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ECSpp - C++ 17 Header-only ECS library

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ECSpp is a header only library that manages objects in games or simulations. It was developed with "data-oriented design" approach to create a fast ECS model. Library optimizes the iteration over components by arranging them contiguously in memory, maximizing the spatial locality of the data. The memory model is based on Unity's Entity Component System (Archetype-based ECS).



I wanted to create a library that would help me with development of my game/simulation projects. Then I came across ECS pattern that addressed many of the problems I had with inheritance and isolating data from logic. After some more research I came across Unity's ECS. Impressed by their great design, I decided to make my own C++ implementation.

Code Example

#include <ECSpp/EntityManager.h>
#include <cstdio>

struct Component1 {
    Component1() { printf("Component1 default constr\n"); }
    Component1(float a) : a(a)
        printf("Component1 constr %d %f\n", b, a);
    ~Component1() { printf("Component1 default destr\n"); }

    int b = 123;
    float a;

struct Component2 {
    Component2() { printf("Component2 default constr\n"); }
    ~Component2() { printf("Component2 default destr\n"); }

    std::string str = "hello";

int main()
    epp::EntityManager mgr;
    epp::Archetype arch(epp::IdOf<Component1, Component2, std::string>());
    epp::Selection<Component1, std::string> sel;

    for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)

    int i = 0;
    mgr.spawn(arch, [&i](epp::EntityCreator&& cr) {
        cr.constructed<std::string>(cr.constructed<Component2>().str); // Component2 first, std::string second
        cr.constructed<Component1>(float(++i));                        // Component1 third

    sel.forEach([](epp::Selection<Component1, std::string>::Iterator_t const& entityIt) {
        printf("%d %f %s\n",

    return 0;

Building tests and benchmarks

I am using google's test library: googletest for unit tests, and google's benchmark library: benchmark to test its performance.

  • Clone the library
    • $ git clone --recurse-submodules
    • or
    • $ git clone
    • $ cd ECSpp
    • $ git submodule update --init
  • Generate build files using cmake (in ECSpp's root directory)
    • $ mkdir build
    • $ cd build
    • $ cmake ..
    • $ cmake --build . --target tests
    • Using single-config generators:
      • $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build . --target benchmarks
    • Using multi-config generators:
      • $ cmake --build . --config Release --target benchmarks


Most of my benchmarks are based on the benchmarks from the entt library, to see how my library compares to arguably the best ECS library. See my results in BenchmarksResults folder.