasses with individual strategy classes. Each strategy class will implement a common interface. The original base class is promoted from an abstract class to the composition root, which composes the strategy classes.


This allows for smaller interfaces, stricter separation of concerns and easier testing. It also makes it possible to swap out part of the structure, which, in an inheritance-based model, would require converting to a new type.


When applying this refactoring to an ActiveRecord::Base subclass, STI is removed, often in favor of a polymorphic association.



  • Eliminates large classes by splitting up a bloated base class.
  • -
  • Converts STI to a composition-based scheme.
  • -
  • Makes it easier to change part of the structure by separating the parts that change from the parts that don't.
  • -



The switch_to method on Question changes the question to a new type. Any necessary attributes for the new subclass are provided to the attributes method.

# app/models/question.rb
-def switch_to(type, new_attributes)
-  attributes = self.attributes.merge(new_attributes)
-  new_question = type.constantize.new(attributes.except('id', 'type'))
-  new_question.id = id
-  begin
-    Question.transaction do
-      destroy
-      new_question.save!
-    end
-  rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
-  end
-  new_question

Using inheritance makes changing question types awkward for a number of reasons:

  • You can't actually change the class of an instance in Ruby, so you need to return the instance of the new class.
  • -
  • The implementation requires deleting and creating records, but part of the transaction (destroy) must execute before we can validate the new instance. This results in control flow using exceptions.
  • -
  • It's hard to understand why this method is implemented the way it is, so other developers fixing bugs or refactoring in the future will have a hard time navigating it.
  • -

We can make this operation easier by using composition instead of inheritance.


This is a difficult change that becomes larger as more behavior is added to the inheritance tree. We can make the change easier by breaking it down into smaller steps, ensuring that the application is in a fully functional state with passing tests after each change. This allows us to debug in smaller sessions and create safe checkpoint commits that we can retreat to if something goes wrong.


Use Extract Class to Extract Non-Railsy Methods from Subclasses


The easiest way to start is by extracting a strategy class from each subclass and moving (and delegating) as many methods as you can to the new class. There's some class-level wizardry that goes on in some Rails features, like associations, so let's start by moving simple, instance-level methods that aren't part of the framework.


Let's start with a simple subclass: OpenQuestion.


Here's the OpenQuestion class using an STI model:

# app/models/open_question.rb
-class OpenQuestion < Question
-  def score(text)
-    0
-  end
-  def breakdown
-    text_from_ordered_answers = answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text)
-    text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ')
-  end

We can start by creating a new strategy class:

class OpenSubmittable

When switching from inheritance to composition, you need to add a new word to the application's vocabulary. Before, we had questions, and different subclasses of questions handled the variations in behavior and data. Now, we're switching to a model where there's only one question class, and the question will compose something that will handle the variations. In our case, that something is a "submittable." In our new model, each question is just a question, and every question composes a submittable that decides how the question can be submitted. Thus, our first extracted class is called OpenSubmittable, extracted from OpenQuestion.


Let's move our first method over to OpenSubmittable:

# app/models/open_submittable.rb
-class OpenSubmittable
-  def score(text)
-    0
-  end

And change OpenQuestion to delegate to it:

# app/models/open_question.rb
-class OpenQuestion < Question
-  def score(text)
-    submittable.score(text)
-  end
-  def breakdown
-    text_from_ordered_answers = answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text)
-    text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ')
-  end
-  def submittable
-    OpenSubmittable.new
-  end

Each question subclass implements the score method, so we repeat this process for MultipleChoiceQuestion and ScaleQuestion. You can see the full change for this step in the example app.


At this point, we've introduced a parallel inheritance hierarchy. During a longer refactor, things may get worse before they get better. This is one of several reasons that it's always best to refactor on a branch, separately from any feature work. We'll make sure that the parallel inheritance hierarchy is removed before merging.


Pull Up Delegate Method into Base Class


After the first step, each subclass implements a submittable method to build its parallel strategy class. The score method in each subclass simply delegates to its submittable. We can now pull the score method up into the base Question class, completely removing this concern from the subclasses.


First, we add a delegator to Question:

# app/models/question.rb
-delegate :score, to: :submittable

Then, we remove the score method from each subclass.


You can see this change in full in the example app.


Move Remaining Common API into Strategies


We can now repeat the first two steps for every non-Railsy method that the subclasses implement. In our case, this is just the breakdown method.


The most interesting part of this change is that the breakdown method requires state from the subclasses, so the question is now provided to the submittable:

# app/models/multiple_choice_question.rb
-def submittable
-  MultipleChoiceSubmittable.new(self)

# app/models/multiple_choice_submittable.rb
-def answers
-  @question.answers
-def options
-  @question.options

You can view this change in the example app.


Move Remaining Non-Railsy Public Methods into Strategies


We can take a similar approach for the uncommon API; that is, public methods that are only implemented in one subclass.


First, move the body of the method into the strategy:

# app/models/scale_submittable.rb
-def steps
-  (@question.minimum..@question.maximum).to_a

Then, add a delegator. This time, the delegator can live directly on the subclass, rather than the base class:

# app/models/scale_question.rb
-def steps
-  submittable.steps

Repeat this step for the remaining public methods that aren't part of the Rails framework. You can see the full change for this step in our example app.


Remove Delegators from Subclasses


Our subclasses now contain only delegators, code to instantiate the submittable, and framework code. Eventually, we want to completely delete these subclasses, so let's start stripping them down. The delegators are easiest to delete, so let's take them on before the framework code.


First, find where the delegators are used:

# app/views/multiple_choice_questions/_multiple_choice_question_form.html.erb
-<%= form.fields_for(:options, question.options_for_form) do |option_fields| -%>
-  <%= option_fields.input :text, label: 'Option' %>
-<% end -%>

And change the code to directly use the strategy instead:

# app/views/multiple_choice_questions/_multiple_choice_question_form.html.erb
-<%= form.fields_for(:options, submittable.options_for_form) do |option_fields| -%>
-  <%= option_fields.input :text, label: 'Option' %>
-<% end -%>

You may need to pass the strategy in where the subclass was used before:

# app/views/questions/_form.html.erb
-<%= render(
-  "#{question.to_partial_path}_form",
-  submittable: question.submittable,
-  form: form
-) %>

We can come back to these locations later and see if we need to pass in the question at all.


After fixing the code that uses the delegator, remove the delegator from the subclass. Repeat this process for each delegator until they've all been removed.


You can see how we do this in the example app.


Instantiate Strategy Directly from Base Class


If you look carefully at the submittable method from each question subclass, you'll notice that it simply instantiates a class based on its own class name and passes itself to the initialize method:

# app/models/open_question.rb
-def submittable
-  OpenSubmittable.new(self)

This is a pretty strong convention, so let's apply some convention over configuration and pull the method up into the base class:

# app/models/question.rb
-def submittable
-  submittable_class_name = type.sub('Question', 'Submittable')
-  submittable_class_name.constantize.new(self)

We can then delete submittable from each of the subclasses.


At this point, the subclasses contain only Rails-specific code, like associations and validations.


You can see the full change in the example app.


Also, note that you may want to scope the constantize call in order to make the strategies easy for developers to discover and close potential security vulnerabilities.


A Fork in the Road


At this point, we're faced with a difficult decision. At first glance, it seems as though only associations and validations live in our subclasses, and we could easily move those to our strategy. However, there are two major issues.


First, you can't move the association to a strategy class without making that strategy an ActiveRecord::Base subclass. Associations are deeply coupled with ActiveRecord::Base and they simply won't work in other situations.


Also, one of our submittable strategies has state specific to that strategy. Scale questions have a minimum and maximum. These fields are only used by scale questions, but they're on the questions table. We can't remove this pollution without creating a table for scale questions.


There are two obvious ways to proceed:

  • Continue without making the strategies ActiveRecord::Base subclasses. Keep the association for multiple choice questions and the minimum and maximum for scale questions on the Question class, and use that data from the strategy. This will result in divergent change and probably a large class on Question, as every change in the data required for new or existing strategies will require new behavior on Question.
  • -
  • Convert the strategies to ActiveRecord::Base subclasses. Move the association and state specific to strategies to those classes. This involves creating a table for each strategy and adding a polymorphic association to Question. This will avoid polluting the Question class with future strategy changes, but is awkward right now, because the tables for multiple choice questions and open questions would contain no data except the primary key. These tables provide a placeholder for future strategy-specific data, but those strategies may never require any more data and until they do, the tables are a waste of queries and the developer's mental space.
  • -

In this example, we'll move forward with the second approach, because:

  • It's easier with ActiveRecord. ActiveRecord will take care of instantiating the strategy in most situations if it's an association, and it has special behavior for associations using nested attribute forms.
  • -
  • It's the easiest way to avoid divergent change and large classes in a Rails application. Both of these smells can cause problems that are hard to fix if you wait too long.
  • -

Convert Strategies to ActiveRecord Subclasses


Continuing with our refactor, we'll change each of our strategy classes to inherit from ActiveRecord::Base.


First, simply declare that the class is a child of ActiveRecord::Base:

# app/models/open_submittable.rb
-class OpenSubmittable < ActiveRecord::Base

Your tests will complain that the corresponding table doesn't exist, so create it:

# db/migrate/20130131205432_create_open_submittables.rb
-class CreateOpenSubmittables < ActiveRecord::Migration
-  def change
-    create_table :open_submittables do |table|
-      table.timestamps null: false
-    end
-  end

Our strategies currently accept the question as a parameter to initialize and assign it as an instance variable. In an ActiveRecord::Base subclass, we don't control initialize, so let's change question from an instance variable to an association and pass a hash:

# app/models/open_submittable.rb
-class OpenSubmittable < ActiveRecord::Base
-  has_one :question, as: :submittable
-  def breakdown
-    text_from_ordered_answers = answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text)
-    text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ')
-  end
-  def score(text)
-    0
-  end
-  private
-  def answers
-    question.answers
-  end
# app/models/question.rb
-def submittable
-  submittable_class = type.sub('Question', 'Submittable').constantize
-  submittable_class.new(question: self)

Our strategies are now ready to use Rails-specific functionality, like associations and validations.


View the full change on GitHub.


Introduce a Polymorphic Association


Now that our strategies are persistable using ActiveRecord, we can use them in a polymorphic association. Let's add the association:

# app/models/question.rb
-belongs_to :submittable, polymorphic: true

And add the necessary columns:

# db/migrate/20130131203344_add_submittable_type_and_id_to_questions.rb
-class AddSubmittableTypeAndIdToQuestions < ActiveRecord::Migration
-  def change
-    add_column :questions, :submittable_id, :integer
-    add_column :questions, :submittable_type, :string
-  end

We're currently defining a submittable method that overrides the association. Let's change that to a method that will build the association based on the STI type:

# app/models/question.rb
-def build_submittable
-  submittable_class = type.sub('Question', 'Submittable').constantize
-  self.submittable = submittable_class.new(question: self)

Previously, the submittable method built the submittable on demand, but now it's persisted in an association and built explicitly. Let's change our controllers accordingly:

# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb
-def build_question
-  @question = type.constantize.new(question_params)
-  @question.build_submittable
-  @question.survey = @survey

View the full change on GitHub.


Pass Attributes to Strategies


We're persisting the strategy as an association, but the strategies currently don't have any state. We need to change that, since scale submittables need a minimum and maximum.


Let's change our build_submittable method to accept attributes:

# app/models/question.rb
-def build_submittable(attributes)
-  submittable_class = type.sub('Question', 'Submittable').constantize
-  self.submittable = submittable_class.new(attributes.merge(question: self))

We can quickly change the invocations to pass an empty hash, and we're back to green.


Next, let's move the minimum and maximum fields over to the scale_submittables table:

# db/migrate/20130131211856_move_scale_question_state_to_scale_submittable.rb
-add_column :scale_submittables, :minimum, :integer
-add_column :scale_submittables, :maximum, :integer

Note that this migration is rather lengthy, because we also need to move over the minimum and maximum values for existing questions. The SQL in our example app will work on most databases, but is cumbersome. If you're using PostgreSQL, you can handle the down method easier using an UPDATE FROM statement.


Next, we'll move validations for these attributes over from ScaleQuestion:

# app/models/scale_submittable.rb
-validates :maximum, presence: true
-validates :minimum, presence: true

And change ScaleSubmittable methods to use those attributes directly, rather than looking for them on question:

# app/models/scale_submittable.rb
-def steps
-  (minimum..maximum).to_a

We can pass those attributes in our form by using fields_for and accepts_nested_attributes_for:

# app/views/scale_questions/_scale_question_form.html.erb
-<%= form.fields_for :submittable do |submittable_fields| -%>
-  <%= submittable_fields.input :minimum %>
-  <%= submittable_fields.input :maximum %>
-<% end -%>
# app/models/question.rb
-accepts_nested_attributes_for :submittable

In order to make sure the Question fails when its submittable is invalid, we can cascade the validation:

# app/models/question.rb
-validates :submittable, associated: true

Now, we just need our controllers to pass the appropriate submittable parameters:

# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb
-def build_question
-  @question = type.constantize.new(question_params)
-  @question.build_submittable(submittable_params)
-  @question.survey = @survey

# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb
-def question_params
-  params.
-    require(:question).
-    permit(:title, :options_attributes)
-def submittable_params
-  if submittable_attributes = params[:question][:submittable_attributes]
-    submittable_attributes.permit(:minimum, :maximum)
-  else
-    {}
-  end

All behavior and state is now moved from ScaleQuestion to ScaleSubmittable, and the ScaleQuestion class is completely empty.


You can view the full change in the example app.


Move Remaining Railsy Behavior Out of Subclasses


We can now repeat this process for remaining Rails-specific behavior. In our case, this is the logic to handle the options association for multiple choice questions.


We can move the association and behavior over to the strategy class:

# app/models/multiple_choice_submittable.rb
-has_many :options, foreign_key: :question_id
-has_one :question, as: :submittable
-accepts_nested_attributes_for :options, reject_if: :all_blank

Again, we remove the options method which delegated to question and rely on options being directly available. Then we update the form to use fields_for and move the allowed attributes in the controller from question to submittable.


At this point, every question subclass is completely empty.


You can view the full change in the example app.


Backfill Strategies for Existing Records


Now that everything is moved over to the strategies, we need to make sure that submittables exist for every existing question. We can write a quick backfill migration to take care of that:

# db/migrate/20130207164259_backfill_submittables.rb
-class BackfillSubmittables < ActiveRecord::Migration
-  def up
-    backfill 'open'
-    backfill 'multiple_choice'
-  end
-  def down
-    connection.delete 'DELETE FROM open_submittables'
-    connection.delete 'DELETE FROM multiple_choice_submittables'
-  end
-  private
-  def backfill(type)
-    say_with_time "Backfilling #{type}  submittables" do
-      connection.update(<<-SQL)
-        UPDATE questions
-        SET
-          submittable_id = id,
-          submittable_type = '#{type.camelize}Submittable'
-        WHERE type = '#{type.camelize}Question'
-      SQL
-      connection.insert(<<-SQL)
-        INSERT INTO #{type}_submittables
-          (id, created_at, updated_at)
-        SELECT
-          id, created_at, updated_at
-        FROM questions
-        WHERE questions.type = '#{type.camelize}Question'
-      SQL
-    end
-  end

We don't port over scale questions, because we took care of them in a previous migration.


Pass the Type When Instantiating the Strategy


At this point, the subclasses are just dead weight. However, we can't delete them just yet. We're relying on the type column to decide what type of strategy to build, and Rails will complain if we have a type column without corresponding subclasses.


Let's remove our dependence on that type column. Accept a type when building the submittable:

# app/models/question.rb
-def build_submittable(type, attributes)
-  submittable_class = type.sub('Question', 'Submittable').constantize
-  self.submittable = submittable_class.new(attributes.merge(question: self))

And pass it in when calling:

# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb
-@question.build_submittable(type, submittable_params)

Full Change


Always Instantiate the Base Class


Now we can remove our dependence on the STI subclasses by always building an instance of Question.


In our controller, we change this line:

# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb
-@question = type.constantize.new(question_params)

To this:

# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb
-@question = Question.new(question_params)

We're still relying on type as a parameter in forms and links to decide what type of submittable to build. Let's change that to submittable_type, which is already available because of our polymorphic association:

# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb
# app/views/questions/_form.html.erb
-<%= form.hidden_field :submittable_type %>

We'll also need to revisit views that rely on polymorphic partials based on the question type and change them to rely on the submittable type instead:

# app/views/surveys/show.html.erb
-<%= render(
-  question.submittable,
-  submission_fields: submission_fields
-) %>

Now we can finally remove our type column entirely:

# db/migrate/20130207214017_remove_questions_type.rb
-class RemoveQuestionsType < ActiveRecord::Migration
-  def up
-    remove_column :questions, :type
-  end
-  def down
-    add_column :questions, :type, :string
-    connection.update(<<-SQL)
-      UPDATE questions
-      SET type = REPLACE(submittable_type, 'Submittable', 'Question')
-    SQL
-    change_column_null :questions, :type, true
-  end

Full Change


Remove Subclasses


Now for a quick, glorious change: those Question subclasses are entirely empty and unused, so we can delete them.


This also removes the parallel inheritance hierarchy that we introduced earlier.


At this point, the code is as good as we found it.


Simplify Type Switching


If you were previously switching from one subclass to another as we did to change question types, you can now greatly simplify that code.


Instead of deleting the old question and cloning it with a merged set of old generic attributes and new specific attributes, you can simply swap in a new strategy for the old one.

# app/models/question.rb
-def switch_to(type, attributes)
-  old_submittable = submittable
-  build_submittable type, attributes
-  transaction do
-    if save
-      old_submittable.destroy
-    end
-  end

Our new switch_to method is greatly improved:

  • This method no longer needs to return anything, because there's no need to clone. This is nice because switch_to is no longer a mixed command and query method (i.e., it does something and returns something), but simply a command method (i.e., it just does something).
  • -
  • The method no longer needs to delete the old question, and the new submittable is valid before we delete the old one. This means we no longer need to use exceptions for control flow.
  • -
  • It's simpler and its code is obvious, so other developers will have no trouble refactoring or fixing bugs.
  • -

You can see the full change that resulted in our new method in the example app.




Our new, composition-based model is improved in a number of ways:

  • It's easy to change types.
  • -
  • Each submittable is easy to use independently of its question, reducing coupling.
  • -
  • There's a clear boundary in the API for questions and submittables, making it easier to test—and less likely that concerns leak between the two.
  • -
  • Shared behavior happens via composition, making it less likely that the base class will become a large class.
  • -
  • It's easy to add new state without effecting other types, because strategy-specific state is stored on a table for that strategy.
  • -

You can view the entire refactor with all steps combined in the example app to get an idea of what changed at the macro level.


This is a difficult transition to make, and the more behavior and data that you shove into an inheritance scheme, the harder it becomes. Regarding situations in which STI is not significantly easier than using a polymorphic relationship, it's better to start with composition. STI provides few advantages over composition, and it's easier to merge models than to split them.




Our application also got worse in a number of ways:

  • We introduced a new word into the application vocabulary. This can increase understanding of a complex system, but vocabulary overload makes simpler systems unnecessarily hard to learn.
  • -
  • We now need two queries to get a question's full state, and we'll need to query up to four tables to get information about a set of questions.
  • -
  • We introduced useless tables for two of our question types. This will happen whenever you use ActiveRecord to back a strategy without state.
  • -
  • We increased the overall complexity of the system. In this case, it may have been worth it, because we reduced the complexity per component. However, it's worth keeping an eye on.
  • -

Before performing a large change like this, try to imagine what currently difficult changes will be easier to make in the new version.


After performing a large change, keep track of difficult changes you make. Would they have been easier in the old version?


Answering these questions will increase your ability to judge whether or not to use composition or inheritance in future situations.


Next Steps

  • Check the extracted strategy classes to make sure they don't have feature envy related to the original base class. You may want to use move method to move methods between strategies and the root class.
  • -
  • Check the extracted strategy classes for duplicated code introduced while splitting up the base class. Use extract method or extract class to extract common behavior.
  • -

Replace Mixin with Composition


Mixins are one of two mechanisms for inheritance in Ruby. This refactoring provides safe steps for cleanly removing mixins that have become troublesome.


Removing a mixin in favor of composition involves the following steps:

  • Extract a class for the mixin.
  • -
  • Compose and delegate to the extracted class from each mixed in method.
  • -
  • Replace references to mixed in methods with references to the composed class.
  • -
  • Remove the mixin.
  • -


  • Liberates business logic trapped in mixins.
  • -
  • Eliminates name clashes from multiple mixins.
  • -
  • Makes methods in the mixins easier to test.
  • -



In our example applications, invitations can be delivered either by email or private message (to existing users). Each invitation method is implemented in its own class:

# app/models/message_inviter.rb
-class MessageInviter < AbstractController::Base
-  include Inviter
-  def initialize(invitation, recipient)
-    @invitation = invitation
-    @recipient = recipient
-  end
-  def deliver
-    Message.create!(
-      recipient: @recipient,
-      sender: @invitation.sender,
-      body: render_message_body
-    )
-  end
# app/models/email_inviter.rb
-class EmailInviter < AbstractController::Base
-  include Inviter
-  def initialize(invitation)
-    @invitation = invitation
-  end
-  def deliver
-    Mailer.invitation_notification(@invitation, render_message_body).deliver
-  end

The logic to generate the invitation message is the same regardless of the delivery mechanism, so this behavior has been extracted.


It's currently extracted using a mixin:

# app/models/inviter.rb
-module Inviter
-  extend ActiveSupport::Concern
-  included do
-    include AbstractController::Rendering
-    include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
-    self.view_paths = 'app/views'
-    self.default_url_options = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options
-  end
-  private
-  def render_message_body
-    render template: 'invitations/message'
-  end

Let's replace this mixin with a composition.


First, we'll extract a new class for the mixin:

# app/models/invitation_message.rb
-class InvitationMessage < AbstractController::Base
-  include AbstractController::Rendering
-  include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
-  self.view_paths = 'app/views'
-  self.default_url_options = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options
-  def initialize(invitation)
-    @invitation = invitation
-  end
-  def body
-    render template: 'invitations/message'
-  end

This class contains all the behavior that formerly resided in the mixin. In order to keep everything working, we'll compose and delegate to the extracted class from the mixin:

# app/models/inviter.rb
-module Inviter
-  private
-  def render_message_body
-    InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body
-  end


Next, we can replace references to the mixed in methods (render_message_body in this case) with direct references to the composed class:

# app/models/message_inviter.rb
-class MessageInviter
-  def initialize(invitation, recipient)
-    @invitation = invitation
-    @recipient = recipient
-    @body = InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body
-  end
-  def deliver
-    Message.create!(
-      recipient: @recipient,
-      sender: @invitation.sender,
-      body: @body
-    )
-  end
# app/models/email_inviter.rb
-class EmailInviter
-  def initialize(invitation)
-    @invitation = invitation
-    @body = InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body
-  end
-  def deliver
-    Mailer.invitation_notification(@invitation, @body).deliver
-  end

In our case, there was only one method to move. If your mixin has multiple methods, it's best to move them one at a time.


Once every reference to a mixed in method is replaced, you can remove the mixed in method. Once every mixed in method is removed, you can remove the mixin entirely.


Next Steps

  • Inject dependencies to invert control and allow the composing classes to use different implementations for the composed class.
  • -
  • Check the composing class for feature envy of the extracted class. Tight coupling is common between mixin methods and host methods, so you may need to use move method a few times to get the balance right.
  • -

Replace Callback with Method


If your models are hard to use and change because their persistence logic is coupled with business logic, one way to loosen things up is by replacing callbacks.



  • Reduces coupling of persistence logic with business logic.
  • -
  • Makes it easier to extract concerns from models.
  • -
  • Fixes bugs from accidentally triggered callbacks.
  • -
  • Fixes bugs from callbacks with side effects when transactions roll back.
  • -


  • Use extract method if the callback is an anonymous block.
  • -
  • Promote the callback method to a public method if it's private.
  • -
  • Call the public method explicitly, rather than relying on save and callbacks.
  • -



# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def deliver_invitations
-  recipients.map do |recipient_email|
-    Invitation.create!(
-      survey: survey,
-      sender: sender,
-      recipient_email: recipient_email,
-      status: 'pending',
-      message: @message
-    )
-  end
# app/models/invitation.rb
-after_create :deliver
# app/models/invitation.rb
-def deliver
-  Mailer.invitation_notification(self).deliver

In the above code, the SurveyInviter is simply creating Invitation records, and the actual delivery of the invitation email is hidden behind Invitation.create! via a callback.


If one of several invitations fails to save, the user will see a 500 page, but some of the invitations will already have been saved and delivered. The user will be unable to tell which invitations were sent.


Because delivery is coupled with persistence, there's no way to make sure that all the invitations are saved before starting to deliver emails.


Let's make the callback method public so that it can be called from SurveyInviter:

# app/models/invitation.rb
-def deliver
-  Mailer.invitation_notification(self).deliver

Then remove the after_create line to detach the method from persistence.


Now we can split invitations into separate persistence and delivery phases:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def deliver_invitations
-  create_invitations.each(&:deliver)
-def create_invitations
-  Invitation.transaction do
-    recipients.map do |recipient_email|
-      Invitation.create!(
-        survey: survey,
-        sender: sender,
-        recipient_email: recipient_email,
-        status: 'pending',
-        message: @message
-      )
-    end
-  end

If any of the invitations fail to save, the transaction will roll back. Nothing will be committed and no messages will be delivered.


Next Steps

  • Find other instances where the model is saved, to make sure that the extracted method doesn't need to be called.
  • -

Use Convention Over Configuration


Ruby's meta-programming allows us to avoid boilerplate code and duplication by relying on conventions for class names, file names and directory structure. Although depending on class names can be constricting in some situations, careful use of conventions will make your applications less tedious and more bug-proof.



  • Eliminates case statements by finding classes by name.
  • -
  • Eliminates shotgun surgery by removing the need to register or configure new strategies and services.
  • -
  • Eliminates duplicated code by removing manual associations from identifiers to class names.
  • -
  • Prevents future duplication, making it easier to avoid duplication.
  • -




This controller accepts an id parameter identifying which summarizer strategy to use and renders a summary of the survey based on the chosen strategy:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-class SummariesController < ApplicationController
-  def show
-    @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-    @summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer)
-  end
-  private
-  def summarizer
-    case params[:id]
-    when 'breakdown'
-      Breakdown.new
-    when 'most_recent'
-      MostRecent.new
-    when 'your_answers'
-      UserAnswer.new(current_user)
-    else
-      raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}"
-    end
-  end

The controller is manually mapping a given strategy name to an object that can perform the strategy with the given name. In most cases, a strategy name directly maps to a class of the same name.


We can use the constantize method from Rails to retrieve a class by name:


This will find the MostRecent class from the string "most_recent", and so on. This means we can rely on a convention for our summarizer strategies: Each named strategy will map to a class implementing that strategy. The controller can use the class as an abstract factory and obtain a summarizer.


However, we can't immediately start using constantize in our example, because there's one outlier case: The UserAnswer class is referenced using "your_answers" instead of "user_answer", and UserAnswer takes different parameters than the other two strategies.


Before refactoring the code to rely on our new convention, let's refactor to obey it. All our names should map directly to class names and each class should accept the same parameters:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def summarizer
-  case params[:id]
-  when 'breakdown'
-    Breakdown.new(user: current_user)
-  when 'most_recent'
-    MostRecent.new(user: current_user)
-  when 'user_answer'
-    UserAnswer.new(user: current_user)
-  else
-    raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}"
-  end


Now that we know we can instantiate any of the summarizer classes the same way, let's extract a method for determining the summarizer class:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def summarizer
-  summarizer_class.new(user: current_user)
-def summarizer_class
-  case params[:id]
-  when 'breakdown'
-    Breakdown
-  when 'most_recent'
-    MostRecent
-  when 'user_answer'
-    UserAnswer
-  else
-    raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}"
-  end

The extracted class performs exactly the same logic as constantize, so let's use it:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def summarizer
-  summarizer_class.new(user: current_user)
-def summarizer_class
-  params[:id].classify.constantize

Now we'll never need to change our controller when adding a new strategy; we just add a new class following the naming convention.


Scoping constantize


Our controller currently takes a string directly from user input (params) and instantiates a class with that name.


There are two issues with this approach that should be fixed:

  • There's no list of available strategies, so a developer would need to perform a complicated search to find the relevant classes.
  • -
  • Without a whitelist, users can make the application instantiate any class they want, by hacking parameters. This can result in security vulnerabilities.
  • -

We can solve both easily by altering our convention slightly: Scope all the strategy classes within a module.


We change our strategy factory method:

# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def summarizer
-  summarizer_class.new(user: current_user)
-def summarizer_class
-  params[:id].classify.constantize


# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def summarizer_class
-  "Summarizer::#{params[:id].classify}".constantize

With this convention in place, you can find all strategies by just looking in the Summarizer module. In a Rails application, this will be in a summarizer directory by convention.


Users also won't be able to instantiate anything they want by abusing our constantize, because only classes in the Summarizer module are available.




Weak Conventions


Conventions are most valuable when they're completely consistent.


The convention is slightly forced in this case because UserAnswer needs different parameters than the other two strategies. This means that we now need to add no-op initializer methods to the other two classes:

# app/models/summarizer/breakdown.rb
-class Summarizer::Breakdown
-  def initialize(options)
-  end
-  def summarize(question)
-    question.breakdown
-  end

This isn't a deal-breaker, but it makes the other classes a little noisier and adds the risk that a developer will waste time trying to remove the unused parameter.


Every compromise made weakens the convention, and having a weak convention is worse than having no convention. If you have to change the convention for every class you add that follows it, try something else.


Class-Oriented Programming


Another drawback to this solution is that it's entirely class-based, which means you can't assemble strategies at run-time. This means that reuse requires inheritance.


Also, while this class-based approach is convenient when developing an application, it's more likely to cause frustration when writing a library. Forcing developers to pass a class name instead of an object limits the amount of runtime information strategies can use. In our example, only a user was required. When you control both sides of the API, it's fine to assume that this is safe. When writing a library that will interface with other developers' applications, it's better not to rely on class names.





The DRY principle—short for "don't repeat yourself"—comes from The Pragmatic Programmer.


This principle states:


Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.


Following this principle is one of the best ways to prevent bugs and move faster. Every duplicated piece of knowledge is a bug waiting to happen. Many development techniques are really just ways to prevent and eliminate duplication, and many smells are just ways to detect existing duplication.


When knowledge is duplicated, changing it means making the same change in several places. Leaving duplication introduces a risk that the various duplicate implementations will slowly diverge, making them harder to merge and making it more likely that a bug remains in one or more incarnations after being fixed.


Duplication leads to frustration and paranoia. Rampant duplication is a common reason that developers reach for a grand rewrite.


Duplicated Knowledge vs. Duplicated Text


It's important to understand that this principle states that knowledge should not be repeated; it does not state that text should never be repeated.


For example, this sample does not violate the DRY principle, even though the word "save" is repeated several times:

def sign_up
-  @user.save
-  @account.save
-  @subscription.save

However, this code contains duplicated knowledge that could be extracted:

def sign_up_free
-  @user.save
-  @account.save
-  @trial.save
-def sign_up_paid
-  @user.save
-  @account.save
-  @subscription.save



The following smells may point toward duplicated code and can be avoided by following the DRY principle:

  • Shotgun surgery caused by changing the same knowledge in several places.
  • -
  • Long parameter lists caused by not encapsulating related properties.
  • -
  • Feature envy caused by leaking internal knowledge of a class that can be encapsulated and reused.
  • -

Making behavior easy to reuse is essential to avoiding duplication. Developers won't be tempted to copy and paste something that's easy to reuse through a small, easy to understand class or method. You can use these solutions to make knowledge easier to reuse:

- -

Applying these techniques before duplication occurs will make it less likely that duplication will occur. To effectively prevent duplication, make knowledge easier to reuse by keeping classes small and focused.


Related principles include the Law of Demeter and the single responsibility principle.


Single Responsibility Principle


The Single Responsibility Principle, often abbreviated as "SRP," was introduced by Uncle Bob Martin, and states:


A class should have only one reason to change.


Classes with fewer responsibilities are more likely to be reusable, easier to understand and faster to test. They are easy to change and require fewer changes after being written.


Although this appears to be a very simple principle, deciding whether or not any two pieces of behavior introduce two reasons to change is difficult, and obeying SRP rigidly can be frustrating.


Reasons to Change


One of the challenges in identifying reasons to change is deciding what granularity to be concerned with.


In our example application, users can invite their friends to take surveys. When an invitation is sent, we encapsulate that invitation in a basic ActiveRecord subclass:


# app/models/invitation.rb
-class Invitation < ActiveRecord::Base
-  EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i
-  STATUSES = %w(pending accepted)
-  belongs_to :sender, class_name: 'User'
-  belongs_to :survey
-  before_create :set_token
-  validates :recipient_email, presence: true, format: EMAIL_REGEX
-  validates :status, inclusion: { in: STATUSES }
-  def to_param
-    token
-  end
-  def deliver
-    body = InvitationMessage.new(self).body
-    Mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver
-  end
-  private
-  def set_token
-    self.token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64
-  end

Everything in this class has something to do with invitations. We could make the blunt assessment that this class obeys SRP, because it will only change when invitation-related functionality changes. However, looking more carefully at how invitations are implemented, several other reasons to change can be identified:

  • The format of invitation tokens changes.
  • -
  • A bug is identified in our validation of email addresses.
  • -
  • We need to deliver invitations using some mechanism other than email.
  • -
  • Invitations need to be persisted in another way, such as in a NoSQL database.
  • -
  • The API for ActiveRecord or ActiveSupport changes during an update.
  • -
  • The application switches from Rails to a new framework.
  • -

That gives us half a dozen reasons this class might change, leading to the probable conclusion that this class does not follow SRP. So, should this class be refactored?




Not all reasons to change are created equal.


As a developer, you can anticipate likely changes based on your experience—or just common sense. For example, attributes and business rules for invitations are likely to change, so we know that this class will change as invitations evolve in the application.


Regular expressions are powerful but tricky beasts, so it's likely that we'll have to adjust our regular expression. It might be nice to encapsulate that somewhere else, such as in a custom validator.


It's not always helpful to speculate as to what delivery mechanisms may loom in the distant future, but it's not out of the realm of possibility that we'll need to send messages using an internal private messaging system, or another service like Facebook or Twitter. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to use dependency injection to remove the details of delivery from this model. This may also make testing easier and make the class easier to understand as a unit, because it will remove distracting details relating to email delivery.


NoSQL databases have their uses, but we have no reason to believe we'll ever need to move these records into another type of database. ActiveRecord has proven to be a safe and steady default choice, so it's probably not worth the effort to protect ourselves against that change.


Some of our business logic is expressed using APIs from libraries that could change, such as validations and relationships. We could write our own adapter to protect ourselves from those changes, but the maintenance burden is unlikely to be worth the benefit, and it will make the code harder to understand, since there will be unnecessary indirection between the model and the framework.


Lastly, we could protect our application against framework changes by preventing any business logic from leaking into the framework classes, such as controllers and ActiveRecord models. Again, this would add a thick layer of indirection to protect against an unlikely change.


However, if you're trying out a new database, object-relational mapper or framework, it may be worth adding some increased protection. The first time you use a new database, you may not be fully confident regarding that decision. Preventing any business logic from mixing with the persistence logic will make it easier to undo that decision and revert to a familiar solution like ActiveRecord in case the new database turns against you.


The less confident you are about a decision, the more you should isolate that decision from the rest of your application.




One of the primary goals of SRP is to promote cohesive classes. The more closely related the methods and properties are to each other, the more cohesive a class is.


Classes with high cohesion are easier to understand, because the pieces fit naturally together. They're also easier to change and reuse, because they won't be coupled to any unexpected dependencies.


Following this principle will lead to high cohesion, but it's important to focus on the output of each change made to follow the principle. If you notice an extra responsibility in a class, think about the benefits of extracting that responsibility. If you think noticeably higher cohesion will be the result, charge ahead. If you think it will simply be a way to spend an afternoon, make a note of it and move on.


Responsibility Magnets


Every application develops a few black holes that like to suck up as much responsibility as possible, slowly turning into God classes.


User is a common responsibility magnet. Generally, each application has a focal point in its user interface that sucks up responsibility as well. Our example application's main feature allows users to answer questions on surveys, so Survey is a natural junk drawer for behavior.


It's easy to get sucked into a responsibility magnet by falling prey to "Just-One-More Syndrome." Whenever you're about to add a new behavior to an existing class, first check the history of that class. If there are previous commits that show developers attempting to pull functionality out of this class, chances are good that it's a responsibility over-eater. Don't feed the problem; add a new class instead.


Tension with Tell, Don't Ask


Extracting reasons to change can make it harder to follow tell, don't ask.


For example, consider a Purchase model that knows how to charge a user:

class Purchase
-  def charge
-    purchaser.charge_credit_card(total_amount)
-  end

This method follows tell, don't ask, because we can simply tell any Purchase to charge, without examining any state on the Purchase.


However, it violates the SRP, because Purchase has more than one reason to change. If the rules around charging credit cards change or the rules for calculating purchase totals change, this class will have to change.


You can more closely adhere to SRP by extracting a new class for the charge method:

class PurchaseProcessor
-  def initialize(purchase, purchaser)
-    @purchase = purchase
-    @purchaser = purchaser
-  end
-  def charge
-    @purchaser.charge_credit_card @purchase.total_amount
-  end

This class can encapsulate rules around charging credit cards and remain immune to other changes, thus following SRP. However, it now violates tell, don't ask, because it must ask the @purchase for its total_amount in order to place the charge.


These two principles are often at odds with each other and you must make a pragmatic decision about which direction works best for your own classes.




There are a number of drawbacks to following this principle too rigidly:

  • As outlined above, following this principle may lead to violations of tell, don't ask.
  • -
  • This principle causes an increase in the number of classes, potentially leading to shotgun surgery and vocabulary overload.
  • -
  • Classes that follow this principle may introduce additional indirection, making it harder to understand high-level behavior by looking at individual classes.
  • -



If you find yourself fighting any of these smells, you may want to refactor to follow the SRP:

  • Divergent change doesn't exist in classes that follow this principle.
  • -
  • Classes following this principle are easy to reuse, reducing the likelihood of Duplicated code.
  • -
  • Large classes almost certainly have more than one reason to change. Following this principle eliminates most large classes.
  • -

Code containing these smells may need refactoring before it can follow this principle:

  • Case statements make this principle difficult to follow, as every case statement introduces a new reason to change.
  • -
  • Long methods make it harder to extract concerns, as behavior can only be moved once it's encapsulated in a small, cohesive method.
  • -
  • Mixins, Single-table inheritance, and inheritance in general make it harder to follow this principle, as the boundary between parent and child class responsibilities is always fuzzy.
  • -

These solutions may be useful on the path towards SRP:

- -

Following composition over inheritance and the dependency inversion principle may make SRP easier to follow, as those principles make it easier to extract responsibilities. Following this principle will make it easier to follow the open-closed principle but may introduce violations of tell, don't ask.


Tell, Don't Ask


The Tell, Don't Ask principle advises developers to tell objects what they want done, rather than querying objects and making decisions for them.


Consider the following example:

class Order
-  def charge(user)
-    if user.has_valid_credit_card?
-      user.charge(total)
-    else
-      false
-    end
-  end

This example doesn't follow tell, don't ask. It first asks if the user has a valid credit card, and then makes a decision based on the user's state.


In order to follow tell, don't ask, we can move this decision into User#charge:


class User
-  def charge(total)
-    if has_valid_credit_card?
-      payment_gateway.charge(credit_card, total)
-      true
-    else
-      false
-    end
-  end

Now Order#charge can simply delegate to User#charge, passing its own relevant state (total):

class Order
-  def charge(user)
-    user.charge(total)
-  end

Following this principle has a number of benefits, outlined below.


Encapsulation of Logic


Following tell, don't ask encapsulates the conditions under which an operation can be performed in one place. In the above example, User should know when it makes sense to charge.


Encapsulation of State


Referencing another object's state directly couples two objects together based on what they are, rather than on what they do. By following tell, don't ask, we encapsulate state within the object that uses it, exposing only the operations that can be performed based on that state and hiding the state itself within private methods and instance variables.


Minimal Public Interface


In many cases, following tell, don't ask will result in the smallest possible public interface between classes. In the above example, has_valid_credit_card? can now be made private, because it becomes an internal concern encapsulated within User.


Public methods are a liability. Before they can be changed, moved, renamed or removed, you will need to find every consumer class and update each one accordingly.


Tension with Model—View—Controller


This principle can be difficult to follow while also following Model—View—Controller (MVC).


Consider a view that uses the above Order model:

<%= form_for @order do |form| %>
-  <% unless current_user.has_valid_credit_card? %>
-    <%= render 'credit_card/fields', form: form %>
-  <% end %>
-  <!-- Order Fields -->
-<% end %>

The view doesn't display the credit card fields if the user already has a valid credit card saved. The view needs to ask the user a question and then change its behavior based on that question, violating tell, don't ask.


You could obey tell, don't ask by making the user know how to render the credit card form:

<%= form_for @order do |form| %>
-  <%= current_user.render_credit_card_form %>
-  <!-- Order Fields -->
-<% end %>

However, this violates MVC by including view logic in the User model. In this case, it's better to keep the model, view and controller concerns separate and step across the tell, don't ask line.


When writing interactions between other models and support classes, though, make sure to give commands whenever possible and avoid deviations in behavior based on another class's state.




These smells may be a sign that you should be following tell, don't ask more:

  • Feature envy is frequently a sign that a method or part of a method should be extracted and moved to another class, to reduce the number of questions that method must ask of another object.
  • -
  • Shotgun surgery may result from state and logic leaks. Consolidating conditionals using tell, don't ask may reduce the number of changes required for new functionality.
  • -

If you find classes with these smells, they may require refactoring before you can follow tell, don't ask:

  • Case statements that inflect on methods from another object generally get in the way.
  • -
  • Mixins blur the lines between responsibilities, as mixed in methods operate on the state of the objects they're mixed into.
  • -

If you're trying to refactor classes to follow tell, don't ask, these solutions may be useful:

- -

Many Law of Demeter violations point toward violations of tell, don't ask. Following tell, don't ask may lead to violations of the single responsibility principle and the open/closed principle, since moving operations onto the best class may require modifying an existing class and adding a new responsibility.


Law of Demeter


The Law of Demeter was developed at Northeastern University. It's named after the Demeter Project, which was named after Demeter, the Greek goddess of the harvest. There is widespread disagreement as to its pronunciation, but the correct pronunciation emphasizes the second syllable; you can trust us on that.


This principle states that:


A method of an object should invoke only the methods of the following kinds of objects:

  1. itself
  2. -
  3. its parameters
  4. -
  5. any objects it creates/instantiates
  6. -
  7. its direct component objects
  8. -

Like many principles, the Law of Demeter is an attempt to help developers manage dependencies. The law restricts how deeply a method can reach into another object's dependency graph, preventing any one method from becoming tightly coupled to another object's structure.


Multiple Dots


The most obvious violation of the Law of Demeter is "multiple dots," meaning a chain of methods being invoked on each others' return values.



class User
-  def discounted_plan_price(discount_code)
-    coupon = Coupon.new(discount_code)
-    coupon.discount(account.plan.price)
-  end

The call to account.plan.price above violates the Law of Demeter by invoking price on the return value of plan. The price method is not a method on User, its parameter discount_code, its instantiated object coupon or its direct component account.


The quickest way to avoid violations of this nature is to delegate the method:

class User
-  def discounted_plan_price(discount_code)
-    account.discounted_plan_price(discount_code)
-  end
-class Account
-  def discounted_plan_price(discount_code)
-    coupon = Coupon.new(discount_code)
-    coupon.discount(plan.price)
-  end

In a Rails application, you can quickly delegate methods using ActiveSupport's delegate class method:

class User
-  delegate :discounted_plan_price, to: :account

If you find yourself writing lots of delegators, consider changing the consumer class to take a different object. For example, if you need to delegate numerous User methods to Account, it's possible that the code referencing User should actually reference an instance of Account instead.


Multiple Assignments


Law of Demeter violations are often hidden behind multiple assignments.

class User
-  def discounted_plan_price(discount_code)
-    coupon = Coupon.new(discount_code)
-    plan = account.plan
-    coupon.discount(plan.price)
-  end

The above discounted_plan_price method no longer has multiple dots on one line, but it still violates the Law of Demeter, because plan isn't a parameter, instantiated object or direct subcomponent.


The Spirit of the Law


Although the letter of the Law of Demeter is rigid, its message is broader. The fundamental goal is to avoid over-entangling a method with another object's dependencies.


This means that fixing a violation shouldn't be your objective; removing the problem that caused the violation is a better idea. Here are a few tips to avoid misguided fixes to Law of Demeter violations:

  • Many delegate methods to the same object are an indicator that your object graph may not accurately reflect the real-world relationships they represent.
  • -
  • Delegate methods with prefixes (Post#author_name) are fine, but it's worth a check to see if you can remove the prefix. If not, make sure you didn't actually want a reference to the prefix object (Post#author).
  • -
  • Avoid multiple prefixes for delegate methods, such as User#account_plan_price.
  • -
  • Avoid assigning to instance variables to work around violations.
  • -

Objects vs. Types


The version of the Law quoted at the beginning of this chapter is the "object formulation," from the original paper. The first formulation was expressed in terms of types:


For all classes C, and for all methods M attached to C, all objects to which M sends a message must be instances of classes associated with the following classes:

  1. The argument classes of M (including C).
  2. -
  3. The instance variable classes of C.
  4. -

(Objects created by M, or by functions or methods which M calls, and objects in global variables are considered as arguments of M.)


This formulation allows some more freedom when chaining using a fluent syntax. Essentially, it allows chaining as long as each step of the chain returns the same type.



# Mocking APIs
-# Ruby's Enumerable
-# String manipulation
-# ActiveRecord chains



The Law of Demeter is related to the DRY principle, in that Law of Demeter violations frequently duplicate knowledge of dependencies.



class CreditCardsController < ApplicationController
-  def charge_for_plan
-    if current_user.account.credit_card.valid?
-      price = current_user.account.plan.price
-      current_user.account.credit_card.charge price
-    end
-  end

In this example, the knowledge that a user has a credit card through its account is duplicated. That knowledge is declared somewhere in the User and Account classes when the relationship is defined, and knowledge of it then spreads to two more locations in charge_for_plan.


Like most duplication, each instance isn't too harmful; but in aggregate, duplication will slowly make refactoring become impossible.




The following smells may cause or result from Law of Demeter violations:

  • Feature envy from methods that reach through a dependency chain multiple times.
  • -
  • Shotgun surgery resulting from changes in the dependency chain.
  • -

You can use these solutions to follow the Law of Demeter:

  • Move methods that reach through a dependency to the owner of that dependency.
  • -
  • Inject dependencies so that methods have direct access to the dependencies that they need.
  • -
  • Inline class if it adds hops to the dependency chain without providing enough value.
  • -

Composition Over Inheritance


In class-based object-oriented systems, composition and inheritance are the two primary methods of reusing and assembling components. Composition Over Inheritance suggests that, when there isn't a strong case for using inheritance, developers implement reuse and assembly using composition instead.


Let's look at a simple example implemented using both composition and inheritance. In our example application, users can invite their friends to take surveys. Users can be invited using either an email or an internal private message. Each delivery strategy is implemented using a separate class.




In the inheritance model, we use an abstract base class called Inviter to implement common invitation-sending logic. We then use EmailInviter and MessageInviter subclasses to implement the delivery details.


# app/models/inviter.rb
-class Inviter < AbstractController::Base
-  include AbstractController::Rendering
-  include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
-  self.view_paths = 'app/views'
-  self.default_url_options = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options
-  private
-  def render_message_body
-    render template: 'invitations/message'
-  end
# app/models/email_inviter.rb
-class EmailInviter < Inviter
-  def initialize(invitation)
-    @invitation = invitation
-  end
-  def deliver
-    Mailer.invitation_notification(@invitation, render_message_body).deliver
-  end

# app/models/message_inviter.rb
-class MessageInviter < Inviter
-  def initialize(invitation, recipient)
-    @invitation = invitation
-    @recipient = recipient
-  end
-  def deliver
-    Message.create!(
-      recipient: @recipient,
-      sender: @invitation.sender,
-      body: render_message_body
-    )
-  end

Note that there is no clear boundary between the base class and the subclasses. The subclasses access reusable behavior by invoking private methods inherited from the base class, like render_message_body.




In the composition model, we use a concrete InvitationMessage class to implement common invitation-sending logic. We then use that class from EmailInviter and MessageInviter to reuse the common behavior, and the inviter classes implement delivery details.

# app/models/invitation_message.rb
-class InvitationMessage < AbstractController::Base
-  include AbstractController::Rendering
-  include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
-  self.view_paths = 'app/views'
-  self.default_url_options = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options
-  def initialize(invitation)
-    @invitation = invitation
-  end
-  def body
-    render template: 'invitations/message'
-  end
# app/models/email_inviter.rb
-class EmailInviter
-  def initialize(invitation)
-    @invitation = invitation
-    @body = InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body
-  end
-  def deliver
-    Mailer.invitation_notification(@invitation, @body).deliver
-  end
# app/models/message_inviter.rb
-class MessageInviter
-  def initialize(invitation, recipient)
-    @invitation = invitation
-    @recipient = recipient
-    @body = InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body
-  end
-  def deliver
-    Message.create!(
-      recipient: @recipient,
-      sender: @invitation.sender,
-      body: @body
-    )
-  end

Note that there is now a clear boundary between the common behavior in InvitationMessage and the variant behavior in EmailInviter and MessageInviter. The inviter classes access reusable behavior by invoking public methods like body on the shared class.


Dynamic vs. Static


Although the two implementations are fairly similar, one difference between them is that, in the inheritance model, the components are assembled statically. The composition model, on the other hand, assembles the components dynamically.


Ruby is not a compiled language and everything is evaluated at run-time, so claiming that anything is assembled statically may sound like nonsense. However, there are several ways in which inheritance hierarchies are essentially written in stone, or static:

  • You can't swap out a superclass once it's assigned.
  • -
  • You can't easily add and remove behaviors after an object is instantiated.
  • -
  • You can't inject a superclass as a dependency.
  • -
  • You can't easily access an abstract class's methods directly.
  • -

On the other hand, everything in a composition model is dynamic:

  • You can easily change out a composed instance after instantiation.
  • -
  • You can add and remove behaviors at any time using decorators, strategies, observers and other patterns.
  • -
  • You can easily inject composed dependencies.
  • -
  • Composed objects aren't abstract, so you can use their methods anywhere.
  • -

Dynamic Inheritance


There are very few rules in Ruby, so many of the restrictions that apply to inheritance in other languages can be worked around in Ruby. For example:

  • You can reopen and modify classes after they're defined, even while an application is running.
  • -
  • You can extend objects with modules after they're instantiated to add behaviors.
  • -
  • You can call private methods by using send.
  • -
  • You can create new classes at run-time by calling Class.new.
  • -

These features make it possible to overcome some of the rigidity of inheritance models. However, performing all of these operations is simpler with objects than it is with classes, and doing too much dynamic type definition will make the application harder to understand, by diluting the type system. After all, if none of the classes are ever fully formed, what does a class represent?


The Trouble with Hierarchies


Using subclasses introduces a subtle problem into your domain model: It assumes that your models follow a hierarchy; that is, it assumes that your types fall into a tree-like structure.


Continuing with the above example, we have a root type, Inviter, and two subtypes, EmailInviter and MessageInviter. What if we want invitations sent by admins to behave differently than invitations sent by normal users? We can create an AdminInviter class, but what will its superclass be? How will we combine it with EmailInviter and MessageInviter? There's no easy way to combine email, message and admin functionality using inheritance, so you'll end up with a proliferation of conditionals.


Composition, on the other hand, provides several ways out of this mess, such as using a decorator to add admin functionality to the inviter. Once you build objects with a reasonable interface, you can combine them endlessly with minimal modification to the existing class structure.




Mixins are Ruby's answer to multiple inheritance.


However, mixins need to be mixed into a class before they can be used. Unless you plan on building dynamic classes at runtime, you'll need to create a class for each possible combination of modules. This will result in a ton of little classes, such as AdminEmailInviter.


Again, composition provides a clean answer to this problem, because you can create as many anonymous combinations of objects as your little heart desires.


Ruby does allow dynamic use of mixins using the extend method. This technique does work, but it has its own complications. Extending an object's type dynamically in this way dilutes the meaning of the word "type," making it harder to understand what an object is. Additionally, using runtime extend can lead to performance issues in some Ruby implementations.


Single Table Inheritance


Rails provides a way to persist an inheritance hierarchy, known as Single Table Inheritance, often abbreviated as STI. Using STI, a cluster of subclasses is persisted to the same table as the base class. The name of the subclass is also saved on the row, allowing Rails to instantiate the correct subclass when pulling records back out of the database.


Rails also provides a clean way to persist composed structures using polymorphic associations. Using a polymorphic association, Rails will store both the primary key and the class name of the associated object.


Because Rails provides a clean implementation for persisting both inheritance and composition, the fact that you're using ActiveRecord should have little influence on your decision to design using inheritance versus composition.




Although composed objects are largely easy to write and assemble, there are situations in which they hurt more than inheritance trees.

  • Inheritance cleanly represents hierarchies. If you really do have a hierarchy of object types, use inheritance.
  • -
  • Subclasses always know what their superclass is, so they're easy to instantiate. If you use composition, you'll need to instantiate at least two objects to get a usable instance: the composing object and the composed object.
  • -
  • Using composition is more abstract, which means that you need a name for the composed object. In our earlier example, all three classes were "inviters" in the inheritance model, but the composition model introduced the "invitation message" concept. Excessive composition can lead to vocabulary overload.
  • -



If you see these smells in your application, they may be a sign that you should switch some classes from inheritance to composition:

  • Divergent change caused by frequent leaks into abstract base classes.
  • -
  • Large classes acting as abstract base classes.
  • -
  • Mixins serving to allow reuse while preserving the appearance of a hierarchy.
  • -

Classes with these smells may be difficult to transition to a composition model:

  • Duplicated code will need to be pulled up into the base class before subclasses can be switched to strategies.
  • -
  • Shotgun surgery may represent tight coupling between base classes and subclasses, making it more difficult to switch to composition.
  • -

These solutions will help move from inheritance to composition:

- -

After replacing inheritance models with composition, you'll be free to use these solutions to take your code further:

- -

Following this principle will make it much easier to follow the dependency inversion principle and the open/closed principle.


Open/Closed Principle


The Open/Closed Principle states that:



Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification.


The purpose of this principle is to make it possible to change or extend the behavior of an existing class without actually modifying the source code to that class.


Making classes extensible in this way has a number of benefits:

  • Every time you modify a class, you risk breaking it, along with all classes that depend on that class. Reducing churn in a class reduces bugs in that class.
  • -
  • Changing the behavior or interface to a class means that you need to update any classes that depend on the old behavior or interface. Allowing per-use extensions to a class eliminates this domino effect.
  • -



It may sound appealing to never need to change existing classes again, but achieving this is difficult in practice. Once you've identified an area that keeps changing, there are a few strategies you can use to make it possible to extend without modifications. Let's go through an example with a few of those strategies.


In our example application, we have an Invitation class that can deliver itself to an invited user:

# app/models/invitation.rb
-def deliver
-  body = InvitationMessage.new(self).body
-  Mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver

However, we need a way to allow users to unsubscribe from these notifications. We have an Unsubscribe model that holds the email addresses of users that don't want to be notified.


The most direct way to add this check is to modify Invitation directly:

# app/models/invitation.rb
-def deliver
-  unless unsubscribed?
-    body = InvitationMessage.new(self).body
-    Mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver
-  end

However, that would violate the open/closed principle. Let's see how we can introduce this change without violating the principle.





One of the most common ways to extend an existing class without modifying it is to create a new subclass.


We can use a new subclass to handle unsubscriptions:

# app/models/unsubscribeable_invitation.rb
-class UnsubscribeableInvitation < Invitation
-  def deliver
-    unless unsubscribed?
-      super
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def unsubscribed?
-    Unsubscribe.where(email: recipient_email).exists?
-  end


This can be a little awkward when trying to use the new behavior, though. For example, we need to create an instance of this class, even though we want to save it to the same table as Invitation:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def create_invitations
-  Invitation.transaction do
-    recipients.map do |recipient_email|
-      UnsubscribeableInvitation.create!(
-        survey: survey,
-        sender: sender,
-        recipient_email: recipient_email,
-        status: 'pending',
-        message: @message
-      )
-    end
-  end

This works adequately for creation, but using the ActiveRecord pattern, we'll end up with an instance of Invitation instead, if we ever reload from the database. That means that inheritance is easiest to use when the class we're extending doesn't require persistence.


Inheritance also requires some creativity in unit tests to avoid duplication.





Another way to extend an existing class is to write a decorator.


Using Ruby's DelegateClass method, we can quickly create decorators:

# app/models/unsubscribeable_invitation.rb
-class UnsubscribeableInvitation < DelegateClass(Invitation)
-  def deliver
-    unless unsubscribed?
-      super
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def unsubscribed?
-    Unsubscribe.where(email: recipient_email).exists?
-  end

The implementation is extremely similar to the subclass but it can now be applied at run-time to instances of Invitation:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def deliver_invitations
-  create_invitations.each do |invitation|
-    UnsubscribeableInvitation.new(invitation).deliver
-  end

The unit tests can also be greatly simplified using stubs.


This makes it easier to combine with persistence. However, Ruby's DelegateClass doesn't combine well with ActionPack's polymorphic URLs.


Dependency Injection


This method requires more forethought in the class you want to extend, but classes that follow inversion of control can inject dependencies to extend classes without modifying them.


We can modify our Invitation class slightly to allow client classes to inject a mailer:

# app/models/invitation.rb
-def deliver(mailer)
-  body = InvitationMessage.new(self).body
-  mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver


Now we can write a mailer implementation that checks to see if users are unsubscribed before sending them messages:

# app/mailers/unsubscribeable_mailer.rb
-class UnsubscribeableMailer
-  def self.invitation_notification(invitation, body)
-    if unsubscribed?(invitation)
-      NullMessage.new
-    else
-      Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, body)
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def self.unsubscribed?(invitation)
-    Unsubscribe.where(email: invitation.recipient_email).exists?
-  end
-  class NullMessage
-    def deliver
-    end
-  end

And we can use dependency injection to substitute it:

# app/models/survey_inviter.rb
-def deliver_invitations
-  create_invitations.each do |invitation|
-    invitation.deliver(UnsubscribeableMailer)
-  end

Everything is Open


As you've followed along with these strategies, you've probably noticed that although we've found creative ways to avoid modifying Invitation, we've had to modify other classes. When you change or add behavior, you need to change or add it somewhere. You can design your code so that most new or changed behavior takes place by writing a new class, but something, somewhere in the existing code will need to reference that new class.


It's difficult to determine what you should attempt to leave open when writing a class. It's hard to know where to leave extension hooks without anticipating every feature you might ever want to write.


Rather than attempting to guess what will require extension in the future, pay attention as you modify existing code. After each modification, check to see if there's a way you can refactor to make similar extensions possible without modifying the underlying class.


Code tends to change in the same ways over and over, so by making each change easy to apply as you need to make it, you're making the next change easier.



Monkey Patching


As a Ruby developer, you probably know that one quick way to extend a class without changing its source code is to use a monkey patch:

# app/monkey_patches/invitation_with_unsubscribing.rb
-Invitation.class_eval do
-  alias_method :deliver_unconditionally, :deliver
-  def deliver
-    unless unsubscribed?
-      deliver_unconditionally
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def unsubscribed?
-    Unsubscribe.where(email: recipient_email).exists?
-  end

Although monkey patching doesn't literally modify the class's source code, it does modify the existing class. That means that you risk breaking it, and, potentially, all classes that depend on it. Since you're changing the original behavior, you'll also need to update any client classes that depend on the old behavior.


In addition to all the drawbacks of directly modifying the original class, monkey patches also introduce confusion, as developers will need to look in multiple locations to understand the full definition of a class.


In short, monkey patching has most of the drawbacks of modifying the original class without any of the benefits of following the open/closed principle.




Although following the open/closed principle will make code easier to change, it may make it more difficult to understand. This is because the gained flexibility requires introducing indirection and abstraction. Although all of the three strategies outlined in this chapter are more flexible than the original change, directly modifying the class is the easiest to understand.


This principle is most useful when applied to classes with high reuse and potentially high churn. Applying it everywhere will result in extra work and more obscure code.




If you encounter the following smells in a class, you may want to begin following this principle:

- -

You may want to eliminate the following smells if you're having trouble following this principle:

  • Case statements make it hard to obey this principle, as you can't add to the case statement without modifying it.
  • -

You can use the following solutions to make code more compliant with this principle:

- -

Dependency Inversion Principle


The Dependency Inversion Principle, sometimes abbreviated as "DIP," was created by Uncle Bob Martin.


The principle states:


A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.


B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.


This is a very technical way of proposing that developers invert control.


Inversion of Control


Inversion of control is a technique for keeping software flexible. It combines best with small classes with single responsibilities. Inverting control means assigning dependencies at run-time, rather than statically referencing dependencies at each level.


This can be hard to understand as an abstract concept, but it's fairly simple in practice. Let's jump into an example:

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {})
-  questions.map do |question|
-    hider = UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, options[:answered_by])
-    question.summary_using(hider)
-  end
# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def show
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer, constraints)
# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def constraints
-  if include_unanswered?
-    {}
-  else
-    { answered_by: current_user }
-  end

The summaries_using method builds a summary of the answers to each of the survey's questions.


However, we also want to hide the answers to questions that the user has not personally answered, so we decorate the summarizer with an UnansweredQuestionHider. Note that we're statically referencing the concrete, lower-level detail UnansweredQuestionHider from Survey rather than depending on an abstraction.


In the current implementation, the Survey#summaries_using method will need to change whenever something changes about the summaries. For example, hiding the unanswered questions requires changes to this method.


Also, note that the conditional logic is spread across several layers. SummariesController decides whether or not to hide unanswered questions. That knowledge is passed into Survey#summaries_using. SummariesController also passes the current user down into Survey#summaries_using, and from there it's passed into UnansweredQuestionHider:

# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-class UnansweredQuestionHider
-  NO_ANSWER = "You haven't answered this question".freeze
-  def initialize(summarizer, user)
-    @summarizer = summarizer
-    @user = user
-  end
-  def summarize(question)
-    if hide_unanswered_question?(question)
-      NO_ANSWER
-    else
-      @summarizer.summarize(question)
-    end
-  end
-  private
-  def hide_unanswered_question?(question)
-    @user && !question.answered_by?(@user)
-  end


We can make future changes like this easier by inverting control:

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer)
-  questions.map do |question|
-    question.summary_using(summarizer)
-  end
# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
-def show
-  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
-  @summaries = @survey.summaries_using(decorated_summarizer)
-def decorated_summarizer
-  if include_unanswered?
-    summarizer
-  else
-    UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, current_user)
-  end

Now the Survey#summaries_using method is completely ignorant of answer hiding; it simply accepts a summarizer and the client (SummariesController) injects a decorated dependency. This means that adding similar changes won't require changing the Summary class at all.


This also allows us to simplify UnansweredQuestionHider by removing a condition:

# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb
-def hide_unanswered_question?(question)
-  !question.answered_by?(@user)

We no longer build UnansweredQuestionHider when a user isn't signed in, so we don't need to check for a user.


Where To Decide Dependencies


While following the previous example, you probably noticed that we didn't eliminate the UnansweredQuestionHider dependency; we just moved it around. This means that, while adding new summarizers or decorators won't affect Summary, they will affect SummariesController in the current implementation. So, did we actually make anything better?


In this case, the code was improved because the information that affects the dependency decision—params[:unanswered]—is now closer to where we make the decision. Before, we needed to pass a Boolean down into summaries_using, causing that decision to leak across layers.


If you push your dependency decisions up until they reach the layer that contains the information needed to make those decisions, you will prevent changes from affecting several layers.




Following this principle results in more abstraction and indirection, as it's often difficult to tell which class is being used for a dependency.


Looking at the example above, it's now impossible to know in summaries_using which class will be used for the summarizer:

# app/models/survey.rb
-def summaries_using(summarizer)
-  questions.map do |question|
-    question.summary_using(summarizer)
-  end

This makes it difficult to know exactly what's going to happen. You can mitigate this issue by using naming conventions and well-named classes. However, each abstraction introduces more vocabulary into the application, making it more difficult for new developers to learn the domain.




If you identify these smells in an application, you may want to adhere more closely to the dependency inversion principle (DIP):

  • Following DIP can eliminate shotgun surgery by consolidating dependency decisions.
  • -
  • Code suffering from divergent change may improve after having some of its dependencies injected.
  • -
  • Large classes and long methods can be reduced by injecting dependencies, as this will outsource dependency resolution.
  • -

You may need to eliminate these smells in order to properly invert control:

  • Excessive use of callbacks will make it harder to follow the DIP, because it's harder to inject dependencies into a callback.
  • -
  • Using mixins and STI for reuse will make following the DIP more difficult, because inheritance is always decided statically. Because a class can't decide its parent class at run-time, inheritance can't follow inversion of control.
  • -

You can use these solutions to refactor towards DIP-compliance:

- -

Following the single responsibility principle and composition over inheritance will make it easier to follow the dependency inversion principle. Following this principle will make it easier to obey the open/closed principle.

- - diff --git a/release/ruby-science.html.zip b/release/ruby-science.html.zip index fb0bc34..82d1a66 100644 Binary files a/release/ruby-science.html.zip and b/release/ruby-science.html.zip differ diff --git a/release/ruby-science.md b/release/ruby-science.md deleted file mode 100644 index f41b0b2..0000000 --- a/release/ruby-science.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7332 +0,0 @@ -% Ruby Science -% thoughtbot; Joe Ferris; Harlow Ward - -\clearpage - -# Introduction - -Ruby on Rails is almost a decade old, and its community has developed a number -of principles for building applications that are fast, fun and easy to change: Don't repeat yourself, keep your views dumb, keep your controllers skinny, and -keep business logic in your models. These principles carry most applications to -their first release or beyond. - -However, these principles only get you so far. After a few releases, most -applications begin to suffer. Models become fat, classes become few and large, -tests become slow and changes become painful. In many applications, there -comes a day when the developers realize that there's no going back; the -application is a twisted mess and the only way out is a rewrite or a new job. - -Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way. Developers have been using -object-oriented programming for several decades and there's a wealth of -knowledge out there that still applies to developing applications today. We can -use the lessons learned by these developers to write good Rails applications by -applying good object-oriented programming. - -Ruby Science will outline a process for detecting emerging problems in code and -will dive into the solutions, old and new. - -## Code Reviews - -Our first step toward better code is to review it. - -Have you ever sent an email with typos? Did you review what you wrote before -clicking "Send"? Reviewing your e-mails prevents mistakes and reviewing your -code does the same. - -To make it easier to review code, always work in a feature branch. The branch -reduces the temptation to push unreviewed code or to wait too long to push code. - -The first person who should review every line of your code is you. Before -committing new code, read each changed line. Use git's `diff` and `--patch` -features to examine code before you commit. Read more about these features using -`git help add` and `git help commit`. - -If you're working on a team, push your feature branch and invite your teammates -to review the changes via `git diff origin/master..HEAD`. - -Team review reveals how understandable code is to someone other than the author. Your team members' understanding now is a good indicator of your understanding -in the future. - -However, what should you and your teammates look for during review? - -## Follow Your Nose - -Code "smells" are indicators something may be wrong. They are useful because -they are easy to see—sometimes easier than the root cause of a problem. - -When you review code, watch for smells. Consider whether refactoring the code to -remove the smell would result in better code. If you're reviewing a teammate's -feature branch, share your best refactoring ideas with him or her. - -Smells are associated with one or more refactorings (example: remove the Long Method -smell using the Extract Method refactoring). Learn these associations in order -to quickly consider them during review and whether the result (example: several -small methods) improves the code. - -Don't treat code smells as bugs. It will be a waste of time to "fix" every -smell. Not every smell is the symptom of a problem and despite your best -intentions, you can accidentally introduce another smell or problem. - -## Removing Resistance - -Another opportunity for refactoring is when you're having difficulty making -a change to existing code. This is called "resistance." The refactoring you -choose depends on the type of resistance. - -Is it hard to determine where new code belongs? The code is not readable enough. -Rename methods and variables until it's obvious where your change belongs. This -and every subsequent change will be easier. Refactor for readability first. - -Is it hard to change the code without breaking existing code? Add extension -points or extract code to be easier to reuse, and then try to introduce your -change. Repeat this process until the change you want is easy to introduce. - -Each change should be easy to introduce. If it's not, refactor. - -When you are making your changes, you will be in a feature branch. Try to make -your change without refactoring. If your meet resistance, make a "work in -progress" commit, check out master and create a new refactoring branch: - - git commit -m 'wip: new feature' - git push - git checkout master - git checkout -b refactoring-for-new-feature - -Refactor until you fix the resistance you met on your feature branch. Then -rebase your feature branch on top of your refactoring branch: - - git rebase -i new-feature - git checkout new-feature - git merge refactoring-for-new-feature --ff-only - -If the change is easier now, continue in your feature branch. If not, check out -your refactoring branch and try again. - -## Bugs and Churn - -If you're spending a lot of time swatting bugs, remove smells in the methods or -classes of the buggy code. You'll make it less likely that a bug will be -reintroduced. - -After you commit a bug fix to a feature branch, find out if the code you changed -to fix the bug is in files that change often. If the buggy code does change often, -find smells and eliminate them. Separate the parts that change often from the -parts that don't. - -Conversely, avoid refactoring areas with low churn. Refactoring changes code -and with each change, you risk introducing new bugs. If a file hasn't changed -in six months, leave it alone. It may not be pretty, but you'll spend more -time looking at it when you break it by trying to fix something that wasn't broken. - -## Tools to Find Smells - -Some smells are easy to find while you're reading code and change sets, but -other smells slip through the cracks without extra help. - -Duplication is one of the hardest problems to find by hand. If you're using -diffs during code reviews, it will be invisible when you copy and paste -existing methods. The original method will be unchanged and won't show up in the -diff, so unless the reviewer knows and remembers that the original existed, he or she -won't notice that the copied method isn't just a new addition. Every duplicated -piece of code is a bug waiting to happen. - -Churn is similarly invisible, in that each change will look fine, and only the -file's full history will reveal the smell. - -Various tools are available which can aid you in your search for code smells. - -Our favorite is [Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/), which is a hosted tool -and will scan your code for issues every time you push to Git. Code Climate -attempts to locate hot spots for refactoring and assigns each class a simple A -through F grade. It identifies complexity, duplication, churn and code smells. - -If you're unable to use a hosted service, there are gems you can use locally, -such as [metric_fu], [churn], [flog], [flay], and [reek]. These gems can -identify churn, complexity, duplication and smells. - -[metric_fu]: https://github.com/metricfu/metric_fu -[churn]: https://github.com/danmayer/churn -[flog]: http://rubygems.org/gems/flog -[flay]: http://rubygems.org/gems/flay -[reek]: https://github.com/troessner/reek/wiki - -Getting obsessed with the counts and scores from these tools will distract from -the actual issues in your code, but it's worthwhile to run them continually and -watch out for potential warning signs. - -## How to Read This Book - -This book contains three catalogs: smells, solutions and principles. - -Start by looking up a smell that sounds familiar. Each chapter on smells explains -the potential problems each smell may reveal and references possible -solutions. - -Once you've identified the problem revealed by a smell, read the relevant -solution chapter to learn how to fix it. Each solution chapter explains -which problems it addresses and potential problems that can be introduced. - -Lastly, smell and solution chapters reference related principles. The smell -chapters reference principles that you can follow to avoid the root problem -in the future. The solution chapters explain how each solution changes your -code to follow related principles. - -By following this process, you'll learn how to detect and fix actual problems in -your code using smells and reusable solutions, and you'll learn about principles -that you can follow to improve the code you write from the beginning. - -## Example Application - -This book comes with a bundled example application, which you can find [on -GitHub]. Make sure that you sign into GitHub before attempting to view example -application and commit links, or you'll receive a 404 error. - -[on GitHub]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/tree/master/example_app - -Most of the code samples included in the book come directly from commits in the -example application. Several chapters link to the full commits for related -changes. At any point, you can check out the application locally and check out -those commits to explore solutions in progress. - -For some solutions, the entire change is not included in the chapter for the -sake of focus and brevity. However, you can see every change made for a solution -in the example commits, including tests. - -Make sure to take a look at the application's [README], as it contains a summary -of the application and instructions for setting it up. - -[README]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/blob/master/example_app/README.md - -\mainmatter -\part{Code Smells} - -# Long Method - -The most common smell in Rails applications is the Long Method. - -Long methods are exactly what they sound like: methods that are too long. -They're easy to spot. - -### Symptoms - -* If you can't tell exactly what a method does at a glance, it's too long. -* Methods with more than one level of nesting are usually too long. -* Methods with more than one level of abstraction may be too long. -* Methods with a flog score of 10 or higher may be too long. - -You can watch out for long methods as you write them, but finding existing -methods is easiest with tools like flog: - - % flog app lib - 72.9: flog total - 5.6: flog/method average - - 15.7: QuestionsController#create app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:9 - 11.7: QuestionsController#new app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:2 - 11.0: Question#none - 8.1: SurveysController#create app/controllers/surveys_controller.rb:6 - -Methods with higher scores are more complicated. Anything with a score higher -than 10 is worth looking at, but flog only helps you find potential trouble -spots; use your own judgment when refactoring. - -### Example - -For an example of a long method, let's take a look at the highest scored method -from flog, `QuestionsController#create`: - -``` ruby -def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id] - question_params = params. - require(:question). - permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum) - @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params) - @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type - - if @question.save - redirect_to @survey - else - render :new - end -end -``` - -### Solutions - -* [Extract method](#extract-method) is the most common way to break apart long methods. -* [Replace temp with query](#replace-temp-with-query) if you have local variables -in the method. - -After extracting methods, check for [feature envy](#feature-envy) in the new -methods to see if you should employ [move method](#move-method) to provide the -method with a better home. - -# Large Class - -Most Rails applications suffer from several Large Classes. Large classes are -difficult to understand and make it harder to change or reuse behavior. -Tests for large classes are slow and churn tends to be higher, leading to more -bugs and conflicts. Large classes likely also suffer from [divergent -change](#divergent-change). - -### Symptoms - -* You can't easily describe what the class does in one sentence. -* You can't tell what the class does without scrolling. -* The class needs to change for more than one reason. -* The class has more than seven methods. -* The class has a total flog score of 50. - -### Example - -This class has a high flog score, has a large number of methods, more private -than public methods and has multiple responsibilities: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -class Question < ActiveRecord::Base - include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection - - SUBMITTABLE_TYPES = %w(Open MultipleChoice Scale).freeze - - validates :maximum, presence: true, if: :scale? - validates :minimum, presence: true, if: :scale? - validates :question_type, presence: true, inclusion: SUBMITTABLE_TYPES - validates :title, presence: true - - belongs_to :survey - has_many :answers - has_many :options - - accepts_nested_attributes_for :options, reject_if: :all_blank - - def summary - case question_type - when 'MultipleChoice' - summarize_multiple_choice_answers - when 'Open' - summarize_open_answers - when 'Scale' - summarize_scale_answers - end - end - - def steps - (minimum..maximum).to_a - end - - private - - def scale? - question_type == 'Scale' - end - - def summarize_multiple_choice_answers - total = answers.count - counts = answers.group(:text).order('COUNT(*) DESC').count - percents = counts.map do |text, count| - percent = (100.0 * count / total).round - "#{percent}% #{text}" - end - percents.join(', ') - end - - def summarize_open_answers - answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text).join(', ') - end - - def summarize_scale_answers - sprintf('Average: %.02f', answers.average('text')) - end -end -``` - -### Solutions - -* [Move method](#move-method) to move methods to another class if an - existing class could better handle the responsibility. -* [Extract class](#extract-class) if the class has multiple responsibilities. -* [Replace conditional with polymorphism](#replace-conditional-with-polymorphism) -if the class contains private methods related to conditional branches. -* [Extract value object](#extract-value-object) if the class contains - private query methods. -* [Extract decorator](#extract-decorator) if the class contains delegation - methods. -* [Replace subclasses with strategies](#replace-subclasses-with-strategies) if - the large class is a base class in an inheritance hierarchy. - -### Prevention - -Following the [single responsibility -principle](#single-responsibility-principle) will prevent large classes from -cropping up. It's difficult for any class to become too large without taking on -more than one responsibility. - -Using [composition over inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance) makes it -easier to create small classes. - -If a large portion of the class is devoted to instantiating subclasses, try -following the [dependency inversion principle](#dependency-inversion-principle). - -Following the [open/closed principle](#openclosed-principle) will prevent large -classes by preventing new concerns from being introduced. - -You can use flog to analyze classes as you write and modify them: - - % flog -a app/models/question.rb - 48.3: flog total - 6.9: flog/method average - - 15.6: Question#summarize_multiple_choice_answers app/models/question.rb:38 - 12.0: Question#none - 6.3: Question#summary app/models/question.rb:17 - 5.2: Question#summarize_open_answers app/models/question.rb:48 - 3.6: Question#summarize_scale_answers app/models/question.rb:52 - 3.4: Question#steps app/models/question.rb:28 - 2.2: Question#scale? app/models/question.rb:34 - -## Private Methods - -In general, public methods are a greater liability than private methods. This is -because it's harder to tell where public methods are used, so you need to take -greater care when refactoring them. However, a large suite of private methods is -also a strong indicator of a large class. - -Private methods can't be reused between classes, which makes it more likely that -code will be duplicated. Extracting private methods to new classes makes it -easier for developers to do the right thing. - -Additionally, private methods can't be tested directly. This makes it more -difficult to write focused, simple unit tests, since the tests will need to go -through one or more public methods. The further a test is from the code it -tests, the harder it is to understand. - -Lastly, private methods are often the easiest to extract to new classes. Large -classes can be difficult to split up because of entangled dependencies between -public and private methods. - -Attempts to extract public methods will frequently halt when shared dependencies -are discovered on private methods. Extracting the private behavior of a class -into a small, reusable class is often the easiest first step towards splitting -up a large class. - -Keeping a class's public interface as small as possible is a best practice. -However, keep an eye on your private interface as well. A maze of private -dependencies is a good sign that your public interface is not cohesive and can -be split into two or more classes. - -## God Class - -A particular specimen of large class affects most Rails applications: the God -class. A God class is any class that seems to know everything about an -application. It has a reference to the majority of the other models and it's -difficult to answer any question or perform any action in the application -without going through this class. - -Most applications have two God classes: the user, and the central focus of the -application. For a todo list application, it will be user and todo; for photo -sharing application, it will be user and photo. - -You need to be particularly vigilant about refactoring these classes. If you -don't start splitting up your God classes early on, it will become -impossible to separate them without rewriting most of your application. - -Treatment and prevention of God classes is the same as for any large class. - -# Feature Envy - -Feature envy reveals a method (or method-to-be) that would work better on a -different class. - -Methods suffering from feature envy contain logic that is difficult to reuse -because the logic is trapped within a method on the wrong class. These methods -are also often private methods, which makes them unavailable to other classes. -Moving the method (or the affected portion of a method) to a more appropriate class -improves readability, makes the logic easier to reuse and reduces coupling. - -### Symptoms - -* Repeated references to the same object. -* Parameters or local variables that are used more than methods and instance - variables of the class in question. -* Methods that include a class name in their own names (such as `invite_user`). -* Private methods on the same class that accept the same parameter. -* [Law of Demeter](#law-of-demeter) violations. -* [Tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask) violations. - -### Example - -```ruby -# app/models/completion.rb -def score - answers.inject(0) do |result, answer| - question = answer.question - result + question.score(answer.text) - end -end -``` - -The `answer` local variable is used twice in the block: once to get its -`question`, and once to get its `text`. This tells us that we can probably -extract a new method and move it to the `answer` class. - -### Solutions - -* [Extract method](#extract-method) if only part of the method suffers from - feature envy; then move the method. -* [Move method](#move-method) if the entire method suffers from feature envy. -* [Inline class](#inline-class) if the envied class isn't pulling its weight. - -### Prevention - -Following the [law of Demeter](#law-of-demeter) will prevent a lot of feature -envy by limiting the dependencies of each method. - -Following [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask) will prevent feature envy by -avoiding unnecessary inspection of another object's state. - - -# Case Statement - -Case Statements are a sign that a method contains too much knowledge. - -### Symptoms - -* Case statements that check the class of an object. -* Case statements that check a type code. -* [Divergent change](#divergent-change) caused by changing or adding `when` - clauses. -* [Shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) caused by duplicating the case statement. - -Actual `case` statements are extremely easy to find. Just grep your codebase for -"case." However, you should also be on the lookout for `case`'s sinister cousin, -the repetitive `if-elsif`. - -## Type Codes - -Some applications contain type codes—fields that store type information about -objects. These fields are easy to add and seem innocent, but result in code -that's harder to maintain. A better solution is to take advantage of Ruby's -ability to invoke different behavior based on an object's class, called "dynamic -dispatch." Using a case statement with a type code inelegantly reproduces -dynamic dispatch. - -The special `type` column that ActiveRecord uses is not necessarily a type code. -The `type` column is used to serialize an object's class to the database so -that the correct class can be instantiated later on. If you're just using the -`type` column to let ActiveRecord decide which class to instantiate, this isn't -a smell. However, make sure to avoid referencing the `type` column from `case` -or `if` statements. - -### Example - -This method summarizes the answers to a question. The summary varies based on -the type of question. - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summary - case question_type - when 'MultipleChoice' - summarize_multiple_choice_answers - when 'Open' - summarize_open_answers - when 'Scale' - summarize_scale_answers - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -Note that many applications replicate the same `case` statement, which is a more -serious offence. This view duplicates the `case` logic from `Question#summary`, -this time in the form of multiple `if` statements: - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/_question.html.erb -<% if question.question_type == 'MultipleChoice' -%> -
    - <% question.options.each do |option| -%> -
  1. - <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, option.text, id: dom_id(option) %> - <%= content_tag :label, option.text, for: dom_id(option) %> -
  2. - <% end -%> -
-<% end -%> - -<% if question.question_type == 'Scale' -%> -
    - <% question.steps.each do |step| -%> -
  1. - <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, step %> - <%= submission_fields.label "text_#{step}", label: step %> -
  2. - <% end -%> -
-<% end -%> -``` - -### Solutions - -* [Replace type code with subclasses](#replace-type-code-with-subclasses) if the - `case` statement is checking a type code, such as `question_type`. -* [Replace conditional with polymorphism](#replace-conditional-with-polymorphism) - when the `case` statement is checking the class of an object. -* [Use convention over configuration](#use-convention-over-configuration) when - selecting a strategy based on a string name. - -# Shotgun Surgery - -Shotgun Surgery is usually a more obvious symptom that reveals another smell. - -### Symptoms - -* You have to make the same small change across several different files. -* Changes become difficult to manage because they are hard to keep track of. - -Make sure you look for related smells in the affected code: - -* [Duplicated code](#duplicated-code) -* [Case statement](#case-statement) -* [Feature envy](#feature-envy) -* [Long parameter list](#long-parameter-list) - -### Example - -Users' names are formatted and displayed as "First Last" throughout the -application. If you want to change the formatting to include a middle initial -(example: "First M. Last") you'll need to make the same small change in several -places. - -```rhtml -# app/views/users/show.html.erb -<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %> - -# app/views/users/index.html.erb -<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %> - -# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb -<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %> - -# app/views/mailers/completion_notification.html.erb -<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %> - -``` - -### Solutions - -* [Replace conditional with polymorphism](#replace-conditional-with-polymorphism) -to replace duplicated `case` statements and `if-elsif` blocks. -* [Replace conditional with null object](#replace-conditional-with-null-object) - if changing a method to return `nil` would require checks for `nil` in several - places. -* [Extract decorator](#extract-decorator) to replace duplicated display code in -views/templates. -* [Introduce parameter object](#introduce-parameter-object) to hang useful -formatting methods alongside a data clump of related attributes. -* [Use convention over configuration](#use-convention-over-configuration) to - eliminate small steps that can be inferred based on a convention, such as a - name. -* [Inline class](#inline-class) if the class only serves to add extra steps when - performing changes. - -### Prevention - -If your changes become spread out because you need to pass information between -boundaries for dependencies, try [inverting -control](#dependency-inversion-principle). - -If you find yourself repeating the exact same change in several places, make -sure that you [Don't Repeat Yourself](#dry). - -If you need to change several places because of a modification in your -dependency chain, such as changing `user.plan.price` to -`user.account.plan.price`, make sure that you're following the [law of -Demeter](#law-of-demeter). - -If conditional logic is affected in several places by a single, cohesive change, -make sure that you're following [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask). - -# Divergent Change - -A class suffers from Divergent Change when it changes for multiple reasons. - -### Symptoms - -* You can't easily describe what the class does in one sentence. -* The class is changed more frequently than other classes in the application. -* Different changes to the class aren't related to each other. - -\clearpage - -### Example - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -class SummariesController < ApplicationController - def show - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer) - end - - private - - def summarizer - case params[:id] - when 'breakdown' - Breakdown.new - when 'most_recent' - MostRecent.new - when 'your_answers' - UserAnswer.new(current_user) - else - raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}" - end - end -end -``` - -This controller has many reasons to change: - -* Control flow logic related to summaries, such as authentication. -* Any instance in which a summarizer strategy is added or changed. - -### Solutions - -* [Extract class](#extract-class) to move one cause of change to a new class. -* [Move method](#move-method) if the class is changing because of methods that - relate to another class. -* [Extract validator](#extract-validator) to move validation logic out of - models. -* [Introduce form object](#introduce-form-object) to move form logic out of - controllers. -* [Use convention over configuration](#use-convention-over-configuration) to - eliminate changes that can be inferred by a convention, such as a name. - -### Prevention - -You can prevent divergent change from occurring by following the [single -responsibility principle](#single-responsibility-principle). If a class has only -one responsibility, it has only one reason to change. - -Following the [open/closed principle](#openclosed-principle) limits future -changes to classes, including divergent change. - -Following [composition over inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance) will -make it easier to create small classes, preventing divergent change. - -If a large portion of the class is devoted to instantiating subclasses, try -following the [dependency inversion principle](#dependency-inversion-principle). - -You can use churn to discover which files are changing most frequently. This -isn't a direct relationship, but frequently changed files often have more than -one responsibility and thus more than one reason to change. - -# Long Parameter List - -Ruby supports positional method arguments which can lead to Long Parameter -Lists. - -### Symptoms - -* You can't easily change the method's arguments. -* The method has three or more arguments. -* The method is complex due to number of collaborating parameters. -* The method requires large amounts of setup during isolated testing. - -\clearpage - -### Example - -Look at this mailer for an example of long parameter list. - -```ruby -# app/mailers/mailer.rb -class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base - default from: "from@example.com" - - def completion_notification(first_name, last_name, email) - @first_name = first_name - @last_name = last_name - - mail( - to: email, - subject: 'Thank you for completing the survey' - ) - end -end -``` - -### Solutions - -* [Introduce parameter object](#introduce-parameter-object) and pass it in as an - object of naturally grouped attributes. - -* [Extract class](#extract-class) if the method is complex due to the number of - collaborators. - -### Anti-Solution - -A common technique used to mask a long parameter list is grouping parameters -using a hash of named parameters; this will replace connascence of position with -connascence of name (a good first step). However, it will not reduce the number -of collaborators in the method. - -# Duplicated Code - -One of the first principles we're taught as developers: [Don't Repeat -Yourself](#dry). - -### Symptoms - -* You find yourself copying and pasting code from one place to another. -* [Shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) occurs when changes to your application -require the same small edits in multiple places. - -\clearpage - -### Example - -The `QuestionsController` suffers from duplication in the `create` and `update` methods. - -```ruby -# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb -def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - question_params = params. - require(:question). - permit(:title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum) - @question = type.constantize.new(question_params) - @question.survey = @survey - - if @question.save - redirect_to @survey - else - render :new - end -end - -def update - @question = Question.find(params[:id]) - question_params = params. - require(:question). - permit(:title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum) - @question.update_attributes(question_params) - - if @question.save - redirect_to @question.survey - else - render :edit - end -end -``` - -### Solutions - -* [Extract method](#extract-method) for duplicated code in the same file. -* [Extract class](#extract-class) for duplicated code across multiple files. -* [Extract partial](#extract-partial) for duplicated view and template code. -* [Replace conditional with polymorphism](#replace-conditional-with-polymorphism) -for duplicated conditional logic. -* [Replace conditional with null object](#replace-conditional-with-null-object) - to remove duplicated checks for `nil` values. - -### Prevention - -Following the [single responsibility -principle](#single-responsibility-principle) will result in small classes that -are easier to reuse, reducing the temptation of duplication. - -# Uncommunicative Name - -Software is run by computers—but written and read by humans. Names provide -important information to developers who are trying to understand a piece of -code. Patterns and challenges when naming a method or class can also provide -clues for refactoring. - -### Symptoms - -* Difficulty understanding a method or class. -* Methods or classes with similar names but dissimilar functionality. -* Redundant names, such as names that include the type of object to which they - refer. - -### Example - -In our example application, the `SummariesController` generates summaries from a -`Survey`: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -@summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer) -``` - -The `summarize` method on `Survey` asks each `Question` to `summarize` itself -using a `summarizer`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summarize(summarizer) - questions.map do |question| - question.summarize(summarizer) - end -end -``` - -The `summarize` method on `Question` gets a value by calling `summarize` on a -summarizer, and then builds a `Summary` using that value. - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summarize(summarizer) - value = summarizer.summarize(self) - Summary.new(title, value) -end -``` - -There are several summarizer classes, each of which respond to `summarize`. - -If you're lost, don't worry: You're not the only one. The confusing maze of -similar names makes this example extremely hard to follow. - -See [rename method](#rename-method) to see how we improve the situation. - -### Solutions - -* [Rename method](#rename-method) if a well-factored method isn't well named. -* [Extract class](#extract-class) if a class is doing too much to have a - meaningful name. -* [Extract method](#extract-method) if a method is doing too much to have a - meaningful name. -* [Inline class](#inline-class) if a class is too abstract to have a meaningful - name. - -# Single Table Inheritance (STI) - -Using subclasses is a common method of achieving reuse in object-oriented -software. Rails provides a mechanism for storing instances of different classes -in the same table, called Single Table Inheritance. Rails takes care of most -of the details by writing the class's name to the type column and instantiating -the correct class when results come back from the database. - -Inheritance has its own pitfalls (see [composition over -inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance)) and STI introduces a few new -gotchas that may compel you to consider an alternate solution. - -### Symptoms - -* You need to change from one subclass to another. -* Behavior is shared among some subclasses but not others. -* One subclass is a fusion of one or more other subclasses. - -\clearpage - -### Example - -This method on `Question` changes the question to a new type. Any necessary -attributes for the new subclass are provided to the `attributes` method. - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def switch_to(type, new_attributes) - attributes = self.attributes.merge(new_attributes) - new_question = type.constantize.new(attributes.except('id', 'type')) - new_question.id = id - - begin - Question.transaction do - destroy - new_question.save! - end - rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid - end - - new_question -end -``` - -This transition is difficult for a number of reasons: - -* You need to worry about common `Question` validations. -* You need to make sure validations for the old subclass are not used. -* You need to make sure validations for the new subclass are used. -* You need to delete data from the old subclass, including associations. -* You need to support data from the new subclass. -* Common attributes need to remain the same. - -The implementation achieves all these requirements, but is awkward: - -* You can't actually change the class of an instance in Ruby, so you need to - return the instance of the new class. -* The implementation requires deleting and creating records, but part of the - transaction (`destroy`) must execute before you can validate the new instance. - This results in control flow using exceptions. -* The STI abstraction leaks into the model, because it needs to understand that - it has a `type` column. STI models normally don't need to understand that - they're implemented using STI. -* It's hard to understand why this method is implemented the way it is, so other - developers fixing bugs or refactoring in the future will have a hard time - navigating it. - -### Solutions - -* If you're using STI to reuse common behavior, use [replace subclasses with - strategies](#replace-subclasses-with-strategies) to switch to a - composition-based model. -* If you're using STI so that you can easily refer to several different classes - in the same table, switch to using a polymorphic association instead. - -### Prevention - -By following [composition over inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance), -you'll use STI as a solution less often. - -# Comments - -Comments can be used appropriately to introduce classes and provide -documentation. But used incorrectly, they mask readability and process problems -by further obfuscating already unreadable code. - -### Symptoms - -* Comments within method bodies. -* More than one comment per method. -* Comments that restate the method name in English. -* Todo comments. -* Commented out, dead code. - -### Example - -```ruby -# app/models/open_question.rb -def summary - # Text for each answer in order as a comma-separated string - answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text).join(', ') -end -``` - -This comment is trying to explain what the following line of code does because -the code itself is too hard to understand. A better solution would be to improve -the legibility of the code. - -Some comments add no value at all and can safely be removed: - -``` ruby -class Invitation - # Deliver the invitation - def deliver - Mailer.invitation_notification(self, message).deliver - end -end -``` - -If there isn't a useful explanation to provide for a method or class beyond the -name, don't leave a comment. - -### Solutions - -* [Introduce explaining variable](#introduce-explaining-variable) to make - obfuscated lines easier to read in pieces. -* [Extract method](#extract-method) to break up methods that are difficult - to read. -* Move todo comments into a task management system. -* Delete commented out code and rely on version control in the event that you - want to get it back. -* Delete superfluous comments that don't add more value than the method or class - name. - -# Mixin - -Inheritance is a common method of reuse in object-oriented software. Ruby -supports single inheritance using subclasses and multiple inheritance using -Mixins. Mixins can be used to package common helpers or provide a common public -interface. - -However, mixins have some drawbacks: - -* They use the same namespace as classes they're mixed into, which can cause - naming conflicts. -* Although they have access to instance variables from classes they're mixed - into, mixins can't easily accept initializer arguments, so they can't have - their own state. -* They inflate the number of methods available in a class. -* They're not easy to add and remove at runtime. -* They're difficult to test in isolation, since they can't be instantiated. - -### Symptoms - -* Methods in mixins that accept the same parameters over and over. -* Methods in mixins that don't reference the state of the class they're mixed - into. -* Business logic that can't be used without using the mixin. -* Classes that have few public methods except those from a mixin. -* [Inverting dependencies](#dependency-inversion-principle) is difficult because - mixins can't accept parameters. - -### Example - -In our example application, users can invite their friends by email to take -surveys. If an invited email matches an existing user, a private message will be -created. Otherwise, a message is sent to that email address with a link. - -The logic to generate the invitation message is the same regardless of the -delivery mechanism, so this behavior is encapsulated in a mixin: - -```ruby -# app/models/inviter.rb -module Inviter - extend ActiveSupport::Concern - - included do - include AbstractController::Rendering - include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers - - self.view_paths = 'app/views' - self.default_url_options = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options - end - - private - - def render_message_body - render template: 'invitations/message' - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -Each delivery strategy mixes in `Inviter` and calls `render_message_body`: - -```ruby -# app/models/message_inviter.rb -class MessageInviter < AbstractController::Base - include Inviter - - def initialize(invitation, recipient) - @invitation = invitation - @recipient = recipient - end - - def deliver - Message.create!( - recipient: @recipient, - sender: @invitation.sender, - body: render_message_body - ) - end -end -``` - -Although the mixin does a good job of preventing [duplicated -code](#duplicated-code), it's difficult to test or understand in isolation, it -obfuscates the inviter classes, and it tightly couples the inviter classes to a -particular message body implementation. - -### Solutions - -* [Extract class](#extract-class) to liberate business logic trapped in mixins. -* [Replace mixin with composition](#replace-mixin-with-composition) to improve - testability, flexibility and readability. - -### Prevention - -Mixins are a form of inheritance. By following [composition over -inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance), you'll be less likely to introduce -mixins. - -Reserve mixins for reusable framework code like common associations and -callbacks, and you'll end up with a more flexible and comprehensible system. - -# Callback - -Callbacks are a convenient way to decorate the default `save` method with custom -persistence logic, without the drudgery of template methods, overriding, or -calling `super`. - -However, callbacks are frequently abused by adding non-persistence logic to the -persistence life cycle, such as sending emails or processing payments. Models -riddled with callbacks are harder to refactor and prone to bugs, such as -accidentally sending emails or performing external changes before a database -transaction is committed. - -### Symptoms - -* Callbacks containing business logic, such as processing payments. -* Attributes that allow certain callbacks to be skipped. -* Methods such as `save_without_sending_email`, which skip callbacks. -* Callbacks that need to be invoked conditionally. - -\clearpage - -### Example - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def deliver_invitations - recipients.map do |recipient_email| - Invitation.create!( - survey: survey, - sender: sender, - recipient_email: recipient_email, - status: 'pending', - message: @message - ) - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -after_create :deliver -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -def deliver - Mailer.invitation_notification(self).deliver -end -``` - -In the above code, the `SurveyInviter` is simply creating `Invitation` records, -and the actual delivery of the invitation email is hidden behind -`Invitation.create!` via a callback. - -If one of several invitations fails to save, the user will see a 500 page, but -some of the invitations will already have been saved and delivered. The user -will be unable to tell which invitations were sent. - -Because delivery is coupled with persistence, there's no way to make sure that -all of the invitations are saved before starting to deliver emails. - -### Solutions - -* [Replace callback with method](#replace-callback-with-method) if the callback - logic is unrelated to persistence. - -\part{Solutions} - -# Replace Conditional with Polymorphism - -Conditional code clutters methods, makes extraction and reuse harder and can -lead to leaky concerns. Object-oriented languages like Ruby allow developers to -avoid conditionals using polymorphism. Rather than using `if`/`else` or -`case`/`when` to create a conditional path for each possible situation, you can -implement a method differently in different classes, adding (or reusing) a class -for each situation. - -Replacing conditional code allows you to move decisions to the best point in the -application. Depending on polymorphic interfaces will create classes that don't -need to change when the application changes. - -### Uses - -* Removes [divergent change](#divergent-change) from classes that need to alter - their behavior based on the outcome of the condition. -* Prevents [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) from adding new types. -* Removes [feature envy](#feature-envy) by allowing dependent classes to make - their own decisions. -* Makes it easier to remove [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) by taking - behavior out of conditional clauses and private methods. -* Makes conditional logic easier to reuse, which makes it easier to [avoid - duplication](#dry). -* Replaces conditional logic with simple commands, following [tell, don't - ask](#tell-dont-ask). - -### Example - -This `Question` class summarizes its answers differently depending on its -`question_type`: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -class Question < ActiveRecord::Base - include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection - - SUBMITTABLE_TYPES = %w(Open MultipleChoice Scale).freeze - - validates :maximum, presence: true, if: :scale? - validates :minimum, presence: true, if: :scale? - validates :question_type, presence: true, inclusion: SUBMITTABLE_TYPES - validates :title, presence: true - - belongs_to :survey - has_many :answers - has_many :options - - accepts_nested_attributes_for :options, reject_if: :all_blank - - def summary - case question_type - when 'MultipleChoice' - summarize_multiple_choice_answers - when 'Open' - summarize_open_answers - when 'Scale' - summarize_scale_answers - end - end - - def steps - (minimum..maximum).to_a - end - - private - - def scale? - question_type == 'Scale' - end - - def summarize_multiple_choice_answers - total = answers.count - counts = answers.group(:text).order('COUNT(*) DESC').count - percents = counts.map do |text, count| - percent = (100.0 * count / total).round - "#{percent}% #{text}" - end - percents.join(', ') - end - - def summarize_open_answers - answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text).join(', ') - end - - def summarize_scale_answers - sprintf('Average: %.02f', answers.average('text')) - end -end -``` - -There are a number of issues with the `summary` method: - -* Adding a new question type will require modifying the method, leading to - [divergent change](#divergent-change). -* The logic and data for summarizing every type of question and answer is jammed - into the `Question` class, resulting in a [large class](#large-class) with - [obscure code](#obscure-code). -* This method isn't the only place in the application where question - types are checked, meaning that new types will cause [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery). - -There are several ways to refactor to use polymorphism. In this chapter, we'll -demonstrate a solution that uses subclasses to replace type codes, which is -one of the simplest solutions to implement. However, make sure to see the [Drawbacks](#drawbacks) section in this chapter for alternative -implementations. - -## Replace Type Code with Subclasses - -Let's replace this case statement with polymorphism by introducing a subclass -for each type of question. - -Our `Question` class is a subclass of `ActiveRecord::Base`. If we want to create -subclasses of `Question`, we have to tell ActiveRecord which subclass to -instantiate when it fetches records from the `questions` table. The mechanism -Rails uses for storing instances of different classes in the same table is -called [single table inheritance](#single-table-inheritance-sti). Rails will -take care of most of the details, but there are a few extra steps we need to -take when refactoring to single table inheritance. - -## Single Table Inheritance (STI) - -The first step to convert to [STI](#single-table-inheritance-sti) is generally -to create a new subclass for each type. However, the existing type codes are -named "Open," "Scale" and "MultipleChoice," which won't make good class names. Names like "OpenQuestion" would be better, so let's start by changing the -existing type codes: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summary - case question_type - when 'MultipleChoiceQuestion' - summarize_multiple_choice_answers - when 'OpenQuestion' - summarize_open_answers - when 'ScaleQuestion' - summarize_scale_answers - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -```ruby -# db/migrate/20121128221331_add_question_suffix_to_question_type.rb -class AddQuestionSuffixToQuestionType < ActiveRecord::Migration - def up - connection.update(<<-SQL) - UPDATE questions SET question_type = question_type || 'Question' - SQL - end - - def down - connection.update(<<-SQL) - UPDATE questions SET question_type = REPLACE(question_type, 'Question', '') - SQL - end -end -``` - -See [commit b535171] for the full change. - -[commit b535171]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/b535171 - -The `Question` class stores its type code as `question_type`. The Rails -convention is to use a column named `type`, but Rails will automatically start -using STI if that column is present. That means that renaming `question_type` to -`type` at this point would result in debugging two things at once: possible -breaks from renaming and possible breaks from using STI. Therefore, let's -start by just marking `question_type` as the inheritance column, allowing us to -debug STI failures by themselves: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -set_inheritance_column 'question_type' -``` - -Running the tests after this will reveal that Rails wants the subclasses to be -defined, so let's add some placeholder classes: - -```ruby -# app/models/open_question.rb -class OpenQuestion < Question -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/scale_question.rb -class ScaleQuestion < Question -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/multiple_choice_question.rb -class MultipleChoiceQuestion < Question -end -``` - -Rails generates URLs and local variable names for partials based on class names. -Our views will now be getting instances of subclasses like `OpenQuestion` rather -than `Question`, so we'll need to update a few more references. For example, -we'll have to change lines like: - -``` erb -<%= form_for @question do |form| %> -``` - -To: - -``` erb -<%= form_for @question, as: :question do |form| %> -``` - -Otherwise, it will generate `/open_questions` as a URL instead of `/questions`. -See [commit c18ebeb] for the full change. - -[commit c18ebeb]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/c18ebeb - -At this point, the tests are passing with STI in place, so we can rename -`question_type` to `type`, following the Rails convention: - -```ruby -# db/migrate/20121128225425_rename_question_type_to_type.rb -class RenameQuestionTypeToType < ActiveRecord::Migration - def up - rename_column :questions, :question_type, :type - end - - def down - rename_column :questions, :type, :question_type - end -end -``` - -Now we need to build the appropriate subclass instead of `Question`. We can use -a little Ruby meta-programming to make that fairly painless: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb -def build_question - @question = type.constantize.new(question_params) - @question.survey = @survey -end - -def type - params[:question][:type] -end -``` - -At this point, we're ready to proceed with a regular refactoring. - -### Extracting Type-Specific Code - -The next step is to move type-specific code from `Question` into the subclass -for each specific type. - -Let's look at the `summary` method again: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summary - case question_type - when 'MultipleChoice' - summarize_multiple_choice_answers - when 'Open' - summarize_open_answers - when 'Scale' - summarize_scale_answers - end -end -``` - -For each path of the condition, there is a sequence of steps. - -The first step is to use [extract method](#extract-method) to move each path to -its own method. In this case, we already extracted methods called -`summarize_multiple_choice_answers`, `summarize_open_answers`, and -`summarize_scale_answers`, so we can proceed immediately. - -The next step is to use [move method](#move-method) to move the extracted method -to the appropriate class. First, let's move the method -`summarize_multiple_choice_answers` to `MultipleChoiceQuestion` and rename it to -`summary`: - -```` ruby -class MultipleChoiceQuestion < Question - def summary - total = answers.count - counts = answers.group(:text).order('COUNT(*) DESC').count - percents = counts.map do |text, count| - percent = (100.0 * count / total).round - "#{percent}% #{text}" - end - percents.join(', ') - end -end -```` - -`MultipleChoiceQuestion#summary` now overrides `Question#summary`, so the -correct implementation will now be chosen for multiple choice questions. - -Now that the code for multiple choice types is in place, we repeat the steps for -each other path. Once every path is moved, we can remove `Question#summary` -entirely. - -In this case, we've already created all our subclasses, but you can use [extract -class](#extract-class) to create them if you're extracting each conditional path -into a new class. - -You can see the full change for this step in [commit a08f801]. - -[commit a08f801]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/a08f801 - -The `summary` method is now much better. Adding new question types is easier. -The new subclass will implement `summary` and the `Question` class doesn't need -to change. The summary code for each type now lives with its type, so no one -class is cluttered up with the details. - -## Polymorphic Partials - -Applications rarely check the type code in just one place. Running grep on our -example application reveals several more places. Most interestingly, the views -check the type before deciding how to render a question: - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/_question.html.erb -<% if question.type == 'MultipleChoiceQuestion' -%> -
    - <% question.options.each do |option| -%> -
  1. - <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, option.text, id: dom_id(option) %> - <%= content_tag :label, option.text, for: dom_id(option) %> -
  2. - <% end -%> -
-<% end -%> - -<% if question.type == 'ScaleQuestion' -%> -
    - <% question.steps.each do |step| -%> -
  1. - <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, step %> - <%= submission_fields.label "text_#{step}", label: step %> -
  2. - <% end -%> -
-<% end -%> - -<% if question.type == 'OpenQuestion' -%> - <%= submission_fields.text_field :text %> -<% end -%> -``` - -In the previous example, we moved type-specific code into `Question` subclasses. -However, moving view code would violate MVC (introducing [divergent -change](#divergent-change) into the subclasses) and, more importantly, it would -be ugly and hard to understand. - -Rails has the ability to render views polymorphically. A line like this— - -```` erb -<%= render @question %> -```` - -—will ask `@question` which view should be rendered by calling `to_partial_path`. -As subclasses of `ActiveRecord::Base`, our `Question` subclasses will return a -path based on their class name. This means that the above line will attempt to -render `open_questions/_open_question.html.erb` for an open question, and so on. - -We can use this to move the type-specific view code into a view for each type: - -```rhtml -# app/views/open_questions/_open_question.html.erb -<%= submission_fields.text_field :text %> -``` - -You can see the full change in [commit 8243493]. - -[commit 8243493]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/8243493 - -### Multiple Polymorphic Views - -Our application also has different fields on the question form depending on the -question type. Currently, that also performs type-checking: - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/new.html.erb -<% if @question.type == 'MultipleChoiceQuestion' -%> - <%= form.fields_for(:options, @question.options_for_form) do |option_fields| -%> - <%= option_fields.input :text, label: 'Option' %> - <% end -%> -<% end -%> - -<% if @question.type == 'ScaleQuestion' -%> - <%= form.input :minimum %> - <%= form.input :maximum %> -<% end -%> -``` - -We already used views like `open_questions/_open_question.html.erb` for showing -a question, so we can't just put the edit code there. Rails doesn't support -prefixes or suffixes in `render`, but we can do it ourselves easily enough: - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/new.html.erb -<%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %> -``` - -This will render `app/views/open_questions/_open_question_form.html.erb` for an -open question, and so on. - -### Drawbacks - -It's worth noting that, although this refactoring improved this particular -example, replacing conditionals with polymorphism is not without its drawbacks. - -Using polymorphism like this makes it easier to add new types, because adding a -new type means that you just need to add a new class and implement the required -methods. Adding a new type won't require changes to any existing classes, and -it's easy to understand what the types are because each type is encapsulated -within a class. - -However, this change makes it harder to add new behaviors. Adding a new behavior -will mean finding every type and adding a new method. Understanding the behavior -becomes more difficult because the implementations are spread out among the -types. Object-oriented languages lean toward polymorphic implementations, but -if you find yourself adding behaviors much more often than adding types, you -should look into using observers or visitors instead. - -Using subclasses forces you to use inheritance instead of composition for reuse -and separation of concerns. See [composition over -inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance) for more on this subject. - -Also, using STI has specific disadvantages. See the [chapter on -STI](#single-table-inheritance-sti) for details. - -### Next Steps - -* Check the new classes for [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) that can be - pulled up into the superclass. -* Pay attention to changes that affect the new types, watching out for [shotgun - surgery](#shotgun-surgery) that can result from splitting up classes. - -# Replace Conditional with Null Object - -Every Ruby developer is familiar with `nil`, and Ruby on Rails comes with a full -complement of tools to handle it: `nil?`, `present?`, `try` and more. However, -it's easy to let these tools hide duplication and leak concerns. If you find -yourself checking for `nil` all over your codebase, try replacing some of the -`nil` values with Null Objects. - -### Uses - -* Removes [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) when an existing method begins - returning `nil`. -* Removes [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) related to checking for `nil`. -* Removes clutter, improving readability of code that consumes `nil`. -* Makes logic related to presence and absence easier to reuse, making it easier - to [avoid duplication](#dry). -* Replaces conditional logic with simple commands, following [tell, don't - ask](#tell-dont-ask). - -### Example - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def most_recent_answer_text - answers.most_recent.try(:text) || Answer::MISSING_TEXT -end -``` - -The `most_recent_answer_text` method asks its `answers` association for -`most_recent` answer. It only wants the `text` from that answer, but it must -first check to make sure that an answer actually exists to get `text` from. It -needs to perform this check because `most_recent` might return `nil`: - -```ruby -# app/models/answer.rb -def self.most_recent - order(:created_at).last -end -``` - -This call clutters up the method, and returning `nil` is contagious: Any method -that calls `most_recent` must also check for `nil`. The concept of a missing -answer is likely to come up more than once, as in this example: - -```ruby -# app/models/user.rb -def answer_text_for(question) - question.answers.for_user(self).try(:text) || Answer::MISSING_TEXT -end -``` - -Again, `for_user` might return `nil`: - -```ruby -# app/models/answer.rb -def self.for_user(user) - joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last -end -``` - -The `User#answer_text_for` method duplicates the check for a missing -answer—and worse, it's repeating the logic of what happens when you need -text without an answer. - -We can remove these checks entirely from `Question` and `User` by introducing a -null object: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def most_recent_answer_text - answers.most_recent.text -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/user.rb -def answer_text_for(question) - question.answers.for_user(self).text -end -``` - -We're now just assuming that `Answer` class methods will return something -answer-like; specifically, we expect an object that returns useful `text`. We -can refactor `Answer` to handle the `nil` check: - -```ruby -# app/models/answer.rb -class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base - include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection - - belongs_to :completion - belongs_to :question - - validates :text, presence: true - - def self.for_user(user) - joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last || - NullAnswer.new - end - - def self.most_recent - order(:created_at).last || NullAnswer.new - end -end -``` - -Note that `for_user` and `most_recent` return a `NullAnswer` if no answer can be -found, so these methods will never return `nil`. The implementation for -`NullAnswer` is simple: - -```ruby -# app/models/null_answer.rb -class NullAnswer - def text - 'No response' - end -end -``` - -We can take things just a little further and remove a bit of duplication with a -quick [extract method](#extract-method): - -```ruby -# app/models/answer.rb -class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base - include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection - - belongs_to :completion - belongs_to :question - - validates :text, presence: true - - def self.for_user(user) - joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: user.id }).last_or_null - end - - def self.most_recent - order(:created_at).last_or_null - end - - private - - def self.last_or_null - last || NullAnswer.new - end -end -``` - -Now we can easily create `Answer` class methods that return a usable answer, no -matter what. - -### Drawbacks - -Introducing a null object can remove duplication and clutter. But it can also -cause pain and confusion: - -* As a developer reading a method like `Question#most_recent_answer_text`, you - may be confused to find that `most_recent_answer` returned an instance of - `NullAnswer` and not `Answer`. -* It's possible some methods will need to distinguish between `NullAnswer`s and - real `Answer`s. This is common in views, when special markup is required to - denote missing values. In this case, you'll need to add explicit `present?` - checks and define `present?` to return `false` on your null object. -* `NullAnswer` may eventually need to reimplement large part of the `Answer` - API, leading to potential [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) and [shotgun - surgery](#shotgun-surgery), which is largely what we hoped to solve in the - first place. - -Don't introduce a null object until you find yourself swatting enough `nil` -values to grow annoyed. And make sure the removal of the `nil`-handling logic -outweighs the drawbacks above. - -### Next Steps - -* Look for other `nil` checks of the return values of refactored methods. -* Make sure your null object class implements the required methods from the - original class. -* Make sure no [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) exists between the null - object class and the original. - -\clearpage - -## Truthiness, `try` and Other Tricks - -All checks for `nil` are a condition, but Ruby provides many ways to check for -`nil` without using an explicit `if`. Watch out for `nil` conditional checks -disguised behind other syntax. The following are all roughly equivalent: - -```` ruby -# Explicit if with nil? -if user.nil? - nil -else - user.name -end - -# Implicit nil check through truthy conditional -if user - user.name -end - -# Relies on nil being falsey -user && user.name - -# Call to try -user.try(:name) -```` - - -# Extract Method - -The simplest refactoring to perform is extract method. To extract a method: - -* Pick a name for the new method. -* Move extracted code into the new method. -* Call the new method from the point of extraction. - -### Uses - -* Removes [long methods](#long-method). -* Sets the stage for moving behavior via [move method](#move-method). -* Resolves obscurity by introducing intention-revealing names. -* Allows removal of [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) by moving the common - code into the extracted method. -* Reveals complexity, making it easier to follow the [single responsibility - principle](#single-responsibility-principle). -* Makes behavior easier to reuse, which makes it easier to [avoid duplication](#dry). - -\clearpage - -### Example - -Let's take a look at an example of [long method](#long-method) and improve it by -extracting smaller methods: - -```` ruby -def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id] - question_params = params. - require(:question). - permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum) - @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params) - @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type - - if @question.save - redirect_to @survey - else - render :new - end -end -```` - -This method performs a number of tasks: - -* It finds the survey that the question should belong to. -* It figures out what type of question we're creating (the `submittable_type`). -* It builds parameters for the new question by applying a white list to the HTTP - parameters. -* It builds a question from the given survey, parameters and submittable type. -* It attempts to save the question. -* It redirects back to the survey for a valid question. -* It re-renders the form for an invalid question. - -Any of these tasks can be extracted to a method. Let's start by extracting the -task of building the question. - -```` ruby -def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id] - build_question - - if @question.save - redirect_to @survey - else - render :new - end -end - -private - -def build_question - question_params = params. - require(:question). - permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum) - @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params) - @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type -end -```` - -The `create` method is already much more readable. The new `build_question` -method is noisy, though, with the wrong details at the beginning. The task of -pulling out question parameters is clouding up the task of building the -question. Let's extract another method. - -\clearpage - -## Replace Temp with Query - -One simple way to extract methods is by replacing local variables. Let's pull -`question_params` into its own method: - -```` ruby -def build_question - @question = @survey.questions.new(question_params) - @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type -end - -def question_params - params. - require(:question). - permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum) -end -```` - -### Other Examples - -For more examples of [extract method](#extract-method), take a look at these chapters: - - -* [Extract class](#extract-class): - [b434954d](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/b434954d), - [000babe1](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/000babe1) -* [Extract decorator](#extract-decorator): - [15f5b96e](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/15f5b96e) -* [Introduce explaining variable](#introduce-explaining-variable) (inline) -* [Move method](#move-method): - [d5b4871](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/d5b4871) -* [Replace conditional with null object](#replace-conditional-with-null-object): - [1e35c68](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/1e35c68) - -### Next Steps - -* Check the original method and the extracted method to make sure neither is a - [long method](#long-method). -* Check the original method and the extracted method to make sure that they both - relate to the same core concern. If the methods aren't highly related, the - class will suffer from [divergent change](#divergent-change). -* Check newly extracted methods for [feature envy](#feature-envy). If you find - some, you may wish to employ [move method](#move-method) to provide the new - method with a better home. -* Check the affected class to make sure it's not a [large class](#large-class). - Extracting methods reveals complexity, making it clearer when a class is doing - too much. - -# Rename Method - -Renaming a method allows developers to improve the language of the domain as -their understanding naturally evolves during development. - -The process is straightforward if there aren't too many references: - -* Choose a new name for the method. This is the hard part! -* Change the method definition to the new name. -* Find and replace all references to the old name. - -If there are a large number of references to the method you want to rename, you -can rename the callers one at a time while keeping everything in working order. -The process is mostly the same: - -* Choose a new name for the method. -* Give the method its new name. -* Add an alias to keep the old name working. -* Find and replace all references to the old name. -* Remove the alias. - -### Uses - -* Eliminate [uncommunicative names](#uncommunicative-name). -* Change method names to conform to common interfaces. - -### Example - -In our example application, we generate summaries from answers to surveys. We -allow more than one type of summary, so strategies are employed to handle the -variations. There are a number of methods and dependencies that make this work. - -`SummariesController#show` depends on `Survey#summarize`: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -@summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer) -``` - -`Survey#summarize` depends on `Question#summarize`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summarize(summarizer) - questions.map do |question| - question.summarize(summarizer) - end -end -``` - -`Question#summarize` depends on `summarize` from its `summarizer` argument (a -strategy): - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summarize(summarizer) - value = summarizer.summarize(self) - Summary.new(title, value) -end -``` - -There are several summarizer classes, each of which respond to `summarize`. - -This is confusing, largely because the word `summarize` is used to mean several -different things: - -* `Survey#summarize` accepts a summarizer and returns an array of `Summary` - instances. -* `Question#summarize` accepts a summarizer and returns a single `Summary` - instance. -* `summarize` on summarizer strategies accepts a `Question` and returns a - `String`. - -Let's rename these methods so that each name is used uniquely and consistently -in terms of what it accepts, what it returns and what it does. - -First, we'll rename `Survey#summarize` to reflect the fact that it returns a -collection. - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer) -``` - -Then we'll update the only reference to the old method: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -@summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer) -``` - -Next, we'll rename `Question#summarize` to be consistent with the naming -introduced in `Survey`: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summary_using(summarizer) -``` - -Finally, we'll update the only reference in `Survey#summaries_using`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -question.summary_using(summarizer) -``` - -We now have consistent and clearer naming: - -* `summarize` means taking a question and returning a string value representing - its answers. -* `summary_using` means taking a summarizer and using it to build a `Summary`. -* `summaries_using` means taking a set of questions and building a `Summary` for - each one. - -### Next Steps - -* Check for explanatory comments that are no longer necessary now that the code - is clearer. -* If the new name for a method is long, see if you can [extract - methods](#extract-method) from it to make it smaller. - -# Extract Class - -Dividing responsibilities into classes is the primary way to manage complexity -in object-oriented software. [Extract class](#extract-class) is the primary mechanism for -introducing new classes. This refactoring takes one class and splits it into two -by moving one or more methods and instance variables into a new class. - -The process for extracting a class looks like this: - -1. Create a new, empty class. -2. Instantiate the new class from the original class. -3. [Move a method](#move-method) from the original class to the new class. -4. Repeat step 3 until you're happy with the original class. - -### Uses - -* Removes [large class](#large-class) by splitting up the class. -* Eliminates [divergent change](#divergent-change) by moving one reason to - change into a new class. -* Provides a cohesive set of functionality with a meaningful name, making it - easier to understand and talk about. -* Fully encapsulates a concern within a single class, following the [single - responsibility principle](#single-responsibility-principle) and making it - easier to change and reuse that functionality. -* Allows concerns to be injected, following the [dependency inversion - principle](#dependency-inversion-principle). -* Makes behavior easier to reuse, which makes it easier to [avoid duplication](#dry). - -### Example - -The `InvitationsController` is a [large class](#large-class) hidden behind a -[long method](#long-method): - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -class InvitationsController < ApplicationController - EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/ - - def new - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - end - - def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - - @recipients = params[:invitation][:recipients] - recipient_list = @recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/) - - @invalid_recipients = recipient_list.map do |item| - unless item.match(EMAIL_REGEX) - item - end - end.compact - - @message = params[:invitation][:message] - - if @invalid_recipients.empty? && @message.present? - recipient_list.each do |email| - invitation = Invitation.create( - survey: @survey, - sender: current_user, - recipient_email: email, - status: 'pending' - ) - Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, @message) - end - - redirect_to survey_path(@survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent' - else - render 'new' - end - end -end -``` - -Although it contains only two methods, there's a lot going on under the hood. It -parses and validates emails, manages several pieces of state which the view needs -to know about, handles control flow for the user and creates and delivers -invitations. - -[A liberal -application](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/65f1b428) of -[extract method](#extract-method) to break up this [long method](#long-method) -will reveal the complexity: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -class InvitationsController < ApplicationController - EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/ - - def new - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - end - - def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - if valid_recipients? && valid_message? - recipient_list.each do |email| - invitation = Invitation.create( - survey: @survey, - sender: current_user, - recipient_email: email, - status: 'pending' - ) - Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, message) - end - redirect_to survey_path(@survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent' - else - @recipients = recipients - @message = message - render 'new' - end - end - - private - - def valid_recipients? - invalid_recipients.empty? - end - - def valid_message? - message.present? - end - - def invalid_recipients - @invalid_recipients ||= recipient_list.map do |item| - unless item.match(EMAIL_REGEX) - item - end - end.compact - end - - def recipient_list - @recipient_list ||= recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/) - end - - def recipients - params[:invitation][:recipients] - end - - def message - params[:invitation][:message] - end -end -``` - -Let's extract all of the non-controller logic into a new class. We'll start by -defining and instantiating a new, empty class: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -@survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -class SurveyInviter -end -``` - -At this point, we've [created a staging -area](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/cce33485) for using -[move method](#move-method) to transfer complexity from one class to the other. - -Next, we'll move one method from the controller to our new class. It's best to -move methods which depend on few private methods or instance variables from the -original class, so we'll start with a method which only uses one private method: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def recipient_list - @recipient_list ||= @recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/) -end -``` - -We need the recipients for this method, so we'll accept it in the `initialize` -method: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def initialize(recipients) - @recipients = recipients -end -``` - -And pass it from our controller: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -@survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new(recipients) -``` - -The original controller method can delegate to the extracted method: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -def recipient_list - @survey_inviter.recipient_list -end -``` - -We've [moved a little complexity out of our -controller](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/ac014750) and we -now have a repeatable process for doing so: We can continue to move methods out -until we feel good about what's left in the controller. - -Next, let's move out `invalid_recipients` from the controller, since it depends -on `recipient_list`, which we've already moved: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def invalid_recipients - @invalid_recipients ||= recipient_list.map do |item| - unless item.match(EMAIL_REGEX) - item - end - end.compact -end -``` - -Again, the original controller method can delegate: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -def invalid_recipients - @survey_inviter.invalid_recipients -end -``` - -This method references a constant from the controller. This was the only place -where the constant was used, so we can move it to our new class: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/ -``` - -We can remove an instance variable in the controller by invoking this method -directly in the view: - -```rhtml -# app/views/invitations/new.html.erb -<% if @survey_inviter.invalid_recipients %> -
- Invalid email addresses: - <%= @survey_inviter.invalid_recipients.join(', ') %> -
-<% end %> -``` - -Now that parsing email lists is [moved out of our -controller](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/0fefb969), let's -extract and delegate the only method in the controller that depends on -`invalid_recipients`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def valid_recipients? - invalid_recipients.empty? -end -``` - -Now we can remove `invalid_recipients` from the controller entirely. - -The `valid_recipients?` method is only used in the compound validation -condition: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -if valid_recipients? && valid_message? -``` - -If we extract `valid_message?` as well, we can fully encapsulate validation -within `SurveyInviter`. - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def valid_message? - @message.present? -end -``` - -We need `message` for this method, so we'll add that to `initialize`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def initialize(message, recipients) - @message = message - @recipients = recipients -end -``` - -And pass it in: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -@survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new(message, recipients) -``` - -We can now extract a method to encapsulate this compound condition: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def valid? - valid_message? && valid_recipients? -end -``` - -And use that new method in our controller: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -if @survey_inviter.valid? -``` - -Now these methods can be private, trimming down the public interface for -`SurveyInviter`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -private - -def valid_message? - @message.present? -end - -def valid_recipients? - invalid_recipients.empty? -end -``` - -We've [pulled out most of the private -methods](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/b434954d), so the -remaining complexity results largely from saving and delivering the invitations. - -Let's extract and move a `deliver` method for that: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def deliver - recipient_list.each do |email| - invitation = Invitation.create( - survey: @survey, - sender: @sender, - recipient_email: email, - status: 'pending' - ) - Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, @message) - end -end -``` - -We need the sender (the currently signed-in user) as well as the survey from the -controller to do this. This pushes our initialize method up to four parameters, -so let's switch to a hash: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def initialize(attributes = {}) - @survey = attributes[:survey] - @message = attributes[:message] || '' - @recipients = attributes[:recipients] || '' - @sender = attributes[:sender] -end -``` - -And extract a method in our controller to build it: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -def survey_inviter_attributes - params[:invitation].merge(survey: @survey, sender: current_user) -end -``` - -Now we can invoke this method in our controller: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -if @survey_inviter.valid? - @survey_inviter.deliver - redirect_to survey_path(@survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent' -else - @recipients = recipients - @message = message - render 'new' -end -``` - -The `recipient_list` method is now only used internally in `SurveyInviter`, so -let's make it private. - -We've [moved most of the behavior out of the -controller](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/000babe1), but -we're still assigning a number of instance variables for the view, which have -corresponding private methods in the controller. These values are also available -on `SurveyInviter`, which is already assigned to the view, so let's expose those -using `attr_reader`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -attr_reader :message, :recipients, :survey -``` - -And use them directly from the view: - -```rhtml -# app/views/invitations/new.html.erb -<%= simple_form_for( - :invitation, - url: survey_invitations_path(@survey_inviter.survey) -) do |f| %> - <%= f.input( - :message, - as: :text, - input_html: { value: @survey_inviter.message } - ) %> - <% if @invlid_message %> -
Please provide a message
- <% end %> - <%= f.input( - :recipients, - as: :text, - input_html: { value: @survey_inviter.recipients } - ) %> -``` - -Only the `SurveyInviter` is used in the controller now, so we can [remove the -remaining instance variables and private -methods](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/a0505921). - -Our controller is now much simpler: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -class InvitationsController < ApplicationController - def new - @survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new(survey: survey) - end - - def create - @survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new(survey_inviter_attributes) - if @survey_inviter.valid? - @survey_inviter.deliver - redirect_to survey_path(survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent' - else - render 'new' - end - end - - private - - def survey_inviter_attributes - params[:invitation].merge(survey: survey, sender: current_user) - end - - def survey - Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - end -end -``` - -It only assigns one instance variable, it doesn't have too many methods and all -of its methods are fairly small. - -\clearpage - -The newly extracted `SurveyInviter` class absorbed much of the complexity, but -still isn't as bad as the original controller: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -class SurveyInviter - EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/ - - def initialize(attributes = {}) - @survey = attributes[:survey] - @message = attributes[:message] || '' - @recipients = attributes[:recipients] || '' - @sender = attributes[:sender] - end - - attr_reader :message, :recipients, :survey - - def valid? - valid_message? && valid_recipients? - end - - def deliver - recipient_list.each do |email| - invitation = Invitation.create( - survey: @survey, - sender: @sender, - recipient_email: email, - status: 'pending' - ) - Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, @message) - end - end - - def invalid_recipients - @invalid_recipients ||= recipient_list.map do |item| - unless item.match(EMAIL_REGEX) - item - end - end.compact - end - - private - - def valid_message? - @message.present? - end - - def valid_recipients? - invalid_recipients.empty? - end - - def recipient_list - @recipient_list ||= @recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/) - end -end -``` - -We can take this further by extracting more classes from `SurveyInviter`. See -our [full solution on -GitHub](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/fd6cd8d5). - -### Drawbacks - -Extracting classes decreases the amount of complexity in each class, but -increases the overall complexity of the application. Extracting too many classes -will create a maze of indirection that developers will be unable to navigate. - -Every class also requires a name. Introducing new names can help to -explain functionality at a higher level and facilitate communication between -developers. However, introducing too many names results in vocabulary overload, -which makes the system difficult to learn for new developers. - -If you extract classes in response to pain and resistance, you'll end up with just -the right number of classes and names. - -### Next Steps - -* Check the newly extracted class to make sure it isn't a [large - class](#large-class), and extract another class if it is. -* Check the original class for [feature envy](#feature-envy) of the extracted - class and use [move method](#move-method) if necessary. - -# Extract Value Object - -Value Objects are objects that represent a value (such as a dollar amount) -rather than a unique, identifiable entity (such as a particular user). - -Value objects often implement information derived from a primitive object, such -as the dollars and cents from a float, or the user name and domain from an email -string. - -### Uses - -* Prevent [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) from making the same observations - of primitive objects throughout the code base. -* Remove [large classes](#large-class) by splitting out query methods associated - with a particular variable. -* Make the code easier to understand by fully encapsulating related logic into a - single class, following the [single responsibility - principle](#single-responsibility-principle). -* Eliminate [divergent change](#divergent-change) by extracting code related to - an embedded semantic type. - -### Example - -`InvitationsController` is bloated with methods and logic relating to parsing a -string that contains a list of email addresses: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -def recipient_list - @recipient_list ||= recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/) -end - -def recipients - params[:invitation][:recipients] -end -``` - -We can [extract a new class](#extract-class) to offload this responsibility: - -```ruby -# app/models/recipient_list.rb -class RecipientList - include Enumerable - - def initialize(recipient_string) - @recipient_string = recipient_string - end - - def each(&block) - recipients.each(&block) - end - - def to_s - @recipient_string - end - - private - - def recipients - @recipient_string.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/) - end -end -``` - -``` ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -def recipient_list - @recipient_list ||= RecipientList.new(params[:invitation][:recipients]) -end -``` - -### Next Steps - -* Search the application for [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) related to the - newly extracted class. -* Value objects should be immutable. Make sure the extracted class doesn't have - any writer methods. - -# Extract Decorator - -Decorators can be used to place new concerns on top of existing objects without -modifying existing classes. They combine best with small classes containing few -methods, and make the most sense when modifying the behavior of existing -methods, rather than adding new methods. - -The steps for extracting a decorator vary depending on the initial state, but -they often include the following: - -1. Extract a new decorator class, starting with the alternative behavior. -2. Compose the decorator in the original class. -3. Move state specific to the alternate behavior into the decorator. -4. Invert control, applying the decorator to the original class from its - container, rather than composing the decorator from the original class. - -It will be difficult to make use of decorators unless your application is -following [composition over inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance). - -### Uses - -* Eliminate [large classes](#large-class) by extracting concerns. -* Eliminate [divergent change](#divergent-change) and follow the [single - responsibility principle](#single-responsibility-principle) by adding new - behavior without introducing new concerns to existing classes. -* Prevent conditional logic from leaking by making decisions earlier. -* Extend existing classes without modifying them, following the [open/closed - principle](#openclosed-principle). - -### Example - -In our example application, users can view a summary of the answers to each -question on a survey. By default, in order to prevent the summary from influencing a user's -own answers, users don't see summaries for questions they haven't answered yet. Users can click a link to override this decision and view the -summary for every question. This concern is mixed across several levels, and -introducing the change affects several classes. Let's see if we can refactor -our application to make similar changes easier in the future. - -Currently, the controller determines whether or not unanswered questions should -display summaries: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def constraints - if include_unanswered? - {} - else - { answered_by: current_user } - end -end - -def include_unanswered? - params[:unanswered] -end -``` - -It passes this decision into `Survey#summaries_using` as a hash containing -Boolean flag: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -@summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer, constraints) -``` - -\clearpage - -`Survey#summaries_using` uses this information to decide whether each question -should return a real summary or a hidden summary: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {}) - questions.map do |question| - if !options[:answered_by] || question.answered_by?(options[:answered_by]) - question.summary_using(summarizer) - else - Summary.new(question.title, NO_ANSWER) - end - end -end -``` - -This method is pretty dense. We can start by using [extract -method](#extract-method) to clarify and reveal complexity: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {}) - questions.map do |question| - summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, options[:answered_by]) - end -end - -private - -def summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, answered_by) - if hide_unanswered_question?(question, answered_by) - hide_answer_to_question(question) - else - question.summary_using(summarizer) - end -end - -def hide_unanswered_question?(question, answered_by) - answered_by && !question.answered_by?(answered_by) -end - -def hide_answer_to_question(question) - Summary.new(question.title, NO_ANSWER) -end -``` - -The `summary_or_hidden_answer` method reveals a pattern that's well-captured by -using a Decorator: - -* There's a base case: returning the real summary for the question's answers. -* There's an alternative, or decorated, case: returning a summary with a hidden - answer. -* The conditional logic for using the base or decorated case is unrelated to the - base case: `answered_by` is only used for determining which path to take, and - isn't used by to generate summaries. - -As a Rails developer, this may seem familiar to you: Many pieces of Rack -middleware follow a similar approach. - -Now that we've recognized this pattern, let's refactor to use a decorator. - -#### Move Decorated Case to Decorator - -Let's start by creating an empty class for the decorator and [moving one -method](#move-method) into it: - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -class UnansweredQuestionHider - NO_ANSWER = "You haven't answered this question".freeze - - def hide_answer_to_question(question) - Summary.new(question.title, NO_ANSWER) - end -end -``` - -The method references a constant from `Survey`, so we moved that, too. - -Now we update `Survey` to compose our new class: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, answered_by) - if hide_unanswered_question?(question, answered_by) - UnansweredQuestionHider.new.hide_answer_to_question(question) - else - question.summary_using(summarizer) - end -end -``` - -At this point, the [decorated path is contained within the decorator](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/af2e8318). - -#### Move Conditional Logic Into Decorator - -Next, we can move the conditional logic into the decorator. We've already -extracted this to its own method on `Survey`, so we can simply move this method -over: - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -def hide_unanswered_question?(question, user) - user && !question.answered_by?(user) -end -``` - -Note that the `answered_by` parameter was renamed to `user`. That's because the context is more specific now, so it's clear what role the user is playing. - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, answered_by) - hider = UnansweredQuestionHider.new - if hider.hide_unanswered_question?(question, answered_by) - hider.hide_answer_to_question(question) - else - question.summary_using(summarizer) - end -end -``` - -#### Move Body Into Decorator - -[There's just one summary-related method left in `Survey`](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/9d0274f4): -`summary_or_hidden_answer`. Let's move this into the decorator: - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -def summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, user) - if hide_unanswered_question?(question, user) - hide_answer_to_question(question) - else - question.summary_using(summarizer) - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {}) - questions.map do |question| - UnansweredQuestionHider.new.summary_or_hidden_answer( - summarizer, - question, - options[:answered_by] - ) - end -end -``` - -[At this point](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/4fd00a88), -every other method in the decorator can be made private. - -\clearpage - -#### Promote Parameters to Instance Variables - -Now that we have a class to handle this logic, we can move some of the -parameters into instance state. In `Survey#summaries_using`, we use the same -summarizer and user instance; only the question varies as we iterate through -questions to summarize. Let's move everything but the question into instance -variables on the decorator: - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -def initialize(summarizer, user) - @summarizer = summarizer - @user = user -end - -def summary_or_hidden_answer(question) - if hide_unanswered_question?(question) - hide_answer_to_question(question) - else - question.summary_using(@summarizer) - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {}) - questions.map do |question| - UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, options[:answered_by]). - summary_or_hidden_answer(question) - end -end -``` - -[Our decorator now just needs a `question` to generate a -`Summary`](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/72801b57). - -#### Change Decorator to Follow Component Interface - -In the end, the component we want to wrap with our decorator is the summarizer, -so we want the decorator to obey the same interface as its component—the -summarizer. Let's rename our only public method so that it follows the -summarizer interface: - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -def summarize(question) -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, options[:answered_by]). - summarize(question) -``` - -[Our decorator now follows the component interface in -name](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/61ca6784)—but not -behavior. In our application, summarizers return a string that represents the -answers to a question, but our decorator is returning a `Summary` instead. Let's -fix our decorator to follow the component interface by returning just a string: - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -def summarize(question) - if hide_unanswered_question?(question) - hide_answer_to_question(question) - else - @summarizer.summarize(question) - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -def hide_answer_to_question(question) - NO_ANSWER -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {}) - questions.map do |question| - hider = UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, options[:answered_by]) - question.summary_using(hider) - end -end -``` - -Our decorator now [follows the component -interface](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/876ec976). - -That last method on the decorator (`hide_answer_to_question`) isn't pulling its -weight anymore: It just returns the value from a constant. Let's [inline -it](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/77b22c5a) to slim down our -class a bit: - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -def summarize(question) - if hide_unanswered_question?(question) - NO_ANSWER - else - @summarizer.summarize(question) - end -end -``` - -Now we have a decorator that can wrap any summarizer, nicely-factored and ready -to use. - -#### Invert Control - -Now comes one of the most important steps: We can [invert -control](#dependency-inversion-principle) by removing any reference to the -decorator from `Survey` and passing in an already-decorated summarizer. - -The `summaries_using` method is simplified: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer) - questions.map do |question| - question.summary_using(summarizer) - end -end -``` - -Instead of passing the Boolean flag down from the controller, we can [make the -decision to decorate -there](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/256a9c92) and pass a -decorated or undecorated summarizer: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def show - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @summaries = @survey.summaries_using(decorated_summarizer) -end - -private - -def decorated_summarizer - if include_unanswered? - summarizer - else - UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, current_user) - end -end -``` - -This isolates the decision to one class and keeps the result of the decision -close to the class that makes it. - -Another important effect of this refactoring is that the `Survey` class is now -reverted back to [the way it was before we started hiding unanswered question -summaries](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/blob/d97f7856/example_app/app/models/survey.rb). -This means that we can now add similar changes without modifying `Survey` at -all. - -### Drawbacks - -* Decorators must keep up to date with their component interface. Our decorator - follows the summarizer interface. Every decorator we add for this interface is - one more class that will need to change any time we change the interface. -* We removed a concern from `Survey` by hiding it behind a decorator, but this - may make it harder for a developer to understand how a `Survey` might return - the hidden response text, since that text doesn't appear anywhere in that class. -* The component we decorated had the smallest possible interface: one public - method. Classes with more public methods are more difficult to decorate. -* Decorators can modify methods in the component interface easily, but adding - new methods won't work with multiple decorators without meta-programming like - `method_missing`. These constructs are harder to follow and should be used - with care. - -### Next Steps - -* It's unlikely that your automated test suite has enough coverage to check - every component implementation with every decorator. Run through the - application in a browser after introducing new decorators. Test and fix any - issues you run into. -* Make sure that inverting control didn't push anything over the line into a - [large class](#large-class). - -# Extract Partial - -Extracting a partial is a technique used for removing complex or duplicated view -code from your application. This is the equivalent of using [long method](#long-method) and -[extract method](#extract-method) in your views and templates. - -### Uses - -* Removes [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) from views. -* Avoids [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) by forcing changes to happen in one place. -* Removes [divergent change](#divergent-change) by removing a reason for the view to change. -* Groups common code. -* Reduces view size and complexity. -* Makes view logic easier to reuse, which makes it easier to [avoid - duplication](#dry). - -### Steps - -* Create a new file for partial prefixed with an underscore (_filename.html.erb). -* Move common code into newly created file. -* Render the partial from the source file. - -### Example - -Let's revisit the view code for _adding_ and _editing_ questions. - -Note: There are a few small differences in the files (the URL endpoint and the -label on the submit button). - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/new.html.erb -

Add Question

- -<%= simple_form_for @question, as: :question, url: survey_questions_path(@survey) do |form| -%> - <%= form.hidden_field :type %> - <%= form.input :title %> - <%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %> - <%= form.submit 'Create Question' %> -<% end -%> -``` - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/edit.html.erb -

Edit Question

- -<%= simple_form_for @question, as: :question, url: question_path do |form| -%> - <%= form.hidden_field :type %> - <%= form.input :title %> - <%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %> - <%= form.submit 'Update Question' %> -<% end -%> -``` - -First, extract the common code into a partial, remove any instance variables and -use `question` and `url` as local variables: - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/_form.html.erb -<%= simple_form_for question, as: :question, url: url do |form| -%> - <%= form.hidden_field :type %> - <%= form.input :title %> - <%= render "#{question.to_partial_path}_form", question: question, form: form %> - <%= form.submit %> -<% end -%> -``` - -Move the submit button text into the locales file: - -``` -# config/locales/en.yml -en: - helpers: - submit: - question: - create: 'Create Question' - update: 'Update Question' -``` - -Then render the partial from each of the views, passing in the values for -`question` and `url`: - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/new.html.erb -

Add Question

- -<%= render 'form', question: @question, url: survey_questions_path(@survey) %> -``` - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/edit.html.erb -

Edit Question

- -<%= render 'form', question: @question, url: question_path %> -``` - -### Next Steps - -* Check for other occurrences of the duplicated view code in your application and -replace them with the newly extracted partial. - -# Extract Validator - -Extract Validator is a form of [extract class](#extract-class) that is used to remove complex validation details -from `ActiveRecord` models. This technique also prevents duplication of validation -code across several files. - -### Uses - -* Keeps validation implementation details out of models. -* Encapsulates validation details into a single file, following the [single - responsibility principle](#single-responsibility-principle). -* Removes duplication among classes performing the same validation logic. -* Makes validation logic easier to reuse, which makes it easier to [avoid - duplication](#dry). - -### Example - -The `Invitation` class has validation details in-line. It checks that the -`recipient_email` matches the formatting of the regular expression `EMAIL_REGEX`. - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -class Invitation < ActiveRecord::Base - EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i - validates :recipient_email, presence: true, format: EMAIL_REGEX -end -``` - -We extract the validation details into a new class `EmailValidator` and place the -new class into the `app/validators` directory: - -```ruby -# app/validators/email_validator.rb -class EmailValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator - EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i - def validate_each(record, attribute, value) - unless value.match EMAIL_REGEX - record.errors.add(attribute, "#{value} is not a valid email") - end - end -end -``` - -Once the validator has been extracted, Rails has a convention for using the new -validation class. `EmailValidator` is used by setting `email: true` in the validation -arguments: - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -class Invitation < ActiveRecord::Base - validates :recipient_email, presence: true, email: true -end -``` - -The convention is to use the validation class name (in lower case, and removing -`Validator` from the name). For example, if we were validating an attribute with -`ZipCodeValidator`, we'd set `zip_code: true` as an argument to the validation call. - -When validating an array of data as we do in `SurveyInviter`, we use -the `EnumerableValidator` to loop over the contents of an array. - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -validates_with EnumerableValidator, - attributes: [:recipients], - unless: 'recipients.nil?', - validator: EmailValidator -``` - -\clearpage - -The `EmailValidator` is passed in as an argument, and each element in the array -is validated against it. - -```ruby -# app/validators/enumerable_validator.rb -class EnumerableValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator - def validate_each(record, attribute, enumerable) - enumerable.each do |value| - validator.validate_each(record, attribute, value) - end - end - - private - - def validator - options[:validator].new(validator_options) - end - - def validator_options - options.except(:validator).merge(attributes: attributes) - end -end -``` - -### Next Steps - -* Verify the extracted validator does not have any [long methods](#long-methods). -* Check for other models that could use the validator. - -# Introduce Explaining Variable - -This refactoring allows you to break up a complex, hard-to-read statement by -placing part of it in a local variable. The only difficult part is finding a -good name for the variable. - -### Uses - -* Improves legibility of code. -* Makes it easier to [extract methods](#extract-method) by breaking up long - statements. -* Removes the need for extra [comments](#comments). - -### Example - -This line of code was deemed hard enough to understand that adding a comment was necessary: - -```ruby -# app/models/open_question.rb -def summary - # Text for each answer in order as a comma-separated string - answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text).join(', ') -end -``` - -Adding an explaining variable makes the line easy to understand without requiring a -comment: - -```ruby -# app/models/open_question.rb -def summary - text_from_ordered_answers = answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text) - text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ') -end -``` - -You can follow up by using [replace temp with query](#replace-temp-with-query). - -``` ruby -def summary - text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ') -end - -private - -def text_from_ordered_answers - answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text) -end -``` - -This increases the overall size of the class and moves -`text_from_ordered_answers` further away from `summary`, so you'll want to be -careful when doing this. The most obvious reason to extract a method is to reuse -the value of the variable. - -However, there's another potential benefit: It changes the way developers read -the code. Developers instinctively read code from the top down. Expressions -based on variables place the details first, which means that developers will -start with the details: - -``` ruby -text_from_ordered_answers = answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text) -``` - -And work their way down to the overall goal of a method: - -``` ruby -text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ') -``` - -Note that you naturally focus first on the code necessary to find the array of -texts and then progress to see what happens to those texts. - -Once a method is extracted, the high-level concept comes first: - -``` ruby -def summary - text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ') -end -``` - -And then you progress to the details: - -``` ruby -def text_from_ordered_answers - answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text) -end -``` - -You can use this technique of extracting methods to ensure that developers -focus on what's important first and only dive into the implementation details -when necessary. - -### Next Steps - -* [Replace temp with query](#replace-temp-with-query) if you want to reuse the - expression or revert to the order in which a developer naturally reads the - method. -* Check the affected expression to make sure that it's easy to read. If it's - still too dense, try extracting more variables or methods. -* Check the extracted variable or method for [feature envy](#feature-envy). - -# Introduce Form Object - -This is a specialized type of [extract class](#extract-class) that is used to remove business -logic from controllers when processing data outside of an ActiveRecord model. - -### Uses - -* Keeps business logic out of controllers and views. -* Adds validation support to plain old Ruby objects. -* Displays form validation errors using Rails conventions. -* Sets the stage for [extract validator](#extract-validator). - -### Example - -The `create` action of our `InvitationsController` relies on user-submitted data for -`message` and `recipients` (a comma-delimited list of email addresses). - -It performs a number of tasks: - -* Finds the current survey. -* Validates that the `message` is present. -* Validates each of the `recipients`' email addresses. -* Creates an invitation for each of the recipients. -* Sends an email to each of the recipients. -* Sets view data for validation failures. - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -class InvitationsController < ApplicationController - EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/ - - def new - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - end - - def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - if valid_recipients? && valid_message? - recipient_list.each do |email| - invitation = Invitation.create( - survey: @survey, - sender: current_user, - recipient_email: email, - status: 'pending' - ) - Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, message) - end - redirect_to survey_path(@survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent' - else - @recipients = recipients - @message = message - render 'new' - end - end - - private - - def valid_recipients? - invalid_recipients.empty? - end - - def valid_message? - message.present? - end - - def invalid_recipients - @invalid_recipients ||= recipient_list.map do |item| - unless item.match(EMAIL_REGEX) - item - end - end.compact - end - - def recipient_list - @recipient_list ||= recipients.gsub(/\s+/, '').split(/[\n,;]+/) - end - - def recipients - params[:invitation][:recipients] - end - - def message - params[:invitation][:message] - end -end -``` - -By introducing a form object, we can move the concerns of data validation, -invitation creation and notifications to the new model `SurveyInviter`. - -Including [ActiveModel::Model](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/activemodel/lib/active_model/model.rb) -allows us to leverage the familiar -[active record validation](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations_callbacks.html) -syntax. - -\clearpage - -As we introduce the form object, we'll also extract an enumerable class -`RecipientList` and validators `EnumerableValidator` and `EmailValidator`. -These will be covered in the [Extract Class](#extract-class) and -[Extract Validator](#extract-validator) chapters. - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -class SurveyInviter - include ActiveModel::Model - attr_accessor :recipients, :message, :sender, :survey - - validates :message, presence: true - validates :recipients, length: { minimum: 1 } - validates :sender, presence: true - validates :survey, presence: true - - validates_with EnumerableValidator, - attributes: [:recipients], - unless: 'recipients.nil?', - validator: EmailValidator - - def recipients=(recipients) - @recipients = RecipientList.new(recipients) - end - - def invite - if valid? - deliver_invitations - end - end - - private - - def create_invitations - recipients.map do |recipient_email| - Invitation.create!( - survey: survey, - sender: sender, - recipient_email: recipient_email, - status: 'pending' - ) - end - end - - def deliver_invitations - create_invitations.each do |invitation| - Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, message).deliver - end - end -end -``` - -Moving business logic into the new form object dramatically reduces the size and -complexity of the `InvitationsController`. The controller is now focused on the -interaction between the user and the models. - -```ruby -# app/controllers/invitations_controller.rb -class InvitationsController < ApplicationController - def new - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new - end - - def create - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @survey_inviter = SurveyInviter.new(survey_inviter_params) - - if @survey_inviter.invite - redirect_to survey_path(@survey), notice: 'Invitation successfully sent' - else - render 'new' - end - end - - private - - def survey_inviter_params - params.require(:survey_inviter).permit( - :message, - :recipients - ).merge( - sender: current_user, - survey: @survey - ) - end -end -``` - -### Next Steps - -* Check that the controller no longer has [long methods](#long-method). -* Verify the new form object is not a [large class](#large-class). -* Check for places to re-use any new validators if [extract validator](#extract-validator) -was used during the refactoring. - -# Introduce Parameter Object - -This is a technique to reduce the number of input parameters to a method. - -To introduce a Parameter Object: - -* Pick a name for the object that represents the grouped parameters. -* Replace the method's grouped parameters with the object. - -### Uses - -* Removes [long parameter lists](#long-parameter-list). -* Groups parameters that naturally fit together. -* Encapsulates behavior between related parameters. - -\clearpage - -### Example - -Let's take a look at the example from [Long Parameter List](#long-parameter-list) and -improve it by grouping the related parameters into an object: - -```ruby -# app/mailers/mailer.rb -class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base - default from: "from@example.com" - - def completion_notification(first_name, last_name, email) - @first_name = first_name - @last_name = last_name - - mail( - to: email, - subject: 'Thank you for completing the survey' - ) - end -end -``` - -```rhtml -# app/views/mailer/completion_notification.html.erb -<%= @first_name %> <%= @last_name %> -``` - -\clearpage - -By introducing the new parameter object `recipient` we can naturally group the -attributes `first_name`, `last_name`, and `email` together. - -```ruby -# app/mailers/mailer.rb -class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base - default from: "from@example.com" - - def completion_notification(recipient) - @recipient = recipient - - mail( - to: recipient.email, - subject: 'Thank you for completing the survey' - ) - end -end -``` - -This also gives us the opportunity to create a new `full_name` method on the `recipient` -object to encapsulate behavior between the `first_name` and `last_name`. - -```rhtml -# app/views/mailer/completion_notification.html.erb -<%= @recipient.full_name %> -``` - -### Next Steps - -* Check to see if the same data clump exists elsewhere in the application and - reuse the parameter object to group them together. -* Verify the methods using the parameter object don't have [feature envy](#feature-envy). - -# Use Class as Factory - -An Abstract Factory is an object that knows how to build something, such as one -of several possible strategies for summarizing answers to questions on a survey. -An object that holds a reference to an abstract factory doesn't need to know -what class is going to be used; it trusts the factory to return an object that -responds to the required interface. - -Because classes are objects in Ruby, every class can act as an abstract factory. -Using a class as a factory allows us to remove most explicit factory objects. - -### Uses - -* Removes [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) and [shotgun - surgery](#shotgun-surgery) by cutting out crufty factory classes. -* Combines with [convention over configuration](#convention-over-configuration) - to eliminate [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) and [case - statements](#case-statement). - -\clearpage - -### Example - -This controller uses one of several possible summarizer strategies to generate a -summary of answers to the questions on a survey: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -class SummariesController < ApplicationController - def show - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer) - end - - private - - def summarizer - case params[:id] - when 'breakdown' - Breakdown.new - when 'most_recent' - MostRecent.new - when 'your_answers' - UserAnswer.new(current_user) - else - raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}" - end - end -end -``` - -The `summarizer` method is a Factory Method. It returns a summarizer object -based on `params[:id]`. - -\clearpage - -We can refactor that using the abstract factory pattern: - -``` ruby -def summarizer - summarizer_factory.build -end - -def summarizer_factory - case params[:id] - when 'breakdown' - BreakdownFactory.new - when 'most_recent' - MostRecentFactory.new - when 'your_answers' - UserAnswerFactory.new(current_user) - else - raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}" - end -end -``` - -Now the `summarizer` method asks the `summarizer_factory` method for an abstract -factory, and it asks the factory to build the actual summarizer instance. - -However, this means we need to provide an abstract factory for each summarizer -strategy: - -``` ruby -class BreakdownFactory - def build - Breakdown.new - end -end - -class MostRecentFactory - def build - MostRecent.new - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -``` ruby -class UserAnswerFactory - def initialize(user) - @user = user - end - - def build - UserAnswer.new(@user) - end -end -``` - -These factory classes are repetitive and don't pull their weight. We can rip two -of these classes out by using the actual summarizer class as the factory -instance. First, let's rename the `build` method to `new`, to follow the Ruby -convention: - -``` ruby -def summarizer - summarizer_factory.new -end - -class BreakdownFactory - def new - Breakdown.new - end -end - -class MostRecentFactory - def new - MostRecent.new - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -``` ruby -class UserAnswerFactory - def initialize(user) - @user = user - end - - def new - UserAnswer.new(@user) - end -end -``` - -Now, an instance of `BreakdownFactory` acts exactly like the `Breakdown` class -itself, and the same is true of `MostRecentFactory` and `MostRecent`. Therefore, -let's use the classes themselves instead of instances of the factory classes: - -``` ruby -def summarizer_factory - case params[:id] - when 'breakdown' - Breakdown - when 'most_recent' - MostRecent - when 'your_answers' - UserAnswerFactory.new(current_user) - else - raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}" - end -end -``` - -Now we can delete two of our factory classes. - -### Next Steps - -* [Use convention over configuration](#use-convention-over-configuration) to - remove manual mappings and possibly remove more classes. - -# Move Method - -Moving methods is generally easy. Moving a method allows you to place a method -closer to the state it uses by moving it to the class that owns the related -state. - -To move a method: - -* Move the entire method definition and body into the new class. -* Change any parameters that are part of the state of the new class to simply - reference the instance variables or methods. -* Introduce any necessary parameters because of state which belongs to the old - class. -* Rename the method if the new name no longer makes sense in the new context - (for example, rename `invite_user` to `invite` once the method is moved to the - `User` class). -* Replace calls to the old method to calls to the new method. This may require - introducing delegation or building an instance of the new class. - -### Uses - -* Removes [feature envy](#feature-envy) by moving a method to the class where the - envied methods live. -* Makes private, parameterized methods easier to reuse by moving them to public, - unparameterized methods. -* Improves readability by keeping methods close to the other methods they use. - -Let's take a look at an example method that suffers from [feature -envy](#feature-envy) and use [extract method](#extract-method) and [move method](#move-method) -to improve it: - -```ruby -# app/models/completion.rb -def score - answers.inject(0) do |result, answer| - question = answer.question - result + question.score(answer.text) - end -end -``` - -The block in this method suffers from [feature envy](#feature-envy): It -references `answer` more than it references methods or instance variables from -its own class. We can't move the entire method; we only want to move the block, -so let's first extract a method: - -```ruby -# app/models/completion.rb -def score - answers.inject(0) do |result, answer| - result + score_for_answer(answer) - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/completion.rb -def score_for_answer(answer) - question = answer.question - question.score(answer.text) -end -``` - -The `score` method no longer suffers from [feature envy](#feature-envy), and the -new `score_for_answer` method is easy to move, because it only references its -own state. See the [Extract Method](#extract-method) chapter for details on -the mechanics and properties of this refactoring. - -Now that the [feature envy](#feature-envy) is isolated, let's resolve it by -moving the method: - -```ruby -# app/models/completion.rb -def score - answers.inject(0) do |result, answer| - result + answer.score - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/answer.rb -def score - question.score(text) -end -``` - -The newly extracted and moved `Question#score` method no longer suffers from -[feature envy](#feature-envy). It's easier to reuse, because the logic is freed -from the internal block in `Completion#score`. It's also available to other -classes because it's no longer a private method. Both methods are also easier -to follow because the methods they invoke are close to the methods they depend -on. - -### Dangerous: Move and Extract at the Same Time - -It's tempting to do everything as one change: create a new method in `Answer`, -move the code over from `Completion` and change `Completion#score` to call the -new method. Although this frequently works without a hitch, with practice, you -can perform the two, smaller refactorings just as quickly as the single, larger -refactoring. By breaking the refactoring into two steps, you reduce the duration -of "down time" for your code; that is, you reduce the amount of time during -which something is broken. Improving code in smaller steps makes it easier to debug -when something goes wrong and prevents you from writing more code than you need -to. Because the code still works after each step, you can simply stop whenever -you're happy with the results. - -### Next Steps - -* Make sure the new method doesn't suffer from [feature envy](#feature-envy) - because of state it used from its original class. If it does, try splitting - the method up and moving part of it back. -* Check the class of the new method to make sure it's not a [large - class](#large-class). - -# Inline Class - -As an application evolves, new classes are introduced as new features are added -and existing code is refactored. [Extracting classes](#extract-class) will help keep existing classes maintainable and make it easier to add new features. -However, features can also be removed or simplified, and you'll inevitably find -that some classes just aren't pulling their weight. Removing dead-weight classes -is just as important as splitting up [large classes](#large-class); inlining -a class is the easiest way to remove it. - -Inlining a class is straightforward: - -* For each consumer class that uses the inlined class, inline or move each method - from the inlined class into the consumer class. -* Remove the inlined class. - -Note that this refactoring is difficult (and unwise!) if you have more than one -or two consumer classes. - -### Uses - -* Makes classes easier to understand by eliminating the number of methods, - classes, and files developers need to look through. -* Eliminates [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) from changes that cascade - through useless classes. -* Eliminates [feature envy](#feature-envy) when the envied class can be inlined - into the envious class. - - -### Example - -In our example application, users can create surveys and invite other users to -answer them. Users are invited by listing email addresses to invite. - -Any email addresses that match up with existing users are sent using a private -message that the user will see the next time he or she signs in. Invitations to -unrecognized addresses are sent using email messages. - -The `Invitation` model delegates to a different strategy class based on whether -or not its recipient email is recognized as an existing user: - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -def deliver - if recipient_user - MessageInviter.new(self, recipient_user).deliver - else - EmailInviter.new(self).deliver - end -end -``` - -We've decided that the private messaging feature isn't getting enough use, so -we're going to remove it. This means that all invitations will now be delivered -via email, so we can simplify `Invitation#deliver` to always use the same -strategy: - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -def deliver - EmailInviter.new(self).deliver -end -``` - -The `EmailInviter` class was useful as a strategy, but now that the strategy no -longer varies, it doesn't bring much to the table: - -```ruby -# app/models/email_inviter.rb -class EmailInviter - def initialize(invitation) - @invitation = invitation - @body = InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body - end - - def deliver - Mailer.invitation_notification(@invitation, @body).deliver - end -end -``` - -It doesn't handle any concerns that aren't already well-encapsulated by -`InvitationMessage` and `Mailer`, and it's only used once (in `Invitation`). We -can inline this class into `Invitation` and eliminate some complexity and -indirection from our application. - -First, [let's inline the `EmailInviter#deliver` -method](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/dcc40d60) (and its -dependent variables from `EmailInviter#initialize`): - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -def deliver - body = InvitationMessage.new(self).body - Mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver -end -``` - -Next, we can [delete `EmailInviter` -entirely](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/bc863108). - -After inlining the class, it requires fewer jumps through methods, classes and -files to understand how invitations are delivered. Additionally, the application -is less complex, overall. Flog gives us a total complexity score of 424.7 after -this refactoring, down slightly from 427.6. That isn't a huge gain, but this was -an easy refactoring, and continually deleting or inlining unnecessary classes -and methods will have broader long-term effects. - -### Drawbacks - -* Attempting to inline a class with multiple consumers will likely introduce - [duplicated code](#duplicated-code). -* Inlining a class may create [large classes](#large-class) and cause [divergent - change](#divergent-change). -* Inlining a class will usually increase per-class or per-method complexity, - even if it reduces total complexity. - -### Next Steps - -* Use [extract method](#extract-method) if any inlined methods introduced [long - methods](#long-method). -* Use [extract class](#extract-class) if the merged class is a [large - class](#large-class) or is suffering from [divergent - change](#divergent-change). - -# Inject Dependencies - -Injecting dependencies allows you to keep dependency resolutions close to the -logic that affects them. It can prevent sub-dependencies from leaking throughout -the code base, and it simplifies changing the behavior of related -components [without modifying those components' -classes](#openclosed-principle). - -Although many people think of dependency injection frameworks and XML when they -hear "dependency injection," injecting a dependency is usually as simple as -passing it as a parameter. - -Changing code to use dependency injection only takes a few steps: - -1. Move the dependency decision to a higher level component. -2. Pass the dependency as a parameter to the lower level component. -3. Remove any sub-dependencies from the lower level component. - -Injecting dependencies is the simplest way to [invert -control](#dependency-inversion-principle). - -### Uses - -* Eliminates [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) from leaking sub-dependencies. -* Eliminates [divergent change](#divergent-change) by allowing runtime - composition patterns, such as [decorators](#extract-decorator) and strategies. -* Makes it easier to avoid subclassing, following [composition over - inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance). -* Extend existing classes without modifying them, following the [open/closed - principle](#openclosed-principle). -* Avoids burdening classes with the knowledge of constructing their own - dependencies, following the [single responsibility - principle](#single-responsibility-principle). - -### Example - -In our example applications, users can view a summary of the answers to each -question on a survey. Users can select from one of several different summary -types to view. For example, they can see the most recent answer to each -question, or they can see a percentage breakdown of the answers to a multiple -choice question. - -The controller passes in the name of the summarizer that the user selected: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def show - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer, options) -end - -private - -def summarizer - params[:id] -end -``` - -`Survey#summaries_using` asks each of its questions for a summary using that -summarizer and the given options: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -question.summary_using(summarizer, options) -``` - -`Question#summary_using` instantiates the requested summarizer with the -requested options, then asks the summarizer to summarize the question: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summary_using(summarizer_name, options) - summarizer_factory = "Summarizer::#{summarizer_name.classify}".constantize - summarizer = summarizer_factory.new(options) - value = summarizer.summarize(self) - Summary.new(title, value) -end -``` - -This is hard to follow and causes [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) because -the logic of building the summarizer is in `Question`, far away from the choice -of which summarizer to use, which is in `SummariesController`. Additionally, the -`options` parameter needs to be passed down several levels so that -summarizer-specific options can be provided when building the summarizer. - -Let's remedy this by having the controller build the actual summarizer -instance. First, we'll move that logic from `Question` to `SummariesController`: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def show - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer, options) -end - -private - -def summarizer - summarizer_name = params[:id] - summarizer_factory = "Summarizer::#{summarizer_name.classify}".constantize - summarizer_factory.new(options) -end -``` - -Then, we'll change `Question#summary_using` to take an instance instead of a -name: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summary_using(summarizer, options) - value = summarizer.summarize(self) - Summary.new(title, value) -end -``` - -That `options` argument is no longer necessary because it was only used to -build the summarizer—which is now handled by the controller. Let's -remove it: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summary_using(summarizer) - value = summarizer.summarize(self) - Summary.new(title, value) -end -``` - -We also don't need to pass it from `Survey`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -question.summary_using(summarizer) -``` - -This interaction has already improved, because the `options` argument is no -longer uselessly passed around through two models. It's only used in the -controller where the summarizer instance is built. Building the summarizer in -the controller is appropriate, because the controller knows the name of the -summarizer we want to build, as well as which options are used when building it. - -Now that we're using dependency injection, we can take this even further. - -By default, in order to prevent the summary from influencing a user's own answers, users -don't see summaries for questions they haven't answered yet. Users -can click a link to override this decision and view the summary for every -question. - -The information that determines whether or not to hide unanswered questions -lives in the controller: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def constraints - if include_unanswered? - {} - else - { answered_by: current_user } - end -end -``` - -However, this information is passed into `Survey#summaries_using`: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -@summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer, options) -``` - -`Survey#summaries_using` decides whether to hide the answer to each question -based on that setting: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb - def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {}) - questions.map do |question| - summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, options) - end - end - - private - - def summary_or_hidden_answer(summarizer, question, options) - if hide_unanswered_question?(question, options[:answered_by]) - hide_answer_to_question(question) - else - question.summary_using(summarizer) - end - end - - def hide_unanswered_question?(question, answered_by) - answered_by && !question.answered_by?(answered_by) - end - - def hide_answer_to_question(question) - Summary.new(question.title, NO_ANSWER) - end -end -``` - -Again, the decision is far away from the dependent behavior. - -We can combine our dependency injection with a [decorator](#extract-decorator) -to remove the duplicate decision: - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -class UnansweredQuestionHider - NO_ANSWER = "You haven't answered this question".freeze - - def initialize(summarizer, user) - @summarizer = summarizer - @user = user - end - - def summarize(question) - if hide_unanswered_question?(question) - NO_ANSWER - else - @summarizer.summarize(question) - end - end - - private - - def hide_unanswered_question?(question) - !question.answered_by?(@user) - end -end -``` - -We'll decide whether or not to decorate the base summarizer in our controller: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def decorated_summarizer - if include_unanswered? - summarizer - else - UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, current_user) - end -end -``` - -Now, the decision of whether or not to hide answers is completely removed from -`Survey`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer) - questions.map do |question| - question.summary_using(summarizer) - end -end -``` - -For more explanation of using decorators, as well as step-by-step instructions -for how to introduce them, see the [Extract -Decorator](#extract-decorator) chapter. - -### Drawbacks - -Injecting dependencies in our example made each class—`SummariesController`, -`Survey`, `Question` and `UnansweredQuestionHider`—easier to understand as a -unit. However, it's now difficult to understand what kind of summaries will be -produced just by looking at `Survey` or `Question`. You need to follow the stack -up to `SummariesController` to understand the dependencies and then look at -each class to understand how they're used. - -In this case, we believe that using dependency injection resulted in an overall -win for readability and flexibility. However, it's important to remember that -the further you move a dependency's resolution from its use, the harder it is to -figure out what's actually being used in lower level components. - -In our example, there isn't an easy way to know which class will be instantiated -for the `summarizer` parameter to `Question#summary_using`: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def summary_using(summarizer) - value = summarizer.summarize(self) - Summary.new(title, value) -end -``` - -In our case, that will be one of `Summarizer::Breakdown`, -`Summarizer::MostRecent` or `Summarizer::UserAnswer`, or a -`UnansweredQuestionHider` that decorates one of the above. Developers will need -to trace back up through `Survey` to `SummariesController` to gather all the -possible implementations. - -### Next Steps - -* When pulling dependency resolution up into a higher level class, check that - class to make sure it doesn't become a [large class](#large-class) because of - all the logic surrounding dependency resolution. -* If a class is suffering from [divergent change](#divergent-change) because of - new or modified dependencies, try moving dependency resolution further up the - stack to a container class whose sole responsibility is managing dependencies. -* If methods contain [long parameter lists](#long-parameter-list), consider - wrapping up several dependencies in a [parameter - object](#introduce-parameter-object) or facade. - -# Replace Subclasses with Strategies - -Subclasses are a common method of achieving reuse and polymorphism, but -inheritance has its drawbacks. See [composition over -inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance) for reasons why you might decide to -avoid an inheritance-based model. - -During this refactoring, we will replace the subclasses with individual strategy -classes. Each strategy class will implement a common interface. The original -base class is promoted from an abstract class to the composition root, which -composes the strategy classes. - -This allows for smaller interfaces, stricter separation of concerns and easier -testing. It also makes it possible to swap out part of the structure, which, in an inheritance-based model, would require converting to a new type. - -When applying this refactoring to an `ActiveRecord::Base` subclass, -[STI](#single-table-inheritance-sti) is removed, often in favor of a polymorphic -association. - -### Uses - -* Eliminates [large classes](#large-class) by splitting up a bloated base class. -* Converts [STI](#single-table-inheritance-sti) to a composition-based scheme. -* Makes it easier to change part of the structure by separating the parts that - change from the parts that don't. - -### Example - -The `switch_to` method on `Question` changes the question to a new type. Any -necessary attributes for the new subclass are provided to the `attributes` -method. - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def switch_to(type, new_attributes) - attributes = self.attributes.merge(new_attributes) - new_question = type.constantize.new(attributes.except('id', 'type')) - new_question.id = id - - begin - Question.transaction do - destroy - new_question.save! - end - rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid - end - - new_question -end -``` - -Using inheritance makes changing question types awkward for a number of reasons: - -* You can't actually change the class of an instance in Ruby, so you need to - return the instance of the new class. -* The implementation requires deleting and creating records, but part of the - transaction (`destroy`) must execute before we can validate the new instance. - This results in control flow using exceptions. -* It's hard to understand why this method is implemented the way it is, so other - developers fixing bugs or refactoring in the future will have a hard time - navigating it. - -We can make this operation easier by using composition instead of inheritance. - -This is a difficult change that becomes larger as more behavior is added to the -inheritance tree. We can make the change easier by breaking it down into smaller -steps, ensuring that the application is in a fully functional state with passing -tests after each change. This allows us to debug in smaller sessions and create -safe checkpoint commits that we can retreat to if something goes wrong. - -#### Use Extract Class to Extract Non-Railsy Methods from Subclasses - -The easiest way to start is by extracting a strategy class from each subclass -and moving (and delegating) as many methods as you can to the new class. There's -some class-level wizardry that goes on in some Rails features, like associations, -so let's start by moving simple, instance-level methods that aren't part of the -framework. - -Let's start with a simple subclass: `OpenQuestion.` - -Here's the `OpenQuestion` class using an STI model: - -```ruby -# app/models/open_question.rb -class OpenQuestion < Question - def score(text) - 0 - end - - def breakdown - text_from_ordered_answers = answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text) - text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ') - end -end -``` - -We can start by creating a new strategy class: - -``` ruby -class OpenSubmittable -end -``` - -When switching from inheritance to composition, you need to add a new word to -the application's vocabulary. Before, we had questions, and different subclasses -of questions handled the variations in behavior and data. Now, we're switching -to a model where there's only one question class, and the question will compose -_something_ that will handle the variations. In our case, that _something_ is a -"submittable." In our new model, each question is just a question, and every -question composes a submittable that decides how the question can be submitted. Thus, our first extracted class is called `OpenSubmittable,` extracted from -`OpenQuestion.` - -Let's move our first method over to `OpenSubmittable`: - -```ruby -# app/models/open_submittable.rb -class OpenSubmittable - def score(text) - 0 - end -end -``` - -And change `OpenQuestion` to delegate to it: - -```ruby -# app/models/open_question.rb -class OpenQuestion < Question - def score(text) - submittable.score(text) - end - - def breakdown - text_from_ordered_answers = answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text) - text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ') - end - - def submittable - OpenSubmittable.new - end -end -``` - -Each question subclass implements the `score` method, so we repeat this process -for `MultipleChoiceQuestion` and `ScaleQuestion`. You can see the full change -for this step in the [example -app](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/7747366a12b3f6f21d0008063c5655faba8e4890). - -At this point, we've introduced a parallel inheritance hierarchy. During a -longer refactor, things may get worse before they get better. This is one of -several reasons that it's always best to refactor on a branch, separately from -any feature work. We'll make sure that the parallel inheritance hierarchy is -removed before merging. - -#### Pull Up Delegate Method into Base Class - -After the first step, each subclass implements a `submittable` method to build -its parallel strategy class. The `score` method in each subclass simply -delegates to its submittable. We can now pull the `score` method up into the -base `Question` class, completely removing this concern from the subclasses. - -First, we add a delegator to `Question`: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -delegate :score, to: :submittable -``` - -Then, we remove the `score` method from each subclass. - -You can see this change in full in the [example -app](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/9c2ddc65e7248bab1f010d8a2c74c8f994a8b26d). - -#### Move Remaining Common API into Strategies - -We can now repeat the first two steps for every non-Railsy method that the -subclasses implement. In our case, this is just the `breakdown` method. - -The most interesting part of this change is that the `breakdown` method requires -state from the subclasses, so the question is now provided to the submittable: - -```ruby -# app/models/multiple_choice_question.rb -def submittable - MultipleChoiceSubmittable.new(self) -end -``` - -\clearpage - -```ruby -# app/models/multiple_choice_submittable.rb -def answers - @question.answers -end - -def options - @question.options -end -``` - -You can view this change in the [example -app](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/db3658cd1c4601c07f49a7c666f57c00f5c22ffd). - -#### Move Remaining Non-Railsy Public Methods into Strategies - -We can take a similar approach for the uncommon API; that is, public methods -that are only implemented in one subclass. - -First, move the body of the method into the strategy: - -```ruby -# app/models/scale_submittable.rb -def steps - (@question.minimum..@question.maximum).to_a -end -``` - -Then, add a delegator. This time, the delegator can live directly on the -subclass, rather than the base class: - -```ruby -# app/models/scale_question.rb -def steps - submittable.steps -end -``` - -Repeat this step for the remaining public methods that aren't part of the Rails -framework. You can see the full change for this step in our [example app](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/2bce7f7b0812b417dc41af369d18b83e057419ac). - -#### Remove Delegators from Subclasses - -Our subclasses now contain only delegators, code to instantiate the submittable, -and framework code. Eventually, we want to completely delete these subclasses, -so let's start stripping them down. The delegators are easiest to delete, so -let's take them on before the framework code. - -First, find where the delegators are used: - -```rhtml -# app/views/multiple_choice_questions/_multiple_choice_question_form.html.erb -<%= form.fields_for(:options, question.options_for_form) do |option_fields| -%> - <%= option_fields.input :text, label: 'Option' %> -<% end -%> -``` - -And change the code to directly use the strategy instead: - -```rhtml -# app/views/multiple_choice_questions/_multiple_choice_question_form.html.erb -<%= form.fields_for(:options, submittable.options_for_form) do |option_fields| -%> - <%= option_fields.input :text, label: 'Option' %> -<% end -%> -``` - -You may need to pass the strategy in where the subclass was used before: - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/_form.html.erb -<%= render( - "#{question.to_partial_path}_form", - submittable: question.submittable, - form: form -) %> -``` - -We can come back to these locations later and see if we need to pass in the -question at all. - -After fixing the code that uses the delegator, remove the delegator from the -subclass. Repeat this process for each delegator until they've all been removed. - -You can see how we do this in the [example app](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/c7a61dadfed53b9d93b578064d982f22d62f7b8d). - -#### Instantiate Strategy Directly from Base Class - -If you look carefully at the `submittable` method from each question subclass, -you'll notice that it simply instantiates a class based on its own class name -and passes itself to the `initialize` method: - -```ruby -# app/models/open_question.rb -def submittable - OpenSubmittable.new(self) -end -``` - -This is a pretty strong convention, so let's apply some [convention over -configuration](#use-convention-over-configuration) and pull the method up into -the base class: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def submittable - submittable_class_name = type.sub('Question', 'Submittable') - submittable_class_name.constantize.new(self) -end -``` - -We can then delete `submittable` from each of the subclasses. - -At this point, the subclasses contain only Rails-specific code, like associations -and validations. - -You can see the full change in the [example app](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/75075985e6050e5c1008010855e75df14547890c). - -Also, note that you may want to [scope the `constantize` -call](#scoping-constantize) in order to make the strategies easy for developers -to discover and close potential security vulnerabilities. - -#### A Fork in the Road - -At this point, we're faced with a difficult decision. At first glance, it seems as -though only associations and validations live in our subclasses, and we could -easily move those to our strategy. However, there are two major issues. - -First, you can't move the association to a strategy class without making that -strategy an `ActiveRecord::Base` subclass. Associations are deeply coupled with -`ActiveRecord::Base` and they simply won't work in other situations. - -Also, one of our submittable strategies has state specific to that strategy. -Scale questions have a minimum and maximum. These fields are only used by scale -questions, but they're on the questions table. We can't remove this pollution -without creating a table for scale questions. - -There are two obvious ways to proceed: - -* Continue without making the strategies `ActiveRecord::Base` subclasses. Keep - the association for multiple choice questions and the minimum and maximum for - scale questions on the `Question` class, and use that data from the strategy. - This will result in [divergent change](#divergent-change) and probably a - [large class](#large-class) on `Question`, as every change in the data - required for new or existing strategies will require new behavior on - `Question`. -* Convert the strategies to `ActiveRecord::Base` subclasses. Move the - association and state specific to strategies to those classes. This involves - creating a table for each strategy and adding a polymorphic association to - `Question.` This will avoid polluting the `Question` class with future - strategy changes, but is awkward right now, because the tables for multiple - choice questions and open questions would contain no data except the primary - key. These tables provide a placeholder for future strategy-specific data, but - those strategies may never require any more data and until they do, the tables - are a waste of queries and the developer's mental space. - -In this example, we'll move forward with the second approach, because: - -* It's easier with ActiveRecord. ActiveRecord will take care of instantiating - the strategy in most situations if it's an association, and it has special - behavior for associations using nested attribute forms. -* It's the easiest way to avoid [divergent change](#divergent-change) and [large - classes](#large-class) in a Rails application. Both of these smells can cause - problems that are hard to fix if you wait too long. - -#### Convert Strategies to ActiveRecord Subclasses - -Continuing with our refactor, we'll change each of our strategy classes to -inherit from `ActiveRecord::Base`. - -First, simply declare that the class is a child of `ActiveRecord::Base`: - -```ruby -# app/models/open_submittable.rb -class OpenSubmittable < ActiveRecord::Base -``` - -Your tests will complain that the corresponding table doesn't exist, so create -it: - -```ruby -# db/migrate/20130131205432_create_open_submittables.rb -class CreateOpenSubmittables < ActiveRecord::Migration - def change - create_table :open_submittables do |table| - table.timestamps null: false - end - end -end -``` - -Our strategies currently accept the question as a parameter to `initialize` and -assign it as an instance variable. In an `ActiveRecord::Base` subclass, we don't -control `initialize`, so let's change `question` from an instance variable to an -association and pass a hash: - -```ruby -# app/models/open_submittable.rb -class OpenSubmittable < ActiveRecord::Base - has_one :question, as: :submittable - - def breakdown - text_from_ordered_answers = answers.order(:created_at).pluck(:text) - text_from_ordered_answers.join(', ') - end - - def score(text) - 0 - end - - private - - def answers - question.answers - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def submittable - submittable_class = type.sub('Question', 'Submittable').constantize - submittable_class.new(question: self) -end -``` - -Our strategies are now ready to use Rails-specific functionality, like -associations and validations. - -View the full change on [GitHub](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/e4809cd43da76bf1e6b0933040bffd9cc3ea810c). - -#### Introduce a Polymorphic Association - -Now that our strategies are persistable using ActiveRecord, we can use them in a -polymorphic association. Let's add the association: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -belongs_to :submittable, polymorphic: true -``` - -And add the necessary columns: - -```ruby -# db/migrate/20130131203344_add_submittable_type_and_id_to_questions.rb -class AddSubmittableTypeAndIdToQuestions < ActiveRecord::Migration - def change - add_column :questions, :submittable_id, :integer - add_column :questions, :submittable_type, :string - end -end -``` - -We're currently defining a `submittable` method that overrides the association. -Let's change that to a method that will build the association based on the STI -type: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def build_submittable - submittable_class = type.sub('Question', 'Submittable').constantize - self.submittable = submittable_class.new(question: self) -end -``` - -Previously, the `submittable` method built the submittable on demand, but now -it's persisted in an association and built explicitly. Let's change our -controllers accordingly: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb -def build_question - @question = type.constantize.new(question_params) - @question.build_submittable - @question.survey = @survey -end -``` - -View the full change on [GitHub](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/7d6e294ef8d0e427f83710f74448768da80af2d4). - -#### Pass Attributes to Strategies - -We're persisting the strategy as an association, but the strategies currently -don't have any state. We need to change that, since scale submittables need a -minimum and maximum. - -Let's change our `build_submittable` method to accept attributes: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def build_submittable(attributes) - submittable_class = type.sub('Question', 'Submittable').constantize - self.submittable = submittable_class.new(attributes.merge(question: self)) -end -``` - -We can quickly change the invocations to pass an empty hash, and we're back to -green. - -Next, let's move the `minimum` and `maximum` fields over to the -`scale_submittables` table: - -```ruby -# db/migrate/20130131211856_move_scale_question_state_to_scale_submittable.rb -add_column :scale_submittables, :minimum, :integer -add_column :scale_submittables, :maximum, :integer -``` - -Note that this migration is [rather -lengthy](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/blob/41b49f49706135572a1b907f6a4c9747fb8446bb/example_app/db/migrate/20130131211856_move_scale_question_state_to_scale_submittable.rb), -because we also need to move over the minimum and maximum values for existing -questions. The SQL in our example app will work on most databases, but is -cumbersome. If you're using PostgreSQL, you can handle the `down` method easier -using an `UPDATE FROM` statement. - -Next, we'll move validations for these attributes over from `ScaleQuestion`: - -```ruby -# app/models/scale_submittable.rb -validates :maximum, presence: true -validates :minimum, presence: true -``` - -And change `ScaleSubmittable` methods to use those attributes directly, rather -than looking for them on `question`: - -```ruby -# app/models/scale_submittable.rb -def steps - (minimum..maximum).to_a -end -``` - -We can pass those attributes in our form by using `fields_for` and -`accepts_nested_attributes_for`: - -```rhtml -# app/views/scale_questions/_scale_question_form.html.erb -<%= form.fields_for :submittable do |submittable_fields| -%> - <%= submittable_fields.input :minimum %> - <%= submittable_fields.input :maximum %> -<% end -%> -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -accepts_nested_attributes_for :submittable -``` - -In order to make sure the `Question` fails when its submittable is invalid, we -can cascade the validation: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -validates :submittable, associated: true -``` - -Now, we just need our controllers to pass the appropriate submittable parameters: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb -def build_question - @question = type.constantize.new(question_params) - @question.build_submittable(submittable_params) - @question.survey = @survey -end -``` - -\clearpage - -```ruby -# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb -def question_params - params. - require(:question). - permit(:title, :options_attributes) -end - -def submittable_params - if submittable_attributes = params[:question][:submittable_attributes] - submittable_attributes.permit(:minimum, :maximum) - else - {} - end -end -``` - -All behavior and state is now moved from `ScaleQuestion` to `ScaleSubmittable`, -and the `ScaleQuestion` class is completely empty. - -You can view the full change in the [example app](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/41b49f49706135572a1b907f6a4c9747fb8446bb). - -#### Move Remaining Railsy Behavior Out of Subclasses - -We can now repeat this process for remaining Rails-specific behavior. In our -case, this is the logic to handle the `options` association for multiple choice -questions. - -We can move the association and behavior over to the strategy class: - -```ruby -# app/models/multiple_choice_submittable.rb -has_many :options, foreign_key: :question_id -has_one :question, as: :submittable - -accepts_nested_attributes_for :options, reject_if: :all_blank -``` - -Again, we remove the `options` method which delegated to `question` and rely on -`options` being directly available. Then we update the form to use `fields_for` -and move the allowed attributes in the controller from `question` to -`submittable`. - -At this point, every question subclass is completely empty. - -You can view the full change in the [example app](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/662e50874a377f8050ea2ad1326a7a4e47125f86). - -#### Backfill Strategies for Existing Records - -Now that everything is moved over to the strategies, we need to make sure that -submittables exist for every existing question. We can write a quick backfill -migration to take care of that: - -```ruby -# db/migrate/20130207164259_backfill_submittables.rb -class BackfillSubmittables < ActiveRecord::Migration - def up - backfill 'open' - backfill 'multiple_choice' - end - - def down - connection.delete 'DELETE FROM open_submittables' - connection.delete 'DELETE FROM multiple_choice_submittables' - end - - private - - def backfill(type) - say_with_time "Backfilling #{type} submittables" do - connection.update(<<-SQL) - UPDATE questions - SET - submittable_id = id, - submittable_type = '#{type.camelize}Submittable' - WHERE type = '#{type.camelize}Question' - SQL - connection.insert(<<-SQL) - INSERT INTO #{type}_submittables - (id, created_at, updated_at) - SELECT - id, created_at, updated_at - FROM questions - WHERE questions.type = '#{type.camelize}Question' - SQL - end - end -end -``` - -We don't port over scale questions, because we took care of them in a [previous -migration](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/blob/41b49f49706135572a1b907f6a4c9747fb8446bb/example_app/db/migrate/20130131211856_move_scale_question_state_to_scale_submittable.rb). - -#### Pass the Type When Instantiating the Strategy - -At this point, the subclasses are just dead weight. However, we can't delete -them just yet. We're relying on the `type` column to decide what type of -strategy to build, and Rails will complain if we have a `type` column without -corresponding subclasses. - -Let's remove our dependence on that `type` column. Accept a `type` when building -the submittable: - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def build_submittable(type, attributes) - submittable_class = type.sub('Question', 'Submittable').constantize - self.submittable = submittable_class.new(attributes.merge(question: self)) -end -``` - -And pass it in when calling: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb -@question.build_submittable(type, submittable_params) -``` - -[Full Change](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/a3b36db9f0ec2d66e0ec1e7732662732380e6fc8) - -#### Always Instantiate the Base Class - -Now we can remove our dependence on the STI subclasses by always building an -instance of `Question`. - -In our controller, we change this line: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb -@question = type.constantize.new(question_params) -``` - -To this: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb -@question = Question.new(question_params) -``` - -We're still relying on `type` as a parameter in forms and links to decide what -type of submittable to build. Let's change that to `submittable_type`, which is -already available because of our polymorphic association: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/questions_controller.rb -params[:question][:submittable_type] -``` - -```rhtml -# app/views/questions/_form.html.erb -<%= form.hidden_field :submittable_type %> -``` - -We'll also need to revisit views that rely on [polymorphic -partials](#polymorphic-partials) based on the question type and change them to -rely on the submittable type instead: - -```rhtml -# app/views/surveys/show.html.erb -<%= render( - question.submittable, - submission_fields: submission_fields -) %> -``` - -Now we can finally remove our `type` column entirely: - -```ruby -# db/migrate/20130207214017_remove_questions_type.rb -class RemoveQuestionsType < ActiveRecord::Migration - def up - remove_column :questions, :type - end - - def down - add_column :questions, :type, :string - - connection.update(<<-SQL) - UPDATE questions - SET type = REPLACE(submittable_type, 'Submittable', 'Question') - SQL - - change_column_null :questions, :type, true - end -end -``` - -[Full Change](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/19ee3047f57807f342cb7cefd1b6589aff15ea6b) - -#### Remove Subclasses - -Now for a quick, glorious change: those `Question` subclasses are entirely empty -and unused, so we can [delete -them](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/c6f0e545ae9b3da017b3318f2882cb40954213ee). - -This also removes the parallel inheritance hierarchy that we introduced earlier. - -At this point, the code is as good as we found it. - -#### Simplify Type Switching - -If you were previously switching from one subclass to another as we did to -change question types, you can now greatly simplify that code. - -Instead of deleting the old question and cloning it with a merged set of old -generic attributes and new specific attributes, you can simply swap in a new -strategy for the old one. - -```ruby -# app/models/question.rb -def switch_to(type, attributes) - old_submittable = submittable - build_submittable type, attributes - - transaction do - if save - old_submittable.destroy - end - end -end -``` - -Our new `switch_to` method is greatly improved: - -* This method no longer needs to return anything, because there's no need to - clone. This is nice because `switch_to` is no longer a mixed command and query method (i.e., it does - something and returns something), but simply a command method (i.e., it - just does something). -* The method no longer needs to delete the old question, and the new submittable - is valid before we delete the old one. This means we no longer need to use - exceptions for control flow. -* It's simpler and its code is obvious, so other developers will have no trouble - refactoring or fixing bugs. - -You can see the full change that resulted in our new method in the [example -app](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/5f4a14ff6c43bf5b846d1c58d7509861c6fe3ac1). - -#### Conclusion - -Our new, composition-based model is improved in a number of ways: - -* It's easy to change types. -* Each submittable is easy to use independently of its question, reducing - coupling. -* There's a clear boundary in the API for questions and submittables, making it - easier to test—and less likely that concerns leak between the two. -* Shared behavior happens via composition, making it less likely that the base - class will become a [large class](#large-class). -* It's easy to add new state without effecting other types, because - strategy-specific state is stored on a table for that strategy. - -You can view the entire refactor with all steps combined in the [example -app](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/compare/4939d3e3c539c5caaa36400d75258cc3f3f4e7d8...5f4a14ff6c43bf5b846d1c58d7509861c6fe3ac1) to get an idea of what changed at the macro level. - -This is a difficult transition to make, and the more behavior and data that you -shove into an inheritance scheme, the harder it becomes. Regarding situations in which [STI](#single-table-inheritance-sti) is not significantly easier than using a -polymorphic relationship, it's better to start with composition. STI provides -few advantages over composition, and it's easier to merge models than to split -them. - -### Drawbacks - -Our application also got worse in a number of ways: - -* We introduced a new word into the application vocabulary. This can increase - understanding of a complex system, but vocabulary overload makes simpler - systems unnecessarily hard to learn. -* We now need two queries to get a question's full state, and we'll need to - query up to four tables to get information about a set of questions. -* We introduced useless tables for two of our question types. This will happen - whenever you use ActiveRecord to back a strategy without state. -* We increased the overall complexity of the system. In this case, it may have - been worth it, because we reduced the complexity per component. However, it's - worth keeping an eye on. - -Before performing a large change like this, try to imagine what currently difficult changes will be easier to -make in the new version. - -After performing a large change, keep track of difficult changes you make. Would -they have been easier in the old version? - -Answering these questions will increase your ability to judge whether or not to -use composition or inheritance in future situations. - -### Next Steps - -* Check the extracted strategy classes to make sure they don't have [feature - envy](#feature-envy) related to the original base class. You may want to use - [move method](#move-method) to move methods between strategies and the root - class. -* Check the extracted strategy classes for [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) - introduced while splitting up the base class. Use [extract - method](#extract-method) or [extract class](#extract-class) to extract common - behavior. - -# Replace Mixin with Composition - -Mixins are one of two mechanisms for inheritance in Ruby. This refactoring -provides safe steps for cleanly removing mixins that have become troublesome. - -Removing a mixin in favor of composition involves the following steps: - -* Extract a class for the mixin. -* Compose and delegate to the extracted class from each mixed in method. -* Replace references to mixed in methods with references to the composed class. -* Remove the mixin. - -### Uses - -* Liberates business logic trapped in mixins. -* Eliminates name clashes from multiple mixins. -* Makes methods in the mixins easier to test. - -### Example - -In our example applications, invitations can be delivered either by email or -private message (to existing users). Each invitation method is implemented in -its own class: - -```ruby -# app/models/message_inviter.rb -class MessageInviter < AbstractController::Base - include Inviter - - def initialize(invitation, recipient) - @invitation = invitation - @recipient = recipient - end - - def deliver - Message.create!( - recipient: @recipient, - sender: @invitation.sender, - body: render_message_body - ) - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/email_inviter.rb -class EmailInviter < AbstractController::Base - include Inviter - - def initialize(invitation) - @invitation = invitation - end - - def deliver - Mailer.invitation_notification(@invitation, render_message_body).deliver - end -end -``` - -The logic to generate the invitation message is the same regardless of the -delivery mechanism, so this behavior has been extracted. - -It's currently extracted using a mixin: - -```ruby -# app/models/inviter.rb -module Inviter - extend ActiveSupport::Concern - - included do - include AbstractController::Rendering - include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers - - self.view_paths = 'app/views' - self.default_url_options = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options - end - - private - - def render_message_body - render template: 'invitations/message' - end -end -``` - -Let's replace this mixin with a composition. - -First, we'll [extract a new class](#extract-class) for the mixin: - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation_message.rb -class InvitationMessage < AbstractController::Base - include AbstractController::Rendering - include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers - - self.view_paths = 'app/views' - self.default_url_options = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options - - def initialize(invitation) - @invitation = invitation - end - - def body - render template: 'invitations/message' - end -end -``` - -This class contains all the behavior that formerly resided in the mixin. In order -to keep everything working, we'll compose and delegate to the extracted class -from the mixin: - -```ruby -# app/models/inviter.rb -module Inviter - private - - def render_message_body - InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -Next, we can replace references to the mixed in methods (`render_message_body` -in this case) with direct references to the composed class: - -```ruby -# app/models/message_inviter.rb -class MessageInviter - def initialize(invitation, recipient) - @invitation = invitation - @recipient = recipient - @body = InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body - end - - def deliver - Message.create!( - recipient: @recipient, - sender: @invitation.sender, - body: @body - ) - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/email_inviter.rb -class EmailInviter - def initialize(invitation) - @invitation = invitation - @body = InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body - end - - def deliver - Mailer.invitation_notification(@invitation, @body).deliver - end -end -``` - -In our case, there was only one method to move. If your mixin has multiple -methods, it's best to move them one at a time. - -Once every reference to a mixed in method is replaced, you can remove the mixed -in method. Once every mixed in method is removed, you can remove the mixin -entirely. - -### Next Steps - -* [Inject dependencies](#inject-dependencies) to [invert - control](#dependency-inversion-principle) and allow the composing classes to - use different implementations for the composed class. -* Check the composing class for [feature envy](#feature-envy) of the extracted - class. Tight coupling is common between mixin methods and host methods, so you - may need to use [move method](#move-method) a few times to get the balance - right. - -# Replace Callback with Method - -If your models are hard to use and change because their persistence logic is -coupled with business logic, one way to loosen things up is by replacing -[callbacks](#callback). - -### Uses - -* Reduces coupling of persistence logic with business logic. -* Makes it easier to extract concerns from models. -* Fixes bugs from accidentally triggered callbacks. -* Fixes bugs from callbacks with side effects when transactions roll back. - -### Steps - -* Use [extract method](#extract-method) if the callback is an anonymous block. -* Promote the callback method to a public method if it's private. -* Call the public method explicitly, rather than relying on `save` and callbacks. - -\clearpage - -### Example - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def deliver_invitations - recipients.map do |recipient_email| - Invitation.create!( - survey: survey, - sender: sender, - recipient_email: recipient_email, - status: 'pending', - message: @message - ) - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -after_create :deliver -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -private - -def deliver - Mailer.invitation_notification(self).deliver -end -``` - -In the above code, the `SurveyInviter` is simply creating `Invitation` records, -and the actual delivery of the invitation email is hidden behind -`Invitation.create!` via a callback. - -If one of several invitations fails to save, the user will see a 500 page, but -some of the invitations will already have been saved and delivered. The user -will be unable to tell which invitations were sent. - -Because delivery is coupled with persistence, there's no way to make sure that -all the invitations are saved before starting to deliver emails. - -Let's make the callback method public so that it can be called from -`SurveyInviter`: - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -def deliver - Mailer.invitation_notification(self).deliver -end - -private -``` - -Then remove the `after_create` line to detach the method from persistence. - -Now we can split invitations into separate persistence and delivery phases: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def deliver_invitations - create_invitations.each(&:deliver) -end - -def create_invitations - Invitation.transaction do - recipients.map do |recipient_email| - Invitation.create!( - survey: survey, - sender: sender, - recipient_email: recipient_email, - status: 'pending', - message: @message - ) - end - end -end -``` - -If any of the invitations fail to save, the transaction will roll back. Nothing -will be committed and no messages will be delivered. - -### Next Steps - -* Find other instances where the model is saved, to make sure that the extracted - method doesn't need to be called. - -# Use Convention Over Configuration - -Ruby's meta-programming allows us to avoid boilerplate code and duplication by -relying on conventions for class names, file names and directory structure. -Although depending on class names can be constricting in some situations, -careful use of conventions will make your applications less tedious and more -bug-proof. - -### Uses - -* Eliminates [case statements](#case-statement) by finding classes by name. -* Eliminates [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) by removing the need to register - or configure new strategies and services. -* Eliminates [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) by removing manual associations - from identifiers to class names. -* Prevents future duplication, making it easier to [avoid duplication](#dry). - -\clearpage - -### Example - -This controller accepts an `id` parameter identifying which summarizer strategy -to use and renders a summary of the survey based on the chosen strategy: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -class SummariesController < ApplicationController - def show - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer) - end - - private - - def summarizer - case params[:id] - when 'breakdown' - Breakdown.new - when 'most_recent' - MostRecent.new - when 'your_answers' - UserAnswer.new(current_user) - else - raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}" - end - end -end -``` - -The controller is manually mapping a given strategy name to an object -that can perform the strategy with the given name. In most cases, a strategy -name directly maps to a class of the same name. - -We can use the `constantize` method from Rails to retrieve a class by name: - -``` ruby -params[:id].classify.constantize -``` - -This will find the `MostRecent` class from the string `"most_recent"`, and so -on. This means we can rely on a convention for our summarizer strategies: Each -named strategy will map to a class implementing that strategy. The controller -can [use the class as an abstract factory](#use-class-as-factory) and obtain a -summarizer. - -However, we can't immediately start using `constantize` in our example, because -there's one outlier case: The `UserAnswer` class is referenced using -`"your_answers"` instead of `"user_answer"`, and `UserAnswer` takes different -parameters than the other two strategies. - -Before refactoring the code to rely on our new convention, let's refactor to -obey it. All our names should map directly to class names and each class should -accept the same parameters: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def summarizer - case params[:id] - when 'breakdown' - Breakdown.new(user: current_user) - when 'most_recent' - MostRecent.new(user: current_user) - when 'user_answer' - UserAnswer.new(user: current_user) - else - raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}" - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -Now that we know we can instantiate any of the summarizer classes the same way, -let's extract a method for determining the summarizer class: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def summarizer - summarizer_class.new(user: current_user) -end - -def summarizer_class - case params[:id] - when 'breakdown' - Breakdown - when 'most_recent' - MostRecent - when 'user_answer' - UserAnswer - else - raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}" - end -end -``` - -The extracted class performs exactly the same logic as `constantize`, so -let's use it: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def summarizer - summarizer_class.new(user: current_user) -end - -def summarizer_class - params[:id].classify.constantize -end -``` - -Now we'll never need to change our controller when adding a new strategy; we -just add a new class following the naming convention. - -### Scoping `constantize` - -Our controller currently takes a string directly from user input (`params`) and -instantiates a class with that name. - -There are two issues with this approach that should be fixed: - -* There's no list of available strategies, so a developer would need to perform - a complicated search to find the relevant classes. -* Without a whitelist, users can make the application instantiate any class - they want, by hacking parameters. This can result in security vulnerabilities. - -We can solve both easily by altering our convention slightly: Scope all the -strategy classes within a module. - -We change our strategy factory method: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def summarizer - summarizer_class.new(user: current_user) -end - -def summarizer_class - params[:id].classify.constantize -end -``` - -To: - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def summarizer_class - "Summarizer::#{params[:id].classify}".constantize -end -``` - -With this convention in place, you can find all strategies by just looking in -the `Summarizer` module. In a Rails application, this will be in a `summarizer` -directory by convention. - -Users also won't be able to instantiate anything they want by abusing our -`constantize`, because only classes in the `Summarizer` module are available. - -### Drawbacks - -#### Weak Conventions - -Conventions are most valuable when they're completely consistent. - -The convention is slightly forced in this case because `UserAnswer` needs -different parameters than the other two strategies. This means that we now need -to add no-op `initializer` methods to the other two classes: - -```ruby -# app/models/summarizer/breakdown.rb -class Summarizer::Breakdown - def initialize(options) - end - - def summarize(question) - question.breakdown - end -end -``` - -This isn't a deal-breaker, but it makes the other classes a little noisier and -adds the risk that a developer will waste time trying to remove the unused -parameter. - -Every compromise made weakens the convention, and having a weak convention is -worse than having no convention. If you have to change the convention for every -class you add that follows it, try something else. - -#### Class-Oriented Programming - -Another drawback to this solution is that it's entirely class-based, which means -you can't assemble strategies at run-time. This means that reuse requires -inheritance. - -Also, while this class-based approach is convenient when developing an -application, it's more likely to cause frustration when writing a library. Forcing -developers to pass a class name instead of an object limits the amount of -runtime information strategies can use. In our example, only a `user` was -required. When you control both sides of the API, it's fine to assume that this -is safe. When writing a library that will interface with other developers' -applications, it's better not to rely on class names. - -\part{Principles} - -# DRY - -The DRY principle—short for "don't repeat yourself"—comes from [The -Pragmatic Programmer](http://pragprog.com/book/tpp/the-pragmatic-programmer). - -This principle states: - -> Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative -> representation within a system. - -Following this principle is one of the best ways to prevent bugs and move -faster. Every duplicated piece of knowledge is a bug waiting to happen. Many -development techniques are really just ways to prevent and eliminate -duplication, and many smells are just ways to detect existing duplication. - -When knowledge is duplicated, changing it means making the same change in -several places. Leaving duplication introduces a risk that the various duplicate -implementations will slowly diverge, making them harder to merge and making it -more likely that a bug remains in one or more incarnations after being fixed. - -Duplication leads to frustration and paranoia. Rampant duplication is a common -reason that developers reach for a grand rewrite. - -## Duplicated Knowledge vs. Duplicated Text - -It's important to understand that this principle states that _knowledge_ should -not be repeated; it does not state that _text_ should never be repeated. - -For example, this sample does not violate the DRY principle, even though the -word "save" is repeated several times: - -``` ruby -def sign_up - @user.save - @account.save - @subscription.save -end -``` - -However, this code contains duplicated knowledge that could be extracted: - -``` ruby -def sign_up_free - @user.save - @account.save - @trial.save -end - -def sign_up_paid - @user.save - @account.save - @subscription.save -end -``` - -### Application - -The following smells may point toward [duplicated code](#duplicated-code) and -can be avoided by following the DRY principle: - -* [Shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) caused by changing the same knowledge in - several places. -* [Long parameter lists](#long-parameter-list) caused by not encapsulating - related properties. -* [Feature envy](#feature-envy) caused by leaking internal knowledge of a class - that can be encapsulated and reused. - -Making behavior easy to reuse is essential to avoiding duplication. Developers -won't be tempted to copy and paste something that's easy to reuse through a -small, easy to understand class or method. You can use these solutions to make -knowledge easier to reuse: - -* [Extract classes](#extract-class) to encapsulate knowledge, allowing it to - be reused. -* [Extract methods](#extract-method) to reuse behavior within a class. -* [Extract partials](#extract-partial) to remove duplication in views. -* [Extract validators](#extract-validator) to encapsulate validations. -* [Replace conditionals with null - objects](#replace-conditional-with-null-object) to encapsulate behavior - related to nothingness. -* [Replace conditionals with - polymorphism](#replace-conditional-with-polymorphism) to make it easy to reuse - behavioral branches. -* [Replace mixins with composition](#replace-mixin-with-composition) to make it - easy to combine components in new ways. -* [Use convention over configuration](#use-convention-over-configuration) to - infer knowledge, making it impossible to duplicate. - -Applying these techniques before duplication occurs will make it less likely -that duplication will occur. To effectively prevent duplication, make knowledge -easier to reuse by keeping classes small and focused. - -Related principles include the [Law of Demeter](#law-of-demeter) and the [single -responsibility principle](#single-responsibility-principle). - -# Single Responsibility Principle - -The Single Responsibility Principle, often abbreviated as "SRP," was introduced -by Uncle Bob Martin, and states: - -> A class should have only one reason to change. - -Classes with fewer responsibilities are more likely to be reusable, easier to -understand and faster to test. They are easy to change and require fewer -changes after being written. - -Although this appears to be a very simple principle, deciding whether or not -any two pieces of behavior introduce two reasons to change is difficult, and -obeying SRP rigidly can be frustrating. - -### Reasons to Change - -One of the challenges in identifying reasons to change is deciding what granularity to be concerned with. - -In our example application, users can invite their friends to take surveys. When -an invitation is sent, we encapsulate that invitation in a basic ActiveRecord -subclass: - -\clearpage - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -class Invitation < ActiveRecord::Base - EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i - STATUSES = %w(pending accepted) - - belongs_to :sender, class_name: 'User' - belongs_to :survey - - before_create :set_token - - validates :recipient_email, presence: true, format: EMAIL_REGEX - validates :status, inclusion: { in: STATUSES } - - def to_param - token - end - - def deliver - body = InvitationMessage.new(self).body - Mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver - end - - private - - def set_token - self.token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 - end -end -``` - -Everything in this class has something to do with invitations. We could make -the blunt assessment that this class obeys SRP, because it will only change when -invitation-related functionality changes. However, looking more carefully at how -invitations are implemented, several other reasons to change can be identified: - -* The format of invitation tokens changes. -* A bug is identified in our validation of email addresses. -* We need to deliver invitations using some mechanism other than email. -* Invitations need to be persisted in another way, such as in a NoSQL database. -* The API for ActiveRecord or ActiveSupport changes during an update. -* The application switches from Rails to a new framework. - -That gives us half a dozen reasons this class might change, leading to the -probable conclusion that this class does not follow SRP. So, should this class -be refactored? - -### Stability - -Not all reasons to change are created equal. - -As a developer, you can anticipate likely changes based on your -experience—or just common sense. For example, attributes and business -rules for invitations are likely to change, so we know that this class will -change as invitations evolve in the application. - -Regular expressions are powerful but tricky beasts, so it's likely that we'll -have to adjust our regular expression. It might be nice to encapsulate that -somewhere else, such as in a [custom validator](#extract-validator). - -It's not always helpful to speculate as to what delivery mechanisms may loom in the -distant future, but it's not out of the realm of possibility that we'll need to -send messages using an internal private messaging system, or another service like -Facebook or Twitter. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to use [dependency -injection](#inject-dependencies) to remove the details of delivery from this -model. This may also make testing easier and make the class easier to understand -as a unit, because it will remove distracting details relating to email -delivery. - -NoSQL databases have their uses, but we have no reason to believe we'll ever -need to move these records into another type of database. ActiveRecord has -proven to be a safe and steady default choice, so it's probably not worth the -effort to protect ourselves against that change. - -Some of our business logic is expressed using APIs from libraries that could -change, such as validations and relationships. We could write our own adapter to -protect ourselves from those changes, but the maintenance burden is unlikely to -be worth the benefit, and it will make the code harder to understand, since there -will be unnecessary indirection between the model and the framework. - -Lastly, we could protect our application against framework changes by preventing -any business logic from leaking into the framework classes, such as controllers -and ActiveRecord models. Again, this would add a thick layer of indirection to -protect against an unlikely change. - -However, if you're trying out a new database, object-relational mapper or -framework, it may be worth adding some increased protection. The first time you -use a new database, you may not be fully confident regarding that decision. Preventing any -business logic from mixing with the persistence logic will make it easier to undo that decision and revert to a familiar solution like -ActiveRecord in case the new database turns against you. - -The less confident you are about a decision, the more you should isolate that -decision from the rest of your application. - -## Cohesion - -One of the primary goals of SRP is to promote cohesive classes. The more closely -related the methods and properties are to each other, the more cohesive a class -is. - -Classes with high cohesion are easier to understand, because the pieces fit -naturally together. They're also easier to change and reuse, because they won't -be coupled to any unexpected dependencies. - -Following this principle will lead to high cohesion, but it's important to focus -on the output of each change made to follow the principle. If you notice an -extra responsibility in a class, think about the benefits of extracting that -responsibility. If you think noticeably higher cohesion will be the result, -charge ahead. If you think it will simply be a way to spend an afternoon, make a -note of it and move on. - -## Responsibility Magnets - -Every application develops a few black holes that like to suck up as much -responsibility as possible, slowly turning into [God classes](#god-class). - -`User` is a common responsibility magnet. Generally, each application has a -focal point in its user interface that sucks up responsibility as well. Our -example application's main feature allows users to answer questions on surveys, -so `Survey` is a natural junk drawer for behavior. - -It's easy to get sucked into a responsibility magnet by falling prey to -"Just-One-More Syndrome." Whenever you're about to add a new behavior to an -existing class, first check the history of that class. If there are previous -commits that show developers attempting to pull functionality out of this class, -chances are good that it's a responsibility over-eater. Don't feed the problem; -add a new class instead. - -## Tension with Tell, Don't Ask - -Extracting reasons to change can make it harder to follow [tell, don't -ask](#tell-dont-ask). - -For example, consider a `Purchase` model that knows how to charge a user: - -``` ruby -class Purchase - def charge - purchaser.charge_credit_card(total_amount) - end -end -``` - -This method follows [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask), because we can simply tell any `Purchase` -to `charge`, without examining any state on the `Purchase`. - -However, it violates the SRP, because `Purchase` has -more than one reason to change. If the rules around charging credit cards change -or the rules for calculating purchase totals change, this class will have to -change. - -You can more closely adhere to SRP by extracting a new class for the `charge` -method: - -``` ruby -class PurchaseProcessor - def initialize(purchase, purchaser) - @purchase = purchase - @purchaser = purchaser - end - - def charge - @purchaser.charge_credit_card @purchase.total_amount - end -end -``` - -This class can encapsulate rules around charging credit cards and remain immune -to other changes, thus following SRP. However, it now violates [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask), -because it must ask the `@purchase` for its `total_amount` in order to place the -charge. - -These two principles are often at odds with each other and you must make a -pragmatic decision about which direction works best for your own classes. - -### Drawbacks - -There are a number of drawbacks to following this principle too rigidly: - -* As outlined above, following this principle may lead to violations of [tell, - don't ask](#tell-dont-ask). -* This principle causes an increase in the number of classes, potentially - leading to [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) and vocabulary overload. -* Classes that follow this principle may introduce additional indirection, - making it harder to understand high-level behavior by looking at individual - classes. - -### Application - -If you find yourself fighting any of these smells, you may want to refactor to -follow the SRP: - -* [Divergent change](#divergent-change) doesn't exist in classes that follow - this principle. -* Classes following this principle are easy to reuse, reducing the likelihood of - [Duplicated code](#duplicated-code). -* [Large classes](#large-class) almost certainly have more than one reason to - change. Following this principle eliminates most large classes. - -Code containing these smells may need refactoring before it can follow this -principle: - -* [Case statements](#case-statement) make this principle difficult to follow, as - every case statement introduces a new reason to change. -* [Long methods](#long-method) make it harder to extract concerns, as behavior - can only be moved once it's encapsulated in a small, cohesive method. -* [Mixins](#mixin), [Single-table inheritance](#single-table-inheritance-sti), - and inheritance in general make it harder to follow this principle, as the - boundary between parent and child class responsibilities is always fuzzy. - -These solutions may be useful on the path towards SRP: - -* [Extract classes](#extract-class) to move responsibilities to their own class. -* [Extract decorators](#extract-decorator) to layer responsibilities onto - existing classes without burdening the class definition with that knowledge. -* [Extract validators](#extract-validator) to prevent classes from changing when - validation rules change. -* [Extract value objects](#extract-value-object) to prevent rules about a type - like currency or names from leaking into other business logic. -* [Extract methods](#extract-method) to make responsibilities easier to move. -* [Move methods](#move-method) to place methods in a more cohesive environment. -* [Inject dependencies](#inject-dependencies) to relieve classes of the burden - of changing with their dependencies. -* [Replace mixins with composition](#replace-mixin-with-composition) to make it - easier to isolate concerns. -* [Replace subclasses with strategies](#replace-subclasses-with-strategies) to - make variations usable without their base logic. - -Following [composition over inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance) and the -[dependency inversion principle](#dependency-inversion-principle) may make SRP easier to follow, as those principles make it easier to extract -responsibilities. Following this principle will make it easier to follow the -[open-closed principle](#openclosed-principle) but may introduce violations of -[tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask). - -# Tell, Don't Ask - -The Tell, Don't Ask principle advises developers to tell objects what they want -done, rather than querying objects and making decisions for them. - -Consider the following example: - -``` ruby -class Order - def charge(user) - if user.has_valid_credit_card? - user.charge(total) - else - false - end - end -end -``` - -This example doesn't follow [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask). It first asks if the user has a -valid credit card, and then makes a decision based on the user's state. - -In order to follow [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask), we can move this decision into -`User#charge`: - -\clearpage - -``` ruby -class User - def charge(total) - if has_valid_credit_card? - payment_gateway.charge(credit_card, total) - true - else - false - end - end -end -``` - -Now `Order#charge` can simply delegate to `User#charge`, passing its own relevant -state (`total`): - -``` ruby -class Order - def charge(user) - user.charge(total) - end -end -``` - -Following this principle has a number of benefits, outlined below. - -### Encapsulation of Logic - -Following [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask) encapsulates the conditions under which an operation -can be performed in one place. In the above example, `User` should know when it -makes sense to `charge`. - -### Encapsulation of State - -Referencing another object's state directly couples two objects together based -on what they _are_, rather than on what they _do_. By following [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask), -we encapsulate state within the object that uses it, exposing only the -operations that can be performed based on that state and hiding the state -itself within private methods and instance variables. - -### Minimal Public Interface - -In many cases, following [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask) will result in the smallest possible -public interface between classes. In the above example, `has_valid_credit_card?` -can now be made private, because it becomes an internal concern encapsulated -within `User`. - -Public methods are a liability. Before they can be changed, moved, renamed or -removed, you will need to find every consumer class and update each one accordingly. - -## Tension with Model—View—Controller - -This principle can be difficult to follow while also following -Model—View—Controller (MVC). - -Consider a view that uses the above `Order` model: - -``` rhtml -<%= form_for @order do |form| %> - <% unless current_user.has_valid_credit_card? %> - <%= render 'credit_card/fields', form: form %> - <% end %> - -<% end %> -``` - -The view doesn't display the credit card fields if the user already has a valid -credit card saved. The view needs to ask the user a question and then change its -behavior based on that question, violating [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask). - -You could obey [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask) by making the user know how to render the credit -card form: - -``` rhtml -<%= form_for @order do |form| %> - <%= current_user.render_credit_card_form %> - -<% end %> -``` - -However, this violates MVC by including view logic in the `User` model. In this -case, it's better to keep the model, view and controller concerns separate and -step across the [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask) line. - -When writing interactions between other models and support classes, though, make -sure to give commands whenever possible and avoid deviations in behavior based -on another class's state. - -### Application - -These smells may be a sign that you should be following [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask) more: - -* [Feature envy](#feature-envy) is frequently a sign that a method or part of a - method should be extracted and moved to another class, to reduce the number of - questions that method must ask of another object. -* [Shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) may result from state and logic leaks. - Consolidating conditionals using [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask) may reduce the number of - changes required for new functionality. - -If you find classes with these smells, they may require refactoring before you -can follow [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask): - -* [Case statements](#case-statement) that inflect on methods from another object - generally get in the way. -* [Mixins](#mixin) blur the lines between responsibilities, as mixed in methods - operate on the state of the objects they're mixed into. - -If you're trying to refactor classes to follow [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask), these solutions -may be useful: - -* [Extract method](#extract-method) to encapsulate multiple conditions into one. -* [Move method](#move-method) to move methods closer to the state they operate - on. -* [Inline class](#inline-class) to remove unnecessary questions between two - classes with highly cohesive behavior. -* [Replace conditionals with - polymorphism](#replace-conditional-with-polymorphism) to reduce the number of - questions being asked around a particular operation. -* [Replace conditionals with null object](#replace-conditional-with-null-object) - to remove checks for `nil`. - -Many [Law of Demeter](#law-of-demeter) violations point toward violations of -[tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask). Following [tell, don't ask](#tell-dont-ask) may lead to violations of the [single -responsibility principle](#single-responsibility-principle) and the [open/closed -principle](#openclosed-principle), since moving operations onto the best class may -require modifying an existing class and adding a new responsibility. - -# Law of Demeter - -The Law of Demeter was developed at Northeastern University. It's named after -the Demeter Project, which was named after Demeter, the Greek goddess of -the harvest. There is widespread disagreement as to its pronunciation, but the -correct pronunciation emphasizes the second syllable; you can trust us on that. - -This principle states that: - -> A method of an object should invoke only the methods of the following kinds of -> objects: -> -> 1. itself -> 2. its parameters -> 3. any objects it creates/instantiates -> 4. its direct component objects - -Like many principles, the Law of Demeter is an attempt to help developers manage -dependencies. The law restricts how deeply a method can reach into another -object's dependency graph, preventing any one method from becoming tightly -coupled to another object's structure. - -## Multiple Dots - -The most obvious violation of the Law of Demeter is "multiple dots," meaning a -chain of methods being invoked on each others' return values. - -Example: - -``` ruby -class User - def discounted_plan_price(discount_code) - coupon = Coupon.new(discount_code) - coupon.discount(account.plan.price) - end -end -``` - -The call to `account.plan.price` above violates the Law of Demeter by invoking -`price` on the return value of `plan`. The `price` method is not a method on -`User`, its parameter `discount_code`, its instantiated object `coupon` or its -direct component `account`. - -The quickest way to avoid violations of this nature is to delegate the method: - -``` ruby -class User - def discounted_plan_price(discount_code) - account.discounted_plan_price(discount_code) - end -end - -class Account - def discounted_plan_price(discount_code) - coupon = Coupon.new(discount_code) - coupon.discount(plan.price) - end -end -``` - -In a Rails application, you can quickly delegate methods using ActiveSupport's -`delegate` class method: - -``` ruby -class User - delegate :discounted_plan_price, to: :account -end -``` - -If you find yourself writing lots of delegators, consider changing the consumer -class to take a different object. For example, if you need to delegate numerous -`User` methods to `Account`, it's possible that the code referencing `User` -should actually reference an instance of `Account` instead. - -## Multiple Assignments - -Law of Demeter violations are often hidden behind multiple assignments. - -``` ruby -class User - def discounted_plan_price(discount_code) - coupon = Coupon.new(discount_code) - plan = account.plan - coupon.discount(plan.price) - end -end -``` - -The above `discounted_plan_price` method no longer has multiple dots on one -line, but it still violates the Law of Demeter, because `plan` isn't a -parameter, instantiated object or direct subcomponent. - -## The Spirit of the Law - -Although the letter of the Law of Demeter is rigid, its message is broader. The -fundamental goal is to avoid over-entangling a method with another object's dependencies. - -This means that fixing a violation shouldn't be your objective; removing the -problem that _caused_ the violation is a better idea. Here are a few tips to avoid -misguided fixes to Law of Demeter violations: - -* Many delegate methods to the same object are an indicator that your object - graph may not accurately reflect the real-world relationships they represent. -* Delegate methods with prefixes (`Post#author_name`) are fine, but it's worth a - check to see if you can remove the prefix. If not, make sure you didn't - actually want a reference to the prefix object (`Post#author`). -* Avoid multiple prefixes for delegate methods, such as - `User#account_plan_price`. -* Avoid assigning to instance variables to work around violations. - -## Objects vs. Types - -The version of the Law quoted at the beginning of this chapter is the "object -formulation," from the original paper. The first formulation was expressed in -terms of types: - -> For all classes C, and for all methods M attached to C, all objects to which M -> sends a message must be instances of classes associated with the following -> classes: -> -> 1. The argument classes of M (including C). -> 2. The instance variable classes of C. -> -> (Objects created by M, or by functions or methods which M calls, and objects -> in global variables are considered as arguments of M.) - -This formulation allows some more freedom when chaining using a fluent syntax. -Essentially, it allows chaining as long as each step of the chain returns the -same type. - -Examples: - -``` ruby -# Mocking APIs -user.should_receive(:save).once.and_return(true) - -# Ruby's Enumerable -users.select(&:active?).map(&:name) - -# String manipulation -collection_name.singularize.classify.constantize - -# ActiveRecord chains -users.active.without_posts.signed_up_this_week -``` - -## Duplication - -The Law of Demeter is related to the [DRY](#dry) principle, in that Law of -Demeter violations frequently duplicate knowledge of dependencies. - -Example: - -``` ruby -class CreditCardsController < ApplicationController - def charge_for_plan - if current_user.account.credit_card.valid? - price = current_user.account.plan.price - current_user.account.credit_card.charge price - end - end -end -``` - -In this example, the knowledge that a user has a credit card through its account -is duplicated. That knowledge is declared somewhere in the `User` and `Account` -classes when the relationship is defined, and knowledge of it then spreads to -two more locations in `charge_for_plan`. - -Like most duplication, each instance isn't too harmful; but in aggregate, -duplication will slowly make refactoring become impossible. - -### Application - -The following smells may cause or result from Law of Demeter violations: - -* [Feature envy](#feature-envy) from methods that reach through a dependency - chain multiple times. -* [Shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) resulting from changes in the dependency - chain. - -You can use these solutions to follow the Law of Demeter: - -* [Move methods](#move-method) that reach through a dependency to the owner of - that dependency. -* [Inject dependencies](#inject-dependencies) so that methods have direct access - to the dependencies that they need. -* [Inline class](#inline-class) if it adds hops to the dependency chain without - providing enough value. - -# Composition Over Inheritance - -In class-based object-oriented systems, composition and inheritance are the two -primary methods of reusing and assembling components. Composition Over -Inheritance suggests that, when there isn't a strong case for using inheritance, -developers implement reuse and assembly using composition instead. - -Let's look at a simple example implemented using both composition and -inheritance. In our example application, users can invite their friends to take -surveys. Users can be invited using either an email or an internal private -message. Each delivery strategy is implemented using a separate class. - -### Inheritance - -In the inheritance model, we use an abstract base class called `Inviter` to -implement common invitation-sending logic. We then use `EmailInviter` and -`MessageInviter` subclasses to implement the delivery details. - -\clearpage - -```ruby -# app/models/inviter.rb -class Inviter < AbstractController::Base - include AbstractController::Rendering - include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers - - self.view_paths = 'app/views' - self.default_url_options = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options - - private - - def render_message_body - render template: 'invitations/message' - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/email_inviter.rb -class EmailInviter < Inviter - def initialize(invitation) - @invitation = invitation - end - - def deliver - Mailer.invitation_notification(@invitation, render_message_body).deliver - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -```ruby -# app/models/message_inviter.rb -class MessageInviter < Inviter - def initialize(invitation, recipient) - @invitation = invitation - @recipient = recipient - end - - def deliver - Message.create!( - recipient: @recipient, - sender: @invitation.sender, - body: render_message_body - ) - end -end -``` - -Note that there is no clear boundary between the base class and the subclasses. -The subclasses access reusable behavior by invoking private methods inherited from the base class, like -`render_message_body`. - -### Composition - -In the composition model, we use a concrete `InvitationMessage` class to -implement common invitation-sending logic. We then use that class from -`EmailInviter` and `MessageInviter` to reuse the common behavior, and the -inviter classes implement delivery details. - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation_message.rb -class InvitationMessage < AbstractController::Base - include AbstractController::Rendering - include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers - - self.view_paths = 'app/views' - self.default_url_options = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options - - def initialize(invitation) - @invitation = invitation - end - - def body - render template: 'invitations/message' - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/email_inviter.rb -class EmailInviter - def initialize(invitation) - @invitation = invitation - @body = InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body - end - - def deliver - Mailer.invitation_notification(@invitation, @body).deliver - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/models/message_inviter.rb -class MessageInviter - def initialize(invitation, recipient) - @invitation = invitation - @recipient = recipient - @body = InvitationMessage.new(@invitation).body - end - - def deliver - Message.create!( - recipient: @recipient, - sender: @invitation.sender, - body: @body - ) - end -end -``` - -Note that there is now a clear boundary between the common behavior in -`InvitationMessage` and the variant behavior in `EmailInviter` and -`MessageInviter`. The inviter classes access reusable behavior by invoking -public methods like `body` on the shared class. - -## Dynamic vs. Static - -Although the two implementations are fairly similar, one difference between them -is that, in the inheritance model, the components are assembled statically. The composition model, on the other hand, assembles the components dynamically. - -Ruby is not a compiled language and everything is evaluated at run-time, so -claiming that anything is assembled statically may sound like nonsense. -However, there are several ways in which inheritance hierarchies are essentially -written in stone, or static: - -* You can't swap out a superclass once it's assigned. -* You can't easily add and remove behaviors after an object is instantiated. -* You can't inject a superclass as a dependency. -* You can't easily access an abstract class's methods directly. - -On the other hand, everything in a composition model is dynamic: - -* You can easily change out a composed instance after instantiation. -* You can add and remove behaviors at any time using decorators, strategies, - observers and other patterns. -* You can easily inject composed dependencies. -* Composed objects aren't abstract, so you can use their methods anywhere. - -## Dynamic Inheritance - -There are very few rules in Ruby, so many of the restrictions that apply to -inheritance in other languages can be worked around in Ruby. For example: - -* You can reopen and modify classes after they're defined, even while an - application is running. -* You can extend objects with modules after they're instantiated to add - behaviors. -* You can call private methods by using `send`. -* You can create new classes at run-time by calling `Class.new`. - -These features make it possible to overcome some of the rigidity of inheritance -models. However, performing all of these operations is simpler with objects than -it is with classes, and doing too much dynamic type definition will make the -application harder to understand, by diluting the type system. After all, if none -of the classes are ever fully formed, what does a class represent? - -## The Trouble with Hierarchies - -Using subclasses introduces a subtle problem into your domain model: It assumes -that your models follow a hierarchy; that is, it assumes that your types fall -into a tree-like structure. - -Continuing with the above example, we have a root type, `Inviter`, and two -subtypes, `EmailInviter` and `MessageInviter`. What if we want invitations sent -by admins to behave differently than invitations sent by normal users? We can -create an `AdminInviter` class, but what will its superclass be? How will we -combine it with `EmailInviter` and `MessageInviter`? There's no easy way to -combine email, message and admin functionality using inheritance, so you'll end -up with a proliferation of conditionals. - -Composition, on the other hand, provides several ways out of this mess, such as -using a decorator to add admin functionality to the inviter. Once you build -objects with a reasonable interface, you can combine them endlessly with minimal -modification to the existing class structure. - -## Mixins - -Mixins are Ruby's answer to multiple inheritance. - -However, mixins need to be mixed into a class before they can be used. Unless -you plan on building dynamic classes at runtime, you'll need to create a class -for each possible combination of modules. This will result in a ton of little -classes, such as `AdminEmailInviter`. - -Again, composition provides a clean answer to this problem, because you can create -as many anonymous combinations of objects as your little heart desires. - -Ruby does allow dynamic use of mixins using the `extend` method. This technique -does work, but it has its own complications. Extending an object's type -dynamically in this way dilutes the meaning of the word "type," making it -harder to understand what an object is. Additionally, using runtime `extend` can -lead to performance issues in some Ruby implementations. - -## Single Table Inheritance - -Rails provides a way to persist an inheritance hierarchy, known as [Single Table -Inheritance](#single-table-inheritance-sti), often abbreviated as STI. Using -STI, a cluster of subclasses is persisted to the same table as the base class. The name of the subclass is also saved on the row, allowing Rails to instantiate -the correct subclass when pulling records back out of the database. - -Rails also provides a clean way to persist composed structures using polymorphic -associations. Using a polymorphic association, Rails will store both the primary -key and the class name of the associated object. - -Because Rails provides a clean implementation for persisting both inheritance -and composition, the fact that you're using ActiveRecord should have little -influence on your decision to design using inheritance versus composition. - -### Drawbacks - -Although composed objects are largely easy to write and assemble, there are -situations in which they hurt more than inheritance trees. - -* Inheritance cleanly represents hierarchies. If you really do have a hierarchy - of object types, use inheritance. -* Subclasses always know what their superclass is, so they're easy to - instantiate. If you use composition, you'll need to instantiate at least two - objects to get a usable instance: the composing object and the composed - object. -* Using composition is more abstract, which means that you need a name for the - composed object. In our earlier example, all three classes were "inviters" in - the inheritance model, but the composition model introduced the "invitation - message" concept. Excessive composition can lead to vocabulary overload. - -### Application - -If you see these smells in your application, they may be a sign that you should -switch some classes from inheritance to composition: - -* [Divergent change](#divergent-change) caused by frequent leaks into abstract - base classes. -* [Large classes](#large-class) acting as abstract base classes. -* [Mixins](#mixin) serving to allow reuse while preserving the appearance of a - hierarchy. - -Classes with these smells may be difficult to transition to a composition model: - -* [Duplicated code](#duplicated-code) will need to be pulled up into the base - class before subclasses can be switched to strategies. -* [Shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) may represent tight coupling between base - classes and subclasses, making it more difficult to switch to composition. - -These solutions will help move from inheritance to composition: - -* [Extract classes](#extract-class) to liberate private functionality from - abstract base classes. -* [Extract method](#extract-method) to make methods smaller and easier to move. -* [Move method](#move-method) to slim down bloated base classes. -* [Replace mixins with composition](#replace-mixin-with-composition) to make it - easier to dissolve hierarchies. -* [Replace subclasses with strategies](#replace-subclasses-with-strategies) - to implement variations dynamically. - -After replacing inheritance models with composition, you'll be free to use these -solutions to take your code further: - -* [Extract decorators](#extract-decorator) to make it easy to add behaviors - dynamically. -* [Inject dependencies](#inject-dependencies) to make it possible to compose - objects in new ways. - -Following this principle will make it much easier to follow the [dependency -inversion principle](#dependency-inversion-principle) and the [open/closed -principle](#openclosed-principle). - -# Open/Closed Principle - -The Open/Closed Principle states that: - -\raggedright - -> Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for -> extension, but closed for modification. - -The purpose of this principle is to make it possible to change or extend the -behavior of an existing class without actually modifying the source code to that -class. - -Making classes extensible in this way has a number of benefits: - -* Every time you modify a class, you risk breaking it, along with all classes - that depend on that class. Reducing churn in a class reduces bugs in that - class. -* Changing the behavior or interface to a class means that you need to update - any classes that depend on the old behavior or interface. Allowing per-use - extensions to a class eliminates this domino effect. - -## Strategies - -It may sound appealing to never need to change existing classes again, but achieving -this is difficult in practice. Once you've identified an area that keeps -changing, there are a few strategies you can use to make it possible to extend -without modifications. Let's go through an example with a few of those -strategies. - -In our example application, we have an `Invitation` class that can deliver -itself to an invited user: - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -def deliver - body = InvitationMessage.new(self).body - Mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver -end -``` - -However, we need a way to allow users to unsubscribe from these notifications. -We have an `Unsubscribe` model that holds the email addresses of users that -don't want to be notified. - -The most direct way to add this check is to modify `Invitation` directly: - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -def deliver - unless unsubscribed? - body = InvitationMessage.new(self).body - Mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver - end -end -``` - -However, that would violate the [open/closed -principle](#openclosed-principle). Let's see how we can -introduce this change without violating the principle. - -\clearpage - -### Inheritance - -One of the most common ways to extend an existing class without modifying it is -to create a new subclass. - -We can use a new subclass to handle unsubscriptions: - -```ruby -# app/models/unsubscribeable_invitation.rb -class UnsubscribeableInvitation < Invitation - def deliver - unless unsubscribed? - super - end - end - - private - - def unsubscribed? - Unsubscribe.where(email: recipient_email).exists? - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -This can be a little awkward when trying to use the new behavior, though. For -example, we need to create an instance of this class, even though we want to -save it to the same table as `Invitation`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def create_invitations - Invitation.transaction do - recipients.map do |recipient_email| - UnsubscribeableInvitation.create!( - survey: survey, - sender: sender, - recipient_email: recipient_email, - status: 'pending', - message: @message - ) - end - end -end -``` - -This works adequately for creation, but using the ActiveRecord pattern, we'll end -up with an instance of `Invitation` instead, if we ever reload from the database. -That means that inheritance is easiest to use when the class we're extending -doesn't require persistence. - -Inheritance also requires some [creativity in unit -tests](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/bf1ba7d2) to avoid -duplication. - -\clearpage - -### Decorators - -Another way to extend an existing class is to write a decorator. - -Using Ruby's `DelegateClass` method, we can quickly create decorators: - -```ruby -# app/models/unsubscribeable_invitation.rb -class UnsubscribeableInvitation < DelegateClass(Invitation) - def deliver - unless unsubscribed? - super - end - end - - private - - def unsubscribed? - Unsubscribe.where(email: recipient_email).exists? - end -end -``` - -The implementation is extremely similar to the subclass but it can now be -applied at run-time to instances of `Invitation`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def deliver_invitations - create_invitations.each do |invitation| - UnsubscribeableInvitation.new(invitation).deliver - end -end -``` - -The unit tests can also be greatly simplified [using -stubs](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/blob/9084ee0c/example_app/spec/models/unsubscribeable_invitation_spec.rb). - -This makes it easier to combine with persistence. However, Ruby's -`DelegateClass` doesn't combine well with ActionPack's polymorphic URLs. - -### Dependency Injection - -This method requires more forethought in the class you want to extend, but -classes that follow [inversion of control](#inversion-of-control) can inject -dependencies to extend classes without modifying them. - -We can modify our `Invitation` class slightly to allow client classes to inject -a mailer: - -```ruby -# app/models/invitation.rb -def deliver(mailer) - body = InvitationMessage.new(self).body - mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver -end -``` - -\clearpage - -Now we can write a mailer implementation that checks to see if users are -unsubscribed before sending them messages: - -```ruby -# app/mailers/unsubscribeable_mailer.rb -class UnsubscribeableMailer - def self.invitation_notification(invitation, body) - if unsubscribed?(invitation) - NullMessage.new - else - Mailer.invitation_notification(invitation, body) - end - end - - private - - def self.unsubscribed?(invitation) - Unsubscribe.where(email: invitation.recipient_email).exists? - end - - class NullMessage - def deliver - end - end -end -``` - -And we can use dependency injection to substitute it: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey_inviter.rb -def deliver_invitations - create_invitations.each do |invitation| - invitation.deliver(UnsubscribeableMailer) - end -end -``` - -## Everything is Open - -As you've followed along with these strategies, you've probably noticed that -although we've found creative ways to avoid modifying `Invitation`, we've had to -modify other classes. When you change or add behavior, you need to change or add -it somewhere. You can design your code so that most new or changed behavior -takes place by writing a new class, but something, somewhere in the existing -code will need to reference that new class. - -It's difficult to determine what you should attempt to leave open when writing a -class. It's hard to know where to leave extension hooks without anticipating -every feature you might ever want to write. - -Rather than attempting to guess what will require extension in the future, pay -attention as you modify existing code. After each modification, check to see if -there's a way you can refactor to make similar extensions possible without -modifying the underlying class. - -Code tends to change in the same ways over and over, so by making each change -easy to apply as you need to make it, you're making the next change easier. - -\clearpage - -## Monkey Patching - -As a Ruby developer, you probably know that one quick way to extend a class -without changing its source code is to use a monkey patch: - -``` ruby -# app/monkey_patches/invitation_with_unsubscribing.rb -Invitation.class_eval do - alias_method :deliver_unconditionally, :deliver - - def deliver - unless unsubscribed? - deliver_unconditionally - end - end - - private - - def unsubscribed? - Unsubscribe.where(email: recipient_email).exists? - end -end -``` - -Although monkey patching doesn't literally modify the class's source code, it -does modify the existing class. That means that you risk breaking it, and, potentially, all classes that depend on it. Since you're changing the original behavior, -you'll also need to update any client classes that depend on the old behavior. - -In addition to all the drawbacks of directly modifying the original class, -monkey patches also introduce confusion, as developers will need to look in -multiple locations to understand the full definition of a class. - -In short, monkey patching has most of the drawbacks of modifying the original -class without any of the benefits of following the [open/closed principle](#openclosed-principle). - -### Drawbacks - -Although following the [open/closed principle](#openclosed-principle) will make code easier to change, it may make -it more difficult to understand. This is because the gained flexibility requires -introducing indirection and abstraction. Although all of the three strategies -outlined in this chapter are more flexible than the original change, directly -modifying the class is the easiest to understand. - -This principle is most useful when applied to classes with high reuse and -potentially high churn. Applying it everywhere will result in extra work and -more obscure code. - -### Application - -If you encounter the following smells in a class, you may want to begin -following this principle: - -* [Divergent change](#divergent-change) caused by a lack of extensibility. -* [Large classes](#large-class) and [long methods](#long-method) which can be - eliminated by extracting and injecting dependent behavior. - -You may want to eliminate the following smells if you're having trouble -following this principle: - -* [Case statements](#case-statement) make it hard to obey this principle, as you - can't add to the case statement without modifying it. - -You can use the following solutions to make code more compliant with this -principle: - -* [Extract decorator](#extract-decorator) to extend existing classes without - modification. -* [Inject dependencies](#inject-dependencies) to allow future extensions without - modification. - -# Dependency Inversion Principle - -The Dependency Inversion Principle, sometimes abbreviated as "DIP," was created -by Uncle Bob Martin. - -The principle states: - -> A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should -> depend on abstractions. -> -> B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon -> abstractions. - -This is a very technical way of proposing that developers invert control. - -## Inversion of Control - -Inversion of control is a technique for keeping software flexible. It combines -best with small classes with [single -responsibilities](#single-responsibility-principle). Inverting control means -assigning dependencies at run-time, rather than statically referencing -dependencies at each level. - -This can be hard to understand as an abstract concept, but it's fairly simple in -practice. Let's jump into an example: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer, options = {}) - questions.map do |question| - hider = UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, options[:answered_by]) - question.summary_using(hider) - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def show - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @summaries = @survey.summaries_using(summarizer, constraints) -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def constraints - if include_unanswered? - {} - else - { answered_by: current_user } - end -end -``` - -The `summaries_using` method builds a summary of the answers to each of the -survey's questions. - -However, we also want to hide the answers to questions that the user has not personally answered, so we [decorate](#extract-decorator) the `summarizer` with -an `UnansweredQuestionHider`. Note that we're statically referencing the -concrete, lower-level detail `UnansweredQuestionHider` from `Survey` rather than -depending on an abstraction. - -In the current implementation, the `Survey#summaries_using` method will need to -change whenever something changes about the summaries. For example, hiding the -unanswered questions [requires changes to this -method](https://github.com/thoughtbot/ruby-science/commit/d60656aa). - -Also, note that the conditional logic is spread across several layers. -`SummariesController` decides whether or not to hide unanswered questions. That -knowledge is passed into `Survey#summaries_using`. `SummariesController` also -passes the current user down into `Survey#summaries_using`, and from there it's -passed into `UnansweredQuestionHider`: - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -class UnansweredQuestionHider - NO_ANSWER = "You haven't answered this question".freeze - - def initialize(summarizer, user) - @summarizer = summarizer - @user = user - end - - def summarize(question) - if hide_unanswered_question?(question) - NO_ANSWER - else - @summarizer.summarize(question) - end - end - - private - - def hide_unanswered_question?(question) - @user && !question.answered_by?(@user) - end -end -``` - -\clearpage - -We can make future changes like this easier by inverting control: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer) - questions.map do |question| - question.summary_using(summarizer) - end -end -``` - -```ruby -# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb -def show - @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id]) - @summaries = @survey.summaries_using(decorated_summarizer) -end - -private - -def decorated_summarizer - if include_unanswered? - summarizer - else - UnansweredQuestionHider.new(summarizer, current_user) - end -end -``` - -Now the `Survey#summaries_using` method is completely ignorant of answer hiding; -it simply accepts a `summarizer` and the client (`SummariesController`) injects -a decorated dependency. This means that adding similar changes won't require -changing the `Summary` class at all. - -This also allows us to simplify `UnansweredQuestionHider` by removing a -condition: - -```ruby -# app/models/unanswered_question_hider.rb -def hide_unanswered_question?(question) - !question.answered_by?(@user) -end -``` - -We no longer build `UnansweredQuestionHider` when a user isn't signed in, so we -don't need to check for a user. - -## Where To Decide Dependencies - -While following the previous example, you probably noticed that we didn't -eliminate the `UnansweredQuestionHider` dependency; we just moved it around. -This means that, while adding new summarizers or decorators won't affect -`Summary`, they will affect `SummariesController` in the current implementation. -So, did we actually make anything better? - -In this case, the code was improved because the information that affects the -dependency decision—`params[:unanswered]`—is now closer to where we -make the decision. Before, we needed to pass a Boolean down into -`summaries_using`, causing that decision to leak across layers. - -If you push your dependency decisions up until they reach the layer that contains the -information needed to make those decisions, you will prevent changes from -affecting several layers. - -### Drawbacks - -Following this principle results in more abstraction and indirection, as it's -often difficult to tell which class is being used for a dependency. - -Looking at the example above, it's now impossible to know in `summaries_using` -which class will be used for the `summarizer`: - -```ruby -# app/models/survey.rb -def summaries_using(summarizer) - questions.map do |question| - question.summary_using(summarizer) - end -end -``` - -This makes it difficult to know exactly what's going to happen. You can mitigate -this issue by using naming conventions and well-named classes. However, each -abstraction introduces more vocabulary into the application, making it more -difficult for new developers to learn the domain. - -### Application - -If you identify these smells in an application, you may want to adhere more -closely to the [dependency inversion principle](#dependency-inversion-principle) (DIP): - -* Following DIP can eliminate [shotgun surgery](#shotgun-surgery) by - consolidating dependency decisions. -* Code suffering from [divergent change](#divergent-change) may improve after - having some of its dependencies injected. -* [Large classes](#large-class) and [long methods](#long-method) can be reduced - by injecting dependencies, as this will outsource dependency resolution. - -You may need to eliminate these smells in order to properly invert control: - -* Excessive use of [callbacks](#callback) will make it harder to follow the DIP, because it's harder to inject dependencies into a callback. -* Using [mixins](#mixin) and [STI](#single-table-inheritance-sti) for reuse will - make following the DIP more difficult, because inheritance is always - decided statically. Because a class can't decide its parent class at run-time, - inheritance can't follow inversion of control. - -You can use these solutions to refactor towards DIP-compliance: - -* [Inject dependencies](#inject-dependencies) to invert control. -* Use [extract class](#extract-class) to make smaller classes that are easier to - compose and inject. -* Use [extract decorator](#extract-decorator) to make it possible to package a - decision that involves multiple classes and inject it as a single dependency. -* [Replace callbacks with methods](#replace-callback-with-method) to make - dependency injection easier. -* [Replace conditional with - polymorphism](#replace-conditional-with-polymorphism) to make dependency - injection easier. -* [Replace mixin with composition](#replace-mixin-with-composition) and [replace - subclasses with strategies](#replace-subclasses-with-strategies) to make it - possible to decide dependencies abstractly at run-time. -* [Use class as factory](#use-class-as-factory) to make it possible to - abstractly instantiate dependencies without knowing which class is being used - and without writing abstract factory classes. - -Following the [single responsibility principle](#single-responsibility-principle) -and [composition over inheritance](#composition-over-inheritance) will make it -easier to follow the [dependency inversion principle](#dependency-inversion-principle). Following this principle will make it easier to -obey the [open/closed principle](#openclosed-principle). diff --git a/release/ruby-science.mobi b/release/ruby-science.mobi deleted file mode 100644 index 7602d80..0000000 Binary files a/release/ruby-science.mobi and /dev/null differ diff --git a/release/ruby-science.pdf b/release/ruby-science.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index 38e7504..0000000 Binary files a/release/ruby-science.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/release/ruby-science.toc.html b/release/ruby-science.toc.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5aeb39d..0000000 --- a/release/ruby-science.toc.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • -
  • -

    Code Smells

    • Long Method
    • -
    • Large Class
    • -
    • Feature Envy
    • -
    • Case Statement
    • -
    • Shotgun Surgery
    • -
    • Divergent Change
    • -
    • Long Parameter List
    • -
    • Duplicated Code
    • -
    • Uncommunicative Name
    • -
    • Single Table Inheritance (STI)
    • -
    • Comments
    • -
    • Mixin
    • -
    • Callback
    • -
  • -
  • -


    • Replace Conditional with Polymorphism
    • -
    • Replace Conditional with Null Object
    • -
    • Extract Method
    • -
    • Rename Method
    • -
    • Extract Class
    • -
    • Extract Value Object
    • -
    • Extract Decorator
    • -
    • Extract Partial
    • -
    • Extract Validator
    • -
    • Introduce Explaining Variable
    • -
    • Introduce Form Object
    • -
    • Introduce Parameter Object
    • -
    • Use Class as Factory
    • -
    • Move Method
    • -
    • Inline Class
    • -
    • Inject Dependencies
    • -
    • Replace Subclasses with Strategies
    • -
    • Replace Mixin with Composition
    • -
    • Replace Callback with Method
    • -
    • Use Convention Over Configuration
    • -
  • -
  • -


    • DRY
    • -
    • Single Responsibility Principle
    • -
    • Tell, Don't Ask
    • -
    • Law of Demeter
    • -
    • Composition Over Inheritance
    • -
    • Open/Closed Principle
    • -
    • Dependency Inversion Principle
    • -
  • -