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GitHub Extension for Visual Studio is open source

Last April we released the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio, which lets you work on GitHub repositories in Visual Studio 2015. To celebrate Microsoft's final release of Visual Studio 2015,…


Last April we released the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio, which lets you work on GitHub repositories in Visual Studio 2015. To celebrate Microsoft’s final release of Visual Studio 2015, we’re making the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio open source under the MIT License.

We’d like to thank Microsoft for their help and support in the development of the GitHub extension. In addition, this project wouldn’t have been possible without open source tools, libraries, and assorted projects that are publicly available. We look forward to contributing back to the community and helping other developers leverage our work to create their own extensions for Visual Studio.

Download the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio now to see it in action. To file an issue or contribute to the project, head on over to the repository. We look forward to your pull requests!

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